path: root/js/src/irregexp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/irregexp')
48 files changed, 23715 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/IRREGEXP_VERSION b/js/src/irregexp/IRREGEXP_VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd4707078f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/IRREGEXP_VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Imported using from:
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.cpp b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08fd9f8e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpAPI.h"
+#include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/Casting.h"
+#include "gc/Zone.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-interpreter.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-parser.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+#include "irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.h"
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+#include "jit/JitCommon.h"
+#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // JSMSG_*
+#include "js/friend/StackLimits.h" // js::ReportOverRecursed
+#include "util/StringBuffer.h"
+#include "vm/MatchPairs.h"
+#include "vm/RegExpShared.h"
+namespace js {
+namespace irregexp {
+using mozilla::AssertedCast;
+using mozilla::Maybe;
+using mozilla::Nothing;
+using mozilla::PointerRangeSize;
+using mozilla::Some;
+using frontend::DummyTokenStream;
+using frontend::TokenStreamAnyChars;
+using v8::internal::DisallowHeapAllocation;
+using v8::internal::FlatStringReader;
+using v8::internal::HandleScope;
+using v8::internal::InputOutputData;
+using v8::internal::IrregexpInterpreter;
+using v8::internal::NativeRegExpMacroAssembler;
+using v8::internal::RegExpBytecodeGenerator;
+using v8::internal::RegExpCompileData;
+using v8::internal::RegExpCompiler;
+using v8::internal::RegExpError;
+using v8::internal::RegExpMacroAssembler;
+using v8::internal::RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer;
+using v8::internal::RegExpNode;
+using v8::internal::RegExpParser;
+using v8::internal::SMRegExpMacroAssembler;
+using v8::internal::Zone;
+using V8HandleString = v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::String>;
+using V8HandleRegExp = v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::JSRegExp>;
+using namespace v8::internal::regexp_compiler_constants;
+static uint32_t ErrorNumber(RegExpError err) {
+ switch (err) {
+ case RegExpError::kNone:
+ case RegExpError::kStackOverflow:
+ case RegExpError::kAnalysisStackOverflow:
+ case RegExpError::kTooLarge:
+ case RegExpError::kUnterminatedGroup:
+ case RegExpError::kUnmatchedParen:
+ case RegExpError::kEscapeAtEndOfPattern:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidPropertyName:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidEscape:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidDecimalEscape:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidUnicodeEscape:
+ case RegExpError::kNothingToRepeat:
+ case RegExpError::kLoneQuantifierBrackets:
+ // Note: V8 reports the same error for both ']' and '}'.
+ case RegExpError::kRangeOutOfOrder:
+ case RegExpError::kIncompleteQuantifier:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidQuantifier:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidGroup:
+ case RegExpError::kMultipleFlagDashes:
+ case RegExpError::kRepeatedFlag:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidFlagGroup:
+ // V8 contains experimental support for turning regexp flags on
+ // and off in the middle of a regular expression. Unless it
+ // becomes standardized, SM does not support this feature.
+ MOZ_CRASH("Mode modifiers not supported");
+ case RegExpError::kTooManyCaptures:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidCaptureGroupName:
+ case RegExpError::kDuplicateCaptureGroupName:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidNamedReference:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidNamedCaptureReference:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidClassEscape:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidClassPropertyName:
+ case RegExpError::kInvalidCharacterClass:
+ case RegExpError::kUnterminatedCharacterClass:
+ case RegExpError::kOutOfOrderCharacterClass:
+ case RegExpError::NumErrors:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Unreachable");
+ }
+ MOZ_CRASH("Unreachable");
+Isolate* CreateIsolate(JSContext* cx) {
+ auto isolate = MakeUnique<Isolate>(cx);
+ if (!isolate || !isolate->init()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return isolate.release();
+void DestroyIsolate(Isolate* isolate) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isolate->liveHandles() == 0);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(isolate->livePseudoHandles() == 0);
+ js_delete(isolate);
+size_t IsolateSizeOfIncludingThis(Isolate* isolate,
+ mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) {
+ return isolate->sizeOfIncludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
+static size_t ComputeColumn(const Latin1Char* begin, const Latin1Char* end) {
+ return PointerRangeSize(begin, end);
+static size_t ComputeColumn(const char16_t* begin, const char16_t* end) {
+ return unicode::CountCodePoints(begin, end);
+// This function is varargs purely so it can call ReportCompileErrorLatin1.
+// We never call it with additional arguments.
+template <typename CharT>
+static void ReportSyntaxError(TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> line,
+ mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> column,
+ RegExpCompileData& result, CharT* start,
+ size_t length, ...) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(line.isSome() == column.isSome());
+ gc::AutoSuppressGC suppressGC(ts.context());
+ uint32_t errorNumber = ErrorNumber(result.error);
+ if (errorNumber == JSMSG_OVER_RECURSED) {
+ ReportOverRecursed(ts.context());
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t offset = std::max(result.error_pos, 0);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(offset <= length);
+ ErrorMetadata err;
+ // Ordinarily this indicates whether line-of-context information can be
+ // added, but we entirely ignore that here because we create a
+ // a line of context based on the expression source.
+ uint32_t location = ts.currentToken().pos.begin;
+ if (ts.fillExceptingContext(&err, location)) {
+ uint32_t columnNumber =
+ AssertedCast<uint32_t>(ComputeColumn(start, start + offset));
+ if (line.isSome()) {
+ // If this pattern is being checked by the frontend Parser instead
+ // of other API entry points like |new RegExp|, then the parser will
+ // have provided both a line and column pointing at the *beginning*
+ // of the RegExp literal inside the source text.
+ // We adjust the columnNumber to point to the actual syntax error
+ // inside the literal.
+ err.lineNumber = *line;
+ err.columnNumber = *column + columnNumber;
+ } else {
+ // Line breaks are not significant in pattern text in the same way as
+ // in source text, so act as though pattern text is a single line, then
+ // compute a column based on "code point" count (treating a lone
+ // surrogate as a "code point" in UTF-16). Gak.
+ err.lineNumber = 1;
+ err.columnNumber = columnNumber;
+ }
+ }
+ // For most error reporting, the line of context derives from the token
+ // stream. So when location information doesn't come from the token
+ // stream, we can't give a line of context. But here the "line of context"
+ // can be (and is) derived from the pattern text, so we can provide it no
+ // matter if the location is derived from the caller.
+ const CharT* windowStart =
+ (offset > ErrorMetadata::lineOfContextRadius)
+ ? start + (offset - ErrorMetadata::lineOfContextRadius)
+ : start;
+ const CharT* windowEnd =
+ (length - offset > ErrorMetadata::lineOfContextRadius)
+ ? start + offset + ErrorMetadata::lineOfContextRadius
+ : start + length;
+ size_t windowLength = PointerRangeSize(windowStart, windowEnd);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(windowLength <= ErrorMetadata::lineOfContextRadius * 2);
+ // Create the windowed string, not including the potential line
+ // terminator.
+ StringBuffer windowBuf(ts.context());
+ if (!windowBuf.append(windowStart, windowEnd)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // The line of context must be null-terminated, and StringBuffer doesn't
+ // make that happen unless we force it to.
+ if (!windowBuf.append('\0')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ err.lineOfContext.reset(windowBuf.stealChars());
+ if (!err.lineOfContext) {
+ return;
+ }
+ err.lineLength = windowLength;
+ err.tokenOffset = offset - (windowStart - start);
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, length);
+ ReportCompileErrorLatin1(ts.context(), std::move(err), nullptr, errorNumber,
+ &args);
+ va_end(args);
+static void ReportSyntaxError(TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ RegExpCompileData& result, HandleAtom pattern) {
+ JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc_;
+ if (pattern->hasLatin1Chars()) {
+ ReportSyntaxError(ts, Nothing(), Nothing(), result,
+ pattern->latin1Chars(nogc_), pattern->length());
+ } else {
+ ReportSyntaxError(ts, Nothing(), Nothing(), result,
+ pattern->twoByteChars(nogc_), pattern->length());
+ }
+static bool CheckPatternSyntaxImpl(JSContext* cx, FlatStringReader* pattern,
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags,
+ RegExpCompileData* result) {
+ LifoAllocScope allocScope(&cx->tempLifoAlloc());
+ Zone zone(allocScope.alloc());
+ HandleScope handleScope(cx->isolate);
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ return RegExpParser::VerifyRegExpSyntax(cx->isolate, &zone, pattern, flags,
+ result, no_gc);
+bool CheckPatternSyntax(JSContext* cx, TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ const mozilla::Range<const char16_t> chars,
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags, mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> line,
+ mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> column) {
+ FlatStringReader reader(chars);
+ RegExpCompileData result;
+ if (!CheckPatternSyntaxImpl(cx, &reader, flags, &result)) {
+ ReportSyntaxError(ts, line, column, result, chars.begin().get(),
+ chars.length());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool CheckPatternSyntax(JSContext* cx, TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ HandleAtom pattern, JS::RegExpFlags flags) {
+ FlatStringReader reader(cx, pattern);
+ RegExpCompileData result;
+ if (!CheckPatternSyntaxImpl(cx, &reader, flags, &result)) {
+ ReportSyntaxError(ts, result, pattern);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// A regexp is a good candidate for Boyer-Moore if it has at least 3
+// times as many characters as it has unique characters. Note that
+// table lookups in irregexp are done modulo tableSize (128).
+template <typename CharT>
+static bool HasFewDifferentCharacters(const CharT* chars, size_t length) {
+ const uint32_t tableSize =
+ v8::internal::NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize;
+ bool character_found[tableSize];
+ uint32_t different = 0;
+ memset(&character_found[0], 0, sizeof(character_found));
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ uint32_t ch = chars[i] % tableSize;
+ if (!character_found[ch]) {
+ character_found[ch] = true;
+ different++;
+ // We declare a regexp low-alphabet if it has at least 3 times as many
+ // characters as it has different characters.
+ if (different * 3 > length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Identifies the sort of pattern where Boyer-Moore is faster than string search
+static bool UseBoyerMoore(HandleAtom pattern, JS::AutoAssertNoGC& nogc) {
+ size_t length =
+ std::min(size_t(kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore), pattern->length());
+ if (length <= kPatternTooShortForBoyerMoore) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (pattern->hasLatin1Chars()) {
+ return HasFewDifferentCharacters(pattern->latin1Chars(nogc), length);
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(pattern->hasTwoByteChars());
+ return HasFewDifferentCharacters(pattern->twoByteChars(nogc), length);
+// Sample character frequency information for use in Boyer-Moore.
+static void SampleCharacters(FlatStringReader* sample_subject,
+ RegExpCompiler& compiler) {
+ static const int kSampleSize = 128;
+ int chars_sampled = 0;
+ int length = sample_subject->length();
+ int half_way = (length - kSampleSize) / 2;
+ for (int i = std::max(0, half_way); i < length && chars_sampled < kSampleSize;
+ i++, chars_sampled++) {
+ compiler.frequency_collator()->CountCharacter(sample_subject->Get(i));
+ }
+// Recursively walking the AST for a deeply nested regexp (like
+// `/(a(a(a(a(a(a(a(...(a)...))))))))/`) may overflow the stack while
+// compiling. To avoid this, we use V8's implementation of the Visitor
+// pattern to walk the AST first with an overly large stack frame.
+class RegExpDepthCheck final : public v8::internal::RegExpVisitor {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpDepthCheck(JSContext* cx) : cx_(cx) {}
+ bool check(v8::internal::RegExpTree* root) {
+ return !!root->Accept(this, nullptr);
+ }
+ // Leaf nodes with no children
+#define LEAF_DEPTH(Kind) \
+ void* Visit##Kind(v8::internal::RegExp##Kind* node, void*) override { \
+ uint8_t padding[FRAME_PADDING]; \
+ dummy_ = padding; /* Prevent padding from being optimized away.*/ \
+ return (void*)CheckRecursionLimitDontReport(cx_); \
+ }
+ LEAF_DEPTH(Assertion)
+ LEAF_DEPTH(BackReference)
+ LEAF_DEPTH(CharacterClass)
+#undef LEAF_DEPTH
+ // Wrapper nodes with one child
+#define WRAPPER_DEPTH(Kind) \
+ void* Visit##Kind(v8::internal::RegExp##Kind* node, void*) override { \
+ uint8_t padding[FRAME_PADDING]; \
+ dummy_ = padding; /* Prevent padding from being optimized away.*/ \
+ if (!CheckRecursionLimitDontReport(cx_)) { \
+ return nullptr; \
+ } \
+ return node->body()->Accept(this, nullptr); \
+ }
+ WRAPPER_DEPTH(Lookaround)
+ WRAPPER_DEPTH(Quantifier)
+ void* VisitAlternative(v8::internal::RegExpAlternative* node,
+ void*) override {
+ uint8_t padding[FRAME_PADDING];
+ dummy_ = padding; /* Prevent padding from being optimized away.*/
+ if (!CheckRecursionLimitDontReport(cx_)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ for (auto* child : *node->nodes()) {
+ if (!child->Accept(this, nullptr)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return (void*)true;
+ }
+ void* VisitDisjunction(v8::internal::RegExpDisjunction* node,
+ void*) override {
+ uint8_t padding[FRAME_PADDING];
+ dummy_ = padding; /* Prevent padding from being optimized away.*/
+ if (!CheckRecursionLimitDontReport(cx_)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ for (auto* child : *node->alternatives()) {
+ if (!child->Accept(this, nullptr)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ return (void*)true;
+ }
+ private:
+ JSContext* cx_;
+ void* dummy_ = nullptr;
+ // This size is picked to be comfortably larger than any
+ // RegExp*::ToNode stack frame.
+ static const size_t FRAME_PADDING = 256;
+enum class AssembleResult {
+ Success,
+ TooLarge,
+ OutOfMemory,
+static MOZ_MUST_USE AssembleResult Assemble(JSContext* cx,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpCompileData* data,
+ MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleAtom pattern, Zone* zone,
+ bool useNativeCode, bool isLatin1) {
+ // Because we create a StackMacroAssembler, this function is not allowed
+ // to GC. If needed, we allocate and throw errors in the caller.
+ Maybe<jit::JitContext> jctx;
+ Maybe<js::jit::StackMacroAssembler> stack_masm;
+ UniquePtr<RegExpMacroAssembler> masm;
+ if (useNativeCode) {
+ NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Mode mode =
+ isLatin1 ? NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::LATIN1
+ : NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::UC16;
+ // If we are compiling native code, we need a macroassembler,
+ // which needs a jit context.
+ jctx.emplace(cx, nullptr);
+ stack_masm.emplace();
+ uint32_t num_capture_registers = re->pairCount() * 2;
+ masm = MakeUnique<SMRegExpMacroAssembler>(cx, stack_masm.ref(), zone, mode,
+ num_capture_registers);
+ } else {
+ masm = MakeUnique<RegExpBytecodeGenerator>(cx->isolate, zone);
+ }
+ if (!masm) {
+ return AssembleResult::OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ bool isLargePattern =
+ pattern->length() > v8::internal::RegExp::kRegExpTooLargeToOptimize;
+ masm->set_slow_safe(isLargePattern);
+ if (compiler->optimize()) {
+ compiler->set_optimize(!isLargePattern);
+ }
+ // When matching a regexp with known maximum length that is anchored
+ // at the end, we may be able to skip the beginning of long input
+ // strings. This decision is made here because it depends on
+ // information in the AST that isn't replicated in the Node
+ // structure used inside the compiler.
+ bool is_start_anchored = data->tree->IsAnchoredAtStart();
+ bool is_end_anchored = data->tree->IsAnchoredAtEnd();
+ int max_length = data->tree->max_match();
+ static const int kMaxBacksearchLimit = 1024;
+ if (is_end_anchored && !is_start_anchored && !re->sticky() &&
+ max_length < kMaxBacksearchLimit) {
+ masm->SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(max_length);
+ }
+ if (re->global()) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::GlobalMode mode = RegExpMacroAssembler::GLOBAL;
+ if (data->tree->min_match() > 0) {
+ mode = RegExpMacroAssembler::GLOBAL_NO_ZERO_LENGTH_CHECK;
+ } else if (re->unicode()) {
+ mode = RegExpMacroAssembler::GLOBAL_UNICODE;
+ }
+ masm->set_global_mode(mode);
+ }
+ // The masm tracer works as a thin wrapper around another macroassembler.
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* masm_ptr = masm.get();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ UniquePtr<RegExpMacroAssembler> tracer_masm;
+ if (jit::JitOptions.traceRegExpAssembler) {
+ tracer_masm = MakeUnique<RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer>(cx->isolate, masm_ptr);
+ masm_ptr = tracer_masm.get();
+ }
+ // Compile the regexp.
+ V8HandleString wrappedPattern(v8::internal::String(pattern), cx->isolate);
+ RegExpCompiler::CompilationResult result = compiler->Assemble(
+ cx->isolate, masm_ptr, data->node, data->capture_count, wrappedPattern);
+ if (!result.Succeeded()) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(result.error == RegExpError::kTooLarge);
+ return AssembleResult::TooLarge;
+ }
+ if (result.code->value().isUndefined()) {
+ // SMRegExpMacroAssembler::GetCode returns undefined on OOM.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(useNativeCode);
+ return AssembleResult::OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ re->updateMaxRegisters(result.num_registers);
+ if (useNativeCode) {
+ // Transfer ownership of the tables from the macroassembler to the
+ // RegExpShared.
+ SMRegExpMacroAssembler::TableVector& tables =
+ static_cast<SMRegExpMacroAssembler*>(masm.get())->tables();
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tables.length(); i++) {
+ if (!re->addTable(std::move(tables[i]))) {
+ return AssembleResult::OutOfMemory;
+ }
+ }
+ re->setJitCode(v8::internal::Code::cast(*result.code).inner(), isLatin1);
+ } else {
+ // Transfer ownership of the bytecode from the HandleScope to the
+ // RegExpShared.
+ ByteArray bytecode =
+ v8::internal::ByteArray::cast(*result.code).takeOwnership(cx->isolate);
+ uint32_t length = bytecode->length;
+ re->setByteCode(bytecode.release(), isLatin1);
+ js::AddCellMemory(re, length, MemoryUse::RegExpSharedBytecode);
+ }
+ return AssembleResult::Success;
+bool CompilePattern(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleLinearString input, RegExpShared::CodeKind codeKind) {
+ RootedAtom pattern(cx, re->getSource());
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags = re->getFlags();
+ LifoAllocScope allocScope(&cx->tempLifoAlloc());
+ HandleScope handleScope(cx->isolate);
+ Zone zone(allocScope.alloc());
+ RegExpCompileData data;
+ {
+ FlatStringReader patternBytes(cx, pattern);
+ if (!RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(cx->isolate, &zone, &patternBytes, flags,
+ &data)) {
+ JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
+ DummyTokenStream dummyTokenStream(cx, options);
+ ReportSyntaxError(dummyTokenStream, data, pattern);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Avoid stack overflow while recursively walking the AST.
+ RegExpDepthCheck depthCheck(cx);
+ if (!depthCheck.check(data.tree)) {
+ JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "regexp too big");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (re->kind() == RegExpShared::Kind::Unparsed) {
+ // This is the first time we have compiled this regexp.
+ // First, check to see if we should use simple string search
+ // with an atom.
+ if (!flags.ignoreCase() && !flags.sticky()) {
+ RootedAtom searchAtom(cx);
+ if (data.simple) {
+ // The parse-tree is a single atom that is equal to the pattern.
+ searchAtom = re->getSource();
+ } else if (data.tree->IsAtom() && data.capture_count == 0) {
+ // The parse-tree is a single atom that is not equal to the pattern.
+ v8::internal::RegExpAtom* atom = data.tree->AsAtom();
+ const char16_t* twoByteChars = atom->data().begin();
+ searchAtom = AtomizeChars(cx, twoByteChars, atom->length());
+ if (!searchAtom) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ JS::AutoAssertNoGC nogc(cx);
+ if (searchAtom && !UseBoyerMoore(searchAtom, nogc)) {
+ re->useAtomMatch(searchAtom);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!data.capture_name_map.is_null()) {
+ RootedNativeObject namedCaptures(cx, data.capture_name_map->inner());
+ if (!RegExpShared::initializeNamedCaptures(cx, re, namedCaptures)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // All fallible initialization has succeeded, so we can change state.
+ // Add one to capture_count to account for the whole-match capture.
+ uint32_t pairCount = data.capture_count + 1;
+ re->useRegExpMatch(pairCount);
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(re->kind() == RegExpShared::Kind::RegExp);
+ RegExpCompiler compiler(cx->isolate, &zone, data.capture_count,
+ input->hasLatin1Chars());
+ bool isLatin1 = input->hasLatin1Chars();
+ FlatStringReader sample_subject(cx, input);
+ SampleCharacters(&sample_subject, compiler);
+ data.node = compiler.PreprocessRegExp(&data, flags, isLatin1);
+ data.error = AnalyzeRegExp(cx->isolate, isLatin1, data.node);
+ if (data.error != RegExpError::kNone) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(data.error == RegExpError::kAnalysisStackOverflow);
+ ReportOverRecursed(cx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool useNativeCode = codeKind == RegExpShared::CodeKind::Jitcode;
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(useNativeCode, IsNativeRegExpEnabled());
+ switch (Assemble(cx, &compiler, &data, re, pattern, &zone, useNativeCode,
+ isLatin1)) {
+ case AssembleResult::TooLarge:
+ JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "regexp too big");
+ return false;
+ case AssembleResult::OutOfMemory:
+ ReportOutOfMemory(cx);
+ return false;
+ case AssembleResult::Success:
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+template <typename CharT>
+RegExpRunStatus ExecuteRaw(jit::JitCode* code, const CharT* chars,
+ size_t length, size_t startIndex,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches) {
+ InputOutputData data(chars, chars + length, startIndex, matches);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Error ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpException);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Success ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpSuccess);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpFailure);
+ typedef int (*RegExpCodeSignature)(InputOutputData*);
+ auto function = reinterpret_cast<RegExpCodeSignature>(code->raw());
+ {
+ JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc;
+ return (RegExpRunStatus)CALL_GENERATED_1(function, &data);
+ }
+RegExpRunStatus Interpret(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleLinearString input, size_t startIndex,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches) {
+ HandleScope handleScope(cx->isolate);
+ V8HandleRegExp wrappedRegExp(v8::internal::JSRegExp(re), cx->isolate);
+ V8HandleString wrappedInput(v8::internal::String(input), cx->isolate);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Error ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpException);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Success ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpSuccess);
+ static_assert(RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound ==
+ v8::internal::RegExp::kInternalRegExpFailure);
+ RegExpRunStatus status =
+ (RegExpRunStatus)IrregexpInterpreter::MatchForCallFromRuntime(
+ cx->isolate, wrappedRegExp, wrappedInput, matches->pairsRaw(),
+ uint32_t(matches->pairCount() * 2), uint32_t(startIndex));
+ MOZ_ASSERT(status == RegExpRunStatus_Error ||
+ status == RegExpRunStatus_Success ||
+ status == RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound);
+ return status;
+RegExpRunStatus Execute(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleLinearString input, size_t startIndex,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches) {
+ bool latin1 = input->hasLatin1Chars();
+ jit::JitCode* jitCode = re->getJitCode(latin1);
+ bool isCompiled = !!jitCode;
+ // Reset the Irregexp backtrack stack if it grows during execution.
+ irregexp::RegExpStackScope stackScope(cx->isolate);
+ if (isCompiled) {
+ JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
+ if (latin1) {
+ return ExecuteRaw(jitCode, input->latin1Chars(nogc), input->length(),
+ startIndex, matches);
+ }
+ return ExecuteRaw(jitCode, input->twoByteChars(nogc), input->length(),
+ startIndex, matches);
+ }
+ return Interpret(cx, re, input, startIndex, matches);
+RegExpRunStatus ExecuteForFuzzing(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom pattern,
+ HandleLinearString input,
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags, size_t startIndex,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches,
+ RegExpShared::CodeKind codeKind) {
+ RootedRegExpShared re(cx, cx->zone()->regExps().get(cx, pattern, flags));
+ if (!RegExpShared::compileIfNecessary(cx, &re, input, codeKind)) {
+ return RegExpRunStatus_Error;
+ }
+ return RegExpShared::execute(cx, &re, input, startIndex, matches);
+bool GrowBacktrackStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack) {
+ return SMRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowBacktrackStack(regexp_stack);
+uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength) {
+ return SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(
+ substring1, substring2, byteLength);
+uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength) {
+ return SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(
+ substring1, substring2, byteLength);
+} // namespace irregexp
+} // namespace js
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.h b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21214d1d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpAPI.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* This is the interface that the regexp engine exposes to SpiderMonkey. */
+#ifndef regexp_RegExpAPI_h
+#define regexp_RegExpAPI_h
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
+#include "frontend/TokenStream.h"
+#include "irregexp/RegExpTypes.h"
+#include "vm/JSContext.h"
+#include "vm/RegExpShared.h"
+namespace js {
+namespace irregexp {
+Isolate* CreateIsolate(JSContext* cx);
+void DestroyIsolate(Isolate* isolate);
+size_t IsolateSizeOfIncludingThis(Isolate* isolate,
+ mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf);
+bool CheckPatternSyntax(JSContext* cx, frontend::TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ const mozilla::Range<const char16_t> chars,
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags,
+ mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> line = mozilla::Nothing(),
+ mozilla::Maybe<uint32_t> column = mozilla::Nothing());
+bool CheckPatternSyntax(JSContext* cx, frontend::TokenStreamAnyChars& ts,
+ HandleAtom pattern, JS::RegExpFlags flags);
+bool CompilePattern(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleLinearString input, RegExpShared::CodeKind codeKind);
+RegExpRunStatus Execute(JSContext* cx, MutableHandleRegExpShared re,
+ HandleLinearString input, size_t start,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches);
+RegExpRunStatus ExecuteForFuzzing(JSContext* cx, HandleAtom pattern,
+ HandleLinearString input,
+ JS::RegExpFlags flags, size_t startIndex,
+ VectorMatchPairs* matches,
+ RegExpShared::CodeKind codeKind);
+bool GrowBacktrackStack(v8::internal::RegExpStack* regexp_stack);
+uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength);
+uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength);
+} // namespace irregexp
+} // namespace js
+#endif /* regexp_RegExpAPI_h */
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.cpp b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..794722dd96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1241 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+#include "jit/Linker.h"
+#include "vm/MatchPairs.h"
+#include "vm/Realm.h"
+#include "jit/ABIFunctionList-inl.h"
+#include "jit/MacroAssembler-inl.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+using js::MatchPairs;
+using js::jit::AbsoluteAddress;
+using js::jit::Address;
+using js::jit::AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet;
+using js::jit::Assembler;
+using js::jit::BaseIndex;
+using js::jit::CodeLocationLabel;
+using js::jit::GeneralRegisterBackwardIterator;
+using js::jit::GeneralRegisterForwardIterator;
+using js::jit::GeneralRegisterSet;
+using js::jit::Imm32;
+using js::jit::ImmPtr;
+using js::jit::ImmWord;
+using js::jit::JitCode;
+using js::jit::Linker;
+using js::jit::LiveGeneralRegisterSet;
+using js::jit::Register;
+using js::jit::Registers;
+using js::jit::StackMacroAssembler;
+SMRegExpMacroAssembler::SMRegExpMacroAssembler(JSContext* cx,
+ StackMacroAssembler& masm,
+ Zone* zone, Mode mode,
+ uint32_t num_capture_registers)
+ : NativeRegExpMacroAssembler(cx->isolate.ref(), zone),
+ cx_(cx),
+ masm_(masm),
+ mode_(mode),
+ num_registers_(num_capture_registers),
+ num_capture_registers_(num_capture_registers) {
+ // Each capture has a start and an end register
+ MOZ_ASSERT(num_capture_registers_ % 2 == 0);
+ AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All());
+ temp0_ = regs.takeAny();
+ temp1_ = regs.takeAny();
+ temp2_ = regs.takeAny();
+ input_end_pointer_ = regs.takeAny();
+ current_character_ = regs.takeAny();
+ current_position_ = regs.takeAny();
+ backtrack_stack_pointer_ = regs.takeAny();
+ savedRegisters_ = js::jit::SavedNonVolatileRegisters(regs);
+ masm_.jump(&entry_label_); // We'll generate the entry code later
+ masm_.bind(&start_label_); // and continue from here.
+int SMRegExpMacroAssembler::stack_limit_slack() {
+ return RegExpStack::kStackLimitSlack;
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) {
+ if (by != 0) {
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(by * char_size()), current_position_);
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(reg >= 0 && reg < num_registers_);
+ if (by != 0) {
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(by), register_location(reg));
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Backtrack() {
+ // Check for an interrupt. We have to restart from the beginning if we
+ // are interrupted, so we only check for urgent interrupts.
+ js::jit::Label noInterrupt;
+ masm_.branchTest32(
+ Assembler::Zero, AbsoluteAddress(cx_->addressOfInterruptBits()),
+ Imm32(uint32_t(js::InterruptReason::CallbackUrgent)), &noInterrupt);
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(js::RegExpRunStatus_Error), temp0_);
+ masm_.jump(&exit_label_);
+ masm_.bind(&noInterrupt);
+ // Pop code location from backtrack stack and jump to location.
+ Pop(temp0_);
+ masm_.jump(temp0_);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Bind(Label* label) {
+ masm_.bind(label->inner());
+ if (label->patchOffset_.bound()) {
+ AddLabelPatch(label->patchOffset_, label->pos());
+ }
+// Check if current_position + cp_offset is the input start
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckAtStartImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_cond,
+ Assembler::Condition cond) {
+ Address addr(current_position_, cp_offset * char_size());
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(addr, temp0_);
+ masm_.branchPtr(cond, inputStart(), temp0_, LabelOrBacktrack(on_cond));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start) {
+ CheckAtStartImpl(cp_offset, on_at_start, Assembler::Equal);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_not_at_start) {
+ CheckAtStartImpl(cp_offset, on_not_at_start, Assembler::NotEqual);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterImpl(Imm32 c, Label* on_cond,
+ Assembler::Condition cond) {
+ masm_.branch32(cond, current_character_, c, LabelOrBacktrack(on_cond));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_equal) {
+ CheckCharacterImpl(Imm32(c), on_equal, Assembler::Equal);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotCharacter(uint32_t c,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ CheckCharacterImpl(Imm32(c), on_not_equal, Assembler::NotEqual);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterGT(uc16 c, Label* on_greater) {
+ CheckCharacterImpl(Imm32(c), on_greater, Assembler::GreaterThan);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterLT(uc16 c, Label* on_less) {
+ CheckCharacterImpl(Imm32(c), on_less, Assembler::LessThan);
+// Bitwise-and the current character with mask and then check for a
+// match with c.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterAfterAndImpl(uint32_t c,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_cond,
+ bool is_not) {
+ if (c == 0) {
+ Assembler::Condition cond = is_not ? Assembler::NonZero : Assembler::Zero;
+ masm_.branchTest32(cond, current_character_, Imm32(mask),
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_cond));
+ } else {
+ Assembler::Condition cond = is_not ? Assembler::NotEqual : Assembler::Equal;
+ masm_.move32(Imm32(mask), temp0_);
+ masm_.and32(current_character_, temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(cond, temp0_, Imm32(c), LabelOrBacktrack(on_cond));
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_equal) {
+ CheckCharacterAfterAndImpl(c, mask, on_equal, /*is_not =*/false);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ CheckCharacterAfterAndImpl(c, mask, on_not_equal, /*is_not =*/true);
+// Subtract minus from the current character, then bitwise-and the
+// result with mask, then check for a match with c.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(
+ uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 mask, Label* on_not_equal) {
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(current_character_, -minus), temp0_);
+ if (c == 0) {
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, temp0_, Imm32(mask),
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_not_equal));
+ } else {
+ masm_.and32(Imm32(mask), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, temp0_, Imm32(c),
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_not_equal));
+ }
+// If the current position matches the position stored on top of the backtrack
+// stack, pops the backtrack stack and branches to the given label.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_equal) {
+ js::jit::Label fallthrough;
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, Address(backtrack_stack_pointer_, 0),
+ current_position_, &fallthrough);
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(void*)), backtrack_stack_pointer_); // Pop.
+ JumpOrBacktrack(on_equal);
+ masm_.bind(&fallthrough);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterInRangeImpl(
+ uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_cond, Assembler::Condition cond) {
+ // x is in [from,to] if unsigned(x - from) <= to - from
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(current_character_, -from), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(cond, temp0_, Imm32(to - from), LabelOrBacktrack(on_cond));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_in_range) {
+ CheckCharacterInRangeImpl(from, to, on_in_range, Assembler::BelowOrEqual);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range) {
+ CheckCharacterInRangeImpl(from, to, on_not_in_range, Assembler::Above);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table,
+ Label* on_bit_set) {
+ // Claim ownership of the ByteArray from the current HandleScope.
+ // ByteArrays are allocated on the C++ heap and are (eventually)
+ // owned by the RegExpShared.
+ PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> rawTable = table->takeOwnership(isolate());
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmPtr(rawTable->data()), temp0_);
+ masm_.move32(Imm32(kTableMask), temp1_);
+ masm_.and32(current_character_, temp1_);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(BaseIndex(temp0_, temp1_, js::jit::TimesOne), temp0_);
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, temp0_, temp0_,
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_bit_set));
+ // Transfer ownership of |rawTable| to the |tables_| vector.
+ AddTable(std::move(rawTable));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotBackReferenceImpl(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward,
+ bool unicode,
+ Label* on_no_match,
+ bool ignore_case) {
+ js::jit::Label fallthrough;
+ // Captures are stored as a sequential pair of registers.
+ // Find the length of the back-referenced capture and load the
+ // capture's start index into current_character_.
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(start_reg), // index of start
+ current_character_);
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(start_reg + 1), temp0_); // index of end
+ masm_.subPtr(current_character_, temp0_); // length of capture
+ // Capture registers are either both set or both cleared.
+ // If the capture length is zero, then the capture is either empty or cleared.
+ // Fall through in both cases.
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, temp0_, ImmWord(0), &fallthrough);
+ // Check that there are sufficient characters left in the input.
+ if (read_backward) {
+ // If start + len > current, there isn't enough room for a
+ // lookbehind backreference.
+ masm_.loadPtr(inputStart(), temp1_);
+ masm_.addPtr(temp0_, temp1_);
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThan, temp1_, current_position_,
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_no_match));
+ } else {
+ // current_position_ is the negative offset from the end.
+ // If current + len > 0, there isn't enough room for a backreference.
+ masm_.movePtr(current_position_, temp1_);
+ masm_.addPtr(temp0_, temp1_);
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThan, temp1_, ImmWord(0),
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_no_match));
+ }
+ if (mode_ == UC16 && ignore_case) {
+ // We call a helper function for case-insensitive non-latin1 strings.
+ // Save volatile regs. temp1_, temp2_, and current_character_
+ // don't need to be saved. current_position_ needs to be saved
+ // even if it's non-volatile, because we modify it to use as an argument.
+ LiveGeneralRegisterSet volatileRegs(GeneralRegisterSet::Volatile());
+ volatileRegs.addUnchecked(current_position_);
+ volatileRegs.takeUnchecked(temp1_);
+ volatileRegs.takeUnchecked(temp2_);
+ volatileRegs.takeUnchecked(current_character_);
+ masm_.PushRegsInMask(volatileRegs);
+ // Parameters are
+ // Address captured - Address of captured substring's start.
+ // Address current - Address of current character position.
+ // size_t byte_length - length of capture (in bytes)
+ // Compute |captured|
+ masm_.addPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_character_);
+ // Compute |current|
+ masm_.addPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_position_);
+ if (read_backward) {
+ // Offset by length when matching backwards.
+ masm_.subPtr(temp0_, current_position_);
+ }
+ using Fn = uint32_t (*)(const char16_t*, const char16_t*, size_t);
+ masm_.setupUnalignedABICall(temp1_);
+ masm_.passABIArg(current_character_);
+ masm_.passABIArg(current_position_);
+ masm_.passABIArg(temp0_);
+ if (unicode) {
+ masm_.callWithABI<Fn, ::js::irregexp::CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode>();
+ } else {
+ masm_.callWithABI<Fn, ::js::irregexp::CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode>();
+ }
+ masm_.storeCallInt32Result(temp1_);
+ masm_.PopRegsInMask(volatileRegs);
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, temp1_, temp1_,
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_no_match));
+ // On success, advance position by length of capture
+ if (read_backward) {
+ masm_.subPtr(temp0_, current_position_);
+ } else {
+ masm_.addPtr(temp0_, current_position_);
+ }
+ masm_.bind(&fallthrough);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We will be modifying current_position_. Save it in case the match fails.
+ masm_.push(current_position_);
+ // Compute start of capture string
+ masm_.addPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_character_);
+ // Compute start of match string
+ masm_.addPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_position_);
+ if (read_backward) {
+ // Offset by length when matching backwards.
+ masm_.subPtr(temp0_, current_position_);
+ }
+ // Compute end of match string
+ masm_.addPtr(current_position_, temp0_);
+ js::jit::Label success;
+ js::jit::Label fail;
+ js::jit::Label loop;
+ masm_.bind(&loop);
+ // Load next character from each string.
+ if (mode_ == LATIN1) {
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(Address(current_character_, 0), temp1_);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(Address(current_position_, 0), temp2_);
+ } else {
+ masm_.load16ZeroExtend(Address(current_character_, 0), temp1_);
+ masm_.load16ZeroExtend(Address(current_position_, 0), temp2_);
+ }
+ if (ignore_case) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mode_ == LATIN1);
+ // Try exact match.
+ js::jit::Label loop_increment;
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Equal, temp1_, temp2_, &loop_increment);
+ // Mismatch. Try case-insensitive match.
+ // Force the capture character to lower case (by setting bit 0x20)
+ // then check to see if it is a letter.
+ js::jit::Label convert_match;
+ masm_.or32(Imm32(0x20), temp1_);
+ // Check if it is in [a,z].
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(temp1_, -'a'), temp2_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp2_, Imm32('z' - 'a'),
+ &convert_match);
+ // Check for values in range [224,254].
+ // Exclude 247 (U+00F7 DIVISION SIGN).
+ masm_.sub32(Imm32(224 - 'a'), temp2_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, temp2_, Imm32(254 - 224), &fail);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Equal, temp2_, Imm32(247 - 224), &fail);
+ // Capture character is lower case. Convert match character
+ // to lower case and compare.
+ masm_.bind(&convert_match);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(Address(current_position_, 0), temp2_);
+ masm_.or32(Imm32(0x20), temp2_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, temp1_, temp2_, &fail);
+ masm_.bind(&loop_increment);
+ } else {
+ // Fail if characters do not match.
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, temp1_, temp2_, &fail);
+ }
+ // Increment pointers into match and capture strings.
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(char_size()), current_character_);
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(char_size()), current_position_);
+ // Loop if we have not reached the end of the match string.
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::Below, current_position_, temp0_, &loop);
+ masm_.jump(&success);
+ // If we fail, restore current_position_ and branch.
+ masm_.bind(&fail);
+ masm_.pop(current_position_);
+ JumpOrBacktrack(on_no_match);
+ masm_.bind(&success);
+ // Drop saved value of current_position_
+ masm_.addToStackPtr(Imm32(sizeof(uintptr_t)));
+ // current_position_ is a pointer. Convert it back to an offset.
+ masm_.subPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_position_);
+ if (read_backward) {
+ // Subtract match length if we matched backward
+ masm_.addPtr(register_location(start_reg), current_position_);
+ masm_.subPtr(register_location(start_reg + 1), current_position_);
+ }
+ masm_.bind(&fallthrough);
+// Branch if a back-reference does not match a previous capture.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match) {
+ CheckNotBackReferenceImpl(start_reg, read_backward, /*unicode = */ false,
+ on_no_match, /*ignore_case = */ false);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(
+ int start_reg, bool read_backward, bool unicode, Label* on_no_match) {
+ CheckNotBackReferenceImpl(start_reg, read_backward, unicode, on_no_match,
+ /*ignore_case = */ true);
+// Checks whether the given offset from the current position is
+// inside the input string.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckPosition(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_outside_input) {
+ // Note: current_position_ is a (negative) byte offset relative to
+ // the end of the input string.
+ if (cp_offset >= 0) {
+ // end + current + offset >= end
+ // <=> current + offset >= 0
+ // <=> current >= -offset
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThanOrEqual, current_position_,
+ ImmWord(-cp_offset * char_size()),
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_outside_input));
+ } else {
+ // Compute offset position
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(
+ Address(current_position_, cp_offset * char_size()), temp0_);
+ // Compare to start of input.
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThan, inputStart(), temp0_,
+ LabelOrBacktrack(on_outside_input));
+ }
+// This function attempts to generate special case code for character classes.
+// Returns true if a special case is generated.
+// Otherwise returns false and generates no code.
+bool SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type,
+ Label* on_no_match) {
+ js::jit::Label* no_match = LabelOrBacktrack(on_no_match);
+ // Note: throughout this function, range checks (c in [min, max])
+ // are implemented by an unsigned (c - min) <= (max - min) check.
+ switch (type) {
+ case 's': {
+ // Match space-characters
+ if (mode_ != LATIN1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ js::jit::Label success;
+ // One byte space characters are ' ', '\t'..'\r', and '\u00a0' (NBSP).
+ // Check ' '
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Equal, current_character_, Imm32(' '),
+ &success);
+ // Check '\t'..'\r'
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(current_character_, -'\t'), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp0_, Imm32('\r' - '\t'),
+ &success);
+ // Check \u00a0.
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, temp0_, Imm32(0x00a0 - '\t'),
+ no_match);
+ masm_.bind(&success);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case 'S':
+ // The emitted code for generic character classes is good enough.
+ return false;
+ case 'd':
+ // Match latin1 digits ('0'-'9')
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(current_character_, -'0'), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, temp0_, Imm32('9' - '0'), no_match);
+ return true;
+ case 'D':
+ // Match anything except latin1 digits ('0'-'9')
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(current_character_, -'0'), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp0_, Imm32('9' - '0'),
+ no_match);
+ return true;
+ case '.':
+ // Match non-newlines. This excludes '\n' (0x0a), '\r' (0x0d),
+ // See
+ // To test for 0x0a and 0x0d efficiently, we XOR the input with 1.
+ // This converts 0x0a to 0x0b, and 0x0d to 0x0c, allowing us to
+ // test for the contiguous range 0x0b..0x0c.
+ masm_.move32(current_character_, temp0_);
+ masm_.xor32(Imm32(0x01), temp0_);
+ masm_.sub32(Imm32(0x0b), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp0_, Imm32(0x0c - 0x0b),
+ no_match);
+ if (mode_ == UC16) {
+ // Compare original value to 0x2028 and 0x2029, using the already
+ // computed (current_char ^ 0x01 - 0x0b). I.e., check for
+ // 0x201d (0x2028 - 0x0b) or 0x201e.
+ masm_.sub32(Imm32(0x2028 - 0x0b), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp0_, Imm32(0x2029 - 0x2028),
+ no_match);
+ }
+ return true;
+ case 'w':
+ // \w matches the set of 63 characters defined in Runtime Semantics:
+ // WordCharacters. We use a static lookup table, which is defined in
+ //
+ // Note: if both Unicode and IgnoreCase are true, \w matches a
+ // larger set of characters. That case is handled elsewhere.
+ if (mode_ != LATIN1) {
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, current_character_, Imm32('z'),
+ no_match);
+ }
+ static_assert(arraysize(word_character_map) > unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar);
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmPtr(word_character_map), temp0_);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(
+ BaseIndex(temp0_, current_character_, js::jit::TimesOne), temp0_);
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, temp0_, temp0_, no_match);
+ return true;
+ case 'W': {
+ // See 'w' above.
+ js::jit::Label done;
+ if (mode_ != LATIN1) {
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, current_character_, Imm32('z'), &done);
+ }
+ static_assert(arraysize(word_character_map) > unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar);
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmPtr(word_character_map), temp0_);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(
+ BaseIndex(temp0_, current_character_, js::jit::TimesOne), temp0_);
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, temp0_, temp0_, no_match);
+ if (mode_ != LATIN1) {
+ masm_.bind(&done);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Non-standard classes (with no syntactic shorthand) used internally //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ case '*':
+ // Match any character
+ return true;
+ case 'n':
+ // Match newlines. The opposite of '.'. See '.' above.
+ masm_.move32(current_character_, temp0_);
+ masm_.xor32(Imm32(0x01), temp0_);
+ masm_.sub32(Imm32(0x0b), temp0_);
+ if (mode_ == LATIN1) {
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, temp0_, Imm32(0x0c - 0x0b), no_match);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mode_ == UC16);
+ js::jit::Label done;
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, temp0_, Imm32(0x0c - 0x0b),
+ &done);
+ // Compare original value to 0x2028 and 0x2029, using the already
+ // computed (current_char ^ 0x01 - 0x0b). I.e., check for
+ // 0x201d (0x2028 - 0x0b) or 0x201e.
+ masm_.sub32(Imm32(0x2028 - 0x0b), temp0_);
+ masm_.branch32(Assembler::Above, temp0_, Imm32(0x2029 - 0x2028),
+ no_match);
+ masm_.bind(&done);
+ }
+ return true;
+ // No custom implementation
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Fail() {
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(js::RegExpRunStatus_Success_NotFound), temp0_);
+ masm_.jump(&exit_label_);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::GoTo(Label* to) {
+ masm_.jump(LabelOrBacktrack(to));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand,
+ Label* if_ge) {
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThanOrEqual, register_location(reg),
+ ImmWord(comparand), LabelOrBacktrack(if_ge));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand,
+ Label* if_lt) {
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::LessThan, register_location(reg),
+ ImmWord(comparand), LabelOrBacktrack(if_lt));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq) {
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, register_location(reg), current_position_,
+ LabelOrBacktrack(if_eq));
+// This is a word-for-word identical copy of the V8 code, which is
+// duplicated in at least nine different places in V8 (one per
+// supported architecture) with no differences outside of comments and
+// formatting. It should be hoisted into the superclass. Once that is
+// done upstream, this version can be deleted.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds,
+ int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ // It's possible to preload a small number of characters when each success
+ // path requires a large number of characters, but not the reverse.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(eats_at_least >= characters);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(cp_offset < (1 << 30)); // Be sane! (And ensure negation works)
+ if (check_bounds) {
+ if (cp_offset >= 0) {
+ CheckPosition(cp_offset + eats_at_least - 1, on_end_of_input);
+ } else {
+ CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_end_of_input);
+ }
+ }
+ LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(cp_offset, characters);
+// Load the character (or characters) at the specified offset from the
+// current position. Zero-extend to 32 bits.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(int cp_offset,
+ int characters) {
+ BaseIndex address(input_end_pointer_, current_position_, js::jit::TimesOne,
+ cp_offset * char_size());
+ if (mode_ == LATIN1) {
+ if (characters == 4) {
+ masm_.load32(address, current_character_);
+ } else if (characters == 2) {
+ masm_.load16ZeroExtend(address, current_character_);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(characters == 1);
+ masm_.load8ZeroExtend(address, current_character_);
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mode_ == UC16);
+ if (characters == 2) {
+ masm_.load32(address, current_character_);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(characters == 1);
+ masm_.load16ZeroExtend(address, current_character_);
+ }
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::PopCurrentPosition() { Pop(current_position_); }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::PopRegister(int register_index) {
+ Pop(temp0_);
+ masm_.storePtr(temp0_, register_location(register_index));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::PushBacktrack(Label* label) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!label->is_bound());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!label->patchOffset_.bound());
+ label->patchOffset_ = masm_.movWithPatch(ImmPtr(nullptr), temp0_);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(label->patchOffset_.bound());
+ Push(temp0_);
+ CheckBacktrackStackLimit();
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::PushCurrentPosition() { Push(current_position_); }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) {
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(register_index), temp0_);
+ Push(temp0_);
+ if (check_stack_limit) {
+ CheckBacktrackStackLimit();
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg) {
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(reg), current_position_);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg,
+ int cp_offset) {
+ if (cp_offset == 0) {
+ masm_.storePtr(current_position_, register_location(reg));
+ } else {
+ Address addr(current_position_, cp_offset * char_size());
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(addr, temp0_);
+ masm_.storePtr(temp0_, register_location(reg));
+ }
+// Note: The backtrack stack pointer is stored in a register as an
+// offset from the stack top, not as a bare pointer, so that it is not
+// corrupted if the backtrack stack grows (and therefore moves).
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg) {
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(reg), backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.addPtr(backtrackStackBase(), backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg) {
+ masm_.movePtr(backtrack_stack_pointer_, temp0_);
+ masm_.subPtr(backtrackStackBase(), temp0_);
+ masm_.storePtr(temp0_, register_location(reg));
+// When matching a regexp that is anchored at the end, this operation
+// is used to try skipping the beginning of long strings. If the
+// maximum length of a match is less than the length of the string, we
+// can skip the initial len - max_len bytes.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) {
+ js::jit::Label after_position;
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThanOrEqual, current_position_,
+ ImmWord(-by * char_size()), &after_position);
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(-by * char_size()), current_position_);
+ // On RegExp code entry (where this operation is used), the character before
+ // the current position is expected to be already loaded.
+ // We have advanced the position, so it's safe to read backwards.
+ LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(-1, 1);
+ masm_.bind(&after_position);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::SetRegister(int register_index, int to) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(register_index >= num_capture_registers_);
+ masm_.storePtr(ImmWord(to), register_location(register_index));
+// Returns true if a regexp match can be restarted (aka the regexp is global).
+// The return value is not used anywhere, but we implement it to be safe.
+bool SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Succeed() {
+ masm_.jump(&success_label_);
+ return global();
+// Capture registers are initialized to input[-1]
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(reg_from <= reg_to);
+ masm_.loadPtr(inputStart(), temp0_);
+ masm_.subPtr(Imm32(char_size()), temp0_);
+ for (int reg = reg_from; reg <= reg_to; reg++) {
+ masm_.storePtr(temp0_, register_location(reg));
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Push(Register source) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(source != backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.subPtr(Imm32(sizeof(void*)), backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.storePtr(source, Address(backtrack_stack_pointer_, 0));
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Pop(Register target) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(target != backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(backtrack_stack_pointer_, 0), target);
+ masm_.addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(void*)), backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::JumpOrBacktrack(Label* to) {
+ if (to) {
+ masm_.jump(to->inner());
+ } else {
+ Backtrack();
+ }
+// Generate a quick inline test for backtrack stack overflow.
+// If the test fails, call an OOL handler to try growing the stack.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckBacktrackStackLimit() {
+ js::jit::Label no_stack_overflow;
+ masm_.branchPtr(
+ Assembler::BelowOrEqual,
+ AbsoluteAddress(isolate()->regexp_stack()->limit_address_address()),
+ backtrack_stack_pointer_, &no_stack_overflow);
+ // Exit with an exception if the call failed
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, temp0_, temp0_,
+ &exit_with_exception_label_);
+ masm_.bind(&no_stack_overflow);
+// This is used to sneak an OOM through the V8 layer.
+static Handle<HeapObject> DummyCode() {
+ return Handle<HeapObject>::fromHandleValue(JS::UndefinedHandleValue);
+// Finalize code. This is called last, so that we know how many
+// registers we need.
+Handle<HeapObject> SMRegExpMacroAssembler::GetCode(Handle<String> source) {
+ if (!cx_->realm()->ensureJitRealmExists(cx_)) {
+ return DummyCode();
+ }
+ masm_.bind(&entry_label_);
+ createStackFrame();
+ initFrameAndRegs();
+ masm_.jump(&start_label_);
+ successHandler();
+ exitHandler();
+ backtrackHandler();
+ stackOverflowHandler();
+ Linker linker(masm_);
+ JitCode* code = linker.newCode(cx_, js::jit::CodeKind::RegExp);
+ if (!code) {
+ return DummyCode();
+ }
+ for (LabelPatch& lp : labelPatches_) {
+ Assembler::PatchDataWithValueCheck(CodeLocationLabel(code, lp.patchOffset_),
+ ImmPtr(code->raw() + lp.labelOffset_),
+ ImmPtr(nullptr));
+ }
+ return Handle<HeapObject>(JS::PrivateGCThingValue(code), isolate());
+ * The stack will have the following structure:
+ * sp-> - FrameData
+ * - inputStart
+ * - backtrack stack base
+ * - matches
+ * - numMatches
+ * - Registers
+ * - Capture positions
+ * - Scratch registers
+ * --- frame alignment ---
+ * - Saved register area
+ * - Return address
+ */
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::createStackFrame() {
+#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_ARM64
+ // ARM64 communicates stack address via SP, but uses a pseudo-sp (PSP) for
+ // addressing. The register we use for PSP may however also be used by
+ // calling code, and it is nonvolatile, so save it. Do this as a special
+ // case first because the generic save/restore code needs the PSP to be
+ // initialized already.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(js::jit::PseudoStackPointer64.Is(masm_.GetStackPointer64()));
+ masm_.Str(js::jit::PseudoStackPointer64,
+ vixl::MemOperand(js::jit::sp, -16, vixl::PreIndex));
+ // Initialize the PSP from the SP.
+ masm_.initPseudoStackPtr();
+ // Push non-volatile registers which might be modified by jitcode.
+ size_t pushedNonVolatileRegisters = 0;
+ for (GeneralRegisterForwardIterator iter(savedRegisters_); iter.more();
+ ++iter) {
+ masm_.Push(*iter);
+ pushedNonVolatileRegisters++;
+ }
+ // The pointer to InputOutputData is passed as the first argument.
+ // On x86 we have to load it off the stack into temp0_.
+ // On other platforms it is already in a register.
+#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_X86
+ Address ioDataAddr(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ (pushedNonVolatileRegisters + 1) * sizeof(void*));
+ masm_.loadPtr(ioDataAddr, temp0_);
+ if (js::jit::IntArgReg0 != temp0_) {
+ masm_.movePtr(js::jit::IntArgReg0, temp0_);
+ }
+ // Start a new stack frame.
+ size_t frameBytes = sizeof(FrameData) + num_registers_ * sizeof(void*);
+ frameSize_ = js::jit::StackDecrementForCall(js::jit::ABIStackAlignment,
+ masm_.framePushed(), frameBytes);
+ masm_.reserveStack(frameSize_);
+ masm_.checkStackAlignment();
+ // Check if we have space on the stack. Use the *NoInterrupt stack limit to
+ // avoid failing repeatedly when the regex code is called from Ion JIT code.
+ // (See bug 1208819)
+ js::jit::Label stack_ok;
+ AbsoluteAddress limit_addr(cx_->addressOfJitStackLimitNoInterrupt());
+ masm_.branchStackPtrRhs(Assembler::Below, limit_addr, &stack_ok);
+ // There is not enough space on the stack. Exit with an exception.
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(js::RegExpRunStatus_Error), temp0_);
+ masm_.jump(&exit_label_);
+ masm_.bind(&stack_ok);
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::initFrameAndRegs() {
+ // At this point, an uninitialized stack frame has been created,
+ // and the address of the InputOutputData is in temp0_.
+ Register ioDataReg = temp0_;
+ Register matchesReg = temp1_;
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(ioDataReg, offsetof(InputOutputData, matches)),
+ matchesReg);
+ // Initialize output registers
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(matchesReg, MatchPairs::offsetOfPairs()), temp2_);
+ masm_.storePtr(temp2_, matches());
+ masm_.load32(Address(matchesReg, MatchPairs::offsetOfPairCount()), temp2_);
+ masm_.store32(temp2_, numMatches());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // Bounds-check numMatches.
+ js::jit::Label enoughRegisters;
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::GreaterThanOrEqual, temp2_,
+ ImmWord(num_capture_registers_ / 2), &enoughRegisters);
+ masm_.assumeUnreachable("Not enough output pairs for RegExp");
+ masm_.bind(&enoughRegisters);
+ // Load input start pointer.
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(ioDataReg, offsetof(InputOutputData, inputStart)),
+ current_position_);
+ // Load input end pointer
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(ioDataReg, offsetof(InputOutputData, inputEnd)),
+ input_end_pointer_);
+ // Set up input position to be negative offset from string end.
+ masm_.subPtr(input_end_pointer_, current_position_);
+ // Store inputStart
+ masm_.storePtr(current_position_, inputStart());
+ // Load start index
+ Register startIndexReg = temp1_;
+ masm_.loadPtr(Address(ioDataReg, offsetof(InputOutputData, startIndex)),
+ startIndexReg);
+ masm_.computeEffectiveAddress(
+ BaseIndex(current_position_, startIndexReg, factor()), current_position_);
+ // Initialize current_character_.
+ // Load newline if index is at start, or previous character otherwise.
+ js::jit::Label start_regexp;
+ js::jit::Label load_previous_character;
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, startIndexReg, ImmWord(0),
+ &load_previous_character);
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord('\n'), current_character_);
+ masm_.jump(&start_regexp);
+ masm_.bind(&load_previous_character);
+ LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(-1, 1);
+ masm_.bind(&start_regexp);
+ // Initialize captured registers with inputStart - 1
+ MOZ_ASSERT(num_capture_registers_ > 0);
+ Register inputStartMinusOneReg = temp2_;
+ masm_.loadPtr(inputStart(), inputStartMinusOneReg);
+ masm_.subPtr(Imm32(char_size()), inputStartMinusOneReg);
+ if (num_capture_registers_ > 8) {
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(register_offset(0)), temp1_);
+ js::jit::Label init_loop;
+ masm_.bind(&init_loop);
+ masm_.storePtr(inputStartMinusOneReg, BaseIndex(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ temp1_, js::jit::TimesOne));
+ masm_.addPtr(ImmWord(sizeof(void*)), temp1_);
+ masm_.branchPtr(Assembler::LessThan, temp1_,
+ ImmWord(register_offset(num_capture_registers_)),
+ &init_loop);
+ } else {
+ // Unroll the loop
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_capture_registers_; i++) {
+ masm_.storePtr(inputStartMinusOneReg, register_location(i));
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize backtrack stack pointer
+ masm_.loadPtr(AbsoluteAddress(isolate()->top_of_regexp_stack()),
+ backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.storePtr(backtrack_stack_pointer_, backtrackStackBase());
+// Called when we find a match. May not be generated if we can
+// determine ahead of time that a regexp cannot match: for example,
+// when compiling /\u1e9e/ for latin-1 inputs.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::successHandler() {
+ if (!success_label_.used()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ masm_.bind(&success_label_);
+ // Copy captures to the MatchPairs pointed to by the InputOutputData.
+ // Captures are stored as positions, which are negative byte offsets
+ // from the end of the string. We must convert them to actual
+ // indices.
+ //
+ // Index: [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][END]
+ // Pos (1-byte): [-6 ][-5 ][-4 ][-3 ][-2 ][-1 ][ 0 ] // IS = -6
+ // Pos (2-byte): [-12][-10][-8 ][-6 ][-4 ][-2 ][ 0 ] // IS = -12
+ //
+ // To convert a position to an index, we subtract InputStart, and
+ // divide the result by char_size.
+ Register matchesReg = temp1_;
+ masm_.loadPtr(matches(), matchesReg);
+ Register inputStartReg = temp2_;
+ masm_.loadPtr(inputStart(), inputStartReg);
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_capture_registers_; i++) {
+ masm_.loadPtr(register_location(i), temp0_);
+ masm_.subPtr(inputStartReg, temp0_);
+ if (mode_ == UC16) {
+ masm_.rshiftPtrArithmetic(Imm32(1), temp0_);
+ }
+ masm_.store32(temp0_, Address(matchesReg, i * sizeof(int32_t)));
+ }
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(js::RegExpRunStatus_Success), temp0_);
+ // This falls through to the exit handler.
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::exitHandler() {
+ masm_.bind(&exit_label_);
+ if (temp0_ != js::jit::ReturnReg) {
+ masm_.movePtr(temp0_, js::jit::ReturnReg);
+ }
+ masm_.freeStack(frameSize_);
+ // Restore registers which were saved on entry
+ for (GeneralRegisterBackwardIterator iter(savedRegisters_); iter.more();
+ ++iter) {
+ masm_.Pop(*iter);
+ }
+#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_ARM64
+ // Now restore the value that was in the PSP register on entry, and return.
+ // Obtain the correct SP from the PSP.
+ masm_.Mov(js::jit::sp, js::jit::PseudoStackPointer64);
+ // Restore the saved value of the PSP register, this value is whatever the
+ // caller had saved in it, not any actual SP value, and it must not be
+ // overwritten subsequently.
+ masm_.Ldr(js::jit::PseudoStackPointer64,
+ vixl::MemOperand(js::jit::sp, 16, vixl::PostIndex));
+ // Perform a plain Ret(), as abiret() will move SP <- PSP and that is wrong.
+ masm_.Ret(vixl::lr);
+ masm_.abiret();
+ if (exit_with_exception_label_.used()) {
+ masm_.bind(&exit_with_exception_label_);
+ // Exit with an error result to signal thrown exception
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmWord(js::RegExpRunStatus_Error), temp0_);
+ masm_.jump(&exit_label_);
+ }
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::backtrackHandler() {
+ if (!backtrack_label_.used()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ masm_.bind(&backtrack_label_);
+ Backtrack();
+void SMRegExpMacroAssembler::stackOverflowHandler() {
+ if (!stack_overflow_label_.used()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Called if the backtrack-stack limit has been hit.
+ masm_.bind(&stack_overflow_label_);
+ // Load argument
+ masm_.movePtr(ImmPtr(isolate()->regexp_stack()), temp1_);
+ // Save registers before calling C function
+ LiveGeneralRegisterSet volatileRegs(GeneralRegisterSet::Volatile());
+ masm_.pushReturnAddress();
+ // Adjust for the return address on the stack.
+ size_t frameOffset = sizeof(void*);
+ volatileRegs.takeUnchecked(temp0_);
+ volatileRegs.takeUnchecked(temp1_);
+ masm_.PushRegsInMask(volatileRegs);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(RegExpStack * regexp_stack);
+ masm_.setupUnalignedABICall(temp0_);
+ masm_.passABIArg(temp1_);
+ masm_.callWithABI<Fn, ::js::irregexp::GrowBacktrackStack>();
+ masm_.storeCallBoolResult(temp0_);
+ masm_.PopRegsInMask(volatileRegs);
+ // If GrowBacktrackStack returned false, we have failed to grow the
+ // stack, and must exit with a stack-overflow exception. Do this in
+ // the caller so that the stack is adjusted by our return instruction.
+ js::jit::Label overflow_return;
+ masm_.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, temp0_, temp0_, &overflow_return);
+ // Otherwise, store the new backtrack stack base and recompute the new
+ // top of the stack.
+ Address bsbAddress(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ offsetof(FrameData, backtrackStackBase) + frameOffset);
+ masm_.subPtr(bsbAddress, backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ masm_.loadPtr(AbsoluteAddress(isolate()->top_of_regexp_stack()), temp1_);
+ masm_.storePtr(temp1_, bsbAddress);
+ masm_.addPtr(temp1_, backtrack_stack_pointer_);
+ // Resume execution in calling code.
+ masm_.bind(&overflow_return);
+ masm_.ret();
+// This is only used by tracing code.
+// The return value doesn't matter.
+SMRegExpMacroAssembler::Implementation() {
+ return kBytecodeImplementation;
+// Compare two strings in `/i` mode (ignoreCase, but not unicode).
+/*static */
+uint32_t SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(
+ const char16_t* substring1, const char16_t* substring2, size_t byteLength) {
+ js::AutoUnsafeCallWithABI unsafe;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(byteLength % sizeof(char16_t) == 0);
+ size_t length = byteLength / sizeof(char16_t);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ char16_t c1 = substring1[i];
+ char16_t c2 = substring2[i];
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ // Non-unicode regexps have weird case-folding rules.
+ c1 = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(c1);
+ c2 = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(c2);
+ // If we aren't building with ICU, fall back to `/iu` mode. The only
+ // differences are in corner cases.
+ c1 = js::unicode::FoldCase(c1);
+ c2 = js::unicode::FoldCase(c2);
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+// Compare two strings in `/iu` mode (ignoreCase and unicode).
+/*static */
+uint32_t SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(
+ const char16_t* substring1, const char16_t* substring2, size_t byteLength) {
+ js::AutoUnsafeCallWithABI unsafe;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(byteLength % sizeof(char16_t) == 0);
+ size_t length = byteLength / sizeof(char16_t);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ char16_t c1 = substring1[i];
+ char16_t c2 = substring2[i];
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ // Unicode regexps use the common and simple case-folding
+ // mappings of the Unicode Character Database.
+ c1 = js::unicode::FoldCase(c1);
+ c2 = js::unicode::FoldCase(c2);
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* static */
+bool SMRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowBacktrackStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack) {
+ js::AutoUnsafeCallWithABI unsafe;
+ size_t size = regexp_stack->stack_capacity();
+ return !!regexp_stack->EnsureCapacity(size * 2);
+bool SMRegExpMacroAssembler::CanReadUnaligned() {
+#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM)
+ return !js::jit::HasAlignmentFault();
+#elif defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.h b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7b62789f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements the NativeRegExpMacroAssembler interface for
+// SpiderMonkey. It provides the same interface as each of V8's
+// architecture-specific implementations.
+#ifndef RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h
+#define RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+#include "jit/MacroAssembler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+struct FrameData {
+ // Character position at the start of the input, stored as a
+ // negative offset from the end of the string (input_end_pointer_).
+ size_t inputStart;
+ // The backtrack_stack_pointer_ register points to the top of the stack.
+ // This points to the bottom of the backtrack stack.
+ void* backtrackStackBase;
+ // Copy of the input MatchPairs.
+ int32_t* matches; // pointer to capture array
+ int32_t numMatches; // size of capture array
+class SMRegExpMacroAssembler final : public NativeRegExpMacroAssembler {
+ public:
+ SMRegExpMacroAssembler(JSContext* cx, js::jit::StackMacroAssembler& masm,
+ Zone* zone, Mode mode, uint32_t num_capture_registers);
+ virtual ~SMRegExpMacroAssembler() = default;
+ virtual int stack_limit_slack();
+ virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation();
+ virtual bool Succeed();
+ virtual void Fail();
+ virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by);
+ virtual void PopCurrentPosition();
+ virtual void PushCurrentPosition();
+ virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by);
+ virtual void Backtrack();
+ virtual void Bind(Label* label);
+ virtual void GoTo(Label* label);
+ virtual void PushBacktrack(Label* label);
+ virtual void CheckCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_equal);
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_not_equal);
+ virtual void CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater);
+ virtual void CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less);
+ virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_equal);
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal);
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal);
+ virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position);
+ virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_in_range);
+ virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range);
+ virtual void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start);
+ virtual void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start);
+ virtual void CheckPosition(int cp_offset, Label* on_outside_input);
+ virtual void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set);
+ virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type, Label* on_no_match);
+ virtual void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match);
+ virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward, bool unicode,
+ Label* on_no_match);
+ virtual void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least);
+ virtual void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by);
+ virtual void IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_ge);
+ virtual void IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_lt);
+ virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq);
+ virtual void PopRegister(int register_index);
+ virtual void PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit);
+ virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg);
+ virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset);
+ virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg);
+ virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg);
+ virtual void SetRegister(int register_index, int to);
+ virtual void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to);
+ virtual Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source);
+ virtual bool CanReadUnaligned();
+ private:
+ size_t frameSize_ = 0;
+ void createStackFrame();
+ void initFrameAndRegs();
+ void successHandler();
+ void exitHandler();
+ void backtrackHandler();
+ void stackOverflowHandler();
+ // Push a register on the backtrack stack.
+ void Push(js::jit::Register value);
+ // Pop a value from the backtrack stack.
+ void Pop(js::jit::Register target);
+ void CheckAtStartImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_cond,
+ js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
+ void CheckCharacterImpl(js::jit::Imm32 c, Label* on_cond,
+ js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
+ void CheckCharacterAfterAndImpl(uint32_t c, uint32_t and_with, Label* on_cond,
+ bool negate);
+ void CheckCharacterInRangeImpl(uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_cond,
+ js::jit::Assembler::Condition cond);
+ void CheckNotBackReferenceImpl(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ bool unicode, Label* on_no_match,
+ bool ignore_case);
+ void LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(int cp_offset, int characters);
+ void JumpOrBacktrack(Label* to);
+ // MacroAssembler methods that take a Label can be called with a
+ // null label, which means that we should backtrack if we would jump
+ // to that label. This is a helper to avoid writing out the same
+ // logic a dozen times.
+ inline js::jit::Label* LabelOrBacktrack(Label* to) {
+ return to ? to->inner() : &backtrack_label_;
+ }
+ void CheckBacktrackStackLimit();
+ public:
+ static bool GrowBacktrackStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack);
+ static uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength);
+ static uint32_t CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(const char16_t* substring1,
+ const char16_t* substring2,
+ size_t byteLength);
+ private:
+ inline int char_size() { return static_cast<int>(mode_); }
+ inline js::jit::Scale factor() {
+ return mode_ == UC16 ? js::jit::TimesTwo : js::jit::TimesOne;
+ }
+ js::jit::Address inputStart() {
+ return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ offsetof(FrameData, inputStart));
+ }
+ js::jit::Address backtrackStackBase() {
+ return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ offsetof(FrameData, backtrackStackBase));
+ }
+ js::jit::Address matches() {
+ return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ offsetof(FrameData, matches));
+ }
+ js::jit::Address numMatches() {
+ return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ offsetof(FrameData, numMatches));
+ }
+ // The stack-pointer-relative location of a regexp register.
+ js::jit::Address register_location(int register_index) {
+ return js::jit::Address(masm_.getStackPointer(),
+ register_offset(register_index));
+ }
+ int32_t register_offset(int register_index) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(register_index >= 0 && register_index <= kMaxRegister);
+ if (num_registers_ <= register_index) {
+ num_registers_ = register_index + 1;
+ }
+ static_assert(alignof(uintptr_t) <= alignof(FrameData));
+ return sizeof(FrameData) + register_index * sizeof(uintptr_t*);
+ }
+ JSContext* cx_;
+ js::jit::StackMacroAssembler& masm_;
+ /*
+ * This assembler uses the following registers:
+ *
+ * - current_character_:
+ * Contains the character (or characters) currently being examined.
+ * Must be loaded using LoadCurrentCharacter before using any of the
+ * dispatch methods. After a matching pass for a global regexp,
+ * temporarily stores the index of capture start.
+ * - current_position_:
+ * Current position in input *as negative byte offset from end of string*.
+ * - input_end_pointer_:
+ * Points to byte after last character in the input. current_position_ is
+ * relative to this.
+ * - backtrack_stack_pointer_:
+ * Points to tip of the (heap-allocated) backtrack stack. The stack grows
+ * downward (like the native stack).
+ * - temp0_, temp1_, temp2_:
+ * Scratch registers.
+ *
+ * The native stack pointer is used to access arguments (InputOutputData),
+ * local variables (FrameData), and irregexp's internal virtual registers
+ * (see register_location).
+ */
+ js::jit::Register current_character_;
+ js::jit::Register current_position_;
+ js::jit::Register input_end_pointer_;
+ js::jit::Register backtrack_stack_pointer_;
+ js::jit::Register temp0_, temp1_, temp2_;
+ // These labels are used in various API calls and bound (if used) in
+ // GetCode. If we abort in the middle of a compilation, as may
+ // happen if a regexp is too big, they may be used but not
+ // bound.
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel entry_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel start_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel backtrack_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel success_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel exit_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel stack_overflow_label_;
+ js::jit::NonAssertingLabel exit_with_exception_label_;
+ // When we generate the code to push a backtrack label's address
+ // onto the backtrack stack, we don't know its final address. We
+ // have to patch it after linking. This is slightly delicate, as the
+ // Label itself (which is allocated on the stack) may not exist by
+ // the time we link. The approach is as follows:
+ //
+ // 1. When we push a label on the backtrack stack (PushBacktrack),
+ // we bind the label's patchOffset_ field to the offset within
+ // the code that should be overwritten. This works because each
+ // label is only pushed by a single instruction.
+ //
+ // 2. When we bind a label (Bind), we check to see if it has a
+ // bound patchOffset_. If it does, we create a LabelPatch mapping
+ // its patch offset to the offset of the label itself.
+ //
+ // 3. While linking the code, we walk the list of label patches
+ // and patch the code accordingly.
+ class LabelPatch {
+ public:
+ LabelPatch(js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset, size_t labelOffset)
+ : patchOffset_(patchOffset), labelOffset_(labelOffset) {}
+ js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset_;
+ size_t labelOffset_ = 0;
+ };
+ js::Vector<LabelPatch, 4, js::SystemAllocPolicy> labelPatches_;
+ void AddLabelPatch(js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset, size_t labelOffset) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!labelPatches_.emplaceBack(patchOffset, labelOffset)) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp label patch");
+ }
+ }
+ Mode mode_;
+ int num_registers_;
+ int num_capture_registers_;
+ js::jit::LiveGeneralRegisterSet savedRegisters_;
+ public:
+ using TableVector =
+ js::Vector<PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData>, 4, js::SystemAllocPolicy>;
+ TableVector& tables() { return tables_; }
+ private:
+ TableVector tables_;
+ void AddTable(PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> table) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!tables_.append(std::move(table))) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp table append");
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // RegexpMacroAssemblerArch_h
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.cpp b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff4402839c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h"
+#include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+void PrintF(const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list arguments;
+ va_start(arguments, format);
+ vprintf(format, arguments);
+ va_end(arguments);
+void PrintF(FILE* out, const char* format, ...) {
+ va_list arguments;
+ va_start(arguments, format);
+ vfprintf(out, format, arguments);
+ va_end(arguments);
+StdoutStream::operator std::ostream&() const { return std::cerr; }
+template <typename T>
+std::ostream& StdoutStream::operator<<(T t) {
+ return std::cerr << t;
+template std::ostream& StdoutStream::operator<<(char const* c);
+// Origin:
+// (This is a hand-simplified version.)
+// Writes the given character to the output escaping everything outside
+// of printable ASCII range.
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsUC16& c) {
+ uc16 v = c.value;
+ bool isPrint = 0x20 < v && v <= 0x7e;
+ char buf[10];
+ const char* format = isPrint ? "%c" : (v <= 0xFF) ? "\\x%02x" : "\\u%04x";
+ SprintfLiteral(buf, format, v);
+ return os << buf;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsUC32& c) {
+ int32_t v = c.value;
+ if (v <= String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit) {
+ return os << AsUC16(v);
+ }
+ char buf[13];
+ SprintfLiteral(buf, "\\u{%06x}", v);
+ return os << buf;
+HandleScope::HandleScope(Isolate* isolate) : isolate_(isolate) {
+ isolate->openHandleScope(*this);
+HandleScope::~HandleScope() {
+ isolate_->closeHandleScope(level_, non_gc_level_);
+template <typename T>
+Handle<T>::Handle(T object, Isolate* isolate)
+ : location_(isolate->getHandleLocation(object.value())) {}
+template Handle<ByteArray>::Handle(ByteArray b, Isolate* isolate);
+template Handle<HeapObject>::Handle(const JS::Value& v, Isolate* isolate);
+template Handle<JSRegExp>::Handle(JSRegExp re, Isolate* isolate);
+template Handle<String>::Handle(String s, Isolate* isolate);
+template <typename T>
+Handle<T>::Handle(const JS::Value& value, Isolate* isolate)
+ : location_(isolate->getHandleLocation(value)) {
+ T::cast(Object(value)); // Assert that value has the correct type.
+JS::Value* Isolate::getHandleLocation(const JS::Value& value) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!handleArena_.Append(value)) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp handle allocation");
+ }
+ return &handleArena_.GetLast();
+void* Isolate::allocatePseudoHandle(size_t bytes) {
+ PseudoHandle<void> ptr;
+ ptr.reset(js_malloc(bytes));
+ if (!ptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!uniquePtrArena_.Append(std::move(ptr))) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return uniquePtrArena_.GetLast().get();
+template <typename T>
+PseudoHandle<T> Isolate::takeOwnership(void* ptr) {
+ for (auto iter = uniquePtrArena_.IterFromLast(); !iter.Done(); iter.Prev()) {
+ auto& entry = iter.Get();
+ if (entry.get() == ptr) {
+ PseudoHandle<T> result;
+ result.reset(static_cast<T*>(entry.release()));
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_CRASH("Tried to take ownership of pseudohandle that is not in the arena");
+PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> ByteArray::takeOwnership(Isolate* isolate) {
+ PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> result =
+ isolate->takeOwnership<ByteArrayData>(value().toPrivate());
+ setValue(JS::PrivateValue(nullptr));
+ return result;
+void Isolate::trace(JSTracer* trc) {
+ js::gc::AssertRootMarkingPhase(trc);
+ for (auto iter = handleArena_.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
+ auto& elem = iter.Get();
+ JS::GCPolicy<JS::Value>::trace(trc, &elem, "Isolate handle arena");
+ }
+size_t Isolate::sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const {
+ size_t size = mallocSizeOf(this);
+ // The RegExpStack code is imported from V8, so we peek inside it to
+ // measure its memory from here.
+ size += mallocSizeOf(regexpStack_);
+ if (regexpStack_->thread_local_.owns_memory_) {
+ size += mallocSizeOf(regexpStack_->thread_local_.memory_);
+ }
+ size += handleArena_.SizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
+ size += uniquePtrArena_.SizeOfExcludingThis(mallocSizeOf);
+ return size;
+/*static*/ Handle<String> String::Flatten(Isolate* isolate,
+ Handle<String> string) {
+ if (string->IsFlat()) {
+ return string;
+ }
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ JSLinearString* linear = string->str()->ensureLinear(isolate->cx());
+ if (!linear) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp String::Flatten");
+ }
+ return Handle<String>(JS::StringValue(linear), isolate);
+// This is only used for trace messages printing the source pattern of
+// a regular expression. We have to return a unique_ptr, but we don't
+// care about the contents, so we return an empty null-terminated string.
+std::unique_ptr<char[]> String::ToCString() {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> ptr;
+ ptr.reset(static_cast<char*>(js_malloc(1)));
+ if (!ptr) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp String::ToCString");
+ }
+ ptr[0] = '\0';
+ return ptr;
+bool Isolate::init() {
+ regexpStack_ = js_new<RegExpStack>();
+ if (!regexpStack_) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+Isolate::~Isolate() {
+ if (regexpStack_) {
+ js_delete(regexpStack_);
+ }
+byte* Isolate::top_of_regexp_stack() const {
+ return reinterpret_cast<byte*>(regexpStack_->memory_top_address_address());
+Handle<ByteArray> Isolate::NewByteArray(int length, AllocationType alloc) {
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(length >= 0);
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ size_t alloc_size = sizeof(uint32_t) + length;
+ ByteArrayData* data =
+ static_cast<ByteArrayData*>(allocatePseudoHandle(alloc_size));
+ if (!data) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp NewByteArray");
+ }
+ data->length = length;
+ return Handle<ByteArray>(JS::PrivateValue(data), this);
+Handle<FixedArray> Isolate::NewFixedArray(int length) {
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(length >= 0);
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ js::ArrayObject* array = js::NewDenseFullyAllocatedArray(cx(), length);
+ if (!array) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp NewFixedArray");
+ }
+ array->ensureDenseInitializedLength(0, length);
+ return Handle<FixedArray>(JS::ObjectValue(*array), this);
+template <typename CharT>
+Handle<String> Isolate::InternalizeString(const Vector<const CharT>& str) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ JSAtom* atom = js::AtomizeChars(cx(), str.begin(), str.length());
+ if (!atom) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp InternalizeString");
+ }
+ return Handle<String>(JS::StringValue(atom), this);
+template Handle<String> Isolate::InternalizeString(
+ const Vector<const uint8_t>& str);
+template Handle<String> Isolate::InternalizeString(
+ const Vector<const char16_t>& str);
+static_assert(JSRegExp::RegistersForCaptureCount(JSRegExp::kMaxCaptures) <=
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegisterCount);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.h b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04dd5285ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpShim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef RegexpShim_h
+#define RegexpShim_h
+#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "mozilla/SegmentedVector.h"
+#include "mozilla/Sprintf.h"
+#include "mozilla/Types.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iterator>
+#include "irregexp/RegExpTypes.h"
+#include "irregexp/util/FlagsShim.h"
+#include "irregexp/util/VectorShim.h"
+#include "irregexp/util/ZoneShim.h"
+#include "jit/JitCode.h"
+#include "jit/Label.h"
+#include "jit/shared/Assembler-shared.h"
+#include "js/friend/StackLimits.h" // js::CheckRecursionLimit{,Conservative}DontReport
+#include "js/RegExpFlags.h"
+#include "js/Value.h"
+#include "threading/ExclusiveData.h"
+#include "util/DifferentialTesting.h"
+#include "vm/JSContext.h"
+#include "vm/MutexIDs.h"
+#include "vm/NativeObject.h"
+#include "vm/RegExpShared.h"
+// Forward declaration of classes
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class Heap;
+class Isolate;
+class RegExpMatchInfo;
+class RegExpStack;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#define V8_FALLTHROUGH [[fallthrough]]
+#define FATAL(x) MOZ_CRASH(x)
+#define UNREACHABLE() MOZ_CRASH("unreachable code")
+#define UNIMPLEMENTED() MOZ_CRASH("unimplemented code")
+#define STATIC_ASSERT(exp) static_assert(exp, #exp)
+#define DCHECK_EQ(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) == (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_NE(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) != (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_GT(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) > (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_GE(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) >= (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_LT(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) < (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_LE(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT((lhs) <= (rhs))
+#define DCHECK_NULL(val) MOZ_ASSERT((val) == nullptr)
+#define DCHECK_NOT_NULL(val) MOZ_ASSERT((val) != nullptr)
+#define DCHECK_IMPLIES(lhs, rhs) MOZ_ASSERT_IF(lhs, rhs)
+#define CHECK_LE(lhs, rhs) MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT((lhs) <= (rhs))
+template <class T>
+static constexpr inline T Min(T t1, T t2) {
+ return t1 < t2 ? t1 : t2;
+template <class T>
+static constexpr inline T Max(T t1, T t2) {
+ return t1 > t2 ? t1 : t2;
+#define MemCopy memcpy
+// Origin:
+// ptrdiff_t is 't' according to the standard, but MSVC uses 'I'.
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# define V8PRIxPTRDIFF "Ix"
+# define V8PRIdPTRDIFF "Id"
+# define V8PRIuPTRDIFF "Iu"
+# define V8PRIxPTRDIFF "tx"
+# define V8PRIdPTRDIFF "td"
+# define V8PRIuPTRDIFF "tu"
+#define arraysize std::size
+// Explicitly declare the assignment operator as deleted.
+#define DISALLOW_ASSIGN(TypeName) TypeName& operator=(const TypeName&) = delete
+// Explicitly declare the copy constructor and assignment operator as deleted.
+// This also deletes the implicit move constructor and implicit move assignment
+// operator, but still allows to manually define them.
+ TypeName(const TypeName&) = delete; \
+// Explicitly declare all implicit constructors as deleted, namely the
+// default constructor, copy constructor and operator= functions.
+// This is especially useful for classes containing only static methods.
+ TypeName() = delete; \
+namespace v8 {
+// Origin:
+template <typename T, typename U>
+constexpr inline bool IsAligned(T value, U alignment) {
+ return (value & (alignment - 1)) == 0;
+using byte = uint8_t;
+using Address = uintptr_t;
+static const Address kNullAddress = 0;
+// Latin1/UTF-16 constants
+// Code-point values in Unicode 4.0 are 21 bits wide.
+// Code units in UTF-16 are 16 bits wide.
+using uc16 = char16_t;
+using uc32 = int32_t;
+namespace base {
+// Origin:
+// The USE(x, ...) template is used to silence C++ compiler warnings
+// issued for (yet) unused variables (typically parameters).
+// The arguments are guaranteed to be evaluated from left to right.
+struct Use {
+ template <typename T>
+ Use(T&&) {} // NOLINT(runtime/explicit)
+#define USE(...) \
+ do { \
+ ::v8::base::Use unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro[]{__VA_ARGS__}; \
+ (void)unused_tmp_array_for_use_macro; \
+ } while (false)
+// Origin:
+// saturated_cast<> is analogous to static_cast<> for numeric types, except
+// that the specified numeric conversion will saturate rather than overflow or
+// underflow.
+template <typename Dst, typename Src>
+inline Dst saturated_cast(Src value);
+// This is the only specialization that is needed for regexp code.
+// Instead of pulling in dozens of lines of template goo
+// to derive it, I used the implementation from uint8_clamped in
+// ArrayBufferObject.h.
+template <>
+inline uint8_t saturated_cast<uint8_t, int>(int x) {
+ return (x >= 0) ? ((x < 255) ? uint8_t(x) : 255) : 0;
+// Origin:
+// Checks if value is in range [lower_limit, higher_limit] using a single
+// branch.
+template <typename T, typename U>
+inline constexpr bool IsInRange(T value, U lower_limit, U higher_limit) {
+ using unsigned_T = typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type;
+ // Use static_cast to support enum classes.
+ return static_cast<unsigned_T>(static_cast<unsigned_T>(value) -
+ static_cast<unsigned_T>(lower_limit)) <=
+ static_cast<unsigned_T>(static_cast<unsigned_T>(higher_limit) -
+ static_cast<unsigned_T>(lower_limit));
+ {}
+template <typename T>
+class LazyInstanceImpl {
+ public:
+ LazyInstanceImpl() : value_(js::mutexid::IrregexpLazyStatic) {}
+ const T* Pointer() {
+ auto val = value_.lock();
+ if (val->isNothing()) {
+ val->emplace();
+ }
+ return val->ptr();
+ }
+ private:
+ js::ExclusiveData<mozilla::Maybe<T>> value_;
+template <typename T>
+class LazyInstance {
+ public:
+ using type = LazyInstanceImpl<T>;
+namespace bits {
+inline uint64_t CountTrailingZeros(uint64_t value) {
+ return mozilla::CountTrailingZeroes64(value);
+inline size_t RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(size_t value) {
+ return mozilla::RoundUpPow2(value);
+} // namespace bits
+} // namespace base
+namespace unibrow {
+using uchar = unsigned int;
+// Origin:
+class Latin1 {
+ public:
+ static const uc16 kMaxChar = 0xff;
+ // Convert the character to Latin-1 case equivalent if possible.
+ static inline uc16 TryConvertToLatin1(uc16 c) {
+ // "GREEK SMALL LETTER MU" case maps to "MICRO SIGN".
+ if (c == 0x039C || c == 0x03BC) {
+ return 0xB5;
+ }
+ if (c == 0x0178) {
+ return 0xFF;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+// Origin:
+class Utf16 {
+ public:
+ static inline bool IsLeadSurrogate(int code) {
+ return js::unicode::IsLeadSurrogate(code);
+ }
+ static inline bool IsTrailSurrogate(int code) {
+ return js::unicode::IsTrailSurrogate(code);
+ }
+ static inline uc16 LeadSurrogate(uint32_t char_code) {
+ return js::unicode::LeadSurrogate(char_code);
+ }
+ static inline uc16 TrailSurrogate(uint32_t char_code) {
+ return js::unicode::TrailSurrogate(char_code);
+ }
+ static inline uint32_t CombineSurrogatePair(char16_t lead, char16_t trail) {
+ return js::unicode::UTF16Decode(lead, trail);
+ }
+ static const uchar kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode = 0xffff;
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// A cache used in case conversion. It caches the value for characters
+// that either have no mapping or map to a single character independent
+// of context. Characters that map to more than one character or that
+// map differently depending on context are always looked up.
+// Origin:
+template <class T, int size = 256>
+class Mapping {
+ public:
+ inline Mapping() = default;
+ inline int get(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result) {
+ CacheEntry entry = entries_[c & kMask];
+ if (entry.code_point_ == c) {
+ if (entry.offset_ == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ result[0] = c + entry.offset_;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return CalculateValue(c, n, result);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ int CalculateValue(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result) {
+ bool allow_caching = true;
+ int length = T::Convert(c, n, result, &allow_caching);
+ if (allow_caching) {
+ if (length == 1) {
+ entries_[c & kMask] = CacheEntry(c, result[0] - c);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ entries_[c & kMask] = CacheEntry(c, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return length;
+ }
+ }
+ struct CacheEntry {
+ inline CacheEntry() : code_point_(kNoChar), offset_(0) {}
+ inline CacheEntry(uchar code_point, signed offset)
+ : code_point_(code_point), offset_(offset) {}
+ uchar code_point_;
+ signed offset_;
+ static const int kNoChar = (1 << 21) - 1;
+ };
+ static const int kSize = size;
+ static const int kMask = kSize - 1;
+ CacheEntry entries_[kSize];
+// Origin:
+struct Ecma262Canonicalize {
+ static const int kMaxWidth = 1;
+ static int Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result, bool* allow_caching_ptr);
+struct Ecma262UnCanonicalize {
+ static const int kMaxWidth = 4;
+ static int Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result, bool* allow_caching_ptr);
+struct CanonicalizationRange {
+ static const int kMaxWidth = 1;
+ static int Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result, bool* allow_caching_ptr);
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+struct Letter {
+ static bool Is(uchar c);
+} // namespace unibrow
+namespace internal {
+void PRINTF_FORMAT(1, 2) PrintF(const char* format, ...);
+void PRINTF_FORMAT(2, 3) PrintF(FILE* out, const char* format, ...);
+// Superclass for classes only using static method functions.
+// The subclass of AllStatic cannot be instantiated at all.
+class AllStatic {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ public:
+ AllStatic() = delete;
+// Superclass for classes managed with new and delete.
+// In irregexp, this is only AlternativeGeneration (in
+// Compare:
+class Malloced {
+ public:
+ static void* operator new(size_t size) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ void* result = js_malloc(size);
+ if (!result) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp Malloced shim");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static void operator delete(void* p) { js_free(p); }
+constexpr int32_t KB = 1024;
+constexpr int32_t MB = 1024 * 1024;
+#define kMaxInt JSVAL_INT_MAX
+#define kMinInt JSVAL_INT_MIN
+constexpr int kSystemPointerSize = sizeof(void*);
+// The largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly
+// representable as a Number value. ES6 section
+constexpr double kMaxSafeInteger = 9007199254740991.0; // 2^53-1
+constexpr int kBitsPerByte = 8;
+constexpr int kBitsPerByteLog2 = 3;
+constexpr int kUInt32Size = sizeof(uint32_t);
+constexpr int kInt64Size = sizeof(int64_t);
+constexpr int kUC16Size = sizeof(uc16);
+inline constexpr bool IsDecimalDigit(uc32 c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
+inline bool is_uint24(int64_t val) { return (val >> 24) == 0; }
+inline bool is_int24(int64_t val) {
+ int64_t limit = int64_t(1) << 23;
+ return (-limit <= val) && (val < limit);
+inline bool IsIdentifierStart(uc32 c) {
+ return js::unicode::IsIdentifierStart(uint32_t(c));
+inline bool IsIdentifierPart(uc32 c) {
+ return js::unicode::IsIdentifierPart(uint32_t(c));
+// Wrappers to disambiguate char16_t and uc16.
+struct AsUC16 {
+ explicit AsUC16(char16_t v) : value(v) {}
+ char16_t value;
+struct AsUC32 {
+ explicit AsUC32(int32_t v) : value(v) {}
+ int32_t value;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsUC16& c);
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const AsUC32& c);
+// This class is used for the output of trace-regexp-parser. V8 has
+// an elaborate implementation to ensure that the output gets to the
+// right place, even on Android. We just need something that will
+// print output (ideally to stderr, to match the rest of our tracing
+// code). This is an empty wrapper that will convert itself to
+// std::cerr when used.
+class StdoutStream {
+ public:
+ operator std::ostream&() const;
+ template <typename T>
+ std::ostream& operator<<(T t);
+// Reuse existing Maybe implementation
+using mozilla::Maybe;
+template <typename T>
+Maybe<T> Just(const T& value) {
+ return mozilla::Some(value);
+template <typename T>
+mozilla::Nothing Nothing() {
+ return mozilla::Nothing();
+template <typename T>
+using PseudoHandle = mozilla::UniquePtr<T, JS::FreePolicy>;
+// Origin:
+// Compare 8bit/16bit chars to 8bit/16bit chars.
+// Used indirectly by
+template <typename lchar, typename rchar>
+inline int CompareCharsUnsigned(const lchar* lhs, const rchar* rhs,
+ size_t chars) {
+ const lchar* limit = lhs + chars;
+ if (sizeof(*lhs) == sizeof(char) && sizeof(*rhs) == sizeof(char)) {
+ // memcmp compares byte-by-byte, yielding wrong results for two-byte
+ // strings on little-endian systems.
+ return memcmp(lhs, rhs, chars);
+ }
+ while (lhs < limit) {
+ int r = static_cast<int>(*lhs) - static_cast<int>(*rhs);
+ if (r != 0) return r;
+ ++lhs;
+ ++rhs;
+ }
+ return 0;
+template <typename lchar, typename rchar>
+inline int CompareChars(const lchar* lhs, const rchar* rhs, size_t chars) {
+ DCHECK_LE(sizeof(lchar), 2);
+ DCHECK_LE(sizeof(rchar), 2);
+ if (sizeof(lchar) == 1) {
+ if (sizeof(rchar) == 1) {
+ return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(lhs),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(rhs), chars);
+ } else {
+ return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(lhs),
+ reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(rhs),
+ chars);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (sizeof(rchar) == 1) {
+ return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(lhs),
+ reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(rhs), chars);
+ } else {
+ return CompareCharsUnsigned(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(lhs),
+ reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(rhs),
+ chars);
+ }
+ }
+// Origin:
+// Returns the value (0 .. 15) of a hexadecimal character c.
+// If c is not a legal hexadecimal character, returns a value < 0.
+// Used in
+inline int HexValue(uc32 c) {
+ c -= '0';
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(c) <= 9) return c;
+ c = (c | 0x20) - ('a' - '0'); // detect 0x11..0x16 and 0x31..0x36.
+ if (static_cast<unsigned>(c) <= 5) return c + 10;
+ return -1;
+// V8::Object ~= JS::Value
+class Object {
+ public:
+ // The default object constructor in V8 stores a nullptr,
+ // which has its low bit clear and is interpreted as Smi(0).
+ constexpr Object() : asBits_(JS::Int32Value(0).asRawBits()) {}
+ Object(const JS::Value& value) : asBits_(value.asRawBits()) {}
+ // Used in to check the return value of
+ // isolate->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts(). We want to handle
+ // interrupts in the caller, so we always return false from
+ // HandleInterrupts and true here.
+ inline bool IsException(Isolate*) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!value().toBoolean());
+ return true;
+ }
+ JS::Value value() const { return JS::Value::fromRawBits(asBits_); }
+ inline static Object cast(Object object) { return object; }
+ protected:
+ void setValue(const JS::Value& val) { asBits_ = val.asRawBits(); }
+ uint64_t asBits_;
+class Smi : public Object {
+ public:
+ static Smi FromInt(int32_t value) {
+ Smi smi;
+ smi.setValue(JS::Int32Value(value));
+ return smi;
+ }
+ static inline int32_t ToInt(const Object object) {
+ return object.value().toInt32();
+ }
+// V8::HeapObject ~= GC thing
+class HeapObject : public Object {
+ public:
+ inline static HeapObject cast(Object object) {
+ HeapObject h;
+ h.setValue(object.value());
+ return h;
+ }
+// A fixed-size array with Objects (aka Values) as element types.
+// Implemented using the dense elements of an ArrayObject.
+// Used for named captures.
+class FixedArray : public HeapObject {
+ public:
+ inline void set(uint32_t index, Object value) {
+ inner()->setDenseElement(index, value.value());
+ }
+ inline static FixedArray cast(Object object) {
+ FixedArray f;
+ f.setValue(object.value());
+ return f;
+ }
+ js::NativeObject* inner() {
+ return &value().toObject().as<js::NativeObject>();
+ }
+ * Conceptually, ByteArrayData is a variable-size structure. To
+ * implement this in a C++-approved way, we allocate a struct
+ * containing the 32-bit length field, followed by additional memory
+ * for the data. To access the data, we get a pointer to the next byte
+ * after the length field and cast it to the correct type.
+ */
+inline uint8_t* ByteArrayData::data() {
+ static_assert(alignof(uint8_t) <= alignof(ByteArrayData),
+ "The trailing data must be aligned to start immediately "
+ "after the header with no padding.");
+ ByteArrayData* immediatelyAfter = this + 1;
+ return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(immediatelyAfter);
+// A fixed-size array of bytes.
+class ByteArray : public HeapObject {
+ ByteArrayData* inner() const {
+ return static_cast<ByteArrayData*>(value().toPrivate());
+ }
+ public:
+ PseudoHandle<ByteArrayData> takeOwnership(Isolate* isolate);
+ byte get(uint32_t index) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(index < length());
+ return inner()->data()[index];
+ }
+ void set(uint32_t index, byte val) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(index < length());
+ inner()->data()[index] = val;
+ }
+ uint32_t length() const { return inner()->length; }
+ byte* GetDataStartAddress() { return inner()->data(); }
+ static ByteArray cast(Object object) {
+ ByteArray b;
+ b.setValue(object.value());
+ return b;
+ }
+// Like Handles in SM, V8 handles are references to marked pointers.
+// Unlike SM, where Rooted pointers are created individually on the
+// stack, the target of a V8 handle lives in an arena on the isolate
+// (~= JSContext). Whenever a Handle is created, a new "root" is
+// created at the end of the arena.
+// HandleScopes are used to manage the lifetimes of these handles. A
+// HandleScope lives on the stack and stores the size of the arena at
+// the time of its creation. When the function returns and the
+// HandleScope is destroyed, the arena is truncated to its previous
+// size, clearing all roots that were created since the creation of
+// the HandleScope.
+// In some cases, objects that are GC-allocated in V8 are not in SM.
+// In particular, irregexp allocates ByteArrays during code generation
+// to store lookup tables. This does not play nicely with the SM
+// macroassembler's requirement that no GC allocations take place
+// while it is on the stack. To work around this, this shim layer also
+// provides the ability to create pseudo-handles, which are not
+// managed by the GC but provide the same API to irregexp. The "root"
+// of a pseudohandle is a unique pointer living in a second arena. If
+// the allocated object should outlive the HandleScope, it must be
+// manually moved out of the arena using takeOwnership.
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS HandleScope {
+ public:
+ HandleScope(Isolate* isolate);
+ ~HandleScope();
+ private:
+ size_t level_ = 0;
+ size_t non_gc_level_ = 0;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ friend class Isolate;
+// Origin:
+template <typename T>
+class MOZ_NONHEAP_CLASS Handle {
+ public:
+ Handle() : location_(nullptr) {}
+ Handle(T object, Isolate* isolate);
+ Handle(const JS::Value& value, Isolate* isolate);
+ // Constructor for handling automatic up casting.
+ template <typename S,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<S*, T*>>>
+ inline Handle(Handle<S> handle) : location_(handle.location_) {}
+ inline bool is_null() const { return location_ == nullptr; }
+ inline T operator*() const { return T::cast(Object(*location_)); };
+ // {ObjectRef} is returned by {Handle::operator->}. It should never be stored
+ // anywhere or used in any other code; no one should ever have to spell out
+ // {ObjectRef} in code. Its only purpose is to be dereferenced immediately by
+ // "operator-> chaining". Returning the address of the field is valid because
+ // this object's lifetime only ends at the end of the full statement.
+ // Origin:
+ //
+ class MOZ_TEMPORARY_CLASS ObjectRef {
+ public:
+ T* operator->() { return &object_; }
+ private:
+ friend class Handle;
+ explicit ObjectRef(T object) : object_(object) {}
+ T object_;
+ };
+ inline ObjectRef operator->() const { return ObjectRef{**this}; }
+ static Handle<T> fromHandleValue(JS::HandleValue handle) {
+ return Handle(handle.address());
+ }
+ private:
+ Handle(const JS::Value* location) : location_(location) {}
+ template <typename>
+ friend class Handle;
+ template <typename>
+ friend class MaybeHandle;
+ const JS::Value* location_;
+// A Handle can be converted into a MaybeHandle. Converting a MaybeHandle
+// into a Handle requires checking that it does not point to nullptr. This
+// ensures nullptr checks before use.
+// Also note that Handles do not provide default equality comparison or hashing
+// operators on purpose. Such operators would be misleading, because intended
+// semantics is ambiguous between Handle location and object identity.
+// Origin:
+template <typename T>
+class MOZ_NONHEAP_CLASS MaybeHandle final {
+ public:
+ MaybeHandle() : location_(nullptr) {}
+ // Constructor for handling automatic up casting from Handle.
+ // Ex. Handle<JSArray> can be passed when MaybeHandle<Object> is expected.
+ template <typename S,
+ typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible_v<S*, T*>>>
+ MaybeHandle(Handle<S> handle) : location_(handle.location_) {}
+ inline Handle<T> ToHandleChecked() const {
+ MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(location_);
+ return Handle<T>(location_);
+ }
+ // Convert to a Handle with a type that can be upcasted to.
+ template <typename S>
+ inline bool ToHandle(Handle<S>* out) const {
+ if (location_) {
+ *out = Handle<T>(location_);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ *out = Handle<T>();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ JS::Value* location_;
+// From v8/src/handles/handles-inl.h
+template <typename T>
+inline Handle<T> handle(T object, Isolate* isolate) {
+ return Handle<T>(object, isolate);
+// RAII Guard classes
+using DisallowHeapAllocation = JS::AutoAssertNoGC;
+// V8 uses this inside DisallowHeapAllocation regions to turn
+// allocation back on before throwing a stack overflow exception or
+// handling interrupts. AutoSuppressGC is sufficient for the former
+// case, but not for the latter: handling interrupts can execute
+// arbitrary script code, and V8 jumps through some scary hoops to
+// "manually relocate unhandlified references" afterwards. To keep
+// things sane, we don't try to handle interrupts while regex code is
+// still on the stack. Instead, we return EXCEPTION and handle
+// interrupts in the caller. (See RegExpShared::execute.)
+class AllowHeapAllocation {
+ public:
+ AllowHeapAllocation() {}
+// Origin:
+class String : public HeapObject {
+ private:
+ JSString* str() const { return value().toString(); }
+ public:
+ String() = default;
+ String(JSString* str) { setValue(JS::StringValue(str)); }
+ operator JSString*() const { return str(); }
+ // Max char codes.
+ static const int32_t kMaxOneByteCharCode = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar;
+ static const uint32_t kMaxOneByteCharCodeU = unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar;
+ static const int kMaxUtf16CodeUnit = 0xffff;
+ static const uc32 kMaxCodePoint = 0x10ffff;
+ MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE int length() const { return str()->length(); }
+ bool IsFlat() { return str()->isLinear(); };
+ // Origin:
+ //
+ class FlatContent {
+ public:
+ FlatContent(JSLinearString* string, const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc)
+ : string_(string), no_gc_(no_gc) {}
+ inline bool IsOneByte() const { return string_->hasLatin1Chars(); }
+ inline bool IsTwoByte() const { return !string_->hasLatin1Chars(); }
+ Vector<const uint8_t> ToOneByteVector() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsOneByte());
+ return Vector<const uint8_t>(string_->latin1Chars(no_gc_),
+ string_->length());
+ }
+ Vector<const uc16> ToUC16Vector() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsTwoByte());
+ return Vector<const uc16>(string_->twoByteChars(no_gc_),
+ string_->length());
+ }
+ private:
+ const JSLinearString* string_;
+ const JS::AutoAssertNoGC& no_gc_;
+ };
+ FlatContent GetFlatContent(const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsFlat());
+ return FlatContent(&str()->asLinear(), no_gc);
+ }
+ static Handle<String> Flatten(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> string);
+ inline static String cast(Object object) {
+ String s;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(object.value().isString());
+ s.setValue(object.value());
+ return s;
+ }
+ inline static bool IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(String string) {
+ return string.str()->hasLatin1Chars();
+ }
+ inline bool IsOneByteRepresentation() const {
+ return str()->hasLatin1Chars();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> ToCString();
+ template <typename Char>
+ Vector<const Char> GetCharVector(const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc);
+template <>
+inline Vector<const uint8_t> String::GetCharVector(
+ const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc) {
+ String::FlatContent flat = GetFlatContent(no_gc);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flat.IsOneByte());
+ return flat.ToOneByteVector();
+template <>
+inline Vector<const uc16> String::GetCharVector(
+ const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc) {
+ String::FlatContent flat = GetFlatContent(no_gc);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flat.IsTwoByte());
+ return flat.ToUC16Vector();
+// A flat string reader provides random access to the contents of a
+// string independent of the character width of the string.
+class MOZ_STACK_CLASS FlatStringReader {
+ public:
+ FlatStringReader(JSContext* cx, js::HandleLinearString string)
+ : string_(string), length_(string->length()) {}
+ FlatStringReader(const mozilla::Range<const char16_t> range)
+ : string_(nullptr), range_(range), length_(range.length()) {}
+ int length() { return length_; }
+ inline char16_t Get(size_t index) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(index < length_);
+ if (string_) {
+ return string_->latin1OrTwoByteChar(index);
+ }
+ return range_[index];
+ }
+ private:
+ js::HandleLinearString string_;
+ const mozilla::Range<const char16_t> range_;
+ size_t length_;
+class JSRegExp : public HeapObject {
+ public:
+ JSRegExp() : HeapObject() {}
+ JSRegExp(js::RegExpShared* re) { setValue(JS::PrivateGCThingValue(re)); }
+ // ******************************************************
+ // Methods that are called from inside the implementation
+ // ******************************************************
+ void TierUpTick() { inner()->tierUpTick(); }
+ Object Code(bool is_latin1) const {
+ return Object(JS::PrivateGCThingValue(inner()->getJitCode(is_latin1)));
+ }
+ Object Bytecode(bool is_latin1) const {
+ return Object(JS::PrivateValue(inner()->getByteCode(is_latin1)));
+ }
+ // TODO: should we expose this?
+ uint32_t BacktrackLimit() const { return 0; }
+ static JSRegExp cast(Object object) {
+ JSRegExp regexp;
+ js::gc::Cell* regexpShared = object.value().toGCThing();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(regexpShared->is<js::RegExpShared>());
+ regexp.setValue(JS::PrivateGCThingValue(regexpShared));
+ return regexp;
+ }
+ // Each capture (including the match itself) needs two registers.
+ static constexpr int RegistersForCaptureCount(int count) {
+ return (count + 1) * 2;
+ }
+ inline int MaxRegisterCount() const { return inner()->getMaxRegisters(); }
+ // ******************************
+ // Static constants
+ // ******************************
+ // Maximum number of captures allowed.
+ static constexpr int kMaxCaptures = (1 << 15) - 1;
+ // **************************************************
+ // JSRegExp::Flags
+ // **************************************************
+ enum Flag : uint8_t {
+ kNone = JS::RegExpFlag::NoFlags,
+ kGlobal = JS::RegExpFlag::Global,
+ kIgnoreCase = JS::RegExpFlag::IgnoreCase,
+ kMultiline = JS::RegExpFlag::Multiline,
+ kSticky = JS::RegExpFlag::Sticky,
+ kUnicode = JS::RegExpFlag::Unicode,
+ kDotAll = JS::RegExpFlag::DotAll,
+ };
+ using Flags = JS::RegExpFlags;
+ static constexpr int kNoBacktrackLimit = 0;
+ private:
+ js::RegExpShared* inner() const {
+ return value().toGCThing()->as<js::RegExpShared>();
+ }
+class Histogram {
+ public:
+ inline void AddSample(int sample) {}
+class Counters {
+ public:
+ Histogram* regexp_backtracks() { return &regexp_backtracks_; }
+ private:
+ Histogram regexp_backtracks_;
+#define PROFILE(isolate, call) \
+ do { \
+ } while (false);
+enum class AllocationType : uint8_t {
+ kYoung, // Allocate in the nursery
+ kOld, // Allocate in the tenured heap
+using StackGuard = Isolate;
+using Factory = Isolate;
+class Isolate {
+ public:
+ Isolate(JSContext* cx) : cx_(cx) {}
+ ~Isolate();
+ bool init();
+ size_t sizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf mallocSizeOf) const;
+ //********** Isolate code **********//
+ RegExpStack* regexp_stack() const { return regexpStack_; }
+ byte* top_of_regexp_stack() const;
+ // This is called from inside no-GC code. Instead of suppressing GC
+ // to allocate the error, we return false from Execute and call
+ // ReportOverRecursed in the caller.
+ void StackOverflow() {}
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize>* jsregexp_uncanonicalize() {
+ return &jsregexp_uncanonicalize_;
+ }
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>*
+ regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize() {
+ return &regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize_;
+ }
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::CanonicalizationRange>* jsregexp_canonrange() {
+ return &jsregexp_canonrange_;
+ }
+ private:
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize> jsregexp_uncanonicalize_;
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>
+ regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize_;
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::CanonicalizationRange> jsregexp_canonrange_;
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ public:
+ // An empty stub for telemetry we don't support
+ void IncreaseTotalRegexpCodeGenerated(Handle<HeapObject> code) {}
+ Counters* counters() { return &counters_; }
+ //********** Factory code **********//
+ inline Factory* factory() { return this; }
+ Handle<ByteArray> NewByteArray(
+ int length, AllocationType allocation = AllocationType::kYoung);
+ // Allocates a fixed array initialized with undefined values.
+ Handle<FixedArray> NewFixedArray(int length);
+ template <typename Char>
+ Handle<String> InternalizeString(const Vector<const Char>& str);
+ //********** Stack guard code **********//
+ inline StackGuard* stack_guard() { return this; }
+ // This is called from inside no-GC code. V8 runs the interrupt
+ // inside the no-GC code and then "manually relocates unhandlified
+ // references" afterwards. We just return false and let the caller
+ // handle interrupts.
+ Object HandleInterrupts() { return Object(JS::BooleanValue(false)); }
+ JSContext* cx() const { return cx_; }
+ void trace(JSTracer* trc);
+ //********** Handle code **********//
+ JS::Value* getHandleLocation(const JS::Value& value);
+ private:
+ mozilla::SegmentedVector<JS::Value, 256> handleArena_;
+ mozilla::SegmentedVector<PseudoHandle<void>, 256> uniquePtrArena_;
+ void* allocatePseudoHandle(size_t bytes);
+ public:
+ template <typename T>
+ PseudoHandle<T> takeOwnership(void* ptr);
+ uint32_t liveHandles() const { return handleArena_.Length(); }
+ uint32_t livePseudoHandles() const { return uniquePtrArena_.Length(); }
+ private:
+ void openHandleScope(HandleScope& scope) {
+ scope.level_ = handleArena_.Length();
+ scope.non_gc_level_ = uniquePtrArena_.Length();
+ }
+ void closeHandleScope(size_t prevLevel, size_t prevUniqueLevel) {
+ size_t currLevel = handleArena_.Length();
+ handleArena_.PopLastN(currLevel - prevLevel);
+ size_t currUniqueLevel = uniquePtrArena_.Length();
+ uniquePtrArena_.PopLastN(currUniqueLevel - prevUniqueLevel);
+ }
+ friend class HandleScope;
+ JSContext* cx_;
+ RegExpStack* regexpStack_;
+ Counters counters_;
+// Origin:
+class StackLimitCheck {
+ public:
+ StackLimitCheck(Isolate* isolate) : cx_(isolate->cx()) {}
+ // Use this to check for stack-overflows in C++ code.
+ bool HasOverflowed() {
+ bool overflowed = !js::CheckRecursionLimitDontReport(cx_);
+ if (overflowed && js::SupportDifferentialTesting()) {
+ // We don't report overrecursion here, but we throw an exception later
+ // and this still affects differential testing. Mimic ReportOverRecursed
+ // (the fuzzers check for this particular string).
+ fprintf(stderr, "ReportOverRecursed called\n");
+ }
+ return overflowed;
+ }
+ // Use this to check for interrupt request in C++ code.
+ bool InterruptRequested() {
+ return cx_->hasPendingInterrupt(js::InterruptReason::CallbackUrgent);
+ }
+ // Use this to check for stack-overflow when entering runtime from JS code.
+ bool JsHasOverflowed() {
+ return !js::CheckRecursionLimitConservativeDontReport(cx_);
+ }
+ private:
+ JSContext* cx_;
+class Code : public HeapObject {
+ public:
+ uint8_t* raw_instruction_start() { return inner()->raw(); }
+ static Code cast(Object object) {
+ Code c;
+ js::gc::Cell* jitCode = object.value().toGCThing();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(jitCode->is<js::jit::JitCode>());
+ c.setValue(JS::PrivateGCThingValue(jitCode));
+ return c;
+ }
+ js::jit::JitCode* inner() {
+ return value().toGCThing()->as<js::jit::JitCode>();
+ }
+enum class MessageTemplate { kStackOverflow };
+class MessageFormatter {
+ public:
+ static const char* TemplateString(MessageTemplate index) {
+ switch (index) {
+ case MessageTemplate::kStackOverflow:
+ return "too much recursion";
+ }
+ }
+// Origin:
+class Label {
+ public:
+ Label() : inner_(js::jit::Label()) {}
+ js::jit::Label* inner() { return &inner_; }
+ void Unuse() { inner_.reset(); }
+ bool is_linked() { return inner_.used(); }
+ bool is_bound() { return inner_.bound(); }
+ bool is_unused() { return !inner_.used() && !inner_.bound(); }
+ int pos() { return inner_.offset(); }
+ void link_to(int pos) { inner_.use(pos); }
+ void bind_to(int pos) { inner_.bind(pos); }
+ private:
+ js::jit::Label inner_;
+ js::jit::CodeOffset patchOffset_;
+ friend class SMRegExpMacroAssembler;
+// Constant Flags
+// V8 uses this for differential fuzzing to handle stack overflows.
+// We address the same problem in StackLimitCheck::HasOverflowed.
+const bool FLAG_correctness_fuzzer_suppressions = false;
+// Instead of using a flag for this, we provide an implementation of
+// CanReadUnaligned in SMRegExpMacroAssembler.
+const bool FLAG_enable_regexp_unaligned_accesses = false;
+// This is used to guard a prototype implementation of sequence properties.
+// See:
+// TODO: Expose this behind a pref once it is past stage 2?
+const bool FLAG_harmony_regexp_sequence = false;
+// This is only used in a helper function in regex.h that we never call.
+const bool FLAG_regexp_interpret_all = false;
+// This is used to guard a prototype implementation of mode modifiers,
+// which can modify the regexp flags on the fly inside the pattern.
+// As far as I can tell, there isn't even a TC39 proposal for this.
+const bool FLAG_regexp_mode_modifiers = false;
+// This is used to guard an old prototype implementation of possessive
+// quantifiers, which never got past the point of adding parser support.
+const bool FLAG_regexp_possessive_quantifier = false;
+// These affect the default level of optimization. We can still turn
+// optimization off on a case-by-case basis in CompilePattern - for
+// example, if a regexp is too long - so we might as well turn these
+// flags on unconditionally.
+const bool FLAG_regexp_optimization = true;
+// peephole optimization not supported on big endian
+const bool FLAG_regexp_peephole_optimization = false;
+const bool FLAG_regexp_peephole_optimization = true;
+// This is used to control whether regexps tier up from interpreted to
+// compiled. We control this with --no-native-regexp and
+// --regexp-warmup-threshold.
+const bool FLAG_regexp_tier_up = true;
+// Debugging Flags
+#define FLAG_trace_regexp_bytecodes js::jit::JitOptions.traceRegExpInterpreter
+#define FLAG_trace_regexp_parser js::jit::JitOptions.traceRegExpParser
+#define FLAG_trace_regexp_peephole_optimization \
+ js::jit::JitOptions.traceRegExpPeephole
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // RegexpShim_h
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/RegExpTypes.h b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpTypes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa8bddb03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/RegExpTypes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// This file forward-defines Irregexp classes that need to be visible
+// to the rest of Spidermonkey and re-exports them into js::irregexp.
+#ifndef regexp_RegExpTypes_h
+#define regexp_RegExpTypes_h
+#include "js/UniquePtr.h"
+namespace js {
+class MatchPairs;
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class ByteArrayData {
+ public:
+ uint32_t length;
+ uint8_t* data();
+class Isolate;
+class RegExpStack;
+class RegExpStackScope;
+struct InputOutputData {
+ const void* inputStart;
+ const void* inputEnd;
+ // Index into inputStart (in chars) at which to begin matching.
+ size_t startIndex;
+ js::MatchPairs* matches;
+ template <typename CharT>
+ InputOutputData(const CharT* inputStart, const CharT* inputEnd,
+ size_t startIndex, js::MatchPairs* matches)
+ : inputStart(inputStart),
+ inputEnd(inputEnd),
+ startIndex(startIndex),
+ matches(matches) {}
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+namespace js {
+namespace irregexp {
+using Isolate = v8::internal::Isolate;
+using RegExpStack = v8::internal::RegExpStack;
+using RegExpStackScope = v8::internal::RegExpStackScope;
+using ByteArrayData = v8::internal::ByteArrayData;
+using ByteArray = js::UniquePtr<v8::internal::ByteArrayData, JS::FreePolicy>;
+using InputOutputData = v8::internal::InputOutputData;
+} // namespace irregexp
+} // namespace js
+#endif // regexp_RegExpTypes_h
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/ b/js/src/irregexp/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f136b33fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+# This script handles all the mechanical steps of importing irregexp from v8:
+# 1. Acquire the source: either from github, or optionally from a local copy of v8.
+# 2. Copy the contents of v8/src/regexp into js/src/irregexp/imported
+# - Exclude files that we have chosen not to import.
+# 3. While doing so, update #includes:
+# - Change "src/regexp/*" to "irregexp/imported/*".
+# - Remove other v8-specific headers completely.
+# 4. Add '#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h" in the necessary places.
+# 5. Update the IRREGEXP_VERSION file to include the correct git hash.
+# Usage:
+# cd path/to/js/src/irregexp
+# ./ --path path/to/v8/src/regexp
+# Alternatively, without the --path argument, will
+# clone v8 from github into a temporary directory.
+# After running this script, changes to the shim code may be necessary
+# to account for changes in upstream irregexp.
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+def get_hash(path):
+ # Get the hash for the current git revision
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ command = ["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]
+ result = subprocess.check_output(command, encoding="utf-8")
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return result.rstrip()
+def copy_and_update_includes(src_path, dst_path):
+ # List of header files that need to include the shim header
+ need_shim = [
+ "property-sequences.h",
+ "regexp-ast.h",
+ "regexp-bytecode-peephole.h",
+ "regexp-bytecodes.h",
+ "regexp-dotprinter.h",
+ "regexp-error.h",
+ "regexp.h",
+ "regexp-macro-assembler.h",
+ "regexp-stack.h",
+ "special-case.h",
+ ]
+ src = open(str(src_path), "r")
+ dst = open(str(dst_path), "w")
+ # 1. Rewrite includes of V8 regexp headers:
+ regexp_include = re.compile('#include "src/regexp')
+ regexp_include_new = '#include "irregexp/imported'
+ # 2. Remove includes of other V8 headers
+ other_include = re.compile('#include "src/')
+ # 3. If needed, add '#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"'.
+ # Note: We get a little fancy to ensure that header files are
+ # in alphabetic order. `need_to_add_shim` is true if we still
+ # have to add the shim header in this file. `adding_shim_now`
+ # is true if we have found a '#include "src/*' and we are just
+ # waiting to find an empty line so that we can insert the shim
+ # header in the right place.
+ need_to_add_shim = in need_shim
+ adding_shim_now = False
+ for line in src:
+ if adding_shim_now:
+ if line == "\n":
+ dst.write('#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"\n')
+ need_to_add_shim = False
+ adding_shim_now = False
+ if
+ dst.write(re.sub(regexp_include, regexp_include_new, line))
+ elif
+ if need_to_add_shim:
+ adding_shim_now = True
+ else:
+ dst.write(line)
+def import_from(srcdir, dstdir):
+ excluded = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "regexp-utils.h",
+ "regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h",
+ ]
+ for file in srcdir.iterdir():
+ if file.is_dir():
+ continue
+ if str( in excluded:
+ continue
+ copy_and_update_includes(file, dstdir / "imported" /
+ # Update IRREGEXP_VERSION file
+ hash = get_hash(srcdir)
+ version_file = open(str(dstdir / "IRREGEXP_VERSION"), "w")
+ version_file.write("Imported using from:\n")
+ version_file.write("\n" % hash)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import argparse
+ import tempfile
+ # This script should be run from js/src/irregexp to work correctly.
+ current_path = Path(os.getcwd())
+ expected_path = "js/src/irregexp"
+ if not current_path.match(expected_path):
+ raise RuntimeError("%s must be run from %s" % (sys.argv[0], expected_path))
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Import irregexp from v8")
+ parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", help="path to v8/src/regexp")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.path:
+ src_path = Path(args.path)
+ if not (src_path / "regexp.h").exists():
+ print("Usage:\n --path <path/to/v8/src/regexp>")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ import_from(src_path, current_path)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
+ v8_git = ""
+ clone = "git clone --depth 1 %s %s" % (v8_git, tempdir)
+ os.system(clone)
+ src_path = Path(tempdir) / "src/regexp"
+ import_from(src_path, current_path)
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..89bd863509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+static const uc32 kSurrogateStart = 0xd800;
+static const uc32 kSurrogateEnd = 0xdfff;
+static const uc32 kNonBmpStart = 0x10000;
+// The following code generates "src/regexp/".
+void PrintSet(std::ofstream& out, const char* name,
+ const icu::UnicodeSet& set) {
+ out << "icu::UnicodeSet Build" << name << "() {\n"
+ << " icu::UnicodeSet set;\n";
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < set.getRangeCount(); i++) {
+ if (set.getRangeStart(i) == set.getRangeEnd(i)) {
+ out << " set.add(0x" << set.getRangeStart(i) << ");\n";
+ } else {
+ out << " set.add(0x" << set.getRangeStart(i) << ", 0x"
+ << set.getRangeEnd(i) << ");\n";
+ }
+ }
+ out << " set.freeze();\n"
+ << " return set;\n"
+ << "}\n\n";
+ out << "struct " << name << "Data {\n"
+ << " " << name << "Data() : set(Build" << name << "()) {}\n"
+ << " const icu::UnicodeSet set;\n"
+ << "};\n\n";
+ out << "//static\n"
+ << "const icu::UnicodeSet& RegExpCaseFolding::" << name << "() {\n"
+ << " static base::LazyInstance<" << name << "Data>::type set =\n"
+ << " return set.Pointer()->set;\n"
+ << "}\n\n";
+void PrintSpecial(std::ofstream& out) {
+ icu::UnicodeSet current;
+ icu::UnicodeSet special_add;
+ icu::UnicodeSet ignore;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ icu::UnicodeSet upper("[\\p{Lu}]", status);
+ CHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
+ // Iterate through all chars in BMP except surrogates.
+ for (UChar32 i = 0; i < kNonBmpStart; i++) {
+ if (i >= kSurrogateStart && i <= kSurrogateEnd) {
+ continue; // Ignore surrogate range
+ }
+ current.set(i, i);
+ current.closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ // Check to see if all characters in the case-folding equivalence
+ // class as defined by UnicodeSet::closeOver all map to the same
+ // canonical value.
+ UChar32 canonical = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(i);
+ bool class_has_matching_canonical_char = false;
+ bool class_has_non_matching_canonical_char = false;
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < current.getRangeCount(); j++) {
+ for (UChar32 c = current.getRangeStart(j); c <= current.getRangeEnd(j);
+ c++) {
+ if (c == i) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ UChar32 other_canonical = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(c);
+ if (canonical == other_canonical) {
+ class_has_matching_canonical_char = true;
+ } else {
+ class_has_non_matching_canonical_char = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If any other character in i's equivalence class has a
+ // different canonical value, then i needs special handling. If
+ // no other character shares a canonical value with i, we can
+ // ignore i when adding alternatives for case-independent
+ // comparison. If at least one other character shares a
+ // canonical value, then i needs special handling.
+ if (class_has_non_matching_canonical_char) {
+ if (class_has_matching_canonical_char) {
+ special_add.add(i);
+ } else {
+ ignore.add(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Verify that no Unicode equivalence class contains two non-trivial
+ // JS equivalence classes. Every character in SpecialAddSet has the
+ // same canonical value as every other non-IgnoreSet character in
+ // its Unicode equivalence class. Therefore, if we call closeOver on
+ // a set containing no IgnoreSet characters, the only characters
+ // that must be removed from the result are in IgnoreSet. This fact
+ // is used in CharacterRange::AddCaseEquivalents.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < special_add.getRangeCount(); i++) {
+ for (UChar32 c = special_add.getRangeStart(i);
+ c <= special_add.getRangeEnd(i); c++) {
+ UChar32 canonical = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(c);
+ current.set(c, c);
+ current.closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ current.removeAll(ignore);
+ for (int32_t j = 0; j < current.getRangeCount(); j++) {
+ for (UChar32 c2 = current.getRangeStart(j);
+ c2 <= current.getRangeEnd(j); c2++) {
+ CHECK_EQ(canonical, RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(c2));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PrintSet(out, "IgnoreSet", ignore);
+ PrintSet(out, "SpecialAddSet", special_add);
+void WriteHeader(const char* header_filename) {
+ std::ofstream out(header_filename);
+ out << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4);
+ out << "// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.\n"
+ << "// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that\n"
+ << "// can be found in the LICENSE file.\n\n"
+ << "// Automatically generated by regexp/\n\n"
+ << "// The following functions are used to build UnicodeSets\n"
+ << "// for special cases where the case-folding algorithm used by\n"
+ << "// UnicodeSet::closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE) does not match\n"
+ << "// the algorithm defined in ECMAScript 2020 (Runtime\n"
+ << "// Semantics: Canonicalize) step 3.\n\n"
+ << "#ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT\n"
+ << "#include \"src/base/lazy-instance.h\"\n\n"
+ << "#include \"src/regexp/special-case.h\"\n\n"
+ << "#include \"unicode/uniset.h\"\n"
+ << "namespace v8 {\n"
+ << "namespace internal {\n\n";
+ PrintSpecial(out);
+ out << "\n"
+ << "} // namespace internal\n"
+ << "} // namespace v8\n"
+ << "#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT\n";
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <output filename>\n";
+ std::exit(1);
+ }
+ v8::internal::WriteHeader(argv[1]);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1a6180b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,1246 @@
+// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/property-sequences.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+Generated from following Node.js source:
+ "private": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "unicode-12.0.0": "^0.7.9"
+ }
+const toHex = (symbol) => {
+ return '0x' + symbol.codePointAt(0).toString(16)
+ .toUpperCase().padStart(6, '0');
+const generateData = (property) => {
+ const sequences =
+ require(`unicode-12.0.0/Sequence_Property/${ property }/index.js`);
+ const id = property.replace(/_/g, '') + 's';
+ const buffer = [];
+ for (const sequence of sequences) {
+ const symbols = [...sequence];
+ const codePoints = => toHex(symbol));
+ buffer.push(' ' + codePoints.join(', ') + ', 0,');
+ }
+ const output =
+ `const uc32 UnicodePropertySequences::k${ id }[] = {\n` +
+ `${ buffer.join('\n') }\n 0 // null-terminating the list\n};\n`;
+ return output;
+const properties = [
+ 'Emoji_Flag_Sequence',
+ 'Emoji_Tag_Sequence',
+ 'Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence',
+for (const property of properties) {
+ console.log(generateData(property));
+// clang-format off
+const uc32 UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiFlagSequences[] = {
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1FF, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F6, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1FD, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1E7, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1EF, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F6, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1E7, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FD, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1E8, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1EF, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1E9, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1EA, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1EF, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1EB, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1E7, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F6, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1EC, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1ED, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F6, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1EE, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1EF, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1EF, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1EF, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1EF, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1E6, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1E7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F1, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FD, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F2, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1F5, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F3, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F4, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F5, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F6, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F7, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F7, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1F7, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F7, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F7, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1E7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1EF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1FD, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1F8, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1E9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1ED, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1EF, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F1, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F4, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F7, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1FB, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1FC, 0,
+ 0x01F1F9, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0x01F1FA, 0x01F1FF, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1E8, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1EC, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1EE, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1F3, 0,
+ 0x01F1FB, 0x01F1FA, 0,
+ 0x01F1FC, 0x01F1EB, 0,
+ 0x01F1FC, 0x01F1F8, 0,
+ 0x01F1FD, 0x01F1F0, 0,
+ 0x01F1FE, 0x01F1EA, 0,
+ 0x01F1FE, 0x01F1F9, 0,
+ 0x01F1FF, 0x01F1E6, 0,
+ 0x01F1FF, 0x01F1F2, 0,
+ 0x01F1F0, 0x01F1FE, 0,
+ 0 // null-terminating the list
+const uc32 UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiTagSequences[] = {
+ 0x01F3F4, 0x0E0067, 0x0E0062, 0x0E0065, 0x0E006E, 0x0E0067, 0x0E007F, 0,
+ 0x01F3F4, 0x0E0067, 0x0E0062, 0x0E0073, 0x0E0063, 0x0E0074, 0x0E007F, 0,
+ 0x01F3F4, 0x0E0067, 0x0E0062, 0x0E0077, 0x0E006C, 0x0E0073, 0x0E007F, 0,
+ 0 // null-terminating the list
+const uc32 UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiZWJSequences[] = {
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0,
+ 0x01F441, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F5E8, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F48B, 0x00200D,
+ 0x01F468, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F48B, 0x00200D,
+ 0x01F469, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F466, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0x00200D, 0x01F467, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FB, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FC, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FD, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FE, 0,
+ 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F91D, 0x00200D, 0x01F9D1, 0x01F3FF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002695, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002696, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002708, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F33E, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F373, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F393, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A4, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3A8, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3EB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F3ED, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BB, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F4BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F527, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F52C, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F680, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F692, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9AF, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BC, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BD, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x0026F9, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C3, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3C4, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CA, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CB, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F3CC, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46F, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F46F, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F471, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F473, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F477, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F481, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x002764, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F48B, 0x00200D,
+ 0x01F468, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F486, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F487, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F575, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F645, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F646, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F647, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64B, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64D, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F64E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6A3, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B4, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B5, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F6B6, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F926, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F937, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F938, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F939, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93C, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93C, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93D, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F93E, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B8, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9B9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CD, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CE, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9CF, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D6, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D7, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D8, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9D9, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DA, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DB, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DC, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DD, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DE, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DE, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DF, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F9DF, 0x00200D, 0x002642, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F468, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FC, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FD, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FE, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B0, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B1, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B2, 0,
+ 0x01F469, 0x01F3FF, 0x00200D, 0x01F9B3, 0,
+ 0x01F3F3, 0x00FE0F, 0x00200D, 0x01F308, 0,
+ 0x01F3F4, 0x00200D, 0x002620, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0x01F415, 0x00200D, 0x01F9BA, 0,
+ 0x01F482, 0x01F3FB, 0x00200D, 0x002640, 0x00FE0F, 0,
+ 0 // null-terminating the list
+// clang-format on
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/property-sequences.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/property-sequences.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..204f28c24e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/property-sequences.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// Copyright 2018 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class UnicodePropertySequences : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static const uc32 kEmojiFlagSequences[];
+ static const uc32 kEmojiTagSequences[];
+ static const uc32 kEmojiZWJSequences[];
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b89e7fef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+#define MAKE_ACCEPT(Name) \
+ void* RegExp##Name::Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) { \
+ return visitor->Visit##Name(this, data); \
+ }
+#define MAKE_TYPE_CASE(Name) \
+ RegExp##Name* RegExpTree::As##Name() { return nullptr; } \
+ bool RegExpTree::Is##Name() { return false; }
+#define MAKE_TYPE_CASE(Name) \
+ RegExp##Name* RegExp##Name::As##Name() { return this; } \
+ bool RegExp##Name::Is##Name() { return true; }
+static Interval ListCaptureRegisters(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* children) {
+ Interval result = Interval::Empty();
+ for (int i = 0; i < children->length(); i++)
+ result = result.Union(children->at(i)->CaptureRegisters());
+ return result;
+Interval RegExpAlternative::CaptureRegisters() {
+ return ListCaptureRegisters(nodes());
+Interval RegExpDisjunction::CaptureRegisters() {
+ return ListCaptureRegisters(alternatives());
+Interval RegExpLookaround::CaptureRegisters() {
+ return body()->CaptureRegisters();
+Interval RegExpCapture::CaptureRegisters() {
+ Interval self(StartRegister(index()), EndRegister(index()));
+ return self.Union(body()->CaptureRegisters());
+Interval RegExpQuantifier::CaptureRegisters() {
+ return body()->CaptureRegisters();
+bool RegExpAssertion::IsAnchoredAtStart() {
+ return assertion_type() == RegExpAssertion::START_OF_INPUT;
+bool RegExpAssertion::IsAnchoredAtEnd() {
+ return assertion_type() == RegExpAssertion::END_OF_INPUT;
+bool RegExpAlternative::IsAnchoredAtStart() {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes = this->nodes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodes->length(); i++) {
+ RegExpTree* node = nodes->at(i);
+ if (node->IsAnchoredAtStart()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (node->max_match() > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool RegExpAlternative::IsAnchoredAtEnd() {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes = this->nodes();
+ for (int i = nodes->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ RegExpTree* node = nodes->at(i);
+ if (node->IsAnchoredAtEnd()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (node->max_match() > 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool RegExpDisjunction::IsAnchoredAtStart() {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ for (int i = 0; i < alternatives->length(); i++) {
+ if (!alternatives->at(i)->IsAnchoredAtStart()) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool RegExpDisjunction::IsAnchoredAtEnd() {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ for (int i = 0; i < alternatives->length(); i++) {
+ if (!alternatives->at(i)->IsAnchoredAtEnd()) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool RegExpLookaround::IsAnchoredAtStart() {
+ return is_positive() && type() == LOOKAHEAD && body()->IsAnchoredAtStart();
+bool RegExpCapture::IsAnchoredAtStart() { return body()->IsAnchoredAtStart(); }
+bool RegExpCapture::IsAnchoredAtEnd() { return body()->IsAnchoredAtEnd(); }
+// Convert regular expression trees to a simple sexp representation.
+// This representation should be different from the input grammar
+// in as many cases as possible, to make it more difficult for incorrect
+// parses to look as correct ones which is likely if the input and
+// output formats are alike.
+class RegExpUnparser final : public RegExpVisitor {
+ public:
+ RegExpUnparser(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone) : os_(os), zone_(zone) {}
+ void VisitCharacterRange(CharacterRange that);
+#define MAKE_CASE(Name) void* Visit##Name(RegExp##Name*, void* data) override;
+#undef MAKE_CASE
+ private:
+ std::ostream& os_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitDisjunction(RegExpDisjunction* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(|";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) {
+ os_ << " ";
+ that->alternatives()->at(i)->Accept(this, data);
+ }
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitAlternative(RegExpAlternative* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(:";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->nodes()->length(); i++) {
+ os_ << " ";
+ that->nodes()->at(i)->Accept(this, data);
+ }
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void RegExpUnparser::VisitCharacterRange(CharacterRange that) {
+ os_ << AsUC32(that.from());
+ if (!that.IsSingleton()) {
+ os_ << "-" << AsUC32(;
+ }
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* that,
+ void* data) {
+ if (that->is_negated()) os_ << "^";
+ os_ << "[";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->ranges(zone_)->length(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) os_ << " ";
+ VisitCharacterRange(that->ranges(zone_)->at(i));
+ }
+ os_ << "]";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitAssertion(RegExpAssertion* that, void* data) {
+ switch (that->assertion_type()) {
+ case RegExpAssertion::START_OF_INPUT:
+ os_ << "@^i";
+ break;
+ case RegExpAssertion::END_OF_INPUT:
+ os_ << "@$i";
+ break;
+ case RegExpAssertion::START_OF_LINE:
+ os_ << "@^l";
+ break;
+ case RegExpAssertion::END_OF_LINE:
+ os_ << "@$l";
+ break;
+ case RegExpAssertion::BOUNDARY:
+ os_ << "@b";
+ break;
+ case RegExpAssertion::NON_BOUNDARY:
+ os_ << "@B";
+ break;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitAtom(RegExpAtom* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "'";
+ Vector<const uc16> chardata = that->data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < chardata.length(); i++) {
+ os_ << AsUC16(chardata[i]);
+ }
+ os_ << "'";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitText(RegExpText* that, void* data) {
+ if (that->elements()->length() == 1) {
+ that->elements()->at(0).tree()->Accept(this, data);
+ } else {
+ os_ << "(!";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->elements()->length(); i++) {
+ os_ << " ";
+ that->elements()->at(i).tree()->Accept(this, data);
+ }
+ os_ << ")";
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitQuantifier(RegExpQuantifier* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(# " << that->min() << " ";
+ if (that->max() == RegExpTree::kInfinity) {
+ os_ << "- ";
+ } else {
+ os_ << that->max() << " ";
+ }
+ os_ << (that->is_greedy() ? "g " : that->is_possessive() ? "p " : "n ");
+ that->body()->Accept(this, data);
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitCapture(RegExpCapture* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(^ ";
+ that->body()->Accept(this, data);
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitGroup(RegExpGroup* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(?: ";
+ that->body()->Accept(this, data);
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitLookaround(RegExpLookaround* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << "(";
+ os_ << (that->type() == RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD ? "->" : "<-");
+ os_ << (that->is_positive() ? " + " : " - ");
+ that->body()->Accept(this, data);
+ os_ << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitBackReference(RegExpBackReference* that,
+ void* data) {
+ os_ << "(<- " << that->index() << ")";
+ return nullptr;
+void* RegExpUnparser::VisitEmpty(RegExpEmpty* that, void* data) {
+ os_ << '%';
+ return nullptr;
+std::ostream& RegExpTree::Print(std::ostream& os, Zone* zone) { // NOLINT
+ RegExpUnparser unparser(os, zone);
+ Accept(&unparser, nullptr);
+ return os;
+RegExpDisjunction::RegExpDisjunction(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives)
+ : alternatives_(alternatives) {
+ DCHECK_LT(1, alternatives->length());
+ RegExpTree* first_alternative = alternatives->at(0);
+ min_match_ = first_alternative->min_match();
+ max_match_ = first_alternative->max_match();
+ for (int i = 1; i < alternatives->length(); i++) {
+ RegExpTree* alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ min_match_ = Min(min_match_, alternative->min_match());
+ max_match_ = Max(max_match_, alternative->max_match());
+ }
+static int IncreaseBy(int previous, int increase) {
+ if (RegExpTree::kInfinity - previous < increase) {
+ return RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ } else {
+ return previous + increase;
+ }
+RegExpAlternative::RegExpAlternative(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes)
+ : nodes_(nodes) {
+ DCHECK_LT(1, nodes->length());
+ min_match_ = 0;
+ max_match_ = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nodes->length(); i++) {
+ RegExpTree* node = nodes->at(i);
+ int node_min_match = node->min_match();
+ min_match_ = IncreaseBy(min_match_, node_min_match);
+ int node_max_match = node->max_match();
+ max_match_ = IncreaseBy(max_match_, node_max_match);
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d94be3893f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+ VISIT(Disjunction) \
+ VISIT(Alternative) \
+ VISIT(Assertion) \
+ VISIT(CharacterClass) \
+ VISIT(Atom) \
+ VISIT(Quantifier) \
+ VISIT(Capture) \
+ VISIT(Group) \
+ VISIT(Lookaround) \
+ VISIT(BackReference) \
+ VISIT(Empty) \
+ VISIT(Text)
+#define FORWARD_DECLARE(Name) class RegExp##Name;
+class RegExpCompiler;
+class RegExpNode;
+class RegExpTree;
+class RegExpVisitor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~RegExpVisitor() = default;
+#define MAKE_CASE(Name) \
+ virtual void* Visit##Name(RegExp##Name*, void* data) = 0;
+#undef MAKE_CASE
+// A simple closed interval.
+class Interval {
+ public:
+ Interval() : from_(kNone), to_(kNone - 1) {} // '- 1' for branchless size().
+ Interval(int from, int to) : from_(from), to_(to) {}
+ Interval Union(Interval that) {
+ if (that.from_ == kNone)
+ return *this;
+ else if (from_ == kNone)
+ return that;
+ else
+ return Interval(Min(from_, that.from_), Max(to_, that.to_));
+ }
+ bool Contains(int value) { return (from_ <= value) && (value <= to_); }
+ bool is_empty() { return from_ == kNone; }
+ int from() const { return from_; }
+ int to() const { return to_; }
+ int size() const { return to_ - from_ + 1; }
+ static Interval Empty() { return Interval(); }
+ static constexpr int kNone = -1;
+ private:
+ int from_;
+ int to_;
+// Represents code units in the range from from_ to to_, both ends are
+// inclusive.
+class CharacterRange {
+ public:
+ CharacterRange() : from_(0), to_(0) {}
+ // For compatibility with the CHECK_OK macro
+ CharacterRange(void* null) { DCHECK_NULL(null); } // NOLINT
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void AddClassEscape(char type,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ Zone* zone);
+ // Add class escapes. Add case equivalent closure for \w and \W if necessary.
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void AddClassEscape(
+ char type, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool add_unicode_case_equivalents, Zone* zone);
+ static Vector<const int> GetWordBounds();
+ static inline CharacterRange Singleton(uc32 value) {
+ return CharacterRange(value, value);
+ }
+ static inline CharacterRange Range(uc32 from, uc32 to) {
+ DCHECK(0 <= from && to <= String::kMaxCodePoint);
+ DCHECK(static_cast<uint32_t>(from) <= static_cast<uint32_t>(to));
+ return CharacterRange(from, to);
+ }
+ static inline CharacterRange Everything() {
+ return CharacterRange(0, String::kMaxCodePoint);
+ }
+ static inline ZoneList<CharacterRange>* List(Zone* zone,
+ CharacterRange range) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* list =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(1, zone);
+ list->Add(range, zone);
+ return list;
+ }
+ bool Contains(uc32 i) { return from_ <= i && i <= to_; }
+ uc32 from() const { return from_; }
+ void set_from(uc32 value) { from_ = value; }
+ uc32 to() const { return to_; }
+ void set_to(uc32 value) { to_ = value; }
+ bool is_valid() { return from_ <= to_; }
+ bool IsEverything(uc32 max) { return from_ == 0 && to_ >= max; }
+ bool IsSingleton() { return (from_ == to_); }
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void AddCaseEquivalents(
+ Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool is_one_byte);
+ // Whether a range list is in canonical form: Ranges ordered by from value,
+ // and ranges non-overlapping and non-adjacent.
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool IsCanonical(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges);
+ // Convert range list to canonical form. The characters covered by the ranges
+ // will still be the same, but no character is in more than one range, and
+ // adjacent ranges are merged. The resulting list may be shorter than the
+ // original, but cannot be longer.
+ static void Canonicalize(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges);
+ // Negate the contents of a character range in canonical form.
+ static void Negate(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* src,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* dst, Zone* zone);
+ static const int kStartMarker = (1 << 24);
+ static const int kPayloadMask = (1 << 24) - 1;
+ private:
+ CharacterRange(uc32 from, uc32 to) : from_(from), to_(to) {}
+ uc32 from_;
+ uc32 to_;
+class CharacterSet final {
+ public:
+ explicit CharacterSet(uc16 standard_set_type)
+ : ranges_(nullptr), standard_set_type_(standard_set_type) {}
+ explicit CharacterSet(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges)
+ : ranges_(ranges), standard_set_type_(0) {}
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges(Zone* zone);
+ uc16 standard_set_type() const { return standard_set_type_; }
+ void set_standard_set_type(uc16 special_set_type) {
+ standard_set_type_ = special_set_type;
+ }
+ bool is_standard() { return standard_set_type_ != 0; }
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void Canonicalize();
+ private:
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges_;
+ // If non-zero, the value represents a standard set (e.g., all whitespace
+ // characters) without having to expand the ranges.
+ uc16 standard_set_type_;
+class TextElement final {
+ public:
+ enum TextType { ATOM, CHAR_CLASS };
+ static TextElement Atom(RegExpAtom* atom);
+ static TextElement CharClass(RegExpCharacterClass* char_class);
+ int cp_offset() const { return cp_offset_; }
+ void set_cp_offset(int cp_offset) { cp_offset_ = cp_offset; }
+ int length() const;
+ TextType text_type() const { return text_type_; }
+ RegExpTree* tree() const { return tree_; }
+ RegExpAtom* atom() const {
+ DCHECK(text_type() == ATOM);
+ return reinterpret_cast<RegExpAtom*>(tree());
+ }
+ RegExpCharacterClass* char_class() const {
+ DCHECK(text_type() == CHAR_CLASS);
+ return reinterpret_cast<RegExpCharacterClass*>(tree());
+ }
+ private:
+ TextElement(TextType text_type, RegExpTree* tree)
+ : cp_offset_(-1), text_type_(text_type), tree_(tree) {}
+ int cp_offset_;
+ TextType text_type_;
+ RegExpTree* tree_;
+class RegExpTree : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ static const int kInfinity = kMaxInt;
+ virtual ~RegExpTree() = default;
+ virtual void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) = 0;
+ virtual RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) = 0;
+ virtual bool IsTextElement() { return false; }
+ virtual bool IsAnchoredAtStart() { return false; }
+ virtual bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() { return false; }
+ virtual int min_match() = 0;
+ virtual int max_match() = 0;
+ // Returns the interval of registers used for captures within this
+ // expression.
+ virtual Interval CaptureRegisters() { return Interval::Empty(); }
+ virtual void AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone);
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::ostream& Print(std::ostream& os,
+ Zone* zone); // NOLINT
+#define MAKE_ASTYPE(Name) \
+ virtual RegExp##Name* As##Name(); \
+ virtual bool Is##Name();
+class RegExpDisjunction final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpDisjunction(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives);
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpDisjunction* AsDisjunction() override;
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override;
+ bool IsDisjunction() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() override;
+ int min_match() override { return min_match_; }
+ int max_match() override { return max_match_; }
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives() { return alternatives_; }
+ private:
+ bool SortConsecutiveAtoms(RegExpCompiler* compiler);
+ void RationalizeConsecutiveAtoms(RegExpCompiler* compiler);
+ void FixSingleCharacterDisjunctions(RegExpCompiler* compiler);
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives_;
+ int min_match_;
+ int max_match_;
+class RegExpAlternative final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpAlternative(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes);
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpAlternative* AsAlternative() override;
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override;
+ bool IsAlternative() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() override;
+ int min_match() override { return min_match_; }
+ int max_match() override { return max_match_; }
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes() { return nodes_; }
+ private:
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* nodes_;
+ int min_match_;
+ int max_match_;
+class RegExpAssertion final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ enum AssertionType {
+ END_OF_LINE = 2,
+ };
+ RegExpAssertion(AssertionType type, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : assertion_type_(type), flags_(flags) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpAssertion* AsAssertion() override;
+ bool IsAssertion() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() override;
+ int min_match() override { return 0; }
+ int max_match() override { return 0; }
+ AssertionType assertion_type() const { return assertion_type_; }
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
+ private:
+ const AssertionType assertion_type_;
+ const JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+class RegExpCharacterClass final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ // NEGATED: The character class is negated and should match everything but
+ // the specified ranges.
+ // CONTAINS_SPLIT_SURROGATE: The character class contains part of a split
+ // surrogate and should not be unicode-desugared (
+ enum Flag {
+ NEGATED = 1 << 0,
+ };
+ using CharacterClassFlags = base::Flags<Flag>;
+ RegExpCharacterClass(
+ Zone* zone, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ CharacterClassFlags character_class_flags = CharacterClassFlags())
+ : set_(ranges),
+ flags_(flags),
+ character_class_flags_(character_class_flags) {
+ // Convert the empty set of ranges to the negated Everything() range.
+ if (ranges->is_empty()) {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Everything(), zone);
+ character_class_flags_ ^= NEGATED;
+ }
+ }
+ RegExpCharacterClass(uc16 type, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : set_(type),
+ flags_(flags),
+ character_class_flags_(CharacterClassFlags()) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpCharacterClass* AsCharacterClass() override;
+ bool IsCharacterClass() override;
+ bool IsTextElement() override { return true; }
+ int min_match() override { return 1; }
+ // The character class may match two code units for unicode regexps.
+ // TODO(yangguo): we should split this class for usage in TextElement, and
+ // make max_match() dependent on the character class content.
+ int max_match() override { return 2; }
+ void AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) override;
+ CharacterSet character_set() { return set_; }
+ // TODO(lrn): Remove need for complex version if is_standard that
+ // recognizes a mangled standard set and just do { return set_.is_special(); }
+ bool is_standard(Zone* zone);
+ // Returns a value representing the standard character set if is_standard()
+ // returns true.
+ // Currently used values are:
+ // s : unicode whitespace
+ // S : unicode non-whitespace
+ // w : ASCII word character (digit, letter, underscore)
+ // W : non-ASCII word character
+ // d : ASCII digit
+ // D : non-ASCII digit
+ // . : non-newline
+ // * : All characters, for advancing unanchored regexp
+ uc16 standard_type() const { return set_.standard_set_type(); }
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges(Zone* zone) { return set_.ranges(zone); }
+ bool is_negated() const { return (character_class_flags_ & NEGATED) != 0; }
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
+ bool contains_split_surrogate() const {
+ return (character_class_flags_ & CONTAINS_SPLIT_SURROGATE) != 0;
+ }
+ private:
+ CharacterSet set_;
+ const JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+ CharacterClassFlags character_class_flags_;
+class RegExpAtom final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpAtom(Vector<const uc16> data, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : data_(data), flags_(flags) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpAtom* AsAtom() override;
+ bool IsAtom() override;
+ bool IsTextElement() override { return true; }
+ int min_match() override { return data_.length(); }
+ int max_match() override { return data_.length(); }
+ void AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) override;
+ Vector<const uc16> data() { return data_; }
+ int length() { return data_.length(); }
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
+ bool ignore_case() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase) != 0; }
+ private:
+ Vector<const uc16> data_;
+ const JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+class RegExpText final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpText(Zone* zone) : elements_(2, zone), length_(0) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpText* AsText() override;
+ bool IsText() override;
+ bool IsTextElement() override { return true; }
+ int min_match() override { return length_; }
+ int max_match() override { return length_; }
+ void AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) override;
+ void AddElement(TextElement elm, Zone* zone) {
+ elements_.Add(elm, zone);
+ length_ += elm.length();
+ }
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elements() { return &elements_; }
+ private:
+ ZoneList<TextElement> elements_;
+ int length_;
+class RegExpQuantifier final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ enum QuantifierType { GREEDY, NON_GREEDY, POSSESSIVE };
+ RegExpQuantifier(int min, int max, QuantifierType type, RegExpTree* body)
+ : body_(body),
+ min_(min),
+ max_(max),
+ quantifier_type_(type) {
+ if (min > 0 && body->min_match() > kInfinity / min) {
+ min_match_ = kInfinity;
+ } else {
+ min_match_ = min * body->min_match();
+ }
+ if (max > 0 && body->max_match() > kInfinity / max) {
+ max_match_ = kInfinity;
+ } else {
+ max_match_ = max * body->max_match();
+ }
+ }
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ static RegExpNode* ToNode(int min, int max, bool is_greedy, RegExpTree* body,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success,
+ bool not_at_start = false);
+ RegExpQuantifier* AsQuantifier() override;
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override;
+ bool IsQuantifier() override;
+ int min_match() override { return min_match_; }
+ int max_match() override { return max_match_; }
+ int min() { return min_; }
+ int max() { return max_; }
+ bool is_possessive() { return quantifier_type_ == POSSESSIVE; }
+ bool is_non_greedy() { return quantifier_type_ == NON_GREEDY; }
+ bool is_greedy() { return quantifier_type_ == GREEDY; }
+ RegExpTree* body() { return body_; }
+ private:
+ RegExpTree* body_;
+ int min_;
+ int max_;
+ int min_match_;
+ int max_match_;
+ QuantifierType quantifier_type_;
+class RegExpCapture final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpCapture(int index)
+ : body_(nullptr),
+ index_(index),
+ min_match_(0),
+ max_match_(0),
+ name_(nullptr) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ static RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpTree* body, int index,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success);
+ RegExpCapture* AsCapture() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() override;
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override;
+ bool IsCapture() override;
+ int min_match() override { return min_match_; }
+ int max_match() override { return max_match_; }
+ RegExpTree* body() { return body_; }
+ void set_body(RegExpTree* body) {
+ body_ = body;
+ min_match_ = body->min_match();
+ max_match_ = body->max_match();
+ }
+ int index() const { return index_; }
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name() const { return name_; }
+ void set_name(const ZoneVector<uc16>* name) { name_ = name; }
+ static int StartRegister(int index) { return index * 2; }
+ static int EndRegister(int index) { return index * 2 + 1; }
+ private:
+ RegExpTree* body_;
+ int index_;
+ int min_match_;
+ int max_match_;
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name_;
+class RegExpGroup final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpGroup(RegExpTree* body)
+ : body_(body),
+ min_match_(body->min_match()),
+ max_match_(body->max_match()) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) override {
+ return body_->ToNode(compiler, on_success);
+ }
+ RegExpGroup* AsGroup() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override { return body_->IsAnchoredAtStart(); }
+ bool IsAnchoredAtEnd() override { return body_->IsAnchoredAtEnd(); }
+ bool IsGroup() override;
+ int min_match() override { return min_match_; }
+ int max_match() override { return max_match_; }
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override { return body_->CaptureRegisters(); }
+ RegExpTree* body() { return body_; }
+ private:
+ RegExpTree* body_;
+ int min_match_;
+ int max_match_;
+class RegExpLookaround final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ RegExpLookaround(RegExpTree* body, bool is_positive, int capture_count,
+ int capture_from, Type type)
+ : body_(body),
+ is_positive_(is_positive),
+ capture_count_(capture_count),
+ capture_from_(capture_from),
+ type_(type) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpLookaround* AsLookaround() override;
+ Interval CaptureRegisters() override;
+ bool IsLookaround() override;
+ bool IsAnchoredAtStart() override;
+ int min_match() override { return 0; }
+ int max_match() override { return 0; }
+ RegExpTree* body() { return body_; }
+ bool is_positive() { return is_positive_; }
+ int capture_count() { return capture_count_; }
+ int capture_from() { return capture_from_; }
+ Type type() { return type_; }
+ class Builder {
+ public:
+ Builder(bool is_positive, RegExpNode* on_success,
+ int stack_pointer_register, int position_register,
+ int capture_register_count = 0, int capture_register_start = 0);
+ RegExpNode* on_match_success() { return on_match_success_; }
+ RegExpNode* ForMatch(RegExpNode* match);
+ private:
+ bool is_positive_;
+ RegExpNode* on_match_success_;
+ RegExpNode* on_success_;
+ int stack_pointer_register_;
+ int position_register_;
+ };
+ private:
+ RegExpTree* body_;
+ bool is_positive_;
+ int capture_count_;
+ int capture_from_;
+ Type type_;
+class RegExpBackReference final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpBackReference(JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : capture_(nullptr), name_(nullptr), flags_(flags) {}
+ RegExpBackReference(RegExpCapture* capture, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : capture_(capture), name_(nullptr), flags_(flags) {}
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpBackReference* AsBackReference() override;
+ bool IsBackReference() override;
+ int min_match() override { return 0; }
+ // The back reference may be recursive, e.g. /(\2)(\1)/. To avoid infinite
+ // recursion, we give up. Ignorance is bliss.
+ int max_match() override { return kInfinity; }
+ int index() { return capture_->index(); }
+ RegExpCapture* capture() { return capture_; }
+ void set_capture(RegExpCapture* capture) { capture_ = capture; }
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name() const { return name_; }
+ void set_name(const ZoneVector<uc16>* name) { name_ = name; }
+ private:
+ RegExpCapture* capture_;
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name_;
+ const JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+class RegExpEmpty final : public RegExpTree {
+ public:
+ RegExpEmpty() = default;
+ void* Accept(RegExpVisitor* visitor, void* data) override;
+ RegExpNode* ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success) override;
+ RegExpEmpty* AsEmpty() override;
+ bool IsEmpty() override;
+ int min_match() override { return 0; }
+ int max_match() override { return 0; }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_REGEXP_REGEXP_AST_H_
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator-inl.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7cf212d0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright 2008-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Emit(uint32_t byte, uint32_t twenty_four_bits) {
+ uint32_t word = ((twenty_four_bits << BYTECODE_SHIFT) | byte);
+ DCHECK(pc_ <= buffer_.length());
+ if (pc_ + 3 >= buffer_.length()) {
+ Expand();
+ }
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer_.begin() + pc_) = word;
+ pc_ += 4;
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Emit16(uint32_t word) {
+ DCHECK(pc_ <= buffer_.length());
+ if (pc_ + 1 >= buffer_.length()) {
+ Expand();
+ }
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buffer_.begin() + pc_) = word;
+ pc_ += 2;
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Emit8(uint32_t word) {
+ DCHECK(pc_ <= buffer_.length());
+ if (pc_ == buffer_.length()) {
+ Expand();
+ }
+ *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(buffer_.begin() + pc_) = word;
+ pc_ += 1;
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Emit32(uint32_t word) {
+ DCHECK(pc_ <= buffer_.length());
+ if (pc_ + 3 >= buffer_.length()) {
+ Expand();
+ }
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer_.begin() + pc_) = word;
+ pc_ += 4;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2995a6daa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+// Copyright 2008-2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator-inl.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-peephole.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+RegExpBytecodeGenerator::RegExpBytecodeGenerator(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone)
+ : RegExpMacroAssembler(isolate, zone),
+ buffer_(Vector<byte>::New(1024)),
+ pc_(0),
+ advance_current_end_(kInvalidPC),
+ jump_edges_(zone),
+ isolate_(isolate) {}
+RegExpBytecodeGenerator::~RegExpBytecodeGenerator() {
+ if (backtrack_.is_linked()) backtrack_.Unuse();
+ buffer_.Dispose();
+RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Implementation() {
+ return kBytecodeImplementation;
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Bind(Label* l) {
+ advance_current_end_ = kInvalidPC;
+ DCHECK(!l->is_bound());
+ if (l->is_linked()) {
+ int pos = l->pos();
+ while (pos != 0) {
+ int fixup = pos;
+ pos = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(buffer_.begin() + fixup);
+ *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer_.begin() + fixup) = pc_;
+ jump_edges_.emplace(fixup, pc_);
+ }
+ }
+ l->bind_to(pc_);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::EmitOrLink(Label* l) {
+ if (l == nullptr) l = &backtrack_;
+ int pos = 0;
+ if (l->is_bound()) {
+ pos = l->pos();
+ jump_edges_.emplace(pc_, pos);
+ } else {
+ if (l->is_linked()) {
+ pos = l->pos();
+ }
+ l->link_to(pc_);
+ }
+ Emit32(pos);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::PopRegister(int register_index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_POP_REGISTER, register_index);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_PUSH_REGISTER, register_index);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int register_index,
+ int cp_offset) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_SET_REGISTER_TO_CP, register_index);
+ Emit32(cp_offset); // Current position offset.
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) {
+ DCHECK(reg_from <= reg_to);
+ for (int reg = reg_from; reg <= reg_to; reg++) {
+ SetRegister(reg, -1);
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(
+ int register_index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_SET_CP_TO_REGISTER, register_index);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::WriteStackPointerToRegister(int register_index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_SET_REGISTER_TO_SP, register_index);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int register_index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_SET_SP_TO_REGISTER, register_index);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) {
+ DCHECK(is_uint24(by));
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::SetRegister(int register_index, int to) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_SET_REGISTER, register_index);
+ Emit32(to);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::AdvanceRegister(int register_index, int by) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_ADVANCE_REGISTER, register_index);
+ Emit32(by);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::PopCurrentPosition() { Emit(BC_POP_CP, 0); }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::PushCurrentPosition() { Emit(BC_PUSH_CP, 0); }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Backtrack() { Emit(BC_POP_BT, 0); }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::GoTo(Label* l) {
+ if (advance_current_end_ == pc_) {
+ // Combine advance current and goto.
+ pc_ = advance_current_start_;
+ Emit(BC_ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO, advance_current_offset_);
+ EmitOrLink(l);
+ advance_current_end_ = kInvalidPC;
+ } else {
+ // Regular goto.
+ Emit(BC_GOTO, 0);
+ EmitOrLink(l);
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::PushBacktrack(Label* l) {
+ Emit(BC_PUSH_BT, 0);
+ EmitOrLink(l);
+bool RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Succeed() {
+ Emit(BC_SUCCEED, 0);
+ return false; // Restart matching for global regexp not supported.
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Fail() { Emit(BC_FAIL, 0); }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) {
+ DCHECK_LE(kMinCPOffset, by);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxCPOffset, by);
+ advance_current_start_ = pc_;
+ advance_current_offset_ = by;
+ Emit(BC_ADVANCE_CP, by);
+ advance_current_end_ = pc_;
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckGreedyLoop(
+ Label* on_tos_equals_current_position) {
+ EmitOrLink(on_tos_equals_current_position);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_failure,
+ bool check_bounds,
+ int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ DCHECK_GE(eats_at_least, characters);
+ if (eats_at_least > characters && check_bounds) {
+ DCHECK(is_int24(cp_offset + eats_at_least));
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_CURRENT_POSITION, cp_offset + eats_at_least);
+ EmitOrLink(on_failure);
+ check_bounds = false; // Load below doesn't need to check.
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(kMinCPOffset, cp_offset);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxCPOffset, cp_offset);
+ int bytecode;
+ if (check_bounds) {
+ if (characters == 4) {
+ bytecode = BC_LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS;
+ } else if (characters == 2) {
+ bytecode = BC_LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, characters);
+ bytecode = BC_LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (characters == 4) {
+ } else if (characters == 2) {
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, characters);
+ }
+ }
+ Emit(bytecode, cp_offset);
+ if (check_bounds) EmitOrLink(on_failure);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_LT, limit);
+ EmitOrLink(on_less);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_GT, limit);
+ EmitOrLink(on_greater);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacter(uint32_t c, Label* on_equal) {
+ if (c > MAX_FIRST_ARG) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_4_CHARS, 0);
+ Emit32(c);
+ } else {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_CHAR, c);
+ }
+ EmitOrLink(on_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_AT_START, cp_offset);
+ EmitOrLink(on_at_start);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_not_at_start) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_NOT_AT_START, cp_offset);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_at_start);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotCharacter(uint32_t c,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ if (c > MAX_FIRST_ARG) {
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, 0);
+ Emit32(c);
+ } else {
+ }
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c, uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_equal) {
+ if (c > MAX_FIRST_ARG) {
+ Emit(BC_AND_CHECK_4_CHARS, 0);
+ Emit32(c);
+ } else {
+ }
+ Emit32(mask);
+ EmitOrLink(on_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(uint32_t c,
+ uint32_t mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ if (c > MAX_FIRST_ARG) {
+ Emit32(c);
+ } else {
+ }
+ Emit32(mask);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(
+ uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 mask, Label* on_not_equal) {
+ Emit16(minus);
+ Emit16(mask);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_in_range) {
+ Emit16(from);
+ Emit16(to);
+ EmitOrLink(on_in_range);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range) {
+ Emit16(from);
+ Emit16(to);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_in_range);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table,
+ Label* on_bit_set) {
+ EmitOrLink(on_bit_set);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kTableSize; i += kBitsPerByte) {
+ int byte = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < kBitsPerByte; j++) {
+ if (table->get(i + j) != 0) byte |= 1 << j;
+ }
+ Emit8(byte);
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, start_reg);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, start_reg);
+ start_reg);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(
+ int start_reg, bool read_backward, bool unicode, Label* on_not_equal) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, start_reg);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, start_reg);
+ Emit(read_backward ? (unicode ? BC_CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_UNICODE_BACKWARD
+ start_reg);
+ EmitOrLink(on_not_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::IfRegisterLT(int register_index, int comparand,
+ Label* on_less_than) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_REGISTER_LT, register_index);
+ Emit32(comparand);
+ EmitOrLink(on_less_than);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::IfRegisterGE(int register_index, int comparand,
+ Label* on_greater_or_equal) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_REGISTER_GE, register_index);
+ Emit32(comparand);
+ EmitOrLink(on_greater_or_equal);
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::IfRegisterEqPos(int register_index,
+ Label* on_eq) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, register_index);
+ DCHECK_GE(kMaxRegister, register_index);
+ Emit(BC_CHECK_REGISTER_EQ_POS, register_index);
+ EmitOrLink(on_eq);
+Handle<HeapObject> RegExpBytecodeGenerator::GetCode(Handle<String> source) {
+ Bind(&backtrack_);
+ Emit(BC_POP_BT, 0);
+ Handle<ByteArray> array;
+ if (FLAG_regexp_peephole_optimization) {
+ array = RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization::OptimizeBytecode(
+ isolate_, zone(), source, buffer_.begin(), length(), jump_edges_);
+ } else {
+ array = isolate_->factory()->NewByteArray(length());
+ Copy(array->GetDataStartAddress());
+ }
+ return array;
+int RegExpBytecodeGenerator::length() { return pc_; }
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Copy(byte* a) {
+ MemCopy(a, buffer_.begin(), length());
+void RegExpBytecodeGenerator::Expand() {
+ Vector<byte> old_buffer = buffer_;
+ buffer_ = Vector<byte>::New(old_buffer.length() * 2);
+ MemCopy(buffer_.begin(), old_buffer.begin(), old_buffer.length());
+ old_buffer.Dispose();
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57e76c2552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-generator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// An assembler/generator for the Irregexp byte code.
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpBytecodeGenerator : public RegExpMacroAssembler {
+ public:
+ // Create an assembler. Instructions and relocation information are emitted
+ // into a buffer, with the instructions starting from the beginning and the
+ // relocation information starting from the end of the buffer. See CodeDesc
+ // for a detailed comment on the layout (globals.h).
+ //
+ // The assembler allocates and grows its own buffer, and buffer_size
+ // determines the initial buffer size. The buffer is owned by the assembler
+ // and deallocated upon destruction of the assembler.
+ RegExpBytecodeGenerator(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone);
+ ~RegExpBytecodeGenerator() override;
+ // The byte-code interpreter checks on each push anyway.
+ int stack_limit_slack() override { return 1; }
+ bool CanReadUnaligned() override { return false; }
+ void Bind(Label* label) override;
+ void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) override; // Signed cp change.
+ void PopCurrentPosition() override;
+ void PushCurrentPosition() override;
+ void Backtrack() override;
+ void GoTo(Label* label) override;
+ void PushBacktrack(Label* label) override;
+ bool Succeed() override;
+ void Fail() override;
+ void PopRegister(int register_index) override;
+ void PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) override;
+ void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by) override; // r[reg] += by.
+ void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) override;
+ void SetRegister(int register_index, int to) override;
+ void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset) override;
+ void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) override;
+ void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg) override;
+ void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg) override;
+ void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg) override;
+ void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) override;
+ void CheckCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned mask,
+ Label* on_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater) override;
+ void CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less) override;
+ void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position) override;
+ void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start) override;
+ void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_in_range) override;
+ void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range) override;
+ void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set) override;
+ void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match) override;
+ void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ bool unicode,
+ Label* on_no_match) override;
+ void IfRegisterLT(int register_index, int comparand, Label* if_lt) override;
+ void IfRegisterGE(int register_index, int comparand, Label* if_ge) override;
+ void IfRegisterEqPos(int register_index, Label* if_eq) override;
+ IrregexpImplementation Implementation() override;
+ Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source) override;
+ private:
+ void Expand();
+ // Code and bitmap emission.
+ inline void EmitOrLink(Label* label);
+ inline void Emit32(uint32_t x);
+ inline void Emit16(uint32_t x);
+ inline void Emit8(uint32_t x);
+ inline void Emit(uint32_t bc, uint32_t arg);
+ // Bytecode buffer.
+ int length();
+ void Copy(byte* a);
+ // The buffer into which code and relocation info are generated.
+ Vector<byte> buffer_;
+ // The program counter.
+ int pc_;
+ Label backtrack_;
+ int advance_current_start_;
+ int advance_current_offset_;
+ int advance_current_end_;
+ // Stores jump edges emitted for the bytecode (used by
+ // RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization).
+ // Key: jump source (offset in buffer_ where jump destination is stored).
+ // Value: jump destination (offset in buffer_ to jump to).
+ ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int> jump_edges_;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ static const int kInvalidPC = -1;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9daab1e08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-peephole.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace {
+struct BytecodeArgument {
+ int offset;
+ int length;
+ BytecodeArgument(int offset, int length) : offset(offset), length(length) {}
+struct BytecodeArgumentMapping : BytecodeArgument {
+ int new_length;
+ BytecodeArgumentMapping(int offset, int length, int new_length)
+ : BytecodeArgument(offset, length), new_length(new_length) {}
+struct BytecodeArgumentCheck : BytecodeArgument {
+ enum CheckType { kCheckAddress = 0, kCheckValue };
+ CheckType type;
+ int check_offset;
+ int check_length;
+ BytecodeArgumentCheck(int offset, int length, int check_offset)
+ : BytecodeArgument(offset, length),
+ type(kCheckAddress),
+ check_offset(check_offset) {}
+ BytecodeArgumentCheck(int offset, int length, int check_offset,
+ int check_length)
+ : BytecodeArgument(offset, length),
+ type(kCheckValue),
+ check_offset(check_offset),
+ check_length(check_length) {}
+// Trie-Node for storing bytecode sequences we want to optimize.
+class BytecodeSequenceNode {
+ public:
+ // Dummy bytecode used when we need to store/return a bytecode but it's not a
+ // valid bytecode in the current context.
+ static constexpr int kDummyBytecode = -1;
+ BytecodeSequenceNode(int bytecode, Zone* zone);
+ // Adds a new node as child of the current node if it isn't a child already.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& FollowedBy(int bytecode);
+ // Marks the end of a sequence and sets optimized bytecode to replace all
+ // bytecodes of the sequence with.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& ReplaceWith(int bytecode);
+ // Maps arguments of bytecodes in the sequence to the optimized bytecode.
+ // Order of invocation determines order of arguments in the optimized
+ // bytecode.
+ // Invoking this method is only allowed on nodes that mark the end of a valid
+ // sequence (i.e. after ReplaceWith()).
+ // bytecode_index_in_sequence: Zero-based index of the referred bytecode
+ // within the sequence (e.g. the bytecode passed to CreateSequence() has
+ // index 0).
+ // argument_offset: Zero-based offset to the argument within the bytecode
+ // (e.g. the first argument that's not packed with the bytecode has offset 4).
+ // argument_byte_length: Length of the argument.
+ // new_argument_byte_length: Length of the argument in the new bytecode
+ // (= argument_byte_length if omitted).
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& MapArgument(int bytecode_index_in_sequence,
+ int argument_offset,
+ int argument_byte_length,
+ int new_argument_byte_length = 0);
+ // Adds a check to the sequence node making it only a valid sequence when the
+ // argument of the current bytecode at the specified offset matches the offset
+ // to check against.
+ // argument_offset: Zero-based offset to the argument within the bytecode
+ // (e.g. the first argument that's not packed with the bytecode has offset 4).
+ // argument_byte_length: Length of the argument.
+ // check_byte_offset: Zero-based offset relative to the beginning of the
+ // sequence that needs to match the value given by argument_offset. (e.g.
+ // check_byte_offset 0 matches the address of the first bytecode in the
+ // sequence).
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& IfArgumentEqualsOffset(int argument_offset,
+ int argument_byte_length,
+ int check_byte_offset);
+ // Adds a check to the sequence node making it only a valid sequence when the
+ // argument of the current bytecode at the specified offset matches the
+ // argument of another bytecode in the sequence.
+ // This is similar to IfArgumentEqualsOffset, except that this method matches
+ // the values of both arguments.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& IfArgumentEqualsValueAtOffset(
+ int argument_offset, int argument_byte_length,
+ int other_bytecode_index_in_sequence, int other_argument_offset,
+ int other_argument_byte_length);
+ // Marks an argument as unused.
+ // All arguments that are not mapped explicitly have to be marked as unused.
+ // bytecode_index_in_sequence: Zero-based index of the referred bytecode
+ // within the sequence (e.g. the bytecode passed to CreateSequence() has
+ // index 0).
+ // argument_offset: Zero-based offset to the argument within the bytecode
+ // (e.g. the first argument that's not packed with the bytecode has offset 4).
+ // argument_byte_length: Length of the argument.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& IgnoreArgument(int bytecode_index_in_sequence,
+ int argument_offset,
+ int argument_byte_length);
+ // Checks if the current node is valid for the sequence. I.e. all conditions
+ // set by IfArgumentEqualsOffset and IfArgumentEquals are fulfilled by this
+ // node for the actual bytecode sequence.
+ bool CheckArguments(const byte* bytecode, int pc);
+ // Returns whether this node marks the end of a valid sequence (i.e. can be
+ // replaced with an optimized bytecode).
+ bool IsSequence() const;
+ // Returns the length of the sequence in bytes.
+ int SequenceLength() const;
+ // Returns the optimized bytecode for the node or kDummyBytecode if it is not
+ // the end of a valid sequence.
+ int OptimizedBytecode() const;
+ // Returns the child of the current node matching the given bytecode or
+ // nullptr if no such child is found.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* Find(int bytecode) const;
+ // Returns number of arguments mapped to the current node.
+ // Invoking this method is only allowed on nodes that mark the end of a valid
+ // sequence (i.e. if IsSequence())
+ size_t ArgumentSize() const;
+ // Returns the argument-mapping of the argument at index.
+ // Invoking this method is only allowed on nodes that mark the end of a valid
+ // sequence (i.e. if IsSequence())
+ BytecodeArgumentMapping ArgumentMapping(size_t index) const;
+ // Returns an iterator to begin of ignored arguments.
+ // Invoking this method is only allowed on nodes that mark the end of a valid
+ // sequence (i.e. if IsSequence())
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgument>::iterator ArgumentIgnoredBegin() const;
+ // Returns an iterator to end of ignored arguments.
+ // Invoking this method is only allowed on nodes that mark the end of a valid
+ // sequence (i.e. if IsSequence())
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgument>::iterator ArgumentIgnoredEnd() const;
+ // Returns whether the current node has ignored argument or not.
+ bool HasIgnoredArguments() const;
+ private:
+ // Returns a node in the sequence specified by its index within the sequence.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& GetNodeByIndexInSequence(int index_in_sequence);
+ Zone* zone() const;
+ int bytecode_;
+ int bytecode_replacement_;
+ int index_in_sequence_;
+ int start_offset_;
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* parent_;
+ ZoneUnorderedMap<int, BytecodeSequenceNode*> children_;
+ ZoneVector<BytecodeArgumentMapping>* argument_mapping_;
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgumentCheck>* argument_check_;
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgument>* argument_ignored_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+class RegExpBytecodePeephole {
+ public:
+ RegExpBytecodePeephole(Zone* zone, size_t buffer_size,
+ const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges);
+ // Parses bytecode and fills the internal buffer with the potentially
+ // optimized bytecode. Returns true when optimizations were performed, false
+ // otherwise.
+ bool OptimizeBytecode(const byte* bytecode, int length);
+ // Copies the internal bytecode buffer to another buffer. The caller is
+ // responsible for allocating/freeing the memory.
+ void CopyOptimizedBytecode(byte* to_address) const;
+ int Length() const;
+ private:
+ // Sets up all sequences that are going to be used.
+ void DefineStandardSequences();
+ // Starts a new bytecode sequence.
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& CreateSequence(int bytecode);
+ // Checks for optimization candidates at pc and emits optimized bytecode to
+ // the internal buffer. Returns the length of replaced bytecodes in bytes.
+ int TryOptimizeSequence(const byte* bytecode, int start_pc);
+ // Emits optimized bytecode to the internal buffer. start_pc points to the
+ // start of the sequence in bytecode and last_node is the last
+ // BytecodeSequenceNode of the matching sequence found.
+ void EmitOptimization(int start_pc, const byte* bytecode,
+ const BytecodeSequenceNode& last_node);
+ // Adds a relative jump source fixup at pos.
+ // Jump source fixups are used to find offsets in the new bytecode that
+ // contain jump sources.
+ void AddJumpSourceFixup(int fixup, int pos);
+ // Adds a relative jump destination fixup at pos.
+ // Jump destination fixups are used to find offsets in the new bytecode that
+ // can be jumped to.
+ void AddJumpDestinationFixup(int fixup, int pos);
+ // Sets an absolute jump destination fixup at pos.
+ void SetJumpDestinationFixup(int fixup, int pos);
+ // Prepare internal structures used to fixup jumps.
+ void PrepareJumpStructures(const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges);
+ // Updates all jump targets in the new bytecode.
+ void FixJumps();
+ // Update a single jump.
+ void FixJump(int jump_source, int jump_destination);
+ void AddSentinelFixups(int pos);
+ template <typename T>
+ void EmitValue(T value);
+ template <typename T>
+ void OverwriteValue(int offset, T value);
+ void CopyRangeToOutput(const byte* orig_bytecode, int start, int length);
+ void SetRange(byte value, int count);
+ void EmitArgument(int start_pc, const byte* bytecode,
+ BytecodeArgumentMapping arg);
+ int pc() const;
+ Zone* zone() const;
+ ZoneVector<byte> optimized_bytecode_buffer_;
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* sequences_;
+ // Jumps used in old bytecode.
+ // Key: Jump source (offset where destination is stored in old bytecode)
+ // Value: Destination
+ ZoneMap<int, int> jump_edges_;
+ // Jumps used in new bytecode.
+ // Key: Jump source (offset where destination is stored in new bytecode)
+ // Value: Destination
+ ZoneMap<int, int> jump_edges_mapped_;
+ // Number of times a jump destination is used within the bytecode.
+ // Key: Jump destination (offset in old bytecode).
+ // Value: Number of times jump destination is used.
+ ZoneMap<int, int> jump_usage_counts_;
+ // Maps offsets in old bytecode to fixups of sources (delta to new bytecode).
+ // Key: Offset in old bytecode from where the fixup is valid.
+ // Value: Delta to map jump source from old bytecode to new bytecode in bytes.
+ ZoneMap<int, int> jump_source_fixups_;
+ // Maps offsets in old bytecode to fixups of destinations (delta to new
+ // bytecode).
+ // Key: Offset in old bytecode from where the fixup is valid.
+ // Value: Delta to map jump destinations from old bytecode to new bytecode in
+ // bytes.
+ ZoneMap<int, int> jump_destination_fixups_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+template <typename T>
+T GetValue(const byte* buffer, int pos) {
+ DCHECK(IsAligned(reinterpret_cast<Address>(buffer + pos), alignof(T)));
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(buffer + pos);
+int32_t GetArgumentValue(const byte* bytecode, int offset, int length) {
+ switch (length) {
+ case 1:
+ return GetValue<byte>(bytecode, offset);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ return GetValue<int16_t>(bytecode, offset);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ return GetValue<int32_t>(bytecode, offset);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+BytecodeSequenceNode::BytecodeSequenceNode(int bytecode, Zone* zone)
+ : bytecode_(bytecode),
+ bytecode_replacement_(kDummyBytecode),
+ index_in_sequence_(0),
+ start_offset_(0),
+ parent_(nullptr),
+ children_(ZoneUnorderedMap<int, BytecodeSequenceNode*>(zone)),
+ argument_mapping_(new (zone->New(sizeof(*argument_mapping_)))
+ ZoneVector<BytecodeArgumentMapping>(zone)),
+ argument_check_(new (zone->New(sizeof(*argument_check_)))
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgumentCheck>(zone)),
+ argument_ignored_(new (zone->New(sizeof(*argument_ignored_)))
+ ZoneLinkedList<BytecodeArgument>(zone)),
+ zone_(zone) {}
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::FollowedBy(int bytecode) {
+ DCHECK(0 <= bytecode && bytecode < kRegExpBytecodeCount);
+ if (children_.find(bytecode) == children_.end()) {
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* new_node =
+ new (zone()->New(sizeof(BytecodeSequenceNode)))
+ BytecodeSequenceNode(bytecode, zone());
+ // If node is not the first in the sequence, set offsets and parent.
+ if (bytecode_ != kDummyBytecode) {
+ new_node->start_offset_ = start_offset_ + RegExpBytecodeLength(bytecode_);
+ new_node->index_in_sequence_ = index_in_sequence_ + 1;
+ new_node->parent_ = this;
+ }
+ children_[bytecode] = new_node;
+ }
+ return *children_[bytecode];
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::ReplaceWith(int bytecode) {
+ DCHECK(0 <= bytecode && bytecode < kRegExpBytecodeCount);
+ bytecode_replacement_ = bytecode;
+ return *this;
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::MapArgument(
+ int bytecode_index_in_sequence, int argument_offset,
+ int argument_byte_length, int new_argument_byte_length) {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ DCHECK_LE(bytecode_index_in_sequence, index_in_sequence_);
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& ref_node =
+ GetNodeByIndexInSequence(bytecode_index_in_sequence);
+ DCHECK_LT(argument_offset, RegExpBytecodeLength(ref_node.bytecode_));
+ int absolute_offset = ref_node.start_offset_ + argument_offset;
+ if (new_argument_byte_length == 0) {
+ new_argument_byte_length = argument_byte_length;
+ }
+ argument_mapping_->push_back(BytecodeArgumentMapping{
+ absolute_offset, argument_byte_length, new_argument_byte_length});
+ return *this;
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::IfArgumentEqualsOffset(
+ int argument_offset, int argument_byte_length, int check_byte_offset) {
+ DCHECK_LT(argument_offset, RegExpBytecodeLength(bytecode_));
+ DCHECK(argument_byte_length == 1 || argument_byte_length == 2 ||
+ argument_byte_length == 4);
+ int absolute_offset = start_offset_ + argument_offset;
+ argument_check_->push_back(BytecodeArgumentCheck{
+ absolute_offset, argument_byte_length, check_byte_offset});
+ return *this;
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::IfArgumentEqualsValueAtOffset(
+ int argument_offset, int argument_byte_length,
+ int other_bytecode_index_in_sequence, int other_argument_offset,
+ int other_argument_byte_length) {
+ DCHECK_LT(argument_offset, RegExpBytecodeLength(bytecode_));
+ DCHECK_LE(other_bytecode_index_in_sequence, index_in_sequence_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(argument_byte_length, other_argument_byte_length);
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& ref_node =
+ GetNodeByIndexInSequence(other_bytecode_index_in_sequence);
+ DCHECK_LT(other_argument_offset, RegExpBytecodeLength(ref_node.bytecode_));
+ int absolute_offset = start_offset_ + argument_offset;
+ int other_absolute_offset = ref_node.start_offset_ + other_argument_offset;
+ argument_check_->push_back(
+ BytecodeArgumentCheck{absolute_offset, argument_byte_length,
+ other_absolute_offset, other_argument_byte_length});
+ return *this;
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::IgnoreArgument(
+ int bytecode_index_in_sequence, int argument_offset,
+ int argument_byte_length) {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ DCHECK_LE(bytecode_index_in_sequence, index_in_sequence_);
+ BytecodeSequenceNode& ref_node =
+ GetNodeByIndexInSequence(bytecode_index_in_sequence);
+ DCHECK_LT(argument_offset, RegExpBytecodeLength(ref_node.bytecode_));
+ int absolute_offset = ref_node.start_offset_ + argument_offset;
+ argument_ignored_->push_back(
+ BytecodeArgument{absolute_offset, argument_byte_length});
+ return *this;
+bool BytecodeSequenceNode::CheckArguments(const byte* bytecode, int pc) {
+ bool is_valid = true;
+ for (auto check_iter = argument_check_->begin();
+ check_iter != argument_check_->end() && is_valid; check_iter++) {
+ auto value =
+ GetArgumentValue(bytecode, pc + check_iter->offset, check_iter->length);
+ if (check_iter->type == BytecodeArgumentCheck::kCheckAddress) {
+ is_valid &= value == pc + check_iter->check_offset;
+ } else if (check_iter->type == BytecodeArgumentCheck::kCheckValue) {
+ auto other_value = GetArgumentValue(
+ bytecode, pc + check_iter->check_offset, check_iter->check_length);
+ is_valid &= value == other_value;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ return is_valid;
+bool BytecodeSequenceNode::IsSequence() const {
+ return bytecode_replacement_ != kDummyBytecode;
+int BytecodeSequenceNode::SequenceLength() const {
+ return start_offset_ + RegExpBytecodeLength(bytecode_);
+int BytecodeSequenceNode::OptimizedBytecode() const {
+ return bytecode_replacement_;
+BytecodeSequenceNode* BytecodeSequenceNode::Find(int bytecode) const {
+ auto found = children_.find(bytecode);
+ if (found == children_.end()) return nullptr;
+ return found->second;
+size_t BytecodeSequenceNode::ArgumentSize() const {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ return argument_mapping_->size();
+BytecodeArgumentMapping BytecodeSequenceNode::ArgumentMapping(
+ size_t index) const {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ DCHECK(argument_mapping_ != nullptr);
+ DCHECK_LT(index, argument_mapping_->size());
+ return argument_mapping_->at(index);
+BytecodeSequenceNode::ArgumentIgnoredBegin() const {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ DCHECK(argument_ignored_ != nullptr);
+ return argument_ignored_->begin();
+BytecodeSequenceNode::ArgumentIgnoredEnd() const {
+ DCHECK(IsSequence());
+ DCHECK(argument_ignored_ != nullptr);
+ return argument_ignored_->end();
+bool BytecodeSequenceNode::HasIgnoredArguments() const {
+ return argument_ignored_ != nullptr;
+BytecodeSequenceNode& BytecodeSequenceNode::GetNodeByIndexInSequence(
+ int index_in_sequence) {
+ DCHECK_LE(index_in_sequence, index_in_sequence_);
+ if (index_in_sequence < index_in_sequence_) {
+ DCHECK(parent_ != nullptr);
+ return parent_->GetNodeByIndexInSequence(index_in_sequence);
+ } else {
+ return *this;
+ }
+Zone* BytecodeSequenceNode::zone() const { return zone_; }
+ Zone* zone, size_t buffer_size,
+ const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges)
+ : optimized_bytecode_buffer_(zone),
+ sequences_(new (zone->New(sizeof(*sequences_))) BytecodeSequenceNode(
+ BytecodeSequenceNode::kDummyBytecode, zone)),
+ jump_edges_(zone),
+ jump_edges_mapped_(zone),
+ jump_usage_counts_(zone),
+ jump_source_fixups_(zone),
+ jump_destination_fixups_(zone),
+ zone_(zone) {
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.reserve(buffer_size);
+ PrepareJumpStructures(jump_edges);
+ DefineStandardSequences();
+ // Sentinel fixups at beginning of bytecode (position -1) so we don't have to
+ // check for end of iterator inside the fixup loop.
+ // In general fixups are deltas of original offsets of jump
+ // sources/destinations (in the old bytecode) to find them in the new
+ // bytecode. All jump targets are fixed after the new bytecode is fully
+ // emitted in the internal buffer.
+ AddSentinelFixups(-1);
+ // Sentinel fixups at end of (old) bytecode so we don't have to check for
+ // end of iterator inside the fixup loop.
+ DCHECK_LE(buffer_size, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ AddSentinelFixups(static_cast<int>(buffer_size));
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::DefineStandardSequences() {
+ // Commonly used sequences can be found by creating regexp bytecode traces
+ // (--trace-regexp-bytecodes) and using v8/tools/
+ CreateSequence(BC_LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(2, 1, 3, 4) // advance by
+ .MapArgument(1, 8, 16) // bit table
+ .MapArgument(1, 4, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(2, 4, 4); // loop jump
+ .FollowedBy(BC_CHECK_CHAR)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .MapArgument(1, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(3, 1, 3, 2) // advance_by
+ .MapArgument(2, 1, 3, 2) // c
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3, 4) // eats at least
+ .MapArgument(2, 4, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(3, 4, 4); // loop jump
+ .FollowedBy(BC_AND_CHECK_CHAR)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .MapArgument(1, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(3, 1, 3, 2) // advance_by
+ .MapArgument(2, 1, 3, 2) // c
+ .MapArgument(2, 4, 4) // mask
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3, 4) // eats at least
+ .MapArgument(2, 8, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(3, 4, 4); // loop jump
+ // TODO(pthier): It might make sense for short sequences like this one to only
+ // optimize them if the resulting optimization is not longer than the current
+ // one. This could be the case if there are jumps inside the sequence and we
+ // have to replicate parts of the sequence. A method to mark such sequences
+ // might be useful.
+ CreateSequence(BC_LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR)
+ .FollowedBy(BC_CHECK_CHAR)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .ReplaceWith(BC_SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR)
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(2, 1, 3, 2) // advance by
+ .MapArgument(1, 1, 3, 2) // character
+ .MapArgument(1, 4, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(2, 4, 4); // loop jump
+ CreateSequence(BC_LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR)
+ .FollowedBy(BC_CHECK_CHAR)
+ .FollowedBy(BC_CHECK_CHAR)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump targets of both CHECK_CHAR bytecodes
+ // are equal.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsValueAtOffset(4, 4, 1, 4, 4)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(3, 1, 3, 4) // advance by
+ .MapArgument(1, 1, 3, 2) // character 1
+ .MapArgument(2, 1, 3, 2) // character 2
+ .MapArgument(1, 4, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(2, 4, 4) // goto when match 2
+ .IgnoreArgument(3, 4, 4); // loop jump
+ CreateSequence(BC_LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR)
+ .FollowedBy(BC_CHECK_GT)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of CHECK_GT is the first
+ // bytecode AFTER the whole sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 56)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of CHECK_BIT_IN_TABLE is
+ // the ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO bytecode at the end of the sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 48)
+ .FollowedBy(BC_GOTO)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of GOTO is the same as the
+ // jump target of CHECK_GT (i.e. both jump to the first bytecode AFTER the
+ // whole sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsValueAtOffset(4, 4, 1, 4, 4)
+ // Sequence is only valid if the jump target of ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO is the
+ // first bytecode in this sequence.
+ .IfArgumentEqualsOffset(4, 4, 0)
+ .MapArgument(0, 1, 3) // load offset
+ .MapArgument(4, 1, 3, 2) // advance by
+ .MapArgument(1, 1, 3, 2) // character
+ .MapArgument(2, 8, 16) // bit table
+ .MapArgument(1, 4, 4) // goto when match
+ .MapArgument(0, 4, 4) // goto on failure
+ .IgnoreArgument(2, 4, 4) // indirect loop jump
+ .IgnoreArgument(3, 4, 4) // jump out of loop
+ .IgnoreArgument(4, 4, 4); // loop jump
+bool RegExpBytecodePeephole::OptimizeBytecode(const byte* bytecode,
+ int length) {
+ int old_pc = 0;
+ bool did_optimize = false;
+ while (old_pc < length) {
+ int replaced_len = TryOptimizeSequence(bytecode, old_pc);
+ if (replaced_len > 0) {
+ old_pc += replaced_len;
+ did_optimize = true;
+ } else {
+ int bc = bytecode[old_pc];
+ int bc_len = RegExpBytecodeLength(bc);
+ CopyRangeToOutput(bytecode, old_pc, bc_len);
+ old_pc += bc_len;
+ }
+ }
+ if (did_optimize) {
+ FixJumps();
+ }
+ return did_optimize;
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::CopyOptimizedBytecode(byte* to_address) const {
+ MemCopy(to_address, &(*optimized_bytecode_buffer_.begin()), Length());
+int RegExpBytecodePeephole::Length() const { return pc(); }
+BytecodeSequenceNode& RegExpBytecodePeephole::CreateSequence(int bytecode) {
+ DCHECK(sequences_ != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(0 <= bytecode && bytecode < kRegExpBytecodeCount);
+ return sequences_->FollowedBy(bytecode);
+int RegExpBytecodePeephole::TryOptimizeSequence(const byte* bytecode,
+ int start_pc) {
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* seq_node = sequences_;
+ BytecodeSequenceNode* valid_seq_end = nullptr;
+ int current_pc = start_pc;
+ // Check for the longest valid sequence matching any of the pre-defined
+ // sequences in the Trie data structure.
+ while ((seq_node = seq_node->Find(bytecode[current_pc]))) {
+ if (!seq_node->CheckArguments(bytecode, start_pc)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (seq_node->IsSequence()) {
+ valid_seq_end = seq_node;
+ }
+ current_pc += RegExpBytecodeLength(bytecode[current_pc]);
+ }
+ if (valid_seq_end) {
+ EmitOptimization(start_pc, bytecode, *valid_seq_end);
+ return valid_seq_end->SequenceLength();
+ }
+ return 0;
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::EmitOptimization(
+ int start_pc, const byte* bytecode, const BytecodeSequenceNode& last_node) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ int optimized_start_pc = pc();
+ // Jump sources that are mapped or marked as unused will be deleted at the end
+ // of this method. We don't delete them immediately as we might need the
+ // information when we have to preserve bytecodes at the end.
+ // TODO(pthier): Replace with a stack-allocated data structure.
+ ZoneLinkedList<int> delete_jumps = ZoneLinkedList<int>(zone());
+ uint32_t bc = last_node.OptimizedBytecode();
+ EmitValue(bc);
+ for (size_t arg = 0; arg < last_node.ArgumentSize(); arg++) {
+ BytecodeArgumentMapping arg_map = last_node.ArgumentMapping(arg);
+ int arg_pos = start_pc + arg_map.offset;
+ // If we map any jump source we mark the old source for deletion and insert
+ // a new jump.
+ auto jump_edge_iter = jump_edges_.find(arg_pos);
+ if (jump_edge_iter != jump_edges_.end()) {
+ int jump_source = jump_edge_iter->first;
+ int jump_destination = jump_edge_iter->second;
+ // Add new jump edge add current position.
+ jump_edges_mapped_.emplace(Length(), jump_destination);
+ // Mark old jump edge for deletion.
+ delete_jumps.push_back(jump_source);
+ // Decrement usage count of jump destination.
+ auto jump_count_iter = jump_usage_counts_.find(jump_destination);
+ DCHECK(jump_count_iter != jump_usage_counts_.end());
+ int& usage_count = jump_count_iter->second;
+ --usage_count;
+ }
+ // TODO(pthier): DCHECK that mapped arguments are never sources of jumps
+ // to destinations inside the sequence.
+ EmitArgument(start_pc, bytecode, arg_map);
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(pc(), optimized_start_pc +
+ RegExpBytecodeLength(last_node.OptimizedBytecode()));
+ // Remove jumps from arguments we ignore.
+ if (last_node.HasIgnoredArguments()) {
+ for (auto ignored_arg = last_node.ArgumentIgnoredBegin();
+ ignored_arg != last_node.ArgumentIgnoredEnd(); ignored_arg++) {
+ auto jump_edge_iter = jump_edges_.find(start_pc + ignored_arg->offset);
+ if (jump_edge_iter != jump_edges_.end()) {
+ int jump_source = jump_edge_iter->first;
+ int jump_destination = jump_edge_iter->second;
+ // Mark old jump edge for deletion.
+ delete_jumps.push_back(jump_source);
+ // Decrement usage count of jump destination.
+ auto jump_count_iter = jump_usage_counts_.find(jump_destination);
+ DCHECK(jump_count_iter != jump_usage_counts_.end());
+ int& usage_count = jump_count_iter->second;
+ --usage_count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int fixup_length = RegExpBytecodeLength(bc) - last_node.SequenceLength();
+ // Check if there are any jumps inside the old sequence.
+ // If so we have to keep the bytecodes that are jumped to around.
+ auto jump_destination_candidate = jump_usage_counts_.upper_bound(start_pc);
+ int jump_candidate_destination = jump_destination_candidate->first;
+ int jump_candidate_count = jump_destination_candidate->second;
+ // Jump destinations only jumped to from inside the sequence will be ignored.
+ while (jump_destination_candidate != jump_usage_counts_.end() &&
+ jump_candidate_count == 0) {
+ ++jump_destination_candidate;
+ jump_candidate_destination = jump_destination_candidate->first;
+ jump_candidate_count = jump_destination_candidate->second;
+ }
+ int preserve_from = start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength();
+ if (jump_destination_candidate != jump_usage_counts_.end() &&
+ jump_candidate_destination < start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength()) {
+ preserve_from = jump_candidate_destination;
+ // Check if any jump in the sequence we are preserving has a jump
+ // destination inside the optimized sequence before the current position we
+ // want to preserve. If so we have to preserve all bytecodes starting at
+ // this jump destination.
+ for (auto jump_iter = jump_edges_.lower_bound(preserve_from);
+ jump_iter != jump_edges_.end() &&
+ jump_iter->first /* jump source */ <
+ start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength();
+ ++jump_iter) {
+ int jump_destination = jump_iter->second;
+ if (jump_destination > start_pc && jump_destination < preserve_from) {
+ preserve_from = jump_destination;
+ }
+ }
+ // We preserve everything to the end of the sequence. This is conservative
+ // since it would be enough to preserve all bytecudes up to an unconditional
+ // jump.
+ int preserve_length = start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength() - preserve_from;
+ fixup_length += preserve_length;
+ // Jumps after the start of the preserved sequence need fixup.
+ AddJumpSourceFixup(fixup_length,
+ start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength() - preserve_length);
+ // All jump targets after the start of the optimized sequence need to be
+ // fixed relative to the length of the optimized sequence including
+ // bytecodes we preserved.
+ AddJumpDestinationFixup(fixup_length, start_pc + 1);
+ // Jumps to the sequence we preserved need absolute fixup as they could
+ // occur before or after the sequence.
+ SetJumpDestinationFixup(pc() - preserve_from, preserve_from);
+ CopyRangeToOutput(bytecode, preserve_from, preserve_length);
+ } else {
+ AddJumpDestinationFixup(fixup_length, start_pc + 1);
+ // Jumps after the end of the old sequence need fixup.
+ AddJumpSourceFixup(fixup_length, start_pc + last_node.SequenceLength());
+ }
+ // Delete jumps we definitely don't need anymore
+ for (int del : delete_jumps) {
+ if (del < preserve_from) {
+ jump_edges_.erase(del);
+ }
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::AddJumpSourceFixup(int fixup, int pos) {
+ auto previous_fixup = jump_source_fixups_.lower_bound(pos);
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_source_fixups_.end());
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_source_fixups_.begin());
+ int previous_fixup_value = (--previous_fixup)->second;
+ jump_source_fixups_[pos] = previous_fixup_value + fixup;
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::AddJumpDestinationFixup(int fixup, int pos) {
+ auto previous_fixup = jump_destination_fixups_.lower_bound(pos);
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_destination_fixups_.end());
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_destination_fixups_.begin());
+ int previous_fixup_value = (--previous_fixup)->second;
+ jump_destination_fixups_[pos] = previous_fixup_value + fixup;
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::SetJumpDestinationFixup(int fixup, int pos) {
+ auto previous_fixup = jump_destination_fixups_.lower_bound(pos);
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_destination_fixups_.end());
+ DCHECK(previous_fixup != jump_destination_fixups_.begin());
+ int previous_fixup_value = (--previous_fixup)->second;
+ jump_destination_fixups_.emplace(pos, fixup);
+ jump_destination_fixups_.emplace(pos + 1, previous_fixup_value);
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::PrepareJumpStructures(
+ const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges) {
+ for (auto jump_edge : jump_edges) {
+ int jump_source = jump_edge.first;
+ int jump_destination = jump_edge.second;
+ jump_edges_.emplace(jump_source, jump_destination);
+ jump_usage_counts_[jump_destination]++;
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::FixJumps() {
+ int position_fixup = 0;
+ // Next position where fixup changes.
+ auto next_source_fixup = jump_source_fixups_.lower_bound(0);
+ int next_source_fixup_offset = next_source_fixup->first;
+ int next_source_fixup_value = next_source_fixup->second;
+ for (auto jump_edge : jump_edges_) {
+ int jump_source = jump_edge.first;
+ int jump_destination = jump_edge.second;
+ while (jump_source >= next_source_fixup_offset) {
+ position_fixup = next_source_fixup_value;
+ ++next_source_fixup;
+ next_source_fixup_offset = next_source_fixup->first;
+ next_source_fixup_value = next_source_fixup->second;
+ }
+ jump_source += position_fixup;
+ FixJump(jump_source, jump_destination);
+ }
+ // Mapped jump edges don't need source fixups, as the position already is an
+ // offset in the new bytecode.
+ for (auto jump_edge : jump_edges_mapped_) {
+ int jump_source = jump_edge.first;
+ int jump_destination = jump_edge.second;
+ FixJump(jump_source, jump_destination);
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::FixJump(int jump_source, int jump_destination) {
+ int fixed_jump_destination =
+ jump_destination +
+ (--jump_destination_fixups_.upper_bound(jump_destination))->second;
+ DCHECK_LT(fixed_jump_destination, Length());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // TODO(pthier): This check could be better if we track the bytecodes
+ // actually used and check if we jump to one of them.
+ byte jump_bc = optimized_bytecode_buffer_[fixed_jump_destination];
+ DCHECK_GT(jump_bc, 0);
+ DCHECK_LT(jump_bc, kRegExpBytecodeCount);
+ if (jump_destination != fixed_jump_destination) {
+ OverwriteValue<uint32_t>(jump_source, fixed_jump_destination);
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::AddSentinelFixups(int pos) {
+ jump_source_fixups_.emplace(pos, 0);
+ jump_destination_fixups_.emplace(pos, 0);
+template <typename T>
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::EmitValue(T value) {
+ DCHECK(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.begin() + pc() ==
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end());
+ byte* value_byte_iter = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&value);
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.insert(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end(),
+ value_byte_iter,
+ value_byte_iter + sizeof(T));
+template <typename T>
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::OverwriteValue(int offset, T value) {
+ byte* value_byte_iter = reinterpret_cast<byte*>(&value);
+ byte* value_byte_iter_end = value_byte_iter + sizeof(T);
+ while (value_byte_iter < value_byte_iter_end) {
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_[offset++] = *value_byte_iter++;
+ }
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::CopyRangeToOutput(const byte* orig_bytecode,
+ int start, int length) {
+ DCHECK(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.begin() + pc() ==
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end());
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.insert(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end(),
+ orig_bytecode + start,
+ orig_bytecode + start + length);
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::SetRange(byte value, int count) {
+ DCHECK(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.begin() + pc() ==
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end());
+ optimized_bytecode_buffer_.insert(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.end(), count,
+ value);
+void RegExpBytecodePeephole::EmitArgument(int start_pc, const byte* bytecode,
+ BytecodeArgumentMapping arg) {
+ int arg_pos = start_pc + arg.offset;
+ switch (arg.length) {
+ case 1:
+ DCHECK_EQ(arg.new_length, arg.length);
+ EmitValue(GetValue<byte>(bytecode, arg_pos));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ DCHECK_EQ(arg.new_length, arg.length);
+ EmitValue(GetValue<uint16_t>(bytecode, arg_pos));
+ break;
+ case 3: {
+ // Length 3 only occurs in 'packed' arguments where the lowermost byte is
+ // the current bytecode, and the remaining 3 bytes are the packed value.
+ //
+ // We load 4 bytes from position - 1 and shift out the bytecode.
+ int32_t val = 0;
+ int32_t val = GetValue<int32_t>(bytecode, arg_pos - 1) >> kBitsPerByte;
+ switch (arg.new_length) {
+ case 2:
+ EmitValue<uint16_t>(val);
+ break;
+ case 3: {
+ // Pack with previously emitted value.
+ auto prev_val =
+ GetValue<int32_t>(&(*optimized_bytecode_buffer_.begin()),
+ Length() - sizeof(uint32_t));
+ USE(prev_val);
+ DCHECK_EQ(prev_val & 0xFFFFFF00, 0);
+ OverwriteValue<uint32_t>(
+ pc() - sizeof(uint32_t),
+ (static_cast<uint32_t>(val) << 8) | (prev_val & 0xFF));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ EmitValue<uint32_t>(val);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ DCHECK_EQ(arg.new_length, arg.length);
+ EmitValue(GetValue<uint32_t>(bytecode, arg_pos));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ DCHECK_EQ(arg.new_length, arg.length);
+ EmitValue(GetValue<uint64_t>(bytecode, arg_pos));
+ break;
+ default:
+ CopyRangeToOutput(bytecode, arg_pos, Min(arg.length, arg.new_length));
+ if (arg.length < arg.new_length) {
+ SetRange(0x00, arg.new_length - arg.length);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+int RegExpBytecodePeephole::pc() const {
+ DCHECK_LE(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.size(), std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
+ return static_cast<int>(optimized_bytecode_buffer_.size());
+Zone* RegExpBytecodePeephole::zone() const { return zone_; }
+} // namespace
+// static
+Handle<ByteArray> RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization::OptimizeBytecode(
+ Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, Handle<String> source, const byte* bytecode,
+ int length, const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges) {
+ RegExpBytecodePeephole peephole(zone, length, jump_edges);
+ bool did_optimize = peephole.OptimizeBytecode(bytecode, length);
+ Handle<ByteArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewByteArray(peephole.Length());
+ peephole.CopyOptimizedBytecode(array->GetDataStartAddress());
+ if (did_optimize && FLAG_trace_regexp_peephole_optimization) {
+ PrintF("Original Bytecode:\n");
+ RegExpBytecodeDisassemble(bytecode, length, source->ToCString().get());
+ PrintF("Optimized Bytecode:\n");
+ RegExpBytecodeDisassemble(array->GetDataStartAddress(), peephole.Length(),
+ source->ToCString().get());
+ }
+ return array;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-peephole.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-peephole.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b8a0c7b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecode-peephole.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class ByteArray;
+// Peephole optimization for regexp interpreter bytecode.
+// Pre-defined bytecode sequences occuring in the bytecode generated by the
+// RegExpBytecodeGenerator can be optimized into a single bytecode.
+class RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ // Performs peephole optimization on the given bytecode and returns the
+ // optimized bytecode.
+ static Handle<ByteArray> OptimizeBytecode(
+ Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, Handle<String> source, const byte* bytecode,
+ int length, const ZoneUnorderedMap<int, int>& jump_edges);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1db7011203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h"
+#include <cctype>
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+void RegExpBytecodeDisassembleSingle(const byte* code_base, const byte* pc) {
+ PrintF("%s", RegExpBytecodeName(*pc));
+ // Args and the bytecode as hex.
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegExpBytecodeLength(*pc); i++) {
+ PrintF(", %02x", pc[i]);
+ }
+ PrintF(" ");
+ // Args as ascii.
+ for (int i = 1; i < RegExpBytecodeLength(*pc); i++) {
+ unsigned char b = pc[i];
+ PrintF("%c", std::isprint(b) ? b : '.');
+ }
+ PrintF("\n");
+void RegExpBytecodeDisassemble(const byte* code_base, int length,
+ const char* pattern) {
+ PrintF("[generated bytecode for regexp pattern: '%s']\n", pattern);
+ ptrdiff_t offset = 0;
+ while (offset < length) {
+ const byte* const pc = code_base + offset;
+ PrintF("%p %4" V8PRIxPTRDIFF " ", pc, offset);
+ RegExpBytecodeDisassembleSingle(code_base, pc);
+ offset += RegExpBytecodeLength(*pc);
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11e215bcfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// Maximum number of bytecodes that will be used (next power of 2 of actually
+// defined bytecodes).
+// All slots between the last actually defined bytecode and maximum id will be
+// filled with BREAKs, indicating an invalid operation. This way using
+// BYTECODE_MASK guarantees no OOB access to the dispatch table.
+constexpr int kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount = 1 << 6;
+constexpr int BYTECODE_MASK = kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount - 1;
+// The first argument is packed in with the byte code in one word, but so it
+// has 24 bits, but it can be positive and negative so only use 23 bits for
+// positive values.
+const unsigned int MAX_FIRST_ARG = 0x7fffffu;
+const int BYTECODE_SHIFT = 8;
+// TODO(pthier): Argument offsets of bytecodes should be easily accessible by
+// name or at least by position.
+// TODO(jgruber): More precise types (e.g. int32/uint32 instead of value32).
+ V(BREAK, 0, 4) /* bc8 */ \
+ V(PUSH_CP, 1, 4) /* bc8 pad24 */ \
+ V(PUSH_BT, 2, 8) /* bc8 pad24 offset32 */ \
+ V(PUSH_REGISTER, 3, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24 */ \
+ V(SET_REGISTER_TO_CP, 4, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 offset32 */ \
+ V(SET_CP_TO_REGISTER, 5, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24 */ \
+ V(SET_REGISTER_TO_SP, 6, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24 */ \
+ V(SET_SP_TO_REGISTER, 7, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24 */ \
+ V(SET_REGISTER, 8, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 */ \
+ V(ADVANCE_REGISTER, 9, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 */ \
+ V(POP_CP, 10, 4) /* bc8 pad24 */ \
+ V(POP_BT, 11, 4) /* bc8 pad24 */ \
+ V(POP_REGISTER, 12, 4) /* bc8 reg_idx24 */ \
+ V(FAIL, 13, 4) /* bc8 pad24 */ \
+ V(SUCCEED, 14, 4) /* bc8 pad24 */ \
+ V(ADVANCE_CP, 15, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */ \
+ /* Jump to another bytecode given its offset. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x10 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: 0x00 (unused) Padding */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode to jump to */ \
+ V(GOTO, 16, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32 */ \
+ /* Check if offset is in range and load character at given offset. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x11 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: Offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode when load is out of range */ \
+ V(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR, 17, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */ \
+ /* Load character at given offset without range checks. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x12 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: Offset from current position */ \
+ V(LOAD_CURRENT_CHAR_UNCHECKED, 18, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */ \
+ V(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS, 19, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */ \
+ V(LOAD_2_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED, 20, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */ \
+ V(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS, 21, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */ \
+ V(LOAD_4_CURRENT_CHARS_UNCHECKED, 22, 4) /* bc8 offset24 */ \
+ V(CHECK_4_CHARS, 23, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ /* Check if current character is equal to a given character */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x19 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x0F: 0x00 (unused) Padding */ \
+ /* 0x10 - 0x1F: Character to check */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode when matched */ \
+ V(CHECK_CHAR, 24, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, 25, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 26, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 addr32 */ \
+ V(AND_CHECK_4_CHARS, 27, 16) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ /* Checks if the current character combined with mask (bitwise and) */ \
+ /* matches a character (e.g. used when two characters in a disjunction */ \
+ /* differ by only a single bit */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x1c (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x0F: 0x00 (unused) Padding */ \
+ /* 0x10 - 0x1F: Character to match against (after mask aplied) */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Bitmask bitwise and combined with current character */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0x5F: Address of bytecode when matched */ \
+ V(AND_CHECK_CHAR, 28, 12) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ V(AND_CHECK_NOT_4_CHARS, 29, 16) /* bc8 pad24 uint32 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ V(AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 30, 12) /* bc8 pad8 uint16 uint32 addr32 */ \
+ V(MINUS_AND_CHECK_NOT_CHAR, 31, 12) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 uc16 uc16 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_CHAR_IN_RANGE, 32, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uc16 uc16 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_CHAR_NOT_IN_RANGE, 33, 12) /* bc8 pad24 uc16 uc16 addr32 */ \
+ /* Checks if the current character matches any of the characters encoded */ \
+ /* in a bit table. Similar to/inspired by boyer moore string search */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x22 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: 0x00 (unused) Padding */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode when bit is set */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0xBF: Bit table */ \
+ V(CHECK_BIT_IN_TABLE, 34, 24) /* bc8 pad24 addr32 bits128 */ \
+ V(CHECK_LT, 35, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_GT, 36, 8) /* bc8 pad8 uc16 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF, 37, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE, 38, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_BACKWARD, 40, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_BACK_REF_NO_CASE_BACKWARD, 41, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_REGS_EQUAL, 43, 12) /* bc8 regidx24 reg_idx32 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_REGISTER_LT, 44, 12) /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_REGISTER_GE, 45, 12) /* bc8 reg_idx24 value32 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_REGISTER_EQ_POS, 46, 8) /* bc8 reg_idx24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_AT_START, 47, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32 */ \
+ V(CHECK_NOT_AT_START, 48, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */ \
+ /* Checks if the current position matches top of backtrack stack */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x31 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: 0x00 (unused) Padding */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode when current matches tos */ \
+ V(CHECK_GREEDY, 49, 8) /* bc8 pad24 addr32 */ \
+ /* Advance character pointer by given offset and jump to another bytecode.*/ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x32 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode to jump to */ \
+ V(ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO, 50, 8) /* bc8 offset24 addr32 */ \
+ V(SET_CURRENT_POSITION_FROM_END, 51, 4) /* bc8 idx24 */ \
+ /* Checks if current position + given offset is in range. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07: 0x34 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F: Offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F: Address of bytecode when position is out of range */ \
+ V(CHECK_CURRENT_POSITION, 52, 8) /* bc8 idx24 addr32 */ \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x35 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0xBF Bit Table */ \
+ /* 0xC0 - 0xDF Address of bytecode when character is matched */ \
+ /* 0xE0 - 0xFF Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x36 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x2F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x30 - 0x3F Character to match against (after mask applied) */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0x5F: Bitmask bitwise and combined with current character */ \
+ /* 0x60 - 0x7F Minimum number of characters this pattern consumes */ \
+ /* 0x80 - 0x9F Address of bytecode when character is matched */ \
+ /* 0xA0 - 0xBF Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+ V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR_AND, 54, 24) \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x37 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x2F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x30 - 0x3F Character to match */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0x5F Address of bytecode when character is matched */ \
+ /* 0x60 - 0x7F Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+ V(SKIP_UNTIL_CHAR, 55, 16) \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x38 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x2F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x30 - 0x3F Character to match */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0x5F Minimum number of characters this pattern consumes */ \
+ /* 0x60 - 0x7F Address of bytecode when character is matched */ \
+ /* 0x80 - 0x9F Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x39 (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x3F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0x4F Character to match */ \
+ /* 0x50 - 0x5F Other Character to match */ \
+ /* 0x60 - 0x7F Address of bytecode when either character is matched */ \
+ /* 0x80 - 0x9F Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+ /* Combination of: */ \
+ /* and ADVANCE_CP_AND_GOTO */ \
+ /* Emitted by RegExpBytecodePeepholeOptimization. */ \
+ /* Bit Layout: */ \
+ /* 0x00 - 0x07 0x3A (fixed) Bytecode */ \
+ /* 0x08 - 0x1F Load character offset from current position */ \
+ /* 0x20 - 0x2F Number of characters to advance */ \
+ /* 0x30 - 0x3F Character to check if it is less than current char */ \
+ /* 0x40 - 0xBF Bit Table */ \
+ /* 0xC0 - 0xDF Address of bytecode when character is matched */ \
+ /* 0xE0 - 0xFF Address of bytecode when no match */ \
+#define COUNT(...) +1
+static constexpr int kRegExpBytecodeCount = BYTECODE_ITERATOR(COUNT);
+#undef COUNT
+// Just making sure we assigned values above properly. They should be
+// contiguous, strictly increasing, and start at 0.
+// TODO(jgruber): Do not explicitly assign values, instead generate them
+// implicitly from the list order.
+STATIC_ASSERT(kRegExpBytecodeCount == 59);
+#define DECLARE_BYTECODES(name, code, length) \
+ static constexpr int BC_##name = code;
+static constexpr int kRegExpBytecodeLengths[] = {
+#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_LENGTH(name, code, length) length,
+inline constexpr int RegExpBytecodeLength(int bytecode) {
+ return kRegExpBytecodeLengths[bytecode];
+static const char* const kRegExpBytecodeNames[] = {
+#define DECLARE_BYTECODE_NAME(name, ...) #name,
+inline const char* RegExpBytecodeName(int bytecode) {
+ return kRegExpBytecodeNames[bytecode];
+void RegExpBytecodeDisassembleSingle(const byte* code_base, const byte* pc);
+void RegExpBytecodeDisassemble(const byte* code_base, int length,
+ const char* pattern);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a4c5edbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,1591 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+using namespace regexp_compiler_constants; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tree to graph conversion
+RegExpNode* RegExpAtom::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elms =
+ new (compiler->zone()) ZoneList<TextElement>(1, compiler->zone());
+ elms->Add(TextElement::Atom(this), compiler->zone());
+ return new (compiler->zone())
+ TextNode(elms, compiler->read_backward(), on_success);
+RegExpNode* RegExpText::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (compiler->zone())
+ TextNode(elements(), compiler->read_backward(), on_success);
+static bool CompareInverseRanges(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ const int* special_class, int length) {
+ length--; // Remove final marker.
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRangeEndMarker, special_class[length]);
+ DCHECK_NE(0, ranges->length());
+ DCHECK_NE(0, length);
+ DCHECK_NE(0, special_class[0]);
+ if (ranges->length() != (length >> 1) + 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(0);
+ if (range.from() != 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
+ if (special_class[i] != ( + 1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ range = ranges->at((i >> 1) + 1);
+ if (special_class[i + 1] != range.from()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( != String::kMaxCodePoint) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool CompareRanges(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ const int* special_class, int length) {
+ length--; // Remove final marker.
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRangeEndMarker, special_class[length]);
+ if (ranges->length() * 2 != length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i += 2) {
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i >> 1);
+ if (range.from() != special_class[i] ||
+ != special_class[i + 1] - 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool RegExpCharacterClass::is_standard(Zone* zone) {
+ // TODO(lrn): Remove need for this function, by not throwing away information
+ // along the way.
+ if (is_negated()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (set_.is_standard()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('s');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('S');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kLineTerminatorRanges,
+ kLineTerminatorRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('.');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kLineTerminatorRanges,
+ kLineTerminatorRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('n');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('w');
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (CompareInverseRanges(set_.ranges(zone), kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount)) {
+ set_.set_standard_set_type('W');
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+UnicodeRangeSplitter::UnicodeRangeSplitter(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* base) {
+ // The unicode range splitter categorizes given character ranges into:
+ // - Code points from the BMP representable by one code unit.
+ // - Code points outside the BMP that need to be split into surrogate pairs.
+ // - Lone lead surrogates.
+ // - Lone trail surrogates.
+ // Lone surrogates are valid code points, even though no actual characters.
+ // They require special matching to make sure we do not split surrogate pairs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < base->length(); i++) AddRange(base->at(i));
+void UnicodeRangeSplitter::AddRange(CharacterRange range) {
+ static constexpr uc32 kBmp1Start = 0;
+ static constexpr uc32 kBmp1End = kLeadSurrogateStart - 1;
+ static constexpr uc32 kBmp2Start = kTrailSurrogateEnd + 1;
+ static constexpr uc32 kBmp2End = kNonBmpStart - 1;
+ // Ends are all inclusive.
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kBmp1Start == 0);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kBmp1Start < kBmp1End);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kBmp1End + 1 == kLeadSurrogateStart);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kLeadSurrogateStart < kLeadSurrogateEnd);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kLeadSurrogateEnd + 1 == kTrailSurrogateStart);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kTrailSurrogateStart < kTrailSurrogateEnd);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kTrailSurrogateEnd + 1 == kBmp2Start);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kBmp2Start < kBmp2End);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kBmp2End + 1 == kNonBmpStart);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kNonBmpStart < kNonBmpEnd);
+ static constexpr uc32 kStarts[] = {
+ kBmp1Start, kLeadSurrogateStart, kTrailSurrogateStart,
+ kBmp2Start, kNonBmpStart,
+ };
+ static constexpr uc32 kEnds[] = {
+ kBmp1End, kLeadSurrogateEnd, kTrailSurrogateEnd, kBmp2End, kNonBmpEnd,
+ };
+ CharacterRangeVector* const kTargets[] = {
+ &bmp_, &lead_surrogates_, &trail_surrogates_, &bmp_, &non_bmp_,
+ };
+ static constexpr int kCount = arraysize(kStarts);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kCount == arraysize(kEnds));
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kCount == arraysize(kTargets));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
+ if (kStarts[i] > break;
+ const uc32 from = std::max(kStarts[i], range.from());
+ const uc32 to = std::min(kEnds[i],;
+ if (from > to) continue;
+ kTargets[i]->emplace_back(CharacterRange::Range(from, to));
+ }
+namespace {
+// Translates between new and old V8-isms (SmallVector, ZoneList).
+ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ToCanonicalZoneList(
+ const UnicodeRangeSplitter::CharacterRangeVector* v, Zone* zone) {
+ if (v->empty()) return nullptr;
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* result =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(static_cast<int>(v->size()), zone);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v->size(); i++) {
+ result->Add(v->at(i), zone);
+ }
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(result);
+ return result;
+void AddBmpCharacters(RegExpCompiler* compiler, ChoiceNode* result,
+ RegExpNode* on_success, UnicodeRangeSplitter* splitter) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* bmp =
+ ToCanonicalZoneList(splitter->bmp(), compiler->zone());
+ if (bmp == nullptr) return;
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ result->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ compiler->zone(), bmp, compiler->read_backward(), on_success,
+ default_flags)));
+void AddNonBmpSurrogatePairs(RegExpCompiler* compiler, ChoiceNode* result,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ UnicodeRangeSplitter* splitter) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* non_bmp =
+ ToCanonicalZoneList(splitter->non_bmp(), compiler->zone());
+ if (non_bmp == nullptr) return;
+ DCHECK(!compiler->one_byte());
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(non_bmp);
+ for (int i = 0; i < non_bmp->length(); i++) {
+ // Match surrogate pair.
+ // E.g. [\u10005-\u11005] becomes
+ // \ud800[\udc05-\udfff]|
+ // [\ud801-\ud803][\udc00-\udfff]|
+ // \ud804[\udc00-\udc05]
+ uc32 from = non_bmp->at(i).from();
+ uc32 to = non_bmp->at(i).to();
+ uc16 from_l = unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(from);
+ uc16 from_t = unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(from);
+ uc16 to_l = unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(to);
+ uc16 to_t = unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(to);
+ if (from_l == to_l) {
+ // The lead surrogate is the same.
+ result->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(TextNode::CreateForSurrogatePair(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Singleton(from_l),
+ CharacterRange::Range(from_t, to_t), compiler->read_backward(),
+ on_success, default_flags)));
+ } else {
+ if (from_t != kTrailSurrogateStart) {
+ // Add [from_l][from_t-\udfff]
+ result->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(TextNode::CreateForSurrogatePair(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Singleton(from_l),
+ CharacterRange::Range(from_t, kTrailSurrogateEnd),
+ compiler->read_backward(), on_success, default_flags)));
+ from_l++;
+ }
+ if (to_t != kTrailSurrogateEnd) {
+ // Add [to_l][\udc00-to_t]
+ result->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(TextNode::CreateForSurrogatePair(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Singleton(to_l),
+ CharacterRange::Range(kTrailSurrogateStart, to_t),
+ compiler->read_backward(), on_success, default_flags)));
+ to_l--;
+ }
+ if (from_l <= to_l) {
+ // Add [from_l-to_l][\udc00-\udfff]
+ result->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(TextNode::CreateForSurrogatePair(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Range(from_l, to_l),
+ CharacterRange::Range(kTrailSurrogateStart, kTrailSurrogateEnd),
+ compiler->read_backward(), on_success, default_flags)));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+RegExpNode* NegativeLookaroundAgainstReadDirectionAndMatch(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lookbehind,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* match, RegExpNode* on_success, bool read_backward,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ RegExpNode* match_node = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, match, read_backward, on_success, flags);
+ int stack_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundStackRegister();
+ int position_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundPositionRegister();
+ RegExpLookaround::Builder lookaround(false, match_node, stack_register,
+ position_register);
+ RegExpNode* negative_match = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, lookbehind, !read_backward, lookaround.on_match_success(), flags);
+ return lookaround.ForMatch(negative_match);
+RegExpNode* MatchAndNegativeLookaroundInReadDirection(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* match,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lookahead, RegExpNode* on_success,
+ bool read_backward, JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ int stack_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundStackRegister();
+ int position_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundPositionRegister();
+ RegExpLookaround::Builder lookaround(false, on_success, stack_register,
+ position_register);
+ RegExpNode* negative_match = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, lookahead, read_backward, lookaround.on_match_success(), flags);
+ return TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, match, read_backward, lookaround.ForMatch(negative_match), flags);
+void AddLoneLeadSurrogates(RegExpCompiler* compiler, ChoiceNode* result,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ UnicodeRangeSplitter* splitter) {
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lead_surrogates =
+ ToCanonicalZoneList(splitter->lead_surrogates(), compiler->zone());
+ if (lead_surrogates == nullptr) return;
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ // E.g. \ud801 becomes \ud801(?![\udc00-\udfff]).
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* trail_surrogates = CharacterRange::List(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Range(kTrailSurrogateStart, kTrailSurrogateEnd));
+ RegExpNode* match;
+ if (compiler->read_backward()) {
+ // Reading backward. Assert that reading forward, there is no trail
+ // surrogate, and then backward match the lead surrogate.
+ match = NegativeLookaroundAgainstReadDirectionAndMatch(
+ compiler, trail_surrogates, lead_surrogates, on_success, true,
+ default_flags);
+ } else {
+ // Reading forward. Forward match the lead surrogate and assert that
+ // no trail surrogate follows.
+ match = MatchAndNegativeLookaroundInReadDirection(
+ compiler, lead_surrogates, trail_surrogates, on_success, false,
+ default_flags);
+ }
+ result->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(match));
+void AddLoneTrailSurrogates(RegExpCompiler* compiler, ChoiceNode* result,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ UnicodeRangeSplitter* splitter) {
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* trail_surrogates =
+ ToCanonicalZoneList(splitter->trail_surrogates(), compiler->zone());
+ if (trail_surrogates == nullptr) return;
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ // E.g. \udc01 becomes (?<![\ud800-\udbff])\udc01
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lead_surrogates = CharacterRange::List(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Range(kLeadSurrogateStart, kLeadSurrogateEnd));
+ RegExpNode* match;
+ if (compiler->read_backward()) {
+ // Reading backward. Backward match the trail surrogate and assert that no
+ // lead surrogate precedes it.
+ match = MatchAndNegativeLookaroundInReadDirection(
+ compiler, trail_surrogates, lead_surrogates, on_success, true,
+ default_flags);
+ } else {
+ // Reading forward. Assert that reading backward, there is no lead
+ // surrogate, and then forward match the trail surrogate.
+ match = NegativeLookaroundAgainstReadDirectionAndMatch(
+ compiler, lead_surrogates, trail_surrogates, on_success, false,
+ default_flags);
+ }
+ result->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(match));
+RegExpNode* UnanchoredAdvance(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ // This implements ES2015, AdvanceStringIndex.
+ DCHECK(!compiler->read_backward());
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ // Advance any character. If the character happens to be a lead surrogate and
+ // we advanced into the middle of a surrogate pair, it will work out, as
+ // nothing will match from there. We will have to advance again, consuming
+ // the associated trail surrogate.
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* range = CharacterRange::List(
+ zone, CharacterRange::Range(0, String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit));
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ return TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(zone, range, false, on_success,
+ default_flags);
+void AddUnicodeCaseEquivalents(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone) {
+ DCHECK(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(ranges));
+ // Micro-optimization to avoid passing large ranges to UnicodeSet::closeOver.
+ // See also
+ // TODO(jgruber): This only covers the special case of the {0,0x10FFFF} range,
+ // which we use frequently internally. But large ranges can also easily be
+ // created by the user. We might want to have a more general caching mechanism
+ // for such ranges.
+ if (ranges->length() == 1 && ranges->at(0).IsEverything(kNonBmpEnd)) return;
+ // Use ICU to compute the case fold closure over the ranges.
+ icu::UnicodeSet set;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranges->length(); i++) {
+ set.add(ranges->at(i).from(), ranges->at(i).to());
+ }
+ ranges->Clear();
+ // Full case mapping map single characters to multiple characters.
+ // Those are represented as strings in the set. Remove them so that
+ // we end up with only simple and common case mappings.
+ set.removeAllStrings();
+ for (int i = 0; i < set.getRangeCount(); i++) {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(set.getRangeStart(i), set.getRangeEnd(i)),
+ zone);
+ }
+ // No errors and everything we collected have been ranges.
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+} // namespace
+RegExpNode* RegExpCharacterClass::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ set_.Canonicalize();
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = this->ranges(zone);
+ if (NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(flags_)) {
+ AddUnicodeCaseEquivalents(ranges, zone);
+ }
+ if (IsUnicode(flags_) && !compiler->one_byte() &&
+ !contains_split_surrogate()) {
+ if (is_negated()) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* negated =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ CharacterRange::Negate(ranges, negated, zone);
+ ranges = negated;
+ }
+ if (ranges->length() == 0) {
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags;
+ RegExpCharacterClass* fail =
+ new (zone) RegExpCharacterClass(zone, ranges, default_flags);
+ return new (zone) TextNode(fail, compiler->read_backward(), on_success);
+ }
+ if (standard_type() == '*') {
+ return UnanchoredAdvance(compiler, on_success);
+ } else {
+ ChoiceNode* result = new (zone) ChoiceNode(2, zone);
+ UnicodeRangeSplitter splitter(ranges);
+ AddBmpCharacters(compiler, result, on_success, &splitter);
+ AddNonBmpSurrogatePairs(compiler, result, on_success, &splitter);
+ AddLoneLeadSurrogates(compiler, result, on_success, &splitter);
+ AddLoneTrailSurrogates(compiler, result, on_success, &splitter);
+ static constexpr int kMaxRangesToInline = 32; // Arbitrary.
+ if (ranges->length() > kMaxRangesToInline) result->SetDoNotInline();
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return new (zone) TextNode(this, compiler->read_backward(), on_success);
+ }
+int CompareFirstChar(RegExpTree* const* a, RegExpTree* const* b) {
+ RegExpAtom* atom1 = (*a)->AsAtom();
+ RegExpAtom* atom2 = (*b)->AsAtom();
+ uc16 character1 = atom1->data().at(0);
+ uc16 character2 = atom2->data().at(0);
+ if (character1 < character2) return -1;
+ if (character1 > character2) return 1;
+ return 0;
+// Case Insensitve comparesion
+int CompareFirstCharCaseInsensitve(RegExpTree* const* a, RegExpTree* const* b) {
+ RegExpAtom* atom1 = (*a)->AsAtom();
+ RegExpAtom* atom2 = (*b)->AsAtom();
+ icu::UnicodeString character1(atom1->data().at(0));
+ return character1.caseCompare(atom2->data().at(0), U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT);
+static unibrow::uchar Canonical(
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>* canonicalize,
+ unibrow::uchar c) {
+ unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize::kMaxWidth];
+ int length = canonicalize->get(c, '\0', chars);
+ DCHECK_LE(length, 1);
+ unibrow::uchar canonical = c;
+ if (length == 1) canonical = chars[0];
+ return canonical;
+int CompareFirstCharCaseIndependent(
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>* canonicalize,
+ RegExpTree* const* a, RegExpTree* const* b) {
+ RegExpAtom* atom1 = (*a)->AsAtom();
+ RegExpAtom* atom2 = (*b)->AsAtom();
+ unibrow::uchar character1 = atom1->data().at(0);
+ unibrow::uchar character2 = atom2->data().at(0);
+ if (character1 == character2) return 0;
+ if (character1 >= 'a' || character2 >= 'a') {
+ character1 = Canonical(canonicalize, character1);
+ character2 = Canonical(canonicalize, character2);
+ }
+ return static_cast<int>(character1) - static_cast<int>(character2);
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// We can stable sort runs of atoms, since the order does not matter if they
+// start with different characters.
+// Returns true if any consecutive atoms were found.
+bool RegExpDisjunction::SortConsecutiveAtoms(RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ int length = alternatives->length();
+ bool found_consecutive_atoms = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ while (i < length) {
+ RegExpTree* alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (alternative->IsAtom()) break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ // i is length or it is the index of an atom.
+ if (i == length) break;
+ int first_atom = i;
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = alternatives->at(i)->AsAtom()->flags();
+ i++;
+ while (i < length) {
+ RegExpTree* alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (!alternative->IsAtom()) break;
+ if (alternative->AsAtom()->flags() != flags) break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Sort atoms to get ones with common prefixes together.
+ // This step is more tricky if we are in a case-independent regexp,
+ // because it would change /is|I/ to /I|is/, and order matters when
+ // the regexp parts don't match only disjoint starting points. To fix
+ // this we have a version of CompareFirstChar that uses case-
+ // independent character classes for comparison.
+ DCHECK_LT(first_atom, alternatives->length());
+ DCHECK_LE(i, alternatives->length());
+ DCHECK_LE(first_atom, i);
+ if (IgnoreCase(flags)) {
+ alternatives->StableSort(CompareFirstCharCaseInsensitve, first_atom,
+ i - first_atom);
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>* canonicalize =
+ compiler->isolate()->regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize();
+ auto compare_closure = [canonicalize](RegExpTree* const* a,
+ RegExpTree* const* b) {
+ return CompareFirstCharCaseIndependent(canonicalize, a, b);
+ };
+ alternatives->StableSort(compare_closure, first_atom, i - first_atom);
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ } else {
+ alternatives->StableSort(CompareFirstChar, first_atom, i - first_atom);
+ }
+ if (i - first_atom > 1) found_consecutive_atoms = true;
+ }
+ return found_consecutive_atoms;
+// Optimizes ab|ac|az to a(?:b|c|d).
+void RegExpDisjunction::RationalizeConsecutiveAtoms(RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ int length = alternatives->length();
+ int write_posn = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < length) {
+ RegExpTree* alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (!alternative->IsAtom()) {
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = alternatives->at(i);
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ RegExpAtom* const atom = alternative->AsAtom();
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = atom->flags();
+ icu::UnicodeString common_prefix(atom->data().at(0));
+ unibrow::uchar common_prefix = atom->data().at(0);
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ int first_with_prefix = i;
+ int prefix_length = atom->length();
+ i++;
+ while (i < length) {
+ alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (!alternative->IsAtom()) break;
+ RegExpAtom* const atom = alternative->AsAtom();
+ if (atom->flags() != flags) break;
+ icu::UnicodeString new_prefix(atom->data().at(0));
+ if (new_prefix != common_prefix) {
+ if (!IgnoreCase(flags)) break;
+ if (common_prefix.caseCompare(new_prefix, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) != 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ unibrow::uchar new_prefix = atom->data().at(0);
+ if (new_prefix != common_prefix) {
+ if (!IgnoreCase(flags)) break;
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>* canonicalize =
+ compiler->isolate()->regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize();
+ new_prefix = Canonical(canonicalize, new_prefix);
+ common_prefix = Canonical(canonicalize, common_prefix);
+ if (new_prefix != common_prefix) break;
+ }
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ prefix_length = Min(prefix_length, atom->length());
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i > first_with_prefix + 2) {
+ // Found worthwhile run of alternatives with common prefix of at least one
+ // character. The sorting function above did not sort on more than one
+ // character for reasons of correctness, but there may still be a longer
+ // common prefix if the terms were similar or presorted in the input.
+ // Find out how long the common prefix is.
+ int run_length = i - first_with_prefix;
+ RegExpAtom* const atom = alternatives->at(first_with_prefix)->AsAtom();
+ for (int j = 1; j < run_length && prefix_length > 1; j++) {
+ RegExpAtom* old_atom =
+ alternatives->at(j + first_with_prefix)->AsAtom();
+ for (int k = 1; k < prefix_length; k++) {
+ if (atom->data().at(k) != old_atom->data().at(k)) {
+ prefix_length = k;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RegExpAtom* prefix = new (zone)
+ RegExpAtom(atom->data().SubVector(0, prefix_length), flags);
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* pair = new (zone) ZoneList<RegExpTree*>(2, zone);
+ pair->Add(prefix, zone);
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* suffixes =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<RegExpTree*>(run_length, zone);
+ for (int j = 0; j < run_length; j++) {
+ RegExpAtom* old_atom =
+ alternatives->at(j + first_with_prefix)->AsAtom();
+ int len = old_atom->length();
+ if (len == prefix_length) {
+ suffixes->Add(new (zone) RegExpEmpty(), zone);
+ } else {
+ RegExpTree* suffix = new (zone) RegExpAtom(
+ old_atom->data().SubVector(prefix_length, old_atom->length()),
+ flags);
+ suffixes->Add(suffix, zone);
+ }
+ }
+ pair->Add(new (zone) RegExpDisjunction(suffixes), zone);
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = new (zone) RegExpAlternative(pair);
+ } else {
+ // Just copy any non-worthwhile alternatives.
+ for (int j = first_with_prefix; j < i; j++) {
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = alternatives->at(j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alternatives->Rewind(write_posn); // Trim end of array.
+// Optimizes b|c|z to [bcz].
+void RegExpDisjunction::FixSingleCharacterDisjunctions(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ int length = alternatives->length();
+ int write_posn = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < length) {
+ RegExpTree* alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (!alternative->IsAtom()) {
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = alternatives->at(i);
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ RegExpAtom* const atom = alternative->AsAtom();
+ if (atom->length() != 1) {
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = alternatives->at(i);
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = atom->flags();
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(IsUnicode(flags),
+ !unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(atom->data().at(0)));
+ bool contains_trail_surrogate =
+ unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(atom->data().at(0));
+ int first_in_run = i;
+ i++;
+ // Find a run of single-character atom alternatives that have identical
+ // flags (case independence and unicode-ness).
+ while (i < length) {
+ alternative = alternatives->at(i);
+ if (!alternative->IsAtom()) break;
+ RegExpAtom* const atom = alternative->AsAtom();
+ if (atom->length() != 1) break;
+ if (atom->flags() != flags) break;
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(IsUnicode(flags),
+ !unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(atom->data().at(0)));
+ contains_trail_surrogate |=
+ unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(atom->data().at(0));
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i > first_in_run + 1) {
+ // Found non-trivial run of single-character alternatives.
+ int run_length = i - first_in_run;
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ for (int j = 0; j < run_length; j++) {
+ RegExpAtom* old_atom = alternatives->at(j + first_in_run)->AsAtom();
+ DCHECK_EQ(old_atom->length(), 1);
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(old_atom->data().at(0)), zone);
+ }
+ RegExpCharacterClass::CharacterClassFlags character_class_flags;
+ if (IsUnicode(flags) && contains_trail_surrogate) {
+ character_class_flags = RegExpCharacterClass::CONTAINS_SPLIT_SURROGATE;
+ }
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = new (zone)
+ RegExpCharacterClass(zone, ranges, flags, character_class_flags);
+ } else {
+ // Just copy any trivial alternatives.
+ for (int j = first_in_run; j < i; j++) {
+ alternatives->at(write_posn++) = alternatives->at(j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ alternatives->Rewind(write_posn); // Trim end of array.
+RegExpNode* RegExpDisjunction::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* alternatives = this->alternatives();
+ if (alternatives->length() > 2) {
+ bool found_consecutive_atoms = SortConsecutiveAtoms(compiler);
+ if (found_consecutive_atoms) RationalizeConsecutiveAtoms(compiler);
+ FixSingleCharacterDisjunctions(compiler);
+ if (alternatives->length() == 1) {
+ return alternatives->at(0)->ToNode(compiler, on_success);
+ }
+ }
+ int length = alternatives->length();
+ ChoiceNode* result =
+ new (compiler->zone()) ChoiceNode(length, compiler->zone());
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alternative(
+ alternatives->at(i)->ToNode(compiler, on_success));
+ result->AddAlternative(alternative);
+ }
+ return result;
+RegExpNode* RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return ToNode(min(), max(), is_greedy(), body(), compiler, on_success);
+namespace {
+// Desugar \b to (?<=\w)(?=\W)|(?<=\W)(?=\w) and
+// \B to (?<=\w)(?=\w)|(?<=\W)(?=\W)
+RegExpNode* BoundaryAssertionAsLookaround(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ RegExpAssertion::AssertionType type,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ DCHECK(NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(flags));
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* word_range =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('w', word_range, true, zone);
+ int stack_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundStackRegister();
+ int position_register = compiler->UnicodeLookaroundPositionRegister();
+ ChoiceNode* result = new (zone) ChoiceNode(2, zone);
+ // Add two choices. The (non-)boundary could start with a word or
+ // a non-word-character.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ bool lookbehind_for_word = i == 0;
+ bool lookahead_for_word =
+ (type == RegExpAssertion::BOUNDARY) ^ lookbehind_for_word;
+ // Look to the left.
+ RegExpLookaround::Builder lookbehind(lookbehind_for_word, on_success,
+ stack_register, position_register);
+ RegExpNode* backward = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, word_range, true, lookbehind.on_match_success(), flags);
+ // Look to the right.
+ RegExpLookaround::Builder lookahead(lookahead_for_word,
+ lookbehind.ForMatch(backward),
+ stack_register, position_register);
+ RegExpNode* forward = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone, word_range, false, lookahead.on_match_success(), flags);
+ result->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(lookahead.ForMatch(forward)));
+ }
+ return result;
+} // anonymous namespace
+RegExpNode* RegExpAssertion::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ NodeInfo info;
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ switch (assertion_type()) {
+ return AssertionNode::AfterNewline(on_success);
+ return AssertionNode::AtStart(on_success);
+ case BOUNDARY:
+ return NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(flags_)
+ ? BoundaryAssertionAsLookaround(compiler, on_success, BOUNDARY,
+ flags_)
+ : AssertionNode::AtBoundary(on_success);
+ return NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(flags_)
+ ? BoundaryAssertionAsLookaround(compiler, on_success,
+ NON_BOUNDARY, flags_)
+ : AssertionNode::AtNonBoundary(on_success);
+ case END_OF_INPUT:
+ return AssertionNode::AtEnd(on_success);
+ case END_OF_LINE: {
+ // Compile $ in multiline regexps as an alternation with a positive
+ // lookahead in one side and an end-of-input on the other side.
+ // We need two registers for the lookahead.
+ int stack_pointer_register = compiler->AllocateRegister();
+ int position_register = compiler->AllocateRegister();
+ // The ChoiceNode to distinguish between a newline and end-of-input.
+ ChoiceNode* result = new (zone) ChoiceNode(2, zone);
+ // Create a newline atom.
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* newline_ranges =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(3, zone);
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('n', newline_ranges, false, zone);
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ RegExpCharacterClass* newline_atom =
+ new (zone) RegExpCharacterClass('n', default_flags);
+ TextNode* newline_matcher =
+ new (zone) TextNode(newline_atom, false,
+ ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(
+ stack_pointer_register, position_register,
+ 0, // No captures inside.
+ -1, // Ignored if no captures.
+ on_success));
+ // Create an end-of-input matcher.
+ RegExpNode* end_of_line = ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(
+ stack_pointer_register, position_register, newline_matcher);
+ // Add the two alternatives to the ChoiceNode.
+ GuardedAlternative eol_alternative(end_of_line);
+ result->AddAlternative(eol_alternative);
+ GuardedAlternative end_alternative(AssertionNode::AtEnd(on_success));
+ result->AddAlternative(end_alternative);
+ return result;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ return on_success;
+RegExpNode* RegExpBackReference::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (compiler->zone())
+ BackReferenceNode(RegExpCapture::StartRegister(index()),
+ RegExpCapture::EndRegister(index()), flags_,
+ compiler->read_backward(), on_success);
+RegExpNode* RegExpEmpty::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return on_success;
+RegExpLookaround::Builder::Builder(bool is_positive, RegExpNode* on_success,
+ int stack_pointer_register,
+ int position_register,
+ int capture_register_count,
+ int capture_register_start)
+ : is_positive_(is_positive),
+ on_success_(on_success),
+ stack_pointer_register_(stack_pointer_register),
+ position_register_(position_register) {
+ if (is_positive_) {
+ on_match_success_ = ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(
+ stack_pointer_register, position_register, capture_register_count,
+ capture_register_start, on_success_);
+ } else {
+ Zone* zone = on_success_->zone();
+ on_match_success_ = new (zone) NegativeSubmatchSuccess(
+ stack_pointer_register, position_register, capture_register_count,
+ capture_register_start, zone);
+ }
+RegExpNode* RegExpLookaround::Builder::ForMatch(RegExpNode* match) {
+ if (is_positive_) {
+ return ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(stack_pointer_register_,
+ position_register_, match);
+ } else {
+ Zone* zone = on_success_->zone();
+ // We use a ChoiceNode to represent the negative lookaround. The first
+ // alternative is the negative match. On success, the end node backtracks.
+ // On failure, the second alternative is tried and leads to success.
+ // NegativeLookaheadChoiceNode is a special ChoiceNode that ignores the
+ // first exit when calculating quick checks.
+ ChoiceNode* choice_node = new (zone) NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode(
+ GuardedAlternative(match), GuardedAlternative(on_success_), zone);
+ return ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(stack_pointer_register_,
+ position_register_, choice_node);
+ }
+RegExpNode* RegExpLookaround::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ int stack_pointer_register = compiler->AllocateRegister();
+ int position_register = compiler->AllocateRegister();
+ const int registers_per_capture = 2;
+ const int register_of_first_capture = 2;
+ int register_count = capture_count_ * registers_per_capture;
+ int register_start =
+ register_of_first_capture + capture_from_ * registers_per_capture;
+ RegExpNode* result;
+ bool was_reading_backward = compiler->read_backward();
+ compiler->set_read_backward(type() == LOOKBEHIND);
+ Builder builder(is_positive(), on_success, stack_pointer_register,
+ position_register, register_count, register_start);
+ RegExpNode* match = body_->ToNode(compiler, builder.on_match_success());
+ result = builder.ForMatch(match);
+ compiler->set_read_backward(was_reading_backward);
+ return result;
+RegExpNode* RegExpCapture::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return ToNode(body(), index(), compiler, on_success);
+RegExpNode* RegExpCapture::ToNode(RegExpTree* body, int index,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ int start_reg = RegExpCapture::StartRegister(index);
+ int end_reg = RegExpCapture::EndRegister(index);
+ if (compiler->read_backward()) std::swap(start_reg, end_reg);
+ RegExpNode* store_end = ActionNode::StorePosition(end_reg, true, on_success);
+ RegExpNode* body_node = body->ToNode(compiler, store_end);
+ return ActionNode::StorePosition(start_reg, true, body_node);
+namespace {
+class AssertionSequenceRewriter final {
+ public:
+ // TODO(jgruber): Consider moving this to a separate AST tree rewriter pass
+ // instead of sprinkling rewrites into the AST->Node conversion process.
+ static void MaybeRewrite(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* terms, Zone* zone) {
+ AssertionSequenceRewriter rewriter(terms, zone);
+ static constexpr int kNoIndex = -1;
+ int from = kNoIndex;
+ for (int i = 0; i < terms->length(); i++) {
+ RegExpTree* t = terms->at(i);
+ if (from == kNoIndex && t->IsAssertion()) {
+ from = i; // Start a sequence.
+ } else if (from != kNoIndex && !t->IsAssertion()) {
+ // Terminate and process the sequence.
+ if (i - from > 1) rewriter.Rewrite(from, i);
+ from = kNoIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ if (from != kNoIndex && terms->length() - from > 1) {
+ rewriter.Rewrite(from, terms->length());
+ }
+ }
+ // All assertions are zero width. A consecutive sequence of assertions is
+ // order-independent. There's two ways we can optimize here:
+ // 1. fold all identical assertions.
+ // 2. if any assertion combinations are known to fail (e.g. \b\B), the entire
+ // sequence fails.
+ void Rewrite(int from, int to) {
+ DCHECK_GT(to, from + 1);
+ // Bitfield of all seen assertions.
+ uint32_t seen_assertions = 0;
+ STATIC_ASSERT(RegExpAssertion::LAST_TYPE < kUInt32Size * kBitsPerByte);
+ // Flags must match for folding.
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = terms_->at(from)->AsAssertion()->flags();
+ bool saw_mismatched_flags = false;
+ for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
+ RegExpAssertion* t = terms_->at(i)->AsAssertion();
+ if (t->flags() != flags) saw_mismatched_flags = true;
+ const uint32_t bit = 1 << t->assertion_type();
+ if ((seen_assertions & bit) && !saw_mismatched_flags) {
+ // Fold duplicates.
+ terms_->Set(i, new (zone_) RegExpEmpty());
+ }
+ seen_assertions |= bit;
+ }
+ // Collapse failures.
+ const uint32_t always_fails_mask =
+ 1 << RegExpAssertion::BOUNDARY | 1 << RegExpAssertion::NON_BOUNDARY;
+ if ((seen_assertions & always_fails_mask) == always_fails_mask) {
+ ReplaceSequenceWithFailure(from, to);
+ }
+ }
+ void ReplaceSequenceWithFailure(int from, int to) {
+ // Replace the entire sequence with a single node that always fails.
+ // TODO(jgruber): Consider adding an explicit Fail kind. Until then, the
+ // negated '*' (everything) range serves the purpose.
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone_) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(0, zone_);
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc =
+ new (zone_) RegExpCharacterClass(zone_, ranges, JSRegExp::Flags());
+ terms_->Set(from, cc);
+ // Zero out the rest.
+ RegExpEmpty* empty = new (zone_) RegExpEmpty();
+ for (int i = from + 1; i < to; i++) terms_->Set(i, empty);
+ }
+ private:
+ AssertionSequenceRewriter(ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* terms, Zone* zone)
+ : zone_(zone), terms_(terms) {}
+ Zone* zone_;
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* terms_;
+} // namespace
+RegExpNode* RegExpAlternative::ToNode(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ZoneList<RegExpTree*>* children = nodes();
+ AssertionSequenceRewriter::MaybeRewrite(children, compiler->zone());
+ RegExpNode* current = on_success;
+ if (compiler->read_backward()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < children->length(); i++) {
+ current = children->at(i)->ToNode(compiler, current);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = children->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ current = children->at(i)->ToNode(compiler, current);
+ }
+ }
+ return current;
+static void AddClass(const int* elmv, int elmc,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone) {
+ elmc--;
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRangeEndMarker, elmv[elmc]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < elmc; i += 2) {
+ DCHECK(elmv[i] < elmv[i + 1]);
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(elmv[i], elmv[i + 1] - 1), zone);
+ }
+static void AddClassNegated(const int* elmv, int elmc,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone) {
+ elmc--;
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRangeEndMarker, elmv[elmc]);
+ DCHECK_NE(0x0000, elmv[0]);
+ DCHECK_NE(String::kMaxCodePoint, elmv[elmc - 1]);
+ uc16 last = 0x0000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < elmc; i += 2) {
+ DCHECK(last <= elmv[i] - 1);
+ DCHECK(elmv[i] < elmv[i + 1]);
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(last, elmv[i] - 1), zone);
+ last = elmv[i + 1];
+ }
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(last, String::kMaxCodePoint), zone);
+void CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(char type, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool add_unicode_case_equivalents,
+ Zone* zone) {
+ if (add_unicode_case_equivalents && (type == 'w' || type == 'W')) {
+ // See #sec-runtime-semantics-wordcharacters-abstract-operation
+ // In case of unicode and ignore_case, we need to create the closure over
+ // case equivalent characters before negating.
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* new_ranges =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ AddClass(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, new_ranges, zone);
+ AddUnicodeCaseEquivalents(new_ranges, zone);
+ if (type == 'W') {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* negated =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ CharacterRange::Negate(new_ranges, negated, zone);
+ new_ranges = negated;
+ }
+ ranges->AddAll(*new_ranges, zone);
+ return;
+ }
+ AddClassEscape(type, ranges, zone);
+void CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(char type, ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ Zone* zone) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 's':
+ AddClass(kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ AddClassNegated(kSpaceRanges, kSpaceRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ AddClass(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ AddClassNegated(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ AddClass(kDigitRanges, kDigitRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ AddClassNegated(kDigitRanges, kDigitRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ AddClassNegated(kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount, ranges,
+ zone);
+ break;
+ // This is not a character range as defined by the spec but a
+ // convenient shorthand for a character class that matches any
+ // character.
+ case '*':
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Everything(), zone);
+ break;
+ // This is the set of characters matched by the $ and ^ symbols
+ // in multiline mode.
+ case 'n':
+ AddClass(kLineTerminatorRanges, kLineTerminatorRangeCount, ranges, zone);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+Vector<const int> CharacterRange::GetWordBounds() {
+ return Vector<const int>(kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount - 1);
+// static
+void CharacterRange::AddCaseEquivalents(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool is_one_byte) {
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+ int range_count = ranges->length();
+ icu::UnicodeSet others;
+ for (int i = 0; i < range_count; i++) {
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i);
+ uc32 from = range.from();
+ if (from > String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit) continue;
+ uc32 to = Min(, String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit);
+ // Nothing to be done for surrogates.
+ if (from >= kLeadSurrogateStart && to <= kTrailSurrogateEnd) continue;
+ if (is_one_byte && !RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(range)) {
+ if (from > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) continue;
+ if (to > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) to = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ }
+ others.add(from, to);
+ }
+ // Compute the set of additional characters that should be added,
+ // using UnicodeSet::closeOver. ECMA 262 defines slightly different
+ // case-folding rules than Unicode, so some characters that are
+ // added by closeOver do not match anything other than themselves in
+ // JS. For example, 'Å¿' (U+017F LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S) is the
+ // same case-insensitive character as 's' or 'S' according to
+ // Unicode, but does not match any other character in JS. To handle
+ // this case, we add such characters to the IgnoreSet and filter
+ // them out. We filter twice: once before calling closeOver (to
+ // prevent 'Å¿' from adding 's'), and once after calling closeOver
+ // (to prevent 's' from adding 'Å¿'). See regexp/special-case.h for
+ // more information.
+ icu::UnicodeSet already_added(others);
+ others.removeAll(RegExpCaseFolding::IgnoreSet());
+ others.closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ others.removeAll(RegExpCaseFolding::IgnoreSet());
+ others.removeAll(already_added);
+ // Add others to the ranges
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < others.getRangeCount(); i++) {
+ UChar32 from = others.getRangeStart(i);
+ UChar32 to = others.getRangeEnd(i);
+ if (from == to) {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(from), zone);
+ } else {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(from, to), zone);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < range_count; i++) {
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i);
+ uc32 bottom = range.from();
+ if (bottom > String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit) continue;
+ uc32 top = Min(, String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit);
+ // Nothing to be done for surrogates.
+ if (bottom >= kLeadSurrogateStart && top <= kTrailSurrogateEnd) continue;
+ if (is_one_byte && !RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(range)) {
+ if (bottom > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) continue;
+ if (top > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) top = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ }
+ unibrow::uchar chars[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth];
+ if (top == bottom) {
+ // If this is a singleton we just expand the one character.
+ int length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(bottom, '\0', chars);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ uc32 chr = chars[i];
+ if (chr != bottom) {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(chars[i]), zone);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If this is a range we expand the characters block by block, expanding
+ // contiguous subranges (blocks) one at a time. The approach is as
+ // follows. For a given start character we look up the remainder of the
+ // block that contains it (represented by the end point), for instance we
+ // find 'z' if the character is 'c'. A block is characterized by the
+ // property that all characters uncanonicalize in the same way, except
+ // that each entry in the result is incremented by the distance from the
+ // first element. So a-z is a block because 'a' uncanonicalizes to ['a',
+ // 'A'] and the k'th letter uncanonicalizes to ['a' + k, 'A' + k]. Once
+ // we've found the end point we look up its uncanonicalization and
+ // produce a range for each element. For instance for [c-f] we look up
+ // ['z', 'Z'] and produce [c-f] and [C-F]. We then only add a range if
+ // it is not already contained in the input, so [c-f] will be skipped but
+ // [C-F] will be added. If this range is not completely contained in a
+ // block we do this for all the blocks covered by the range (handling
+ // characters that is not in a block as a "singleton block").
+ unibrow::uchar equivalents[unibrow::Ecma262UnCanonicalize::kMaxWidth];
+ int pos = bottom;
+ while (pos <= top) {
+ int length =
+ isolate->jsregexp_canonrange()->get(pos, '\0', equivalents);
+ uc32 block_end;
+ if (length == 0) {
+ block_end = pos;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, length);
+ block_end = equivalents[0];
+ }
+ int end = (block_end > top) ? top : block_end;
+ length = isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(block_end, '\0',
+ equivalents);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ uc32 c = equivalents[i];
+ uc32 range_from = c - (block_end - pos);
+ uc32 range_to = c - (block_end - end);
+ if (!(bottom <= range_from && range_to <= top)) {
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(range_from, range_to), zone);
+ }
+ }
+ pos = end + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+bool CharacterRange::IsCanonical(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges) {
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(ranges);
+ int n = ranges->length();
+ if (n <= 1) return true;
+ int max = ranges->at(0).to();
+ for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+ CharacterRange next_range = ranges->at(i);
+ if (next_range.from() <= max + 1) return false;
+ max =;
+ }
+ return true;
+ZoneList<CharacterRange>* CharacterSet::ranges(Zone* zone) {
+ if (ranges_ == nullptr) {
+ ranges_ = new (zone) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone);
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(standard_set_type_, ranges_, false, zone);
+ }
+ return ranges_;
+// Move a number of elements in a zonelist to another position
+// in the same list. Handles overlapping source and target areas.
+static void MoveRanges(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* list, int from, int to,
+ int count) {
+ // Ranges are potentially overlapping.
+ if (from < to) {
+ for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ list->at(to + i) = list->at(from + i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ list->at(to + i) = list->at(from + i);
+ }
+ }
+static int InsertRangeInCanonicalList(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* list, int count,
+ CharacterRange insert) {
+ // Inserts a range into list[0..count[, which must be sorted
+ // by from value and non-overlapping and non-adjacent, using at most
+ // list[0..count] for the result. Returns the number of resulting
+ // canonicalized ranges. Inserting a range may collapse existing ranges into
+ // fewer ranges, so the return value can be anything in the range 1..count+1.
+ uc32 from = insert.from();
+ uc32 to =;
+ int start_pos = 0;
+ int end_pos = count;
+ for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ CharacterRange current = list->at(i);
+ if (current.from() > to + 1) {
+ end_pos = i;
+ } else if ( + 1 < from) {
+ start_pos = i + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Inserted range overlaps, or is adjacent to, ranges at positions
+ // [start_pos..end_pos[. Ranges before start_pos or at or after end_pos are
+ // not affected by the insertion.
+ // If start_pos == end_pos, the range must be inserted before start_pos.
+ // if start_pos < end_pos, the entire range from start_pos to end_pos
+ // must be merged with the insert range.
+ if (start_pos == end_pos) {
+ // Insert between existing ranges at position start_pos.
+ if (start_pos < count) {
+ MoveRanges(list, start_pos, start_pos + 1, count - start_pos);
+ }
+ list->at(start_pos) = insert;
+ return count + 1;
+ }
+ if (start_pos + 1 == end_pos) {
+ // Replace single existing range at position start_pos.
+ CharacterRange to_replace = list->at(start_pos);
+ int new_from = Min(to_replace.from(), from);
+ int new_to = Max(, to);
+ list->at(start_pos) = CharacterRange::Range(new_from, new_to);
+ return count;
+ }
+ // Replace a number of existing ranges from start_pos to end_pos - 1.
+ // Move the remaining ranges down.
+ int new_from = Min(list->at(start_pos).from(), from);
+ int new_to = Max(list->at(end_pos - 1).to(), to);
+ if (end_pos < count) {
+ MoveRanges(list, end_pos, start_pos + 1, count - end_pos);
+ }
+ list->at(start_pos) = CharacterRange::Range(new_from, new_to);
+ return count - (end_pos - start_pos) + 1;
+void CharacterSet::Canonicalize() {
+ // Special/default classes are always considered canonical. The result
+ // of calling ranges() will be sorted.
+ if (ranges_ == nullptr) return;
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges_);
+void CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* character_ranges) {
+ if (character_ranges->length() <= 1) return;
+ // Check whether ranges are already canonical (increasing, non-overlapping,
+ // non-adjacent).
+ int n = character_ranges->length();
+ int max = character_ranges->at(0).to();
+ int i = 1;
+ while (i < n) {
+ CharacterRange current = character_ranges->at(i);
+ if (current.from() <= max + 1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ max =;
+ i++;
+ }
+ // Canonical until the i'th range. If that's all of them, we are done.
+ if (i == n) return;
+ // The ranges at index i and forward are not canonicalized. Make them so by
+ // doing the equivalent of insertion sort (inserting each into the previous
+ // list, in order).
+ // Notice that inserting a range can reduce the number of ranges in the
+ // result due to combining of adjacent and overlapping ranges.
+ int read = i; // Range to insert.
+ int num_canonical = i; // Length of canonicalized part of list.
+ do {
+ num_canonical = InsertRangeInCanonicalList(character_ranges, num_canonical,
+ character_ranges->at(read));
+ read++;
+ } while (read < n);
+ character_ranges->Rewind(num_canonical);
+ DCHECK(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(character_ranges));
+void CharacterRange::Negate(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* negated_ranges,
+ Zone* zone) {
+ DCHECK(CharacterRange::IsCanonical(ranges));
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, negated_ranges->length());
+ int range_count = ranges->length();
+ uc32 from = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ if (range_count > 0 && ranges->at(0).from() == 0) {
+ from = ranges->at(0).to() + 1;
+ i = 1;
+ }
+ while (i < range_count) {
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i);
+ negated_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(from, range.from() - 1), zone);
+ from = + 1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (from < String::kMaxCodePoint) {
+ negated_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(from, String::kMaxCodePoint),
+ zone);
+ }
+// Scoped object to keep track of how much we unroll quantifier loops in the
+// regexp graph generator.
+class RegExpExpansionLimiter {
+ public:
+ static const int kMaxExpansionFactor = 6;
+ RegExpExpansionLimiter(RegExpCompiler* compiler, int factor)
+ : compiler_(compiler),
+ saved_expansion_factor_(compiler->current_expansion_factor()),
+ ok_to_expand_(saved_expansion_factor_ <= kMaxExpansionFactor) {
+ DCHECK_LT(0, factor);
+ if (ok_to_expand_) {
+ if (factor > kMaxExpansionFactor) {
+ // Avoid integer overflow of the current expansion factor.
+ ok_to_expand_ = false;
+ compiler->set_current_expansion_factor(kMaxExpansionFactor + 1);
+ } else {
+ int new_factor = saved_expansion_factor_ * factor;
+ ok_to_expand_ = (new_factor <= kMaxExpansionFactor);
+ compiler->set_current_expansion_factor(new_factor);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ~RegExpExpansionLimiter() {
+ compiler_->set_current_expansion_factor(saved_expansion_factor_);
+ }
+ bool ok_to_expand() { return ok_to_expand_; }
+ private:
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler_;
+ int saved_expansion_factor_;
+ bool ok_to_expand_;
+RegExpNode* RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(int min, int max, bool is_greedy,
+ RegExpTree* body, RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ // x{f, t} becomes this:
+ //
+ // (r++)<-.
+ // | `
+ // | (x)
+ // v ^
+ // (r=0)-->(?)---/ [if r < t]
+ // |
+ // [if r >= f] \----> ...
+ //
+ // RepeatMatcher algorithm.
+ // The parser has already eliminated the case where max is 0. In the case
+ // where max_match is zero the parser has removed the quantifier if min was
+ // > 0 and removed the atom if min was 0. See AddQuantifierToAtom.
+ // If we know that we cannot match zero length then things are a little
+ // simpler since we don't need to make the special zero length match check
+ // from step 2.1. If the min and max are small we can unroll a little in
+ // this case.
+ static const int kMaxUnrolledMinMatches = 3; // Unroll (foo)+ and (foo){3,}
+ static const int kMaxUnrolledMaxMatches = 3; // Unroll (foo)? and (foo){x,3}
+ if (max == 0) return on_success; // This can happen due to recursion.
+ bool body_can_be_empty = (body->min_match() == 0);
+ int body_start_reg = RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister;
+ Interval capture_registers = body->CaptureRegisters();
+ bool needs_capture_clearing = !capture_registers.is_empty();
+ Zone* zone = compiler->zone();
+ if (body_can_be_empty) {
+ body_start_reg = compiler->AllocateRegister();
+ } else if (compiler->optimize() && !needs_capture_clearing) {
+ // Only unroll if there are no captures and the body can't be
+ // empty.
+ {
+ RegExpExpansionLimiter limiter(compiler, min + ((max != min) ? 1 : 0));
+ if (min > 0 && min <= kMaxUnrolledMinMatches && limiter.ok_to_expand()) {
+ int new_max = (max == kInfinity) ? max : max - min;
+ // Recurse once to get the loop or optional matches after the fixed
+ // ones.
+ RegExpNode* answer =
+ ToNode(0, new_max, is_greedy, body, compiler, on_success, true);
+ // Unroll the forced matches from 0 to min. This can cause chains of
+ // TextNodes (which the parser does not generate). These should be
+ // combined if it turns out they hinder good code generation.
+ for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) {
+ answer = body->ToNode(compiler, answer);
+ }
+ return answer;
+ }
+ }
+ if (max <= kMaxUnrolledMaxMatches && min == 0) {
+ DCHECK_LT(0, max); // Due to the 'if' above.
+ RegExpExpansionLimiter limiter(compiler, max);
+ if (limiter.ok_to_expand()) {
+ // Unroll the optional matches up to max.
+ RegExpNode* answer = on_success;
+ for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
+ ChoiceNode* alternation = new (zone) ChoiceNode(2, zone);
+ if (is_greedy) {
+ alternation->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(body->ToNode(compiler, answer)));
+ alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(on_success));
+ } else {
+ alternation->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(on_success));
+ alternation->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(body->ToNode(compiler, answer)));
+ }
+ answer = alternation;
+ if (not_at_start && !compiler->read_backward()) {
+ alternation->set_not_at_start();
+ }
+ }
+ return answer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool has_min = min > 0;
+ bool has_max = max < RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ bool needs_counter = has_min || has_max;
+ int reg_ctr = needs_counter ? compiler->AllocateRegister()
+ : RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister;
+ LoopChoiceNode* center = new (zone) LoopChoiceNode(
+ body->min_match() == 0, compiler->read_backward(), min, zone);
+ if (not_at_start && !compiler->read_backward()) center->set_not_at_start();
+ RegExpNode* loop_return =
+ needs_counter ? static_cast<RegExpNode*>(
+ ActionNode::IncrementRegister(reg_ctr, center))
+ : static_cast<RegExpNode*>(center);
+ if (body_can_be_empty) {
+ // If the body can be empty we need to check if it was and then
+ // backtrack.
+ loop_return =
+ ActionNode::EmptyMatchCheck(body_start_reg, reg_ctr, min, loop_return);
+ }
+ RegExpNode* body_node = body->ToNode(compiler, loop_return);
+ if (body_can_be_empty) {
+ // If the body can be empty we need to store the start position
+ // so we can bail out if it was empty.
+ body_node = ActionNode::StorePosition(body_start_reg, false, body_node);
+ }
+ if (needs_capture_clearing) {
+ // Before entering the body of this loop we need to clear captures.
+ body_node = ActionNode::ClearCaptures(capture_registers, body_node);
+ }
+ GuardedAlternative body_alt(body_node);
+ if (has_max) {
+ Guard* body_guard = new (zone) Guard(reg_ctr, Guard::LT, max);
+ body_alt.AddGuard(body_guard, zone);
+ }
+ GuardedAlternative rest_alt(on_success);
+ if (has_min) {
+ Guard* rest_guard = new (compiler->zone()) Guard(reg_ctr, Guard::GEQ, min);
+ rest_alt.AddGuard(rest_guard, zone);
+ }
+ if (is_greedy) {
+ center->AddLoopAlternative(body_alt);
+ center->AddContinueAlternative(rest_alt);
+ } else {
+ center->AddContinueAlternative(rest_alt);
+ center->AddLoopAlternative(body_alt);
+ }
+ if (needs_counter) {
+ return ActionNode::SetRegisterForLoop(reg_ctr, 0, center);
+ } else {
+ return center;
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..608bbeb8db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,3874 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+using namespace regexp_compiler_constants; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Implementation of the Irregexp regular expression engine.
+// The Irregexp regular expression engine is intended to be a complete
+// implementation of ECMAScript regular expressions. It generates either
+// bytecodes or native code.
+// The Irregexp regexp engine is structured in three steps.
+// 1) The parser generates an abstract syntax tree. See
+// 2) From the AST a node network is created. The nodes are all
+// subclasses of RegExpNode. The nodes represent states when
+// executing a regular expression. Several optimizations are
+// performed on the node network.
+// 3) From the nodes we generate either byte codes or native code
+// that can actually execute the regular expression (perform
+// the search). The code generation step is described in more
+// detail below.
+// Code generation.
+// The nodes are divided into four main categories.
+// * Choice nodes
+// These represent places where the regular expression can
+// match in more than one way. For example on entry to an
+// alternation (foo|bar) or a repetition (*, +, ? or {}).
+// * Action nodes
+// These represent places where some action should be
+// performed. Examples include recording the current position
+// in the input string to a register (in order to implement
+// captures) or other actions on register for example in order
+// to implement the counters needed for {} repetitions.
+// * Matching nodes
+// These attempt to match some element part of the input string.
+// Examples of elements include character classes, plain strings
+// or back references.
+// * End nodes
+// These are used to implement the actions required on finding
+// a successful match or failing to find a match.
+// The code generated (whether as byte codes or native code) maintains
+// some state as it runs. This consists of the following elements:
+// * The capture registers. Used for string captures.
+// * Other registers. Used for counters etc.
+// * The current position.
+// * The stack of backtracking information. Used when a matching node
+// fails to find a match and needs to try an alternative.
+// Conceptual regular expression execution model:
+// There is a simple conceptual model of regular expression execution
+// which will be presented first. The actual code generated is a more
+// efficient simulation of the simple conceptual model:
+// * Choice nodes are implemented as follows:
+// For each choice except the last {
+// push current position
+// push backtrack code location
+// <generate code to test for choice>
+// backtrack code location:
+// pop current position
+// }
+// <generate code to test for last choice>
+// * Actions nodes are generated as follows
+// <push affected registers on backtrack stack>
+// <generate code to perform action>
+// push backtrack code location
+// <generate code to test for following nodes>
+// backtrack code location:
+// <pop affected registers to restore their state>
+// <pop backtrack location from stack and go to it>
+// * Matching nodes are generated as follows:
+// if input string matches at current position
+// update current position
+// <generate code to test for following nodes>
+// else
+// <pop backtrack location from stack and go to it>
+// Thus it can be seen that the current position is saved and restored
+// by the choice nodes, whereas the registers are saved and restored by
+// by the action nodes that manipulate them.
+// The other interesting aspect of this model is that nodes are generated
+// at the point where they are needed by a recursive call to Emit(). If
+// the node has already been code generated then the Emit() call will
+// generate a jump to the previously generated code instead. In order to
+// limit recursion it is possible for the Emit() function to put the node
+// on a work list for later generation and instead generate a jump. The
+// destination of the jump is resolved later when the code is generated.
+// Actual regular expression code generation.
+// Code generation is actually more complicated than the above. In order
+// to improve the efficiency of the generated code some optimizations are
+// performed
+// * Choice nodes have 1-character lookahead.
+// A choice node looks at the following character and eliminates some of
+// the choices immediately based on that character. This is not yet
+// implemented.
+// * Simple greedy loops store reduced backtracking information.
+// A quantifier like /.*foo/m will greedily match the whole input. It will
+// then need to backtrack to a point where it can match "foo". The naive
+// implementation of this would push each character position onto the
+// backtracking stack, then pop them off one by one. This would use space
+// proportional to the length of the input string. However since the "."
+// can only match in one way and always has a constant length (in this case
+// of 1) it suffices to store the current position on the top of the stack
+// once. Matching now becomes merely incrementing the current position and
+// backtracking becomes decrementing the current position and checking the
+// result against the stored current position. This is faster and saves
+// space.
+// * The current state is virtualized.
+// This is used to defer expensive operations until it is clear that they
+// are needed and to generate code for a node more than once, allowing
+// specialized an efficient versions of the code to be created. This is
+// explained in the section below.
+// Execution state virtualization.
+// Instead of emitting code, nodes that manipulate the state can record their
+// manipulation in an object called the Trace. The Trace object can record a
+// current position offset, an optional backtrack code location on the top of
+// the virtualized backtrack stack and some register changes. When a node is
+// to be emitted it can flush the Trace or update it. Flushing the Trace
+// will emit code to bring the actual state into line with the virtual state.
+// Avoiding flushing the state can postpone some work (e.g. updates of capture
+// registers). Postponing work can save time when executing the regular
+// expression since it may be found that the work never has to be done as a
+// failure to match can occur. In addition it is much faster to jump to a
+// known backtrack code location than it is to pop an unknown backtrack
+// location from the stack and jump there.
+// The virtual state found in the Trace affects code generation. For example
+// the virtual state contains the difference between the actual current
+// position and the virtual current position, and matching code needs to use
+// this offset to attempt a match in the correct location of the input
+// string. Therefore code generated for a non-trivial trace is specialized
+// to that trace. The code generator therefore has the ability to generate
+// code for each node several times. In order to limit the size of the
+// generated code there is an arbitrary limit on how many specialized sets of
+// code may be generated for a given node. If the limit is reached, the
+// trace is flushed and a generic version of the code for a node is emitted.
+// This is subsequently used for that node. The code emitted for non-generic
+// trace is not recorded in the node and so it cannot currently be reused in
+// the event that code generation is requested for an identical trace.
+void RegExpTree::AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) { UNREACHABLE(); }
+void RegExpAtom::AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) {
+ text->AddElement(TextElement::Atom(this), zone);
+void RegExpCharacterClass::AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) {
+ text->AddElement(TextElement::CharClass(this), zone);
+void RegExpText::AppendToText(RegExpText* text, Zone* zone) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < elements()->length(); i++)
+ text->AddElement(elements()->at(i), zone);
+TextElement TextElement::Atom(RegExpAtom* atom) {
+ return TextElement(ATOM, atom);
+TextElement TextElement::CharClass(RegExpCharacterClass* char_class) {
+ return TextElement(CHAR_CLASS, char_class);
+int TextElement::length() const {
+ switch (text_type()) {
+ case ATOM:
+ return atom()->length();
+ case CHAR_CLASS:
+ return 1;
+ }
+class RecursionCheck {
+ public:
+ explicit RecursionCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler) : compiler_(compiler) {
+ compiler->IncrementRecursionDepth();
+ }
+ ~RecursionCheck() { compiler_->DecrementRecursionDepth(); }
+ private:
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler_;
+// Attempts to compile the regexp using an Irregexp code generator. Returns
+// a fixed array or a null handle depending on whether it succeeded.
+RegExpCompiler::RegExpCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, int capture_count,
+ bool one_byte)
+ : next_register_(JSRegExp::RegistersForCaptureCount(capture_count)),
+ unicode_lookaround_stack_register_(kNoRegister),
+ unicode_lookaround_position_register_(kNoRegister),
+ work_list_(nullptr),
+ recursion_depth_(0),
+ one_byte_(one_byte),
+ reg_exp_too_big_(false),
+ limiting_recursion_(false),
+ optimize_(FLAG_regexp_optimization),
+ read_backward_(false),
+ current_expansion_factor_(1),
+ frequency_collator_(),
+ isolate_(isolate),
+ zone_(zone) {
+ accept_ = new (zone) EndNode(EndNode::ACCEPT, zone);
+ DCHECK_GE(RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegister, next_register_ - 1);
+RegExpCompiler::CompilationResult RegExpCompiler::Assemble(
+ Isolate* isolate, RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, RegExpNode* start,
+ int capture_count, Handle<String> pattern) {
+ macro_assembler_ = macro_assembler;
+ ZoneVector<RegExpNode*> work_list(zone());
+ work_list_ = &work_list;
+ Label fail;
+ macro_assembler_->PushBacktrack(&fail);
+ Trace new_trace;
+ start->Emit(this, &new_trace);
+ macro_assembler_->BindJumpTarget(&fail);
+ macro_assembler_->Fail();
+ while (!work_list.empty()) {
+ RegExpNode* node = work_list.back();
+ work_list.pop_back();
+ node->set_on_work_list(false);
+ if (!node->label()->is_bound()) node->Emit(this, &new_trace);
+ }
+ if (reg_exp_too_big_) {
+ macro_assembler_->AbortedCodeGeneration();
+ return CompilationResult::RegExpTooBig();
+ }
+ Handle<HeapObject> code = macro_assembler_->GetCode(pattern);
+ isolate->IncreaseTotalRegexpCodeGenerated(code);
+ work_list_ = nullptr;
+ return {code, next_register_};
+bool Trace::DeferredAction::Mentions(int that) {
+ if (action_type() == ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES) {
+ Interval range = static_cast<DeferredClearCaptures*>(this)->range();
+ return range.Contains(that);
+ } else {
+ return reg() == that;
+ }
+bool Trace::mentions_reg(int reg) {
+ for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != nullptr;
+ action = action->next()) {
+ if (action->Mentions(reg)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool Trace::GetStoredPosition(int reg, int* cp_offset) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, *cp_offset);
+ for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != nullptr;
+ action = action->next()) {
+ if (action->Mentions(reg)) {
+ if (action->action_type() == ActionNode::STORE_POSITION) {
+ *cp_offset = static_cast<DeferredCapture*>(action)->cp_offset();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// A (dynamically-sized) set of unsigned integers that behaves especially well
+// on small integers (< kFirstLimit). May do zone-allocation.
+class DynamicBitSet : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool Get(unsigned value) const {
+ if (value < kFirstLimit) {
+ return (first_ & (1 << value)) != 0;
+ } else if (remaining_ == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return remaining_->Contains(value);
+ }
+ }
+ // Destructively set a value in this set.
+ void Set(unsigned value, Zone* zone) {
+ if (value < kFirstLimit) {
+ first_ |= (1 << value);
+ } else {
+ if (remaining_ == nullptr)
+ remaining_ = new (zone) ZoneList<unsigned>(1, zone);
+ if (remaining_->is_empty() || !remaining_->Contains(value))
+ remaining_->Add(value, zone);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ static constexpr unsigned kFirstLimit = 32;
+ uint32_t first_ = 0;
+ ZoneList<unsigned>* remaining_ = nullptr;
+int Trace::FindAffectedRegisters(DynamicBitSet* affected_registers,
+ Zone* zone) {
+ int max_register = RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister;
+ for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != nullptr;
+ action = action->next()) {
+ if (action->action_type() == ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES) {
+ Interval range = static_cast<DeferredClearCaptures*>(action)->range();
+ for (int i = range.from(); i <=; i++)
+ affected_registers->Set(i, zone);
+ if ( > max_register) max_register =;
+ } else {
+ affected_registers->Set(action->reg(), zone);
+ if (action->reg() > max_register) max_register = action->reg();
+ }
+ }
+ return max_register;
+void Trace::RestoreAffectedRegisters(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler,
+ int max_register,
+ const DynamicBitSet& registers_to_pop,
+ const DynamicBitSet& registers_to_clear) {
+ for (int reg = max_register; reg >= 0; reg--) {
+ if (registers_to_pop.Get(reg)) {
+ assembler->PopRegister(reg);
+ } else if (registers_to_clear.Get(reg)) {
+ int clear_to = reg;
+ while (reg > 0 && registers_to_clear.Get(reg - 1)) {
+ reg--;
+ }
+ assembler->ClearRegisters(reg, clear_to);
+ }
+ }
+void Trace::PerformDeferredActions(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler,
+ int max_register,
+ const DynamicBitSet& affected_registers,
+ DynamicBitSet* registers_to_pop,
+ DynamicBitSet* registers_to_clear,
+ Zone* zone) {
+ // The "+1" is to avoid a push_limit of zero if stack_limit_slack() is 1.
+ const int push_limit = (assembler->stack_limit_slack() + 1) / 2;
+ // Count pushes performed to force a stack limit check occasionally.
+ int pushes = 0;
+ for (int reg = 0; reg <= max_register; reg++) {
+ if (!affected_registers.Get(reg)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The chronologically first deferred action in the trace
+ // is used to infer the action needed to restore a register
+ // to its previous state (or not, if it's safe to ignore it).
+ enum DeferredActionUndoType { IGNORE, RESTORE, CLEAR };
+ DeferredActionUndoType undo_action = IGNORE;
+ int value = 0;
+ bool absolute = false;
+ bool clear = false;
+ static const int kNoStore = kMinInt;
+ int store_position = kNoStore;
+ // This is a little tricky because we are scanning the actions in reverse
+ // historical order (newest first).
+ for (DeferredAction* action = actions_; action != nullptr;
+ action = action->next()) {
+ if (action->Mentions(reg)) {
+ switch (action->action_type()) {
+ case ActionNode::SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP: {
+ Trace::DeferredSetRegisterForLoop* psr =
+ static_cast<Trace::DeferredSetRegisterForLoop*>(action);
+ if (!absolute) {
+ value += psr->value();
+ absolute = true;
+ }
+ // SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP is only used for newly introduced loop
+ // counters. They can have a significant previous value if they
+ // occur in a loop. TODO(lrn): Propagate this information, so
+ // we can set undo_action to IGNORE if we know there is no value to
+ // restore.
+ undo_action = RESTORE;
+ DCHECK_EQ(store_position, kNoStore);
+ DCHECK(!clear);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ActionNode::INCREMENT_REGISTER:
+ if (!absolute) {
+ value++;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(store_position, kNoStore);
+ DCHECK(!clear);
+ undo_action = RESTORE;
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::STORE_POSITION: {
+ Trace::DeferredCapture* pc =
+ static_cast<Trace::DeferredCapture*>(action);
+ if (!clear && store_position == kNoStore) {
+ store_position = pc->cp_offset();
+ }
+ // For captures we know that stores and clears alternate.
+ // Other register, are never cleared, and if the occur
+ // inside a loop, they might be assigned more than once.
+ if (reg <= 1) {
+ // Registers zero and one, aka "capture zero", is
+ // always set correctly if we succeed. There is no
+ // need to undo a setting on backtrack, because we
+ // will set it again or fail.
+ undo_action = IGNORE;
+ } else {
+ undo_action = pc->is_capture() ? CLEAR : RESTORE;
+ }
+ DCHECK(!absolute);
+ DCHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES: {
+ // Since we're scanning in reverse order, if we've already
+ // set the position we have to ignore historically earlier
+ // clearing operations.
+ if (store_position == kNoStore) {
+ clear = true;
+ }
+ undo_action = RESTORE;
+ DCHECK(!absolute);
+ DCHECK_EQ(value, 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare for the undo-action (e.g., push if it's going to be popped).
+ if (undo_action == RESTORE) {
+ pushes++;
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::StackCheckFlag stack_check =
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::kNoStackLimitCheck;
+ if (pushes == push_limit) {
+ stack_check = RegExpMacroAssembler::kCheckStackLimit;
+ pushes = 0;
+ }
+ assembler->PushRegister(reg, stack_check);
+ registers_to_pop->Set(reg, zone);
+ } else if (undo_action == CLEAR) {
+ registers_to_clear->Set(reg, zone);
+ }
+ // Perform the chronologically last action (or accumulated increment)
+ // for the register.
+ if (store_position != kNoStore) {
+ assembler->WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(reg, store_position);
+ } else if (clear) {
+ assembler->ClearRegisters(reg, reg);
+ } else if (absolute) {
+ assembler->SetRegister(reg, value);
+ } else if (value != 0) {
+ assembler->AdvanceRegister(reg, value);
+ }
+ }
+// This is called as we come into a loop choice node and some other tricky
+// nodes. It normalizes the state of the code generator to ensure we can
+// generate generic code.
+void Trace::Flush(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* successor) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ DCHECK(!is_trivial());
+ if (actions_ == nullptr && backtrack() == nullptr) {
+ // Here we just have some deferred cp advances to fix and we are back to
+ // a normal situation. We may also have to forget some information gained
+ // through a quick check that was already performed.
+ if (cp_offset_ != 0) assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(cp_offset_);
+ // Create a new trivial state and generate the node with that.
+ Trace new_state;
+ successor->Emit(compiler, &new_state);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Generate deferred actions here along with code to undo them again.
+ DynamicBitSet affected_registers;
+ if (backtrack() != nullptr) {
+ // Here we have a concrete backtrack location. These are set up by choice
+ // nodes and so they indicate that we have a deferred save of the current
+ // position which we may need to emit here.
+ assembler->PushCurrentPosition();
+ }
+ int max_register =
+ FindAffectedRegisters(&affected_registers, compiler->zone());
+ DynamicBitSet registers_to_pop;
+ DynamicBitSet registers_to_clear;
+ PerformDeferredActions(assembler, max_register, affected_registers,
+ &registers_to_pop, &registers_to_clear,
+ compiler->zone());
+ if (cp_offset_ != 0) {
+ assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(cp_offset_);
+ }
+ // Create a new trivial state and generate the node with that.
+ Label undo;
+ assembler->PushBacktrack(&undo);
+ if (successor->KeepRecursing(compiler)) {
+ Trace new_state;
+ successor->Emit(compiler, &new_state);
+ } else {
+ compiler->AddWork(successor);
+ assembler->GoTo(successor->label());
+ }
+ // On backtrack we need to restore state.
+ assembler->BindJumpTarget(&undo);
+ RestoreAffectedRegisters(assembler, max_register, registers_to_pop,
+ registers_to_clear);
+ if (backtrack() == nullptr) {
+ assembler->Backtrack();
+ } else {
+ assembler->PopCurrentPosition();
+ assembler->GoTo(backtrack());
+ }
+void NegativeSubmatchSuccess::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ // Omit flushing the trace. We discard the entire stack frame anyway.
+ if (!label()->is_bound()) {
+ // We are completely independent of the trace, since we ignore it,
+ // so this code can be used as the generic version.
+ assembler->Bind(label());
+ }
+ // Throw away everything on the backtrack stack since the start
+ // of the negative submatch and restore the character position.
+ assembler->ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(current_position_register_);
+ assembler->ReadStackPointerFromRegister(stack_pointer_register_);
+ if (clear_capture_count_ > 0) {
+ // Clear any captures that might have been performed during the success
+ // of the body of the negative look-ahead.
+ int clear_capture_end = clear_capture_start_ + clear_capture_count_ - 1;
+ assembler->ClearRegisters(clear_capture_start_, clear_capture_end);
+ }
+ // Now that we have unwound the stack we find at the top of the stack the
+ // backtrack that the BeginSubmatch node got.
+ assembler->Backtrack();
+void EndNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ if (!label()->is_bound()) {
+ assembler->Bind(label());
+ }
+ switch (action_) {
+ case ACCEPT:
+ assembler->Succeed();
+ return;
+ assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack());
+ return;
+ // This case is handled in a different virtual method.
+ }
+void GuardedAlternative::AddGuard(Guard* guard, Zone* zone) {
+ if (guards_ == nullptr) guards_ = new (zone) ZoneList<Guard*>(1, zone);
+ guards_->Add(guard, zone);
+ActionNode* ActionNode::SetRegisterForLoop(int reg, int val,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_store_register.reg = reg;
+ result->data_.u_store_register.value = val;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::IncrementRegister(int reg, RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(INCREMENT_REGISTER, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_increment_register.reg = reg;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::StorePosition(int reg, bool is_capture,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(STORE_POSITION, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_position_register.reg = reg;
+ result->data_.u_position_register.is_capture = is_capture;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::ClearCaptures(Interval range, RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(CLEAR_CAPTURES, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_clear_captures.range_from = range.from();
+ result->data_.u_clear_captures.range_to =;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::BeginSubmatch(int stack_reg, int position_reg,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(BEGIN_SUBMATCH, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register = stack_reg;
+ result->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register = position_reg;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::PositiveSubmatchSuccess(int stack_reg, int position_reg,
+ int clear_register_count,
+ int clear_register_from,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result = new (on_success->zone())
+ ActionNode(POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register = stack_reg;
+ result->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register = position_reg;
+ result->data_.u_submatch.clear_register_count = clear_register_count;
+ result->data_.u_submatch.clear_register_from = clear_register_from;
+ return result;
+ActionNode* ActionNode::EmptyMatchCheck(int start_register,
+ int repetition_register,
+ int repetition_limit,
+ RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ ActionNode* result =
+ new (on_success->zone()) ActionNode(EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK, on_success);
+ result->data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register = start_register;
+ result->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register = repetition_register;
+ result->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit = repetition_limit;
+ return result;
+#define DEFINE_ACCEPT(Type) \
+ void Type##Node::Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) { visitor->Visit##Type(this); }
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Emit code.
+void ChoiceNode::GenerateGuard(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler,
+ Guard* guard, Trace* trace) {
+ switch (guard->op()) {
+ case Guard::LT:
+ DCHECK(!trace->mentions_reg(guard->reg()));
+ macro_assembler->IfRegisterGE(guard->reg(), guard->value(),
+ trace->backtrack());
+ break;
+ case Guard::GEQ:
+ DCHECK(!trace->mentions_reg(guard->reg()));
+ macro_assembler->IfRegisterLT(guard->reg(), guard->value(),
+ trace->backtrack());
+ break;
+ }
+// Returns the number of characters in the equivalence class, omitting those
+// that cannot occur in the source string because it is Latin1.
+static int GetCaseIndependentLetters(Isolate* isolate, uc16 character,
+ bool one_byte_subject,
+ unibrow::uchar* letters,
+ int letter_length) {
+ if (RegExpCaseFolding::IgnoreSet().contains(character)) {
+ letters[0] = character;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ bool in_special_add_set =
+ RegExpCaseFolding::SpecialAddSet().contains(character);
+ icu::UnicodeSet set;
+ set.add(character);
+ set = set.closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE);
+ UChar32 canon = 0;
+ if (in_special_add_set) {
+ canon = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(character);
+ }
+ int32_t range_count = set.getRangeCount();
+ int items = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < range_count; i++) {
+ UChar32 start = set.getRangeStart(i);
+ UChar32 end = set.getRangeEnd(i);
+ CHECK(end - start + items <= letter_length);
+ for (UChar32 cu = start; cu <= end; cu++) {
+ if (one_byte_subject && cu > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) break;
+ if (in_special_add_set && RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(cu) != canon) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ letters[items++] = (unibrow::uchar)(cu);
+ }
+ }
+ return items;
+ int length =
+ isolate->jsregexp_uncanonicalize()->get(character, '\0', letters);
+ // Unibrow returns 0 or 1 for characters where case independence is
+ // trivial.
+ if (length == 0) {
+ letters[0] = character;
+ length = 1;
+ }
+ if (one_byte_subject) {
+ int new_length = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (letters[i] <= String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
+ letters[new_length++] = letters[i];
+ }
+ }
+ length = new_length;
+ }
+ return length;
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+static inline bool EmitSimpleCharacter(Isolate* isolate,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, uc16 c,
+ Label* on_failure, int cp_offset,
+ bool check, bool preloaded) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ bool bound_checked = false;
+ if (!preloaded) {
+ assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check);
+ bound_checked = true;
+ }
+ assembler->CheckNotCharacter(c, on_failure);
+ return bound_checked;
+// Only emits non-letters (things that don't have case). Only used for case
+// independent matches.
+static inline bool EmitAtomNonLetter(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset,
+ bool check, bool preloaded) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ bool one_byte = compiler->one_byte();
+ unibrow::uchar chars[4];
+ int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(isolate, c, one_byte, chars, 4);
+ if (length < 1) {
+ // This can't match. Must be an one-byte subject and a non-one-byte
+ // character. We do not need to do anything since the one-byte pass
+ // already handled this.
+ return false; // Bounds not checked.
+ }
+ bool checked = false;
+ // We handle the length > 1 case in a later pass.
+ if (length == 1) {
+ if (one_byte && c > String::kMaxOneByteCharCodeU) {
+ // Can't match - see above.
+ return false; // Bounds not checked.
+ }
+ if (!preloaded) {
+ macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check);
+ checked = check;
+ }
+ macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(c, on_failure);
+ }
+ return checked;
+static bool ShortCutEmitCharacterPair(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler,
+ bool one_byte, uc16 c1, uc16 c2,
+ Label* on_failure) {
+ uc16 char_mask;
+ if (one_byte) {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ uc16 exor = c1 ^ c2;
+ // Check whether exor has only one bit set.
+ if (((exor - 1) & exor) == 0) {
+ // If c1 and c2 differ only by one bit.
+ // Ecma262UnCanonicalize always gives the highest number last.
+ DCHECK(c2 > c1);
+ uc16 mask = char_mask ^ exor;
+ macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(c1, mask, on_failure);
+ return true;
+ }
+ DCHECK(c2 > c1);
+ uc16 diff = c2 - c1;
+ if (((diff - 1) & diff) == 0 && c1 >= diff) {
+ // If the characters differ by 2^n but don't differ by one bit then
+ // subtract the difference from the found character, then do the or
+ // trick. We avoid the theoretical case where negative numbers are
+ // involved in order to simplify code generation.
+ uc16 mask = char_mask ^ diff;
+ macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(c1 - diff, diff, mask,
+ on_failure);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Only emits letters (things that have case). Only used for case independent
+// matches.
+static inline bool EmitAtomLetter(Isolate* isolate, RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ uc16 c, Label* on_failure, int cp_offset,
+ bool check, bool preloaded) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ bool one_byte = compiler->one_byte();
+ unibrow::uchar chars[4];
+ int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(isolate, c, one_byte, chars, 4);
+ if (length <= 1) return false;
+ // We may not need to check against the end of the input string
+ // if this character lies before a character that matched.
+ if (!preloaded) {
+ macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check);
+ }
+ Label ok;
+ switch (length) {
+ case 2: {
+ if (ShortCutEmitCharacterPair(macro_assembler, one_byte, chars[0],
+ chars[1], on_failure)) {
+ } else {
+ macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[0], &ok);
+ macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(chars[1], on_failure);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&ok);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[3], &ok);
+ case 3:
+ macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[0], &ok);
+ macro_assembler->CheckCharacter(chars[1], &ok);
+ macro_assembler->CheckNotCharacter(chars[2], on_failure);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&ok);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return true;
+static void EmitBoundaryTest(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm, int border,
+ Label* fall_through, Label* above_or_equal,
+ Label* below) {
+ if (below != fall_through) {
+ masm->CheckCharacterLT(border, below);
+ if (above_or_equal != fall_through) masm->GoTo(above_or_equal);
+ } else {
+ masm->CheckCharacterGT(border - 1, above_or_equal);
+ }
+static void EmitDoubleBoundaryTest(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm, int first,
+ int last, Label* fall_through,
+ Label* in_range, Label* out_of_range) {
+ if (in_range == fall_through) {
+ if (first == last) {
+ masm->CheckNotCharacter(first, out_of_range);
+ } else {
+ masm->CheckCharacterNotInRange(first, last, out_of_range);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (first == last) {
+ masm->CheckCharacter(first, in_range);
+ } else {
+ masm->CheckCharacterInRange(first, last, in_range);
+ }
+ if (out_of_range != fall_through) masm->GoTo(out_of_range);
+ }
+// even_label is for ranges[i] to ranges[i + 1] where i - start_index is even.
+// odd_label is for ranges[i] to ranges[i + 1] where i - start_index is odd.
+static void EmitUseLookupTable(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm,
+ ZoneList<int>* ranges, int start_index,
+ int end_index, int min_char, Label* fall_through,
+ Label* even_label, Label* odd_label) {
+ static const int kSize = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize;
+ static const int kMask = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask;
+ int base = (min_char & ~kMask);
+ USE(base);
+ // Assert that everything is on one kTableSize page.
+ for (int i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(ranges->at(i) & ~kMask, base);
+ }
+ DCHECK(start_index == 0 || (ranges->at(start_index - 1) & ~kMask) <= base);
+ char templ[kSize];
+ Label* on_bit_set;
+ Label* on_bit_clear;
+ int bit;
+ if (even_label == fall_through) {
+ on_bit_set = odd_label;
+ on_bit_clear = even_label;
+ bit = 1;
+ } else {
+ on_bit_set = even_label;
+ on_bit_clear = odd_label;
+ bit = 0;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < (ranges->at(start_index) & kMask) && i < kSize; i++) {
+ templ[i] = bit;
+ }
+ int j = 0;
+ bit ^= 1;
+ for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++) {
+ for (j = (ranges->at(i) & kMask); j < (ranges->at(i + 1) & kMask); j++) {
+ templ[j] = bit;
+ }
+ bit ^= 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = j; i < kSize; i++) {
+ templ[i] = bit;
+ }
+ Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
+ // TODO(erikcorry): Cache these.
+ Handle<ByteArray> ba = factory->NewByteArray(kSize, AllocationType::kOld);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
+ ba->set(i, templ[i]);
+ }
+ masm->CheckBitInTable(ba, on_bit_set);
+ if (on_bit_clear != fall_through) masm->GoTo(on_bit_clear);
+static void CutOutRange(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm, ZoneList<int>* ranges,
+ int start_index, int end_index, int cut_index,
+ Label* even_label, Label* odd_label) {
+ bool odd = (((cut_index - start_index) & 1) == 1);
+ Label* in_range_label = odd ? odd_label : even_label;
+ Label dummy;
+ EmitDoubleBoundaryTest(masm, ranges->at(cut_index),
+ ranges->at(cut_index + 1) - 1, &dummy, in_range_label,
+ &dummy);
+ DCHECK(!dummy.is_linked());
+ // Cut out the single range by rewriting the array. This creates a new
+ // range that is a merger of the two ranges on either side of the one we
+ // are cutting out. The oddity of the labels is preserved.
+ for (int j = cut_index; j > start_index; j--) {
+ ranges->at(j) = ranges->at(j - 1);
+ }
+ for (int j = cut_index + 1; j < end_index; j++) {
+ ranges->at(j) = ranges->at(j + 1);
+ }
+// Unicode case. Split the search space into kSize spaces that are handled
+// with recursion.
+static void SplitSearchSpace(ZoneList<int>* ranges, int start_index,
+ int end_index, int* new_start_index,
+ int* new_end_index, int* border) {
+ static const int kSize = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize;
+ static const int kMask = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask;
+ int first = ranges->at(start_index);
+ int last = ranges->at(end_index) - 1;
+ *new_start_index = start_index;
+ *border = (ranges->at(start_index) & ~kMask) + kSize;
+ while (*new_start_index < end_index) {
+ if (ranges->at(*new_start_index) > *border) break;
+ (*new_start_index)++;
+ }
+ // new_start_index is the index of the first edge that is beyond the
+ // current kSize space.
+ // For very large search spaces we do a binary chop search of the non-Latin1
+ // space instead of just going to the end of the current kSize space. The
+ // heuristics are complicated a little by the fact that any 128-character
+ // encoding space can be quickly tested with a table lookup, so we don't
+ // wish to do binary chop search at a smaller granularity than that. A
+ // 128-character space can take up a lot of space in the ranges array if,
+ // for example, we only want to match every second character (eg. the lower
+ // case characters on some Unicode pages).
+ int binary_chop_index = (end_index + start_index) / 2;
+ // The first test ensures that we get to the code that handles the Latin1
+ // range with a single not-taken branch, speeding up this important
+ // character range (even non-Latin1 charset-based text has spaces and
+ // punctuation).
+ if (*border - 1 > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode && // Latin1 case.
+ end_index - start_index > (*new_start_index - start_index) * 2 &&
+ last - first > kSize * 2 && binary_chop_index > *new_start_index &&
+ ranges->at(binary_chop_index) >= first + 2 * kSize) {
+ int scan_forward_for_section_border = binary_chop_index;
+ int new_border = (ranges->at(binary_chop_index) | kMask) + 1;
+ while (scan_forward_for_section_border < end_index) {
+ if (ranges->at(scan_forward_for_section_border) > new_border) {
+ *new_start_index = scan_forward_for_section_border;
+ *border = new_border;
+ break;
+ }
+ scan_forward_for_section_border++;
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK(*new_start_index > start_index);
+ *new_end_index = *new_start_index - 1;
+ if (ranges->at(*new_end_index) == *border) {
+ (*new_end_index)--;
+ }
+ if (*border >= ranges->at(end_index)) {
+ *border = ranges->at(end_index);
+ *new_start_index = end_index; // Won't be used.
+ *new_end_index = end_index - 1;
+ }
+// Gets a series of segment boundaries representing a character class. If the
+// character is in the range between an even and an odd boundary (counting from
+// start_index) then go to even_label, otherwise go to odd_label. We already
+// know that the character is in the range of min_char to max_char inclusive.
+// Either label can be nullptr indicating backtracking. Either label can also
+// be equal to the fall_through label.
+static void GenerateBranches(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm, ZoneList<int>* ranges,
+ int start_index, int end_index, uc32 min_char,
+ uc32 max_char, Label* fall_through,
+ Label* even_label, Label* odd_label) {
+ DCHECK_LE(min_char, String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit);
+ DCHECK_LE(max_char, String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit);
+ int first = ranges->at(start_index);
+ int last = ranges->at(end_index) - 1;
+ DCHECK_LT(min_char, first);
+ // Just need to test if the character is before or on-or-after
+ // a particular character.
+ if (start_index == end_index) {
+ EmitBoundaryTest(masm, first, fall_through, even_label, odd_label);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Another almost trivial case: There is one interval in the middle that is
+ // different from the end intervals.
+ if (start_index + 1 == end_index) {
+ EmitDoubleBoundaryTest(masm, first, last, fall_through, even_label,
+ odd_label);
+ return;
+ }
+ // It's not worth using table lookup if there are very few intervals in the
+ // character class.
+ if (end_index - start_index <= 6) {
+ // It is faster to test for individual characters, so we look for those
+ // first, then try arbitrary ranges in the second round.
+ static int kNoCutIndex = -1;
+ int cut = kNoCutIndex;
+ for (int i = start_index; i < end_index; i++) {
+ if (ranges->at(i) == ranges->at(i + 1) - 1) {
+ cut = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cut == kNoCutIndex) cut = start_index;
+ CutOutRange(masm, ranges, start_index, end_index, cut, even_label,
+ odd_label);
+ DCHECK_GE(end_index - start_index, 2);
+ GenerateBranches(masm, ranges, start_index + 1, end_index - 1, min_char,
+ max_char, fall_through, even_label, odd_label);
+ return;
+ }
+ // If there are a lot of intervals in the regexp, then we will use tables to
+ // determine whether the character is inside or outside the character class.
+ static const int kBits = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSizeBits;
+ if ((max_char >> kBits) == (min_char >> kBits)) {
+ EmitUseLookupTable(masm, ranges, start_index, end_index, min_char,
+ fall_through, even_label, odd_label);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((min_char >> kBits) != (first >> kBits)) {
+ masm->CheckCharacterLT(first, odd_label);
+ GenerateBranches(masm, ranges, start_index + 1, end_index, first, max_char,
+ fall_through, odd_label, even_label);
+ return;
+ }
+ int new_start_index = 0;
+ int new_end_index = 0;
+ int border = 0;
+ SplitSearchSpace(ranges, start_index, end_index, &new_start_index,
+ &new_end_index, &border);
+ Label handle_rest;
+ Label* above = &handle_rest;
+ if (border == last + 1) {
+ // We didn't find any section that started after the limit, so everything
+ // above the border is one of the terminal labels.
+ above = (end_index & 1) != (start_index & 1) ? odd_label : even_label;
+ DCHECK(new_end_index == end_index - 1);
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(start_index, new_end_index);
+ DCHECK_LE(new_start_index, end_index);
+ DCHECK_LT(start_index, new_start_index);
+ DCHECK_LT(new_end_index, end_index);
+ DCHECK(new_end_index + 1 == new_start_index ||
+ (new_end_index + 2 == new_start_index &&
+ border == ranges->at(new_end_index + 1)));
+ DCHECK_LT(min_char, border - 1);
+ DCHECK_LT(border, max_char);
+ DCHECK_LT(ranges->at(new_end_index), border);
+ DCHECK(border < ranges->at(new_start_index) ||
+ (border == ranges->at(new_start_index) &&
+ new_start_index == end_index && new_end_index == end_index - 1 &&
+ border == last + 1));
+ DCHECK(new_start_index == 0 || border >= ranges->at(new_start_index - 1));
+ masm->CheckCharacterGT(border - 1, above);
+ Label dummy;
+ GenerateBranches(masm, ranges, start_index, new_end_index, min_char,
+ border - 1, &dummy, even_label, odd_label);
+ if (handle_rest.is_linked()) {
+ masm->Bind(&handle_rest);
+ bool flip = (new_start_index & 1) != (start_index & 1);
+ GenerateBranches(masm, ranges, new_start_index, end_index, border, max_char,
+ &dummy, flip ? odd_label : even_label,
+ flip ? even_label : odd_label);
+ }
+static void EmitCharClass(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler,
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc, bool one_byte,
+ Label* on_failure, int cp_offset, bool check_offset,
+ bool preloaded, Zone* zone) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = cc->ranges(zone);
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+ int max_char;
+ if (one_byte) {
+ max_char = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ max_char = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ int range_count = ranges->length();
+ int last_valid_range = range_count - 1;
+ while (last_valid_range >= 0) {
+ CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(last_valid_range);
+ if (range.from() <= max_char) {
+ break;
+ }
+ last_valid_range--;
+ }
+ if (last_valid_range < 0) {
+ if (!cc->is_negated()) {
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(on_failure);
+ }
+ if (check_offset) {
+ macro_assembler->CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_failure);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (last_valid_range == 0 && ranges->at(0).IsEverything(max_char)) {
+ if (cc->is_negated()) {
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(on_failure);
+ } else {
+ // This is a common case hit by non-anchored expressions.
+ if (check_offset) {
+ macro_assembler->CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_failure);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!preloaded) {
+ macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_failure, check_offset);
+ }
+ if (cc->is_standard(zone) && macro_assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass(
+ cc->standard_type(), on_failure)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // A new list with ascending entries. Each entry is a code unit
+ // where there is a boundary between code units that are part of
+ // the class and code units that are not. Normally we insert an
+ // entry at zero which goes to the failure label, but if there
+ // was already one there we fall through for success on that entry.
+ // Subsequent entries have alternating meaning (success/failure).
+ ZoneList<int>* range_boundaries =
+ new (zone) ZoneList<int>(last_valid_range, zone);
+ bool zeroth_entry_is_failure = !cc->is_negated();
+ for (int i = 0; i <= last_valid_range; i++) {
+ CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(i);
+ if (range.from() == 0) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(i, 0);
+ zeroth_entry_is_failure = !zeroth_entry_is_failure;
+ } else {
+ range_boundaries->Add(range.from(), zone);
+ }
+ range_boundaries->Add( + 1, zone);
+ }
+ int end_index = range_boundaries->length() - 1;
+ if (range_boundaries->at(end_index) > max_char) {
+ end_index--;
+ }
+ Label fall_through;
+ GenerateBranches(macro_assembler, range_boundaries,
+ 0, // start_index.
+ end_index,
+ 0, // min_char.
+ max_char, &fall_through,
+ zeroth_entry_is_failure ? &fall_through : on_failure,
+ zeroth_entry_is_failure ? on_failure : &fall_through);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&fall_through);
+RegExpNode::~RegExpNode() = default;
+RegExpNode::LimitResult RegExpNode::LimitVersions(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ Trace* trace) {
+ // If we are generating a greedy loop then don't stop and don't reuse code.
+ if (trace->stop_node() != nullptr) {
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ if (trace->is_trivial()) {
+ if (label_.is_bound() || on_work_list() || !KeepRecursing(compiler)) {
+ // If a generic version is already scheduled to be generated or we have
+ // recursed too deeply then just generate a jump to that code.
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(&label_);
+ // This will queue it up for generation of a generic version if it hasn't
+ // already been queued.
+ compiler->AddWork(this);
+ return DONE;
+ }
+ // Generate generic version of the node and bind the label for later use.
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&label_);
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ // We are being asked to make a non-generic version. Keep track of how many
+ // non-generic versions we generate so as not to overdo it.
+ trace_count_++;
+ if (KeepRecursing(compiler) && compiler->optimize() &&
+ trace_count_ < kMaxCopiesCodeGenerated) {
+ return CONTINUE;
+ }
+ // If we get here code has been generated for this node too many times or
+ // recursion is too deep. Time to switch to a generic version. The code for
+ // generic versions above can handle deep recursion properly.
+ bool was_limiting = compiler->limiting_recursion();
+ compiler->set_limiting_recursion(true);
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ compiler->set_limiting_recursion(was_limiting);
+ return DONE;
+bool RegExpNode::KeepRecursing(RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ return !compiler->limiting_recursion() &&
+ compiler->recursion_depth() <= RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion;
+void ActionNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ if (action_type_ == POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS) {
+ // Anything may follow a positive submatch success, thus we need to accept
+ // all characters from this position onwards.
+ bm->SetRest(offset);
+ } else {
+ on_success()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm, not_at_start);
+ }
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+void ActionNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ if (action_type_ == SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP) {
+ on_success()->GetQuickCheckDetailsFromLoopEntry(details, compiler,
+ filled_in, not_at_start);
+ } else {
+ on_success()->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, filled_in,
+ not_at_start);
+ }
+void AssertionNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ // Match the behaviour of EatsAtLeast on this node.
+ if (assertion_type() == AT_START && not_at_start) return;
+ on_success()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm, not_at_start);
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+void NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(
+ QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ RegExpNode* node = continue_node();
+ return node->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, filled_in, not_at_start);
+// Takes the left-most 1-bit and smears it out, setting all bits to its right.
+static inline uint32_t SmearBitsRight(uint32_t v) {
+ v |= v >> 1;
+ v |= v >> 2;
+ v |= v >> 4;
+ v |= v >> 8;
+ v |= v >> 16;
+ return v;
+bool QuickCheckDetails::Rationalize(bool asc) {
+ bool found_useful_op = false;
+ uint32_t char_mask;
+ if (asc) {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ mask_ = 0;
+ value_ = 0;
+ int char_shift = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < characters_; i++) {
+ Position* pos = &positions_[i];
+ if ((pos->mask & String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) != 0) {
+ found_useful_op = true;
+ }
+ mask_ |= (pos->mask & char_mask) << char_shift;
+ value_ |= (pos->value & char_mask) << char_shift;
+ char_shift += asc ? 8 : 16;
+ }
+ return found_useful_op;
+int RegExpNode::EatsAtLeast(bool not_at_start) {
+ return not_at_start ? eats_at_least_.eats_at_least_from_not_start
+ : eats_at_least_.eats_at_least_from_possibly_start;
+EatsAtLeastInfo RegExpNode::EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry() {
+ // SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP is only used to initialize loop counters, and it
+ // implies that the following node must be a LoopChoiceNode. If we need to
+ // set registers to constant values for other reasons, we could introduce a
+ // new action type SET_REGISTER that doesn't imply anything about its
+ // successor.
+void RegExpNode::GetQuickCheckDetailsFromLoopEntry(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ // See comment in RegExpNode::EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry.
+EatsAtLeastInfo LoopChoiceNode::EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry() {
+ DCHECK_EQ(alternatives_->length(), 2); // There's just loop and continue.
+ if (read_backward()) {
+ // Can't do anything special for a backward loop, so return the basic values
+ // that we got during analysis.
+ return *eats_at_least_info();
+ }
+ // Figure out how much the loop body itself eats, not including anything in
+ // the continuation case. In general, the nodes in the loop body should report
+ // that they eat at least the number eaten by the continuation node, since any
+ // successful match in the loop body must also include the continuation node.
+ // However, in some cases involving positive lookaround, the loop body under-
+ // reports its appetite, so use saturated math here to avoid negative numbers.
+ uint8_t loop_body_from_not_start = base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
+ loop_node_->EatsAtLeast(true) - continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(true));
+ uint8_t loop_body_from_possibly_start = base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
+ loop_node_->EatsAtLeast(false) - continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(true));
+ // Limit the number of loop iterations to avoid overflow in subsequent steps.
+ int loop_iterations = base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(min_loop_iterations());
+ EatsAtLeastInfo result;
+ result.eats_at_least_from_not_start =
+ base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(loop_iterations * loop_body_from_not_start +
+ continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(true));
+ if (loop_iterations > 0 && loop_body_from_possibly_start > 0) {
+ // First loop iteration eats at least one, so all subsequent iterations
+ // and the after-loop chunk are guaranteed to not be at the start.
+ result.eats_at_least_from_possibly_start = base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
+ loop_body_from_possibly_start +
+ (loop_iterations - 1) * loop_body_from_not_start +
+ continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(true));
+ } else {
+ // Loop body might eat nothing, so only continue node contributes.
+ result.eats_at_least_from_possibly_start =
+ continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(false);
+ }
+ return result;
+bool RegExpNode::EmitQuickCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ Trace* bounds_check_trace, Trace* trace,
+ bool preload_has_checked_bounds,
+ Label* on_possible_success,
+ QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ bool fall_through_on_failure,
+ ChoiceNode* predecessor) {
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(predecessor);
+ if (details->characters() == 0) return false;
+ GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, 0,
+ trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ if (details->cannot_match()) return false;
+ if (!details->Rationalize(compiler->one_byte())) return false;
+ DCHECK(details->characters() == 1 ||
+ compiler->macro_assembler()->CanReadUnaligned());
+ uint32_t mask = details->mask();
+ uint32_t value = details->value();
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ if (trace->characters_preloaded() != details->characters()) {
+ DCHECK(trace->cp_offset() == bounds_check_trace->cp_offset());
+ // The bounds check is performed using the minimum number of characters
+ // any choice would eat, so if the bounds check fails, then none of the
+ // choices can succeed, so we can just immediately backtrack, rather
+ // than go to the next choice. The number of characters preloaded may be
+ // less than the number used for the bounds check.
+ int eats_at_least = predecessor->EatsAtLeast(
+ bounds_check_trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ DCHECK_GE(eats_at_least, details->characters());
+ assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(
+ trace->cp_offset(), bounds_check_trace->backtrack(),
+ !preload_has_checked_bounds, details->characters(), eats_at_least);
+ }
+ bool need_mask = true;
+ if (details->characters() == 1) {
+ // If number of characters preloaded is 1 then we used a byte or 16 bit
+ // load so the value is already masked down.
+ uint32_t char_mask;
+ if (compiler->one_byte()) {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ if ((mask & char_mask) == char_mask) need_mask = false;
+ mask &= char_mask;
+ } else {
+ // For 2-character preloads in one-byte mode or 1-character preloads in
+ // two-byte mode we also use a 16 bit load with zero extend.
+ static const uint32_t kTwoByteMask = 0xFFFF;
+ static const uint32_t kFourByteMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ if (details->characters() == 2 && compiler->one_byte()) {
+ if ((mask & kTwoByteMask) == kTwoByteMask) need_mask = false;
+ } else if (details->characters() == 1 && !compiler->one_byte()) {
+ if ((mask & kTwoByteMask) == kTwoByteMask) need_mask = false;
+ } else {
+ if (mask == kFourByteMask) need_mask = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fall_through_on_failure) {
+ if (need_mask) {
+ assembler->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(value, mask, on_possible_success);
+ } else {
+ assembler->CheckCharacter(value, on_possible_success);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (need_mask) {
+ assembler->CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(value, mask, trace->backtrack());
+ } else {
+ assembler->CheckNotCharacter(value, trace->backtrack());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Here is the meat of GetQuickCheckDetails (see also the comment on the
+// super-class in the .h file).
+// We iterate along the text object, building up for each character a
+// mask and value that can be used to test for a quick failure to match.
+// The masks and values for the positions will be combined into a single
+// machine word for the current character width in order to be used in
+// generating a quick check.
+void TextNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ // Do not collect any quick check details if the text node reads backward,
+ // since it reads in the opposite direction than we use for quick checks.
+ if (read_backward()) return;
+ Isolate* isolate = compiler->macro_assembler()->isolate();
+ DCHECK(characters_filled_in < details->characters());
+ int characters = details->characters();
+ int char_mask;
+ if (compiler->one_byte()) {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ char_mask = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < elements()->length(); k++) {
+ TextElement elm = elements()->at(k);
+ if (elm.text_type() == TextElement::ATOM) {
+ Vector<const uc16> quarks = elm.atom()->data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < characters && i < quarks.length(); i++) {
+ QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos =
+ details->positions(characters_filled_in);
+ uc16 c = quarks[i];
+ if (elm.atom()->ignore_case()) {
+ unibrow::uchar chars[4];
+ int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(
+ isolate, c, compiler->one_byte(), chars, 4);
+ if (length == 0) {
+ // This can happen because all case variants are non-Latin1, but we
+ // know the input is Latin1.
+ details->set_cannot_match();
+ pos->determines_perfectly = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (length == 1) {
+ // This letter has no case equivalents, so it's nice and simple
+ // and the mask-compare will determine definitely whether we have
+ // a match at this character position.
+ pos->mask = char_mask;
+ pos->value = chars[0];
+ pos->determines_perfectly = true;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t common_bits = char_mask;
+ uint32_t bits = chars[0];
+ for (int j = 1; j < length; j++) {
+ uint32_t differing_bits = ((chars[j] & common_bits) ^ bits);
+ common_bits ^= differing_bits;
+ bits &= common_bits;
+ }
+ // If length is 2 and common bits has only one zero in it then
+ // our mask and compare instruction will determine definitely
+ // whether we have a match at this character position. Otherwise
+ // it can only be an approximate check.
+ uint32_t one_zero = (common_bits | ~char_mask);
+ if (length == 2 && ((~one_zero) & ((~one_zero) - 1)) == 0) {
+ pos->determines_perfectly = true;
+ }
+ pos->mask = common_bits;
+ pos->value = bits;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Don't ignore case. Nice simple case where the mask-compare will
+ // determine definitely whether we have a match at this character
+ // position.
+ if (c > char_mask) {
+ details->set_cannot_match();
+ pos->determines_perfectly = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ pos->mask = char_mask;
+ pos->value = c;
+ pos->determines_perfectly = true;
+ }
+ characters_filled_in++;
+ DCHECK(characters_filled_in <= details->characters());
+ if (characters_filled_in == details->characters()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos =
+ details->positions(characters_filled_in);
+ RegExpCharacterClass* tree = elm.char_class();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = tree->ranges(zone());
+ DCHECK(!ranges->is_empty());
+ if (tree->is_negated()) {
+ // A quick check uses multi-character mask and compare. There is no
+ // useful way to incorporate a negative char class into this scheme
+ // so we just conservatively create a mask and value that will always
+ // succeed.
+ pos->mask = 0;
+ pos->value = 0;
+ } else {
+ int first_range = 0;
+ while (ranges->at(first_range).from() > char_mask) {
+ first_range++;
+ if (first_range == ranges->length()) {
+ details->set_cannot_match();
+ pos->determines_perfectly = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(first_range);
+ uc16 from = range.from();
+ uc16 to =;
+ if (to > char_mask) {
+ to = char_mask;
+ }
+ uint32_t differing_bits = (from ^ to);
+ // A mask and compare is only perfect if the differing bits form a
+ // number like 00011111 with one single block of trailing 1s.
+ if ((differing_bits & (differing_bits + 1)) == 0 &&
+ from + differing_bits == to) {
+ pos->determines_perfectly = true;
+ }
+ uint32_t common_bits = ~SmearBitsRight(differing_bits);
+ uint32_t bits = (from & common_bits);
+ for (int i = first_range + 1; i < ranges->length(); i++) {
+ CharacterRange range = ranges->at(i);
+ uc16 from = range.from();
+ uc16 to =;
+ if (from > char_mask) continue;
+ if (to > char_mask) to = char_mask;
+ // Here we are combining more ranges into the mask and compare
+ // value. With each new range the mask becomes more sparse and
+ // so the chances of a false positive rise. A character class
+ // with multiple ranges is assumed never to be equivalent to a
+ // mask and compare operation.
+ pos->determines_perfectly = false;
+ uint32_t new_common_bits = (from ^ to);
+ new_common_bits = ~SmearBitsRight(new_common_bits);
+ common_bits &= new_common_bits;
+ bits &= new_common_bits;
+ uint32_t differing_bits = (from & common_bits) ^ bits;
+ common_bits ^= differing_bits;
+ bits &= common_bits;
+ }
+ pos->mask = common_bits;
+ pos->value = bits;
+ }
+ characters_filled_in++;
+ DCHECK(characters_filled_in <= details->characters());
+ if (characters_filled_in == details->characters()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK(characters_filled_in != details->characters());
+ if (!details->cannot_match()) {
+ on_success()->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in,
+ true);
+ }
+void QuickCheckDetails::Clear() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < characters_; i++) {
+ positions_[i].mask = 0;
+ positions_[i].value = 0;
+ positions_[i].determines_perfectly = false;
+ }
+ characters_ = 0;
+void QuickCheckDetails::Advance(int by, bool one_byte) {
+ if (by >= characters_ || by < 0) {
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(by < 0, characters_ == 0);
+ Clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK_LE(characters_ - by, 4);
+ DCHECK_LE(characters_, 4);
+ for (int i = 0; i < characters_ - by; i++) {
+ positions_[i] = positions_[by + i];
+ }
+ for (int i = characters_ - by; i < characters_; i++) {
+ positions_[i].mask = 0;
+ positions_[i].value = 0;
+ positions_[i].determines_perfectly = false;
+ }
+ characters_ -= by;
+ // We could change mask_ and value_ here but we would never advance unless
+ // they had already been used in a check and they won't be used again because
+ // it would gain us nothing. So there's no point.
+void QuickCheckDetails::Merge(QuickCheckDetails* other, int from_index) {
+ DCHECK(characters_ == other->characters_);
+ if (other->cannot_match_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cannot_match_) {
+ *this = *other;
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = from_index; i < characters_; i++) {
+ QuickCheckDetails::Position* pos = positions(i);
+ QuickCheckDetails::Position* other_pos = other->positions(i);
+ if (pos->mask != other_pos->mask || pos->value != other_pos->value ||
+ !other_pos->determines_perfectly) {
+ // Our mask-compare operation will be approximate unless we have the
+ // exact same operation on both sides of the alternation.
+ pos->determines_perfectly = false;
+ }
+ pos->mask &= other_pos->mask;
+ pos->value &= pos->mask;
+ other_pos->value &= pos->mask;
+ uc16 differing_bits = (pos->value ^ other_pos->value);
+ pos->mask &= ~differing_bits;
+ pos->value &= pos->mask;
+ }
+class VisitMarker {
+ public:
+ explicit VisitMarker(NodeInfo* info) : info_(info) {
+ DCHECK(!info->visited);
+ info->visited = true;
+ }
+ ~VisitMarker() { info_->visited = false; }
+ private:
+ NodeInfo* info_;
+// Temporarily sets traversed_loop_initialization_node_.
+class LoopInitializationMarker {
+ public:
+ explicit LoopInitializationMarker(LoopChoiceNode* node) : node_(node) {
+ DCHECK(!node_->traversed_loop_initialization_node_);
+ node_->traversed_loop_initialization_node_ = true;
+ }
+ ~LoopInitializationMarker() {
+ DCHECK(node_->traversed_loop_initialization_node_);
+ node_->traversed_loop_initialization_node_ = false;
+ }
+ private:
+ LoopChoiceNode* node_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LoopInitializationMarker);
+// Temporarily decrements min_loop_iterations_.
+class IterationDecrementer {
+ public:
+ explicit IterationDecrementer(LoopChoiceNode* node) : node_(node) {
+ DCHECK_GT(node_->min_loop_iterations_, 0);
+ --node_->min_loop_iterations_;
+ }
+ ~IterationDecrementer() { ++node_->min_loop_iterations_; }
+ private:
+ LoopChoiceNode* node_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IterationDecrementer);
+RegExpNode* SeqRegExpNode::FilterOneByte(int depth) {
+ if (info()->replacement_calculated) return replacement();
+ if (depth < 0) return this;
+ DCHECK(!info()->visited);
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ return FilterSuccessor(depth - 1);
+RegExpNode* SeqRegExpNode::FilterSuccessor(int depth) {
+ RegExpNode* next = on_success_->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ if (next == nullptr) return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ on_success_ = next;
+ return set_replacement(this);
+// We need to check for the following characters: 0x39C 0x3BC 0x178.
+bool RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(CharacterRange range) {
+ // TODO(dcarney): this could be a lot more efficient.
+ return range.Contains(0x039C) || range.Contains(0x03BC) ||
+ range.Contains(0x0178);
+static bool RangesContainLatin1Equivalents(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranges->length(); i++) {
+ // TODO(dcarney): this could be a lot more efficient.
+ if (RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(ranges->at(i))) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+RegExpNode* TextNode::FilterOneByte(int depth) {
+ if (info()->replacement_calculated) return replacement();
+ if (depth < 0) return this;
+ DCHECK(!info()->visited);
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ int element_count = elements()->length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
+ TextElement elm = elements()->at(i);
+ if (elm.text_type() == TextElement::ATOM) {
+ Vector<const uc16> quarks = elm.atom()->data();
+ for (int j = 0; j < quarks.length(); j++) {
+ uc16 c = quarks[j];
+ if (elm.atom()->ignore_case()) {
+ c = unibrow::Latin1::TryConvertToLatin1(c);
+ }
+ if (c > unibrow::Latin1::kMaxChar) return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ // Replace quark in case we converted to Latin-1.
+ uc16* writable_quarks = const_cast<uc16*>(quarks.begin());
+ writable_quarks[j] = c;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(elm.text_type() == TextElement::CHAR_CLASS);
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc = elm.char_class();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = cc->ranges(zone());
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+ // Now they are in order so we only need to look at the first.
+ int range_count = ranges->length();
+ if (cc->is_negated()) {
+ if (range_count != 0 && ranges->at(0).from() == 0 &&
+ ranges->at(0).to() >= String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
+ // This will be handled in a later filter.
+ if (IgnoreCase(cc->flags()) && RangesContainLatin1Equivalents(ranges))
+ continue;
+ return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (range_count == 0 ||
+ ranges->at(0).from() > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
+ // This will be handled in a later filter.
+ if (IgnoreCase(cc->flags()) && RangesContainLatin1Equivalents(ranges))
+ continue;
+ return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FilterSuccessor(depth - 1);
+RegExpNode* LoopChoiceNode::FilterOneByte(int depth) {
+ if (info()->replacement_calculated) return replacement();
+ if (depth < 0) return this;
+ if (info()->visited) return this;
+ {
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ RegExpNode* continue_replacement = continue_node_->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ // If we can't continue after the loop then there is no sense in doing the
+ // loop.
+ if (continue_replacement == nullptr) return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ }
+ return ChoiceNode::FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+RegExpNode* ChoiceNode::FilterOneByte(int depth) {
+ if (info()->replacement_calculated) return replacement();
+ if (depth < 0) return this;
+ if (info()->visited) return this;
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ int choice_count = alternatives_->length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i);
+ if (alternative.guards() != nullptr &&
+ alternative.guards()->length() != 0) {
+ set_replacement(this);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ int surviving = 0;
+ RegExpNode* survivor = nullptr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i);
+ RegExpNode* replacement = alternative.node()->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ DCHECK(replacement != this); // No missing EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK.
+ if (replacement != nullptr) {
+ alternatives_->at(i).set_node(replacement);
+ surviving++;
+ survivor = replacement;
+ }
+ }
+ if (surviving < 2) return set_replacement(survivor);
+ set_replacement(this);
+ if (surviving == choice_count) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Only some of the nodes survived the filtering. We need to rebuild the
+ // alternatives list.
+ ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>* new_alternatives =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>(surviving, zone());
+ for (int i = 0; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ RegExpNode* replacement =
+ alternatives_->at(i).node()->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ if (replacement != nullptr) {
+ alternatives_->at(i).set_node(replacement);
+ new_alternatives->Add(alternatives_->at(i), zone());
+ }
+ }
+ alternatives_ = new_alternatives;
+ return this;
+RegExpNode* NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode::FilterOneByte(int depth) {
+ if (info()->replacement_calculated) return replacement();
+ if (depth < 0) return this;
+ if (info()->visited) return this;
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ // Alternative 0 is the negative lookahead, alternative 1 is what comes
+ // afterwards.
+ RegExpNode* node = continue_node();
+ RegExpNode* replacement = node->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ if (replacement == nullptr) return set_replacement(nullptr);
+ alternatives_->at(kContinueIndex).set_node(replacement);
+ RegExpNode* neg_node = lookaround_node();
+ RegExpNode* neg_replacement = neg_node->FilterOneByte(depth - 1);
+ // If the negative lookahead is always going to fail then
+ // we don't need to check it.
+ if (neg_replacement == nullptr) return set_replacement(replacement);
+ alternatives_->at(kLookaroundIndex).set_node(neg_replacement);
+ return set_replacement(this);
+void LoopChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ if (body_can_be_zero_length_ || info()->visited) return;
+ not_at_start = not_at_start || this->not_at_start();
+ DCHECK_EQ(alternatives_->length(), 2); // There's just loop and continue.
+ if (traversed_loop_initialization_node_ && min_loop_iterations_ > 0 &&
+ loop_node_->EatsAtLeast(not_at_start) >
+ continue_node_->EatsAtLeast(true)) {
+ // Loop body is guaranteed to execute at least once, and consume characters
+ // when it does, meaning the only possible quick checks from this point
+ // begin with the loop body. We may recursively visit this LoopChoiceNode,
+ // but we temporarily decrease its minimum iteration counter so we know when
+ // to check the continue case.
+ IterationDecrementer next_iteration(this);
+ loop_node_->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in,
+ not_at_start);
+ } else {
+ // Might not consume anything in the loop body, so treat it like a normal
+ // ChoiceNode (and don't recursively visit this node again).
+ VisitMarker marker(info());
+ ChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in,
+ not_at_start);
+ }
+void LoopChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetailsFromLoopEntry(
+ QuickCheckDetails* details, RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in, bool not_at_start) {
+ if (traversed_loop_initialization_node_) {
+ // We already entered this loop once, exited via its continuation node, and
+ // followed an outer loop's back-edge to before the loop entry point. We
+ // could try to reset the minimum iteration count to its starting value at
+ // this point, but that seems like more trouble than it's worth. It's safe
+ // to keep going with the current (possibly reduced) minimum iteration
+ // count.
+ GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start);
+ } else {
+ // We are entering a loop via its counter initialization action, meaning we
+ // are guaranteed to run the loop body at least some minimum number of times
+ // before running the continuation node. Set a flag so that this node knows
+ // (now and any times we visit it again recursively) that it was entered
+ // from the top.
+ LoopInitializationMarker marker(this);
+ GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start);
+ }
+void LoopChoiceNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ if (body_can_be_zero_length_ || budget <= 0) {
+ bm->SetRest(offset);
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ ChoiceNode::FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm, not_at_start);
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+void ChoiceNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ not_at_start = (not_at_start || not_at_start_);
+ int choice_count = alternatives_->length();
+ DCHECK_LT(0, choice_count);
+ alternatives_->at(0).node()->GetQuickCheckDetails(
+ details, compiler, characters_filled_in, not_at_start);
+ for (int i = 1; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ QuickCheckDetails new_details(details->characters());
+ RegExpNode* node = alternatives_->at(i).node();
+ node->GetQuickCheckDetails(&new_details, compiler, characters_filled_in,
+ not_at_start);
+ // Here we merge the quick match details of the two branches.
+ details->Merge(&new_details, characters_filled_in);
+ }
+namespace {
+// Check for [0-9A-Z_a-z].
+void EmitWordCheck(RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler, Label* word,
+ Label* non_word, bool fall_through_on_word) {
+ if (assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass(
+ fall_through_on_word ? 'w' : 'W',
+ fall_through_on_word ? non_word : word)) {
+ // Optimized implementation available.
+ return;
+ }
+ assembler->CheckCharacterGT('z', non_word);
+ assembler->CheckCharacterLT('0', non_word);
+ assembler->CheckCharacterGT('a' - 1, word);
+ assembler->CheckCharacterLT('9' + 1, word);
+ assembler->CheckCharacterLT('A', non_word);
+ assembler->CheckCharacterLT('Z' + 1, word);
+ if (fall_through_on_word) {
+ assembler->CheckNotCharacter('_', non_word);
+ } else {
+ assembler->CheckCharacter('_', word);
+ }
+// Emit the code to check for a ^ in multiline mode (1-character lookbehind
+// that matches newline or the start of input).
+void EmitHat(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* on_success, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ // We will load the previous character into the current character register.
+ Trace new_trace(*trace);
+ new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter();
+ // A positive (> 0) cp_offset means we've already successfully matched a
+ // non-empty-width part of the pattern, and thus cannot be at or before the
+ // start of the subject string. We can thus skip both at-start and
+ // bounds-checks when loading the one-character lookbehind.
+ const bool may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start =
+ new_trace.cp_offset() <= 0;
+ Label ok;
+ if (may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start) {
+ // The start of input counts as a newline in this context, so skip to ok if
+ // we are at the start.
+ assembler->CheckAtStart(new_trace.cp_offset(), &ok);
+ }
+ // If we've already checked that we are not at the start of input, it's okay
+ // to load the previous character without bounds checks.
+ const bool can_skip_bounds_check = !may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start;
+ assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(new_trace.cp_offset() - 1,
+ new_trace.backtrack(), can_skip_bounds_check);
+ if (!assembler->CheckSpecialCharacterClass('n', new_trace.backtrack())) {
+ // Newline means \n, \r, 0x2028 or 0x2029.
+ if (!compiler->one_byte()) {
+ assembler->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(0x2028, 0xFFFE, &ok);
+ }
+ assembler->CheckCharacter('\n', &ok);
+ assembler->CheckNotCharacter('\r', new_trace.backtrack());
+ }
+ assembler->Bind(&ok);
+ on_success->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+} // namespace
+// Emit the code to handle \b and \B (word-boundary or non-word-boundary).
+void AssertionNode::EmitBoundaryCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ Isolate* isolate = assembler->isolate();
+ Trace::TriBool next_is_word_character = Trace::UNKNOWN;
+ bool not_at_start = (trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* lookahead = bm_info(not_at_start);
+ if (lookahead == nullptr) {
+ int eats_at_least =
+ Min(kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore, EatsAtLeast(not_at_start));
+ if (eats_at_least >= 1) {
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm =
+ new (zone()) BoyerMooreLookahead(eats_at_least, compiler, zone());
+ FillInBMInfo(isolate, 0, kRecursionBudget, bm, not_at_start);
+ if (bm->at(0)->is_non_word()) next_is_word_character = Trace::FALSE_VALUE;
+ if (bm->at(0)->is_word()) next_is_word_character = Trace::TRUE_VALUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (lookahead->at(0)->is_non_word())
+ next_is_word_character = Trace::FALSE_VALUE;
+ if (lookahead->at(0)->is_word()) next_is_word_character = Trace::TRUE_VALUE;
+ }
+ bool at_boundary = (assertion_type_ == AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY);
+ if (next_is_word_character == Trace::UNKNOWN) {
+ Label before_non_word;
+ Label before_word;
+ if (trace->characters_preloaded() != 1) {
+ assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(trace->cp_offset(), &before_non_word);
+ }
+ // Fall through on non-word.
+ EmitWordCheck(assembler, &before_word, &before_non_word, false);
+ // Next character is not a word character.
+ assembler->Bind(&before_non_word);
+ Label ok;
+ BacktrackIfPrevious(compiler, trace, at_boundary ? kIsNonWord : kIsWord);
+ assembler->GoTo(&ok);
+ assembler->Bind(&before_word);
+ BacktrackIfPrevious(compiler, trace, at_boundary ? kIsWord : kIsNonWord);
+ assembler->Bind(&ok);
+ } else if (next_is_word_character == Trace::TRUE_VALUE) {
+ BacktrackIfPrevious(compiler, trace, at_boundary ? kIsWord : kIsNonWord);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(next_is_word_character == Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ BacktrackIfPrevious(compiler, trace, at_boundary ? kIsNonWord : kIsWord);
+ }
+void AssertionNode::BacktrackIfPrevious(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace,
+ AssertionNode::IfPrevious backtrack_if_previous) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ Trace new_trace(*trace);
+ new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter();
+ Label fall_through;
+ Label* non_word = backtrack_if_previous == kIsNonWord ? new_trace.backtrack()
+ : &fall_through;
+ Label* word = backtrack_if_previous == kIsNonWord ? &fall_through
+ : new_trace.backtrack();
+ // A positive (> 0) cp_offset means we've already successfully matched a
+ // non-empty-width part of the pattern, and thus cannot be at or before the
+ // start of the subject string. We can thus skip both at-start and
+ // bounds-checks when loading the one-character lookbehind.
+ const bool may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start =
+ new_trace.cp_offset() <= 0;
+ if (may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start) {
+ // The start of input counts as a non-word character, so the question is
+ // decided if we are at the start.
+ assembler->CheckAtStart(new_trace.cp_offset(), non_word);
+ }
+ // If we've already checked that we are not at the start of input, it's okay
+ // to load the previous character without bounds checks.
+ const bool can_skip_bounds_check = !may_be_at_or_before_subject_string_start;
+ assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(new_trace.cp_offset() - 1, non_word,
+ can_skip_bounds_check);
+ EmitWordCheck(assembler, word, non_word, backtrack_if_previous == kIsNonWord);
+ assembler->Bind(&fall_through);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+void AssertionNode::GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int filled_in, bool not_at_start) {
+ if (assertion_type_ == AT_START && not_at_start) {
+ details->set_cannot_match();
+ return;
+ }
+ return on_success()->GetQuickCheckDetails(details, compiler, filled_in,
+ not_at_start);
+void AssertionNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ switch (assertion_type_) {
+ case AT_END: {
+ Label ok;
+ assembler->CheckPosition(trace->cp_offset(), &ok);
+ assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack());
+ assembler->Bind(&ok);
+ break;
+ }
+ case AT_START: {
+ if (trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE_VALUE) {
+ assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (trace->at_start() == Trace::UNKNOWN) {
+ assembler->CheckNotAtStart(trace->cp_offset(), trace->backtrack());
+ Trace at_start_trace = *trace;
+ at_start_trace.set_at_start(Trace::TRUE_VALUE);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &at_start_trace);
+ return;
+ }
+ } break;
+ EmitHat(compiler, on_success(), trace);
+ return;
+ EmitBoundaryCheck(compiler, trace);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+static bool DeterminedAlready(QuickCheckDetails* quick_check, int offset) {
+ if (quick_check == nullptr) return false;
+ if (offset >= quick_check->characters()) return false;
+ return quick_check->positions(offset)->determines_perfectly;
+static void UpdateBoundsCheck(int index, int* checked_up_to) {
+ if (index > *checked_up_to) {
+ *checked_up_to = index;
+ }
+// We call this repeatedly to generate code for each pass over the text node.
+// The passes are in increasing order of difficulty because we hope one
+// of the first passes will fail in which case we are saved the work of the
+// later passes. for example for the case independent regexp /%[asdfghjkl]a/
+// we will check the '%' in the first pass, the case independent 'a' in the
+// second pass and the character class in the last pass.
+// The passes are done from right to left, so for example to test for /bar/
+// we will first test for an 'r' with offset 2, then an 'a' with offset 1
+// and then a 'b' with offset 0. This means we can avoid the end-of-input
+// bounds check most of the time. In the example we only need to check for
+// end-of-input when loading the putative 'r'.
+// A slight complication involves the fact that the first character may already
+// be fetched into a register by the previous node. In this case we want to
+// do the test for that character first. We do this in separate passes. The
+// 'preloaded' argument indicates that we are doing such a 'pass'. If such a
+// pass has been performed then subsequent passes will have true in
+// first_element_checked to indicate that that character does not need to be
+// checked again.
+// In addition to all this we are passed a Trace, which can
+// contain an AlternativeGeneration object. In this AlternativeGeneration
+// object we can see details of any quick check that was already passed in
+// order to get to the code we are now generating. The quick check can involve
+// loading characters, which means we do not need to recheck the bounds
+// up to the limit the quick check already checked. In addition the quick
+// check can have involved a mask and compare operation which may simplify
+// or obviate the need for further checks at some character positions.
+void TextNode::TextEmitPass(RegExpCompiler* compiler, TextEmitPassType pass,
+ bool preloaded, Trace* trace,
+ bool first_element_checked, int* checked_up_to) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ Isolate* isolate = assembler->isolate();
+ bool one_byte = compiler->one_byte();
+ Label* backtrack = trace->backtrack();
+ QuickCheckDetails* quick_check = trace->quick_check_performed();
+ int element_count = elements()->length();
+ int backward_offset = read_backward() ? -Length() : 0;
+ for (int i = preloaded ? 0 : element_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ TextElement elm = elements()->at(i);
+ int cp_offset = trace->cp_offset() + elm.cp_offset() + backward_offset;
+ if (elm.text_type() == TextElement::ATOM) {
+ if (SkipPass(pass, elm.atom()->ignore_case())) continue;
+ Vector<const uc16> quarks = elm.atom()->data();
+ for (int j = preloaded ? 0 : quarks.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+ if (first_element_checked && i == 0 && j == 0) continue;
+ if (DeterminedAlready(quick_check, elm.cp_offset() + j)) continue;
+ uc16 quark = quarks[j];
+ if (elm.atom()->ignore_case()) {
+ // Everywhere else we assume that a non-Latin-1 character cannot match
+ // a Latin-1 character. Avoid the cases where this is assumption is
+ // invalid by using the Latin1 equivalent instead.
+ quark = unibrow::Latin1::TryConvertToLatin1(quark);
+ }
+ bool needs_bounds_check =
+ *checked_up_to < cp_offset + j || read_backward();
+ bool bounds_checked = false;
+ switch (pass) {
+ DCHECK(one_byte);
+ if (quark > String::kMaxOneByteCharCode) {
+ assembler->GoTo(backtrack);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ bounds_checked =
+ EmitAtomNonLetter(isolate, compiler, quark, backtrack,
+ cp_offset + j, needs_bounds_check, preloaded);
+ break;
+ bounds_checked = EmitSimpleCharacter(isolate, compiler, quark,
+ backtrack, cp_offset + j,
+ needs_bounds_check, preloaded);
+ break;
+ bounds_checked =
+ EmitAtomLetter(isolate, compiler, quark, backtrack,
+ cp_offset + j, needs_bounds_check, preloaded);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bounds_checked) UpdateBoundsCheck(cp_offset + j, checked_up_to);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(TextElement::CHAR_CLASS, elm.text_type());
+ if (pass == CHARACTER_CLASS_MATCH) {
+ if (first_element_checked && i == 0) continue;
+ if (DeterminedAlready(quick_check, elm.cp_offset())) continue;
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc = elm.char_class();
+ bool bounds_check = *checked_up_to < cp_offset || read_backward();
+ EmitCharClass(assembler, cc, one_byte, backtrack, cp_offset,
+ bounds_check, preloaded, zone());
+ UpdateBoundsCheck(cp_offset, checked_up_to);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int TextNode::Length() {
+ TextElement elm = elements()->last();
+ DCHECK_LE(0, elm.cp_offset());
+ return elm.cp_offset() + elm.length();
+bool TextNode::SkipPass(TextEmitPassType pass, bool ignore_case) {
+ if (ignore_case) {
+ return pass == SIMPLE_CHARACTER_MATCH;
+ } else {
+ }
+TextNode* TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(Zone* zone,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(ranges);
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elms = new (zone) ZoneList<TextElement>(1, zone);
+ elms->Add(TextElement::CharClass(
+ new (zone) RegExpCharacterClass(zone, ranges, flags)),
+ zone);
+ return new (zone) TextNode(elms, read_backward, on_success);
+TextNode* TextNode::CreateForSurrogatePair(Zone* zone, CharacterRange lead,
+ CharacterRange trail,
+ bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lead_ranges = CharacterRange::List(zone, lead);
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* trail_ranges = CharacterRange::List(zone, trail);
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elms = new (zone) ZoneList<TextElement>(2, zone);
+ elms->Add(TextElement::CharClass(
+ new (zone) RegExpCharacterClass(zone, lead_ranges, flags)),
+ zone);
+ elms->Add(TextElement::CharClass(
+ new (zone) RegExpCharacterClass(zone, trail_ranges, flags)),
+ zone);
+ return new (zone) TextNode(elms, read_backward, on_success);
+// This generates the code to match a text node. A text node can contain
+// straight character sequences (possibly to be matched in a case-independent
+// way) and character classes. For efficiency we do not do this in a single
+// pass from left to right. Instead we pass over the text node several times,
+// emitting code for some character positions every time. See the comment on
+// TextEmitPass for details.
+void TextNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace);
+ if (limit_result == DONE) return;
+ DCHECK(limit_result == CONTINUE);
+ if (trace->cp_offset() + Length() > RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxCPOffset) {
+ compiler->SetRegExpTooBig();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (compiler->one_byte()) {
+ int dummy = 0;
+ TextEmitPass(compiler, NON_LATIN1_MATCH, false, trace, false, &dummy);
+ }
+ bool first_elt_done = false;
+ int bound_checked_to = trace->cp_offset() - 1;
+ bound_checked_to += trace->bound_checked_up_to();
+ // If a character is preloaded into the current character register then
+ // check that now.
+ if (trace->characters_preloaded() == 1) {
+ for (int pass = kFirstRealPass; pass <= kLastPass; pass++) {
+ TextEmitPass(compiler, static_cast<TextEmitPassType>(pass), true, trace,
+ false, &bound_checked_to);
+ }
+ first_elt_done = true;
+ }
+ for (int pass = kFirstRealPass; pass <= kLastPass; pass++) {
+ TextEmitPass(compiler, static_cast<TextEmitPassType>(pass), false, trace,
+ first_elt_done, &bound_checked_to);
+ }
+ Trace successor_trace(*trace);
+ // If we advance backward, we may end up at the start.
+ successor_trace.AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace(
+ read_backward() ? -Length() : Length(), compiler);
+ successor_trace.set_at_start(read_backward() ? Trace::UNKNOWN
+ : Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ RecursionCheck rc(compiler);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &successor_trace);
+void Trace::InvalidateCurrentCharacter() { characters_preloaded_ = 0; }
+void Trace::AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace(int by, RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ // We don't have an instruction for shifting the current character register
+ // down or for using a shifted value for anything so lets just forget that
+ // we preloaded any characters into it.
+ characters_preloaded_ = 0;
+ // Adjust the offsets of the quick check performed information. This
+ // information is used to find out what we already determined about the
+ // characters by means of mask and compare.
+ quick_check_performed_.Advance(by, compiler->one_byte());
+ cp_offset_ += by;
+ if (cp_offset_ > RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxCPOffset) {
+ compiler->SetRegExpTooBig();
+ cp_offset_ = 0;
+ }
+ bound_checked_up_to_ = Max(0, bound_checked_up_to_ - by);
+void TextNode::MakeCaseIndependent(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte) {
+ int element_count = elements()->length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
+ TextElement elm = elements()->at(i);
+ if (elm.text_type() == TextElement::CHAR_CLASS) {
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc = elm.char_class();
+ bool case_equivalents_already_added =
+ NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(cc->flags());
+ bool case_equivalents_already_added = false;
+ if (IgnoreCase(cc->flags()) && !case_equivalents_already_added) {
+ // None of the standard character classes is different in the case
+ // independent case and it slows us down if we don't know that.
+ if (cc->is_standard(zone())) continue;
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = cc->ranges(zone());
+ CharacterRange::AddCaseEquivalents(isolate, zone(), ranges,
+ is_one_byte);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int TextNode::GreedyLoopTextLength() { return Length(); }
+RegExpNode* TextNode::GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ if (read_backward()) return nullptr;
+ if (elements()->length() != 1) return nullptr;
+ TextElement elm = elements()->at(0);
+ if (elm.text_type() != TextElement::CHAR_CLASS) return nullptr;
+ RegExpCharacterClass* node = elm.char_class();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = node->ranges(zone());
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+ if (node->is_negated()) {
+ return ranges->length() == 0 ? on_success() : nullptr;
+ }
+ if (ranges->length() != 1) return nullptr;
+ uint32_t max_char;
+ if (compiler->one_byte()) {
+ max_char = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ max_char = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ return ranges->at(0).IsEverything(max_char) ? on_success() : nullptr;
+// Finds the fixed match length of a sequence of nodes that goes from
+// this alternative and back to this choice node. If there are variable
+// length nodes or other complications in the way then return a sentinel
+// value indicating that a greedy loop cannot be constructed.
+int ChoiceNode::GreedyLoopTextLengthForAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative* alternative) {
+ int length = 0;
+ RegExpNode* node = alternative->node();
+ // Later we will generate code for all these text nodes using recursion
+ // so we have to limit the max number.
+ int recursion_depth = 0;
+ while (node != this) {
+ if (recursion_depth++ > RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion) {
+ return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops;
+ }
+ int node_length = node->GreedyLoopTextLength();
+ if (node_length == kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops) {
+ return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops;
+ }
+ length += node_length;
+ SeqRegExpNode* seq_node = static_cast<SeqRegExpNode*>(node);
+ node = seq_node->on_success();
+ }
+ return read_backward() ? -length : length;
+void LoopChoiceNode::AddLoopAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt) {
+ DCHECK_NULL(loop_node_);
+ AddAlternative(alt);
+ loop_node_ = alt.node();
+void LoopChoiceNode::AddContinueAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt) {
+ DCHECK_NULL(continue_node_);
+ AddAlternative(alt);
+ continue_node_ = alt.node();
+void LoopChoiceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ if (trace->stop_node() == this) {
+ // Back edge of greedy optimized loop node graph.
+ int text_length =
+ GreedyLoopTextLengthForAlternative(&(alternatives_->at(0)));
+ DCHECK_NE(kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops, text_length);
+ // Update the counter-based backtracking info on the stack. This is an
+ // optimization for greedy loops (see below).
+ DCHECK(trace->cp_offset() == text_length);
+ macro_assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(text_length);
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(trace->loop_label());
+ return;
+ }
+ DCHECK_NULL(trace->stop_node());
+ if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ ChoiceNode::Emit(compiler, trace);
+int ChoiceNode::CalculatePreloadCharacters(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ int preload_characters = Min(4, eats_at_least);
+ DCHECK_LE(preload_characters, 4);
+ if (compiler->macro_assembler()->CanReadUnaligned()) {
+ bool one_byte = compiler->one_byte();
+ if (one_byte) {
+ // We can't preload 3 characters because there is no machine instruction
+ // to do that. We can't just load 4 because we could be reading
+ // beyond the end of the string, which could cause a memory fault.
+ if (preload_characters == 3) preload_characters = 2;
+ } else {
+ if (preload_characters > 2) preload_characters = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (preload_characters > 1) preload_characters = 1;
+ }
+ return preload_characters;
+// This class is used when generating the alternatives in a choice node. It
+// records the way the alternative is being code generated.
+class AlternativeGeneration : public Malloced {
+ public:
+ AlternativeGeneration()
+ : possible_success(),
+ expects_preload(false),
+ after(),
+ quick_check_details() {}
+ Label possible_success;
+ bool expects_preload;
+ Label after;
+ QuickCheckDetails quick_check_details;
+// Creates a list of AlternativeGenerations. If the list has a reasonable
+// size then it is on the stack, otherwise the excess is on the heap.
+class AlternativeGenerationList {
+ public:
+ AlternativeGenerationList(int count, Zone* zone) : alt_gens_(count, zone) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count && i < kAFew; i++) {
+ alt_gens_.Add(a_few_alt_gens_ + i, zone);
+ }
+ for (int i = kAFew; i < count; i++) {
+ alt_gens_.Add(new AlternativeGeneration(), zone);
+ }
+ }
+ ~AlternativeGenerationList() {
+ for (int i = kAFew; i < alt_gens_.length(); i++) {
+ delete alt_gens_[i];
+ alt_gens_[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ AlternativeGeneration* at(int i) { return alt_gens_[i]; }
+ private:
+ static const int kAFew = 10;
+ ZoneList<AlternativeGeneration*> alt_gens_;
+ AlternativeGeneration a_few_alt_gens_[kAFew];
+void BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Set(int character) {
+ SetInterval(Interval(character, character));
+namespace {
+ContainedInLattice AddRange(ContainedInLattice containment, const int* ranges,
+ int ranges_length, Interval new_range) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, ranges_length & 1);
+ DCHECK_EQ(String::kMaxCodePoint + 1, ranges[ranges_length - 1]);
+ if (containment == kLatticeUnknown) return containment;
+ bool inside = false;
+ int last = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ranges_length; inside = !inside, last = ranges[i], i++) {
+ // Consider the range from last to ranges[i].
+ // We haven't got to the new range yet.
+ if (ranges[i] <= new_range.from()) continue;
+ // New range is wholly inside last-ranges[i]. Note that is
+ // inclusive, but the values in ranges are not.
+ if (last <= new_range.from() && < ranges[i]) {
+ return Combine(containment, inside ? kLatticeIn : kLatticeOut);
+ }
+ return kLatticeUnknown;
+ }
+ return containment;
+int BitsetFirstSetBit(BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset bitset) {
+ STATIC_ASSERT(BoyerMoorePositionInfo::kMapSize ==
+ 2 * kInt64Size * kBitsPerByte);
+ // Slight fiddling is needed here, since the bitset is of length 128 while
+ // CountTrailingZeros requires an integral type and std::bitset can only
+ // convert to unsigned long long. So we handle the most- and least-significant
+ // bits separately.
+ {
+ static constexpr BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset mask(~uint64_t{0});
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset masked_bitset = bitset & mask;
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kInt64Size >= sizeof(decltype(masked_bitset.to_ullong())));
+ uint64_t lsb = masked_bitset.to_ullong();
+ if (lsb != 0) return base::bits::CountTrailingZeros(lsb);
+ }
+ {
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset masked_bitset = bitset >> 64;
+ uint64_t msb = masked_bitset.to_ullong();
+ if (msb != 0) return 64 + base::bits::CountTrailingZeros(msb);
+ }
+ return -1;
+} // namespace
+void BoyerMoorePositionInfo::SetInterval(const Interval& interval) {
+ w_ = AddRange(w_, kWordRanges, kWordRangeCount, interval);
+ if (interval.size() >= kMapSize) {
+ map_count_ = kMapSize;
+ map_.set();
+ return;
+ }
+ for (int i = interval.from(); i <=; i++) {
+ int mod_character = (i & kMask);
+ if (!map_[mod_character]) {
+ map_count_++;
+ map_.set(mod_character);
+ }
+ if (map_count_ == kMapSize) return;
+ }
+void BoyerMoorePositionInfo::SetAll() {
+ w_ = kLatticeUnknown;
+ if (map_count_ != kMapSize) {
+ map_count_ = kMapSize;
+ map_.set();
+ }
+BoyerMooreLookahead::BoyerMooreLookahead(int length, RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ Zone* zone)
+ : length_(length), compiler_(compiler) {
+ if (compiler->one_byte()) {
+ max_char_ = String::kMaxOneByteCharCode;
+ } else {
+ max_char_ = String::kMaxUtf16CodeUnit;
+ }
+ bitmaps_ = new (zone) ZoneList<BoyerMoorePositionInfo*>(length, zone);
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ bitmaps_->Add(new (zone) BoyerMoorePositionInfo(), zone);
+ }
+// Find the longest range of lookahead that has the fewest number of different
+// characters that can occur at a given position. Since we are optimizing two
+// different parameters at once this is a tradeoff.
+bool BoyerMooreLookahead::FindWorthwhileInterval(int* from, int* to) {
+ int biggest_points = 0;
+ // If more than 32 characters out of 128 can occur it is unlikely that we can
+ // be lucky enough to step forwards much of the time.
+ const int kMaxMax = 32;
+ for (int max_number_of_chars = 4; max_number_of_chars < kMaxMax;
+ max_number_of_chars *= 2) {
+ biggest_points =
+ FindBestInterval(max_number_of_chars, biggest_points, from, to);
+ }
+ if (biggest_points == 0) return false;
+ return true;
+// Find the highest-points range between 0 and length_ where the character
+// information is not too vague. 'Too vague' means that there are more than
+// max_number_of_chars that can occur at this position. Calculates the number
+// of points as the product of width-of-the-range and
+// probability-of-finding-one-of-the-characters, where the probability is
+// calculated using the frequency distribution of the sample subject string.
+int BoyerMooreLookahead::FindBestInterval(int max_number_of_chars,
+ int old_biggest_points, int* from,
+ int* to) {
+ int biggest_points = old_biggest_points;
+ static const int kSize = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_;) {
+ while (i < length_ && Count(i) > max_number_of_chars) i++;
+ if (i == length_) break;
+ int remembered_from = i;
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset union_bitset;
+ for (; i < length_ && Count(i) <= max_number_of_chars; i++) {
+ union_bitset |= bitmaps_->at(i)->raw_bitset();
+ }
+ int frequency = 0;
+ // Iterate only over set bits.
+ int j;
+ while ((j = BitsetFirstSetBit(union_bitset)) != -1) {
+ DCHECK(union_bitset[j]); // Sanity check.
+ // Add 1 to the frequency to give a small per-character boost for
+ // the cases where our sampling is not good enough and many
+ // characters have a frequency of zero. This means the frequency
+ // can theoretically be up to 2*kSize though we treat it mostly as
+ // a fraction of kSize.
+ frequency += compiler_->frequency_collator()->Frequency(j) + 1;
+ union_bitset.reset(j);
+ }
+ // We use the probability of skipping times the distance we are skipping to
+ // judge the effectiveness of this. Actually we have a cut-off: By
+ // dividing by 2 we switch off the skipping if the probability of skipping
+ // is less than 50%. This is because the multibyte mask-and-compare
+ // skipping in quickcheck is more likely to do well on this case.
+ bool in_quickcheck_range =
+ ((i - remembered_from < 4) ||
+ (compiler_->one_byte() ? remembered_from <= 4 : remembered_from <= 2));
+ // Called 'probability' but it is only a rough estimate and can actually
+ // be outside the 0-kSize range.
+ int probability = (in_quickcheck_range ? kSize / 2 : kSize) - frequency;
+ int points = (i - remembered_from) * probability;
+ if (points > biggest_points) {
+ *from = remembered_from;
+ *to = i - 1;
+ biggest_points = points;
+ }
+ }
+ return biggest_points;
+// Take all the characters that will not prevent a successful match if they
+// occur in the subject string in the range between min_lookahead and
+// max_lookahead (inclusive) measured from the current position. If the
+// character at max_lookahead offset is not one of these characters, then we
+// can safely skip forwards by the number of characters in the range.
+int BoyerMooreLookahead::GetSkipTable(int min_lookahead, int max_lookahead,
+ Handle<ByteArray> boolean_skip_table) {
+ const int kSkipArrayEntry = 0;
+ const int kDontSkipArrayEntry = 1;
+ std::memset(boolean_skip_table->GetDataStartAddress(), kSkipArrayEntry,
+ boolean_skip_table->length());
+ for (int i = max_lookahead; i >= min_lookahead; i--) {
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo::Bitset bitset = bitmaps_->at(i)->raw_bitset();
+ // Iterate only over set bits.
+ int j;
+ while ((j = BitsetFirstSetBit(bitset)) != -1) {
+ DCHECK(bitset[j]); // Sanity check.
+ boolean_skip_table->set(j, kDontSkipArrayEntry);
+ bitset.reset(j);
+ }
+ }
+ const int skip = max_lookahead + 1 - min_lookahead;
+ return skip;
+// See comment above on the implementation of GetSkipTable.
+void BoyerMooreLookahead::EmitSkipInstructions(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm) {
+ const int kSize = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize;
+ int min_lookahead = 0;
+ int max_lookahead = 0;
+ if (!FindWorthwhileInterval(&min_lookahead, &max_lookahead)) return;
+ // Check if we only have a single non-empty position info, and that info
+ // contains precisely one character.
+ bool found_single_character = false;
+ int single_character = 0;
+ for (int i = max_lookahead; i >= min_lookahead; i--) {
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo* map = bitmaps_->at(i);
+ if (map->map_count() == 0) continue;
+ if (found_single_character || map->map_count() > 1) {
+ found_single_character = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ DCHECK(!found_single_character);
+ DCHECK_EQ(map->map_count(), 1);
+ found_single_character = true;
+ single_character = BitsetFirstSetBit(map->raw_bitset());
+ DCHECK_NE(single_character, -1);
+ }
+ int lookahead_width = max_lookahead + 1 - min_lookahead;
+ if (found_single_character && lookahead_width == 1 && max_lookahead < 3) {
+ // The mask-compare can probably handle this better.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (found_single_character) {
+ Label cont, again;
+ masm->Bind(&again);
+ masm->LoadCurrentCharacter(max_lookahead, &cont, true);
+ if (max_char_ > kSize) {
+ masm->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(single_character,
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask, &cont);
+ } else {
+ masm->CheckCharacter(single_character, &cont);
+ }
+ masm->AdvanceCurrentPosition(lookahead_width);
+ masm->GoTo(&again);
+ masm->Bind(&cont);
+ return;
+ }
+ Factory* factory = masm->isolate()->factory();
+ Handle<ByteArray> boolean_skip_table =
+ factory->NewByteArray(kSize, AllocationType::kOld);
+ int skip_distance =
+ GetSkipTable(min_lookahead, max_lookahead, boolean_skip_table);
+ DCHECK_NE(0, skip_distance);
+ Label cont, again;
+ masm->Bind(&again);
+ masm->LoadCurrentCharacter(max_lookahead, &cont, true);
+ masm->CheckBitInTable(boolean_skip_table, &cont);
+ masm->AdvanceCurrentPosition(skip_distance);
+ masm->GoTo(&again);
+ masm->Bind(&cont);
+/* Code generation for choice nodes.
+ *
+ * We generate quick checks that do a mask and compare to eliminate a
+ * choice. If the quick check succeeds then it jumps to the continuation to
+ * do slow checks and check subsequent nodes. If it fails (the common case)
+ * it falls through to the next choice.
+ *
+ * Here is the desired flow graph. Nodes directly below each other imply
+ * fallthrough. Alternatives 1 and 2 have quick checks. Alternative
+ * 3 doesn't have a quick check so we have to call the slow check.
+ * Nodes are marked Qn for quick checks and Sn for slow checks. The entire
+ * regexp continuation is generated directly after the Sn node, up to the
+ * next GoTo if we decide to reuse some already generated code. Some
+ * nodes expect preload_characters to be preloaded into the current
+ * character register. R nodes do this preloading. Vertices are marked
+ * F for failures and S for success (possible success in the case of quick
+ * nodes). L, V, < and > are used as arrow heads.
+ *
+ * ----------> R
+ * |
+ * V
+ * Q1 -----> S1
+ * | S /
+ * F| /
+ * | F/
+ * | /
+ * | R
+ * | /
+ * V L
+ * Q2 -----> S2
+ * | S /
+ * F| /
+ * | F/
+ * | /
+ * | R
+ * | /
+ * V L
+ * S3
+ * |
+ * F|
+ * |
+ * R
+ * |
+ * backtrack V
+ * <----------Q4
+ * \ F |
+ * \ |S
+ * \ F V
+ * \-----S4
+ *
+ * For greedy loops we push the current position, then generate the code that
+ * eats the input specially in EmitGreedyLoop. The other choice (the
+ * continuation) is generated by the normal code in EmitChoices, and steps back
+ * in the input to the starting position when it fails to match. The loop code
+ * looks like this (U is the unwind code that steps back in the greedy loop).
+ *
+ * _____
+ * / \
+ * V |
+ * ----------> S1 |
+ * /| |
+ * / |S |
+ * F/ \_____/
+ * /
+ * |<-----
+ * | \
+ * V |S
+ * Q2 ---> U----->backtrack
+ * | F /
+ * S| /
+ * V F /
+ * S2--/
+ */
+GreedyLoopState::GreedyLoopState(bool not_at_start) {
+ counter_backtrack_trace_.set_backtrack(&label_);
+ if (not_at_start) counter_backtrack_trace_.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+void ChoiceNode::AssertGuardsMentionRegisters(Trace* trace) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ int choice_count = alternatives_->length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < choice_count - 1; i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i);
+ ZoneList<Guard*>* guards = alternative.guards();
+ int guard_count = (guards == nullptr) ? 0 : guards->length();
+ for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) {
+ DCHECK(!trace->mentions_reg(guards->at(j)->reg()));
+ }
+ }
+void ChoiceNode::SetUpPreLoad(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* current_trace,
+ PreloadState* state) {
+ if (state->eats_at_least_ == PreloadState::kEatsAtLeastNotYetInitialized) {
+ // Save some time by looking at most one machine word ahead.
+ state->eats_at_least_ =
+ EatsAtLeast(current_trace->at_start() == Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ }
+ state->preload_characters_ =
+ CalculatePreloadCharacters(compiler, state->eats_at_least_);
+ state->preload_is_current_ =
+ (current_trace->characters_preloaded() == state->preload_characters_);
+ state->preload_has_checked_bounds_ = state->preload_is_current_;
+void ChoiceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ int choice_count = alternatives_->length();
+ if (choice_count == 1 && alternatives_->at(0).guards() == nullptr) {
+ alternatives_->at(0).node()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+ return;
+ }
+ AssertGuardsMentionRegisters(trace);
+ LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace);
+ if (limit_result == DONE) return;
+ DCHECK(limit_result == CONTINUE);
+ // For loop nodes we already flushed (see LoopChoiceNode::Emit), but for
+ // other choice nodes we only flush if we are out of code size budget.
+ if (trace->flush_budget() == 0 && trace->actions() != nullptr) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ RecursionCheck rc(compiler);
+ PreloadState preload;
+ preload.init();
+ GreedyLoopState greedy_loop_state(not_at_start());
+ int text_length = GreedyLoopTextLengthForAlternative(&alternatives_->at(0));
+ AlternativeGenerationList alt_gens(choice_count, zone());
+ if (choice_count > 1 && text_length != kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops) {
+ trace = EmitGreedyLoop(compiler, trace, &alt_gens, &preload,
+ &greedy_loop_state, text_length);
+ } else {
+ // TODO(erikcorry): Delete this. We don't need this label, but it makes us
+ // match the traces produced pre-cleanup.
+ Label second_choice;
+ compiler->macro_assembler()->Bind(&second_choice);
+ preload.eats_at_least_ = EmitOptimizedUnanchoredSearch(compiler, trace);
+ EmitChoices(compiler, &alt_gens, 0, trace, &preload);
+ }
+ // At this point we need to generate slow checks for the alternatives where
+ // the quick check was inlined. We can recognize these because the associated
+ // label was bound.
+ int new_flush_budget = trace->flush_budget() / choice_count;
+ for (int i = 0; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen =;
+ Trace new_trace(*trace);
+ // If there are actions to be flushed we have to limit how many times
+ // they are flushed. Take the budget of the parent trace and distribute
+ // it fairly amongst the children.
+ if (new_trace.actions() != nullptr) {
+ new_trace.set_flush_budget(new_flush_budget);
+ }
+ bool next_expects_preload =
+ i == choice_count - 1 ? false : + 1)->expects_preload;
+ EmitOutOfLineContinuation(compiler, &new_trace, alternatives_->at(i),
+ alt_gen, preload.preload_characters_,
+ next_expects_preload);
+ }
+Trace* ChoiceNode::EmitGreedyLoop(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace,
+ AlternativeGenerationList* alt_gens,
+ PreloadState* preload,
+ GreedyLoopState* greedy_loop_state,
+ int text_length) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ // Here we have special handling for greedy loops containing only text nodes
+ // and other simple nodes. These are handled by pushing the current
+ // position on the stack and then incrementing the current position each
+ // time around the switch. On backtrack we decrement the current position
+ // and check it against the pushed value. This avoids pushing backtrack
+ // information for each iteration of the loop, which could take up a lot of
+ // space.
+ DCHECK(trace->stop_node() == nullptr);
+ macro_assembler->PushCurrentPosition();
+ Label greedy_match_failed;
+ Trace greedy_match_trace;
+ if (not_at_start()) greedy_match_trace.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ greedy_match_trace.set_backtrack(&greedy_match_failed);
+ Label loop_label;
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&loop_label);
+ greedy_match_trace.set_stop_node(this);
+ greedy_match_trace.set_loop_label(&loop_label);
+ alternatives_->at(0).node()->Emit(compiler, &greedy_match_trace);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&greedy_match_failed);
+ Label second_choice; // For use in greedy matches.
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&second_choice);
+ Trace* new_trace = greedy_loop_state->counter_backtrack_trace();
+ EmitChoices(compiler, alt_gens, 1, new_trace, preload);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(greedy_loop_state->label());
+ // If we have unwound to the bottom then backtrack.
+ macro_assembler->CheckGreedyLoop(trace->backtrack());
+ // Otherwise try the second priority at an earlier position.
+ macro_assembler->AdvanceCurrentPosition(-text_length);
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(&second_choice);
+ return new_trace;
+int ChoiceNode::EmitOptimizedUnanchoredSearch(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ Trace* trace) {
+ int eats_at_least = PreloadState::kEatsAtLeastNotYetInitialized;
+ if (alternatives_->length() != 2) return eats_at_least;
+ GuardedAlternative alt1 = alternatives_->at(1);
+ if (alt1.guards() != nullptr && alt1.guards()->length() != 0) {
+ return eats_at_least;
+ }
+ RegExpNode* eats_anything_node = alt1.node();
+ if (eats_anything_node->GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(compiler) != this) {
+ return eats_at_least;
+ }
+ // Really we should be creating a new trace when we execute this function,
+ // but there is no need, because the code it generates cannot backtrack, and
+ // we always arrive here with a trivial trace (since it's the entry to a
+ // loop. That also implies that there are no preloaded characters, which is
+ // good, because it means we won't be violating any assumptions by
+ // overwriting those characters with new load instructions.
+ DCHECK(trace->is_trivial());
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ Isolate* isolate = macro_assembler->isolate();
+ // At this point we know that we are at a non-greedy loop that will eat
+ // any character one at a time. Any non-anchored regexp has such a
+ // loop prepended to it in order to find where it starts. We look for
+ // a pattern of the form where we can look 6 characters ahead
+ // and step forwards 3 if the character is not one of abc. Abc need
+ // not be atoms, they can be any reasonably limited character class or
+ // small alternation.
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm = bm_info(false);
+ if (bm == nullptr) {
+ eats_at_least = Min(kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore, EatsAtLeast(false));
+ if (eats_at_least >= 1) {
+ bm = new (zone()) BoyerMooreLookahead(eats_at_least, compiler, zone());
+ GuardedAlternative alt0 = alternatives_->at(0);
+ alt0.node()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, 0, kRecursionBudget, bm, false);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bm != nullptr) {
+ bm->EmitSkipInstructions(macro_assembler);
+ }
+ return eats_at_least;
+void ChoiceNode::EmitChoices(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ AlternativeGenerationList* alt_gens,
+ int first_choice, Trace* trace,
+ PreloadState* preload) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ SetUpPreLoad(compiler, trace, preload);
+ // For now we just call all choices one after the other. The idea ultimately
+ // is to use the Dispatch table to try only the relevant ones.
+ int choice_count = alternatives_->length();
+ int new_flush_budget = trace->flush_budget() / choice_count;
+ for (int i = first_choice; i < choice_count; i++) {
+ bool is_last = i == choice_count - 1;
+ bool fall_through_on_failure = !is_last;
+ GuardedAlternative alternative = alternatives_->at(i);
+ AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen = alt_gens->at(i);
+ alt_gen->quick_check_details.set_characters(preload->preload_characters_);
+ ZoneList<Guard*>* guards = alternative.guards();
+ int guard_count = (guards == nullptr) ? 0 : guards->length();
+ Trace new_trace(*trace);
+ new_trace.set_characters_preloaded(
+ preload->preload_is_current_ ? preload->preload_characters_ : 0);
+ if (preload->preload_has_checked_bounds_) {
+ new_trace.set_bound_checked_up_to(preload->preload_characters_);
+ }
+ new_trace.quick_check_performed()->Clear();
+ if (not_at_start_) new_trace.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ if (!is_last) {
+ new_trace.set_backtrack(&alt_gen->after);
+ }
+ alt_gen->expects_preload = preload->preload_is_current_;
+ bool generate_full_check_inline = false;
+ if (compiler->optimize() &&
+ try_to_emit_quick_check_for_alternative(i == 0) &&
+ alternative.node()->EmitQuickCheck(
+ compiler, trace, &new_trace, preload->preload_has_checked_bounds_,
+ &alt_gen->possible_success, &alt_gen->quick_check_details,
+ fall_through_on_failure, this)) {
+ // Quick check was generated for this choice.
+ preload->preload_is_current_ = true;
+ preload->preload_has_checked_bounds_ = true;
+ // If we generated the quick check to fall through on possible success,
+ // we now need to generate the full check inline.
+ if (!fall_through_on_failure) {
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->possible_success);
+ new_trace.set_quick_check_performed(&alt_gen->quick_check_details);
+ new_trace.set_characters_preloaded(preload->preload_characters_);
+ new_trace.set_bound_checked_up_to(preload->preload_characters_);
+ generate_full_check_inline = true;
+ }
+ } else if (alt_gen->quick_check_details.cannot_match()) {
+ if (!fall_through_on_failure) {
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack());
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // No quick check was generated. Put the full code here.
+ // If this is not the first choice then there could be slow checks from
+ // previous cases that go here when they fail. There's no reason to
+ // insist that they preload characters since the slow check we are about
+ // to generate probably can't use it.
+ if (i != first_choice) {
+ alt_gen->expects_preload = false;
+ new_trace.InvalidateCurrentCharacter();
+ }
+ generate_full_check_inline = true;
+ }
+ if (generate_full_check_inline) {
+ if (new_trace.actions() != nullptr) {
+ new_trace.set_flush_budget(new_flush_budget);
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) {
+ GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &new_trace);
+ }
+ alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ preload->preload_is_current_ = false;
+ }
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->after);
+ }
+void ChoiceNode::EmitOutOfLineContinuation(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ Trace* trace,
+ GuardedAlternative alternative,
+ AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen,
+ int preload_characters,
+ bool next_expects_preload) {
+ if (!alt_gen->possible_success.is_linked()) return;
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&alt_gen->possible_success);
+ Trace out_of_line_trace(*trace);
+ out_of_line_trace.set_characters_preloaded(preload_characters);
+ out_of_line_trace.set_quick_check_performed(&alt_gen->quick_check_details);
+ if (not_at_start_) out_of_line_trace.set_at_start(Trace::FALSE_VALUE);
+ ZoneList<Guard*>* guards = alternative.guards();
+ int guard_count = (guards == nullptr) ? 0 : guards->length();
+ if (next_expects_preload) {
+ Label reload_current_char;
+ out_of_line_trace.set_backtrack(&reload_current_char);
+ for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) {
+ GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &out_of_line_trace);
+ }
+ alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &out_of_line_trace);
+ macro_assembler->Bind(&reload_current_char);
+ // Reload the current character, since the next quick check expects that.
+ // We don't need to check bounds here because we only get into this
+ // code through a quick check which already did the checked load.
+ macro_assembler->LoadCurrentCharacter(trace->cp_offset(), nullptr, false,
+ preload_characters);
+ macro_assembler->GoTo(&(alt_gen->after));
+ } else {
+ out_of_line_trace.set_backtrack(&(alt_gen->after));
+ for (int j = 0; j < guard_count; j++) {
+ GenerateGuard(macro_assembler, guards->at(j), &out_of_line_trace);
+ }
+ alternative.node()->Emit(compiler, &out_of_line_trace);
+ }
+void ActionNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace);
+ if (limit_result == DONE) return;
+ DCHECK(limit_result == CONTINUE);
+ RecursionCheck rc(compiler);
+ switch (action_type_) {
+ Trace::DeferredCapture new_capture(data_.u_position_register.reg,
+ data_.u_position_register.is_capture,
+ trace);
+ Trace new_trace = *trace;
+ new_trace.add_action(&new_capture);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ break;
+ }
+ Trace::DeferredIncrementRegister new_increment(
+ data_.u_increment_register.reg);
+ Trace new_trace = *trace;
+ new_trace.add_action(&new_increment);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ break;
+ }
+ Trace::DeferredSetRegisterForLoop new_set(data_.u_store_register.reg,
+ data_.u_store_register.value);
+ Trace new_trace = *trace;
+ new_trace.add_action(&new_set);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ break;
+ }
+ Trace::DeferredClearCaptures new_capture(Interval(
+ data_.u_clear_captures.range_from, data_.u_clear_captures.range_to));
+ Trace new_trace = *trace;
+ new_trace.add_action(&new_capture);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ } else {
+ assembler->WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(
+ data_.u_submatch.current_position_register, 0);
+ assembler->WriteStackPointerToRegister(
+ data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+ }
+ break;
+ int start_pos_reg = data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register;
+ int stored_pos = 0;
+ int rep_reg = data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register;
+ bool has_minimum = (rep_reg != RegExpCompiler::kNoRegister);
+ bool know_dist = trace->GetStoredPosition(start_pos_reg, &stored_pos);
+ if (know_dist && !has_minimum && stored_pos == trace->cp_offset()) {
+ // If we know we haven't advanced and there is no minimum we
+ // can just backtrack immediately.
+ assembler->GoTo(trace->backtrack());
+ } else if (know_dist && stored_pos < trace->cp_offset()) {
+ // If we know we've advanced we can generate the continuation
+ // immediately.
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+ } else if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ } else {
+ Label skip_empty_check;
+ // If we have a minimum number of repetitions we check the current
+ // number first and skip the empty check if it's not enough.
+ if (has_minimum) {
+ int limit = data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit;
+ assembler->IfRegisterLT(rep_reg, limit, &skip_empty_check);
+ }
+ // If the match is empty we bail out, otherwise we fall through
+ // to the on-success continuation.
+ assembler->IfRegisterEqPos(data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register,
+ trace->backtrack());
+ assembler->Bind(&skip_empty_check);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ assembler->ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(
+ data_.u_submatch.current_position_register);
+ assembler->ReadStackPointerFromRegister(
+ data_.u_submatch.stack_pointer_register);
+ int clear_register_count = data_.u_submatch.clear_register_count;
+ if (clear_register_count == 0) {
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+ return;
+ }
+ int clear_registers_from = data_.u_submatch.clear_register_from;
+ Label clear_registers_backtrack;
+ Trace new_trace = *trace;
+ new_trace.set_backtrack(&clear_registers_backtrack);
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, &new_trace);
+ assembler->Bind(&clear_registers_backtrack);
+ int clear_registers_to = clear_registers_from + clear_register_count - 1;
+ assembler->ClearRegisters(clear_registers_from, clear_registers_to);
+ DCHECK(trace->backtrack() == nullptr);
+ assembler->Backtrack();
+ return;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+void BackReferenceNode::Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) {
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler = compiler->macro_assembler();
+ if (!trace->is_trivial()) {
+ trace->Flush(compiler, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ LimitResult limit_result = LimitVersions(compiler, trace);
+ if (limit_result == DONE) return;
+ DCHECK(limit_result == CONTINUE);
+ RecursionCheck rc(compiler);
+ DCHECK_EQ(start_reg_ + 1, end_reg_);
+ if (IgnoreCase(flags_)) {
+ bool unicode = IsUnicode(flags_);
+ assembler->CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(start_reg_, read_backward(),
+ unicode, trace->backtrack());
+ } else {
+ assembler->CheckNotBackReference(start_reg_, read_backward(),
+ trace->backtrack());
+ }
+ // We are going to advance backward, so we may end up at the start.
+ if (read_backward()) trace->set_at_start(Trace::UNKNOWN);
+ // Check that the back reference does not end inside a surrogate pair.
+ if (IsUnicode(flags_) && !compiler->one_byte()) {
+ assembler->CheckNotInSurrogatePair(trace->cp_offset(), trace->backtrack());
+ }
+ on_success()->Emit(compiler, trace);
+void TextNode::CalculateOffsets() {
+ int element_count = elements()->length();
+ // Set up the offsets of the elements relative to the start. This is a fixed
+ // quantity since a TextNode can only contain fixed-width things.
+ int cp_offset = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < element_count; i++) {
+ TextElement& elm = elements()->at(i);
+ elm.set_cp_offset(cp_offset);
+ cp_offset += elm.length();
+ }
+namespace {
+// Assertion propagation moves information about assertions such as
+// \b to the affected nodes. For instance, in /.\b./ information must
+// be propagated to the first '.' that whatever follows needs to know
+// if it matched a word or a non-word, and to the second '.' that it
+// has to check if it succeeds a word or non-word. In this case the
+// result will be something like:
+// +-------+ +------------+
+// | . | | . |
+// +-------+ ---> +------------+
+// | word? | | check word |
+// +-------+ +------------+
+class AssertionPropagator : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static void VisitText(TextNode* that) {}
+ static void VisitAction(ActionNode* that) {
+ // If the next node is interested in what it follows then this node
+ // has to be interested too so it can pass the information on.
+ that->info()->AddFromFollowing(that->on_success()->info());
+ }
+ static void VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that, int i) {
+ // Anything the following nodes need to know has to be known by
+ // this node also, so it can pass it on.
+ that->info()->AddFromFollowing(that->alternatives()->at(i).node()->info());
+ }
+ static void VisitLoopChoiceContinueNode(LoopChoiceNode* that) {
+ that->info()->AddFromFollowing(that->continue_node()->info());
+ }
+ static void VisitLoopChoiceLoopNode(LoopChoiceNode* that) {
+ that->info()->AddFromFollowing(that->loop_node()->info());
+ }
+ static void VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceLookaroundNode(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) {
+ VisitChoice(that, NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode::kLookaroundIndex);
+ }
+ static void VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceContinueNode(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) {
+ VisitChoice(that, NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode::kContinueIndex);
+ }
+ static void VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) {}
+ static void VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) {}
+// Propagates information about the minimum size of successful matches from
+// successor nodes to their predecessors. Note that all eats_at_least values
+// are initialized to zero before analysis.
+class EatsAtLeastPropagator : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static void VisitText(TextNode* that) {
+ // The eats_at_least value is not used if reading backward.
+ if (!that->read_backward()) {
+ // We are not at the start after this node, and thus we can use the
+ // successor's eats_at_least_from_not_start value.
+ uint8_t eats_at_least = base::saturated_cast<uint8_t>(
+ that->Length() + that->on_success()
+ ->eats_at_least_info()
+ ->eats_at_least_from_not_start);
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(EatsAtLeastInfo(eats_at_least));
+ }
+ }
+ static void VisitAction(ActionNode* that) {
+ // POSITIVE_SUBMATCH_SUCCESS rewinds input, so we must not consider
+ // successor nodes for eats_at_least. SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP indicates a loop
+ // entry point, which means the loop body will run at least the minimum
+ // number of times before the continuation case can run. Otherwise the
+ // current node eats at least as much as its successor.
+ switch (that->action_type()) {
+ break; // Was already initialized to zero.
+ case ActionNode::SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP:
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(
+ that->on_success()->EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry());
+ break;
+ default:
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(*that->on_success()->eats_at_least_info());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ static void VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that, int i) {
+ // The minimum possible match from a choice node is the minimum of its
+ // successors.
+ EatsAtLeastInfo eats_at_least =
+ i == 0 ? EatsAtLeastInfo(UINT8_MAX) : *that->eats_at_least_info();
+ eats_at_least.SetMin(
+ *that->alternatives()->at(i).node()->eats_at_least_info());
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(eats_at_least);
+ }
+ static void VisitLoopChoiceContinueNode(LoopChoiceNode* that) {
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(*that->continue_node()->eats_at_least_info());
+ }
+ static void VisitLoopChoiceLoopNode(LoopChoiceNode* that) {}
+ static void VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceLookaroundNode(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) {}
+ static void VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceContinueNode(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) {
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(*that->continue_node()->eats_at_least_info());
+ }
+ static void VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) {
+ if (!that->read_backward()) {
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(*that->on_success()->eats_at_least_info());
+ }
+ }
+ static void VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) {
+ EatsAtLeastInfo eats_at_least = *that->on_success()->eats_at_least_info();
+ if (that->assertion_type() == AssertionNode::AT_START) {
+ // If we know we are not at the start and we are asked "how many
+ // characters will you match if you succeed?" then we can answer anything
+ // since false implies false. So let's just set the max answer
+ // (UINT8_MAX) since that won't prevent us from preloading a lot of
+ // characters for the other branches in the node graph.
+ eats_at_least.eats_at_least_from_not_start = UINT8_MAX;
+ }
+ that->set_eats_at_least_info(eats_at_least);
+ }
+} // namespace
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Analysis
+// Iterates the node graph and provides the opportunity for propagators to set
+// values that depend on successor nodes.
+template <typename... Propagators>
+class Analysis : public NodeVisitor {
+ public:
+ Analysis(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte)
+ : isolate_(isolate),
+ is_one_byte_(is_one_byte),
+ error_(RegExpError::kNone) {}
+ void EnsureAnalyzed(RegExpNode* that) {
+ StackLimitCheck check(isolate());
+ if (check.HasOverflowed()) {
+ if (FLAG_correctness_fuzzer_suppressions) {
+ FATAL("Analysis: Aborting on stack overflow");
+ }
+ fail(RegExpError::kAnalysisStackOverflow);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (that->info()->been_analyzed || that->info()->being_analyzed) return;
+ that->info()->being_analyzed = true;
+ that->Accept(this);
+ that->info()->being_analyzed = false;
+ that->info()->been_analyzed = true;
+ }
+ bool has_failed() { return error_ != RegExpError::kNone; }
+ RegExpError error() {
+ DCHECK(error_ != RegExpError::kNone);
+ return error_;
+ }
+ void fail(RegExpError error) { error_ = error; }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+ void VisitEnd(EndNode* that) override {
+ // nothing to do
+ }
+// Used to call the given static function on each propagator / variadic template
+// argument.
+#define STATIC_FOR_EACH(expr) \
+ do { \
+ int dummy[] = {((expr), 0)...}; \
+ USE(dummy); \
+ } while (false)
+ void VisitText(TextNode* that) override {
+ that->MakeCaseIndependent(isolate(), is_one_byte_);
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ that->CalculateOffsets();
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitText(that));
+ }
+ void VisitAction(ActionNode* that) override {
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitAction(that));
+ }
+ void VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that) override {
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) {
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->alternatives()->at(i).node());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitChoice(that, i));
+ }
+ }
+ void VisitLoopChoice(LoopChoiceNode* that) override {
+ DCHECK_EQ(that->alternatives()->length(), 2); // Just loop and continue.
+ // First propagate all information from the continuation node.
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->continue_node());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitLoopChoiceContinueNode(that));
+ // Check the loop last since it may need the value of this node
+ // to get a correct result.
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->loop_node());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitLoopChoiceLoopNode(that));
+ }
+ void VisitNegativeLookaroundChoice(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) override {
+ DCHECK_EQ(that->alternatives()->length(), 2); // Lookaround and continue.
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->lookaround_node());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ Propagators::VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceLookaroundNode(that));
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->continue_node());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ Propagators::VisitNegativeLookaroundChoiceContinueNode(that));
+ }
+ void VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) override {
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitBackReference(that));
+ }
+ void VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) override {
+ EnsureAnalyzed(that->on_success());
+ if (has_failed()) return;
+ STATIC_FOR_EACH(Propagators::VisitAssertion(that));
+ }
+ private:
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ bool is_one_byte_;
+ RegExpError error_;
+RegExpError AnalyzeRegExp(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte,
+ RegExpNode* node) {
+ Analysis<AssertionPropagator, EatsAtLeastPropagator> analysis(isolate,
+ is_one_byte);
+ DCHECK_EQ(node->info()->been_analyzed, false);
+ analysis.EnsureAnalyzed(node);
+ DCHECK_IMPLIES(analysis.has_failed(), analysis.error() != RegExpError::kNone);
+ return analysis.has_failed() ? analysis.error() : RegExpError::kNone;
+void BackReferenceNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm,
+ bool not_at_start) {
+ // Working out the set of characters that a backreference can match is too
+ // hard, so we just say that any character can match.
+ bm->SetRest(offset);
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+STATIC_ASSERT(BoyerMoorePositionInfo::kMapSize ==
+ RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize);
+void ChoiceNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>* alts = alternatives();
+ budget = (budget - 1) / alts->length();
+ for (int i = 0; i < alts->length(); i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative& alt = alts->at(i);
+ if (alt.guards() != nullptr && alt.guards()->length() != 0) {
+ bm->SetRest(offset); // Give up trying to fill in info.
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ alt.node()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget, bm, not_at_start);
+ }
+ SaveBMInfo(bm, not_at_start, offset);
+void TextNode::FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int initial_offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ if (initial_offset >= bm->length()) return;
+ int offset = initial_offset;
+ int max_char = bm->max_char();
+ for (int i = 0; i < elements()->length(); i++) {
+ if (offset >= bm->length()) {
+ if (initial_offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ return;
+ }
+ TextElement text = elements()->at(i);
+ if (text.text_type() == TextElement::ATOM) {
+ RegExpAtom* atom = text.atom();
+ for (int j = 0; j < atom->length(); j++, offset++) {
+ if (offset >= bm->length()) {
+ if (initial_offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ return;
+ }
+ uc16 character = atom->data()[j];
+ if (IgnoreCase(atom->flags())) {
+ unibrow::uchar chars[4];
+ int length = GetCaseIndependentLetters(
+ isolate, character, bm->max_char() == String::kMaxOneByteCharCode,
+ chars, 4);
+ for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
+ bm->Set(offset, chars[j]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (character <= max_char) bm->Set(offset, character);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK_EQ(TextElement::CHAR_CLASS, text.text_type());
+ RegExpCharacterClass* char_class = text.char_class();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = char_class->ranges(zone());
+ if (char_class->is_negated()) {
+ bm->SetAll(offset);
+ } else {
+ for (int k = 0; k < ranges->length(); k++) {
+ CharacterRange& range = ranges->at(k);
+ if (range.from() > max_char) continue;
+ int to = Min(max_char, static_cast<int>(;
+ bm->SetInterval(offset, Interval(range.from(), to));
+ }
+ }
+ offset++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (offset >= bm->length()) {
+ if (initial_offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ return;
+ }
+ on_success()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm,
+ true); // Not at start after a text node.
+ if (initial_offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+RegExpNode* RegExpCompiler::OptionallyStepBackToLeadSurrogate(
+ RegExpNode* on_success, JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ DCHECK(!read_backward());
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* lead_surrogates = CharacterRange::List(
+ zone(), CharacterRange::Range(kLeadSurrogateStart, kLeadSurrogateEnd));
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* trail_surrogates = CharacterRange::List(
+ zone(), CharacterRange::Range(kTrailSurrogateStart, kTrailSurrogateEnd));
+ ChoiceNode* optional_step_back = new (zone()) ChoiceNode(2, zone());
+ int stack_register = UnicodeLookaroundStackRegister();
+ int position_register = UnicodeLookaroundPositionRegister();
+ RegExpNode* step_back = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone(), lead_surrogates, true, on_success, flags);
+ RegExpLookaround::Builder builder(true, step_back, stack_register,
+ position_register);
+ RegExpNode* match_trail = TextNode::CreateForCharacterRanges(
+ zone(), trail_surrogates, false, builder.on_match_success(), flags);
+ optional_step_back->AddAlternative(
+ GuardedAlternative(builder.ForMatch(match_trail)));
+ optional_step_back->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(on_success));
+ return optional_step_back;
+RegExpNode* RegExpCompiler::PreprocessRegExp(RegExpCompileData* data,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ bool is_one_byte) {
+ // Wrap the body of the regexp in capture #0.
+ RegExpNode* captured_body =
+ RegExpCapture::ToNode(data->tree, 0, this, accept());
+ RegExpNode* node = captured_body;
+ if (!data->tree->IsAnchoredAtStart() && !IsSticky(flags)) {
+ // Add a .*? at the beginning, outside the body capture, unless
+ // this expression is anchored at the beginning or sticky.
+ JSRegExp::Flags default_flags = JSRegExp::Flags();
+ RegExpNode* loop_node = RegExpQuantifier::ToNode(
+ 0, RegExpTree::kInfinity, false,
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass('*', default_flags), this,
+ captured_body, data->contains_anchor);
+ if (data->contains_anchor) {
+ // Unroll loop once, to take care of the case that might start
+ // at the start of input.
+ ChoiceNode* first_step_node = new (zone()) ChoiceNode(2, zone());
+ first_step_node->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(captured_body));
+ first_step_node->AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative(new (zone()) TextNode(
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass('*', default_flags), false,
+ loop_node)));
+ node = first_step_node;
+ } else {
+ node = loop_node;
+ }
+ }
+ if (is_one_byte) {
+ node = node->FilterOneByte(RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion);
+ // Do it again to propagate the new nodes to places where they were not
+ // put because they had not been calculated yet.
+ if (node != nullptr) {
+ node = node->FilterOneByte(RegExpCompiler::kMaxRecursion);
+ }
+ } else if (IsUnicode(flags) && (IsGlobal(flags) || IsSticky(flags))) {
+ node = OptionallyStepBackToLeadSurrogate(node, flags);
+ }
+ if (node == nullptr) node = new (zone()) EndNode(EndNode::BACKTRACK, zone());
+ return node;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2907180954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <bitset>
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-nodes.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class DynamicBitSet;
+class Isolate;
+namespace regexp_compiler_constants {
+// The '2' variant is has inclusive from and exclusive to.
+// This covers \s as defined in ECMA-262 5.1,,
+// which include WhiteSpace (7.2) or LineTerminator (7.3) values.
+constexpr uc32 kRangeEndMarker = 0x110000;
+constexpr int kSpaceRanges[] = {
+ '\t', '\r' + 1, ' ', ' ' + 1, 0x00A0, 0x00A1, 0x1680,
+ 0x1681, 0x2000, 0x200B, 0x2028, 0x202A, 0x202F, 0x2030,
+ 0x205F, 0x2060, 0x3000, 0x3001, 0xFEFF, 0xFF00, kRangeEndMarker};
+constexpr int kSpaceRangeCount = arraysize(kSpaceRanges);
+constexpr int kWordRanges[] = {'0', '9' + 1, 'A', 'Z' + 1, '_',
+ '_' + 1, 'a', 'z' + 1, kRangeEndMarker};
+constexpr int kWordRangeCount = arraysize(kWordRanges);
+constexpr int kDigitRanges[] = {'0', '9' + 1, kRangeEndMarker};
+constexpr int kDigitRangeCount = arraysize(kDigitRanges);
+constexpr int kSurrogateRanges[] = {kLeadSurrogateStart,
+ kLeadSurrogateStart + 1, kRangeEndMarker};
+constexpr int kSurrogateRangeCount = arraysize(kSurrogateRanges);
+constexpr int kLineTerminatorRanges[] = {0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000D, 0x000E,
+ 0x2028, 0x202A, kRangeEndMarker};
+constexpr int kLineTerminatorRangeCount = arraysize(kLineTerminatorRanges);
+// More makes code generation slower, less makes V8 benchmark score lower.
+constexpr int kMaxLookaheadForBoyerMoore = 8;
+// In a 3-character pattern you can maximally step forwards 3 characters
+// at a time, which is not always enough to pay for the extra logic.
+constexpr int kPatternTooShortForBoyerMoore = 2;
+} // namespace regexp_compiler_constants
+inline bool IgnoreCase(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase) != 0;
+inline bool IsUnicode(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0;
+inline bool IsSticky(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kSticky) != 0;
+inline bool IsGlobal(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kGlobal) != 0;
+inline bool DotAll(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kDotAll) != 0;
+inline bool Multiline(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ return (flags & JSRegExp::kMultiline) != 0;
+inline bool NeedsUnicodeCaseEquivalents(JSRegExp::Flags flags) {
+ // Both unicode and ignore_case flags are set. We need to use ICU to find
+ // the closure over case equivalents.
+ return IsUnicode(flags) && IgnoreCase(flags);
+// Details of a quick mask-compare check that can look ahead in the
+// input stream.
+class QuickCheckDetails {
+ public:
+ QuickCheckDetails()
+ : characters_(0), mask_(0), value_(0), cannot_match_(false) {}
+ explicit QuickCheckDetails(int characters)
+ : characters_(characters), mask_(0), value_(0), cannot_match_(false) {}
+ bool Rationalize(bool one_byte);
+ // Merge in the information from another branch of an alternation.
+ void Merge(QuickCheckDetails* other, int from_index);
+ // Advance the current position by some amount.
+ void Advance(int by, bool one_byte);
+ void Clear();
+ bool cannot_match() { return cannot_match_; }
+ void set_cannot_match() { cannot_match_ = true; }
+ struct Position {
+ Position() : mask(0), value(0), determines_perfectly(false) {}
+ uc16 mask;
+ uc16 value;
+ bool determines_perfectly;
+ };
+ int characters() { return characters_; }
+ void set_characters(int characters) { characters_ = characters; }
+ Position* positions(int index) {
+ DCHECK_LE(0, index);
+ DCHECK_GT(characters_, index);
+ return positions_ + index;
+ }
+ uint32_t mask() { return mask_; }
+ uint32_t value() { return value_; }
+ private:
+ // How many characters do we have quick check information from. This is
+ // the same for all branches of a choice node.
+ int characters_;
+ Position positions_[4];
+ // These values are the condensate of the above array after Rationalize().
+ uint32_t mask_;
+ uint32_t value_;
+ // If set to true, there is no way this quick check can match at all.
+ // E.g., if it requires to be at the start of the input, and isn't.
+ bool cannot_match_;
+// Improve the speed that we scan for an initial point where a non-anchored
+// regexp can match by using a Boyer-Moore-like table. This is done by
+// identifying non-greedy non-capturing loops in the nodes that eat any
+// character one at a time. For example in the middle of the regexp
+// /foo[\s\S]*?bar/ we find such a loop. There is also such a loop implicitly
+// inserted at the start of any non-anchored regexp.
+// When we have found such a loop we look ahead in the nodes to find the set of
+// characters that can come at given distances. For example for the regexp
+// /.?foo/ we know that there are at least 3 characters ahead of us, and the
+// sets of characters that can occur are [any, [f, o], [o]]. We find a range in
+// the lookahead info where the set of characters is reasonably constrained. In
+// our example this is from index 1 to 2 (0 is not constrained). We can now
+// look 3 characters ahead and if we don't find one of [f, o] (the union of
+// [f, o] and [o]) then we can skip forwards by the range size (in this case 2).
+// For Unicode input strings we do the same, but modulo 128.
+// We also look at the first string fed to the regexp and use that to get a hint
+// of the character frequencies in the inputs. This affects the assessment of
+// whether the set of characters is 'reasonably constrained'.
+// We also have another lookahead mechanism (called quick check in the code),
+// which uses a wide load of multiple characters followed by a mask and compare
+// to determine whether a match is possible at this point.
+enum ContainedInLattice {
+ kNotYet = 0,
+ kLatticeIn = 1,
+ kLatticeOut = 2,
+ kLatticeUnknown = 3 // Can also mean both in and out.
+inline ContainedInLattice Combine(ContainedInLattice a, ContainedInLattice b) {
+ return static_cast<ContainedInLattice>(a | b);
+class BoyerMoorePositionInfo : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ bool at(int i) const { return map_[i]; }
+ static constexpr int kMapSize = 128;
+ static constexpr int kMask = kMapSize - 1;
+ int map_count() const { return map_count_; }
+ void Set(int character);
+ void SetInterval(const Interval& interval);
+ void SetAll();
+ bool is_non_word() { return w_ == kLatticeOut; }
+ bool is_word() { return w_ == kLatticeIn; }
+ using Bitset = std::bitset<kMapSize>;
+ Bitset raw_bitset() const { return map_; }
+ private:
+ Bitset map_;
+ int map_count_ = 0; // Number of set bits in the map.
+ ContainedInLattice w_ = kNotYet; // The \w character class.
+class BoyerMooreLookahead : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ BoyerMooreLookahead(int length, RegExpCompiler* compiler, Zone* zone);
+ int length() { return length_; }
+ int max_char() { return max_char_; }
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler() { return compiler_; }
+ int Count(int map_number) { return bitmaps_->at(map_number)->map_count(); }
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo* at(int i) { return bitmaps_->at(i); }
+ void Set(int map_number, int character) {
+ if (character > max_char_) return;
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo* info = bitmaps_->at(map_number);
+ info->Set(character);
+ }
+ void SetInterval(int map_number, const Interval& interval) {
+ if (interval.from() > max_char_) return;
+ BoyerMoorePositionInfo* info = bitmaps_->at(map_number);
+ if ( > max_char_) {
+ info->SetInterval(Interval(interval.from(), max_char_));
+ } else {
+ info->SetInterval(interval);
+ }
+ }
+ void SetAll(int map_number) { bitmaps_->at(map_number)->SetAll(); }
+ void SetRest(int from_map) {
+ for (int i = from_map; i < length_; i++) SetAll(i);
+ }
+ void EmitSkipInstructions(RegExpMacroAssembler* masm);
+ private:
+ // This is the value obtained by EatsAtLeast. If we do not have at least this
+ // many characters left in the sample string then the match is bound to fail.
+ // Therefore it is OK to read a character this far ahead of the current match
+ // point.
+ int length_;
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler_;
+ // 0xff for Latin1, 0xffff for UTF-16.
+ int max_char_;
+ ZoneList<BoyerMoorePositionInfo*>* bitmaps_;
+ int GetSkipTable(int min_lookahead, int max_lookahead,
+ Handle<ByteArray> boolean_skip_table);
+ bool FindWorthwhileInterval(int* from, int* to);
+ int FindBestInterval(int max_number_of_chars, int old_biggest_points,
+ int* from, int* to);
+// There are many ways to generate code for a node. This class encapsulates
+// the current way we should be generating. In other words it encapsulates
+// the current state of the code generator. The effect of this is that we
+// generate code for paths that the matcher can take through the regular
+// expression. A given node in the regexp can be code-generated several times
+// as it can be part of several traces. For example for the regexp:
+// /foo(bar|ip)baz/ the code to match baz will be generated twice, once as part
+// of the foo-bar-baz trace and once as part of the foo-ip-baz trace. The code
+// to match foo is generated only once (the traces have a common prefix). The
+// code to store the capture is deferred and generated (twice) after the places
+// where baz has been matched.
+class Trace {
+ public:
+ // A value for a property that is either known to be true, know to be false,
+ // or not known.
+ enum TriBool { UNKNOWN = -1, FALSE_VALUE = 0, TRUE_VALUE = 1 };
+ class DeferredAction {
+ public:
+ DeferredAction(ActionNode::ActionType action_type, int reg)
+ : action_type_(action_type), reg_(reg), next_(nullptr) {}
+ DeferredAction* next() { return next_; }
+ bool Mentions(int reg);
+ int reg() { return reg_; }
+ ActionNode::ActionType action_type() { return action_type_; }
+ private:
+ ActionNode::ActionType action_type_;
+ int reg_;
+ DeferredAction* next_;
+ friend class Trace;
+ };
+ class DeferredCapture : public DeferredAction {
+ public:
+ DeferredCapture(int reg, bool is_capture, Trace* trace)
+ : DeferredAction(ActionNode::STORE_POSITION, reg),
+ cp_offset_(trace->cp_offset()),
+ is_capture_(is_capture) {}
+ int cp_offset() { return cp_offset_; }
+ bool is_capture() { return is_capture_; }
+ private:
+ int cp_offset_;
+ bool is_capture_;
+ void set_cp_offset(int cp_offset) { cp_offset_ = cp_offset; }
+ };
+ class DeferredSetRegisterForLoop : public DeferredAction {
+ public:
+ DeferredSetRegisterForLoop(int reg, int value)
+ : DeferredAction(ActionNode::SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP, reg),
+ value_(value) {}
+ int value() { return value_; }
+ private:
+ int value_;
+ };
+ class DeferredClearCaptures : public DeferredAction {
+ public:
+ explicit DeferredClearCaptures(Interval range)
+ : DeferredAction(ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES, -1), range_(range) {}
+ Interval range() { return range_; }
+ private:
+ Interval range_;
+ };
+ class DeferredIncrementRegister : public DeferredAction {
+ public:
+ explicit DeferredIncrementRegister(int reg)
+ : DeferredAction(ActionNode::INCREMENT_REGISTER, reg) {}
+ };
+ Trace()
+ : cp_offset_(0),
+ actions_(nullptr),
+ backtrack_(nullptr),
+ stop_node_(nullptr),
+ loop_label_(nullptr),
+ characters_preloaded_(0),
+ bound_checked_up_to_(0),
+ flush_budget_(100),
+ at_start_(UNKNOWN) {}
+ // End the trace. This involves flushing the deferred actions in the trace
+ // and pushing a backtrack location onto the backtrack stack. Once this is
+ // done we can start a new trace or go to one that has already been
+ // generated.
+ void Flush(RegExpCompiler* compiler, RegExpNode* successor);
+ int cp_offset() { return cp_offset_; }
+ DeferredAction* actions() { return actions_; }
+ // A trivial trace is one that has no deferred actions or other state that
+ // affects the assumptions used when generating code. There is no recorded
+ // backtrack location in a trivial trace, so with a trivial trace we will
+ // generate code that, on a failure to match, gets the backtrack location
+ // from the backtrack stack rather than using a direct jump instruction. We
+ // always start code generation with a trivial trace and non-trivial traces
+ // are created as we emit code for nodes or add to the list of deferred
+ // actions in the trace. The location of the code generated for a node using
+ // a trivial trace is recorded in a label in the node so that gotos can be
+ // generated to that code.
+ bool is_trivial() {
+ return backtrack_ == nullptr && actions_ == nullptr && cp_offset_ == 0 &&
+ characters_preloaded_ == 0 && bound_checked_up_to_ == 0 &&
+ quick_check_performed_.characters() == 0 && at_start_ == UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ TriBool at_start() { return at_start_; }
+ void set_at_start(TriBool at_start) { at_start_ = at_start; }
+ Label* backtrack() { return backtrack_; }
+ Label* loop_label() { return loop_label_; }
+ RegExpNode* stop_node() { return stop_node_; }
+ int characters_preloaded() { return characters_preloaded_; }
+ int bound_checked_up_to() { return bound_checked_up_to_; }
+ int flush_budget() { return flush_budget_; }
+ QuickCheckDetails* quick_check_performed() { return &quick_check_performed_; }
+ bool mentions_reg(int reg);
+ // Returns true if a deferred position store exists to the specified
+ // register and stores the offset in the out-parameter. Otherwise
+ // returns false.
+ bool GetStoredPosition(int reg, int* cp_offset);
+ // These set methods and AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace should be used only on
+ // new traces - the intention is that traces are immutable after creation.
+ void add_action(DeferredAction* new_action) {
+ DCHECK(new_action->next_ == nullptr);
+ new_action->next_ = actions_;
+ actions_ = new_action;
+ }
+ void set_backtrack(Label* backtrack) { backtrack_ = backtrack; }
+ void set_stop_node(RegExpNode* node) { stop_node_ = node; }
+ void set_loop_label(Label* label) { loop_label_ = label; }
+ void set_characters_preloaded(int count) { characters_preloaded_ = count; }
+ void set_bound_checked_up_to(int to) { bound_checked_up_to_ = to; }
+ void set_flush_budget(int to) { flush_budget_ = to; }
+ void set_quick_check_performed(QuickCheckDetails* d) {
+ quick_check_performed_ = *d;
+ }
+ void InvalidateCurrentCharacter();
+ void AdvanceCurrentPositionInTrace(int by, RegExpCompiler* compiler);
+ private:
+ int FindAffectedRegisters(DynamicBitSet* affected_registers, Zone* zone);
+ void PerformDeferredActions(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro, int max_register,
+ const DynamicBitSet& affected_registers,
+ DynamicBitSet* registers_to_pop,
+ DynamicBitSet* registers_to_clear, Zone* zone);
+ void RestoreAffectedRegisters(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro, int max_register,
+ const DynamicBitSet& registers_to_pop,
+ const DynamicBitSet& registers_to_clear);
+ int cp_offset_;
+ DeferredAction* actions_;
+ Label* backtrack_;
+ RegExpNode* stop_node_;
+ Label* loop_label_;
+ int characters_preloaded_;
+ int bound_checked_up_to_;
+ QuickCheckDetails quick_check_performed_;
+ int flush_budget_;
+ TriBool at_start_;
+class GreedyLoopState {
+ public:
+ explicit GreedyLoopState(bool not_at_start);
+ Label* label() { return &label_; }
+ Trace* counter_backtrack_trace() { return &counter_backtrack_trace_; }
+ private:
+ Label label_;
+ Trace counter_backtrack_trace_;
+struct PreloadState {
+ static const int kEatsAtLeastNotYetInitialized = -1;
+ bool preload_is_current_;
+ bool preload_has_checked_bounds_;
+ int preload_characters_;
+ int eats_at_least_;
+ void init() { eats_at_least_ = kEatsAtLeastNotYetInitialized; }
+// Analysis performs assertion propagation and computes eats_at_least_ values.
+// See the comments on AssertionPropagator and EatsAtLeastPropagator for more
+// details.
+RegExpError AnalyzeRegExp(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte, RegExpNode* node);
+class FrequencyCollator {
+ public:
+ FrequencyCollator() : total_samples_(0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize; i++) {
+ frequencies_[i] = CharacterFrequency(i);
+ }
+ }
+ void CountCharacter(int character) {
+ int index = (character & RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask);
+ frequencies_[index].Increment();
+ total_samples_++;
+ }
+ // Does not measure in percent, but rather per-128 (the table size from the
+ // regexp macro assembler).
+ int Frequency(int in_character) {
+ DCHECK((in_character & RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask) == in_character);
+ if (total_samples_ < 1) return 1; // Division by zero.
+ int freq_in_per128 =
+ (frequencies_[in_character].counter() * 128) / total_samples_;
+ return freq_in_per128;
+ }
+ private:
+ class CharacterFrequency {
+ public:
+ CharacterFrequency() : counter_(0), character_(-1) {}
+ explicit CharacterFrequency(int character)
+ : counter_(0), character_(character) {}
+ void Increment() { counter_++; }
+ int counter() { return counter_; }
+ int character() { return character_; }
+ private:
+ int counter_;
+ int character_;
+ };
+ private:
+ CharacterFrequency frequencies_[RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableSize];
+ int total_samples_;
+class RegExpCompiler {
+ public:
+ RegExpCompiler(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, int capture_count,
+ bool is_one_byte);
+ int AllocateRegister() {
+ if (next_register_ >= RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegister) {
+ reg_exp_too_big_ = true;
+ return next_register_;
+ }
+ return next_register_++;
+ }
+ // Lookarounds to match lone surrogates for unicode character class matches
+ // are never nested. We can therefore reuse registers.
+ int UnicodeLookaroundStackRegister() {
+ if (unicode_lookaround_stack_register_ == kNoRegister) {
+ unicode_lookaround_stack_register_ = AllocateRegister();
+ }
+ return unicode_lookaround_stack_register_;
+ }
+ int UnicodeLookaroundPositionRegister() {
+ if (unicode_lookaround_position_register_ == kNoRegister) {
+ unicode_lookaround_position_register_ = AllocateRegister();
+ }
+ return unicode_lookaround_position_register_;
+ }
+ struct CompilationResult final {
+ explicit CompilationResult(RegExpError err) : error(err) {}
+ CompilationResult(Handle<Object> code, int registers)
+ : code(code), num_registers(registers) {}
+ static CompilationResult RegExpTooBig() {
+ return CompilationResult(RegExpError::kTooLarge);
+ }
+ bool Succeeded() const { return error == RegExpError::kNone; }
+ const RegExpError error = RegExpError::kNone;
+ Handle<Object> code;
+ int num_registers = 0;
+ };
+ CompilationResult Assemble(Isolate* isolate, RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler,
+ RegExpNode* start, int capture_count,
+ Handle<String> pattern);
+ // Preprocessing is the final step of node creation before analysis
+ // and assembly. It includes:
+ // - Wrapping the body of the regexp in capture 0.
+ // - Inserting the implicit .* before/after the regexp if necessary.
+ // - If the input is a one-byte string, filtering out nodes that can't match.
+ // - Fixing up regexp matches that start within a surrogate pair.
+ RegExpNode* PreprocessRegExp(RegExpCompileData* data, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ bool is_one_byte);
+ // If the regexp matching starts within a surrogate pair, step back to the
+ // lead surrogate and start matching from there.
+ RegExpNode* OptionallyStepBackToLeadSurrogate(RegExpNode* on_success,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ inline void AddWork(RegExpNode* node) {
+ if (!node->on_work_list() && !node->label()->is_bound()) {
+ node->set_on_work_list(true);
+ work_list_->push_back(node);
+ }
+ }
+ static const int kImplementationOffset = 0;
+ static const int kNumberOfRegistersOffset = 0;
+ static const int kCodeOffset = 1;
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler() { return macro_assembler_; }
+ EndNode* accept() { return accept_; }
+ static const int kMaxRecursion = 100;
+ inline int recursion_depth() { return recursion_depth_; }
+ inline void IncrementRecursionDepth() { recursion_depth_++; }
+ inline void DecrementRecursionDepth() { recursion_depth_--; }
+ void SetRegExpTooBig() { reg_exp_too_big_ = true; }
+ inline bool one_byte() { return one_byte_; }
+ inline bool optimize() { return optimize_; }
+ inline void set_optimize(bool value) { optimize_ = value; }
+ inline bool limiting_recursion() { return limiting_recursion_; }
+ inline void set_limiting_recursion(bool value) {
+ limiting_recursion_ = value;
+ }
+ bool read_backward() { return read_backward_; }
+ void set_read_backward(bool value) { read_backward_ = value; }
+ FrequencyCollator* frequency_collator() { return &frequency_collator_; }
+ int current_expansion_factor() { return current_expansion_factor_; }
+ void set_current_expansion_factor(int value) {
+ current_expansion_factor_ = value;
+ }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ static const int kNoRegister = -1;
+ private:
+ EndNode* accept_;
+ int next_register_;
+ int unicode_lookaround_stack_register_;
+ int unicode_lookaround_position_register_;
+ ZoneVector<RegExpNode*>* work_list_;
+ int recursion_depth_;
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler_;
+ bool one_byte_;
+ bool reg_exp_too_big_;
+ bool limiting_recursion_;
+ bool optimize_;
+ bool read_backward_;
+ int current_expansion_factor_;
+ FrequencyCollator frequency_collator_;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+// Categorizes character ranges into BMP, non-BMP, lead, and trail surrogates.
+class UnicodeRangeSplitter {
+ public:
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE UnicodeRangeSplitter(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* base);
+ static constexpr int kInitialSize = 8;
+ using CharacterRangeVector = base::SmallVector<CharacterRange, kInitialSize>;
+ const CharacterRangeVector* bmp() const { return &bmp_; }
+ const CharacterRangeVector* lead_surrogates() const {
+ return &lead_surrogates_;
+ }
+ const CharacterRangeVector* trail_surrogates() const {
+ return &trail_surrogates_;
+ }
+ const CharacterRangeVector* non_bmp() const { return &non_bmp_; }
+ private:
+ void AddRange(CharacterRange range);
+ CharacterRangeVector bmp_;
+ CharacterRangeVector lead_surrogates_;
+ CharacterRangeVector trail_surrogates_;
+ CharacterRangeVector non_bmp_;
+// We need to check for the following characters: 0x39C 0x3BC 0x178.
+// TODO(jgruber): Move to CharacterRange.
+bool RangeContainsLatin1Equivalents(CharacterRange range);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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index 0000000000..baedd566f8
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@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-dotprinter.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-compiler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// -------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Dot/dotty output
+#ifdef DEBUG
+class DotPrinterImpl : public NodeVisitor {
+ public:
+ explicit DotPrinterImpl(std::ostream& os) : os_(os) {}
+ void PrintNode(const char* label, RegExpNode* node);
+ void Visit(RegExpNode* node);
+ void PrintAttributes(RegExpNode* from);
+ void PrintOnFailure(RegExpNode* from, RegExpNode* to);
+#define DECLARE_VISIT(Type) virtual void Visit##Type(Type##Node* that);
+ private:
+ std::ostream& os_;
+void DotPrinterImpl::PrintNode(const char* label, RegExpNode* node) {
+ os_ << "digraph G {\n graph [label=\"";
+ for (int i = 0; label[i]; i++) {
+ switch (label[i]) {
+ case '\\':
+ os_ << "\\\\";
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ os_ << "\"";
+ break;
+ default:
+ os_ << label[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os_ << "\"];\n";
+ Visit(node);
+ os_ << "}" << std::endl;
+void DotPrinterImpl::Visit(RegExpNode* node) {
+ if (node->info()->visited) return;
+ node->info()->visited = true;
+ node->Accept(this);
+void DotPrinterImpl::PrintOnFailure(RegExpNode* from, RegExpNode* on_failure) {
+ os_ << " n" << from << " -> n" << on_failure << " [style=dotted];\n";
+ Visit(on_failure);
+class AttributePrinter {
+ public:
+ explicit AttributePrinter(std::ostream& os) // NOLINT
+ : os_(os), first_(true) {}
+ void PrintSeparator() {
+ if (first_) {
+ first_ = false;
+ } else {
+ os_ << "|";
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintBit(const char* name, bool value) {
+ if (!value) return;
+ PrintSeparator();
+ os_ << "{" << name << "}";
+ }
+ void PrintPositive(const char* name, int value) {
+ if (value < 0) return;
+ PrintSeparator();
+ os_ << "{" << name << "|" << value << "}";
+ }
+ private:
+ std::ostream& os_;
+ bool first_;
+void DotPrinterImpl::PrintAttributes(RegExpNode* that) {
+ os_ << " a" << that << " [shape=Mrecord, color=grey, fontcolor=grey, "
+ << "margin=0.1, fontsize=10, label=\"{";
+ AttributePrinter printer(os_);
+ NodeInfo* info = that->info();
+ printer.PrintBit("NI", info->follows_newline_interest);
+ printer.PrintBit("WI", info->follows_word_interest);
+ printer.PrintBit("SI", info->follows_start_interest);
+ Label* label = that->label();
+ if (label->is_bound()) printer.PrintPositive("@", label->pos());
+ os_ << "}\"];\n"
+ << " a" << that << " -> n" << that
+ << " [style=dashed, color=grey, arrowhead=none];\n";
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitChoice(ChoiceNode* that) {
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [shape=Mrecord, label=\"?\"];\n";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alt = that->alternatives()->at(i);
+ os_ << " n" << that << " -> n" << alt.node();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->alternatives()->length(); i++) {
+ GuardedAlternative alt = that->alternatives()->at(i);
+ alt.node()->Accept(this);
+ }
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitLoopChoice(LoopChoiceNode* that) {
+ VisitChoice(that);
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitNegativeLookaroundChoice(
+ NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode* that) {
+ VisitChoice(that);
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitText(TextNode* that) {
+ Zone* zone = that->zone();
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [label=\"";
+ for (int i = 0; i < that->elements()->length(); i++) {
+ if (i > 0) os_ << " ";
+ TextElement elm = that->elements()->at(i);
+ switch (elm.text_type()) {
+ case TextElement::ATOM: {
+ Vector<const uc16> data = elm.atom()->data();
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) {
+ os_ << static_cast<char>(data[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case TextElement::CHAR_CLASS: {
+ RegExpCharacterClass* node = elm.char_class();
+ os_ << "[";
+ if (node->is_negated()) os_ << "^";
+ for (int j = 0; j < node->ranges(zone)->length(); j++) {
+ CharacterRange range = node->ranges(zone)->at(j);
+ os_ << AsUC16(range.from()) << "-" << AsUC16(;
+ }
+ os_ << "]";
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ os_ << "\", shape=box, peripheries=2];\n";
+ PrintAttributes(that);
+ os_ << " n" << that << " -> n" << that->on_success() << ";\n";
+ Visit(that->on_success());
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitBackReference(BackReferenceNode* that) {
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [label=\"$" << that->start_register() << "..$"
+ << that->end_register() << "\", shape=doubleoctagon];\n";
+ PrintAttributes(that);
+ os_ << " n" << that << " -> n" << that->on_success() << ";\n";
+ Visit(that->on_success());
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitEnd(EndNode* that) {
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [style=bold, shape=point];\n";
+ PrintAttributes(that);
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitAssertion(AssertionNode* that) {
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [";
+ switch (that->assertion_type()) {
+ case AssertionNode::AT_END:
+ os_ << "label=\"$\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case AssertionNode::AT_START:
+ os_ << "label=\"^\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case AssertionNode::AT_BOUNDARY:
+ os_ << "label=\"\\b\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case AssertionNode::AT_NON_BOUNDARY:
+ os_ << "label=\"\\B\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case AssertionNode::AFTER_NEWLINE:
+ os_ << "label=\"(?<=\\n)\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ }
+ os_ << "];\n";
+ PrintAttributes(that);
+ RegExpNode* successor = that->on_success();
+ os_ << " n" << that << " -> n" << successor << ";\n";
+ Visit(successor);
+void DotPrinterImpl::VisitAction(ActionNode* that) {
+ os_ << " n" << that << " [";
+ switch (that->action_type_) {
+ case ActionNode::SET_REGISTER_FOR_LOOP:
+ os_ << "label=\"$" << that->data_.u_store_register.reg
+ << ":=" << that->data_.u_store_register.value << "\", shape=octagon";
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::INCREMENT_REGISTER:
+ os_ << "label=\"$" << that->data_.u_increment_register.reg
+ << "++\", shape=octagon";
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::STORE_POSITION:
+ os_ << "label=\"$" << that->data_.u_position_register.reg
+ << ":=$pos\", shape=octagon";
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::BEGIN_SUBMATCH:
+ os_ << "label=\"$" << that->data_.u_submatch.current_position_register
+ << ":=$pos,begin\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ os_ << "label=\"escape\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::EMPTY_MATCH_CHECK:
+ os_ << "label=\"$" << that->data_.u_empty_match_check.start_register
+ << "=$pos?,$" << that->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_register
+ << "<" << that->data_.u_empty_match_check.repetition_limit
+ << "?\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ case ActionNode::CLEAR_CAPTURES: {
+ os_ << "label=\"clear $" << that->data_.u_clear_captures.range_from
+ << " to $" << that->data_.u_clear_captures.range_to
+ << "\", shape=septagon";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ os_ << "];\n";
+ PrintAttributes(that);
+ RegExpNode* successor = that->on_success();
+ os_ << " n" << that << " -> n" << successor << ";\n";
+ Visit(successor);
+#endif // DEBUG
+void DotPrinter::DotPrint(const char* label, RegExpNode* node) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ StdoutStream os;
+ DotPrinterImpl printer(os);
+ printer.PrintNode(label, node);
+#endif // DEBUG
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-dotprinter.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-dotprinter.h
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index 0000000000..7fcece6e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-dotprinter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class RegExpNode;
+class DotPrinter final : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static void DotPrint(const char* label, RegExpNode* node);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0b4c263a4
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+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+const char* const kRegExpErrorStrings[] = {
+#undef TEMPLATE
+const char* RegExpErrorString(RegExpError error) {
+ DCHECK_LT(error, RegExpError::NumErrors);
+ return kRegExpErrorStrings[static_cast<int>(error)];
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f347306b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+ T(None, "") \
+ T(StackOverflow, "Maximum call stack size exceeded") \
+ T(AnalysisStackOverflow, "Stack overflow") \
+ T(TooLarge, "Regular expression too large") \
+ T(UnterminatedGroup, "Unterminated group") \
+ T(UnmatchedParen, "Unmatched ')'") \
+ T(EscapeAtEndOfPattern, "\\ at end of pattern") \
+ T(InvalidPropertyName, "Invalid property name") \
+ T(InvalidEscape, "Invalid escape") \
+ T(InvalidDecimalEscape, "Invalid decimal escape") \
+ T(InvalidUnicodeEscape, "Invalid Unicode escape") \
+ T(NothingToRepeat, "Nothing to repeat") \
+ T(LoneQuantifierBrackets, "Lone quantifier brackets") \
+ T(RangeOutOfOrder, "numbers out of order in {} quantifier") \
+ T(IncompleteQuantifier, "Incomplete quantifier") \
+ T(InvalidQuantifier, "Invalid quantifier") \
+ T(InvalidGroup, "Invalid group") \
+ T(MultipleFlagDashes, "Multiple dashes in flag group") \
+ T(RepeatedFlag, "Repeated flag in flag group") \
+ T(InvalidFlagGroup, "Invalid flag group") \
+ T(TooManyCaptures, "Too many captures") \
+ T(InvalidCaptureGroupName, "Invalid capture group name") \
+ T(DuplicateCaptureGroupName, "Duplicate capture group name") \
+ T(InvalidNamedReference, "Invalid named reference") \
+ T(InvalidNamedCaptureReference, "Invalid named capture referenced") \
+ T(InvalidClassEscape, "Invalid class escape") \
+ T(InvalidClassPropertyName, "Invalid property name in character class") \
+ T(InvalidCharacterClass, "Invalid character class") \
+ T(UnterminatedCharacterClass, "Unterminated character class") \
+ T(OutOfOrderCharacterClass, "Range out of order in character class")
+enum class RegExpError : uint32_t {
+#undef TEMPLATE
+ NumErrors
+V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE const char* RegExpErrorString(RegExpError error);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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index 0000000000..08236691ab
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+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// A simple interpreter for the Irregexp byte code.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-interpreter.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-bytecodes.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h" // For kMaximumStackSize.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// Use token threaded dispatch iff the compiler supports computed gotos and the
+// build argument v8_enable_regexp_interpreter_threaded_dispatch was set.
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+namespace {
+bool BackRefMatchesNoCase(Isolate* isolate, int from, int current, int len,
+ Vector<const uc16> subject, bool unicode) {
+ Address offset_a =
+ reinterpret_cast<Address>(const_cast<uc16*>(&;
+ Address offset_b =
+ reinterpret_cast<Address>(const_cast<uc16*>(&;
+ size_t length = len * kUC16Size;
+ bool result = unicode
+ ? RegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(
+ offset_a, offset_b, length, isolate)
+ : RegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(
+ offset_a, offset_b, length, isolate);
+ return result == 1;
+bool BackRefMatchesNoCase(Isolate* isolate, int from, int current, int len,
+ Vector<const uint8_t> subject, bool unicode) {
+ // For Latin1 characters the unicode flag makes no difference.
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ unsigned int old_char = subject[from++];
+ unsigned int new_char = subject[current++];
+ if (old_char == new_char) continue;
+ // Convert both characters to lower case.
+ old_char |= 0x20;
+ new_char |= 0x20;
+ if (old_char != new_char) return false;
+ // Not letters in the ASCII range and Latin-1 range.
+ if (!(old_char - 'a' <= 'z' - 'a') &&
+ !(old_char - 224 <= 254 - 224 && old_char != 247)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void MaybeTraceInterpreter(const byte* code_base, const byte* pc,
+ int stack_depth, int current_position,
+ uint32_t current_char, int bytecode_length,
+ const char* bytecode_name) {
+ if (FLAG_trace_regexp_bytecodes) {
+ const bool printable = std::isprint(current_char);
+ const char* format =
+ printable
+ ? "pc = %02x, sp = %d, curpos = %d, curchar = %08x (%c), bc = "
+ : "pc = %02x, sp = %d, curpos = %d, curchar = %08x .%c., bc = ";
+ PrintF(format, pc - code_base, stack_depth, current_position, current_char,
+ printable ? current_char : '.');
+ RegExpBytecodeDisassembleSingle(code_base, pc);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+int32_t Load32Aligned(const byte* pc) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pc) & 3);
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(pc);
+// TODO(jgruber): Rename to Load16AlignedUnsigned.
+uint32_t Load16Aligned(const byte* pc) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pc) & 1);
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(pc);
+int32_t Load16AlignedSigned(const byte* pc) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(pc) & 1);
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(pc);
+// Helpers to access the packed argument. Takes the 32 bits containing the
+// current bytecode, where the 8 LSB contain the bytecode and the rest contains
+// a packed 24-bit argument.
+// TODO(jgruber): Specify signed-ness in bytecode signature declarations, and
+// police restrictions during bytecode generation.
+int32_t LoadPacked24Signed(int32_t bytecode_and_packed_arg) {
+ return bytecode_and_packed_arg >> BYTECODE_SHIFT;
+uint32_t LoadPacked24Unsigned(int32_t bytecode_and_packed_arg) {
+ return static_cast<uint32_t>(bytecode_and_packed_arg) >> BYTECODE_SHIFT;
+// A simple abstraction over the backtracking stack used by the interpreter.
+// Despite the name 'backtracking' stack, it's actually used as a generic stack
+// that stores both program counters (= offsets into the bytecode) and generic
+// integer values.
+class BacktrackStack {
+ public:
+ BacktrackStack() = default;
+ V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT bool push(int v) {
+ data_.emplace_back(v);
+ return (static_cast<int>(data_.size()) <= kMaxSize);
+ }
+ int peek() const {
+ DCHECK(!data_.empty());
+ return data_.back();
+ }
+ int pop() {
+ int v = peek();
+ data_.pop_back();
+ return v;
+ }
+ // The 'sp' is the index of the first empty element in the stack.
+ int sp() const { return static_cast<int>(data_.size()); }
+ void set_sp(int new_sp) {
+ DCHECK_LE(new_sp, sp());
+ data_.resize_no_init(new_sp);
+ }
+ private:
+ // Semi-arbitrary. Should be large enough for common cases to remain in the
+ // static stack-allocated backing store, but small enough not to waste space.
+ static constexpr int kStaticCapacity = 64;
+ using ValueT = int;
+ base::SmallVector<ValueT, kStaticCapacity> data_;
+ static constexpr int kMaxSize =
+ RegExpStack::kMaximumStackSize / sizeof(ValueT);
+// Registers used during interpreter execution. These consist of output
+// registers in indices [0, output_register_count[ which will contain matcher
+// results as a {start,end} index tuple for each capture (where the whole match
+// counts as implicit capture 0); and internal registers in indices
+// [output_register_count, total_register_count[.
+class InterpreterRegisters {
+ public:
+ using RegisterT = int;
+ InterpreterRegisters(int total_register_count, RegisterT* output_registers,
+ int output_register_count)
+ : registers_(total_register_count),
+ output_registers_(output_registers),
+ output_register_count_(output_register_count) {
+ // TODO(jgruber): Use int32_t consistently for registers. Currently, CSA
+ // uses int32_t while runtime uses int.
+ STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32_t));
+ DCHECK_GE(output_register_count, 2); // At least 2 for the match itself.
+ DCHECK_GE(total_register_count, output_register_count);
+ DCHECK_LE(total_register_count, RegExpMacroAssembler::kMaxRegisterCount);
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(output_registers);
+ // Initialize the output register region to -1 signifying 'no match'.
+ std::memset(, -1,
+ output_register_count * sizeof(RegisterT));
+ }
+ const RegisterT& operator[](size_t index) const { return registers_[index]; }
+ RegisterT& operator[](size_t index) { return registers_[index]; }
+ void CopyToOutputRegisters() {
+ MemCopy(output_registers_,,
+ output_register_count_ * sizeof(RegisterT));
+ }
+ private:
+ static constexpr int kStaticCapacity = 64; // Arbitrary.
+ base::SmallVector<RegisterT, kStaticCapacity> registers_;
+ RegisterT* const output_registers_;
+ const int output_register_count_;
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result ThrowStackOverflow(Isolate* isolate,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin) {
+ CHECK(call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime);
+ // We abort interpreter execution after the stack overflow is thrown, and thus
+ // allow allocation here despite the outer DisallowHeapAllocationScope.
+ AllowHeapAllocation yes_gc;
+ isolate->StackOverflow();
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::EXCEPTION;
+// Only throws if called from the runtime, otherwise just returns the EXCEPTION
+// status code.
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result MaybeThrowStackOverflow(
+ Isolate* isolate, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin) {
+ if (call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime) {
+ return ThrowStackOverflow(isolate, call_origin);
+ } else {
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::EXCEPTION;
+ }
+template <typename Char>
+void UpdateCodeAndSubjectReferences(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<ByteArray> code_array,
+ Handle<String> subject_string, ByteArray* code_array_out,
+ const byte** code_base_out, const byte** pc_out, String* subject_string_out,
+ Vector<const Char>* subject_string_vector_out) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ if (*code_base_out != code_array->GetDataStartAddress()) {
+ *code_array_out = *code_array;
+ const intptr_t pc_offset = *pc_out - *code_base_out;
+ DCHECK_GT(pc_offset, 0);
+ *code_base_out = code_array->GetDataStartAddress();
+ *pc_out = *code_base_out + pc_offset;
+ }
+ DCHECK(subject_string->IsFlat());
+ *subject_string_out = *subject_string;
+ *subject_string_vector_out = subject_string->GetCharVector<Char>(no_gc);
+// Runs all pending interrupts and updates unhandlified object references if
+// necessary.
+template <typename Char>
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result HandleInterrupts(
+ Isolate* isolate, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin, ByteArray* code_array_out,
+ String* subject_string_out, const byte** code_base_out,
+ Vector<const Char>* subject_string_vector_out, const byte** pc_out) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
+ bool js_has_overflowed = check.JsHasOverflowed();
+ if (call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromJs) {
+ // Direct calls from JavaScript can be interrupted in two ways:
+ // 1. A real stack overflow, in which case we let the caller throw the
+ // exception.
+ // 2. The stack guard was used to interrupt execution for another purpose,
+ // forcing the call through the runtime system.
+ if (js_has_overflowed) {
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::EXCEPTION;
+ } else if (check.InterruptRequested()) {
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::RETRY;
+ }
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime);
+ // Prepare for possible GC.
+ HandleScope handles(isolate);
+ Handle<ByteArray> code_handle(*code_array_out, isolate);
+ Handle<String> subject_handle(*subject_string_out, isolate);
+ if (js_has_overflowed) {
+ return ThrowStackOverflow(isolate, call_origin);
+ } else if (check.InterruptRequested()) {
+ const bool was_one_byte =
+ String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(*subject_string_out);
+ Object result;
+ {
+ AllowHeapAllocation yes_gc;
+ result = isolate->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts();
+ }
+ if (result.IsException(isolate)) {
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::EXCEPTION;
+ }
+ // If we changed between a LATIN1 and a UC16 string, we need to restart
+ // regexp matching with the appropriate template instantiation of
+ // RawMatch.
+ if (String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(*subject_handle) !=
+ was_one_byte) {
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::RETRY;
+ }
+ UpdateCodeAndSubjectReferences(
+ isolate, code_handle, subject_handle, code_array_out, code_base_out,
+ pc_out, subject_string_out, subject_string_vector_out);
+ }
+ }
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::SUCCESS;
+bool CheckBitInTable(const uint32_t current_char, const byte* const table) {
+ int mask = RegExpMacroAssembler::kTableMask;
+ int b = table[(current_char & mask) >> kBitsPerByteLog2];
+ int bit = (current_char & (kBitsPerByte - 1));
+ return (b & (1 << bit)) != 0;
+// Returns true iff 0 <= index < length.
+bool IndexIsInBounds(int index, int length) {
+ DCHECK_GE(length, 0);
+ return static_cast<uintptr_t>(index) < static_cast<uintptr_t>(length);
+// If computed gotos are supported by the compiler, we can get addresses to
+// labels directly in C/C++. Every bytecode handler has its own label and we
+// store the addresses in a dispatch table indexed by bytecode. To execute the
+// next handler we simply jump (goto) directly to its address.
+#define BC_LABEL(name) BC_##name:
+#define DECODE() \
+ do { \
+ next_insn = Load32Aligned(next_pc); \
+ next_handler_addr = dispatch_table[next_insn & BYTECODE_MASK]; \
+ } while (false)
+#define DISPATCH() \
+ pc = next_pc; \
+ insn = next_insn; \
+ goto* next_handler_addr
+// Without computed goto support, we fall back to a simple switch-based
+// dispatch (A large switch statement inside a loop with a case for every
+// bytecode).
+#define BC_LABEL(name) case BC_##name:
+#define DECODE() next_insn = Load32Aligned(next_pc)
+#define DISPATCH() \
+ pc = next_pc; \
+ insn = next_insn; \
+ goto switch_dispatch_continuation
+// ADVANCE/SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET are separated from DISPATCH, because ideally some
+// instructions can be executed between ADVANCE/SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET and DISPATCH.
+// We want those two macros as far apart as possible, because the goto in
+// DISPATCH is dependent on a memory load in ADVANCE/SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET. If we
+// don't hit the cache and have to fetch the next handler address from physical
+// memory, instructions between ADVANCE/SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET and DISPATCH can
+// potentially be executed unconditionally, reducing memory stall.
+#define ADVANCE(name) \
+ next_pc = pc + RegExpBytecodeLength(BC_##name); \
+#define SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(offset) \
+ next_pc = code_base + offset; \
+// Current position mutations.
+#define SET_CURRENT_POSITION(value) \
+ do { \
+ current = (value); \
+ DCHECK(base::IsInRange(current, 0, subject.length())); \
+ } while (false)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define BYTECODE(name) \
+ BC_LABEL(name) \
+ MaybeTraceInterpreter(code_base, pc, backtrack_stack.sp(), current, \
+ current_char, RegExpBytecodeLength(BC_##name), #name);
+#define BYTECODE(name) BC_LABEL(name)
+#endif // DEBUG
+template <typename Char>
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result RawMatch(
+ Isolate* isolate, ByteArray code_array, String subject_string,
+ Vector<const Char> subject, int* output_registers,
+ int output_register_count, int total_register_count, int current,
+ uint32_t current_char, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ const uint32_t backtrack_limit) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+// We have to make sure that no OOB access to the dispatch table is possible and
+// all values are valid label addresses.
+// Otherwise jumps to arbitrary addresses could potentially happen.
+// This is ensured as follows:
+// Every index to the dispatch table gets masked using BYTECODE_MASK in
+// DECODE(). This way we can only get values between 0 (only the least
+// significant byte of an integer is used) and kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount - 1
+// (BYTECODE_MASK is defined to be exactly this value).
+// All entries from kRegExpBytecodeCount to kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount have to
+// be filled with BREAKs (invalid operation).
+// Fill dispatch table from last defined bytecode up to the next power of two
+// with BREAK (invalid operation).
+// TODO(pthier): Find a way to fill up automatically (at compile time)
+// 59 real bytecodes -> 5 fillers
+ V(BREAK) /* 1 */ \
+ V(BREAK) /* 2 */ \
+ V(BREAK) /* 3 */ \
+ V(BREAK) /* 4 */ \
+ V(BREAK) /* 5 */
+#define COUNT(...) +1
+ static constexpr int kRegExpBytecodeFillerCount =
+#undef COUNT
+ // Make sure kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount is actually the closest possible power
+ // of two.
+ DCHECK_EQ(kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount,
+ base::bits::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo32(kRegExpBytecodeCount));
+ // Make sure every bytecode we get by using BYTECODE_MASK is well defined.
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kRegExpBytecodeCount <= kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kRegExpBytecodeCount + kRegExpBytecodeFillerCount ==
+ kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount);
+#define DECLARE_DISPATCH_TABLE_ENTRY(name, ...) &&BC_##name,
+ static const void* const dispatch_table[kRegExpPaddedBytecodeCount] = {
+ const byte* pc = code_array.GetDataStartAddress();
+ const byte* code_base = pc;
+ InterpreterRegisters registers(total_register_count, output_registers,
+ output_register_count);
+ BacktrackStack backtrack_stack;
+ uint32_t backtrack_count = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (FLAG_trace_regexp_bytecodes) {
+ PrintF("\n\nStart bytecode interpreter\n\n");
+ }
+ while (true) {
+ const byte* next_pc = pc;
+ int32_t insn;
+ int32_t next_insn;
+ const void* next_handler_addr;
+ insn = Load32Aligned(pc);
+ switch (insn & BYTECODE_MASK) {
+ if (!backtrack_stack.push(current)) {
+ return MaybeThrowStackOverflow(isolate, call_origin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!backtrack_stack.push(Load32Aligned(pc + 4))) {
+ return MaybeThrowStackOverflow(isolate, call_origin);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!backtrack_stack.push(registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)])) {
+ return MaybeThrowStackOverflow(isolate, call_origin);
+ }
+ }
+ registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ }
+ registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] += Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ }
+ registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] = current + Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ }
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)]);
+ }
+ registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] = backtrack_stack.sp();
+ }
+ backtrack_stack.set_sp(registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)]);
+ }
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(backtrack_stack.pop());
+ }
+ STATIC_ASSERT(JSRegExp::kNoBacktrackLimit == 0);
+ if (++backtrack_count == backtrack_limit) {
+ // Exceeded limits are treated as a failed match.
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::FAILURE;
+ }
+ IrregexpInterpreter::Result return_code =
+ HandleInterrupts(isolate, call_origin, &code_array, &subject_string,
+ &code_base, &subject, &pc);
+ if (return_code != IrregexpInterpreter::SUCCESS) return return_code;
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(backtrack_stack.pop());
+ }
+ registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] = backtrack_stack.pop();
+ }
+ isolate->counters()->regexp_backtracks()->AddSample(
+ static_cast<int>(backtrack_count));
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::FAILURE;
+ }
+ isolate->counters()->regexp_backtracks()->AddSample(
+ static_cast<int>(backtrack_count));
+ registers.CopyToOutputRegisters();
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::SUCCESS;
+ }
+ ADVANCE_CURRENT_POSITION(LoadPacked24Signed(insn));
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ ADVANCE_CURRENT_POSITION(LoadPacked24Signed(insn));
+ }
+ if (current == backtrack_stack.peek()) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ backtrack_stack.pop();
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ if (pos >= subject.length() || pos < 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ current_char = subject[pos];
+ }
+ }
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ current_char = subject[pos];
+ }
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ if (pos + 2 > subject.length() || pos < 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ Char next = subject[pos + 1];
+ current_char = (subject[pos] | (next << (kBitsPerByte * sizeof(Char))));
+ }
+ }
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ Char next = subject[pos + 1];
+ current_char = (subject[pos] | (next << (kBitsPerByte * sizeof(Char))));
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, sizeof(Char));
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ if (pos + 4 > subject.length() || pos < 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ Char next1 = subject[pos + 1];
+ Char next2 = subject[pos + 2];
+ Char next3 = subject[pos + 3];
+ current_char =
+ (subject[pos] | (next1 << 8) | (next2 << 16) | (next3 << 24));
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(1, sizeof(Char));
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ Char next1 = subject[pos + 1];
+ Char next2 = subject[pos + 2];
+ Char next3 = subject[pos + 3];
+ current_char =
+ (subject[pos] | (next1 << 8) | (next2 << 16) | (next3 << 24));
+ }
+ uint32_t c = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ if (c == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (c == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ if (c != current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (c != current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ if (c == (current_char & Load32Aligned(pc + 8))) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (c == (current_char & Load32Aligned(pc + 4))) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ if (c != (current_char & Load32Aligned(pc + 8))) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (c != (current_char & Load32Aligned(pc + 4))) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t c = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ uint32_t minus = Load16Aligned(pc + 4);
+ uint32_t mask = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ if (c != ((current_char - minus) & mask)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t from = Load16Aligned(pc + 4);
+ uint32_t to = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ if (from <= current_char && current_char <= to) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t from = Load16Aligned(pc + 4);
+ uint32_t to = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ if (from > current_char || current_char > to) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (CheckBitInTable(current_char, pc + 8)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t limit = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (current_char < limit) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t limit = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (current_char > limit) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] < Load32Aligned(pc + 4)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] >= Load32Aligned(pc + 4)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] == current) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)] ==
+ registers[Load32Aligned(pc + 4)]) {
+ } else {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current + len > subject.length() ||
+ CompareChars(&subject[from], &subject[current], len) != 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current - len < 0 ||
+ CompareChars(&subject[from], &subject[current - len], len) != 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(current - len);
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current + len > subject.length() ||
+ !BackRefMatchesNoCase(isolate, from, current, len, subject, true)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current + len > subject.length() ||
+ !BackRefMatchesNoCase(isolate, from, current, len, subject,
+ false)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current - len < 0 ||
+ !BackRefMatchesNoCase(isolate, from, current - len, len, subject,
+ true)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(current - len);
+ }
+ }
+ int from = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn)];
+ int len = registers[LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn) + 1] - from;
+ if (from >= 0 && len > 0) {
+ if (current - len < 0 ||
+ !BackRefMatchesNoCase(isolate, from, current - len, len, subject,
+ false)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(current - len);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn) == 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn) == 0) {
+ } else {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ }
+ }
+ int by = LoadPacked24Unsigned(insn);
+ if (subject.length() - current > by) {
+ SET_CURRENT_POSITION(subject.length() - by);
+ current_char = subject[current - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ int pos = current + LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ if (pos > subject.length() || pos < 0) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 4));
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load16AlignedSigned(pc + 4);
+ uint32_t c = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ while (IndexIsInBounds(current + load_offset, subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ if (c == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 8));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load16AlignedSigned(pc + 4);
+ uint16_t c = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ uint32_t mask = Load32Aligned(pc + 8);
+ int32_t maximum_offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 12);
+ while (static_cast<uintptr_t>(current + maximum_offset) <=
+ static_cast<uintptr_t>(subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ if (c == (current_char & mask)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 16));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 20));
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load16AlignedSigned(pc + 4);
+ uint16_t c = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ int32_t maximum_offset = Load32Aligned(pc + 8);
+ while (static_cast<uintptr_t>(current + maximum_offset) <=
+ static_cast<uintptr_t>(subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ if (c == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 16));
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load16AlignedSigned(pc + 4);
+ const byte* table = pc + 8;
+ while (IndexIsInBounds(current + load_offset, subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ if (CheckBitInTable(current_char, table)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 24));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 28));
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load16AlignedSigned(pc + 4);
+ uint16_t limit = Load16Aligned(pc + 6);
+ const byte* table = pc + 8;
+ while (IndexIsInBounds(current + load_offset, subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ if (current_char > limit) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 24));
+ }
+ if (!CheckBitInTable(current_char, table)) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 24));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 28));
+ }
+ int32_t load_offset = LoadPacked24Signed(insn);
+ int32_t advance = Load32Aligned(pc + 4);
+ uint16_t c = Load16Aligned(pc + 8);
+ uint16_t c2 = Load16Aligned(pc + 10);
+ while (IndexIsInBounds(current + load_offset, subject.length())) {
+ current_char = subject[current + load_offset];
+ // The two if-statements below are split up intentionally, as combining
+ // them seems to result in register allocation behaving quite
+ // differently and slowing down the resulting code.
+ if (c == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ }
+ if (c2 == current_char) {
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 12));
+ }
+ }
+ SET_PC_FROM_OFFSET(Load32Aligned(pc + 16));
+ }
+// Lint gets confused a lot if we just use !V8_USE_COMPUTED_GOTO or ifndef
+ default:
+ }
+ // Label we jump to in DISPATCH(). There must be no instructions between the
+ // end of the switch, this label and the end of the loop.
+ switch_dispatch_continuation : {}
+ }
+#undef BYTECODE
+#undef DISPATCH
+#undef DECODE
+#undef ADVANCE
+#undef BC_LABEL
+} // namespace
+// static
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result IrregexpInterpreter::Match(
+ Isolate* isolate, JSRegExp regexp, String subject_string,
+ int* output_registers, int output_register_count, int start_position,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin) {
+ if (FLAG_regexp_tier_up) regexp.TierUpTick();
+ bool is_one_byte = String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(subject_string);
+ ByteArray code_array = ByteArray::cast(regexp.Bytecode(is_one_byte));
+ int total_register_count = regexp.MaxRegisterCount();
+ return MatchInternal(isolate, code_array, subject_string, output_registers,
+ output_register_count, total_register_count,
+ start_position, call_origin, regexp.BacktrackLimit());
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result IrregexpInterpreter::MatchInternal(
+ Isolate* isolate, ByteArray code_array, String subject_string,
+ int* output_registers, int output_register_count, int total_register_count,
+ int start_position, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ uint32_t backtrack_limit) {
+ DCHECK(subject_string.IsFlat());
+ // Note: Heap allocation *is* allowed in two situations if calling from
+ // Runtime:
+ // 1. When creating & throwing a stack overflow exception. The interpreter
+ // aborts afterwards, and thus possible-moved objects are never used.
+ // 2. When handling interrupts. We manually relocate unhandlified references
+ // after interrupts have run.
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ uc16 previous_char = '\n';
+ String::FlatContent subject_content = subject_string.GetFlatContent(no_gc);
+ if (subject_content.IsOneByte()) {
+ Vector<const uint8_t> subject_vector = subject_content.ToOneByteVector();
+ if (start_position != 0) previous_char = subject_vector[start_position - 1];
+ return RawMatch(isolate, code_array, subject_string, subject_vector,
+ output_registers, output_register_count,
+ total_register_count, start_position, previous_char,
+ call_origin, backtrack_limit);
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(subject_content.IsTwoByte());
+ Vector<const uc16> subject_vector = subject_content.ToUC16Vector();
+ if (start_position != 0) previous_char = subject_vector[start_position - 1];
+ return RawMatch(isolate, code_array, subject_string, subject_vector,
+ output_registers, output_register_count,
+ total_register_count, start_position, previous_char,
+ call_origin, backtrack_limit);
+ }
+// This method is called through an external reference from RegExpExecInternal
+// builtin.
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result IrregexpInterpreter::MatchForCallFromJs(
+ Address subject, int32_t start_position, Address, Address,
+ int* output_registers, int32_t output_register_count, Address,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin, Isolate* isolate, Address regexp) {
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(isolate);
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(output_registers);
+ DCHECK(call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromJs);
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ DisallowJavascriptExecution no_js(isolate);
+ String subject_string = String::cast(Object(subject));
+ JSRegExp regexp_obj = JSRegExp::cast(Object(regexp));
+ if (regexp_obj.MarkedForTierUp()) {
+ // Returning RETRY will re-enter through runtime, where actual recompilation
+ // for tier-up takes place.
+ return IrregexpInterpreter::RETRY;
+ }
+ return Match(isolate, regexp_obj, subject_string, output_registers,
+ output_register_count, start_position, call_origin);
+IrregexpInterpreter::Result IrregexpInterpreter::MatchForCallFromRuntime(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> regexp, Handle<String> subject_string,
+ int* output_registers, int output_register_count, int start_position) {
+ return Match(isolate, *regexp, *subject_string, output_registers,
+ output_register_count, start_position,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-interpreter.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-interpreter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fa29b6cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-interpreter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// Copyright 2011 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// A simple interpreter for the Irregexp byte code.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE IrregexpInterpreter : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ enum Result {
+ FAILURE = RegExp::kInternalRegExpFailure,
+ SUCCESS = RegExp::kInternalRegExpSuccess,
+ EXCEPTION = RegExp::kInternalRegExpException,
+ RETRY = RegExp::kInternalRegExpRetry,
+ };
+ // In case a StackOverflow occurs, a StackOverflowException is created and
+ // EXCEPTION is returned.
+ static Result MatchForCallFromRuntime(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> regexp, Handle<String> subject_string,
+ int* output_registers, int output_register_count, int start_position);
+ // In case a StackOverflow occurs, EXCEPTION is returned. The caller is
+ // responsible for creating the exception.
+ //
+ // RETRY is returned if a retry through the runtime is needed (e.g. when
+ // interrupts have been scheduled or the regexp is marked for tier-up).
+ //
+ // Arguments input_start, input_end and backtrack_stack are
+ // unused. They are only passed to match the signature of the native irregex
+ // code.
+ //
+ // Arguments output_registers and output_register_count describe the results
+ // array, which will contain register values of all captures if SUCCESS is
+ // returned. For all other return codes, the results array remains unmodified.
+ static Result MatchForCallFromJs(Address subject, int32_t start_position,
+ Address input_start, Address input_end,
+ int* output_registers,
+ int32_t output_register_count,
+ Address backtrack_stack,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ Isolate* isolate, Address regexp);
+ static Result MatchInternal(Isolate* isolate, ByteArray code_array,
+ String subject_string, int* output_registers,
+ int output_register_count,
+ int total_register_count, int start_position,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ uint32_t backtrack_limit);
+ private:
+ static Result Match(Isolate* isolate, JSRegExp regexp, String subject_string,
+ int* output_registers, int output_register_count,
+ int start_position, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a755e7c1b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-arch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "irregexp/RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.h"
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9311d0d387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+ Isolate* isolate, RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler)
+ : RegExpMacroAssembler(isolate, assembler->zone()), assembler_(assembler) {
+ IrregexpImplementation type = assembler->Implementation();
+ DCHECK_LT(type, 9);
+ const char* impl_names[] = {"IA32", "ARM", "ARM64", "MIPS", "S390",
+ "PPC", "X64", "X87", "Bytecode"};
+ PrintF("RegExpMacroAssembler%s();\n", impl_names[type]);
+RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::~RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer() = default;
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::AbortedCodeGeneration() {
+ PrintF(" AbortedCodeGeneration\n");
+ assembler_->AbortedCodeGeneration();
+// This is used for printing out debugging information. It makes an integer
+// that is closely related to the address of an object.
+static int LabelToInt(Label* label) {
+ return static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(label));
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Bind(Label* label) {
+ PrintF("label[%08x]: (Bind)\n", LabelToInt(label));
+ assembler_->Bind(label);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) {
+ PrintF(" AdvanceCurrentPosition(by=%d);\n", by);
+ assembler_->AdvanceCurrentPosition(by);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckGreedyLoop(Label* label) {
+ PrintF(" CheckGreedyLoop(label[%08x]);\n\n", LabelToInt(label));
+ assembler_->CheckGreedyLoop(label);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PopCurrentPosition() {
+ PrintF(" PopCurrentPosition();\n");
+ assembler_->PopCurrentPosition();
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushCurrentPosition() {
+ PrintF(" PushCurrentPosition();\n");
+ assembler_->PushCurrentPosition();
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Backtrack() {
+ PrintF(" Backtrack();\n");
+ assembler_->Backtrack();
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::GoTo(Label* label) {
+ PrintF(" GoTo(label[%08x]);\n\n", LabelToInt(label));
+ assembler_->GoTo(label);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushBacktrack(Label* label) {
+ PrintF(" PushBacktrack(label[%08x]);\n", LabelToInt(label));
+ assembler_->PushBacktrack(label);
+bool RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Succeed() {
+ bool restart = assembler_->Succeed();
+ PrintF(" Succeed();%s\n", restart ? " [restart for global match]" : "");
+ return restart;
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Fail() {
+ PrintF(" Fail();");
+ assembler_->Fail();
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PopRegister(int register_index) {
+ PrintF(" PopRegister(register=%d);\n", register_index);
+ assembler_->PopRegister(register_index);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::PushRegister(
+ int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) {
+ PrintF(" PushRegister(register=%d, %s);\n",
+ register_index,
+ check_stack_limit ? "check stack limit" : "");
+ assembler_->PushRegister(register_index, check_stack_limit);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by) {
+ PrintF(" AdvanceRegister(register=%d, by=%d);\n", reg, by);
+ assembler_->AdvanceRegister(reg, by);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) {
+ PrintF(" SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(by=%d);\n", by);
+ assembler_->SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(by);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::SetRegister(int register_index, int to) {
+ PrintF(" SetRegister(register=%d, to=%d);\n", register_index, to);
+ assembler_->SetRegister(register_index, to);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg,
+ int cp_offset) {
+ PrintF(" WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(register=%d,cp_offset=%d);\n",
+ reg,
+ cp_offset);
+ assembler_->WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(reg, cp_offset);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) {
+ PrintF(" ClearRegister(from=%d, to=%d);\n", reg_from, reg_to);
+ assembler_->ClearRegisters(reg_from, reg_to);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg) {
+ PrintF(" ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(register=%d);\n", reg);
+ assembler_->ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(reg);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg) {
+ PrintF(" WriteStackPointerToRegister(register=%d);\n", reg);
+ assembler_->WriteStackPointerToRegister(reg);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg) {
+ PrintF(" ReadStackPointerFromRegister(register=%d);\n", reg);
+ assembler_->ReadStackPointerFromRegister(reg);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(
+ int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input, bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ const char* check_msg = check_bounds ? "" : " (unchecked)";
+ PrintF(
+ " LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset=%d, label[%08x]%s (%d chars) (eats at "
+ "least %d));\n",
+ cp_offset, LabelToInt(on_end_of_input), check_msg, characters,
+ eats_at_least);
+ assembler_->LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_end_of_input, check_bounds,
+ characters, eats_at_least);
+class PrintablePrinter {
+ public:
+ explicit PrintablePrinter(uc16 character) : character_(character) { }
+ const char* operator*() {
+ if (character_ >= ' ' && character_ <= '~') {
+ buffer_[0] = '(';
+ buffer_[1] = static_cast<char>(character_);
+ buffer_[2] = ')';
+ buffer_[3] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ buffer_[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ return &buffer_[0];
+ }
+ private:
+ uc16 character_;
+ char buffer_[4];
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(limit);
+ PrintF(" CheckCharacterLT(c=0x%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ limit,
+ *printable,
+ LabelToInt(on_less));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacterLT(limit, on_less);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit,
+ Label* on_greater) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(limit);
+ PrintF(" CheckCharacterGT(c=0x%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ limit,
+ *printable,
+ LabelToInt(on_greater));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacterGT(limit, on_greater);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_equal) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(c);
+ PrintF(" CheckCharacter(c=0x%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ c,
+ *printable,
+ LabelToInt(on_equal));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacter(c, on_equal);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckAtStart(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_at_start) {
+ PrintF(" CheckAtStart(cp_offset=%d, label[%08x]);\n", cp_offset,
+ LabelToInt(on_at_start));
+ assembler_->CheckAtStart(cp_offset, on_at_start);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_not_at_start) {
+ PrintF(" CheckNotAtStart(cp_offset=%d, label[%08x]);\n", cp_offset,
+ LabelToInt(on_not_at_start));
+ assembler_->CheckNotAtStart(cp_offset, on_not_at_start);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(c);
+ PrintF(" CheckNotCharacter(c=0x%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ c,
+ *printable,
+ LabelToInt(on_not_equal));
+ assembler_->CheckNotCharacter(c, on_not_equal);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterAfterAnd(
+ unsigned c,
+ unsigned mask,
+ Label* on_equal) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(c);
+ PrintF(" CheckCharacterAfterAnd(c=0x%04x%s, mask=0x%04x, label[%08x]);\n",
+ c,
+ *printable,
+ mask,
+ LabelToInt(on_equal));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacterAfterAnd(c, mask, on_equal);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(
+ unsigned c,
+ unsigned mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable(c);
+ PrintF(" CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(c=0x%04x%s, mask=0x%04x, label[%08x]);\n",
+ c,
+ *printable,
+ mask,
+ LabelToInt(on_not_equal));
+ assembler_->CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(c, mask, on_not_equal);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(
+ uc16 c,
+ uc16 minus,
+ uc16 mask,
+ Label* on_not_equal) {
+ PrintF(" CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(c=0x%04x, minus=%04x, mask=0x%04x, "
+ "label[%08x]);\n",
+ c,
+ minus,
+ mask,
+ LabelToInt(on_not_equal));
+ assembler_->CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(c, minus, mask, on_not_equal);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterInRange(
+ uc16 from,
+ uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable_from(from);
+ PrintablePrinter printable_to(to);
+ PrintF(" CheckCharacterInRange(from=0x%04x%s, to=0x%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ from,
+ *printable_from,
+ to,
+ *printable_to,
+ LabelToInt(on_not_in_range));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacterInRange(from, to, on_not_in_range);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckCharacterNotInRange(
+ uc16 from,
+ uc16 to,
+ Label* on_in_range) {
+ PrintablePrinter printable_from(from);
+ PrintablePrinter printable_to(to);
+ PrintF(
+ " CheckCharacterNotInRange(from=0x%04x%s," " to=%04x%s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ from,
+ *printable_from,
+ to,
+ *printable_to,
+ LabelToInt(on_in_range));
+ assembler_->CheckCharacterNotInRange(from, to, on_in_range);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckBitInTable(
+ Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set) {
+ PrintF(" CheckBitInTable(label[%08x] ", LabelToInt(on_bit_set));
+ for (int i = 0; i < kTableSize; i++) {
+ PrintF("%c", table->get(i) != 0 ? 'X' : '.');
+ if (i % 32 == 31 && i != kTableMask) {
+ PrintF("\n ");
+ }
+ }
+ PrintF(");\n");
+ assembler_->CheckBitInTable(table, on_bit_set);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match) {
+ PrintF(" CheckNotBackReference(register=%d, %s, label[%08x]);\n", start_reg,
+ read_backward ? "backward" : "forward", LabelToInt(on_no_match));
+ assembler_->CheckNotBackReference(start_reg, read_backward, on_no_match);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(
+ int start_reg, bool read_backward, bool unicode, Label* on_no_match) {
+ PrintF(" CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(register=%d, %s %s, label[%08x]);\n",
+ start_reg, read_backward ? "backward" : "forward",
+ unicode ? "unicode" : "non-unicode", LabelToInt(on_no_match));
+ assembler_->CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(start_reg, read_backward, unicode,
+ on_no_match);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckPosition(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_outside_input) {
+ PrintF(" CheckPosition(cp_offset=%d, label[%08x]);\n", cp_offset,
+ LabelToInt(on_outside_input));
+ assembler_->CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_outside_input);
+bool RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::CheckSpecialCharacterClass(
+ uc16 type,
+ Label* on_no_match) {
+ bool supported = assembler_->CheckSpecialCharacterClass(type,
+ on_no_match);
+ PrintF(" CheckSpecialCharacterClass(type='%c', label[%08x]): %s;\n",
+ type,
+ LabelToInt(on_no_match),
+ supported ? "true" : "false");
+ return supported;
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterLT(int register_index,
+ int comparand, Label* if_lt) {
+ PrintF(" IfRegisterLT(register=%d, number=%d, label[%08x]);\n",
+ register_index, comparand, LabelToInt(if_lt));
+ assembler_->IfRegisterLT(register_index, comparand, if_lt);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterEqPos(int register_index,
+ Label* if_eq) {
+ PrintF(" IfRegisterEqPos(register=%d, label[%08x]);\n",
+ register_index, LabelToInt(if_eq));
+ assembler_->IfRegisterEqPos(register_index, if_eq);
+void RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::IfRegisterGE(int register_index,
+ int comparand, Label* if_ge) {
+ PrintF(" IfRegisterGE(register=%d, number=%d, label[%08x]);\n",
+ register_index, comparand, LabelToInt(if_ge));
+ assembler_->IfRegisterGE(register_index, comparand, if_ge);
+ RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::Implementation() {
+ return assembler_->Implementation();
+Handle<HeapObject> RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer::GetCode(Handle<String> source) {
+ PrintF(" GetCode(%s);\n", source->ToCString().get());
+ return assembler_->GetCode(source);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8db175495a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler-tracer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Copyright 2008 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// Decorator on a RegExpMacroAssembler that write all calls.
+class RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer: public RegExpMacroAssembler {
+ public:
+ RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer(Isolate* isolate, RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler);
+ ~RegExpMacroAssemblerTracer() override;
+ void AbortedCodeGeneration() override;
+ int stack_limit_slack() override { return assembler_->stack_limit_slack(); }
+ bool CanReadUnaligned() override { return assembler_->CanReadUnaligned(); }
+ void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) override; // Signed cp change.
+ void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by) override; // r[reg] += by.
+ void Backtrack() override;
+ void Bind(Label* label) override;
+ void CheckCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned and_with,
+ Label* on_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater) override;
+ void CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less) override;
+ void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position) override;
+ void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start) override;
+ void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start) override;
+ void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match) override;
+ void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ bool unicode,
+ Label* on_no_match) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c, unsigned and_with,
+ Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uc16 c, uc16 minus, uc16 and_with,
+ Label* on_not_equal) override;
+ void CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to, Label* on_in_range) override;
+ void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from, uc16 to,
+ Label* on_not_in_range) override;
+ void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set) override;
+ void CheckPosition(int cp_offset, Label* on_outside_input) override;
+ bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type, Label* on_no_match) override;
+ void Fail() override;
+ Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source) override;
+ void GoTo(Label* label) override;
+ void IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_ge) override;
+ void IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_lt) override;
+ void IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq) override;
+ IrregexpImplementation Implementation() override;
+ void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) override;
+ void PopCurrentPosition() override;
+ void PopRegister(int register_index) override;
+ void PushBacktrack(Label* label) override;
+ void PushCurrentPosition() override;
+ void PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) override;
+ void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg) override;
+ void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg) override;
+ void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) override;
+ void SetRegister(int register_index, int to) override;
+ bool Succeed() override;
+ void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset) override;
+ void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) override;
+ void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg) override;
+ private:
+ RegExpMacroAssembler* assembler_;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b82b153bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+RegExpMacroAssembler::RegExpMacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone)
+ : slow_safe_compiler_(false),
+ global_mode_(NOT_GLOBAL),
+ isolate_(isolate),
+ zone_(zone) {}
+RegExpMacroAssembler::~RegExpMacroAssembler() = default;
+int RegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(Address byte_offset1,
+ Address byte_offset2,
+ size_t byte_length,
+ Isolate* isolate) {
+ // This function is not allowed to cause a garbage collection.
+ // A GC might move the calling generated code and invalidate the
+ // return address on the stack.
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, byte_length % 2);
+ size_t length = byte_length / 2;
+ uc16* substring1 = reinterpret_cast<uc16*>(byte_offset1);
+ uc16* substring2 = reinterpret_cast<uc16*>(byte_offset2);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ UChar32 c1 = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(substring1[i]);
+ UChar32 c2 = RegExpCaseFolding::Canonicalize(substring2[i]);
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+ return CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(byte_offset1, byte_offset2, byte_length,
+ isolate);
+int RegExpMacroAssembler::CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(Address byte_offset1,
+ Address byte_offset2,
+ size_t byte_length,
+ Isolate* isolate) {
+ // This function is not allowed to cause a garbage collection.
+ // A GC might move the calling generated code and invalidate the
+ // return address on the stack.
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, byte_length % 2);
+ int32_t length = (int32_t)(byte_length >> 1);
+ icu::UnicodeString uni_str_1(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(byte_offset1),
+ length);
+ return uni_str_1.caseCompare(reinterpret_cast<const char16_t*>(byte_offset2),
+ length, U_FOLD_CASE_DEFAULT) == 0;
+ uc16* substring1 = reinterpret_cast<uc16*>(byte_offset1);
+ uc16* substring2 = reinterpret_cast<uc16*>(byte_offset2);
+ size_t length = byte_length >> 1;
+ DCHECK_NOT_NULL(isolate);
+ unibrow::Mapping<unibrow::Ecma262Canonicalize>* canonicalize =
+ isolate->regexp_macro_assembler_canonicalize();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ unibrow::uchar c1 = substring1[i];
+ unibrow::uchar c2 = substring2[i];
+ if (c1 != c2) {
+ unibrow::uchar s1[1] = {c1};
+ canonicalize->get(c1, '\0', s1);
+ if (s1[0] != c2) {
+ unibrow::uchar s2[1] = {c2};
+ canonicalize->get(c2, '\0', s2);
+ if (s1[0] != s2[0]) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+void RegExpMacroAssembler::CheckNotInSurrogatePair(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_failure) {
+ Label ok;
+ // Check that current character is not a trail surrogate.
+ LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, &ok);
+ CheckCharacterNotInRange(kTrailSurrogateStart, kTrailSurrogateEnd, &ok);
+ // Check that previous character is not a lead surrogate.
+ LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset - 1, &ok);
+ CheckCharacterInRange(kLeadSurrogateStart, kLeadSurrogateEnd, on_failure);
+ Bind(&ok);
+void RegExpMacroAssembler::CheckPosition(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_outside_input) {
+ LoadCurrentCharacter(cp_offset, on_outside_input, true);
+void RegExpMacroAssembler::LoadCurrentCharacter(int cp_offset,
+ Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds,
+ int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ // By default, eats_at_least = characters.
+ if (eats_at_least == kUseCharactersValue) {
+ eats_at_least = characters;
+ }
+ LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(cp_offset, on_end_of_input, check_bounds, characters,
+ eats_at_least);
+bool RegExpMacroAssembler::CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type,
+ Label* on_no_match) {
+ return false;
+NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::NativeRegExpMacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate,
+ Zone* zone)
+ : RegExpMacroAssembler(isolate, zone) {}
+NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::~NativeRegExpMacroAssembler() = default;
+void NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(
+ int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input, bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) {
+ // It's possible to preload a small number of characters when each success
+ // path requires a large number of characters, but not the reverse.
+ DCHECK_GE(eats_at_least, characters);
+ DCHECK(base::IsInRange(cp_offset, kMinCPOffset, kMaxCPOffset));
+ if (check_bounds) {
+ if (cp_offset >= 0) {
+ CheckPosition(cp_offset + eats_at_least - 1, on_end_of_input);
+ } else {
+ CheckPosition(cp_offset, on_end_of_input);
+ }
+ }
+ LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(cp_offset, characters);
+bool NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::CanReadUnaligned() {
+ return FLAG_enable_regexp_unaligned_accesses && !slow_safe();
+// This method may only be called after an interrupt.
+int NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::CheckStackGuardState(
+ Isolate* isolate, int start_index, RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ Address* return_address, Code re_code, Address* subject,
+ const byte** input_start, const byte** input_end) {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ Address old_pc = PointerAuthentication::AuthenticatePC(return_address, 0);
+ DCHECK_LE(re_code.raw_instruction_start(), old_pc);
+ DCHECK_LE(old_pc, re_code.raw_instruction_end());
+ StackLimitCheck check(isolate);
+ bool js_has_overflowed = check.JsHasOverflowed();
+ if (call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromJs) {
+ // Direct calls from JavaScript can be interrupted in two ways:
+ // 1. A real stack overflow, in which case we let the caller throw the
+ // exception.
+ // 2. The stack guard was used to interrupt execution for another purpose,
+ // forcing the call through the runtime system.
+ // Bug(v8:9540) Investigate why this method is called from JS although no
+ // stackoverflow or interrupt is pending on ARM64. We return 0 in this case
+ // to continue execution normally.
+ if (js_has_overflowed) {
+ return EXCEPTION;
+ } else if (check.InterruptRequested()) {
+ return RETRY;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ DCHECK(call_origin == RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime);
+ // Prepare for possible GC.
+ HandleScope handles(isolate);
+ Handle<Code> code_handle(re_code, isolate);
+ Handle<String> subject_handle(String::cast(Object(*subject)), isolate);
+ bool is_one_byte = String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(*subject_handle);
+ int return_value = 0;
+ if (js_has_overflowed) {
+ AllowHeapAllocation yes_gc;
+ isolate->StackOverflow();
+ return_value = EXCEPTION;
+ } else if (check.InterruptRequested()) {
+ AllowHeapAllocation yes_gc;
+ Object result = isolate->stack_guard()->HandleInterrupts();
+ if (result.IsException(isolate)) return_value = EXCEPTION;
+ }
+ if (*code_handle != re_code) { // Return address no longer valid
+ // Overwrite the return address on the stack.
+ intptr_t delta = code_handle->address() - re_code.address();
+ Address new_pc = old_pc + delta;
+ // TODO(v8:10026): avoid replacing a signed pointer.
+ PointerAuthentication::ReplacePC(return_address, new_pc, 0);
+ }
+ // If we continue, we need to update the subject string addresses.
+ if (return_value == 0) {
+ // String encoding might have changed.
+ if (String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(*subject_handle) !=
+ is_one_byte) {
+ // If we changed between an LATIN1 and an UC16 string, the specialized
+ // code cannot be used, and we need to restart regexp matching from
+ // scratch (including, potentially, compiling a new version of the code).
+ return_value = RETRY;
+ } else {
+ *subject = subject_handle->ptr();
+ intptr_t byte_length = *input_end - *input_start;
+ *input_start = subject_handle->AddressOfCharacterAt(start_index, no_gc);
+ *input_end = *input_start + byte_length;
+ }
+ }
+ return return_value;
+// Returns a {Result} sentinel, or the number of successful matches.
+int NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Match(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
+ Handle<String> subject,
+ int* offsets_vector,
+ int offsets_vector_length,
+ int previous_index, Isolate* isolate) {
+ DCHECK(subject->IsFlat());
+ DCHECK_LE(0, previous_index);
+ DCHECK_LE(previous_index, subject->length());
+ // No allocations before calling the regexp, but we can't use
+ // DisallowHeapAllocation, since regexps might be preempted, and another
+ // thread might do allocation anyway.
+ String subject_ptr = *subject;
+ // Character offsets into string.
+ int start_offset = previous_index;
+ int char_length = subject_ptr.length() - start_offset;
+ int slice_offset = 0;
+ // The string has been flattened, so if it is a cons string it contains the
+ // full string in the first part.
+ if (StringShape(subject_ptr).IsCons()) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, ConsString::cast(subject_ptr).second().length());
+ subject_ptr = ConsString::cast(subject_ptr).first();
+ } else if (StringShape(subject_ptr).IsSliced()) {
+ SlicedString slice = SlicedString::cast(subject_ptr);
+ subject_ptr = slice.parent();
+ slice_offset = slice.offset();
+ }
+ if (StringShape(subject_ptr).IsThin()) {
+ subject_ptr = ThinString::cast(subject_ptr).actual();
+ }
+ // Ensure that an underlying string has the same representation.
+ bool is_one_byte = subject_ptr.IsOneByteRepresentation();
+ DCHECK(subject_ptr.IsExternalString() || subject_ptr.IsSeqString());
+ // String is now either Sequential or External
+ int char_size_shift = is_one_byte ? 0 : 1;
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ const byte* input_start =
+ subject_ptr.AddressOfCharacterAt(start_offset + slice_offset, no_gc);
+ int byte_length = char_length << char_size_shift;
+ const byte* input_end = input_start + byte_length;
+ return Execute(*subject, start_offset, input_start, input_end, offsets_vector,
+ offsets_vector_length, isolate, *regexp);
+// Returns a {Result} sentinel, or the number of successful matches.
+// TODO(pthier): The JSRegExp object is passed to native irregexp code to match
+// the signature of the interpreter. We should get rid of JS objects passed to
+// internal methods.
+int NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::Execute(
+ String input, // This needs to be the unpacked (sliced, cons) string.
+ int start_offset, const byte* input_start, const byte* input_end,
+ int* output, int output_size, Isolate* isolate, JSRegExp regexp) {
+ // Ensure that the minimum stack has been allocated.
+ RegExpStackScope stack_scope(isolate);
+ Address stack_base = stack_scope.stack()->stack_base();
+ bool is_one_byte = String::IsOneByteRepresentationUnderneath(input);
+ Code code = Code::cast(regexp.Code(is_one_byte));
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin = RegExp::CallOrigin::kFromRuntime;
+ using RegexpMatcherSig = int(
+ Address input_string, int start_offset, // NOLINT(readability/casting)
+ const byte* input_start, const byte* input_end, int* output,
+ int output_size, Address stack_base, int call_origin, Isolate* isolate,
+ Address regexp);
+ auto fn = GeneratedCode<RegexpMatcherSig>::FromCode(code);
+ int result =
+ fn.Call(input.ptr(), start_offset, input_start, input_end, output,
+ output_size, stack_base, call_origin, isolate, regexp.ptr());
+ DCHECK(result >= RETRY);
+ if (result == EXCEPTION && !isolate->has_pending_exception()) {
+ // We detected a stack overflow (on the backtrack stack) in RegExp code,
+ // but haven't created the exception yet. Additionally, we allow heap
+ // allocation because even though it invalidates {input_start} and
+ // {input_end}, we are about to return anyway.
+ AllowHeapAllocation allow_allocation;
+ isolate->StackOverflow();
+ }
+ return result;
+// clang-format off
+const byte NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::word_character_map[] = {
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // '0' - '7'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, // '8' - '9'
+ 0x00u, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'A' - 'G'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'H' - 'O'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'P' - 'W'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0xFFu, // 'X' - 'Z', '_'
+ 0x00u, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'a' - 'g'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'h' - 'o'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, // 'p' - 'w'
+ 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, // 'x' - 'z'
+ // Latin-1 range
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+ 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u,
+// clang-format on
+Address NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack(Address stack_pointer,
+ Address* stack_base,
+ Isolate* isolate) {
+ RegExpStack* regexp_stack = isolate->regexp_stack();
+ size_t size = regexp_stack->stack_capacity();
+ Address old_stack_base = regexp_stack->stack_base();
+ DCHECK(old_stack_base == *stack_base);
+ DCHECK(stack_pointer <= old_stack_base);
+ DCHECK(static_cast<size_t>(old_stack_base - stack_pointer) <= size);
+ Address new_stack_base = regexp_stack->EnsureCapacity(size * 2);
+ if (new_stack_base == kNullAddress) {
+ return kNullAddress;
+ }
+ *stack_base = new_stack_base;
+ intptr_t stack_content_size = old_stack_base - stack_pointer;
+ return new_stack_base - stack_content_size;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d3e0d4934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+static const uc32 kLeadSurrogateStart = 0xd800;
+static const uc32 kLeadSurrogateEnd = 0xdbff;
+static const uc32 kTrailSurrogateStart = 0xdc00;
+static const uc32 kTrailSurrogateEnd = 0xdfff;
+static const uc32 kNonBmpStart = 0x10000;
+static const uc32 kNonBmpEnd = 0x10ffff;
+struct DisjunctDecisionRow {
+ RegExpCharacterClass cc;
+ Label* on_match;
+class RegExpMacroAssembler {
+ public:
+ // The implementation must be able to handle at least:
+ static constexpr int kMaxRegisterCount = (1 << 16);
+ static constexpr int kMaxRegister = kMaxRegisterCount - 1;
+ static constexpr int kMaxCPOffset = (1 << 15) - 1;
+ static constexpr int kMinCPOffset = -(1 << 15);
+ static constexpr int kTableSizeBits = 7;
+ static constexpr int kTableSize = 1 << kTableSizeBits;
+ static constexpr int kTableMask = kTableSize - 1;
+ static constexpr int kUseCharactersValue = -1;
+ enum IrregexpImplementation {
+ kIA32Implementation,
+ kARMImplementation,
+ kARM64Implementation,
+ kMIPSImplementation,
+ kS390Implementation,
+ kPPCImplementation,
+ kX64Implementation,
+ kX87Implementation,
+ kBytecodeImplementation
+ };
+ enum StackCheckFlag {
+ kNoStackLimitCheck = false,
+ kCheckStackLimit = true
+ };
+ RegExpMacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone);
+ virtual ~RegExpMacroAssembler();
+ // This function is called when code generation is aborted, so that
+ // the assembler could clean up internal data structures.
+ virtual void AbortedCodeGeneration() {}
+ // The maximal number of pushes between stack checks. Users must supply
+ // kCheckStackLimit flag to push operations (instead of kNoStackLimitCheck)
+ // at least once for every stack_limit() pushes that are executed.
+ virtual int stack_limit_slack() = 0;
+ virtual bool CanReadUnaligned() = 0;
+ virtual void AdvanceCurrentPosition(int by) = 0; // Signed cp change.
+ virtual void AdvanceRegister(int reg, int by) = 0; // r[reg] += by.
+ // Continues execution from the position pushed on the top of the backtrack
+ // stack by an earlier PushBacktrack(Label*).
+ virtual void Backtrack() = 0;
+ virtual void Bind(Label* label) = 0;
+ // Dispatch after looking the current character up in a 2-bits-per-entry
+ // map. The destinations vector has up to 4 labels.
+ virtual void CheckCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_equal) = 0;
+ // Bitwise and the current character with the given constant and then
+ // check for a match with c.
+ virtual void CheckCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c,
+ unsigned and_with,
+ Label* on_equal) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckCharacterGT(uc16 limit, Label* on_greater) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckCharacterLT(uc16 limit, Label* on_less) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckGreedyLoop(Label* on_tos_equals_current_position) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_at_start) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckNotAtStart(int cp_offset, Label* on_not_at_start) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckNotBackReference(int start_reg, bool read_backward,
+ Label* on_no_match) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckNotBackReferenceIgnoreCase(int start_reg,
+ bool read_backward, bool unicode,
+ Label* on_no_match) = 0;
+ // Check the current character for a match with a literal character. If we
+ // fail to match then goto the on_failure label. End of input always
+ // matches. If the label is nullptr then we should pop a backtrack address
+ // off the stack and go to that.
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacter(unsigned c, Label* on_not_equal) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterAnd(unsigned c,
+ unsigned and_with,
+ Label* on_not_equal) = 0;
+ // Subtract a constant from the current character, then and with the given
+ // constant and then check for a match with c.
+ virtual void CheckNotCharacterAfterMinusAnd(uc16 c,
+ uc16 minus,
+ uc16 and_with,
+ Label* on_not_equal) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckCharacterInRange(uc16 from,
+ uc16 to, // Both inclusive.
+ Label* on_in_range) = 0;
+ virtual void CheckCharacterNotInRange(uc16 from,
+ uc16 to, // Both inclusive.
+ Label* on_not_in_range) = 0;
+ // The current character (modulus the kTableSize) is looked up in the byte
+ // array, and if the found byte is non-zero, we jump to the on_bit_set label.
+ virtual void CheckBitInTable(Handle<ByteArray> table, Label* on_bit_set) = 0;
+ // Checks whether the given offset from the current position is before
+ // the end of the string. May overwrite the current character.
+ virtual void CheckPosition(int cp_offset, Label* on_outside_input);
+ // Check whether a standard/default character class matches the current
+ // character. Returns false if the type of special character class does
+ // not have custom support.
+ // May clobber the current loaded character.
+ virtual bool CheckSpecialCharacterClass(uc16 type, Label* on_no_match);
+ // Control-flow integrity:
+ // Define a jump target and bind a label.
+ virtual void BindJumpTarget(Label* label) { Bind(label); }
+ virtual void Fail() = 0;
+ virtual Handle<HeapObject> GetCode(Handle<String> source) = 0;
+ virtual void GoTo(Label* label) = 0;
+ // Check whether a register is >= a given constant and go to a label if it
+ // is. Backtracks instead if the label is nullptr.
+ virtual void IfRegisterGE(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_ge) = 0;
+ // Check whether a register is < a given constant and go to a label if it is.
+ // Backtracks instead if the label is nullptr.
+ virtual void IfRegisterLT(int reg, int comparand, Label* if_lt) = 0;
+ // Check whether a register is == to the current position and go to a
+ // label if it is.
+ virtual void IfRegisterEqPos(int reg, Label* if_eq) = 0;
+ virtual IrregexpImplementation Implementation() = 0;
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE void LoadCurrentCharacter(
+ int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input, bool check_bounds = true,
+ int characters = 1, int eats_at_least = kUseCharactersValue);
+ virtual void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) = 0;
+ virtual void PopCurrentPosition() = 0;
+ virtual void PopRegister(int register_index) = 0;
+ // Pushes the label on the backtrack stack, so that a following Backtrack
+ // will go to this label. Always checks the backtrack stack limit.
+ virtual void PushBacktrack(Label* label) = 0;
+ virtual void PushCurrentPosition() = 0;
+ virtual void PushRegister(int register_index,
+ StackCheckFlag check_stack_limit) = 0;
+ virtual void ReadCurrentPositionFromRegister(int reg) = 0;
+ virtual void ReadStackPointerFromRegister(int reg) = 0;
+ virtual void SetCurrentPositionFromEnd(int by) = 0;
+ virtual void SetRegister(int register_index, int to) = 0;
+ // Return whether the matching (with a global regexp) will be restarted.
+ virtual bool Succeed() = 0;
+ virtual void WriteCurrentPositionToRegister(int reg, int cp_offset) = 0;
+ virtual void ClearRegisters(int reg_from, int reg_to) = 0;
+ virtual void WriteStackPointerToRegister(int reg) = 0;
+ // Compare two-byte strings case insensitively.
+ // Called from generated RegExp code.
+ static int CaseInsensitiveCompareNonUnicode(Address byte_offset1,
+ Address byte_offset2,
+ size_t byte_length,
+ Isolate* isolate);
+ static int CaseInsensitiveCompareUnicode(Address byte_offset1,
+ Address byte_offset2,
+ size_t byte_length,
+ Isolate* isolate);
+ // Check that we are not in the middle of a surrogate pair.
+ void CheckNotInSurrogatePair(int cp_offset, Label* on_failure);
+ // Controls the generation of large inlined constants in the code.
+ void set_slow_safe(bool ssc) { slow_safe_compiler_ = ssc; }
+ bool slow_safe() { return slow_safe_compiler_; }
+ void set_backtrack_limit(uint32_t backtrack_limit) {
+ backtrack_limit_ = backtrack_limit;
+ }
+ enum GlobalMode {
+ };
+ // Set whether the regular expression has the global flag. Exiting due to
+ // a failure in a global regexp may still mean success overall.
+ inline void set_global_mode(GlobalMode mode) { global_mode_ = mode; }
+ inline bool global() { return global_mode_ != NOT_GLOBAL; }
+ inline bool global_with_zero_length_check() {
+ return global_mode_ == GLOBAL || global_mode_ == GLOBAL_UNICODE;
+ }
+ inline bool global_unicode() { return global_mode_ == GLOBAL_UNICODE; }
+ Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ protected:
+ bool has_backtrack_limit() const {
+ return backtrack_limit_ != JSRegExp::kNoBacktrackLimit;
+ }
+ uint32_t backtrack_limit() const { return backtrack_limit_; }
+ private:
+ bool slow_safe_compiler_;
+ uint32_t backtrack_limit_ = JSRegExp::kNoBacktrackLimit;
+ GlobalMode global_mode_;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+class NativeRegExpMacroAssembler: public RegExpMacroAssembler {
+ public:
+ // Type of input string to generate code for.
+ enum Mode { LATIN1 = 1, UC16 = 2 };
+ // Result of calling generated native RegExp code.
+ // RETRY: Something significant changed during execution, and the matching
+ // should be retried from scratch.
+ // EXCEPTION: Something failed during execution. If no exception has been
+ // thrown, it's an internal out-of-memory, and the caller should
+ // throw the exception.
+ // FAILURE: Matching failed.
+ // SUCCESS: Matching succeeded, and the output array has been filled with
+ // capture positions.
+ enum Result {
+ FAILURE = RegExp::kInternalRegExpFailure,
+ SUCCESS = RegExp::kInternalRegExpSuccess,
+ EXCEPTION = RegExp::kInternalRegExpException,
+ RETRY = RegExp::kInternalRegExpRetry,
+ };
+ NativeRegExpMacroAssembler(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone);
+ ~NativeRegExpMacroAssembler() override;
+ bool CanReadUnaligned() override;
+ // Returns a {Result} sentinel, or the number of successful matches.
+ static int Match(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp, Handle<String> subject,
+ int* offsets_vector, int offsets_vector_length,
+ int previous_index, Isolate* isolate);
+ // Called from RegExp if the backtrack stack limit is hit.
+ // Tries to expand the stack. Returns the new stack-pointer if
+ // successful, and updates the stack_top address, or returns 0 if unable
+ // to grow the stack.
+ // This function must not trigger a garbage collection.
+ static Address GrowStack(Address stack_pointer, Address* stack_top,
+ Isolate* isolate);
+ static int CheckStackGuardState(Isolate* isolate, int start_index,
+ RegExp::CallOrigin call_origin,
+ Address* return_address, Code re_code,
+ Address* subject, const byte** input_start,
+ const byte** input_end);
+ // Byte map of one byte characters with a 0xff if the character is a word
+ // character (digit, letter or underscore) and 0x00 otherwise.
+ // Used by generated RegExp code.
+ static const byte word_character_map[256];
+ static Address word_character_map_address() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Address>(&word_character_map[0]);
+ }
+ // Returns a {Result} sentinel, or the number of successful matches.
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static int Execute(String input, int start_offset,
+ const byte* input_start,
+ const byte* input_end, int* output,
+ int output_size, Isolate* isolate,
+ JSRegExp regexp);
+ void LoadCurrentCharacterImpl(int cp_offset, Label* on_end_of_input,
+ bool check_bounds, int characters,
+ int eats_at_least) override;
+ // Load a number of characters at the given offset from the
+ // current position, into the current-character register.
+ virtual void LoadCurrentCharacterUnchecked(int cp_offset,
+ int character_count) = 0;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-nodes.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-nodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c5a067bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-nodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,759 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class AlternativeGenerationList;
+class BoyerMooreLookahead;
+class GreedyLoopState;
+class Label;
+class NodeVisitor;
+class QuickCheckDetails;
+class RegExpCompiler;
+class Trace;
+struct PreloadState;
+class ChoiceNode;
+ VISIT(End) \
+ VISIT(Action) \
+ VISIT(Choice) \
+ VISIT(LoopChoice) \
+ VISIT(NegativeLookaroundChoice) \
+ VISIT(BackReference) \
+ VISIT(Assertion) \
+ VISIT(Text)
+struct NodeInfo final {
+ NodeInfo()
+ : being_analyzed(false),
+ been_analyzed(false),
+ follows_word_interest(false),
+ follows_newline_interest(false),
+ follows_start_interest(false),
+ at_end(false),
+ visited(false),
+ replacement_calculated(false) {}
+ // Returns true if the interests and assumptions of this node
+ // matches the given one.
+ bool Matches(NodeInfo* that) {
+ return (at_end == that->at_end) &&
+ (follows_word_interest == that->follows_word_interest) &&
+ (follows_newline_interest == that->follows_newline_interest) &&
+ (follows_start_interest == that->follows_start_interest);
+ }
+ // Updates the interests of this node given the interests of the
+ // node preceding it.
+ void AddFromPreceding(NodeInfo* that) {
+ at_end |= that->at_end;
+ follows_word_interest |= that->follows_word_interest;
+ follows_newline_interest |= that->follows_newline_interest;
+ follows_start_interest |= that->follows_start_interest;
+ }
+ bool HasLookbehind() {
+ return follows_word_interest || follows_newline_interest ||
+ follows_start_interest;
+ }
+ // Sets the interests of this node to include the interests of the
+ // following node.
+ void AddFromFollowing(NodeInfo* that) {
+ follows_word_interest |= that->follows_word_interest;
+ follows_newline_interest |= that->follows_newline_interest;
+ follows_start_interest |= that->follows_start_interest;
+ }
+ void ResetCompilationState() {
+ being_analyzed = false;
+ been_analyzed = false;
+ }
+ bool being_analyzed : 1;
+ bool been_analyzed : 1;
+ // These bits are set of this node has to know what the preceding
+ // character was.
+ bool follows_word_interest : 1;
+ bool follows_newline_interest : 1;
+ bool follows_start_interest : 1;
+ bool at_end : 1;
+ bool visited : 1;
+ bool replacement_calculated : 1;
+struct EatsAtLeastInfo final {
+ EatsAtLeastInfo() : EatsAtLeastInfo(0) {}
+ explicit EatsAtLeastInfo(uint8_t eats)
+ : eats_at_least_from_possibly_start(eats),
+ eats_at_least_from_not_start(eats) {}
+ void SetMin(const EatsAtLeastInfo& other) {
+ if (other.eats_at_least_from_possibly_start <
+ eats_at_least_from_possibly_start) {
+ eats_at_least_from_possibly_start =
+ other.eats_at_least_from_possibly_start;
+ }
+ if (other.eats_at_least_from_not_start < eats_at_least_from_not_start) {
+ eats_at_least_from_not_start = other.eats_at_least_from_not_start;
+ }
+ }
+ // Any successful match starting from the current node will consume at least
+ // this many characters. This does not necessarily mean that there is a
+ // possible match with exactly this many characters, but we generally try to
+ // get this number as high as possible to allow for early exit on failure.
+ uint8_t eats_at_least_from_possibly_start;
+ // Like eats_at_least_from_possibly_start, but with the additional assumption
+ // that start-of-string assertions (^) can't match. This value is greater than
+ // or equal to eats_at_least_from_possibly_start.
+ uint8_t eats_at_least_from_not_start;
+class RegExpNode : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ explicit RegExpNode(Zone* zone)
+ : replacement_(nullptr),
+ on_work_list_(false),
+ trace_count_(0),
+ zone_(zone) {
+ bm_info_[0] = bm_info_[1] = nullptr;
+ }
+ virtual ~RegExpNode();
+ virtual void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) = 0;
+ // Generates a goto to this node or actually generates the code at this point.
+ virtual void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) = 0;
+ // How many characters must this node consume at a minimum in order to
+ // succeed. The not_at_start argument is used to indicate that we know we are
+ // not at the start of the input. In this case anchored branches will always
+ // fail and can be ignored when determining how many characters are consumed
+ // on success. If this node has not been analyzed yet, EatsAtLeast returns 0.
+ int EatsAtLeast(bool not_at_start);
+ // Returns how many characters this node must consume in order to succeed,
+ // given that this is a LoopChoiceNode whose counter register is in a
+ // newly-initialized state at the current position in the generated code. For
+ // example, consider /a{6,8}/. Absent any extra information, the
+ // LoopChoiceNode for the repetition must report that it consumes at least
+ // zero characters, because it may have already looped several times. However,
+ // with a newly-initialized counter, it can report that it consumes at least
+ // six characters.
+ virtual EatsAtLeastInfo EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry();
+ // Emits some quick code that checks whether the preloaded characters match.
+ // Falls through on certain failure, jumps to the label on possible success.
+ // If the node cannot make a quick check it does nothing and returns false.
+ bool EmitQuickCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* bounds_check_trace,
+ Trace* trace, bool preload_has_checked_bounds,
+ Label* on_possible_success,
+ QuickCheckDetails* details_return,
+ bool fall_through_on_failure, ChoiceNode* predecessor);
+ // For a given number of characters this returns a mask and a value. The
+ // next n characters are anded with the mask and compared with the value.
+ // A comparison failure indicates the node cannot match the next n characters.
+ // A comparison success indicates the node may match.
+ virtual void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) = 0;
+ // Fills in quick check details for this node, given that this is a
+ // LoopChoiceNode whose counter register is in a newly-initialized state at
+ // the current position in the generated code. For example, consider /a{6,8}/.
+ // Absent any extra information, the LoopChoiceNode for the repetition cannot
+ // generate any useful quick check because a match might be the (empty)
+ // continuation node. However, with a newly-initialized counter, it can
+ // generate a quick check for several 'a' characters at once.
+ virtual void GetQuickCheckDetailsFromLoopEntry(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start);
+ static const int kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops = kMinInt;
+ virtual int GreedyLoopTextLength() { return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops; }
+ // Only returns the successor for a text node of length 1 that matches any
+ // character and that has no guards on it.
+ virtual RegExpNode* GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Collects information on the possible code units (mod 128) that can match if
+ // we look forward. This is used for a Boyer-Moore-like string searching
+ // implementation. TODO(erikcorry): This should share more code with
+ // EatsAtLeast, GetQuickCheckDetails. The budget argument is used to limit
+ // the number of nodes we are willing to look at in order to create this data.
+ static const int kRecursionBudget = 200;
+ bool KeepRecursing(RegExpCompiler* compiler);
+ virtual void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) {
+ }
+ // If we know that the input is one-byte then there are some nodes that can
+ // never match. This method returns a node that can be substituted for
+ // itself, or nullptr if the node can never match.
+ virtual RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) { return this; }
+ // Helper for FilterOneByte.
+ RegExpNode* replacement() {
+ DCHECK(info()->replacement_calculated);
+ return replacement_;
+ }
+ RegExpNode* set_replacement(RegExpNode* replacement) {
+ info()->replacement_calculated = true;
+ replacement_ = replacement;
+ return replacement; // For convenience.
+ }
+ // We want to avoid recalculating the lookahead info, so we store it on the
+ // node. Only info that is for this node is stored. We can tell that the
+ // info is for this node when offset == 0, so the information is calculated
+ // relative to this node.
+ void SaveBMInfo(BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start, int offset) {
+ if (offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ }
+ Label* label() { return &label_; }
+ // If non-generic code is generated for a node (i.e. the node is not at the
+ // start of the trace) then it cannot be reused. This variable sets a limit
+ // on how often we allow that to happen before we insist on starting a new
+ // trace and generating generic code for a node that can be reused by flushing
+ // the deferred actions in the current trace and generating a goto.
+ static const int kMaxCopiesCodeGenerated = 10;
+ bool on_work_list() { return on_work_list_; }
+ void set_on_work_list(bool value) { on_work_list_ = value; }
+ NodeInfo* info() { return &info_; }
+ const EatsAtLeastInfo* eats_at_least_info() const { return &eats_at_least_; }
+ void set_eats_at_least_info(const EatsAtLeastInfo& eats_at_least) {
+ eats_at_least_ = eats_at_least;
+ }
+ // TODO(v8:10441): This is a hacky way to avoid exponential code size growth
+ // for very large choice nodes that can be generated by unicode property
+ // escapes. In order to avoid inlining (i.e. trace recursion), we pretend to
+ // have generated the maximum count of code copies already.
+ // We should instead fix this properly, e.g. by using the code size budget
+ // (flush_budget) or by generating property escape matches as calls to a C
+ // function.
+ void SetDoNotInline() { trace_count_ = kMaxCopiesCodeGenerated; }
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm_info(bool not_at_start) {
+ return bm_info_[not_at_start ? 1 : 0];
+ }
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ protected:
+ enum LimitResult { DONE, CONTINUE };
+ RegExpNode* replacement_;
+ LimitResult LimitVersions(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace);
+ void set_bm_info(bool not_at_start, BoyerMooreLookahead* bm) {
+ bm_info_[not_at_start ? 1 : 0] = bm;
+ }
+ private:
+ static const int kFirstCharBudget = 10;
+ Label label_;
+ bool on_work_list_;
+ NodeInfo info_;
+ // Saved values for EatsAtLeast results, to avoid recomputation. Filled in
+ // during analysis (valid if info_.been_analyzed is true).
+ EatsAtLeastInfo eats_at_least_;
+ // This variable keeps track of how many times code has been generated for
+ // this node (in different traces). We don't keep track of where the
+ // generated code is located unless the code is generated at the start of
+ // a trace, in which case it is generic and can be reused by flushing the
+ // deferred operations in the current trace and generating a goto.
+ int trace_count_;
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm_info_[2];
+ Zone* zone_;
+class SeqRegExpNode : public RegExpNode {
+ public:
+ explicit SeqRegExpNode(RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : RegExpNode(on_success->zone()), on_success_(on_success) {}
+ RegExpNode* on_success() { return on_success_; }
+ void set_on_success(RegExpNode* node) { on_success_ = node; }
+ RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override {
+ on_success_->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm, not_at_start);
+ if (offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ }
+ protected:
+ RegExpNode* FilterSuccessor(int depth);
+ private:
+ RegExpNode* on_success_;
+class ActionNode : public SeqRegExpNode {
+ public:
+ enum ActionType {
+ };
+ static ActionNode* SetRegisterForLoop(int reg, int val,
+ RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* IncrementRegister(int reg, RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* StorePosition(int reg, bool is_capture,
+ RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* ClearCaptures(Interval range, RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* BeginSubmatch(int stack_pointer_reg, int position_reg,
+ RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* PositiveSubmatchSuccess(int stack_pointer_reg,
+ int restore_reg,
+ int clear_capture_count,
+ int clear_capture_from,
+ RegExpNode* on_success);
+ static ActionNode* EmptyMatchCheck(int start_register,
+ int repetition_register,
+ int repetition_limit,
+ RegExpNode* on_success);
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ ActionType action_type() { return action_type_; }
+ // TODO(erikcorry): We should allow some action nodes in greedy loops.
+ int GreedyLoopTextLength() override {
+ return kNodeIsTooComplexForGreedyLoops;
+ }
+ private:
+ union {
+ struct {
+ int reg;
+ int value;
+ } u_store_register;
+ struct {
+ int reg;
+ } u_increment_register;
+ struct {
+ int reg;
+ bool is_capture;
+ } u_position_register;
+ struct {
+ int stack_pointer_register;
+ int current_position_register;
+ int clear_register_count;
+ int clear_register_from;
+ } u_submatch;
+ struct {
+ int start_register;
+ int repetition_register;
+ int repetition_limit;
+ } u_empty_match_check;
+ struct {
+ int range_from;
+ int range_to;
+ } u_clear_captures;
+ } data_;
+ ActionNode(ActionType action_type, RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : SeqRegExpNode(on_success), action_type_(action_type) {}
+ ActionType action_type_;
+ friend class DotPrinterImpl;
+class TextNode : public SeqRegExpNode {
+ public:
+ TextNode(ZoneList<TextElement>* elms, bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : SeqRegExpNode(on_success), elms_(elms), read_backward_(read_backward) {}
+ TextNode(RegExpCharacterClass* that, bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : SeqRegExpNode(on_success),
+ elms_(new (zone()) ZoneList<TextElement>(1, zone())),
+ read_backward_(read_backward) {
+ elms_->Add(TextElement::CharClass(that), zone());
+ }
+ // Create TextNode for a single character class for the given ranges.
+ static TextNode* CreateForCharacterRanges(Zone* zone,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ // Create TextNode for a surrogate pair with a range given for the
+ // lead and the trail surrogate each.
+ static TextNode* CreateForSurrogatePair(Zone* zone, CharacterRange lead,
+ CharacterRange trail,
+ bool read_backward,
+ RegExpNode* on_success,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elements() { return elms_; }
+ bool read_backward() { return read_backward_; }
+ void MakeCaseIndependent(Isolate* isolate, bool is_one_byte);
+ int GreedyLoopTextLength() override;
+ RegExpNode* GetSuccessorOfOmnivorousTextNode(
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ void CalculateOffsets();
+ RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) override;
+ int Length();
+ private:
+ enum TextEmitPassType {
+ NON_LATIN1_MATCH, // Check for characters that can't match.
+ SIMPLE_CHARACTER_MATCH, // Case-dependent single character check.
+ NON_LETTER_CHARACTER_MATCH, // Check characters that have no case equivs.
+ CASE_CHARACTER_MATCH, // Case-independent single character check.
+ CHARACTER_CLASS_MATCH // Character class.
+ };
+ static bool SkipPass(TextEmitPassType pass, bool ignore_case);
+ static const int kFirstRealPass = SIMPLE_CHARACTER_MATCH;
+ static const int kLastPass = CHARACTER_CLASS_MATCH;
+ void TextEmitPass(RegExpCompiler* compiler, TextEmitPassType pass,
+ bool preloaded, Trace* trace, bool first_element_checked,
+ int* checked_up_to);
+ ZoneList<TextElement>* elms_;
+ bool read_backward_;
+class AssertionNode : public SeqRegExpNode {
+ public:
+ enum AssertionType {
+ };
+ static AssertionNode* AtEnd(RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (on_success->zone()) AssertionNode(AT_END, on_success);
+ }
+ static AssertionNode* AtStart(RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (on_success->zone()) AssertionNode(AT_START, on_success);
+ }
+ static AssertionNode* AtBoundary(RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (on_success->zone()) AssertionNode(AT_BOUNDARY, on_success);
+ }
+ static AssertionNode* AtNonBoundary(RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (on_success->zone()) AssertionNode(AT_NON_BOUNDARY, on_success);
+ }
+ static AssertionNode* AfterNewline(RegExpNode* on_success) {
+ return new (on_success->zone()) AssertionNode(AFTER_NEWLINE, on_success);
+ }
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ AssertionType assertion_type() { return assertion_type_; }
+ private:
+ void EmitBoundaryCheck(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace);
+ enum IfPrevious { kIsNonWord, kIsWord };
+ void BacktrackIfPrevious(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace,
+ IfPrevious backtrack_if_previous);
+ AssertionNode(AssertionType t, RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : SeqRegExpNode(on_success), assertion_type_(t) {}
+ AssertionType assertion_type_;
+class BackReferenceNode : public SeqRegExpNode {
+ public:
+ BackReferenceNode(int start_reg, int end_reg, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ bool read_backward, RegExpNode* on_success)
+ : SeqRegExpNode(on_success),
+ start_reg_(start_reg),
+ end_reg_(end_reg),
+ flags_(flags),
+ read_backward_(read_backward) {}
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ int start_register() { return start_reg_; }
+ int end_register() { return end_reg_; }
+ bool read_backward() { return read_backward_; }
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override {
+ return;
+ }
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ private:
+ int start_reg_;
+ int end_reg_;
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+ bool read_backward_;
+class EndNode : public RegExpNode {
+ public:
+ EndNode(Action action, Zone* zone) : RegExpNode(zone), action_(action) {}
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override {
+ // Returning 0 from EatsAtLeast should ensure we never get here.
+ }
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override {
+ // Returning 0 from EatsAtLeast should ensure we never get here.
+ }
+ private:
+ Action action_;
+class NegativeSubmatchSuccess : public EndNode {
+ public:
+ NegativeSubmatchSuccess(int stack_pointer_reg, int position_reg,
+ int clear_capture_count, int clear_capture_start,
+ Zone* zone)
+ stack_pointer_register_(stack_pointer_reg),
+ current_position_register_(position_reg),
+ clear_capture_count_(clear_capture_count),
+ clear_capture_start_(clear_capture_start) {}
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ private:
+ int stack_pointer_register_;
+ int current_position_register_;
+ int clear_capture_count_;
+ int clear_capture_start_;
+class Guard : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ enum Relation { LT, GEQ };
+ Guard(int reg, Relation op, int value) : reg_(reg), op_(op), value_(value) {}
+ int reg() { return reg_; }
+ Relation op() { return op_; }
+ int value() { return value_; }
+ private:
+ int reg_;
+ Relation op_;
+ int value_;
+class GuardedAlternative {
+ public:
+ explicit GuardedAlternative(RegExpNode* node)
+ : node_(node), guards_(nullptr) {}
+ void AddGuard(Guard* guard, Zone* zone);
+ RegExpNode* node() { return node_; }
+ void set_node(RegExpNode* node) { node_ = node; }
+ ZoneList<Guard*>* guards() { return guards_; }
+ private:
+ RegExpNode* node_;
+ ZoneList<Guard*>* guards_;
+class AlternativeGeneration;
+class ChoiceNode : public RegExpNode {
+ public:
+ explicit ChoiceNode(int expected_size, Zone* zone)
+ : RegExpNode(zone),
+ alternatives_(new (zone)
+ ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>(expected_size, zone)),
+ not_at_start_(false),
+ being_calculated_(false) {}
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ void AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative node) {
+ alternatives()->Add(node, zone());
+ }
+ ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>* alternatives() { return alternatives_; }
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ bool being_calculated() { return being_calculated_; }
+ bool not_at_start() { return not_at_start_; }
+ void set_not_at_start() { not_at_start_ = true; }
+ void set_being_calculated(bool b) { being_calculated_ = b; }
+ virtual bool try_to_emit_quick_check_for_alternative(bool is_first) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) override;
+ virtual bool read_backward() { return false; }
+ protected:
+ int GreedyLoopTextLengthForAlternative(GuardedAlternative* alternative);
+ ZoneList<GuardedAlternative>* alternatives_;
+ private:
+ template <typename...>
+ friend class Analysis;
+ void GenerateGuard(RegExpMacroAssembler* macro_assembler, Guard* guard,
+ Trace* trace);
+ int CalculatePreloadCharacters(RegExpCompiler* compiler, int eats_at_least);
+ void EmitOutOfLineContinuation(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace,
+ GuardedAlternative alternative,
+ AlternativeGeneration* alt_gen,
+ int preload_characters,
+ bool next_expects_preload);
+ void SetUpPreLoad(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* current_trace,
+ PreloadState* preloads);
+ void AssertGuardsMentionRegisters(Trace* trace);
+ int EmitOptimizedUnanchoredSearch(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace);
+ Trace* EmitGreedyLoop(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace,
+ AlternativeGenerationList* alt_gens,
+ PreloadState* preloads,
+ GreedyLoopState* greedy_loop_state, int text_length);
+ void EmitChoices(RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ AlternativeGenerationList* alt_gens, int first_choice,
+ Trace* trace, PreloadState* preloads);
+ // If true, this node is never checked at the start of the input.
+ // Allows a new trace to start with at_start() set to false.
+ bool not_at_start_;
+ bool being_calculated_;
+class NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode : public ChoiceNode {
+ public:
+ explicit NegativeLookaroundChoiceNode(GuardedAlternative this_must_fail,
+ GuardedAlternative then_do_this,
+ Zone* zone)
+ : ChoiceNode(2, zone) {
+ AddAlternative(this_must_fail);
+ AddAlternative(then_do_this);
+ }
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override {
+ continue_node()->FillInBMInfo(isolate, offset, budget - 1, bm,
+ not_at_start);
+ if (offset == 0) set_bm_info(not_at_start, bm);
+ }
+ static constexpr int kLookaroundIndex = 0;
+ static constexpr int kContinueIndex = 1;
+ RegExpNode* lookaround_node() {
+ return alternatives()->at(kLookaroundIndex).node();
+ }
+ RegExpNode* continue_node() {
+ return alternatives()->at(kContinueIndex).node();
+ }
+ // For a negative lookahead we don't emit the quick check for the
+ // alternative that is expected to fail. This is because quick check code
+ // starts by loading enough characters for the alternative that takes fewest
+ // characters, but on a negative lookahead the negative branch did not take
+ // part in that calculation (EatsAtLeast) so the assumptions don't hold.
+ bool try_to_emit_quick_check_for_alternative(bool is_first) override {
+ return !is_first;
+ }
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) override;
+class LoopChoiceNode : public ChoiceNode {
+ public:
+ LoopChoiceNode(bool body_can_be_zero_length, bool read_backward,
+ int min_loop_iterations, Zone* zone)
+ : ChoiceNode(2, zone),
+ loop_node_(nullptr),
+ continue_node_(nullptr),
+ body_can_be_zero_length_(body_can_be_zero_length),
+ read_backward_(read_backward),
+ traversed_loop_initialization_node_(false),
+ min_loop_iterations_(min_loop_iterations) {}
+ void AddLoopAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt);
+ void AddContinueAlternative(GuardedAlternative alt);
+ void Emit(RegExpCompiler* compiler, Trace* trace) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetails(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler, int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void GetQuickCheckDetailsFromLoopEntry(QuickCheckDetails* details,
+ RegExpCompiler* compiler,
+ int characters_filled_in,
+ bool not_at_start) override;
+ void FillInBMInfo(Isolate* isolate, int offset, int budget,
+ BoyerMooreLookahead* bm, bool not_at_start) override;
+ EatsAtLeastInfo EatsAtLeastFromLoopEntry() override;
+ RegExpNode* loop_node() { return loop_node_; }
+ RegExpNode* continue_node() { return continue_node_; }
+ bool body_can_be_zero_length() { return body_can_be_zero_length_; }
+ int min_loop_iterations() const { return min_loop_iterations_; }
+ bool read_backward() override { return read_backward_; }
+ void Accept(NodeVisitor* visitor) override;
+ RegExpNode* FilterOneByte(int depth) override;
+ private:
+ // AddAlternative is made private for loop nodes because alternatives
+ // should not be added freely, we need to keep track of which node
+ // goes back to the node itself.
+ void AddAlternative(GuardedAlternative node) {
+ ChoiceNode::AddAlternative(node);
+ }
+ RegExpNode* loop_node_;
+ RegExpNode* continue_node_;
+ bool body_can_be_zero_length_;
+ bool read_backward_;
+ // Temporary marker set only while generating quick check details. Represents
+ // whether GetQuickCheckDetails traversed the initialization node for this
+ // loop's counter. If so, we may be able to generate stricter quick checks
+ // because we know the loop node must match at least min_loop_iterations_
+ // times before the continuation node can match.
+ bool traversed_loop_initialization_node_;
+ // The minimum number of times the loop_node_ must match before the
+ // continue_node_ might be considered. This value can be temporarily decreased
+ // while generating quick check details, to represent the remaining iterations
+ // after the completed portion of the quick check details.
+ int min_loop_iterations_;
+ friend class IterationDecrementer;
+ friend class LoopInitializationMarker;
+class NodeVisitor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~NodeVisitor() = default;
+#define DECLARE_VISIT(Type) virtual void Visit##Type(Type##Node* that) = 0;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2813bf0921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,2129 @@
+// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-parser.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "irregexp/imported/property-sequences.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-macro-assembler.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+RegExpParser::RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone)
+ : isolate_(isolate),
+ zone_(zone),
+ captures_(nullptr),
+ named_captures_(nullptr),
+ named_back_references_(nullptr),
+ in_(in),
+ current_(kEndMarker),
+ top_level_flags_(flags),
+ next_pos_(0),
+ captures_started_(0),
+ capture_count_(0),
+ has_more_(true),
+ simple_(false),
+ contains_anchor_(false),
+ is_scanned_for_captures_(false),
+ has_named_captures_(false),
+ failed_(false) {
+ Advance();
+template <bool update_position>
+inline uc32 RegExpParser::ReadNext() {
+ int position = next_pos_;
+ uc32 c0 = in()->Get(position);
+ position++;
+ // Read the whole surrogate pair in case of unicode flag, if possible.
+ if (unicode() && position < in()->length() &&
+ unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(static_cast<uc16>(c0))) {
+ uc16 c1 = in()->Get(position);
+ if (unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c1)) {
+ c0 = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(static_cast<uc16>(c0), c1);
+ position++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (update_position) next_pos_ = position;
+ return c0;
+uc32 RegExpParser::Next() {
+ if (has_next()) {
+ return ReadNext<false>();
+ } else {
+ return kEndMarker;
+ }
+void RegExpParser::Advance() {
+ if (has_next()) {
+ StackLimitCheck check(isolate());
+ if (check.HasOverflowed()) {
+ if (FLAG_correctness_fuzzer_suppressions) {
+ FATAL("Aborting on stack overflow");
+ }
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kStackOverflow);
+ } else if (zone()->excess_allocation()) {
+ if (FLAG_correctness_fuzzer_suppressions) {
+ FATAL("Aborting on excess zone allocation");
+ }
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kTooLarge);
+ } else {
+ current_ = ReadNext<true>();
+ }
+ } else {
+ current_ = kEndMarker;
+ // Advance so that position() points to 1-after-the-last-character. This is
+ // important so that Reset() to this position works correctly.
+ next_pos_ = in()->length() + 1;
+ has_more_ = false;
+ }
+void RegExpParser::Reset(int pos) {
+ next_pos_ = pos;
+ has_more_ = (pos < in()->length());
+ Advance();
+void RegExpParser::Advance(int dist) {
+ next_pos_ += dist - 1;
+ Advance();
+bool RegExpParser::simple() { return simple_; }
+bool RegExpParser::IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(uc32 c) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case '^':
+ case '$':
+ case '\\':
+ case '.':
+ case '*':
+ case '+':
+ case '?':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ case '{':
+ case '}':
+ case '|':
+ case '/':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ReportError(RegExpError error) {
+ if (failed_) return nullptr; // Do not overwrite any existing error.
+ failed_ = true;
+ error_ = error;
+ error_pos_ = position();
+ // Zip to the end to make sure no more input is read.
+ current_ = kEndMarker;
+ next_pos_ = in()->length();
+ return nullptr;
+#define CHECK_FAILED /**/); \
+ if (failed_) return nullptr; \
+ ((void)0
+// Pattern ::
+// Disjunction
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParsePattern() {
+ RegExpTree* result = ParseDisjunction(CHECK_FAILED);
+ PatchNamedBackReferences(CHECK_FAILED);
+ DCHECK(!has_more());
+ // If the result of parsing is a literal string atom, and it has the
+ // same length as the input, then the atom is identical to the input.
+ if (result->IsAtom() && result->AsAtom()->length() == in()->length()) {
+ simple_ = true;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Disjunction ::
+// Alternative
+// Alternative | Disjunction
+// Alternative ::
+// [empty]
+// Term Alternative
+// Term ::
+// Assertion
+// Atom
+// Atom Quantifier
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseDisjunction() {
+ // Used to store current state while parsing subexpressions.
+ RegExpParserState initial_state(nullptr, INITIAL, RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD,
+ 0, nullptr, top_level_flags_, zone());
+ RegExpParserState* state = &initial_state;
+ // Cache the builder in a local variable for quick access.
+ RegExpBuilder* builder = initial_state.builder();
+ while (true) {
+ switch (current()) {
+ case kEndMarker:
+ if (state->IsSubexpression()) {
+ // Inside a parenthesized group when hitting end of input.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kUnterminatedGroup);
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(INITIAL, state->group_type());
+ // Parsing completed successfully.
+ return builder->ToRegExp();
+ case ')': {
+ if (!state->IsSubexpression()) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kUnmatchedParen);
+ }
+ DCHECK_NE(INITIAL, state->group_type());
+ Advance();
+ // End disjunction parsing and convert builder content to new single
+ // regexp atom.
+ RegExpTree* body = builder->ToRegExp();
+ int end_capture_index = captures_started();
+ int capture_index = state->capture_index();
+ SubexpressionType group_type = state->group_type();
+ // Build result of subexpression.
+ if (group_type == CAPTURE) {
+ if (state->IsNamedCapture()) {
+ CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(state->capture_name(),
+ capture_index CHECK_FAILED);
+ }
+ RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(capture_index);
+ capture->set_body(body);
+ body = capture;
+ } else if (group_type == GROUPING) {
+ body = new (zone()) RegExpGroup(body);
+ } else {
+ group_type == NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND);
+ bool is_positive = (group_type == POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND);
+ body = new (zone()) RegExpLookaround(
+ body, is_positive, end_capture_index - capture_index,
+ capture_index, state->lookaround_type());
+ }
+ // Restore previous state.
+ state = state->previous_state();
+ builder = state->builder();
+ builder->AddAtom(body);
+ // For compatibility with JSC and ES3, we allow quantifiers after
+ // lookaheads, and break in all cases.
+ break;
+ }
+ case '|': {
+ Advance();
+ builder->NewAlternative();
+ continue;
+ }
+ case '*':
+ case '+':
+ case '?':
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kNothingToRepeat);
+ case '^': {
+ Advance();
+ if (builder->multiline()) {
+ builder->AddAssertion(new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(
+ RegExpAssertion::START_OF_LINE, builder->flags()));
+ } else {
+ builder->AddAssertion(new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(
+ RegExpAssertion::START_OF_INPUT, builder->flags()));
+ set_contains_anchor();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ case '$': {
+ Advance();
+ RegExpAssertion::AssertionType assertion_type =
+ builder->multiline() ? RegExpAssertion::END_OF_LINE
+ : RegExpAssertion::END_OF_INPUT;
+ builder->AddAssertion(
+ new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(assertion_type, builder->flags()));
+ continue;
+ }
+ case '.': {
+ Advance();
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ if (builder->dotall()) {
+ // Everything.
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('*', ranges, false, zone());
+ } else {
+ // Everything except \x0A, \x0D, \u2028 and \u2029
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape('.', ranges, false, zone());
+ }
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc =
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), ranges, builder->flags());
+ builder->AddCharacterClass(cc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '(': {
+ state = ParseOpenParenthesis(state CHECK_FAILED);
+ builder = state->builder();
+ continue;
+ }
+ case '[': {
+ RegExpTree* cc = ParseCharacterClass(builder CHECK_FAILED);
+ builder->AddCharacterClass(cc->AsCharacterClass());
+ break;
+ }
+ // Atom ::
+ // \ AtomEscape
+ case '\\':
+ switch (Next()) {
+ case kEndMarker:
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kEscapeAtEndOfPattern);
+ case 'b':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddAssertion(new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(
+ RegExpAssertion::BOUNDARY, builder->flags()));
+ continue;
+ case 'B':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddAssertion(new (zone()) RegExpAssertion(
+ RegExpAssertion::NON_BOUNDARY, builder->flags()));
+ continue;
+ // AtomEscape ::
+ // CharacterClassEscape
+ //
+ // CharacterClassEscape :: one of
+ // d D s S w W
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W': {
+ uc32 c = Next();
+ Advance(2);
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(
+ c, ranges, unicode() && builder->ignore_case(), zone());
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc = new (zone())
+ RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), ranges, builder->flags());
+ builder->AddCharacterClass(cc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P': {
+ uc32 p = Next();
+ Advance(2);
+ if (unicode()) {
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ ZoneVector<char> name_1(zone());
+ ZoneVector<char> name_2(zone());
+ if (ParsePropertyClassName(&name_1, &name_2)) {
+ if (AddPropertyClassRange(ranges, p == 'P', name_1, name_2)) {
+ RegExpCharacterClass* cc = new (zone())
+ RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), ranges, builder->flags());
+ builder->AddCharacterClass(cc);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p == 'p' && name_2.empty()) {
+ RegExpTree* sequence = GetPropertySequence(name_1);
+ if (sequence != nullptr) {
+ builder->AddAtom(sequence);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidPropertyName);
+ } else {
+ builder->AddCharacter(p);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ case '8':
+ case '9': {
+ int index = 0;
+ bool is_backref = ParseBackReferenceIndex(&index CHECK_FAILED);
+ if (is_backref) {
+ if (state->IsInsideCaptureGroup(index)) {
+ // The back reference is inside the capture group it refers to.
+ // Nothing can possibly have been captured yet, so we use empty
+ // instead. This ensures that, when checking a back reference,
+ // the capture registers of the referenced capture are either
+ // both set or both cleared.
+ builder->AddEmpty();
+ } else {
+ RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(index);
+ RegExpTree* atom =
+ new (zone()) RegExpBackReference(capture, builder->flags());
+ builder->AddAtom(atom);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters
+ // are allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed.
+ if (unicode()) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidEscape);
+ }
+ uc32 first_digit = Next();
+ if (first_digit == '8' || first_digit == '9') {
+ builder->AddCharacter(first_digit);
+ Advance(2);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ case '0': {
+ Advance();
+ if (unicode() && Next() >= '0' && Next() <= '9') {
+ // With /u, decimal escape with leading 0 are not parsed as octal.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidDecimalEscape);
+ }
+ uc32 octal = ParseOctalLiteral();
+ builder->AddCharacter(octal);
+ break;
+ }
+ // ControlEscape :: one of
+ // f n r t v
+ case 'f':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter('\f');
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter('\n');
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter('\r');
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter('\t');
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter('\v');
+ break;
+ case 'c': {
+ Advance();
+ uc32 controlLetter = Next();
+ // Special case if it is an ASCII letter.
+ // Convert lower case letters to uppercase.
+ uc32 letter = controlLetter & ~('a' ^ 'A');
+ if (letter < 'A' || 'Z' < letter) {
+ // controlLetter is not in range 'A'-'Z' or 'a'-'z'.
+ // Read the backslash as a literal character instead of as
+ // starting an escape.
+ // ES#prod-annexB-ExtendedPatternCharacter
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidUnicodeEscape);
+ }
+ builder->AddCharacter('\\');
+ } else {
+ Advance(2);
+ builder->AddCharacter(controlLetter & 0x1F);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'x': {
+ Advance(2);
+ uc32 value;
+ if (ParseHexEscape(2, &value)) {
+ builder->AddCharacter(value);
+ } else if (!unicode()) {
+ builder->AddCharacter('x');
+ } else {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidEscape);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'u': {
+ Advance(2);
+ uc32 value;
+ if (ParseUnicodeEscape(&value)) {
+ builder->AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(value);
+ } else if (!unicode()) {
+ builder->AddCharacter('u');
+ } else {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidUnicodeEscape);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'k':
+ // Either an identity escape or a named back-reference. The two
+ // interpretations are mutually exclusive: '\k' is interpreted as
+ // an identity escape for non-Unicode patterns without named
+ // capture groups, and as the beginning of a named back-reference
+ // in all other cases.
+ if (unicode() || HasNamedCaptures()) {
+ Advance(2);
+ ParseNamedBackReference(builder, state CHECK_FAILED);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ Advance();
+ // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters
+ // are allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed.
+ if (!unicode() || IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(current())) {
+ builder->AddCharacter(current());
+ Advance();
+ } else {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidEscape);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{': {
+ int dummy;
+ bool parsed = ParseIntervalQuantifier(&dummy, &dummy CHECK_FAILED);
+ if (parsed) return ReportError(RegExpError::kNothingToRepeat);
+ }
+ case '}':
+ case ']':
+ if (unicode()) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kLoneQuantifierBrackets);
+ }
+ default:
+ builder->AddUnicodeCharacter(current());
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ } // end switch(current())
+ int min;
+ int max;
+ switch (current()) {
+ // QuantifierPrefix ::
+ // *
+ // +
+ // ?
+ // {
+ case '*':
+ min = 0;
+ max = RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ min = 1;
+ max = RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ min = 0;
+ max = 1;
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ if (ParseIntervalQuantifier(&min, &max)) {
+ if (max < min) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kRangeOutOfOrder);
+ }
+ break;
+ } else if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, incomplete quantifiers are not allowed.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kIncompleteQuantifier);
+ }
+ continue;
+ default:
+ continue;
+ }
+ RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::GREEDY;
+ if (current() == '?') {
+ quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::NON_GREEDY;
+ Advance();
+ } else if (FLAG_regexp_possessive_quantifier && current() == '+') {
+ // FLAG_regexp_possessive_quantifier is a debug-only flag.
+ quantifier_type = RegExpQuantifier::POSSESSIVE;
+ Advance();
+ }
+ if (!builder->AddQuantifierToAtom(min, max, quantifier_type)) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidQuantifier);
+ }
+ }
+RegExpParser::RegExpParserState* RegExpParser::ParseOpenParenthesis(
+ RegExpParserState* state) {
+ RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type = state->lookaround_type();
+ bool is_named_capture = false;
+ JSRegExp::Flags switch_on = JSRegExp::kNone;
+ JSRegExp::Flags switch_off = JSRegExp::kNone;
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* capture_name = nullptr;
+ SubexpressionType subexpr_type = CAPTURE;
+ Advance();
+ if (current() == '?') {
+ switch (Next()) {
+ case ':':
+ Advance(2);
+ subexpr_type = GROUPING;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ Advance(2);
+ lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD;
+ subexpr_type = POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND;
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ Advance(2);
+ lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKAHEAD;
+ subexpr_type = NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ case 'i':
+ case 's':
+ case 'm': {
+ if (!FLAG_regexp_mode_modifiers) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidGroup);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ bool flags_sense = true; // Switching on flags.
+ while (subexpr_type != GROUPING) {
+ switch (current()) {
+ case '-':
+ if (!flags_sense) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kMultipleFlagDashes);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ flags_sense = false;
+ Advance();
+ continue;
+ case 's':
+ case 'i':
+ case 'm': {
+ JSRegExp::Flags bit = JSRegExp::kUnicode;
+ if (current() == 'i') bit = JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase;
+ if (current() == 'm') bit = JSRegExp::kMultiline;
+ if (current() == 's') bit = JSRegExp::kDotAll;
+ if (((switch_on | switch_off) & bit) != 0) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kRepeatedFlag);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (flags_sense) {
+ switch_on |= bit;
+ } else {
+ switch_off |= bit;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ continue;
+ }
+ case ')': {
+ Advance();
+ state->builder()
+ ->FlushText(); // Flush pending text using old flags.
+ // These (?i)-style flag switches don't put us in a subexpression
+ // at all, they just modify the flags in the rest of the current
+ // subexpression.
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags =
+ (state->builder()->flags() | switch_on) & ~switch_off;
+ state->builder()->set_flags(flags);
+ return state;
+ }
+ case ':':
+ Advance();
+ subexpr_type = GROUPING; // Will break us out of the outer loop.
+ continue;
+ default:
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidFlagGroup);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '<':
+ Advance();
+ if (Next() == '=') {
+ Advance(2);
+ lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKBEHIND;
+ subexpr_type = POSITIVE_LOOKAROUND;
+ break;
+ } else if (Next() == '!') {
+ Advance(2);
+ lookaround_type = RegExpLookaround::LOOKBEHIND;
+ subexpr_type = NEGATIVE_LOOKAROUND;
+ break;
+ }
+ is_named_capture = true;
+ has_named_captures_ = true;
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ default:
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidGroup);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (subexpr_type == CAPTURE) {
+ if (captures_started_ >= JSRegExp::kMaxCaptures) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kTooManyCaptures);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ captures_started_++;
+ if (is_named_capture) {
+ capture_name = ParseCaptureGroupName(CHECK_FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = (state->builder()->flags() | switch_on) & ~switch_off;
+ // Store current state and begin new disjunction parsing.
+ return new (zone())
+ RegExpParserState(state, subexpr_type, lookaround_type, captures_started_,
+ capture_name, flags, zone());
+#ifdef DEBUG
+// Currently only used in an DCHECK.
+static bool IsSpecialClassEscape(uc32 c) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+// In order to know whether an escape is a backreference or not we have to scan
+// the entire regexp and find the number of capturing parentheses. However we
+// don't want to scan the regexp twice unless it is necessary. This mini-parser
+// is called when needed. It can see the difference between capturing and
+// noncapturing parentheses and can skip character classes and backslash-escaped
+// characters.
+void RegExpParser::ScanForCaptures() {
+ DCHECK(!is_scanned_for_captures_);
+ const int saved_position = position();
+ // Start with captures started previous to current position
+ int capture_count = captures_started();
+ // Add count of captures after this position.
+ int n;
+ while ((n = current()) != kEndMarker) {
+ Advance();
+ switch (n) {
+ case '\\':
+ Advance();
+ break;
+ case '[': {
+ int c;
+ while ((c = current()) != kEndMarker) {
+ Advance();
+ if (c == '\\') {
+ Advance();
+ } else {
+ if (c == ']') break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case '(':
+ if (current() == '?') {
+ // At this point we could be in
+ // * a non-capturing group '(:',
+ // * a lookbehind assertion '(?<=' '(?<!'
+ // * or a named capture '(?<'.
+ //
+ // Of these, only named captures are capturing groups.
+ Advance();
+ if (current() != '<') break;
+ Advance();
+ if (current() == '=' || current() == '!') break;
+ // Found a possible named capture. It could turn out to be a syntax
+ // error (e.g. an unterminated or invalid name), but that distinction
+ // does not matter for our purposes.
+ has_named_captures_ = true;
+ }
+ capture_count++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ capture_count_ = capture_count;
+ is_scanned_for_captures_ = true;
+ Reset(saved_position);
+bool RegExpParser::ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out) {
+ DCHECK_EQ('\\', current());
+ DCHECK('1' <= Next() && Next() <= '9');
+ // Try to parse a decimal literal that is no greater than the total number
+ // of left capturing parentheses in the input.
+ int start = position();
+ int value = Next() - '0';
+ Advance(2);
+ while (true) {
+ uc32 c = current();
+ if (IsDecimalDigit(c)) {
+ value = 10 * value + (c - '0');
+ if (value > JSRegExp::kMaxCaptures) {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (value > captures_started()) {
+ if (!is_scanned_for_captures_) ScanForCaptures();
+ if (value > capture_count_) {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ *index_out = value;
+ return true;
+static void push_code_unit(ZoneVector<uc16>* v, uint32_t code_unit) {
+ if (code_unit <= unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode) {
+ v->push_back(code_unit);
+ } else {
+ v->push_back(unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(code_unit));
+ v->push_back(unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(code_unit));
+ }
+const ZoneVector<uc16>* RegExpParser::ParseCaptureGroupName() {
+ ZoneVector<uc16>* name =
+ new (zone()->New(sizeof(ZoneVector<uc16>))) ZoneVector<uc16>(zone());
+ bool at_start = true;
+ while (true) {
+ uc32 c = current();
+ Advance();
+ // Convert unicode escapes.
+ if (c == '\\' && current() == 'u') {
+ Advance();
+ if (!ParseUnicodeEscape(&c)) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidUnicodeEscape);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // The backslash char is misclassified as both ID_Start and ID_Continue.
+ if (c == '\\') {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidCaptureGroupName);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (at_start) {
+ if (!IsIdentifierStart(c)) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidCaptureGroupName);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ push_code_unit(name, c);
+ at_start = false;
+ } else {
+ if (c == '>') {
+ break;
+ } else if (IsIdentifierPart(c)) {
+ push_code_unit(name, c);
+ } else {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidCaptureGroupName);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+bool RegExpParser::CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<uc16>* name,
+ int index) {
+ DCHECK(0 < index && index <= captures_started_);
+ RegExpCapture* capture = GetCapture(index);
+ DCHECK_NULL(capture->name());
+ capture->set_name(name);
+ if (named_captures_ == nullptr) {
+ named_captures_ = new (zone_->New(sizeof(*named_captures_)))
+ ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>(zone());
+ } else {
+ // Check for duplicates and bail if we find any.
+ const auto& named_capture_it = named_captures_->find(capture);
+ if (named_capture_it != named_captures_->end()) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kDuplicateCaptureGroupName);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ named_captures_->emplace(capture);
+ return true;
+bool RegExpParser::ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
+ RegExpParserState* state) {
+ // The parser is assumed to be on the '<' in \k<name>.
+ if (current() != '<') {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidNamedReference);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name = ParseCaptureGroupName();
+ if (name == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (state->IsInsideCaptureGroup(name)) {
+ builder->AddEmpty();
+ } else {
+ RegExpBackReference* atom =
+ new (zone()) RegExpBackReference(builder->flags());
+ atom->set_name(name);
+ builder->AddAtom(atom);
+ if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) {
+ named_back_references_ =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>(1, zone());
+ }
+ named_back_references_->Add(atom, zone());
+ }
+ return true;
+void RegExpParser::PatchNamedBackReferences() {
+ if (named_back_references_ == nullptr) return;
+ if (named_captures_ == nullptr) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidNamedCaptureReference);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Look up and patch the actual capture for each named back reference.
+ for (int i = 0; i < named_back_references_->length(); i++) {
+ RegExpBackReference* ref = named_back_references_->at(i);
+ // Capture used to search the named_captures_ by name, index of the
+ // capture is never used.
+ static const int kInvalidIndex = 0;
+ RegExpCapture* search_capture = new (zone()) RegExpCapture(kInvalidIndex);
+ DCHECK_NULL(search_capture->name());
+ search_capture->set_name(ref->name());
+ int index = -1;
+ const auto& capture_it = named_captures_->find(search_capture);
+ if (capture_it != named_captures_->end()) {
+ index = (*capture_it)->index();
+ } else {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidNamedCaptureReference);
+ return;
+ }
+ ref->set_capture(GetCapture(index));
+ }
+RegExpCapture* RegExpParser::GetCapture(int index) {
+ // The index for the capture groups are one-based. Its index in the list is
+ // zero-based.
+ int know_captures =
+ is_scanned_for_captures_ ? capture_count_ : captures_started_;
+ DCHECK(index <= know_captures);
+ if (captures_ == nullptr) {
+ captures_ = new (zone()) ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>(know_captures, zone());
+ }
+ while (captures_->length() < know_captures) {
+ captures_->Add(new (zone()) RegExpCapture(captures_->length() + 1), zone());
+ }
+ return captures_->at(index - 1);
+namespace {
+struct RegExpCaptureIndexLess {
+ bool operator()(const RegExpCapture* lhs, const RegExpCapture* rhs) const {
+ return lhs->index() < rhs->index();
+ }
+} // namespace
+Handle<FixedArray> RegExpParser::CreateCaptureNameMap() {
+ if (named_captures_ == nullptr || named_captures_->empty()) {
+ return Handle<FixedArray>();
+ }
+ // Named captures are sorted by name (because the set is used to ensure
+ // name uniqueness). But the capture name map must to be sorted by index.
+ ZoneVector<RegExpCapture*> sorted_named_captures(
+ named_captures_->begin(), named_captures_->end(), zone());
+ std::sort(sorted_named_captures.begin(), sorted_named_captures.end(),
+ RegExpCaptureIndexLess{});
+ DCHECK_EQ(sorted_named_captures.size(), named_captures_->size());
+ Factory* factory = isolate()->factory();
+ int len = static_cast<int>(sorted_named_captures.size()) * 2;
+ Handle<FixedArray> array = factory->NewFixedArray(len);
+ int i = 0;
+ for (const auto& capture : sorted_named_captures) {
+ Vector<const uc16> capture_name(capture->name()->data(),
+ capture->name()->size());
+ // CSA code in ConstructNewResultFromMatchInfo requires these strings to be
+ // internalized so they can be used as property names in the 'exec' results.
+ Handle<String> name = factory->InternalizeString(capture_name);
+ array->set(i * 2, *name);
+ array->set(i * 2 + 1, Smi::FromInt(capture->index()));
+ i++;
+ }
+ DCHECK_EQ(i * 2, len);
+ return array;
+bool RegExpParser::HasNamedCaptures() {
+ if (has_named_captures_ || is_scanned_for_captures_) {
+ return has_named_captures_;
+ }
+ ScanForCaptures();
+ DCHECK(is_scanned_for_captures_);
+ return has_named_captures_;
+bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index) {
+ for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr; s = s->previous_state()) {
+ if (s->group_type() != CAPTURE) continue;
+ // Return true if we found the matching capture index.
+ if (index == s->capture_index()) return true;
+ // Abort if index is larger than what has been parsed up till this state.
+ if (index > s->capture_index()) return false;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool RegExpParser::RegExpParserState::IsInsideCaptureGroup(
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* name) {
+ for (RegExpParserState* s = this; s != nullptr; s = s->previous_state()) {
+ if (s->capture_name() == nullptr) continue;
+ if (*s->capture_name() == *name) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// QuantifierPrefix ::
+// { DecimalDigits }
+// { DecimalDigits , }
+// { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits }
+// Returns true if parsing succeeds, and set the min_out and max_out
+// values. Values are truncated to RegExpTree::kInfinity if they overflow.
+bool RegExpParser::ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(current(), '{');
+ int start = position();
+ Advance();
+ int min = 0;
+ if (!IsDecimalDigit(current())) {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (IsDecimalDigit(current())) {
+ int next = current() - '0';
+ if (min > (RegExpTree::kInfinity - next) / 10) {
+ // Overflow. Skip past remaining decimal digits and return -1.
+ do {
+ Advance();
+ } while (IsDecimalDigit(current()));
+ min = RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ break;
+ }
+ min = 10 * min + next;
+ Advance();
+ }
+ int max = 0;
+ if (current() == '}') {
+ max = min;
+ Advance();
+ } else if (current() == ',') {
+ Advance();
+ if (current() == '}') {
+ max = RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ Advance();
+ } else {
+ while (IsDecimalDigit(current())) {
+ int next = current() - '0';
+ if (max > (RegExpTree::kInfinity - next) / 10) {
+ do {
+ Advance();
+ } while (IsDecimalDigit(current()));
+ max = RegExpTree::kInfinity;
+ break;
+ }
+ max = 10 * max + next;
+ Advance();
+ }
+ if (current() != '}') {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ }
+ } else {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ *min_out = min;
+ *max_out = max;
+ return true;
+uc32 RegExpParser::ParseOctalLiteral() {
+ DCHECK(('0' <= current() && current() <= '7') || current() == kEndMarker);
+ // For compatibility with some other browsers (not all), we parse
+ // up to three octal digits with a value below 256.
+ // ES#prod-annexB-LegacyOctalEscapeSequence
+ uc32 value = current() - '0';
+ Advance();
+ if ('0' <= current() && current() <= '7') {
+ value = value * 8 + current() - '0';
+ Advance();
+ if (value < 32 && '0' <= current() && current() <= '7') {
+ value = value * 8 + current() - '0';
+ Advance();
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+bool RegExpParser::ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value) {
+ int start = position();
+ uc32 val = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ uc32 c = current();
+ int d = HexValue(c);
+ if (d < 0) {
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ val = val * 16 + d;
+ Advance();
+ }
+ *value = val;
+ return true;
+// This parses RegExpUnicodeEscapeSequence as described in ECMA262.
+bool RegExpParser::ParseUnicodeEscape(uc32* value) {
+ // Accept both \uxxxx and \u{xxxxxx} (if harmony unicode escapes are
+ // allowed). In the latter case, the number of hex digits between { } is
+ // arbitrary. \ and u have already been read.
+ if (current() == '{' && unicode()) {
+ int start = position();
+ Advance();
+ if (ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(0x10FFFF, value)) {
+ if (current() == '}') {
+ Advance();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Reset(start);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // \u but no {, or \u{...} escapes not allowed.
+ bool result = ParseHexEscape(4, value);
+ if (result && unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(*value) &&
+ current() == '\\') {
+ // Attempt to read trail surrogate.
+ int start = position();
+ if (Next() == 'u') {
+ Advance(2);
+ uc32 trail;
+ if (ParseHexEscape(4, &trail) &&
+ unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(trail)) {
+ *value = unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(static_cast<uc16>(*value),
+ static_cast<uc16>(trail));
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ Reset(start);
+ }
+ return result;
+namespace {
+bool IsExactPropertyAlias(const char* property_name, UProperty property) {
+ const char* short_name = u_getPropertyName(property, U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME);
+ if (short_name != nullptr && strcmp(property_name, short_name) == 0)
+ return true;
+ for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+ const char* long_name = u_getPropertyName(
+ property, static_cast<UPropertyNameChoice>(U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i));
+ if (long_name == nullptr) break;
+ if (strcmp(property_name, long_name) == 0) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsExactPropertyValueAlias(const char* property_value_name,
+ UProperty property, int32_t property_value) {
+ const char* short_name =
+ u_getPropertyValueName(property, property_value, U_SHORT_PROPERTY_NAME);
+ if (short_name != nullptr && strcmp(property_value_name, short_name) == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0;; i++) {
+ const char* long_name = u_getPropertyValueName(
+ property, property_value,
+ static_cast<UPropertyNameChoice>(U_LONG_PROPERTY_NAME + i));
+ if (long_name == nullptr) break;
+ if (strcmp(property_value_name, long_name) == 0) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool LookupPropertyValueName(UProperty property,
+ const char* property_value_name, bool negate,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* result, Zone* zone) {
+ UProperty property_for_lookup = property;
+ if (property_for_lookup == UCHAR_SCRIPT_EXTENSIONS) {
+ // For the property Script_Extensions, we have to do the property value
+ // name lookup as if the property is Script.
+ property_for_lookup = UCHAR_SCRIPT;
+ }
+ int32_t property_value =
+ u_getPropertyValueEnum(property_for_lookup, property_value_name);
+ if (property_value == UCHAR_INVALID_CODE) return false;
+ // We require the property name to match exactly to one of the property value
+ // aliases. However, u_getPropertyValueEnum uses loose matching.
+ if (!IsExactPropertyValueAlias(property_value_name, property_for_lookup,
+ property_value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ icu::UnicodeSet set;
+ set.applyIntPropertyValue(property, property_value, ec);
+ bool success = ec == U_ZERO_ERROR && !set.isEmpty();
+ if (success) {
+ set.removeAllStrings();
+ if (negate) set.complement();
+ for (int i = 0; i < set.getRangeCount(); i++) {
+ result->Add(
+ CharacterRange::Range(set.getRangeStart(i), set.getRangeEnd(i)),
+ zone);
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+template <size_t N>
+inline bool NameEquals(const char* name, const char (&literal)[N]) {
+ return strncmp(name, literal, N + 1) == 0;
+bool LookupSpecialPropertyValueName(const char* name,
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* result,
+ bool negate, Zone* zone) {
+ if (NameEquals(name, "Any")) {
+ if (negate) {
+ // Leave the list of character ranges empty, since the negation of 'Any'
+ // is the empty set.
+ } else {
+ result->Add(CharacterRange::Everything(), zone);
+ }
+ } else if (NameEquals(name, "ASCII")) {
+ result->Add(negate ? CharacterRange::Range(0x80, String::kMaxCodePoint)
+ : CharacterRange::Range(0x0, 0x7F),
+ zone);
+ } else if (NameEquals(name, "Assigned")) {
+ return LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY, "Unassigned",
+ !negate, result, zone);
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Explicitly whitelist supported binary properties. The spec forbids supporting
+// properties outside of this set to ensure interoperability.
+bool IsSupportedBinaryProperty(UProperty property) {
+ switch (property) {
+ // 'Any' is not supported by ICU. See LookupSpecialPropertyValueName.
+ // 'ASCII' is not supported by ICU. See LookupSpecialPropertyValueName.
+ // 'Assigned' is not supported by ICU. See LookupSpecialPropertyValueName.
+ case UCHAR_DASH:
+ case UCHAR_MATH:
+ case UCHAR_S_TERM:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(char c) {
+ //
+ //
+ // Note that using this to validate each parsed char is quite conservative.
+ // A possible alternative solution would be to only ensure the parsed
+ // property name/value candidate string does not contain '\0' characters and
+ // let ICU lookups trigger the final failure.
+ if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') return true;
+ if ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') return true;
+ if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') return true;
+ return (c == '_');
+} // anonymous namespace
+bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
+ ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
+ DCHECK(name_1->empty());
+ DCHECK(name_2->empty());
+ // Parse the property class as follows:
+ // - In \p{name}, 'name' is interpreted
+ // - either as a general category property value name.
+ // - or as a binary property name.
+ // - In \p{name=value}, 'name' is interpreted as an enumerated property name,
+ // and 'value' is interpreted as one of the available property value names.
+ // - Aliases in PropertyAlias.txt and PropertyValueAlias.txt can be used.
+ // - Loose matching is not applied.
+ if (current() == '{') {
+ // Parse \p{[PropertyName=]PropertyNameValue}
+ for (Advance(); current() != '}' && current() != '='; Advance()) {
+ if (!IsUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(current())) return false;
+ if (!has_next()) return false;
+ name_1->push_back(static_cast<char>(current()));
+ }
+ if (current() == '=') {
+ for (Advance(); current() != '}'; Advance()) {
+ if (!IsUnicodePropertyValueCharacter(current())) return false;
+ if (!has_next()) return false;
+ name_2->push_back(static_cast<char>(current()));
+ }
+ name_2->push_back(0); // null-terminate string.
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ name_1->push_back(0); // null-terminate string.
+ DCHECK(name_1->size() - 1 == std::strlen(name_1->data()));
+ DCHECK(name_2->empty() || name_2->size() - 1 == std::strlen(name_2->data()));
+ return true;
+bool RegExpParser::AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to,
+ bool negate,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
+ if (name_2.empty()) {
+ // First attempt to interpret as general category property value name.
+ const char* name =;
+ if (LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY_MASK, name, negate,
+ add_to, zone())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Interpret "Any", "ASCII", and "Assigned".
+ if (LookupSpecialPropertyValueName(name, add_to, negate, zone())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Then attempt to interpret as binary property name with value name 'Y'.
+ UProperty property = u_getPropertyEnum(name);
+ if (!IsSupportedBinaryProperty(property)) return false;
+ if (!IsExactPropertyAlias(name, property)) return false;
+ return LookupPropertyValueName(property, negate ? "N" : "Y", false, add_to,
+ zone());
+ } else {
+ // Both property name and value name are specified. Attempt to interpret
+ // the property name as enumerated property.
+ const char* property_name =;
+ const char* value_name =;
+ UProperty property = u_getPropertyEnum(property_name);
+ if (!IsExactPropertyAlias(property_name, property)) return false;
+ if (property == UCHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY) {
+ // We want to allow aggregate value names such as "Letter".
+ } else if (property != UCHAR_SCRIPT &&
+ return false;
+ }
+ return LookupPropertyValueName(property, value_name, negate, add_to,
+ zone());
+ }
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1) {
+ if (!FLAG_harmony_regexp_sequence) return nullptr;
+ const char* name =;
+ const uc32* sequence_list = nullptr;
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags = JSRegExp::kUnicode;
+ if (NameEquals(name, "Emoji_Flag_Sequence")) {
+ sequence_list = UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiFlagSequences;
+ } else if (NameEquals(name, "Emoji_Tag_Sequence")) {
+ sequence_list = UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiTagSequences;
+ } else if (NameEquals(name, "Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence")) {
+ sequence_list = UnicodePropertySequences::kEmojiZWJSequences;
+ }
+ if (sequence_list != nullptr) {
+ // TODO(yangguo): this creates huge regexp code. Alternative to this is
+ // to create a new operator that checks for these sequences at runtime.
+ RegExpBuilder builder(zone(), flags);
+ while (true) { // Iterate through list of sequences.
+ while (*sequence_list != 0) { // Iterate through sequence.
+ builder.AddUnicodeCharacter(*sequence_list);
+ sequence_list++;
+ }
+ sequence_list++;
+ if (*sequence_list == 0) break;
+ builder.NewAlternative();
+ }
+ return builder.ToRegExp();
+ }
+ if (NameEquals(name, "Emoji_Keycap_Sequence")) {
+ //
+ // emoji_keycap_sequence := [0-9#*] \x{FE0F 20E3}
+ RegExpBuilder builder(zone(), flags);
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* prefix_ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range('0', '9'), zone());
+ prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('#'), zone());
+ prefix_ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('*'), zone());
+ builder.AddCharacterClass(
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), prefix_ranges, flags));
+ builder.AddCharacter(0xFE0F);
+ builder.AddCharacter(0x20E3);
+ return builder.ToRegExp();
+ } else if (NameEquals(name, "Emoji_Modifier_Sequence")) {
+ //
+ // emoji_modifier_sequence := emoji_modifier_base emoji_modifier
+ RegExpBuilder builder(zone(), flags);
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* modifier_base_ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER_BASE, "Y", false,
+ modifier_base_ranges, zone());
+ builder.AddCharacterClass(
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), modifier_base_ranges, flags));
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* modifier_ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ LookupPropertyValueName(UCHAR_EMOJI_MODIFIER, "Y", false, modifier_ranges,
+ zone());
+ builder.AddCharacterClass(
+ new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), modifier_ranges, flags));
+ return builder.ToRegExp();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+#else // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+bool RegExpParser::ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
+ ZoneVector<char>* name_2) {
+ return false;
+bool RegExpParser::AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to,
+ bool negate,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_2) {
+ return false;
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name) {
+ return nullptr;
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+bool RegExpParser::ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, uc32* value) {
+ uc32 x = 0;
+ int d = HexValue(current());
+ if (d < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (d >= 0) {
+ x = x * 16 + d;
+ if (x > max_value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Advance();
+ d = HexValue(current());
+ }
+ *value = x;
+ return true;
+uc32 RegExpParser::ParseClassCharacterEscape() {
+ DCHECK_EQ('\\', current());
+ DCHECK(has_next() && !IsSpecialClassEscape(Next()));
+ Advance();
+ switch (current()) {
+ case 'b':
+ Advance();
+ return '\b';
+ // ControlEscape :: one of
+ // f n r t v
+ case 'f':
+ Advance();
+ return '\f';
+ case 'n':
+ Advance();
+ return '\n';
+ case 'r':
+ Advance();
+ return '\r';
+ case 't':
+ Advance();
+ return '\t';
+ case 'v':
+ Advance();
+ return '\v';
+ case 'c': {
+ uc32 controlLetter = Next();
+ uc32 letter = controlLetter & ~('A' ^ 'a');
+ // Inside a character class, we also accept digits and underscore as
+ // control characters, unless with /u. See Annex B:
+ // ES#prod-annexB-ClassControlLetter
+ if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z') {
+ Advance(2);
+ // Control letters mapped to ASCII control characters in the range
+ // 0x00-0x1F.
+ return controlLetter & 0x1F;
+ }
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidClassEscape);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((controlLetter >= '0' && controlLetter <= '9') ||
+ controlLetter == '_') {
+ Advance(2);
+ return controlLetter & 0x1F;
+ }
+ // We match JSC in reading the backslash as a literal
+ // character instead of as starting an escape.
+ // TODO(v8:6201): Not yet covered by the spec.
+ return '\\';
+ }
+ case '0':
+ // With /u, \0 is interpreted as NUL if not followed by another digit.
+ if (unicode() && !(Next() >= '0' && Next() <= '9')) {
+ Advance();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ // For compatibility, we interpret a decimal escape that isn't
+ // a back reference (and therefore either \0 or not valid according
+ // to the specification) as a 1..3 digit octal character code.
+ // ES#prod-annexB-LegacyOctalEscapeSequence
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, decimal escape is not interpreted as octal character code.
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidClassEscape);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return ParseOctalLiteral();
+ case 'x': {
+ Advance();
+ uc32 value;
+ if (ParseHexEscape(2, &value)) return value;
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidEscape);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // If \x is not followed by a two-digit hexadecimal, treat it
+ // as an identity escape.
+ return 'x';
+ }
+ case 'u': {
+ Advance();
+ uc32 value;
+ if (ParseUnicodeEscape(&value)) return value;
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // With /u, invalid escapes are not treated as identity escapes.
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidUnicodeEscape);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // If \u is not followed by a two-digit hexadecimal, treat it
+ // as an identity escape.
+ return 'u';
+ }
+ default: {
+ uc32 result = current();
+ // With /u, no identity escapes except for syntax characters and '-' are
+ // allowed. Otherwise, all identity escapes are allowed.
+ if (!unicode() || IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(result) || result == '-') {
+ Advance();
+ return result;
+ }
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidEscape);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+void RegExpParser::ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges,
+ Zone* zone,
+ bool add_unicode_case_equivalents,
+ uc32* char_out, bool* is_class_escape) {
+ uc32 current_char = current();
+ if (current_char == '\\') {
+ switch (Next()) {
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S': {
+ CharacterRange::AddClassEscape(static_cast<char>(Next()), ranges,
+ add_unicode_case_equivalents, zone);
+ Advance(2);
+ *is_class_escape = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ case kEndMarker:
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kEscapeAtEndOfPattern);
+ return;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ if (unicode()) {
+ bool negate = Next() == 'P';
+ Advance(2);
+ ZoneVector<char> name_1(zone);
+ ZoneVector<char> name_2(zone);
+ if (!ParsePropertyClassName(&name_1, &name_2) ||
+ !AddPropertyClassRange(ranges, negate, name_1, name_2)) {
+ ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidClassPropertyName);
+ }
+ *is_class_escape = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ *char_out = ParseClassCharacterEscape();
+ *is_class_escape = false;
+ } else {
+ Advance();
+ *char_out = current_char;
+ *is_class_escape = false;
+ }
+RegExpTree* RegExpParser::ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* builder) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(current(), '[');
+ Advance();
+ bool is_negated = false;
+ if (current() == '^') {
+ is_negated = true;
+ Advance();
+ }
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges =
+ new (zone()) ZoneList<CharacterRange>(2, zone());
+ bool add_unicode_case_equivalents = unicode() && builder->ignore_case();
+ while (has_more() && current() != ']') {
+ uc32 char_1, char_2;
+ bool is_class_1, is_class_2;
+ ParseClassEscape(ranges, zone(), add_unicode_case_equivalents, &char_1,
+ &is_class_1 CHECK_FAILED);
+ if (current() == '-') {
+ Advance();
+ if (current() == kEndMarker) {
+ // If we reach the end we break out of the loop and let the
+ // following code report an error.
+ break;
+ } else if (current() == ']') {
+ if (!is_class_1) ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(char_1), zone());
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('-'), zone());
+ break;
+ }
+ ParseClassEscape(ranges, zone(), add_unicode_case_equivalents, &char_2,
+ &is_class_2 CHECK_FAILED);
+ if (is_class_1 || is_class_2) {
+ // Either end is an escaped character class. Treat the '-' verbatim.
+ if (unicode()) {
+ // ES2015 step 1.
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kInvalidCharacterClass);
+ }
+ if (!is_class_1) ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(char_1), zone());
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton('-'), zone());
+ if (!is_class_2) ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(char_2), zone());
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ES2015 step 6.
+ if (char_1 > char_2) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kOutOfOrderCharacterClass);
+ }
+ ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Range(char_1, char_2), zone());
+ } else {
+ if (!is_class_1) ranges->Add(CharacterRange::Singleton(char_1), zone());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!has_more()) {
+ return ReportError(RegExpError::kUnterminatedCharacterClass);
+ }
+ Advance();
+ RegExpCharacterClass::CharacterClassFlags character_class_flags;
+ if (is_negated) character_class_flags = RegExpCharacterClass::NEGATED;
+ return new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(zone(), ranges, builder->flags(),
+ character_class_flags);
+bool RegExpParser::Parse(RegExpCompileData* result,
+ const DisallowHeapAllocation&) {
+ DCHECK(result != nullptr);
+ RegExpTree* tree = ParsePattern();
+ if (failed()) {
+ DCHECK(tree == nullptr);
+ DCHECK(error_ != RegExpError::kNone);
+ result->error = error_;
+ result->error_pos = error_pos_;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK(tree != nullptr);
+ DCHECK(error_ == RegExpError::kNone);
+ if (FLAG_trace_regexp_parser) {
+ StdoutStream os;
+ tree->Print(os, zone());
+ os << "\n";
+ }
+ result->tree = tree;
+ int capture_count = captures_started();
+ result->simple = tree->IsAtom() && simple() && capture_count == 0;
+ result->contains_anchor = contains_anchor();
+ result->capture_count = capture_count;
+ }
+ return !failed();
+bool RegExpParser::ParseRegExp(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ FlatStringReader* input, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ RegExpCompileData* result) {
+ RegExpParser parser(input, flags, isolate, zone);
+ bool success;
+ {
+ DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
+ success = parser.Parse(result, no_gc);
+ }
+ if (success) {
+ result->capture_name_map = parser.CreateCaptureNameMap();
+ }
+ return success;
+bool RegExpParser::VerifyRegExpSyntax(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ FlatStringReader* input,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ RegExpCompileData* result,
+ const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc) {
+ RegExpParser parser(input, flags, isolate, zone);
+ return parser.Parse(result, no_gc);
+RegExpBuilder::RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, JSRegExp::Flags flags)
+ : zone_(zone),
+ pending_empty_(false),
+ flags_(flags),
+ characters_(nullptr),
+ pending_surrogate_(kNoPendingSurrogate),
+ terms_(),
+ alternatives_()
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ,
+ last_added_(ADD_NONE)
+void RegExpBuilder::AddLeadSurrogate(uc16 lead_surrogate) {
+ DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(lead_surrogate));
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ // Hold onto the lead surrogate, waiting for a trail surrogate to follow.
+ pending_surrogate_ = lead_surrogate;
+void RegExpBuilder::AddTrailSurrogate(uc16 trail_surrogate) {
+ DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(trail_surrogate));
+ if (pending_surrogate_ != kNoPendingSurrogate) {
+ uc16 lead_surrogate = pending_surrogate_;
+ pending_surrogate_ = kNoPendingSurrogate;
+ DCHECK(unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(lead_surrogate));
+ uc32 combined =
+ unibrow::Utf16::CombineSurrogatePair(lead_surrogate, trail_surrogate);
+ if (NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(combined)) {
+ AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(combined);
+ } else {
+ ZoneList<uc16> surrogate_pair(2, zone());
+ surrogate_pair.Add(lead_surrogate, zone());
+ surrogate_pair.Add(trail_surrogate, zone());
+ RegExpAtom* atom =
+ new (zone()) RegExpAtom(surrogate_pair.ToConstVector(), flags_);
+ AddAtom(atom);
+ }
+ } else {
+ pending_surrogate_ = trail_surrogate;
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::FlushPendingSurrogate() {
+ if (pending_surrogate_ != kNoPendingSurrogate) {
+ DCHECK(unicode());
+ uc32 c = pending_surrogate_;
+ pending_surrogate_ = kNoPendingSurrogate;
+ AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(c);
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::FlushCharacters() {
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ pending_empty_ = false;
+ if (characters_ != nullptr) {
+ RegExpTree* atom =
+ new (zone()) RegExpAtom(characters_->ToConstVector(), flags_);
+ characters_ = nullptr;
+ text_.Add(atom, zone());
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::FlushText() {
+ FlushCharacters();
+ int num_text = text_.length();
+ if (num_text == 0) {
+ return;
+ } else if (num_text == 1) {
+ terms_.Add(text_.last(), zone());
+ } else {
+ RegExpText* text = new (zone()) RegExpText(zone());
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_text; i++) text_.Get(i)->AppendToText(text, zone());
+ terms_.Add(text, zone());
+ }
+ text_.Clear();
+void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacter(uc16 c) {
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ pending_empty_ = false;
+ if (NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(c)) {
+ AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(c);
+ } else {
+ if (characters_ == nullptr) {
+ characters_ = new (zone()) ZoneList<uc16>(4, zone());
+ }
+ characters_->Add(c, zone());
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::AddUnicodeCharacter(uc32 c) {
+ if (c > static_cast<uc32>(unibrow::Utf16::kMaxNonSurrogateCharCode)) {
+ DCHECK(unicode());
+ AddLeadSurrogate(unibrow::Utf16::LeadSurrogate(c));
+ AddTrailSurrogate(unibrow::Utf16::TrailSurrogate(c));
+ } else if (unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsLeadSurrogate(c)) {
+ AddLeadSurrogate(c);
+ } else if (unicode() && unibrow::Utf16::IsTrailSurrogate(c)) {
+ AddTrailSurrogate(c);
+ } else {
+ AddCharacter(static_cast<uc16>(c));
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(uc32 character) {
+ // A lead or trail surrogate parsed via escape sequence will not
+ // pair up with any preceding lead or following trail surrogate.
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ AddUnicodeCharacter(character);
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+void RegExpBuilder::AddEmpty() { pending_empty_ = true; }
+void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* cc) {
+ if (NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(cc)) {
+ // With /u, character class needs to be desugared, so it
+ // must be a standalone term instead of being part of a RegExpText.
+ AddTerm(cc);
+ } else {
+ AddAtom(cc);
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(uc32 c) {
+ AddTerm(new (zone()) RegExpCharacterClass(
+ zone(), CharacterRange::List(zone(), CharacterRange::Singleton(c)),
+ flags_));
+void RegExpBuilder::AddAtom(RegExpTree* term) {
+ if (term->IsEmpty()) {
+ AddEmpty();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (term->IsTextElement()) {
+ FlushCharacters();
+ text_.Add(term, zone());
+ } else {
+ FlushText();
+ terms_.Add(term, zone());
+ }
+void RegExpBuilder::AddTerm(RegExpTree* term) {
+ FlushText();
+ terms_.Add(term, zone());
+void RegExpBuilder::AddAssertion(RegExpTree* assert) {
+ FlushText();
+ terms_.Add(assert, zone());
+void RegExpBuilder::NewAlternative() { FlushTerms(); }
+void RegExpBuilder::FlushTerms() {
+ FlushText();
+ int num_terms = terms_.length();
+ RegExpTree* alternative;
+ if (num_terms == 0) {
+ alternative = new (zone()) RegExpEmpty();
+ } else if (num_terms == 1) {
+ alternative = terms_.last();
+ } else {
+ alternative = new (zone()) RegExpAlternative(terms_.GetList(zone()));
+ }
+ alternatives_.Add(alternative, zone());
+ terms_.Clear();
+bool RegExpBuilder::NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(RegExpCharacterClass* cc) {
+ if (!unicode()) return false;
+ // TODO(yangguo): we could be smarter than this. Case-insensitivity does not
+ // necessarily mean that we need to desugar. It's probably nicer to have a
+ // separate pass to figure out unicode desugarings.
+ if (ignore_case()) return true;
+ ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges = cc->ranges(zone());
+ CharacterRange::Canonicalize(ranges);
+ for (int i = ranges->length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ uc32 from = ranges->at(i).from();
+ uc32 to = ranges->at(i).to();
+ // Check for non-BMP characters.
+ if (to >= kNonBmpStart) return true;
+ // Check for lone surrogates.
+ if (from <= kTrailSurrogateEnd && to >= kLeadSurrogateStart) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool RegExpBuilder::NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(uc32 c) {
+ if (unicode() && ignore_case()) {
+ icu::UnicodeSet set(c, c);
+ set.removeAllStrings();
+ return set.size() > 1;
+ }
+ // In the case where ICU is not included, we act as if the unicode flag is
+ // not set, and do not desugar.
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+ return false;
+RegExpTree* RegExpBuilder::ToRegExp() {
+ FlushTerms();
+ int num_alternatives = alternatives_.length();
+ if (num_alternatives == 0) return new (zone()) RegExpEmpty();
+ if (num_alternatives == 1) return alternatives_.last();
+ return new (zone()) RegExpDisjunction(alternatives_.GetList(zone()));
+bool RegExpBuilder::AddQuantifierToAtom(
+ int min, int max, RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType quantifier_type) {
+ FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ if (pending_empty_) {
+ pending_empty_ = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ RegExpTree* atom;
+ if (characters_ != nullptr) {
+ DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_CHAR);
+ // Last atom was character.
+ Vector<const uc16> char_vector = characters_->ToConstVector();
+ int num_chars = char_vector.length();
+ if (num_chars > 1) {
+ Vector<const uc16> prefix = char_vector.SubVector(0, num_chars - 1);
+ text_.Add(new (zone()) RegExpAtom(prefix, flags_), zone());
+ char_vector = char_vector.SubVector(num_chars - 1, num_chars);
+ }
+ characters_ = nullptr;
+ atom = new (zone()) RegExpAtom(char_vector, flags_);
+ FlushText();
+ } else if (text_.length() > 0) {
+ DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_ATOM);
+ atom = text_.RemoveLast();
+ FlushText();
+ } else if (terms_.length() > 0) {
+ DCHECK(last_added_ == ADD_ATOM);
+ atom = terms_.RemoveLast();
+ if (atom->IsLookaround()) {
+ // With /u, lookarounds are not quantifiable.
+ if (unicode()) return false;
+ // Lookbehinds are not quantifiable.
+ if (atom->AsLookaround()->type() == RegExpLookaround::LOOKBEHIND) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (atom->max_match() == 0) {
+ // Guaranteed to only match an empty string.
+ if (min == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ terms_.Add(atom, zone());
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Only call immediately after adding an atom or character!
+ }
+ terms_.Add(new (zone()) RegExpQuantifier(min, max, quantifier_type, atom),
+ zone());
+ return true;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-parser.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-parser.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23d2d638e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-parser.h
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// Copyright 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-ast.h"
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+struct RegExpCompileData;
+// A BufferedZoneList is an automatically growing list, just like (and backed
+// by) a ZoneList, that is optimized for the case of adding and removing
+// a single element. The last element added is stored outside the backing list,
+// and if no more than one element is ever added, the ZoneList isn't even
+// allocated.
+// Elements must not be nullptr pointers.
+template <typename T, int initial_size>
+class BufferedZoneList {
+ public:
+ BufferedZoneList() : list_(nullptr), last_(nullptr) {}
+ // Adds element at end of list. This element is buffered and can
+ // be read using last() or removed using RemoveLast until a new Add or until
+ // RemoveLast or GetList has been called.
+ void Add(T* value, Zone* zone) {
+ if (last_ != nullptr) {
+ if (list_ == nullptr) {
+ list_ = new (zone) ZoneList<T*>(initial_size, zone);
+ }
+ list_->Add(last_, zone);
+ }
+ last_ = value;
+ }
+ T* last() {
+ DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
+ return last_;
+ }
+ T* RemoveLast() {
+ DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
+ T* result = last_;
+ if ((list_ != nullptr) && (list_->length() > 0))
+ last_ = list_->RemoveLast();
+ else
+ last_ = nullptr;
+ return result;
+ }
+ T* Get(int i) {
+ DCHECK((0 <= i) && (i < length()));
+ if (list_ == nullptr) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(0, i);
+ return last_;
+ } else {
+ if (i == list_->length()) {
+ DCHECK(last_ != nullptr);
+ return last_;
+ } else {
+ return list_->at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ list_ = nullptr;
+ last_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ int length() {
+ int length = (list_ == nullptr) ? 0 : list_->length();
+ return length + ((last_ == nullptr) ? 0 : 1);
+ }
+ ZoneList<T*>* GetList(Zone* zone) {
+ if (list_ == nullptr) {
+ list_ = new (zone) ZoneList<T*>(initial_size, zone);
+ }
+ if (last_ != nullptr) {
+ list_->Add(last_, zone);
+ last_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ return list_;
+ }
+ private:
+ ZoneList<T*>* list_;
+ T* last_;
+// Accumulates RegExp atoms and assertions into lists of terms and alternatives.
+class RegExpBuilder : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ RegExpBuilder(Zone* zone, JSRegExp::Flags flags);
+ void AddCharacter(uc16 character);
+ void AddUnicodeCharacter(uc32 character);
+ void AddEscapedUnicodeCharacter(uc32 character);
+ // "Adds" an empty expression. Does nothing except consume a
+ // following quantifier
+ void AddEmpty();
+ void AddCharacterClass(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
+ void AddCharacterClassForDesugaring(uc32 c);
+ void AddAtom(RegExpTree* tree);
+ void AddTerm(RegExpTree* tree);
+ void AddAssertion(RegExpTree* tree);
+ void NewAlternative(); // '|'
+ bool AddQuantifierToAtom(int min, int max,
+ RegExpQuantifier::QuantifierType type);
+ void FlushText();
+ RegExpTree* ToRegExp();
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags() const { return flags_; }
+ void set_flags(JSRegExp::Flags flags) { flags_ = flags; }
+ bool ignore_case() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kIgnoreCase) != 0; }
+ bool multiline() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kMultiline) != 0; }
+ bool dotall() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kDotAll) != 0; }
+ private:
+ static const uc16 kNoPendingSurrogate = 0;
+ void AddLeadSurrogate(uc16 lead_surrogate);
+ void AddTrailSurrogate(uc16 trail_surrogate);
+ void FlushPendingSurrogate();
+ void FlushCharacters();
+ void FlushTerms();
+ bool NeedsDesugaringForUnicode(RegExpCharacterClass* cc);
+ bool NeedsDesugaringForIgnoreCase(uc32 c);
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ bool unicode() const { return (flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
+ Zone* zone_;
+ bool pending_empty_;
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags_;
+ ZoneList<uc16>* characters_;
+ uc16 pending_surrogate_;
+ BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> terms_;
+ BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> text_;
+ BufferedZoneList<RegExpTree, 2> alternatives_;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ enum { ADD_NONE, ADD_CHAR, ADD_TERM, ADD_ASSERT, ADD_ATOM } last_added_;
+#define LAST(x) last_added_ = x;
+#define LAST(x)
+class V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE RegExpParser {
+ public:
+ RegExpParser(FlatStringReader* in, JSRegExp::Flags flags, Isolate* isolate,
+ Zone* zone);
+ static bool ParseRegExp(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone, FlatStringReader* input,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags, RegExpCompileData* result);
+ static bool VerifyRegExpSyntax(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ FlatStringReader* input, JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ RegExpCompileData* result,
+ const DisallowHeapAllocation& no_gc);
+ private:
+ bool Parse(RegExpCompileData* result, const DisallowHeapAllocation&);
+ RegExpTree* ParsePattern();
+ RegExpTree* ParseDisjunction();
+ RegExpTree* ParseGroup();
+ // Parses a {...,...} quantifier and stores the range in the given
+ // out parameters.
+ bool ParseIntervalQuantifier(int* min_out, int* max_out);
+ // Parses and returns a single escaped character. The character
+ // must not be 'b' or 'B' since they are usually handle specially.
+ uc32 ParseClassCharacterEscape();
+ // Checks whether the following is a length-digit hexadecimal number,
+ // and sets the value if it is.
+ bool ParseHexEscape(int length, uc32* value);
+ bool ParseUnicodeEscape(uc32* value);
+ bool ParseUnlimitedLengthHexNumber(int max_value, uc32* value);
+ bool ParsePropertyClassName(ZoneVector<char>* name_1,
+ ZoneVector<char>* name_2);
+ bool AddPropertyClassRange(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* add_to, bool negate,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_1,
+ const ZoneVector<char>& name_2);
+ RegExpTree* GetPropertySequence(const ZoneVector<char>& name_1);
+ RegExpTree* ParseCharacterClass(const RegExpBuilder* state);
+ uc32 ParseOctalLiteral();
+ // Tries to parse the input as a back reference. If successful it
+ // stores the result in the output parameter and returns true. If
+ // it fails it will push back the characters read so the same characters
+ // can be reparsed.
+ bool ParseBackReferenceIndex(int* index_out);
+ // Parse inside a class. Either add escaped class to the range, or return
+ // false and pass parsed single character through |char_out|.
+ void ParseClassEscape(ZoneList<CharacterRange>* ranges, Zone* zone,
+ bool add_unicode_case_equivalents, uc32* char_out,
+ bool* is_class_escape);
+ char ParseClassEscape();
+ RegExpTree* ReportError(RegExpError error);
+ void Advance();
+ void Advance(int dist);
+ void Reset(int pos);
+ // Reports whether the pattern might be used as a literal search string.
+ // Only use if the result of the parse is a single atom node.
+ bool simple();
+ bool contains_anchor() { return contains_anchor_; }
+ void set_contains_anchor() { contains_anchor_ = true; }
+ int captures_started() { return captures_started_; }
+ int position() { return next_pos_ - 1; }
+ bool failed() { return failed_; }
+ // The Unicode flag can't be changed using in-regexp syntax, so it's OK to
+ // just read the initial flag value here.
+ bool unicode() const { return (top_level_flags_ & JSRegExp::kUnicode) != 0; }
+ static bool IsSyntaxCharacterOrSlash(uc32 c);
+ static const uc32 kEndMarker = (1 << 21);
+ private:
+ enum SubexpressionType {
+ CAPTURE, // All positive values represent captures.
+ };
+ class RegExpParserState : public ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ // Push a state on the stack.
+ RegExpParserState(RegExpParserState* previous_state,
+ SubexpressionType group_type,
+ RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type,
+ int disjunction_capture_index,
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* capture_name,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags, Zone* zone)
+ : previous_state_(previous_state),
+ builder_(new (zone) RegExpBuilder(zone, flags)),
+ group_type_(group_type),
+ lookaround_type_(lookaround_type),
+ disjunction_capture_index_(disjunction_capture_index),
+ capture_name_(capture_name) {}
+ // Parser state of containing expression, if any.
+ RegExpParserState* previous_state() const { return previous_state_; }
+ bool IsSubexpression() { return previous_state_ != nullptr; }
+ // RegExpBuilder building this regexp's AST.
+ RegExpBuilder* builder() const { return builder_; }
+ // Type of regexp being parsed (parenthesized group or entire regexp).
+ SubexpressionType group_type() const { return group_type_; }
+ // Lookahead or Lookbehind.
+ RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type() const { return lookaround_type_; }
+ // Index in captures array of first capture in this sub-expression, if any.
+ // Also the capture index of this sub-expression itself, if group_type
+ // is CAPTURE.
+ int capture_index() const { return disjunction_capture_index_; }
+ // The name of the current sub-expression, if group_type is CAPTURE. Only
+ // used for named captures.
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* capture_name() const { return capture_name_; }
+ bool IsNamedCapture() const { return capture_name_ != nullptr; }
+ // Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given index.
+ bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(int index);
+ // Check whether the parser is inside a capture group with the given name.
+ bool IsInsideCaptureGroup(const ZoneVector<uc16>* name);
+ private:
+ // Linked list implementation of stack of states.
+ RegExpParserState* const previous_state_;
+ // Builder for the stored disjunction.
+ RegExpBuilder* const builder_;
+ // Stored disjunction type (capture, look-ahead or grouping), if any.
+ const SubexpressionType group_type_;
+ // Stored read direction.
+ const RegExpLookaround::Type lookaround_type_;
+ // Stored disjunction's capture index (if any).
+ const int disjunction_capture_index_;
+ // Stored capture name (if any).
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* const capture_name_;
+ };
+ // Return the 1-indexed RegExpCapture object, allocate if necessary.
+ RegExpCapture* GetCapture(int index);
+ // Creates a new named capture at the specified index. Must be called exactly
+ // once for each named capture. Fails if a capture with the same name is
+ // encountered.
+ bool CreateNamedCaptureAtIndex(const ZoneVector<uc16>* name, int index);
+ // Parses the name of a capture group (?<name>pattern). The name must adhere
+ // to IdentifierName in the ECMAScript standard.
+ const ZoneVector<uc16>* ParseCaptureGroupName();
+ bool ParseNamedBackReference(RegExpBuilder* builder,
+ RegExpParserState* state);
+ RegExpParserState* ParseOpenParenthesis(RegExpParserState* state);
+ // After the initial parsing pass, patch corresponding RegExpCapture objects
+ // into all RegExpBackReferences. This is done after initial parsing in order
+ // to avoid complicating cases in which references comes before the capture.
+ void PatchNamedBackReferences();
+ Handle<FixedArray> CreateCaptureNameMap();
+ // Returns true iff the pattern contains named captures. May call
+ // ScanForCaptures to look ahead at the remaining pattern.
+ bool HasNamedCaptures();
+ Isolate* isolate() { return isolate_; }
+ Zone* zone() const { return zone_; }
+ uc32 current() { return current_; }
+ bool has_more() { return has_more_; }
+ bool has_next() { return next_pos_ < in()->length(); }
+ uc32 Next();
+ template <bool update_position>
+ uc32 ReadNext();
+ FlatStringReader* in() { return in_; }
+ void ScanForCaptures();
+ struct RegExpCaptureNameLess {
+ bool operator()(const RegExpCapture* lhs, const RegExpCapture* rhs) const {
+ return *lhs->name() < *rhs->name();
+ }
+ };
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ Zone* zone_;
+ RegExpError error_ = RegExpError::kNone;
+ int error_pos_ = 0;
+ ZoneList<RegExpCapture*>* captures_;
+ ZoneSet<RegExpCapture*, RegExpCaptureNameLess>* named_captures_;
+ ZoneList<RegExpBackReference*>* named_back_references_;
+ FlatStringReader* in_;
+ uc32 current_;
+ // These are the flags specified outside the regexp syntax ie after the
+ // terminating '/' or in the second argument to the constructor. The current
+ // flags are stored on the RegExpBuilder.
+ JSRegExp::Flags top_level_flags_;
+ int next_pos_;
+ int captures_started_;
+ int capture_count_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
+ bool has_more_;
+ bool simple_;
+ bool contains_anchor_;
+ bool is_scanned_for_captures_;
+ bool has_named_captures_; // Only valid after we have scanned for captures.
+ bool failed_;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
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index 0000000000..752bb51d66
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+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+RegExpStackScope::RegExpStackScope(Isolate* isolate)
+ : regexp_stack_(isolate->regexp_stack()) {
+ // Initialize, if not already initialized.
+ regexp_stack_->EnsureCapacity(0);
+RegExpStackScope::~RegExpStackScope() {
+ // Reset the buffer if it has grown.
+ regexp_stack_->Reset();
+RegExpStack::RegExpStack() : thread_local_(this), isolate_(nullptr) {}
+RegExpStack::~RegExpStack() { thread_local_.FreeAndInvalidate(); }
+char* RegExpStack::ArchiveStack(char* to) {
+ if (!thread_local_.owns_memory_) {
+ // Force dynamic stacks prior to archiving. Any growth will do. A dynamic
+ // stack is needed because stack archival & restoration rely on `memory_`
+ // pointing at a fixed-location backing store, whereas the static stack is
+ // tied to a RegExpStack instance.
+ EnsureCapacity(thread_local_.memory_size_ + 1);
+ DCHECK(thread_local_.owns_memory_);
+ }
+ size_t size = sizeof(thread_local_);
+ MemCopy(reinterpret_cast<void*>(to), &thread_local_, size);
+ thread_local_ = ThreadLocal(this);
+ return to + size;
+char* RegExpStack::RestoreStack(char* from) {
+ size_t size = sizeof(thread_local_);
+ MemCopy(&thread_local_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(from), size);
+ return from + size;
+void RegExpStack::Reset() { thread_local_.ResetToStaticStack(this); }
+void RegExpStack::ThreadLocal::ResetToStaticStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack) {
+ if (owns_memory_) DeleteArray(memory_);
+ memory_ = regexp_stack->static_stack_;
+ memory_top_ = regexp_stack->static_stack_ + kStaticStackSize;
+ memory_size_ = kStaticStackSize;
+ limit_ = reinterpret_cast<Address>(regexp_stack->static_stack_) +
+ kStackLimitSlack * kSystemPointerSize;
+ owns_memory_ = false;
+void RegExpStack::ThreadLocal::FreeAndInvalidate() {
+ if (owns_memory_) DeleteArray(memory_);
+ // This stack may not be used after being freed. Just reset to invalid values
+ // to ensure we don't accidentally use old memory areas.
+ memory_ = nullptr;
+ memory_top_ = nullptr;
+ memory_size_ = 0;
+ limit_ = kMemoryTop;
+Address RegExpStack::EnsureCapacity(size_t size) {
+ if (size > kMaximumStackSize) return kNullAddress;
+ if (size < kMinimumDynamicStackSize) size = kMinimumDynamicStackSize;
+ if (thread_local_.memory_size_ < size) {
+ byte* new_memory = NewArray<byte>(size);
+ if (thread_local_.memory_size_ > 0) {
+ // Copy original memory into top of new memory.
+ MemCopy(new_memory + size - thread_local_.memory_size_,
+ thread_local_.memory_, thread_local_.memory_size_);
+ if (thread_local_.owns_memory_) DeleteArray(thread_local_.memory_);
+ }
+ thread_local_.memory_ = new_memory;
+ thread_local_.memory_top_ = new_memory + size;
+ thread_local_.memory_size_ = size;
+ thread_local_.limit_ = reinterpret_cast<Address>(new_memory) +
+ kStackLimitSlack * kSystemPointerSize;
+ thread_local_.owns_memory_ = true;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<Address>(thread_local_.memory_top_);
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a0f29326f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp-stack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright 2009 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class RegExpStack;
+// Maintains a per-v8thread stack area that can be used by irregexp
+// implementation for its backtracking stack.
+// Since there is only one stack area, the Irregexp implementation is not
+// re-entrant. I.e., no regular expressions may be executed in the same thread
+// during a preempted Irregexp execution.
+class RegExpStackScope {
+ public:
+ // Create and delete an instance to control the life-time of a growing stack.
+ // Initializes the stack memory area if necessary.
+ explicit RegExpStackScope(Isolate* isolate);
+ ~RegExpStackScope(); // Releases the stack if it has grown.
+ RegExpStack* stack() const { return regexp_stack_; }
+ private:
+ RegExpStack* regexp_stack_;
+class RegExpStack {
+ public:
+ RegExpStack();
+ ~RegExpStack();
+ // Number of allocated locations on the stack below the limit.
+ // No sequence of pushes must be longer that this without doing a stack-limit
+ // check.
+ static constexpr int kStackLimitSlack = 32;
+ // Gives the top of the memory used as stack.
+ Address stack_base() {
+ DCHECK_NE(0, thread_local_.memory_size_);
+ DCHECK_EQ(thread_local_.memory_top_,
+ thread_local_.memory_ + thread_local_.memory_size_);
+ return reinterpret_cast<Address>(thread_local_.memory_top_);
+ }
+ // The total size of the memory allocated for the stack.
+ size_t stack_capacity() { return thread_local_.memory_size_; }
+ // If the stack pointer gets below the limit, we should react and
+ // either grow the stack or report an out-of-stack exception.
+ // There is only a limited number of locations below the stack limit,
+ // so users of the stack should check the stack limit during any
+ // sequence of pushes longer that this.
+ Address* limit_address_address() { return &(thread_local_.limit_); }
+ // Ensures that there is a memory area with at least the specified size.
+ // If passing zero, the default/minimum size buffer is allocated.
+ Address EnsureCapacity(size_t size);
+ // Thread local archiving.
+ static constexpr int ArchiveSpacePerThread() {
+ return static_cast<int>(sizeof(ThreadLocal));
+ }
+ char* ArchiveStack(char* to);
+ char* RestoreStack(char* from);
+ void FreeThreadResources() { thread_local_.ResetToStaticStack(this); }
+ // Maximal size of allocated stack area.
+ static constexpr size_t kMaximumStackSize = 64 * MB;
+ private:
+ // Artificial limit used when the thread-local state has been destroyed.
+ static const Address kMemoryTop =
+ static_cast<Address>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(-1));
+ // Minimal size of dynamically-allocated stack area.
+ static constexpr size_t kMinimumDynamicStackSize = 1 * KB;
+ // In addition to dynamically-allocated, variable-sized stacks, we also have
+ // a statically allocated and sized area that is used whenever no dynamic
+ // stack is allocated. This guarantees that a stack is always available and
+ // we can skip availability-checks later on.
+ // It's double the slack size to ensure that we have a bit of breathing room
+ // before NativeRegExpMacroAssembler::GrowStack must be called.
+ static constexpr size_t kStaticStackSize =
+ 2 * kStackLimitSlack * kSystemPointerSize;
+ byte static_stack_[kStaticStackSize] = {0};
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kStaticStackSize <= kMaximumStackSize);
+ // Structure holding the allocated memory, size and limit.
+ struct ThreadLocal {
+ explicit ThreadLocal(RegExpStack* regexp_stack) {
+ ResetToStaticStack(regexp_stack);
+ }
+ // If memory_size_ > 0 then memory_ and memory_top_ must be non-nullptr
+ // and memory_top_ = memory_ + memory_size_
+ byte* memory_ = nullptr;
+ byte* memory_top_ = nullptr;
+ size_t memory_size_ = 0;
+ Address limit_ = kNullAddress;
+ bool owns_memory_ = false; // Whether memory_ is owned and must be freed.
+ void ResetToStaticStack(RegExpStack* regexp_stack);
+ void FreeAndInvalidate();
+ };
+ // Address of top of memory used as stack.
+ Address memory_top_address_address() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Address>(&thread_local_.memory_top_);
+ }
+ // Resets the buffer if it has grown beyond the default/minimum size.
+ // After this, the buffer is either the default size, or it is empty, so
+ // you have to call EnsureCapacity before using it again.
+ void Reset();
+ ThreadLocal thread_local_;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+ friend class ExternalReference;
+ friend class Isolate;
+ friend class RegExpStackScope;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c189af06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/regexp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef V8_REGEXP_REGEXP_H_
+#define V8_REGEXP_REGEXP_H_
+#include "irregexp/imported/regexp-error.h"
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+class RegExpNode;
+class RegExpTree;
+enum class RegExpCompilationTarget : int { kBytecode, kNative };
+// TODO(jgruber): Do not expose in regexp.h.
+// TODO(jgruber): Consider splitting between ParseData and CompileData.
+struct RegExpCompileData {
+ // The parsed AST as produced by the RegExpParser.
+ RegExpTree* tree = nullptr;
+ // The compiled Node graph as produced by RegExpTree::ToNode methods.
+ RegExpNode* node = nullptr;
+ // Either the generated code as produced by the compiler or a trampoline
+ // to the interpreter.
+ Handle<Object> code;
+ // True, iff the pattern is a 'simple' atom with zero captures. In other
+ // words, the pattern consists of a string with no metacharacters and special
+ // regexp features, and can be implemented as a standard string search.
+ bool simple = true;
+ // True, iff the pattern is anchored at the start of the string with '^'.
+ bool contains_anchor = false;
+ // Only use if the pattern contains named captures. If so, this contains a
+ // mapping of capture names to capture indices.
+ Handle<FixedArray> capture_name_map;
+ // The error message. Only used if an error occurred during parsing or
+ // compilation.
+ RegExpError error = RegExpError::kNone;
+ // The position at which the error was detected. Only used if an
+ // error occurred.
+ int error_pos = 0;
+ // The number of capture groups, without the global capture \0.
+ int capture_count = 0;
+ // The number of registers used by the generated code.
+ int register_count = 0;
+ // The compilation target (bytecode or native code).
+ RegExpCompilationTarget compilation_target;
+class RegExp final : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ // Whether the irregexp engine generates interpreter bytecode.
+ static bool CanGenerateBytecode() {
+ return FLAG_regexp_interpret_all || FLAG_regexp_tier_up;
+ }
+ // Parses the RegExp pattern and prepares the JSRegExp object with
+ // generic data and choice of implementation - as well as what
+ // the implementation wants to store in the data field.
+ // Returns false if compilation fails.
+ V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Compile(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> re, Handle<String> pattern,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags, uint32_t backtrack_limit);
+ enum CallOrigin : int {
+ kFromRuntime = 0,
+ kFromJs = 1,
+ };
+ // See ECMA-262 section
+ // This function calls the garbage collector if necessary.
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> Exec(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> regexp, Handle<String> subject,
+ int index, Handle<RegExpMatchInfo> last_match_info);
+ // Integral return values used throughout regexp code layers.
+ static constexpr int kInternalRegExpFailure = 0;
+ static constexpr int kInternalRegExpSuccess = 1;
+ static constexpr int kInternalRegExpException = -1;
+ static constexpr int kInternalRegExpRetry = -2;
+ enum IrregexpResult : int32_t {
+ RE_FAILURE = kInternalRegExpFailure,
+ RE_SUCCESS = kInternalRegExpSuccess,
+ RE_EXCEPTION = kInternalRegExpException,
+ };
+ // Prepare a RegExp for being executed one or more times (using
+ // IrregexpExecOnce) on the subject.
+ // This ensures that the regexp is compiled for the subject, and that
+ // the subject is flat.
+ // Returns the number of integer spaces required by IrregexpExecOnce
+ // as its "registers" argument. If the regexp cannot be compiled,
+ // an exception is set as pending, and this function returns negative.
+ static int IrregexpPrepare(Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSRegExp> regexp,
+ Handle<String> subject);
+ // Set last match info. If match is nullptr, then setting captures is
+ // omitted.
+ static Handle<RegExpMatchInfo> SetLastMatchInfo(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<RegExpMatchInfo> last_match_info,
+ Handle<String> subject, int capture_count, int32_t* match);
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static bool CompileForTesting(Isolate* isolate, Zone* zone,
+ RegExpCompileData* input,
+ JSRegExp::Flags flags,
+ Handle<String> pattern,
+ Handle<String> sample_subject,
+ bool is_one_byte);
+ V8_EXPORT_PRIVATE static void DotPrintForTesting(const char* label,
+ RegExpNode* node);
+ static const int kRegExpTooLargeToOptimize = 20 * KB;
+// Uses a special global mode of irregexp-generated code to perform a global
+// search and return multiple results at once. As such, this is essentially an
+// iterator over multiple results (retrieved batch-wise in advance).
+class RegExpGlobalCache final {
+ public:
+ RegExpGlobalCache(Handle<JSRegExp> regexp, Handle<String> subject,
+ Isolate* isolate);
+ ~RegExpGlobalCache();
+ // Fetch the next entry in the cache for global regexp match results.
+ // This does not set the last match info. Upon failure, nullptr is
+ // returned. The cause can be checked with Result(). The previous result is
+ // still in available in memory when a failure happens.
+ int32_t* FetchNext();
+ int32_t* LastSuccessfulMatch();
+ bool HasException() { return num_matches_ < 0; }
+ private:
+ int AdvanceZeroLength(int last_index);
+ int num_matches_;
+ int max_matches_;
+ int current_match_index_;
+ int registers_per_match_;
+ // Pointer to the last set of captures.
+ int32_t* register_array_;
+ int register_array_size_;
+ Handle<JSRegExp> regexp_;
+ Handle<String> subject_;
+ Isolate* isolate_;
+// Caches results for specific regexp queries on the isolate. At the time of
+// writing, this is used during global calls to RegExp.prototype.exec and
+// @@split.
+class RegExpResultsCache final : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ // Attempt to retrieve a cached result. On failure, 0 is returned as a Smi.
+ // On success, the returned result is guaranteed to be a COW-array.
+ static Object Lookup(Heap* heap, String key_string, Object key_pattern,
+ FixedArray* last_match_out, ResultsCacheType type);
+ // Attempt to add value_array to the cache specified by type. On success,
+ // value_array is turned into a COW-array.
+ static void Enter(Isolate* isolate, Handle<String> key_string,
+ Handle<Object> key_pattern, Handle<FixedArray> value_array,
+ Handle<FixedArray> last_match_cache, ResultsCacheType type);
+ static void Clear(FixedArray cache);
+ static constexpr int kRegExpResultsCacheSize = 0x100;
+ private:
+ static constexpr int kStringOffset = 0;
+ static constexpr int kPatternOffset = 1;
+ static constexpr int kArrayOffset = 2;
+ static constexpr int kLastMatchOffset = 3;
+ static constexpr int kArrayEntriesPerCacheEntry = 4;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_REGEXP_REGEXP_H_
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index 0000000000..d40ada6bb9
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+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+// Copyright 2020 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
+// can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Automatically generated by regexp/
+// The following functions are used to build UnicodeSets
+// for special cases where the case-folding algorithm used by
+// UnicodeSet::closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE) does not match
+// the algorithm defined in ECMAScript 2020 (Runtime
+// Semantics: Canonicalize) step 3.
+#include "irregexp/imported/special-case.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+icu::UnicodeSet BuildIgnoreSet() {
+ icu::UnicodeSet set;
+ set.add(0xdf);
+ set.add(0x17f);
+ set.add(0x390);
+ set.add(0x3b0);
+ set.add(0x3f4);
+ set.add(0x1e9e);
+ set.add(0x1f80, 0x1faf);
+ set.add(0x1fb3);
+ set.add(0x1fbc);
+ set.add(0x1fc3);
+ set.add(0x1fcc);
+ set.add(0x1fd3);
+ set.add(0x1fe3);
+ set.add(0x1ff3);
+ set.add(0x1ffc);
+ set.add(0x2126);
+ set.add(0x212a, 0x212b);
+ set.add(0xfb05, 0xfb06);
+ set.freeze();
+ return set;
+struct IgnoreSetData {
+ IgnoreSetData() : set(BuildIgnoreSet()) {}
+ const icu::UnicodeSet set;
+const icu::UnicodeSet& RegExpCaseFolding::IgnoreSet() {
+ static base::LazyInstance<IgnoreSetData>::type set =
+ return set.Pointer()->set;
+icu::UnicodeSet BuildSpecialAddSet() {
+ icu::UnicodeSet set;
+ set.add(0x4b);
+ set.add(0x53);
+ set.add(0x6b);
+ set.add(0x73);
+ set.add(0xc5);
+ set.add(0xe5);
+ set.add(0x398);
+ set.add(0x3a9);
+ set.add(0x3b8);
+ set.add(0x3c9);
+ set.add(0x3d1);
+ set.freeze();
+ return set;
+struct SpecialAddSetData {
+ SpecialAddSetData() : set(BuildSpecialAddSet()) {}
+ const icu::UnicodeSet set;
+const icu::UnicodeSet& RegExpCaseFolding::SpecialAddSet() {
+ static base::LazyInstance<SpecialAddSetData>::type set =
+ return set.Pointer()->set;
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/imported/special-case.h b/js/src/irregexp/imported/special-case.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..050d72a064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/imported/special-case.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+#include "unicode/uchar.h"
+#include "unicode/uniset.h"
+#include "unicode/unistr.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// Sets of Unicode characters that need special handling under "i" mode
+// For non-unicode ignoreCase matches (aka "i", not "iu"), ECMA 262
+// defines slightly different case-folding rules than Unicode. An
+// input character should match a pattern character if the result of
+// the Canonicalize algorithm is the same for both characters.
+// Roughly speaking, for "i" regexps, Canonicalize(c) is the same as
+// c.toUpperCase(), unless a) c.toUpperCase() is a multi-character
+// string, or b) c is non-ASCII, and c.toUpperCase() is ASCII. See
+// for
+// the precise definition.
+// While compiling such regular expressions, we need to compute the
+// set of characters that should match a given input character. (See
+// GetCaseIndependentLetters and CharacterRange::AddCaseEquivalents.)
+// For almost all characters, this can be efficiently computed using
+// UnicodeSet::closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE). These sets represent
+// the remaining special cases.
+// For a character c, the rules are as follows:
+// 1. If c is in neither IgnoreSet nor SpecialAddSet, then calling
+// UnicodeSet::closeOver(USET_CASE_INSENSITIVE) on a UnicodeSet
+// containing c will produce the set of characters that should
+// match /c/i (or /[c]/i), and only those characters.
+// 2. If c is in IgnoreSet, then the only character it should match is
+// itself. However, closeOver will add additional incorrect
+// matches. For example, consider SHARP S: 'ß' (U+00DF) and 'ẞ'
+// (U+1E9E). Although closeOver('ß') = "ßẞ", uppercase('ß') is
+// "SS". Step 3.e therefore requires that 'ß' canonicalizes to
+// itself, and should not match 'ẞ'. In these cases, we can skip
+// the closeOver entirely, because it will never add an equivalent
+// character.
+// 3. If c is in SpecialAddSet, then it should match at least one
+// character other than itself. However, closeOver will add at
+// least one additional incorrect match. For example, consider the
+// letter 'k'. Closing over 'k' gives "kKK" (lowercase k, uppercase
+// K, U+212A KELVIN SIGN). However, because of step 3.g, KELVIN
+// SIGN should not match either of the other two characters. As a
+// result, "k" and "K" are in SpecialAddSet (and KELVIN SIGN is in
+// IgnoreSet). To find the correct matches for characters in
+// SpecialAddSet, we closeOver the original character, but filter
+// out the results that do not have the same canonical value.
+// The contents of these sets are calculated at build time by
+// src/regexp/, which generates
+// gen/src/regexp/ This is done by iterating over the
+// result of closeOver for each BMP character, and finding sets for
+// which at least one character has a different canonical value than
+// another character. Characters that match no other characters in
+// their equivalence class are added to IgnoreSet. Characters that
+// match at least one other character are added to SpecialAddSet.
+class RegExpCaseFolding final : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ static const icu::UnicodeSet& IgnoreSet();
+ static const icu::UnicodeSet& SpecialAddSet();
+ // This implements ECMAScript 2020 (Runtime Semantics:
+ // Canonicalize) step 3, which is used to determine whether
+ // characters match when ignoreCase is true and unicode is false.
+ static UChar32 Canonicalize(UChar32 ch) {
+ // a. Assert: ch is a UTF-16 code unit.
+ CHECK_LE(ch, 0xffff);
+ // b. Let s be the String value consisting of the single code unit ch.
+ icu::UnicodeString s(ch);
+ // c. Let u be the same result produced as if by performing the algorithm
+ // for String.prototype.toUpperCase using s as the this value.
+ // d. Assert: Type(u) is String.
+ icu::UnicodeString& u = s.toUpper();
+ // e. If u does not consist of a single code unit, return ch.
+ if (u.length() != 1) {
+ return ch;
+ }
+ // f. Let cu be u's single code unit element.
+ UChar32 cu = u.char32At(0);
+ // g. If the value of ch >= 128 and the value of cu < 128, return ch.
+ if (ch >= 128 && cu < 128) {
+ return ch;
+ }
+ // h. Return cu.
+ return cu;
+ }
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/ b/js/src/irregexp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9891a0bf3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# -*- Mode: python; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
+# vim: set filetype=python:
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Includes should be relative to parent path
+LOCAL_INCLUDES += ["!..", ".."]
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "imported/",
+ "RegExpAPI.cpp",
+ "RegExpShim.cpp",
+ "util/UnicodeShim.cpp",
+ "imported/", # Bug 1643693
+ "RegExpNativeMacroAssembler.cpp",
+ UNIFIED_SOURCES += ["imported/", "imported/"]
+# Make sure all irregexp code is built with libfuzzer
+# coverage instrumentation in FUZZING mode.
+ include("/tools/fuzzing/libfuzzer-config.mozbuild")
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/util/FlagsShim.h b/js/src/irregexp/util/FlagsShim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28211a42bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/util/FlagsShim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef V8_UTIL_FLAGS_H_
+#define V8_UTIL_FLAGS_H_
+// Origin:
+namespace v8 {
+namespace base {
+// The Flags class provides a type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum
+// values. The Flags<T, S> class is a template class, where T is an enum type,
+// and S is the underlying storage type (usually int).
+// The traditional C++ approach for storing OR-combinations of enum values is to
+// use an int or unsigned int variable. The inconvenience with this approach is
+// that there's no type checking at all; any enum value can be OR'd with any
+// other enum value and passed on to a function that takes an int or unsigned
+// int.
+template <typename T, typename S = int>
+class Flags final {
+ public:
+ using flag_type = T;
+ using mask_type = S;
+ constexpr Flags() : mask_(0) {}
+ constexpr Flags(flag_type flag) : mask_(static_cast<S>(flag)) {}
+ constexpr explicit Flags(mask_type mask) : mask_(static_cast<S>(mask)) {}
+ constexpr bool operator==(flag_type flag) const {
+ return mask_ == static_cast<S>(flag);
+ }
+ constexpr bool operator!=(flag_type flag) const {
+ return mask_ != static_cast<S>(flag);
+ }
+ Flags& operator&=(const Flags& flags) {
+ mask_ &= flags.mask_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Flags& operator|=(const Flags& flags) {
+ mask_ |= flags.mask_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ Flags& operator^=(const Flags& flags) {
+ mask_ ^= flags.mask_;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator&(const Flags& flags) const {
+ return Flags(mask_ & flags.mask_);
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator|(const Flags& flags) const {
+ return Flags(mask_ | flags.mask_);
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator^(const Flags& flags) const {
+ return Flags(mask_ ^ flags.mask_);
+ }
+ Flags& operator&=(flag_type flag) { return operator&=(Flags(flag)); }
+ Flags& operator|=(flag_type flag) { return operator|=(Flags(flag)); }
+ Flags& operator^=(flag_type flag) { return operator^=(Flags(flag)); }
+ constexpr Flags operator&(flag_type flag) const {
+ return operator&(Flags(flag));
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator|(flag_type flag) const {
+ return operator|(Flags(flag));
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator^(flag_type flag) const {
+ return operator^(Flags(flag));
+ }
+ constexpr Flags operator~() const { return Flags(~mask_); }
+ constexpr operator mask_type() const { return mask_; }
+ constexpr bool operator!() const { return !mask_; }
+ Flags without(flag_type flag) { return *this & (~Flags(flag)); }
+ friend size_t hash_value(const Flags& flags) { return flags.mask_; }
+ private:
+ mask_type mask_;
+} // namespace base
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_UTIL_FLAG_H_
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/util/UnicodeShim.cpp b/js/src/irregexp/util/UnicodeShim.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2784e9e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/util/UnicodeShim.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1866 @@
+// Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is a subset of:
+#include "irregexp/RegExpShim.h"
+# include "unicode/uchar.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace unibrow {
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+static const int kStartBit = (1 << 30);
+static const int kChunkBits = (1 << 13);
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+static const uchar kSentinel = static_cast<uchar>(-1);
+ * \file
+ * Implementations of functions for working with Unicode.
+ */
+using int16_t = signed short; // NOLINT
+using uint16_t = unsigned short; // NOLINT
+using int32_t = int; // NOLINT
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// All access to the character table should go through this function.
+template <int D>
+static inline uchar TableGet(const int32_t* table, int index) {
+ return table[D * index];
+static inline uchar GetEntry(int32_t entry) { return entry & (kStartBit - 1); }
+static inline bool IsStart(int32_t entry) { return (entry & kStartBit) != 0; }
+ * Look up a character in the Unicode table using a mix of binary and
+ * interpolation search. For a uniformly distributed array
+ * interpolation search beats binary search by a wide margin. However,
+ * in this case interpolation search degenerates because of some very
+ * high values in the lower end of the table so this function uses a
+ * combination. The average number of steps to look up the information
+ * about a character is around 10, slightly higher if there is no
+ * information available about the character.
+ */
+static bool LookupPredicate(const int32_t* table, uint16_t size, uchar chr) {
+ static const int kEntryDist = 1;
+ uint16_t value = chr & (kChunkBits - 1);
+ unsigned int low = 0;
+ unsigned int high = size - 1;
+ while (high != low) {
+ unsigned int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
+ uchar current_value = GetEntry(TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, mid));
+ // If we've found an entry less than or equal to this one, and the
+ // next one is not also less than this one, we've arrived.
+ if ((current_value <= value) &&
+ (mid + 1 == size ||
+ GetEntry(TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, mid + 1)) > value)) {
+ low = mid;
+ break;
+ } else if (current_value < value) {
+ low = mid + 1;
+ } else if (current_value > value) {
+ // If we've just checked the bottom-most value and it's not
+ // the one we're looking for, we're done.
+ if (mid == 0) break;
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t field = TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, low);
+ uchar entry = GetEntry(field);
+ bool is_start = IsStart(field);
+ return (entry == value) || (entry < value && is_start);
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+template <int kW>
+struct MultiCharacterSpecialCase {
+ static const uchar kEndOfEncoding = kSentinel;
+ uchar chars[kW];
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// Look up the mapping for the given character in the specified table,
+// which is of the specified length and uses the specified special case
+// mapping for multi-char mappings. The next parameter is the character
+// following the one to map. The result will be written in to the result
+// buffer and the number of characters written will be returned. Finally,
+// if the allow_caching_ptr is non-null then false will be stored in
+// it if the result contains multiple characters or depends on the
+// context.
+// If ranges are linear, a match between a start and end point is
+// offset by the distance between the match and the start. Otherwise
+// the result is the same as for the start point on the entire range.
+template <bool ranges_are_linear, int kW>
+static int LookupMapping(const int32_t* table, uint16_t size,
+ const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<kW>* multi_chars,
+ uchar chr, uchar next, uchar* result,
+ bool* allow_caching_ptr) {
+ static const int kEntryDist = 2;
+ uint16_t key = chr & (kChunkBits - 1);
+ uint16_t chunk_start = chr - key;
+ unsigned int low = 0;
+ unsigned int high = size - 1;
+ while (high != low) {
+ unsigned int mid = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
+ uchar current_value = GetEntry(TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, mid));
+ // If we've found an entry less than or equal to this one, and the next one
+ // is not also less than this one, we've arrived.
+ if ((current_value <= key) &&
+ (mid + 1 == size ||
+ GetEntry(TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, mid + 1)) > key)) {
+ low = mid;
+ break;
+ } else if (current_value < key) {
+ low = mid + 1;
+ } else if (current_value > key) {
+ // If we've just checked the bottom-most value and it's not
+ // the one we're looking for, we're done.
+ if (mid == 0) break;
+ high = mid - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t field = TableGet<kEntryDist>(table, low);
+ uchar entry = GetEntry(field);
+ bool is_start = IsStart(field);
+ bool found = (entry == key) || (entry < key && is_start);
+ if (found) {
+ int32_t value = table[2 * low + 1];
+ if (value == 0) {
+ // 0 means not present
+ return 0;
+ } else if ((value & 3) == 0) {
+ // Low bits 0 means a constant offset from the given character.
+ if (ranges_are_linear) {
+ result[0] = chr + (value >> 2);
+ } else {
+ result[0] = entry + chunk_start + (value >> 2);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ } else if ((value & 3) == 1) {
+ // Low bits 1 means a special case mapping
+ if (allow_caching_ptr) *allow_caching_ptr = false;
+ const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<kW>& mapping = multi_chars[value >> 2];
+ int length = 0;
+ for (length = 0; length < kW; length++) {
+ uchar mapped = mapping.chars[length];
+ if (mapped == MultiCharacterSpecialCase<kW>::kEndOfEncoding) break;
+ if (ranges_are_linear) {
+ result[length] = mapped + (key - entry);
+ } else {
+ result[length] = mapped;
+ }
+ }
+ return length;
+ } else {
+ // Low bits 2 means a really really special case
+ if (allow_caching_ptr) *allow_caching_ptr = false;
+ // The cases of this switch are defined in in the
+ // really_special_cases mapping.
+ switch (value >> 2) {
+ case 1:
+ // Really special case 1: upper case sigma. This letter
+ // converts to two different lower case sigmas depending on
+ // whether or not it occurs at the end of a word.
+ if (next != 0 && Letter::Is(next)) {
+ result[0] = 0x03C3;
+ } else {
+ result[0] = 0x03C2;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+// Letter: point.category in ['Lu', 'Ll', 'Lt', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Nl']
+bool Letter::Is(uchar c) { return static_cast<bool>(u_isalpha(c)); }
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable0Size = 431;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable0[431] = {
+ 1073741889, 90, 1073741921, 122,
+ 170, 181, 186, 1073742016, // NOLINT
+ 214, 1073742040, 246, 1073742072,
+ 705, 1073742534, 721, 1073742560, // NOLINT
+ 740, 748, 750, 1073742704,
+ 884, 1073742710, 887, 1073742714, // NOLINT
+ 893, 895, 902, 1073742728,
+ 906, 908, 1073742734, 929, // NOLINT
+ 1073742755, 1013, 1073742839, 1153,
+ 1073742986, 1327, 1073743153, 1366, // NOLINT
+ 1369, 1073743201, 1415, 1073743312,
+ 1514, 1073743344, 1522, 1073743392, // NOLINT
+ 1610, 1073743470, 1647, 1073743473,
+ 1747, 1749, 1073743589, 1766, // NOLINT
+ 1073743598, 1775, 1073743610, 1788,
+ 1791, 1808, 1073743634, 1839, // NOLINT
+ 1073743693, 1957, 1969, 1073743818,
+ 2026, 1073743860, 2037, 2042, // NOLINT
+ 1073743872, 2069, 2074, 2084,
+ 2088, 1073743936, 2136, 1073744032, // NOLINT
+ 2226, 1073744132, 2361, 2365,
+ 2384, 1073744216, 2401, 1073744241, // NOLINT
+ 2432, 1073744261, 2444, 1073744271,
+ 2448, 1073744275, 2472, 1073744298, // NOLINT
+ 2480, 2482, 1073744310, 2489,
+ 2493, 2510, 1073744348, 2525, // NOLINT
+ 1073744351, 2529, 1073744368, 2545,
+ 1073744389, 2570, 1073744399, 2576, // NOLINT
+ 1073744403, 2600, 1073744426, 2608,
+ 1073744434, 2611, 1073744437, 2614, // NOLINT
+ 1073744440, 2617, 1073744473, 2652,
+ 2654, 1073744498, 2676, 1073744517, // NOLINT
+ 2701, 1073744527, 2705, 1073744531,
+ 2728, 1073744554, 2736, 1073744562, // NOLINT
+ 2739, 1073744565, 2745, 2749,
+ 2768, 1073744608, 2785, 1073744645, // NOLINT
+ 2828, 1073744655, 2832, 1073744659,
+ 2856, 1073744682, 2864, 1073744690, // NOLINT
+ 2867, 1073744693, 2873, 2877,
+ 1073744732, 2909, 1073744735, 2913, // NOLINT
+ 2929, 2947, 1073744773, 2954,
+ 1073744782, 2960, 1073744786, 2965, // NOLINT
+ 1073744793, 2970, 2972, 1073744798,
+ 2975, 1073744803, 2980, 1073744808, // NOLINT
+ 2986, 1073744814, 3001, 3024,
+ 1073744901, 3084, 1073744910, 3088, // NOLINT
+ 1073744914, 3112, 1073744938, 3129,
+ 3133, 1073744984, 3161, 1073744992, // NOLINT
+ 3169, 1073745029, 3212, 1073745038,
+ 3216, 1073745042, 3240, 1073745066, // NOLINT
+ 3251, 1073745077, 3257, 3261,
+ 3294, 1073745120, 3297, 1073745137, // NOLINT
+ 3314, 1073745157, 3340, 1073745166,
+ 3344, 1073745170, 3386, 3389, // NOLINT
+ 3406, 1073745248, 3425, 1073745274,
+ 3455, 1073745285, 3478, 1073745306, // NOLINT
+ 3505, 1073745331, 3515, 3517,
+ 1073745344, 3526, 1073745409, 3632, // NOLINT
+ 1073745458, 3635, 1073745472, 3654,
+ 1073745537, 3714, 3716, 1073745543, // NOLINT
+ 3720, 3722, 3725, 1073745556,
+ 3735, 1073745561, 3743, 1073745569, // NOLINT
+ 3747, 3749, 3751, 1073745578,
+ 3755, 1073745581, 3760, 1073745586, // NOLINT
+ 3763, 3773, 1073745600, 3780,
+ 3782, 1073745628, 3807, 3840, // NOLINT
+ 1073745728, 3911, 1073745737, 3948,
+ 1073745800, 3980, 1073745920, 4138, // NOLINT
+ 4159, 1073746000, 4181, 1073746010,
+ 4189, 4193, 1073746021, 4198, // NOLINT
+ 1073746030, 4208, 1073746037, 4225,
+ 4238, 1073746080, 4293, 4295, // NOLINT
+ 4301, 1073746128, 4346, 1073746172,
+ 4680, 1073746506, 4685, 1073746512, // NOLINT
+ 4694, 4696, 1073746522, 4701,
+ 1073746528, 4744, 1073746570, 4749, // NOLINT
+ 1073746576, 4784, 1073746610, 4789,
+ 1073746616, 4798, 4800, 1073746626, // NOLINT
+ 4805, 1073746632, 4822, 1073746648,
+ 4880, 1073746706, 4885, 1073746712, // NOLINT
+ 4954, 1073746816, 5007, 1073746848,
+ 5108, 1073746945, 5740, 1073747567, // NOLINT
+ 5759, 1073747585, 5786, 1073747616,
+ 5866, 1073747694, 5880, 1073747712, // NOLINT
+ 5900, 1073747726, 5905, 1073747744,
+ 5937, 1073747776, 5969, 1073747808, // NOLINT
+ 5996, 1073747822, 6000, 1073747840,
+ 6067, 6103, 6108, 1073748000, // NOLINT
+ 6263, 1073748096, 6312, 6314,
+ 1073748144, 6389, 1073748224, 6430, // NOLINT
+ 1073748304, 6509, 1073748336, 6516,
+ 1073748352, 6571, 1073748417, 6599, // NOLINT
+ 1073748480, 6678, 1073748512, 6740,
+ 6823, 1073748741, 6963, 1073748805, // NOLINT
+ 6987, 1073748867, 7072, 1073748910,
+ 7087, 1073748922, 7141, 1073748992, // NOLINT
+ 7203, 1073749069, 7247, 1073749082,
+ 7293, 1073749225, 7404, 1073749230, // NOLINT
+ 7409, 1073749237, 7414, 1073749248,
+ 7615, 1073749504, 7957, 1073749784, // NOLINT
+ 7965, 1073749792, 8005, 1073749832,
+ 8013, 1073749840, 8023, 8025, // NOLINT
+ 8027, 8029, 1073749855, 8061,
+ 1073749888, 8116, 1073749942, 8124, // NOLINT
+ 8126, 1073749954, 8132, 1073749958,
+ 8140, 1073749968, 8147, 1073749974, // NOLINT
+ 8155, 1073749984, 8172, 1073750002,
+ 8180, 1073750006, 8188}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable1Size = 87;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable1[87] = {
+ 113, 127, 1073741968, 156,
+ 258, 263, 1073742090, 275, // NOLINT
+ 277, 1073742105, 285, 292,
+ 294, 296, 1073742122, 301, // NOLINT
+ 1073742127, 313, 1073742140, 319,
+ 1073742149, 329, 334, 1073742176, // NOLINT
+ 392, 1073744896, 3118, 1073744944,
+ 3166, 1073744992, 3300, 1073745131, // NOLINT
+ 3310, 1073745138, 3315, 1073745152,
+ 3365, 3367, 3373, 1073745200, // NOLINT
+ 3431, 3439, 1073745280, 3478,
+ 1073745312, 3494, 1073745320, 3502, // NOLINT
+ 1073745328, 3510, 1073745336, 3518,
+ 1073745344, 3526, 1073745352, 3534, // NOLINT
+ 1073745360, 3542, 1073745368, 3550,
+ 3631, 1073745925, 4103, 1073745953, // NOLINT
+ 4137, 1073745969, 4149, 1073745976,
+ 4156, 1073745985, 4246, 1073746077, // NOLINT
+ 4255, 1073746081, 4346, 1073746172,
+ 4351, 1073746181, 4397, 1073746225, // NOLINT
+ 4494, 1073746336, 4538, 1073746416,
+ 4607, 1073746944, 8191}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable2Size = 4;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable2[4] = {1073741824, 3509, 1073745408,
+ 8191}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable3Size = 2;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable3[2] = {1073741824, 8191}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable4Size = 2;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable4[2] = {1073741824, 8140}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable5Size = 100;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable5[100] = {
+ 1073741824, 1164, 1073743056, 1277,
+ 1073743104, 1548, 1073743376, 1567, // NOLINT
+ 1073743402, 1579, 1073743424, 1646,
+ 1073743487, 1693, 1073743520, 1775, // NOLINT
+ 1073743639, 1823, 1073743650, 1928,
+ 1073743755, 1934, 1073743760, 1965, // NOLINT
+ 1073743792, 1969, 1073743863, 2049,
+ 1073743875, 2053, 1073743879, 2058, // NOLINT
+ 1073743884, 2082, 1073743936, 2163,
+ 1073744002, 2227, 1073744114, 2295, // NOLINT
+ 2299, 1073744138, 2341, 1073744176,
+ 2374, 1073744224, 2428, 1073744260, // NOLINT
+ 2482, 2511, 1073744352, 2532,
+ 1073744358, 2543, 1073744378, 2558, // NOLINT
+ 1073744384, 2600, 1073744448, 2626,
+ 1073744452, 2635, 1073744480, 2678, // NOLINT
+ 2682, 1073744510, 2735, 2737,
+ 1073744565, 2742, 1073744569, 2749, // NOLINT
+ 2752, 2754, 1073744603, 2781,
+ 1073744608, 2794, 1073744626, 2804, // NOLINT
+ 1073744641, 2822, 1073744649, 2830,
+ 1073744657, 2838, 1073744672, 2854, // NOLINT
+ 1073744680, 2862, 1073744688, 2906,
+ 1073744732, 2911, 1073744740, 2917, // NOLINT
+ 1073744832, 3042, 1073744896, 8191}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable6Size = 6;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable6[6] = {1073741824, 6051, 1073747888, 6086,
+ 1073747915, 6139}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kLetterTable7Size = 48;
+static const int32_t kLetterTable7[48] = {
+ 1073748224, 6765, 1073748592, 6873,
+ 1073748736, 6918, 1073748755, 6935, // NOLINT
+ 6941, 1073748767, 6952, 1073748778,
+ 6966, 1073748792, 6972, 6974, // NOLINT
+ 1073748800, 6977, 1073748803, 6980,
+ 1073748806, 7089, 1073748947, 7485, // NOLINT
+ 1073749328, 7567, 1073749394, 7623,
+ 1073749488, 7675, 1073749616, 7796, // NOLINT
+ 1073749622, 7932, 1073749793, 7994,
+ 1073749825, 8026, 1073749862, 8126, // NOLINT
+ 1073749954, 8135, 1073749962, 8143,
+ 1073749970, 8151, 1073749978, 8156}; // NOLINT
+bool Letter::Is(uchar c) {
+ int chunk_index = c >> 13;
+ switch (chunk_index) {
+ case 0:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable0, kLetterTable0Size, c);
+ case 1:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable1, kLetterTable1Size, c);
+ case 2:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable2, kLetterTable2Size, c);
+ case 3:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable3, kLetterTable3Size, c);
+ case 4:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable4, kLetterTable4Size, c);
+ case 5:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable5, kLetterTable5Size, c);
+ case 6:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable6, kLetterTable6Size, c);
+ case 7:
+ return LookupPredicate(kLetterTable7, kLetterTable7Size, c);
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+#ifndef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1> kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings0[1] =
+ { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable0Size = 498; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable0[996] = {
+ 1073741921, -128, 122, -128, 181, 2972,
+ 1073742048, -128, 246, -128, 1073742072, -128,
+ 254, -128, 255, 484, // NOLINT
+ 257, -4, 259, -4, 261, -4,
+ 263, -4, 265, -4, 267, -4,
+ 269, -4, 271, -4, // NOLINT
+ 273, -4, 275, -4, 277, -4,
+ 279, -4, 281, -4, 283, -4,
+ 285, -4, 287, -4, // NOLINT
+ 289, -4, 291, -4, 293, -4,
+ 295, -4, 297, -4, 299, -4,
+ 301, -4, 303, -4, // NOLINT
+ 307, -4, 309, -4, 311, -4,
+ 314, -4, 316, -4, 318, -4,
+ 320, -4, 322, -4, // NOLINT
+ 324, -4, 326, -4, 328, -4,
+ 331, -4, 333, -4, 335, -4,
+ 337, -4, 339, -4, // NOLINT
+ 341, -4, 343, -4, 345, -4,
+ 347, -4, 349, -4, 351, -4,
+ 353, -4, 355, -4, // NOLINT
+ 357, -4, 359, -4, 361, -4,
+ 363, -4, 365, -4, 367, -4,
+ 369, -4, 371, -4, // NOLINT
+ 373, -4, 375, -4, 378, -4,
+ 380, -4, 382, -4, 384, 780,
+ 387, -4, 389, -4, // NOLINT
+ 392, -4, 396, -4, 402, -4,
+ 405, 388, 409, -4, 410, 652,
+ 414, 520, 417, -4, // NOLINT
+ 419, -4, 421, -4, 424, -4,
+ 429, -4, 432, -4, 436, -4,
+ 438, -4, 441, -4, // NOLINT
+ 445, -4, 447, 224, 453, -4,
+ 454, -8, 456, -4, 457, -8,
+ 459, -4, 460, -8, // NOLINT
+ 462, -4, 464, -4, 466, -4,
+ 468, -4, 470, -4, 472, -4,
+ 474, -4, 476, -4, // NOLINT
+ 477, -316, 479, -4, 481, -4,
+ 483, -4, 485, -4, 487, -4,
+ 489, -4, 491, -4, // NOLINT
+ 493, -4, 495, -4, 498, -4,
+ 499, -8, 501, -4, 505, -4,
+ 507, -4, 509, -4, // NOLINT
+ 511, -4, 513, -4, 515, -4,
+ 517, -4, 519, -4, 521, -4,
+ 523, -4, 525, -4, // NOLINT
+ 527, -4, 529, -4, 531, -4,
+ 533, -4, 535, -4, 537, -4,
+ 539, -4, 541, -4, // NOLINT
+ 543, -4, 547, -4, 549, -4,
+ 551, -4, 553, -4, 555, -4,
+ 557, -4, 559, -4, // NOLINT
+ 561, -4, 563, -4, 572, -4,
+ 1073742399, 43260, 576, 43260, 578, -4,
+ 583, -4, 585, -4, // NOLINT
+ 587, -4, 589, -4, 591, -4,
+ 592, 43132, 593, 43120, 594, 43128,
+ 595, -840, 596, -824, // NOLINT
+ 1073742422, -820, 599, -820, 601, -808,
+ 603, -812, 604, 169276, 608, -820,
+ 609, 169260, 611, -828, // NOLINT
+ 613, 169120, 614, 169232, 616, -836,
+ 617, -844, 619, 42972, 620, 169220,
+ 623, -844, 625, 42996, // NOLINT
+ 626, -852, 629, -856, 637, 42908,
+ 640, -872, 643, -872, 647, 169128,
+ 648, -872, 649, -276, // NOLINT
+ 1073742474, -868, 651, -868, 652, -284,
+ 658, -876, 670, 169032, 837, 336,
+ 881, -4, 883, -4, // NOLINT
+ 887, -4, 1073742715, 520, 893, 520,
+ 940, -152, 1073742765, -148, 943, -148,
+ 1073742769, -128, 961, -128, // NOLINT
+ 962, -124, 1073742787, -128, 971, -128,
+ 972, -256, 1073742797, -252, 974, -252,
+ 976, -248, 977, -228, // NOLINT
+ 981, -188, 982, -216, 983, -32,
+ 985, -4, 987, -4, 989, -4,
+ 991, -4, 993, -4, // NOLINT
+ 995, -4, 997, -4, 999, -4,
+ 1001, -4, 1003, -4, 1005, -4,
+ 1007, -4, 1008, -344, // NOLINT
+ 1009, -320, 1010, 28, 1011, -464,
+ 1013, -384, 1016, -4, 1019, -4,
+ 1073742896, -128, 1103, -128, // NOLINT
+ 1073742928, -320, 1119, -320, 1121, -4,
+ 1123, -4, 1125, -4, 1127, -4,
+ 1129, -4, 1131, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1133, -4, 1135, -4, 1137, -4,
+ 1139, -4, 1141, -4, 1143, -4,
+ 1145, -4, 1147, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1149, -4, 1151, -4, 1153, -4,
+ 1163, -4, 1165, -4, 1167, -4,
+ 1169, -4, 1171, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1173, -4, 1175, -4, 1177, -4,
+ 1179, -4, 1181, -4, 1183, -4,
+ 1185, -4, 1187, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1189, -4, 1191, -4, 1193, -4,
+ 1195, -4, 1197, -4, 1199, -4,
+ 1201, -4, 1203, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1205, -4, 1207, -4, 1209, -4,
+ 1211, -4, 1213, -4, 1215, -4,
+ 1218, -4, 1220, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1222, -4, 1224, -4, 1226, -4,
+ 1228, -4, 1230, -4, 1231, -60,
+ 1233, -4, 1235, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1237, -4, 1239, -4, 1241, -4,
+ 1243, -4, 1245, -4, 1247, -4,
+ 1249, -4, 1251, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1253, -4, 1255, -4, 1257, -4,
+ 1259, -4, 1261, -4, 1263, -4,
+ 1265, -4, 1267, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1269, -4, 1271, -4, 1273, -4,
+ 1275, -4, 1277, -4, 1279, -4,
+ 1281, -4, 1283, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1285, -4, 1287, -4, 1289, -4,
+ 1291, -4, 1293, -4, 1295, -4,
+ 1297, -4, 1299, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1301, -4, 1303, -4, 1305, -4,
+ 1307, -4, 1309, -4, 1311, -4,
+ 1313, -4, 1315, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1317, -4, 1319, -4, 1321, -4,
+ 1323, -4, 1325, -4, 1327, -4,
+ 1073743201, -192, 1414, -192, // NOLINT
+ 7545, 141328, 7549, 15256, 7681, -4,
+ 7683, -4, 7685, -4, 7687, -4,
+ 7689, -4, 7691, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7693, -4, 7695, -4, 7697, -4,
+ 7699, -4, 7701, -4, 7703, -4,
+ 7705, -4, 7707, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7709, -4, 7711, -4, 7713, -4,
+ 7715, -4, 7717, -4, 7719, -4,
+ 7721, -4, 7723, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7725, -4, 7727, -4, 7729, -4,
+ 7731, -4, 7733, -4, 7735, -4,
+ 7737, -4, 7739, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7741, -4, 7743, -4, 7745, -4,
+ 7747, -4, 7749, -4, 7751, -4,
+ 7753, -4, 7755, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7757, -4, 7759, -4, 7761, -4,
+ 7763, -4, 7765, -4, 7767, -4,
+ 7769, -4, 7771, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7773, -4, 7775, -4, 7777, -4,
+ 7779, -4, 7781, -4, 7783, -4,
+ 7785, -4, 7787, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7789, -4, 7791, -4, 7793, -4,
+ 7795, -4, 7797, -4, 7799, -4,
+ 7801, -4, 7803, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7805, -4, 7807, -4, 7809, -4,
+ 7811, -4, 7813, -4, 7815, -4,
+ 7817, -4, 7819, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7821, -4, 7823, -4, 7825, -4,
+ 7827, -4, 7829, -4, 7835, -236,
+ 7841, -4, 7843, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7845, -4, 7847, -4, 7849, -4,
+ 7851, -4, 7853, -4, 7855, -4,
+ 7857, -4, 7859, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7861, -4, 7863, -4, 7865, -4,
+ 7867, -4, 7869, -4, 7871, -4,
+ 7873, -4, 7875, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7877, -4, 7879, -4, 7881, -4,
+ 7883, -4, 7885, -4, 7887, -4,
+ 7889, -4, 7891, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7893, -4, 7895, -4, 7897, -4,
+ 7899, -4, 7901, -4, 7903, -4,
+ 7905, -4, 7907, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7909, -4, 7911, -4, 7913, -4,
+ 7915, -4, 7917, -4, 7919, -4,
+ 7921, -4, 7923, -4, // NOLINT
+ 7925, -4, 7927, -4, 7929, -4,
+ 7931, -4, 7933, -4, 7935, -4,
+ 1073749760, 32, 7943, 32, // NOLINT
+ 1073749776, 32, 7957, 32, 1073749792, 32,
+ 7975, 32, 1073749808, 32, 7991, 32,
+ 1073749824, 32, 8005, 32, // NOLINT
+ 8017, 32, 8019, 32, 8021, 32,
+ 8023, 32, 1073749856, 32, 8039, 32,
+ 1073749872, 296, 8049, 296, // NOLINT
+ 1073749874, 344, 8053, 344, 1073749878, 400,
+ 8055, 400, 1073749880, 512, 8057, 512,
+ 1073749882, 448, 8059, 448, // NOLINT
+ 1073749884, 504, 8061, 504, 1073749936, 32,
+ 8113, 32, 8126, -28820, 1073749968, 32,
+ 8145, 32, 1073749984, 32, // NOLINT
+ 8161, 32, 8165, 28}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1> kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings1[1] =
+ { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable1Size = 73; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable1[146] = {
+ 334, -112, 1073742192, -64, 383, -64,
+ 388, -4, 1073743056, -104, 1257, -104,
+ 1073744944, -192, 3166, -192, // NOLINT
+ 3169, -4, 3173, -43180, 3174, -43168,
+ 3176, -4, 3178, -4, 3180, -4,
+ 3187, -4, 3190, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3201, -4, 3203, -4, 3205, -4,
+ 3207, -4, 3209, -4, 3211, -4,
+ 3213, -4, 3215, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3217, -4, 3219, -4, 3221, -4,
+ 3223, -4, 3225, -4, 3227, -4,
+ 3229, -4, 3231, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3233, -4, 3235, -4, 3237, -4,
+ 3239, -4, 3241, -4, 3243, -4,
+ 3245, -4, 3247, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3249, -4, 3251, -4, 3253, -4,
+ 3255, -4, 3257, -4, 3259, -4,
+ 3261, -4, 3263, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3265, -4, 3267, -4, 3269, -4,
+ 3271, -4, 3273, -4, 3275, -4,
+ 3277, -4, 3279, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3281, -4, 3283, -4, 3285, -4,
+ 3287, -4, 3289, -4, 3291, -4,
+ 3293, -4, 3295, -4, // NOLINT
+ 3297, -4, 3299, -4, 3308, -4,
+ 3310, -4, 3315, -4, 1073745152, -29056,
+ 3365, -29056, 3367, -29056, // NOLINT
+ 3373, -29056}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1> kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings5[1] =
+ { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable5Size = 95; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable5[190] =
+ {
+ 1601, -4, 1603, -4, 1605, -4, 1607, -4,
+ 1609, -4, 1611, -4, 1613, -4, 1615, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1617, -4, 1619, -4, 1621, -4, 1623, -4,
+ 1625, -4, 1627, -4, 1629, -4, 1631, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1633, -4, 1635, -4, 1637, -4, 1639, -4,
+ 1641, -4, 1643, -4, 1645, -4, 1665, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1667, -4, 1669, -4, 1671, -4, 1673, -4,
+ 1675, -4, 1677, -4, 1679, -4, 1681, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1683, -4, 1685, -4, 1687, -4, 1689, -4,
+ 1691, -4, 1827, -4, 1829, -4, 1831, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1833, -4, 1835, -4, 1837, -4, 1839, -4,
+ 1843, -4, 1845, -4, 1847, -4, 1849, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1851, -4, 1853, -4, 1855, -4, 1857, -4,
+ 1859, -4, 1861, -4, 1863, -4, 1865, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1867, -4, 1869, -4, 1871, -4, 1873, -4,
+ 1875, -4, 1877, -4, 1879, -4, 1881, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1883, -4, 1885, -4, 1887, -4, 1889, -4,
+ 1891, -4, 1893, -4, 1895, -4, 1897, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1899, -4, 1901, -4, 1903, -4, 1914, -4,
+ 1916, -4, 1919, -4, 1921, -4, 1923, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1925, -4, 1927, -4, 1932, -4, 1937, -4,
+ 1939, -4, 1943, -4, 1945, -4, 1947, -4, // NOLINT
+ 1949, -4, 1951, -4, 1953, -4, 1955, -4,
+ 1957, -4, 1959, -4, 1961, -4}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1> kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings7[1] =
+ { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable7Size = 2; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262CanonicalizeTable7[4] = {1073749825, -128, 8026,
+ -128}; // NOLINT
+int Ecma262Canonicalize::Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result,
+ bool* allow_caching_ptr) {
+ int chunk_index = c >> 13;
+ switch (chunk_index) {
+ case 0:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeTable0, kEcma262CanonicalizeTable0Size,
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings0, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 1:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeTable1, kEcma262CanonicalizeTable1Size,
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings1, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 5:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeTable5, kEcma262CanonicalizeTable5Size,
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings5, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 7:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeTable7, kEcma262CanonicalizeTable7Size,
+ kEcma262CanonicalizeMultiStrings7, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<4>
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings0[507] = { // NOLINT
+ {{65, 97, kSentinel}},
+ {{90, 122, kSentinel}},
+ {{181, 924, 956, kSentinel}},
+ {{192, 224, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{214, 246, kSentinel}},
+ {{216, 248, kSentinel}},
+ {{222, 254, kSentinel}},
+ {{255, 376, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{256, 257, kSentinel}},
+ {{258, 259, kSentinel}},
+ {{260, 261, kSentinel}},
+ {{262, 263, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{264, 265, kSentinel}},
+ {{266, 267, kSentinel}},
+ {{268, 269, kSentinel}},
+ {{270, 271, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{272, 273, kSentinel}},
+ {{274, 275, kSentinel}},
+ {{276, 277, kSentinel}},
+ {{278, 279, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{280, 281, kSentinel}},
+ {{282, 283, kSentinel}},
+ {{284, 285, kSentinel}},
+ {{286, 287, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{288, 289, kSentinel}},
+ {{290, 291, kSentinel}},
+ {{292, 293, kSentinel}},
+ {{294, 295, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{296, 297, kSentinel}},
+ {{298, 299, kSentinel}},
+ {{300, 301, kSentinel}},
+ {{302, 303, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{306, 307, kSentinel}},
+ {{308, 309, kSentinel}},
+ {{310, 311, kSentinel}},
+ {{313, 314, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{315, 316, kSentinel}},
+ {{317, 318, kSentinel}},
+ {{319, 320, kSentinel}},
+ {{321, 322, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{323, 324, kSentinel}},
+ {{325, 326, kSentinel}},
+ {{327, 328, kSentinel}},
+ {{330, 331, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{332, 333, kSentinel}},
+ {{334, 335, kSentinel}},
+ {{336, 337, kSentinel}},
+ {{338, 339, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{340, 341, kSentinel}},
+ {{342, 343, kSentinel}},
+ {{344, 345, kSentinel}},
+ {{346, 347, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{348, 349, kSentinel}},
+ {{350, 351, kSentinel}},
+ {{352, 353, kSentinel}},
+ {{354, 355, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{356, 357, kSentinel}},
+ {{358, 359, kSentinel}},
+ {{360, 361, kSentinel}},
+ {{362, 363, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{364, 365, kSentinel}},
+ {{366, 367, kSentinel}},
+ {{368, 369, kSentinel}},
+ {{370, 371, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{372, 373, kSentinel}},
+ {{374, 375, kSentinel}},
+ {{377, 378, kSentinel}},
+ {{379, 380, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{381, 382, kSentinel}},
+ {{384, 579, kSentinel}},
+ {{385, 595, kSentinel}},
+ {{386, 387, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{388, 389, kSentinel}},
+ {{390, 596, kSentinel}},
+ {{391, 392, kSentinel}},
+ {{393, 598, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{394, 599, kSentinel}},
+ {{395, 396, kSentinel}},
+ {{398, 477, kSentinel}},
+ {{399, 601, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{400, 603, kSentinel}},
+ {{401, 402, kSentinel}},
+ {{403, 608, kSentinel}},
+ {{404, 611, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{405, 502, kSentinel}},
+ {{406, 617, kSentinel}},
+ {{407, 616, kSentinel}},
+ {{408, 409, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{410, 573, kSentinel}},
+ {{412, 623, kSentinel}},
+ {{413, 626, kSentinel}},
+ {{414, 544, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{415, 629, kSentinel}},
+ {{416, 417, kSentinel}},
+ {{418, 419, kSentinel}},
+ {{420, 421, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{422, 640, kSentinel}},
+ {{423, 424, kSentinel}},
+ {{425, 643, kSentinel}},
+ {{428, 429, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{430, 648, kSentinel}},
+ {{431, 432, kSentinel}},
+ {{433, 650, kSentinel}},
+ {{434, 651, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{435, 436, kSentinel}},
+ {{437, 438, kSentinel}},
+ {{439, 658, kSentinel}},
+ {{440, 441, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{444, 445, kSentinel}},
+ {{447, 503, kSentinel}},
+ {{452, 453, 454, kSentinel}},
+ {{455, 456, 457, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{458, 459, 460, kSentinel}},
+ {{461, 462, kSentinel}},
+ {{463, 464, kSentinel}},
+ {{465, 466, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{467, 468, kSentinel}},
+ {{469, 470, kSentinel}},
+ {{471, 472, kSentinel}},
+ {{473, 474, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{475, 476, kSentinel}},
+ {{478, 479, kSentinel}},
+ {{480, 481, kSentinel}},
+ {{482, 483, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{484, 485, kSentinel}},
+ {{486, 487, kSentinel}},
+ {{488, 489, kSentinel}},
+ {{490, 491, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{492, 493, kSentinel}},
+ {{494, 495, kSentinel}},
+ {{497, 498, 499, kSentinel}},
+ {{500, 501, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{504, 505, kSentinel}},
+ {{506, 507, kSentinel}},
+ {{508, 509, kSentinel}},
+ {{510, 511, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{512, 513, kSentinel}},
+ {{514, 515, kSentinel}},
+ {{516, 517, kSentinel}},
+ {{518, 519, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{520, 521, kSentinel}},
+ {{522, 523, kSentinel}},
+ {{524, 525, kSentinel}},
+ {{526, 527, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{528, 529, kSentinel}},
+ {{530, 531, kSentinel}},
+ {{532, 533, kSentinel}},
+ {{534, 535, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{536, 537, kSentinel}},
+ {{538, 539, kSentinel}},
+ {{540, 541, kSentinel}},
+ {{542, 543, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{546, 547, kSentinel}},
+ {{548, 549, kSentinel}},
+ {{550, 551, kSentinel}},
+ {{552, 553, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{554, 555, kSentinel}},
+ {{556, 557, kSentinel}},
+ {{558, 559, kSentinel}},
+ {{560, 561, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{562, 563, kSentinel}},
+ {{570, 11365, kSentinel}},
+ {{571, 572, kSentinel}},
+ {{574, 11366, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{575, 11390, kSentinel}},
+ {{576, 11391, kSentinel}},
+ {{577, 578, kSentinel}},
+ {{580, 649, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{581, 652, kSentinel}},
+ {{582, 583, kSentinel}},
+ {{584, 585, kSentinel}},
+ {{586, 587, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{588, 589, kSentinel}},
+ {{590, 591, kSentinel}},
+ {{592, 11375, kSentinel}},
+ {{593, 11373, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{594, 11376, kSentinel}},
+ {{604, 42923, kSentinel}},
+ {{609, 42924, kSentinel}},
+ {{613, 42893, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{614, 42922, kSentinel}},
+ {{619, 11362, kSentinel}},
+ {{620, 42925, kSentinel}},
+ {{625, 11374, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{637, 11364, kSentinel}},
+ {{647, 42929, kSentinel}},
+ {{670, 42928, kSentinel}},
+ {{837, 921, 953, 8126}}, // NOLINT
+ {{880, 881, kSentinel}},
+ {{882, 883, kSentinel}},
+ {{886, 887, kSentinel}},
+ {{891, 1021, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{893, 1023, kSentinel}},
+ {{895, 1011, kSentinel}},
+ {{902, 940, kSentinel}},
+ {{904, 941, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{906, 943, kSentinel}},
+ {{908, 972, kSentinel}},
+ {{910, 973, kSentinel}},
+ {{911, 974, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{913, 945, kSentinel}},
+ {{914, 946, 976, kSentinel}},
+ {{915, 947, kSentinel}},
+ {{916, 948, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{917, 949, 1013, kSentinel}},
+ {{918, 950, kSentinel}},
+ {{919, 951, kSentinel}},
+ {{920, 952, 977, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{922, 954, 1008, kSentinel}},
+ {{923, 955, kSentinel}},
+ {{925, 957, kSentinel}},
+ {{927, 959, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{928, 960, 982, kSentinel}},
+ {{929, 961, 1009, kSentinel}},
+ {{931, 962, 963, kSentinel}},
+ {{932, 964, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{933, 965, kSentinel}},
+ {{934, 966, 981, kSentinel}},
+ {{935, 967, kSentinel}},
+ {{939, 971, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{975, 983, kSentinel}},
+ {{984, 985, kSentinel}},
+ {{986, 987, kSentinel}},
+ {{988, 989, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{990, 991, kSentinel}},
+ {{992, 993, kSentinel}},
+ {{994, 995, kSentinel}},
+ {{996, 997, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{998, 999, kSentinel}},
+ {{1000, 1001, kSentinel}},
+ {{1002, 1003, kSentinel}},
+ {{1004, 1005, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1006, 1007, kSentinel}},
+ {{1010, 1017, kSentinel}},
+ {{1015, 1016, kSentinel}},
+ {{1018, 1019, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1024, 1104, kSentinel}},
+ {{1039, 1119, kSentinel}},
+ {{1040, 1072, kSentinel}},
+ {{1071, 1103, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1120, 1121, kSentinel}},
+ {{1122, 1123, kSentinel}},
+ {{1124, 1125, kSentinel}},
+ {{1126, 1127, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1128, 1129, kSentinel}},
+ {{1130, 1131, kSentinel}},
+ {{1132, 1133, kSentinel}},
+ {{1134, 1135, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1136, 1137, kSentinel}},
+ {{1138, 1139, kSentinel}},
+ {{1140, 1141, kSentinel}},
+ {{1142, 1143, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1144, 1145, kSentinel}},
+ {{1146, 1147, kSentinel}},
+ {{1148, 1149, kSentinel}},
+ {{1150, 1151, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1152, 1153, kSentinel}},
+ {{1162, 1163, kSentinel}},
+ {{1164, 1165, kSentinel}},
+ {{1166, 1167, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1168, 1169, kSentinel}},
+ {{1170, 1171, kSentinel}},
+ {{1172, 1173, kSentinel}},
+ {{1174, 1175, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1176, 1177, kSentinel}},
+ {{1178, 1179, kSentinel}},
+ {{1180, 1181, kSentinel}},
+ {{1182, 1183, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1184, 1185, kSentinel}},
+ {{1186, 1187, kSentinel}},
+ {{1188, 1189, kSentinel}},
+ {{1190, 1191, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1192, 1193, kSentinel}},
+ {{1194, 1195, kSentinel}},
+ {{1196, 1197, kSentinel}},
+ {{1198, 1199, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1200, 1201, kSentinel}},
+ {{1202, 1203, kSentinel}},
+ {{1204, 1205, kSentinel}},
+ {{1206, 1207, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1208, 1209, kSentinel}},
+ {{1210, 1211, kSentinel}},
+ {{1212, 1213, kSentinel}},
+ {{1214, 1215, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1216, 1231, kSentinel}},
+ {{1217, 1218, kSentinel}},
+ {{1219, 1220, kSentinel}},
+ {{1221, 1222, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1223, 1224, kSentinel}},
+ {{1225, 1226, kSentinel}},
+ {{1227, 1228, kSentinel}},
+ {{1229, 1230, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1232, 1233, kSentinel}},
+ {{1234, 1235, kSentinel}},
+ {{1236, 1237, kSentinel}},
+ {{1238, 1239, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1240, 1241, kSentinel}},
+ {{1242, 1243, kSentinel}},
+ {{1244, 1245, kSentinel}},
+ {{1246, 1247, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1248, 1249, kSentinel}},
+ {{1250, 1251, kSentinel}},
+ {{1252, 1253, kSentinel}},
+ {{1254, 1255, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1256, 1257, kSentinel}},
+ {{1258, 1259, kSentinel}},
+ {{1260, 1261, kSentinel}},
+ {{1262, 1263, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1264, 1265, kSentinel}},
+ {{1266, 1267, kSentinel}},
+ {{1268, 1269, kSentinel}},
+ {{1270, 1271, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1272, 1273, kSentinel}},
+ {{1274, 1275, kSentinel}},
+ {{1276, 1277, kSentinel}},
+ {{1278, 1279, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1280, 1281, kSentinel}},
+ {{1282, 1283, kSentinel}},
+ {{1284, 1285, kSentinel}},
+ {{1286, 1287, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1288, 1289, kSentinel}},
+ {{1290, 1291, kSentinel}},
+ {{1292, 1293, kSentinel}},
+ {{1294, 1295, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1296, 1297, kSentinel}},
+ {{1298, 1299, kSentinel}},
+ {{1300, 1301, kSentinel}},
+ {{1302, 1303, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1304, 1305, kSentinel}},
+ {{1306, 1307, kSentinel}},
+ {{1308, 1309, kSentinel}},
+ {{1310, 1311, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1312, 1313, kSentinel}},
+ {{1314, 1315, kSentinel}},
+ {{1316, 1317, kSentinel}},
+ {{1318, 1319, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1320, 1321, kSentinel}},
+ {{1322, 1323, kSentinel}},
+ {{1324, 1325, kSentinel}},
+ {{1326, 1327, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{1329, 1377, kSentinel}},
+ {{1366, 1414, kSentinel}},
+ {{4256, 11520, kSentinel}},
+ {{4293, 11557, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{4295, 11559, kSentinel}},
+ {{4301, 11565, kSentinel}},
+ {{7545, 42877, kSentinel}},
+ {{7549, 11363, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7680, 7681, kSentinel}},
+ {{7682, 7683, kSentinel}},
+ {{7684, 7685, kSentinel}},
+ {{7686, 7687, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7688, 7689, kSentinel}},
+ {{7690, 7691, kSentinel}},
+ {{7692, 7693, kSentinel}},
+ {{7694, 7695, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7696, 7697, kSentinel}},
+ {{7698, 7699, kSentinel}},
+ {{7700, 7701, kSentinel}},
+ {{7702, 7703, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7704, 7705, kSentinel}},
+ {{7706, 7707, kSentinel}},
+ {{7708, 7709, kSentinel}},
+ {{7710, 7711, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7712, 7713, kSentinel}},
+ {{7714, 7715, kSentinel}},
+ {{7716, 7717, kSentinel}},
+ {{7718, 7719, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7720, 7721, kSentinel}},
+ {{7722, 7723, kSentinel}},
+ {{7724, 7725, kSentinel}},
+ {{7726, 7727, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7728, 7729, kSentinel}},
+ {{7730, 7731, kSentinel}},
+ {{7732, 7733, kSentinel}},
+ {{7734, 7735, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7736, 7737, kSentinel}},
+ {{7738, 7739, kSentinel}},
+ {{7740, 7741, kSentinel}},
+ {{7742, 7743, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7744, 7745, kSentinel}},
+ {{7746, 7747, kSentinel}},
+ {{7748, 7749, kSentinel}},
+ {{7750, 7751, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7752, 7753, kSentinel}},
+ {{7754, 7755, kSentinel}},
+ {{7756, 7757, kSentinel}},
+ {{7758, 7759, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7760, 7761, kSentinel}},
+ {{7762, 7763, kSentinel}},
+ {{7764, 7765, kSentinel}},
+ {{7766, 7767, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7768, 7769, kSentinel}},
+ {{7770, 7771, kSentinel}},
+ {{7772, 7773, kSentinel}},
+ {{7774, 7775, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7776, 7777, 7835, kSentinel}},
+ {{7778, 7779, kSentinel}},
+ {{7780, 7781, kSentinel}},
+ {{7782, 7783, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7784, 7785, kSentinel}},
+ {{7786, 7787, kSentinel}},
+ {{7788, 7789, kSentinel}},
+ {{7790, 7791, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7792, 7793, kSentinel}},
+ {{7794, 7795, kSentinel}},
+ {{7796, 7797, kSentinel}},
+ {{7798, 7799, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7800, 7801, kSentinel}},
+ {{7802, 7803, kSentinel}},
+ {{7804, 7805, kSentinel}},
+ {{7806, 7807, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7808, 7809, kSentinel}},
+ {{7810, 7811, kSentinel}},
+ {{7812, 7813, kSentinel}},
+ {{7814, 7815, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7816, 7817, kSentinel}},
+ {{7818, 7819, kSentinel}},
+ {{7820, 7821, kSentinel}},
+ {{7822, 7823, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7824, 7825, kSentinel}},
+ {{7826, 7827, kSentinel}},
+ {{7828, 7829, kSentinel}},
+ {{7840, 7841, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7842, 7843, kSentinel}},
+ {{7844, 7845, kSentinel}},
+ {{7846, 7847, kSentinel}},
+ {{7848, 7849, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7850, 7851, kSentinel}},
+ {{7852, 7853, kSentinel}},
+ {{7854, 7855, kSentinel}},
+ {{7856, 7857, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7858, 7859, kSentinel}},
+ {{7860, 7861, kSentinel}},
+ {{7862, 7863, kSentinel}},
+ {{7864, 7865, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7866, 7867, kSentinel}},
+ {{7868, 7869, kSentinel}},
+ {{7870, 7871, kSentinel}},
+ {{7872, 7873, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7874, 7875, kSentinel}},
+ {{7876, 7877, kSentinel}},
+ {{7878, 7879, kSentinel}},
+ {{7880, 7881, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7882, 7883, kSentinel}},
+ {{7884, 7885, kSentinel}},
+ {{7886, 7887, kSentinel}},
+ {{7888, 7889, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7890, 7891, kSentinel}},
+ {{7892, 7893, kSentinel}},
+ {{7894, 7895, kSentinel}},
+ {{7896, 7897, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7898, 7899, kSentinel}},
+ {{7900, 7901, kSentinel}},
+ {{7902, 7903, kSentinel}},
+ {{7904, 7905, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7906, 7907, kSentinel}},
+ {{7908, 7909, kSentinel}},
+ {{7910, 7911, kSentinel}},
+ {{7912, 7913, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7914, 7915, kSentinel}},
+ {{7916, 7917, kSentinel}},
+ {{7918, 7919, kSentinel}},
+ {{7920, 7921, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7922, 7923, kSentinel}},
+ {{7924, 7925, kSentinel}},
+ {{7926, 7927, kSentinel}},
+ {{7928, 7929, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7930, 7931, kSentinel}},
+ {{7932, 7933, kSentinel}},
+ {{7934, 7935, kSentinel}},
+ {{7936, 7944, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7943, 7951, kSentinel}},
+ {{7952, 7960, kSentinel}},
+ {{7957, 7965, kSentinel}},
+ {{7968, 7976, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{7975, 7983, kSentinel}},
+ {{7984, 7992, kSentinel}},
+ {{7991, 7999, kSentinel}},
+ {{8000, 8008, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8005, 8013, kSentinel}},
+ {{8017, 8025, kSentinel}},
+ {{8019, 8027, kSentinel}},
+ {{8021, 8029, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8023, 8031, kSentinel}},
+ {{8032, 8040, kSentinel}},
+ {{8039, 8047, kSentinel}},
+ {{8048, 8122, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8049, 8123, kSentinel}},
+ {{8050, 8136, kSentinel}},
+ {{8053, 8139, kSentinel}},
+ {{8054, 8154, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8055, 8155, kSentinel}},
+ {{8056, 8184, kSentinel}},
+ {{8057, 8185, kSentinel}},
+ {{8058, 8170, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8059, 8171, kSentinel}},
+ {{8060, 8186, kSentinel}},
+ {{8061, 8187, kSentinel}},
+ {{8112, 8120, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8113, 8121, kSentinel}},
+ {{8144, 8152, kSentinel}},
+ {{8145, 8153, kSentinel}},
+ {{8160, 8168, kSentinel}}, // NOLINT
+ {{8161, 8169, kSentinel}},
+ {{8165, 8172, kSentinel}},
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable0Size = 1005; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable0[2010] = {
+ 1073741889, 1, 90, 5, 1073741921, 1,
+ 122, 5, 181, 9, 1073742016, 13,
+ 214, 17, 1073742040, 21, // NOLINT
+ 222, 25, 1073742048, 13, 246, 17,
+ 1073742072, 21, 254, 25, 255, 29,
+ 256, 33, 257, 33, // NOLINT
+ 258, 37, 259, 37, 260, 41,
+ 261, 41, 262, 45, 263, 45,
+ 264, 49, 265, 49, // NOLINT
+ 266, 53, 267, 53, 268, 57,
+ 269, 57, 270, 61, 271, 61,
+ 272, 65, 273, 65, // NOLINT
+ 274, 69, 275, 69, 276, 73,
+ 277, 73, 278, 77, 279, 77,
+ 280, 81, 281, 81, // NOLINT
+ 282, 85, 283, 85, 284, 89,
+ 285, 89, 286, 93, 287, 93,
+ 288, 97, 289, 97, // NOLINT
+ 290, 101, 291, 101, 292, 105,
+ 293, 105, 294, 109, 295, 109,
+ 296, 113, 297, 113, // NOLINT
+ 298, 117, 299, 117, 300, 121,
+ 301, 121, 302, 125, 303, 125,
+ 306, 129, 307, 129, // NOLINT
+ 308, 133, 309, 133, 310, 137,
+ 311, 137, 313, 141, 314, 141,
+ 315, 145, 316, 145, // NOLINT
+ 317, 149, 318, 149, 319, 153,
+ 320, 153, 321, 157, 322, 157,
+ 323, 161, 324, 161, // NOLINT
+ 325, 165, 326, 165, 327, 169,
+ 328, 169, 330, 173, 331, 173,
+ 332, 177, 333, 177, // NOLINT
+ 334, 181, 335, 181, 336, 185,
+ 337, 185, 338, 189, 339, 189,
+ 340, 193, 341, 193, // NOLINT
+ 342, 197, 343, 197, 344, 201,
+ 345, 201, 346, 205, 347, 205,
+ 348, 209, 349, 209, // NOLINT
+ 350, 213, 351, 213, 352, 217,
+ 353, 217, 354, 221, 355, 221,
+ 356, 225, 357, 225, // NOLINT
+ 358, 229, 359, 229, 360, 233,
+ 361, 233, 362, 237, 363, 237,
+ 364, 241, 365, 241, // NOLINT
+ 366, 245, 367, 245, 368, 249,
+ 369, 249, 370, 253, 371, 253,
+ 372, 257, 373, 257, // NOLINT
+ 374, 261, 375, 261, 376, 29,
+ 377, 265, 378, 265, 379, 269,
+ 380, 269, 381, 273, // NOLINT
+ 382, 273, 384, 277, 385, 281,
+ 386, 285, 387, 285, 388, 289,
+ 389, 289, 390, 293, // NOLINT
+ 391, 297, 392, 297, 1073742217, 301,
+ 394, 305, 395, 309, 396, 309,
+ 398, 313, 399, 317, // NOLINT
+ 400, 321, 401, 325, 402, 325,
+ 403, 329, 404, 333, 405, 337,
+ 406, 341, 407, 345, // NOLINT
+ 408, 349, 409, 349, 410, 353,
+ 412, 357, 413, 361, 414, 365,
+ 415, 369, 416, 373, // NOLINT
+ 417, 373, 418, 377, 419, 377,
+ 420, 381, 421, 381, 422, 385,
+ 423, 389, 424, 389, // NOLINT
+ 425, 393, 428, 397, 429, 397,
+ 430, 401, 431, 405, 432, 405,
+ 1073742257, 409, 434, 413, // NOLINT
+ 435, 417, 436, 417, 437, 421,
+ 438, 421, 439, 425, 440, 429,
+ 441, 429, 444, 433, // NOLINT
+ 445, 433, 447, 437, 452, 441,
+ 453, 441, 454, 441, 455, 445,
+ 456, 445, 457, 445, // NOLINT
+ 458, 449, 459, 449, 460, 449,
+ 461, 453, 462, 453, 463, 457,
+ 464, 457, 465, 461, // NOLINT
+ 466, 461, 467, 465, 468, 465,
+ 469, 469, 470, 469, 471, 473,
+ 472, 473, 473, 477, // NOLINT
+ 474, 477, 475, 481, 476, 481,
+ 477, 313, 478, 485, 479, 485,
+ 480, 489, 481, 489, // NOLINT
+ 482, 493, 483, 493, 484, 497,
+ 485, 497, 486, 501, 487, 501,
+ 488, 505, 489, 505, // NOLINT
+ 490, 509, 491, 509, 492, 513,
+ 493, 513, 494, 517, 495, 517,
+ 497, 521, 498, 521, // NOLINT
+ 499, 521, 500, 525, 501, 525,
+ 502, 337, 503, 437, 504, 529,
+ 505, 529, 506, 533, // NOLINT
+ 507, 533, 508, 537, 509, 537,
+ 510, 541, 511, 541, 512, 545,
+ 513, 545, 514, 549, // NOLINT
+ 515, 549, 516, 553, 517, 553,
+ 518, 557, 519, 557, 520, 561,
+ 521, 561, 522, 565, // NOLINT
+ 523, 565, 524, 569, 525, 569,
+ 526, 573, 527, 573, 528, 577,
+ 529, 577, 530, 581, // NOLINT
+ 531, 581, 532, 585, 533, 585,
+ 534, 589, 535, 589, 536, 593,
+ 537, 593, 538, 597, // NOLINT
+ 539, 597, 540, 601, 541, 601,
+ 542, 605, 543, 605, 544, 365,
+ 546, 609, 547, 609, // NOLINT
+ 548, 613, 549, 613, 550, 617,
+ 551, 617, 552, 621, 553, 621,
+ 554, 625, 555, 625, // NOLINT
+ 556, 629, 557, 629, 558, 633,
+ 559, 633, 560, 637, 561, 637,
+ 562, 641, 563, 641, // NOLINT
+ 570, 645, 571, 649, 572, 649,
+ 573, 353, 574, 653, 1073742399, 657,
+ 576, 661, 577, 665, // NOLINT
+ 578, 665, 579, 277, 580, 669,
+ 581, 673, 582, 677, 583, 677,
+ 584, 681, 585, 681, // NOLINT
+ 586, 685, 587, 685, 588, 689,
+ 589, 689, 590, 693, 591, 693,
+ 592, 697, 593, 701, // NOLINT
+ 594, 705, 595, 281, 596, 293,
+ 1073742422, 301, 599, 305, 601, 317,
+ 603, 321, 604, 709, // NOLINT
+ 608, 329, 609, 713, 611, 333,
+ 613, 717, 614, 721, 616, 345,
+ 617, 341, 619, 725, // NOLINT
+ 620, 729, 623, 357, 625, 733,
+ 626, 361, 629, 369, 637, 737,
+ 640, 385, 643, 393, // NOLINT
+ 647, 741, 648, 401, 649, 669,
+ 1073742474, 409, 651, 413, 652, 673,
+ 658, 425, 670, 745, // NOLINT
+ 837, 749, 880, 753, 881, 753,
+ 882, 757, 883, 757, 886, 761,
+ 887, 761, 1073742715, 765, // NOLINT
+ 893, 769, 895, 773, 902, 777,
+ 1073742728, 781, 906, 785, 908, 789,
+ 1073742734, 793, 911, 797, // NOLINT
+ 913, 801, 914, 805, 1073742739, 809,
+ 916, 813, 917, 817, 1073742742, 821,
+ 919, 825, 920, 829, // NOLINT
+ 921, 749, 922, 833, 923, 837,
+ 924, 9, 1073742749, 841, 927, 845,
+ 928, 849, 929, 853, // NOLINT
+ 931, 857, 1073742756, 861, 933, 865,
+ 934, 869, 1073742759, 873, 939, 877,
+ 940, 777, 1073742765, 781, // NOLINT
+ 943, 785, 945, 801, 946, 805,
+ 1073742771, 809, 948, 813, 949, 817,
+ 1073742774, 821, 951, 825, // NOLINT
+ 952, 829, 953, 749, 954, 833,
+ 955, 837, 956, 9, 1073742781, 841,
+ 959, 845, 960, 849, // NOLINT
+ 961, 853, 962, 857, 963, 857,
+ 1073742788, 861, 965, 865, 966, 869,
+ 1073742791, 873, 971, 877, // NOLINT
+ 972, 789, 1073742797, 793, 974, 797,
+ 975, 881, 976, 805, 977, 829,
+ 981, 869, 982, 849, // NOLINT
+ 983, 881, 984, 885, 985, 885,
+ 986, 889, 987, 889, 988, 893,
+ 989, 893, 990, 897, // NOLINT
+ 991, 897, 992, 901, 993, 901,
+ 994, 905, 995, 905, 996, 909,
+ 997, 909, 998, 913, // NOLINT
+ 999, 913, 1000, 917, 1001, 917,
+ 1002, 921, 1003, 921, 1004, 925,
+ 1005, 925, 1006, 929, // NOLINT
+ 1007, 929, 1008, 833, 1009, 853,
+ 1010, 933, 1011, 773, 1013, 817,
+ 1015, 937, 1016, 937, // NOLINT
+ 1017, 933, 1018, 941, 1019, 941,
+ 1073742845, 765, 1023, 769, 1073742848, 945,
+ 1039, 949, 1073742864, 953, // NOLINT
+ 1071, 957, 1073742896, 953, 1103, 957,
+ 1073742928, 945, 1119, 949, 1120, 961,
+ 1121, 961, 1122, 965, // NOLINT
+ 1123, 965, 1124, 969, 1125, 969,
+ 1126, 973, 1127, 973, 1128, 977,
+ 1129, 977, 1130, 981, // NOLINT
+ 1131, 981, 1132, 985, 1133, 985,
+ 1134, 989, 1135, 989, 1136, 993,
+ 1137, 993, 1138, 997, // NOLINT
+ 1139, 997, 1140, 1001, 1141, 1001,
+ 1142, 1005, 1143, 1005, 1144, 1009,
+ 1145, 1009, 1146, 1013, // NOLINT
+ 1147, 1013, 1148, 1017, 1149, 1017,
+ 1150, 1021, 1151, 1021, 1152, 1025,
+ 1153, 1025, 1162, 1029, // NOLINT
+ 1163, 1029, 1164, 1033, 1165, 1033,
+ 1166, 1037, 1167, 1037, 1168, 1041,
+ 1169, 1041, 1170, 1045, // NOLINT
+ 1171, 1045, 1172, 1049, 1173, 1049,
+ 1174, 1053, 1175, 1053, 1176, 1057,
+ 1177, 1057, 1178, 1061, // NOLINT
+ 1179, 1061, 1180, 1065, 1181, 1065,
+ 1182, 1069, 1183, 1069, 1184, 1073,
+ 1185, 1073, 1186, 1077, // NOLINT
+ 1187, 1077, 1188, 1081, 1189, 1081,
+ 1190, 1085, 1191, 1085, 1192, 1089,
+ 1193, 1089, 1194, 1093, // NOLINT
+ 1195, 1093, 1196, 1097, 1197, 1097,
+ 1198, 1101, 1199, 1101, 1200, 1105,
+ 1201, 1105, 1202, 1109, // NOLINT
+ 1203, 1109, 1204, 1113, 1205, 1113,
+ 1206, 1117, 1207, 1117, 1208, 1121,
+ 1209, 1121, 1210, 1125, // NOLINT
+ 1211, 1125, 1212, 1129, 1213, 1129,
+ 1214, 1133, 1215, 1133, 1216, 1137,
+ 1217, 1141, 1218, 1141, // NOLINT
+ 1219, 1145, 1220, 1145, 1221, 1149,
+ 1222, 1149, 1223, 1153, 1224, 1153,
+ 1225, 1157, 1226, 1157, // NOLINT
+ 1227, 1161, 1228, 1161, 1229, 1165,
+ 1230, 1165, 1231, 1137, 1232, 1169,
+ 1233, 1169, 1234, 1173, // NOLINT
+ 1235, 1173, 1236, 1177, 1237, 1177,
+ 1238, 1181, 1239, 1181, 1240, 1185,
+ 1241, 1185, 1242, 1189, // NOLINT
+ 1243, 1189, 1244, 1193, 1245, 1193,
+ 1246, 1197, 1247, 1197, 1248, 1201,
+ 1249, 1201, 1250, 1205, // NOLINT
+ 1251, 1205, 1252, 1209, 1253, 1209,
+ 1254, 1213, 1255, 1213, 1256, 1217,
+ 1257, 1217, 1258, 1221, // NOLINT
+ 1259, 1221, 1260, 1225, 1261, 1225,
+ 1262, 1229, 1263, 1229, 1264, 1233,
+ 1265, 1233, 1266, 1237, // NOLINT
+ 1267, 1237, 1268, 1241, 1269, 1241,
+ 1270, 1245, 1271, 1245, 1272, 1249,
+ 1273, 1249, 1274, 1253, // NOLINT
+ 1275, 1253, 1276, 1257, 1277, 1257,
+ 1278, 1261, 1279, 1261, 1280, 1265,
+ 1281, 1265, 1282, 1269, // NOLINT
+ 1283, 1269, 1284, 1273, 1285, 1273,
+ 1286, 1277, 1287, 1277, 1288, 1281,
+ 1289, 1281, 1290, 1285, // NOLINT
+ 1291, 1285, 1292, 1289, 1293, 1289,
+ 1294, 1293, 1295, 1293, 1296, 1297,
+ 1297, 1297, 1298, 1301, // NOLINT
+ 1299, 1301, 1300, 1305, 1301, 1305,
+ 1302, 1309, 1303, 1309, 1304, 1313,
+ 1305, 1313, 1306, 1317, // NOLINT
+ 1307, 1317, 1308, 1321, 1309, 1321,
+ 1310, 1325, 1311, 1325, 1312, 1329,
+ 1313, 1329, 1314, 1333, // NOLINT
+ 1315, 1333, 1316, 1337, 1317, 1337,
+ 1318, 1341, 1319, 1341, 1320, 1345,
+ 1321, 1345, 1322, 1349, // NOLINT
+ 1323, 1349, 1324, 1353, 1325, 1353,
+ 1326, 1357, 1327, 1357, 1073743153, 1361,
+ 1366, 1365, 1073743201, 1361, // NOLINT
+ 1414, 1365, 1073746080, 1369, 4293, 1373,
+ 4295, 1377, 4301, 1381, 7545, 1385,
+ 7549, 1389, 7680, 1393, // NOLINT
+ 7681, 1393, 7682, 1397, 7683, 1397,
+ 7684, 1401, 7685, 1401, 7686, 1405,
+ 7687, 1405, 7688, 1409, // NOLINT
+ 7689, 1409, 7690, 1413, 7691, 1413,
+ 7692, 1417, 7693, 1417, 7694, 1421,
+ 7695, 1421, 7696, 1425, // NOLINT
+ 7697, 1425, 7698, 1429, 7699, 1429,
+ 7700, 1433, 7701, 1433, 7702, 1437,
+ 7703, 1437, 7704, 1441, // NOLINT
+ 7705, 1441, 7706, 1445, 7707, 1445,
+ 7708, 1449, 7709, 1449, 7710, 1453,
+ 7711, 1453, 7712, 1457, // NOLINT
+ 7713, 1457, 7714, 1461, 7715, 1461,
+ 7716, 1465, 7717, 1465, 7718, 1469,
+ 7719, 1469, 7720, 1473, // NOLINT
+ 7721, 1473, 7722, 1477, 7723, 1477,
+ 7724, 1481, 7725, 1481, 7726, 1485,
+ 7727, 1485, 7728, 1489, // NOLINT
+ 7729, 1489, 7730, 1493, 7731, 1493,
+ 7732, 1497, 7733, 1497, 7734, 1501,
+ 7735, 1501, 7736, 1505, // NOLINT
+ 7737, 1505, 7738, 1509, 7739, 1509,
+ 7740, 1513, 7741, 1513, 7742, 1517,
+ 7743, 1517, 7744, 1521, // NOLINT
+ 7745, 1521, 7746, 1525, 7747, 1525,
+ 7748, 1529, 7749, 1529, 7750, 1533,
+ 7751, 1533, 7752, 1537, // NOLINT
+ 7753, 1537, 7754, 1541, 7755, 1541,
+ 7756, 1545, 7757, 1545, 7758, 1549,
+ 7759, 1549, 7760, 1553, // NOLINT
+ 7761, 1553, 7762, 1557, 7763, 1557,
+ 7764, 1561, 7765, 1561, 7766, 1565,
+ 7767, 1565, 7768, 1569, // NOLINT
+ 7769, 1569, 7770, 1573, 7771, 1573,
+ 7772, 1577, 7773, 1577, 7774, 1581,
+ 7775, 1581, 7776, 1585, // NOLINT
+ 7777, 1585, 7778, 1589, 7779, 1589,
+ 7780, 1593, 7781, 1593, 7782, 1597,
+ 7783, 1597, 7784, 1601, // NOLINT
+ 7785, 1601, 7786, 1605, 7787, 1605,
+ 7788, 1609, 7789, 1609, 7790, 1613,
+ 7791, 1613, 7792, 1617, // NOLINT
+ 7793, 1617, 7794, 1621, 7795, 1621,
+ 7796, 1625, 7797, 1625, 7798, 1629,
+ 7799, 1629, 7800, 1633, // NOLINT
+ 7801, 1633, 7802, 1637, 7803, 1637,
+ 7804, 1641, 7805, 1641, 7806, 1645,
+ 7807, 1645, 7808, 1649, // NOLINT
+ 7809, 1649, 7810, 1653, 7811, 1653,
+ 7812, 1657, 7813, 1657, 7814, 1661,
+ 7815, 1661, 7816, 1665, // NOLINT
+ 7817, 1665, 7818, 1669, 7819, 1669,
+ 7820, 1673, 7821, 1673, 7822, 1677,
+ 7823, 1677, 7824, 1681, // NOLINT
+ 7825, 1681, 7826, 1685, 7827, 1685,
+ 7828, 1689, 7829, 1689, 7835, 1585,
+ 7840, 1693, 7841, 1693, // NOLINT
+ 7842, 1697, 7843, 1697, 7844, 1701,
+ 7845, 1701, 7846, 1705, 7847, 1705,
+ 7848, 1709, 7849, 1709, // NOLINT
+ 7850, 1713, 7851, 1713, 7852, 1717,
+ 7853, 1717, 7854, 1721, 7855, 1721,
+ 7856, 1725, 7857, 1725, // NOLINT
+ 7858, 1729, 7859, 1729, 7860, 1733,
+ 7861, 1733, 7862, 1737, 7863, 1737,
+ 7864, 1741, 7865, 1741, // NOLINT
+ 7866, 1745, 7867, 1745, 7868, 1749,
+ 7869, 1749, 7870, 1753, 7871, 1753,
+ 7872, 1757, 7873, 1757, // NOLINT
+ 7874, 1761, 7875, 1761, 7876, 1765,
+ 7877, 1765, 7878, 1769, 7879, 1769,
+ 7880, 1773, 7881, 1773, // NOLINT
+ 7882, 1777, 7883, 1777, 7884, 1781,
+ 7885, 1781, 7886, 1785, 7887, 1785,
+ 7888, 1789, 7889, 1789, // NOLINT
+ 7890, 1793, 7891, 1793, 7892, 1797,
+ 7893, 1797, 7894, 1801, 7895, 1801,
+ 7896, 1805, 7897, 1805, // NOLINT
+ 7898, 1809, 7899, 1809, 7900, 1813,
+ 7901, 1813, 7902, 1817, 7903, 1817,
+ 7904, 1821, 7905, 1821, // NOLINT
+ 7906, 1825, 7907, 1825, 7908, 1829,
+ 7909, 1829, 7910, 1833, 7911, 1833,
+ 7912, 1837, 7913, 1837, // NOLINT
+ 7914, 1841, 7915, 1841, 7916, 1845,
+ 7917, 1845, 7918, 1849, 7919, 1849,
+ 7920, 1853, 7921, 1853, // NOLINT
+ 7922, 1857, 7923, 1857, 7924, 1861,
+ 7925, 1861, 7926, 1865, 7927, 1865,
+ 7928, 1869, 7929, 1869, // NOLINT
+ 7930, 1873, 7931, 1873, 7932, 1877,
+ 7933, 1877, 7934, 1881, 7935, 1881,
+ 1073749760, 1885, 7943, 1889, // NOLINT
+ 1073749768, 1885, 7951, 1889, 1073749776, 1893,
+ 7957, 1897, 1073749784, 1893, 7965, 1897,
+ 1073749792, 1901, 7975, 1905, // NOLINT
+ 1073749800, 1901, 7983, 1905, 1073749808, 1909,
+ 7991, 1913, 1073749816, 1909, 7999, 1913,
+ 1073749824, 1917, 8005, 1921, // NOLINT
+ 1073749832, 1917, 8013, 1921, 8017, 1925,
+ 8019, 1929, 8021, 1933, 8023, 1937,
+ 8025, 1925, 8027, 1929, // NOLINT
+ 8029, 1933, 8031, 1937, 1073749856, 1941,
+ 8039, 1945, 1073749864, 1941, 8047, 1945,
+ 1073749872, 1949, 8049, 1953, // NOLINT
+ 1073749874, 1957, 8053, 1961, 1073749878, 1965,
+ 8055, 1969, 1073749880, 1973, 8057, 1977,
+ 1073749882, 1981, 8059, 1985, // NOLINT
+ 1073749884, 1989, 8061, 1993, 1073749936, 1997,
+ 8113, 2001, 1073749944, 1997, 8121, 2001,
+ 1073749946, 1949, 8123, 1953, // NOLINT
+ 8126, 749, 1073749960, 1957, 8139, 1961,
+ 1073749968, 2005, 8145, 2009, 1073749976, 2005,
+ 8153, 2009, 1073749978, 1965, // NOLINT
+ 8155, 1969, 1073749984, 2013, 8161, 2017,
+ 8165, 2021, 1073749992, 2013, 8169, 2017,
+ 1073749994, 1981, 8171, 1985, // NOLINT
+ 8172, 2021, 1073750008, 1973, 8185, 1977,
+ 1073750010, 1989, 8187, 1993}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<2>
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings1[83] = { // NOLINT
+ {{8498, 8526}}, {{8544, 8560}}, {{8559, 8575}},
+ {{8579, 8580}}, // NOLINT
+ {{9398, 9424}}, {{9423, 9449}}, {{11264, 11312}},
+ {{11310, 11358}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11360, 11361}}, {{619, 11362}}, {{7549, 11363}},
+ {{637, 11364}}, // NOLINT
+ {{570, 11365}}, {{574, 11366}}, {{11367, 11368}},
+ {{11369, 11370}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11371, 11372}}, {{593, 11373}}, {{625, 11374}},
+ {{592, 11375}}, // NOLINT
+ {{594, 11376}}, {{11378, 11379}}, {{11381, 11382}},
+ {{575, 11390}}, // NOLINT
+ {{576, 11391}}, {{11392, 11393}}, {{11394, 11395}},
+ {{11396, 11397}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11398, 11399}}, {{11400, 11401}}, {{11402, 11403}},
+ {{11404, 11405}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11406, 11407}}, {{11408, 11409}}, {{11410, 11411}},
+ {{11412, 11413}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11414, 11415}}, {{11416, 11417}}, {{11418, 11419}},
+ {{11420, 11421}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11422, 11423}}, {{11424, 11425}}, {{11426, 11427}},
+ {{11428, 11429}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11430, 11431}}, {{11432, 11433}}, {{11434, 11435}},
+ {{11436, 11437}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11438, 11439}}, {{11440, 11441}}, {{11442, 11443}},
+ {{11444, 11445}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11446, 11447}}, {{11448, 11449}}, {{11450, 11451}},
+ {{11452, 11453}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11454, 11455}}, {{11456, 11457}}, {{11458, 11459}},
+ {{11460, 11461}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11462, 11463}}, {{11464, 11465}}, {{11466, 11467}},
+ {{11468, 11469}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11470, 11471}}, {{11472, 11473}}, {{11474, 11475}},
+ {{11476, 11477}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11478, 11479}}, {{11480, 11481}}, {{11482, 11483}},
+ {{11484, 11485}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11486, 11487}}, {{11488, 11489}}, {{11490, 11491}},
+ {{11499, 11500}}, // NOLINT
+ {{11501, 11502}}, {{11506, 11507}}, {{4256, 11520}},
+ {{4293, 11557}}, // NOLINT
+ {{4295, 11559}}, {{4301, 11565}}, {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable1Size = 149; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable1[298] = {
+ 306, 1, 334, 1, 1073742176, 5, 367, 9,
+ 1073742192, 5, 383, 9, 387, 13, 388, 13, // NOLINT
+ 1073743030, 17, 1231, 21, 1073743056, 17, 1257, 21,
+ 1073744896, 25, 3118, 29, 1073744944, 25, 3166, 29, // NOLINT
+ 3168, 33, 3169, 33, 3170, 37, 3171, 41,
+ 3172, 45, 3173, 49, 3174, 53, 3175, 57, // NOLINT
+ 3176, 57, 3177, 61, 3178, 61, 3179, 65,
+ 3180, 65, 3181, 69, 3182, 73, 3183, 77, // NOLINT
+ 3184, 81, 3186, 85, 3187, 85, 3189, 89,
+ 3190, 89, 1073745022, 93, 3199, 97, 3200, 101, // NOLINT
+ 3201, 101, 3202, 105, 3203, 105, 3204, 109,
+ 3205, 109, 3206, 113, 3207, 113, 3208, 117, // NOLINT
+ 3209, 117, 3210, 121, 3211, 121, 3212, 125,
+ 3213, 125, 3214, 129, 3215, 129, 3216, 133, // NOLINT
+ 3217, 133, 3218, 137, 3219, 137, 3220, 141,
+ 3221, 141, 3222, 145, 3223, 145, 3224, 149, // NOLINT
+ 3225, 149, 3226, 153, 3227, 153, 3228, 157,
+ 3229, 157, 3230, 161, 3231, 161, 3232, 165, // NOLINT
+ 3233, 165, 3234, 169, 3235, 169, 3236, 173,
+ 3237, 173, 3238, 177, 3239, 177, 3240, 181, // NOLINT
+ 3241, 181, 3242, 185, 3243, 185, 3244, 189,
+ 3245, 189, 3246, 193, 3247, 193, 3248, 197, // NOLINT
+ 3249, 197, 3250, 201, 3251, 201, 3252, 205,
+ 3253, 205, 3254, 209, 3255, 209, 3256, 213, // NOLINT
+ 3257, 213, 3258, 217, 3259, 217, 3260, 221,
+ 3261, 221, 3262, 225, 3263, 225, 3264, 229, // NOLINT
+ 3265, 229, 3266, 233, 3267, 233, 3268, 237,
+ 3269, 237, 3270, 241, 3271, 241, 3272, 245, // NOLINT
+ 3273, 245, 3274, 249, 3275, 249, 3276, 253,
+ 3277, 253, 3278, 257, 3279, 257, 3280, 261, // NOLINT
+ 3281, 261, 3282, 265, 3283, 265, 3284, 269,
+ 3285, 269, 3286, 273, 3287, 273, 3288, 277, // NOLINT
+ 3289, 277, 3290, 281, 3291, 281, 3292, 285,
+ 3293, 285, 3294, 289, 3295, 289, 3296, 293, // NOLINT
+ 3297, 293, 3298, 297, 3299, 297, 3307, 301,
+ 3308, 301, 3309, 305, 3310, 305, 3314, 309, // NOLINT
+ 3315, 309, 1073745152, 313, 3365, 317, 3367, 321,
+ 3373, 325}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<2>
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings5[104] = { // NOLINT
+ {{42560, 42561}}, {{42562, 42563}},
+ {{42564, 42565}}, {{42566, 42567}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42568, 42569}}, {{42570, 42571}},
+ {{42572, 42573}}, {{42574, 42575}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42576, 42577}}, {{42578, 42579}},
+ {{42580, 42581}}, {{42582, 42583}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42584, 42585}}, {{42586, 42587}},
+ {{42588, 42589}}, {{42590, 42591}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42592, 42593}}, {{42594, 42595}},
+ {{42596, 42597}}, {{42598, 42599}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42600, 42601}}, {{42602, 42603}},
+ {{42604, 42605}}, {{42624, 42625}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42626, 42627}}, {{42628, 42629}},
+ {{42630, 42631}}, {{42632, 42633}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42634, 42635}}, {{42636, 42637}},
+ {{42638, 42639}}, {{42640, 42641}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42642, 42643}}, {{42644, 42645}},
+ {{42646, 42647}}, {{42648, 42649}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42650, 42651}}, {{42786, 42787}},
+ {{42788, 42789}}, {{42790, 42791}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42792, 42793}}, {{42794, 42795}},
+ {{42796, 42797}}, {{42798, 42799}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42802, 42803}}, {{42804, 42805}},
+ {{42806, 42807}}, {{42808, 42809}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42810, 42811}}, {{42812, 42813}},
+ {{42814, 42815}}, {{42816, 42817}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42818, 42819}}, {{42820, 42821}},
+ {{42822, 42823}}, {{42824, 42825}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42826, 42827}}, {{42828, 42829}},
+ {{42830, 42831}}, {{42832, 42833}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42834, 42835}}, {{42836, 42837}},
+ {{42838, 42839}}, {{42840, 42841}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42842, 42843}}, {{42844, 42845}},
+ {{42846, 42847}}, {{42848, 42849}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42850, 42851}}, {{42852, 42853}},
+ {{42854, 42855}}, {{42856, 42857}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42858, 42859}}, {{42860, 42861}},
+ {{42862, 42863}}, {{42873, 42874}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42875, 42876}}, {{7545, 42877}},
+ {{42878, 42879}}, {{42880, 42881}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42882, 42883}}, {{42884, 42885}},
+ {{42886, 42887}}, {{42891, 42892}}, // NOLINT
+ {{613, 42893}}, {{42896, 42897}},
+ {{42898, 42899}}, {{42902, 42903}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42904, 42905}}, {{42906, 42907}},
+ {{42908, 42909}}, {{42910, 42911}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42912, 42913}}, {{42914, 42915}},
+ {{42916, 42917}}, {{42918, 42919}}, // NOLINT
+ {{42920, 42921}}, {{614, 42922}},
+ {{604, 42923}}, {{609, 42924}}, // NOLINT
+ {{620, 42925}}, {{670, 42928}},
+ {{647, 42929}}, {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable5Size = 198; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable5[396] =
+ {1600, 1, 1601, 1, 1602, 5, 1603, 5,
+ 1604, 9, 1605, 9, 1606, 13, 1607, 13, // NOLINT
+ 1608, 17, 1609, 17, 1610, 21, 1611, 21,
+ 1612, 25, 1613, 25, 1614, 29, 1615, 29, // NOLINT
+ 1616, 33, 1617, 33, 1618, 37, 1619, 37,
+ 1620, 41, 1621, 41, 1622, 45, 1623, 45, // NOLINT
+ 1624, 49, 1625, 49, 1626, 53, 1627, 53,
+ 1628, 57, 1629, 57, 1630, 61, 1631, 61, // NOLINT
+ 1632, 65, 1633, 65, 1634, 69, 1635, 69,
+ 1636, 73, 1637, 73, 1638, 77, 1639, 77, // NOLINT
+ 1640, 81, 1641, 81, 1642, 85, 1643, 85,
+ 1644, 89, 1645, 89, 1664, 93, 1665, 93, // NOLINT
+ 1666, 97, 1667, 97, 1668, 101, 1669, 101,
+ 1670, 105, 1671, 105, 1672, 109, 1673, 109, // NOLINT
+ 1674, 113, 1675, 113, 1676, 117, 1677, 117,
+ 1678, 121, 1679, 121, 1680, 125, 1681, 125, // NOLINT
+ 1682, 129, 1683, 129, 1684, 133, 1685, 133,
+ 1686, 137, 1687, 137, 1688, 141, 1689, 141, // NOLINT
+ 1690, 145, 1691, 145, 1826, 149, 1827, 149,
+ 1828, 153, 1829, 153, 1830, 157, 1831, 157, // NOLINT
+ 1832, 161, 1833, 161, 1834, 165, 1835, 165,
+ 1836, 169, 1837, 169, 1838, 173, 1839, 173, // NOLINT
+ 1842, 177, 1843, 177, 1844, 181, 1845, 181,
+ 1846, 185, 1847, 185, 1848, 189, 1849, 189, // NOLINT
+ 1850, 193, 1851, 193, 1852, 197, 1853, 197,
+ 1854, 201, 1855, 201, 1856, 205, 1857, 205, // NOLINT
+ 1858, 209, 1859, 209, 1860, 213, 1861, 213,
+ 1862, 217, 1863, 217, 1864, 221, 1865, 221, // NOLINT
+ 1866, 225, 1867, 225, 1868, 229, 1869, 229,
+ 1870, 233, 1871, 233, 1872, 237, 1873, 237, // NOLINT
+ 1874, 241, 1875, 241, 1876, 245, 1877, 245,
+ 1878, 249, 1879, 249, 1880, 253, 1881, 253, // NOLINT
+ 1882, 257, 1883, 257, 1884, 261, 1885, 261,
+ 1886, 265, 1887, 265, 1888, 269, 1889, 269, // NOLINT
+ 1890, 273, 1891, 273, 1892, 277, 1893, 277,
+ 1894, 281, 1895, 281, 1896, 285, 1897, 285, // NOLINT
+ 1898, 289, 1899, 289, 1900, 293, 1901, 293,
+ 1902, 297, 1903, 297, 1913, 301, 1914, 301, // NOLINT
+ 1915, 305, 1916, 305, 1917, 309, 1918, 313,
+ 1919, 313, 1920, 317, 1921, 317, 1922, 321, // NOLINT
+ 1923, 321, 1924, 325, 1925, 325, 1926, 329,
+ 1927, 329, 1931, 333, 1932, 333, 1933, 337, // NOLINT
+ 1936, 341, 1937, 341, 1938, 345, 1939, 345,
+ 1942, 349, 1943, 349, 1944, 353, 1945, 353, // NOLINT
+ 1946, 357, 1947, 357, 1948, 361, 1949, 361,
+ 1950, 365, 1951, 365, 1952, 369, 1953, 369, // NOLINT
+ 1954, 373, 1955, 373, 1956, 377, 1957, 377,
+ 1958, 381, 1959, 381, 1960, 385, 1961, 385, // NOLINT
+ 1962, 389, 1963, 393, 1964, 397, 1965, 401,
+ 1968, 405, 1969, 409}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<2>
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings7[3] = { // NOLINT
+ {{65313, 65345}},
+ {{65338, 65370}},
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable7Size = 4; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable7[8] = {
+ 1073749793, 1, 7994, 5, 1073749825, 1, 8026, 5}; // NOLINT
+int Ecma262UnCanonicalize::Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result,
+ bool* allow_caching_ptr) {
+ int chunk_index = c >> 13;
+ switch (chunk_index) {
+ case 0:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable0, kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable0Size,
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings0, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 1:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable1, kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable1Size,
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings1, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 5:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable5, kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable5Size,
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings5, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 7:
+ return LookupMapping<true>(
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable7, kEcma262UnCanonicalizeTable7Size,
+ kEcma262UnCanonicalizeMultiStrings7, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1>
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings0[1] = { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable0Size = 70; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable0[140] = {
+ 1073741889, 100, 90, 0, 1073741921, 100, 122, 0,
+ 1073742016, 88, 214, 0, 1073742040, 24, 222, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073742048, 88, 246, 0, 1073742072, 24, 254, 0,
+ 1073742715, 8, 893, 0, 1073742728, 8, 906, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073742749, 8, 927, 0, 1073742759, 16, 939, 0,
+ 1073742765, 8, 943, 0, 1073742781, 8, 959, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073742791, 16, 971, 0, 1073742845, 8, 1023, 0,
+ 1073742848, 60, 1039, 0, 1073742864, 124, 1071, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073742896, 124, 1103, 0, 1073742928, 60, 1119, 0,
+ 1073743153, 148, 1366, 0, 1073743201, 148, 1414, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073746080, 148, 4293, 0, 1073749760, 28, 7943, 0,
+ 1073749768, 28, 7951, 0, 1073749776, 20, 7957, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073749784, 20, 7965, 0, 1073749792, 28, 7975, 0,
+ 1073749800, 28, 7983, 0, 1073749808, 28, 7991, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073749816, 28, 7999, 0, 1073749824, 20, 8005, 0,
+ 1073749832, 20, 8013, 0, 1073749856, 28, 8039, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073749864, 28, 8047, 0, 1073749874, 12, 8053, 0,
+ 1073749960, 12, 8139, 0}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1>
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings1[1] = { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable1Size = 14; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable1[28] = {
+ 1073742176, 60, 367, 0, 1073742192, 60, 383, 0,
+ 1073743030, 100, 1231, 0, 1073743056, 100, 1257, 0, // NOLINT
+ 1073744896, 184, 3118, 0, 1073744944, 184, 3166, 0,
+ 1073745152, 148, 3365, 0}; // NOLINT
+static const MultiCharacterSpecialCase<1>
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings7[1] = { // NOLINT
+ {{kSentinel}}}; // NOLINT
+static const uint16_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable7Size = 4; // NOLINT
+static const int32_t kCanonicalizationRangeTable7[8] = {
+ 1073749793, 100, 7994, 0, 1073749825, 100, 8026, 0}; // NOLINT
+int CanonicalizationRange::Convert(uchar c, uchar n, uchar* result,
+ bool* allow_caching_ptr) {
+ int chunk_index = c >> 13;
+ switch (chunk_index) {
+ case 0:
+ return LookupMapping<false>(
+ kCanonicalizationRangeTable0, kCanonicalizationRangeTable0Size,
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings0, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 1:
+ return LookupMapping<false>(
+ kCanonicalizationRangeTable1, kCanonicalizationRangeTable1Size,
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings1, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ case 7:
+ return LookupMapping<false>(
+ kCanonicalizationRangeTable7, kCanonicalizationRangeTable7Size,
+ kCanonicalizationRangeMultiStrings7, c, n, result, allow_caching_ptr);
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+#endif // !V8_INTL_SUPPORT
+} // namespace unibrow
+} // namespace v8
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/util/VectorShim.h b/js/src/irregexp/util/VectorShim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b13107b618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/util/VectorShim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef V8_UTIL_VECTOR_H_
+#define V8_UTIL_VECTOR_H_
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include "js/AllocPolicy.h"
+#include "js/Utility.h"
+#include "js/Vector.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// Adapted from:
+template <typename T>
+T* NewArray(size_t size) {
+ static_assert(std::is_pod<T>::value, "");
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ T* result = static_cast<T*>(js_malloc(size * sizeof(T)));
+ if (!result) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp NewArray");
+ }
+ return result;
+template <typename T>
+void DeleteArray(T* array) {
+ js_free(array);
+// A non-resizable vector containing a pointer and a length.
+// The Vector may or may not own the pointer, depending on context.
+// Origin:
+template <typename T>
+class Vector {
+ public:
+ constexpr Vector() : start_(nullptr), length_(0) {}
+ constexpr Vector(T* data, size_t length) : start_(data), length_(length) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(length != 0, data != nullptr);
+ }
+ static Vector<T> New(size_t length) {
+ return Vector<T>(NewArray<T>(length), length);
+ }
+ // Returns a vector using the same backing storage as this one,
+ // spanning from and including 'from', to but not including 'to'.
+ Vector<T> SubVector(size_t from, size_t to) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(from <= to);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(to <= length_);
+ return Vector<T>(begin() + from, to - from);
+ }
+ // Returns the length of the vector. Only use this if you really need an
+ // integer return value. Use {size()} otherwise.
+ int length() const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(length_ <= static_cast<size_t>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()));
+ return static_cast<int>(length_);
+ }
+ // Returns the length of the vector as a size_t.
+ constexpr size_t size() const { return length_; }
+ // Returns whether or not the vector is empty.
+ constexpr bool empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
+ // Access individual vector elements - checks bounds in debug mode.
+ T& operator[](size_t index) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(index < length_);
+ return start_[index];
+ }
+ const T& at(size_t index) const { return operator[](index); }
+ T& first() { return start_[0]; }
+ T& last() {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(length_ > 0);
+ return start_[length_ - 1];
+ }
+ // Returns a pointer to the start of the data in the vector.
+ constexpr T* begin() const { return start_; }
+ // Returns a pointer past the end of the data in the vector.
+ constexpr T* end() const { return start_ + length_; }
+ // Returns a clone of this vector with a new backing store.
+ Vector<T> Clone() const {
+ T* result = NewArray<T>(length_);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length_; i++) result[i] = start_[i];
+ return Vector<T>(result, length_);
+ }
+ void Truncate(size_t length) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(length <= length_);
+ length_ = length;
+ }
+ // Releases the array underlying this vector. Once disposed the
+ // vector is empty.
+ void Dispose() {
+ DeleteArray(start_);
+ start_ = nullptr;
+ length_ = 0;
+ }
+ Vector<T> operator+(size_t offset) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(offset <= length_);
+ return Vector<T>(start_ + offset, length_ - offset);
+ }
+ Vector<T> operator+=(size_t offset) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(offset <= length_);
+ start_ += offset;
+ length_ -= offset;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ // Implicit conversion from Vector<T> to Vector<const T>.
+ inline operator Vector<const T>() const {
+ return Vector<const T>::cast(*this);
+ }
+ template <typename S>
+ static constexpr Vector<T> cast(Vector<S> input) {
+ return Vector<T>(reinterpret_cast<T*>(input.begin()),
+ input.length() * sizeof(S) / sizeof(T));
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Vector<const T> other) const {
+ if (length_ != other.length_) return false;
+ if (start_ == other.start_) return true;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < length_; ++i) {
+ if (start_[i] != other.start_[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ T* start_;
+ size_t length_;
+// The resulting vector does not contain a null-termination byte. If you want
+// the null byte, use ArrayVector("foo").
+inline Vector<const char> CStrVector(const char* data) {
+ return Vector<const char>(data, strlen(data));
+} // namespace internal
+namespace base {
+// SmallVector uses inline storage first, and reallocates when full.
+// It is basically equivalent to js::Vector, and is implemented
+// as a thin wrapper.
+// V8's implementation:
+template <typename T, size_t kSize>
+class SmallVector {
+ public:
+ SmallVector() = default;
+ SmallVector(size_t size) { resize_no_init(size); }
+ inline bool empty() const { return inner_.empty(); }
+ inline const T& back() const { return inner_.back(); }
+ inline void pop_back() { inner_.popBack(); };
+ template <typename... Args>
+ inline void emplace_back(Args&&... args) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!inner_.emplaceBack(args...)) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp SmallVector emplace_back");
+ }
+ };
+ inline size_t size() const { return inner_.length(); }
+ inline const T& at(size_t index) const { return inner_[index]; }
+ T* data() { return inner_.begin(); }
+ T& operator[](size_t index) { return inner_[index]; }
+ const T& operator[](size_t index) const { return inner_[index]; }
+ void resize_no_init(size_t new_size) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ if (!inner_.resizeUninitialized(new_size)) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp SmallVector resize");
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ js::Vector<T, kSize, js::SystemAllocPolicy> inner_;
+} // namespace base
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_UTIL_VECTOR_H_
diff --git a/js/src/irregexp/util/ZoneShim.h b/js/src/irregexp/util/ZoneShim.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ce7112598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/irregexp/util/ZoneShim.h
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+// Copyright 2019 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#ifndef V8_UTIL_ZONE_H_
+#define V8_UTIL_ZONE_H_
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "ds/LifoAlloc.h"
+#include "ds/Sort.h"
+#include "irregexp/util/VectorShim.h"
+namespace v8 {
+namespace internal {
+// V8::Zone ~= LifoAlloc
+class Zone {
+ public:
+ Zone(js::LifoAlloc& alloc) : lifoAlloc_(alloc) {}
+ void* New(size_t size) {
+ js::LifoAlloc::AutoFallibleScope fallible(&lifoAlloc_);
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ void* result = lifoAlloc_.alloc(size);
+ if (!result) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp Zone::new");
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ void DeleteAll() { lifoAlloc_.freeAll(); }
+ // Returns true if the total memory allocated exceeds a threshold.
+ static const size_t kExcessLimit = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
+ bool excess_allocation() const {
+ return lifoAlloc_.computedSizeOfExcludingThis() > kExcessLimit;
+ }
+ private:
+ js::LifoAlloc& lifoAlloc_;
+// Superclass for classes allocated in a Zone.
+// Origin:
+class ZoneObject {
+ public:
+ // Allocate a new ZoneObject of 'size' bytes in the Zone.
+ void* operator new(size_t size, Zone* zone) { return zone->New(size); }
+ // Ideally, the delete operator should be private instead of
+ // public, but unfortunately the compiler sometimes synthesizes
+ // (unused) destructors for classes derived from ZoneObject, which
+ // require the operator to be visible. MSVC requires the delete
+ // operator to be public.
+ // ZoneObjects should never be deleted individually; use
+ // Zone::DeleteAll() to delete all zone objects in one go.
+ void operator delete(void*, size_t) { MOZ_CRASH("unreachable"); }
+ void operator delete(void* pointer, Zone* zone) { MOZ_CRASH("unreachable"); }
+// ZoneLists are growable lists with constant-time access to the
+// elements. The list itself and all its elements are allocated in the
+// Zone. ZoneLists cannot be deleted individually; you can delete all
+// objects in the Zone by calling Zone::DeleteAll().
+// Used throughout irregexp.
+// Origin:
+// Inlines:
+template <typename T>
+class ZoneList final {
+ public:
+ // Construct a new ZoneList with the given capacity; the length is
+ // always zero. The capacity must be non-negative.
+ ZoneList(int capacity, Zone* zone) { Initialize(capacity, zone); }
+ // Construct a new ZoneList from a std::initializer_list
+ ZoneList(std::initializer_list<T> list, Zone* zone) {
+ Initialize(static_cast<int>(list.size()), zone);
+ for (auto& i : list) Add(i, zone);
+ }
+ // Construct a new ZoneList by copying the elements of the given ZoneList.
+ ZoneList(const ZoneList<T>& other, Zone* zone) {
+ Initialize(other.length(), zone);
+ AddAll(other, zone);
+ }
+ void* operator new(size_t size, Zone* zone) { return zone->New(size); }
+ // Returns a reference to the element at index i. This reference is not safe
+ // to use after operations that can change the list's backing store
+ // (e.g. Add).
+ inline T& operator[](int i) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(i >= 0);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(i) < static_cast<unsigned>(length_));
+ return data_[i];
+ }
+ inline T& at(int i) const { return operator[](i); }
+ inline T& last() const { return at(length_ - 1); }
+ inline T& first() const { return at(0); }
+ using iterator = T*;
+ inline iterator begin() const { return &data_[0]; }
+ inline iterator end() const { return &data_[length_]; }
+ inline bool is_empty() const { return length_ == 0; }
+ inline int length() const { return length_; }
+ inline int capacity() const { return capacity_; }
+ Vector<T> ToVector() const { return Vector<T>(data_, length_); }
+ Vector<T> ToVector(int start, int length) const {
+ return Vector<T>(data_ + start, std::min(length_ - start, length));
+ }
+ Vector<const T> ToConstVector() const {
+ return Vector<const T>(data_, length_);
+ }
+ inline void Initialize(int capacity, Zone* zone) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(capacity >= 0);
+ data_ = (capacity > 0) ? NewData(capacity, zone) : nullptr;
+ capacity_ = capacity;
+ length_ = 0;
+ }
+ // Adds a copy of the given 'element' to the end of the list,
+ // expanding the list if necessary.
+ void Add(const T& element, Zone* zone) {
+ if (length_ < capacity_) {
+ data_[length_++] = element;
+ } else {
+ ZoneList<T>::ResizeAdd(element, zone);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add all the elements from the argument list to this list.
+ void AddAll(const ZoneList<T>& other, Zone* zone) {
+ AddAll(other.ToVector(), zone);
+ }
+ // Add all the elements from the vector to this list.
+ void AddAll(const Vector<T>& other, Zone* zone) {
+ int result_length = length_ + other.length();
+ if (capacity_ < result_length) {
+ Resize(result_length, zone);
+ }
+ if (std::is_fundamental<T>()) {
+ memcpy(data_ + length_, other.begin(), sizeof(*data_) * other.length());
+ } else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < other.length(); i++) {
+ data_[length_ + i] =;
+ }
+ }
+ length_ = result_length;
+ }
+ // Overwrites the element at the specific index.
+ void Set(int index, const T& element) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index <= length_);
+ data_[index] = element;
+ }
+ // Removes the i'th element without deleting it even if T is a
+ // pointer type; moves all elements above i "down". Returns the
+ // removed element. This function's complexity is linear in the
+ // size of the list.
+ T Remove(int i) {
+ T element = at(i);
+ length_--;
+ while (i < length_) {
+ data_[i] = data_[i + 1];
+ i++;
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ // Removes the last element without deleting it even if T is a
+ // pointer type. Returns the removed element.
+ inline T RemoveLast() { return Remove(length_ - 1); }
+ // Clears the list by freeing the storage memory. If you want to keep the
+ // memory, use Rewind(0) instead. Be aware, that even if T is a
+ // pointer type, clearing the list doesn't delete the entries.
+ inline void Clear() {
+ data_ = nullptr;
+ capacity_ = 0;
+ length_ = 0;
+ }
+ // Drops all but the first 'pos' elements from the list.
+ inline void Rewind(int pos) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(0 <= pos && pos <= length_);
+ length_ = pos;
+ }
+ inline bool Contains(const T& elm) const {
+ for (int i = 0; i < length_; i++) {
+ if (data_[i] == elm) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template <typename CompareFunction>
+ void StableSort(CompareFunction cmp, size_t start, size_t length) {
+ js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe;
+ T* scratch = static_cast<T*>(js_malloc(length * sizeof(T)));
+ if (!scratch) {
+ oomUnsafe.crash("Irregexp stable sort scratch space");
+ }
+ auto comparator = [cmp](const T& a, const T& b, bool* lessOrEqual) {
+ *lessOrEqual = cmp(&a, &b) <= 0;
+ return true;
+ };
+ js::MergeSort(begin() + start, length, scratch, comparator));
+ js_free(scratch);
+ }
+ void operator delete(void* pointer) { MOZ_CRASH("unreachable"); }
+ void operator delete(void* pointer, Zone* zone) { MOZ_CRASH("unreachable"); }
+ private:
+ T* data_;
+ int capacity_;
+ int length_;
+ inline T* NewData(int n, Zone* zone) {
+ return static_cast<T*>(zone->New(n * sizeof(T)));
+ }
+ // Increase the capacity of a full list, and add an element.
+ // List must be full already.
+ void ResizeAdd(const T& element, Zone* zone) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(length_ >= capacity_);
+ // Grow the list capacity by 100%, but make sure to let it grow
+ // even when the capacity is zero (possible initial case).
+ int new_capacity = 1 + 2 * capacity_;
+ // Since the element reference could be an element of the list, copy
+ // it out of the old backing storage before resizing.
+ T temp = element;
+ Resize(new_capacity, zone);
+ data_[length_++] = temp;
+ }
+ // Resize the list.
+ void Resize(int new_capacity, Zone* zone) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(length_ <= new_capacity);
+ T* new_data = NewData(new_capacity, zone);
+ if (length_ > 0) {
+ memcpy(new_data, data_, length_ * sizeof(T));
+ }
+ data_ = new_data;
+ capacity_ = new_capacity;
+ }
+ ZoneList& operator=(const ZoneList&) = delete;
+ ZoneList() = delete;
+ ZoneList(const ZoneList&) = delete;
+// Origin:
+template <typename T>
+class ZoneAllocator {
+ public:
+ using pointer = T*;
+ using const_pointer = const T*;
+ using reference = T&;
+ using const_reference = const T&;
+ using value_type = T;
+ using size_type = size_t;
+ using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
+ template <class O>
+ struct rebind {
+ using other = ZoneAllocator<O>;
+ };
+ explicit ZoneAllocator(Zone* zone) : zone_(zone) {}
+ template <typename U>
+ ZoneAllocator(const ZoneAllocator<U>& other)
+ : ZoneAllocator<T>(other.zone_) {}
+ template <typename U>
+ friend class ZoneAllocator;
+ T* allocate(size_t n) { return static_cast<T*>(zone_->New(n * sizeof(T))); }
+ void deallocate(T* p, size_t) {} // noop for zones
+ bool operator==(ZoneAllocator const& other) const {
+ return zone_ == other.zone_;
+ }
+ bool operator!=(ZoneAllocator const& other) const {
+ return zone_ != other.zone_;
+ }
+ private:
+ Zone* zone_;
+// Zone wrappers for std containers:
+// Origin:
+// A wrapper subclass for std::vector to make it easy to construct one
+// that uses a zone allocator.
+// Used throughout irregexp
+template <typename T>
+class ZoneVector : public std::vector<T, ZoneAllocator<T>> {
+ public:
+ ZoneVector(Zone* zone)
+ : std::vector<T, ZoneAllocator<T>>(ZoneAllocator<T>(zone)) {}
+ // Constructs a new vector and fills it with the contents of the range
+ // [first, last).
+ template <class Iter>
+ ZoneVector(Iter first, Iter last, Zone* zone)
+ : std::vector<T, ZoneAllocator<T>>(first, last, ZoneAllocator<T>(zone)) {}
+// A wrapper subclass for std::list to make it easy to construct one
+// that uses a zone allocator.
+// Used in
+template <typename T>
+class ZoneLinkedList : public std::list<T, ZoneAllocator<T>> {
+ public:
+ // Constructs an empty list.
+ explicit ZoneLinkedList(Zone* zone)
+ : std::list<T, ZoneAllocator<T>>(ZoneAllocator<T>(zone)) {}
+// A wrapper subclass for std::set to make it easy to construct one that uses
+// a zone allocator.
+// Used in
+template <typename K, typename Compare = std::less<K>>
+class ZoneSet : public std::set<K, Compare, ZoneAllocator<K>> {
+ public:
+ // Constructs an empty set.
+ explicit ZoneSet(Zone* zone)
+ : std::set<K, Compare, ZoneAllocator<K>>(Compare(),
+ ZoneAllocator<K>(zone)) {}
+// A wrapper subclass for std::map to make it easy to construct one that uses
+// a zone allocator.
+// Used in
+template <typename K, typename V, typename Compare = std::less<K>>
+class ZoneMap
+ : public std::map<K, V, Compare, ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>> {
+ public:
+ // Constructs an empty map.
+ explicit ZoneMap(Zone* zone)
+ : std::map<K, V, Compare, ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>>(
+ Compare(), ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>(zone)) {}
+// A wrapper subclass for std::unordered_map to make it easy to construct one
+// that uses a zone allocator.
+// Used in
+template <typename K, typename V, typename Hash = std::hash<K>,
+ typename KeyEqual = std::equal_to<K>>
+class ZoneUnorderedMap
+ : public std::unordered_map<K, V, Hash, KeyEqual,
+ ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>> {
+ public:
+ // Constructs an empty map.
+ explicit ZoneUnorderedMap(Zone* zone, size_t bucket_count = 100)
+ : std::unordered_map<K, V, Hash, KeyEqual,
+ ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>>(
+ bucket_count, Hash(), KeyEqual(),
+ ZoneAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>>(zone)) {}
+} // namespace internal
+} // namespace v8
+#endif // V8_UTIL_FLAG_H_