path: root/l10n-ga-IE/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-ga-IE/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl b/l10n-ga-IE/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7468b8334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-ga-IE/devtools/client/toolbox-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+### Localization for Developer Tools options
+## Default Developer Tools section
+# The heading
+options-select-default-tools-label = Uirlisí Réamhshocraithe Forbartha
+# The label for the explanation of the * marker on a tool which is currently not supported
+# for the target of the toolbox.
+options-tool-not-supported-label = * Gan tacaíocht i sprioc reatha an bhosca uirlisí
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the developer tools
+# added by add-ons. This heading is hidden when there is no developer tool installed by add-ons.
+options-select-additional-tools-label = Uirlisí Forbartha a shuiteáil breiseáin
+# The label for the heading of group of checkboxes corresponding to the default developer
+# tool buttons.
+options-select-enabled-toolbox-buttons-label = Cnaipí Bosca Uirlisí atá ar fáil
+# The label for the heading of the radiobox corresponding to the theme
+options-select-dev-tools-theme-label = Téamaí
+## Inspector section
+# The heading
+options-context-inspector = Scrúdaitheoir
+# The label for the checkbox option to show user agent styles
+options-show-user-agent-styles-label = Taispeáin Stíleanna Brabhsálaí
+options-show-user-agent-styles-tooltip =
+ .title = Leis an rogha seo, taispeánfar stíleanna réamhshocraithe a lódálann an brabhsálaí.
+# The label for the checkbox option to enable collapse attributes
+options-collapse-attrs-label = Teasc aitreabúidí DOM
+options-collapse-attrs-tooltip =
+ .title = Teasc aitreabúid fhada sa scrúdaitheoir
+## "Default Color Unit" options for the Inspector
+options-default-color-unit-label = Aonad réamhshocraithe datha
+options-default-color-unit-authored = Mar a scríobhadh é
+options-default-color-unit-hex = Heics
+options-default-color-unit-hsl = HSL(A)
+options-default-color-unit-rgb = RGB(A)
+options-default-color-unit-name = Ainmneacha Dathanna
+## Style Editor section
+# The heading
+options-styleeditor-label = Eagarthóir Stíle
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles autocompletion of css in the Style Editor
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-label = CSS a uathlíonadh
+options-stylesheet-autocompletion-tooltip =
+ .title = Déan uathlíonadh beo d'airíonna, luachanna, agus roghnóirí CSS san Eagarthóir Stíle
+## Screenshot section
+# The heading
+options-screenshot-label = Láimhseáil Seatanna den Scáileán
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles screenshot to clipboard feature
+options-screenshot-clipboard-label = Cóipeáil sa ghearrthaisce
+options-screenshot-clipboard-tooltip =
+ .title = Sábhálfar seat den scáileán go díreach sa ghearrthaisce
+# Label for the checkbox that toggles the camera shutter audio for screenshot tool
+options-screenshot-audio-label = Seinn fuaim an chomhla
+options-screenshot-audio-tooltip =
+ .title = Cumasaíonn seo fuaim cheamara agus seat den scáileán á thógáil
+## Editor section
+# The heading
+options-sourceeditor-label = Sainroghanna an Eagarthóra
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-tooltip =
+ .title = Tomhais an stíl eangaithe bunaithe ar inneachar na foinse
+options-sourceeditor-detectindentation-label = Braith an stíl eangaithe
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-tooltip =
+ .title = Cuir lúibíní deiridh isteach go huathoibríoch
+options-sourceeditor-autoclosebrackets-label = Dún lúibíní go huathoibríoch
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-tooltip =
+ .title = Úsáid spásanna in ionad táb
+options-sourceeditor-expandtab-label = Eangaigh le spásanna
+options-sourceeditor-tabsize-label = Méid táib
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-label = Aicearraí
+options-sourceeditor-keybinding-default-label = Réamhshocrú
+## Advanced section
+# The heading
+options-context-advanced-settings = Ardsocruithe
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles the HTTP cache on or off
+options-disable-http-cache-label = Díchumasaigh an Taisce HTTP (nuair a bhíonn an bosca uirlisí oscailte)
+options-disable-http-cache-tooltip =
+ .title = Díchumasaíonn an rogha seo an taisce HTTP do chluaisíní a bhfuil an bosca uirlisí oscailte iontu. Ní théann an rogha seo i bhfeidhm ar Oibrithe Seirbhíse.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles JavaScript on or off
+options-disable-javascript-label = Díchumasaigh JavaScript *
+options-disable-javascript-tooltip =
+ .title = Díchumasóidh an rogha seo JavaScript sa chluaisín reatha. Dá ndúnfaí an cluaisín nó an bosca uirlisí, dhéanfaí dearmad ar an socrú seo.
+# The label for checkbox that toggles chrome debugging, i.e. the preference
+options-enable-chrome-label = Cumasaigh boscaí uirlisí do chrome agus dífhabhtú breiseán
+options-enable-chrome-tooltip =
+ .title = Leis an rogha seo, is féidir leat uirlisí éagsúla forbartha a úsáid i gcomhthéacs an bhrabhsálaí (via Uirlisí > Forbróir Gréasáin > Bosca Uirlisí an Bhrabhsálaí) agus breiseáin a dhífhabhtú i mBainisteoir na mBreiseán
+# The label for checkbox that toggles remote debugging, i.e. the devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preference
+options-enable-remote-label = Cumasaigh cian-dífhabhtú
+# The label for checkbox that toggles the service workers testing over HTTP on or off.
+options-enable-service-workers-http-label = Cumasaigh Oibrithe Seirbhíse thar HTTP (nuair a bhíonn an bosca uirlisí oscailte)
+options-enable-service-workers-http-tooltip =
+ .title = Cumasaíonn an rogha seo na hoibrithe seirbhíse thar HTTP i gcluaisíní a bhfuil an bosca uirlisí oscailte iontu.
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles source maps in all tools.
+options-source-maps-label = Cumasaigh Mapaí Foinse
+# The message shown for settings that trigger page reload
+options-context-triggers-page-refresh = * An seisiún seo amháin; athlódálann sé an leathanach
+# The label for the checkbox that toggles the display of the platform data in the
+# Profiler i.e. a boolean preference in about:config
+options-show-platform-data-label = Taispeáin sonraí faoin ardán Gecko
+options-show-platform-data-tooltip =
+ .title = Leis an rogha seo, cuirfidh an próifíleoir JavaScript siombailí ardáin Gecko san áireamh