path: root/dom/xul/nsXULElement.h
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/xul/nsXULElement.h b/dom/xul/nsXULElement.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec1e5fc09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/xul/nsXULElement.h
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+ The base XUL element class and associates.
+#ifndef nsXULElement_h__
+#define nsXULElement_h__
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ErrorList.h"
+#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
+#include "js/SourceText.h"
+#include "js/TracingAPI.h"
+#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DOMString.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FragmentOrElement.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/FromParser.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/NameSpaceConstants.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/NodeInfo.h"
+#include "nsAtom.h"
+#include "nsAttrName.h"
+#include "nsAttrValue.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsCaseTreatment.h"
+#include "nsChangeHint.h"
+#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
+#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
+#include "nsIContent.h"
+#include "nsINode.h"
+#include "nsISupports.h"
+#include "nsLiteralString.h"
+#include "nsString.h"
+#include "nsStyledElement.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "nsTLiteralString.h"
+#include "nscore.h"
+class JSObject;
+class JSScript;
+class nsAttrValueOrString;
+class nsIControllers;
+class nsIObjectInputStream;
+class nsIObjectOutputStream;
+class nsIOffThreadScriptReceiver;
+class nsIPrincipal;
+class nsIURI;
+class nsXULPrototypeDocument;
+class nsXULPrototypeNode;
+struct JSContext;
+typedef nsTArray<RefPtr<nsXULPrototypeNode>> nsPrototypeArray;
+namespace JS {
+class CompileOptions;
+namespace mozilla {
+class ErrorResult;
+class EventChainPreVisitor;
+class EventListenerManager;
+namespace css {
+class StyleRule;
+} // namespace css
+namespace dom {
+class Document;
+class HTMLIFrameElement;
+class PrototypeDocumentContentSink;
+enum class CallerType : uint32_t;
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla
+ (nsXULPrototypeAttribute::counter++)
+# define XUL_PROTOTYPE_ATTRIBUTE_METER(counter) ((void)0)
+ A prototype attribute for an nsXULPrototypeElement.
+ */
+class nsXULPrototypeAttribute {
+ public:
+ nsXULPrototypeAttribute()
+ : mName(nsGkAtoms::id) // XXX this is a hack, but names have to have a
+ // value
+ {
+ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsXULPrototypeAttribute);
+ }
+ ~nsXULPrototypeAttribute();
+ nsAttrName mName;
+ nsAttrValue mValue;
+ static uint32_t gNumElements;
+ static uint32_t gNumAttributes;
+ static uint32_t gNumCacheTests;
+ static uint32_t gNumCacheHits;
+ static uint32_t gNumCacheSets;
+ static uint32_t gNumCacheFills;
+ A prototype content model element that holds the "primordial" values
+ that have been parsed from the original XUL document.
+ */
+class nsXULPrototypeNode {
+ public:
+ enum Type { eType_Element, eType_Script, eType_Text, eType_PI };
+ Type mType;
+ virtual nsresult Serialize(
+ nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) = 0;
+ virtual nsresult Deserialize(
+ nsIObjectInputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) = 0;
+ /**
+ * The prototype document must call ReleaseSubtree when it is going
+ * away. This makes the parents through the tree stop owning their
+ * children, whether or not the parent's reference count is zero.
+ * Individual elements may still own individual prototypes, but
+ * those prototypes no longer remember their children to allow them
+ * to be constructed.
+ */
+ virtual void ReleaseSubtree() {}
+ protected:
+ explicit nsXULPrototypeNode(Type aType) : mType(aType) {}
+ virtual ~nsXULPrototypeNode() = default;
+class nsXULPrototypeElement : public nsXULPrototypeNode {
+ public:
+ explicit nsXULPrototypeElement(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo = nullptr)
+ : nsXULPrototypeNode(eType_Element),
+ mNodeInfo(aNodeInfo),
+ mHasIdAttribute(false),
+ mHasClassAttribute(false),
+ mHasStyleAttribute(false),
+ mIsAtom(nullptr) {}
+ private:
+ virtual ~nsXULPrototypeElement() { Unlink(); }
+ public:
+ virtual void ReleaseSubtree() override {
+ for (int32_t i = mChildren.Length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (mChildren[i].get()) mChildren[i]->ReleaseSubtree();
+ }
+ mChildren.Clear();
+ nsXULPrototypeNode::ReleaseSubtree();
+ }
+ virtual nsresult Serialize(
+ nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ virtual nsresult Deserialize(
+ nsIObjectInputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ nsresult SetAttrAt(uint32_t aPos, const nsAString& aValue,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI);
+ void Unlink();
+ // Trace all scripts held by this element and its children.
+ void TraceAllScripts(JSTracer* aTrc);
+ nsPrototypeArray mChildren;
+ RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo> mNodeInfo;
+ uint32_t mHasIdAttribute : 1;
+ uint32_t mHasClassAttribute : 1;
+ uint32_t mHasStyleAttribute : 1;
+ nsTArray<nsXULPrototypeAttribute> mAttributes; // [OWNER]
+ RefPtr<nsAtom> mIsAtom;
+class nsXULPrototypeScript : public nsXULPrototypeNode {
+ public:
+ explicit nsXULPrototypeScript(uint32_t aLineNo);
+ private:
+ virtual ~nsXULPrototypeScript();
+ void FillCompileOptions(JS::CompileOptions& options);
+ public:
+ virtual nsresult Serialize(
+ nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ nsresult SerializeOutOfLine(nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream,
+ nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc);
+ virtual nsresult Deserialize(
+ nsIObjectInputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ nsresult DeserializeOutOfLine(nsIObjectInputStream* aInput,
+ nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc);
+ nsresult Compile(const char16_t* aText, size_t aTextLength,
+ JS::SourceOwnership aOwnership, nsIURI* aURI,
+ uint32_t aLineNo, mozilla::dom::Document* aDocument,
+ nsIOffThreadScriptReceiver* aOffThreadReceiver = nullptr);
+ void UnlinkJSObjects();
+ void Set(JSScript* aObject);
+ bool HasScriptObject() {
+ // Conversion to bool doesn't trigger mScriptObject's read barrier.
+ return mScriptObject;
+ }
+ JSScript* GetScriptObject() { return mScriptObject; }
+ void TraceScriptObject(JSTracer* aTrc) {
+ JS::TraceEdge(aTrc, &mScriptObject, "active window XUL prototype script");
+ }
+ void Trace(const TraceCallbacks& aCallbacks, void* aClosure) {
+ if (mScriptObject) {
+ aCallbacks.Trace(&mScriptObject, "mScriptObject", aClosure);
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mSrcURI;
+ uint32_t mLineNo;
+ bool mSrcLoading;
+ bool mOutOfLine;
+ mozilla::dom::PrototypeDocumentContentSink*
+ mSrcLoadWaiters; // [OWNER] but not COMPtr
+ private:
+ JS::Heap<JSScript*> mScriptObject;
+class nsXULPrototypeText : public nsXULPrototypeNode {
+ public:
+ nsXULPrototypeText() : nsXULPrototypeNode(eType_Text) {}
+ private:
+ virtual ~nsXULPrototypeText() = default;
+ public:
+ virtual nsresult Serialize(
+ nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ virtual nsresult Deserialize(
+ nsIObjectInputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ nsString mValue;
+class nsXULPrototypePI : public nsXULPrototypeNode {
+ public:
+ nsXULPrototypePI() : nsXULPrototypeNode(eType_PI) {}
+ private:
+ virtual ~nsXULPrototypePI() = default;
+ public:
+ virtual nsresult Serialize(
+ nsIObjectOutputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ virtual nsresult Deserialize(
+ nsIObjectInputStream* aStream, nsXULPrototypeDocument* aProtoDoc,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ const nsTArray<RefPtr<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>>* aNodeInfos) override;
+ nsString mTarget;
+ nsString mData;
+ The XUL element.
+ */
+#define XUL_ELEMENT_FLAG_BIT(n_) \
+// XUL element specific bits
+enum {
+class nsXULElement : public nsStyledElement {
+ protected:
+ typedef mozilla::dom::Document Document;
+ // Use Construct to construct elements instead of this constructor.
+ explicit nsXULElement(already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo);
+ public:
+ using Element::Blur;
+ using Element::Focus;
+ static nsresult CreateFromPrototype(nsXULPrototypeElement* aPrototype,
+ Document* aDocument, bool aIsScriptable,
+ bool aIsRoot,
+ mozilla::dom::Element** aResult);
+ // This is the constructor for nsXULElements.
+ static nsXULElement* Construct(
+ already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo);
+ NS_IMPL_FROMNODE(nsXULElement, kNameSpaceID_XUL)
+ // nsISupports
+ // nsINode
+ void GetEventTargetParent(mozilla::EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) override;
+ virtual nsresult PreHandleEvent(
+ mozilla::EventChainVisitor& aVisitor) override;
+ // nsIContent
+ virtual nsresult BindToTree(BindContext&, nsINode& aParent) override;
+ virtual void UnbindFromTree(bool aNullParent) override;
+ virtual void DestroyContent() override;
+ virtual void DoneAddingChildren(bool aHaveNotified) override;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ virtual void List(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent) const override;
+ virtual void DumpContent(FILE* out, int32_t aIndent,
+ bool aDumpAll) const override {}
+ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScreenX();
+ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT int32_t ScreenY();
+ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool HasMenu();
+ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void OpenMenu(bool aOpenFlag);
+ MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT virtual bool PerformAccesskey(
+ bool aKeyCausesActivation, bool aIsTrustedEvent) override;
+ void ClickWithInputSource(uint16_t aInputSource, bool aIsTrustedEvent);
+ virtual bool IsNodeOfType(uint32_t aFlags) const override;
+ virtual bool IsFocusableInternal(int32_t* aTabIndex,
+ bool aWithMouse) override;
+ virtual nsChangeHint GetAttributeChangeHint(const nsAtom* aAttribute,
+ int32_t aModType) const override;
+ NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsAttributeMapped(const nsAtom* aAttribute) const override;
+ virtual nsresult Clone(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo*,
+ nsINode** aResult) const override;
+ virtual void RecompileScriptEventListeners() override;
+ virtual bool IsEventAttributeNameInternal(nsAtom* aName) override;
+ typedef mozilla::dom::DOMString DOMString;
+ void GetXULAttr(nsAtom* aName, DOMString& aResult) const {
+ GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aName, aResult);
+ }
+ void SetXULAttr(nsAtom* aName, const nsAString& aValue,
+ mozilla::ErrorResult& aError) {
+ SetAttr(aName, aValue, aError);
+ }
+ bool GetXULBoolAttr(nsAtom* aName) const {
+ return AttrValueIs(kNameSpaceID_None, aName, u"true"_ns, eCaseMatters);
+ }
+ void SetXULBoolAttr(nsAtom* aName, bool aValue) {
+ if (aValue) {
+ SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aName, u"true"_ns, true);
+ } else {
+ UnsetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, aName, true);
+ }
+ }
+ // WebIDL API
+ void GetFlex(DOMString& aValue) const { GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::flex, aValue); }
+ void SetFlex(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::flex, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ bool Hidden() const { return BoolAttrIsTrue(nsGkAtoms::hidden); }
+ void SetHidden(bool aHidden) { SetXULBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::hidden, aHidden); }
+ bool Collapsed() const { return BoolAttrIsTrue(nsGkAtoms::collapsed); }
+ void SetCollapsed(bool aCollapsed) {
+ SetXULBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::collapsed, aCollapsed);
+ }
+ void GetObserves(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::observes, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetObserves(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::observes, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetMenu(DOMString& aValue) const { GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::menu, aValue); }
+ void SetMenu(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::menu, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetContextMenu(DOMString& aValue) {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::contextmenu, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetContextMenu(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::contextmenu, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetTooltip(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::tooltip, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetTooltip(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::tooltip, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetWidth(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::width, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetWidth(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::width, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetHeight(DOMString& aValue) { GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::height, aValue); }
+ void SetHeight(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::height, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetMinWidth(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::minwidth, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetMinWidth(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::minwidth, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetMinHeight(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::minheight, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetMinHeight(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::minheight, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetMaxWidth(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxwidth, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetMaxWidth(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxwidth, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetMaxHeight(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxheight, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetMaxHeight(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxheight, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetTooltipText(DOMString& aValue) const {
+ GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::tooltiptext, aValue);
+ }
+ void SetTooltipText(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::tooltiptext, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ void GetSrc(DOMString& aValue) const { GetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::src, aValue); }
+ void SetSrc(const nsAString& aValue, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv) {
+ SetXULAttr(nsGkAtoms::src, aValue, rv);
+ }
+ bool AllowEvents() const { return BoolAttrIsTrue(nsGkAtoms::allowevents); }
+ void SetAllowEvents(bool aAllowEvents) {
+ SetXULBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::allowevents, aAllowEvents);
+ }
+ nsIControllers* GetControllers(mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
+ void Click(mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType);
+ // Style() inherited from nsStyledElement
+ nsINode* GetScopeChainParent() const override {
+ // For XUL, the parent is the parent element, if any
+ Element* parent = GetParentElement();
+ return parent ? parent : nsStyledElement::GetScopeChainParent();
+ }
+ bool IsInteractiveHTMLContent() const override;
+ void MaybeUpdatePrivateLifetime();
+ protected:
+ ~nsXULElement();
+ // This can be removed if EnsureContentsGenerated dies.
+ friend class nsNSElementTearoff;
+ // Implementation methods
+ nsresult EnsureContentsGenerated(void) const;
+ nsresult AddPopupListener(nsAtom* aName);
+ /**
+ * Abandon our prototype linkage, and copy all attributes locally
+ */
+ nsresult MakeHeavyweight(nsXULPrototypeElement* aPrototype);
+ virtual nsresult BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
+ const nsAttrValueOrString* aValue,
+ bool aNotify) override;
+ virtual nsresult AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aName,
+ const nsAttrValue* aValue,
+ const nsAttrValue* aOldValue,
+ nsIPrincipal* aSubjectPrincipal,
+ bool aNotify) override;
+ virtual void UpdateEditableState(bool aNotify) override;
+ virtual bool ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsAtom* aAttribute,
+ const nsAString& aValue,
+ nsIPrincipal* aMaybeScriptedPrincipal,
+ nsAttrValue& aResult) override;
+ virtual mozilla::EventListenerManager* GetEventListenerManagerForAttr(
+ nsAtom* aAttrName, bool* aDefer) override;
+ /**
+ * Add a listener for the specified attribute, if appropriate.
+ */
+ void AddListenerForAttributeIfNeeded(const nsAttrName& aName);
+ void AddListenerForAttributeIfNeeded(nsAtom* aLocalName);
+ protected:
+ void AddTooltipSupport();
+ void RemoveTooltipSupport();
+ // Internal accessor. This shadows the 'Slots', and returns
+ // appropriate value.
+ nsIControllers* Controllers() {
+ nsExtendedDOMSlots* slots = GetExistingExtendedDOMSlots();
+ return slots ? slots->mControllers.get() : nullptr;
+ }
+ void UnregisterAccessKey(const nsAString& aOldValue);
+ bool BoolAttrIsTrue(nsAtom* aName) const;
+ friend nsXULElement* NS_NewBasicXULElement(
+ already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>&& aNodeInfo);
+ friend nsresult NS_NewXULElement(mozilla::dom::Element** aResult,
+ mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo,
+ mozilla::dom::FromParser aFromParser,
+ const nsAString* aIs);
+ friend void NS_TrustedNewXULElement(mozilla::dom::Element** aResult,
+ mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo);
+ static already_AddRefed<nsXULElement> CreateFromPrototype(
+ nsXULPrototypeElement* aPrototype, mozilla::dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo,
+ bool aIsScriptable, bool aIsRoot);
+ virtual JSObject* WrapNode(JSContext* aCx,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
+ bool IsEventStoppedFromAnonymousScrollbar(mozilla::EventMessage aMessage);
+ nsresult DispatchXULCommand(const mozilla::EventChainVisitor& aVisitor,
+ nsAutoString& aCommand);
+#endif // nsXULElement_h__