path: root/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatformGtk.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/thebes/gfxPlatformGtk.cpp')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatformGtk.cpp b/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatformGtk.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05125b999a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatformGtk.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "gfxPlatformGtk.h"
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <fontconfig/fontconfig.h>
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "base/thread.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "cairo.h"
+#include "gfx2DGlue.h"
+#include "gfxFcPlatformFontList.h"
+#include "gfxConfig.h"
+#include "gfxContext.h"
+#include "gfxImageSurface.h"
+#include "gfxUserFontSet.h"
+#include "gfxUtils.h"
+#include "gfxFT2FontBase.h"
+#include "gfxTextRun.h"
+#include "GLContextProvider.h"
+#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
+#include "mozilla/FontPropertyTypes.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/2D.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Logging.h"
+#include "mozilla/Monitor.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_layers.h"
+#include "nsAppRunner.h"
+#include "nsIGfxInfo.h"
+#include "nsMathUtils.h"
+#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
+#include "nsUnicodeProperties.h"
+#include "VsyncSource.h"
+#ifdef MOZ_X11
+# include <gdk/gdkx.h>
+# include "cairo-xlib.h"
+# include "gfxXlibSurface.h"
+# include "GLContextGLX.h"
+# include "GLXLibrary.h"
+# include "mozilla/X11Util.h"
+/* Undefine the Status from Xlib since it will conflict with system headers on
+ * OSX */
+# if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(Status)
+# undef Status
+# endif
+#endif /* MOZ_X11 */
+# include <gdk/gdkwayland.h>
+# include "mozilla/widget/nsWaylandDisplay.h"
+# include "mozilla/widget/DMABufLibWrapper.h"
+# include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_media.h"
+#define GDK_PIXMAP_SIZE_MAX 32767
+ "gfx.font_rendering.fontconfig.max_generic_substitutions"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::gfx;
+using namespace mozilla::unicode;
+using namespace mozilla::widget;
+using mozilla::dom::SystemFontListEntry;
+static FT_Library gPlatformFTLibrary = nullptr;
+static int32_t sDPI;
+static void screen_resolution_changed(GdkScreen* aScreen, GParamSpec* aPspec,
+ gpointer aClosure) {
+ sDPI = 0;
+gfxPlatformGtk::gfxPlatformGtk() {
+ if (!gfxPlatform::IsHeadless()) {
+ gtk_init(nullptr, nullptr);
+ }
+ mMaxGenericSubstitutions = UNINITIALIZED_VALUE;
+ mIsX11Display = gfxPlatform::IsHeadless()
+ ? false
+ : GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default());
+ if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) {
+#ifdef MOZ_X11
+ if (mIsX11Display && mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("gfx.xrender.enabled")) {
+ gfxVars::SetUseXRender(true);
+ }
+ bool useEGLOnX11 = false;
+#ifdef MOZ_X11
+ useEGLOnX11 = IsX11EGLEnabled();
+ if (IsWaylandDisplay() || useEGLOnX11) {
+ gfxVars::SetUseEGL(true);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIGfxInfo> gfxInfo = services::GetGfxInfo();
+ nsAutoCString drmRenderDevice;
+ gfxInfo->GetDrmRenderDevice(drmRenderDevice);
+ gfxVars::SetDrmRenderDevice(drmRenderDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ InitBackendPrefs(GetBackendPrefs());
+ mUseWebGLDmabufBackend =
+ gfxVars::UseEGL() && GetDMABufDevice()->IsDMABufWebGLEnabled();
+ gPlatformFTLibrary = Factory::NewFTLibrary();
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(gPlatformFTLibrary);
+ Factory::SetFTLibrary(gPlatformFTLibrary);
+ GdkScreen* gdkScreen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ if (gdkScreen) {
+ g_signal_connect(gdkScreen, "notify::resolution",
+ G_CALLBACK(screen_resolution_changed), nullptr);
+ }
+gfxPlatformGtk::~gfxPlatformGtk() {
+ Factory::ReleaseFTLibrary(gPlatformFTLibrary);
+ gPlatformFTLibrary = nullptr;
+void gfxPlatformGtk::FlushContentDrawing() {
+ if (gfxVars::UseXRender()) {
+ XFlush(DefaultXDisplay());
+ }
+void gfxPlatformGtk::InitPlatformGPUProcessPrefs() {
+ if (IsWaylandDisplay()) {
+ FeatureState& gpuProc = gfxConfig::GetFeature(Feature::GPU_PROCESS);
+ gpuProc.ForceDisable(FeatureStatus::Blocked,
+ "Wayland does not work in the GPU process",
+ }
+already_AddRefed<gfxASurface> gfxPlatformGtk::CreateOffscreenSurface(
+ const IntSize& aSize, gfxImageFormat aFormat) {
+ if (!Factory::AllowedSurfaceSize(aSize)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RefPtr<gfxASurface> newSurface;
+ bool needsClear = true;
+#ifdef MOZ_X11
+ // XXX we really need a different interface here, something that passes
+ // in more context, including the display and/or target surface type that
+ // we should try to match
+ GdkScreen* gdkScreen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ if (gdkScreen) {
+ // When forcing PaintedLayers to use image surfaces for content,
+ // force creation of gfxImageSurface surfaces.
+ if (gfxVars::UseXRender() && !UseImageOffscreenSurfaces()) {
+ Screen* screen = gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen(gdkScreen);
+ XRenderPictFormat* xrenderFormat =
+ gfxXlibSurface::FindRenderFormat(DisplayOfScreen(screen), aFormat);
+ if (xrenderFormat) {
+ newSurface = gfxXlibSurface::Create(screen, xrenderFormat, aSize);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We're not going to use XRender, so we don't need to
+ // search for a render format
+ newSurface = new gfxImageSurface(aSize, aFormat);
+ // The gfxImageSurface ctor zeroes this for us, no need to
+ // waste time clearing again
+ needsClear = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!newSurface) {
+ // We couldn't create a native surface for whatever reason;
+ // e.g., no display, no RENDER, bad size, etc.
+ // Fall back to image surface for the data.
+ newSurface = new gfxImageSurface(aSize, aFormat);
+ }
+ if (newSurface->CairoStatus()) {
+ newSurface = nullptr; // surface isn't valid for some reason
+ }
+ if (newSurface && needsClear) {
+ gfxUtils::ClearThebesSurface(newSurface);
+ }
+ return newSurface.forget();
+nsresult gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontList(nsAtom* aLangGroup,
+ const nsACString& aGenericFamily,
+ nsTArray<nsString>& aListOfFonts) {
+ gfxPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList()->GetFontList(
+ aLangGroup, aGenericFamily, aListOfFonts);
+ return NS_OK;
+// xxx - this is ubuntu centric, need to go through other distros and flesh
+// out a more general list
+static const char kFontDejaVuSans[] = "DejaVu Sans";
+static const char kFontDejaVuSerif[] = "DejaVu Serif";
+static const char kFontFreeSans[] = "FreeSans";
+static const char kFontFreeSerif[] = "FreeSerif";
+static const char kFontTakaoPGothic[] = "TakaoPGothic";
+static const char kFontTwemojiMozilla[] = "Twemoji Mozilla";
+static const char kFontDroidSansFallback[] = "Droid Sans Fallback";
+static const char kFontWenQuanYiMicroHei[] = "WenQuanYi Micro Hei";
+static const char kFontNanumGothic[] = "NanumGothic";
+static const char kFontSymbola[] = "Symbola";
+void gfxPlatformGtk::GetCommonFallbackFonts(uint32_t aCh, Script aRunScript,
+ eFontPresentation aPresentation,
+ nsTArray<const char*>& aFontList) {
+ if (PrefersColor(aPresentation)) {
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontTwemojiMozilla);
+ }
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontDejaVuSerif);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontFreeSerif);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontDejaVuSans);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontFreeSans);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontSymbola);
+ // add fonts for CJK ranges
+ // xxx - this isn't really correct, should use the same CJK font ordering
+ // as the pref font code
+ if (aCh >= 0x3000 && ((aCh < 0xe000) || (aCh >= 0xf900 && aCh < 0xfff0) ||
+ ((aCh >> 16) == 2))) {
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontTakaoPGothic);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontDroidSansFallback);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontWenQuanYiMicroHei);
+ aFontList.AppendElement(kFontNanumGothic);
+ }
+void gfxPlatformGtk::ReadSystemFontList(
+ nsTArray<SystemFontListEntry>* retValue) {
+ gfxFcPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList()->ReadSystemFontList(retValue);
+gfxPlatformFontList* gfxPlatformGtk::CreatePlatformFontList() {
+ gfxPlatformFontList* list = new gfxFcPlatformFontList();
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(list->InitFontList())) {
+ return list;
+ }
+ gfxPlatformFontList::Shutdown();
+ return nullptr;
+int32_t gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontScaleDPI() {
+ if (MOZ_LIKELY(sDPI != 0)) {
+ return sDPI;
+ }
+ GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ // Ensure settings in config files are processed.
+ gtk_settings_get_for_screen(screen);
+ int32_t dpi = int32_t(round(gdk_screen_get_resolution(screen)));
+ if (dpi <= 0) {
+ // Fall back to something sane
+ dpi = 96;
+ }
+ sDPI = dpi;
+ return dpi;
+double gfxPlatformGtk::GetFontScaleFactor() {
+ // Integer scale factors work well with GTK window scaling, image scaling, and
+ // pixel alignment, but there is a range where 1 is too small and 2 is too
+ // big.
+ //
+ // An additional step of 1.5 is added because this is common scale on WINNT
+ // and at this ratio the advantages of larger rendering outweigh the
+ // disadvantages from scaling and pixel mis-alignment.
+ //
+ // A similar step for 1.25 is added as well, because this is the scale that
+ // "Large text" settings use in gnome, and it seems worth to allow, especially
+ // on already-hidpi environments.
+ int32_t dpi = GetFontScaleDPI();
+ if (dpi < 120) {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ if (dpi < 132) {
+ return 1.25;
+ }
+ if (dpi < 168) {
+ return 1.5;
+ }
+ return round(dpi / 96.0);
+bool gfxPlatformGtk::UseImageOffscreenSurfaces() {
+ return GetDefaultContentBackend() != mozilla::gfx::BackendType::CAIRO ||
+ StaticPrefs::layers_use_image_offscreen_surfaces_AtStartup();
+gfxImageFormat gfxPlatformGtk::GetOffscreenFormat() {
+ // Make sure there is a screen
+ GdkScreen* screen = gdk_screen_get_default();
+ if (screen && gdk_visual_get_depth(gdk_visual_get_system()) == 16) {
+ return SurfaceFormat::R5G6B5_UINT16;
+ }
+ return SurfaceFormat::X8R8G8B8_UINT32;
+void gfxPlatformGtk::FontsPrefsChanged(const char* aPref) {
+ // only checking for generic substitions, pass other changes up
+ gfxPlatform::FontsPrefsChanged(aPref);
+ return;
+ }
+ mMaxGenericSubstitutions = UNINITIALIZED_VALUE;
+ gfxFcPlatformFontList* pfl = gfxFcPlatformFontList::PlatformFontList();
+ pfl->ClearGenericMappings();
+ FlushFontAndWordCaches();
+uint32_t gfxPlatformGtk::MaxGenericSubstitions() {
+ if (mMaxGenericSubstitutions == UNINITIALIZED_VALUE) {
+ mMaxGenericSubstitutions =
+ if (mMaxGenericSubstitutions < 0) {
+ mMaxGenericSubstitutions = 3;
+ }
+ }
+ return uint32_t(mMaxGenericSubstitutions);
+bool gfxPlatformGtk::AccelerateLayersByDefault() { return true; }
+#if defined(MOZ_X11)
+static nsTArray<uint8_t> GetDisplayICCProfile(Display* dpy, Window& root) {
+ const char kIccProfileAtomName[] = "_ICC_PROFILE";
+ Atom iccAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, kIccProfileAtomName, TRUE);
+ if (!iccAtom) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ Atom retAtom;
+ int retFormat;
+ unsigned long retLength, retAfter;
+ unsigned char* retProperty;
+ if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, root, iccAtom, 0, INT_MAX /* length */, X11False,
+ AnyPropertyType, &retAtom, &retFormat, &retLength,
+ &retAfter, &retProperty) != Success) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> result;
+ if (retLength > 0) {
+ result.AppendElements(static_cast<uint8_t*>(retProperty), retLength);
+ }
+ XFree(retProperty);
+ return result;
+nsTArray<uint8_t> gfxPlatformGtk::GetPlatformCMSOutputProfileData() {
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> prefProfileData = GetPrefCMSOutputProfileData();
+ if (!prefProfileData.IsEmpty()) {
+ return prefProfileData;
+ }
+ if (!mIsX11Display) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ GdkDisplay* display = gdk_display_get_default();
+ Display* dpy = GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(display);
+ // In xpcshell tests, we never initialize X and hence don't have a Display.
+ // In this case, there's no output colour management to be done, so we just
+ // return with nullptr.
+ if (!dpy) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ Window root = gdk_x11_get_default_root_xwindow();
+ // First try ICC Profile
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> iccResult = GetDisplayICCProfile(dpy, root);
+ if (!iccResult.IsEmpty()) {
+ return iccResult;
+ }
+ // If ICC doesn't work, then try EDID
+ const char kEdid1AtomName[] = "XFree86_DDC_EDID1_RAWDATA";
+ Atom edidAtom = XInternAtom(dpy, kEdid1AtomName, TRUE);
+ if (!edidAtom) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ Atom retAtom;
+ int retFormat;
+ unsigned long retLength, retAfter;
+ unsigned char* retProperty;
+ if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, root, edidAtom, 0, 32, X11False, AnyPropertyType,
+ &retAtom, &retFormat, &retLength, &retAfter,
+ &retProperty) != Success) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ if (retLength != 128) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ // Format documented in "VESA E-EDID Implementation Guide"
+ float gamma = (100 + retProperty[0x17]) / 100.0f;
+ qcms_CIE_xyY whitePoint;
+ whitePoint.x =
+ ((retProperty[0x21] << 2) | (retProperty[0x1a] >> 2 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ whitePoint.y =
+ ((retProperty[0x22] << 2) | (retProperty[0x1a] >> 0 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ whitePoint.Y = 1.0;
+ qcms_CIE_xyYTRIPLE primaries;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x1b] << 2) | (retProperty[0x19] >> 6 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x1c] << 2) | (retProperty[0x19] >> 4 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ = 1.0;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x1d] << 2) | (retProperty[0x19] >> 2 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x1e] << 2) | (retProperty[0x19] >> 0 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ = 1.0;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x1f] << 2) | (retProperty[0x1a] >> 6 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ =
+ ((retProperty[0x20] << 2) | (retProperty[0x1a] >> 4 & 3)) / 1024.0;
+ = 1.0;
+ XFree(retProperty);
+ void* mem = nullptr;
+ size_t size = 0;
+ qcms_data_create_rgb_with_gamma(whitePoint, primaries, gamma, &mem, &size);
+ if (!mem) {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+ }
+ nsTArray<uint8_t> result;
+ result.AppendElements(static_cast<uint8_t*>(mem), size);
+ free(mem);
+ return result;
+#else // defined(MOZ_X11)
+nsTArray<uint8_t> gfxPlatformGtk::GetPlatformCMSOutputProfileData() {
+ return nsTArray<uint8_t>();
+bool gfxPlatformGtk::CheckVariationFontSupport() {
+ // Although there was some variation/multiple-master support in FreeType
+ // in older versions, it seems too incomplete/unstable for us to use
+ // until at least 2.7.1.
+ FT_Int major, minor, patch;
+ FT_Library_Version(Factory::GetFTLibrary(), &major, &minor, &patch);
+ return major * 1000000 + minor * 1000 + patch >= 2007001;
+#ifdef MOZ_X11
+class GtkVsyncSource final : public VsyncSource {
+ public:
+ GtkVsyncSource() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ mGlobalDisplay = new GLXDisplay();
+ }
+ virtual ~GtkVsyncSource() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); }
+ virtual Display& GetGlobalDisplay() override { return *mGlobalDisplay; }
+ class GLXDisplay final : public VsyncSource::Display {
+ public:
+ GLXDisplay()
+ : mGLContext(nullptr),
+ mXDisplay(nullptr),
+ mSetupLock("GLXVsyncSetupLock"),
+ mVsyncThread("GLXVsyncThread"),
+ mVsyncTask(nullptr),
+ mVsyncEnabledLock("GLXVsyncEnabledLock"),
+ mVsyncEnabled(false) {}
+ // Sets up the display's GL context on a worker thread.
+ // Required as GLContexts may only be used by the creating thread.
+ // Returns true if setup was a success.
+ bool Setup() {
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mSetupLock);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (!mVsyncThread.Start()) return false;
+ RefPtr<Runnable> vsyncSetup =
+ NewRunnableMethod("GtkVsyncSource::GLXDisplay::SetupGLContext", this,
+ &GLXDisplay::SetupGLContext);
+ mVsyncThread.message_loop()->PostTask(vsyncSetup.forget());
+ // Wait until the setup has completed.
+ lock.Wait();
+ return mGLContext != nullptr;
+ }
+ // Called on the Vsync thread to setup the GL context.
+ void SetupGLContext() {
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mSetupLock);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mGLContext, "GLContext already setup!");
+ // Create video sync timer on a separate Display to prevent locking the
+ // main thread X display.
+ mXDisplay = XOpenDisplay(nullptr);
+ if (!mXDisplay) {
+ lock.NotifyAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Most compositors wait for vsync events on the root window.
+ Window root = DefaultRootWindow(mXDisplay);
+ int screen = DefaultScreen(mXDisplay);
+ ScopedXFree<GLXFBConfig> cfgs;
+ GLXFBConfig config;
+ int visid;
+ bool forWebRender = false;
+ if (!gl::GLContextGLX::FindFBConfigForWindow(
+ mXDisplay, screen, root, &cfgs, &config, &visid, forWebRender)) {
+ lock.NotifyAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ mGLContext = gl::GLContextGLX::CreateGLContext({}, mXDisplay, root,
+ config, false, nullptr);
+ if (!mGLContext) {
+ lock.NotifyAll();
+ return;
+ }
+ mGLContext->MakeCurrent();
+ // Test that SGI_video_sync lets us get the counter.
+ unsigned int syncCounter = 0;
+ if (gl::sGLXLibrary.fGetVideoSync(&syncCounter) != 0) {
+ mGLContext = nullptr;
+ }
+ lock.NotifyAll();
+ }
+ virtual void EnableVsync() override {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mGLContext, "GLContext not setup!");
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mVsyncEnabledLock);
+ if (mVsyncEnabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mVsyncEnabled = true;
+ // If the task has not nulled itself out, it hasn't yet realized
+ // that vsync was disabled earlier, so continue its execution.
+ if (!mVsyncTask) {
+ mVsyncTask = NewRunnableMethod("GtkVsyncSource::GLXDisplay::RunVsync",
+ this, &GLXDisplay::RunVsync);
+ RefPtr<Runnable> addrefedTask = mVsyncTask;
+ mVsyncThread.message_loop()->PostTask(addrefedTask.forget());
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void DisableVsync() override {
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mVsyncEnabledLock);
+ mVsyncEnabled = false;
+ }
+ virtual bool IsVsyncEnabled() override {
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mVsyncEnabledLock);
+ return mVsyncEnabled;
+ }
+ virtual void Shutdown() override {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ DisableVsync();
+ // Cleanup thread-specific resources before shutting down.
+ RefPtr<Runnable> shutdownTask = NewRunnableMethod(
+ "GtkVsyncSource::GLXDisplay::Cleanup", this, &GLXDisplay::Cleanup);
+ mVsyncThread.message_loop()->PostTask(shutdownTask.forget());
+ // Stop, waiting for the cleanup task to finish execution.
+ mVsyncThread.Stop();
+ }
+ private:
+ virtual ~GLXDisplay() = default;
+ void RunVsync() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
+ mGLContext->MakeCurrent();
+ unsigned int syncCounter = 0;
+ gl::sGLXLibrary.fGetVideoSync(&syncCounter);
+ for (;;) {
+ {
+ MonitorAutoLock lock(mVsyncEnabledLock);
+ if (!mVsyncEnabled) {
+ mVsyncTask = nullptr;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ TimeStamp lastVsync = TimeStamp::Now();
+ bool useSoftware = false;
+ // Wait until the video sync counter reaches the next value by waiting
+ // until the parity of the counter value changes.
+ unsigned int nextSync = syncCounter + 1;
+ int status;
+ if ((status = gl::sGLXLibrary.fWaitVideoSync(2, nextSync % 2,
+ &syncCounter)) != 0) {
+ gfxWarningOnce() << "glXWaitVideoSync returned " << status;
+ useSoftware = true;
+ }
+ if (syncCounter == (nextSync - 1)) {
+ gfxWarningOnce()
+ << "glXWaitVideoSync failed to increment the sync counter.";
+ useSoftware = true;
+ }
+ if (useSoftware) {
+ double remaining =
+ (1000.f / 60.f) - (TimeStamp::Now() - lastVsync).ToMilliseconds();
+ if (remaining > 0) {
+ PlatformThread::Sleep(remaining);
+ }
+ }
+ lastVsync = TimeStamp::Now();
+ TimeStamp outputTime = lastVsync + GetVsyncRate();
+ NotifyVsync(lastVsync, outputTime);
+ }
+ }
+ void Cleanup() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread());
+ mGLContext = nullptr;
+ if (mXDisplay) XCloseDisplay(mXDisplay);
+ }
+ // Owned by the vsync thread.
+ RefPtr<gl::GLContextGLX> mGLContext;
+ _XDisplay* mXDisplay;
+ Monitor mSetupLock;
+ base::Thread mVsyncThread;
+ RefPtr<Runnable> mVsyncTask;
+ Monitor mVsyncEnabledLock;
+ bool mVsyncEnabled;
+ };
+ private:
+ // We need a refcounted VsyncSource::Display to use chromium IPC runnables.
+ RefPtr<GLXDisplay> mGlobalDisplay;
+already_AddRefed<gfx::VsyncSource> gfxPlatformGtk::CreateHardwareVsyncSource() {
+# ifdef MOZ_WAYLAND
+ if (IsWaylandDisplay()) {
+ // For wayland, we simply return the standard software vsync for now.
+ // This powers refresh drivers and the likes.
+ return gfxPlatform::CreateHardwareVsyncSource();
+ }
+# endif
+ // Only use GLX vsync when the OpenGL compositor / WebRedner is being used.
+ // The extra cost of initializing a GLX context while blocking the main
+ // thread is not worth it when using basic composition.
+ //
+ // Don't call gl::sGLXLibrary.SupportsVideoSync() when EGL is used.
+ // NVIDIA drivers refuse to use EGL GL context when GLX was initialized first
+ // and fail silently.
+ if (gfxConfig::IsEnabled(Feature::HW_COMPOSITING)) {
+ bool useGlxVsync = false;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIGfxInfo> gfxInfo = services::GetGfxInfo();
+ nsString adapterDriverVendor;
+ gfxInfo->GetAdapterDriverVendor(adapterDriverVendor);
+ // Nvidia doesn't support GLX at the same time as EGL but Mesa does.
+ if (!gfxVars::UseEGL() || (adapterDriverVendor.Find("mesa") != -1)) {
+ useGlxVsync = gl::sGLXLibrary.SupportsVideoSync();
+ }
+ if (useGlxVsync) {
+ RefPtr<VsyncSource> vsyncSource = new GtkVsyncSource();
+ VsyncSource::Display& display = vsyncSource->GetGlobalDisplay();
+ if (!static_cast<GtkVsyncSource::GLXDisplay&>(display).Setup()) {
+ "Failed to setup GLContext, falling back to software vsync.");
+ return gfxPlatform::CreateHardwareVsyncSource();
+ }
+ return vsyncSource.forget();
+ }
+ NS_WARNING("SGI_video_sync unsupported. Falling back to software vsync.");
+ }
+ return gfxPlatform::CreateHardwareVsyncSource();