path: root/l10n-eu/chat/
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diff --git a/l10n-eu/chat/ b/l10n-eu/chat/
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index 0000000000..4f3eab23e0
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+++ b/l10n-eu/chat/
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (irc.usernameHint):
+# This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription
+# string defined in when the user is
+# configuring an IRC account.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*):
+# These will show in the account manager if the account is
+# disconnected because of an error.
+connection.error.lost=Konexioa galdu da zerbitzariarekin
+connection.error.timeOut=Konexioa denboraz kanpo
+connection.error.invalidUsername=%S erabiltzaile-izena ez da baimentzen
+connection.error.invalidPassword=Zerbitzari pasahitz baliogabea
+connection.error.passwordRequired=Pasahitza behar da
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (joinChat.*):
+# These show up on the join chat menu. An underscore is for the access key.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*):
+# These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and
+# account wizard windows.
+options.ssl=Erabili SSL
+options.quitMessage=Irteerako mezua
+options.partMessage=Kanal-irteerako mezua
+options.showServerTab=Erakutsi zerbitzariko mezuak
+options.alternateNicks=Bestelako goitizenak
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctcp.version):
+# %1$S is the nickname of the user whose version was requested.
+# %2$S is the version response from the client.
+ctcp.version="%2$S" %1$S erabiltzen ari da.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctcp.time):
+# %1$S is the nickname of the user whose time was requested.
+# %2$S is the time response.
+ctcp.time=%1$S erabiltzailearen ordua %2$S da.
+# LOCALZIATION NOTE (command.*):
+# These are the help messages for each command, the %S is the command name
+# Each command first gives the parameter it accepts and then a description of
+# the command.
+command.action=%S <burutu beharreko ekintza>: Burutu ekintza.
+command.ban=%S <goitizena!erabiltzailea@host>: patroiarekin bat datozen erabiltzaileak debekatu ditu.
+command.ctcp=%S <goitizena> <mezua>: CTCP mezua bidaltzen dio goitizenari.
+command.chanserv=%S <komandoa>: Bidali komandoa ChanServ-i.
+command.deop=%S <1.goitizena>[,<2.goitizena>]*: Kendu norbaiti kanalaren operatzaile egoera. Kanalaren operatzailea izan behar zara hau egiteko.
+command.devoice=%S <1.goitizena>[,<2.goitizena>]*: Kendu norbaiti kanalaren ahots egoera, hitz egitea galaraziz kanala moderatuta badago (+m). Kanalaren operatzailea izan behar zara hau egiteko.
+command.invite2=%S <nick>[ <nick>]* [<channel>]: Gonbidatu erabiltzaile bat edo gehiago kanal honetara, edo zehaztutako kanalera.
+command.join=%S <1.gela>[,<2.gela>]* [<1.gakoa>[,<2.gakoa>]*]: sartu kanal bat edo gehiago, aukeran bakoitzarentzat kanalaren gakoa emanaz beharrezkoa bada.
+command.kick=%S <goitizena> [<mezua>]: Kendu norbait kanaletik. Kanalaren operatzailea izan behar zara hau egiteko.
+command.list=%S: Bistaratu sareko txat-gelen zerrenda. Kontuz, hau eginez gero zenbait zerbitzarik deskonektatu egin zaitzakete.
+command.memoserv=%S <komandoa>: Bidali komandoa MemoServ-i.
+command.modeUser2=%S <goitizena> [(+|-)<modua>]: Lortu, ezarri edo kendu erabiltzaile modua.
+command.modeChannel2=%S [<kanala>] [(+|-)<modu berria> [<parametroa>][,<parametroa>]*]: Lortu, ezarri edo kendu kanal modua.
+command.msg=%S <goitizena> <mezua>: Bidali mezu pribatua erabiltzaileari (kanalera beharrean).
+command.nick=%S <goitizen berria>: Aldatu zure goitizena.
+command.nickserv=%S <komandoa>: Bidali komandoa NickServ-i.
+command.notice=%S <helburua> <mezua>: Bidali oharra erabiltzaileari edo kanalari.
+command.op=%S <1.goitizena>[,<2.goitizena>]*: Eman norbaiti kanalaren operatzaile egoera. Kanalaren operatzailea izan behar zara hau egiteko.
+command.operserv=%S <komandoa>: Bidali komandoa OperServ-i.
+command.part=%S [mezua]: Utzi uneko kanala aukerazko mezuarekin. [<goitizena>]: Galdetu erabiltzaileak (edo erabiltzailerik zehatu ezean, zerbitzariak) daukan atzerapena.
+command.quit=%S <mezua>: Deskonektatu zerbitzaritik aukerako mezuarekin.
+command.quote=%S <komandoa>: Bidali komando gordina zerbitzarira.
+command.time=%S: IRC zerbitzariaren uneko denbora lokala bistaratzen du.
+command.topic=%S [<gai berria>]: Ikusi edo aldatu kanalaren gaia.
+command.umode=%S (+|-)<modu berria>: Ezarri edo kendu erabiltzaile-modua.
+command.version=%S <goitizena>: Eskatu erabiltzailearen bezeroaren bertsioa.
+command.voice=%S <1.goitizena>[,<2.goitizena>]*: Eman norbaiti ahotsa. Kanalaren operatzailea izan behar zara hau egiteko.
+command.whois2=%S [<goitizena>]: Eskuratu erabiltzailearen gaineko informazioa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (message.*):
+# These are shown as system messages in the conversation.
+# %1$S is the nick and %2$S is the nick and host of the user who joined.
+message.join=%1$S [%2$S] gelan sartu da.
+message.rejoined=Gelara sartu zara berriro.
+# %1$S is the nick of who kicked you.
+# %2$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.$S(e)k kanporatu egin zaitu%2$S.
+# %1$S is the nick that is kicked, %2$S the nick of the person who kicked
+# %1$S. %3$S is message.kicked.reason, if a kick message was given.
+message.kicked=%2$S(e)k %1$S kanporatu du%3$S.
+# %S is the kick message
+message.kicked.reason=: %S
+# %1$S is the new mode, %2$S is the nickname of the user whose mode
+# was changed, and %3$S is who set the mode.
+message.usermode=%2$S(e)rako %1$S modua ezarri du %3$S(e)k.
+# %1$S is the new channel mode and %2$S is who set the mode.
+message.channelmode=Kanalaren %1$S modua ezarri du %2$S(e)k.
+# %S is the user's mode.
+message.yourmode=Zure modua %S da.
+# Could not change the nickname. %S is the user's nick. da emandako goitizena erabili. Zure goitizenak %S izaten jarraitzen du.
+# The parameter is the message.parted.reason, if a part message is given. utzi duzu (utzita%1$S).
+# %1$S is the user's nick, %2$S is message.parted.reason, if a part message is given.
+message.parted=%1$S(e)k gela utzi du (utzita%2$S).
+# %S is the part message supplied by the user.
+message.parted.reason=: %S
+# %1$S is the user's nick, %2$S is message.quit2 if a quit message is given.
+message.quit=%1$S(e)k gela utzi du (irtenda%2$S).
+# The parameter is the quit message given by the user.
+message.quit2=: %S
+# %1$S is the nickname of the user that invited us, %2$S is the conversation
+# name.
+message.inviteReceived=%1$S(e)k %2$S(e)ra gonbidatu zaitu.
+# %1$S is the nickname of the invited user, %2$S is the conversation name
+# they were invited to.
+message.invited=%1$S goitizena %2$S gelara gonbidatu da.
+# %1$S is the nickname of the invited user, %2$S is the conversation name
+# they were invited to but are already in
+message.alreadyInChannel=%1$S dagoeneko %2$S elkarrizketan dago.
+# %S is the nickname of the user who was summoned.
+message.summoned=%S(r)i dei egin zaio.
+# %S is the nickname of the user whose WHOIS information follows this message.
+message.whois=%S erabiltzailearen WHOIS informazioa:
+# %1$S is the nickname of the (offline) user whose WHOWAS information follows this message.
+message.whowas=%1$S lineaz kanpo dago. %1$S erabiltzailearen WHOWAS informazioa:
+# %1$S is the entry description (from tooltip.*), %2$S is its value.
+message.whoisEntry=\u00A0   %1$S: %2$S
+# %S is the nickname that is not known to the server.
+message.unknownNick=%S goitizen ezezaguna da.
+# %1$S is the nickname of the user who changed the mode and %2$S is the new
+# channel key (password).
+message.channelKeyAdded=%1$S(e)k kanalaren pasahitza aldatu du: %2$S.
+message.channelKeyRemoved=%S(e)k kanalaren pasahitza kendu du.
+# This will be followed by a list of ban masks.
+message.banMasks=Ondorengo kokalekutatik konektatutako erabiltzaileak debekatuta daude %S(e)tik:
+message.noBanMasks=Ez dago debekatuko kokalekurik %S(r)entzat.
+message.banMaskAdded=%1$S(r)ekin bat datozen kokalekutatik konektatutako erabiltzaileak debekatu egin ditu %2$S(e)k.
+message.banMaskRemoved=%1$S(r)ekin bat datozen kokalekutatik konektatutako erabiltzaileak dagoeneko ez daude %2$S(e)ngatik debekatuta.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ( Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# %1$S is the nickname of the user or the server that was pinged.
+# #2 is the delay (in milliseconds). erantzuna (%1$S): milisegundo #2.;Ping erantzuna (%1$S): #2 milisegundo.
+# These are shown as error messages in the conversation or server tab.
+# %S is the channel name.
+error.noChannel=Ez dago kanala: %S.
+error.tooManyChannels=Ezin da %S kanalera batu; kanal gehiegitan zaude.
+# %1$S is your new nick, %2$S is the kill message from the server.
+error.nickCollision=Goitizena hartuta dago, goitizena aldatzen: %1$S [%2$S].
+error.erroneousNickname=%S goitizena ez da onartzen.
+error.banned=Debekatuta daukazu zerbitzarirako sarrera.
+error.bannedSoon=Zerbitzarirako sarrera debekatuko zaizu laster.
+error.mode.wrongUser=Ezin dituzu beste erabiltzaileen moduak aldatu.
+# %S is the nickname or channel name that isn't available.
+error.noSuchNick=%S ez dago linean.
+error.wasNoSuchNick=Ez zegoen halako goitizenik: %S
+error.noSuchChannel=Ez dago kanala: %S.
+error.unavailable=%S ez dago erabilgarri behin-behinean.
+# %S is the channel name.
+error.channelBanned=%S kanalerako sarrera debekatu zaizu.
+error.cannotSendToChannel=Ezin duzu mezurik bidali %S kanalera.
+error.channelFull=%S kanala beteta dago.
+error.inviteOnly=%S kanalera sartzeko gonbidapena behar duzu.
+error.nonUniqueTarget=%S ez da erabiltzailea@ostalaria bakarra edo shortname-a edo kanal gehiegitan saiatu zara sartzen aldi berean.
+error.notChannelOp=Ez zara %S kanaleko operatzailea.
+error.notChannelOwner=Ez zara %S kanaleko jabea.
+error.wrongKey=Ezin da %S(e)ra sartu, kanalaren pasahitz baliogabea.
+error.sendMessageFailed=Errore bat gertatu da zure azken mezua bidaltzean. Saiatu berriro konexioa berrezarri denean.
+# %1$S is the channel the user tried to join, %2$S is the channel
+# he was forwarded to.
+error.channelForward=Ezin zara %1$S gelan sartu eta automatikoki %2$S gelara birbideratua izan zara.
+# %S is the mode that the user tried to set but was not recognized
+# by the server as a valid mode.
+error.unknownMode='%S' ez da erabiltzaile modu baliokoa zerbitzari honetan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*):
+# These are the descriptions given in a tooltip with information received
+# from a whois response.
+# The human readable ("realname") description of the user.
+tooltip.server=Hona konektatuta
+# The username and hostname that the user connects from (usually based on the
+# reverse DNS of the user's IP, but often mangled by the server to
+# protect users).
+tooltip.connectedFrom=Nondik konektatuta
+tooltip.registeredAs=Honela erregistratuta segurua erabiltzen
+# The away message of the user
+tooltip.ircOp=IRC operatzailea
+tooltip.lastActivity=Azken jarduera
+# %S is the timespan elapsed since the last activity.
+tooltip.timespan=Duela %S
+tooltip.channels=Kanal hauetan
+# %1$S is the server name, %2$S is some generic server information (usually a
+# location or the date the user was last seen).
+tooltip.serverValue=%1$S (%2$S)
+# These are used to turn true/false values into a yes/no response.