path: root/js/src/builtin/MapObject.h
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1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/builtin/MapObject.h b/js/src/builtin/MapObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..246dd84123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/builtin/MapObject.h
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+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef builtin_MapObject_h
+#define builtin_MapObject_h
+#include "builtin/SelfHostingDefines.h"
+#include "vm/GlobalObject.h"
+#include "vm/JSObject.h"
+#include "vm/NativeObject.h"
+#include "vm/PIC.h"
+#include "vm/Runtime.h"
+namespace js {
+ * Comparing two ropes for equality can fail. The js::HashTable template
+ * requires infallible hash() and match() operations. Therefore we require
+ * all values to be converted to hashable form before being used as a key
+ * in a Map or Set object.
+ *
+ * All values except ropes are hashable as-is.
+ */
+class HashableValue {
+ // This is used for map and set keys. We use OrderedHashTableRef to update all
+ // nursery keys on minor GC, so a post barrier is not required here.
+ PreBarrieredValue value;
+ public:
+ struct Hasher {
+ using Lookup = HashableValue;
+ static HashNumber hash(const Lookup& v,
+ const mozilla::HashCodeScrambler& hcs) {
+ return v.hash(hcs);
+ }
+ static bool match(const HashableValue& k, const Lookup& l) {
+ return k == l;
+ }
+ static bool isEmpty(const HashableValue& v) {
+ return v.value.isMagic(JS_HASH_KEY_EMPTY);
+ }
+ static void makeEmpty(HashableValue* vp) {
+ vp->value = MagicValue(JS_HASH_KEY_EMPTY);
+ }
+ };
+ HashableValue() : value(UndefinedValue()) {}
+ MOZ_MUST_USE bool setValue(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v);
+ HashNumber hash(const mozilla::HashCodeScrambler& hcs) const;
+ bool operator==(const HashableValue& other) const;
+ HashableValue trace(JSTracer* trc) const;
+ Value get() const { return value.get(); }
+ void trace(JSTracer* trc) { TraceEdge(trc, &value, "HashableValue"); }
+ // Clear the value without invoking the pre-barrier.
+ void unbarrieredClear() { value.unbarrieredSet(UndefinedValue()); }
+template <typename Wrapper>
+class WrappedPtrOperations<HashableValue, Wrapper> {
+ public:
+ Value value() const { return static_cast<const Wrapper*>(this)->get().get(); }
+template <typename Wrapper>
+class MutableWrappedPtrOperations<HashableValue, Wrapper>
+ : public WrappedPtrOperations<HashableValue, Wrapper> {
+ public:
+ MOZ_MUST_USE bool setValue(JSContext* cx, HandleValue v) {
+ return static_cast<Wrapper*>(this)->get().setValue(cx, v);
+ }
+template <class Key, class Value, class OrderedHashPolicy, class AllocPolicy>
+class OrderedHashMap;
+template <class T, class OrderedHashPolicy, class AllocPolicy>
+class OrderedHashSet;
+typedef OrderedHashMap<HashableValue, HeapPtr<Value>, HashableValue::Hasher,
+ ZoneAllocPolicy>
+ ValueMap;
+typedef OrderedHashSet<HashableValue, HashableValue::Hasher, ZoneAllocPolicy>
+ ValueSet;
+template <typename ObjectT>
+class OrderedHashTableRef;
+struct UnbarrieredHashPolicy;
+class MapObject : public NativeObject {
+ public:
+ enum IteratorKind { Keys, Values, Entries };
+ static_assert(
+ Keys == ITEM_KIND_KEY,
+ "IteratorKind Keys must match self-hosting define for item kind key.");
+ static_assert(Values == ITEM_KIND_VALUE,
+ "IteratorKind Values must match self-hosting define for item "
+ "kind value.");
+ static_assert(
+ "IteratorKind Entries must match self-hosting define for item kind "
+ "key-and-value.");
+ static const JSClass class_;
+ static const JSClass protoClass_;
+ enum { NurseryKeysSlot, HasNurseryMemorySlot, SlotCount };
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool getKeysAndValuesInterleaved(
+ HandleObject obj, JS::MutableHandle<GCVector<JS::Value>> entries);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool entries(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MapObject* create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proto = nullptr);
+ // Publicly exposed Map calls for JSAPI access (webidl maplike/setlike
+ // interfaces, etc.)
+ static uint32_t size(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool get(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue key,
+ MutableHandleValue rval);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue key,
+ bool* rval);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
+ HandleValue key, bool* rval);
+ // Set call for public JSAPI exposure. Does not actually return map object
+ // as stated in spec, expects caller to return a value. for instance, with
+ // webidl maplike/setlike, should return interface object.
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool set(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue key,
+ HandleValue val);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool iterator(JSContext* cx, IteratorKind kind,
+ HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue iter);
+ using UnbarrieredTable =
+ OrderedHashMap<Value, Value, UnbarrieredHashPolicy, ZoneAllocPolicy>;
+ friend class OrderedHashTableRef<MapObject>;
+ static void sweepAfterMinorGC(JSFreeOp* fop, MapObject* mapobj);
+ private:
+ static const ClassSpec classSpec_;
+ static const JSClassOps classOps_;
+ static const JSPropertySpec properties[];
+ static const JSFunctionSpec methods[];
+ static const JSPropertySpec staticProperties[];
+ static bool finishInit(JSContext* cx, HandleObject ctor, HandleObject proto);
+ ValueMap* getData() { return static_cast<ValueMap*>(getPrivate()); }
+ static ValueMap& extract(HandleObject o);
+ static ValueMap& extract(const CallArgs& args);
+ static void trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj);
+ static void finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static bool is(HandleValue v);
+ static bool is(HandleObject o);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool iterator_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args,
+ IteratorKind kind);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool size_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool size(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool get_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool get(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool set_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool set(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool keys_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool keys(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool values_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool values(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool entries_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+class MapIteratorObject : public NativeObject {
+ public:
+ static const JSClass class_;
+ enum { TargetSlot, RangeSlot, KindSlot, SlotCount };
+ static_assert(
+ "TargetSlot must match self-hosting define for iterated object slot.");
+ static_assert(
+ "RangeSlot must match self-hosting define for range or index slot.");
+ static_assert(KindSlot == ITERATOR_SLOT_ITEM_KIND,
+ "KindSlot must match self-hosting define for item kind slot.");
+ static const JSFunctionSpec methods[];
+ static MapIteratorObject* create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject mapobj,
+ ValueMap* data,
+ MapObject::IteratorKind kind);
+ static void finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);
+ static size_t objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old);
+ void init(MapObject* mapObj, MapObject::IteratorKind kind) {
+ initFixedSlot(TargetSlot, JS::ObjectValue(*mapObj));
+ initFixedSlot(RangeSlot, JS::PrivateValue(nullptr));
+ initFixedSlot(KindSlot, JS::Int32Value(int32_t(kind)));
+ }
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool next(MapIteratorObject* mapIterator,
+ ArrayObject* resultPairObj);
+ static JSObject* createResultPair(JSContext* cx);
+ private:
+ inline MapObject::IteratorKind kind() const;
+class SetObject : public NativeObject {
+ public:
+ enum IteratorKind { Keys, Values, Entries };
+ static_assert(
+ Keys == ITEM_KIND_KEY,
+ "IteratorKind Keys must match self-hosting define for item kind key.");
+ static_assert(Values == ITEM_KIND_VALUE,
+ "IteratorKind Values must match self-hosting define for item "
+ "kind value.");
+ static_assert(
+ "IteratorKind Entries must match self-hosting define for item kind "
+ "key-and-value.");
+ static const JSClass class_;
+ static const JSClass protoClass_;
+ enum { NurseryKeysSlot, HasNurseryMemorySlot, SlotCount };
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool keys(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
+ JS::MutableHandle<GCVector<JS::Value>> keys);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool values(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool add(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
+ HandleValue key);
+ // Publicly exposed Set calls for JSAPI access (webidl maplike/setlike
+ // interfaces, etc.)
+ static SetObject* create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject proto = nullptr);
+ static uint32_t size(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj, HandleValue key,
+ bool* rval);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool iterator(JSContext* cx, IteratorKind kind,
+ HandleObject obj, MutableHandleValue iter);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_(JSContext* cx, HandleObject obj,
+ HandleValue key, bool* rval);
+ using UnbarrieredTable =
+ OrderedHashSet<Value, UnbarrieredHashPolicy, ZoneAllocPolicy>;
+ friend class OrderedHashTableRef<SetObject>;
+ static void sweepAfterMinorGC(JSFreeOp* fop, SetObject* setobj);
+ private:
+ static const ClassSpec classSpec_;
+ static const JSClassOps classOps_;
+ static const JSPropertySpec properties[];
+ static const JSFunctionSpec methods[];
+ static const JSPropertySpec staticProperties[];
+ static bool finishInit(JSContext* cx, HandleObject ctor, HandleObject proto);
+ ValueSet* getData() { return static_cast<ValueSet*>(getPrivate()); }
+ static ValueSet& extract(HandleObject o);
+ static ValueSet& extract(const CallArgs& args);
+ static void trace(JSTracer* trc, JSObject* obj);
+ static void finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);
+ static bool construct(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static bool is(HandleValue v);
+ static bool is(HandleObject o);
+ static bool isBuiltinAdd(HandleValue add);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool iterator_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args,
+ IteratorKind kind);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool size_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool size(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool has(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool add_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool add(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool delete_(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool values_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool entries_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool entries(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear_impl(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args);
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool clear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp);
+class SetIteratorObject : public NativeObject {
+ public:
+ static const JSClass class_;
+ enum { TargetSlot, RangeSlot, KindSlot, SlotCount };
+ static_assert(
+ "TargetSlot must match self-hosting define for iterated object slot.");
+ static_assert(
+ "RangeSlot must match self-hosting define for range or index slot.");
+ static_assert(KindSlot == ITERATOR_SLOT_ITEM_KIND,
+ "KindSlot must match self-hosting define for item kind slot.");
+ static const JSFunctionSpec methods[];
+ static SetIteratorObject* create(JSContext* cx, HandleObject setobj,
+ ValueSet* data,
+ SetObject::IteratorKind kind);
+ static void finalize(JSFreeOp* fop, JSObject* obj);
+ static size_t objectMoved(JSObject* obj, JSObject* old);
+ void init(SetObject* setObj, SetObject::IteratorKind kind) {
+ initFixedSlot(TargetSlot, JS::ObjectValue(*setObj));
+ initFixedSlot(RangeSlot, JS::PrivateValue(nullptr));
+ initFixedSlot(KindSlot, JS::Int32Value(int32_t(kind)));
+ }
+ static MOZ_MUST_USE bool next(SetIteratorObject* setIterator,
+ ArrayObject* resultObj);
+ static JSObject* createResult(JSContext* cx);
+ private:
+ inline SetObject::IteratorKind kind() const;
+using SetInitGetPrototypeOp = NativeObject* (*)(JSContext*,
+ Handle<GlobalObject*>);
+using SetInitIsBuiltinOp = bool (*)(HandleValue);
+template <SetInitGetPrototypeOp getPrototypeOp, SetInitIsBuiltinOp isBuiltinOp>
+static MOZ_MUST_USE bool IsOptimizableInitForSet(JSContext* cx,
+ HandleObject setObject,
+ HandleValue iterable,
+ bool* optimized) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!*optimized);
+ if (!iterable.isObject()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ RootedObject array(cx, &iterable.toObject());
+ if (!IsPackedArray(array)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Get the canonical prototype object.
+ RootedNativeObject setProto(cx, getPrototypeOp(cx, cx->global()));
+ if (!setProto) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Ensures setObject's prototype is the canonical prototype.
+ if (setObject->staticPrototype() != setProto) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Look up the 'add' value on the prototype object.
+ Shape* addShape = setProto->lookup(cx, cx->names().add);
+ if (!addShape || !addShape->isDataProperty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Get the referred value, ensure it holds the canonical add function.
+ RootedValue add(cx, setProto->getSlot(addShape->slot()));
+ if (!isBuiltinOp(add)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ ForOfPIC::Chain* stubChain = ForOfPIC::getOrCreate(cx);
+ if (!stubChain) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return stubChain->tryOptimizeArray(cx,<ArrayObject>(), optimized);
+} /* namespace js */
+#endif /* builtin_MapObject_h */