path: root/l10n-et/chat/
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1 files changed, 275 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-et/chat/ b/l10n-et/chat/
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index 0000000000..e7b2e648fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-et/chat/
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.*)
+# These will be displayed in the account manager in order to show the progress
+# of the connection.
+# (These will be displayed in account.connection.progress from
+#, which adds … at the end, so do not include
+# periods at the end of these messages.)
+connection.initializingStream=Andmevoo initsialiseerimine
+connection.initializingEncryption=Krüptimise initsialiseerimine
+connection.gettingResource=Vahendite hankimine
+connection.downloadingRoster=Kontaktide nimekirja allalaadimine
+connection.srvLookup=SRV-kirje kontrollimine
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*)
+# These will show in the account manager if an error occurs during the
+# connection attempt.
+connection.error.invalidUsername=Vigane kasutajanimi (kasutajanimi peaks sisaldama tähemärki '@')
+connection.error.failedToCreateASocket=Socketi loomine ebaõnnestus (kas oled äkki võrguta režiimis?)
+connection.error.serverClosedConnection=Server sulges ühenduse
+connection.error.resetByPeer=Teine pool lähtestas ühenduse
+connection.error.timedOut=Ühenduse ajalimiit ületati
+connection.error.receivedUnexpectedData=Võeti vastu ootamatuid andmeid
+connection.error.incorrectResponse=Võeti vastu vigane vastus
+connection.error.startTLSRequired=Server nõuab krüptimist, aga sa keelasid selle
+connection.error.startTLSNotSupported=Server ei toeta krüptimist, aga sinu häälestus nõuab seda
+connection.error.failedToStartTLS=Krüptimise käivitamine ebaõnnestus
+connection.error.noAuthMec=Server ei pakkunud välja ühtki autentimise moodust
+connection.error.noCompatibleAuthMec=Ükski serveri pakutav autentimise moodus pole toetatud
+connection.error.notSendingPasswordInClear=Server toetab ainult krüptimata kujul saadetava parooliga autentimist
+connection.error.authenticationFailure=Viga autentimisel
+connection.error.notAuthorized=Pole autoriseeritud (kas sisestasid vale parooli?)
+connection.error.failedToGetAResource=Vahendite hankimine ei õnnestunud
+connection.error.failedMaxResourceLimit=See konto on ühendatud liiga paljudest kohtadest samal ajal.
+connection.error.failedResourceNotValid=Vahend pole sobiv.
+connection.error.XMPPNotSupported=See server ei toeta XMPP protokolli
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.error.notDelivered):
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when a message
+# the user has sent wasn't delivered.
+# %S is replaced by the text of the message that wasn't delivered.
+conversation.error.notDelivered=Järgnevat sõnumit polnud võimalik edastada: %S
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when joining a MUC
+# fails.
+# %S is the name of the MUC.
+conversation.error.joinFailed=Polnud võimalik liituda: %S
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user is
+# banned from a room.
+# %S is the name of the MUC room.
+conversation.error.joinForbidden=Jututoaga %S polnud võimalik liituda, sest sa oled sellest tõrjutud.
+conversation.error.joinFailedNotAuthorized=Registreerimine on vajalik: sul pole luba selle jututoaga liituda.
+conversation.error.creationFailedNotAllowed=Ligipääs keelatud: sul on jututubade loomine keelatud.
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when remote server
+# is not found.
+# %S is the name of MUC room.
+conversation.error.joinFailedRemoteServerNotFound=Jututoaga %S polnud võimalik liituda, sest jututuba majutava serveriga puudub ühendus.
+conversation.error.changeTopicFailedNotAuthorized=Sul puuduvad õigused selle jututoa teema muutmiseks.
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user sends
+# a message to a room that he is not in.
+# %1$S is the name of MUC room.
+# %2$S is the text of the message that wasn't delivered.
+conversation.error.sendFailedAsNotInRoom=Sõnumi saatmine jututuppa %1$S ebaõnnestus, sest sa pole enam selles jututoas: %2$S
+# This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user sends
+# a message to a room that the recipient is not in.
+# %1$S is the jid of the recipient.
+# %2$S is the text of the message that wasn't delivered.
+conversation.error.sendFailedAsRecipientNotInRoom=Sõnumi saatmine kasutajale %1$S ebaõnnestus, sest teda pole enam selles jututoas: %2$S
+# These are displayed in a conversation as a system error message.
+conversation.error.remoteServerNotFound=Vastuvõtja serveriga polnud võimalik ühenduda
+conversation.error.unknownSendError=Sõnumi saatmisel esines tundmatu viga.
+# %S is the name of the message recipient.
+conversation.error.sendServiceUnavailable=Kontaktile %S pole praegu võimalik sõnumit saata.
+# %S is the nick of participant that is not in room.
+conversation.error.nickNotInRoom=%S pole jututoas.
+conversation.error.banCommandAnonymousRoom=Anonüümsete jututubade liikmeid ei saa tõrjuda. Proovi selle asemel kasutada käsku /kick.
+conversation.error.banKickCommandNotAllowed=Sul pole piisavalt õigusi, et seda osalejat jututoast eemaldada.
+conversation.error.banKickCommandConflict=Vabandust, sa ei saa iseennast jututoast eemaldada.
+conversation.error.changeNickFailedConflict=Hüüdnime muutmine nimeks %S pole võimalik, sest see on juba kasutusel.
+conversation.error.changeNickFailedNotAcceptable=Hüüdnime muutmine nimeks %S pole võimalik, sest selle jututoa hüüdnimed on lukustatud.
+conversation.error.inviteFailedForbidden=Sul pole õigusi sellesse jututuppa osalejaid kutsuda.
+# %S is the jid of user that is invited.
+conversation.error.failedJIDNotFound=Kasutajaga %S polnud võimalik ühenduda.
+# %S is the jid that is invalid.
+conversation.error.invalidJID=%S pole korrektne jid (Jabberi kasutajanimi peab olema kujul kasutaja@domeen).
+conversation.error.commandFailedNotInRoom=Selle käsu andmiseks pead jututoaga uuesti liituma.
+# %S is the name of the recipient.
+conversation.error.resourceNotAvailable=Sa pead ise vestlust alustama, sest %S võib olla ühendatud rohkem kui ühe kliendi vahendusel.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.error.version.*):
+# %S is the name of the recipient.
+conversation.error.version.unknown=Kontakti %S klient ei toeta tarkvara versiooni pärimist.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*):
+# These are the titles of lines of information that will appear in
+# the tooltip showing details about a contact or conversation.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.status):
+# %S will be replaced by the XMPP resource identifier
+tooltip.status=Olek (%S)
+tooltip.nickname=Hüüdnimi aadress
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (chatRoomField.*):
+# These are the name of fields displayed in the 'Join Chat' dialog
+# for XMPP accounts.
+# The _ character won't be displayed; it indicates the next
+# character of the string should be used as the access key for this
+# field.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.*):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a chatroom invitation is
+# received.
+# %1$S is the inviter.
+# %2$S is the room.
+# %3$S is the reason which is a message provided by the person sending the
+# invitation.
+conversation.muc.invitationWithReason2=%1$S kutsus sind liituma jututoaga %2$S: %3$S
+# %3$S is the password of the room.
+# %4$S is the reason which is a message provided by the person sending the
+# invitation.
+conversation.muc.invitationWithReason2.password=%1$S kutsus sind liituma jututoga %2$S (kasutades parooli %3$S): %4$S
+conversation.muc.invitationWithoutReason=%1$S kutsus sind liituma jututoaga %2$S
+# %3$S is the password of the room.
+conversation.muc.invitationWithoutReason.password=%1$S kutsus sind liituma jututoaga %2$S kasutades parooli %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.join):
+# This is displayed as a system message when a participant joins room.
+# %S is the nick of the participant.
+conversation.message.join=%S sisenes jututuppa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.rejoined):
+# This is displayed as a system message when a participant rejoins room after
+# parting it.
+conversation.message.rejoined=Sa liitusid jututoaga uuesti.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.parted.*):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a participant parts a room.
+# %S is the part message supplied by the user. jututoast. jututoast: %S
+# %1$S is the participant that is leaving.
+# %2$S is the part message supplied by the participant.
+conversation.message.parted=%1$S lahkus jututoast.
+conversation.message.parted.reason=%1$S lahkus jututoast: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.invitationDeclined*):
+# %1$S is the invitee that declined the invitation.
+# %2$S is the decline message supplied by the invitee.
+conversation.message.invitationDeclined=%1$S keeldus su kutsest.
+conversation.message.invitationDeclined.reason=%1$S keeldus su kutsest sõnumiga: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.banned.*):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a participant is banned from
+# a room.
+# %1$S is the participant that is banned.
+# %2$S is the reason.
+# %3$S is the person who is banning.
+conversation.message.banned=%1$S tõrjuti jututoast.
+conversation.message.banned.reason=%1$S tõrjuti jututoast: %2$S
+# %1$S is the person who is banning.
+# %2$S is the participant that is banned.
+# %3$S is the reason.$S tõrjus kasutaja %2$S jututoast.$S tõrjus kasutaja %2$S jututoast: %3$S tõrjuti jututoast välja.
+# %1$S is the reason. tõrjuti jututoast välja: %1$S
+# %1$S is the person who is banning.
+# %2$S is the reason.$S tõrjus sind jututoast välja.$S tõrjus sind jututoast välja: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.kicked.*):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a participant is kicked from
+# a room.
+# %1$S is the participant that is kicked.
+# %2$S is the reason.
+conversation.message.kicked=%1$S visati jututoast välja.
+conversation.message.kicked.reason=%1$S visati jututoast välja: %2$S
+# %1$S is the person who is kicking.
+# %2$S is the participant that is kicked.
+# %3$S is the reason.$S viskas kasutaja %2$S jututoast välja.$S viskas kasutaja %2$S jututoast välja: %3$S visati jututoast välja.
+# %1$S is the reason. visati jututoast välja: %1$S
+# %1$S is the person who is kicking.
+# %2$S is the reason.$S viskas sind jututoast välja.$S viskas sind jututoast välja: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.removedNonMember.*):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a participant is removed from
+# a room because the room has been changed to members-only.
+# %1$S is the participant that is removed.
+# %2$S is the person who changed the room configuration.
+conversation.message.removedNonMember=%1$S eemaldati jututoast, sest selle häälestus muudeti ainult liikmeid lubavaks.$S eemaldati jututoast, sest %2$S muutis jututoa häälestuse selliseks, et see lubab ainult liikmeid. eemaldati jututoast, sest selle häälestus muudeti ainult liikmeid lubavaks.
+# %1$S is the person who changed the room configuration. eemaldati jututoast, sest %1$S muutis jututoa häälestuse selliseks, et see lubab ainult liikmeid.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.MUCShutdown):
+# These are displayed as a system message when a participant is removed from
+# a room because of a system shutdown.
+conversation.message.mucShutdown=Sind eemaldati jututoast, sest süsteem lülitatakse välja.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.version*):
+# %1$S is the name of the user whose version was requested.
+# %2$S is the client name response from the client.
+# %3$S is the client version response from the client.
+# %4$S is the operating system(OS) response from the client.
+conversation.message.version=%1$S kasutab rakendust "%2$S %3$S".
+conversation.message.versionWithOS=%1$S kasutab rakendust "%2$S %3$S" operatsioonisüsteemil %4$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*):
+# These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and
+# account wizard windows.
+options.connectionSecurity=Ühenduse turvalisus
+options.connectionSecurity.requireEncryption=krüptimine nõutud
+options.connectionSecurity.opportunisticTLS=võimalusel kasutatakse krüptimist
+options.connectionSecurity.allowUnencryptedAuth=parooli lubatakse edastada krüptimata kujul
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.protocolName)
+# This name is used whenever the name of the protocol is shown.
+gtalk.protocolName=Google Talk
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gtalk.usernameHint):
+# This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription
+# string defined in when the user is
+# configuring a Google Talk account.
+gtalk.usernameHint=e-posti aadress
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (odnoklassniki.usernameHint):
+# This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription
+# string defined in when the user is
+# configuring a Odnoklassniki account.
+odnoklassniki.usernameHint=Profiili ID
+# LOCALZIATION NOTE (command.*):
+# These are the help messages for each command.
+command.join3=%S [<jututuba>[@<server>][/<hüüdnimi>]] [<parool>]: ühine jututoaga, määrates valikuliselt lisaks erineva serveri, hüüdnime või jututoa parooli.
+command.part2=%S [<sõnum>]: välju praegusest jututoast, lisades valikuliselt lahkumisteate.
+command.topic=%S [<uus teema>]: määra jututoale teema.
+command.ban=%S <nick>[<message>]: tõrju keegi jututoast. Selle käsu andmiseks peab olema jututoa administraatori õigustes.
+command.kick=%S <nick>[<message>]: viska keegi jututoast välja. Selle käsu andmiseks peab olema jututoa administraatori õigustes.
+command.invite=%S <jid>[<message>]: kutsu keegi selle jututoaga liituma, lisades valikuliselt sõnumi.
+command.inviteto=%S <jututoa jid>[<parool>]: kutsu oma vestluspartner ühinema jututoaga, lisades parooli, kui see on vajalik. <action to perform>: tee midagi.
+command.nick=%S <new nickname>: muuda oma hüüdnime.
+command.msg=%S <nick> <message>: saada privaatsõnum jututoas osalejale.
+command.version=%S: hangi infot vestluspartneri poolt kasutatava rakenduse kohta.