path: root/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences')
18 files changed, 1422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33f87f8051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/am-im.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+account-settingsTitle = Autentifikācijas iestatījumi
+account-channelTitle = Noklusētie kanāli
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bced1d78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/application-manager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+app-manager-window-dialog =
+ .title = Lietotnes detaļas
+ .style = width: 30em; min-height: 20em;
+remove-app-button =
+ .label = Noņemt
+ .accesskey = N
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01673ae9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/attachment-reminder.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+attachment-reminder-window =
+ .title = Pielikuma atgādinājuma atslēgvārdi
+attachment-reminder-label = Ja mēģināsiet nosūtīt epastu ar kādu no šiem atslēgvārdiem, { -brand-short-name } brīdinās par trūkstošajiem pielikumiem.
+keyword-new-button =
+ .label = Jauns…
+ .accesskey = J
+keyword-edit-button =
+ .label = Rediģēt...
+ .accesskey = e
+keyword-remove-button =
+ .label = Dzēst
+ .accesskey = D
+new-keyword-title = Jauns atslēgvārds
+new-keyword-label = Atslēgvārds:
+edit-keyword-title = Rediģēt atslēgvārdu
+edit-keyword-label = Atslēgvārds:
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e99baa3c2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/colors.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+colors-dialog-window =
+ .title = Krāsas
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 41em !important
+ *[other] width: 41em !important
+ }
+colors-dialog-legend = Teksts un fons
+text-color-label =
+ .value = Teksts:
+ .accesskey = T
+background-color-label =
+ .value = Fons:
+ .accesskey = F
+use-system-colors =
+ .label = Lietot sistēmas krāsas
+ .accesskey = L
+colors-link-legend = Saišu krāsas
+link-color-label =
+ .value = Neapmeklētās saites:
+ .accesskey = N
+visited-link-color-label =
+ .value = Apmeklētās saites:
+ .accesskey = A
+underline-link-checkbox =
+ .label = Pasvītrot saites
+ .accesskey = P
+override-color-label =
+ .value = Pārstatīt saturā norādītās krāsas ar augstākminētām izvēlēm:
+ .accesskey = I
+override-color-always =
+ .label = Vienmēr
+override-color-auto =
+ .label = Tikai augsta kontrasta tēmām
+override-color-never =
+ .label = Nekad
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c837ea224c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/connection.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+connection-dns-over-https-url-resolver = Izmantot pakalpojumu sniedzēju
+ .accesskey = p
+# Variables:
+# $name (String) - Display name or URL for the DNS over HTTPS provider
+connection-dns-over-https-url-item-default =
+ .label = { $num } (noklusētais)
+ .tooltiptext = Lai atrisinātu DNS caur HTTPS, lietot noklusēto URL
+connection-dns-over-https-url-custom =
+ .label = Pielāgots
+ .accesskey = P
+ .tooltiptext = Ievadiet jums vēlamu DNS caur HTTPS URL
+connection-dns-over-https-custom-label = Pielāgots
+connection-dialog-window =
+ .title = Savienojuma iestatījumi
+ .style =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] width: 45em !important
+ *[other] width: 45em !important
+ }
+connection-proxy-legend = Lai piekļūtu internetam, iestatiet starpniekserverus
+proxy-type-no =
+ .label = Nav starpniekservera
+ .accesskey = N
+proxy-type-wpad =
+ .label = Automātiski noteikt starpniekservera iestatījumus šim tīklam
+ .accesskey = A
+proxy-type-system =
+ .label = Izmantot sistēmas starpniekservera iestatījumus
+ .accesskey = s
+proxy-type-manual =
+ .label = Manuāli starpniekservera iestatījumi:
+ .accesskey = M
+proxy-http-label =
+ .value = HTTP starpniekserveris:
+ .accesskey = h
+http-port-label =
+ .value = Ports:
+ .accesskey = p
+proxy-http-sharing =
+ .label = Izmantot šo starpniekserveri arī HTTPS
+ .accesskey = I
+proxy-https-label =
+ .value = HTTPS starpniekserveris:
+ .accesskey = S
+ssl-port-label =
+ .value = Ports:
+ .accesskey = p
+proxy-socks-label =
+ .value = SOCKS mītne:
+ .accesskey = c
+socks-port-label =
+ .value = Ports:
+ .accesskey = t
+proxy-socks4-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v4
+ .accesskey = 4
+proxy-socks5-label =
+ .label = SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = 5
+proxy-type-auto =
+ .label = Automātiskas starpniekservera iestatīšanas URL:
+ .accesskey = A
+proxy-reload-label =
+ .label = Pārlādēt
+ .accesskey = P
+no-proxy-label =
+ .value = Bez starpnieka:
+ .accesskey = b
+no-proxy-example = Piemēram:,,
+# Note: Do not translate localhost, and ::1.
+no-proxy-localhost-label = Savienojumi ar localhost, un :: 1 nekad neiet caur starpnieku.
+proxy-password-prompt =
+ .label = Ja ir saglabāta parole, nejautāt autentifikāciju
+ .accesskey = i
+ .tooltiptext = Šī opcija klusējot autentificē jūs starpniekserveriem, kad esat saglabājis tiem akreditācijas datus. Jums vaicās, ja autentifikācija neizdosies.
+proxy-remote-dns =
+ .label = Starpniekservera DNS izmantojot SOCKS v5
+ .accesskey = 5
+proxy-enable-doh =
+ .label = Ieslēgt DNS caur HTTPS
+ .accesskey = H
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e8abe39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/cookies.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+cookies-window-dialog =
+ .title = Sīkfaili
+ .style = width: 36em;
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+window-focus-search-key =
+ .key = f
+window-focus-search-alt-key =
+ .key = k
+filter-search-label =
+ .value = Meklēt:
+ .accesskey = M
+cookies-on-system-label = Jūsu datorā ir saglabātas šādi sīkfaili:
+treecol-site-header =
+ .label = Vietne
+treecol-name-header =
+ .label = Sīkfaila nosaukums
+props-name-label =
+ .value = Nosaukums:
+props-value-label =
+ .value = Saturs:
+props-domain-label =
+ .value = Mītne:
+props-path-label =
+ .value = Ceļš:
+props-secure-label =
+ .value = Sūtīt:
+props-expires-label =
+ .value = Derīgums:
+props-container-label =
+ .value = Konteiners:
+remove-cookie-button =
+ .label = Noņemt sīkfailu
+ .accesskey = N
+remove-all-cookies-button =
+ .label = Noņemt visus sīkfailus
+ .accesskey = v
+cookie-close-button =
+ .label = Aizvērt
+ .accesskey = A
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dd88c0729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/dock-options.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+dock-options-window-dialog =
+ .title = Lietotnes ikonu iespējas
+ .style = width: 40em;
+bounce-system-dock-icon =
+ .label = Pienākot jaunai vēstulei, animēt lietotnes ikonu
+ .accesskey = a
+dock-icon-legend = Lietotnes ikonas žetons
+dock-icon-show-label =
+ .value = Lietotnes ikonas žetons:
+count-unread-messages-radio =
+ .label = Nelasītu vēstuļu skaits
+ .accesskey = N
+count-new-messages-radio =
+ .label = Jaunu vēstuļu skaits
+ .accesskey = J
+notification-settings-info = Jūs varat atslēgt žetonus Sistēmas iespējās rūtī Paziņojumi.
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17baecf60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/fonts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+fonts-window-close =
+ .key = w
+# Variables:
+# $name {string, "Arial"} - Name of the default font
+fonts-label-default =
+ .label = Noklusētais ({ $name })
+fonts-label-default-unnamed =
+ .label = Noklusētais
+fonts-encoding-dialog-title =
+ .title = Fonti un kodējumi
+fonts-language-legend =
+ .value = Fonti:
+ .accesskey = t
+fonts-proportional-label =
+ .value = Proporcionāli:
+ .accesskey = P
+## Languages
+# Note: Translate "Latin" as the name of Latin (Roman) script, not as the name of the Latin language.
+font-language-group-latin =
+ .label = Latīņu
+font-language-group-japanese =
+ .label = Japāņu
+font-language-group-trad-chinese =
+ .label = Tradicionālā Ķīniešu (Taivāna)
+font-language-group-simpl-chinese =
+ .label = Vienkāršotā Ķīniešu
+font-language-group-trad-chinese-hk =
+ .label = Tradicionālā ķīniešu (Honkonga)
+font-language-group-korean =
+ .label = Korejiešu
+font-language-group-cyrillic =
+ .label = Kirilica
+font-language-group-el =
+ .label = Grieķu
+font-language-group-other =
+ .label = Citas rakstības sistēmas
+font-language-group-thai =
+ .label = Taju
+font-language-group-hebrew =
+ .label = Ivrits
+font-language-group-arabic =
+ .label = Arābu
+font-language-group-devanagari =
+ .label = Devanagari
+font-language-group-tamil =
+ .label = Tamilu
+font-language-group-armenian =
+ .label = Armēņu
+font-language-group-bengali =
+ .label = Bengāļu
+font-language-group-canadian =
+ .label = Apvienotā Kanādas Silabārija
+font-language-group-ethiopic =
+ .label = Etiopiešu
+font-language-group-georgian =
+ .label = Gruzīnu
+font-language-group-gujarati =
+ .label = Gudžaratu
+font-language-group-gurmukhi =
+ .label = Gurmuku
+font-language-group-khmer =
+ .label = Khmeru
+font-language-group-malayalam =
+ .label = Malajalamu
+font-language-group-math =
+ .label = Matemātika
+font-language-group-odia =
+ .label = Odija
+font-language-group-telugu =
+ .label = Telugu
+font-language-group-kannada =
+ .label = Kannada
+font-language-group-sinhala =
+ .label = Singāļu
+font-language-group-tibetan =
+ .label = Tibetiešu
+## Default font type
+default-font-serif =
+ .label = Serif
+default-font-sans-serif =
+ .label = Sans Serif
+font-size-label =
+ .value = Izmērs:
+ .accesskey = i
+font-size-monospace-label =
+ .value = Izmērs:
+ .accesskey = i
+font-serif-label =
+ .value = Serif:
+ .accesskey = S
+font-sans-serif-label =
+ .value = Sans-serif
+ .accesskey = n
+font-monospace-label =
+ .value = Vienplatuma:
+ .accesskey = V
+font-min-size-label =
+ .value = Minimālais fonta izmērs:
+ .accesskey = z
+min-size-none =
+ .label = Nav
+## Fonts in message
+font-control-legend = Fontu vadība
+use-document-fonts-checkbox =
+ .label = Ļaut ziņām izmantot citus fontus
+ .accesskey = a
+use-fixed-width-plain-checkbox =
+ .label = Vienkārša teksta ziņām izmantot vienāda platuma fontu
+ .accesskey = V
+## Language settings
+text-encoding-legend = Teksta kodējums
+text-encoding-description = Iestatīt noklusēto teksta kodējumu pasta sūtīšanai un saņemšanai
+font-outgoing-email-label =
+ .value = Izejošais pasts:
+ .accesskey = e
+font-incoming-email-label =
+ .value = Ienākošais pasts:
+ .accesskey = n
+default-font-reply-checkbox =
+ .label = Ja iespējams, atbildēs izmantot noklusēto teksta kodējumu
+ .accesskey = n
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce972ffeb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/languages.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+languages-customize-moveup =
+ .label = Pārvietot augšup
+ .accesskey = a
+languages-customize-movedown =
+ .label = Pārvietot lejup
+ .accesskey = l
+languages-customize-remove =
+ .label = Noņemt
+ .accesskey = N
+languages-customize-select-language =
+ .placeholder = Atlasiet pievienojamo valodu…
+languages-customize-add =
+ .label = Pievienot
+ .accesskey = P
+messenger-languages-window =
+ .title = { -brand-short-name } valodu iestatījumi
+ .style = width: 40em
+messenger-languages-description = { -brand-short-name } rādīs pirmo valodu kā noklusēto un, vajadzības gadījumā, rādīs alternatīvas valodas norādītajā secībā.
+messenger-languages-search = Meklēt citas valodas…
+messenger-languages-searching =
+ .label = Meklē valodas…
+messenger-languages-downloading =
+ .label = Lejuplādē…
+messenger-languages-select-language =
+ .label = Atlasiet pievienojamo valodu…
+ .placeholder = Atlasiet pievienojamo valodu…
+messenger-languages-installed-label = Uzstādītās valodas
+messenger-languages-available-label = Pieejamās valodas
+messenger-languages-error = { -brand-short-name } pašlaik neizdodas atjaunot jūsu valodas. Pārbaudiet, vai ir savienojums ar internetu, un mēģiniet vēlreiz.
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0a9db27af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/new-tag.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+tag-dialog-window =
+ .title = Jauna birka
+tag-name-label =
+ .value = Birkas nosaukums:
+ .accesskey = B
+tag-color-label =
+ .value = Krāsa:
+ .accesskey = K
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c619b4bf32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/notifications.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+notifications-dialog-window =
+ .title = Pielāgot jauna pasta ziņojumu
+customize-alert-description = Izvēlieties paziņojumā rādāmos laukus:
+preview-text-checkbox =
+ .label = Paziņojuma priekšskata teksts
+ .accesskey = P
+subject-checkbox =
+ .label = Tēma
+ .accesskey = T
+sender-checkbox =
+ .label = Sūtītājs
+ .accesskey = S
+## Note: open-time-label-before is displayed first, then there's a field where
+## the user can enter a number, and open-time-label-after is displayed at the end
+## of the line. The translations of the open-time-label-before and open-time-label-after
+## parts don't have to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead
+## to translate the whole sentence.
+open-time-label-before =
+ .value = Rādīt jauna pasta paziņojumu
+ .accesskey = R
+open-time-label-after =
+ .value = sekundes
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc00ba6210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/offline.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+offline-dialog-window =
+ .title = Nesaistes iestatījumi
+autodetect-online-label =
+ .label = Automātiski sekot vai parādās tiešsaiste
+ .accesskey = A
+startup-label = Manuāls stāvoklis, startējot:
+status-radio-remember =
+ .label = Atcerēties iepriekšējo tiešsaistes stāvokli
+ .accesskey = t
+status-radio-ask =
+ .label = Jautāt par tiešsaistes stāvokli
+ .accesskey = J
+status-radio-always-online =
+ .label = Tiešsaistē
+ .accesskey = T
+status-radio-always-offline =
+ .label = Bezsaistē
+ .accesskey = e
+going-online-label = Vai, dodoties nesaistē, nosūtīt nesūtītās vēstules?
+going-online-auto =
+ .label = Jā
+ .accesskey = J
+going-online-not =
+ .label = Nē
+ .accesskey = N
+going-online-ask =
+ .label = Jautāt
+ .accesskey = a
+going-offline-label = Vai, dodoties nesaistē, lejuplādēt vēstules lietošanai nesaistē?
+going-offline-auto =
+ .label = Jā
+ .accesskey = J
+going-offline-not =
+ .label = Nē
+ .accesskey = N
+going-offline-ask =
+ .label = Jautāt
+ .accesskey = a
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..63ef86e715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/passwordManager.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+saved-logins =
+ .title = Saglabātie pieteikumvārdi
+window-close =
+ .key = w
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-altshortcut =
+ .key = k
+copy-provider-url-cmd =
+ .label = Kopēt URL
+ .accesskey = K
+copy-username-cmd =
+ .label = Kopēt lietotājvārdu
+ .accesskey = l
+edit-username-cmd =
+ .label = Rediģēt lietotājvārdu
+ .accesskey = R
+copy-password-cmd =
+ .label = Kopēt paroli
+ .accesskey = p
+edit-password-cmd =
+ .label = Rediģēt paroli
+ .accesskey = e
+search-filter =
+ .accesskey = S
+ .placeholder = Meklēt
+column-heading-provider =
+ .label = Sniedzējs
+column-heading-username =
+ .label = Lietotājvārds
+column-heading-password =
+ .label = Parole
+column-heading-time-created =
+ .label = Pirmo reizi izmantots
+column-heading-time-last-used =
+ .label = Pēdējo reizi izmantots
+column-heading-time-password-changed =
+ .label = Pēdējoreiz mainīts
+column-heading-times-used =
+ .label = Izmantošanu skaits
+remove =
+ .label = Noņemt
+ .accesskey = N
+import =
+ .label = Importēt…
+ .accesskey = I
+close-button =
+ .label = Aizvērt
+ .accesskey = A
+show-passwords =
+ .label = Rādīt paroles
+ .accesskey = R
+hide-passwords =
+ .label = Slēpt paroles
+ .accesskey = S
+logins-description-all = Datorā ir saglabāti šādu pakalpojumu sniedzēju pieteikumvārdi
+logins-description-filtered = Jūsu meklējumam atbilst šādi pietiekumvārdi:
+remove-all =
+ .label = Noņemt visus
+ .accesskey = N
+remove-all-shown =
+ .label = Noņemt visus parādītos
+ .accesskey = v
+remove-all-passwords-prompt = Vai tiešām vēlaties noņemt visas paroles?
+remove-all-passwords-title = Noņemt visas paroles
+no-master-password-prompt = Vai tiešām vēlaties parādīt jūsu paroles?
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to show or copy the passwords.
+password-os-auth-dialog-message = Lai atklātu saglabātās paroles, pierādiet savu identitāti.
+# This message can be seen by trying to show or copy the passwords.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Thunderbird is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = atklāt saglabātās paroles
+# Don't change this label.
+password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5624e71be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/permissions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+permissions-reminder-window =
+ .title = Izņēmumi
+ .style = width: 45em;
+window-close-key =
+ .key = w
+website-address-label =
+ .value = Vietnes adrese:
+ .accesskey = V
+block-button =
+ .label = Liegt
+ .accesskey = L
+allow-session-button =
+ .label = Ļaut sesijai
+ .accesskey = s
+allow-button =
+ .label = Ļaut
+ .accesskey = a
+treehead-sitename-label =
+ .label = Vietne
+treehead-status-label =
+ .label = Statuss
+remove-site-button =
+ .label = Noņemt vietni
+ .accesskey = N
+remove-all-site-button =
+ .label = Noņemt visas vietnes
+ .accesskey = v
+cancel-button =
+ .label = Atcelt
+ .accesskey = A
+save-button =
+ .label = Saglabāt izmaiņas
+ .accesskey = S
+permission-can-label = Atļaut
+permission-can-access-first-party-label = Ļaut tikai pirmajai pusei
+permission-can-session-label = Ļaut sesijai
+permission-cannot-label = Liegt
+invalid-uri-message = Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu vietnes nosaukumu
+invalid-uri-title = Ievadīts nederīgs mītnes nosaukums
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c57de60dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/preferences.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+close-button =
+ .aria-label = Aizvērt
+preferences-title =
+ .title =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Opcijas
+ *[other] Iestatījumi
+ }
+category-list =
+ .aria-label = Kategorijas
+pane-general-title = Vispārīgi
+category-general =
+ .tooltiptext = { pane-general-title }
+pane-compose-title = Salikšana
+category-compose =
+ .tooltiptext = Salikšana
+pane-privacy-title = Privātums un drošība
+category-privacy =
+ .tooltiptext = Privātums un drošība
+pane-chat-title = Tērzēšana
+category-chat =
+ .tooltiptext = Tērzēšana
+pane-calendar-title = Kalendārs
+category-calendar =
+ .tooltiptext = Kalendārs
+general-language-and-appearance-header = Valoda un izskats
+general-incoming-mail-header = Ienākošās vēstules
+general-files-and-attachment-header = Faili un pielikumi
+general-tags-header = Birkas
+general-reading-and-display-header = Lasīšana un attēlošana
+general-updates-header = Atjaunojumi
+general-network-and-diskspace-header = Tīkls un diska vieta
+general-indexing-label = Indeksēšana
+composition-category-header = Salikšana
+composition-attachments-header = Pielikumi
+composition-spelling-title = Pareizrakstība
+compose-html-style-title = HTML stils
+composition-addressing-header = Adresēšana
+privacy-main-header = Privātums
+privacy-passwords-header = Paroles
+privacy-junk-header = Draza
+collection-header = { -brand-short-name } datu vākšana un izmantošana
+collection-description = Mēs cenšamies sniegt jums izvēles iespējas un apkopot tikai to, kas mums ir nepieciešams, lai { -brand-short-name } nodrošinātu un uzlabotu ikvienam. Pirms personīgās informācijas sūtīšanas mēs vienmēr lūdzam atļauju.
+collection-privacy-notice = Privātuma atruna
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled = Jūs vairs neļaujat { -vendor-short-name } uzņemt tehniskos un mijiedarbības datus. Visi iepriekšējie dati tiks dzēsti 30 dienu laikā.
+collection-health-report-telemetry-disabled-link = Uzzināt vairāk
+collection-health-report =
+ .label = Ļaut { -brand-short-name } nosūtīt tehniskos un mijiedarbības datus uz vietni { -vendor-short-name }
+ .accesskey = s
+collection-health-report-link = Uzzināt vairāk
+# This message is displayed above disabled data sharing options in developer builds
+# or builds with no Telemetry support available.
+collection-health-report-disabled = Šī būvējuma iestatījumos datu pārskati ir atslēgti
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports =
+ .label = Ļaut { -brand-short-name } jūsu vārdā nosūtīt ierakstītos avārijas ziņojumus
+ .accesskey = j
+collection-backlogged-crash-reports-link = Uzzināt vairāk
+privacy-security-header = Drošība
+privacy-scam-detection-title = Krāpšanas noteikšana
+privacy-anti-virus-title = Vīrusu aizsardzība
+privacy-certificates-title = Sertifikāti
+chat-pane-header = Tērzēšana
+chat-status-title = Statuss
+chat-notifications-title = Paziņojumi
+chat-pane-styling-header = Stils
+choose-messenger-language-description = Izvēlieties { -brand-short-name } izmantojamās valodas izvēļņu, brīdinājumu un paziņojumu rādīšanai.
+manage-messenger-languages-button =
+ .label = Iestatīt alternatīvas...
+ .accesskey = s
+confirm-messenger-language-change-description = Pārstartēt { -brand-short-name }, lai pielietotu izmaiņas
+confirm-messenger-language-change-button = Pielietot un pārstartēt
+update-setting-write-failure-title = Saglabājot atjaunotos iestatījumus, radās kļūda
+# Variables:
+# $path (String) - Path to the configuration file
+# The newlines between the main text and the line containing the path is
+# intentional so the path is easier to identify.
+update-setting-write-failure-message =
+ { -brand-short-name } radās kļūda un šīs izmaiņas netika saglabātas. Ņemiet vērā, ka, lai saglabāto atjaunotos iestatījumus, ir nepieciešamas tiesības rakstīt zemāk esošajā failā. Iespējams, jūs vai jūsu sistēmas administrators, varēsit novērst kļūdu, piešķirot Lietotājs grupai pilnu kontroli pār šo failu.
+ Neizdevās rakstīt failā: { $path }
+update-in-progress-title = Notiek atjaunošana
+update-in-progress-message = Vai vēlaties, lai { -brand-short-name } turpina lietot šo atjaunojumu?
+update-in-progress-ok-button = &Izmest
+# Continue is the cancel button so pressing escape or using a platform standard
+# method of closing the UI will not discard the update.
+update-in-progress-cancel-button = &Turpināt
+account-button = Konta iestatījumi
+addons-button = Paplašinājumi un tēmas
+## OS Authentication dialog
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Master Password.
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Lai izveidotu galveno paroli, ievadiet Windows pieteikšanās akreditācijas datus. Tas palīdz sargāt jūsu kontu drošību.
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Master Password.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Thunderbird is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = Izveidot galveno paroli
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-win = Lai izveidotu galveno paroli, ievadiet Windows pieteikšanās akreditācijas datus. Tas palīdz aizsargāt jūsu kontu drošību.
+# This message can be seen by trying to add a Primary Password.
+# The macOS strings are preceded by the operating system with "Thunderbird is trying to "
+# and includes subtitle of "Enter password for the user "xxx" to allow this." These
+# notes are only valid for English. Please test in your locale.
+primary-password-os-auth-dialog-message-macosx = izveidot primāro paroli
+# Don't change this label.
+master-password-os-auth-dialog-caption = { -brand-full-name }
+## General Tab
+focus-search-shortcut =
+ .key = f
+focus-search-shortcut-alt =
+ .key = k
+general-legend = { -brand-short-name } Sākumlapa
+start-page-label =
+ .label = Palaižot { -brand-short-name }, vēstuļu apgabalā rādīt šo Sākumlapu
+ .accesskey = P
+location-label =
+ .value = Vieta:
+ .accesskey = v
+restore-default-label =
+ .label = Atjaunot noklusētos
+ .accesskey = A
+default-search-engine = Noklusētais meklētājs
+add-search-engine =
+ .label = Pievienot no faila
+ .accesskey = P
+remove-search-engine =
+ .label = Noņemt
+ .accesskey = N
+minimize-to-tray-label =
+ .label = Minimizējot { -brand-short-name }, pārvietot to uz paplāti
+ .accesskey = M
+new-message-arrival = Kad pienāk jaunas vēstules:
+mail-play-sound-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Atskaņot sekojošu skaņas failu:
+ *[other] Atskaņot skaņu
+ }
+ .accesskey = s
+mail-play-button =
+ .label = Atskaņot
+ .accesskey = A
+change-dock-icon = Mainīt lietotnes ikonas iestatījumus
+app-icon-options =
+ .label = Lietotnes ikonas iespējas…
+ .accesskey = L
+notification-settings = Brīdinājumus un noklusēto skaņu var atslēgt sistēmas iestatījumos rūtī Paziņojumi.
+animated-alert-label =
+ .label = Rādīt brīdinājumu
+ .accesskey = R
+customize-alert-label =
+ .label = Pielāgot…
+ .accesskey = P
+tray-icon-label =
+ .label = Rādīt paplātes ikonu
+ .accesskey = p
+mail-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Jauna pasta noklusētā sistēmas skaņa
+ .accesskey = s
+mail-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Izmantot sekojošu skaņas failu
+ .accesskey = I
+mail-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Pārlūkot...
+ .accesskey = P
+enable-gloda-search-label =
+ .label = Ieslēgt globālo meklēšanu un indeksētāju
+ .accesskey = m
+datetime-formatting-legend = Datuma un laika formatēšana
+language-selector-legend = Valoda
+allow-hw-accel =
+ .label = Ja pieejams, izmantot aparatūrisku paātrinājumu
+ .accesskey = J
+store-type-label =
+ .value = Jaunu kontu vēstuļu krātuves veids:
+ .accesskey = k
+mbox-store-label =
+ .label = Fails vienai mapei (mbox)
+maildir-store-label =
+ .label = Fails vienai vēstulei (maildir)
+scrolling-legend = Ritināšana
+autoscroll-label =
+ .label = Lietot autoritināšanu
+ .accesskey = r
+smooth-scrolling-label =
+ .label = Lietot plūdeno ritināšanu
+ .accesskey = p
+system-integration-legend = Sistēmas integrācija
+always-check-default =
+ .label = Startēšanas laikā vienmēr pārbaudīt vai { -brand-short-name } ir noklusētais pasta klients
+ .accesskey = S
+check-default-button =
+ .label = Pārbaudīt tagad…
+ .accesskey = P
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows Search
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+search-integration-label =
+ .label = Ļaut { search-engine-name } meklēt vēstules
+ .accesskey = m
+config-editor-button =
+ .label = Iestatījumu redaktors…
+ .accesskey = I
+return-receipts-description = Noteikt, kā { -brand-short-name } apstrādā saņemšanas apstiprinājumus
+return-receipts-button =
+ .label = Saņemšanas apliecinājums…
+ .accesskey = S
+update-app-legend = { -brand-short-name } atjaunojumi
+# Variables:
+# $version (String): version of Thunderbird, e.g. 68.0.1
+update-app-version = Versija { $version }
+allow-description = Ļaut { -brand-short-name }
+automatic-updates-label =
+ .label = Automātiski uzstādīt atjaunojumus (ieteicams: uzlabota drošība)
+ .accesskey = A
+check-updates-label =
+ .label = Pārbaudīt atjaunojumus, bet ļaut izvēlēties, vai tos uzstādīt
+ .accesskey = r
+update-history-button =
+ .label = Parādīt atjaunojumu vēsturi
+ .accesskey = v
+use-service =
+ .label = Atjaunojumu uzstādīšanai izmantot fona pakalpojumu
+ .accesskey = f
+cross-user-udpate-warning = Izmantojot šo { -brand-short-name } uzstādījumu, šis iestatījums tiks piemērots visiem Windows kontiem un { -brand-short-name } profiliem.
+networking-legend = Savienojums
+proxy-config-description = Iestatiet, kā { -brand-short-name } izveido savienojumu ar internetu
+network-settings-button =
+ .label = Iestatījumi...
+ .accesskey = I
+offline-legend = Nesaistē
+offline-settings = Mainīt nesaistes iestatījumus
+offline-settings-button =
+ .label = Bezsaistē...
+ .accesskey = B
+diskspace-legend = Diska vieta
+offline-compact-folder =
+ .label = Kad saglabātas, sablīvēt visas mapes
+ .accesskey = s
+compact-folder-size =
+ .value = Kopā MB
+## Note: The entities use-cache-before and use-cache-after appear on a single
+## line in preferences as follows:
+## use-cache-before [ textbox for cache size in MB ] use-cache-after
+use-cache-before =
+ .value = Izmantot līdz
+ .accesskey = l
+use-cache-after = MB vietas kešatmiņai
+smart-cache-label =
+ .label = Ignorēt automātisko kešatmiņas pārvaldību
+ .accesskey = I
+clear-cache-button =
+ .label = Notīrīt tagad
+ .accesskey = N
+fonts-legend = Fonti un krāsas
+default-font-label =
+ .value = Noklusētais fonts:
+ .accesskey = N
+default-size-label =
+ .value = Izmērs:
+ .accesskey = I
+font-options-button =
+ .label = Izvērsti…
+ .accesskey = z
+color-options-button =
+ .label = Krāsas...
+ .accesskey = K
+display-width-legend = Vienkārša teksta vēstules
+# Note : convert-emoticons-label 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-)
+convert-emoticons-label =
+ .label = Rādīt emodžus kā grafiku
+ .accesskey = e
+display-text-label = Rādot citētas vienkārša teksta vēstules:
+style-label =
+ .value = Stils:
+ .accesskey = t
+regular-style-item =
+ .label = Parasts
+bold-style-item =
+ .label = Trekns
+italic-style-item =
+ .label = Slīps
+bold-italic-style-item =
+ .label = Trekns slīps
+size-label =
+ .value = Izmērs:
+ .accesskey = z
+regular-size-item =
+ .label = Parasts
+bigger-size-item =
+ .label = Lielāks
+smaller-size-item =
+ .label = Mazāks
+quoted-text-color =
+ .label = Krāsa:
+ .accesskey = K
+search-input =
+ .placeholder = Meklēt
+type-column-label =
+ .label = Satura veids
+ .accesskey = v
+action-column-label =
+ .label = Darbība
+ .accesskey = D
+save-to-label =
+ .label = Saglabāt failus
+ .accesskey = S
+choose-folder-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Izvēlieties…
+ *[other] Izvēlieties…
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] I
+ *[other] I
+ }
+always-ask-label =
+ .label = Vienmēr jautāt, kur glabāt failus
+ .accesskey = V
+display-tags-text = Birkas var izmantot, lai kārtotu vēstules un piešķirtu tām prioritātes.
+new-tag-button =
+ .label = Jauns…
+ .accesskey = J
+edit-tag-button =
+ .label = Rediģēt...
+ .accesskey = e
+delete-tag-button =
+ .label = Dzēst
+ .accesskey = D
+auto-mark-as-read =
+ .label = Automātiski atzīmēt vēstules kā lasītas
+ .accesskey = A
+mark-read-no-delay =
+ .label = Uzreiz parādot
+ .accesskey = U
+## Note: This will concatenate to "After displaying for [___] seconds",
+## using (mark-read-delay) and a number (seconds-label).
+mark-read-delay =
+ .label = Pēc parādīšanas
+ .accesskey = P
+seconds-label = sekundes
+open-msg-label =
+ .value = Atvērt vēstules:
+open-msg-tab =
+ .label = Jaunā cilnē
+ .accesskey = c
+open-msg-window =
+ .label = Jaunā logā
+ .accesskey = l
+open-msg-ex-window =
+ .label = Esošā logā
+ .accesskey = E
+close-move-delete =
+ .label = Aizveriet vēstules logu/cilni, to pārvietojot vai dzēšot
+ .accesskey = A
+display-name-label =
+ .value = Rādāmvārds:
+condensed-addresses-label =
+ .label = Adrešu grāmatā rādīt tikai tikai personas rādāmvārdu
+ .accesskey = r
+## Compose Tab
+forward-label =
+ .value = Pārsūtīt vēstules:
+ .accesskey = P
+inline-label =
+ .label = Iekļauti
+as-attachment-label =
+ .label = Kā pielikumu
+extension-label =
+ .label = Faila nosaukumam pievienot paplašinājumu
+ .accesskey = p
+## Note: This will concatenate to "Auto Save every [___] minutes",
+## using (auto-save-label) and a number (auto-save-end).
+auto-save-label =
+ .label = Automātiski saglabāt katru
+ .accesskey = A
+auto-save-end = minūti
+warn-on-send-accel-key =
+ .label = Apstiprināt, ja vēstules sūtīšanai izmanto īsinājumtaustiņu
+ .accesskey = A
+spellcheck-label =
+ .label = Pirms sūtīšanas pārbaudīt pareizrakstību
+ .accesskey = P
+spellcheck-inline-label =
+ .label = Pareizrakstības pārbaude, rakstot
+ .accesskey = r
+language-popup-label =
+ .value = Valoda:
+ .accesskey = V
+download-dictionaries-link = Lejuplādēt citas vārdnīcas
+font-label =
+ .value = Fonts:
+ .accesskey = F
+font-size-label =
+ .value = Izmērs:
+ .accesskey = I
+default-colors-label =
+ .label = Lietot lasītāja noklusētās krāsas
+ .accesskey = n
+font-color-label =
+ .value = Teksta krāsa:
+ .accesskey = T
+bg-color-label =
+ .value = Fona krāsa:
+ .accesskey = F
+restore-html-label =
+ .label = Atjaunot sākotnējos
+ .accesskey = A
+default-format-label =
+ .label = Noklusēti pamatteksta vietā izmantot rindkopas formātu
+ .accesskey = p
+format-description = Iestatīt teksta formāta darbību
+send-options-label =
+ .label = Sūtīšanas iespējas…
+ .accesskey = S
+autocomplete-description = Adresējot vēstules, meklēt atbilstošus ierakstus:
+ab-label =
+ .label = Vietējās adrešu grāmatās
+ .accesskey = V
+directories-label =
+ .label = Kataloga serverī:
+ .accesskey = K
+directories-none-label =
+ .none = Nekur
+edit-directories-label =
+ .label = Rediģēt mapes…
+ .accesskey = R
+email-picker-label =
+ .label = Automātiski pievienot izejošās epasta adreses:
+ .accesskey = A
+default-directory-label =
+ .value = Noklusētā sākotnējā mape adrešu grāmatas logā:
+ .accesskey = N
+default-last-label =
+ .none = Pēdējoreiz lietotā mape
+attachment-label =
+ .label = Pārbaudīt, vai trūkst pielikumu
+ .accesskey = P
+attachment-options-label =
+ .label = Atslēgvārdi…
+ .accesskey = A
+enable-cloud-share =
+ .label = Piedāvāt kopīgot failus, kuru lielums pārsniedz
+cloud-share-size =
+ .value = MB
+add-cloud-account =
+ .label = Pievienot…
+ .accesskey = P
+ .defaultlabel = Pievienot…
+remove-cloud-account =
+ .label = Noņemt
+ .accesskey = N
+find-cloud-providers =
+ .value = Meklēt citus sniedzējus…
+cloud-account-description = Pievienot jaunu Filelink krātuves pakalpojumu
+## Privacy Tab
+mail-content = Pasta saturs
+remote-content-label =
+ .label = Ļaut attālo saturu vēstulēs
+ .accesskey = a
+exceptions-button =
+ .label = Izņēmumi…
+ .accesskey = I
+remote-content-info =
+ .value = Uzzināt vairāk par attālā satura privātuma lietām
+web-content = Tīmekļa saturs
+history-label =
+ .label = Atcerēties apmeklētās vietnes un saites
+ .accesskey = A
+cookies-label =
+ .label = Pieņemt sīkfailus no vietnēm
+ .accesskey = P
+third-party-label =
+ .value = Pieņemt trešo pušu sīkfailus:
+ .accesskey = t
+third-party-always =
+ .label = Vienmēr
+third-party-never =
+ .label = Nekad
+third-party-visited =
+ .label = No apmeklētajām
+keep-label =
+ .value = Glabāt līdz:
+ .accesskey = G
+keep-expire =
+ .label = beidzas derīgums
+keep-close =
+ .label = Aizver { -brand-short-name }
+keep-ask =
+ .label = vienmēr jautāt
+cookies-button =
+ .label = Rādīt sīkfailus…
+ .accesskey = R
+do-not-track-label =
+ .label = Sūtot signālu “Nesekot” norādīt vietnēm, ka nevēlaties, lai jūs izseko
+ .accesskey = N
+learn-button =
+ .label = Uzzināt vairāk
+passwords-description = { -brand-short-name } var atcerēties paroles visiem jūsu kontiem.
+passwords-button =
+ .label = Saglabātās paroles…
+ .accesskey = S
+master-password-description = Galvenā parole aizsargā visas jūsu paroles, bet sesijas laikā tā jāievada tikai vienreiz.
+master-password-label =
+ .label = Lietot galveno paroli
+ .accesskey = L
+master-password-button =
+ .label = Mainīt galveno paroli…
+ .accesskey = M
+primary-password-description = Galvenā parole aizsargā visas jūsu paroles, bet sesijas laikā tā jāievada tikai vienreiz.
+primary-password-label =
+ .label = Lietot galveno paroli
+ .accesskey = L
+primary-password-button =
+ .label = Mainīt galveno paroli…
+ .accesskey = M
+forms-primary-pw-fips-title = Šobrīd jūs esat FIPS režīmā. FIPS pieprasa netukšu galveno paroli.
+forms-master-pw-fips-desc = Paroles maiņa neizdevās
+junk-description = Iestatiet noklusētos drazas pasta iestatījumus. Noteikta konta drazas pasta iestatījumus var mainīt Konta iestatījumos.
+junk-label =
+ .label = Atzīmējot vēstuli kā drazu:
+ .accesskey = A
+junk-move-label =
+ .label = Pārvietot tās uz konta "Draza" mapi
+ .accesskey = P
+junk-delete-label =
+ .label = Dzēst tās
+ .accesskey = D
+junk-read-label =
+ .label = Vēstules, kas atzīmētas kā draza, padarīt lasītas
+ .accesskey = a
+junk-log-label =
+ .label = Ieslēgt adaptīvā drazas filtra žurnalēšanu
+ .accesskey = I
+junk-log-button =
+ .label = Rādīt žurnālu
+ .accesskey = R
+reset-junk-button =
+ .label = Atstatīt apmācības datus
+ .accesskey = A
+phishing-description = { -brand-short-name } var novērtēt vēstules par iespējamu krāpniecību, meklējot izplatītus maldināšanas paņēmienus.
+phishing-label =
+ .label = Teikt, ka vēstule izskatās krāpnieciska
+ .accesskey = T
+antivirus-description = { -brand-short-name } var atvieglot pretvīrusu programmu darbību, novērtējot, vai vēstules satur vīrusus, pirms tās saglabāt lokāli.
+antivirus-label =
+ .label = Ļaut pretvīrusu programmām ievietot karantīnā atsevišķas ienākošās vēstules
+ .accesskey = p
+certificate-description = Kad serveris pieprasa jūsu personīgo sertifikātu:
+certificate-auto =
+ .label = Izvēlēties automātiski
+ .accesskey = I
+certificate-ask =
+ .label = Vienmēr jautāt
+ .accesskey = V
+ocsp-label =
+ .label = Vaicāt OCSP atbildes serveriem, lai pārbaudītu esošo sertifikātu derīgumu
+ .accesskey = a
+certificate-button =
+ .label = Pārvaldīt sertifikātus…
+ .accesskey = P
+security-devices-button =
+ .label = Drošības ierīces…
+ .accesskey = D
+## Chat Tab
+startup-label =
+ .value = Palaižoties { -brand-short-name }:
+ .accesskey = P
+offline-label =
+ .label = Saglabāt tērzēšanas kontus nesaistē
+auto-connect-label =
+ .label = Automātiski savienot tērzēšanas kontus
+## Note: idle-label is displayed first, then there's a field where the user
+## can enter a number, and itemTime is displayed at the end of the line.
+## The translations of the idle-label and idle-time-label parts don't have
+## to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead to
+## translate the whole sentence.
+idle-label =
+ .label = Ļaujiet kontaktiem zināt, ka esat dīkstāvē
+ .accesskey = d
+idle-time-label = bezdarbības minūtēm
+away-message-label =
+ .label = un iestatīt statusu Prom ar šo statusa ziņojumu:
+ .accesskey = u
+send-typing-label =
+ .label = Sarunās sūtīt rakstīšanas paziņojumu
+ .accesskey = S
+notification-label = Kad pienāk jums adresētas ziņas:
+show-notification-label =
+ .label = Rādīt paziņojumu:
+ .accesskey = R
+notification-all =
+ .label = ar sūtītāja vārdu un ziņas priekšskatu
+notification-name =
+ .label = tikai ar sūtītāja vārdu
+notification-empty =
+ .label = bez informācijas
+notification-type-label =
+ .label =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Animēt palodzes ikonu
+ *[other] Animēt palodzes ikonu
+ }
+ .accesskey =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] A
+ *[other] A
+ }
+chat-play-sound-label =
+ .label = Atskaņot skaņu
+ .accesskey = s
+chat-play-button =
+ .label = Atskaņot
+ .accesskey = s
+chat-system-sound-label =
+ .label = Sistēmas noklusētā jaunas ziņas skaņa
+ .accesskey = S
+chat-custom-sound-label =
+ .label = Izmantot sekojošu skaņas failu
+ .accesskey = I
+chat-browse-sound-button =
+ .label = Pārlūkot...
+ .accesskey = P
+theme-label =
+ .value = Tēma:
+ .accesskey = T
+style-thunderbird =
+ .label = Thunderbird
+style-bubbles =
+ .label = Burbuļi
+style-dark =
+ .label = Tumša
+style-paper =
+ .label = Papīra lapas
+style-simple =
+ .label = Vienkārša
+preview-label = Priekšskats:
+no-preview-label = Priekšskats nav pieejams
+no-preview-description = Šī tēma nav derīga vai pašlaik nav pieejama (atspējots papildinājums, drošais režīms, utt.).
+chat-variant-label =
+ .value = Variants:
+ .accesskey = V
+chat-header-label =
+ .label = Rādīt galveni
+ .accesskey = g
+# This is used to determine the width of the search field in about:preferences,
+# in order to make the entire placeholder string visible
+# Please keep the placeholder string short to avoid truncation.
+# Notice: The value of the `.style` attribute is a CSS string, and the `width`
+# is the name of the CSS property. It is intended only to adjust the element's width.
+# Do not translate.
+search-input-box =
+ .style = width: 15.4em
+ .placeholder =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Meklēt iespējās
+ *[other] Meklēt iespējās
+ }
+## Preferences UI Search Results
+search-results-header = Meklēšanas rezultāti
+# `<span data-l10n-name="query"></span>` will be replaced by the search term.
+search-results-empty-message =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [windows] Atvainojiet! “<span data-l10n-name ="query"></span>” iespējās nav rezultātu.
+ *[other] Atvainojiet! “<span data-l10n-name ="query"></span>” iespējās nav rezultātu.
+ }
+search-results-help-link = Vajadzīga palīdzība? Apmeklējiet <a data-l10n-name="url">{ -brand-short-name } atbalstu</a>!
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f52ae3ab6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/receipts.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+receipts-dialog-window =
+ .title = Saņemšanas apliecinājumi
+return-receipt-checkbox =
+ .label = Sūtot vēstules, vienmēr pieprasīt saņemšanas apliecinājumu
+ .acceskey = S
+receipt-arrive-label = Kad pienāk apliecinājums:
+receipt-leave-radio =
+ .label = Atstāt to jūsu iesūtnē
+ .acceskey = A
+receipt-move-radio =
+ .label = Pārvietot to uz mapi “Nosūtīts”
+ .acceskey = P
+receipt-request-label = Kad saņemat saņemšanas apliecinājuma pieprasījumu:
+receipt-return-never-radio =
+ .label = Nekad nesūtīt apliecinājumu
+ .acceskey = N
+receipt-return-some-radio =
+ .label = Ļaut tos dažām vēstulēm
+ .acceskey = d
+receipt-not-to-cc =
+ .value = Ja neesat vēstules vai kopijas saņēmējs:
+ .acceskey = J
+receipt-send-never-label =
+ .label = Nesūtīt nekad
+receipt-send-always-label =
+ .label = Sūtīt vienmēr
+receipt-send-ask-label =
+ .label = Jautāt
+sender-outside-domain =
+ .value = Ja sūtītājs atrodas ārpus jūsu domēna:
+ .acceskey = d
+other-cases-label =
+ .value = Visos citos gadījumos:
+ .acceskey = c
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd861cae1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/sendoptions.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+sendoptions-dialog-window =
+ .title = Sūtīšanas iespējas
+send-mail-title = Teksta formāts
+auto-downgrade-label =
+ .label = Ja iespējams, sūtīt vēstules kā vienkāršu tekstu
+ .accesskey = t
+default-html-format-label = Ja, sūtot vēstules HTML formātā, viens vai vairāki adresāti nav apliecinājuši gatavību saņemt HTML:
+html-format-ask =
+ .label = Jautāt, ko darīt
+ .accesskey = J
+html-format-convert =
+ .label = Pārvērst vēstules par vienkāršu tekstu
+ .accesskey = P
+html-format-send-html =
+ .label = Sūtīt HTML formātā tik un tā
+ .accesskey = H
+html-format-send-both =
+ .label = Sūtīt vēstuli gan teksta, gan HTML formātā
+ .accesskey = g
+default-html-format-info = Piezīme. Lai adresātiem norādītu vēlamos teksta formātus, izmantojiet adrešu grāmatu.
+html-tab-label =
+ .label = HTML domēni
+ .accesskey = H
+plain-tab-label =
+ .label = Vienkārša teksta domēni
+ .accesskey = V
+send-message-domain-label = Nosūtot vēstuli uz adresi ar kādu no sekojošiem domēna nosaukumiem, { -brand-short-name } automātiski sūtīs vēstules pareizā formātā.
+add-domain-button =
+ .label = Pievienot…
+ .accesskey = P
+delete-domain-button =
+ .label = Dzēst
+ .accesskey = D
diff --git a/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55e4d17b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-lv/mail/messenger/preferences/system-integration.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+system-integration-title =
+ .title = Sistēmas integrācija
+system-integration-dialog =
+ .buttonlabelaccept = Iestatīt kā noklusēto
+ .buttonlabelcancel = Izlaist integrāciju
+ .buttonlabelcancel2 = Atcelt
+default-client-intro = Izmantot { -brand-short-name } kā noklusēto klientu:
+unset-default-tooltip = Nav iespējams { -brand-short-name } noņemt kā noklusēto klientu, darbojoties { -brand-short-name }. Lai padarītu par noklusēto citu lietotni, ir jāizmanto tās 'Iestatīt kā noklusēto' dialogs.
+checkbox-email-label =
+ .label = Epasts
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-newsgroups-label =
+ .label = Ziņu grupas
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-feeds-label =
+ .label = Plūsmas
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+checkbox-calendar-label =
+ .label = Kalendārs
+ .tooltiptext = { unset-default-tooltip }
+# Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms.
+# Platforms that don't support it should be left blank.
+system-search-engine-name =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] Spotlight
+ [windows] Windows Search
+ *[other] { "" }
+ }
+system-search-integration-label =
+ .label = Ļaut { system-search-engine-name } meklēt vēstules
+ .accesskey = m
+check-on-startup-label =
+ .label = Vienmēr veikt šo pārbaudi, palaižot { -brand-short-name }
+ .accesskey = V