path: root/dom/svg/SVGTransformableElement.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'dom/svg/SVGTransformableElement.cpp')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/svg/SVGTransformableElement.cpp b/dom/svg/SVGTransformableElement.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26558e7954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/svg/SVGTransformableElement.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "SVGTransformableElement.h"
+#include "DOMSVGAnimatedTransformList.h"
+#include "gfx2DGlue.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/MutationEventBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/SVGGraphicsElementBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/SVGMatrix.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/SVGRect.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/SVGSVGElement.h"
+#include "mozilla/ISVGDisplayableFrame.h"
+#include "mozilla/SVGContentUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/SVGTextFrame.h"
+#include "mozilla/SVGUtils.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+#include "nsIFrame.h"
+#include "nsLayoutUtils.h"
+using namespace mozilla::gfx;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+SVGTransformableElement::Transform() {
+ // We're creating a DOM wrapper, so we must tell GetAnimatedTransformList
+ // to allocate the DOMSVGAnimatedTransformList if it hasn't already done so:
+ return DOMSVGAnimatedTransformList::GetDOMWrapper(
+ GetAnimatedTransformList(DO_ALLOCATE), this);
+// nsIContent methods
+SVGTransformableElement::IsAttributeMapped(const nsAtom* name) const {
+ static const MappedAttributeEntry* const map[] = {sColorMap, sFillStrokeMap,
+ sGraphicsMap};
+ return FindAttributeDependence(name, map) ||
+ SVGElement::IsAttributeMapped(name);
+nsChangeHint SVGTransformableElement::GetAttributeChangeHint(
+ const nsAtom* aAttribute, int32_t aModType) const {
+ nsChangeHint retval =
+ SVGElement::GetAttributeChangeHint(aAttribute, aModType);
+ if (aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::transform ||
+ aAttribute == nsGkAtoms::mozAnimateMotionDummyAttr) {
+ nsIFrame* frame =
+ const_cast<SVGTransformableElement*>(this)->GetPrimaryFrame();
+ retval |= nsChangeHint_InvalidateRenderingObservers;
+ if (!frame || (frame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) {
+ return retval;
+ }
+ bool isAdditionOrRemoval = false;
+ if (aModType == MutationEvent_Binding::ADDITION ||
+ aModType == MutationEvent_Binding::REMOVAL) {
+ isAdditionOrRemoval = true;
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aModType == MutationEvent_Binding::MODIFICATION,
+ "Unknown modification type.");
+ if (!mTransforms || !mTransforms->HasTransform()) {
+ // New value is empty, treat as removal.
+ // FIXME: Should we just rely on CreatedOrRemovedOnLastChange?
+ isAdditionOrRemoval = true;
+ } else if (mTransforms->CreatedOrRemovedOnLastChange()) {
+ // Old value was empty, treat as addition.
+ isAdditionOrRemoval = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isAdditionOrRemoval) {
+ retval |= nsChangeHint_ComprehensiveAddOrRemoveTransform;
+ } else {
+ // We just assume the old and new transforms are different.
+ retval |= nsChangeHint_UpdatePostTransformOverflow |
+ nsChangeHint_UpdateTransformLayer;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+bool SVGTransformableElement::IsEventAttributeNameInternal(nsAtom* aName) {
+ return nsContentUtils::IsEventAttributeName(aName, EventNameType_SVGGraphic);
+// SVGElement overrides
+gfxMatrix SVGTransformableElement::PrependLocalTransformsTo(
+ const gfxMatrix& aMatrix, SVGTransformTypes aWhich) const {
+ if (aWhich == eChildToUserSpace) {
+ // We don't have any eUserSpaceToParent transforms. (Sub-classes that do
+ // must override this function and handle that themselves.)
+ return aMatrix;
+ }
+ return GetUserToParentTransform(mAnimateMotionTransform.get(),
+ mTransforms.get()) *
+ aMatrix;
+const gfx::Matrix* SVGTransformableElement::GetAnimateMotionTransform() const {
+ return mAnimateMotionTransform.get();
+void SVGTransformableElement::SetAnimateMotionTransform(
+ const gfx::Matrix* aMatrix) {
+ if ((!aMatrix && !mAnimateMotionTransform) ||
+ (aMatrix && mAnimateMotionTransform &&
+ aMatrix->FuzzyEquals(*mAnimateMotionTransform))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ bool transformSet = mTransforms && mTransforms->IsExplicitlySet();
+ bool prevSet = mAnimateMotionTransform || transformSet;
+ mAnimateMotionTransform =
+ aMatrix ? MakeUnique<gfx::Matrix>(*aMatrix) : nullptr;
+ bool nowSet = mAnimateMotionTransform || transformSet;
+ int32_t modType;
+ if (prevSet && !nowSet) {
+ modType = MutationEvent_Binding::REMOVAL;
+ } else if (!prevSet && nowSet) {
+ modType = MutationEvent_Binding::ADDITION;
+ } else {
+ modType = MutationEvent_Binding::MODIFICATION;
+ }
+ DidAnimateTransformList(modType);
+ nsIFrame* frame = GetPrimaryFrame();
+ if (frame) {
+ // If the result of this transform and any other transforms on this frame
+ // is the identity matrix, then DoApplyRenderingChangeToTree won't handle
+ // our nsChangeHint_UpdateTransformLayer hint since aFrame->IsTransformed()
+ // will return false. That's fine, but we still need to schedule a repaint,
+ // and that won't otherwise happen. Since it's cheap to call SchedulePaint,
+ // we don't bother to check IsTransformed().
+ frame->SchedulePaint();
+ }
+SVGAnimatedTransformList* SVGTransformableElement::GetAnimatedTransformList(
+ uint32_t aFlags) {
+ if (!mTransforms && (aFlags & DO_ALLOCATE)) {
+ mTransforms = MakeUnique<SVGAnimatedTransformList>();
+ }
+ return mTransforms.get();
+SVGElement* SVGTransformableElement::GetNearestViewportElement() {
+ return SVGContentUtils::GetNearestViewportElement(this);
+SVGElement* SVGTransformableElement::GetFarthestViewportElement() {
+ return SVGContentUtils::GetOuterSVGElement(this);
+static already_AddRefed<SVGRect> ZeroBBox(SVGTransformableElement& aOwner) {
+ return MakeAndAddRef<SVGRect>(&aOwner, Rect{0, 0, 0, 0});
+already_AddRefed<SVGRect> SVGTransformableElement::GetBBox(
+ const SVGBoundingBoxOptions& aOptions) {
+ nsIFrame* frame = GetPrimaryFrame(FlushType::Layout);
+ if (!frame || (frame->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) {
+ return ZeroBBox(*this);
+ }
+ ISVGDisplayableFrame* svgframe = do_QueryFrame(frame);
+ if (!svgframe) {
+ if (!SVGUtils::IsInSVGTextSubtree(frame)) {
+ return ZeroBBox(*this);
+ }
+ // For <tspan>, <textPath>, the frame is an nsInlineFrame or
+ // nsBlockFrame, |svgframe| will be a nullptr.
+ // We implement their getBBox directly here instead of in
+ // SVGUtils::GetBBox, because SVGUtils::GetBBox is more
+ // or less used for other purpose elsewhere. e.g. gradient
+ // code assumes GetBBox of <tspan> returns the bbox of the
+ // outer <text>.
+ // TODO: cleanup this sort of usecase of SVGUtils::GetBBox,
+ // then move this code SVGUtils::GetBBox.
+ SVGTextFrame* text =
+ static_cast<SVGTextFrame*>(nsLayoutUtils::GetClosestFrameOfType(
+ frame->GetParent(), LayoutFrameType::SVGText));
+ if (text->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_IS_NONDISPLAY)) {
+ return ZeroBBox(*this);
+ }
+ gfxRect rec = text->TransformFrameRectFromTextChild(
+ frame->GetRectRelativeToSelf(), frame);
+ // Should also add the |x|, |y| of the SVGTextFrame itself, since
+ // the result obtained by TransformFrameRectFromTextChild doesn't
+ // include them.
+ rec.x += float(text->GetPosition().x) / AppUnitsPerCSSPixel();
+ rec.y += float(text->GetPosition().y) / AppUnitsPerCSSPixel();
+ return do_AddRef(new SVGRect(this, ToRect(rec)));
+ }
+ if (!NS_SVGNewGetBBoxEnabled()) {
+ return do_AddRef(new SVGRect(
+ this, ToRect(SVGUtils::GetBBox(
+ frame, SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFillGeometry |
+ SVGUtils::eUseUserSpaceOfUseElement))));
+ }
+ uint32_t flags = 0;
+ if (aOptions.mFill) {
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill;
+ }
+ if (aOptions.mStroke) {
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeStroke;
+ }
+ if (aOptions.mMarkers) {
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeMarkers;
+ }
+ if (aOptions.mClipped) {
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeClipped;
+ }
+ if (flags == 0) {
+ return do_AddRef(new SVGRect(this, gfx::Rect()));
+ }
+ if (flags == SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeMarkers ||
+ flags == SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeClipped) {
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eBBoxIncludeFill;
+ }
+ flags |= SVGUtils::eUseUserSpaceOfUseElement;
+ return do_AddRef(new SVGRect(this, ToRect(SVGUtils::GetBBox(frame, flags))));
+already_AddRefed<SVGMatrix> SVGTransformableElement::GetCTM() {
+ Document* currentDoc = GetComposedDoc();
+ if (currentDoc) {
+ // Flush all pending notifications so that our frames are up to date
+ currentDoc->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout);
+ }
+ gfx::Matrix m = SVGContentUtils::GetCTM(this, false);
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> mat =
+ m.IsSingular() ? nullptr : new SVGMatrix(ThebesMatrix(m));
+ return mat.forget();
+already_AddRefed<SVGMatrix> SVGTransformableElement::GetScreenCTM() {
+ Document* currentDoc = GetComposedDoc();
+ if (currentDoc) {
+ // Flush all pending notifications so that our frames are up to date
+ currentDoc->FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType::Layout);
+ }
+ gfx::Matrix m = SVGContentUtils::GetCTM(this, true);
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> mat =
+ m.IsSingular() ? nullptr : new SVGMatrix(ThebesMatrix(m));
+ return mat.forget();
+already_AddRefed<SVGMatrix> SVGTransformableElement::GetTransformToElement(
+ SVGGraphicsElement& aElement, ErrorResult& rv) {
+ // the easiest way to do this (if likely to increase rounding error):
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> ourScreenCTM = GetScreenCTM();
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> targetScreenCTM = aElement.GetScreenCTM();
+ if (!ourScreenCTM || !targetScreenCTM) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> tmp = targetScreenCTM->Inverse(rv);
+ if (rv.Failed()) return nullptr;
+ RefPtr<SVGMatrix> mat = tmp->Multiply(*ourScreenCTM);
+ return mat.forget();
+/* static */
+gfxMatrix SVGTransformableElement::GetUserToParentTransform(
+ const gfx::Matrix* aAnimateMotionTransform,
+ const SVGAnimatedTransformList* aTransforms) {
+ gfxMatrix result;
+ if (aAnimateMotionTransform) {
+ result.PreMultiply(ThebesMatrix(*aAnimateMotionTransform));
+ }
+ if (aTransforms) {
+ result.PreMultiply(aTransforms->GetAnimValue().GetConsolidationMatrix());
+ }
+ return result;
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla