path: root/js/src/jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/src/jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp')
1 files changed, 2897 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/js/src/jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp b/js/src/jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c274341a9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/src/jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2897 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
+ * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "jit/BaselineCacheIRCompiler.h"
+#include "jit/CacheIR.h"
+#include "jit/JitFrames.h"
+#include "jit/JitRuntime.h"
+#include "jit/JitZone.h"
+#include "jit/Linker.h"
+#include "jit/SharedICHelpers.h"
+#include "jit/VMFunctions.h"
+#include "js/experimental/JitInfo.h" // JSJitInfo
+#include "js/friend/DOMProxy.h" // JS::ExpandoAndGeneration
+#include "proxy/DeadObjectProxy.h"
+#include "proxy/Proxy.h"
+#include "util/Unicode.h"
+#include "jit/MacroAssembler-inl.h"
+#include "jit/SharedICHelpers-inl.h"
+#include "jit/VMFunctionList-inl.h"
+#include "vm/JSContext-inl.h"
+#include "vm/Realm-inl.h"
+using namespace js;
+using namespace js::jit;
+using mozilla::Maybe;
+using JS::ExpandoAndGeneration;
+namespace js {
+namespace jit {
+class AutoStubFrame;
+Address CacheRegisterAllocator::addressOf(MacroAssembler& masm,
+ BaselineFrameSlot slot) const {
+ uint32_t offset =
+ stackPushed_ + ICStackValueOffset + slot.slot() * sizeof(JS::Value);
+ return Address(masm.getStackPointer(), offset);
+BaseValueIndex CacheRegisterAllocator::addressOf(MacroAssembler& masm,
+ Register argcReg,
+ BaselineFrameSlot slot) const {
+ uint32_t offset =
+ stackPushed_ + ICStackValueOffset + slot.slot() * sizeof(JS::Value);
+ return BaseValueIndex(masm.getStackPointer(), argcReg, offset);
+// BaselineCacheIRCompiler compiles CacheIR to BaselineIC native code.
+BaselineCacheIRCompiler::BaselineCacheIRCompiler(JSContext* cx,
+ const CacheIRWriter& writer,
+ uint32_t stubDataOffset)
+ : CacheIRCompiler(cx, writer, stubDataOffset, Mode::Baseline,
+ StubFieldPolicy::Address),
+ makesGCCalls_(false) {}
+// AutoStubFrame methods
+AutoStubFrame::AutoStubFrame(BaselineCacheIRCompiler& compiler)
+ : compiler(compiler)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ ,
+ framePushedAtEnterStubFrame_(0)
+void AutoStubFrame::enter(MacroAssembler& masm, Register scratch,
+ CallCanGC canGC) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(compiler.allocator.stackPushed() == 0);
+ EmitBaselineEnterStubFrame(masm, scratch);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ framePushedAtEnterStubFrame_ = masm.framePushed();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!compiler.preparedForVMCall_);
+ compiler.preparedForVMCall_ = true;
+ if (canGC == CallCanGC::CanGC) {
+ compiler.makesGCCalls_ = true;
+ }
+void AutoStubFrame::leave(MacroAssembler& masm, bool calledIntoIon) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(compiler.preparedForVMCall_);
+ compiler.preparedForVMCall_ = false;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ masm.setFramePushed(framePushedAtEnterStubFrame_);
+ if (calledIntoIon) {
+ masm.adjustFrame(sizeof(intptr_t)); // Calls into ion have this extra.
+ }
+ EmitBaselineLeaveStubFrame(masm, calledIntoIon);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+AutoStubFrame::~AutoStubFrame() { MOZ_ASSERT(!compiler.preparedForVMCall_); }
+} // namespace jit
+} // namespace js
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::makesGCCalls() const { return makesGCCalls_; }
+Address BaselineCacheIRCompiler::stubAddress(uint32_t offset) const {
+ return Address(ICStubReg, stubDataOffset_ + offset);
+template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::callVM(MacroAssembler& masm) {
+ VMFunctionId id = VMFunctionToId<Fn, fn>::id;
+ callVMInternal(masm, id);
+template <typename Fn, Fn fn>
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::tailCallVM(MacroAssembler& masm) {
+ TailCallVMFunctionId id = TailCallVMFunctionToId<Fn, fn>::id;
+ tailCallVMInternal(masm, id);
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::tailCallVMInternal(MacroAssembler& masm,
+ TailCallVMFunctionId id) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!preparedForVMCall_);
+ TrampolinePtr code = cx_->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getVMWrapper(id);
+ const VMFunctionData& fun = GetVMFunction(id);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(fun.expectTailCall == TailCall);
+ size_t argSize = fun.explicitStackSlots() * sizeof(void*);
+ EmitBaselineTailCallVM(code, masm, argSize);
+JitCode* BaselineCacheIRCompiler::compile() {
+ // The first value contains the return addres,
+ // which we pull into ICTailCallReg for tail calls.
+ masm.adjustFrame(sizeof(intptr_t));
+ masm.setSecondScratchReg(BaselineSecondScratchReg);
+ // Count stub entries: We count entries rather than successes as it much
+ // easier to ensure ICStubReg is valid at entry than at exit.
+ Address enteredCount(ICStubReg, ICCacheIRStub::offsetOfEnteredCount());
+ masm.add32(Imm32(1), enteredCount);
+ CacheIRReader reader(writer_);
+ do {
+ switch (reader.readOp()) {
+#define DEFINE_OP(op, ...) \
+ case CacheOp::op: \
+ if (!emit##op(reader)) return nullptr; \
+ break;
+#undef DEFINE_OP
+ default:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op");
+ }
+ allocator.nextOp();
+ } while (reader.more());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!preparedForVMCall_);
+ masm.assumeUnreachable("Should have returned from IC");
+ // Done emitting the main IC code. Now emit the failure paths.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < failurePaths.length(); i++) {
+ if (!emitFailurePath(i)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ EmitStubGuardFailure(masm);
+ }
+ Linker linker(masm);
+ Rooted<JitCode*> newStubCode(cx_, linker.newCode(cx_, CodeKind::Baseline));
+ if (!newStubCode) {
+ cx_->recoverFromOutOfMemory();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return newStubCode;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardShape(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t shapeOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ bool needSpectreMitigations = objectGuardNeedsSpectreMitigations(objId);
+ Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> maybeScratch2;
+ if (needSpectreMitigations) {
+ maybeScratch2.emplace(allocator, masm);
+ }
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(shapeOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(addr, scratch1);
+ if (needSpectreMitigations) {
+ masm.branchTestObjShape(Assembler::NotEqual, obj, scratch1, *maybeScratch2,
+ obj, failure->label());
+ } else {
+ masm.branchTestObjShapeNoSpectreMitigations(Assembler::NotEqual, obj,
+ scratch1, failure->label());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardGroup(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t groupOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ bool needSpectreMitigations = objectGuardNeedsSpectreMitigations(objId);
+ Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> maybeScratch2;
+ if (needSpectreMitigations) {
+ maybeScratch2.emplace(allocator, masm);
+ }
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(groupOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(addr, scratch1);
+ if (needSpectreMitigations) {
+ masm.branchTestObjGroup(Assembler::NotEqual, obj, scratch1, *maybeScratch2,
+ obj, failure->label());
+ } else {
+ masm.branchTestObjGroupNoSpectreMitigations(Assembler::NotEqual, obj,
+ scratch1, failure->label());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardProto(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t protoOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(protoOffset));
+ masm.loadObjProto(obj, scratch);
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, addr, scratch, failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardCompartment(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t globalOffset,
+ uint32_t compartmentOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Verify that the global wrapper is still valid, as
+ // it is pre-requisite for doing the compartment check.
+ Address globalWrapper(stubAddress(globalOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(globalWrapper, scratch);
+ Address handlerAddr(scratch, ProxyObject::offsetOfHandler());
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, handlerAddr,
+ ImmPtr(&DeadObjectProxy::singleton), failure->label());
+ Address addr(stubAddress(compartmentOffset));
+ masm.branchTestObjCompartment(Assembler::NotEqual, obj, addr, scratch,
+ failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardAnyClass(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t claspOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address testAddr(stubAddress(claspOffset));
+ if (objectGuardNeedsSpectreMitigations(objId)) {
+ masm.branchTestObjClass(Assembler::NotEqual, obj, testAddr, scratch, obj,
+ failure->label());
+ } else {
+ masm.branchTestObjClassNoSpectreMitigations(
+ Assembler::NotEqual, obj, testAddr, scratch, failure->label());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardHasProxyHandler(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t handlerOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address testAddr(stubAddress(handlerOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(testAddr, scratch);
+ Address handlerAddr(obj, ProxyObject::offsetOfHandler());
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, handlerAddr, scratch, failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardSpecificObject(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t expectedOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(expectedOffset));
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, addr, obj, failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardSpecificFunction(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t expectedOffset, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ return emitGuardSpecificObject(objId, expectedOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardFunctionScript(
+ ObjOperandId funId, uint32_t expectedOffset, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register fun = allocator.useRegister(masm, funId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(expectedOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(fun, JSFunction::offsetOfBaseScript()), scratch);
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, addr, scratch, failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardSpecificAtom(StringOperandId strId,
+ uint32_t expectedOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register str = allocator.useRegister(masm, strId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address atomAddr(stubAddress(expectedOffset));
+ Label done;
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, atomAddr, str, &done);
+ // The pointers are not equal, so if the input string is also an atom it
+ // must be a different string.
+ masm.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, Address(str, JSString::offsetOfFlags()),
+ Imm32(JSString::ATOM_BIT), failure->label());
+ // Check the length.
+ masm.loadPtr(atomAddr, scratch);
+ masm.loadStringLength(scratch, scratch);
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, Address(str, JSString::offsetOfLength()),
+ scratch, failure->label());
+ // We have a non-atomized string with the same length. Call a helper
+ // function to do the comparison.
+ LiveRegisterSet volatileRegs(GeneralRegisterSet::Volatile(),
+ liveVolatileFloatRegs());
+ masm.PushRegsInMask(volatileRegs);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSString * str1, JSString * str2);
+ masm.setupUnalignedABICall(scratch);
+ masm.loadPtr(atomAddr, scratch);
+ masm.passABIArg(scratch);
+ masm.passABIArg(str);
+ masm.callWithABI<Fn, EqualStringsHelperPure>();
+, scratch);
+ LiveRegisterSet ignore;
+ ignore.add(scratch);
+ masm.PopRegsInMaskIgnore(volatileRegs, ignore);
+ masm.branchIfFalseBool(scratch, failure->label());
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardSpecificSymbol(SymbolOperandId symId,
+ uint32_t expectedOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register sym = allocator.useRegister(masm, symId);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Address addr(stubAddress(expectedOffset));
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, addr, sym, failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadValueResult(uint32_t valOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ masm.loadValue(stubAddress(valOffset), output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadFixedSlotResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t offsetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ masm.load32(stubAddress(offsetOffset), scratch);
+ masm.loadValue(BaseIndex(obj, scratch, TimesOne), output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadFixedSlotTypedResult(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset, ValueType) {
+ // The type is only used by Warp.
+ return emitLoadFixedSlotResult(objId, offsetOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadDynamicSlotResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t offsetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ masm.load32(stubAddress(offsetOffset), scratch);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch2);
+ masm.loadValue(BaseIndex(scratch2, scratch, TimesOne), output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallScriptedGetterShared(
+ ValOperandId receiverId, uint32_t getterOffset, bool sameRealm,
+ uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset, Maybe<uint32_t> icScriptOffset) {
+ ValueOperand receiver = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, receiverId);
+ Address getterAddr(stubAddress(getterOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister code(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister callee(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ bool isInlined = icScriptOffset.isSome();
+ // First, retrieve raw jitcode for getter.
+ masm.loadPtr(getterAddr, callee);
+ if (isInlined) {
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.loadBaselineJitCodeRaw(callee, code, failure->label());
+ } else {
+ masm.loadJitCodeRaw(callee, code);
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ if (!sameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToObjectRealm(callee, scratch);
+ }
+ // Align the stack such that the JitFrameLayout is aligned on
+ // JitStackAlignment.
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(0);
+ // Getter is called with 0 arguments, just |receiver| as thisv.
+ // Note that we use Push, not push, so that callJit will align the stack
+ // properly on ARM.
+ masm.Push(receiver);
+ if (isInlined) {
+ // Store icScript in the context.
+ Address icScriptAddr(stubAddress(*icScriptOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(icScriptAddr, scratch);
+ masm.storeICScriptInJSContext(scratch);
+ }
+ EmitBaselineCreateStubFrameDescriptor(masm, scratch, JitFrameLayout::Size());
+ masm.Push(Imm32(0)); // ActualArgc is 0
+ masm.Push(callee);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ // Handle arguments underflow.
+ Label noUnderflow;
+ masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(callee, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()), callee);
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::Equal, callee, Imm32(0), &noUnderflow);
+ // Call the arguments rectifier.
+ ArgumentsRectifierKind kind = isInlined
+ ? ArgumentsRectifierKind::TrialInlining
+ : ArgumentsRectifierKind::Normal;
+ TrampolinePtr argumentsRectifier =
+ cx_->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getArgumentsRectifier(kind);
+ masm.movePtr(argumentsRectifier, code);
+ masm.bind(&noUnderflow);
+ masm.callJit(code);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm, true);
+ if (!sameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(R1.scratchReg());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallScriptedGetterResult(
+ ValOperandId receiverId, uint32_t getterOffset, bool sameRealm,
+ uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> icScriptOffset = mozilla::Nothing();
+ return emitCallScriptedGetterShared(receiverId, getterOffset, sameRealm,
+ nargsAndFlagsOffset, icScriptOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallInlinedGetterResult(
+ ValOperandId receiverId, uint32_t getterOffset, uint32_t icScriptOffset,
+ bool sameRealm, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitCallScriptedGetterShared(receiverId, getterOffset, sameRealm,
+ nargsAndFlagsOffset,
+ mozilla::Some(icScriptOffset));
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallNativeGetterResult(
+ ValOperandId receiverId, uint32_t getterOffset, bool sameRealm,
+ uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ ValueOperand receiver = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, receiverId);
+ Address getterAddr(stubAddress(getterOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the callee in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(getterAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(receiver);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ using Fn =
+ bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleValue, MutableHandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, CallNativeGetter>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallDOMGetterResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t jitInfoOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ Address jitInfoAddr(stubAddress(jitInfoOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the JSJitInfo in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(jitInfoAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ using Fn =
+ bool (*)(JSContext*, const JSJitInfo*, HandleObject, MutableHandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, CallDOMGetter>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitProxyGetResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t idOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ Address idAddr(stubAddress(idOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the jsid in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(idAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleId, MutableHandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, ProxyGetProperty>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardFrameHasNoArgumentsObject() {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.branchTest32(
+ Assembler::NonZero,
+ Address(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfFlags()),
+ Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_ARGS_OBJ), failure->label());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadFrameCalleeResult() {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Address callee(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfCalleeToken());
+ masm.loadFunctionFromCalleeToken(callee, scratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadFrameNumActualArgsResult() {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Address actualArgs(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfNumActualArgs());
+ masm.loadPtr(actualArgs, scratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadFrameArgumentResult(
+ Int32OperandId indexId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register index = allocator.useRegister(masm, indexId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch2(allocator, masm, output);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Bounds check.
+ masm.loadPtr(
+ Address(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfNumActualArgs()),
+ scratch1);
+ masm.spectreBoundsCheck32(index, scratch1, scratch2, failure->label());
+ // Load the argument.
+ masm.loadValue(
+ BaseValueIndex(BaselineFrameReg, index, BaselineFrame::offsetOfArg(0)),
+ output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitFrameIsConstructingResult() {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register outputScratch = output.valueReg().scratchReg();
+ // Load the CalleeToken.
+ Address tokenAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfCalleeToken());
+ masm.loadPtr(tokenAddr, outputScratch);
+ // The low bit indicates whether this call is constructing, just clear the
+ // other bits.
+ static_assert(CalleeToken_Function == 0x0);
+ static_assert(CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing == 0x1);
+ masm.andPtr(Imm32(0x1), outputScratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, outputScratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadEnvironmentFixedSlotResult(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.load32(stubAddress(offsetOffset), scratch);
+ BaseIndex slot(obj, scratch, TimesOne);
+ // Check for uninitialized lexicals.
+ masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, slot, failure->label());
+ // Load the value.
+ masm.loadValue(slot, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadEnvironmentDynamicSlotResult(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch2(allocator, masm, output);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.load32(stubAddress(offsetOffset), scratch);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch2);
+ // Check for uninitialized lexicals.
+ BaseIndex slot(scratch2, scratch, TimesOne);
+ masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, slot, failure->label());
+ // Load the value.
+ masm.loadValue(slot, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadConstantStringResult(uint32_t strOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ masm.loadPtr(stubAddress(strOffset), scratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCompareStringResult(JSOp op,
+ StringOperandId lhsId,
+ StringOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register left = allocator.useRegister(masm, lhsId);
+ Register right = allocator.useRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ Label slow, done;
+ masm.compareStrings(op, left, right, scratch, &slow);
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&slow);
+ {
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Push the operands in reverse order for JSOp::Le and JSOp::Gt:
+ // - |left <= right| is implemented as |right >= left|.
+ // - |left > right| is implemented as |right < left|.
+ if (op == JSOp::Le || op == JSOp::Gt) {
+ masm.Push(left);
+ masm.Push(right);
+ } else {
+ masm.Push(right);
+ masm.Push(left);
+ }
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleString, HandleString, bool*);
+ if (op == JSOp::Eq || op == JSOp::StrictEq) {
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringsEqual<EqualityKind::Equal>>(masm);
+ } else if (op == JSOp::Ne || op == JSOp::StrictNe) {
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringsEqual<EqualityKind::NotEqual>>(masm);
+ } else if (op == JSOp::Lt || op == JSOp::Gt) {
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringsCompare<ComparisonKind::LessThan>>(masm);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOp::Le || op == JSOp::Ge);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringsCompare<ComparisonKind::GreaterThanOrEqual>>(masm);
+ }
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+, scratch);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStoreSlotShared(bool isFixed,
+ ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t offsetOffset,
+ ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ Maybe<AutoScratchRegister> scratch2;
+ if (!isFixed) {
+ scratch2.emplace(allocator, masm);
+ }
+ Address offsetAddr = stubAddress(offsetOffset);
+ masm.load32(offsetAddr, scratch1);
+ if (isFixed) {
+ BaseIndex slot(obj, scratch1, TimesOne);
+ EmitPreBarrier(masm, slot, MIRType::Value);
+ masm.storeValue(val, slot);
+ } else {
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch2.ref());
+ BaseIndex slot(scratch2.ref(), scratch1, TimesOne);
+ EmitPreBarrier(masm, slot, MIRType::Value);
+ masm.storeValue(val, slot);
+ }
+ emitPostBarrierSlot(obj, val, scratch1);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStoreFixedSlot(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t offsetOffset,
+ ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitStoreSlotShared(true, objId, offsetOffset, rhsId);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStoreDynamicSlot(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t offsetOffset,
+ ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitStoreSlotShared(false, objId, offsetOffset, rhsId);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitAddAndStoreSlotShared(
+ CacheOp op, ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ uint32_t newShapeOffset, Maybe<uint32_t> numNewSlotsOffset) {
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ Address newShapeAddr = stubAddress(newShapeOffset);
+ Address offsetAddr = stubAddress(offsetOffset);
+ if (op == CacheOp::AllocateAndStoreDynamicSlot) {
+ // We have to (re)allocate dynamic slots. Do this first, as it's the
+ // only fallible operation here. Note that growSlotsPure is fallible but
+ // does not GC.
+ Address numNewSlotsAddr = stubAddress(*numNewSlotsOffset);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ LiveRegisterSet save(GeneralRegisterSet::Volatile(),
+ liveVolatileFloatRegs());
+ masm.PushRegsInMask(save);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext * cx, NativeObject * obj, uint32_t newCount);
+ masm.setupUnalignedABICall(scratch1);
+ masm.loadJSContext(scratch1);
+ masm.passABIArg(scratch1);
+ masm.passABIArg(obj);
+ masm.load32(numNewSlotsAddr, scratch2);
+ masm.passABIArg(scratch2);
+ masm.callWithABI<Fn, NativeObject::growSlotsPure>();
+, scratch1);
+ LiveRegisterSet ignore;
+ ignore.add(scratch1);
+ masm.PopRegsInMaskIgnore(save, ignore);
+ masm.branchIfFalseBool(scratch1, failure->label());
+ }
+ // Update the object's shape.
+ masm.loadPtr(newShapeAddr, scratch1);
+ masm.storeObjShape(scratch1, obj,
+ [](MacroAssembler& masm, const Address& addr) {
+ EmitPreBarrier(masm, addr, MIRType::Shape);
+ });
+ // Perform the store. No pre-barrier required since this is a new
+ // initialization.
+ masm.load32(offsetAddr, scratch1);
+ if (op == CacheOp::AddAndStoreFixedSlot) {
+ BaseIndex slot(obj, scratch1, TimesOne);
+ masm.storeValue(val, slot);
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(op == CacheOp::AddAndStoreDynamicSlot ||
+ op == CacheOp::AllocateAndStoreDynamicSlot);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch2);
+ BaseIndex slot(scratch2, scratch1, TimesOne);
+ masm.storeValue(val, slot);
+ }
+ emitPostBarrierSlot(obj, val, scratch1);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitAddAndStoreFixedSlot(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ uint32_t newShapeOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> numNewSlotsOffset = mozilla::Nothing();
+ return emitAddAndStoreSlotShared(CacheOp::AddAndStoreFixedSlot, objId,
+ offsetOffset, rhsId, newShapeOffset,
+ numNewSlotsOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitAddAndStoreDynamicSlot(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ uint32_t newShapeOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> numNewSlotsOffset = mozilla::Nothing();
+ return emitAddAndStoreSlotShared(CacheOp::AddAndStoreDynamicSlot, objId,
+ offsetOffset, rhsId, newShapeOffset,
+ numNewSlotsOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitAllocateAndStoreDynamicSlot(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t offsetOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ uint32_t newShapeOffset, uint32_t numNewSlotsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitAddAndStoreSlotShared(CacheOp::AllocateAndStoreDynamicSlot, objId,
+ offsetOffset, rhsId, newShapeOffset,
+ mozilla::Some(numNewSlotsOffset));
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitArrayJoinResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ StringOperandId sepId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ Register sep = allocator.useRegister(masm, sepId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // Load obj->elements in scratch.
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), scratch);
+ Address lengthAddr(scratch, ObjectElements::offsetOfLength());
+ // If array length is 0, return empty string.
+ Label finished;
+ {
+ Label arrayNotEmpty;
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, lengthAddr, Imm32(0), &arrayNotEmpty);
+ masm.movePtr(ImmGCPtr(cx_->names().empty), scratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&finished);
+ masm.bind(&arrayNotEmpty);
+ }
+ Label vmCall;
+ // Otherwise, handle array length 1 case.
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, lengthAddr, Imm32(1), &vmCall);
+ // But only if initializedLength is also 1.
+ Address initLength(scratch, ObjectElements::offsetOfInitializedLength());
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, initLength, Imm32(1), &vmCall);
+ // And only if elem0 is a string.
+ Address elementAddr(scratch, 0);
+ masm.branchTestString(Assembler::NotEqual, elementAddr, &vmCall);
+ // Store the value.
+ masm.loadValue(elementAddr, output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&finished);
+ // Otherwise call into the VM.
+ {
+ masm.bind(&vmCall);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(sep);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = JSString* (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleString);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::ArrayJoin>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, ReturnReg, output.valueReg());
+ }
+ masm.bind(&finished);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitPackedArraySliceResult(
+ uint32_t templateObjectOffset, ObjOperandId arrayId, Int32OperandId beginId,
+ Int32OperandId endId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch1(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType scratch2(allocator, masm, output);
+ Register array = allocator.useRegister(masm, arrayId);
+ Register begin = allocator.useRegister(masm, beginId);
+ Register end = allocator.useRegister(masm, endId);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.branchArrayIsNotPacked(array, scratch1, scratch2, failure->label());
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch1);
+ // Don't attempt to pre-allocate the object, instead always use the slow
+ // path.
+ ImmPtr result(nullptr);
+ masm.Push(result);
+ masm.Push(end);
+ masm.Push(begin);
+ masm.Push(array);
+ using Fn =
+ JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, int32_t, int32_t, HandleObject);
+ callVM<Fn, ArraySliceDense>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitIsArrayResult(ValOperandId inputId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch2(allocator, masm, output);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, inputId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ Label isNotArray;
+ // Primitives are never Arrays.
+ masm.fallibleUnboxObject(val, scratch1, &isNotArray);
+ Label isArray;
+ masm.branchTestObjClass(Assembler::Equal, scratch1, &ArrayObject::class_,
+ scratch2, scratch1, &isArray);
+ // isArray can also return true for Proxy wrapped Arrays.
+ masm.branchTestObjectIsProxy(false, scratch1, scratch2, &isNotArray);
+ Label done;
+ {
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch2);
+ masm.Push(scratch1);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, bool*);
+ callVM<Fn, js::IsArrayFromJit>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ReturnReg, output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&isNotArray);
+ masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(false), output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&isArray);
+ masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(true), output.valueReg());
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitIsTypedArrayResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ bool isPossiblyWrapped) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ Label notTypedArray, isProxy, done;
+ masm.loadObjClassUnsafe(obj, scratch);
+ masm.branchIfClassIsNotTypedArray(scratch, &notTypedArray);
+ masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(true), output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&notTypedArray);
+ if (isPossiblyWrapped) {
+ masm.branchTestClassIsProxy(true, scratch, &isProxy);
+ }
+ masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(false), output.valueReg());
+ if (isPossiblyWrapped) {
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&isProxy);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, JSObject*, bool*);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::IsPossiblyWrappedTypedArray>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ReturnReg, output.valueReg());
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadStringCharResult(StringOperandId strId,
+ Int32OperandId indexId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register str = allocator.useRegister(masm, strId);
+ Register index = allocator.useRegister(masm, indexId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch1(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Bounds check, load string char.
+ masm.spectreBoundsCheck32(index, Address(str, JSString::offsetOfLength()),
+ scratch1, failure->label());
+ masm.loadStringChar(str, index, scratch1, scratch2, failure->label());
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // Load StaticString for this char. For larger code units perform a VM call.
+ Label vmCall;
+ masm.boundsCheck32PowerOfTwo(scratch1, StaticStrings::UNIT_STATIC_LIMIT,
+ &vmCall);
+ masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(&cx_->staticStrings().unitStaticTable), scratch2);
+ masm.loadPtr(BaseIndex(scratch2, scratch1, ScalePointer), scratch2);
+ Label done;
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ {
+ masm.bind(&vmCall);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch2);
+ masm.Push(scratch1);
+ using Fn = JSLinearString* (*)(JSContext*, int32_t);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringFromCharCode>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ masm.storeCallPointerResult(scratch2);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, scratch2, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStringFromCodeResult(Int32OperandId codeId,
+ StringCode stringCode) {
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Register code = allocator.useRegister(masm, codeId);
+ FailurePath* failure = nullptr;
+ if (stringCode == StringCode::CodePoint) {
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (stringCode == StringCode::CodePoint) {
+ // Note: This condition must match tryAttachStringFromCodePoint to prevent
+ // failure loops.
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::Above, code, Imm32(unicode::NonBMPMax),
+ failure->label());
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // We pre-allocate atoms for the first UNIT_STATIC_LIMIT characters.
+ // For code units larger than that, we must do a VM call.
+ Label vmCall;
+ masm.boundsCheck32PowerOfTwo(code, StaticStrings::UNIT_STATIC_LIMIT, &vmCall);
+ masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(cx_->runtime()->staticStrings->unitStaticTable), scratch);
+ masm.loadPtr(BaseIndex(scratch, code, ScalePointer), scratch);
+ Label done;
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ {
+ masm.bind(&vmCall);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(code);
+ if (stringCode == StringCode::CodeUnit) {
+ using Fn = JSLinearString* (*)(JSContext*, int32_t);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringFromCharCode>(masm);
+ } else {
+ using Fn = JSString* (*)(JSContext*, int32_t);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::StringFromCodePoint>(masm);
+ }
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+, scratch);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStringFromCharCodeResult(
+ Int32OperandId codeId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitStringFromCodeResult(codeId, StringCode::CodeUnit);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitStringFromCodePointResult(
+ Int32OperandId codeId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitStringFromCodeResult(codeId, StringCode::CodePoint);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitMathRandomResult(uint32_t rngOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister64 scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ AutoAvailableFloatRegister scratchFloat(*this, FloatReg0);
+ Address rngAddr(stubAddress(rngOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(rngAddr, scratch1);
+ masm.randomDouble(scratch1, scratchFloat, scratch2,
+ output.valueReg().toRegister64());
+ masm.boxDouble(scratchFloat, output.valueReg(), scratchFloat);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitReflectGetPrototypeOfResult(
+ ObjOperandId objId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(TaggedProto::LazyProto) == 1);
+ masm.loadObjProto(obj, scratch);
+ Label hasProto;
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Above, scratch, ImmWord(1), &hasProto);
+ // Call into the VM for lazy prototypes.
+ Label slow, done;
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, scratch, ImmWord(1), &slow);
+ masm.moveValue(NullValue(), output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&hasProto);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ {
+ masm.bind(&slow);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, MutableHandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::GetPrototypeOf>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitHasClassResult(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t claspOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ Address claspAddr(stubAddress(claspOffset));
+ masm.loadObjClassUnsafe(obj, scratch);
+ masm.cmpPtrSet(Assembler::Equal, claspAddr, scratch.get(), scratch);
+ masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, scratch, output.valueReg());
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallNativeSetter(
+ ObjOperandId receiverId, uint32_t setterOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ bool sameRealm, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register receiver = allocator.useRegister(masm, receiverId);
+ Address setterAddr(stubAddress(setterOffset));
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the callee in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(setterAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(receiver);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleObject, HandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, CallNativeSetter>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallScriptedSetterShared(
+ ObjOperandId receiverId, uint32_t setterOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ bool sameRealm, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset,
+ Maybe<uint32_t> icScriptOffset) {
+ AutoScratchRegister callee(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+#if defined(JS_CODEGEN_X86)
+ Register code = scratch;
+ AutoScratchRegister code(allocator, masm);
+ Register receiver = allocator.useRegister(masm, receiverId);
+ Address setterAddr(stubAddress(setterOffset));
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ bool isInlined = icScriptOffset.isSome();
+ // First, load the callee.
+ masm.loadPtr(setterAddr, callee);
+ if (isInlined) {
+ // If we are calling a trial-inlined setter, guard that the
+ // target has a BaselineScript.
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.loadBaselineJitCodeRaw(callee, code, failure->label());
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ if (!sameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToObjectRealm(callee, scratch);
+ }
+ // Align the stack such that the JitFrameLayout is aligned on
+ // JitStackAlignment.
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(1);
+ // Setter is called with 1 argument, and |receiver| as thisv. Note that we use
+ // Push, not push, so that callJit will align the stack properly on ARM.
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(TypedOrValueRegister(MIRType::Object, AnyRegister(receiver)));
+ EmitBaselineCreateStubFrameDescriptor(masm, scratch, JitFrameLayout::Size());
+ masm.Push(Imm32(1)); // ActualArgc
+ // Push callee.
+ masm.Push(callee);
+ // Push frame descriptor.
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ if (isInlined) {
+ // Store icScript in the context.
+ Address icScriptAddr(stubAddress(*icScriptOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(icScriptAddr, scratch);
+ masm.storeICScriptInJSContext(scratch);
+ }
+ // Load the jitcode pointer.
+ if (isInlined) {
+ // On non-x86 platforms, this pointer is still in a register
+ // after guarding on it above. On x86, we don't have enough
+ // registers and have to reload it here.
+#ifdef JS_CODEGEN_X86
+ masm.loadBaselineJitCodeRaw(callee, code);
+ } else {
+ masm.loadJitCodeRaw(callee, code);
+ }
+ // Handle arguments underflow. The rhs value is no longer needed and
+ // can be used as scratch.
+ Label noUnderflow;
+ Register scratch2 = val.scratchReg();
+ masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(callee, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()), scratch2);
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, scratch2, Imm32(1), &noUnderflow);
+ // Call the arguments rectifier.
+ ArgumentsRectifierKind kind = isInlined
+ ? ArgumentsRectifierKind::TrialInlining
+ : ArgumentsRectifierKind::Normal;
+ TrampolinePtr argumentsRectifier =
+ cx_->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getArgumentsRectifier(kind);
+ masm.movePtr(argumentsRectifier, code);
+ masm.bind(&noUnderflow);
+ masm.callJit(code);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm, true);
+ if (!sameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(R1.scratchReg());
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallScriptedSetter(
+ ObjOperandId receiverId, uint32_t setterOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ bool sameRealm, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> icScriptOffset = mozilla::Nothing();
+ return emitCallScriptedSetterShared(receiverId, setterOffset, rhsId,
+ sameRealm, nargsAndFlagsOffset,
+ icScriptOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallInlinedSetter(
+ ObjOperandId receiverId, uint32_t setterOffset, ValOperandId rhsId,
+ uint32_t icScriptOffset, bool sameRealm, uint32_t nargsAndFlagsOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ return emitCallScriptedSetterShared(receiverId, setterOffset, rhsId,
+ sameRealm, nargsAndFlagsOffset,
+ mozilla::Some(icScriptOffset));
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallDOMSetter(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t jitInfoOffset,
+ ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ Address jitInfoAddr(stubAddress(jitInfoOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the JSJitInfo in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(jitInfoAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, const JSJitInfo*, HandleObject, HandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, CallDOMSetter>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallSetArrayLength(ObjOperandId objId,
+ bool strict,
+ ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(Imm32(strict));
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue, bool);
+ callVM<Fn, jit::SetArrayLength>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitProxySet(ObjOperandId objId,
+ uint32_t idOffset,
+ ValOperandId rhsId, bool strict) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ Address idAddr(stubAddress(idOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ // Load the jsid in the scratch register.
+ masm.loadPtr(idAddr, scratch);
+ masm.Push(Imm32(strict));
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleId, HandleValue, bool);
+ callVM<Fn, ProxySetProperty>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitProxySetByValue(ObjOperandId objId,
+ ValOperandId idId,
+ ValOperandId rhsId,
+ bool strict) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand idVal = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, idId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // We need a scratch register but we don't have any registers available on
+ // x86, so temporarily store |obj| in the frame's scratch slot.
+ int scratchOffset = BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfScratchValue();
+ masm.storePtr(obj, Address(BaselineFrameReg, scratchOffset));
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, obj);
+ // Restore |obj|. Because we entered a stub frame we first have to load
+ // the original frame pointer.
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(BaselineFrameReg, 0), obj);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, scratchOffset), obj);
+ masm.Push(Imm32(strict));
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(idVal);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue, HandleValue, bool);
+ callVM<Fn, ProxySetPropertyByValue>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallAddOrUpdateSparseElementHelper(
+ ObjOperandId objId, Int32OperandId idId, ValOperandId rhsId, bool strict) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ Register id = allocator.useRegister(masm, idId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ masm.Push(Imm32(strict));
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(id);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext * cx, HandleArrayObject obj, int32_t int_id,
+ HandleValue v, bool strict);
+ callVM<Fn, AddOrUpdateSparseElementHelper>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitMegamorphicSetElement(ObjOperandId objId,
+ ValOperandId idId,
+ ValOperandId rhsId,
+ bool strict) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ ValueOperand idVal = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, idId);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // We need a scratch register but we don't have any registers available on
+ // x86, so temporarily store |obj| in the frame's scratch slot.
+ int scratchOffset = BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfScratchValue();
+ masm.storePtr(obj, Address(BaselineFrameReg, scratchOffset));
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, obj);
+ // Restore |obj|. Because we entered a stub frame we first have to load
+ // the original frame pointer.
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(BaselineFrameReg, 0), obj);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, scratchOffset), obj);
+ masm.Push(Imm32(strict));
+ masm.Push(TypedOrValueRegister(MIRType::Object, AnyRegister(obj)));
+ masm.Push(val);
+ masm.Push(idVal);
+ masm.Push(obj);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue, HandleValue,
+ HandleValue, bool);
+ callVM<Fn, SetObjectElementWithReceiver>(masm);
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitReturnFromIC() {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ EmitReturnFromIC(masm);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadArgumentFixedSlot(ValOperandId resultId,
+ uint8_t slotIndex) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ ValueOperand resultReg = allocator.defineValueRegister(masm, resultId);
+ Address addr = allocator.addressOf(masm, BaselineFrameSlot(slotIndex));
+ masm.loadValue(addr, resultReg);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadArgumentDynamicSlot(ValOperandId resultId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ uint8_t slotIndex) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ ValueOperand resultReg = allocator.defineValueRegister(masm, resultId);
+ Register argcReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, argcId);
+ BaseValueIndex addr =
+ allocator.addressOf(masm, argcReg, BaselineFrameSlot(slotIndex));
+ masm.loadValue(addr, resultReg);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardAndGetIterator(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t iterOffset, uint32_t enumeratorsAddrOffset,
+ ObjOperandId resultId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch1(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister niScratch(allocator, masm);
+ Address iterAddr(stubAddress(iterOffset));
+ Address enumeratorsAddr(stubAddress(enumeratorsAddrOffset));
+ Register output = allocator.defineRegister(masm, resultId);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load our PropertyIteratorObject* and its NativeIterator.
+ masm.loadPtr(iterAddr, output);
+ masm.loadObjPrivate(output, PropertyIteratorObject::NUM_FIXED_SLOTS,
+ niScratch);
+ // Ensure the iterator is reusable: see NativeIterator::isReusable.
+ masm.branchIfNativeIteratorNotReusable(niScratch, failure->label());
+ // Pre-write barrier for store to 'objectBeingIterated_'.
+ Address iterObjAddr(niScratch, NativeIterator::offsetOfObjectBeingIterated());
+ EmitPreBarrier(masm, iterObjAddr, MIRType::Object);
+ // Mark iterator as active.
+ Address iterFlagsAddr(niScratch, NativeIterator::offsetOfFlagsAndCount());
+ masm.storePtr(obj, iterObjAddr);
+ masm.or32(Imm32(NativeIterator::Flags::Active), iterFlagsAddr);
+ // Post-write barrier for stores to 'objectBeingIterated_'.
+ emitPostBarrierSlot(output,
+ TypedOrValueRegister(MIRType::Object, AnyRegister(obj)),
+ scratch1);
+ // Chain onto the active iterator stack. Note that Baseline CacheIR stub
+ // code is shared across compartments within a Zone, so we can't bake in
+ // compartment->enumerators here.
+ masm.loadPtr(enumeratorsAddr, scratch1);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, 0), scratch1);
+ emitRegisterEnumerator(scratch1, niScratch, scratch2);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitGuardDOMExpandoMissingOrGuardShape(
+ ValOperandId expandoId, uint32_t shapeOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ ValueOperand val = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, expandoId);
+ AutoScratchRegister shapeScratch(allocator, masm);
+ AutoScratchRegister objScratch(allocator, masm);
+ Address shapeAddr(stubAddress(shapeOffset));
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Label done;
+ masm.branchTestUndefined(Assembler::Equal, val, &done);
+ masm.debugAssertIsObject(val);
+ masm.loadPtr(shapeAddr, shapeScratch);
+ masm.unboxObject(val, objScratch);
+ // The expando object is not used in this case, so we don't need Spectre
+ // mitigations.
+ masm.branchTestObjShapeNoSpectreMitigations(Assembler::NotEqual, objScratch,
+ shapeScratch, failure->label());
+ masm.bind(&done);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitLoadDOMExpandoValueGuardGeneration(
+ ObjOperandId objId, uint32_t expandoAndGenerationOffset,
+ uint32_t generationOffset, ValOperandId resultId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Register obj = allocator.useRegister(masm, objId);
+ Address expandoAndGenerationAddr(stubAddress(expandoAndGenerationOffset));
+ Address generationAddr(stubAddress(generationOffset));
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch(allocator, masm);
+ ValueOperand output = allocator.defineValueRegister(masm, resultId);
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, ProxyObject::offsetOfReservedSlots()), scratch);
+ Address expandoAddr(scratch,
+ js::detail::ProxyReservedSlots::offsetOfPrivateSlot());
+ // Load the ExpandoAndGeneration* in the output scratch register and guard
+ // it matches the proxy's ExpandoAndGeneration.
+ masm.loadPtr(expandoAndGenerationAddr, output.scratchReg());
+ masm.branchPrivatePtr(Assembler::NotEqual, expandoAddr, output.scratchReg(),
+ failure->label());
+ // Guard expandoAndGeneration->generation matches the expected generation.
+ masm.branch64(
+ Assembler::NotEqual,
+ Address(output.scratchReg(), ExpandoAndGeneration::offsetOfGeneration()),
+ generationAddr, scratch, failure->label());
+ // Load expandoAndGeneration->expando into the output Value register.
+ masm.loadValue(
+ Address(output.scratchReg(), ExpandoAndGeneration::offsetOfExpando()),
+ output);
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::init(CacheKind kind) {
+ if (!allocator.init()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t numInputs = writer_.numInputOperands();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == NumInputsForCacheKind(kind));
+ // Baseline passes the first 2 inputs in R0/R1, other Values are stored on
+ // the stack.
+ size_t numInputsInRegs = std::min(numInputs, size_t(2));
+ AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet available =
+ BaselineICAvailableGeneralRegs(numInputsInRegs);
+ switch (kind) {
+ case CacheKind::NewObject:
+ case CacheKind::GetIntrinsic:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 0);
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::GetProp:
+ case CacheKind::TypeOf:
+ case CacheKind::ToPropertyKey:
+ case CacheKind::GetIterator:
+ case CacheKind::OptimizeSpreadCall:
+ case CacheKind::ToBool:
+ case CacheKind::UnaryArith:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 1);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, R0);
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::Compare:
+ case CacheKind::GetElem:
+ case CacheKind::GetPropSuper:
+ case CacheKind::SetProp:
+ case CacheKind::In:
+ case CacheKind::HasOwn:
+ case CacheKind::CheckPrivateField:
+ case CacheKind::InstanceOf:
+ case CacheKind::BinaryArith:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 2);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, R0);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(1, R1);
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::GetElemSuper:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 3);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, BaselineFrameSlot(0));
+ allocator.initInputLocation(1, R0);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(2, R1);
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::SetElem:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 3);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, R0);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(1, R1);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(2, BaselineFrameSlot(0));
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::GetName:
+ case CacheKind::BindName:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 1);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, R0.scratchReg(), JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT);
+#if defined(JS_NUNBOX32)
+ // availableGeneralRegs can't know that GetName/BindName is only using
+ // the payloadReg and not typeReg on x86.
+ available.add(R0.typeReg());
+ break;
+ case CacheKind::Call:
+ MOZ_ASSERT(numInputs == 1);
+ allocator.initInputLocation(0, R0.scratchReg(), JSVAL_TYPE_INT32);
+#if defined(JS_NUNBOX32)
+ // availableGeneralRegs can't know that Call is only using
+ // the payloadReg and not typeReg on x86.
+ available.add(R0.typeReg());
+ break;
+ }
+ // Baseline doesn't allocate float registers so none of them are live.
+ liveFloatRegs_ = LiveFloatRegisterSet(FloatRegisterSet());
+ allocator.initAvailableRegs(available);
+ outputUnchecked_.emplace(R0);
+ return true;
+static void ResetEnteredCounts(ICFallbackStub* stub) {
+ for (ICStubIterator iter = stub->beginChain(); *iter != stub; iter++) {
+ iter->toCacheIRStub()->resetEnteredCount();
+ }
+ stub->resetEnteredCount();
+static ICStubSpace* StubSpaceForStub(bool makesGCCalls, JSScript* script,
+ ICScript* icScript) {
+ if (makesGCCalls) {
+ return icScript->fallbackStubSpace();
+ }
+ return script->zone()->jitZone()->optimizedStubSpace();
+ICCacheIRStub* js::jit::AttachBaselineCacheIRStub(
+ JSContext* cx, const CacheIRWriter& writer, CacheKind kind,
+ JSScript* outerScript, ICScript* icScript, ICFallbackStub* stub,
+ bool* attached) {
+ // We shouldn't GC or report OOM (or any other exception) here.
+ AutoAssertNoPendingException aanpe(cx);
+ JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!*attached);
+ if (writer.failed()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Just a sanity check: the caller should ensure we don't attach an
+ // unlimited number of stubs.
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ static const size_t MaxOptimizedCacheIRStubs = 16;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(stub->numOptimizedStubs() < MaxOptimizedCacheIRStubs);
+ uint32_t stubDataOffset = sizeof(ICCacheIRStub);
+ JitZone* jitZone = cx->zone()->jitZone();
+ // Check if we already have JitCode for this stub.
+ CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo;
+ CacheIRStubKey::Lookup lookup(kind, ICStubEngine::Baseline,
+ writer.codeStart(), writer.codeLength());
+ JitCode* code = jitZone->getBaselineCacheIRStubCode(lookup, &stubInfo);
+ if (!code) {
+ // We have to generate stub code.
+ JitContext jctx(cx, nullptr);
+ BaselineCacheIRCompiler comp(cx, writer, stubDataOffset);
+ if (!comp.init(kind)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ code = comp.compile();
+ if (!code) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Allocate the shared CacheIRStubInfo. Note that the
+ // putBaselineCacheIRStubCode call below will transfer ownership
+ // to the stub code HashMap, so we don't have to worry about freeing
+ // it below.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!stubInfo);
+ stubInfo =
+ CacheIRStubInfo::New(kind, ICStubEngine::Baseline, comp.makesGCCalls(),
+ stubDataOffset, writer);
+ if (!stubInfo) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ CacheIRStubKey key(stubInfo);
+ if (!jitZone->putBaselineCacheIRStubCode(lookup, key, code)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(code);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(stubInfo);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(stubInfo->stubDataSize() == writer.stubDataSize());
+ // Ensure we don't attach duplicate stubs. This can happen if a stub failed
+ // for some reason and the IR generator doesn't check for exactly the same
+ // conditions.
+ for (ICStubConstIterator iter = stub->beginChainConst(); *iter != stub;
+ iter++) {
+ auto otherStub = iter->toCacheIRStub();
+ if (otherStub->stubInfo() != stubInfo) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!writer.stubDataEquals(otherStub->stubDataStart())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We found a stub that's exactly the same as the stub we're about to
+ // attach. Just return nullptr, the caller should do nothing in this
+ // case.
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineICFallback,
+ "Tried attaching identical stub for (%s:%u:%u)",
+ outerScript->filename(), outerScript->lineno(),
+ outerScript->column());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Time to allocate and attach a new stub.
+ size_t bytesNeeded = stubInfo->stubDataOffset() + stubInfo->stubDataSize();
+ ICStubSpace* stubSpace =
+ StubSpaceForStub(stubInfo->makesGCCalls(), outerScript, icScript);
+ void* newStubMem = stubSpace->alloc(bytesNeeded);
+ if (!newStubMem) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Resetting the entered counts on the IC chain makes subsequent reasoning
+ // about the chain much easier.
+ ResetEnteredCounts(stub);
+ switch (stub->trialInliningState()) {
+ case TrialInliningState::Initial:
+ case TrialInliningState::Candidate:
+ stub->setTrialInliningState(writer.trialInliningState());
+ break;
+ case TrialInliningState::Inlined:
+ stub->setTrialInliningState(TrialInliningState::Failure);
+ break;
+ case TrialInliningState::Failure:
+ break;
+ }
+ auto newStub = new (newStubMem) ICCacheIRStub(code, stubInfo);
+ writer.copyStubData(newStub->stubDataStart());
+ stub->addNewStub(newStub);
+ *attached = true;
+ return newStub;
+uint8_t* ICCacheIRStub::stubDataStart() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this) + stubInfo_->stubDataOffset();
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallStringObjectConcatResult(
+ ValOperandId lhsId, ValOperandId rhsId) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ ValueOperand lhs = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, lhsId);
+ ValueOperand rhs = allocator.useValueRegister(masm, rhsId);
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // For the expression decompiler
+ EmitRestoreTailCallReg(masm);
+ masm.pushValue(lhs);
+ masm.pushValue(rhs);
+ masm.pushValue(rhs);
+ masm.pushValue(lhs);
+ using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue, HandleValue, MutableHandleValue);
+ tailCallVM<Fn, DoConcatStringObject>(masm);
+ return true;
+// The value of argc entering the call IC is not always the value of
+// argc entering the callee. (For example, argc for a spread call IC
+// is always 1, but argc for the callee is the length of the array.)
+// In these cases, we update argc as part of the call op itself, to
+// avoid modifying input operands while it is still possible to fail a
+// guard. We also limit callee argc to a reasonable value to avoid
+// blowing the stack limit.
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::updateArgc(CallFlags flags, Register argcReg,
+ Register scratch) {
+ CallFlags::ArgFormat format = flags.getArgFormat();
+ switch (format) {
+ case CallFlags::Standard:
+ // Standard calls have no extra guards, and argc is already correct.
+ return true;
+ case CallFlags::FunCall:
+ // fun_call has no extra guards, and argc will be corrected in
+ // pushFunCallArguments.
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // We need to guard the length of the arguments.
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Load callee argc into scratch.
+ switch (flags.getArgFormat()) {
+ case CallFlags::Spread:
+ case CallFlags::FunApplyArray: {
+ // Load the length of the elements.
+ BaselineFrameSlot slot(flags.isConstructing());
+ masm.unboxObject(allocator.addressOf(masm, slot), scratch);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), scratch);
+ masm.load32(Address(scratch, ObjectElements::offsetOfLength()), scratch);
+ } break;
+ case CallFlags::FunApplyArgs: {
+ // The length of |arguments| is stored in the baseline frame.
+ Address numActualArgsAddr(BaselineFrameReg,
+ BaselineFrame::offsetOfNumActualArgs());
+ masm.load32(numActualArgsAddr, scratch);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Unknown arg format");
+ }
+ // Ensure that callee argc does not exceed the limit.
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::Above, scratch, Imm32(JIT_ARGS_LENGTH_MAX),
+ failure->label());
+ // We're past the final guard. Update argc with the new value.
+ masm.move32(scratch, argcReg);
+ return true;
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushArguments(Register argcReg,
+ Register calleeReg,
+ Register scratch, Register scratch2,
+ CallFlags flags, bool isJitCall) {
+ switch (flags.getArgFormat()) {
+ case CallFlags::Standard:
+ pushStandardArguments(argcReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall,
+ flags.isConstructing());
+ break;
+ case CallFlags::Spread:
+ pushArrayArguments(argcReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall,
+ flags.isConstructing());
+ break;
+ case CallFlags::FunCall:
+ pushFunCallArguments(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall);
+ break;
+ case CallFlags::FunApplyArgs:
+ pushFunApplyArgs(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall);
+ break;
+ case CallFlags::FunApplyArray:
+ pushArrayArguments(argcReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall,
+ /*isConstructing =*/false);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Invalid arg format");
+ }
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushStandardArguments(Register argcReg,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register scratch2,
+ bool isJitCall,
+ bool isConstructing) {
+ // The arguments to the call IC are pushed on the stack left-to-right.
+ // Our calling conventions want them right-to-left in the callee, so
+ // we duplicate them on the stack in reverse order.
+ // countReg contains the total number of arguments to copy.
+ // In addition to the actual arguments, we have to copy hidden arguments.
+ // We always have to copy |this|.
+ // If we are constructing, we have to copy |newTarget|.
+ // If we are not a jit call, we have to copy |callee|.
+ // We use a scratch register to avoid clobbering argc, which is an input reg.
+ Register countReg = scratch;
+ masm.move32(argcReg, countReg);
+ masm.add32(Imm32(1 + !isJitCall + isConstructing), countReg);
+ // argPtr initially points to the last argument. Skip the stub frame.
+ Register argPtr = scratch2;
+ Address argAddress(masm.getStackPointer(), STUB_FRAME_SIZE);
+ masm.computeEffectiveAddress(argAddress, argPtr);
+ // Align the stack such that the JitFrameLayout is aligned on the
+ // JitStackAlignment.
+ if (isJitCall) {
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(countReg, /*countIncludesThis = */ true);
+ }
+ // Push all values, starting at the last one.
+ Label loop, done;
+ masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, countReg, countReg, &done);
+ masm.bind(&loop);
+ {
+ masm.pushValue(Address(argPtr, 0));
+ masm.addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(Value)), argPtr);
+ masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(1), countReg, &loop);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushArrayArguments(Register argcReg,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register scratch2,
+ bool isJitCall,
+ bool isConstructing) {
+ // Pull the array off the stack before aligning.
+ Register startReg = scratch;
+ masm.unboxObject(Address(masm.getStackPointer(),
+ (isConstructing * sizeof(Value)) + STUB_FRAME_SIZE),
+ startReg);
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(startReg, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), startReg);
+ // Align the stack such that the JitFrameLayout is aligned on the
+ // JitStackAlignment.
+ if (isJitCall) {
+ Register alignReg = argcReg;
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ // If we are constructing, we must take newTarget into account.
+ alignReg = scratch2;
+ masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(argcReg, 1), alignReg);
+ }
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(alignReg, /*countIncludesThis =*/false);
+ }
+ // Push newTarget, if necessary
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ masm.pushValue(Address(BaselineFrameReg, STUB_FRAME_SIZE));
+ }
+ // Push arguments: set up endReg to point to &array[argc]
+ Register endReg = scratch2;
+ BaseValueIndex endAddr(startReg, argcReg);
+ masm.computeEffectiveAddress(endAddr, endReg);
+ // Copying pre-decrements endReg by 8 until startReg is reached
+ Label copyDone;
+ Label copyStart;
+ masm.bind(&copyStart);
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, endReg, startReg, &copyDone);
+ masm.subPtr(Imm32(sizeof(Value)), endReg);
+ masm.pushValue(Address(endReg, 0));
+ masm.jump(&copyStart);
+ masm.bind(&copyDone);
+ // Push |this|.
+ masm.pushValue(
+ Address(BaselineFrameReg,
+ STUB_FRAME_SIZE + (1 + isConstructing) * sizeof(Value)));
+ // Push |callee| if needed.
+ if (!isJitCall) {
+ masm.pushValue(
+ Address(BaselineFrameReg,
+ STUB_FRAME_SIZE + (2 + isConstructing) * sizeof(Value)));
+ }
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushFunCallArguments(Register argcReg,
+ Register calleeReg,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register scratch2,
+ bool isJitCall) {
+ Label zeroArgs, done;
+ masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, argcReg, argcReg, &zeroArgs);
+ // When we call fun_call, the stack looks like the left column (note
+ // that newTarget will not be present, because fun_call cannot be a
+ // constructor call):
+ //
+ // ***Arguments to fun_call***
+ // callee (fun_call) ***Arguments to target***
+ // this (target function) -----> callee
+ // arg0 (this of target) -----> this
+ // arg1 (arg0 of target) -----> arg0
+ // argN (argN-1 of target) -----> arg1
+ //
+ // As demonstrated in the right column, this is exactly what we need
+ // the stack to look like when calling pushStandardArguments for target,
+ // except with one more argument. If we subtract 1 from argc,
+ // everything works out correctly.
+ masm.sub32(Imm32(1), argcReg);
+ pushStandardArguments(argcReg, scratch, scratch2, isJitCall,
+ /*isConstructing =*/false);
+ masm.jump(&done);
+ masm.bind(&zeroArgs);
+ // The exception is the case where argc == 0:
+ //
+ // ***Arguments to fun_call***
+ // callee (fun_call) ***Arguments to target***
+ // this (target function) -----> callee
+ // <nothing> -----> this
+ //
+ // In this case, we push |undefined| for |this|.
+ if (isJitCall) {
+ // Align the stack to 0 args.
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(0);
+ }
+ // Store the new |this|.
+ masm.pushValue(UndefinedValue());
+ // Store |callee| if needed.
+ if (!isJitCall) {
+ masm.Push(TypedOrValueRegister(MIRType::Object, AnyRegister(calleeReg)));
+ }
+ masm.bind(&done);
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::pushFunApplyArgs(Register argcReg,
+ Register calleeReg,
+ Register scratch,
+ Register scratch2,
+ bool isJitCall) {
+ // Push the caller's arguments onto the stack.
+ // Find the start of the caller's arguments.
+ Register startReg = scratch;
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(BaselineFrameReg, 0), startReg);
+ masm.addPtr(Imm32(BaselineFrame::offsetOfArg(0)), startReg);
+ if (isJitCall) {
+ masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(argcReg, /*countIncludesThis =*/false);
+ }
+ Register endReg = scratch2;
+ BaseValueIndex endAddr(startReg, argcReg);
+ masm.computeEffectiveAddress(endAddr, endReg);
+ // Copying pre-decrements endReg by 8 until startReg is reached
+ Label copyDone;
+ Label copyStart;
+ masm.bind(&copyStart);
+ masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, endReg, startReg, &copyDone);
+ masm.subPtr(Imm32(sizeof(Value)), endReg);
+ masm.pushValue(Address(endReg, 0));
+ masm.jump(&copyStart);
+ masm.bind(&copyDone);
+ // Push arg0 as |this| for call
+ masm.pushValue(Address(BaselineFrameReg, STUB_FRAME_SIZE + sizeof(Value)));
+ // Push |callee| if needed.
+ if (!isJitCall) {
+ masm.Push(TypedOrValueRegister(MIRType::Object, AnyRegister(calleeReg)));
+ }
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallNativeShared(
+ NativeCallType callType, ObjOperandId calleeId, Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags, Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue,
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset) {
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ Register calleeReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, calleeId);
+ Register argcReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, argcId);
+ bool isConstructing = flags.isConstructing();
+ bool isSameRealm = flags.isSameRealm();
+ if (!updateArgc(flags, argcReg, scratch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // Push a stub frame so that we can perform a non-tail call.
+ // Note that this leaves the return address in TailCallReg.
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToObjectRealm(calleeReg, scratch);
+ }
+ pushArguments(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, scratch2, flags,
+ /*isJitCall =*/false);
+ // Native functions have the signature:
+ //
+ // bool (*)(JSContext*, unsigned, Value* vp)
+ //
+ // Where vp[0] is space for callee/return value, vp[1] is |this|, and vp[2]
+ // onward are the function arguments.
+ // Initialize vp.
+ masm.moveStackPtrTo(scratch2.get());
+ // Construct a native exit frame.
+ masm.push(argcReg);
+ EmitBaselineCreateStubFrameDescriptor(masm, scratch, ExitFrameLayout::Size());
+ masm.push(scratch);
+ masm.push(ICTailCallReg);
+ masm.loadJSContext(scratch);
+ masm.enterFakeExitFrameForNative(scratch, scratch, isConstructing);
+ // Execute call.
+ masm.setupUnalignedABICall(scratch);
+ masm.loadJSContext(scratch);
+ masm.passABIArg(scratch);
+ masm.passABIArg(argcReg);
+ masm.passABIArg(scratch2);
+ switch (callType) {
+ case NativeCallType::Native: {
+ // The simulator requires VM calls to be redirected to a special
+ // swi instruction to handle them, so we store the redirected
+ // pointer in the stub and use that instead of the original one.
+ // (See CacheIRWriter::callNativeFunction.)
+ Address redirectedAddr(stubAddress(*targetOffset));
+ masm.callWithABI(redirectedAddr);
+ if (*ignoresReturnValue) {
+ masm.loadPtr(Address(calleeReg, JSFunction::offsetOfJitInfo()),
+ calleeReg);
+ masm.callWithABI(
+ Address(calleeReg, JSJitInfo::offsetOfIgnoresReturnValueNative()));
+ } else {
+ masm.callWithABI(Address(calleeReg, JSFunction::offsetOfNative()));
+ }
+ } break;
+ case NativeCallType::ClassHook: {
+ Address nativeAddr(stubAddress(*targetOffset));
+ masm.callWithABI(nativeAddr);
+ } break;
+ }
+ // Test for failure.
+ masm.branchIfFalseBool(ReturnReg, masm.exceptionLabel());
+ // Load the return value.
+ masm.loadValue(
+ Address(masm.getStackPointer(), NativeExitFrameLayout::offsetOfResult()),
+ output.valueReg());
+ stubFrame.leave(masm);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(scratch2);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallNativeFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ uint32_t targetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue;
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset_ = mozilla::Some(targetOffset);
+ return emitCallNativeShared(NativeCallType::Native, calleeId, argcId, flags,
+ ignoresReturnValue, targetOffset_);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallDOMFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ ObjOperandId thisObjId,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ uint32_t targetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue;
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset_ = mozilla::Some(targetOffset);
+ return emitCallNativeShared(NativeCallType::Native, calleeId, argcId, flags,
+ ignoresReturnValue, targetOffset_);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallNativeFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ bool ignoresReturnValue) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue_ = mozilla::Some(ignoresReturnValue);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset;
+ return emitCallNativeShared(NativeCallType::Native, calleeId, argcId, flags,
+ ignoresReturnValue_, targetOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallDOMFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ ObjOperandId thisObjId,
+ CallFlags flags) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue = mozilla::Some(false);
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset;
+ return emitCallNativeShared(NativeCallType::Native, calleeId, argcId, flags,
+ ignoresReturnValue, targetOffset);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallClassHook(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ uint32_t targetOffset) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ Maybe<bool> ignoresReturnValue;
+ Maybe<uint32_t> targetOffset_ = mozilla::Some(targetOffset);
+ return emitCallNativeShared(NativeCallType::ClassHook, calleeId, argcId,
+ flags, ignoresReturnValue, targetOffset_);
+// Helper function for loading call arguments from the stack. Loads
+// and unboxes an object from a specific slot. |stackPushed| is the
+// size of the data pushed on top of the call arguments in the current
+// frame. It must be tracked manually by the caller. (createThis is
+// currently the only caller. If more callers are added, it might be
+// worth improving the stack depth story.)
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::loadStackObject(ArgumentKind kind,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ size_t stackPushed,
+ Register argcReg, Register dest) {
+ bool addArgc = false;
+ int32_t slotIndex = GetIndexOfArgument(kind, flags, &addArgc);
+ if (addArgc) {
+ int32_t slotOffset = slotIndex * sizeof(JS::Value) + stackPushed;
+ BaseValueIndex slotAddr(masm.getStackPointer(), argcReg, slotOffset);
+ masm.unboxObject(slotAddr, dest);
+ } else {
+ int32_t slotOffset = slotIndex * sizeof(JS::Value) + stackPushed;
+ Address slotAddr(masm.getStackPointer(), slotOffset);
+ masm.unboxObject(slotAddr, dest);
+ }
+template <typename T>
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::storeThis(const T& newThis, Register argcReg,
+ CallFlags flags) {
+ switch (flags.getArgFormat()) {
+ case CallFlags::Standard: {
+ BaseValueIndex thisAddress(masm.getStackPointer(),
+ argcReg, // Arguments
+ 1 * sizeof(Value) + // NewTarget
+ STUB_FRAME_SIZE); // Stub frame
+ masm.storeValue(newThis, thisAddress);
+ } break;
+ case CallFlags::Spread: {
+ Address thisAddress(masm.getStackPointer(),
+ 2 * sizeof(Value) + // Arg array, NewTarget
+ STUB_FRAME_SIZE); // Stub frame
+ masm.storeValue(newThis, thisAddress);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ MOZ_CRASH("Invalid arg format for scripted constructor");
+ }
+ * Scripted constructors require a |this| object to be created prior to the
+ * call. When this function is called, the stack looks like (bottom->top):
+ *
+ * [..., Callee, ThisV, Arg0V, ..., ArgNV, NewTarget, StubFrameHeader]
+ *
+ * At this point, |ThisV| is JSWhyMagic::JS_IS_CONSTRUCTING.
+ *
+ * This function calls CreateThis to generate a new |this| object, then
+ * overwrites the magic ThisV on the stack.
+ */
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::createThis(Register argcReg, Register calleeReg,
+ Register scratch, CallFlags flags) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(flags.isConstructing());
+ if (flags.needsUninitializedThis()) {
+ storeThis(MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL), argcReg, flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t depth = STUB_FRAME_SIZE;
+ // Save live registers that don't have to be traced.
+ LiveGeneralRegisterSet liveNonGCRegs;
+ liveNonGCRegs.add(argcReg);
+ liveNonGCRegs.add(ICStubReg);
+ masm.PushRegsInMask(liveNonGCRegs);
+ depth += sizeof(uintptr_t) * liveNonGCRegs.set().size();
+ // CreateThis takes two arguments: callee, and newTarget.
+ // Push newTarget:
+ loadStackObject(ArgumentKind::NewTarget, flags, depth, argcReg, scratch);
+ masm.push(scratch);
+ depth += sizeof(JSObject*);
+ // Push callee:
+ loadStackObject(ArgumentKind::Callee, flags, depth, argcReg, scratch);
+ masm.push(scratch);
+ // Call CreateThisFromIC.
+ using Fn =
+ bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleObject, MutableHandleValue);
+ callVM<Fn, CreateThisFromIC>(masm);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ Label createdThisOK;
+ masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, JSReturnOperand, &createdThisOK);
+ masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, JSReturnOperand, &createdThisOK);
+ masm.assumeUnreachable(
+ "The return of CreateThis must be an object or uninitialized.");
+ masm.bind(&createdThisOK);
+ // Restore saved registers.
+ masm.PopRegsInMask(liveNonGCRegs);
+ // Save |this| value back into pushed arguments on stack.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!liveNonGCRegs.aliases(JSReturnOperand));
+ storeThis(JSReturnOperand, argcReg, flags);
+ // Restore calleeReg. CreateThisFromIC may trigger a GC, so we reload the
+ // callee from the stub frame (which is traced) instead of spilling it to
+ // the stack.
+ depth = STUB_FRAME_SIZE;
+ loadStackObject(ArgumentKind::Callee, flags, depth, argcReg, calleeReg);
+void BaselineCacheIRCompiler::updateReturnValue() {
+ Label skipThisReplace;
+ masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, JSReturnOperand, &skipThisReplace);
+ // If a constructor does not explicitly return an object, the return value
+ // of the constructor is |this|. We load it out of the baseline stub frame.
+ // At this point, the stack looks like this:
+ // newTarget
+ // ArgN
+ // ...
+ // Arg0
+ // ThisVal <---- We want this value.
+ // argc ^
+ // Callee token | Skip three stack slots.
+ // Frame descriptor v
+ // [Top of stack]
+ Address thisAddress(masm.getStackPointer(), 3 * sizeof(size_t));
+ masm.loadValue(thisAddress, JSReturnOperand);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, JSReturnOperand, &skipThisReplace);
+ masm.assumeUnreachable("Return of constructing call should be an object.");
+ masm.bind(&skipThisReplace);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallScriptedFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegister scratch2(allocator, masm);
+ Register calleeReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, calleeId);
+ Register argcReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, argcId);
+ bool isConstructing = flags.isConstructing();
+ bool isSameRealm = flags.isSameRealm();
+ if (!updateArgc(flags, argcReg, scratch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // Push a stub frame so that we can perform a non-tail call.
+ // Note that this leaves the return address in TailCallReg.
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToObjectRealm(calleeReg, scratch);
+ }
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ createThis(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, flags);
+ }
+ pushArguments(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, scratch2, flags,
+ /*isJitCall =*/true);
+ // Load the start of the target JitCode.
+ Register code = scratch2;
+ masm.loadJitCodeRaw(calleeReg, code);
+ EmitBaselineCreateStubFrameDescriptor(masm, scratch, JitFrameLayout::Size());
+ // Note that we use Push, not push, so that callJit will align the stack
+ // properly on ARM.
+ masm.Push(argcReg);
+ masm.PushCalleeToken(calleeReg, isConstructing);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ // Handle arguments underflow.
+ Label noUnderflow;
+ masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(calleeReg, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()),
+ calleeReg);
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::AboveOrEqual, argcReg, calleeReg, &noUnderflow);
+ {
+ // Call the arguments rectifier.
+ TrampolinePtr argumentsRectifier =
+ cx_->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getArgumentsRectifier();
+ masm.movePtr(argumentsRectifier, code);
+ }
+ masm.bind(&noUnderflow);
+ masm.callJit(code);
+ // If this is a constructing call, and the callee returns a non-object,
+ // replace it with the |this| object passed in.
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ updateReturnValue();
+ }
+ stubFrame.leave(masm, true);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(scratch2);
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallWasmFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ CallFlags flags,
+ uint32_t funcExportOffset,
+ uint32_t instanceOffset) {
+ return emitCallScriptedFunction(calleeId, argcId, flags);
+bool BaselineCacheIRCompiler::emitCallInlinedFunction(ObjOperandId calleeId,
+ Int32OperandId argcId,
+ uint32_t icScriptOffset,
+ CallFlags flags) {
+ JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "%s", __FUNCTION__);
+ AutoOutputRegister output(*this);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutput scratch(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegisterMaybeOutputType scratch2(allocator, masm, output);
+ AutoScratchRegister codeReg(allocator, masm);
+ Register calleeReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, calleeId);
+ Register argcReg = allocator.useRegister(masm, argcId);
+ bool isConstructing = flags.isConstructing();
+ bool isSameRealm = flags.isSameRealm();
+ FailurePath* failure;
+ if (!addFailurePath(&failure)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ masm.loadBaselineJitCodeRaw(calleeReg, codeReg, failure->label());
+ if (!updateArgc(flags, argcReg, scratch)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ allocator.discardStack(masm);
+ // Push a stub frame so that we can perform a non-tail call.
+ // Note that this leaves the return address in TailCallReg.
+ AutoStubFrame stubFrame(*this);
+ stubFrame.enter(masm, scratch);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToObjectRealm(calleeReg, scratch);
+ }
+ Label baselineScriptDiscarded;
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ createThis(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, flags);
+ // CreateThisFromIC may trigger a GC and discard the BaselineScript.
+ // We have already called discardStack, so we can't use a FailurePath.
+ // Instead, we skip storing the ICScript in the JSContext and use a
+ // normal non-inlined call.
+ masm.loadBaselineJitCodeRaw(calleeReg, codeReg, &baselineScriptDiscarded);
+ }
+ // Store icScript in the context.
+ Address icScriptAddr(stubAddress(icScriptOffset));
+ masm.loadPtr(icScriptAddr, scratch);
+ masm.storeICScriptInJSContext(scratch);
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ Label skip;
+ masm.jump(&skip);
+ masm.bind(&baselineScriptDiscarded);
+ masm.loadJitCodeRaw(calleeReg, codeReg);
+ masm.bind(&skip);
+ }
+ pushArguments(argcReg, calleeReg, scratch, scratch2, flags,
+ /*isJitCall =*/true);
+ EmitBaselineCreateStubFrameDescriptor(masm, scratch, JitFrameLayout::Size());
+ // Note that we use Push, not push, so that callJit will align the stack
+ // properly on ARM.
+ masm.Push(argcReg);
+ masm.PushCalleeToken(calleeReg, isConstructing);
+ masm.Push(scratch);
+ // Handle arguments underflow.
+ Label noUnderflow;
+ masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(calleeReg, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()),
+ calleeReg);
+ masm.branch32(Assembler::AboveOrEqual, argcReg, calleeReg, &noUnderflow);
+ // Call the trial-inlining arguments rectifier.
+ ArgumentsRectifierKind kind = ArgumentsRectifierKind::TrialInlining;
+ TrampolinePtr argumentsRectifier =
+ cx_->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getArgumentsRectifier(kind);
+ masm.movePtr(argumentsRectifier, codeReg);
+ masm.bind(&noUnderflow);
+ masm.callJit(codeReg);
+ // If this is a constructing call, and the callee returns a non-object,
+ // replace it with the |this| object passed in.
+ if (isConstructing) {
+ updateReturnValue();
+ }
+ stubFrame.leave(masm, true);
+ if (!isSameRealm) {
+ masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(codeReg);
+ }
+ return true;