path: root/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..73bf1c19cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!-- address labels -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE addressingWidgetOverlay.dtd The basic mail/news composition headers as they are seen in UI -->
+<!ENTITY toAddr.label "Til:">
+<!ENTITY ccAddr.label "Kopi til:">
+<!ENTITY bccAddr.label "Blindkopi til:">
+<!ENTITY replyAddr.label "Svar til:">
+<!ENTITY newsgroupsAddr.label "Nyheitsgruppe:">
+<!ENTITY followupAddr.label "Oppfølging til:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6b88d5ced
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/askSendFormat.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE askSendFormat.dtd UI for dialog that asks the user, which format to use for sending a message -->
+<!ENTITY send.label "Send">
+<!ENTITY send.accesskey "S">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f99398c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b7485e5178
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# The following are used by the compose back end
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (unableToOpenFile, unableToOpenTmpFile):
+## %S will be replaced with the name of file that could not be opened
+unableToOpenFile=Klarte ikkje å opne fila %S.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingFromCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingDataCommand): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingMessage): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpServerError): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (communicationsError): argument %d is the error code
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (tcpReadError): argument %s is the network error
+errorReadingFile=Feil ved lesing av fil.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorAttachingFile): argument %S is the file name/URI of object to be attached
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (incorrectSmtpGreeting): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) greeting
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorSendingRcptCommand): argument %1$S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response, argument %2$S is the intended message recipient.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (startTlsFailed): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPasswordUndefined): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP) account
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpTempSizeExceeded): argument %s is the Outgoing server (SMTP) response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded1): argument %d is the Outgoing server (SMTP) size limit
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpPermSizeExceeded2): argument %s is the server's response
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownServer): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendRequestRefused): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendInterrupted): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendTimeout): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpSendFailedUnknownReason): argument %S is the Outgoing server (SMTP)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainNoSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthEncryptToPlainSsl): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpHintAuthPlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthFailure): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthGssapi): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (smtpAuthenticationNotSupported): %S is the server hostname
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorIllegalLocalPart): %s is an email address with an illegal localpart
+## Strings used for the save message dialog shown when the user closes a message compose window
+saveDlogTitle=Lagre melding
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveDlogMessages2): Do not translate the words %1$S and \n.
+## %1$S is replaced by the folder name configured for saving drafts (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## Translate "Compose" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" below.
+## generics string
+chooseFileToAttach=Legg ved fil(er)
+## String used by the dialog that asks the user to enter a subject
+sendMsgTitle=Send melding
+## String used by the dialog that informs the user about the newsgroup recipient
+## String used by the alert that tells the user an e-mail address is invalid
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressInvalid): %1$S is the email address
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (undisclosedRecipients): this string must use only US_ASCII characters
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message
+messageAttachmentSafeName=Vedlagd melding
+## String used for attachment pretty name, when the attachment is a message part
+## String used by the Initialization Error dialog
+## String used if the file to attach does not exist when passed as
+## a command line argument
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorFileAttachMessage): %1$S will be replaced by the non-existent file name. Do not translate
+## Strings used by the Save as Draft/Template dialog
+SaveDialogTitle=Lagre melding
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (SaveDialogMsg): %1$S is the folder name, %2$S is the host name
+## Strings used by the prompt when Quitting while in progress
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (quitComposeWindowMessage): don't translate \n
+## Strings used by the prompt for Ctrl-Enter check before sending message
+sendMessageCheckWindowTitle=Send melding
+assemblingMessage=Set saman melding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (gatheringAttachment): argument %S is the file name/URI of attachment
+gatheringAttachment=Legg ved %S…
+creatingMailMessage=Lagar e-postmelding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyMessageStart): argument %S is the folder name
+copyMessageStart=Kopierer melding til mappa %S…
+copyMessageComplete=Kopiering fullført.
+copyMessageFailed=Mislykka kopiering.
+filterMessageComplete=Filter fullført.
+filterMessageFailed=Mislykka filtrering.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (largeMessageSendWarning):
+## %S is the message size in user-friendly notation. Do not translate.
+sendingMessage=Sender melding…
+postingMessage=Postar melding…
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSaving): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (failureOnObjectEmbeddingWhileSending): argument %.200S is the file name/URI of object to be embedded
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle): #1 is the author (name of person replying to)
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle=#1 skreiv:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote=Den #2 #3, skreiv #1:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate): #1 is the author, #2 is the date, #3 is the time
+mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate=#1 skreiv den #2 #3:
+## reply header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage=-------- Original melding --------
+## forwarded header in composeMsg
+## user specified
+mailnews.forward_header_originalmessage=-------- Vidaresendt melding --------
+## Strings used by the rename attachment dialog
+renameAttachmentTitle=Byt namn på vedlegget
+renameAttachmentMessage=Nytt vedleggsnamn:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the
+## word %S. Place the word %S where the host name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPrompt=Skriv inn passordet for %S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername): Do not translate the
+## words %1$S and %2$S. Place the word %1$S where the host name should appear,
+## and %2$S where the user name should appear.
+smtpEnterPasswordPromptWithUsername=Skriv inn passordet ditt for %2$S på %1$S:
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveSentLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved sent messages (typically the "Sent" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## Translate "Compose" to match the translation of item "windowTitlePrefix" above.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveDraftLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved draft messages (typically the "Drafts" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+buttonLabelRetry=Prøv igjen
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(promptToSaveTemplateLocally): Do not translate the stings %1$S, %2$S, %3$S and \n.
+## %2$S will be replaced with the account name. $1$S will be replaced by the folder name
+## configured to contain saved templates (typically the "Templates" folder).
+## %3$S will be replaced with the local folders account name (typically "Local Folders").
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(saveToLocalFoldersFailed): Message appears after normal
+## save fails (e.g., to Sent) and save to Local Folders also fails. This could
+## occur if network is down and filesystem problems are present such as disk
+## full, permission issues or hardware failure.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(blockedAllowResource): %S is the URL to load.
+blockedAllowResource=Fjern blokkering av %S
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentMessage): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+## See:
+## %S will be replaced by brandShortName.
+## Files must be unblocked individually, therefore the plural form reads:
+## Unblocking a file (one of several) will include it (that one file) in your sent message.
+## In other words:
+## Unblocking one/several file(s) will include it/them in your message.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey):
+## Same content as (blockedContentPrefLabel, blockedContentPrefAccesskey)
+## in mail directory. SeaMonkey does only use Options and not Preferences.
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..83ca361d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/mailComposeEditorOverlay.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.label "Send dette bildet som vedlegg i meldinga">
+<!ENTITY attachImageSource.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.label "Tilknyt kjelda til denne lenkja til meldinga">
+<!ENTITY attachLinkSource.accesskey "T">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3d1c30fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/messengercompose.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE messengercompose.dtd Main UI for message composition -->
+<!ENTITY msgComposeWindow.title "Skriv: (emnelaus)">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.label "Frå:">
+<!ENTITY fromAddr.accesskey "å">
+<!ENTITY subject.label "Emne:">
+<!ENTITY subject.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY attachments.label "Vedlegg:">
+<!ENTITY attachments.accesskey "d">
+<!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
+<!-- File menu items -->
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.label "Lagre">
+<!ENTITY saveCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.label "Lagre som">
+<!ENTITY saveAsCmd.accesskey "o">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "Fil…">
+<!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.label "Utkast">
+<!ENTITY saveAsDraftCmd.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Mal">
+<!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.label "Legg ved">
+<!ENTITY attachMenu.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY attachFileCmd.label "Fil(er)…">
+<!ENTITY attachFileCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.label "Nettside…">
+<!ENTITY attachPageCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE attachVCardCmd.label Don't translate the term 'vCard' -->
+<!ENTITY attachVCardCmd.label "Personleg adressekort (vCard)">
+<!ENTITY attachVCardCmd.accesskey "P">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.label "Send no">
+<!ENTITY sendCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendNowCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.label "Send seinare">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.keycode "VK_RETURN">
+<!ENTITY sendLaterCmd.accesskey "e">
+<!-- Edit menu items -->
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.label "Tekstbryting">
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.key "R">
+<!ENTITY editRewrapCmd.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.label "Kontoinstillingar for e-post og nyheitsgrupper…">
+<!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.accesskey "K">
+<!-- View menu items -->
+<!ENTITY showComposeToolbarCmd.label "E-postverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY showComposeToolbarCmd.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY showFormatToolbarCmd.label "Formateringsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY showFormatToolbarCmd.accesskey "F">
+<!-- Format menu items -->
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.label "Formatering">
+<!ENTITY formatMenu.accesskey "o">
+<!-- Options menu items -->
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.label "Innstillingar">
+<!ENTITY optionsMenu.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.label "Siter melding">
+<!ENTITY quoteCmd.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.label "Vel adresser…">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.key "">
+<!ENTITY selectAddressCmd.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.label "Prioritet">
+<!ENTITY priorityMenu.accesskey "p">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.label "Lågaste">
+<!ENTITY lowestPriorityCmd.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.label "Låg">
+<!ENTITY lowPriorityCmd.accesskey "å">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.label "Normal">
+<!ENTITY normalPriorityCmd.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.label "Høg">
+<!ENTITY highPriorityCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.label "Høgste">
+<!ENTITY highestPriorityCmd.accesskey "H">
+<!ENTITY returnReceiptMenu.label "Mottakskvitteringar">
+<!ENTITY outputFormatMenu.label "Format">
+<!ENTITY outputFormatMenu.accesskey "F">
+<!ENTITY autoFormatCmd.label "Automatisk attkjenning">
+<!ENTITY autoFormatCmd.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.label "Send ein kopi til">
+<!ENTITY fileCarbonCopyCmd.accesskey "d">
+<!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "Arkiver her">
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE Toolbar items Don't change any "chrome://" URLs -->
+<!-- Toolbar items -->
+<!ENTITY sendButton.label "Send">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.label "Adresser">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.label "Legg ved">
+<!ENTITY spellingButton.label "Stavekontroll">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.label "Lagre">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stopp">
+<!-- We already inherit &menuBar.tooltip and &mailToolbar.tooltip from messenger.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY addressBar.tooltip "Adresselinje">
+<!ENTITY formatToolbar.tooltip "Formateringsverktøylinje">
+<!ENTITY sendButton.tooltip "Send denne meldingen no">
+<!ENTITY sendlaterButton.tooltip "Send denne meldinga seinare">
+<!ENTITY addressButton.tooltip "Vel ein mottakar frå adresseboka">
+<!ENTITY attachButton.tooltip "Inkluder eit vedlegg">
+<!ENTITY saveButton.tooltip "Lagre denne meldinga">
+<!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Stopp denne overføringa">
+<!-- context menu items -->
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.label "Opne">
+<!ENTITY openAttachment.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.label "Byt namn…">
+<!ENTITY renameAttachment.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY deleteAttachment.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY selectAllAttachments.accesskey "a">
+<!ENTITY attachFile.label "Legg ved filer…">
+<!ENTITY attachFile.accesskey "L">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.label "Legg ved nettside…">
+<!ENTITY attachPage.accesskey "v">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa7f247e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/sendProgress.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!--LOCALIZATION NOTE sendprogress.dtd Main UI for Send Message Progress Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY sendDialog.title "Sender meldingar">
+<!ENTITY status.label "Status:">
+<!ENTITY progress.label "Framdrift:">
diff --git a/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f41c3b4aad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-nn-NO/suite/chrome/mailnews/compose/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSendMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSendMsgSubject=Sender melding - %S
+titleSendMsg=Sender melding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (titleSaveMsgSubject):
+# %S will be replaced by the message subject.
+titleSaveMsgSubject=Lagrar melding - %S
+titleSaveMsg=Lagrar melding
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (percentMsg):
+# This string is used to format the text to the right of the progress meter.
+# %S will be replaced by the percentage of the file that has been saved.
+# %% will be replaced a single % sign.
+percentMsg=%S %%
+messageSent=Meldinga er sendt.
+messageSaved=Meldinga er lagra.