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Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd')
-rw-r--r-- | l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd | 43 |
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd b/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d738e4338d --- /dev/null +++ b/l10n-gd/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> + +<!ENTITY window.title "Fàilte gu &brandShortName;"> +<!ENTITY header2.label "A bheil thu ag iarraidh seòladh puist-dhealain ùr?"> +<!ENTITY other.languages "Chan fhaic thu an-seo ach na solaraichean san sgìre agad. Briog an-seo gus a h-uile solaraiche fhaicinn."> +<!ENTITY error.line1 "Duilich, cha b' urrainn dhuinn moladh a lorg airson puist-dhealain dhut."> +<!ENTITY error.line2 "’S urrainn dhut far-ainmean no briathran eile a chur a-steach gus roghainn eile de phost-d fhaicinn."> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(error.suggest.before, error.suggest.middle, error.suggest.after): + error.suggest.before, error.suggest.middle, and error.suggest.after all go into + one line with error.suggest.middle that links to a site which provides download + of free account alternatives. --> + +<!ENTITY error.suggest.before "B' urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt "> +<!ENTITY error.suggest.middle "air an fheadhainn eile a bheir seachad cunntasan puist-dhealain an-asgaidh"> +<!ENTITY error.suggest.after "."> +<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(success.title.before, success.title.after): + success.title.before and success.title.after all go into one line, wrapping + around the name that the user has typed in to the search input. --> + +<!ENTITY success.title.before "Halò "> +<!ENTITY success.title.after ", tha roghadh is taghadh agad am measg nan seòlaidhean a leanas:"> +<!ENTITY success.tip "('S urrainn dhut far-ainmean no briathran eile a chur a-steach gus roghainn eile de phost-d fhaicinn)"> +<!ENTITY partnership.description "On a tha &brandShortName; ann an com-pàirteachas le grunn sholaraichean, 's urrainn dhuinn post-d ùr a thabhann dhut. Cha leig thu leas ach d' ainm is do shloinneadh no faclan eile a chur a-steach sna raointean gu h-àrd a bu mhath leat an toiseach."> +<!ENTITY existing.header "A bheil seòladh agad mu thràth a bu toigh leat cleachdadh?"> +<!ENTITY tinyheader.title "Bheil seòladh agad?"> +<!ENTITY tinyheader.existing "Gearr leum thairis air seo 's cleachd an seòladh a tha agam mu thràth"> +<!ENTITY content.close "Saoilidh mi gun suidhich mi an cunntas agam uaireigin eile."> +<!ENTITY successful.title "Meal do naidheachd!"> +<!ENTITY successful.successMessage "Shuidhich thu an cunntas agad."> +<!ENTITY successful.write "Sgrìobh post-d"> +<!ENTITY successful.write.desc "Innis dha do theaghlach 's dha do chàirdean gu bheil seòladh ùr agad.<br/> Sin as adhbhar gun d'fhuair thu e, nach ann?"> +<!ENTITY successful.customize "Gnàithaich &brandShortName; dhut le tuilleadain shnasail"> +<!ENTITY successful.customize.desc "Tha na mìltean de thuilleadain ann leis an urrainn dhut &brandShortName; a ghnàthachadh, airson 's gun dèan e dìreach na bha a dhìth ort."> +<!ENTITY successful.attach "Cuir earr-sgrìobhadh pearsanta ris a' phost-d agam"> +<!ENTITY successful.attach.desc "'S urrainn dhut iomradh no fiosrachadh air choireigin a chur aig bonn gach teachdaireachd a chuireas tu."> +<!ENTITY successful.close "Dùin an uinneag seo."> +<!ENTITY input.namePlaceholder "D' ainm no far-ainm"> +<!ENTITY input.search "Lorg"> +<!ENTITY search_engine.title "Gnàthaich an t-einnsean-luirg dhut"> +<!ENTITY search_engine.message "Faodaidh gun doir solaraiche a' phuist-dhealain agad comasan dhut lorg a dhèanamh air an lìon."> +<!ENTITY search_engine.button "Crìochnaich"> |