path: root/dom/payments/test/ConstructorChromeScript.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/payments/test/ConstructorChromeScript.js')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/payments/test/ConstructorChromeScript.js b/dom/payments/test/ConstructorChromeScript.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07ff091062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/payments/test/ConstructorChromeScript.js
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+"use strict";
+const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
+const paymentSrv = Cc[
+ ";1"
+function emitTestFail(message) {
+ sendAsyncMessage("test-fail", message);
+function checkSimplestRequest(payRequest) {
+ if (payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin != "") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "Top level principal's Origin should be '', but got '" +
+ payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin +
+ "'."
+ );
+ }
+ if (payRequest.paymentMethods.length != 1) {
+ emitTestFail("paymentMethods' length should be 1.");
+ }
+ const methodData = payRequest.paymentMethods.queryElementAt(
+ 0,
+ Ci.nsIPaymentMethodData
+ );
+ if (!methodData) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get payment methodData.");
+ }
+ const supportedMethod = methodData.supportedMethods;
+ if (supportedMethod != "basic-card") {
+ emitTestFail("supported method should be 'basic-card'.");
+ }
+ if ( {
+ emitTestFail(" should not exist.");
+ }
+ // checking the passed PaymentDetails parameter
+ const details = payRequest.paymentDetails;
+ if (details.totalItem.label != "Total") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's label should be 'Total'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.value != "1.00") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's value should be '1.00'.");
+ }
+ if (details.displayItems.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.displayItems should be an empty array.");
+ }
+ if (details.modifiers.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.modifiers should be an empty array.");
+ }
+ if (details.shippingOptions.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.shippingOptions should be an empty array.");
+ }
+ // checking the default generated PaymentOptions parameter
+ const paymentOptions = payRequest.paymentOptions;
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerName) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerName option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerEmail) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerEmail option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerPhone) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerPhone option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestShipping) {
+ emitTestFail("requestShipping option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.shippingType != "shipping") {
+ emitTestFail("shippingType option should be 'shipping'.");
+ }
+// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
+function checkComplexRequest(payRequest) {
+ if (payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin != "") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "Top level principal's origin should be '', but got '" +
+ payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin +
+ "'."
+ );
+ }
+ if (payRequest.paymentMethods.length != 1) {
+ emitTestFail("paymentMethods' length should be 1.");
+ }
+ const methodData = payRequest.paymentMethods.queryElementAt(
+ 0,
+ Ci.nsIPaymentMethodData
+ );
+ if (!methodData) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get payment methodData.");
+ }
+ let supportedMethod = methodData.supportedMethods;
+ if (supportedMethod != "basic-card") {
+ emitTestFail("supported method should be 'basic-card'.");
+ }
+ const data =;
+ const supportedNetworks = data.supportedNetworks;
+ const expectedSupportedNetworks = [
+ "unionpay",
+ "visa",
+ "mastercard",
+ "amex",
+ "discover",
+ "diners",
+ "jcb",
+ "mir",
+ ];
+ if (supportedNetworks.length != expectedSupportedNetworks.length) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "supportedNetworks.length should be " +
+ expectedSupportedNetworks.length +
+ ", but got " +
+ supportedNetworks.length +
+ "."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let idx = 0; idx < supportedNetworks.length; idx++) {
+ if (supportedNetworks[idx] != expectedSupportedNetworks[idx]) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "supportedNetworks[" +
+ idx +
+ "] should be '" +
+ expectedSupportedNetworks[idx] +
+ "', but got '" +
+ supportedNetworks[idx] +
+ "'."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // checking the passed PaymentDetails parameter
+ const details = payRequest.paymentDetails;
+ if ( != "payment details") {
+ emitTestFail(" should be 'payment details'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.label != "Total") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's label should be 'Total'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.value != "100.00") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's value should be '100.00'.");
+ }
+ const displayItems = details.displayItems;
+ if (!details.displayItems) {
+ emitTestFail("details.displayItems should not be undefined.");
+ }
+ if (displayItems.length != 2) {
+ emitTestFail("displayItems' length should be 2.");
+ }
+ let item = displayItems.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIPaymentItem);
+ if (item.label != "First item") {
+ emitTestFail("1st display item's label should be 'First item'.");
+ }
+ if (item.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("1st display item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (item.amount.value != "60.00") {
+ emitTestFail("1st display item's value should be '60.00'.");
+ }
+ item = displayItems.queryElementAt(1, Ci.nsIPaymentItem);
+ if (item.label != "Second item") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd display item's label should be 'Second item'.");
+ }
+ if (item.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd display item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (item.amount.value != "40.00") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd display item's value should be '40.00'.");
+ }
+ const modifiers = details.modifiers;
+ if (!modifiers) {
+ emitTestFail("details.displayItems should not be undefined.");
+ }
+ if (modifiers.length != 1) {
+ emitTestFail("modifiers' length should be 1.");
+ }
+ const modifier = modifiers.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIPaymentDetailsModifier);
+ const supportedMethods = modifier.supportedMethods;
+ if (supportedMethod != "basic-card") {
+ emitTestFail("modifier's supported method name should be 'basic-card'.");
+ }
+ if ( != "Discounted Total") {
+ emitTestFail("modifier's total label should be 'Discounted Total'.");
+ }
+ if ( != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("modifier's total currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if ( != "90.00") {
+ emitTestFail("modifier's total value should be '90.00'.");
+ }
+ const additionalItems = modifier.additionalDisplayItems;
+ if (additionalItems.length != 1) {
+ emitTestFail("additionalDisplayItems' length should be 1.");
+ }
+ const additionalItem = additionalItems.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsIPaymentItem);
+ if (additionalItem.label != "basic-card discount") {
+ emitTestFail("additional item's label should be 'basic-card discount'.");
+ }
+ if (additionalItem.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("additional item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (additionalItem.amount.value != "-10.00") {
+ emitTestFail("additional item's value should be '-10.00'.");
+ }
+ if ( != "86328764873265") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "modifier's data should be '86328764873265', but got '" +
+ +
+ "'."
+ );
+ }
+ const shippingOptions = details.shippingOptions;
+ if (!shippingOptions) {
+ emitTestFail("details.shippingOptions should not be undefined.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOptions.length != 2) {
+ emitTestFail("shippingOptions' length should be 2.");
+ }
+ let shippingOption = shippingOptions.queryElementAt(
+ 0,
+ Ci.nsIPaymentShippingOption
+ );
+ if ( != "NormalShipping") {
+ emitTestFail("1st shippingOption's id should be 'NormalShipping'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.label != "NormalShipping") {
+ emitTestFail("1st shippingOption's lable should be 'NormalShipping'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("1st shippingOption's amount currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.amount.value != "10.00") {
+ emitTestFail("1st shippingOption's amount value should be '10.00'.");
+ }
+ if (!shippingOption.selected) {
+ emitTestFail("1st shippingOption should be selected.");
+ }
+ shippingOption = shippingOptions.queryElementAt(
+ 1,
+ Ci.nsIPaymentShippingOption
+ );
+ if ( != "FastShipping") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd shippingOption's id should be 'FastShipping'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.label != "FastShipping") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd shippingOption's lable should be 'FastShipping'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd shippingOption's amount currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.amount.value != "30.00") {
+ emitTestFail("2nd shippingOption's amount value should be '30.00'.");
+ }
+ if (shippingOption.selected) {
+ emitTestFail("2nd shippingOption should not be selected.");
+ }
+ // checking the default generated PaymentOptions parameter
+ const paymentOptions = payRequest.paymentOptions;
+ if (!paymentOptions.requestPayerName) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerName option should be true.");
+ }
+ if (!paymentOptions.requestPayerEmail) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerEmail option should be true.");
+ }
+ if (!paymentOptions.requestPayerPhone) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerPhone option should be true.");
+ }
+ if (!paymentOptions.requestShipping) {
+ emitTestFail("requestShipping option should be true.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.shippingType != "shipping") {
+ emitTestFail("shippingType option should be 'shipping'.");
+ }
+function checkNonBasicCardRequest(payRequest) {
+ if (payRequest.paymentMethods.length != 1) {
+ emitTestFail("paymentMethods' length should be 1.");
+ }
+ const methodData = payRequest.paymentMethods.queryElementAt(
+ 0,
+ Ci.nsIPaymentMethodData
+ );
+ if (!methodData) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get payment methodData.");
+ }
+ const supportedMethod = methodData.supportedMethods;
+ if (supportedMethod != "testing-payment-method") {
+ emitTestFail("supported method should be 'testing-payment-method'.");
+ }
+ const paymentId =;
+ if (paymentId != "P3892940") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ " should be 'P3892940', but got " +
+ paymentId +
+ "."
+ );
+ }
+ const paymentType =;
+ if (paymentType != "prepaid") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ " should be 'prepaid', but got " +
+ paymentType +
+ "."
+ );
+ }
+ // checking the passed PaymentDetails parameter
+ const details = payRequest.paymentDetails;
+ if (details.totalItem.label != "Total") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's label should be 'Total'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.currency != "USD") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's currency should be 'USD'.");
+ }
+ if (details.totalItem.amount.value != "1.00") {
+ emitTestFail("total item's value should be '1.00'.");
+ }
+ if (details.displayItems.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.displayItems should be an zero length array.");
+ }
+ if (details.displayItems.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.modifiers should be an zero length array.");
+ }
+ if (details.displayItems.length !== 0) {
+ emitTestFail("details.shippingOptions should be an zero length array.");
+ }
+ // checking the default generated PaymentOptions parameter
+ const paymentOptions = payRequest.paymentOptions;
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerName) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerName option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerEmail) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerEmail option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestPayerPhone) {
+ emitTestFail("requestPayerPhone option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.requestShipping) {
+ emitTestFail("requestShipping option should be false.");
+ }
+ if (paymentOptions.shippingType != "shipping") {
+ emitTestFail("shippingType option should be 'shipping'.");
+ }
+function checkSimplestRequestHandler() {
+ const paymentEnum = paymentSrv.enumerate();
+ if (!paymentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "PaymentRequestService should have at least one payment request."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let payRequest of paymentEnum) {
+ if (!payRequest) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get existing payment request.");
+ break;
+ }
+ checkSimplestRequest(payRequest);
+ }
+ paymentSrv.cleanup();
+ sendAsyncMessage("check-complete");
+function checkComplexRequestHandler() {
+ const paymentEnum = paymentSrv.enumerate();
+ if (!paymentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "PaymentRequestService should have at least one payment request."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let payRequest of paymentEnum) {
+ if (!payRequest) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get existing payment request.");
+ break;
+ }
+ checkComplexRequest(payRequest);
+ }
+ paymentSrv.cleanup();
+ sendAsyncMessage("check-complete");
+function checkNonBasicCardRequestHandler() {
+ const paymentEnum = paymentSrv.enumerate();
+ if (!paymentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "PaymentRequestService should have at least one payment request."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let payRequest of paymentEnum) {
+ if (!payRequest) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get existing payment request.");
+ break;
+ }
+ checkNonBasicCardRequest(payRequest);
+ }
+ paymentSrv.cleanup();
+ sendAsyncMessage("check-complete");
+function checkMultipleRequestsHandler() {
+ const paymentEnum = paymentSrv.enumerate();
+ if (!paymentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "PaymentRequestService should have at least one payment request."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let payRequest of paymentEnum) {
+ if (!payRequest) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get existing payment request.");
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( == "payment details") {
+ checkComplexRequest(payRequest);
+ } else {
+ checkSimplestRequest(payRequest);
+ }
+ }
+ paymentSrv.cleanup();
+ sendAsyncMessage("check-complete");
+function checkCrossOriginTopLevelPrincipalHandler() {
+ const paymentEnum = paymentSrv.enumerate();
+ if (!paymentEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "PaymentRequestService should have at least one payment request."
+ );
+ }
+ for (let payRequest of paymentEnum) {
+ if (!payRequest) {
+ emitTestFail("Fail to get existing payment request.");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin != "") {
+ emitTestFail(
+ "Top level principal's origin should be '', but got '" +
+ payRequest.topLevelPrincipal.origin +
+ "'."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ paymentSrv.cleanup();
+ sendAsyncMessage("check-complete");
+addMessageListener("check-simplest-request", checkSimplestRequestHandler);
+addMessageListener("check-complex-request", checkComplexRequestHandler);
+addMessageListener("check-multiple-requests", checkMultipleRequestsHandler);
+ "check-nonbasiccard-request",
+ checkNonBasicCardRequestHandler
+ "check-cross-origin-top-level-principal",
+ checkCrossOriginTopLevelPrincipalHandler
+addMessageListener("teardown", function() {
+ sendAsyncMessage("teardown-complete");