path: root/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger/accountCreation.dtd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger/accountCreation.dtd')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger/accountCreation.dtd b/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger/accountCreation.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1ab0e4d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-hsb/mail/chrome/messenger/accountCreation.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY emailWizard.title "Nastajće swoju eksistowacu e-mejlowu adresu">
+<!ENTITY emailWizard.caption "Wašu tuchwilnu e-mejlowu adresu wužiwać">
+<!ENTITY name.label "Waše mjeno:">
+<!ENTITY name.accesskey "m">
+<!ENTITY fullname.placeholder "Waše dospołne mjeno">
+<!ENTITY name.text "Waše mjeno, kaž so druhim pokazuje">
+<!ENTITY name.error "Prošu zapodajće swoje mjeno">
+<!ENTITY email.label "E-mejlowa adresa:">
+<!ENTITY email.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY email3.placeholder "Waša e-mejlowa adresa">
+<!ENTITY email.text "Waša eksistowaca e-mejlowa adresa">
+<!ENTITY email.error "Njepłaćiwa e-mejlowa adsresa">
+<!ENTITY password.label "Hesło:">
+<!ENTITY password.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY password.placeholder "Hesło">
+<!ENTITY password.text "Opcionalny, budźe so jenož wužiwac, zo by wužiwarske mjeno přepruwowało">
+<!ENTITY password.toggle "Hesło pokazać/schować">
+<!ENTITY rememberPassword.label "Hesło składować">
+<!ENTITY rememberPassword.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY usernameEx.label "Waše přizjewjenje:">
+<!ENTITY usernameEx.accesskey "z">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(usernameEx.placeholder): YOURDOMAIN refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. yourusername refers to the user's account name in Windows. -->
+<!ENTITY usernameEx.placeholder "YOURDOMAIN\yourusername">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(usernameEx.text): Domain refers to the Windows domain in ActiveDirectory. We mean the user's login in Windows at the local corporate network. -->
+<!ENTITY usernameEx.text "Domenowe přizjewjenje">
+<!ENTITY protocol.label "Protokol:">
+<!ENTITY imapLong.label "IMAP (zdalene rjadowaki)">
+<!ENTITY pop3Long.label "POP3 (wašu e-mejl na wašim ličaku wostajić)">
+<!ENTITY manualConfigTable.summary "Serwerowe nastajenja">
+<!ENTITY incoming.label "Dochadźace:">
+<!ENTITY incomingColumn.label "Dochadźace">
+<!ENTITY outgoing.label "Wuchadźace:">
+<!ENTITY outgoingColumn.label "Wuchadźace">
+<!ENTITY username.label "Wužiwarske mjeno:">
+<!ENTITY serverRow.label "Serwer:">
+<!ENTITY portRow.label "Port:">
+<!ENTITY sslRow.label "SSL:">
+<!ENTITY auth.label "Awtentifikacija">
+<!ENTITY imap.label "IMAP">
+<!ENTITY pop3.label "POP3">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(exchange.label): Do not translate Exchange, it is a product name. -->
+<!ENTITY exchange.label "Exchange">
+<!ENTITY smtp.label "SMTP">
+<!ENTITY autodetect.label "Awtomatisce zwěsćić">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(noEncryption.label): Neither SSL/TLS nor STARTTLS.
+ Transmission of emails in cleartext over the Internet. -->
+<!ENTITY noEncryption.label "Žadyn">
+<!ENTITY starttls.label "STARTTLS">
+<!ENTITY sslTls.label "SSL/TLS">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(exchange-hostname.label): Do not translate Exchange, it is a product name. -->
+<!ENTITY exchange-hostname.label "Serwer Exchange:">
+<!ENTITY advancedSetup.label "Rozšěrjena konfiguracija">
+<!ENTITY advancedSetup.accesskey "R">
+<!ENTITY cancel.label "Přetorhnyć">
+<!ENTITY cancel.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY continue.label "Dale">
+<!ENTITY continue.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY stop.label "Stój">
+<!ENTITY stop.accesskey "S">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (half-manual-test.label): This is the text that is
+ displayed on the button in manual config mode which will re-guess
+ the account configuration, taking into account the settings that
+ the user has manually changed. -->
+<!ENTITY half-manual-test.label "Znowa testować">
+<!ENTITY half-manual-test.accesskey "t">
+<!ENTITY manual-config.label "Manuelnje konfigurować…">
+<!ENTITY manual-config.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY open-provisioner.label "Wobstarajće sej nowu e-mejlowu adresu…">
+<!ENTITY open-provisioner.accesskey "s">
+<!ENTITY get-help.label "Pomoc sej wobstarać">
+<!ENTITY get-help.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY warning.label "Warnowanje!">
+<!ENTITY incomingSettings.label "Dochadne nastajenja:">
+<!ENTITY outgoingSettings.label "Wuchadne nastajenja:">
+<!ENTITY technicaldetails.label "Techniske podrobnosće">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmWarning.label): If there is a security
+ warning on the outgoing server, then the user will need to check a
+ checkbox beside this text before continuing. -->
+<!ENTITY confirmWarning.label "Rozumju rizika.">
+<!ENTITY confirmWarning.accesskey "r">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (doneAccount.label): If there is a security warning
+ on the incoming or outgoing servers, then the page that pops up will
+ have this text in a button to continue by creating the account. -->
+<!ENTITY doneAccount.label "Dokónčeny">
+<!ENTITY doneAccount.accesskey "D">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (changeSettings.label): If there is a security warning on
+ the incoming or outgoing servers, then the page that pops up will have
+ this text in a button to take you back to the previous page to change
+ the settings and try again. -->
+<!ENTITY changeSettings.label "Nastajenja změnić">
+<!ENTITY changeSettings.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY contactYourProvider.description "&brandShortName; móže wam zmóžnić, zo z pomocu podatych konfiguracjiow k swojej e-mejli dóńdźeće. Ale wy měł so ze swojim administratorom abo e-mejlowym poskićowarjom tutych njepřihódnych zwiskow dla do zwiska stajić. Hlejće HUP za Thunderbird za dalše informacije.">
+<!ENTITY insecureServer.tooltip.title "Warnowanje! To je njewěsty serwer.">
+<!ENTITY insecureServer.tooltip.details "Klikńće na kruh za dalše podrobnosće.">
+<!ENTITY insecureUnencrypted.description "Waša e-mejl a awtentifikacija so njezaklučowanej sćelu, tak zo waše hesło (a waša powěsć) da so lochko wot druhich ludźi čitać. &brandShortName; dowola wam, zo byšće swoju e-mejl dóstał, ale wy měł so wo konfigurowanju serwera z wěstym zwiskom ze swojim e-mejlowym poskićowarjom do zwiska stajić.">
+<!ENTITY insecureSelfSigned.description "Serwer wužiwa certifikat, kotremuž njemóžemy dowěrić, tohodla njemóžemy sej wěsći być, hač něchtó datowy wobchad mjez &brandShortName; a wašim serwerom njewotpopadnje. &brandShortName; dowola wam, zo byšće swoju e-mejl dóstał, ale wy měł so woprawdźe ze swojim e-mejlowym poskićowarjom do zwiska stajić, zo byšće serwer z dowěryhódnym certifikatom konfiurował.">
+<!ENTITY secureServer.description "Zbožopřeće! To je wěsty serwer.">