path: root/gfx/layers/client/MultiTiledContentClient.cpp
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1 files changed, 685 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/layers/client/MultiTiledContentClient.cpp b/gfx/layers/client/MultiTiledContentClient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ab5c83e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/layers/client/MultiTiledContentClient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/layers/MultiTiledContentClient.h"
+#include "ClientTiledPaintedLayer.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layers.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/APZUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/LayerMetricsWrapper.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+using namespace gfx;
+namespace layers {
+ ClientTiledPaintedLayer& aPaintedLayer, ClientLayerManager* aManager)
+ : TiledContentClient(aManager, "Multi"),
+ mTiledBuffer(aPaintedLayer, *this, aManager, &mSharedFrameMetricsHelper),
+ mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer(aPaintedLayer, *this, aManager,
+ &mSharedFrameMetricsHelper) {
+ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(MultiTiledContentClient);
+ mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer.SetResolution(
+ StaticPrefs::layers_low_precision_resolution());
+ mHasLowPrecision = StaticPrefs::layers_low_precision_buffer();
+void MultiTiledContentClient::ClearCachedResources() {
+ CompositableClient::ClearCachedResources();
+ mTiledBuffer.DiscardBuffers();
+ mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer.DiscardBuffers();
+void MultiTiledContentClient::UpdatedBuffer(TiledBufferType aType) {
+ ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer* buffer = aType == LOW_PRECISION_TILED_BUFFER
+ ? &mLowPrecisionTiledBuffer
+ : &mTiledBuffer;
+ mForwarder->UseTiledLayerBuffer(this, buffer->GetSurfaceDescriptorTiles());
+ ClientTiledPaintedLayer& aPaintedLayer,
+ CompositableClient& aCompositableClient, ClientLayerManager* aManager,
+ SharedFrameMetricsHelper* aHelper)
+ : ClientTiledLayerBuffer(aPaintedLayer, aCompositableClient),
+ mManager(aManager),
+ mCallback(nullptr),
+ mCallbackData(nullptr),
+ mSharedFrameMetricsHelper(aHelper) {}
+void ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::DiscardBuffers() {
+ for (TileClient& tile : mRetainedTiles) {
+ tile.DiscardBuffers();
+ }
+ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::GetSurfaceDescriptorTiles() {
+ nsTArray<TileDescriptor> tiles;
+ for (TileClient& tile : mRetainedTiles) {
+ TileDescriptor tileDesc = tile.GetTileDescriptor();
+ tiles.AppendElement(tileDesc);
+ // Reset the update rect
+ tile.mUpdateRect = IntRect();
+ }
+ return SurfaceDescriptorTiles(
+ mValidRegion, tiles, mTileOrigin, mTileSize, mTiles.mFirst.x,
+ mTiles.mFirst.y, mTiles.mSize.width, mTiles.mSize.height, mResolution,
+ mFrameResolution.xScale, mFrameResolution.yScale,
+ mWasLastPaintProgressive);
+void ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::PaintThebes(
+ const nsIntRegion& aNewValidRegion, const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion,
+ const nsIntRegion& aDirtyRegion,
+ LayerManager::DrawPaintedLayerCallback aCallback, void* aCallbackData,
+ TilePaintFlags aFlags) {
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: PaintThebes painting region %s\n", &mPaintedLayer,
+ Stringify(aPaintRegion).c_str());
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: PaintThebes new valid region %s\n", &mPaintedLayer,
+ Stringify(aNewValidRegion).c_str());
+ mCallback = aCallback;
+ mCallbackData = aCallbackData;
+ mWasLastPaintProgressive = !!(aFlags & TilePaintFlags::Progressive);
+ long start = PR_IntervalNow();
+ if (PR_IntervalNow() - start > 30) {
+ const IntRect bounds = aPaintRegion.GetBounds();
+ printf_stderr("Time to draw %i: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", PR_IntervalNow() - start,
+ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
+ if (aPaintRegion.IsComplex()) {
+ printf_stderr("Complex region\n");
+ for (auto iter = aPaintRegion.RectIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ const IntRect& rect = iter.Get();
+ printf_stderr(" rect %i, %i, %i, %i\n", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width,
+ rect.height);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ start = PR_IntervalNow();
+ AUTO_PROFILER_LABEL("ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::PaintThebes", GRAPHICS);
+ mNewValidRegion = aNewValidRegion;
+ Update(aNewValidRegion, aPaintRegion, aDirtyRegion, aFlags);
+ if (PR_IntervalNow() - start > 10) {
+ const IntRect bounds = aPaintRegion.GetBounds();
+ printf_stderr("Time to tile %i: %i, %i, %i, %i\n", PR_IntervalNow() - start,
+ bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height);
+ }
+ mLastPaintContentType = GetContentType(&mLastPaintSurfaceMode);
+ mCallback = nullptr;
+ mCallbackData = nullptr;
+void ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::MaybeSyncTextures(
+ const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion, const TilesPlacement& aNewTiles,
+ const IntSize& aScaledTileSize) {
+ if (mManager->AsShadowForwarder()->SupportsTextureDirectMapping()) {
+ AutoTArray<uint64_t, 10> syncTextureSerials;
+ SurfaceMode mode;
+ Unused << GetContentType(&mode);
+ // Pre-pass through the tiles (mirroring the filter logic below) to gather
+ // texture IDs that we need to ensure are unused by the GPU before we
+ // continue.
+ if (!aPaintRegion.IsEmpty()) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mPaintTasks.IsEmpty());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mRetainedTiles.Length(); ++i) {
+ const TileCoordIntPoint tileCoord = aNewTiles.TileCoord(i);
+ IntPoint tileOffset = GetTileOffset(tileCoord);
+ nsIntRegion tileDrawRegion = IntRect(tileOffset, aScaledTileSize);
+ tileDrawRegion.AndWith(aPaintRegion);
+ if (tileDrawRegion.IsEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TileClient& tile = mRetainedTiles[i];
+ tile.GetSyncTextureSerials(mode, syncTextureSerials);
+ }
+ }
+ if (syncTextureSerials.Length() > 0) {
+ mManager->AsShadowForwarder()->SyncTextures(syncTextureSerials);
+ }
+ }
+void ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::Update(const nsIntRegion& newValidRegion,
+ const nsIntRegion& aPaintRegion,
+ const nsIntRegion& aDirtyRegion,
+ TilePaintFlags aFlags) {
+ const IntSize scaledTileSize = GetScaledTileSize();
+ const gfx::IntRect newBounds = newValidRegion.GetBounds();
+ const TilesPlacement oldTiles = mTiles;
+ const TilesPlacement newTiles(
+ floor_div(newBounds.X(), scaledTileSize.width),
+ floor_div(newBounds.Y(), scaledTileSize.height),
+ floor_div(
+ GetTileStart(newBounds.X(), scaledTileSize.width) + newBounds.Width(),
+ scaledTileSize.width) +
+ 1,
+ floor_div(GetTileStart(newBounds.Y(), scaledTileSize.height) +
+ newBounds.Height(),
+ scaledTileSize.height) +
+ 1);
+ const size_t oldTileCount = mRetainedTiles.Length();
+ const size_t newTileCount = newTiles.mSize.width * newTiles.mSize.height;
+ nsTArray<TileClient> oldRetainedTiles = std::move(mRetainedTiles);
+ mRetainedTiles.SetLength(newTileCount);
+ for (size_t oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < oldTileCount; oldIndex++) {
+ const TileCoordIntPoint tileCoord = oldTiles.TileCoord(oldIndex);
+ const size_t newIndex = newTiles.TileIndex(tileCoord);
+ // First, get the already existing tiles to the right place in the new
+ // array. Leave placeholders (default constructor) where there was no tile.
+ if (newTiles.HasTile(tileCoord)) {
+ mRetainedTiles[newIndex] = oldRetainedTiles[oldIndex];
+ } else {
+ // release tiles that we are not going to reuse before allocating new ones
+ // to avoid allocating unnecessarily.
+ oldRetainedTiles[oldIndex].DiscardBuffers();
+ }
+ }
+ oldRetainedTiles.Clear();
+ nsIntRegion paintRegion = aPaintRegion;
+ nsIntRegion dirtyRegion = aDirtyRegion;
+ MaybeSyncTextures(paintRegion, newTiles, scaledTileSize);
+ if (!paintRegion.IsEmpty()) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mPaintTasks.IsEmpty());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < newTileCount; ++i) {
+ const TileCoordIntPoint tileCoord = newTiles.TileCoord(i);
+ IntPoint tileOffset = GetTileOffset(tileCoord);
+ nsIntRegion tileDrawRegion = IntRect(tileOffset, scaledTileSize);
+ tileDrawRegion.AndWith(paintRegion);
+ if (tileDrawRegion.IsEmpty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ TileClient& tile = mRetainedTiles[i];
+ if (!ValidateTile(tile, GetTileOffset(tileCoord), tileDrawRegion,
+ aFlags)) {
+ gfxCriticalError() << "ValidateTile failed";
+ }
+ // Validating the tile may have required more to be painted.
+ paintRegion.OrWith(tileDrawRegion);
+ dirtyRegion.OrWith(tileDrawRegion);
+ }
+ if (!mPaintTiles.IsEmpty()) {
+ // Create a tiled draw target
+ gfx::TileSet tileset;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < mPaintTiles.Length(); ++i) {
+ mPaintTiles[i].mTileOrigin -= mTilingOrigin;
+ }
+ tileset.mTiles = mPaintTiles.Elements();
+ tileset.mTileCount = mPaintTiles.Length();
+ RefPtr<DrawTarget> drawTarget =
+ gfx::Factory::CreateTiledDrawTarget(tileset);
+ if (!drawTarget || !drawTarget->IsValid()) {
+ gfxDevCrash(LogReason::InvalidContext) << "Invalid tiled draw target";
+ return;
+ }
+ drawTarget->SetTransform(Matrix());
+ // Draw into the tiled draw target
+ RefPtr<gfxContext> ctx = gfxContext::CreateOrNull(drawTarget);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(ctx); // already checked the draw target above
+ ctx->SetMatrix(ctx->CurrentMatrix()
+ .PreScale(mResolution, mResolution)
+ .PreTranslate(-mTilingOrigin));
+ mCallback(&mPaintedLayer, ctx, paintRegion, dirtyRegion,
+ DrawRegionClip::DRAW, nsIntRegion(), mCallbackData);
+ ctx = nullptr;
+ // Edge padding allows us to avoid resampling artifacts
+ if (StaticPrefs::layers_tiles_edge_padding_AtStartup() &&
+ mResolution == 1) {
+ drawTarget->PadEdges(newValidRegion.MovedBy(-mTilingOrigin));
+ }
+ // Reset
+ mPaintTiles.Clear();
+ mTilingOrigin = IntPoint(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(),
+ std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ }
+ // Dispatch to the paint thread
+ if (aFlags & TilePaintFlags::Async) {
+ bool queuedTask = false;
+ while (!mPaintTasks.IsEmpty()) {
+ UniquePtr<PaintTask> task = mPaintTasks.PopLastElement();
+ if (!task->mCapture->IsEmpty()) {
+ PaintThread::Get()->QueuePaintTask(std::move(task));
+ queuedTask = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (queuedTask) {
+ mManager->SetQueuedAsyncPaints();
+ }
+ mPaintTasks.Clear();
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mRetainedTiles.Length(); ++i) {
+ TileClient& tile = mRetainedTiles[i];
+ UnlockTile(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ mTiles = newTiles;
+ mValidRegion = newValidRegion;
+bool ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::ValidateTile(TileClient& aTile,
+ const nsIntPoint& aTileOrigin,
+ nsIntRegion& aDirtyRegion,
+ TilePaintFlags aFlags) {
+ if (aDirtyRegion.IsComplex()) {
+ printf_stderr("Complex region\n");
+ }
+ SurfaceMode mode;
+ gfxContentType content = GetContentType(&mode);
+ if (!aTile.mAllocator) {
+ aTile.SetTextureAllocator(
+ mManager->GetCompositorBridgeChild()->GetTexturePool(
+ mManager->AsShadowForwarder(),
+ gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->Optimal2DFormatForContent(content),
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aTile.mAllocator);
+ }
+ nsIntRegion tileDirtyRegion = aDirtyRegion.MovedBy(-aTileOrigin);
+ tileDirtyRegion.ScaleRoundOut(mResolution, mResolution);
+ nsIntRegion tileVisibleRegion = mNewValidRegion.MovedBy(-aTileOrigin);
+ tileVisibleRegion.ScaleRoundOut(mResolution, mResolution);
+ std::vector<RefPtr<TextureClient>> asyncPaintClients;
+ Maybe<AcquiredBackBuffer> backBuffer =
+ aTile.AcquireBackBuffer(mCompositableClient, tileDirtyRegion,
+ tileVisibleRegion, content, mode, aFlags);
+ if (!backBuffer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Mark the area we need to paint in the back buffer as invalid in the
+ // front buffer as they will become out of sync.
+ aTile.mInvalidFront.OrWith(tileDirtyRegion);
+ // Add the backbuffer's invalid region intersected with the visible region to
+ // the dirty region we will be painting. This will be empty if we are able to
+ // copy from the front into the back.
+ nsIntRegion tileInvalidRegion = aTile.mInvalidBack;
+ tileInvalidRegion.AndWith(tileVisibleRegion);
+ nsIntRegion invalidRegion = tileInvalidRegion;
+ invalidRegion.MoveBy(aTileOrigin);
+ invalidRegion.ScaleInverseRoundOut(mResolution, mResolution);
+ tileDirtyRegion.OrWith(tileInvalidRegion);
+ aDirtyRegion.OrWith(invalidRegion);
+ // Mark the region we will be painting and the region we copied from the front
+ // buffer as needing to be uploaded to the compositor
+ aTile.mUpdateRect =
+ tileDirtyRegion.GetBounds().Union(backBuffer->mUpdatedRect);
+ // We need to clear the dirty region of the tile before painting
+ // if we are painting non-opaque content
+ if (mode != SurfaceMode::SURFACE_OPAQUE) {
+ for (auto iter = tileDirtyRegion.RectIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ const gfx::Rect drawRect(iter.Get().X(), iter.Get().Y(),
+ iter.Get().Width(), iter.Get().Height());
+ backBuffer->mTarget->ClearRect(drawRect);
+ }
+ }
+ gfx::Tile paintTile;
+ paintTile.mTileOrigin = gfx::IntPoint(aTileOrigin.x, aTileOrigin.y);
+ paintTile.mDrawTarget = backBuffer->mTarget;
+ mPaintTiles.AppendElement(paintTile);
+ if (aFlags & TilePaintFlags::Async) {
+ UniquePtr<PaintTask> task(new PaintTask());
+ task->mCapture = backBuffer->mCapture;
+ task->mTarget = backBuffer->mBackBuffer;
+ task->mClients = std::move(backBuffer->mTextureClients);
+ mPaintTasks.AppendElement(std::move(task));
+ } else {
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(backBuffer->mTarget == backBuffer->mBackBuffer);
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(backBuffer->mCapture == nullptr);
+ }
+ mTilingOrigin.x = std::min(mTilingOrigin.x, paintTile.mTileOrigin.x);
+ mTilingOrigin.y = std::min(mTilingOrigin.y, paintTile.mTileOrigin.y);
+ // The new buffer is now validated, remove the dirty region from it.
+ aTile.mInvalidBack.SubOut(tileDirtyRegion);
+ aTile.Flip();
+ return true;
+ * This function takes the transform stored in aTransformToCompBounds
+ * (which was generated in GetTransformToAncestorsParentLayer), and
+ * modifies it with the ViewTransform from the compositor side so that
+ * it reflects what the compositor is actually rendering. This operation
+ * basically adds in the layer's async transform.
+ * This function then returns the scroll ancestor's composition bounds,
+ * transformed into the painted layer's LayerPixel coordinates, accounting
+ * for the compositor state.
+ */
+static Maybe<LayerRect> GetCompositorSideCompositionBounds(
+ const LayerMetricsWrapper& aScrollAncestor,
+ const LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4& aTransformToCompBounds,
+ const AsyncTransform& aAPZTransform, const LayerRect& aClip) {
+ LayerToParentLayerMatrix4x4 transform =
+ aTransformToCompBounds * AsyncTransformComponentMatrix(aAPZTransform);
+ return UntransformBy(transform.Inverse(),
+ aScrollAncestor.Metrics().GetCompositionBounds(), aClip);
+bool ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::ComputeProgressiveUpdateRegion(
+ const nsIntRegion& aInvalidRegion, const nsIntRegion& aOldValidRegion,
+ nsIntRegion& aRegionToPaint, BasicTiledLayerPaintData* aPaintData,
+ bool aIsRepeated) {
+ aRegionToPaint = aInvalidRegion;
+ // If the composition bounds rect is empty, we can't make any sensible
+ // decision about how to update coherently. In this case, just update
+ // everything in one transaction.
+ if (aPaintData->mCompositionBounds.IsEmpty()) {
+ aPaintData->mPaintFinished = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If this is a low precision buffer, we force progressive updates. The
+ // assumption is that the contents is less important, so visual coherency
+ // is lower priority than speed.
+ bool drawingLowPrecision = IsLowPrecision();
+ // Find out if we have any non-stale content to update.
+ nsIntRegion staleRegion;
+ staleRegion.And(aInvalidRegion, aOldValidRegion);
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update stale region %s\n", &mPaintedLayer,
+ Stringify(staleRegion).c_str());
+ LayerMetricsWrapper scrollAncestor;
+ mPaintedLayer.GetAncestorLayers(&scrollAncestor, nullptr, nullptr);
+ // Find out the current view transform to determine which tiles to draw
+ // first, and see if we should just abort this paint. Aborting is usually
+ // caused by there being an incoming, more relevant paint.
+ AsyncTransform viewTransform;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mSharedFrameMetricsHelper);
+ bool abortPaint = mSharedFrameMetricsHelper->UpdateFromCompositorFrameMetrics(
+ scrollAncestor, !staleRegion.Contains(aInvalidRegion),
+ drawingLowPrecision, viewTransform);
+ "TILING %p: Progressive update view transform %s zoom %f abort %d\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, ToString(viewTransform.mTranslation).c_str(),
+ viewTransform.mScale.scale, abortPaint);
+ if (abortPaint) {
+ // We ignore if front-end wants to abort if this is the first,
+ // non-low-precision paint, as in that situation, we're about to override
+ // front-end's page/viewport metrics.
+ if (!aPaintData->mFirstPaint || drawingLowPrecision) {
+ "ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::ComputeProgressiveUpdateRegion",
+ aRegionToPaint.SetEmpty();
+ return aIsRepeated;
+ }
+ }
+ Maybe<LayerRect> transformedCompositionBounds =
+ GetCompositorSideCompositionBounds(
+ scrollAncestor, aPaintData->mTransformToCompBounds, viewTransform,
+ LayerRect(mPaintedLayer.GetVisibleRegion().GetBounds()));
+ if (!transformedCompositionBounds) {
+ aPaintData->mPaintFinished = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update transformed compositor bounds %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(*transformedCompositionBounds).c_str());
+ // Compute a "coherent update rect" that we should paint all at once in a
+ // single transaction. This is to avoid rendering glitches on animated
+ // page content, and when layers change size/shape.
+ // On Fennec uploads are more expensive because we're not using gralloc, so
+ // we use a coherent update rect that is intersected with the screen at the
+ // time of issuing the draw command. This will paint faster but also
+ // potentially make the progressive paint more visible to the user while
+ // scrolling.
+ IntRect coherentUpdateRect(RoundedOut(
+ transformedCompositionBounds->Intersect(
+ aPaintData->mCompositionBounds)
+ *transformedCompositionBounds
+ )
+ .ToUnknownRect());
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update final coherency rect %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(coherentUpdateRect).c_str());
+ aRegionToPaint.And(aInvalidRegion, coherentUpdateRect);
+ aRegionToPaint.Or(aRegionToPaint, staleRegion);
+ bool drawingStale = !aRegionToPaint.IsEmpty();
+ if (!drawingStale) {
+ aRegionToPaint = aInvalidRegion;
+ }
+ // Prioritise tiles that are currently visible on the screen.
+ bool paintingVisible = false;
+ if (aRegionToPaint.Intersects(coherentUpdateRect)) {
+ aRegionToPaint.And(aRegionToPaint, coherentUpdateRect);
+ paintingVisible = true;
+ }
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update final paint region %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(aRegionToPaint).c_str());
+ // Paint area that's visible and overlaps previously valid content to avoid
+ // visible glitches in animated elements, such as gifs.
+ bool paintInSingleTransaction =
+ paintingVisible && (drawingStale || aPaintData->mFirstPaint);
+ "TILING %p: paintingVisible %d drawingStale %d firstPaint %d "
+ "singleTransaction %d\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, paintingVisible, drawingStale, aPaintData->mFirstPaint,
+ paintInSingleTransaction);
+ // The following code decides what order to draw tiles in, based on the
+ // current scroll direction of the primary scrollable layer.
+ NS_ASSERTION(!aRegionToPaint.IsEmpty(), "Unexpectedly empty paint region!");
+ IntRect paintBounds = aRegionToPaint.GetBounds();
+ int startX, incX, startY, incY;
+ gfx::IntSize scaledTileSize = GetScaledTileSize();
+ if (aPaintData->mScrollOffset.x >= aPaintData->mLastScrollOffset.x) {
+ startX = RoundDownToTileEdge(paintBounds.X(), scaledTileSize.width);
+ incX = scaledTileSize.width;
+ } else {
+ startX = RoundDownToTileEdge(paintBounds.XMost() - 1, scaledTileSize.width);
+ incX = -scaledTileSize.width;
+ }
+ if (aPaintData->mScrollOffset.y >= aPaintData->mLastScrollOffset.y) {
+ startY = RoundDownToTileEdge(paintBounds.Y(), scaledTileSize.height);
+ incY = scaledTileSize.height;
+ } else {
+ startY =
+ RoundDownToTileEdge(paintBounds.YMost() - 1, scaledTileSize.height);
+ incY = -scaledTileSize.height;
+ }
+ // Find a tile to draw.
+ IntRect tileBounds(startX, startY, scaledTileSize.width,
+ scaledTileSize.height);
+ int32_t scrollDiffX =
+ aPaintData->mScrollOffset.x - aPaintData->mLastScrollOffset.x;
+ int32_t scrollDiffY =
+ aPaintData->mScrollOffset.y - aPaintData->mLastScrollOffset.y;
+ // This loop will always terminate, as there is at least one tile area
+ // along the first/last row/column intersecting with regionToPaint, or its
+ // bounds would have been smaller.
+ while (true) {
+ aRegionToPaint.And(aInvalidRegion, tileBounds);
+ if (!aRegionToPaint.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (mResolution != 1) {
+ // Paint the entire tile for low-res. This is aimed to fixing low-res
+ // resampling and to avoid doing costly region accurate painting for a
+ // small area.
+ aRegionToPaint = tileBounds;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Abs(scrollDiffY) >= Abs(scrollDiffX)) {
+ tileBounds.MoveByX(incX);
+ } else {
+ tileBounds.MoveByY(incY);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!aRegionToPaint.Contains(aInvalidRegion)) {
+ // The region needed to paint is larger then our progressive chunk size
+ // therefore update what we want to paint and ask for a new paint
+ // transaction.
+ // If we need to draw more than one tile to maintain coherency, make
+ // sure it happens in the same transaction by requesting this work be
+ // repeated immediately.
+ // If this is unnecessary, the remaining work will be done tile-by-tile in
+ // subsequent transactions. The caller code is responsible for scheduling
+ // the subsequent transactions as long as we don't set the mPaintFinished
+ // flag to true.
+ return (!drawingLowPrecision && paintInSingleTransaction);
+ }
+ // We're not repeating painting and we've not requested a repeat transaction,
+ // so the paint is finished. If there's still a separate low precision
+ // paint to do, it will get marked as unfinished later.
+ aPaintData->mPaintFinished = true;
+ return false;
+bool ClientMultiTiledLayerBuffer::ProgressiveUpdate(
+ const nsIntRegion& aValidRegion, const nsIntRegion& aInvalidRegion,
+ const nsIntRegion& aOldValidRegion, nsIntRegion& aOutDrawnRegion,
+ BasicTiledLayerPaintData* aPaintData,
+ LayerManager::DrawPaintedLayerCallback aCallback, void* aCallbackData) {
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update valid region %s\n", &mPaintedLayer,
+ Stringify(aValidRegion).c_str());
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update invalid region %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(aInvalidRegion).c_str());
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update old valid region %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(aOldValidRegion).c_str());
+ bool repeat = false;
+ bool isBufferChanged = false;
+ nsIntRegion remainingInvalidRegion = aInvalidRegion;
+ nsIntRegion updatedValidRegion = aValidRegion;
+ do {
+ // Compute the region that should be updated. Repeat as many times as
+ // is required.
+ nsIntRegion regionToPaint;
+ repeat =
+ ComputeProgressiveUpdateRegion(remainingInvalidRegion, aOldValidRegion,
+ regionToPaint, aPaintData, repeat);
+ "TILING %p: Progressive update computed paint region %s repeat %d\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(regionToPaint).c_str(), repeat);
+ // There's no further work to be done.
+ if (regionToPaint.IsEmpty()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ isBufferChanged = true;
+ // Keep track of what we're about to refresh.
+ aOutDrawnRegion.OrWith(regionToPaint);
+ updatedValidRegion.OrWith(regionToPaint);
+ // aValidRegion may have been altered by InvalidateRegion, but we still
+ // want to display stale content until it gets progressively updated.
+ // Create a region that includes stale content.
+ nsIntRegion validOrStale;
+ validOrStale.Or(updatedValidRegion, aOldValidRegion);
+ // Paint the computed region and subtract it from the invalid region.
+ PaintThebes(validOrStale, regionToPaint, remainingInvalidRegion, aCallback,
+ aCallbackData, TilePaintFlags::Progressive);
+ remainingInvalidRegion.SubOut(regionToPaint);
+ } while (repeat);
+ "TILING %p: Progressive update final valid region %s buffer changed %d\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(updatedValidRegion).c_str(), isBufferChanged);
+ TILING_LOG("TILING %p: Progressive update final invalid region %s\n",
+ &mPaintedLayer, Stringify(remainingInvalidRegion).c_str());
+ // Return false if nothing has been drawn, or give what has been drawn
+ // to the shadow layer to upload.
+ return isBufferChanged;
+} // namespace layers
+} // namespace mozilla