path: root/dom/plugins/ipc/FunctionBrokerIPCUtils.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/plugins/ipc/FunctionBrokerIPCUtils.h b/dom/plugins/ipc/FunctionBrokerIPCUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4b72dbe95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/plugins/ipc/FunctionBrokerIPCUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef dom_plugins_ipc_functionbrokeripcutils_h
+#define dom_plugins_ipc_functionbrokeripcutils_h 1
+#include "ipc/EnumSerializer.h"
+#include "ipc/IPCMessageUtilsSpecializations.h"
+#include "PluginMessageUtils.h"
+#if defined(XP_WIN)
+# define SECURITY_WIN32
+# include <security.h>
+# include <wininet.h>
+# include <schannel.h>
+# include <commdlg.h>
+#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace plugins {
+ * This enum represents all of the methods hooked by the main facility in
+ * BrokerClient. It is used to allow quick lookup in the sFunctionsToHook
+ * structure.
+ */
+enum FunctionHookId {
+#if defined(XP_WIN)
+ ID_GetWindowInfo = 0,
+ ID_GetKeyState,
+ ID_SetCursorPos,
+ ID_GetSaveFileNameW,
+ ID_GetOpenFileNameW,
+ ID_InternetOpenA,
+ ID_InternetConnectA,
+ ID_InternetCloseHandle,
+ ID_InternetQueryDataAvailable,
+ ID_InternetReadFile,
+ ID_InternetWriteFile,
+ ID_InternetSetOptionA,
+ ID_HttpAddRequestHeadersA,
+ ID_HttpOpenRequestA,
+ ID_HttpQueryInfoA,
+ ID_HttpSendRequestA,
+ ID_HttpSendRequestExA,
+ ID_HttpEndRequestA,
+ ID_InternetQueryOptionA,
+ ID_InternetErrorDlg,
+ ID_AcquireCredentialsHandleA,
+ ID_QueryCredentialsAttributesA,
+ ID_FreeCredentialsHandle,
+ ID_PrintDlgW,
+ ID_CreateMutexW
+# if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
+ ,
+ ID_GetFileAttributesW
+# endif // defined(MOZ_SANDBOX)
+ ,
+ ID_FunctionHookCount
+#else // defined(XP_WIN)
+ ID_FunctionHookCount
+#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
+// Max number of bytes to show when logging a blob of raw memory
+static const uint32_t MAX_BLOB_CHARS_TO_LOG = 12;
+// Format strings for safe logging despite the fact that they are sometimes
+// used as raw binary blobs.
+inline nsCString FormatBlob(const nsACString& aParam) {
+ if (aParam.IsVoid() || aParam.IsEmpty()) {
+ return nsCString(aParam.IsVoid() ? "<void>" : "<empty>");
+ }
+ nsCString str;
+ uint32_t totalLen = std::min(MAX_BLOB_CHARS_TO_LOG, aParam.Length());
+ // If we are printing only a portion of the string then follow it with
+ // ellipsis
+ const char* maybeEllipsis =
+ (MAX_BLOB_CHARS_TO_LOG < aParam.Length()) ? "..." : "";
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < totalLen; ++idx) {
+ // Should be %02x but I've run into a AppendPrintf bug...
+ str.AppendPrintf("0x%2x ", aParam.Data()[idx] & 0xff);
+ }
+ str.AppendPrintf("%s | '", maybeEllipsis);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < totalLen; ++idx) {
+ str.AppendPrintf("%c", (aParam.Data()[idx] > 0) ? aParam.Data()[idx] : '.');
+ }
+ str.AppendPrintf("'%s", maybeEllipsis);
+ return str;
+#if defined(XP_WIN)
+// Values indicate GetOpenFileNameW and GetSaveFileNameW.
+enum GetFileNameFunc { OPEN_FUNC, SAVE_FUNC };
+typedef CopyableTArray<nsCString> StringArray;
+// IPC-capable version of the Windows OPENFILENAMEW struct.
+typedef struct _OpenFileNameIPC {
+ // Allocates memory for the strings in this object. This should usually
+ // be used with a zeroed out OPENFILENAMEW structure.
+ void AllocateOfnStrings(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn) const;
+ static void FreeOfnStrings(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn);
+ void AddToOfn(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn) const;
+ void CopyFromOfn(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn);
+ bool operator==(const _OpenFileNameIPC& o) const {
+ return (o.mHwndOwner == mHwndOwner) && (o.mFilter == mFilter) &&
+ (o.mHasFilter == mHasFilter) &&
+ (o.mCustomFilterIn == mCustomFilterIn) &&
+ (o.mHasCustomFilter == mHasCustomFilter) &&
+ (o.mNMaxCustFilterOut == mNMaxCustFilterOut) &&
+ (o.mFilterIndex == mFilterIndex) && (o.mFile == mFile) &&
+ (o.mNMaxFile == mNMaxFile) && (o.mNMaxFileTitle == mNMaxFileTitle) &&
+ (o.mInitialDir == mInitialDir) &&
+ (o.mHasInitialDir == mHasInitialDir) && (o.mTitle == mTitle) &&
+ (o.mHasTitle == mHasTitle) && (o.mFlags == mFlags) &&
+ (o.mDefExt == mDefExt) && (o.mHasDefExt == mHasDefExt) &&
+ (o.mFlagsEx == mFlagsEx);
+ }
+ NativeWindowHandle mHwndOwner;
+ std::wstring
+ mFilter; // Double-NULL terminated (i.e. L"\0\0") if mHasFilter is true
+ bool mHasFilter;
+ std::wstring mCustomFilterIn;
+ bool mHasCustomFilter;
+ uint32_t mNMaxCustFilterOut;
+ uint32_t mFilterIndex;
+ std::wstring mFile;
+ uint32_t mNMaxFile;
+ uint32_t mNMaxFileTitle;
+ std::wstring mInitialDir;
+ bool mHasInitialDir;
+ std::wstring mTitle;
+ bool mHasTitle;
+ uint32_t mFlags;
+ std::wstring mDefExt;
+ bool mHasDefExt;
+ uint32_t mFlagsEx;
+} OpenFileNameIPC;
+// GetOpenFileNameW and GetSaveFileNameW overwrite fields of their OPENFILENAMEW
+// parameter. This represents those values so that they can be returned via
+// IPC.
+typedef struct _OpenFileNameRetIPC {
+ void CopyFromOfn(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn);
+ void AddToOfn(LPOPENFILENAMEW aLpofn) const;
+ bool operator==(const _OpenFileNameRetIPC& o) const {
+ return (o.mCustomFilterOut == mCustomFilterOut) && (o.mFile == mFile) &&
+ (o.mFileTitle == mFileTitle) && (o.mFileOffset == mFileOffset) &&
+ (o.mFileExtension == mFileExtension);
+ }
+ std::wstring mCustomFilterOut;
+ std::wstring mFile; // Double-NULL terminated (i.e. L"\0\0")
+ std::wstring mFileTitle;
+ uint16_t mFileOffset;
+ uint16_t mFileExtension;
+} OpenFileNameRetIPC;
+typedef struct _IPCSchannelCred {
+ void CopyFrom(const PSCHANNEL_CRED& aSCred);
+ void CopyTo(PSCHANNEL_CRED& aSCred) const;
+ bool operator==(const _IPCSchannelCred& o) const {
+ return (o.mEnabledProtocols == mEnabledProtocols) &&
+ (o.mMinStrength == mMinStrength) &&
+ (o.mMaxStrength == mMaxStrength) && (o.mFlags == mFlags);
+ }
+ DWORD mEnabledProtocols;
+ DWORD mMinStrength;
+ DWORD mMaxStrength;
+ DWORD mFlags;
+} IPCSchannelCred;
+typedef struct _IPCInternetBuffers {
+ void CopyFrom(const LPINTERNET_BUFFERSA& aBufs);
+ void CopyTo(LPINTERNET_BUFFERSA& aBufs) const;
+ bool operator==(const _IPCInternetBuffers& o) const {
+ return o.mBuffers == mBuffers;
+ }
+ static void FreeBuffers(LPINTERNET_BUFFERSA& aBufs);
+ struct Buffer {
+ nsCString mHeader;
+ uint32_t mHeaderTotal;
+ nsCString mBuffer;
+ uint32_t mBufferTotal;
+ bool operator==(const Buffer& o) const {
+ return (o.mHeader == mHeader) && (o.mHeaderTotal == mHeaderTotal) &&
+ (o.mBuffer == mBuffer) && (o.mBufferTotal == mBufferTotal);
+ }
+ };
+ CopyableTArray<Buffer> mBuffers;
+} IPCInternetBuffers;
+typedef struct _IPCPrintDlg {
+ void CopyFrom(const LPPRINTDLGW& aDlg);
+ void CopyTo(LPPRINTDLGW& aDlg) const;
+ bool operator==(const _IPCPrintDlg& o) const {
+ return false;
+ }
+} IPCPrintDlg;
+#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
+} // namespace plugins
+} // namespace mozilla
+namespace IPC {
+using mozilla::plugins::FunctionHookId;
+#if defined(XP_WIN)
+using mozilla::plugins::IPCInternetBuffers;
+using mozilla::plugins::IPCPrintDlg;
+using mozilla::plugins::IPCSchannelCred;
+using mozilla::plugins::NativeWindowHandle;
+using mozilla::plugins::OpenFileNameIPC;
+using mozilla::plugins::OpenFileNameRetIPC;
+using mozilla::plugins::StringArray;
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<OpenFileNameIPC> {
+ typedef OpenFileNameIPC paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHwndOwner);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFilter);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHasFilter);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mCustomFilterIn);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHasCustomFilter);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mNMaxCustFilterOut);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFilterIndex);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFile);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mNMaxFile);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mNMaxFileTitle);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mInitialDir);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHasInitialDir);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mTitle);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHasTitle);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFlags);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mDefExt);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHasDefExt);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFlagsEx);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ if (ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHwndOwner) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFilter) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHasFilter) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mCustomFilterIn) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHasCustomFilter) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mNMaxCustFilterOut) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFilterIndex) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFile) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mNMaxFile) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mNMaxFileTitle) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mInitialDir) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHasInitialDir) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mTitle) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHasTitle) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFlags) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mDefExt) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHasDefExt) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFlagsEx)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ aLog->append(StringPrintf(L"[%ls, %ls, %ls, %ls]", aParam.mFilter.c_str(),
+ aParam.mCustomFilterIn.c_str(),
+ aParam.mFile.c_str(), aParam.mTitle.c_str()));
+ }
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<OpenFileNameRetIPC> {
+ typedef OpenFileNameRetIPC paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mCustomFilterOut);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFile);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFileTitle);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFileOffset);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mFileExtension);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ if (ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mCustomFilterOut) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFile) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFileTitle) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFileOffset) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mFileExtension)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ aLog->append(StringPrintf(L"[%ls, %ls, %ls, %d, %d]",
+ aParam.mCustomFilterOut.c_str(),
+ aParam.mFile.c_str(), aParam.mFileTitle.c_str(),
+ aParam.mFileOffset, aParam.mFileExtension));
+ }
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<mozilla::plugins::GetFileNameFunc>
+ : public ContiguousEnumSerializerInclusive<
+ mozilla::plugins::GetFileNameFunc, mozilla::plugins::OPEN_FUNC,
+ mozilla::plugins::SAVE_FUNC> {};
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<IPCSchannelCred> {
+ typedef mozilla::plugins::IPCSchannelCred paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg, static_cast<uint32_t>(aParam.mEnabledProtocols));
+ WriteParam(aMsg, static_cast<uint32_t>(aParam.mMinStrength));
+ WriteParam(aMsg, static_cast<uint32_t>(aParam.mMaxStrength));
+ WriteParam(aMsg, static_cast<uint32_t>(aParam.mFlags));
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ uint32_t proto, minStr, maxStr, flags;
+ if (!ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &proto) || !ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &minStr) ||
+ !ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &maxStr) || !ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &flags)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ aResult->mEnabledProtocols = proto;
+ aResult->mMinStrength = minStr;
+ aResult->mMaxStrength = maxStr;
+ aResult->mFlags = flags;
+ return true;
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ aLog->append(StringPrintf(L"[%d,%d,%d,%d]", aParam.mEnabledProtocols,
+ aParam.mMinStrength, aParam.mMaxStrength,
+ aParam.mFlags));
+ }
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<IPCInternetBuffers::Buffer> {
+ typedef mozilla::plugins::IPCInternetBuffers::Buffer paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHeader);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mHeaderTotal);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mBuffer);
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mBufferTotal);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ return ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHeader) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mHeaderTotal) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mBuffer) &&
+ ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mBufferTotal);
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ nsCString head = mozilla::plugins::FormatBlob(aParam.mHeader);
+ nsCString buffer = mozilla::plugins::FormatBlob(aParam.mBuffer);
+ std::string msg =
+ StringPrintf("[%s, %d, %s, %d]", head.Data(), aParam.mHeaderTotal,
+ buffer.Data(), aParam.mBufferTotal);
+ aLog->append(msg.begin(), msg.end());
+ }
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<IPCInternetBuffers> {
+ typedef mozilla::plugins::IPCInternetBuffers paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ WriteParam(aMsg, aParam.mBuffers);
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ return ReadParam(aMsg, aIter, &aResult->mBuffers);
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ ParamTraits<nsTArray<IPCInternetBuffers::Buffer>>::Log(aParam.mBuffers,
+ aLog);
+ }
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<IPCPrintDlg> {
+ typedef mozilla::plugins::IPCPrintDlg paramType;
+ static void Write(Message* aMsg, const paramType& aParam) {
+ }
+ static bool Read(const Message* aMsg, PickleIterator* aIter,
+ paramType* aResult) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ static void Log(const paramType& aParam, std::wstring* aLog) {
+ }
+#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
+template <>
+struct ParamTraits<FunctionHookId>
+ : public ContiguousEnumSerializer<FunctionHookId,
+ static_cast<FunctionHookId>(0),
+ FunctionHookId::ID_FunctionHookCount> {};
+} // namespace IPC
+#endif /* dom_plugins_ipc_functionbrokeripcutils_h */