path: root/l10n-es-AR/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-es-AR/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd b/l10n-es-AR/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6bfe7e918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-es-AR/suite/chrome/common/utilityOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- these things need to move into utilityOverlay.xul -->
+<!ENTITY offlineGoOfflineCmd.label "Trabajar sin conexión">
+<!ENTITY offlineGoOfflineCmd.accesskey "T">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the global menu items -->
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.label "Archivo">
+<!ENTITY fileMenu.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.label "Nuevo">
+<!ENTITY newMenu.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.label "Página de Composer">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY newBlankPageCmd.key "n">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromTemplateCmd.label "Página que usa plantilla">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromTemplateCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromDraftCmd.label "Página usando borrador">
+<!ENTITY newPageFromDraftCmd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.label "Ventana del navegador">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.key "N">
+<!ENTITY newNavigatorCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.label "Ventana privada">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.key "B">
+<!ENTITY newPrivateWindowCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.label "Cerrar">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.key "W">
+<!ENTITY closeCmd.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Configurar página…">
+<!ENTITY printSetupCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.label "Vista previa">
+<!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.label "Imprimir…">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY printCmd.key "p">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (.modifiers): The following entites are for the
+ application menu. Never change the modifiers unless you are 100% sure that
+ they are different on your locale (should be very rare). -->
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.label "Preferencias…">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.key ",">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmdMac.modifiers "accel">
+<!ENTITY servicesMenu.label "Servicios">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.label "Ocultar &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.key "H">
+<!ENTITY hideThisAppCmd.modifiers "accel">
+<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmd.label "Ocultar otros">
+<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmd.key "H">
+<!ENTITY hideOtherAppsCmd.modifiers "accel,alt">
+<!ENTITY showAllAppsCmd.label "Mostrar todo">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmdMac.label "Ayuda de &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmdMac.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmdMac.key "?">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmdMac.modifiers "accel">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.label "Salir">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.key "Q">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmd.accesskey "x">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.label "Salir de &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdMac.accesskey "Q">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdUnix.label "Salir">
+<!ENTITY quitApplicationCmdUnix.accesskey "Q">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.label "Editar">
+<!ENTITY editMenu.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.label "Deshacer">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.key "Z">
+<!ENTITY undoCmd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.label "Rehacer">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY redoCmdMac.key "Z">
+<!ENTITY redoCmd.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.label "Cortar">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.key "X">
+<!ENTITY cutCmd.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.label "Copiar">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.key "C">
+<!ENTITY copyCmd.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.label "Pegar">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.key "V">
+<!ENTITY pasteCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY pasteGoCmd.label "Pegar e ir">
+<!ENTITY pasteGoCmd.accesskey "g">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteSearchCmd): "Search" is a verb, this is the
+ search bar equivalent to the url bar's "Paste & Go" -->
+<!ENTITY pasteSearchCmd.label "Pegar y buscar">
+<!ENTITY pasteSearchCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.label "Borrar">
+<!ENTITY deleteCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.label "Seleccionar todo">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.key "A">
+<!ENTITY selectAllCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY clearHistoryCmd.label "Borrar historial de búsquedas">
+<!ENTITY clearHistoryCmd.accesskey "h">
+<!ENTITY showSuggestionsCmd.label "Mostrar sugerencias">
+<!ENTITY showSuggestionsCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.label "Preferencias…">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.key "E">
+<!ENTITY preferencesCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.key "F">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (findBarCmd.accesskey): This accesskey should be within
+ findBarCmd.label found in editorOverlay.dtd, findCmd.label in messenger.dtd
+ and messengercompose.dtd and findOnCmd.label found in navigatorOverlay.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY findBarCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY findCmd.key2 "VK_F19">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.key "H">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmdMac.key "F">
+<!ENTITY findReplaceCmd.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.label "Repetir la búsqueda">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.label "Buscar anterior">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key "G">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
+<!ENTITY findPrevCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.label "Buscar texto mientras se escribe">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.key "/">
+<!ENTITY findTypeTextCmd.accesskey "x">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.label "Buscar enlaces mientras se escribe">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.key "'">
+<!ENTITY findTypeLinksCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.label "Ver">
+<!ENTITY viewMenu.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.label "Mostrar/Ocultar">
+<!ENTITY viewToolbarsMenu.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.label "Barra de estado">
+<!ENTITY showTaskbarCmd.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.label "Ayuda">
+<!ENTITY helpMenu.accesskey "y">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE some localizations of Windows use "?"
+ for the help button in the menubar. -->
+<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.label "Ayuda">
+<!ENTITY helpMenuWin.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.label "Contenido de la ayuda">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY openHelpCmd.key "VK_F1">
+<!ENTITY helpForIEUsers.label "Para usuarios de Internet Explorer">
+<!ENTITY helpForIEUsers.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.label "Solución de problemas">
+<!ENTITY helpTroubleshootingInfo.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY releaseCmd.label "Notas de la versión">
+<!ENTITY releaseCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY helpSafeMode.label "Reiniciar con los complementos deshabilitados">
+<!ENTITY helpSafeMode.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY updateCmd.label "Buscar actualizaciones…">
+<!ENTITY updateCmd.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY aboutCmd.label "Acerca de &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY aboutCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY aboutCommPluginsCmd.label "Acerca de plugins">
+<!ENTITY aboutCommPluginsCmd.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY direct.label "Conectado (Proxy: ninguno)">
+<!ENTITY direct.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY manual.label "Conectado (Proxy: manual)">
+<!ENTITY manual.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY pac.label "Conectado (Proxy: URL automática)">
+<!ENTITY pac.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY wpad.label "Conectado (Proxy: descubierto automáticamente)">
+<!ENTITY wpad.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY system.label "Conectado (Proxy: proxy del sistema)">
+<!ENTITY system.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY proxy.label "Configuración de proxy…">
+<!ENTITY proxy.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.label "Cambiar dirección del texto">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY bidiSwitchTextDirectionItem.commandkey "X">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.label "Barra de menú">
+<!ENTITY menubarCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbarContext.label "Personalizar…">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbarContext.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.toolbarmode.label "Opciones para esta barra de herramientas">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.toolbarmode.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.iconsAndText.label "Íconos y texto">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.iconsAndText.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.icons.label "Íconos">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.icons.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.text.label "Texto">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.text.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useSmallIcons.label "Usar íconos pequeños">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useSmallIcons.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.labelAlignEnd.label "Mostrar texto debajo del ícono">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.labelAlignEnd.accesskey "b">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useDefault.label "Usar opciones predeterminadas">
+<!ENTITY customizeToolbar.useDefault.accesskey "U">
+<!-- Popup Blocked notification menu -->
+<!ENTITY allowPopups.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY showPopupManager.label "Administrar ventanas emergentes">
+<!ENTITY showPopupManager.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY dontShowMessage.label "No mostrar este mensaje cuando las ventanas emergentes están bloqueadas">
+<!ENTITY dontShowMessage.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY throbber.title "Throbber">
+<!ENTITY throbber.tooltip2 "Ir a la página de inicio de &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY syncToolbarButton.label "Sync">