path: root/l10n-gd/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 336 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl b/l10n-gd/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fca9d4d19a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/browser/browser/browserContext.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+navbar-tooltip-instruction =
+ .value =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Tarraing a-nuas gus an eachdraidh a shealltainn
+ *[other] Dèan briogadh deas no tarraing a-nuas gus an eachdraidh a shealltainn
+ }
+## Back
+main-context-menu-back =
+ .tooltiptext = Rach duilleag air ais
+ .aria-label = Air ais
+ .accesskey = B
+navbar-tooltip-back =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-back.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-back =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-back.aria-label }
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Back command.
+main-context-menu-back-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Rach duilleag air ais ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Air ais
+ .accesskey = B
+navbar-tooltip-back-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-back-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-back-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-back-2.aria-label }
+## Forward
+main-context-menu-forward =
+ .tooltiptext = Rach duilleag air adhart
+ .aria-label = Air adhart
+ .accesskey = F
+navbar-tooltip-forward =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-forward.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-forward =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-forward.aria-label }
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the Go Forward command.
+main-context-menu-forward-2 =
+ .tooltiptext = Rach duilleag air adhart ({ $shortcut })
+ .aria-label = Air adhart
+ .accesskey = F
+navbar-tooltip-forward-2 =
+ .value = { main-context-menu-forward-2.tooltiptext }
+toolbar-button-forward-2 =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-forward-2.aria-label }
+## Reload
+main-context-menu-reload =
+ .aria-label = Ath-luchdaich
+ .accesskey = R
+toolbar-button-reload =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Stop
+main-context-menu-stop =
+ .aria-label = Sguir dheth
+ .accesskey = S
+toolbar-button-stop =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-stop.aria-label }
+## Stop-Reload Button
+toolbar-button-stop-reload =
+ .title = { main-context-menu-reload.aria-label }
+## Save Page
+main-context-menu-page-save =
+ .label = Sàbhail an duilleag mar…
+ .accesskey = P
+toolbar-button-page-save =
+ .label = { main-context-menu-page-save.label }
+## Simple menu items
+main-context-menu-bookmark-add =
+ .aria-label = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan duilleag seo
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan duilleag seo
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the add bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-add-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan duilleag seo
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan duilleag seo ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-bookmark-change =
+ .aria-label = Deasaich an comharra-lìn seo
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Deasaich an comharra-lìn seo
+# Variables
+# $shortcut (String) - A keyboard shortcut for the edit bookmark command.
+main-context-menu-bookmark-change-with-shortcut =
+ .aria-label = Deasaich an comharra-lìn seo
+ .accesskey = m
+ .tooltiptext = Deasaich an comharra-lìn seo ({ $shortcut })
+main-context-menu-open-link =
+ .label = Fosgail ceangal
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-tab =
+ .label = Fosgail an ceangal ann an taba ùr
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-open-link-container-tab =
+ .label = Fosgail an ceangal ann an taba soithich ùr
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-window =
+ .label = Fosgail an ceangal ann an uinneag ùr
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-open-link-new-private-window =
+ .label = Fosgail an ceangal ann an uinneag phrìobhaideach ùr
+ .accesskey = p
+main-context-menu-bookmark-this-link =
+ .label = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan cheangal seo
+ .accesskey = l
+main-context-menu-save-link =
+ .label = Sàbhail an ceangal mar…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-save-link-to-pocket =
+ .label = Sàbhail an ceangal ann am { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = o
+## The access keys for "Copy Link Location" and "Copy Email Address"
+## should be the same if possible; the two context menu items
+## are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-copy-email =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac de sheòladh a' phuist-dhealain
+ .accesskey = p
+main-context-menu-copy-link =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac de sheòladh a' cheangail
+ .accesskey = a
+## Media (video/audio) controls
+## The accesskey for "Play" and "Pause" are the
+## same because the two context-menu items are
+## mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-play =
+ .label = Cluich
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-media-pause =
+ .label = Cuir 'na stad
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-media-mute =
+ .label = Tostaich
+ .accesskey = T
+main-context-menu-media-unmute =
+ .label = Till an fhuaim
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed =
+ .label = Astar na cluich
+ .accesskey = l
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-slow =
+ .label = Slaodach (0.5×)
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-normal =
+ .label = Àbhaisteach
+ .accesskey = b
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fast =
+ .label = Luath (1.25×)
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-faster =
+ .label = Nas luaithe (1.5×)
+ .accesskey = a
+# "Ludicrous" is a reference to the movie "Space Balls" and is meant
+# to say that this speed is very fast.
+main-context-menu-media-play-speed-fastest =
+ .label = Air leth luath (2×)
+ .accesskey = l
+main-context-menu-media-loop =
+ .label = Lùb
+ .accesskey = L
+## The access keys for "Show Controls" and "Hide Controls" are the same
+## because the two context-menu items are mutually exclusive.
+main-context-menu-media-show-controls =
+ .label = Seall na h-uidheaman-smachd
+ .accesskey = c
+main-context-menu-media-hide-controls =
+ .label = Cuir na h-uidheaman-smachd am falach
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-media-video-fullscreen =
+ .label = Làn-sgrìn
+ .accesskey = L
+main-context-menu-media-video-leave-fullscreen =
+ .label = Fàg an làn-sgrìn
+ .accesskey = F
+# This is used when right-clicking on a video in the
+# content area when the Picture-in-Picture feature is enabled.
+main-context-menu-media-pip =
+ .label = Dealbh am broinn deilbh
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-image-reload =
+ .label = Ath-luchdaich an dealbh
+ .accesskey = A
+main-context-menu-image-view =
+ .label = Seall an dealbh 'na aonar
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-video-view =
+ .label = Coimhead air video
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-image-copy =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac dhen dealbh
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-image-copy-location =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac de sheòladh an deilbh
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-video-copy-location =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac de sheòladh a' video
+ .accesskey = o
+main-context-menu-audio-copy-location =
+ .label = Dèan lethbhreac de sheòladh na fuaime
+ .accesskey = D
+main-context-menu-image-save-as =
+ .label = Sàbhail an dealbh mar…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-image-email =
+ .label = Cuir an dealbh air a' phost-d…
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-image-set-as-background =
+ .label = Suidhich mar chùlaibh an deasga…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-image-info =
+ .label = Seall fiosrachadh an deilbh
+ .accesskey = f
+main-context-menu-image-desc =
+ .label = Seall an tuairisgeul
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-video-save-as =
+ .label = Sàbhail a' video mar…
+ .accesskey = v
+main-context-menu-audio-save-as =
+ .label = Sàbhail an fhuaim mar…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-video-image-save-as =
+ .label = Sàbhail an snapshot mar…
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-video-email =
+ .label = Cuir a' video air a' phost-d…
+ .accesskey = v
+main-context-menu-audio-email =
+ .label = Cuir an fhuaim air a' phost-d…
+ .accesskey = u
+main-context-menu-plugin-play =
+ .label = Gnìomhaich am plugan seo
+ .accesskey = c
+main-context-menu-plugin-hide =
+ .label = Falaich am plugan seo
+ .accesskey = h
+main-context-menu-save-to-pocket =
+ .label = Sàbhail an duilleag ann am { -pocket-brand-name }
+ .accesskey = k
+main-context-menu-send-to-device =
+ .label = Cuir an taba gun uidheam
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-view-background-image =
+ .label = Seall dealbh a' chùlaibh
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-generate-new-password =
+ .label = Cleachd facal-faire a chaidh gintinn dhut…
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-keyword =
+ .label = Cuir facal-luirg ris an lorg seo…
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-link-send-to-device =
+ .label = Cuir an ceangal gun uidheam
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-frame =
+ .label = Am frèam seo
+ .accesskey = A
+main-context-menu-frame-show-this =
+ .label = Na seall ach am frèam seo
+ .accesskey = s
+main-context-menu-frame-open-tab =
+ .label = Fosgail am frèam ann an taba ùr
+ .accesskey = t
+main-context-menu-frame-open-window =
+ .label = Fosgail am frèam ann an uinneag ùr
+ .accesskey = F
+main-context-menu-frame-reload =
+ .label = Ath-luchdaich am frèam
+ .accesskey = r
+main-context-menu-frame-bookmark =
+ .label = Cruthaich comharra-lìn dhan fhrèam seo
+ .accesskey = m
+main-context-menu-frame-save-as =
+ .label = Sàbhail am frèam mar…
+ .accesskey = f
+main-context-menu-frame-print =
+ .label = Clò-bhuail am frèam…
+ .accesskey = C
+main-context-menu-frame-view-source =
+ .label = Seall bun-tùs an fhrèama
+ .accesskey = f
+main-context-menu-frame-view-info =
+ .label = Seall fiosrachadh an fhrèama
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-view-selection-source =
+ .label = Seall bun-tùs na thagh thu
+ .accesskey = e
+main-context-menu-view-page-source =
+ .label = Seall bun-tùs na duilleige
+ .accesskey = S
+main-context-menu-view-page-info =
+ .label = Seall fiosrachadh na duilleige
+ .accesskey = i
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-text =
+ .label = Atharraich comhair an teacsa
+ .accesskey = A
+main-context-menu-bidi-switch-page =
+ .label = Atharraich comhair na duilleige
+ .accesskey = d
+main-context-menu-inspect-element =
+ .label = Sgrùd an eileamaid
+ .accesskey = Q
+main-context-menu-inspect-a11y-properties =
+ .label = Sgrùd roghainnean na so-ruigsinneachd
+main-context-menu-eme-learn-more =
+ .label = Faigh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu DRM…
+ .accesskey = D