path: root/l10n-gl/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-gl/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd b/l10n-gl/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c6ca87032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-gl/suite/chrome/mailnews/pref/AccountWizard.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- Entities for AccountWizard -->
+<!ENTITY windowTitle.label "Asistente de contas">
+<!ENTITY accountWizard.size "width: 45em; height: 38em;">
+<!-- Entities for Account Type page -->
+<!ENTITY accountSetupInfo2.label "Para poder recibir mensaxes, primeiro ten que configurar unha conta.">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeTitle.label "Configuración de nova conta">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeDesc2.label "Este asistente recompila información necesaria para configurar unha conta. Se descoñece parte da información contacte co administrador do sistema ou co fornecedor do servizo de Internet.">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeDirections.label "Seleccione o tipo de conta que desexa configurar:">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeMail.label "Conta de correo">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeMail.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeNews.label "Conta de grupo de novas">
+<!ENTITY accountTypeNews.accesskey "C">
+<!-- Entities for Identity page -->
+<!ENTITY identityTitle.label "Identidade">
+<!ENTITY identityDesc.label "Cada conta ten unha identidade, que é a información que o identifica perante outros usuarios cando reciben as súas mensaxes.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullnameDesc.label) : do not translate two of "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY fullnameDesc.label "Introduza o nome que se debe mostrar no campo &quot;De&quot; das mensaxes de saída">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (fullnameExample.label) : use following directions for below line
+ 1, do not translate two of "&quot;"
+ 2, Use localized full name instead of "John Smith"
+<!ENTITY fullnameExample.label "(por exemplo, &quot;Iria Ameixeiras&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY fullnameLabel.label "O seu nome:">
+<!ENTITY fullnameLabel.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY emailLabel.label "Enderezo de correo:">
+<!ENTITY emailLabel.accesskey "E">
+<!-- Entities for Incoming Server page -->
+<!ENTITY incomingTitle.label "Información do servidor de entrada">
+<!ENTITY incomingServerTypeDesc.label "Seleccione o tipo de servidor de entrada que está a utilizar.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapType.label) : Do not translate "IMAP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY imapType.label "IMAP">
+<!ENTITY imapType.accesskey "I">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (popType.label) : Do not translate "POP" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY popType.label "POP">
+<!ENTITY popType.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY portNum.label "Porto:">
+<!ENTITY portNum.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY defaultPortLabel.label "Predeterminado:">
+<!ENTITY defaultPortValue.label "">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (incomingServerNameDesc.label) : Do not translate "&quot;;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY incomingServer.description "Introduza o nome do servidor de entrada (por exemplo, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY incomingServer.label "Servidor de correo de entrada:">
+<!ENTITY incomingServer.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY leaveMsgsOnSrvr.label "Deixar as mensaxes no servidor">
+<!ENTITY leaveMsgsOnSrvr.accesskey "D">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (incomingUsername.description) : do not translate "&quot;jsmith&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY incomingUsername.description "Introduza o nome do usuario de entrada facilitado polo seu fornecedor de correo electrónico (por exemplo, &quot;jsmith&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY incomingUsername.label "Nome do usuario:">
+<!ENTITY incomingUsername.accesskey "u">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (newsServerNameDesc.label) : Do not translate "NNTP" or the "&quot;" entities in below line -->
+<!ENTITY newsServerNameDesc.label "Introduza o nome do servidor de novas (NNTP) (por exemplo, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY newsServerLabel.label "Servidor de novas:">
+<!ENTITY newsServerLabel.accesskey "S">
+<!-- Entities for Outgoing Server page -->
+<!ENTITY outgoingTitle.label "Información do servidor de saída">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (outgoingServer.description) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY outgoingServer.description "Introduza o nome do servidor de saída (SMTP) (por exemplo, &quot;;).">
+<!ENTITY outgoingServer.label "Servidor de correo de saída:">
+<!ENTITY outgoingServer.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY outgoingUsername.description "Introduza o nome do usuario de saída facilitado polo seu fornecedor de correo electrónico (normalmente é o mesmo que o de entrada).">
+<!ENTITY outgoingUsername.label "Nome do usuario de saída:">
+<!ENTITY outgoingUsername.accesskey "u">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (modifyOutgoing.suffix) : This string will be appended after each of
+ haveSmtp1.suffix3, haveSmtp2.suffix3, haveSmtp3.suffix3 .
+<!ENTITY modifyOutgoing.suffix "Pode modificar a configuración do servidor de saída desde a Configuración de contas de correo e novas.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp1.prefix and haveSmtp1.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp1.prefix and haveSmtp1.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp1.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.prefix "Utilizarase o seu servidor de correo de saída (SMTP), &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp1.suffix3 "&quot;.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp2.prefix and haveSmtp2.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp2.prefix and haveSmtp2.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp2.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp2.prefix "Utilizarase o seu nome de usuario de saída (SMTP), &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp2.suffix3 "&quot;.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (haveSmtp3.prefix and haveSmtp3.suffix3) : Do not translate "SMTP" and "&quot;" in
+ these variables. Also, translate haveSmtp3.prefix and haveSmtp3.suffix3 as a single sentence, inserting
+ text after the "&quot;" entity in haveSmtp3.suffix3, if required grammatically.
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp3.prefix "O seu servidor de saída (SMTP), &quot;">
+<!ENTITY haveSmtp3.suffix3 "&quot;, é idéntico ao seu servidor de entrada, polo que se usará o seu nome de usuario de entrada para acceder a el.">
+<!-- Entities for Account name page -->
+<!ENTITY accnameTitle.label "Nome da conta">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (accnameDesc.label) : do not translate any "&quot;" in below line -->
+<!ENTITY accnameDesc.label "Introduza o nome co cal desexa referirse a esta conta (por exemplo, &quot;Conta do traballo&quot;, &quot;Conta persoal&quot; ou &quot;Conta de novas&quot;).">
+<!ENTITY accnameLabel.label "Nome da conta:">
+<!ENTITY accnameLabel.accesskey "a">
+<!-- Entities for Done (Congratulations) page -->
+<!ENTITY completionTitle.label "Parabéns">
+<!ENTITY completionText.label "Verifique que a seguinte información é correcta.">
+<!ENTITY serverTypePrefix.label "Tipo de servidor de entrada:">
+<!ENTITY serverNamePrefix.label "Nome do servidor de entrada:">
+<!ENTITY smtpServerNamePrefix.label "Nome do servidor de correo de saída (SMTP):">
+<!ENTITY newsServerNamePrefix.label "Nome do servidor de novas (NNTP):">
+<!ENTITY downloadOnLogin.label "Descargar as mensaxes agora">
+<!ENTITY downloadOnLogin.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY deferStorageDesc.label "Marque esta caixa de selección para almacenar o correo desta conta nos cartafoles locais da caixa de entrada global. Noutro caso a conta aparece como unha conta de nivel superior e o seu correo almacenarase no seu propio cartafol.">
+<!ENTITY deferStorage.label "Utilizar a caixa de entrada global (almacenar nos cartafoles locais)">
+<!ENTITY deferStorage.accesskey "g">
+<!ENTITY clickFinish.label "Prema Finalizar para gardar esta configuración e saír do asistente.">
+<!ENTITY clickFinish.labelMac "Prema Finalizar para gardar esta configuración e saír do asistente.">