path: root/gfx/layers/mlgpu/MLGPUScreenshotGrabber.cpp
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1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/layers/mlgpu/MLGPUScreenshotGrabber.cpp b/gfx/layers/mlgpu/MLGPUScreenshotGrabber.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01ca9dbf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/layers/mlgpu/MLGPUScreenshotGrabber.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "MLGPUScreenshotGrabber.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
+#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/layers/ProfilerScreenshots.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Swizzle.h"
+#include "mozilla/ProfilerMarkers.h"
+#include "SharedBufferMLGPU.h"
+#include "ShaderDefinitionsMLGPU.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+namespace mozilla {
+using namespace gfx;
+namespace layers {
+using namespace mlg;
+ * The actual implementation of screenshot grabbing.
+ * The MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl object is destroyed if the profiler is
+ * disabled and MaybeGrabScreenshot notices it.
+ */
+class MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl final {
+ public:
+ explicit MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl(const IntSize& aReadbackTextureSize);
+ ~MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl();
+ void GrabScreenshot(MLGDevice* aDevice, MLGTexture* aTexture);
+ void ProcessQueue();
+ private:
+ struct QueueItem final {
+ mozilla::TimeStamp mTimeStamp;
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> mScreenshotReadbackTexture;
+ gfx::IntSize mScreenshotSize;
+ gfx::IntSize mWindowSize;
+ RefPtr<MLGDevice> mDevice;
+ uintptr_t mWindowIdentifier;
+ };
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> ScaleDownWindowTargetToSize(MLGDevice* aCompositor,
+ const gfx::IntSize& aDestSize,
+ MLGTexture* aWindowTarget,
+ size_t aLevel);
+ struct CachedLevel {
+ RefPtr<MLGRenderTarget> mRenderTarget;
+ RefPtr<MLGBuffer> mVertexBuffer;
+ RefPtr<MLGBuffer> mWorldConstants;
+ };
+ bool BlitTexture(MLGDevice* aDevice, CachedLevel& aDest, MLGTexture* aSource,
+ const IntSize& aSourceSize, const IntSize& aDestSize);
+ already_AddRefed<MLGTexture> TakeNextReadbackTexture(MLGDevice* aCompositor);
+ void ReturnReadbackTexture(MLGTexture* aReadbackTexture);
+ nsTArray<CachedLevel> mCachedLevels;
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<MLGTexture>> mAvailableReadbackTextures;
+ Maybe<QueueItem> mCurrentFrameQueueItem;
+ nsTArray<QueueItem> mQueue;
+ RefPtr<ProfilerScreenshots> mProfilerScreenshots;
+ const IntSize mReadbackTextureSize;
+MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::MLGPUScreenshotGrabber() = default;
+MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::~MLGPUScreenshotGrabber() = default;
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::MaybeGrabScreenshot(MLGDevice* aDevice,
+ MLGTexture* aTexture) {
+ if (ProfilerScreenshots::IsEnabled()) {
+ if (!mImpl) {
+ mImpl = MakeUnique<MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl>(
+ ProfilerScreenshots::ScreenshotSize());
+ }
+ mImpl->GrabScreenshot(aDevice, aTexture);
+ } else if (mImpl) {
+ Destroy();
+ }
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::MaybeProcessQueue() {
+ if (ProfilerScreenshots::IsEnabled()) {
+ if (!mImpl) {
+ mImpl = MakeUnique<MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl>(
+ ProfilerScreenshots::ScreenshotSize());
+ }
+ mImpl->ProcessQueue();
+ } else if (mImpl) {
+ Destroy();
+ }
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::NotifyEmptyFrame() {
+ PROFILER_MARKER_UNTYPED("NoCompositorScreenshot because nothing changed",
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabber::Destroy() { mImpl = nullptr; }
+ const IntSize& aReadbackTextureSize)
+ : mReadbackTextureSize(aReadbackTextureSize) {}
+MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::~MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl() {
+ // Any queue items in mQueue or mCurrentFrameQueueItem will be lost.
+ // That's ok: Either the profiler has stopped and we don't care about these
+ // screenshots, or the window is closing and we don't really need the last
+ // few frames from the window.
+// Scale down aWindowTexture into a MLGTexture of size
+// mReadbackTextureSize * (1 << aLevel) and return that MLGTexture.
+// Don't scale down by more than a factor of 2 with a single scaling operation,
+// because it'll look bad. If higher scales are needed, use another
+// intermediate target by calling this function recursively with aLevel + 1.
+RefPtr<MLGTexture> MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::ScaleDownWindowTargetToSize(
+ MLGDevice* aDevice, const IntSize& aDestSize, MLGTexture* aWindowTexture,
+ size_t aLevel) {
+ aDevice->SetScissorRect(Nothing());
+ aDevice->SetDepthTestMode(MLGDepthTestMode::Disabled);
+ aDevice->SetTopology(MLGPrimitiveTopology::UnitQuad);
+ // DiagnosticText happens to be the simplest shader we have to draw a quad.
+ aDevice->SetVertexShader(VertexShaderID::DiagnosticText);
+ aDevice->SetPixelShader(PixelShaderID::DiagnosticText);
+ aDevice->SetBlendState(MLGBlendState::Copy);
+ aDevice->SetSamplerMode(0, SamplerMode::LinearClamp);
+ if (aLevel == mCachedLevels.Length()) {
+ RefPtr<MLGRenderTarget> rt =
+ aDevice->CreateRenderTarget(mReadbackTextureSize * (1 << aLevel));
+ mCachedLevels.AppendElement(CachedLevel{rt, nullptr, nullptr});
+ }
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aLevel < mCachedLevels.Length());
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> sourceTarget = aWindowTexture;
+ IntSize sourceSize = aWindowTexture->GetSize();
+ if (aWindowTexture->GetSize().width > aDestSize.width * 2) {
+ sourceSize = aDestSize * 2;
+ sourceTarget = ScaleDownWindowTargetToSize(aDevice, sourceSize,
+ aWindowTexture, aLevel + 1);
+ }
+ if (sourceTarget) {
+ if (BlitTexture(aDevice, mCachedLevels[aLevel], sourceTarget, sourceSize,
+ aDestSize)) {
+ return mCachedLevels[aLevel].mRenderTarget->GetTexture();
+ }
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+bool MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::BlitTexture(MLGDevice* aDevice,
+ CachedLevel& aLevel,
+ MLGTexture* aSource,
+ const IntSize& aSourceSize,
+ const IntSize& aDestSize) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aLevel.mRenderTarget);
+ MLGRenderTarget* rt = aLevel.mRenderTarget;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aDestSize <= rt->GetSize());
+ struct TextureRect {
+ Rect bounds;
+ Rect texCoords;
+ };
+ if (!aLevel.mVertexBuffer) {
+ TextureRect rect;
+ rect.bounds = Rect(Point(), Size(aDestSize));
+ rect.texCoords =
+ Rect(0.0, 0.0, Float(aSourceSize.width) / aSource->GetSize().width,
+ Float(aSourceSize.height) / aSource->GetSize().height);
+ VertexStagingBuffer instances;
+ if (!instances.AppendItem(rect)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ RefPtr<MLGBuffer> vertices = aDevice->CreateBuffer(
+ MLGBufferType::Vertex, instances.NumItems() * instances.SizeOfItem(),
+ MLGUsage::Immutable, instances.GetBufferStart());
+ if (!vertices) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ aLevel.mVertexBuffer = vertices;
+ }
+ if (!aLevel.mWorldConstants) {
+ WorldConstants vsConstants;
+ Matrix4x4 projection = Matrix4x4::Translation(-1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ projection.PreScale(2.0 / float(rt->GetSize().width),
+ 2.0 / float(rt->GetSize().height), 1.0f);
+ projection.PreScale(1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
+ memcpy(vsConstants.projection, &projection._11, 64);
+ vsConstants.targetOffset = Point();
+ vsConstants.sortIndexOffset = 0;
+ vsConstants.debugFrameNumber = 0;
+ aLevel.mWorldConstants =
+ aDevice->CreateBuffer(MLGBufferType::Constant, sizeof(vsConstants),
+ MLGUsage::Immutable, &vsConstants);
+ if (!aLevel.mWorldConstants) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ aDevice->SetRenderTarget(rt);
+ aDevice->SetPSTexture(0, aSource);
+ aDevice->SetViewport(IntRect(IntPoint(0, 0), rt->GetSize()));
+ aDevice->SetVertexBuffer(1, aLevel.mVertexBuffer, sizeof(TextureRect));
+ aDevice->SetVSConstantBuffer(kWorldConstantBufferSlot,
+ aLevel.mWorldConstants);
+ aDevice->DrawInstanced(4, 1, 0, 0);
+ return true;
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::GrabScreenshot(MLGDevice* aDevice,
+ MLGTexture* aTexture) {
+ Size windowSize(aTexture->GetSize());
+ float scale = std::min(mReadbackTextureSize.width / windowSize.width,
+ mReadbackTextureSize.height / windowSize.height);
+ IntSize scaledSize = IntSize::Round(windowSize * scale);
+ // The initial target is non-GPU readable. This copy could probably be
+ // avoided if we had created the swap chain differently. However we
+ // don't know if that may inadvertently affect performance in the
+ // non-profiling case.
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> windowTexture = aDevice->CreateTexture(
+ aTexture->GetSize(), SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8, MLGUsage::Default,
+ MLGTextureFlags::ShaderResource);
+ aDevice->CopyTexture(windowTexture, IntPoint(), aTexture,
+ IntRect(IntPoint(), aTexture->GetSize()));
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> scaledTarget =
+ ScaleDownWindowTargetToSize(aDevice, scaledSize, windowTexture, 0);
+ if (!scaledTarget) {
+ "NoCompositorScreenshot because ScaleDownWindowTargetToSize failed",
+ return;
+ }
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> readbackTexture = TakeNextReadbackTexture(aDevice);
+ if (!readbackTexture) {
+ "NoCompositorScreenshot because AsyncReadbackReadbackTexture creation "
+ "failed",
+ return;
+ }
+ aDevice->CopyTexture(readbackTexture, IntPoint(), scaledTarget,
+ IntRect(IntPoint(), mReadbackTextureSize));
+ // This QueueItem will be added to the queue at the end of the next call to
+ // ProcessQueue(). This ensures that the ReadbackTexture isn't mapped into
+ // main memory until the next frame. If we did it in this frame, we'd block on
+ // the GPU.
+ mCurrentFrameQueueItem =
+ Some(QueueItem{TimeStamp::Now(), std::move(readbackTexture), scaledSize,
+ aTexture->GetSize(), aDevice,
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(static_cast<void*>(this))});
+MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::TakeNextReadbackTexture(MLGDevice* aDevice) {
+ if (!mAvailableReadbackTextures.IsEmpty()) {
+ RefPtr<MLGTexture> readbackTexture = mAvailableReadbackTextures[0];
+ mAvailableReadbackTextures.RemoveElementAt(0);
+ return readbackTexture.forget();
+ }
+ return aDevice
+ ->CreateTexture(mReadbackTextureSize, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8,
+ MLGUsage::Staging, MLGTextureFlags::None)
+ .forget();
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::ReturnReadbackTexture(
+ MLGTexture* aReadbackTexture) {
+ mAvailableReadbackTextures.AppendElement(aReadbackTexture);
+void MLGPUScreenshotGrabberImpl::ProcessQueue() {
+ if (!mQueue.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (!mProfilerScreenshots) {
+ mProfilerScreenshots = new ProfilerScreenshots();
+ }
+ for (const auto& item : mQueue) {
+ mProfilerScreenshots->SubmitScreenshot(
+ item.mWindowIdentifier, item.mWindowSize, item.mScreenshotSize,
+ item.mTimeStamp, [&item](DataSourceSurface* aTargetSurface) {
+ MLGMappedResource map;
+ if (!item.mDevice->Map(item.mScreenshotReadbackTexture,
+ MLGMapType::READ, &map)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ DataSourceSurface::ScopedMap destMap(aTargetSurface,
+ DataSourceSurface::WRITE);
+ bool result =
+ SwizzleData(map.mData, map.mStride, SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8,
+ destMap.GetData(), destMap.GetStride(),
+ aTargetSurface->GetFormat(), item.mScreenshotSize);
+ item.mDevice->Unmap(item.mScreenshotReadbackTexture);
+ return result;
+ });
+ ReturnReadbackTexture(item.mScreenshotReadbackTexture);
+ }
+ }
+ mQueue.Clear();
+ if (mCurrentFrameQueueItem) {
+ mQueue.AppendElement(std::move(*mCurrentFrameQueueItem));
+ mCurrentFrameQueueItem = Nothing();
+ }
+} // namespace layers
+} // namespace mozilla