path: root/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger-newsblog/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger-newsblog/')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger-newsblog/ b/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger-newsblog/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72451c4ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger-newsblog/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+subscribe-validating-feed=Kanal so přepruwuje…
+subscribe-cancelSubscription=Chceće woprawdźe abonowanje aktualneho kanala přetorhnyć?
+subscribe-cancelSubscriptionTitle=Kanal so abonuje…
+subscribe-feedAlreadySubscribed=Maće hižo abonement za tutón kanal.
+subscribe-errorOpeningFile=Dataja njeda so wočinić.
+subscribe-feedAdded=Kanal přidaty.
+subscribe-feedUpdated=Kanal zaktualizowany.
+subscribe-feedMoved=Kanalowy abonement přesunjeny.
+subscribe-feedCopied=Kanalowy abonement kopěrowany.
+subscribe-feedRemoved=Kanal wotskazany.
+subscribe-feedNotValid=Kanalowy URL płaćiwy kanal njeje.
+subscribe-feedVerified=URL kanala je so přepruwował.
+subscribe-networkError=Kanalowy URL njeda so namakać. Prošu přepruwujće mjeno a spytajće hišće raz.
+subscribe-noAuthError=URL kanala awtorizowany njeje.
+subscribe-loading=Začituje so, prošu čakajće…
+subscribe-OPMLImportTitle=Wubjerće OPML-dataju za import
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportTitleList=%S jako OPML-dataju eksportować - lisćina kanalow
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct):
+## %S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportTitleStruct=%S jako OPML-dataju eksportować - kanale z rjadowakowej strukturu
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName, %2$S is the name of the feed account folder name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportFileDialogTitle=%1$S OPML-eksport - %2$S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDefaultFileName):
+## %1$S is the brandShortName (Thunderbird for example), %2$S is the account name.
+## The default extension (.opml) is added here as it is not automatically appended in the file picker on MacOS.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile): %S is the name of the OPML file the user tried to import.
+subscribe-OPMLImportInvalidFile=Zda so, zo dataja %S płaćiwa OPML-dataja njeje.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries.
+subscribe-OPMLImportFeedCount=#1 nowy kanal importowany.;#1 nowej kanalej importowanej;#1 nowe kanale importowane;#1 nowych kanalow importowanych.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## #1 is the count of new imported entries
+subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds=#1 nowy kanal, kotryž hišće njejsće abonował, importowany;#1 nowej kanalej, kotrejž hišće njejsće abonował, importowanej;#1 nowe kanale, kotrež hišće njejsće abonował, importowane;#1 nowych kanalow, kotrež hišće njejsće abonował, importowane
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds):
+## #1 is total number of elements found in the file
+subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds=(z #1 zapiska namakany);(z dohromady #1 zapiskow namakany; z dohromady #1 zapiskow namakany; z dohromady #1 zapiskow namakany)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLImportStatus):
+## This is the concatenation of the two strings defined above to compose 1 sentence.
+## %1$S = subscribe-OPMLImportUniqueFeeds
+## %2$S = subscribe-OPMLImportFoundFeeds
+subscribe-OPMLImportStatus=%1$S %2$S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-OPMLExportDone): %S is the export file name.
+subscribe-OPMLExportDone=Kanale w tutym konće su so do %S eksportowali.
+subscribe-confirmFeedDeletionTitle=Kanal wotstronić
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion): %S is the name of the feed the user wants to unsubscribe from.
+subscribe-confirmFeedDeletion=Chceće woprawdźe kanal wotskazać: \n %S?
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(subscribe-gettingFeedItems):
+## - The first %S is the number of articles processed so far;
+## - The second %S is the total number of items
+subscribe-gettingFeedItems=Kanalowe nastawki so sćahuja (%S z %S)…
+newsblog-noNewArticlesForFeed=Za tutón kanal nowe nastawki njejsu.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-networkError): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-networkError=%S njeda so namakać. Prošu skontrolujće mjeno a spytajće hišće raz.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-feedNotValid): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-feedNotValid=%S płaćiwy kanal njeje.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-badCertError): %S is the feed URL host
+newsblog-badCertError=%S wužiwa njepłaćiwy wěstotny certifikat.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(newsblog-noAuthError): %S is the feed URL
+newsblog-noAuthError=%S awtorizowany njeje.
+newsblog-getNewMsgsCheck=Kanale so za nowymi zapiskami přepruwuja…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(feeds-accountname): This string should be the same as feeds.accountName in am-newsblog.dtd
+feeds-accountname=Blogi a powěsćowe kanale
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(externalAttachmentMsg): Content in the MIME part for external link attachments.
+externalAttachmentMsg=Přiwěšk MIME so separatnje wot powěsće składuje.
+## Import wizard.
+ImportFeedsCreateNewListItem=* Nowe konto *
+ImportFeedsNewAccount=Nowe kanalowe konto załožić a do njeho importować
+ImportFeedsExistingAccount=Do eksistowaceho kanaloweho konta importować
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(ImportFeedsDone):
+## - The first %S is the import file name;
+## - The second %S is the value of either ImportFeedsNew or ImportFeedsExisting;
+## - The third %S is the feed account name.
+ImportFeedsDone=Importowanje kanalowych abonementow z dataje %1$S do %2$S konta '%3$S' je so skónčiło.