path: root/image/decoders/nsAVIFDecoder.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'image/decoders/nsAVIFDecoder.cpp')
1 files changed, 1078 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/image/decoders/nsAVIFDecoder.cpp b/image/decoders/nsAVIFDecoder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..625558962e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/image/decoders/nsAVIFDecoder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "ImageLogging.h" // Must appear first
+#include "nsAVIFDecoder.h"
+#include "aom/aomdx.h"
+#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"
+#include "YCbCrUtils.h"
+#include "SurfacePipeFactory.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+using namespace mozilla::gfx;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace image {
+using Telemetry::LABELS_AVIF_BIT_DEPTH;
+using Telemetry::LABELS_AVIF_DECODER;
+using Telemetry::ScalarID;
+static LazyLogModule sAVIFLog("AVIFDecoder");
+static const LABELS_AVIF_BIT_DEPTH gColorDepthLabel[] = {
+static const LABELS_AVIF_YUV_COLOR_SPACE gColorSpaceLabel[static_cast<size_t>(
+ gfx::YUVColorSpace::_NUM_COLORSPACE)] = {
+class AVIFParser {
+ public:
+ static AVIFParser* Create(const Mp4parseIo* aIo) {
+ UniquePtr<AVIFParser> p(new AVIFParser(aIo));
+ if (!p->Init()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(p->mParser);
+ return p.release();
+ }
+ ~AVIFParser() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Destroy AVIFParser=%p", this));
+ }
+ AvifImage* GetImage() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mParser);
+ if (mAvifImage.isNothing()) {
+ mAvifImage.emplace();
+ Mp4parseStatus status =
+ mp4parse_avif_get_image(mParser.get(), mAvifImage.ptr());
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] mp4parse_avif_get_image -> %d; primary_item length: "
+ "%u, alpha_item length: %u",
+ this, status, mAvifImage->primary_item.length,
+ mAvifImage->alpha_item.length));
+ if (status != MP4PARSE_STATUS_OK) {
+ mAvifImage.reset();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return mAvifImage.ptr();
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit AVIFParser(const Mp4parseIo* aIo) : mIo(aIo) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("Create AVIFParser=%p", this));
+ }
+ bool Init() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mParser);
+ Mp4parseAvifParser* parser = nullptr;
+ Mp4parseStatus status = mp4parse_avif_new(mIo, &parser);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] mp4parse_avif_new status: %d", this, status));
+ if (status != MP4PARSE_STATUS_OK) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ mParser.reset(parser);
+ return true;
+ }
+ struct FreeAvifParser {
+ void operator()(Mp4parseAvifParser* aPtr) { mp4parse_avif_free(aPtr); }
+ };
+ const Mp4parseIo* mIo;
+ UniquePtr<Mp4parseAvifParser, FreeAvifParser> mParser;
+ Maybe<AvifImage> mAvifImage;
+// An interface to do decode and get the decoded data
+class AVIFDecoderInterface {
+ public:
+ using Dav1dResult = nsAVIFDecoder::Dav1dResult;
+ using NonAOMCodecError = nsAVIFDecoder::NonAOMCodecError;
+ using AOMResult = nsAVIFDecoder::AOMResult;
+ using NonDecoderResult = nsAVIFDecoder::NonDecoderResult;
+ using DecodeResult = nsAVIFDecoder::DecodeResult;
+ virtual ~AVIFDecoderInterface() = default;
+ // Set the mDecodedData if Decode() succeeds
+ virtual DecodeResult Decode(bool aIsMetadataDecode) = 0;
+ // Must be called after Decode() succeeds
+ layers::PlanarYCbCrAData& GetDecodedData() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDecodedData.isSome());
+ return mDecodedData.ref();
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit AVIFDecoderInterface(UniquePtr<AVIFParser>&& aParser)
+ : mParser(std::move(aParser)) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mParser);
+ }
+ inline static bool IsDecodeSuccess(const DecodeResult& aResult) {
+ return nsAVIFDecoder::IsDecodeSuccess(aResult);
+ }
+ UniquePtr<AVIFParser> mParser;
+ // The mDecodedData is valid after Decode() succeeds
+ Maybe<layers::PlanarYCbCrAData> mDecodedData;
+class Dav1dDecoder final : AVIFDecoderInterface {
+ public:
+ ~Dav1dDecoder() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Destroy Dav1dDecoder=%p", this));
+ if (mPicture) {
+ dav1d_picture_unref(mPicture.take().ptr());
+ }
+ if (mAlphaPlane) {
+ dav1d_picture_unref(mAlphaPlane.take().ptr());
+ }
+ if (mContext) {
+ dav1d_close(&mContext);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mContext);
+ }
+ }
+ static DecodeResult Create(UniquePtr<AVIFParser>&& aParser,
+ UniquePtr<AVIFDecoderInterface>& aDecoder) {
+ UniquePtr<Dav1dDecoder> d(new Dav1dDecoder(std::move(aParser)));
+ Dav1dResult r = d->Init();
+ if (r == 0) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(d->mContext);
+ aDecoder.reset(d.release());
+ }
+ return AsVariant(r);
+ }
+ DecodeResult Decode(bool aIsMetadataDecode) override {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mParser);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContext);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mPicture.isNothing());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDecodedData.isNothing());
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("[this=%p] Beginning Decode", this));
+ AvifImage* parsedImg = mParser->GetImage();
+ if (!parsedImg || !parsedImg-> ||
+ !parsedImg->primary_item.length) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::NoPrimaryItem);
+ }
+ mPicture.emplace();
+ Dav1dResult r = GetPicture(&(parsedImg->primary_item), mPicture.ptr(),
+ aIsMetadataDecode);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ mPicture.reset();
+ return AsVariant(r);
+ }
+ if (parsedImg-> && parsedImg->alpha_item.length) {
+ mAlphaPlane.emplace();
+ Dav1dResult r = GetPicture(&(parsedImg->alpha_item), mAlphaPlane.ptr(),
+ aIsMetadataDecode);
+ if (r != 0) {
+ mAlphaPlane.reset();
+ return AsVariant(r);
+ }
+ // Per § 4 of the AVIF spec
+ // An AV1 Alpha
+ // Image Item […] shall be encoded with the same bit depth as the
+ // associated master AV1 Image Item
+ if (mPicture->p.bpc != mAlphaPlane->p.bpc) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::AlphaYColorDepthMismatch);
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mAlphaPlane.isNothing(), !parsedImg->premultiplied_alpha);
+ mDecodedData.emplace(
+ Dav1dPictureToYCbCrAData(mPicture.ptr(), mAlphaPlane.ptrOr(nullptr),
+ parsedImg->premultiplied_alpha));
+ return AsVariant(r);
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit Dav1dDecoder(UniquePtr<AVIFParser>&& aParser)
+ : AVIFDecoderInterface(std::move(aParser)) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Create Dav1dDecoder=%p", this));
+ }
+ Dav1dResult Init() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mContext);
+ Dav1dSettings settings;
+ dav1d_default_settings(&settings);
+ settings.all_layers = 0;
+ // TODO: tune settings a la DAV1DDecoder for AV1 (Bug 1681816)
+ return dav1d_open(&mContext, &settings);
+ }
+ Dav1dResult GetPicture(Mp4parseByteData* aBytes, Dav1dPicture* aPicture,
+ bool aIsMetadataDecode) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContext);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aBytes);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aPicture);
+ Dav1dData dav1dData;
+ Dav1dResult r = dav1d_data_wrap(&dav1dData, aBytes->data, aBytes->length,
+ Dav1dFreeCallback_s, nullptr);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, r == 0 ? LogLevel::Verbose : LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] dav1d_data_wrap(%p, %zu) -> %d", this,,
+, r));
+ if (r != 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = dav1d_send_data(mContext, &dav1dData);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, r == 0 ? LogLevel::Debug : LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] dav1d_send_data -> %d", this, r));
+ if (r != 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ r = dav1d_get_picture(mContext, aPicture);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, r == 0 ? LogLevel::Debug : LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] dav1d_get_picture -> %d", this, r));
+ // Discard the value outside of the range of uint32
+ if (!aIsMetadataDecode && std::numeric_limits<int>::digits <= 31) {
+ // De-negate POSIX error code returned from DAV1D. This must be sync with
+ // DAV1D_ERR macro.
+ uint32_t value = r < 0 ? -r : r;
+ ScalarSet(ScalarID::AVIF_DAV1D_DECODE_ERROR, value);
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ // A dummy callback for dav1d_data_wrap
+ static void Dav1dFreeCallback_s(const uint8_t* aBuf, void* aCookie) {
+ // The buf is managed by the mParser inside Dav1dDecoder itself. Do nothing
+ // here.
+ }
+ static layers::PlanarYCbCrAData Dav1dPictureToYCbCrAData(
+ Dav1dPicture* aPicture, Dav1dPicture* aAlphaPlane,
+ bool aPremultipliedAlpha);
+ Dav1dContext* mContext = nullptr;
+ // The pictures are allocated once Decode() succeeds and will be deallocated
+ // when Dav1dDecoder is destroyed
+ Maybe<Dav1dPicture> mPicture;
+ Maybe<Dav1dPicture> mAlphaPlane;
+class AOMDecoder final : AVIFDecoderInterface {
+ public:
+ ~AOMDecoder() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Destroy AOMDecoder=%p", this));
+ if (mContext.isSome()) {
+ aom_codec_err_t r = aom_codec_destroy(mContext.ptr());
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] aom_codec_destroy -> %d", this, r));
+ }
+ }
+ static DecodeResult Create(UniquePtr<AVIFParser>&& aParser,
+ UniquePtr<AVIFDecoderInterface>& aDecoder) {
+ UniquePtr<AOMDecoder> d(new AOMDecoder(std::move(aParser)));
+ aom_codec_err_t e = d->Init();
+ if (e == AOM_CODEC_OK) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(d->mContext);
+ aDecoder.reset(d.release());
+ }
+ return AsVariant(AOMResult(e));
+ }
+ DecodeResult Decode(bool aIsMetadataDecode) override {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mParser);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContext.isSome());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDecodedData.isNothing());
+ AvifImage* parsedImg = mParser->GetImage();
+ if (!parsedImg || !parsedImg-> ||
+ !parsedImg->primary_item.length) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::NoPrimaryItem);
+ }
+ aom_image_t* aomImg = nullptr;
+ DecodeResult r =
+ GetImage(parsedImg->primary_item, &aomImg, aIsMetadataDecode);
+ if (!IsDecodeSuccess(r)) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aomImg);
+ // The aomImg will be released in next GetImage call (aom_codec_decode
+ // actually). The GetImage could be called again immediately if parsedImg
+ // contains alpha data. Therefore, we need to copy the image and manage it
+ // by AOMDecoder itself.
+ OwnedAOMImage* clonedImg = OwnedAOMImage::CopyFrom(aomImg, false);
+ if (!clonedImg) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::OutOfMemory);
+ }
+ mOwnedImage.reset(clonedImg);
+ if (parsedImg-> && parsedImg->alpha_item.length) {
+ aom_image_t* alphaImg = nullptr;
+ DecodeResult r =
+ GetImage(parsedImg->alpha_item, &alphaImg, aIsMetadataDecode);
+ if (!IsDecodeSuccess(r)) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(alphaImg);
+ OwnedAOMImage* clonedAlphaImg = OwnedAOMImage::CopyFrom(alphaImg, true);
+ if (!clonedAlphaImg) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::OutOfMemory);
+ }
+ mOwnedAlphaPlane.reset(clonedAlphaImg);
+ // Per § 4 of the AVIF spec
+ // An AV1 Alpha
+ // Image Item […] shall be encoded with the same bit depth as the
+ // associated master AV1 Image Item
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mOwnedImage->GetImage() && mOwnedAlphaPlane->GetImage());
+ if (mOwnedImage->GetImage()->bit_depth !=
+ mOwnedAlphaPlane->GetImage()->bit_depth) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::AlphaYColorDepthMismatch);
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!mOwnedAlphaPlane, !parsedImg->premultiplied_alpha);
+ mDecodedData.emplace(AOMImageToYCbCrAData(
+ mOwnedImage->GetImage(),
+ mOwnedAlphaPlane ? mOwnedAlphaPlane->GetImage() : nullptr,
+ parsedImg->premultiplied_alpha));
+ return r;
+ }
+ private:
+ explicit AOMDecoder(UniquePtr<AVIFParser>&& aParser)
+ : AVIFDecoderInterface(std::move(aParser)) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Create AOMDecoder=%p", this));
+ }
+ aom_codec_err_t Init() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContext.isNothing());
+ aom_codec_iface_t* iface = aom_codec_av1_dx();
+ mContext.emplace();
+ aom_codec_err_t r = aom_codec_dec_init(
+ mContext.ptr(), iface, /* cfg = */ nullptr, /* flags = */ 0);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, r == AOM_CODEC_OK ? LogLevel::Verbose : LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] aom_codec_dec_init -> %d, name = %s", this, r,
+ mContext->name));
+ if (r != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
+ mContext.reset();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ DecodeResult GetImage(Mp4parseByteData& aData, aom_image_t** aImage,
+ bool aIsMetadataDecode) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mContext.isSome());
+ aom_codec_err_t r =
+ aom_codec_decode(mContext.ptr(),, aData.length, nullptr);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, r == AOM_CODEC_OK ? LogLevel::Verbose : LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] aom_codec_decode -> %d", this, r));
+ if (aIsMetadataDecode) {
+ uint32_t value = static_cast<uint32_t>(r);
+ ScalarSet(ScalarID::AVIF_AOM_DECODE_ERROR, value);
+ }
+ if (r != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
+ return AsVariant(AOMResult(r));
+ }
+ aom_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr;
+ aom_image_t* img = aom_codec_get_frame(mContext.ptr(), &iter);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, img == nullptr ? LogLevel::Error : LogLevel::Verbose,
+ ("[this=%p] aom_codec_get_frame -> %p", this, img));
+ if (img == nullptr) {
+ return AsVariant(AOMResult(NonAOMCodecError::NoFrame));
+ }
+ const CheckedInt<int> decoded_width = img->d_w;
+ const CheckedInt<int> decoded_height = img->d_h;
+ if (!decoded_height.isValid() || !decoded_width.isValid()) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] image dimensions can't be stored in int: d_w: %u, "
+ "d_h: %u",
+ this, img->d_w, img->d_h));
+ return AsVariant(AOMResult(NonAOMCodecError::SizeOverflow));
+ }
+ *aImage = img;
+ return AsVariant(AOMResult(r));
+ }
+ class OwnedAOMImage {
+ public:
+ ~OwnedAOMImage() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Destroy OwnedAOMImage=%p", this));
+ };
+ static OwnedAOMImage* CopyFrom(aom_image_t* aImage, bool aIsAlpha) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage);
+ UniquePtr<OwnedAOMImage> img(new OwnedAOMImage());
+ if (!img->CloneFrom(aImage, aIsAlpha)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return img.release();
+ }
+ aom_image_t* GetImage() { return mImage.isSome() ? mImage.ptr() : nullptr; }
+ private:
+ OwnedAOMImage() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose, ("Create OwnedAOMImage=%p", this));
+ };
+ bool CloneFrom(aom_image_t* aImage, bool aIsAlpha) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mImage);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mBuffer);
+ uint8_t* srcY = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y];
+ int yStride = aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y];
+ int yHeight = aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+ size_t yBufSize = yStride * yHeight;
+ // If aImage is alpha plane. The data is located in Y channel.
+ if (aIsAlpha) {
+ mBuffer = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(yBufSize);
+ if (!mBuffer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t* destY = mBuffer.get();
+ memcpy(destY, srcY, yBufSize);
+ mImage.emplace(*aImage);
+ mImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y] = destY;
+ return true;
+ }
+ uint8_t* srcCb = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_U];
+ int cbStride = aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_U];
+ int cbHeight = aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U);
+ size_t cbBufSize = cbStride * cbHeight;
+ uint8_t* srcCr = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_V];
+ int crStride = aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_V];
+ int crHeight = aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_V);
+ size_t crBufSize = crStride * crHeight;
+ mBuffer = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(yBufSize + cbBufSize + crBufSize);
+ if (!mBuffer) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint8_t* destY = mBuffer.get();
+ uint8_t* destCb = destY + yBufSize;
+ uint8_t* destCr = destCb + cbBufSize;
+ memcpy(destY, srcY, yBufSize);
+ memcpy(destCb, srcCb, cbBufSize);
+ memcpy(destCr, srcCr, crBufSize);
+ mImage.emplace(*aImage);
+ mImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y] = destY;
+ mImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_U] = destCb;
+ mImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_V] = destCr;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The mImage's planes are referenced to mBuffer
+ Maybe<aom_image_t> mImage;
+ UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mBuffer;
+ };
+ static layers::PlanarYCbCrAData AOMImageToYCbCrAData(
+ aom_image_t* aImage, aom_image_t* aAlphaPlane, bool aPremultipliedAlpha);
+ Maybe<aom_codec_ctx_t> mContext;
+ UniquePtr<OwnedAOMImage> mOwnedImage;
+ UniquePtr<OwnedAOMImage> mOwnedAlphaPlane;
+/* static */
+layers::PlanarYCbCrAData Dav1dDecoder::Dav1dPictureToYCbCrAData(
+ Dav1dPicture* aPicture, Dav1dPicture* aAlphaPlane,
+ bool aPremultipliedAlpha) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aPicture);
+ static_assert(std::is_same<int, decltype(aPicture->p.w)>::value);
+ static_assert(std::is_same<int, decltype(aPicture->p.h)>::value);
+ layers::PlanarYCbCrAData data;
+ data.mYChannel = static_cast<uint8_t*>(aPicture->data[0]);
+ data.mYStride = aPicture->stride[0];
+ data.mYSize = gfx::IntSize(aPicture->p.w, aPicture->p.h);
+ data.mYSkip = aPicture->stride[0] - aPicture->p.w;
+ data.mCbChannel = static_cast<uint8_t*>(aPicture->data[1]);
+ data.mCrChannel = static_cast<uint8_t*>(aPicture->data[2]);
+ data.mCbCrStride = aPicture->stride[1];
+ switch (aPicture->p.layout) {
+ case DAV1D_PIXEL_LAYOUT_I400: // Monochrome, so no Cb or Cr channels
+ data.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize(0, 0);
+ break;
+ data.mCbCrSize =
+ gfx::IntSize((aPicture->p.w + 1) / 2, (aPicture->p.h + 1) / 2);
+ break;
+ data.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize((aPicture->p.w + 1) / 2, aPicture->p.h);
+ break;
+ data.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize(aPicture->p.w, aPicture->p.h);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown pixel layout");
+ }
+ data.mCbSkip = aPicture->stride[1] - aPicture->p.w;
+ data.mCrSkip = aPicture->stride[1] - aPicture->p.w;
+ data.mPicX = 0;
+ data.mPicY = 0;
+ data.mPicSize = data.mYSize;
+ data.mStereoMode = StereoMode::MONO;
+ data.mColorDepth = ColorDepthForBitDepth(aPicture->p.bpc);
+ switch (aPicture->seq_hdr->mtrx) {
+ case DAV1D_MC_BT601:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_MC_BT709:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT709;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_MC_BT2020_NCL:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_MC_BT2020_CL:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::Identity;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_MC_UNKNOWN: // MIAF specific
+ switch (aPicture->seq_hdr->pri) {
+ case DAV1D_COLOR_PRI_BT601:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_COLOR_PRI_BT709:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT709;
+ break;
+ case DAV1D_COLOR_PRI_BT2020:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ default:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("unsupported color matrix value: %u", aPicture->seq_hdr->mtrx));
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if (data.mYUVColorSpace == gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN) {
+ // MIAF specific: UNKNOWN color space should be treated as BT601
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ }
+ data.mColorRange = aPicture->seq_hdr->color_range ? gfx::ColorRange::FULL
+ : gfx::ColorRange::LIMITED;
+ if (aAlphaPlane) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aAlphaPlane->stride[0] == data.mYStride);
+ data.mAlphaChannel = static_cast<uint8_t*>(aAlphaPlane->data[0]);
+ data.mAlphaSize = gfx::IntSize(aAlphaPlane->p.w, aAlphaPlane->p.h);
+ data.mPremultipliedAlpha = aPremultipliedAlpha;
+ }
+ return data;
+/* static */
+layers::PlanarYCbCrAData AOMDecoder::AOMImageToYCbCrAData(
+ aom_image_t* aImage, aom_image_t* aAlphaPlane, bool aPremultipliedAlpha) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] == aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_ALPHA]);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] >=
+ aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_Y));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_U] == aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_V]);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_U] >=
+ aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_V] >=
+ aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_V));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U) ==
+ aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_V));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U) ==
+ aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_V));
+ layers::PlanarYCbCrAData data;
+ data.mYChannel = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y];
+ data.mYStride = aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y];
+ data.mYSize = gfx::IntSize(aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_Y),
+ aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_Y));
+ data.mYSkip =
+ aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] - aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+ data.mCbChannel = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_U];
+ data.mCrChannel = aImage->planes[AOM_PLANE_V];
+ data.mCbCrStride = aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_U];
+ data.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize(aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U),
+ aom_img_plane_height(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U));
+ data.mCbSkip =
+ aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_U] - aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_U);
+ data.mCrSkip =
+ aImage->stride[AOM_PLANE_V] - aom_img_plane_width(aImage, AOM_PLANE_V);
+ data.mPicX = 0;
+ data.mPicY = 0;
+ data.mPicSize = gfx::IntSize(aImage->d_w, aImage->d_h);
+ data.mStereoMode = StereoMode::MONO;
+ data.mColorDepth = ColorDepthForBitDepth(aImage->bit_depth);
+ switch (aImage->mc) {
+ case AOM_CICP_MC_BT_601:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_MC_BT_709:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT709;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_MC_BT_2020_NCL:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_MC_BT_2020_CL:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::Identity;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_MC_UNSPECIFIED: // MIAF specific
+ switch (aImage->cp) {
+ case AOM_CICP_CP_BT_601:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_CP_BT_709:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT709;
+ break;
+ case AOM_CICP_CP_BT_2020:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT2020;
+ break;
+ default:
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN;
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("unsupported aom_matrix_coefficients value: %u", aImage->mc));
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ if (data.mYUVColorSpace == gfx::YUVColorSpace::UNKNOWN) {
+ // MIAF specific: UNKNOWN color space should be treated as BT601
+ data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601;
+ }
+ switch (aImage->range) {
+ data.mColorRange = gfx::ColorRange::LIMITED;
+ break;
+ data.mColorRange = gfx::ColorRange::FULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unknown color range");
+ }
+ if (aAlphaPlane) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aAlphaPlane->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] == data.mYStride);
+ data.mAlphaChannel = aAlphaPlane->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y];
+ data.mAlphaSize = gfx::IntSize(aAlphaPlane->d_w, aAlphaPlane->d_h);
+ data.mPremultipliedAlpha = aPremultipliedAlpha;
+ }
+ return data;
+// Wrapper to allow rust to call our read adaptor.
+intptr_t nsAVIFDecoder::ReadSource(uint8_t* aDestBuf, uintptr_t aDestBufSize,
+ void* aUserData) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aDestBuf);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aUserData);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
+ ("AVIF ReadSource, aDestBufSize: %zu", aDestBufSize));
+ auto* decoder = reinterpret_cast<nsAVIFDecoder*>(aUserData);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(decoder->mReadCursor);
+ size_t bufferLength = decoder->mBufferedData.end() - decoder->mReadCursor;
+ size_t n_bytes = std::min(aDestBufSize, bufferLength);
+ sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
+ ("AVIF ReadSource, %zu bytes ready, copying %zu", bufferLength, n_bytes));
+ memcpy(aDestBuf, decoder->mReadCursor, n_bytes);
+ decoder->mReadCursor += n_bytes;
+ return n_bytes;
+nsAVIFDecoder::nsAVIFDecoder(RasterImage* aImage) : Decoder(aImage) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] nsAVIFDecoder::nsAVIFDecoder", this));
+nsAVIFDecoder::~nsAVIFDecoder() {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] nsAVIFDecoder::~nsAVIFDecoder", this));
+LexerResult nsAVIFDecoder::DoDecode(SourceBufferIterator& aIterator,
+ IResumable* aOnResume) {
+ DecodeResult result = Decode(aIterator, aOnResume);
+ RecordDecodeResultTelemetry(result);
+ if (<NonDecoderResult>()) {
+ NonDecoderResult r =<NonDecoderResult>();
+ if (r == NonDecoderResult::NeedMoreData) {
+ return LexerResult(Yield::NEED_MORE_DATA);
+ }
+ return r == NonDecoderResult::MetadataOk
+ ? LexerResult(TerminalState::SUCCESS)
+ : LexerResult(TerminalState::FAILURE);
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(<Dav1dResult>() ||<AOMResult>());
+ return LexerResult(IsDecodeSuccess(result) ? TerminalState::SUCCESS
+ : TerminalState::FAILURE);
+nsAVIFDecoder::DecodeResult nsAVIFDecoder::Decode(
+ SourceBufferIterator& aIterator, IResumable* aOnResume) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] nsAVIFDecoder::DoDecode", this));
+ // Since the SourceBufferIterator doesn't guarantee a contiguous buffer,
+ // but the current mp4parse-rust implementation requires it, always buffer
+ // locally. This keeps the code simpler at the cost of some performance, but
+ // this implementation is only experimental, so we don't want to spend time
+ // optimizing it prematurely.
+ while (!mReadCursor) {
+ SourceBufferIterator::State state =
+ aIterator.AdvanceOrScheduleResume(SIZE_MAX, aOnResume);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] After advance, iterator state is %d", this, state));
+ switch (state) {
+ case SourceBufferIterator::WAITING:
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::NeedMoreData);
+ case SourceBufferIterator::COMPLETE:
+ mReadCursor = mBufferedData.begin();
+ break;
+ case SourceBufferIterator::READY: { // copy new data to buffer
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] SourceBufferIterator ready, %zu bytes available",
+ this, aIterator.Length()));
+ bool appendSuccess =
+ mBufferedData.append(aIterator.Data(), aIterator.Length());
+ if (!appendSuccess) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Error,
+ ("[this=%p] Failed to append %zu bytes to buffer", this,
+ aIterator.Length()));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unexpected SourceBufferIterator state");
+ }
+ }
+ Mp4parseIo io = {nsAVIFDecoder::ReadSource, this};
+ UniquePtr<AVIFParser> parser(AVIFParser::Create(&io));
+ if (!parser) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::ParseError);
+ }
+ UniquePtr<AVIFDecoderInterface> decoder;
+ DecodeResult r = StaticPrefs::image_avif_use_dav1d()
+ ? Dav1dDecoder::Create(std::move(parser), decoder)
+ : AOMDecoder::Create(std::move(parser), decoder);
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] Create %sDecoder %ssuccessfully", this,
+ StaticPrefs::image_avif_use_dav1d() ? "Dav1d" : "AOM",
+ IsDecodeSuccess(r) ? "" : "un"));
+ if (!IsDecodeSuccess(r)) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(decoder);
+ r = decoder->Decode(IsMetadataDecode());
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] Decoder%s->Decode() %s", this,
+ StaticPrefs::image_avif_use_dav1d() ? "Dav1d" : "AOM",
+ IsDecodeSuccess(r) ? "succeeds" : "fails"));
+ if (!IsDecodeSuccess(r)) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ layers::PlanarYCbCrAData& decodedData = decoder->GetDecodedData();
+ // Technically it's valid but we don't handle it now (Bug 1682318).
+ if (decodedData.hasAlpha() && decodedData.mAlphaSize != decodedData.mYSize) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::AlphaYSizeMismatch);
+ }
+ PostSize(decodedData.mPicSize.width, decodedData.mPicSize.height);
+ const bool hasAlpha = decodedData.hasAlpha();
+ if (hasAlpha) {
+ PostHasTransparency();
+ }
+ if (IsMetadataDecode()) {
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::MetadataOk);
+ }
+ // These data must be recorded after metadata has been decoded
+ // (IsMetadataDecode()=false) or else they would be double-counted.
+ AccumulateCategorical(
+ gColorSpaceLabel[static_cast<size_t>(decodedData.mYUVColorSpace)]);
+ AccumulateCategorical(
+ gColorDepthLabel[static_cast<size_t>(decodedData.mColorDepth)]);
+ const IntSize intrinsicSize = Size();
+ IntSize rgbSize = intrinsicSize;
+ // Get suggested format and size. Note that GetYCbCrToRGBDestFormatAndSize
+ // force format to be B8G8R8X8 if it's not.
+ gfx::SurfaceFormat format = SurfaceFormat::OS_RGBX;
+ gfx::GetYCbCrToRGBDestFormatAndSize(decodedData, format, rgbSize);
+ if (hasAlpha) {
+ // We would use libyuv to do the YCbCrA -> ARGB convertion, which only works
+ // for B8G8R8A8.
+ format = SurfaceFormat::B8G8R8A8;
+ }
+ const int bytesPerPixel = BytesPerPixel(format);
+ const CheckedInt rgbStride = CheckedInt<int>(rgbSize.width) * bytesPerPixel;
+ const CheckedInt rgbBufLength = rgbStride * rgbSize.height;
+ if (!rgbStride.isValid() || !rgbBufLength.isValid()) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] overflow calculating rgbBufLength: rbgSize.width: %d, "
+ "rgbSize.height: %d, "
+ "bytesPerPixel: %u",
+ this, rgbSize.width, rgbSize.height, bytesPerPixel));
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::SizeOverflow);
+ }
+ UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> rgbBuf = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(rgbBufLength.value());
+ const uint8_t* endOfRgbBuf = {rgbBuf.get() + rgbBufLength.value()};
+ if (!rgbBuf) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] allocation of %u-byte rgbBuf failed", this,
+ rgbBufLength.value()));
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::OutOfMemory);
+ }
+ if (hasAlpha) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] calling gfx::ConvertYCbCrAToARGB", this));
+ gfx::ConvertYCbCrAToARGB(decodedData, format, rgbSize, rgbBuf.get(),
+ rgbStride.value());
+ } else {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] calling gfx::ConvertYCbCrToRGB", this));
+ gfx::ConvertYCbCrToRGB(decodedData, format, rgbSize, rgbBuf.get(),
+ rgbStride.value());
+ }
+ const bool alphaPremultiplicationRequested =
+ !bool(GetSurfaceFlags() & SurfaceFlags::NO_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA);
+ SurfacePipeFlags pipeFlags = SurfacePipeFlags();
+ // If the consumer of this decoder has requested output with alpha
+ // premultiplication and the decoded data wasn't already premultipilied, do it
+ // in our pipeline
+ if (alphaPremultiplicationRequested && hasAlpha &&
+ !decodedData.mPremultipliedAlpha) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA is applied", this));
+ pipeFlags |= SurfacePipeFlags::PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA;
+ }
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] calling SurfacePipeFactory::CreateSurfacePipe", this));
+ Maybe<SurfacePipe> pipe = SurfacePipeFactory::CreateSurfacePipe(
+ this, rgbSize, OutputSize(), FullFrame(), format, format, Nothing(),
+ nullptr, pipeFlags);
+ if (!pipe) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] could not initialize surface pipe", this));
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::PipeInitError);
+ }
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug, ("[this=%p] writing to surface", this));
+ WriteState writeBufferResult = WriteState::NEED_MORE_DATA;
+ for (uint8_t* rowPtr = rgbBuf.get(); rowPtr < endOfRgbBuf;
+ rowPtr += rgbStride.value()) {
+ writeBufferResult = pipe->WriteBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(rowPtr));
+ Maybe<SurfaceInvalidRect> invalidRect = pipe->TakeInvalidRect();
+ if (invalidRect) {
+ PostInvalidation(invalidRect->mInputSpaceRect,
+ Some(invalidRect->mOutputSpaceRect));
+ }
+ if (writeBufferResult == WriteState::FAILURE) {
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] error writing rowPtr to surface pipe", this));
+ } else if (writeBufferResult == WriteState::FINISHED) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(rowPtr + rgbStride.value() == endOfRgbBuf);
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_LOG(sAVIFLog, LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("[this=%p] writing to surface complete", this));
+ if (writeBufferResult == WriteState::FINISHED) {
+ PostFrameStop(hasAlpha ? Opacity::SOME_TRANSPARENCY
+ : Opacity::FULLY_OPAQUE);
+ PostDecodeDone();
+ return r;
+ }
+ return AsVariant(NonDecoderResult::WriteBufferError);
+/* static */
+bool nsAVIFDecoder::IsDecodeSuccess(const DecodeResult& aResult) {
+ if (<Dav1dResult>() ||<AOMResult>()) {
+ return aResult == DecodeResult(Dav1dResult(0)) ||
+ aResult == DecodeResult(AOMResult(AOM_CODEC_OK));
+ }
+ return false;
+void nsAVIFDecoder::RecordDecodeResultTelemetry(
+ const nsAVIFDecoder::DecodeResult& aResult) {
+ if (<NonDecoderResult>()) {
+ switch (<NonDecoderResult>()) {
+ case NonDecoderResult::NeedMoreData:
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::MetadataOk:
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::ParseError:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::parse_error);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::NoPrimaryItem:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::no_primary_item);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::SizeOverflow:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::size_overflow);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::OutOfMemory:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::out_of_memory);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::PipeInitError:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::pipe_init_error);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::WriteBufferError:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::write_buffer_error);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::AlphaYSizeMismatch:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::alpha_y_sz_mismatch);
+ break;
+ case NonDecoderResult::AlphaYColorDepthMismatch:
+ AccumulateCategorical(LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::alpha_y_bpc_mismatch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("unknown result");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(<Dav1dResult>() ||<AOMResult>());
+ AccumulateCategorical(<Dav1dResult>() ? LABELS_AVIF_DECODER::dav1d
+ AccumulateCategorical(IsDecodeSuccess(aResult)
+ : LABELS_AVIF_DECODE_RESULT::decode_error);
+ }
+} // namespace image
+} // namespace mozilla