path: root/l10n-pl/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'l10n-pl/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl')
1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-pl/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl b/l10n-pl/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..178a532bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-pl/browser/browser/appmenu.ftl
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+## App Menu
+appmenuitem-update-banner =
+ .label-update-downloading = Pobieranie aktualizacji programu { -brand-shorter-name }
+appmenuitem-protection-dashboard-title = Panel ochrony
+appmenuitem-customize-mode =
+ .label = Dostosuj…
+## Zoom Controls
+appmenuitem-new-window =
+ .label = Nowe okno
+appmenuitem-new-private-window =
+ .label = Nowe okno prywatne
+appmenuitem-passwords =
+ .label = Hasła
+appmenuitem-extensions-and-themes =
+ .label = Rozszerzenia i motywy
+appmenuitem-find-in-page =
+ .label = Znajdź na stronie…
+appmenuitem-more-tools =
+ .label = Więcej narzędzi
+appmenuitem-exit =
+ .label = Zakończ
+# Settings is now used to access the browser settings across all platforms,
+# instead of Options or Preferences.
+appmenuitem-settings =
+ .label = Ustawienia
+## Zoom and Fullscreen Controls
+appmenuitem-zoom-enlarge =
+ .label = Powiększ
+appmenuitem-zoom-reduce =
+ .label = Pomniejsz
+appmenuitem-fullscreen =
+ .label = Tryb pełnoekranowy
+## Firefox Account toolbar button and Sync panel in App menu.
+fxa-toolbar-sync-now =
+ .label = Synchronizuj teraz
+appmenuitem-save-page =
+ .label = Zapisz stronę jako…
+## What's New panel in App menu.
+whatsnew-panel-header = Co nowego
+# Checkbox displayed at the bottom of the What's New panel, allowing users to
+# enable/disable What's New notifications.
+whatsnew-panel-footer-checkbox =
+ .label = Powiadamiaj o nowych funkcjach
+ .accesskey = P
+## The Firefox Profiler – The popup is the UI to turn on the profiler, and record
+## performance profiles. To enable it go to and click
+## "Enable Profiler Menu Button".
+profiler-popup-title =
+ .value = { -profiler-brand-name }
+profiler-popup-reveal-description-button =
+ .aria-label = Odkryj więcej informacji
+profiler-popup-description-title =
+ .value = Nagrywaj, analizuj, udostępniaj
+profiler-popup-description = Współpracuj nad problemami z wydajnością, publikując profile do udostępnienia zespołowi.
+profiler-popup-learn-more = Więcej informacji
+profiler-popup-settings =
+ .value = Ustawienia
+# This link takes the user to about:profiling, and is only visible with the Custom preset.
+profiler-popup-edit-settings = Zmień ustawienia…
+profiler-popup-disabled =
+ Profiler jest obecnie wyłączony, najprawdopodobniej z powodu otwarcia okna
+ w trybie prywatnym.
+profiler-popup-recording-screen = Nagrywanie…
+# The profiler presets list is generated elsewhere, but the custom preset is defined
+# here only.
+profiler-popup-presets-custom =
+ .label = Własne
+profiler-popup-start-recording-button =
+ .label = Rozpocznij nagrywanie
+profiler-popup-discard-button =
+ .label = Odrzuć
+profiler-popup-capture-button =
+ .label = Przechwyć
+profiler-popup-start-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⌃⇧1
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+1
+ }
+profiler-popup-capture-shortcut =
+ { PLATFORM() ->
+ [macos] ⌃⇧2
+ *[other] Ctrl+Shift+2
+ }
+## History panel
+appmenu-manage-history =
+ .label = Zarządzaj historią
+appmenu-reopen-all-tabs = Przywróć wszystkie karty
+appmenu-reopen-all-windows = Przywróć wszystkie okna
+## Help panel
+appmenu-help-header =
+ .title = Pomoc programu { -brand-shorter-name }
+appmenu-about =
+ .label = O programie { -brand-shorter-name }
+ .accesskey = O
+appmenu-help-product =
+ .label = Pomoc programu { -brand-shorter-name }
+ .accesskey = P
+appmenu-help-show-tour =
+ .label = Przewodnik po programie { -brand-shorter-name }
+ .accesskey = r
+appmenu-help-import-from-another-browser =
+ .label = Importuj z innej przeglądarki…
+ .accesskey = I
+appmenu-help-keyboard-shortcuts =
+ .label = Skróty klawiaturowe
+ .accesskey = S
+appmenu-get-help =
+ .label = Pomoc
+ .accesskey = P
+appmenu-help-troubleshooting-info =
+ .label = Informacje dla pomocy technicznej
+ .accesskey = n
+appmenu-help-taskmanager =
+ .label = Menedżer zadań
+appmenu-help-feedback-page =
+ .label = Prześlij swoją opinię…
+ .accesskey = e
+## appmenu-help-safe-mode-without-addons and appmenu-help-safe-mode-without-addons
+## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
+appmenu-help-safe-mode-without-addons =
+ .label = Uruchom ponownie z wyłączonymi dodatkami…
+ .accesskey = U
+appmenu-help-safe-mode-with-addons =
+ .label = Uruchom ponownie z włączonymi dodatkami
+ .accesskey = U
+## appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site and appmenu-help-not-deceptive
+## are mutually exclusive, so it's possible to use the same accesskey for both.
+appmenu-help-report-deceptive-site =
+ .label = Zgłoś oszustwo internetowe…
+ .accesskey = Z
+appmenu-help-not-deceptive =
+ .label = To nie jest oszustwo…
+ .accesskey = n
+appmenu-help-check-for-update =
+ .label = Sprawdź dostępność aktualizacji…
+## More Tools
+appmenu-customizetoolbar =
+ .label = Dostosuj pasek narzędzi…
+appmenu-developer-tools-subheader = Narzędzia przeglądarki