path: root/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout
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8 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
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index 0000000000..b7cf86435b
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+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Reset=Palauta oletusarvot
+FileUpload=Lähetä tiedosto
+DirectoryUpload=Valitse lähetettävä kansio
+ForgotPostWarning=Lomakkeessa on määre enctype=%S, mutta siitä puuttuu määre method=post. Lähetetään sen sijaan normaalisti attribuutilla method=GET ilman enctype-tietoa.
+ForgotFileEnctypeWarning=Lomakkeessa on tiedoston syöttökenttä, mutta siitä puuttuu määreet method=POST ja enctype=multipart/form-data. Tiedostoa ei lähetetä.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (DefaultFormSubject): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+DefaultFormSubject=Lomake lähetetty %Sista
+CannotEncodeAllUnicode=Lomake lähetettiin %S-koodauksella, joka ei kata kaikkia Unicode-merkkejä. Käyttäjän viesti voi välittyä virheellisesti. Ongelman voi välttää muuttamalla sivua niin, että lomake lähetetään UTF-8 -merkistökoodauksella. Tämän voi tehdä joko muuttamalla itse sivun merkistökoodauksen UTF-8:ksi tai määrittämällä "accept-charset=utf-8" lomake-elementtiin.
+AllSupportedTypes=Kaikki tuetut tyypit
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoFileSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file'> when there is no file selected yet.
+NoFileSelected=Ei valittua tiedostoa.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoFilesSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' multiple> when there is no file selected yet.
+NoFilesSelected=Ei valittuja tiedostoja.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoDirSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' directory/webkitdirectory> when there is no directory
+# selected yet.
+NoDirSelected=Ei valittua kansiota.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (XFilesSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' multiple> when there are more than one selected file.
+# %S will be a number greater or equal to 2.
+XFilesSelected=%S tiedostoa valittu.
+ColorPicker=Valitse väri
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (AndNMoreFiles): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# This string is shown at the end of the tooltip text for <input type='file'
+# multiple> when there are more than 21 files selected (when we will only list
+# the first 20, plus an "and X more" line). #1 represents the number of files
+# minus 20 and will always be a number equal to or greater than 2. So the
+# singular case will never be used.
+AndNMoreFiles=ja yksi muu;ja #1 muuta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (DefaultSummary): this string is shown on a <details> when
+# it has no direct <summary> child. Google Chrome should already have this
+# string translated.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbe3e7270e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithDimensions2AndFile): first %S is filename, second %S is type, third %S is width and fourth %S is height
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithoutDimensions): first %S is filename, second %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithDimensions2): first %S is type, second %S is width and third %S is height
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithNeitherDimensionsNorFile): first %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (MediaTitleWithFile): first %S is filename, second %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (MediaTitleWithNoInfo): first %S is type
+ImageTitleWithDimensions2AndFile=%S (%S-kuva, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S kuvapistettä)
+ImageTitleWithoutDimensions=%S (%S-kuva)
+ImageTitleWithDimensions2=(%S-kuva, %S\u00A0\u00D7\u00A0%S kuvapistettä)
+MediaTitleWithFile=%S (%S-tiedosto)
+InvalidImage=Kuvaa %S ei voida näyttää, koska se sisältää virheitä.
+ScaledImage=Pienennetty (%S %% alkuperäisestä)
+TitleWithStatus=%S — %S
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a0a0f669e
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+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+MimeNotCss=The stylesheet %1$S was not loaded because its MIME type, "%2$S", is not "text/css".
+MimeNotCssWarn=The stylesheet %1$S was loaded as CSS even though its MIME type, "%2$S", is not "text/css".
+PEDeclDropped=Declaration dropped.
+PEDeclSkipped=Skipped to next declaration.
+PEUnknownProperty=Unknown property '%1$S'.
+PEValueParsingError=Error in parsing value for '%1$S'.
+PEUnknownAtRule=Unrecognized at-rule or error parsing at-rule '%1$S'.
+PEMQUnexpectedOperator=Unexpected operator in media list.
+PEMQUnexpectedToken=Unexpected token ‘%1$S’ in media list.
+PEAtNSUnexpected=Unexpected token within @namespace: '%1$S'.
+PEKeyframeBadName=Expected identifier for name of @keyframes rule.
+PEBadSelectorRSIgnored=Ruleset ignored due to bad selector.
+PEBadSelectorKeyframeRuleIgnored=Keyframe rule ignored due to bad selector.
+PESelectorGroupNoSelector=Selector expected.
+PESelectorGroupExtraCombinator=Dangling combinator.
+PEClassSelNotIdent=Expected identifier for class selector but found '%1$S'.
+PETypeSelNotType=Expected element name or '*' but found '%1$S'.
+PEUnknownNamespacePrefix=Unknown namespace prefix '%1$S'.
+PEAttributeNameExpected=Expected identifier for attribute name but found '%1$S'.
+PEAttributeNameOrNamespaceExpected=Expected attribute name or namespace but found '%1$S'.
+PEAttSelNoBar=Expected '|' but found '%1$S'.
+PEAttSelUnexpected=Unexpected token in attribute selector: '%1$S'.
+PEAttSelBadValue=Expected identifier or string for value in attribute selector but found '%1$S'.
+PEPseudoSelBadName=Expected identifier for pseudo-class or pseudo-element but found '%1$S'.
+PEPseudoSelEndOrUserActionPC=Expected end of selector or a user action pseudo-class after pseudo-element but found '%1$S'.
+PEPseudoSelUnknown=Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element '%1$S'.
+PENegationBadArg=Missing argument in negation pseudo-class '%1$S'.
+PEPseudoClassArgNotIdent=Expected identifier for pseudo-class parameter but found '%1$S'.
+PEColorNotColor=Expected color but found '%1$S'.
+PEParseDeclarationDeclExpected=Expected declaration but found '%1$S'.
+PEUnknownFontDesc=Unknown descriptor '%1$S' in @font-face rule.
+PEMQExpectedFeatureName=Expected media feature name but found '%1$S'.
+PEMQNoMinMaxWithoutValue=Media features with min- or max- must have a value.
+PEMQExpectedFeatureValue=Found invalid value for media feature.
+PEExpectedNoneOrURL=Expected 'none' or URL but found '%1$S'.
+PEExpectedNoneOrURLOrFilterFunction=Expected 'none', URL, or filter function but found '%1$S'.
+PEDisallowedImportRule=@import rules are not yet valid in constructed stylesheets.
+TooLargeDashedRadius=Border radius is too large for ‘dashed’ style (the limit is 100000px). Rendering as solid.
+TooLargeDottedRadius=Border radius is too large for ‘dotted’ style (the limit is 100000px). Rendering as solid.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfcc70fd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Encoding warnings and errors
+EncNoDeclarationFrame=Kehystetyn dokumentin käyttämää merkistökoodausta ei määritelty. Dokumentti voi näyttää erilaiselta jos se ei ole kehystetty.
+EncNoDeclarationPlain=Pelkkä teksti dokumentin käyttämää merkistökoodausta ei määritelty. Dokumentti voi näyttää sisältävän roskamerkkejä joillain selainasetuksilla jos dokumentti sisältää merkkejä, jotka eivät kuul US-ASCII -merkistöön. Tiedoston merkistökoodaus pitää määritellä tiedonsiirtokäytännössä tai tiedoston täytää käyttää tavujärjestysmerkkiä koodauksen merkkinä.
+EncNoDeclaration=HTML-dokumentin käyttämää merkistökoodausta ei määritelty. Dokumentti voi näyttää sisältävän roskamerkkejä joillain selainasetuksilla jos dokumentti sisältää merkkejä, jotka eivät kuul US-ASCII -merkistöön. Sivun merkistökoodaus pitää määritellä dokumentissa tai tiedonsiirtokäytännössä.
+EncLateMetaFrame=Kehystetyn HTML-dokumentin käyttämää merkistökoodausta ei löytynyt haettaessa tiedoston ensimmäisestä 1024-tavusta. Jos dokumenttia katsellaan ilman kehystä sivu latautuu uudestaan automaattisesti. Merkistökoodausmääritys täytyy siirtää tiedoston 1024 ensimmäisen tavuun.
+EncLateMeta=HTML-dokumentin käyttämää merkistökoodausta ei löytynyt haettaessa tiedoston ensimmäisestä 1024-tavusta. Jos dokumenttia katsellaan selaimella, jossa on eri asetukset, sivu latautuu uudestaan automaattisesti. Merkistökoodausmääritys täytyy siirtää tiedoston 1024 ensimmäisen tavuun.
+EncLateMetaReload=Sivu ladattiin uudestaan, koska HTML-dokumentin merkistökoodausmääritystä ei löytynyt haettaessa tiedoston ensimmäisestä 1024-tavusta. Merkistökoodausmääritys täytyy siirtää tiedoston 1024 ensimmäisen tavuun.
+EncLateMetaTooLate=Merkistökoodausmääritys löytyy liian myöhään tiedostosta, jotta se voitaisiin huomioida. Merkistökoodausmääritys täytyy siirtää tiedoston 1024 ensimmäisen tavuun.
+EncMetaUnsupported=HTML-dokumentille on määritelty ei tuettu merkistökoodaus meta-tunnisteella. Määrittelyä ei huomioitu.
+EncProtocolUnsupported=Ei tuettu merkistökoodaus määritelty tiedonsiirtotasolla. Määrittelyä ei huomioitu.
+EncBomlessUtf16=Tunnistettiin UTF-16-koodattu normaali vain latinalaisia merkkejä ilman tavujärjestysmerkkiä ja ilman tiedonsiirtokäytäntötason määrittelyä. Tämän sisällön koodaus UTF-16:a ei ole tehokasta ja merkistökoodaus olisi joka tapauksessa tullut määritellä.
+EncMetaUtf16=Meta-tunnisteella määriteltiin merkistökoodaukseksi UTF-16. Tämän tulkittiin tarkoittavan UTF-8:a.
+EncMetaUserDefined=Meta-tunnisteella määriteltiin merkistökoodaukseksi x-user-defined. Tämän tulkittiin tarkoittavan windows-1252:a, jotta varmistettaisiin yhteensopivuus tarkoituksella väärin koodattujen vanhojen kirjasinlajien kanssa. Tämän sivuston pitäisi ruveta käyttämään Unicode-koodausta.
+# The bulk of the messages below are derived from
+# which is available under the MIT license.
+# Tokenizer errors
+errGarbageAfterLtSlash=Garbage after “</”.
+errLtSlashGt=Saw “</>”. Probable causes: Unescaped “<” (escape as “&lt;”) or mistyped end tag.
+errCharRefLacksSemicolon=Character reference was not terminated by a semicolon.
+errNoDigitsInNCR=No digits in numeric character reference.
+errGtInSystemId=“>” in system identifier.
+errGtInPublicId=“>” in public identifier.
+errNamelessDoctype=Nameless doctype.
+errConsecutiveHyphens=Consecutive hyphens did not terminate a comment. “--” is not permitted inside a comment, but e.g. “- -” is.
+errPrematureEndOfComment=Premature end of comment. Use “-->” to end a comment properly.
+errBogusComment=Bogus comment.
+errUnquotedAttributeLt=“<” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Missing “>” immediately before.
+errUnquotedAttributeGrave=“`” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Using the wrong character as a quote.
+errUnquotedAttributeQuote=Quote in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
+errUnquotedAttributeEquals=“=” in an unquoted attribute value. Probable causes: Attributes running together or a URL query string in an unquoted attribute value.
+errSlashNotFollowedByGt=A slash was not immediately followed by “>”.
+errNoSpaceBetweenAttributes=No space between attributes.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartLt=“<” at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Missing “>” immediately before.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartGrave=“`” at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Using the wrong character as a quote.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartEquals=“=” at the start of an unquoted attribute value. Probable cause: Stray duplicate equals sign.
+errAttributeValueMissing=Attribute value missing.
+errBadCharBeforeAttributeNameLt=Saw “<” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Missing “>” immediately before.
+errEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName=Saw “=” when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: Attribute name missing.
+errBadCharAfterLt=Bad character after “<”. Probable cause: Unescaped “<”. Try escaping it as “&lt;”.
+errLtGt=Saw “<>”. Probable causes: Unescaped “<” (escape as “&lt;”) or mistyped start tag.
+errProcessingInstruction=Saw “<?”. Probable cause: Attempt to use an XML processing instruction in HTML. (XML processing instructions are not supported in HTML.)
+errUnescapedAmpersandInterpretedAsCharacterReference=The string following “&” was interpreted as a character reference. (“&” probably should have been escaped as “&amp;”.)
+errNotSemicolonTerminated=Named character reference was not terminated by a semicolon. (Or “&” should have been escaped as “&amp;”.)
+errNoNamedCharacterMatch=“&” did not start a character reference. (“&” probably should have been escaped as “&amp;”.)
+errQuoteBeforeAttributeName=Saw a quote when expecting an attribute name. Probable cause: “=” missing immediately before.
+errLtInAttributeName=“<” in attribute name. Probable cause: “>” missing immediately before.
+errQuoteInAttributeName=Quote in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier.
+errExpectedPublicId=Expected a public identifier but the doctype ended.
+errBogusDoctype=Bogus doctype.
+maybeErrAttributesOnEndTag=End tag had attributes.
+maybeErrSlashInEndTag=Stray “/” at the end of an end tag.
+errNcrNonCharacter=Character reference expands to a non-character.
+errNcrSurrogate=Character reference expands to a surrogate.
+errNcrControlChar=Character reference expands to a control character.
+errNcrCr=A numeric character reference expanded to carriage return.
+errNcrInC1Range=A numeric character reference expanded to the C1 controls range.
+errEofInPublicId=End of file inside public identifier.
+errEofInComment=End of file inside comment.
+errEofInDoctype=End of file inside doctype.
+errEofInAttributeValue=End of file reached when inside an attribute value. Ignoring tag.
+errEofInAttributeName=End of file occurred in an attribute name. Ignoring tag.
+errEofWithoutGt=Saw end of file without the previous tag ending with “>”. Ignoring tag.
+errEofInTagName=End of file seen when looking for tag name. Ignoring tag.
+errEofInEndTag=End of file inside end tag. Ignoring tag.
+errEofAfterLt=End of file after “<”.
+errNcrOutOfRange=Character reference outside the permissible Unicode range.
+errNcrUnassigned=Character reference expands to a permanently unassigned code point.
+errDuplicateAttribute=Duplicate attribute.
+errEofInSystemId=End of file inside system identifier.
+errExpectedSystemId=Expected a system identifier but the doctype ended.
+errMissingSpaceBeforeDoctypeName=Missing space before doctype name.
+errHyphenHyphenBang=“--!” found in comment.
+errNcrZero=Character reference expands to zero.
+errNoSpaceBetweenDoctypeSystemKeywordAndQuote=No space between the doctype “SYSTEM” keyword and the quote.
+errNoSpaceBetweenPublicAndSystemIds=No space between the doctype public and system identifiers.
+errNoSpaceBetweenDoctypePublicKeywordAndQuote=No space between the doctype “PUBLIC” keyword and the quote.
+# Tree builder errors
+errDeepTree=The document tree is too deep. The tree will be flattened to be 513 elements deep.
+errStrayStartTag2=Stray start tag “%1$S”.
+errStrayEndTag=Stray end tag “%1$S”.
+errUnclosedElements=End tag “%1$S” seen, but there were open elements.
+errUnclosedElementsImplied=End tag “%1$S” implied, but there were open elements.
+errUnclosedElementsCell=A table cell was implicitly closed, but there were open elements.
+errStrayDoctype=Stray doctype.
+errAlmostStandardsDoctype=Almost standards mode doctype. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+errQuirkyDoctype=Quirky doctype. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+errNonSpaceInTrailer=Non-space character in page trailer.
+errNonSpaceAfterFrameset=Non-space after “frameset”.
+errNonSpaceInFrameset=Non-space in “frameset”.
+errNonSpaceAfterBody=Non-space character after body.
+errNonSpaceInColgroupInFragment=Non-space in “colgroup” when parsing fragment.
+errNonSpaceInNoscriptInHead=Non-space character inside “noscript” inside “head”.
+errFooBetweenHeadAndBody=“%1$S” element between “head” and “body”.
+errStartTagWithoutDoctype=Start tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+errNoSelectInTableScope=No “select” in table scope.
+errStartSelectWhereEndSelectExpected=“select” start tag where end tag expected.
+errStartTagWithSelectOpen=“%1$S” start tag with “select” open.
+errBadStartTagInHead2=Bad start tag “%1$S” in “head”.
+errBadStartTagInNoscriptInHead=Bad start tag “%1$S” in “noscript” in “head”.
+errImage=Saw a start tag “image”.
+errFooSeenWhenFooOpen=An “%1$S” start tag seen but an element of the same type was already open.
+errFooSeenWhenFooOpen2=Start tag “%1$S” seen but an element of the same type was already open.
+errHeadingWhenHeadingOpen=Heading cannot be a child of another heading.
+errFramesetStart=“frameset” start tag seen.
+errNoCellToClose=No cell to close.
+errStartTagInTable=Start tag “%1$S” seen in “table”.
+errFormWhenFormOpen=Saw a “form” start tag, but there was already an active “form” element. Nested forms are not allowed. Ignoring the tag.
+errTableSeenWhileTableOpen=Start tag for “table” seen but the previous “table” is still open.
+errStartTagInTableBody=“%1$S” start tag in table body.
+errEndTagSeenWithoutDoctype=End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
+errEndTagAfterBody=Saw an end tag after “body” had been closed.
+errEndTagSeenWithSelectOpen=“%1$S” end tag with “select” open.
+errGarbageInColgroup=Garbage in “colgroup” fragment.
+errEndTagBr=End tag “br”.
+errNoElementToCloseButEndTagSeen=No “%1$S” element in scope but a “%1$S” end tag seen.
+errHtmlStartTagInForeignContext=HTML start tag “%1$S” in a foreign namespace context.
+errTableClosedWhileCaptionOpen=“table” closed but “caption” was still open.
+errNoTableRowToClose=No table row to close.
+errNonSpaceInTable=Misplaced non-space characters inside a table.
+errUnclosedChildrenInRuby=Unclosed children in “ruby”.
+errStartTagSeenWithoutRuby=Start tag “%1$S” seen without a “ruby” element being open.
+errSelfClosing=Self-closing syntax (“/>”) used on a non-void HTML element. Ignoring the slash and treating as a start tag.
+errNoCheckUnclosedElementsOnStack=Unclosed elements on stack.
+errEndTagDidNotMatchCurrentOpenElement=End tag “%1$S” did not match the name of the current open element (“%2$S”).
+errEndTagViolatesNestingRules=End tag “%1$S” violates nesting rules.
+errEndWithUnclosedElements=End tag for “%1$S” seen, but there were unclosed elements.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c71c668f3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ImageMapRectBoundsError=The "coords" attribute of the <area shape="rect"> tag is not in the "left,top,right,bottom" format.
+ImageMapCircleWrongNumberOfCoords=The "coords" attribute of the <area shape="circle"> tag is not in the "center-x,center-y,radius" format.
+ImageMapCircleNegativeRadius=The "coords" attribute of the <area shape="circle"> tag has a negative radius.
+ImageMapPolyWrongNumberOfCoords=The "coords" attribute of the <area shape="poly"> tag is not in the "x1,y1,x2,y2 …" format.
+ImageMapPolyOddNumberOfCoords=The "coords" attribute of the <area shape="poly"> tag is missing the last "y" coordinate (the correct format is "x1,y1,x2,y2 …").
+TablePartRelPosWarning=Relative positioning of table rows and row groups is now supported. This site may need to be updated because it may depend on this feature having no effect.
+ScrollLinkedEffectFound2=This site appears to use a scroll-linked positioning effect. This may not work well with asynchronous panning; see for further details and to join the discussion on related tools and features!
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLargeArea):
+## %1$S is an integer value of the area of the frame
+## %2$S is an integer value of the area of a limit based on the viewport size
+CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLargeArea=Animation cannot be run on the compositor because the area of the frame (%1$S) is too large relative to the viewport (larger than %2$S)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLarge2):
+## (%1$S, %2$S) is a pair of integer values of the frame size
+## (%3$S, %4$S) is a pair of integer values of a limit based on the viewport size
+## (%5$S, %6$S) is a pair of integer values of an absolute limit
+CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLarge2=Animation cannot be run on the compositor because the frame size (%1$S, %2$S) is too large relative to the viewport (larger than (%3$S, %4$S)) or larger than the maximum allowed value (%5$S, %6$S)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningTransformBackfaceVisibilityHidden):
+## 'backface-visibility: hidden' is a CSS property, don't translate it.
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformBackfaceVisibilityHidden=Animations of ‘backface-visibility: hidden’ transforms cannot be run on the compositor
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningTransformSVG,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithGeometricProperties,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithSyncGeometricAnimations,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformFrameInactive,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningOpacityFrameInactive):
+## 'transform' and 'opacity' mean CSS property names, don't translate it.
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformSVG=Animations of ‘transform’ on elements with SVG transforms cannot be run on the compositor
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithGeometricProperties=Animations of ‘transform’ cannot be run on the compositor when geometric properties are animated on the same element at the same time
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithSyncGeometricAnimations=Animation of ‘transform’ cannot be run on the compositor because it should be synchronized with animations of geometric properties that started at the same time
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformFrameInactive=Animation cannot be run on the compositor because the frame was not marked active for ‘transform’ animation
+CompositorAnimationWarningTransformIsBlockedByImportantRules=Transform animation cannot be run on the compositor because transform-related properties are overridden by !important rules
+CompositorAnimationWarningOpacityFrameInactive=Animation cannot be run on the compositor because the frame was not marked active for ‘opacity’ animation
+CompositorAnimationWarningHasRenderingObserver=Animation cannot be run on the compositor because the element has rendering observers (-moz-element or SVG clipping/masking)
+CompositorAnimationWarningHasCurrentColor=Animations of ‘background-color’ cannot be run on the compositor with ‘current-color’ keyframe.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE: Do not translate zoom, calc(), "transform", "transform-origin: 0 0"
+ZoomPropertyWarning=This page uses the non standard property “zoom”. Consider using calc() in the relevant property values, or using “transform” along with “transform-origin: 0 0”.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(PrincipalWritingModePropagationWarning):
+## Do not translate <html>, <body>, CSS, "writing-mode", "direction", "text-orientation", :root, and "The Principal Writing Mode" because they are technical terms.
+PrincipalWritingModePropagationWarning=When rendering the <html> element, the used values of CSS properties “writing-mode”, “direction”, and “text-orientation” on the <html> element are taken from the computed values of the <body> element, not from the <html> element’s own values. Consider setting these properties on the :root CSS pseudo-class. For more information see “The Principal Writing Mode” in
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(ScrollAnchoringDisabledInContainer):
+## %1$S is an integer value with the total number of adjustments
+## %2$S is a floating point value with the average distance adjusted
+## %3$S is a floating point value with the total adjusted distance
+ScrollAnchoringDisabledInContainer=Scroll anchoring was disabled in a scroll container because of too many consecutive adjustments (%1$S) with too little total distance (%2$S px average, %3$S px total).
+ForcedLayoutStart=Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded. If stylesheets are not yet loaded this may cause a flash of unstyled content.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0b6a5a8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page number formating
+## @page_number The current page number
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pageofpages): Do not translate %ld in the following line.
+# Place the word %ld where the page number and number of pages should be
+# The first %ld will receive the the page number
+# Page number formating
+## @page_number The current page number
+## @page_total The total number of pages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pageofpages): Do not translate %ld in the following line.
+# Place the word %ld where the page number and number of pages should be
+# The first %ld will receive the the page number
+# the second %ld will receive the total number of pages
+pageofpages=%1$d / %2$d
+PrintToFile=Tulosta tiedostoon
+print_error_dialog_title=Tulostin ei toimi
+printpreview_error_dialog_title=Tulosteen esikatselussa tapahtui virhe
+# Printing error messages.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Some of these messages come in pairs, one
+# for printing and one for print previewing. You can remove that
+# distinction in your language by removing the entity with the _PP
+# suffix; then the entity without a suffix will be used for both.
+# You can also add that distinction to any of the messages that don't
+# already have it by adding a new entity with a _PP suffix.
+# For instance, if you delete PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY_PP, then
+# the PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY message will be used for that error
+# condition when print previewing as well as when printing. If you
+# add PERR_FAILURE_PP, then PERR_FAILURE will only be used when
+# printing, and PERR_FAILURE_PP will be used under the same conditions
+# when print previewing.
+PERR_FAILURE=Tulostaessa tapahtui virhe.
+PERR_ABORT=Tulostustyö keskeytettin tai peruutettiin.
+PERR_NOT_AVAILABLE=Kaikki tulostustoiminnot eivät ole käytettävissä tällä hetkellä.
+PERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Kaikki tulostustoiminnot eivät ole vielä käytettävissä.
+PERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=Tulostus ei onnistunut. Muisti ei riitä tulostamiseen.
+PERR_UNEXPECTED=Tulostettaessa tapahtui odottamaton virhe.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_NO_PRINTER_AVAILABLE_PP=Ei voida näyttää tulostuksen esikatselua, koska tulostimia ei löytynyt.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_NAME_NOT_FOUND=Valittua tulostinta ei löytynyt.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE=Tulostetiedostoa ei voitu avata tulostusta varten.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTDOC=Tulostustyö epäonnistui aloitettaessa tulostusta.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_ENDDOC=Tulostustyö epäonnistui lopetettaessa tulostusta.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTPAGE=Tulostustyö epäonnistui aloitettaessa uuden sivun tulostusta.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY=Ei voida tulostaa sivua, koska sitä ladataan vielä.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY_PP=Ei voida näyttää tulostuksen esikatselua, ksoka sivua ladataan vielä.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d77bb4c6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Map Expat error codes to error strings
+1 = muisti ei riitä
+2 = syntaksivirhe
+3 = juurielementtiä ei löytynyt
+4 = XML ei ole hyvämuotoista
+5 = sulkematon poletti
+6 = vaillinainen merkki
+7 = elementin alku- ja loppumerkintä eivät täsmää
+8 = elementillä on sama attribuutti kahdesti
+9 = ylimääräistä sisältöä juurielementin jälkeen
+10 = virheellinen parametrientiteettiviittaus
+11 = määrittelemätön entiteetti
+12 = rekursiivinen entiteettiviittaus
+13 = asynkroninen entiteetti
+14 = viittaus virheelliseen merkistönumeroon
+15 = viittaus binäärientiteettiin
+16 = attribuutissa on viittaus ulkoiseen entiteettiin
+17 = XML- tai tekstimäärittely ei ole entiteetin alussa
+18 = tuntematon merkistö
+19 = XML-määrittelyssä määritetty koodaus on väärä
+20 = avoin CDATA-lohko
+21 = virhe ulkoisen entiteettiviittauksen käsittelyssä
+22 = dokumentti on muista tiedostoista riippuvainen
+23 = jäsennin päätyi odottamattomaan tilaan
+24 = entiteetti määriteltiin parametrientiteetissä
+27 = etuliitettä ei ole sidottu nimiavaruuteen
+28 = etuliitteen määrittelyä ei saa poistaa
+29 = puutteellinen merkintä parametrientiteetissä
+30 = XML-määrittely on virheellisesti muotoiltu
+31 = tekstimäärittely on virheellisesti muotoiltu
+32 = julkisessa tunnisteeessa on kiellettyjä merkkejä
+38 = varatun etuliitteen (xml) määrittelyä ei saa poistaa tai sitoa toiseen nimiavaruus-URI:in
+39 = varattua etuliitettä (xmlns) ei saa määritellä tai poistaa määrittelyä
+40 = etuliitettä ei saa sitoa varattuun nimiavaruus-URI:in
+# %1$S is replaced by the Expat error string, may be followed by Expected (see below)
+# %2$S is replaced by URL
+# %3$u is replaced by line number
+# %4$u is replaced by column number
+XMLParsingError = XML-jäsennysvirhe: %1$S\nURL: %2$S\nRivinumero %3$u, sarake %4$u:
+# %S is replaced by a tag name.
+# This gets appended to the error string if the error is mismatched tag.
+Expected = . Odotettu elementtimerkintä: </%S>.
diff --git a/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a9417333b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-fi/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+PINotInProlog=<?%1$S?> käsittelykomennolla ei ole enään mitään vaikutusta prologin ulkopuolella (kts. bugi 360119).