path: root/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
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1 files changed, 922 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gfx/wr/webrender/src/ b/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8d225682ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/wr/webrender/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+//! # Visibility pass
+//! TODO: document what this pass does!
+use api::{ColorF, DebugFlags};
+use api::units::*;
+use euclid::Scale;
+use std::{usize, mem};
+use crate::image_tiling;
+use crate::segment::EdgeAaSegmentMask;
+use crate::clip::{ClipStore, ClipChainStack};
+use crate::composite::CompositeState;
+use crate::spatial_tree::{ROOT_SPATIAL_NODE_INDEX, SpatialTree, SpatialNodeIndex};
+use crate::clip::{ClipInstance, ClipChainInstance};
+use crate::debug_colors;
+use crate::frame_builder::FrameBuilderConfig;
+use crate::gpu_cache::GpuCache;
+use crate::internal_types::FastHashMap;
+use crate::picture::{PictureCompositeMode, ClusterFlags, SurfaceInfo, TileCacheInstance};
+use crate::picture::{PrimitiveList, SurfaceIndex, RasterConfig, SliceId};
+use crate::prim_store::{ClipTaskIndex, PictureIndex, PrimitiveInstanceKind};
+use crate::prim_store::{PrimitiveStore, PrimitiveInstance};
+use crate::prim_store::image::VisibleImageTile;
+use crate::render_backend::{DataStores, ScratchBuffer};
+use crate::resource_cache::{ResourceCache, ImageProperties, ImageRequest};
+use crate::scene::SceneProperties;
+use crate::space::{SpaceMapper, SpaceSnapper};
+use crate::internal_types::Filter;
+use crate::util::{MaxRect};
+pub struct FrameVisibilityContext<'a> {
+ pub spatial_tree: &'a SpatialTree,
+ pub global_screen_world_rect: WorldRect,
+ pub global_device_pixel_scale: DevicePixelScale,
+ pub surfaces: &'a [SurfaceInfo],
+ pub debug_flags: DebugFlags,
+ pub scene_properties: &'a SceneProperties,
+ pub config: FrameBuilderConfig,
+pub struct FrameVisibilityState<'a> {
+ pub clip_store: &'a mut ClipStore,
+ pub resource_cache: &'a mut ResourceCache,
+ pub gpu_cache: &'a mut GpuCache,
+ pub scratch: &'a mut ScratchBuffer,
+ pub tile_cache: Option<Box<TileCacheInstance>>,
+ pub data_stores: &'a mut DataStores,
+ pub clip_chain_stack: ClipChainStack,
+ pub composite_state: &'a mut CompositeState,
+ /// A stack of currently active off-screen surfaces during the
+ /// visibility frame traversal.
+ pub surface_stack: Vec<SurfaceIndex>,
+impl<'a> FrameVisibilityState<'a> {
+ pub fn push_surface(
+ &mut self,
+ surface_index: SurfaceIndex,
+ shared_clips: &[ClipInstance],
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+ ) {
+ self.surface_stack.push(surface_index);
+ self.clip_chain_stack.push_surface(shared_clips, spatial_tree);
+ }
+ pub fn pop_surface(&mut self) {
+ self.surface_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ self.clip_chain_stack.pop_surface();
+ }
+/// A bit mask describing which dirty regions a primitive is visible in.
+/// A value of 0 means not visible in any region, while a mask of 0xffff
+/// would be considered visible in all regions.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "replay", derive(Deserialize))]
+pub struct PrimitiveVisibilityMask {
+ bits: u16,
+impl PrimitiveVisibilityMask {
+ /// Construct a default mask, where no regions are considered visible
+ pub fn empty() -> Self {
+ PrimitiveVisibilityMask {
+ bits: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn all() -> Self {
+ PrimitiveVisibilityMask {
+ bits: !0,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn include(&mut self, other: PrimitiveVisibilityMask) {
+ self.bits |= other.bits;
+ }
+ pub fn intersects(&self, other: PrimitiveVisibilityMask) -> bool {
+ (self.bits & other.bits) != 0
+ }
+ /// Mark a given region index as visible
+ pub fn set_visible(&mut self, region_index: usize) {
+ debug_assert!(region_index < PrimitiveVisibilityMask::MAX_DIRTY_REGIONS);
+ self.bits |= 1 << region_index;
+ }
+ /// Returns true if there are no visible regions
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+ self.bits == 0
+ }
+ /// The maximum number of supported dirty regions.
+ pub const MAX_DIRTY_REGIONS: usize = 8 * mem::size_of::<PrimitiveVisibilityMask>();
+bitflags! {
+ /// A set of bitflags that can be set in the visibility information
+ /// for a primitive instance. This can be used to control how primitives
+ /// are treated during batching.
+ // TODO(gw): We should also move `is_compositor_surface` to be part of
+ // this flags struct.
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+ pub struct PrimitiveVisibilityFlags: u16 {
+ /// Implies that this primitive covers the entire picture cache slice,
+ /// and can thus be dropped during batching and drawn with clear color.
+ const IS_BACKDROP = 1;
+ }
+/// Contains the current state of the primitive's visibility.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+pub enum VisibilityState {
+ /// Uninitialized - this should never be encountered after prim reset
+ Unset,
+ /// Culled for being off-screen, or not possible to render (e.g. missing image resource)
+ Culled,
+ /// During picture cache dependency update, was found to be intersecting with one
+ /// or more visible tiles. The rect in picture cache space is stored here to allow
+ /// the detailed calculations below.
+ Coarse {
+ rect_in_pic_space: PictureRect,
+ },
+ /// Once coarse visibility is resolved, this provides a bitmask of which dirty tiles
+ /// this primitive should be rasterized into.
+ Detailed {
+ /// A mask defining which of the dirty regions this primitive is visible in.
+ visibility_mask: PrimitiveVisibilityMask,
+ },
+/// Information stored for a visible primitive about the visible
+/// rect and associated clip information.
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "capture", derive(Serialize))]
+pub struct PrimitiveVisibility {
+ /// The clip chain instance that was built for this primitive.
+ pub clip_chain: ClipChainInstance,
+ /// Current visibility state of the primitive.
+ // TODO(gw): Move more of the fields from this struct into
+ // the state enum.
+ pub state: VisibilityState,
+ /// An index into the clip task instances array in the primitive
+ /// store. If this is ClipTaskIndex::INVALID, then the primitive
+ /// has no clip mask. Otherwise, it may store the offset of the
+ /// global clip mask task for this primitive, or the first of
+ /// a list of clip task ids (one per segment).
+ pub clip_task_index: ClipTaskIndex,
+ /// A set of flags that define how this primitive should be handled
+ /// during batching of visibile primitives.
+ pub flags: PrimitiveVisibilityFlags,
+ /// The current combined local clip for this primitive, from
+ /// the primitive local clip above and the current clip chain.
+ pub combined_local_clip_rect: LayoutRect,
+impl PrimitiveVisibility {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ PrimitiveVisibility {
+ state: VisibilityState::Unset,
+ clip_chain: ClipChainInstance::empty(),
+ clip_task_index: ClipTaskIndex::INVALID,
+ flags: PrimitiveVisibilityFlags::empty(),
+ combined_local_clip_rect: LayoutRect::zero(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn reset(&mut self) {
+ self.state = VisibilityState::Culled;
+ self.clip_task_index = ClipTaskIndex::INVALID;
+ self.flags = PrimitiveVisibilityFlags::empty();
+ }
+/// Update visibility pass - update each primitive visibility struct, and
+/// build the clip chain instance if appropriate.
+pub fn update_primitive_visibility(
+ store: &mut PrimitiveStore,
+ pic_index: PictureIndex,
+ parent_surface_index: SurfaceIndex,
+ world_culling_rect: &WorldRect,
+ frame_context: &FrameVisibilityContext,
+ frame_state: &mut FrameVisibilityState,
+ tile_caches: &mut FastHashMap<SliceId, Box<TileCacheInstance>>,
+) -> Option<PictureRect> {
+ profile_scope!("update_visibility");
+ let (mut prim_list, surface_index, apply_local_clip_rect, world_culling_rect, is_composite) = {
+ let pic = &mut[pic_index.0];
+ let mut world_culling_rect = *world_culling_rect;
+ let prim_list = mem::replace(&mut pic.prim_list, PrimitiveList::empty());
+ let (surface_index, is_composite) = match pic.raster_config {
+ Some(ref raster_config) => (raster_config.surface_index, true),
+ None => (parent_surface_index, false)
+ };
+ match pic.raster_config {
+ Some(RasterConfig { composite_mode: PictureCompositeMode::TileCache { slice_id }, .. }) => {
+ let mut tile_cache = tile_caches
+ .remove(&slice_id)
+ .expect("bug: non-existent tile cache");
+ // If we have a tile cache for this picture, see if any of the
+ // relative transforms have changed, which means we need to
+ // re-map the dependencies of any child primitives.
+ world_culling_rect = tile_cache.pre_update(
+ layout_rect_as_picture_rect(&pic.estimated_local_rect),
+ surface_index,
+ frame_context,
+ frame_state,
+ );
+ // Push a new surface, supplying the list of clips that should be
+ // ignored, since they are handled by clipping when drawing this surface.
+ frame_state.push_surface(
+ surface_index,
+ &tile_cache.shared_clips,
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ frame_state.tile_cache = Some(tile_cache);
+ }
+ _ => {
+ if is_composite {
+ frame_state.push_surface(
+ surface_index,
+ &[],
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (prim_list, surface_index, pic.apply_local_clip_rect, world_culling_rect, is_composite)
+ };
+ let surface = &frame_context.surfaces[surface_index.0 as usize];
+ let mut map_local_to_surface = surface
+ .map_local_to_surface
+ .clone();
+ let map_surface_to_world = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ surface.surface_spatial_node_index,
+ frame_context.global_screen_world_rect,
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ let mut surface_rect = PictureRect::zero();
+ for cluster in &mut prim_list.clusters {
+ profile_scope!("cluster");
+ // Get the cluster and see if is visible
+ if !cluster.flags.contains(ClusterFlags::IS_VISIBLE) {
+ // Each prim instance must have reset called each frame, to clear
+ // indices into various scratch buffers. If this doesn't occur,
+ // the primitive may incorrectly be considered visible, which can
+ // cause unexpected conditions to occur later during the frame.
+ // Primitive instances are normally reset in the main loop below,
+ // but we must also reset them in the rare case that the cluster
+ // visibility has changed (due to an invalid transform and/or
+ // backface visibility changing for this cluster).
+ // TODO(gw): This is difficult to test for in CI - as a follow up,
+ // we should add a debug flag that validates the prim
+ // instance is always reset every frame to catch similar
+ // issues in future.
+ for prim_instance in &mut prim_list.prim_instances[cluster.prim_range()] {
+ prim_instance.reset();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ map_local_to_surface.set_target_spatial_node(
+ cluster.spatial_node_index,
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ for prim_instance in &mut prim_list.prim_instances[cluster.prim_range()] {
+ prim_instance.reset();
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)] // needed for ".id" part
+ println!("\tpreparing {:?} in {:?}",, pic_index);
+ println!("\t{:?}", prim_instance.kind);
+ }
+ let (is_passthrough, prim_local_rect, prim_shadowed_rect) = match prim_instance.kind {
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Picture { pic_index, .. } => {
+ let (is_visible, is_passthrough) = {
+ let pic = &[pic_index.0];
+ (pic.is_visible(), pic.raster_config.is_none())
+ };
+ if !is_visible {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if is_passthrough {
+ frame_state.clip_chain_stack.push_clip(
+ prim_instance.clip_set.clip_chain_id,
+ frame_state.clip_store,
+ );
+ }
+ let pic_surface_rect = update_primitive_visibility(
+ store,
+ pic_index,
+ surface_index,
+ &world_culling_rect,
+ frame_context,
+ frame_state,
+ tile_caches,
+ );
+ if is_passthrough {
+ frame_state.clip_chain_stack.pop_clip();
+ }
+ let pic = &[pic_index.0];
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() && pic.estimated_local_rect != pic.precise_local_rect {
+ println!("\testimate {:?} adjusted to {:?}", pic.estimated_local_rect, pic.precise_local_rect);
+ }
+ let mut shadow_rect = pic.precise_local_rect;
+ match pic.raster_config {
+ Some(ref rc) => match rc.composite_mode {
+ // If we have a drop shadow filter, we also need to include the shadow in
+ // our shadowed local rect for the purpose of calculating the size of the
+ // picture.
+ PictureCompositeMode::Filter(Filter::DropShadows(ref shadows)) => {
+ for shadow in shadows {
+ shadow_rect = shadow_rect.union(&pic.precise_local_rect.translate(shadow.offset));
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ None => {
+ // If the primitive does not have its own raster config, we need to
+ // propogate the surface rect calculation to the parent.
+ if let Some(ref rect) = pic_surface_rect {
+ surface_rect = surface_rect.union(rect);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (is_passthrough, pic.precise_local_rect, shadow_rect)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let prim_data = &frame_state.data_stores.as_common_data(&prim_instance);
+ (false, prim_data.prim_rect, prim_data.prim_rect)
+ }
+ };
+ if is_passthrough {
+ // Pass through pictures are always considered visible in all dirty tiles.
+ prim_instance.vis.state = VisibilityState::Detailed {
+ visibility_mask: PrimitiveVisibilityMask::all(),
+ };
+ } else {
+ if prim_local_rect.size.width <= 0.0 || prim_local_rect.size.height <= 0.0 {
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tculled for zero local rectangle");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Inflate the local rect for this primitive by the inflation factor of
+ // the picture context and include the shadow offset. This ensures that
+ // even if the primitive itstore is not visible, any effects from the
+ // blur radius or shadow will be correctly taken into account.
+ let inflation_factor = surface.inflation_factor;
+ let local_rect = prim_shadowed_rect
+ .inflate(inflation_factor, inflation_factor)
+ .intersection(&prim_instance.clip_set.local_clip_rect);
+ let local_rect = match local_rect {
+ Some(local_rect) => local_rect,
+ None => {
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tculled for being out of the local clip rectangle: {:?}",
+ prim_instance.clip_set.local_clip_rect);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ // Include the clip chain for this primitive in the current stack.
+ frame_state.clip_chain_stack.push_clip(
+ prim_instance.clip_set.clip_chain_id,
+ frame_state.clip_store,
+ );
+ frame_state.clip_store.set_active_clips(
+ prim_instance.clip_set.local_clip_rect,
+ cluster.spatial_node_index,
+ map_local_to_surface.ref_spatial_node_index,
+ frame_state.clip_chain_stack.current_clips_array(),
+ &frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ &frame_state.data_stores.clip,
+ );
+ let clip_chain = frame_state
+ .clip_store
+ .build_clip_chain_instance(
+ local_rect,
+ &map_local_to_surface,
+ &map_surface_to_world,
+ &frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ frame_state.gpu_cache,
+ frame_state.resource_cache,
+ surface.device_pixel_scale,
+ &world_culling_rect,
+ &mut frame_state.data_stores.clip,
+ true,
+ prim_instance.is_chased(),
+ );
+ // Ensure the primitive clip is popped
+ frame_state.clip_chain_stack.pop_clip();
+ prim_instance.vis.clip_chain = match clip_chain {
+ Some(clip_chain) => clip_chain,
+ None => {
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tunable to build the clip chain, skipping");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\teffective clip chain from {:?} {}",
+ prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.clips_range,
+ if apply_local_clip_rect { "(applied)" } else { "" },
+ );
+ println!("\tpicture rect {:?} @{:?}",
+ prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_clip_rect,
+ prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_spatial_node_index,
+ );
+ }
+ prim_instance.vis.combined_local_clip_rect = if apply_local_clip_rect {
+ prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.local_clip_rect
+ } else {
+ prim_instance.clip_set.local_clip_rect
+ };
+ if prim_instance.vis.combined_local_clip_rect.size.is_empty() {
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tculled for zero local clip rectangle");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Include the visible area for primitive, including any shadows, in
+ // the area affected by the surface.
+ match prim_instance.vis.combined_local_clip_rect.intersection(&local_rect) {
+ Some(visible_rect) => {
+ if let Some(rect) = {
+ surface_rect = surface_rect.union(&rect);
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tculled for zero visible rectangle");
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ match frame_state.tile_cache {
+ Some(ref mut tile_cache) => {
+ // TODO(gw): Refactor how tile_cache is stored in frame_state
+ // so that we can pass frame_state directly to
+ // update_prim_dependencies, rather than splitting borrows.
+ tile_cache.update_prim_dependencies(
+ prim_instance,
+ cluster.spatial_node_index,
+ prim_local_rect,
+ frame_context,
+ frame_state.data_stores,
+ frame_state.clip_store,
+ &,
+ frame_state.resource_cache,
+ &store.color_bindings,
+ &frame_state.surface_stack,
+ &mut frame_state.composite_state,
+ );
+ }
+ None => {
+ // When picture cache is not in use, cull against the main world culling rect only.
+ let clipped_world_rect = calculate_prim_clipped_world_rect(
+ &prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_clip_rect,
+ &world_culling_rect,
+ &map_surface_to_world,
+ );
+ prim_instance.vis.state = match clipped_world_rect {
+ Some(_) => {
+ VisibilityState::Detailed {
+ visibility_mask: PrimitiveVisibilityMask::all(),
+ }
+ }
+ None => {
+ VisibilityState::Culled
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ // Skip post visibility prim update if this primitive was culled above.
+ match prim_instance.vis.state {
+ VisibilityState::Unset => panic!("bug: invalid state"),
+ VisibilityState::Culled => continue,
+ VisibilityState::Coarse { .. } | VisibilityState::Detailed { .. } => {}
+ }
+ // When the debug display is enabled, paint a colored rectangle around each
+ // primitive.
+ if frame_context.debug_flags.contains(::api::DebugFlags::PRIMITIVE_DBG) {
+ let debug_color = match prim_instance.kind {
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Picture { .. } => ColorF::TRANSPARENT,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::TextRun { .. } => debug_colors::RED,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::LineDecoration { .. } => debug_colors::PURPLE,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::NormalBorder { .. } |
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::ImageBorder { .. } => debug_colors::ORANGE,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Rectangle { .. } => ColorF { r: 0.8, g: 0.8, b: 0.8, a: 0.5 },
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::YuvImage { .. } => debug_colors::BLUE,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Image { .. } => debug_colors::BLUE,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::LinearGradient { .. } => debug_colors::PINK,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::RadialGradient { .. } => debug_colors::PINK,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::ConicGradient { .. } => debug_colors::PINK,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Clear { .. } => debug_colors::CYAN,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Backdrop { .. } => debug_colors::MEDIUMAQUAMARINE,
+ };
+ if debug_color.a != 0.0 {
+ if let Some(rect) = calculate_prim_clipped_world_rect(
+ &prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_clip_rect,
+ &world_culling_rect,
+ &map_surface_to_world,
+ ) {
+ let debug_rect = rect * frame_context.global_device_pixel_scale;
+ frame_state.scratch.primitive.push_debug_rect(debug_rect, debug_color, debug_color.scale_alpha(0.5));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if frame_context.debug_flags.contains(::api::DebugFlags::OBSCURE_IMAGES) {
+ let is_image = matches!(
+ prim_instance.kind,
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Image { .. } | PrimitiveInstanceKind::YuvImage { .. }
+ );
+ if is_image {
+ // We allow "small" images, since they're generally UI elements.
+ if let Some(rect) = calculate_prim_clipped_world_rect(
+ &prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_clip_rect,
+ &world_culling_rect,
+ &map_surface_to_world,
+ ) {
+ let rect = rect * frame_context.global_device_pixel_scale;
+ if rect.size.width > 70.0 && rect.size.height > 70.0 {
+ frame_state.scratch.primitive.push_debug_rect(rect, debug_colors::PURPLE, debug_colors::PURPLE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if prim_instance.is_chased() {
+ println!("\tvisible with {:?}", prim_instance.vis.combined_local_clip_rect);
+ }
+ // TODO(gw): This should probably be an instance method on PrimitiveInstance?
+ update_prim_post_visibility(
+ store,
+ prim_instance,
+ cluster.spatial_node_index,
+ world_culling_rect,
+ &map_surface_to_world,
+ frame_context,
+ frame_state,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Similar to above, pop either the clip chain or root entry off the current clip stack.
+ if is_composite {
+ frame_state.pop_surface();
+ }
+ let pic = &mut[pic_index.0];
+ pic.prim_list = prim_list;
+ // If the local rect changed (due to transforms in child primitives) then
+ // invalidate the GPU cache location to re-upload the new local rect
+ // and stretch size. Drop shadow filters also depend on the local rect
+ // size for the extra GPU cache data handle.
+ // TODO(gw): In future, if we support specifying a flag which gets the
+ // stretch size from the segment rect in the shaders, we can
+ // remove this invalidation here completely.
+ if let Some(ref rc) = pic.raster_config {
+ // Inflate the local bounding rect if required by the filter effect.
+ // This inflaction factor is to be applied to the surface itstore.
+ if pic.options.inflate_if_required {
+ // The picture's local rect is calculated as the union of the
+ // snapped primitive rects, which should result in a snapped
+ // local rect, unless it was inflated. This is also done during
+ // surface configuration when calculating the picture's
+ // estimated local rect.
+ let snap_pic_to_raster = SpaceSnapper::new_with_target(
+ surface.raster_spatial_node_index,
+ pic.spatial_node_index,
+ surface.device_pixel_scale,
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ surface_rect = rc.composite_mode.inflate_picture_rect(surface_rect, surface.scale_factors);
+ surface_rect = snap_pic_to_raster.snap_rect(&surface_rect);
+ }
+ // Layout space for the picture is picture space from the
+ // perspective of its child primitives.
+ pic.precise_local_rect = surface_rect * Scale::new(1.0);
+ // If the precise rect changed since last frame, we need to invalidate
+ // any segments and gpu cache handles for drop-shadows.
+ // TODO(gw): Requiring storage of the `prev_precise_local_rect` here
+ // is a total hack. It's required because `prev_precise_local_rect`
+ // gets written to twice (during initial vis pass and also during
+ // prepare pass). The proper longer term fix for this is to make
+ // use of the conservative picture rect for segmenting (which should
+ // be done during scene building).
+ if pic.precise_local_rect != pic.prev_precise_local_rect {
+ match rc.composite_mode {
+ PictureCompositeMode::Filter(Filter::DropShadows(..)) => {
+ for handle in &pic.extra_gpu_data_handles {
+ frame_state.gpu_cache.invalidate(handle);
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ // Invalidate any segments built for this picture, since the local
+ // rect has changed.
+ pic.segments_are_valid = false;
+ pic.prev_precise_local_rect = pic.precise_local_rect;
+ }
+ if let PictureCompositeMode::TileCache { .. } = rc.composite_mode {
+ let mut tile_cache = frame_state.tile_cache.take().unwrap();
+ // Build the dirty region(s) for this tile cache.
+ tile_cache.post_update(
+ frame_context,
+ frame_state,
+ );
+ tile_caches.insert(SliceId::new(tile_cache.slice), tile_cache);
+ }
+ None
+ } else {
+ let parent_surface = &frame_context.surfaces[parent_surface_index.0 as usize];
+ let map_surface_to_parent_surface = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ parent_surface.surface_spatial_node_index,
+ surface.surface_spatial_node_index,
+ PictureRect::max_rect(),
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ }
+fn update_prim_post_visibility(
+ store: &mut PrimitiveStore,
+ prim_instance: &mut PrimitiveInstance,
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ world_culling_rect: WorldRect,
+ map_surface_to_world: &SpaceMapper<PicturePixel, WorldPixel>,
+ frame_context: &FrameVisibilityContext,
+ frame_state: &mut FrameVisibilityState,
+) {
+ profile_scope!("update_prim_post_visibility");
+ match prim_instance.kind {
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Picture { pic_index, .. } => {
+ let pic = &mut[pic_index.0];
+ // If this picture has a surface, determine the clipped bounding rect for it to
+ // minimize the size of the render target that is required.
+ if let Some(ref mut raster_config) = pic.raster_config {
+ raster_config.clipped_bounding_rect = map_surface_to_world
+ .map(&prim_instance.vis.clip_chain.pic_clip_rect)
+ .and_then(|rect| {
+ rect.intersection(&world_culling_rect)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(WorldRect::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::TextRun { .. } => {
+ // Text runs can't request resources early here, as we don't
+ // know until TileCache::post_update() whether we are drawing
+ // on an opaque surface.
+ // TODO(gw): We might be able to detect simple cases of this earlier,
+ // during the picture traversal. But it's probably not worth it?
+ }
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::Image { data_handle, image_instance_index, .. } => {
+ let prim_data = &mut frame_state.data_stores.image[data_handle];
+ let common_data = &mut prim_data.common;
+ let image_data = &mut prim_data.kind;
+ let image_instance = &mut store.images[image_instance_index];
+ let image_properties = frame_state
+ .resource_cache
+ .get_image_properties(image_data.key);
+ let request = ImageRequest {
+ key: image_data.key,
+ rendering: image_data.image_rendering,
+ tile: None,
+ };
+ match image_properties {
+ Some(ImageProperties { tiling: None, .. }) => {
+ frame_state.resource_cache.request_image(
+ request,
+ frame_state.gpu_cache,
+ );
+ }
+ Some(ImageProperties { tiling: Some(tile_size), visible_rect, .. }) => {
+ image_instance.visible_tiles.clear();
+ // TODO: rename the blob's visible_rect into something that doesn't conflict
+ // with the terminology we use during culling since it's not really the same
+ // thing.
+ let active_rect = visible_rect;
+ // Tighten the clip rect because decomposing the repeated image can
+ // produce primitives that are partially covering the original image
+ // rect and we want to clip these extra parts out.
+ let prim_info = &prim_instance.vis;
+ let tight_clip_rect = prim_info
+ .combined_local_clip_rect
+ .intersection(&common_data.prim_rect).unwrap();
+ image_instance.tight_local_clip_rect = tight_clip_rect;
+ let visible_rect = compute_conservative_visible_rect(
+ &prim_instance.vis.clip_chain,
+ world_culling_rect,
+ prim_spatial_node_index,
+ frame_context.spatial_tree,
+ );
+ let base_edge_flags = edge_flags_for_tile_spacing(&image_data.tile_spacing);
+ let stride = image_data.stretch_size + image_data.tile_spacing;
+ // We are performing the decomposition on the CPU here, no need to
+ // have it in the shader.
+ common_data.may_need_repetition = false;
+ let repetitions = image_tiling::repetitions(
+ &common_data.prim_rect,
+ &visible_rect,
+ stride,
+ );
+ for image_tiling::Repetition { origin, edge_flags } in repetitions {
+ let edge_flags = base_edge_flags | edge_flags;
+ let layout_image_rect = LayoutRect {
+ origin,
+ size: image_data.stretch_size,
+ };
+ let tiles = image_tiling::tiles(
+ &layout_image_rect,
+ &visible_rect,
+ &active_rect,
+ tile_size as i32,
+ );
+ for tile in tiles {
+ frame_state.resource_cache.request_image(
+ request.with_tile(tile.offset),
+ frame_state.gpu_cache,
+ );
+ image_instance.visible_tiles.push(VisibleImageTile {
+ tile_offset: tile.offset,
+ edge_flags: tile.edge_flags & edge_flags,
+ local_rect: tile.rect,
+ local_clip_rect: tight_clip_rect,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if image_instance.visible_tiles.is_empty() {
+ // Mark as invisible
+ prim_instance.clear_visibility();
+ }
+ }
+ None => {}
+ }
+ }
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::ImageBorder { data_handle, .. } => {
+ let prim_data = &mut frame_state.data_stores.image_border[data_handle];
+ prim_data.kind.request_resources(
+ frame_state.resource_cache,
+ frame_state.gpu_cache,
+ );
+ }
+ PrimitiveInstanceKind::YuvImage { data_handle, .. } => {
+ let prim_data = &mut frame_state.data_stores.yuv_image[data_handle];
+ prim_data.kind.request_resources(
+ frame_state.resource_cache,
+ frame_state.gpu_cache,
+ );
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+fn edge_flags_for_tile_spacing(tile_spacing: &LayoutSize) -> EdgeAaSegmentMask {
+ let mut flags = EdgeAaSegmentMask::empty();
+ if tile_spacing.width > 0.0 {
+ flags |= EdgeAaSegmentMask::LEFT | EdgeAaSegmentMask::RIGHT;
+ }
+ if tile_spacing.height > 0.0 {
+ flags |= EdgeAaSegmentMask::TOP | EdgeAaSegmentMask::BOTTOM;
+ }
+ flags
+pub fn compute_conservative_visible_rect(
+ clip_chain: &ClipChainInstance,
+ world_culling_rect: WorldRect,
+ prim_spatial_node_index: SpatialNodeIndex,
+ spatial_tree: &SpatialTree,
+) -> LayoutRect {
+ // Mapping from picture space -> world space
+ let map_pic_to_world: SpaceMapper<PicturePixel, WorldPixel> = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ clip_chain.pic_spatial_node_index,
+ world_culling_rect,
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ // Mapping from local space -> picture space
+ let map_local_to_pic: SpaceMapper<LayoutPixel, PicturePixel> = SpaceMapper::new_with_target(
+ clip_chain.pic_spatial_node_index,
+ prim_spatial_node_index,
+ PictureRect::max_rect(),
+ spatial_tree,
+ );
+ // Unmap the world culling rect from world -> picture space. If this mapping fails due
+ // to matrix weirdness, best we can do is use the clip chain's local clip rect.
+ let pic_culling_rect = match map_pic_to_world.unmap(&world_culling_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return clip_chain.local_clip_rect,
+ };
+ // Intersect the unmapped world culling rect with the primitive's clip chain rect that
+ // is in picture space (the clip-chain already takes into account the bounds of the
+ // primitive local_rect and local_clip_rect). If there is no intersection here, the
+ // primitive is not visible at all.
+ let pic_culling_rect = match pic_culling_rect.intersection(&clip_chain.pic_clip_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => return LayoutRect::zero(),
+ };
+ // Unmap the picture culling rect from picture -> local space. If this mapping fails due
+ // to matrix weirdness, best we can do is use the clip chain's local clip rect.
+ match map_local_to_pic.unmap(&pic_culling_rect) {
+ Some(rect) => rect,
+ None => clip_chain.local_clip_rect,
+ }
+fn calculate_prim_clipped_world_rect(
+ pic_clip_rect: &PictureRect,
+ world_culling_rect: &WorldRect,
+ map_surface_to_world: &SpaceMapper<PicturePixel, WorldPixel>,
+) -> Option<WorldRect> {
+ map_surface_to_world
+ .map(pic_clip_rect)
+ .and_then(|world_rect| {
+ world_rect.intersection(world_culling_rect)
+ })