path: root/l10n-gd/calendar
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
35 files changed, 4071 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/README.txt b/l10n-gd/calendar/README.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..927fc142f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+For information about installing, running and configuring Sunbird
+including a list of known issues and troubleshooting information,
+refer to:
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-context-menus.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-context-menus.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..879c22989b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-context-menus.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-item-context-menu-modify-menuitem =
+ .label = Deasaich
+ .accesskey = e
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-ics-file-dialog.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-ics-file-dialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af0be4af5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-ics-file-dialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-ics-file-window-2 =
+ .title = Ion-phortaich tachartasan is saothraichean a’ mhìosachain
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-import-event-button-label = Ion-phortaich tachartas
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-import-task-button-label = Ion-phortaich saothair
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-2 =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Ion-phortaich na h-uile
+calendar-ics-file-accept-button-ok-label = Ceart ma-thà
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-message-2 = Ion-phortaich o fhaidhle:
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-calendar-menu-label = Ion-phortaich dhan mhìosachan:
+calendar-ics-file-import-success = Chaidh an ion-phortadh!
+calendar-ics-file-import-error = Thachair mearachd agus dh’fhàillig an t-ion-phortadh.
+calendar-ics-file-dialog-no-calendars = Chan eil mìosachan sam bith ann a tha comasach air tachartasan no saothraichean ion-phortadh.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-summary-dialog.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-summary-dialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69d9fa08f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-summary-dialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-summary-dialog-edit-button =
+ .label = Deasaich
+ .accesskey = e
+calendar-summary-dialog-edit-menu-button =
+ .label = Deasaich
+edit-button-context-menu-this-occurrence =
+ .label = Na deasaich ach an teachd seo
+ .accesskey = t
+edit-button-context-menu-all-occurrences =
+ .label = Deasaich gach teachd dheth
+ .accesskey = a
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-uri-redirect-dialog.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-uri-redirect-dialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..caf96fa156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-uri-redirect-dialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-uri-redirect-window =
+ .title = Ath-stiùireadh URI a’ mhìosachain
+calendar-uri-redirect-description =
+ Tha am frithealaichte ag ath-stiùireadh an URI aig a’ mhìosachan “{ $calendarName }”.
+ A bheil thu airson gabhail ris an ath-stiùireadh agus an URI ùr aig a’ mhìosachan seo a chleachdadh?
+calendar-uri-redirect-original-uri-label = An URI làithreach:
+calendar-uri-redirect-target-uri-label = Gad ath-stiùireadh dhan URI ùr:
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-widgets.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-widgets.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f075193588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/calendar-widgets.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-deactivated-notification-events = Tha gach mìosachan à comas an-dràsta fhèin. Cuir mìosachan làithreach ris no cuir fear ùr ris airson tachartasan a chruthachadh is a dheasachadh.
+calendar-deactivated-notification-tasks = Tha gach mìosachan à comas an-dràsta fhèin. Cuir mìosachan làithreach ris no cuir fear ùr ris airson saothraichean a chruthachadh is a dheasachadh.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/category-dialog.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/category-dialog.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c299e01f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/category-dialog.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+category-name-label = Ainm
+category-color-label =
+ .label = Cleachd dath
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/preferences.ftl b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75baccd3dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/calendar/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+calendar-title = Am mìosachan
+calendar-title-reminder = Cuimhneachain
+calendar-title-category = Roinnean-seòrsa
+dateformat-label =
+ .value = Fòrmat teacs nan ceann-là:
+ .accesskey = F
+# $date (String) - the formatted example date
+dateformat-long =
+ .label = Fada: { $date }
+# $date (String) - the formatted example date
+dateformat-short =
+ .label = Goirid: { $date }
+timezone-label =
+ .value = An roinn-tìde:
+weekstart-label =
+ .value = Tòisich an t-seachdain:
+ .accesskey = T
+day-1-name =
+ .label = DiDòmhnaich
+day-2-name =
+ .label = DiLuain
+day-3-name =
+ .label = DiMàirt
+day-4-name =
+ .label = DiCiadain
+day-5-name =
+ .label = DiarDaoin
+day-6-name =
+ .label = DihAoine
+day-7-name =
+ .label = DiSathairne
+show-weeknumber-label =
+ .label = Seall àireamh na seachdain sna seallaidhean agus sa mheanbh-mhìos
+ .accesskey = n
+workdays-label =
+ .value = Làithean na seachdain-obrach:
+day-1-checkbox =
+ .label = DiD
+ .accesskey = D
+day-2-checkbox =
+ .label = DiL
+ .accesskey = D
+day-3-checkbox =
+ .label = DiM
+ .accesskey = D
+day-4-checkbox =
+ .label = DiC
+ .accesskey = D
+day-5-checkbox =
+ .label = Diar
+ .accesskey = D
+day-6-checkbox =
+ .label = Dih
+ .accesskey = D
+day-7-checkbox =
+ .label = DiS
+ .accesskey = D
+dayweek-legend = Seallaidhean làitheil is seachdaineil
+visible-hours-label =
+ .value = Seall:
+ .accesskey = S
+visible-hours-end-label =
+ .value = uairean a thìde còmhla
+day-start-label =
+ .value = Tòisichidh an latha aig:
+ .accesskey = d
+day-end-label =
+ .value = Crìochnaichidh an latha aig:
+ .accesskey = C
+midnight-label =
+ .label = Meadhan-oidhche
+noon-label =
+ .label = Meadhan-latha
+location-checkbox =
+ .label = Seall an t-ionad
+ .accesskey = L
+multiweek-legend = Sealladh ioma-sheachdaineil
+number-of-weeks-label =
+ .value = Àireamh nan seachdain a chithear (a' gabhail a-steach an fheadhainn 's a chaidh):
+ .accesskey = e
+week-0-label =
+ .label = chan eil gin
+week-1-label =
+ .label = 1 seachdain
+week-2-label =
+ .label = 2 sheachdain
+week-3-label =
+ .label = 3 seachdainean
+week-4-label =
+ .label = 4 seachdainean
+week-5-label =
+ .label = 5 seachdainean
+week-6-label =
+ .label = 6 seachdainean
+previous-weeks-label =
+ .value = Na seachdainean 's a chaidh a chithear:
+ .accesskey = N
+todaypane-legend = Leòsan an latha
+# Note: "Upcoming" is the name of a section and the translation must match the
+# translation of that section name (calendar.upcoming.button.label). Also,
+# it should be upper case (as a proper name) if the target language permits.
+soon-label =
+ .value = Seallaidh earrann nan tachartasan a tha gu bhith ann:
+ .accesskey = U
+event-task-legend = Tachartasan is saothraichean
+default-length-label =
+ .value = Faid bhunaiteach thachartasan is shaothraichean:
+ .accesskey = E
+task-start-label =
+ .value = Latha tòiseachaidh:
+task-start-1-label =
+ .label = Chan eil gin
+task-start-2-label =
+ .label = Toiseach an latha
+task-start-3-label =
+ .label = Deireadh an latha
+task-start-4-label =
+ .label = A-màireach
+task-start-5-label =
+ .label = An ath-sheachdain
+task-start-6-label =
+ .label = Dàimheach ris an àm làithreach
+task-start-7-label =
+ .label = Dàimheach ris an toiseach
+task-start-8-label =
+ .label = Dàimheach ris an an-uair
+task-due-label =
+ .value = Ceann-ama:
+edit-intab-label =
+ .label = Deasaich tachartasan is saothraichean ann an taba seach uinneag còmhraidh.
+ .accesskey = t
+accessibility-legend = So-ruigsinneachd
+accessibility-colors-label =
+ .label = Pisich na dathan a chùm so-ruigsinneachd
+ .accesskey = c
+reminder-legend = Nuair a sheirmeas caismeachd:
+reminder-play-checkbox =
+ .label = Cluich fuaim
+ .accesskey = s
+reminder-play-alarm-button =
+ .label = Cluich
+ .accesskey = u
+reminder-default-sound-label =
+ .label = Cleachd an fhuaim bhunaiteach
+ .accesskey = d
+reminder-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Cleachd an fhuaim a leanas
+ .accesskey = U
+reminder-browse-sound-label =
+ .label = Brabhsaich…
+ .accesskey = B
+reminder-dialog-label =
+ .label = Seall bogsa caismeachd
+ .accesskey = x
+missed-reminder-label =
+ .label = Seall cuimhneachain a dh’fhairtlich orm a thaobh mhìosachan so-sgrìobhte
+ .accesskey = m
+reminder-default-legend = Roghainnean caismeachd bunaiteach
+default-snooze-label =
+ .value = Faid bhunaiteach an dùsail:
+ .accesskey = s
+event-alarm-label =
+ .value = Roghainnean caismeachd bunaiteach airson tachartasan:
+ .accesskey = e
+alarm-on-label =
+ .label = Air
+alarm-off-label =
+ .label = Dheth
+task-alarm-label =
+ .value = Roghainnean caismeachd bunaiteach airson gnìomhan:
+ .accesskey = a
+event-alarm-time-label =
+ .value = An t-àm bunaiteach ro thachartas nuair a sheirmeas caismeachd:
+ .accesskey = u
+task-alarm-time-label =
+ .value = An t-àm bunaiteach ro ghnìomh nuair a sheirmeas caismeachd:
+ .accesskey = o
+category-new-label = Roinn-seòrsa ùr
+category-edit-label = Deasaich roinn
+category-overwrite-title = Rabhadh: Ainm dùbailte
+category-overwrite = Tha roinn ann mu thràth air a bheil an t-ainm sin. A bheil thu airson sgrìobhadh thairis air?
+category-blank-warning = Feumaidh tu ainm airson na roinne a chur a-steach.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7869e11fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reminderCustomTitle):
+# %1$S = unit, %2$S = reminderCustomOrigin
+# Example: "3 minutes" "before the task starts"
+reminderCustomTitle=%1$S %2$S
+reminderTitleAtStartEvent=Nuair a thòisicheas an tachartas
+reminderTitleAtStartTask=Nuair a thòisicheas an t-saothair
+reminderTitleAtEndEvent=Nuair a chrìochnaicheas an tachartas
+reminderTitleAtEndTask=Nuair a chrìochnaicheas an t-saothair
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reminderSnoozeOkA11y)
+# This string is not seen in the UI, it is read by screen readers when the user
+# focuses the "OK" button in the "Snooze for..." popup of the alarm dialog.
+# %1$S = any of unit*
+reminderSnoozeOkA11y=Cuir 'nam chuimhne fad dùsail rè %1$S
+reminderCustomOriginBeginBeforeEvent=mus tòisich an tachartas
+reminderCustomOriginBeginAfterEvent=às dèidh dhan tachartas tòiseachadh
+reminderCustomOriginEndBeforeEvent=mus crìochnaich an tachartas
+reminderCustomOriginEndAfterEvent=às dèidh dhan tachartas crìochnachadh
+reminderCustomOriginBeginBeforeTask=mus tòisich an t-saothair
+reminderCustomOriginBeginAfterTask=às dèidh dhan t-saothair tòiseachadh
+reminderCustomOriginEndBeforeTask=mus crìochnaich an t-saothair
+reminderCustomOriginEndAfterTask=às dèidh dhan t-saothair crìochnachadh
+reminderErrorMaxCountReachedEvent=Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 chuimhneachan a bhith aig gach tachartas.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 chuimhneachan a bhith aig gach tachartas.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 cuimhneachain a bhith aig gach tachartas.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 cuimhneachan a bhith aig gach tachartas.
+reminderErrorMaxCountReachedTask=Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 chuimhneachan a bhith aig gach saothair.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 shaothair a bhith aig gach tachartas.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 saothraichean a bhith aig gach tachartas.;Tha cuingeachadh air a' mhìosachan a thagh thu 's chan urrainn do bharrachd air #1 saothair a bhith aig gach tachartas.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reminderReadonlyNotification)
+# This notification will be presented in the alarm dialog if reminders for not
+# writable items/calendars are displayed.
+# %1$S - localized value of calendar.alarm.snoozeallfor.label (defined in calendar.dtd)
+reminderReadonlyNotification=Chan urrainnear cuimhneachain airson mìosachain a tha ri leughadh a-mhàin a chur nan dùsal ach dìreach an leigeil seachad - cha chuir am putan “%1$S” ach cuimhneachain o mhìosachain so-sgrìobhte nan dùsal.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (reminderDisabledSnoozeButtonTooltip)
+# This tooltip is only displayed, if the button is disabled
+reminderDisabledSnoozeButtonTooltip=Chan urrainnear cuimhneachadh o mhìosachain a tha ri leughadh a-mhàin a chur nan dùsal
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ecc4aa837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+event.attendee.role.required = Freastalaiche riatanach
+event.attendee.role.optional = Freastalaiche roghainneil
+event.attendee.role.nonparticipant = Neo-fhreastalaiche
+event.attendee.role.chair = Cathraiche
+event.attendee.role.unknown = Freastalaiche neo-aithnichte (%1$S)
+event.attendee.usertype.individual = Neach = Buidheann
+event.attendee.usertype.resource = Goireas = Seòmar
+event.attendee.usertype.unknown = Chan eil fhios dè seòrsa (%1$S)
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-event-dialog.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-event-dialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce02495683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-event-dialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY event.title.label "Deasaich an rud seo" >
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.keepDurationButton.tooltip "Glèidh an fhaid ma thèid an latha crìochnachaidh atharrachadh">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.keepDurationButton.accesskey "K">
+<!ENTITY newevent.from.label "O" >
+<!ENTITY "Gu" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.label "Staid" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.accesskey "S" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.eventStatus.none.label "Gun sònrachadh" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.eventStatus.none.accesskey "G" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.todoStatus.none.label "Gun sònrachadh" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.eventStatus.cancelled.label "Air a sgur dheth" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.eventStatus.cancelled.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.todoStatus.cancelled.label "Air a sgur dheth" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.tentative.label "An dòchas" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.tentative.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.confirmed.label "Air a dhearbhachadh" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.confirmed.accesskey "c" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.needsaction.label "Feumach air gnìomh" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.inprogress.label "'Ga phròiseasadh" >
+<!ENTITY newevent.status.completed.label "Air a choileanadh" >
+<!-- The following entity is for New Task dialog only -->
+<!ENTITY newtodo.percentcomplete.label "&#037; deiseil">
+<!-- LOCALIZATON NOTE(event.attendees.notify.label,event.attendees.notifyundisclosed.label,
+ event.attendees.disallowcounter.label)
+ - These three labels are displayed side by side in the event dialog, make sure
+ - they still fit in. -->
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.notify.label "Cuir fios dha na freastalaichean">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.notify.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.notifyundisclosed.label "Cuireadh an t-aon do gach frithealaiche">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.notifyundisclosed.accesskey "x">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.notifyundisclosed.tooltip "Ma thaghas tu seo, thèid cuireadh an t-aon a chur do gach frithealaiche. Chan fhaicear anns gach cuireadh ach ainm an neach ud agus chan fhaicear ainmean chàich.">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.disallowcounter.label "Na ceadaich frith-mholaidhean">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.disallowcounter.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.disallowcounter.tooltip "Tha seo a’ comharradh nach gabh thu ri frith-mholaidhean">
+<!-- Keyboard Shortcuts -->
+<!ENTITY "I">
+<!ENTITY "D">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.close.key "W">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.saveandclose.key "L">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.print.key "P">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.undo.key "Z">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.redo.key "Y">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.cut.key "X">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.copy.key "C">
+<!ENTITY event.dialog.paste.key "V">
+<!ENTITY "A">
+<!-- Menubar -->
+<!ENTITY "Ùr">
+<!ENTITY "r">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Saothair">
+<!ENTITY "t">
+<!ENTITY "Teachdaireachd">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Caraid o leabhar nan seòladh">
+<!ENTITY "C">
+<!ENTITY "Dùin">
+<!ENTITY "D">
+ - is used for the "Save" menu item
+ - when editing events/tasks in a dialog window.
+ - is used for the "Save" menu item
+ - when editing events/tasks in a tab. -->
+<!ENTITY "Sàbhail">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY "a">
+ - is used for "Save and Close"
+ - menu item when editing events/tasks in a dialog window.
+ - is used for "Save and Close"
+ - when editing events/tasks in a tab. -->
+<!ENTITY "Sàbhail is dùin e">
+<!ENTITY "l">
+<!ENTITY "z">
+<!ENTITY "Sguab às…">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY "Roghainnean na duilleige">
+<!ENTITY "u">
+<!ENTITY "Clò-bhuail">
+<!ENTITY "C">
+<!ENTITY "Deasaich">
+<!ENTITY "e">
+<!ENTITY "Neo-dhèan">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY "Ath-dhèan">
+<!ENTITY "A">
+<!ENTITY "Gearr às">
+<!ENTITY "G">
+<!ENTITY "Dèan lethbhreac">
+<!ENTITY "c">
+<!ENTITY "Cuir ann">
+<!ENTITY "C">
+<!ENTITY "Tagh a h-uile">
+<!ENTITY "a">
+<!ENTITY "Sealladh">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY "Na bàraichean-inneal">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY "Bàr-inneil nan tachartasan">
+<!ENTITY "e">
+<!ENTITY "Gnàthaich…">
+<!ENTITY "c">
+<!ENTITY "Seall an ceangal a tha co-cheangailte ris">
+<!ENTITY "r">
+<!ENTITY "Roghainnean">
+<!ENTITY "o">
+<!ENTITY "Thoir cuireadh do dh’fhreastalaichean…">
+<!ENTITY "i">
+<!ENTITY "Seall an roinn-tìde">
+<!ENTITY "a">
+<!ENTITY "Prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY "P">
+<!ENTITY "Gun sònrachadh">
+<!ENTITY "G">
+<!ENTITY "Ìseal">
+<!ENTITY "l">
+<!ENTITY "Àbhaisteach">
+<!ENTITY "b">
+<!ENTITY "Àrd">
+<!ENTITY "r">
+<!ENTITY "Prìobhaideachd">
+<!ENTITY "P">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas poblach">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Na seall ach an t-àm is an ceann-là">
+<!ENTITY "s">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas prìobhaideach">
+<!ENTITY "r">
+<!ENTITY "Seall an t-àm mar">
+<!ENTITY "t">
+<!ENTITY "Trang">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Saor">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY event.invite.attendees.label "Thoir cuireadh do dh’fhreastalaichean…">
+<!ENTITY event.invite.attendees.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY "Sgrìobh post-dealain dhan a h-uile freastalaiche…">
+<!ENTITY "a">
+<!ENTITY "Sgrìobh post-dealain dha na freastalaichean nach eil cinnteach fhathast…">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY event.remove.attendees.label2 "Thoir air falbh gach freastalaiche...">
+<!ENTITY event.remove.attendees.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY event.remove.attendee.label "Thoir am freastalaiche air falbh">
+<!ENTITY event.remove.attendee.accesskey "e">
+<!-- Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY "Sàbhail">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.saveandclose.label "Sàbhail is dùin e">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.delete.label "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.attendees.label "Thoir cuireadh do dhaoine">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.privacy.label "Prìobhaideachd">
+<!ENTITY "Sàbhail">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.saveandclose.tooltip "Sàbhail is dùin e">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.delete.tooltip "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.attendees.tooltip "Thoir cuireadh do dhaoine">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.attachments.tooltip "Cuir ceanglachan ris">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.privacy.tooltip "Atharraich a' phrìobhaideachd">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.priority.tooltip "Atharraich am prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.status.tooltip "Atharraich an staid">
+<!ENTITY event.toolbar.freebusy.tooltip "Atharraich na h-amannan saora/tranga">
+<!-- Counter box -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATON NOTE(counter.button.*)
+ - This is only visible in the UI if you have received a counterproposal before and are going to
+ - reschedule the event from the imipbar in the email view. Clicking on the buttons will only
+ - populate the form fields in the dialog, there's no other immediate action on clicking like with
+ - the imip bar. Rescheduling will happen after clicking on save&close as usual. This screenshot
+ - illustrates how it might look like: -->
+<!ENTITY counter.button.proposal.label "Cuir am moladh an sàs">
+<!ENTITY counter.button.proposal.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY counter.button.proposal.tooltip2 "Thèid na luachan on fhrith-mholadh a chur ann an raointean an tachartais; cha tèid fios a chur gu gach freastalaiche ach ma nì thu sàbhaladh leis no as aonais nan atharraichean">
+<!ENTITY counter.button.original.label "Cuir an dàta tùsail an sàs">
+<!ENTITY counter.button.original.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY counter.button.original.tooltip2 "Thèid luachan an tachartais thùsail a chur sna raointean mar a bha e mus deach am frith-mholadh a dhèanamh">
+<!-- Main page -->
+<!ENTITY event.title.textbox.label "Tiotal:" >
+<!ENTITY event.title.textbox.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY event.location.label "Àite:" >
+<!ENTITY event.location.accesskey "i">
+<!ENTITY event.categories.label "Roinn-seòrsa:">
+<!ENTITY event.categories.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY event.categories.textbox.label "Cuir roinn-seòrsa ùr ris" >
+<!ENTITY event.calendar.label "Mìosachan:" >
+<!ENTITY event.calendar.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.label "Freastalaichean:" >
+<!ENTITY event.attendees.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY event.alldayevent.label "Tachartas fad an latha" >
+<!ENTITY event.alldayevent.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY event.from.label "Àm-tòiseachaidh:" >
+<!ENTITY event.from.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY task.from.label "Àm-tòiseachaidh:" >
+<!ENTITY task.from.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY "Àm-crìochnachaidh:" >
+<!ENTITY "u">
+<!ENTITY "Ceann-ama:" >
+<!ENTITY "C">
+<!ENTITY task.status.label "Cor:" >
+<!ENTITY task.status.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.label "Dèan a-rithist:" >
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY event.until.label "Gu ruige:">
+<!ENTITY event.until.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.label "Cuir 'nam chuimhne:" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY event.description.label "Tuairisgeul:" >
+<!ENTITY event.description.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.label "Ceanglachain:" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.accesskey "h" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.menubutton.label "Cuir ris">
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.menubutton.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.url.label "Duilleag-lìn…">
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.url.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.remove.label "Thoir air falbh" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.remove.accesskey "r" >
+<!ENTITY "Fosgail" >
+<!ENTITY "o" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.removeAll.label "Thoir air falbh a h-uile" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.removeAll.accesskey "a" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.attachPage.label "Cuir duilleag-lìn ris…" >
+<!ENTITY event.attachments.popup.attachPage.accesskey "g" >
+<!ENTITY event.url.label "Ceangal co-cheangailte:" >
+<!ENTITY event.priority2.label "Prìomhachas:">
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.none.label "Na cuir 'nam chuimhne " >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.0minutes.before.label "0 mionaid roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.5minutes.before.label "5 mionaidean roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.15minutes.before.label "Cairteal na h-uarach roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.30minutes.before.label "Leth-uair a thìde roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.1hour.before.label "1 uair a thìde roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.2hours.before.label "2 uair a thìde roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.12hours.before.label "12 uair a thìde roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.1day.before.label "1 latha roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.2days.before.label "2 latha roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.1week.before.label "1 seachdain roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.custom.label "Gnàthaichte…" >
+<!ENTITY event.reminder.multiple.label "Cuir 'nam chuimhne iomadh turas…" >
+<!ENTITY event.statusbarpanel.freebusy.label "An t-àm mar:">
+<!ENTITY event.statusbarpanel.privacy.label "Prìobhaideachd:">
+<!-- Recurrence dialog -->
+<!ENTITY recurrence.title.label "Deasaich an tricead">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.does.not.repeat.label "Cha tachair seo ach an aon turas">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.daily.label "Gach latha">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.weekly.label "Gach seachdain">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.every.weekday.label "Gach là-obrach dhen t-seachdain">
+<!ENTITY "Gach dàrna seachdain">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.monthly.label "Gach mìos">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.yearly.label "Gach bliadhna">
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.custom.label "Gnàthaichte…">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.label "Am pàtran ath-tachairt">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.occurs.label "Dèan a-rithist" >
+<!ENTITY "gach latha" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.week.label "gach seachdain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.month.label "gach mìos" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.year.label "gach bliadhna" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.every.label "Gach" >
+<!ENTITY repeat.units.days.both "Là(ithean)" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.every.weekday.label "Gach là-obrach" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.weekly.every.label "Gach" >
+<!ENTITY repeat.units.weeks.both "Seachdain(ean)" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.on.label "Cuin:" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.every.label "Gach" >
+<!ENTITY repeat.units.months.both "Mìos(an)" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.every.label "Gach" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.first.label "A' chiad">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.second.label "An dàrna">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.third.label "An treas">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.fourth.label "An ceathramh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.fifth.label "An còigeamh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.monthly.last.label "Fear mu dheireadh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.1.label "DiDòmhnaich" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.2.label "DiLuain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.3.label "DiMàirt" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.4.label "DiCiadain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.5.label "DiarDaoin" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.6.label "DihAoine" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.monthly.week.7.label "DiSathairne" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.repeat.dayofmonth.label "Latha dhen mhìos">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.repeat.recur.label "Dèan a-rithist air na làithean seo">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.every.label "Gach:" >
+<!ENTITY repeat.units.years.both "Bliadhna" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.every.month.label "Gach" >
+ Some languages use a preposition when describing dates:
+ Portuguese: 6 de Setembro
+ English: 6 [of] September
+ event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.of.label is "of" in
+ Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat yearly
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.of.label "" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.1.label "Faoilleach" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.2.label "Gearran" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.3.label "Màrt" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.4.label "Giblean" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.5.label "Cèitean" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.6.label "Ògmhios" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.7.label "Iuchar" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.8.label "Lùnastal" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.9.label "Sultain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.10.label "Dàmhair" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.11.label "Samhain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month.12.label "Dùbhlachd" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.every.label "Gach">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.first.label "A' chiad">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.second.label "An dàrna">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.third.label "An treas">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.fourth.label "An ceathramh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.fifth.label "An còigeamh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.yearly.last.label "Fear mu dheireadh">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.1.label "DiDòmhnaich" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.2.label "DiLuain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.3.label "DiMàirt" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.4.label "DiCiadain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.5.label "DiarDaoin" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.6.label "DihAoine" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.week.7.label "DiSathairne" >
+<!ENTITY "latha" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.of.label "a-mach à" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.1.label "Faoilleach" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.2.label "Gearran" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.3.label "Màrt" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.4.label "Giblean" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.5.label "Cèitean" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.6.label "Ògmhios" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.7.label "Iuchar" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.8.label "Lùnastal" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.9.label "Sultain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.10.label "Dàmhair" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.11.label "Samhain" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.pattern.yearly.month2.12.label "Dùbhlachd" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.range.label "Raon nan ath-tachairt">
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.forever.label "Gun latha crìochnachaidh" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.repeat.for.label "Cruthaich" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.appointments.label "Coinneamh(an)" >
+<!ENTITY event.repeat.until.label "Dèan a-rithist gu ruige" >
+<!ENTITY event.recurrence.preview.label "Ro-sheall">
+<!-- Attendees dialog -->
+<!ENTITY invite.title.label "Thoir cuireadh do dhaoine">
+<!ENTITY event.organizer.label "Eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.suggest.slot "Mol àm:">
+<!ENTITY "An ath-shlot">
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.button.previous.slot "An slot roimhe">
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.zoom "Sùm:">
+<!ENTITY "Saor" >
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.legend.busy "Trang" >
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.legend.busy_tentative "An dòchas" >
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.legend.busy_unavailable "Chan eil mi san oifis" >
+<!ENTITY event.freebusy.legend.unknown "Gun fhiosrachadh" >
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.role.required "Freastalaiche riatanach">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.role.optional "Freastalaiche roghainneil">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.role.chair "Cathraiche">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.role.nonparticipant "Neo-fhreastalaiche">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.usertype.individual "Neach">
+<!ENTITY "Buidheann">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.usertype.resource "Goireas">
+<!ENTITY "Seòmar">
+<!ENTITY event.attendee.usertype.unknown "Neo-aithnichte">
+<!-- Timezone dialog -->
+<!ENTITY timezone.title.label "Sònraich an roinn-tìde">
+<!ENTITY event.timezone.custom.label "Barrachd roinnean-tìde…">
+<!-- Read-Only dialog -->
+<!ENTITY read.only.general.label "Coitcheann">
+<!ENTITY read.only.title.label "Tiotal:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.calendar.label "Mìosachan:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.event.start.label "Latha tòiseachaidh:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.task.start.label "Latha tòiseachaidh:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.event.end.label "Latha crìochnachaidh:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.task.due.label "Ceann-ama:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.repeat.label "Dèan a-rithist:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.location.label "Àite:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.category.label "Roinn:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.organizer.label "Eagraiche:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.reminder.label "Cuimhnich:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.attachments.label "Ceanglachain:">
+<!ENTITY read.only.attendees.label "Freastalaichean">
+<!ENTITY read.only.description.label "Tuairisgeul">
+<!ENTITY "Ceangal co-cheangailte">
+<!-- Summary dialog -->
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.saveclose.label "Sàbhail is dùin e">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.saveclose.tooltiptext "Sàbhail na h-atharraichean is dùin an uinneag gun a bhith ag atharrachadh staid a’ chom-pàirteachais no freagairt a chur">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.accept.label "Gabh ris">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.accept.tooltiptext "Gabh ris a’ chuireadh">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.tentative.label "Gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.tentative.tooltiptext "Gabh ris a’ chuireadh ach gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.decline.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.decline.tooltiptext "Diùlt an cuireadh">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.dontsend.label "Na cuir freagairt">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.dontsend.tooltiptext "Atharraich staid a’ chom-pàirteachais agad gun fhreagairt a chur gun eagraiche is dùin an uinneag">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.send.label "Cuir freagairt an-dràsta">
+<!ENTITY summary.dialog.send.tooltiptext "Cuir freagairt gun eagraiche is dùin an uinneag">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c6b7116d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dailyEveryNth):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Daily repeat rules
+# #1 - number
+# e.g. "every 4 days"
+dailyEveryNth=a h-uile latha;a h-uile #1 latha;a h-uile #1 làithean;a h-uile #1 latha
+repeatDetailsRuleDaily4=gach là-obrach
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (weeklyNthOnNounclass...)
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Weekly repeat rules
+# Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S)
+# set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your
+# language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for
+# others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values
+# "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+# %1$S - weekday (one or more)
+# #2 - week interval
+# e.g. "every 3 weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
+weeklyNthOnNounclass1=a h-uile %1$S #2 seachdain;a h-uile #2 sheachdain %1$S;a h-uile #2 seachdainean %1$S;a h-uile #2 seachdain %1$S
+weeklyNthOnNounclass2=a h-uile %1$S;a h-uile #2 sheachdain %1$S;a h-uile #2 seachdainean %1$S;a h-uile #2 seachdain %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (weeklyEveryNth):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Weekly repeat rules
+# #1 - interval
+# e.g. "every 5 weeks"
+weeklyEveryNth=a h-uile seachdain;a h-uile #1 sheachdain;a h-uile #1 seachdainean;a h-uile #1 seachdain
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE ('repeatDetailsDay...' and 'repeatDetailsDay...Nounclass'):
+# Week days names and week days noun classes (feminine/masculine grammatical
+# gender) for languages that need different localization when weekdays nouns
+# have different noun classes (genders).
+# For every weekday, in 'repeatDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings write:
+# "nounclass1" for languages with grammatical genders -> MASCULINE gender;
+# for languages with noun classes -> a noun class;
+# for languages without noun classes or grammatical gender.
+# "nounclass2" for languages with grammatical genders -> FEMININE gender;
+# for languages with noun classes -> a different noun class.
+# "nounclass3", "nounclass4" and so on for languages that need more than two
+# noun classes for weekdays. In this case add corresponding
+# rule string with "Nounclass..." suffix and ordinal string
+# "repeatOrdinalxNounclass..."
+# Will be used rule strings with "Nounclass..." suffix corresponding to the
+# following strings if there is a weekday in the rule string.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsAnd)
+# Used to show a number of weekdays in a list
+# i.e. "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday " + and + " Wednesday"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass...):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%2$S)
+# set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your
+# language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for
+# others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values
+# "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+# %1$S - list of weekdays with ordinal, article and noun class/gender
+# (ordinal and weekday of every element in the list follow the order
+# and the rule of ordinalWeekdayOrder string)
+# #2 - interval
+# e.g. "the first Monday and the last Friday of every 3 months"
+monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass1=%1$S de gach mìos;%1$S de gach #2 mìos(an)
+monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass2=%1$S de gach mìos;%1$S de gach #2 mìos(an)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ordinalWeekdayOrder):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# This string allows to change the order of the elements "ordinal" and
+# "weekday" (or to insert a word between them) for the argument %1$S of the
+# string monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass...
+# Without changing this string, the order is that one required from most
+# languages: ordinal + weekday (e.g. "'the first' 'Monday' of every 2 months").
+# %1$S - ordinal with article
+# %2$S - weekday noun
+# e.g. "'the first' 'Monday'"
+# DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables.
+ordinalWeekdayOrder=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass...):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S)
+# set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your
+# language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for
+# others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values
+# "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+# %1$S - list of single weekdays and/or weekdays with ordinal, article and
+# noun class/gender when rule contains also specific day in the month
+# #2 - interval
+# e.g. "every Monday, Tuesday and the second Sunday of every month"
+monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass1=a h-uile %1$S de gach mìos;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mhìos;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mìosan;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mìos
+monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass2=a h-uile %1$S de gach mìos;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mhìos;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mìosan;a h-uile %1$S de gach #2 mìos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyDaysOfNth_day):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# %1$S - day of month or a sequence of days of month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in separated with commas;
+# e.g. "days 3, 6 and 9" or "days 3rd, 6th and 9th"
+monthlyDaysOfNth_day=latha %1$S;làithean %1$S;làithean %1$S;làithean %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyDaysOfNth):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# %1$S - it's the string monthlyDaysOfNth_day: day of month or a sequence of days
+# of month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol, separated with commas;
+# #2 - monthly interval
+# e.g. "days 3, 6, 9 and 12 of every 3 months"
+monthlyDaysOfNth=%1$S de gach #2 mhìos;%1$S de gach #2 mhìos;%1$S de gach #2 mìosan;%1$S de gach #2 mìos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyLastDayOfNth):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# %1$S - day of month
+# #2 - month interval
+# e.g. "the last day of every 3 months"
+monthlyLastDayOfNth=latha mu dheireadh a' mhìos;latha mu dheireadh a h-uile #1 mhìos;latha mu dheireadh a h-uile #1 mìosan;latha mu dheireadh a h-uile #1 mìos
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyEveryDayOfNth):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules
+# #2 - month interval
+# e.g. "every day of the month every 4 months"
+monthlyEveryDayOfNth=gach latha de gach mìos;gach latha dhen mhìos gach #2 mìos(an)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatOrdinal...Nounclass...):
+# Ordinal numbers nouns for every noun class (grammatical genders) of weekdays
+# considered in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. For languages that need
+# localization according to genders or noun classes.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add 'repeatOrdinal...Nounclass' strings with suffix 3, 4 and so on for
+# languages with more than two noun classes for weekdays. In this case
+# must be added corresponding rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and
+# corresponding values "nounclass..." must be written in
+# 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+repeatOrdinal1Nounclass1=a' chiad
+repeatOrdinal2Nounclass1=an dàrna
+repeatOrdinal3Nounclass1=an treas
+repeatOrdinal4Nounclass1=an ceathramh
+repeatOrdinal5Nounclass1=an còigeamh
+repeatOrdinal-1Nounclass1=mu dheireadh
+repeatOrdinal1Nounclass2=a' chiad
+repeatOrdinal2Nounclass2=an dàrna
+repeatOrdinal3Nounclass2=an treas
+repeatOrdinal4Nounclass2=an ceathramh
+repeatOrdinal5Nounclass2=an còigeamh
+repeatOrdinal-1Nounclass2=mu dheireadh
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules
+# %1$S - month name
+# %2$S - day of month possibly followed by an ordinal symbol (depending on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+# #3 - yearly interval
+# e.g. "every 3 years on December 14"
+# "every 2 years on December 8th"
+yearlyNthOn=gach %2$S latha dhen %1$S;gach #3 bhliadhna %2$S latha dhen %1$S;gach #3 bliadhna %2$S latha dhen %1$S;gach #3 bliadhna %2$S latha dhen %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass...):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules
+# Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%2$S)
+# set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your
+# language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for
+# others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values
+# "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+# %1$S - ordinal with article and noun class/gender corresponding to weekday
+# %2$S - weekday
+# %3$S - month
+# #4 - yearly interval
+# e.g. "the second Monday of every March"
+# e.g "every 3 years the second Monday of March"
+yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass1=%1$S %2$S de gach %3$S;a h-uile #4 bliadhna %1$S %2$S dhen %3$S
+yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass2=%1$S %2$S de gach %3$S;a h-uile #4 bliadhna %1$S %2$S dhen %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass...):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules
+# Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S)
+# set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings.
+# Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender.
+# Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your
+# language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for
+# others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values
+# "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings.
+# %1$S - weekday
+# %2$S - month
+# #3 - yearly interval
+# e.g. "every Thursday of March"
+# e.g "every 3 years on every Thursday of March"
+yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass1=gach %1$S dhen %2$S;gach #3 bliadhna %1$S dhen %2$S
+yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass2=gach %1$S dhen %2$S;gach #3 bliadhna %1$S dhen %2$S
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyEveryDayOf):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules
+# This string describes part of a yearly rule which includes every day of a month.
+# %1$S - month
+# #2 - yearly interval
+# e.g. "every day of December"
+# e.g. "every 3 years every day of December"
+yearlyEveryDayOf=gach latha dhen: %1$S;gach #2 bliadhna gach latha dhen: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatCount):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# %3$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# %4$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# #5 - event occurence times: number
+# e.g. with monthlyRuleNthOfEvery:
+# "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month
+# only on 1/1/2009"
+# from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM"
+# "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month
+# effective 1/1/2009 for 5 times
+# from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM"
+repeatCount=Tachraidh seo %1$S\nann an èifeachd on %2$S #5 turas\non %3$S gus an %4$S.;Tachraidh seo %1$S\nann an èifeachd on %2$S #5 thuras\non %3$S gus an %4$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatCountAllDay):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# #3 - event occurence times: number
+# e.g. with monthlyRuleNthOfEvery:
+# "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month
+# only on 1/1/2009"
+# "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month
+# effective 1/1/2009 for 5 times"
+repeatCountAllDay=Tachraidh seo %1$S\nann an èifeachd %2$S #3 turas.;Tachraidh seo %1$S\nann an èifeachd %2$S #3 thuras.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsUntil):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# %3$S - event end date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# %4$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# %5$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# e.g. with weeklyNthOn:
+# "Occurs every 2 weeks on Sunday and Friday
+# effective 1/1/2009 until 1/1/2010
+# from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM"
+repeatDetailsUntil=Tachraidh seo %1$S\n's bidh e an èifeachd on %2$S gus an %3$S\no %4$S gu %5$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsUntilAllDay):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# %3$S - event end date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth and all day event:
+# "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month
+# effective 1/1/2009 until 1/1/2010"
+repeatDetailsUntilAllDay=Tachraidh seo %1$S\n's bidh e an èifeachd on %2$S gus an %3$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsInfinite):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# %3$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# %4$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM))
+# e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth:
+# "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month
+# effective 1/1/2009
+# from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM"
+repeatDetailsInfinite=Tachraidh seo %1$S\n's bidh e an èifeachd on %2$S\no %3$S gu %4$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsInfiniteAllDay):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link
+# %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy)
+# e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth and all day event:
+# "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month
+# effective 1/1/2009"
+repeatDetailsInfiniteAllDay=Tachraidh seo %1$S\n's bidh e an èifeachd on %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyLastDay):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# A monthly rule with one or more days of the month (monthlyDaysOfNth) and the
+# string "the last day" of the month.
+# e.g.: "Occurs day 15, 20, 25 and the last day of every 3 months"
+monthlyLastDay=an latha mu dheireadh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ruleTooComplex):
+# This string is shown in the repeat details area if our code can't handle the
+# complexity of the recurrence rule yet.
+ruleTooComplex=Briog an-seo airson mion-fhiosrachadh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (ruleTooComplexSummary):
+# This string is shown in the event summary dialog if our code can't handle the
+# complexity of the recurrence rule yet.
+ruleTooComplexSummary=Tha riaghailt an ath-dhèanaimh ro thoinnte dhuinn
+# differences between the dialog for an Event or a Task
+newEvent=Tachartas ùr
+newTask=Saothair ùr
+emailSubjectReply=Mu: %1$S
+# Link Location Dialog
+specifyLinkLocation=Sònraich seòladh a' cheangail
+enterLinkLocation=Cuir a-steach duilleag-lìn no seòladh de sgrìobhainn.
+# Attach File Dialog
+attachViaFilelink=Cuir ris slighe %1$S
+selectAFile=Tagh na faidhlichean a tha thu airson an cur ris
+removeCalendarsTitle=Thoir air falbh na ceanglachain
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeAttachmentsText): Semi-colon list of plural forms for
+# prompting attachment removal.
+# See
+removeAttachmentsText=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an #1 cheanglachan seo a thoirt air falbh?;A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an #1 cheanglachan seo a thoirt air falbh?;A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson na #1 ceanglachain seo a thoirt air falbh?;A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an #1 ceanglachan seo a thoirt air falbh?
+# Recurrence Dialog Widget Order
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: You can change the order of below params
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat monthly
+# %1$S - ordinal with article, %2$S - weekday
+# e.g. "the First Saturday"
+# DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables.
+monthlyOrder=%1$S %2$S
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat yearly
+# %1$S - day of month, %2$S - of, %3$S - month
+# e.g. "6 [of] September"
+# If you don't need %2$S in your locale - please put this on the third place.
+# DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables.
+yearlyOrder=%1$S %3$S %2$S
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat yearly
+# %1$S - ordinal with article, %2$S - weekday, %3$S - of, %4$S - month
+# e.g. "the First Saturday of September"
+# If you don't need %3$S in your locale - please put this on the third place.
+# DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables.
+yearlyOrder2=%1$S %2$S %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluralForWeekdays):
+# This string allows to set the use of weekdays nouns in plural form for
+# languages that need them in sentences like "every Monday" or "every Sunday
+# of March" etc.
+# Rule strings involved by this setting are:
+# - weeklyNthOn (only the first part) e.g. "every Sunday"
+# - monthlyEveryOfEvery
+# e.g. "every Monday of every month;every Monday every 2 months"
+# - yearlyOnEveryNthOfNth
+# e.g. "every Friday of March;every 2 years on every Friday of March"
+# In your local write:
+# "true" if sentences like those above need weekday in plural form;
+# "false" if sentences like those above don't need weekday in plural form;
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsDayxxxPlural):
+# Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window
+# Weekdays in plural form used inside sentences like "every Monday" or
+# "every Sunday of May" etc. for languages that need them.
+# These plurals will be used inside the following rule strings only if string
+# 'pluralForWeekdays' (see above) is set to "true":
+# - weeklyNthOn (only the first part) e.g. "every Sunday"
+# - monthlyEveryOfEvery
+# e.g. "every Monday of every month;every Monday every 2 months"
+# - yearlyOnEveryNthOfNth
+# e.g. "every Friday of March;every 2 years on every Friday of March"
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventRecurrenceForeverLabel):
+# Edit/New Event dialog -> datepicker that sets the until date.
+# For recurring rules that repeat forever, this labels appears in the
+# datepicker, below the minimonth, as an option for the until date.
+eventRecurrenceForeverLabel=Gu sìorraidh bràth
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventRecurrenceMonthlyLastDayLabel):
+# Edit dialog recurrence -> Monthly Recurrence pattern -> Monthly daypicker
+# The label on the monthly daypicker's last button that allows to select
+# the last day of the month inside a BYMONTHDAY rule.
+eventRecurrenceMonthlyLastDayLabel=An latha mu dheireadh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryAccepted) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the
+# email summary view after receiving a counter message
+# %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee
+counterSummaryAccepted=Gabh %1$S ris a’ chuireadh ach mhol iad rud eile:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryDeclined) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the
+# email summary view after receiving a counter message
+# %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee
+counterSummaryDeclined=Dhiùlt %1$S an cuireadh ach mhol iad rud eile:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryDelegated) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the
+# email summary view after receiving a counter message
+# %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee
+counterSummaryDelegated=Dh’iomruin %1$S an cuireadh ach mhol iad rud eile:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryNeedsAction) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the
+# email summary view after receiving a counter message
+# %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee
+counterSummaryNeedsAction=Cha do chuir %1$S romhpa fhathast an gabh iad pàirt agus mhol iad rud eile:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryTentative) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the
+# email summary view after receiving a counter message
+# %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee
+counterSummaryTentative=Gabh %1$S ris a’ chuireadh ach gun chinnt is mhol iad rud eile:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterOnPreviousVersionNotification) - this is only visible when opening the
+# dialog from the email summary view after receiving a counter message
+counterOnPreviousVersionNotification=Seo moladh eile mu choinneamh tionndadh na bu tràithe dhen tachartas seo.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterOnCounterDisallowedNotification) - this is only visible when opening the
+# dialog from the email summary view after receiving a counter message
+counterOnCounterDisallowedNotification=Cha do cheadaich thu do dhaoine rudan eile a mholadh a thaobh a’ chuiridh.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventAccepted) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the event invitation
+eventAccepted=Ghabh thu ris a’ chuireadh seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventTentative) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the event invitation tentatively
+eventTentative=Ghabh thu ris a’ chuireadh seo ach gun chinnt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventDeclined) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has declined the event invitation
+eventDeclined=Dhiùlt thu an cuireadh seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventDelegated) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has delegated his/her participation to one
+# or more other participants (without attending / working on it his/herself)
+eventDelegated=Dh’iomruin thu an cuireadh seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventNeedsAction) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user hasn't yet responded to an invitation
+eventNeedsAction=Cha do fhreagair thu an cuireadh seo fhathast
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskAccepted) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the assigned task
+taskAccepted=Thuirt thu gun obrachaicheadh tu air an t-saothair seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskTentative) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has accepted tentatively the assigned task
+taskTentative=Thuirt thu gun obrachaicheadh tu air an t-saothair seo ach gun chinnt
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDeclined) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has declined the assigned task
+taskDeclined=Dhiùlt thu obair a dhèanamh air an t-saothair seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDelegated) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has delegated his/her assignement to one or
+# more others (without attending / working on it his/herself)
+taskDelegated=Dh’iomruin thu an t-saothair seo do chuideigin eile
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskNeedsAction) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user hasn't yet responded to the task assignment
+taskNeedsAction=Cha do fhreagair thu an t-saothair seo fhathast
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskInProgress) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user is working on an assigned task
+taskInProgress=Thòisich thu air an t-saothair iomruinte seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskCompleted) - this will be displayed as notification
+# in the summary dialog if the user has completed the work on this assigned task
+taskCompleted=Choilean thu an t-saothair iomruinte seo
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseButtonLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# event.toolbar.saveandclose.label in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving & closing
+sendandcloseButtonLabel=Cuir is dùin e
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseButtonTooltip) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# event.toolbar.saveandclose.tooltip in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving & closing
+sendandcloseButtonTooltip=Cuir fios gu na freastalaichean is dùin e
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendButtonLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving
+saveandsendButtonLabel=Sàbhail is cuir
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendButtonTooltip) - this is a runtime replacement
+# for in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving
+saveandsendButtonTooltip=Sàbhail is cuir fios gu na freastalaichean
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendMenuLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving
+saveandsendMenuLabel=Sàbhail is cuir
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseMenuLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees
+# will be notified on saving
+sendandcloseMenuLabel=Cuir is dùin e
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attendeesTabLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# event.attendees.label defined in calendar-event-dialog.dtd and used in the
+# event dialog/tab as attendee tab label if an event has at least one attendee
+# %1$S - the number of attendee (1-n)
+attendeesTabLabel=Freastalaichean (%1$S):
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentsTabLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for
+# event.attachments.label defined in calendar-event-dialog.dtd and used in the
+# event dialog/tab as attendee tab label if an event has at least one attachment
+# %1$S - the number of attachments (1-n)
+attachmentsTabLabel=Ceanglachain (%1$S):
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a7e4a379f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Strings here are used to create events and tasks with start and end times
+# based on email content.
+# None of the strings are displayed in the user interface.
+# You don't have to fill all from.*, until.*, *.prefix and *.suffix patterns.
+# It's ok to leave some empty.
+# Please consider declensions and gender if your language has them.
+# Don't just translate directly. The number of variants doesn't have to be
+# the same as in en-US. All of 0, 1, 2, etc is allowed in patterns except alphabet
+# pattern. You can and should add language specific variants.
+# There are two different ways to find a start time text in email:
+# 1) it matches a from.* pattern and does not have end.prefix or end.suffix next to it
+# 2) it matches until.* pattern and has start.prefix or start.suffix next to it
+# Similar inverse logic applies to end times.
+# These rules enable using prefix and suffix values with only start.* or only until.*
+# patterns localized for some languages and thus not having to repeat the same
+# values in both.
+# Patterns are partially space-insensitive.
+# "deadline is" pattern will find both "deadlineis" and "deadline is"
+# but "deadlineis" won't find "deadline is" or "deadline is".
+# Therefore you should include all spaces that are valid within a pattern.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front are extracted as start times
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+start.prefix =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these are extracted as start times
+start.suffix = aig | ro | ron | eadar | - | gu ruige | gu | is | agus
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front are extracted as end times
+end.prefix = aig | ro | ron | eadar | - | gu ruige | gu | is | agus | ceann-ama | a' crìochnachadh | a' tighinn gu crìch
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these are extracted as end times
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+end.suffix =gu ruige | gu
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.prefix):
+# datetimes with these in front won't be used
+# specify full words here
+no.datetime.prefix = an t-seachdain seo chaidh | an t-seachdain-sa chaidh | air a chur | post-d | post-dealain | phost-d | puist-d | phuist-d | an àite | > | gu mì-fhortanach | ann an | cha | chan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.suffix):
+# datetimes followed by these won't be used
+no.datetime.suffix = ùrlar | làr | : | post-d | post-dealain | phost-d | puist-d | phuist-d | > | % | gbp | not | not Sasannach | £
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# must not be empty! = an-diugh | diugh
+from.tomorrow = tomorrow
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+until.tomorrow =a-màireach | màireach | a-màrach
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time = #1ad | #1d | #1na | #1as | #1s | #1mh
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x =#1ad | #1d | #1na | #1as | #1s | #1mh
+from.noon = noon
+until.noon =meadhan-latha | meadhan-là | mheadhan-latha | mheadhan-là | meadhain-latha | meadhain-là | mheadhain-latha | mheadhain-là
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time
+from.hour = aig #1 | mu #1 | faisg air #1 | #1 - | #1 gu | #1 gu ruige
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe
+until.hour = - #1 | gu #1 | gu ruige #1 | ro #1 | aig #1
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 = #1m | #1 m
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe =- #1m | gu #1m | gu ruige #1m | ro #1m | - #1 m | gu #1 m | gu ruige #1 m | ro #1 m
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 = #1 f | #1f
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23
+# should also list how to find end of a timeframe =#1 f | #1f
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.before):
+# denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour
+from.half.hour.before = leth-uair a thìde ro #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.before):
+# denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour
+until.half.hour.before =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.after):
+# denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour
+from.half.hour.after = leth-uair an dèidh #1
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.after):
+# denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour
+until.half.hour.after =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.minutes):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59
+from.hour.minutes = #1:#2 | aig #1#2 | #1.#2
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.minutes):
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59
+until.hour.minutes =
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 = #1:#2m | #1:#2 m | #1.#2m | #1.#2 m
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 = #1:#2f | #1:#2 f | #1.#2f | #1.#2 f
+# #1 = matches numbers 0-23
+# #2 = matches numbers 0-59 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# #2 = matches monthname = #1 #2 | #1 dhen #2 | #1 den #2 | #1 #2 | #1d #2 | #1d dhen #2 | #1d den #2 | #1d #2 | #1ad #2 | #1ad dhen #2 | #1ad den #2 | #1ad #2 | #1na #2 | #1na dhen #2 | #1na den #2 | #1na #2 | #1a #2 | #1a dhen #2 | #1a den #2 | #1a #2 | #1as #2 | #1as dhen #2 | #1as den #2 | #1as #2 | #1s #2 | #1s dhen #2 | #1s den #2 | #1s #2 | #1mh #2 | #1mh dhen #2 | #1mh den #2 | #1mh #2
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12 = #1.#2
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12 =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers = #3.#2.#1 | #3/#2/#1 | #3‑#2‑#1
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches numbers 1-12
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers =
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers = #1 #2 #3 | #1d #2 #3 | #1ad #2 #3 | #1a #2 #3 | #1na #2 #3 | #1as #2 #3 | #1s #2 #3 | #1mh #2 #3 | #1/#2/#3 | #1d/#2/#3 | #1ad/#2/#3 | #1a/#2/#3 | #1na/#2/#3 | #1as/#2/#3 | #1s/#2/#3 | #1mh/#2/#3 | #1‑#2‑#3 | #1d‑#2‑#3 | #1ad‑#2‑#3 | #1a‑#2‑#3 | #1na‑#2‑#3 | #1as‑#2‑#3 | #1s‑#2‑#3 | #1mh‑#2‑#3
+# #1 = matches numbers 1-31
+# #2 = matches monthname
+# #3 = matches 2/4 numbers =
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.*):
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.minutes):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.minutes = #1 mionaid | #1 mhionaid | #1 mionaidean | #1 mion. | #1 mhion.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.hours):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.hours = #1 uair a thìde | #1 uairean a thìde
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.days):
+# #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31
+duration.days = #1 latha | #1 làithean
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+month.1 = faoilleach | am faoilleach | dhen fhaoilleach | den fhaoilleach | faoi. | faoi | faoilteach | am faoilteach | dhen fhaoilteach | den fhaoilteach
+month.2 = gearran | an gearran | dhen ghearran | den ghearran | gearr
+month.3 = màrt | am màrt | dhen mhàrt | den mhàrt
+month.4 = giblean | an giblean | dhen ghiblean | den ghiblean | gibl
+month.5 = cèitean | an cèitean | dhen chèitean | den chèitean | cèit
+month.6 = òghmhios | an t-ògmhios | dhen ògmhios | den ògmhios | ògmh | òg-hmhios | an t-òg-mhios | dhen òg-mhios | den òg-mhios
+month.7 = iuchar | an t-iuchar | dhen iuchar | den iuchar | iuch
+month.8 = lùnastal | an lùnastal | dhen lùnastal | den lùnastal | lùna | lùnasdal | an lùnasdal | dhen lùnasdal | den lùnasdal
+month.9 = sultain | an t-sultain | dhen t-sultain | den t-sultain | sult
+month.10 = dàmhair | an dàmhair | dhen dàmhair | den dàmhair | dàmh
+month.11 = samhain | an t-samhain | dhen t-samhain | den t-samhain | samh | samhainn | an t-samhainn | dhen t-samhainn | den t-samhainn
+month.12 = dùbhlachd | an dùbhlachd | dhen dùbhlachd | den dùbhlachd | dùbh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.*):
+# used to derive start date based on weekdays mentioned
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.0):
+# Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here.
+from.weekday.0 = didòmhnaich | dhidòmhnaich | di-dòmhnaich | dhi-dòmhnaich | là na sàbaid | dhòmhnaich
+from.weekday.1 = diluain | dhiluain | di-luain | dhi-luain | luain
+from.weekday.2 = dimàirt | dhimàirt | di-màirt | dhi-màirt | mhàirt
+from.weekday.3 = diciadain | dhiciadain | di-ciadain | dhi-ciadain | chiadain
+from.weekday.4 = diardaoin | dhiardaoin | di-ardaoin | dhi-ardaoin | ardaoin
+from.weekday.5 = dihaoine | dhihaoine | haoine
+from.weekday.6 = disathairne | dhisathairne | di-sathairne | dhi-sathairne | shathairne
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.*):
+# used to derive end date based on weekdays mentioned
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.0):
+# Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here.
+until.weekday.0 =didòmhnaich | dhidòmhnaich | di-dòmhnaich | dhi-dòmhnaich | là na sàbaid | dhòmhnaich
+until.weekday.1 =diluain | dhiluain | di-luain | dhi-luain | luain
+until.weekday.2 =dimàirt | dhimàirt | di-màirt | dhi-màirt | mhàirt
+until.weekday.3 =diciadain | dhiciadain | di-ciadain | dhi-ciadain | chiadain
+until.weekday.4 =diardaoin | dhiardaoin | di-ardaoin | dhi-ardaoin | ardaoin
+until.weekday.5 =dihaoine | dhihaoine | haoine
+until.weekday.6 =disathairne | dhisathairne | di-sathairne | dhi-sathairne | shathairne
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (number.*):
+# used within other patterns to understand dates where day of month isn't written with digits
+# can be a list of values, separate variants by |
+number.0 = neoini
+number.1 = aon | a' chiad
+number.2 = dà | dhà | dàrna | dara
+number.3 = trì | treas | tritheamh
+number.4 = ceithir | ceathramh
+number.5 = còig | còigeamh
+number.6 = sia | siathamh
+number.7 = seachd | seachdamh
+number.8 = ochd | ochdamh
+number.9 = naoi | naoidh | naoidheamh
+number.10 = deich | deug | deicheamh
+number.11 = aon deug | aon deugamh | aonamh deug | aonamh latha deug | aonamh latha dheug
+number.12 = dà dheug | dà dheugamh | dàrna latha deug | dàrna latha dheug | dara latha deug | dara latha dheug
+number.13 = trì deug | trì deugamh | tritheamh latha deug
+number.14 = ceithir deug | ceithir deugamh | ceathramh latha deug
+number.15 = còig deug | còig deugamh | còigeamh latha deug
+number.16 = sia deug | sia deugamh | siathamh latha deug
+number.17 = seachd deug | seachd deugamh | seachdamh latha deug
+number.18 = ochd deug | ochd deugamh | ochdamh latha deug
+number.19 = naoi deug | naoi deugamh | naoidh deug | naoidh deugamh | naoidheamh latha deug
+number.20 = fichead | ficheadamh
+number.21 = fichead 's a h-aon | ficheadamh 's a h-aon | ficheadamh latha deug 's a h-aon
+number.22 = fichead 's a dhà | ficheadamh 's a dhà | ficheadamh latha deug 's a dhà
+number.23 = fichead 's a trì | ficheadamh 's a trì | ficheadamh latha deug 's a trì
+number.24 = fichead 's a ceithir | ficheadamh 's a ceithir | ficheadamh latha deug 's a ceithir
+number.25 = fichead 's a còig | ficheadamh 's a còig | ficheadamh latha deug 's a còig
+number.26 = fichead 's a sia | ficheadamh 's a sia | ficheadamh latha deug 's a sia
+number.27 = fichead 's a seachd | ficheadamh 's a seachd | ficheadamh latha deug 's a seachd
+number.28 = fichead 's a h-ochd | ficheadamh 's a h-ochd | ficheadamh latha deug 's a h-ochd
+number.29 = fichead 's a naoi | ficheadamh 's a naoi | fichead 's a naoidh | ficheadamh 's a naoidh | ficheadamh latha deug 's a naoidh
+number.30 = deich ar fhichead | deich air fhichead | trithead | tritheadamh
+number.31 = trithead 's a h-aon | tritheadamh 's a h-aon | tritheadamh latha deug 's a h-aon
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alphabet):
+# list all lower and uppercase letters if your language has an alphabet
+# otherwise leave it empty
+alphabet = aàbcdeèéfghiìjklmnoòópqrstuùvwxyzAÀBCDEÈÉFGHIÌJKLMNOÒÓPQRSTUÙVWXYZ
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-invitations-dialog.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-invitations-dialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5232bb1f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-invitations-dialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at
+<!-- Calendar Invitations Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.dialog.invitations.text "Cuiridhean">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.dialog.statusmessage.updating.text "Ag ùrachadh liosta nan cuiridhean.">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.dialog.statusmessage.noinvitations.text "Chan deach cuireadh a lorg nach deach a dhearbhadh.">
+<!-- Calendar Invitations List -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.accept.button.label "Gabh ris">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.decline.button.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.recurrentevent.text "Tachartas a thachras iomadh turas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.alldayevent.text "Tachartas fad an latha">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.location.text "Àite: ">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.organizer.text "Eagraiche: ">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.attendee.text "An làthair: ">
+<!ENTITY calendar.invitations.list.none.text "Chan eil gin">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aea371723
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+allday-event=Tachartas fad an latha
+recurrent-event=Tachartas ath-chùrsach
+location=Ionad: %S
+organizer=Eagraiche: %S
+attendee=Freastalaiche: %S
+none=Chan eil gin
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-occurrence-prompt.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-occurrence-prompt.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5864a9335f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-occurrence-prompt.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY buttons.occurrence.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY buttons.allfollowing.accesskey "f">
+<!ENTITY buttons.parent.accesskey "a">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b0af931d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+header.isrepeating.event.label=a tha 'na thachartas a thachras iomadh turas
+header.isrepeating.task.label=a tha 'na shaothair a thachras iomadh turas\u0020
+header.containsrepeating.event.label=is tachartasan ath-chùrsach na bhroinn
+header.containsrepeating.task.label=is saothraichean ath-chùrsach na bhroinn
+header.containsrepeating.mixed.label=is nithean ath-chùrsach de sheòrsa eile na bhroinn
+windowtitle.event.copy=Dèan lethbhreac dhen tachartas ath-chùrsach
+windowtitle.task.copy=Dèan lethbhreac dhen t-saothair ath-chùrsach
+windowtitle.mixed.copy=Dèan lethbhreac dhe na nithean ath-chùrsach
+windowtitle.event.cut=Gearr an tachartas ath-chùrsach às
+windowtitle.task.cut=Gearr an t-saothair ath-chùrsach às
+windowtitle.mixed.cut=Gearr na nithean ath-chùrsach às
+windowtitle.event.delete=Sguab às tachartas a thachras iomadh turas
+windowtitle.task.delete=Sguab às saothair a thachras iomadh turas
+windowtitle.mixed.delete=Sguab na nithean ath-chùrsach às
+windowtitle.event.edit=Deasaich tachartas a thachras iomadh turas
+windowtitle.task.edit=Deasaich saothair a thachras iomadh turas
+windowtitle.mixed.edit=Deasaich na nithean ath-chùrsach
+windowtitle.multipleitems=Na nithean a thagh thu
+buttons.single.occurrence.copy.label=Na dèan lethbhreac ach dhen teachd seo
+buttons.single.occurrence.cut.label=Na gearr às ach an teachd seo
+buttons.single.occurrence.delete.label=Na sguab às ach an teachd seo
+buttons.single.occurrence.edit.label=Na deasaich ach an teachd seo
+buttons.multiple.occurrence.copy.label=Na dèan lethbhreac ach dhe na teachd a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.occurrence.cut.label=Na gearr às ach na teachdan a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.occurrence.delete.label=Na sguab às ach na teachdan a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.occurrence.edit.label=Na deasaich ach na teachdan a thagh thu
+buttons.single.allfollowing.copy.label=Dèan lethbhreac dhe seo ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.single.allfollowing.cut.label=Gearr às seo ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.single.allfollowing.delete.label=Sguab às seo ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.single.allfollowing.edit.label=Deasaich seo ’ gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.multiple.allfollowing.copy.label=Dèan lethbhreac dhe na thagh thu ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.multiple.allfollowing.cut.label=Gearr às na thagh thu ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.multiple.allfollowing.delete.label=Sguab às na thagh thu ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.multiple.allfollowing.edit.label=Deasaich na thagh thu ’s gach teachd a-mach o seo
+buttons.single.parent.copy.label=Dèan lethbhreac de gach teachd dheth
+buttons.single.parent.cut.label=Gearr às gach teachd dheth
+buttons.single.parent.delete.label=Sguab às gach teachd dheth
+buttons.single.parent.edit.label=Deasaich gach teachd dheth
+buttons.multiple.parent.copy.label=Dèan lethbhreac de gach teachd dhe na nithean a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.parent.cut.label=Gearr às gach teachd dhe na nithean a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.parent.delete.label=Sguab às gach teachd dhe na nithean a thagh thu
+buttons.multiple.parent.edit.label=Deasaich gach teachd dhe na nithean a thagh thu
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-subscriptions-dialog.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-subscriptions-dialog.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8e0b1da678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar-subscriptions-dialog.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at
+<!-- Calendar Subscriptions Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.subscriptions.dialog.title "Fo-sgrìobh do mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY "Seall mìosachain anns a bheil:">
+<!ENTITY "Lorg">
+<!ENTITY "Tagh na mìosachain airson fo-sgrìobhadh thuca:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.subscriptions.dialog.subscribe.button.label "Fo-sgrìobh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.subscriptions.dialog.unsubscribe.button.label "Sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.subscriptions.dialog.statusmessage.busy.label "Lorg…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.subscriptions.dialog.statusmessage.nomatches.label "Cha deach seise a lorg.">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e175c97129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- General -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.calendar.label "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.calendar.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY calendar.newevent.button.tooltip "Cruthaich tachartas ùr" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.newtask.button.tooltip "Cruthaich saothair ùr" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.showcompletedtodos.label "Seall saothraichean crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY "An-diugh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tomorrow.button.label "A-màireach">
+<!ENTITY calendar.upcoming.button.label "Gu bhith ann">
+<!ENTITY "Gach tachartas">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY "Gach tachartas san àm ri teachd">
+<!ENTITY "An latha a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan san t-sealladh làithreach">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan anns na 7 làithean seo tighinn">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan sa chola-deug seo tighinn">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan san 31 latha seo tighinn">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan sa mhìos mhìosachain seo">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(calendar.unifinder.tree.done.tooltip)
+ - This label and tooltip is used for the column with the checkbox in the
+ - task tree view. -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.done.label "Dèanta">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.done.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir coileanaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.priority.label "Prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.priority.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir prìomhachais">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.title.label "Tiotal">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.title.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir tiotail">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.percentcomplete.label "&#037; deiseil">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.percentcomplete.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir ceudad coileanaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.startdate.label "A' tòiseachadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.startdate.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir latha tòiseachaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.enddate.label "A' crìochnachadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.enddate.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir latha crìochnachaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.duedate.label "Ceann-ama">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.duedate.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir latha libhrigidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.completeddate.label "Deiseil">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.completeddate.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir latha coileanaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.categories.label "Roinn-seòrsa">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.categories.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir roinn-seòrsa">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.location.label "Àite">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.location.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir ionaid">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.status.label "Staid">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.status.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir staid">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.calendarname.label "Ainm a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.calendarname.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir ainm a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.duration.label "Feum air ann an">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.tree.duration.tooltip2 "Seòrsaich a-rèir ùine gu libhrigeadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unifinder.close.tooltip "Dùin lorg is liosta nan tachartasan">
+<!ENTITY "Rach gun latha an-diugh" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.todaypane.button.tooltip "Seall leòsan an latha" >
+<!ENTITY "Na seall dhomh ach aon latha" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.week.button.tooltip "Seall dhomh an t-seachdain air fad" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.month.button.tooltip "Seall dhomh mìos air fad" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.multiweek.button.tooltip "Seall dhomh iomadh seachdain còmhla" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextday.label "An ath-latha" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevday.label "An latha roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextday.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevday.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextweek.label "An ath-sheachdain" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevweek.label "An t-seachdain roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextweek.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevweek.accesskey "s" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextmonth.label "An ath-mhìos" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevmonth.label "Am mìos roimhe" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.nextmonth.accesskey "A" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.prevmonth.accesskey "s" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.nextday.tooltip "Latha air adhart" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.prevday.tooltip "Latha air ais" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.nextweek.tooltip "Seachdain air adhart" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.prevweek.tooltip "Seachdain air ais" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.nextmonth.tooltip "Mìos air adhart" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.navigation.prevmonth.tooltip "Mìos air ais" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.newevent.button.label "Tachartas ùr" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.newtask.button.label "Saothair ùr" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.button.label "Clò-bhuail" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.button.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY "Latha" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.week.button.label "Seachdain" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.month.button.label "Mìos" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.multiweek.button.label "Iomadh s." >
+<!ENTITY calendar.onlyworkday.checkbox.label "Làithean-obrach na seachdaine a-mhàin" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.onlyworkday.checkbox.accesskey "r" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.label "Saothraichean san t-sealladh" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.accesskey "S" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.completedtasks.checkbox.label "Seall saothraichean crìochnaichte" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.completedtasks.checkbox.accesskey "c" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.orientation.label "Thoir car dhen t-sealladh" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.orientation.accesskey "o" >
+<!ENTITY " anns a bheil">
+<!ENTITY calendar.list.header.label "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.title.label "Seall">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.all.label "A h-uile">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.all.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY "An-diugh">
+<!ENTITY "A">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.next7days.label "Na seachd làithean seo tighinn">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.next7days.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.notstarted.label "Saothraichean nach do thòisich fhathast">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.notstarted.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.overdue.label "Saothraichean thar an tìde">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.overdue.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.completed.label "Saothraichean crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.completed.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY "Saothraichean gun chrìochnachadh">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(calendar.task.filter.current.label)
+ "Current Tasks" will show all tasks, except those with a start date set
+ that is after today and after the selected date. If a task repeats, a
+ separate entry will be shown for each of the occurrences that happen on or
+ before today (or the selected date, whichever is later). -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.current.label "Saothraichean làithreach">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.filter.current.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.title.label "tiotail">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.organizer.label "o">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.priority.label "prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.priority.low.label "Ìseal">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.priority.normal.label "Àbhaisteach">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.priority.high.label "Àrd">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.status.label "staid">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.category.label "roinn">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.repeat.label "ath-dhèan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.attachments.label "ceanglachain">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.start.label "latha tòiseachaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task-details.due.label "ceann-ama">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.category.button.tooltip "Cuir saothraichean ann an roinnean">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.complete.button.tooltip "Cuir comharra gu bheil na saothraichean a thagh thu crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.priority.button.tooltip "Atharraich am prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.text-filter.textbox.emptytext.base1 "Criathraich na saothraichean #1">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.text-filter.textbox.emptytext.keylabel.nonmac "&lt;Ctrl+Shift+K&gt;">
+<!ENTITY calendar.task.text-filter.textbox.emptytext.keylabel.mac "&lt;&#x21E7;&#x2318;K&gt;">
+<!-- Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.modifyorviewitem.label "Fosgail">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.modifyorviewitem.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.modifyorviewtask.label "Fosgail saothair…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.modifyorviewtask.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newevent.label "Tachartas ùr…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newevent.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newtodo.label "Saothair ùr…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newtodo.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deletetask.label "Sguab às an t-saothair">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deletetask.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deleteevent.label "Sguab às an tachartas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deleteevent.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.cutevent.label "Gearr às">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.cutevent.accesskey "G">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.copyevent.label "Dèan lethbhreac">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.copyevent.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.pasteevent.label "Cuir ann">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.pasteevent.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.button.label "Leòsan an latha">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.button.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY "Làthaireachd">
+<!ENTITY "d">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occurrence.label "An teachd seo">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all2.label "Sreath slàn">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.send.label "Cuir brath an-dràsta">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.send.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.dontsend.label "Na cuir brath">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.dontsend.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.accepted.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.accepted.label "Air gabhail ris">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.tentative.accesskey "y">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.tentative.label "Air gabhail ris gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.declined.accesskey "c">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.declined.label "Air a dhiùltadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.delegated.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.delegated.label "Air a thiomnachadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.needsaction.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.needsaction.label "Feum air gnìomh fhathast">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.inprogress.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.inprogress.label "Ga phròiseasadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.completed.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.occ.completed.label "Air a choileanadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.accepted.accesskey "e">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.accepted.label "Air gabhail ris">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.tentative.accesskey "v">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.tentative.label "Air gabhail ris gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.declined.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.declined.label "Air a dhiùltadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.delegated.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.delegated.label "Air a thiomnachadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.needsaction.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.needsaction.label "Feum air gnìomh fhathast">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.inprogress.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.inprogress.label "Ga phròiseasadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.completed.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.attendance.all.completed.label "Air a choileanadh">
+<!-- Task Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.progress.label "Adhartas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.progress.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.priority.label "Prìomhachas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.priority.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.label "Cuir dàil san t-saothair">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY percnt "&#38;#37;" ><!--=percent sign-->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.markcompleted.label "Cuir comharra gu bheil e crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.markcompleted.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.0 "0&percnt; crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.0.accesskey "0">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.25 "25&percnt; crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.25.accesskey "2">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.50 "50&percnt; crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.50.accesskey "5">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.75 "75&percnt; crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.75.accesskey "7">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.100 "100&percnt; crìochnaichte">
+<!ENTITY progress.level.100.accesskey "1">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.none "Gun sònrachadh">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.none.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.low "Ìseal">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.low.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.normal "Àbhaisteach">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.normal.accesskey "À">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.high "Àrd">
+<!ENTITY priority.level.high.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1hour.label "1 uair a thìde">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1hour.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1day.label "1 latha">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1day.accesskey "l">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1week.label "1 seachdain">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.postpone.1week.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY calendar.copylink.label "Dèan lethbhreac de dh'ionad a' cheangail">
+<!ENTITY calendar.copylink.accesskey "D">
+<!-- Task View -->
+<!-- Note that the above *.context.* strings are currently used for the other
+ task action buttons -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.taskview.delete.label "Sguab às">
+<!-- Server Context Menu -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newserver.label "Mìosachan ùr…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.newserver.accesskey "n">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.findcalendar.label "Lorg mìosachan…" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.findcalendar.accesskey "L" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deleteserver2.label "Sguab às mìosachan...">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.deleteserver2.accesskey "S">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.context.removeserver.label): Removing the
+ calendar is the general action of removing it, while deleting means to
+ clear the data and unsubscribing means just taking it out of the calendar
+ list. -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.removeserver.label "Thoir air falbh mìosachan...">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.removeserver.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.unsubscribeserver.label "Crìochnaich fo-sgrìobhadh do mhìosachan...">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.unsubscribeserver.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.synccalendars.label "Sioncronaich na mìosachain">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.synccalendars.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.publish.label "Foillsich mìosachan…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.publish.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.export.label "Às-phortaich mìosachan…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.export.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY "Roghainnean">
+<!ENTITY "R">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.context.showcalendar.accesskey)
+ This is the access key used for the showCalendar string -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.showcalendar.accesskey "h">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.context.hidecalendar.accesskey)
+ This is the access key used for the hideCalendar string -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.hidecalendar.accesskey "H">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.context.showonly.accesskey)
+ This is the access key used for the showOnlyCalendar string -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.showonly.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.showall.label "Seall gach mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.showall.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.label "Iompaich 'na">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.accesskey.mail "n">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.accesskey.calendar "v">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.event.label "Thachartas…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.event.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.message.label "Theachdaireachd…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.message.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.task.label "Shaothair…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.context.convertmenu.task.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.minimonth.label "Meanbh-mhìos">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.minimonth.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.calendarlist.label "Liosta nam mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.calendarlist.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.filtertasks.label "Criathraich na saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY calendar.tasks.view.filtertasks.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Calendar Alarm Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.location.label "Seòladh:" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.details.label "Mion-fhiosrachadh…" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snoozefor.label "Dèan dùsal fad" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snoozeallfor.label "Dèan dùsal airson a h-uile fad" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.title.label "Caismeachd mìosachain" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.dismiss.label "Leig seachad" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.dismissall.label "Leig seachad a h-uile" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.5minutes.label "5 mionaidean" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.10minutes.label "10 mionaidean" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.15minutes.label "15 mionaidean" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.30minutes.label "30 mionaid" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.45minutes.label "45 mionaid" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.1hour.label "1 uair a thìde" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.2hours.label "2 uair a thìde" >
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.1day.label "1 latha" >
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.alarm.snooze.cancel)
+ This string is not seen in the UI, it is read by screen readers when the
+ user focuses the "Cancel" button in the "Snooze for..." popup of the alarm
+ dialog. -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.alarm.snooze.cancel "Sguir dhen dùsal">
+<!-- Calendar Server Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.server.dialog.title.edit "Deasaich am mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY "Ainm a' mhìosachain:">
+<!-- Calendar Properties -->
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.color.label "Dath:">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.webdav.label "iCalendar (ICS)">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.caldav.label "CalDAV">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.format.label "Fòrmat:">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.location.label "Àite:">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.refreshInterval.label "Ùraich am mìosachan:">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.refreshInterval.manual.label "A làimh">
+<!ENTITY "Ainm:">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.readonly.label "Ri leughadh a-mhàin">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.firealarms.label "Seall caismeachdan">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.cache3.label "Taic far loidhne">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.enabled2.label "Cuir am mìosachan seo an comas">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.forceDisabled.label "Cha deach solaraiche a' mhìosachain seo a lorg. Tachraidh seo gu tric ma chuir thu à comas tuilleadain sònraichte no ma dhì-stàlaich thu iad.">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.unsubscribe.label "Sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadh">
+<!ENTITY calendarproperties.unsubscribe.accesskey "u">
+<!-- Calendar Publish Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.dialog.title "Foillsich mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.url.label "An URL foillseachaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.publish.button "Foillsich">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.close.button "Dùin">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.example.url.description "Rudeigin car coltach ri">
+<!-- Select Calendar Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY "Tagh mìosachan">
+<!-- Calendar Printing -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.window.title "Clò-bhuail mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.title.label "Tiotal:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.layout.label "Co-dhealbhachd:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.range.label "Na thèid a chlò-bhualadh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.currentView2.label "An sealladh làithreach">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.selectedEventsAndTasks.label "Na tachartasan/saothraichean a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.tasks.label "Saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.custom.label "Raon làithean sònraichte:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.from.label "O:">
+<!ENTITY "Gu:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.settingsGroup.label "Roghainnean a' chlò-bhualaidh">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.optionsGroup.label "Roghainnean">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.taskswithnoduedate.label "Saothraichean gun cheann-ama">
+<!ENTITY calendar.print.completedtasks.label "Saothraichean crìochnaichte">
+<!-- Error reporting -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.error.detail "Mion-fhiosrachadh…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.error.code "Còd na mearachd:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.error.description "Tuairisgeul:">
+<!ENTITY calendar.error.title "Thachair mearachd">
+<!-- Extract buttons in message header -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.extract.event.button "Cuir ris mar thachartas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.extract.task.button "Cuir ris mar shaothair">
+<!ENTITY calendar.extract.event.button.tooltip "Tog fiosrachadh mìosachain on teachdaireachd is cuir ris a' mhìosachan e mar thachartas">
+<!ENTITY calendar.extract.task.button.tooltip "Tog fiosrachadh mìosachain on teachdaireachd is cuir ris a' mhìosachan e mar shaothair">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..714709a371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Misc. strings in JS
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrintPreviewWindowTitle):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the title of a html frame
+PrintPreviewWindowTitle=Ro-shealladh clò-bhualaidh %1$S
+Untitled=Gun tiotal
+# Default name for new events
+newEvent=Tachartas ùr
+# Titles for the event/task dialog
+newEventDialog=Tachartas ùr
+editEventDialog=Deasaich an tachartas
+newTaskDialog=Saothair ùr
+editTaskDialog=Deasaich an t-saothair
+# Do you want to save changes?
+askSaveTitleEvent=Sàbhail an tachartas
+askSaveTitleTask=Sàbhail an t-saothair
+askSaveMessageEvent=Cha deach an tachartas a shàbhaladh. A bheil thu airson an tachartas a shàbhaladh?
+askSaveMessageTask=Cha deach an t-saothair a shàbhaladh. A bheil thu airson an t-saothair a shàbhaladh?
+# Event Dialog Warnings
+warningEndBeforeStart=Tha an latha crìochnachaidh agad ron latha tòiseachaidh
+warningUntilDateBeforeStart=Tha an latha crìochnachaidh ron latha tòiseachaidh
+# The name of the calendar provided with the application by default
+homeCalendarName=Mo mhìosachan
+# The name given to a calendar if an opened calendar has an empty filename
+untitledCalendarName=Mìosachan gun tiotal
+# Event status: Tentative, Confirmed, Cancelled
+# ToDo task status: NeedsAction, InProcess, Completed, Cancelled
+statusTentative =An dòchas
+statusConfirmed =Air a dhearbhachadh
+eventStatusCancelled=Air a sgur dheth
+todoStatusCancelled =Air a sgur dheth
+statusNeedsAction =Feumach air gnìomh
+statusInProcess ='Ga phròiseasadh
+statusCompleted =Deiseil
+# Task priority, these should match the priority.level.* labels in calendar.dtd
+importPrompt=Dè am mìosachan dhan a thèid na nithean seo a chur ann?
+exportPrompt=Dè am mìosachan a tha thu airson ion-phortadh uaidhe?
+pastePrompt=Dè am mìosachan so-sgrìobhte agad dhan a chuireas sinn seo dhut?
+publishPrompt=Dè am mìosachan a tha thu airson fhoillseachadh?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also a meeting invitation - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventAlso=Tha thu a’ cur ann rud sa bheil coinneamh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also several meeting invitations - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsAlso=Tha thu a’ cur ann rud sa bheil coinneamhan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTaskAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also an assigned task - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskAlso=Tha thu a’ cur ann rud sa bheil saothair iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteTasksAlso): The users pasting operation include among
+# others also several assigned tasks - this is used as a affix in
+# pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksAlso=Tha thu a’ cur ann rud sa bheil saothraichean iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteItemsAlso): The users pasting operation includes among
+# others also assigned task(s) and meeting invitation(s) - this is used as a affix
+# in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsAlso=Tha thu a’ cur ann rud sa bheil coinneamhan agus saothraichean iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting a meeting -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventOnly=Tha thu a’ cur ann coinneamh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several meetings -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteEventsOnly=Tha thu a’ cur ann coinneamhan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventOnly): The users is pasting an assigned task -
+# this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTaskOnly=Tha thu a’ cur ann saothair iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting several assigned
+# tasks - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteTasksOnly=Tha thu a’ cur ann saothraichean iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteEventsOnly): The users is pasting assigned task(s) and
+# meeting(s) - this is used as a affix in pasteNotifyAbout
+pasteItemsOnly=Tha thu a’ cur ann coinneamhan is saothraichean iomruinte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteNotifyAbout): Text displayed if pasting an invitation
+# or assigned task
+# %1$S - pasteEvent* or pasteTask*
+pasteNotifyAbout=%1$S - a bheil thu airson innse dhan a h-uile duine a tha an sàs gun deach ùrachadh?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteAndNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteAndNotifyLabel=Cuir ann is cuir a-null an-dràsta
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pasteDontNotifyLabel): button label used in calendar prompt
+# of the pasted item has attendees
+pasteDontNotifyLabel=Cuir ann e ach na cuir a-null e
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (importItemsFailed):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of failed items
+# %2$S will be replaced with last error code / error string
+importItemsFailed=Dh'fhàillig ion-phortadh de %1$S nithean. 'S e seo a' mhearachd mu dheireadh: %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (noItemsInCalendarFile2):
+# %1$S will be replaced with file path
+noItemsInCalendarFile2=Cha ghabh ion-phortadh a dhèanamh o %1$S. Chan eil dad san fhaidhle seo a ghabhas ion-phortadh.
+#spaces needed at the end of the following lines
+unableToRead=Cha ghabh am faidhle a leanas a leughadh:
+unableToWrite=Cha ghabh sgrìobhadh dhan fhaidhle a leanas:
+HTMLTitle=Mìosachan Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (timezoneError):
+# used for an error message like 'An unknown and undefined timezone was found while reading c:\Mycalendarfile.ics'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the path to a file
+timezoneError=Chaidh roinn-tìde neo-aithnichte gun sònrachadh a lorg fhad 's a bhathar a' leughadh %1$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (duplicateError):
+# %1$S will be replaced with number of duplicate items
+# %2$S will be replaced with a file path pointing to a calendar
+duplicateError=Chaidh %1$S nithean a leigeil seachad a chionn 's gu bheil iad ann an dà chuid sa mhìosachan-amais agus ann an %2$S.
+unableToCreateProvider=Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bhathar ag ullachadh a' mhìosachain aig %1$S a chum cleachdaidh. Cha bhi e ri do làimh.
+# Sample: Unknown timezone "USPacific" in "Dentist Appt". Using the 'floating' local timezone instead: 2008/02/28 14:00:00
+unknownTimezoneInItem=Roinn-tìde neo-aithnichte "%1$S" ann an "%2$S". Thathar 'ga làimhseachadh mar roinn-tìde ionadail 'air fleod' 'na àite: %3$S
+TimezoneErrorsAlertTitle=Mearachdan roinne-tìde
+TimezoneErrorsSeeConsole=Cuir sùil air consoil nam mearachd: Thathar a' làimhseachadh roinnean-tìde neo-aithnichte mar roinnean-tìde ionadail 'air fleòd'.
+# The following strings are for the prompt to delete/unsubscribe from the calendar
+removeCalendarTitle=Thoir am mìosachan air falbh
+removeCalendarButtonDelete=Sguab às am mìosachan
+removeCalendarButtonUnsubscribe=Sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe): Shown for
+# calendar where both deleting and unsubscribing is possible.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDeleteOrUnsubscribe=A bheil thu airson am mìosachan "%1$S" a thoirt air falbh? Ma chuireas tu crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh dhan mhìosachan, thèid a thoirt air falbh on liosta ach ma sguabas tu às e, thèid an dàta aige a phurgaideachadh cuideachd.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageDelete): Shown for calendar where
+# deleting is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageDelete=A bheil thu airson am mìosachan "%1$S" a sguabadh às gu buan?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe): Shown for calendar
+# where unsubscribing is the only option.
+# %1$S: The name of a calendar
+removeCalendarMessageUnsubscribe=A bheil thu airson sgur dhen fho-sgrìobhadh dhan mhìosachan "%1$S"?
+WeekTitle=Seachain %1$S
+None=Chan eil gin
+# Error strings
+## @name UID_NOT_FOUND
+## @loc none
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooNewSchemaErrorText):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of the host application, e.g. 'Thunderbird'
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the new copy of the file, e.g. 'local-2020-05-11T21-30-17.sqlite'
+tooNewSchemaErrorText=Chan eil dàta a’ mhìosachain agad co-chòrdail leis an tionndadh seo de %1$S. Chaidh dàta a’ mhìosachain sa phròifil agad ùrachadh le tionndadh nas ùire de %1$S. Chaidh lethbhreac-glèidhidh dhen fhaidhle dàta a chruthachadh agus ’s e “%2$S” a tha air. A’ leantainn air adhart le faidhle dàta a tha air ùr-chruthachadh.
+# List of events or todos (unifinder)
+eventUntitled=Gun tiotal
+# Tooltips of events or todos
+# event date, usually an interval, such as
+# Date: 7:00--8:00 Thu 9 Oct 2011
+# Date: Thu 9 Oct 2000 -- Fri 10 Oct 2000
+# event calendar name
+tooltipCalName=Ainm a' mhìosachain:
+# event status: tentative, confirmed, cancelled
+# event organizer
+# task/todo fields
+# start date time, due date time, task priority number, completed date time
+tooltipPercent=% crìochnaichte:
+# Tooltips for attendees and organizer in event and summary dialog
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined): tooltip for itip icon in summary/event dialog.
+# Given an attendee of type room is a mandatory participant and has accepted the
+# invitation, the tooltip would be:
+# (room) is a required participant. has confirmed attendance.
+# %1$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %2$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.*
+dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.CHAIR): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.*
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.CHAIR=Bidh %1$S sa chathair aig an tachartas
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.*
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT=Cha ghabh %1$S pàirt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.*
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaibh %1$S pàirt ach chan eil an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.*
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaidh %1$S pàirt is tha an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED=Thuirt %1$S nach bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED=Bidh cuideigin an làthair as leth %1$S.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION=Feumaidh %1$S freagairt fhathast.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+dialog.tooltip.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair ach gun chinnt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing individual attendee
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.GROUP): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a group (e.g. a distribution list)
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.GROUP=%1$S (buidheann)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a resource (e.g. projector)
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE=%1$S (goireas)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.ROOM): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a room
+dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.ROOM=%1$S (seòmar)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.tooltip.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN): used to compose
+# dialog.tooltip.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing an attendee of unknown type
+#File commands and dialogs
+# Filters for export/import/open file picker. %1$S will be replaced with
+# wildmat used to filter files by extension, such as (*.html; *.htm).
+filterIcs=iCalendar (%1$S)
+filterXml=Sgrìobhainn XML (%1$S)
+filterHtml=Duilleag-lìn (%1$S)
+filterOutlookCsv=Outlook Comma Separated Values (%1$S)
+# Remote calendar errors
+genericErrorTitle=Thachair mearachd
+httpPutError=Dh'fhàillig foillseachadh faidhle a' mhìosachain.\nCòd a' chor: %1$S: %2$S
+otherPutError=Dh'fhàillig foillseachadh faidhle a' mhìosachain.\nCòd a' chor: 0x%1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (readOnlyMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+readOnlyMode=Thachair mearachd rè leughadh an dàta airson a' mhìosachain: %1$S. Tha e ri leughadh a-mhàin a-nis a chionn 's gum b' urrainn dhut dàta a chall ma dh'atharraicheas tu càil ann. 'S urrainn an roghainn seo atharrachadh ma thèid thu gu 'Deasaich am mìosachan'.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (disabledMode):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. It has been...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+disabledMode=Thachair mearachd rè leughadh an dàta airson a' mhìosachain: %1$S. Chaidh a chur à comas gus am bi e sàbhailte ri chleachdadh.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (minorError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home. However this...'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+minorError=Thachair mearachd rè leughadh an dàta airson a' mhìosachain: %1$S. Ge-tà, chan e mearachd mhòr a tha ann a-rèir coltais agus feuchaidh am prògram ri cumail air co-dhiù.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (stillReadOnlyError):
+# used for an message like 'There has been an error reading data for calendar: Home.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+stillReadOnlyError=Thachair mearachd rè leughadh an dàta airson a' mhìosachain: %1$S.
+utf8DecodeError=Thachair mearachd fhad 's a bha faidhle iCalendar (ics) a dhì-chòdachadh 'na UTF-8. Cuir sùil air an fhaidhle, gu h-àraid comharran is litrichean le stràcan, gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil e sa chòdachadh UTF-8.
+icsMalformedError=Dh'fhàillig parsadh faidhle iCalendar (ics). Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am faidhle a' leantainn co-chàradh faidhle iCalendar (ics).
+itemModifiedOnServerTitle=Dh'atharraich nì air an fhrithealaiche
+itemModifiedOnServer=Chaidh an nì seo atharrachadh air an fhrithealaiche o chionn ghoirid.\n
+modifyWillLoseData=Ma chuireas tu ann na dh'atharraich thu, thèid a sgrìobhadh thairis air na dh'atharraich air an fhrithealaiche.
+deleteWillLoseData=Ma sguabas tu às an nì seo, thèid na dh'atharraich air an fhrithealaiche air chall.
+updateFromServer=Leig seachad na dh'atharraich mise agus luchdaich e a-rithist
+proceedModify=Cuir ann na dh'atharraich mise co-dhiù
+proceedDelete=Sguab às co-dhiù
+dav_notDav=Chan eil an goireas aig %1$S 'na chruinneachadh DAV no chan eil e ri fhaighinn
+dav_davNotCaldav=Tha an goireas aig %1$S 'na chruinneachadh DAV ach chan e mìosachan CalDAV a tha ann
+itemPutError=Thachair mearachd rè stòradh an nì seo air an fhrithealaiche.
+itemDeleteError=Thachair mearachd rè sguabadh às an nì seo air an fhrithealaiche.
+caldavRequestError=Thachair mearachd leis a' chuireadh.
+caldavResponseError=Thachair mearachd leis an fhreagairt.
+caldavRequestStatusCode=Còd a' chor: %1$S
+caldavRequestStatusCodeStringGeneric=Cha ghabh an t-iarrtas seo a làimhseachadh.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString400=Tha droch cho-chàradh air an iarrtas seo 's cha ghabh a làimhseachadh.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString403=Chan eil cead aig a' chleachdaiche an t-iarrtas seo a thoirt gu buil.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString404=Cha deach an goireas seo a lorg.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString409=Còmhstri eadar goireasan.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString412=Dh'fhàillig ro-chumha.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString500=Mearachd am broinn an fhrithealaiche.
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString502=Droch chachaileith (Rèiteachadh a' phrogsaidh?).
+caldavRequestStatusCodeString503=Mearachd am broinn an fhrithealaiche (Frithealaiche sìos rè tàmaill?).
+caldavRedirectTitle=A bheil thu airson ionad a' mhìosachain %1$S ùrachadh?
+caldavRedirectText=Chan eil iarrtasan airson %1$S 'gan ath-stiùireadh gun ionad ùr. A bheil thu airson an luach a leanas a chur an àite an ionaid?
+caldavRedirectDisableCalendar=Cuir am mìosachan à comas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (likelyTimezone):
+# Translators, please put the most likely timezone(s) where the people using
+# your locale will be. Use the Olson ZoneInfo timezone name *in English*,
+# ie "Europe/Paris", (continent or ocean)/(largest city in timezone).
+# Order does not matter, except if two historically different zones now match,
+# such as America/New_York and America/Toronto, will only find first listed.
+# (Particularly needed to guess the most relevant timezones if there are
+# similar timezones at the same June/December GMT offsets with alphabetically
+# earlier ZoneInfo timezone names. Sample explanations for English below.)
+# for english-US:
+# America/Los_Angeles likelier than America/Dawson
+# America/New_York likelier than America/Detroit (NY for US-EasternTime)
+# for english:
+# Europe/London likelier than Atlantic/Canary
+# Europe/Paris likelier than Africa/Ceuta (for WestEuropeanTime)
+# America/Halifax likelier than America/Glace_Bay (Canada-AtlanticTime)
+# America/Mexico_City likelier than America/Cancun
+# America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires likelier than America/Araguaina
+# America/Sao_Paolo (may not recognize: summer-time dates change every year)
+# Asia/Singapore likelier than Antarctica/Casey
+# Asia/Tokyo likelier than Asia/Dili
+# Africa/Lagos likelier than Africa/Algiers (for WestAfricanTime)
+# Africa/Johannesburg likelier than Africa/Blantyre (for SouthAfricanStdTime)
+# Africa/Nairobi likelier than Africa/Addis_Ababa (for EastAfricanTime)
+# Australia/Brisbane likelier than Antarctica/DumontDUrville
+# Australia/Sydney likelier than Australia/Currie or Australia/Hobart
+# Pacific/Auckland likelier than Antarctica/McMurdo
+likelyTimezone=America/New_York, America/Chicago, America/Denver, America/Phoenix, America/Los_Angeles, America/Anchorage, America/Adak, Pacific/Honolulu, America/Puerto_Rico, America/Halifax, America/Mexico_City, America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires, America/Sao_Paulo, Europe/London, Europe/Paris, Asia/Singapore, Asia/Tokyo, Africa/Lagos, Africa/Johannesburg, Africa/Nairobi, Australia/Brisbane, Australia/Sydney, Pacific/Auckland
+# Guessed Timezone errors and warnings.
+# Testing note:
+# * remove preference for calendar.timezone.default in userprofile/prefs.js
+# * repeat
+# - set OS timezone to a city (windows: click right on clock in taskbar)
+# - restart
+# - observe guess in error console and verify whether guessed timezone city
+# makes sense for OS city.
+# 'Warning: Operating system timezone "E. South America Standard Time"
+# no longer matches ZoneInfo timezone "America/Sao_Paulo".'
+# Testing notes:
+# - Brasil DST change dates are set every year by decree, so likely out of sync.
+# - Only appears on OSes from which timezone can be obtained
+# (windows; or TZ env var, /etc/localtime target path, or line in
+# /etc/timezone or /etc/sysconfig/clock contains ZoneInfo timezone id).
+# - Windows: turning off "Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving time"
+# can also trigger this warning.
+WarningOSTZNoMatch=Rabhadh: Chan eil roinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh "%1$S"\na' freagairt ris an roinn-tìde ZoneInfo "%2$S" tuilleadh.
+# "Skipping Operating System timezone 'Pacific/New_Country'."
+# Testing note: not easily testable. May occur someday if (non-windows)
+# OS uses different version of ZoneInfo database which has a timezone name
+# that is not included in our current ZoneInfo database (or if the mapping
+# mapping from windows to ZoneInfo timezone ids does).
+SkippingOSTimezone=A' gearradh leum thairis air roinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh '%1$S'.
+# "Skipping locale timezone 'America/New_Yawk'."
+# Testing note: Skipping occurs if a likelyTimezone id is unknown or misspelled.
+SkippingLocaleTimezone=A' gearradh leum thairis air roinn-tìde an dreach ionadail '%1$S'.
+# Testing note: "No match" timezones include Bucharest on W2k.
+# Brazil timezones may be "No match" (change every year, so often out of date,
+# and changes are often more than a week different).
+warningUsingFloatingTZNoMatch=Rabhadh: A' cleachdadh roinn-tìde "air fleod".\nCha do fhreagair dàta roinn-tìde ZoneInfo sam bith ri dàta roinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh.
+# "Warning: Using guessed timezone
+# America/New York (UTC-0500/-0400).
+# [rfc2445 summer daylight saving shift rules for timezone]
+# This ZoneInfo timezone almost matches/seems to match..."
+# This ZoneInfo timezone was chosen based on ... "
+WarningUsingGuessedTZ=Rabhadh: Rinn sinn tomhas air an roinn-tìde\n %1$S (UTC%2$S).\n%3$S\n%4$S
+# Testing note: "Almost match" timezones include Cairo on W2k.
+TZAlmostMatchesOSDifferAtMostAWeek=Tha an toinn-tìde ZoneInfo seo cha mhòr co-ionnann ri roinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh\nagad. Air sgàth sin, bidh diofar seachdain, air a' char as motha, eadar\namannan samhraidh is geamhraidh an coimeas ri amannan an t-siostaim-obrachaidh.\nFaodaidh gum bi diofar san dàta a thaobh làithean tòiseachaidh no riaghailtean eadar-dhealaichte,\nno tuairmse, airson riaghailtean ann am mìosachain neo-Ghriogarach.
+TZSeemsToMatchOS=Tha coltas gu bheil an roinn-tìde ZoneInfo seo a' freagairt ri roinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh agad am bliadhna-sa.
+# used for a display of a chosen timezone
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a timezone
+TZFromOS=Chaidh an roinn-tìde ZoneInfo seo a thaghadh air sgàth aithnichear\nroinn-tìde an t-siostaim-obrachaidh "%1$S".
+# Localization note (TZFromLocale): Substitute name of your locale language.
+TZFromLocale=Chaidh an roinn-tìde ZoneInfo seo a thaghadh a chionn 's gun deach roinn-tìde an\nt-siostaim-obrachaidh a' freagairt ri roinnean-tìde iomchaidh airson daoine a chleachdas Beurla nan SA.
+TZFromKnownTimezones=Chaidh an roinn-tìde ZoneInfo seo a thaghadh a chionn 's gun deach roinn-tìde an\nt-siostaim-obrachaidh a' freagairt ri roinnean-tìde aithnichte ann an òrdugh aibideileach DA na roinne-tìde.
+# Print Layout
+formatListName = Liosta
+weekPrinterName = Planadair seachdaineil
+monthPrinterName = Griod mìosail
+tasksWithNoDueDate = Saothraichean gun cheann-ama
+# Providers
+icsName=iCalendar (ICS)
+memoryName=Sealach (cuimhne)
+storageName=Ionadail (SQLite)
+# Used in created html code for list layout print and html export
+htmlTaskCompleted=%1$S (crìochnaichte)
+# Categories
+addCategory=Cuir ris roinn-seòrsa
+multipleCategories=Iomadh roinn-seòrsa
+#Today pane
+eventsandtasks=Tachartasan is saothraichean
+shortcalendarweek=Seachdain na bl.
+go=Rach ann
+# Some languages have different conjugations of 'next' and 'last'. If yours
+# does not, simply repeat the value. This will be used with day names, as in
+# 'next Sunday'.
+next1=na leanas seo romhainn:
+next2=na leanas seo romhainn:
+last1=na leanas seo chaidh:
+last2=na leanas seo chaidh:
+# Alarm Dialog
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmWindowTitle.label): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+alarmWindowTitle.label=#1 chuimhneachan;#1 chuimhneachan;#1 cuimhneachain;#1 cuimhneachan
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmStarts):
+# used for a display the start of an alarm like 'Starts: Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmStarts=A' tòiseachadh: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTodayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Today at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTodayAt=Aig %1$S an-diugh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmTomorrowAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Tomorrow at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmTomorrowAt=Aig %1$S a-màireach
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmYesterdayAt):
+# used for a display the date-time of an alarm like 'Yesterday at Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with a date-time
+alarmYesterdayAt=Aig %1$S an-dè
+# Alarm interface strings
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE: These strings do not get displayed. They are only visible
+# when exporting an item with i.e a DISPLAY alarm, that doesn't have a
+# description set, or an EMAIL alarm that doesn't have a summary set.
+alarmDefaultDescription=An tuairisgeul bunaiteach aig Mozilla
+alarmDefaultSummary=An gearr-chunntas bunaiteach aig Mozilla
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms.
+alarmSnoozeLimitExceeded=Chan urrainn dhut caismeachd a chur na dhùsal barrachd air #1 mhìos.;Chan urrainn dhut caismeachd a chur na dhùsal barrachd air #1 mhìos.;Chan urrainn dhut caismeachd a chur na dhùsal barrachd air #1 mìosan.;Chan urrainn dhut caismeachd a chur na dhùsal barrachd air #1 mìos.
+taskDetailsStatusNeedsAction=Feumach air gnìomh
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusInProgress):
+# used for a display of how much of a task is completed '25% Complete'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of percentage completed
+taskDetailsStatusInProgress=%1$S%% crìochnaichte
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn):
+# used for a display of completion date like 'Completed on Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time of the task
+taskDetailsStatusCompletedOn=Crìochnaichte %1$S
+taskDetailsStatusCancelled=Air a sgur dheth
+gettingCalendarInfoCommon=A' sgrùdadh nam mìosachan…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (gettingCalendarInfoDetail):
+# used for a progress-display of processed like 'Checking Calendar 5 of 10'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the currently processed calendar
+# %2$S will be replaced with the total numbers of calendars
+gettingCalendarInfoDetail=A' sgrùdadh mìosachan %1$S a-mach à %2$S
+# %1$S will be replaced with the number of an error code
+errorCode=Còd na mearachd: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorDescription):
+# %1$S will be replaced with the description of an error
+errorDescription=Tuairisgeul: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWriting):
+# used for an message like 'An error occurred when writing to the calendar Home!'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+errorWriting2=Thachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn ri sgrìobhadh sa mhìosachan %1$S! Gheibh thu barrachd fiosrachaidh gu h-ìosal.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorWritingDetails):
+# This will be displayed in the detail section of the error dialog
+errorWritingDetails=Ma chì thu an teachdaireachd seo an dèidh dhut cuimhneachan a chur na dhùsal no a leigeil seachad agus mur eil thu airson tachartasan a chur ris a’ mhìosachan seo no an deasachadh, is urrainn dhut mìosachan a tha ri leughadh a-mhàin a dhèanamh dheth is seo a sheachnadh san àm ri teachd. Airson seo a dhèanamh, fosgail roghainnean a’ mhìosachain le briogadh deas air a’ mhìosachan seo san liosta ann an sealladh a’ mhìosachain no nan saothraichean.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarDisabled):
+# used for an alert-message like 'The calendar Home is momentarily not available'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarDisabled=Chan eil am mìosachan %1$S ri fhaighinn an-dràsta fhèin
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltipCalendarReadOnly):
+# used for an message like 'The calendar Home is readonly'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the name of a calendar
+tooltipCalendarReadOnly=Tha am mìosachan %1$S ri leughadh a-mhàin
+taskEditInstructions=Briog an-seo gus saothair ùr a chur ris
+taskEditInstructionsReadonly=Tagh mìosachan as urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh ann
+taskEditInstructionsCapability=Tagh mìosachan aig a bheil taic airson saothraichean
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeWithTimezone):
+# used for a display of a date-time with timezone 'Thu 2 Oct 2008 13:21', Europe/Paris
+# %1$S will be replaced with the completion date-time
+# %2$S will be replaced with the name of the timezone
+datetimeWithTimezone=%1$S, %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleLongCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Week 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleLongCalendarWeek=Seachdain na bliadhna: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalLongCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'Calendar Weeks 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalLongCalendarWeeks=Seachdainean %1$S-%2$S na bliadhna
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (singleShortCalendarWeek):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CW 43'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the week
+singleShortCalendarWeek=%1$S seachdain na bl.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (severalShortCalendarWeeks):
+# used for display of calendar weeks in short form like 'CWs 43 - 45'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the index of the start-week
+# %2$S will be replaced with the index of the end-week
+severalShortCalendarWeeks=Seachdainean %1$S-%2$S na bl.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (abbreviationOfWeek):
+# Used for displaying the week number in the first day box of every week
+# in multiweek and month views.
+# It allows to localize the label with the week number in case your locale
+# requires it.
+# Take into account that this label is placed in the same room of the day label
+# inside the day boxes, exactly on left side, hence a possible string shouldn't
+# be too long otherwise it will create confusion between the week number and
+# the day number other than a possible crop when the window is resized.
+# %1$S is a number from 1 to 53 that represents the week number.
+# Task tree, "Due In" column.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dueInDays, dueInHours): Semi-colon list of plural
+# forms. See:
+dueInDays=#1 latha;#1 latha;#1 làithean;#1 latha
+dueInHours=#1 uair a thìde;#1 uair a thìde;#1 uairean a thìde;#1 uair a thìde
+dueInLessThanOneHour=< 1 uair a thìde
+# used for display of Month-dates like 'December 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month
+# %2$S will be replaced with the year
+monthInYear=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthInYear.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (formatDateLong):
+# used for display dates in long format like 'Mon 15 Oct 2008' when it's
+# impossible to retrieve the formatatted date from the OS.
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short format;
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in;
+# %3$S will be replaced with the name of the month in short format;
+# %4$S will be replaced with the year.
+formatDateLong=%1$S %2$S %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dayHeaderLabel):
+# used for display the labels in the header of the days in day/week views in short
+# or long format. For example: 'Monday 6 Oct.' or 'Mon. 6 Oct.'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the day in short or long format
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in, plus the name
+# of the month in short format (the day/month order depends on the OS settings).
+dayHeaderLabel=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth):
+# used for display of intervals in the form of 'March 3 - 9, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %4$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalInMonth=%2$S – %3$S %1$S, %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalInMonth.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'September 29 - October 5, 2008'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %5$S will be replaced with the common year of both dates
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenMonths=%2$S %1$S - %4$S %3$S, %5$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenMonths.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears):
+# used for display of intervals in the form 'December 29, 2008 - January 4, 2009'
+# %1$S will be replaced with name of the month of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the day-index of the start date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %3$S will be replaced with the year of the start date
+# %4$S will be replaced with name of the month of the end date
+# %5$S will be replaced with the day-index of the end date possibly followed by an ordinal symbol
+# %6$S will be replaced with the year of the end date
+# The presence of the ordinal symbol in the day-indexes depends on the string
+# dayOrdinalSymbol in
+daysIntervalBetweenYears=%2$S %1$S, %3$S - %5$S %4$S, %6$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (daysIntervalBetweenYears.monthFormat):
+# If your language requires a different declension, change this to
+# one of the values specified in
+# In any case, DO NOT TRANSLATE.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime):
+# used for intervals where end is equals to start
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDateTime=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSameDay):
+# used for intervals where end is on the same day as start, so we can leave out the
+# end date but still include end time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 17:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSameDay=%1$S %2$S - %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays):
+# used for intervals spanning multiple days by including date and time
+# displayed form is '5 Jan 2006 13:00 - 7 Jan 2006 9:00'
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+# %3$S will be replaced with the date of the end date
+# %4$S will be replaced with the time of the end date
+datetimeIntervalOnSeveralDays=%1$S %2$S – %3$S %4$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate):
+# used for task without start and due date
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDate= gun latha tòiseachaidh no ceann-ama
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only start date
+# displayed form is 'start date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the start date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the start date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutDueDate=latha tòiseachaidh %1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate):
+# used for intervals in task with only due date
+# displayed form is 'due date 5 Jan 2006 13:00'
+# (showed only in exported calendar in Html format)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the date of the due date
+# %2$S will be replaced with the time of the due date
+datetimeIntervalTaskWithoutStartDate=ceann-ama %1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dragLabelTasksWithOnlyEntryDate
+# dragLabelTasksWithOnlyDueDate)
+# Labels that appear while dragging a task with only
+# entry date OR due date
+deleteTaskLabel=Sguab às an t-saothair
+deleteTaskMessage=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an t-saothair seo a sguabadh às?
+deleteItemLabel=Sguab às
+deleteItemMessage=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an nì seo a sguabadh às?
+deleteEventLabel=Sguab às an tachartas
+deleteEventMessage=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an tachartas seo a sguabadh às?
+calendarPropertiesEveryMinute=Gach mionaid;Gach #1 mhionaid;Gach #1 mionaidean;Gach #1 mionaid
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsing)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+extractUsing=A' cleachdadh %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (extractUsingRegion)
+# Used in message header
+# %1$S will be replaced with language name from
+# %2$S will be replaced with region like US in en-US
+extractUsingRegion=A' cleachdadh %1$S (%2$S)
+# Used to determine the correct plural form of a unit
+unitMinutes=#1 mhionaid;#1 mhionaid;#1 mionaidean;#1 mionaid
+unitHours=#1 uair a thìde;#1 uair a thìde;#1 uairean a thìde;#1 uair a thìde
+unitDays=#1 latha;#1 latha;#1 làithean;#1 latha
+unitWeeks=#1 seachdain;#1 sheachdain;#1 seachdainean;#1 seachdain
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (showCalendar)
+# Used in calendar list context menu
+# %1$S will be replaced with the calendar name
+# uses the access key calendar.context.togglevisible.accesskey
+showCalendar=Seall %1$S
+hideCalendar=Falaich %1$S
+# uses the access key calendar.context.showonly.accesskey
+showOnlyCalendar=Na seall ach %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (modifyConflict)
+# Used by the event dialog to resolve item modification conflicts.
+modifyConflictPromptTitle=Còmhstri atharrachaidh
+modifyConflictPromptMessage=Chaidh an rud a tha 'ga dheasachadh sa chòmhradh atharrachadh on a chaidh fhosgladh.
+modifyConflictPromptButton1=Sgrìobh thairis air na h-atharraichean eile
+modifyConflictPromptButton2=Tilg air falbh na h-atharraichean seo
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.attendee.append.delegatedFrom): this is appended behind an attendee name
+# in the tooltip and the visible name for an attendee in the event summary dialog - don't add
+# leading or trailing whitespaces here
+# %1$S - a single delegatee or a comma separated list of delegatees
+# delegation is different from simple invitation forwarding - in case of delegation the original
+# invited attendee gets replaced
+dialog.attendee.append.delegatedFrom=(air iomruineadh o %1$S)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(dialog.attendee.append.delegatedTo): this is appended behind an attendee name
+# in the tooltip for an attendee in the event summary dialog - don't add leading or trailing
+# whitespaces here
+# delegation is different from simple invitation forwarding - in case of delegation the original
+# invited attendee gets replaced
+dialog.attendee.append.delegatedTo=(air iomruineadh dha %1$S)
+# Accessible description of a grid calendar with no selected date
+minimonthNoSelectedDate=Cha deach ceann-là a thaghadh
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendarCreation.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendarCreation.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b93700e6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/calendarCreation.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY wizard.title "A' cruthachadh mìosachan ùr" >
+<!ENTITY wizard.label "Cruthaich mìosachan ùr" >
+<!ENTITY wizard.description "Lorg am mìosachan agad" >
+<!ENTITY initialpage.description "'S urrainn dhut am mìosachan agad a stòradh air a' choimpiutair agad no air frithealaiche gus inntrigeadh cèin a dhèanamh dha no a chleachdadh còmhla ri caraidean no co-obraichean." >
+<!ENTITY "Air a' choimpiutair agam">
+<!ENTITY "Air an lìonra">
+<!ENTITY locationpage.description "Cuir ann am fiosrachadh a dh'fheumar gus inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan mhìosachan chèin agad" >
+<!ENTITY locationpage.login.description "Roghainneil: cuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche 's facal-faire" >
+<!ENTITY locationpage.username.label "Ainm-cleachdaiche:" >
+<!ENTITY locationpage.password.label "Facal-faire:" >
+<!ENTITY custompage.shortdescription "Gnàthaich am mìosachan agad" >
+<!ENTITY custompage.longdescription "'S urrainn dhut far-ainm a chur air a' mhìosachan agad no dathan a chur air tachartasan a' mhìosachain seo." >
+<!ENTITY finishpage.shortdescription "Chaidh am mìosachan a chruthachadh" >
+<!ENTITY finishpage.longdescription "Chaidh am mìosachan agad a chruthachadh." >
+<!-- Below are new strings for the revised new calendar dialog. The above strings should be
+ removed/renamed later on -->
+<!ENTITY sourcetabs.other.label "Eile">
+<!ENTITY buttons.create.label "Cruthaich mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY buttons.create.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY buttons.find.label "Lorg mìosachain">
+<!ENTITY buttons.find.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY buttons.back.label "Air ais">
+<!ENTITY buttons.back.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY buttons.subscribe.label "Fo-sgrìobh">
+<!ENTITY buttons.subscribe.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendartype.label "Seòrsa a’ mhìosachain:">
+<!ENTITY location.label "Ionad:">
+<!ENTITY location.placeholder "URL no ainm an òstair aig frithealaiche a’ mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY network.nocredentials.label "Chan eil feum air ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire san ionad seo">
+<!ENTITY network.loading.description "Fuirich ort fhad ’s a tha sinn a’ faighinn lorg air na mìosachain agad.">
+<!ENTITY network.notfound.description "Cha b’ urrainn dhuinn mìosachan sam bith a lorg aig an ionad seo. Thoir sùil air na roghainnean agad.">
+<!ENTITY network.authfail.description "Chuir thu ainm no facal-faire a-steach a chaidh a dhiùltadh. Thoir sùil air na roghainnean agad.">
+<!ENTITY network.subscribe.single.description "Tagh na mìosachain a bu mhath leat fo-sgrìobhadh thuca.">
+<!ENTITY network.subscribe.multiple.description "Tha iomadh mìosachan san ionad seo. Tagh seòrsa a’ mhìosachain is comharraich an fheadhainn a bu toigh leat fo-sgrìobhadh thuca an uairsin.">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d93dd8fb5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+error.invalidUri=Cuir a-steach àite dligheach.
+error.alreadyExists=Tha fo-sgrìobhadh agad dhan mhìosachan seo san àite seo mu thràth.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbc889e4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# default categories
+categories2=Annsachdan,Bun-bheachdan,Ceann-blidhna,Cliantan,Co-fharpais,Co-là breith,Coinneamh,Cor,Cùisean,Custamar,Eile,Glaoidhean,Gnothachas,Làithean-saora,Là-fèille,Pearsanta,Preasantan,Pròiseactan,Saor-làithean,Siubhal,Solaraichean,Staid,Sùil eile,Tiodhlagan
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b2084287b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# In case you are looking for the note about different declensions on date
+# formats, here it is. If your language doesn't use different declensions of
+# month names, you shouldn't have much work. Just leave the *.monthFormat
+# string on "nominative" and the string month.*.name will be filled in.
+# If you need a different form for a string, you can change the
+# *.monthFormat to a different value. Supported values are currently:
+# nominative (default), genitive
+# The modified month name form will then be filled in accordingly. If this
+# system does not suit your needs, please file a bug!
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (month.*.name):
+# Some languages require different declensions of month names.
+# These values will be used if *.monthFormat is set to "nominative" or in places
+# where using a different declension is not yet supported. Faoilleach Gearran Màrt Giblean Cèitean t-Ògmhios t-Iuchar Lùnastal t-Sultain Dàmhair t-Samhain Dùbhlachd
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (month.*.genitive):
+# Some languages require different declensions of month names.
+# These values will be used if *.monthFormat is set to "genitive"
+# If your language doesn't use different declensions, just set the same
+# values as for month.*.name.
+month.1.genitive=Am Faoilleach
+month.2.genitive=An Gearran
+month.3.genitive=Am Màrt
+month.4.genitive=An Giblean
+month.5.genitive=An Cèitean
+month.6.genitive=An t-Ògmhios
+month.7.genitive=An t-Iuchar
+month.8.genitive=An Lùnastal
+month.9.genitive=An t-Sultain
+month.10.genitive=An Dàmhair
+month.11.genitive=An t-Samhain
+month.12.genitive=An Dùbhlachd
+# Can someone tell me why we're not counting from zero?
+# Localizable day's date
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (dayOrdinalSymbol):
+# Allows to insert a string, a character or a symbol after the number of a
+# monthday in order to give it the meaning of ordinal number e.g. 1 -> 1st etc.
+# It's mainly used when formatting dates with both monthday and month name. It
+# affects the following localizable strings that hence must be localized *without*
+# any ordinal symbol for the monthday number:
+# dayHeaderLabel, monthlyDaysOfNth_day,
+# yearlyNthOn, daysIntervalBetweenYears,
+# daysIntervalBetweenMonths, daysIntervalInMonth.
+# Write only a single string if the ordinal symbol is the same for every monthday, otherwise
+# write a sequence of _31_ strings (one for each monthday) separated with commas.
+# If your language doesn't require that in the mentioned strings, leave it empty.
+# e.g.
+# dayOrdinalSymbol=.
+# -> daysIntervalInMonth: 'March 3. - 9., 2008'
+# dayOrdinalSymbol=st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,
+# th,th,th,th,th,st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,st
+# -> daysIntervalBetweenMonths: 'September 29th - November 1st, 2008'
+AllDay=Fad an latha
+Repeating=(A' tachairt iomadh turas)
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/dialogs/calendar-event-dialog-reminder.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/dialogs/calendar-event-dialog-reminder.dtd
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index 0000000000..a237981f09
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+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/dialogs/calendar-event-dialog-reminder.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY reminderdialog.title "Suidhich mar a chuirear rudan 'nad chuimhne">
+<!ENTITY reminder.add.label "Cuir ris">
+<!ENTITY reminder.add.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY reminder.remove.label "Thoir air falbh">
+<!ENTITY reminder.remove.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY reminder.reminderDetails.label "Mion-fhiosrachadh a' chuimhneachain">
+<!ENTITY reminder.action.label "Tagh gnìomh leis a chuirear rud 'nad chuimhne">
+<!ENTITY reminder.action.alert.label "Seall caismeachd">
+<!ENTITY "Cuir post-dealain thugam">
+<!ENTITY alarm.units.minutes "mionaid(ean)" >
+<!ENTITY alarm.units.hours "uair(ean) a thìde" >
+<!ENTITY alarm.units.days "là(ithean)" >
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/global.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/global.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb95a676ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/global.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY time.midnight "Meadhan-oidhche" >
+<!ENTITY time.noon "Meadhan-latha" >
+<!-- Day Names -->
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : Accesskeys for day.1.Ddd to day.7.Ddd are currently
+ only used in Preferences > Views > Workweek groupbox -->
+<!ENTITY day.1.Ddd "DiD" >
+<!ENTITY day.1.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.2.Ddd "DiL" >
+<!ENTITY day.2.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.3.Ddd "DiM" >
+<!ENTITY day.3.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.4.Ddd "DiC" >
+<!ENTITY day.4.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.5.Ddd "Diar" >
+<!ENTITY day.5.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.6.Ddd "Dih" >
+<!ENTITY day.6.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY day.7.Ddd "DiS" >
+<!ENTITY day.7.Ddd.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY "DiDòmhnaich" >
+<!ENTITY "DiLuain" >
+<!ENTITY "DiMàirt" >
+<!ENTITY "DiCiadain" >
+<!ENTITY "DiarDaoin" >
+<!ENTITY "DihAoine" >
+<!ENTITY "DiSathairne" >
+<!ENTITY "Am Faoilleach" >
+<!ENTITY "An Gearran" >
+<!ENTITY "Am Màrt" >
+<!ENTITY "An Giblean" >
+<!ENTITY "An Cèitean" >
+<!ENTITY "An t-Ògmhios" >
+<!ENTITY "An t-Iuchar" >
+<!ENTITY "An Lùnastal" >
+<!ENTITY "An t-Sultain" >
+<!ENTITY "An Dàmhair" >
+<!ENTITY "An t-Samhain" >
+<!ENTITY "An Dùbhlachd" >
+<!ENTITY onemonthbackward.tooltip "Mìos air ais" >
+<!ENTITY onemonthforward.tooltip "Mìos air adhart" >
+<!ENTITY oneyearbackward.tooltip "Bliadhna air ais" >
+<!ENTITY oneyearforward.tooltip "Bliadhna air adhart" >
+<!ENTITY showToday.tooltip "Rach gun latha an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY onedayforward.tooltip "Latha air adhart">
+<!ENTITY onedaybackward.tooltip "Latha air ais">
+<!ENTITY showselectedday.tooltip "Seall tachartasan an latha a thagh thu">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/menuOverlay.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/menuOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5adf46426b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/menuOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Event Menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas ùr…">
+<!ENTITY "N">
+<!ENTITY "Saothair ùr…">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.import.label "Ion-phortaich…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.import.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY calendar.export.label "Às-phortaich…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.export.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.label "Foillsich…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.publish.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY calendar.deletecalendar.label "Sguab às am mìosachan a thagh thu…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.deletecalendar.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unsubscribecalendar.label "Cuir crìoch air an fho-sgrìobhadh gun mhìosachan a thagh thu…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.unsubscribecalendar.accesskey "u">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (calendar.removecalendar.label): Removing the calendar
+ is the general action of removing it, while deleting means to clear the
+ data and unsubscribing means just taking it out of the calendar list. -->
+<!ENTITY calendar.removecalendar.label "Thoir air falbh am mìosachan a thagh thu…">
+<!ENTITY calendar.removecalendar.accesskey "r">
+<!ENTITY "Gnàthaich…">
+<!ENTITY "c">
+<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.label "Lorg tachartasan">
+<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY showUnifinderCmd.tooltip "Toglaich an leòsan a lorgas tachartasan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.label "Seall saothraichean sa mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY calendar.displaytodos.checkbox.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY goTodayCmd.label "An-diugh">
+<!ENTITY goTodayCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY showCurrentView.label "An sealladh làithreach">
+<!ENTITY showCurrentView.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY "Roghainnean a’ mhìosachain…">
+<!ENTITY "c">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/migration.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/migration.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..590d6e86dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/migration.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY migration.title "&brandFullName;: Ion-phortadh dàta">
+<!ENTITY migration.welcome "Fàilte ort">
+<!ENTITY migration.importing "Ag ion-phortadh">
+<!ENTITY migration.list.description "'S urrainn do &brandShortName; dàta mìosachain ion-phortadh o iomadh prògram coitcheann. Chaidh dàta a lorg sna prògraman a leanas air a' choimpiutair agad. Saoil an tagh thu a tha thu airson dàta ion-phortadh uapa?">
+<!ENTITY migration.progress.description "Ag ion-phortadh an dàta a thagh thu">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f487a3b1d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+migratingApp = Ag imrich %1$S…
+# The next two lines are duplicated from migration.dtd until there is branding
+# for lightning
+migrationTitle = %1$S: Ion-phortadh dàta
+migrationDescription='S urrainn do %1$S dàta mìosachain ion-phortadh dhut o iomadh prògram coitcheann. Chaidh an dàta a leanas a lorg an cois nam prògraman a leanas air a' choimpiutair agad. Saoil an tagh thu an fheadhainn a tha thu airson ion-phortadh?
+finished = Crìochnaichte
+disableExtTitle = Chaidh leudachan mì-chòrdail a lorg
+disableExtText = Tha seann leudachan mìosachan Mozilla air a stàladh agad 's chan eil sin co-chòrdail le Lightning. Thèid a chur à comas agus tòisichidh %1$S as ùr.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/provider-uninstall.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/provider-uninstall.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb56c0e90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/provider-uninstall.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.title "Dì-stàlaich solaraiche">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.accept.label "Sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadh dha na thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.accept.accesskey "u">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.cancel.label "Cum an tuilleadan">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.cancel.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.preName.label "Dh'iarr thu na leanas a dhì-stàladh no a chur à comas:">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.postName.label "Thèid na mìosachain gu h-ìosal a chur à comas an cois seo.">
+<!ENTITY providerUninstall.reinstallNote.label "Mur eil dùil agad an solaraiche seo a stàladh as ùr, 's urrainn dhut sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadh de mhìosachain an t-solaraiche seo.">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..beb5cf7b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/calendar/
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+pref.timezone.floating=Àm ionadail
+# I've derived this list out of timezones.dtd
+# - replaced '_' with ' ' on value side
+# - corrected 'St xyz' to 'St. xyz'
+# timezone names:
+pref.timezone.Africa.Addis_Ababa=Afraga/Addis Ababa
+pref.timezone.Africa.Blantyre=Afraga/Baile an t-Saoir
+pref.timezone.Africa.Dar_es_Salaam=Afraga/Dàr as-Salàm
+pref.timezone.Africa.El_Aaiun=Afraga/El Aaiún
+pref.timezone.Africa.Sao_Tome=Afraga/São Tomé
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Buenos_Aires=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Buenos Aires
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Catamarca=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Catamarca
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Cordoba=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Cordoba
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Jujuy=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Jujuy
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.La_Rioja=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/La Rioja
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Mendoza=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Mendoza
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Rio_Gallegos=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Rio Gallegos
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.San_Juan=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/San Juan
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Tucuman=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Tucuman
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Ushuaia=Aimeireaga/An Argantain/Ushuaia
+pref.timezone.America.Boa_Vista=Aimeireaga/Boa Vista
+pref.timezone.America.Cambridge_Bay=Aimeireaga/Cambrige Bay
+pref.timezone.America.Campo_Grande=Aimeireaga/Campo Grande
+pref.timezone.America.Costa_Rica=Aimearaga/Costa Rica
+pref.timezone.America.Dawson_Creek=Aimearaga/Dawson Creek
+pref.timezone.America.El_Salvador=Aimearaga/El Salvador
+pref.timezone.America.Glace_Bay=Aimearaga/Glace Bay
+pref.timezone.America.Godthab=Aimearaga/Nuuk (Godthåb)
+pref.timezone.America.Goose_Bay=Aimearaga/Goose Bay
+pref.timezone.America.Grand_Turk=Aimearaga/An Tuirc Mhòr
+pref.timezone.America.La_Paz=Aimearaga/La Paz
+pref.timezone.America.Los_Angeles=Aimearaga/Los Angeles
+pref.timezone.America.Mexico_City=Aimearaga/Cathair Meagsago
+pref.timezone.America.New_York=Aimearaga/Nuar Eabhrac
+pref.timezone.America.North_Dakota.Center=Aimearaga/Dakota a Tuath/Center
+pref.timezone.America.North_Dakota.New_Salem=Aimearaga/Dakota a Tuath/New Salem
+pref.timezone.America.Port_of_Spain=Aimearaga/Port of Spain
+pref.timezone.America.Porto_Velho=Aimearaga/Porto Velho
+pref.timezone.America.Puerto_Rico=Aimearaga/Puerto Rico
+pref.timezone.America.Rainy_River=Aimearaga/Rainy River
+pref.timezone.America.Rankin_Inlet=Aimearaga/Rankin Inlet
+pref.timezone.America.Rio_Branco=Aimearaga/Rio Branco
+pref.timezone.America.Santo_Domingo=Aimearaga/Santo Domingo
+pref.timezone.America.Sao_Paulo=Aimearaga/São Paulo
+pref.timezone.America.St_Johns=Aimearaga/St. Johns
+pref.timezone.America.St_Kitts=Aimearaga/St. Kitts
+pref.timezone.America.St_Lucia=Aimearaga/St. Lucia
+pref.timezone.America.St_Thomas=Aimearaga/St. Thomas
+pref.timezone.America.St_Vincent=Aimearaga/St. Vincent
+pref.timezone.America.Swift_Current=Aimearaga/Swift Current
+pref.timezone.America.Thule=Aimearaga/Qaanaaq (Thule)
+pref.timezone.America.Thunder_Bay=Aimearaga/Thunder Bay
+pref.timezone.Antarctica.DumontDUrville=Antartaigea/Dumont d'Urville
+pref.timezone.Antarctica.South_Pole=Antartaigea/Am Pòla a Deas
+pref.timezone.Asia.Hong_Kong=Àisia/Hong Kong
+pref.timezone.Asia.Kuala_Lumpur=Àisia/Kuala Lumpur
+pref.timezone.Asia.Phnom_Penh=Àisia/Phnom Penh
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Azores=Cuan Siar/Açores
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Bermuda=Cuan Siar/Bermuda
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Canary=Cuan Siar/Na h-Eileanan Canarach
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Cape_Verde=Cuan Siar/An Ceap Uaine
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Faroe=Cuan Siar/Na h-Eileanan Fàro
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Madeira=Cuan Siar/Madeira
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Reykjavik=Cuan Siar/Reykjavík
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.South_Georgia=Cuan Siar/Eileanan a Deas Rìgh Sheòrais
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.St_Helena=Cuan Siar/Eilean Naomh Eilidh
+pref.timezone.Atlantic.Stanley=Cuan Siar/Stanley
+pref.timezone.Australia.Broken_Hill=Astràilia/Broken Hill
+pref.timezone.Australia.Currie=Astràilia/An Currach
+pref.timezone.Australia.Lord_Howe=Astràilia/Lord Howe
+pref.timezone.Europe.Amsterdam=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Amsterdam
+pref.timezone.Europe.Andorra=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Andorra
+pref.timezone.Europe.Athens=An Roinn-Eòrpa/An Àithne
+pref.timezone.Europe.Belgrade=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Beograd
+pref.timezone.Europe.Berlin=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Berlin
+pref.timezone.Europe.Bratislava=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Bratislava
+pref.timezone.Europe.Brussels=An Roinn-Eòrpa/A' Bhruiseal
+pref.timezone.Europe.Bucharest=An Roinn-Eòrpa/București
+pref.timezone.Europe.Budapest=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Budapest
+pref.timezone.Europe.Chisinau=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Chişinău
+pref.timezone.Europe.Copenhagen=An Roinn-Eòrpa/København
+pref.timezone.Europe.Dublin=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Baile Àtha Cliath
+pref.timezone.Europe.Gibraltar=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Diobraltar
+pref.timezone.Europe.Guernsey=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Geàrnsaidh
+pref.timezone.Europe.Helsinki=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Helsinki
+pref.timezone.Europe.Isle_of_Man=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Eilean Mhanainn
+pref.timezone.Europe.Istanbul=An Roinn-Eòrpa/İstanbul
+pref.timezone.Europe.Jersey=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Deàrsaidh
+pref.timezone.Europe.Kaliningrad=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Kaliningrad
+pref.timezone.Europe.Kiev=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Kiev
+pref.timezone.Europe.Lisbon=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Lisbon
+pref.timezone.Europe.Ljubljana=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Ljubljana
+pref.timezone.Europe.London=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Lunnainn
+pref.timezone.Europe.Luxembourg=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Lugsamburg
+pref.timezone.Europe.Madrid=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Madrid
+pref.timezone.Europe.Malta=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Malta
+pref.timezone.Europe.Mariehamn=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Mariehamn
+pref.timezone.Europe.Minsk=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Minsk
+pref.timezone.Europe.Monaco=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Monaco
+pref.timezone.Europe.Moscow=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Moscobha
+pref.timezone.Europe.Nicosia=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Nicosia
+pref.timezone.Europe.Oslo=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Oslo
+pref.timezone.Europe.Paris=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Paras
+pref.timezone.Europe.Podgorica=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Podgorica
+pref.timezone.Europe.Prague=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Pràg
+pref.timezone.Europe.Riga=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Rìga
+pref.timezone.Europe.Rome=An Roinn-Eòrpa/An Ròimh
+pref.timezone.Europe.Samara=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Samara
+pref.timezone.Europe.San_Marino=An Roinn-Eòrpa/San Mairìneo
+pref.timezone.Europe.Sarajevo=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Sarajevo
+pref.timezone.Europe.Simferopol=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Simferopol
+pref.timezone.Europe.Skopje=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Skopje
+pref.timezone.Europe.Sofia=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Sofia
+pref.timezone.Europe.Stockholm=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Stoc Tholm
+pref.timezone.Europe.Tallinn=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Tallinn
+pref.timezone.Europe.Tirane=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Tiranë
+pref.timezone.Europe.Uzhgorod=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Uzhhorod
+pref.timezone.Europe.Vaduz=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Vaduz
+pref.timezone.Europe.Vatican=An Roinn-Eòrpa/A' Bhatacan
+pref.timezone.Europe.Vienna=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Vienna
+pref.timezone.Europe.Vilnius=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Vilnius
+pref.timezone.Europe.Volgograd=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Volgograd
+pref.timezone.Europe.Warsaw=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Warsaw
+pref.timezone.Europe.Zagreb=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Zagreb
+pref.timezone.Europe.Zaporozhye=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Zaporozhye
+pref.timezone.Europe.Zurich=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Zürich
+pref.timezone.Indian.Antananarivo=Cuan nan Innseachan/Antananarivo
+pref.timezone.Indian.Chagos=Cuan nan Innseachan/Chagos
+pref.timezone.Indian.Christmas=Cuan nan Innseachan/Eilean na Nollaige
+pref.timezone.Indian.Cocos=Cuan nan Innseachan/Na h-Eileanan Chòco
+pref.timezone.Indian.Comoro=Cuan nan Innseachan/Eileanan Chomoro
+pref.timezone.Indian.Kerguelen=Cuan nan Innseachan/Eileanan Kergelenn
+pref.timezone.Indian.Mahe=Cuan nan Innseachan/Mahe
+pref.timezone.Indian.Maldives=Cuan nan Innseachan/Na Maladaibhean
+pref.timezone.Indian.Mauritius=Cuan nan Innseachan/Na h-Eileanan Mhoiriseas
+pref.timezone.Indian.Mayotte=Cuan nan Innseachan/Mayotte
+pref.timezone.Indian.Reunion=Cuan nan Innseachan/Réunion
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Apia=An Cuan Sèimh/Apia
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Auckland=An Cuan Sèimh/Auckland
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Chatham=An Cuan Sèimh/Chathham
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Easter=An Cuan Sèimh/Rapa Nui
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Efate=An Cuan Sèimh/Efate
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Enderbury=An Cuan Sèimh/Enderbury
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Fakaofo=An Cuan Sèimh/Fakaofo
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Fiji=An Cuan Sèimh/Fìdi
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Funafuti=An Cuan Sèimh/Funafuti
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Galapagos=An Cuan Sèimh/Galapagos
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Gambier=An Cuan Sèimh/Eileanan Managareva
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Guadalcanal=An Cuan Sèimh/Guadalcanal
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Guam=An Cuan Sèimh/Guam
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Honolulu=An Cuan Sèimh/Honolulu
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Johnston=An Cuan Sèimh/Johnston
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Kiritimati=An Cuan Sèimh/Kiritimati
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Kosrae=An Cuan Sèimh/Kosrae
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Kwajalein=An Cuan Sèimh/Kuwajleen
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Majuro=An Cuan Sèimh/Majuro
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Marquesas=An Cuan Sèimh/Eileanan a' Mharcais
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Midway=An Cuan Sèimh/Midway
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Nauru=An Cuan Sèimh/Nauru
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Niue=An Cuan Sèimh/Niuē
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Norfolk=An Cuan Sèimh/Norfolk
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Noumea=An Cuan Sèimh/Numea
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Pago_Pago=An Cuan Sèimh/Pago Pago
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Palau=An Cuan Sèimh/Palau
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Pitcairn=An Cuan Sèimh/Peit a' Chàirn
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Ponape=An Cuan Sèimh/Pohnpei
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Port_Moresby=An Cuan Sèimh/Port Moresby
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Rarotonga=An Cuan Sèimh/Rarotonga
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Saipan=An Cuan Sèimh/Saipan
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Tahiti=An Cuan Sèimh/Tahiti
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Tarawa=An Cuan Sèimh/Tarawa
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Tongatapu=An Cuan Sèimh/Tongatapu
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Truk=An Cuan Sèimh/Truk
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Wake=An Cuan Sèimh/Wake
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Wallis=An Cuan Sèimh/Uallas
+# the following have been missing
+pref.timezone.America.Indiana.Tell_City=Aimearaga/Indiana/Tell City
+pref.timezone.America.St_Barthelemy=Aimearaga/St. Barthelemy
+# added with 2008d:
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.San_Luis=Aimearaga/An Argantain/San Luis
+pref.timezone.Asia.Ho_Chi_Minh=Àisia/Hồ Chí Minh
+# added with 2008i:
+pref.timezone.America.Argentina.Salta=Aimearaga/An Argantain/Salta
+# added with 2010i
+pref.timezone.America.Santa_Isabel=Aimearaga/Santa Isabel
+pref.timezone.Antarctica.Macquarie=Antartaigea/Eilean MhicGuaire
+#added with 2011b
+pref.timezone.America.Bahia_Banderas=Aimearaga/Bahía de Banderas
+pref.timezone.America.North_Dakota.Beulah=Aimearaga/North Dakota/Beulah
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Chuuk=An Cuan Sèimh/Chuuk
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Pohnpei=An Cuan Sèimh/Pohnpei
+#added with 2011n
+pref.timezone.America.Lower_Princes=Aimeireaga/Lower Princes
+#added with 2013a
+pref.timezone.Europe.Busingen=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Busingen
+#added with 2014b
+#added with 2014j
+pref.timezone.Pacific.Bougainville=Roinn a' Chuain Shèimh/Bougainville
+#added with 2.2015g
+pref.timezone.America.Fort_Nelson=Aimearaga/Fort Nelson
+#added with 2.2016b
+pref.timezone.Europe.Ulyanovsk=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Ulyanovsk
+pref.timezone.Europe.Astrakhan=An Roinn-Eòrpa//Astrakhan
+#added with 2.2016i
+pref.timezone.Europe.Kirov=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Kirov
+#added with 2.2016j
+pref.timezone.Europe.Saratov=An Roinn-Eòrpa/Saratov
+#added with 2.2017b
+pref.timezone.America.Punta_Arenas=Aimeireaga/Punta Arenas
+#added with 2.2018i
+#added with 2.2020a
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..767273bea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning-toolbar.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY "Bàr-inneal a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY "B">
+<!ENTITY "Bàr-inneal nan saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "s">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.sync.label "Sioncronaich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.sync.tooltip "Ath-luchdaich na mìosachain is sioncronaich na h-atharraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.delete.label "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.delete.tooltip "Sguab às na tachartasan no saothraichean a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.edit.label "Deasaich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.edit.tooltip "Deasaich an tachartas no saothair a thagh thu">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.gototoday.label "Rach gu an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.gototoday.tooltip "Rach gu an-diugh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.print.label "Clò-bhuail">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.print.tooltip "Clò-bhuail na tachartasan no saothraichean">
+<!-- Mode Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.label "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.tooltip "Leum gu taba a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendar.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.label "Saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.tooltip "Leum gu taba nan saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.task.accesskey "S">
+<!-- Toolbar write button -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newevent.label "Tachartas">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newevent.tooltip "Cruthaich tachartas ùr">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newtask.label "Saothair">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.newtask.tooltip "Cruthaich saothair ùr">
+<!-- Calendar and Task Mode Toolbar -->
+<!ENTITY "Latha">
+<!ENTITY "L">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.week.label "Seachdain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.week.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.multiweek.label "Iomadh s.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.multiweek.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.month.label "Mìos">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.month.accesskey "M">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: the same as appmenuButton.label and appmenuButton1.tooltip
+ from messenger.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.appmenuButton.label "Clàr-taice na h-aplacaid">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.appmenuButton1.tooltip "Seall clàr-taice &brandShortName;">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarmenu.label "Leòsan a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarmenu.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarpane.label "Seall leòsan a' mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.toolbar.calendarpane.accesskey "m">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cf2408f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/lightning.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- WARNING! This file contains UTF-8 encoded characters!
+ - If this ==> … <== doesn't look like an ellipsis (three dots in a row),
+ - your editor isn't using UTF-8 encoding and may munge up the document!
+ -->
+<!-- Tools menu -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.preferencesLabel "Am mìosachan">
+<!-- New menu popup in File menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Tachartas…">
+<!ENTITY "T">
+<!ENTITY "Saothair…">
+<!ENTITY "t">
+<!ENTITY "Mìosachan…">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!-- Open menu popup in File menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Faidhle mìosachain…">
+<!ENTITY "c">
+<!-- View Menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!ENTITY "Saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "S">
+<!-- Events and Tasks menu -->
+<!ENTITY "Tachartasan is saothraichean">
+<!ENTITY "n">
+<!-- properties dialog, calendar creation wizard -->
+ lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.label)
+ These strings are used in the calendar wizard and the calendar properties dialog, but are only
+ displayed when setting/using a caldav calendar -->
+<!ENTITY "Post-dealain:">
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.label "B’ fhearr leam sgeidealachadh puist-d taobh a’ chliant">
+<!-- LOCALIZATON NOTE(lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext1,
+ lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext2)
+ - tooltiptext1 is used in the calendar wizard when setting a new caldav calendar
+ - tooltiptext2 is used in the calendar properties dialog for caldav calendars -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext1 "Chan urrainn dhut, aig an àm seo, seo a chur an comas an dèidh dhut am mìosachan seo a shuidheachadh ann an còmhradh nan roghainnean aige ma dhèiligeas frithealaiche a’ mhìosachain ris an sgeidealachadh.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.calendarproperties.forceEmailScheduling.tooltiptext2 "Chan eil an roghainn seo ri làimh ach ma tha frithealaiche a’ mhìosachain a’ dèiligeadh ris an sgeidealachadh. Ma chuireas tu seo an comas, ceadaichidh seo tilleadh gu sgeidealachadh stannardach a tha stèidhichte air puist-d seach fhàgail aig an fhrithealaiche.">
+<!-- iMIP Bar (meeting support) -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAccept.label "Gabh ris">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAccept2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri cuireadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAcceptRecurrences.label "Gabh ris a h-uile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAcceptRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Gabh ris a’ chuireadh airson gach aon teachd dheth">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAdd.label "Cuir ris">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnAdd.tooltiptext "Cuir an tachartas ris a' mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDecline.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDecline2.tooltiptext "Diùlt cuireadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineRecurrences.label "Diùlt na h-uile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Diùlt gach cuireadh do gach teachd dhen tachartas seo">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineCounter.label "Diùlt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDeclineCounter.tooltiptext "Diùlt am moladh eile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDelete.label "Sguab às">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDelete.tooltiptext "Sguab às a' mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDetails.label "Mion-fhiosrachadh…">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDetails.tooltiptext "Seall mion-fhiosrachadh an tachartais">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDoNotShowImipBar.label "Na seall seo na teachaireachdan seo dhomh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnGoToCalendar.label "Am mìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnGoToCalendar.tooltiptext "Tadhail air taba a’ mhìosachain">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnMore.label "Barrachd">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnMore.tooltiptext "Dèan briogadh airson barrachd roghainnean">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReconfirm2.label "Ath-dhearbh">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReconfirm.tooltiptext "Cuiridh seo ath-dhearbhadh gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReschedule.label "Àm eile">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnReschedule.tooltiptext "Cuir an tachartas air an sgeideal airson àm">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSaveCopy.label "Sàbhail lethbhreac dheth">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSaveCopy.tooltiptext "Sàbhail lethbhreac dhen tachartas sa mhìosachan, fiù mur am freagair thu an t-eagraiche. Thèid liosta nam freastalaichean fhalamhachadh.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentative.label "An dòchas">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentative2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri cuireadh an tachartais gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentativeRecurrences.label "Gach aon gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnTentativeRecurrences2.tooltiptext "Gabh ri gach cuireadh de gach teachd dhen tachartas seo gun chinnt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnUpdate.label "Ùraich">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnUpdate.tooltiptext "Ùraich an tachartas sa mhìosachan">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.description "Tha cuireadh gu tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSend.label "Cuir freagairt an-dràsta">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSend.tooltiptext "Cuir freagairt gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnSendSeries.tooltiptext "Cuir freagairt mu choinneamh an t-sreatha gu lèir gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSend.label "Na cuir freagairt">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSend.tooltiptext "Atharraich staid a’ chom-pàirteachais agad gun fhreagairt a chur gun eagraiche">
+<!ENTITY lightning.imipbar.btnDontSendSeries.tooltiptext "Atharraich staid a’ chom-pàirteachais agad mu choinneamh an t-sreatha gun fhreagairt a chur gun eagraiche">
+<!-- Lightning specific keybindings -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.keys.event.showCalendar.key "C">
+<!ENTITY lightning.keys.event.showTasks.key "D">
+<!ENTITY "I">
+<!ENTITY "D">
+<!-- Account Central page -->
+<!ENTITY lightning.acctCentral.newCalendar.label "Cruthaich mìosachan ùr">
+<!-- today-pane-specific -->
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMinimonth.label "Seall meanbh-mhìos">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMinimonth.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMiniday.label "Seall meanbh-latha">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showMiniday.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showNone.label "Na seall gin">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showNone.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showTodayPane.label "Seall leòsan an latha">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.showTodayPane.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY todaypane.statusButton.label "Leòsan an latha">
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f20626f95e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/chrome/lightning/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Task mode title
+# Tab titles
+# Html event display in message
+imipHtml.header=Cuireadh gu tachartas
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attachments): This is a label for one or more (additional) links to
+# documents or websites attached to this event.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.url): This is a label for a reference to an (alternate) online
+# representation of the event (either directly human readable or not).
+imipHtml.url=Ceangal co-cheangailte:
+imipHtml.canceledOccurrences=Teachdan a sguireadh dhiubh:
+imipHtml.modifiedOccurrences=Teachdan a chaidh atharrachadh:
+imipHtml.newLocation=Ionad ùr: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom): this is appended behind an attendee name in the
+# email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here
+# %1$S - a single delegator or a comma separated list of delegators
+imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom=(air iomruineadh o %1$S)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo): this is appended behind an attendee name in the
+# email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here
+# %1$S - a single delegatee or a comma separated list of delegatees
+imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo=(air iomruineadh dha %1$S)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendee.combined): tooltip for itip icon in email invitation preview.
+# Given an attendee of type room is a mandatory participant and has accepted the
+# invitation, the tooltip would be:
+# (room) is a required participant. has confirmed attendance.
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %2$S - value of imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.*
+imipHtml.attendee.combined=%1$S %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR=Bidh %1$S sa chathair aig an tachartas
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT=Cha ghabh %1$S pàirt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaibh %1$S pàirt ach chan eil an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.*
+imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaidh %1$S pàirt is tha an làthaireachd riatanach.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED=Thuirt %1$S nach bi iad an làthair.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+# %2$S - single delegatee or comma separated list of delegatees
+# delegation is different from invitation forwarding - in case of the former the original attendee
+# is replaced, while on the latter the receiver may take part additionally
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED=Bidh %2$S an làthair as leth %1$S.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION=Feumaidh %1$S freagairt fhathast.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendee.combined
+# %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee
+imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair ach gun chinnt.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing an individual attendee
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a group (e.g. a distribution list)
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP=%1$S (buidheann)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a resource (e.g. projector)
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE=%1$S (goireas)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing a room
+imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM=%1$S (seòmar)
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN): used to compose
+# imipHtml.attendeeRole2.*
+# %1$S - email address or common name <email address> representing an attendee of unknown type
+imipAddedItemToCal2=Chaidh an tachartas a chur ris a’ mhìosachan agad.
+imipCanceledItem2=Chaidh an tachartas seo a sguabadh às a’ mhìosachan agad.
+imipUpdatedItem2=Chaidh an tachartas ùrachadh.
+imipBarCancelText=Tha fios mu thachartas a chaidh a chur dheth san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarCounterErrorText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu thachartas nach urrainn dhuinn làimhseachadh.
+imipBarCounterPreviousVersionText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu sheann-tionndadh de chuireadh.
+imipBarCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh eile mu choinneamh cuiridh san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarDisallowedCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo ged nach do cheadaich thu frith-mholaidhean mu choinneamh an tachartais seo.
+imipBarDeclineCounterText=Tha freagairt sa teachdaireachd seo mu choinneamh an fhrith-mholaidh a rinn thu.
+imipBarRefreshText=Tha an teachdaireachd seo ag iarraidh ùrachadh mu thachartas.
+imipBarPublishText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarRequestText=Tha cuireadh gu tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarSentText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarSentButRemovedText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo ach chan eil e sa mhìosachan agad tuilleadh.
+imipBarUpdateText=Tha ùrachadh airson tachartas a tha ann mu tràth sa teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarUpdateMultipleText=Tha ùrachaidhean airson iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarUpdateSeriesText=Tha ùrachadh airson sreath de thachartasan a tha ann mu tràth san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarAlreadyProcessedText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo a chaidh a làimhseachadh mu thràth.
+imipBarProcessedNeedsAction=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do dhèilig thu ris fhathast.
+imipBarProcessedMultipleNeedsAction=Tha iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast.
+imipBarProcessedSeriesNeedsAction=Tha sreath de thachartasan san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast.
+imipBarReplyText=Tha freagairt gu cuireadh san teachdaireachd seo.
+imipBarReplyToNotExistingItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas nach eil sa mhìosachan agad.
+# LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem):
+# %1$S - datetime of deletion
+imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas a chaidh a thoirt air falbh on mhìosachan agad %1$S.
+imipBarUnsupportedText2=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach urrainn do %1$S làimhseachadh.
+imipBarProcessingFailed=Dh'fhàillig pròiseasadh na teachdaireachd. Staid: %1$S.
+imipBarCalendarDeactivated=Tha fiosrachadh mu thachartas san teachdaireachd seo. Cuir mìosachan an comas airson a làimhseachadh.
+imipBarNotWritable=Chan eil mìosachan sam bith ann anns an urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh 's a chaidh a rèiteachadh airson chuiridhean. Thoir sùil air roghainnean a' mhìosachain.
+imipSendMail.title=Post-dealain caismeachd
+imipSendMail.text=A bheil thu airson post-dealain caismeachd a chur an-dràsta?
+imipNoIdentity=Chan eil gin
+imipNoCalendarAvailable=Chan eil mìosachain ann as urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh annta.
+itipReplySubject2=Freagairt ris a’ chuireadh: %1$S
+itipReplyBodyAccept=Ghabh %1$S ris a' chuireadh agad gun tachartas.
+itipReplyBodyDecline=Dhiùlt %1$S do chuireadh gun tachartas.
+itipReplySubjectAccept2=Air gabhail ris: %1$S
+itipReplySubjectDecline2=Cuireadh air a dhiùltadh: %1$S
+itipReplySubjectTentative2=Gun chinnt: %1$S
+itipRequestSubject2=Cuireadh: %1$S
+itipRequestUpdatedSubject2=Air ùrachadh: %1$S
+itipRequestBody=Thug %1$S cuireadh dhut gu %2$S
+itipCancelSubject2=Air a chur gu neoini: %1$S
+itipCancelBody=Chuir %1$S dheth an tachartas seo: %2$S
+itipCounterBody=Rinn %1$S frith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”:
+itipDeclineCounterBody=Dhiùlt %1$S do fhrith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”.
+itipDeclineCounterSubject=Chaidh am frith-mholadh a dhiùltadh: %1$S
+confirmProcessInvitation=Sguab thu às an rud seo o chionn ghoirid, a bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cuireadh seo a phròiseasadh?
+confirmProcessInvitationTitle=Tha, pròiseasaich an cuireadh?
+invitationsLink.label=Cuiridhean: %1$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(noIdentitySelectedNotification):
+noIdentitySelectedNotification=Ma tha thu airson am mìosachan seo a chleachdadh airson cuiridhean o dhaoine eile no gu daoine eile, bu chòir dhut dearbh-aithne puist-d iomruineadh gu h-ìosal.
diff --git a/l10n-gd/calendar/lightning-l10n.js b/l10n-gd/calendar/lightning-l10n.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..868504b8f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/calendar/lightning-l10n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#filter substitution
+# the default day to start the week on
+#0=Sunday 1=Monday 2=Tuesday 3=Wednesday 4=Thursday 5=Friday 6=Saturday
+pref("calendar.week.start", 0);
+# default days off (not in work week)
+pref("calendar.week.d0sundaysoff", true);
+pref("calendar.week.d1mondaysoff", false);
+pref("calendar.week.d2tuesdaysoff", false);
+pref("calendar.week.d3wednesdaysoff", false);
+pref("calendar.week.d4thursdaysoff", false);
+pref("calendar.week.d5fridaysoff", false);
+pref("calendar.week.d6saturdaysoff", true);
+pref("general.useragent.locale", "@AB_CD@");
+# categories
+pref("calendar.categories.names", "Anniversary,Birthday,Business,Calls,Clients,Competition,Customer,Favorites,Follow up,Gifts,Holidays,Ideas,Issues,Meeting,Miscellaneous,Personal,Projects,Public Holiday,Status,Suppliers,Travel,Vacation");