path: root/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'gfx/webrender_bindings/src/')
1 files changed, 1766 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/ b/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c5a9434b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/webrender_bindings/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1766 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+use bindings::{GeckoProfilerThreadListener, WrCompositor};
+use gleam::{gl, gl::GLenum, gl::Gl};
+use std::cell::{Cell, UnsafeCell};
+use std::collections::{hash_map::HashMap, VecDeque};
+use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
+use std::os::raw::c_void;
+use std::ptr;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicIsize, AtomicPtr, AtomicU32, AtomicU8, Ordering};
+use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex, MutexGuard};
+use std::thread;
+use webrender::{
+ api::units::*, api::ColorDepth, api::ExternalImageId, api::ImageRendering, api::YuvColorSpace, Compositor,
+ CompositorCapabilities, CompositorSurfaceTransform, NativeSurfaceId, NativeSurfaceInfo, NativeTileId,
+ ThreadListener,
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_create_context() -> *mut c_void {
+ swgl::Context::create().into()
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_reference_context(ctx: *mut c_void) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).reference();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_destroy_context(ctx: *mut c_void) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).destroy();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_make_current(ctx: *mut c_void) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).make_current();
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_init_default_framebuffer(
+ ctx: *mut c_void,
+ x: i32,
+ y: i32,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ stride: i32,
+ buf: *mut c_void,
+) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).init_default_framebuffer(x, y, width, height, stride, buf);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_gen_texture(ctx: *mut c_void) -> u32 {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).gen_textures(1)[0]
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_delete_texture(ctx: *mut c_void, tex: u32) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).delete_textures(&[tex]);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_set_texture_parameter(ctx: *mut c_void, tex: u32, pname: u32, param: i32) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).set_texture_parameter(tex, pname, param);
+pub extern "C" fn wr_swgl_set_texture_buffer(
+ ctx: *mut c_void,
+ tex: u32,
+ internal_format: u32,
+ width: i32,
+ height: i32,
+ stride: i32,
+ buf: *mut c_void,
+ min_width: i32,
+ min_height: i32,
+) {
+ swgl::Context::from(ctx).set_texture_buffer(
+ tex,
+ internal_format,
+ width,
+ height,
+ stride,
+ buf,
+ min_width,
+ min_height,
+ );
+/// Descriptor for a locked surface that will be directly composited by SWGL.
+struct WrSWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo {
+ /// The number of YUV planes in the surface. 0 indicates non-YUV BGRA.
+ /// 1 is interleaved YUV. 2 is NV12. 3 is planar YUV.
+ yuv_planes: u32,
+ /// Textures for planes of the surface, or 0 if not applicable.
+ textures: [u32; 3],
+ /// Color space of surface if using a YUV format.
+ color_space: YuvColorSpace,
+ /// Color depth of surface if using a YUV format.
+ color_depth: ColorDepth,
+ /// The actual source surface size before transformation.
+ size: DeviceIntSize,
+extern "C" {
+ fn wr_swgl_lock_composite_surface(
+ ctx: *mut c_void,
+ external_image_id: ExternalImageId,
+ composite_info: *mut WrSWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo,
+ ) -> bool;
+ fn wr_swgl_unlock_composite_surface(ctx: *mut c_void, external_image_id: ExternalImageId);
+pub struct SwTile {
+ x: i32,
+ y: i32,
+ fbo_id: u32,
+ color_id: u32,
+ tex_id: u32,
+ pbo_id: u32,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ /// Composition of tiles must be ordered such that any tiles that may overlap
+ /// an invalidated tile in an earlier surface only get drawn after that tile
+ /// is actually updated. We store a count of the number of overlapping invalid
+ /// here, that gets decremented when the invalid tiles are finally updated so
+ /// that we know when it is finally safe to draw. Must use a Cell as we might
+ /// be analyzing multiple tiles and surfaces
+ overlaps: Cell<u32>,
+ /// Whether the tile's contents has been invalidated
+ invalid: Cell<bool>,
+ /// Graph node for job dependencies of this tile
+ graph_node: SwCompositeGraphNodeRef,
+impl SwTile {
+ fn new(x: i32, y: i32) -> Self {
+ SwTile {
+ x,
+ y,
+ fbo_id: 0,
+ color_id: 0,
+ tex_id: 0,
+ pbo_id: 0,
+ dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect::zero(),
+ valid_rect: DeviceIntRect::zero(),
+ overlaps: Cell::new(0),
+ invalid: Cell::new(false),
+ graph_node: SwCompositeGraphNode::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn origin(&self, surface: &SwSurface) -> DeviceIntPoint {
+ DeviceIntPoint::new(self.x * surface.tile_size.width, self.y * surface.tile_size.height)
+ }
+ /// Bounds used for determining overlap dependencies. This may either be the
+ /// full tile bounds or the actual valid rect, depending on whether the tile
+ /// is invalidated this frame. These bounds are more conservative as such and
+ /// may differ from the precise bounds used to actually composite the tile.
+ fn overlap_rect(
+ &self,
+ surface: &SwSurface,
+ transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ ) -> Option<DeviceIntRect> {
+ let origin = self.origin(surface);
+ let bounds = self.valid_rect.translate(origin.to_vector());
+ let device_rect = transform.outer_transformed_rect(&bounds.to_f32())?.round_out().to_i32();
+ device_rect.intersection(clip_rect)
+ }
+ /// Determine if the tile's bounds may overlap the dependency rect if it were
+ /// to be composited at the given position.
+ fn may_overlap(
+ &self,
+ surface: &SwSurface,
+ transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ dep_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ ) -> bool {
+ self.overlap_rect(surface, transform, clip_rect)
+ .map_or(false, |r| r.intersects(dep_rect))
+ }
+ /// Get valid source and destination rectangles for composition of the tile
+ /// within a surface, bounded by the clipping rectangle. May return None if
+ /// it falls outside of the clip rect.
+ fn composite_rects(
+ &self,
+ surface: &SwSurface,
+ transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ ) -> Option<(DeviceIntRect, DeviceIntRect, bool)> {
+ // Offset the valid rect to the appropriate surface origin.
+ let valid = self.valid_rect.translate(self.origin(surface).to_vector());
+ // The destination rect is the valid rect transformed and then clipped.
+ let dest_rect = transform.outer_transformed_rect(&valid.to_f32())?.round_out().to_i32();
+ if !dest_rect.intersects(clip_rect) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // To get a valid source rect, we need to inverse transform the clipped destination rect to find out the effect
+ // of the clip rect in source-space. After this, we subtract off the source-space valid rect origin to get
+ // a source rect that is now relative to the surface origin rather than absolute.
+ let inv_transform = transform.inverse()?;
+ let src_rect = inv_transform
+ .outer_transformed_rect(&dest_rect.to_f32())?
+ .round()
+ .to_i32()
+ .translate(-valid.origin.to_vector());
+ Some((src_rect, dest_rect, transform.m22 < 0.0))
+ }
+pub struct SwSurface {
+ tile_size: DeviceIntSize,
+ is_opaque: bool,
+ tiles: Vec<SwTile>,
+ /// An attached external image for this surface.
+ external_image: Option<ExternalImageId>,
+ /// Descriptor for the external image if successfully locked for composite.
+ composite_surface: Option<WrSWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo>,
+impl SwSurface {
+ fn new(tile_size: DeviceIntSize, is_opaque: bool) -> Self {
+ SwSurface {
+ tile_size,
+ is_opaque,
+ tiles: Vec::new(),
+ external_image: None,
+ composite_surface: None,
+ }
+ }
+fn image_rendering_to_gl_filter(filter: ImageRendering) -> gl::GLenum {
+ match filter {
+ ImageRendering::Pixelated => gl::NEAREST,
+ ImageRendering::Auto | ImageRendering::CrispEdges => gl::LINEAR,
+ }
+struct DrawTileHelper {
+ gl: Rc<dyn gl::Gl>,
+ prog: u32,
+ quad_vbo: u32,
+ quad_vao: u32,
+ dest_matrix_loc: i32,
+ tex_matrix_loc: i32,
+impl DrawTileHelper {
+ fn new(gl: Rc<dyn gl::Gl>) -> Self {
+ let quad_vbo = gl.gen_buffers(1)[0];
+ gl.bind_buffer(gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, quad_vbo);
+ let quad_data: [f32; 8] = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
+ gl::buffer_data(&*gl, gl::ARRAY_BUFFER, &quad_data, gl::STATIC_DRAW);
+ let quad_vao = gl.gen_vertex_arrays(1)[0];
+ gl.bind_vertex_array(quad_vao);
+ gl.enable_vertex_attrib_array(0);
+ gl.vertex_attrib_pointer(0, 2, gl::FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.bind_vertex_array(0);
+ let version = match gl.get_type() {
+ gl::GlType::Gl => "#version 150",
+ gl::GlType::Gles => "#version 300 es",
+ };
+ let vert_source = "
+ in vec2 aVert;
+ uniform mat3 uDestMatrix;
+ uniform mat3 uTexMatrix;
+ out vec2 vTexCoord;
+ void main(void) {
+ gl_Position = vec4((uDestMatrix * vec3(aVert, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);
+ vTexCoord = (uTexMatrix * vec3(aVert, 1.0)).xy;
+ }
+ ";
+ let vs = gl.create_shader(gl::VERTEX_SHADER);
+ gl.shader_source(vs, &[version.as_bytes(), vert_source.as_bytes()]);
+ gl.compile_shader(vs);
+ let frag_source = "
+ #ifdef GL_ES
+ precision highp float;
+ #else
+ precision mediump float;
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ in vec2 vTexCoord;
+ out vec4 oFragColor;
+ uniform sampler2D uTex;
+ void main(void) {
+ oFragColor = texture(uTex, vTexCoord);
+ }
+ ";
+ let fs = gl.create_shader(gl::FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ gl.shader_source(fs, &[version.as_bytes(), frag_source.as_bytes()]);
+ gl.compile_shader(fs);
+ let prog = gl.create_program();
+ gl.attach_shader(prog, vs);
+ gl.attach_shader(prog, fs);
+ gl.bind_attrib_location(prog, 0, "aVert");
+ gl.link_program(prog);
+ let mut status = [0];
+ unsafe {
+ gl.get_program_iv(prog, gl::LINK_STATUS, &mut status);
+ }
+ assert!(status[0] != 0);
+ //println!("vert: {}", gl.get_shader_info_log(vs));
+ //println!("frag: {}", gl.get_shader_info_log(fs));
+ //println!("status: {}, {}", status[0], gl.get_program_info_log(prog));
+ gl.use_program(prog);
+ let dest_matrix_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(prog, "uDestMatrix");
+ assert!(dest_matrix_loc != -1);
+ let tex_matrix_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(prog, "uTexMatrix");
+ assert!(tex_matrix_loc != -1);
+ let tex_loc = gl.get_uniform_location(prog, "uTex");
+ assert!(tex_loc != -1);
+ gl.uniform_1i(tex_loc, 0);
+ gl.use_program(0);
+ gl.delete_shader(vs);
+ gl.delete_shader(fs);
+ DrawTileHelper {
+ gl,
+ prog,
+ quad_vao,
+ quad_vbo,
+ dest_matrix_loc,
+ tex_matrix_loc,
+ }
+ }
+ fn deinit(&self) {
+ }
+ fn enable(&self, viewport: &DeviceIntRect) {
+ viewport.origin.x,
+ viewport.origin.y,
+ viewport.size.width,
+ viewport.size.height,
+ );
+ }
+ fn draw(
+ &self,
+ viewport: &DeviceIntRect,
+ dest: &DeviceIntRect,
+ src: &DeviceIntRect,
+ _clip: &DeviceIntRect,
+ surface: &SwSurface,
+ tile: &SwTile,
+ flip_y: bool,
+ filter: GLenum,
+ ) {
+ let dx = dest.origin.x as f32 / viewport.size.width as f32;
+ let dy = dest.origin.y as f32 / viewport.size.height as f32;
+ let dw = dest.size.width as f32 / viewport.size.width as f32;
+ let dh = dest.size.height as f32 / viewport.size.height as f32;
+ self.dest_matrix_loc,
+ false,
+ &[
+ 2.0 * dw,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ if flip_y { 2.0 * dh } else { -2.0 * dh },
+ 0.0,
+ -1.0 + 2.0 * dx,
+ if flip_y { -1.0 + 2.0 * dy } else { 1.0 - 2.0 * dy },
+ 1.0,
+ ],
+ );
+ let sx = src.origin.x as f32 / surface.tile_size.width as f32;
+ let sy = src.origin.y as f32 / surface.tile_size.height as f32;
+ let sw = src.size.width as f32 / surface.tile_size.width as f32;
+ let sh = src.size.height as f32 / surface.tile_size.height as f32;
+ .uniform_matrix_3fv(self.tex_matrix_loc, false, &[sw, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, sh, 0.0, sx, sy, 1.0]);
+, tile.tex_id);
+ .tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter as gl::GLint);
+ .tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter as gl::GLint);
+, 0, 4);
+ }
+ fn disable(&self) {
+ }
+/// A source for a composite job which can either be a single BGRA locked SWGL
+/// resource or a collection of SWGL resources representing a YUV surface.
+enum SwCompositeSource {
+ BGRA(swgl::LockedResource),
+ YUV(
+ swgl::LockedResource,
+ swgl::LockedResource,
+ swgl::LockedResource,
+ YuvColorSpace,
+ ColorDepth,
+ ),
+/// Mark ExternalImage's renderer field as safe to send to SwComposite thread.
+unsafe impl Send for SwCompositeSource {}
+/// A tile composition job to be processed by the SwComposite thread.
+/// Stores relevant details about the tile and where to composite it.
+struct SwCompositeJob {
+ /// Locked texture that will be unlocked immediately following the job
+ locked_src: SwCompositeSource,
+ /// Locked framebuffer that may be shared among many jobs
+ locked_dst: swgl::LockedResource,
+ src_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ dst_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ clipped_dst: DeviceIntRect,
+ opaque: bool,
+ flip_y: bool,
+ filter: ImageRendering,
+ /// The total number of bands for this job
+ num_bands: u8,
+impl SwCompositeJob {
+ /// Process a composite job
+ fn process(&self, band_index: u8) {
+ // Calculate the Y extents for the job's band, starting at the current index and spanning to
+ // the following index.
+ let band_index = band_index as i32;
+ let num_bands = self.num_bands as i32;
+ let band_offset = (self.clipped_dst.size.height * band_index) / num_bands;
+ let band_height = (self.clipped_dst.size.height * (band_index + 1)) / num_bands - band_offset;
+ // Create a rect that is the intersection of the band with the clipped dest
+ let band_clip = DeviceIntRect::new(
+ DeviceIntPoint::new(self.clipped_dst.origin.x, self.clipped_dst.origin.y + band_offset),
+ DeviceIntSize::new(self.clipped_dst.size.width, band_height),
+ );
+ match self.locked_src {
+ SwCompositeSource::BGRA(ref resource) => {
+ self.locked_dst.composite(
+ resource,
+ self.src_rect.origin.x,
+ self.src_rect.origin.y,
+ self.src_rect.size.width,
+ self.src_rect.size.height,
+ self.dst_rect.origin.x,
+ self.dst_rect.origin.y,
+ self.dst_rect.size.width,
+ self.dst_rect.size.height,
+ self.opaque,
+ self.flip_y,
+ image_rendering_to_gl_filter(self.filter),
+ band_clip.origin.x,
+ band_clip.origin.y,
+ band_clip.size.width,
+ band_clip.size.height,
+ );
+ }
+ SwCompositeSource::YUV(ref y, ref u, ref v, color_space, color_depth) => {
+ let swgl_color_space = match color_space {
+ YuvColorSpace::Rec601 => swgl::YUVColorSpace::Rec601,
+ YuvColorSpace::Rec709 => swgl::YUVColorSpace::Rec709,
+ YuvColorSpace::Rec2020 => swgl::YUVColorSpace::Rec2020,
+ YuvColorSpace::Identity => swgl::YUVColorSpace::Identity,
+ };
+ self.locked_dst.composite_yuv(
+ y,
+ u,
+ v,
+ swgl_color_space,
+ color_depth.bit_depth(),
+ self.src_rect.origin.x,
+ self.src_rect.origin.y,
+ self.src_rect.size.width,
+ self.src_rect.size.height,
+ self.dst_rect.origin.x,
+ self.dst_rect.origin.y,
+ self.dst_rect.size.width,
+ self.dst_rect.size.height,
+ self.flip_y,
+ band_clip.origin.x,
+ band_clip.origin.y,
+ band_clip.size.width,
+ band_clip.size.height,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// A reference to a SwCompositeGraph node that can be passed from the render
+/// thread to the SwComposite thread. Consistency of mutation is ensured in
+/// SwCompositeGraphNode via use of Atomic operations that prevent more than
+/// one thread from mutating SwCompositeGraphNode at once. This avoids using
+/// messy and not-thread-safe RefCells or expensive Mutexes inside the graph
+/// node and at least signals to the compiler that potentially unsafe coercions
+/// are occurring.
+struct SwCompositeGraphNodeRef(Arc<UnsafeCell<SwCompositeGraphNode>>);
+impl SwCompositeGraphNodeRef {
+ fn new(graph_node: SwCompositeGraphNode) -> Self {
+ SwCompositeGraphNodeRef(Arc::new(UnsafeCell::new(graph_node)))
+ }
+ fn get(&self) -> &SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ unsafe { &*self.0.get() }
+ }
+ fn get_mut(&self) -> &mut SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ unsafe { &mut *self.0.get() }
+ }
+ fn get_ptr_mut(&self) -> *mut SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ self.0.get()
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for SwCompositeGraphNodeRef {}
+impl Deref for SwCompositeGraphNodeRef {
+ type Target = SwCompositeGraphNode;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ self.get()
+ }
+impl DerefMut for SwCompositeGraphNodeRef {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
+ self.get_mut()
+ }
+/// Dependency graph of composite jobs to be completed. Keeps a list of child jobs that are dependent on the completion of this job.
+/// Also keeps track of the number of parent jobs that this job is dependent upon before it can be processed. Once there are no more
+/// in-flight parent jobs that it depends on, the graph node is finally added to the job queue for processing.
+struct SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ /// Job to be queued for this graph node once ready.
+ job: Option<SwCompositeJob>,
+ /// The maximum number of available bands associated with this job.
+ max_bands: AtomicU8,
+ /// The number of remaining bands associated with this job. When this is
+ /// non-zero and the node has no more parents left, then the node is being
+ /// actively used by the composite thread to process jobs. Once it hits
+ /// zero, the owning thread (which brought it to zero) can safely retire
+ /// the node as no other thread is using it.
+ remaining_bands: AtomicU8,
+ /// The number of bands that have been taken for processing.
+ band_index: AtomicU8,
+ /// Count of parents this graph node depends on. While this is non-zero the
+ /// node must ensure that it is only being actively mutated by the render
+ /// thread and otherwise never being accessed by the render thread.
+ parents: AtomicU32,
+ /// Graph nodes of child jobs that are dependent on this job
+ children: Vec<SwCompositeGraphNodeRef>,
+unsafe impl Sync for SwCompositeGraphNode {}
+impl SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ fn new() -> SwCompositeGraphNodeRef {
+ SwCompositeGraphNodeRef::new(SwCompositeGraphNode {
+ job: None,
+ max_bands: AtomicU8::new(0),
+ remaining_bands: AtomicU8::new(0),
+ band_index: AtomicU8::new(0),
+ parents: AtomicU32::new(0),
+ children: Vec::new(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Reset the node's state for a new frame
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ self.job = None;
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ // Initialize parents to 1 as sentinel dependency for uninitialized job
+ // to avoid queuing unitialized job as unblocked child dependency.
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ self.children.clear();
+ }
+ /// Add a dependent child node to dependency list. Update its parent count.
+ fn add_child(&mut self, child: SwCompositeGraphNodeRef) {
+ child.parents.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ self.children.push(child);
+ }
+ /// Install a job for this node. Return whether or not the job has any unprocessed parents
+ /// that would block immediate composition.
+ fn set_job(&mut self, job: SwCompositeJob, num_bands: u8) -> bool {
+ self.job = Some(job);
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ // Subtract off the sentinel parent dependency now that job is initialized and check
+ // whether there are any remaining parent dependencies to see if this job is ready.
+ self.parents.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) <= 1
+ }
+ fn take_band(&self) -> Option<u8> {
+ let band_index = self.band_index.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ if band_index < self.max_bands.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
+ Some(band_index)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Try to take the job from this node for processing and then process it within the current band.
+ fn process_job(&self, band_index: u8) {
+ if let Some(ref job) = self.job {
+ job.process(band_index);
+ }
+ }
+ /// After processing a band, check all child dependencies and remove this parent from
+ /// their dependency counts. If applicable, queue the new child bands for composition.
+ fn unblock_children(&mut self, thread: &SwCompositeThread) {
+ if self.remaining_bands.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) > 1 {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Clear the job to release any locked resources.
+ self.job = None;
+ let mut lock = None;
+ for child in self.children.drain(..) {
+ // Remove the child's parent dependency on this node. If there are no more
+ // parent dependencies left, send the child job bands for composition.
+ if child.parents.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst) <= 1 {
+ if lock.is_none() {
+ lock = Some(thread.lock());
+ }
+ thread.send_job(lock.as_mut().unwrap(), child);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// The SwComposite thread processes a queue of composite jobs, also signaling
+/// via a condition when all available jobs have been processed, as tracked by
+/// the job count.
+struct SwCompositeThread {
+ /// Queue of available composite jobs
+ jobs: Mutex<SwCompositeJobQueue>,
+ /// Cache of the current job being processed. This maintains a pointer to
+ /// the contents of the SwCompositeGraphNodeRef, which is safe due to the
+ /// fact that SwCompositor maintains a strong reference to the contents
+ /// in an SwTile to keep it alive while this is in use.
+ current_job: AtomicPtr<SwCompositeGraphNode>,
+ /// Count of unprocessed jobs still in the queue
+ job_count: AtomicIsize,
+ /// Condition signaled when either there are jobs available to process or
+ /// there are no more jobs left to process. Otherwise stated, this signals
+ /// when the job queue transitions from an empty to non-empty state or from
+ /// a non-empty to empty state.
+ jobs_available: Condvar,
+/// The SwCompositeThread struct is shared between the SwComposite thread
+/// and the rendering thread so that both ends can access the job queue.
+unsafe impl Sync for SwCompositeThread {}
+/// A FIFO queue of composite jobs to be processed.
+type SwCompositeJobQueue = VecDeque<SwCompositeGraphNodeRef>;
+/// Locked access to the composite job queue.
+type SwCompositeThreadLock<'a> = MutexGuard<'a, SwCompositeJobQueue>;
+impl SwCompositeThread {
+ /// Create the SwComposite thread. Requires a SWGL context in which
+ /// to do the composition.
+ fn new() -> Arc<SwCompositeThread> {
+ let info = Arc::new(SwCompositeThread {
+ jobs: Mutex::new(SwCompositeJobQueue::new()),
+ current_job: AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut()),
+ job_count: AtomicIsize::new(0),
+ jobs_available: Condvar::new(),
+ });
+ let result = info.clone();
+ let thread_name = "SwComposite";
+ thread::Builder::new()
+ .name(thread_name.into())
+ // The composite thread only calls into SWGL to composite, and we
+ // have potentially many composite threads for different windows,
+ // so using the default stack size is excessive. A reasonably small
+ // stack size should be more than enough for SWGL and reduce memory
+ // overhead.
+ .stack_size(32 * 1024)
+ .spawn(move || {
+ let thread_listener = GeckoProfilerThreadListener::new();
+ thread_listener.thread_started(thread_name);
+ // Process any available jobs. This will return a non-Ok
+ // result when the job queue is dropped, causing the thread
+ // to eventually exit.
+ while let Some((job, band)) = info.take_job(true) {
+ info.process_job(job, band);
+ }
+ thread_listener.thread_stopped(thread_name);
+ })
+ .expect("Failed creating SwComposite thread");
+ result
+ }
+ fn deinit(&self) {
+ // Force the job count to be negative to signal the thread needs to exit.
+ / 2, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ // Wake up the thread in case it is blocked waiting for new jobs
+ self.jobs_available.notify_all();
+ }
+ /// Process a job contained in a dependency graph node received from the job queue.
+ /// Any child dependencies will be unblocked as appropriate after processing. The
+ /// job count will be updated to reflect this.
+ fn process_job(&self, graph_node: &mut SwCompositeGraphNode, band: u8) {
+ // Do the actual processing of the job contained in this node.
+ graph_node.process_job(band);
+ // Unblock any child dependencies now that this job has been processed.
+ graph_node.unblock_children(self);
+ // Decrement the job count.
+ self.job_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
+ /// Queue a tile for composition by adding to the queue and increasing the job count.
+ fn queue_composite(
+ &self,
+ locked_src: SwCompositeSource,
+ locked_dst: swgl::LockedResource,
+ src_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ dst_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ clip_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ opaque: bool,
+ flip_y: bool,
+ filter: ImageRendering,
+ mut graph_node: SwCompositeGraphNodeRef,
+ job_queue: &mut SwCompositeJobQueue,
+ ) {
+ // For jobs that would span a sufficiently large destination rectangle, split
+ // it into multiple horizontal bands so that multiple threads can process them.
+ let clipped_dst = match dst_rect.intersection(&clip_rect) {
+ Some(clipped_dst) => clipped_dst,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let num_bands = if clipped_dst.size.width >= 64 && clipped_dst.size.height >= 64 {
+ (clipped_dst.size.height / 64).min(4) as u8
+ } else {
+ 1
+ };
+ let job = SwCompositeJob {
+ locked_src,
+ locked_dst,
+ src_rect,
+ dst_rect,
+ clipped_dst,
+ opaque,
+ flip_y,
+ filter,
+ num_bands,
+ };
+ self.job_count.fetch_add(num_bands as isize, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ if graph_node.set_job(job, num_bands) {
+ self.send_job(job_queue, graph_node);
+ }
+ }
+ fn start_compositing(&self) {
+ // Initialize the job count to 1 to prevent spurious signaling of job completion
+ // in the middle of queuing compositing jobs until we're actually waiting for
+ // composition.
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
+ /// Lock the thread for access to the job queue.
+ fn lock(&self) -> SwCompositeThreadLock {
+ }
+ /// Send a job to the composite thread by adding it to the job queue.
+ /// Signal that this job has been added in case the queue was empty and the
+ /// SwComposite thread is waiting for jobs.
+ fn send_job(&self, queue: &mut SwCompositeJobQueue, job: SwCompositeGraphNodeRef) {
+ if queue.is_empty() {
+ self.jobs_available.notify_all();
+ }
+ queue.push_back(job);
+ }
+ /// Try to get a band of work from the currently cached job when available.
+ /// If there is a job, but it has no available bands left, null out the job
+ /// so that other threads do not bother checking the job.
+ fn try_take_job(&self) -> Option<(&mut SwCompositeGraphNode, u8)> {
+ let current_job_ptr = self.current_job.load(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ if let Some(current_job) = unsafe { current_job_ptr.as_mut() } {
+ if let Some(band) = current_job.take_band() {
+ return Some((current_job, band));
+ }
+ self.current_job
+ .compare_and_swap(current_job_ptr, ptr::null_mut(), Ordering::Relaxed);
+ }
+ return None;
+ }
+ /// Take a job from the queue. Optionally block waiting for jobs to become
+ /// available if this is called from the SwComposite thread.
+ fn take_job(&self, wait: bool) -> Option<(&mut SwCompositeGraphNode, u8)> {
+ // First try checking the cached job outside the scope of the mutex.
+ // For jobs that have multiple bands, this allows us to avoid having
+ // to lock the mutex multiple times to check the job for each band.
+ if let Some((job, band)) = self.try_take_job() {
+ return Some((job, band));
+ }
+ // Lock the job queue while checking for available jobs. The lock
+ // won't be held while the job is processed later outside of this
+ // function so that other threads can pull from the queue meanwhile.
+ let mut jobs = self.lock();
+ loop {
+ // While inside the mutex, check the cached job again to see if it
+ // has been updated.
+ if let Some((job, band)) = self.try_take_job() {
+ return Some((job, band));
+ }
+ // If no cached job was available, try to take a job from the queue
+ // and install it as the current job.
+ if let Some(job) = jobs.pop_front() {
+, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, the job queue is currently empty. Depending on the
+ // value of the job count we may either wait for jobs to become
+ // available or exit.
+ match self.job_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
+ // If we completed all available jobs, signal completion. If
+ // waiting inside the SwCompositeThread, then block waiting for
+ // more jobs to become available in a new frame. Otherwise,
+ // return immediately.
+ 0 => {
+ self.jobs_available.notify_all();
+ if !wait {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ // A negative job count signals to exit immediately.
+ job_count if job_count < 0 => return None,
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ // The SwCompositeThread needs to wait for jobs to become
+ // available to avoid busy waiting on the queue.
+ jobs = self.jobs_available.wait(jobs).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Wait for all queued composition jobs to be processed.
+ /// Instead of blocking on the SwComposite thread to complete all jobs,
+ /// this may steal some jobs and attempt to process them while waiting.
+ /// This may optionally process jobs synchronously. When normally doing
+ /// asynchronous processing, the graph dependencies are relied upon to
+ /// properly order the jobs, which makes it safe for the render thread
+ /// to steal jobs from the composite thread without violating those
+ /// dependencies. Synchronous processing just disables this job stealing
+ /// so that the composite thread always handles the jobs in the order
+ /// they were queued without having to rely upon possibly unavailable
+ /// graph dependencies.
+ fn wait_for_composites(&self, sync: bool) {
+ // Subtract off the bias to signal we're now waiting on composition and
+ // need to know if jobs are completed.
+ self.job_count.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ // If processing asynchronously, try to steal jobs from the composite
+ // thread if it is busy.
+ if !sync {
+ while let Some((job, band)) = self.take_job(false) {
+ self.process_job(job, band);
+ }
+ // Once there are no more jobs, just fall through to waiting
+ // synchronously for the composite thread to finish processing.
+ }
+ // If processing synchronously, just wait for the composite thread
+ // to complete processing any in-flight jobs, then bail.
+ let mut jobs = self.lock();
+ // If the job count is non-zero here, then there are in-flight jobs.
+ while self.job_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0 {
+ jobs = self.jobs_available.wait(jobs).unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Check if there is a non-zero job count (including sentinel job) that
+ /// would indicate we are starting to already process jobs in the composite
+ /// thread.
+ fn is_busy_compositing(&self) -> bool {
+ self.job_count.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0
+ }
+/// Adapter for RenderCompositors to work with SWGL that shuttles between
+/// WebRender and the RenderCompositr via the Compositor API.
+pub struct SwCompositor {
+ gl: swgl::Context,
+ native_gl: Option<Rc<dyn gl::Gl>>,
+ compositor: WrCompositor,
+ use_native_compositor: bool,
+ surfaces: HashMap<NativeSurfaceId, SwSurface>,
+ frame_surfaces: Vec<(
+ NativeSurfaceId,
+ CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ DeviceIntRect,
+ ImageRendering,
+ )>,
+ /// Any surface added after we're already compositing (i.e. debug overlay)
+ /// needs to be processed after those frame surfaces. For simplicity we
+ /// store them in a separate queue that gets processed later.
+ late_surfaces: Vec<(
+ NativeSurfaceId,
+ CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ DeviceIntRect,
+ ImageRendering,
+ )>,
+ cur_tile: NativeTileId,
+ draw_tile: Option<DrawTileHelper>,
+ /// The maximum tile size required for any of the allocated surfaces.
+ max_tile_size: DeviceIntSize,
+ /// Reuse the same depth texture amongst all tiles in all surfaces.
+ /// This depth texture must be big enough to accommodate the largest used
+ /// tile size for any surface. The maximum requested tile size is tracked
+ /// to ensure that this depth texture is at least that big.
+ depth_id: u32,
+ /// Instance of the SwComposite thread, only created if we are not relying
+ /// on OpenGL compositing or a native RenderCompositor.
+ composite_thread: Option<Arc<SwCompositeThread>>,
+ /// SWGL locked resource for sharing framebuffer with SwComposite thread
+ locked_framebuffer: Option<swgl::LockedResource>,
+impl SwCompositor {
+ pub fn new(
+ gl: swgl::Context,
+ native_gl: Option<Rc<dyn gl::Gl>>,
+ compositor: WrCompositor,
+ use_native_compositor: bool,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let depth_id = gl.gen_textures(1)[0];
+ // Only create the SwComposite thread if we're neither using OpenGL composition nor a native
+ // render compositor. Thus, we are compositing into the main software framebuffer, which in
+ // that case benefits from compositing asynchronously while we are updating tiles.
+ assert!(native_gl.is_none() || !use_native_compositor);
+ let composite_thread = if native_gl.is_none() && !use_native_compositor {
+ Some(SwCompositeThread::new())
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ SwCompositor {
+ gl,
+ compositor,
+ use_native_compositor,
+ surfaces: HashMap::new(),
+ frame_surfaces: Vec::new(),
+ late_surfaces: Vec::new(),
+ cur_tile: NativeTileId {
+ surface_id: NativeSurfaceId(0),
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ },
+ draw_tile: native_gl.as_ref().map(|gl| DrawTileHelper::new(gl.clone())),
+ native_gl,
+ max_tile_size: DeviceIntSize::zero(),
+ depth_id,
+ composite_thread,
+ locked_framebuffer: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn deinit_shader(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(draw_tile) = &self.draw_tile {
+ draw_tile.deinit();
+ }
+ self.draw_tile = None;
+ }
+ fn deinit_tile(&self, tile: &SwTile) {
+ if let Some(native_gl) = &self.native_gl {
+ native_gl.delete_textures(&[tile.tex_id]);
+ native_gl.delete_buffers(&[tile.pbo_id]);
+ }
+ }
+ fn deinit_surface(&self, surface: &SwSurface) {
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ self.deinit_tile(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Reset tile dependency state for a new frame.
+ fn reset_overlaps(&mut self) {
+ for surface in self.surfaces.values_mut() {
+ for tile in &mut surface.tiles {
+ tile.overlaps.set(0);
+ tile.invalid.set(false);
+ tile.graph_node.reset();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Computes an overlap count for a tile that falls within the given composite
+ /// destination rectangle. This requires checking all surfaces currently queued for
+ /// composition so far in this frame and seeing if they have any invalidated tiles
+ /// whose destination rectangles would also overlap the supplied tile. If so, then the
+ /// increment the overlap count to account for all such dependencies on invalid tiles.
+ /// Tiles with the same overlap count will still be drawn with a stable ordering in
+ /// the order the surfaces were queued, so it is safe to ignore other possible sources
+ /// of composition ordering dependencies, as the later queued tile will still be drawn
+ /// later than the blocking tiles within that stable order. We assume that the tile's
+ /// surface hasn't yet been added to the current frame list of surfaces to composite
+ /// so that we only process potential blockers from surfaces that would come earlier
+ /// in composition.
+ fn init_overlaps(
+ &self,
+ overlap_id: &NativeSurfaceId,
+ overlap_surface: &SwSurface,
+ overlap_tile: &SwTile,
+ overlap_transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ overlap_clip_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ ) {
+ // Record an extra overlap for an invalid tile to track the tile's dependency
+ // on its own future update.
+ let mut overlaps = if overlap_tile.invalid.get() { 1 } else { 0 };
+ let overlap_rect = match overlap_tile.overlap_rect(overlap_surface, overlap_transform, overlap_clip_rect) {
+ Some(overlap_rect) => overlap_rect,
+ None => {
+ overlap_tile.overlaps.set(overlaps);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, _) in &self.frame_surfaces {
+ // We only want to consider surfaces that were added before the current one we're
+ // checking for overlaps. If we find that surface, then we're done.
+ if id == overlap_id {
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the surface's clip rect doesn't overlap the tile's rect,
+ // then there is no need to check any tiles within the surface.
+ if !overlap_rect.intersects(clip_rect) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ // If there is a deferred tile that might overlap the destination rectangle,
+ // record the overlap.
+ if tile.may_overlap(surface, transform, clip_rect, &overlap_rect) {
+ if tile.overlaps.get() > 0 {
+ overlaps += 1;
+ }
+ // Regardless of whether this tile is deferred, if it has dependency
+ // overlaps, then record that it is potentially a dependency parent.
+ tile.graph_node.get_mut().add_child(overlap_tile.graph_node.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if overlaps > 0 {
+ // Has a dependency on some invalid tiles, so need to defer composition.
+ overlap_tile.overlaps.set(overlaps);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Helper function that queues a composite job to the current locked framebuffer
+ fn queue_composite(
+ &self,
+ surface: &SwSurface,
+ transform: &CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: &DeviceIntRect,
+ filter: ImageRendering,
+ tile: &SwTile,
+ job_queue: &mut SwCompositeJobQueue,
+ ) {
+ if let Some(ref composite_thread) = self.composite_thread {
+ if let Some((src_rect, dst_rect, flip_y)) = tile.composite_rects(surface, transform, clip_rect) {
+ let source = if surface.external_image.is_some() {
+ // If the surface has an attached external image, lock any textures supplied in the descriptor.
+ match surface.composite_surface {
+ Some(ref info) => match info.yuv_planes {
+ 0 => match[0]) {
+ Some(texture) => SwCompositeSource::BGRA(texture),
+ None => return,
+ },
+ 3 => match (
+ ) {
+ (Some(y_texture), Some(u_texture), Some(v_texture)) => SwCompositeSource::YUV(
+ y_texture,
+ u_texture,
+ v_texture,
+ info.color_space,
+ info.color_depth,
+ ),
+ _ => return,
+ },
+ _ => panic!("unsupported number of YUV planes: {}", info.yuv_planes),
+ },
+ None => return,
+ }
+ } else if let Some(texture) = {
+ // Lock the texture representing the picture cache tile.
+ SwCompositeSource::BGRA(texture)
+ } else {
+ return;
+ };
+ if let Some(ref framebuffer) = self.locked_framebuffer {
+ composite_thread.queue_composite(
+ source,
+ framebuffer.clone(),
+ src_rect,
+ dst_rect,
+ *clip_rect,
+ surface.is_opaque,
+ flip_y,
+ filter,
+ tile.graph_node.clone(),
+ job_queue,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Lock a surface with an attached external image for compositing.
+ fn try_lock_composite_surface(&mut self, id: &NativeSurfaceId) {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(id) {
+ if let Some(external_image) = surface.external_image {
+ // If the surface has an attached external image, attempt to lock the external image
+ // for compositing. Yields a descriptor of textures and data necessary for their
+ // interpretation on success.
+ let mut info = WrSWGLCompositeSurfaceInfo {
+ yuv_planes: 0,
+ textures: [0; 3],
+ color_space: YuvColorSpace::Identity,
+ color_depth: ColorDepth::Color8,
+ size: DeviceIntSize::zero(),
+ };
+ assert!(!surface.tiles.is_empty());
+ let mut tile = &mut surface.tiles[0];
+ if unsafe { wr_swgl_lock_composite_surface(, external_image, &mut info) } {
+ tile.valid_rect = DeviceIntRect::from_size(info.size);
+ surface.composite_surface = Some(info);
+ } else {
+ tile.valid_rect = DeviceIntRect::zero();
+ surface.composite_surface = None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Look for any attached external images that have been locked and then unlock them.
+ fn unlock_composite_surfaces(&mut self) {
+ for &(ref id, _, _, _) in self.frame_surfaces.iter().chain(self.late_surfaces.iter()) {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(id) {
+ if let Some(external_image) = surface.external_image {
+ if surface.composite_surface.is_some() {
+ unsafe { wr_swgl_unlock_composite_surface(, external_image) };
+ surface.composite_surface = None;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Issue composites for any tiles that are no longer blocked following a tile update.
+ /// We process all surfaces and tiles in the order they were queued.
+ fn flush_composites(&self, tile_id: &NativeTileId, surface: &SwSurface, tile: &SwTile) {
+ let composite_thread = match &self.composite_thread {
+ Some(composite_thread) => composite_thread,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ // Look for the tile in the frame list and composite it if it has no dependencies.
+ let mut frame_surfaces = self
+ .frame_surfaces
+ .iter()
+ .skip_while(|&(ref id, _, _, _)| *id != tile_id.surface_id);
+ let (overlap_rect, mut lock) = match {
+ Some(&(_, ref transform, ref clip_rect, filter)) => {
+ // Remove invalid tile's update dependency.
+ if tile.invalid.get() {
+ tile.overlaps.set(tile.overlaps.get() - 1);
+ }
+ // If the tile still has overlaps, keep deferring it till later.
+ if tile.overlaps.get() > 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, the tile's dependencies are all resolved, so composite it.
+ let mut lock = composite_thread.lock();
+ self.queue_composite(surface, transform, clip_rect, filter, tile, &mut lock);
+ // Finally, get the tile's overlap rect used for tracking dependencies
+ match tile.overlap_rect(surface, transform, clip_rect) {
+ Some(overlap_rect) => (overlap_rect, lock),
+ None => return,
+ }
+ }
+ None => return,
+ };
+ // Accumulate rects whose dependencies have been satisfied from this update.
+ // Store the union of all these bounds to quickly reject unaffected tiles.
+ let mut flushed_bounds = overlap_rect;
+ let mut flushed_rects = vec![overlap_rect];
+ // Check surfaces following the update in the frame list and see if they would overlap it.
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, filter) in frame_surfaces {
+ // If the clip rect doesn't overlap the conservative bounds, we can skip the whole surface.
+ if !flushed_bounds.intersects(clip_rect) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(&id) {
+ // Search through the surface's tiles for any blocked on this update and queue jobs for them.
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ let mut overlaps = tile.overlaps.get();
+ // Only check tiles that have existing unresolved dependencies
+ if overlaps == 0 {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get this tile's overlap rect for tracking dependencies
+ let overlap_rect = match tile.overlap_rect(surface, transform, clip_rect) {
+ Some(overlap_rect) => overlap_rect,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ // Do a quick check to see if the tile overlaps the conservative bounds.
+ if !overlap_rect.intersects(&flushed_bounds) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Decrement the overlap count if this tile is dependent on any flushed rects.
+ for flushed_rect in &flushed_rects {
+ if overlap_rect.intersects(flushed_rect) {
+ overlaps -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if overlaps != tile.overlaps.get() {
+ // If the overlap count changed, this tile had a dependency on some flush rects.
+ // If the count hit zero, it is ready to composite.
+ tile.overlaps.set(overlaps);
+ if overlaps == 0 {
+ self.queue_composite(surface, transform, clip_rect, filter, tile, &mut lock);
+ // Record that the tile got flushed to update any downwind dependencies.
+ flushed_bounds = flushed_bounds.union(&overlap_rect);
+ flushed_rects.push(overlap_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl Compositor for SwCompositor {
+ fn create_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ virtual_offset: DeviceIntPoint,
+ tile_size: DeviceIntSize,
+ is_opaque: bool,
+ ) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.create_surface(id, virtual_offset, tile_size, is_opaque);
+ }
+ self.max_tile_size = DeviceIntSize::new(
+ self.max_tile_size.width.max(tile_size.width),
+ self.max_tile_size.height.max(tile_size.height),
+ );
+ self.surfaces.insert(id, SwSurface::new(tile_size, is_opaque));
+ }
+ fn create_external_surface(&mut self, id: NativeSurfaceId, is_opaque: bool) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.create_external_surface(id, is_opaque);
+ }
+ self.surfaces
+ .insert(id, SwSurface::new(DeviceIntSize::zero(), is_opaque));
+ }
+ fn destroy_surface(&mut self, id: NativeSurfaceId) {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.remove(&id) {
+ self.deinit_surface(&surface);
+ }
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.destroy_surface(id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn deinit(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(ref composite_thread) = self.composite_thread {
+ composite_thread.deinit();
+ }
+ for surface in self.surfaces.values() {
+ self.deinit_surface(surface);
+ }
+ self.deinit_shader();
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.deinit();
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_tile(&mut self, id: NativeTileId) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.create_tile(id);
+ }
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(&id.surface_id) {
+ let mut tile = SwTile::new(id.x, id.y);
+ tile.color_id =[0];
+ tile.fbo_id =[0];
+, tile.fbo_id);
+ gl::TEXTURE_2D,
+ tile.color_id,
+ 0,
+ );
+ gl::TEXTURE_2D,
+ self.depth_id,
+ 0,
+ );
+, 0);
+ if let Some(native_gl) = &self.native_gl {
+ tile.tex_id = native_gl.gen_textures(1)[0];
+ native_gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, tile.tex_id);
+ native_gl.tex_image_2d(
+ gl::TEXTURE_2D,
+ 0,
+ gl::RGBA8 as gl::GLint,
+ surface.tile_size.width,
+ surface.tile_size.height,
+ 0,
+ gl::RGBA,
+ None,
+ );
+ native_gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl::LINEAR as gl::GLint);
+ native_gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl::LINEAR as gl::GLint);
+ native_gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as gl::GLint);
+ native_gl.tex_parameter_i(gl::TEXTURE_2D, gl::TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl::CLAMP_TO_EDGE as gl::GLint);
+ native_gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ tile.pbo_id = native_gl.gen_buffers(1)[0];
+ native_gl.bind_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, tile.pbo_id);
+ native_gl.buffer_data_untyped(
+ surface.tile_size.area() as isize * 4,
+ ptr::null(),
+ );
+ native_gl.bind_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
+ }
+ surface.tiles.push(tile);
+ }
+ }
+ fn destroy_tile(&mut self, id: NativeTileId) {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(&id.surface_id) {
+ if let Some(idx) = surface.tiles.iter().position(|t| t.x == id.x && t.y == id.y) {
+ let tile = surface.tiles.remove(idx);
+ self.deinit_tile(&tile);
+ }
+ }
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.destroy_tile(id);
+ }
+ }
+ fn attach_external_image(&mut self, id: NativeSurfaceId, external_image: ExternalImageId) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.attach_external_image(id, external_image);
+ }
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(&id) {
+ // Surfaces with attached external images have a single tile at the origin encompassing
+ // the entire surface.
+ assert!(surface.tile_size.is_empty());
+ surface.external_image = Some(external_image);
+ if surface.tiles.is_empty() {
+ surface.tiles.push(SwTile::new(0, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn invalidate_tile(&mut self, id: NativeTileId, valid_rect: DeviceIntRect) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.invalidate_tile(id, valid_rect);
+ }
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(&id.surface_id) {
+ if let Some(tile) = surface.tiles.iter_mut().find(|t| t.x == id.x && t.y == id.y) {
+ tile.invalid.set(true);
+ tile.valid_rect = valid_rect;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn bind(&mut self, id: NativeTileId, dirty_rect: DeviceIntRect, valid_rect: DeviceIntRect) -> NativeSurfaceInfo {
+ let mut surface_info = NativeSurfaceInfo {
+ origin: DeviceIntPoint::zero(),
+ fbo_id: 0,
+ };
+ self.cur_tile = id;
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get_mut(&id.surface_id) {
+ if let Some(tile) = surface.tiles.iter_mut().find(|t| t.x == id.x && t.y == id.y) {
+ tile.dirty_rect = dirty_rect;
+ assert_eq!(tile.valid_rect, valid_rect);
+ if valid_rect.is_empty() {
+ return surface_info;
+ }
+ let mut stride = 0;
+ let mut buf = ptr::null_mut();
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ if let Some(tile_info) = self.compositor.map_tile(id, dirty_rect, valid_rect) {
+ stride = tile_info.stride;
+ buf =;
+ }
+ } else if let Some(native_gl) = &self.native_gl {
+ if tile.pbo_id != 0 {
+ native_gl.bind_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, tile.pbo_id);
+ buf = native_gl.map_buffer_range(
+ 0,
+ valid_rect.size.area() as isize * 4,
+ if buf != ptr::null_mut() {
+ stride = valid_rect.size.width * 4;
+ } else {
+ native_gl.bind_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
+ native_gl.delete_buffers(&[tile.pbo_id]);
+ tile.pbo_id = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tile.color_id,
+ gl::RGBA8,
+ valid_rect.size.width,
+ valid_rect.size.height,
+ stride,
+ buf,
+ surface.tile_size.width,
+ surface.tile_size.height,
+ );
+ // Reallocate the shared depth buffer to fit the valid rect, but within
+ // a buffer sized to actually fit at least the maximum possible tile size.
+ // The maximum tile size is supplied to avoid reallocation by ensuring the
+ // allocated buffer is actually big enough to accommodate the largest tile
+ // size requested by any used surface, even though supplied valid rect may
+ // actually be much smaller than this. This will only force a texture
+ // reallocation inside SWGL if the maximum tile size has grown since the
+ // last time it was supplied, instead simply reusing the buffer if the max
+ // tile size is not bigger than what was previously allocated.
+ self.depth_id,
+ valid_rect.size.width,
+ valid_rect.size.height,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ self.max_tile_size.width,
+ self.max_tile_size.height,
+ );
+ surface_info.fbo_id = tile.fbo_id;
+ surface_info.origin -= valid_rect.origin.to_vector();
+ }
+ }
+ surface_info
+ }
+ fn unbind(&mut self) {
+ let id = self.cur_tile;
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(&id.surface_id) {
+ if let Some(tile) = surface.tiles.iter().find(|t| t.x == id.x && t.y == id.y) {
+ if tile.valid_rect.is_empty() {
+ self.flush_composites(&id, surface, tile);
+ return;
+ }
+ // get the color buffer even if we have a self.compositor, to make
+ // sure that any delayed clears are resolved
+ let (swbuf, _, _, stride) =, true);
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.unmap_tile();
+ return;
+ }
+ let native_gl = match &self.native_gl {
+ Some(native_gl) => native_gl,
+ None => {
+ // If we're not relying on a native compositor or OpenGL compositing,
+ // then composite any tiles that are dependent on this tile being
+ // updated but are otherwise ready to composite.
+ self.flush_composites(&id, surface, tile);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ assert!(stride % 4 == 0);
+ let buf = if tile.pbo_id != 0 {
+ native_gl.unmap_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER);
+ std::ptr::null_mut::<c_void>()
+ } else {
+ swbuf
+ };
+ let dirty = tile.dirty_rect;
+ let src = unsafe {
+ (buf as *mut u32).offset(
+ (dirty.origin.y - tile.valid_rect.origin.y) as isize * (stride / 4) as isize
+ + (dirty.origin.x - tile.valid_rect.origin.x) as isize,
+ )
+ };
+ native_gl.active_texture(gl::TEXTURE0);
+ native_gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, tile.tex_id);
+ native_gl.pixel_store_i(gl::UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, stride / 4);
+ native_gl.tex_sub_image_2d_pbo(
+ gl::TEXTURE_2D,
+ 0,
+ dirty.origin.x,
+ dirty.origin.y,
+ dirty.size.width,
+ dirty.size.height,
+ gl::BGRA,
+ src as _,
+ );
+ native_gl.pixel_store_i(gl::UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0);
+ if tile.pbo_id != 0 {
+ native_gl.bind_buffer(gl::PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, 0);
+ }
+ native_gl.bind_texture(gl::TEXTURE_2D, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn begin_frame(&mut self) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.begin_frame();
+ }
+ self.frame_surfaces.clear();
+ self.late_surfaces.clear();
+ self.reset_overlaps();
+ }
+ fn add_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ id: NativeSurfaceId,
+ transform: CompositorSurfaceTransform,
+ clip_rect: DeviceIntRect,
+ filter: ImageRendering,
+ ) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.add_surface(id, transform, clip_rect, filter);
+ }
+ if self.composite_thread.is_some() {
+ // If the surface has an attached external image, try to lock that now.
+ self.try_lock_composite_surface(&id);
+ // If we're already busy compositing, then add to the queue of late
+ // surfaces instead of trying to sort into the main frame queue.
+ // These late surfaces will not have any overlap tracking done for
+ // them and must be processed synchronously at the end of the frame.
+ if self.composite_thread.as_ref().unwrap().is_busy_compositing() {
+ self.late_surfaces.push((id, transform, clip_rect, filter));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ self.frame_surfaces.push((id, transform, clip_rect, filter));
+ }
+ /// Now that all the dependency graph nodes have been built, start queuing
+ /// composition jobs. Any surfaces that get added after this point in the
+ /// frame will not have overlap dependencies assigned and so must instead
+ /// be added to the late_surfaces queue to be processed at the end of the
+ /// frame.
+ fn start_compositing(
+ &mut self,
+ dirty_rects: &[DeviceIntRect],
+ _opaque_rects: &[DeviceIntRect],
+ ) {
+ // Opaque rects are currently only computed here, not by WR itself, so we
+ // ignore the passed parameter and forward our own version onto the native
+ // compositor.
+ let mut opaque_rects : Vec<DeviceIntRect> = Vec::new();
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, _filter) in &self.frame_surfaces {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ if !surface.is_opaque {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ if let Some(rect) = tile.overlap_rect(surface, transform, clip_rect) {
+ opaque_rects.push(rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.compositor.start_compositing(dirty_rects, &opaque_rects);
+ if dirty_rects.len() == 1 {
+ // Factor dirty rect into surface clip rects and discard surfaces that are
+ // entirely clipped out.
+ for &mut (ref _id, ref _transform, ref mut clip_rect, _filter) in &mut self.frame_surfaces {
+ *clip_rect = clip_rect.intersection(&dirty_rects[0]).unwrap_or_default();
+ }
+ self.frame_surfaces
+ .retain(|&(_, _, clip_rect, _)| !clip_rect.is_empty());
+ }
+ if let Some(ref composite_thread) = self.composite_thread {
+ // Compute overlap dependencies for surfaces.
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, _filter) in &self.frame_surfaces {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ self.init_overlaps(id, surface, tile, transform, clip_rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.locked_framebuffer =;
+ composite_thread.start_compositing();
+ // Issue any initial composite jobs for the SwComposite thread.
+ let mut lock = composite_thread.lock();
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, filter) in &self.frame_surfaces {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ if tile.overlaps.get() == 0 {
+ // Not dependent on any tiles, so go ahead and composite now.
+ self.queue_composite(surface, transform, clip_rect, filter, tile, &mut lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn end_frame(&mut self) {
+ if self.use_native_compositor {
+ self.compositor.end_frame();
+ } else if let Some(native_gl) = &self.native_gl {
+ let (_, fw, fh, _) =, false);
+ let viewport = DeviceIntRect::from_size(DeviceIntSize::new(fw, fh));
+ let draw_tile = self.draw_tile.as_ref().unwrap();
+ draw_tile.enable(&viewport);
+ let mut blend = false;
+ native_gl.blend_func(gl::ONE, gl::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, filter) in &self.frame_surfaces {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ if surface.is_opaque {
+ if blend {
+ native_gl.disable(gl::BLEND);
+ blend = false;
+ }
+ } else if !blend {
+ native_gl.enable(gl::BLEND);
+ blend = true;
+ }
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ if let Some((src_rect, dst_rect, flip_y)) = tile.composite_rects(surface, transform, clip_rect)
+ {
+ draw_tile.draw(
+ &viewport,
+ &dst_rect,
+ &src_rect,
+ clip_rect,
+ surface,
+ tile,
+ flip_y,
+ image_rendering_to_gl_filter(filter),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if blend {
+ native_gl.disable(gl::BLEND);
+ }
+ draw_tile.disable();
+ } else if let Some(ref composite_thread) = self.composite_thread {
+ // Need to wait for the SwComposite thread to finish any queued jobs.
+ composite_thread.wait_for_composites(false);
+ if !self.late_surfaces.is_empty() {
+ // All of the main frame surface have been processed by now. But if there
+ // are any late surfaces, we need to kick off a new synchronous composite
+ // phase. These late surfaces don't have any overlap/dependency tracking,
+ // so we just queue them directly and wait synchronously for the composite
+ // thread to process them in order.
+ composite_thread.start_compositing();
+ {
+ let mut lock = composite_thread.lock();
+ for &(ref id, ref transform, ref clip_rect, filter) in &self.late_surfaces {
+ if let Some(surface) = self.surfaces.get(id) {
+ for tile in &surface.tiles {
+ self.queue_composite(surface, transform, clip_rect, filter, tile, &mut lock);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ composite_thread.wait_for_composites(true);
+ }
+ self.locked_framebuffer = None;
+ self.unlock_composite_surfaces();
+ }
+ }
+ fn enable_native_compositor(&mut self, enable: bool) {
+ self.compositor.enable_native_compositor(enable);
+ self.use_native_compositor = enable;
+ }
+ fn get_capabilities(&self) -> CompositorCapabilities {
+ self.compositor.get_capabilities()
+ }