path: root/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/
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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a12ee92835
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the local mail code to display progress/status/error messages
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ErrorDialogTitle): Do not translate the word "%S"
+# below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ErrorDialogTitle=Mearachd leis a' chunntas %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3EnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words "%1$S"
+# and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear, and
+# %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3EnterPasswordPrompt=Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad airson %1$S air %2$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt): Do not
+# translate the words "%1$S" and "%2$S" below. Place the word %1$S where the
+# user name should appear, and %2$S where the host name should appear.
+pop3PreviouslyEnteredPasswordIsInvalidPrompt=Cuir a-steach facal-faire ùr airson a' chleachdaiche %1$S air %2$S:
+# Status - Downloading message n of m
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (receivingMessages): Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following lines.
+# Place the word %1$S where the number of messages downloaded so far should appear.
+# Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages to receive should appear;
+receivingMessages=A' luchdadh a-nuas teachdaireachd %1$S à %2$S…
+# Status - connecting to host
+hostContact=Chaidh fios a chur dhan òstair, a' cur fiosrachadh an logaidh a-steach…
+# Status - no messages to download
+noNewMessages=Chan eil teachdaireachd ùr ann.
+# Status - messages received after the download
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE : Do not translate %1$S or %2$S in the following line.
+# %1$S will receive the number of messages received
+# %2$S will receive the total number of messages
+receivedMsgs=Fhuaras %1$S a-mach à %2$S teachdaireachd(an)
+# Status - parsing folder
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (buildingSummary): Do not translate %S in the following line.
+# Place the word %S where the name of the mailbox should appear
+buildingSummary=A' togail faidhle gearr-chunntais airson %S…
+# Status - parsing folder
+# Status - pop3 server error
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerError): Do not translate POP3 in the following line.
+pop3ServerError=Thachair mearachd leis an fhrithealaiche phuist POP3.
+# Status - pop3 user name failed
+pop3UsernameFailure=Cha do shoirbhich leat le cur an ainm-chleachdaiche.
+# Status - password failed
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3PasswordFailed): Do not translate "%1$S" below.
+# Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear.
+pop3PasswordFailed=Cha deach facal-faire a' chleachdaiche %1$S a chur.
+# Status - write error occurred
+pop3MessageWriteError=Cha ghabh am post-dealain a sgriobhadh dhan bhogsa-phuist. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil cead-sgrìobhaidh agad air an t-siostam 's gu bheil àite gu leòr agad air an diosg gus lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhan bhogsa-phuist.
+# Status - retr failure from the server
+pop3RetrFailure=Cha do shoirbhich leis an àithne RETR. Mearachd le luchdadh a-nuas teachdaireachd.
+# Status - password undefined
+pop3PasswordUndefined=Mearachd le faighinn facal-faire a' phuist.
+# Status - username undefined
+pop3UsernameUndefined=Cha do chuir thu a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche airson an fhrithealaiche seo. Cuir ainm a-steach ann an clàr-taice suidheachadh nan cunntasan is feuch ris a-rithist.
+# Status - list failure
+pop3ListFailure=Cha do shoirbhich leis an àithne LIST. Mearachd le faighinn na dearbh-aithne is meud de theachdaireachd.
+# Status - delete error
+pop3DeleFailure=Cha do shoirbhich leis an àithne DELE. Mearachd le bhith a' cur comharra gun deach teachdaireachd a sguabadh às.
+# Status - stat failed
+pop3StatFail=Cha do shoirbhich leis an àithne STAT. Mearachd le faighinn àireamh is meud de theachdaireachdan.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerSaid): Do not remove the leading space during translation.
+pop3ServerSaid= Dh'fhreagair am frithealaiche puist %S:\u0020
+copyingMessagesStatus=A' cur lethbhreac a %S à %S teachdaireachd(an) gu %S
+movingMessagesStatus=A’ gluasad teachdaireachd %S à %S an-seo: %S
+# Status - write error occurred
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3ServerBusy): Do not translate the word "%S" below.
+# Place %S where the account name should appear.
+pop3ServerBusy=Tha an cunntas %S 'ga phròiseasadh. Fuirich ort gus am bi sinn deiseil leis mus iarr thu na teachdaireachdan agad.
+movemailCantOpenSpoolFile=Cha ghabh faidhle spàl a' phuist %S fhosgladh.
+movemailCantCreateLock=Cha ghabh am faidhle glasaidh %S a chruthachadh. Mus obraich movemail, tha agad ri faidhlichean glasaidh a chruthachadh ann am pasgan spàl a' phuist. 'S e atharrachadh pasgan spàl a' phuist gu "mode 01777" an dòigh as fhearr gus seo a dhèanamh air iomadh siostam.
+movemailCantDeleteLock=Cha ghabh am faidhle glasaidh %S a sguabadh às.
+movemailCantTruncateSpoolFile=Cha ghabh am faidhle spàil %S a dhèanamh buntach.
+movemailSpoolFileNotFound=Cha ghabh faidhle spàl a' phuist ionadail a lorg.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (movemailCantParseSpool): %S is file name
+movemailCantParseSpool=Cha ghabh am faidhle spàil %S a pharsadh. Dh'fhaoidte gu bheil e coirbte no nach eil e dligheach.
+pop3TmpDownloadError=Bha mearachd ann le luchdadh a-nuas na teachdaireachd a leanas: \nO: %S\n Cuspair: %S\n Dh'fhaodadh gu bheil bìoras ann no nach eil àite gu leòr air an diosga. A bheil thu airson leum a ghearradh thairis an an teachdaireachd seo?
+# Status - the server doesn't support UIDL…
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "UIDL"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportUidlEtc=Chan eil am frithealaiche puist POP3 (%S) a' cur taic ri UIDL no XTND XLST a tha riatanach airson cur an sàs nan roghainnean "Fàg air an fhrithealaiche", "Àireamh as motha de theachdaireachd" no "Faigh bannan-cinn a-mhàin". Gus do phost a luchdadh a-nuas, cuir dheth na roghainnean seo fo roghainnean an fhrithealaiche airson an fhrithealaiche phuist agad ann an uinneag roghainnean nan cunntasan.
+# Status - the server doesn't support the top command
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE(pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand): The following sentence should be translated in this way:
+# Do not translate "POP3"
+# Do not translate "%S". Place %S in your translation where the name of the server should appear.
+# Do not translate "TOP"
+pop3ServerDoesNotSupportTopCommand=Chan eil am frithealaiche puist POP3 (%S) a' cur taic ris an àithne TOP. As aonais taic an fhrithealaiche air a shon, chan urrainn dhuinn na roghainnean "Meud as motha de theachdaireachd" no "Faigh bannan-cinn a-mhàin" a chur an sàs. Chaidh an roghainn seo a chur à comas is thèid teachdaireachdan a luchdadh a-nuas ge be dè am meud.
+nsErrorCouldNotConnectViaTls=Cha ghabh an ceangal TLS ris an fhrithealaiche POP3 a stèidheachadh. Dh'fhaodadh gu bheil am frithealaiche sìos no air a dhroch rèiteachadh. Dèan cinnteach anns na roghainnean frithealaiche ann an uinneag roghainnean nan cunntasan gu bheil roghainnean an fhrithealaiche phuist agad air an deagh rèiteachadh is feuch ris a-rithist.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (pop3MoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below.
+# "%S" is the the name of the folder.
+pop3MoveFolderToTrash=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am pasgan '%S' a sguabadh às?
+pop3DeleteFolderDialogTitle=Sguab às am pasgan
+pop3DeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Sguab às am pasgan
+pop3AuthInternalError=Mearachd inntearnail a' chor rè dearbhadh an fhrithealaiche POP3. Seo ion-mhearachd a' phrògraim ris nach robh dùil. Saoil an dèan thu aithris air buga ùr?
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche POP3 a' cur taic ri faclan-faire crioptaichte. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhaidh" gu "Facal-faire, 'ga thar-aiseag gu mì-thèarainte" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". Nam b' àbhaist dha a bhith ag obair mar bu chòir is ma dh'fhàillig e gu h-obann, seo suidheachadh cumanta far am b' urrainn do chuideigin am facal-faire agad a ghoid.
+pop3AuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche POP3 a' cur taic ri faclan-faire crioptaichte. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhaidh" gu "Facal-faire àbhaisteach" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". Nam b' àbhaist dha a bhith ag obair mar bu chòir is ma dh'fhàillig e gu h-obann, seo suidheachadh cumanta far am b' urrainn do chuideigin am facal-faire agad a ghoid.
+pop3AuthChangePlainToEncrypt=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche POP3 a' cur taic ri faclan-faire ann an teacsa lom. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhaidh" gu "Facal-faire air a chrioptachadh" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche".
+# Authentication server caps and pref don't match
+pop3AuthMechNotSupported=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche a' cur taic ris an dòigh dearbhachaidh a thagh thu. Atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhachaidh" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche".
+# Status - Could not log in to GSSAPI, and it was the only method
+pop3GssapiFailure=Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am frithealaiche POP ris an tiocaid Kerberos/GSSAPI. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu air logadh a-steach do rìoghachd Kerberos/GSSAPI.