path: root/l10n-rm/mail/chrome/messenger/
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1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-rm/mail/chrome/messenger/ b/l10n-rm/mail/chrome/messenger/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b88f035b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-rm/mail/chrome/messenger/
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, you can obtain one at
+xpinstallPromptMessage=%S ha impedì che questa website ta dumondia sche software duai vegnir installada sin tes computer.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (xpinstallPromptMessage.header)
+# The string contains the hostname of the site the add-on is being installed from.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.header=Permetter a %S dad installar in supplement?
+xpinstallPromptMessage.message=Ti emprovas dad installar in supplement da %S. Fa la segira che ti ta fidas da la website avant che cuntinuar.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.header.unknown=Vuls ti permetter ad ina pagina nunenconuschenta dad installar in supplement?
+xpinstallPromptMessage.message.unknown=Ti emprovas dad installar in supplement dad ina website nunenconuschenta. Fa la segira che ti ta fidas da la website avant che cuntinuar.
+xpinstallPromptMessage.learnMore=Vegnir a savair dapli davart l'installaziun da supplements a moda segira
+xpinstallPromptMessage.dontAllow=Betg permetter
+xpinstallPromptMessage.neverAllow=Mai permetter
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstallPromptMessage.install=Cuntinuar cun l'installaziun
+# Accessibility Note:
+# Be sure you do not choose an accesskey that is used elsewhere in the active context (e.g. main menu bar, submenu of the warning popup button)
+# See for details
+xpinstallDisabledMessageLocked=Tes administratur dal sistem ha deactivà l'installaziun da software.
+xpinstallDisabledMessage=L'installaziun da software è actualmain deactivada. Clicca sin «Activar» ed emprova danovamain.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallBlockedByPolicy)
+# This message is shown when the installation of an add-on is blocked by
+# enterprise policy. %1$S is replaced by the name of the add-on.
+# %2$S is replaced by the ID of add-on. %3$S is a custom message that
+# the administration can add to the message.
+addonInstallBlockedByPolicy=%1$S (%2$S) è bloccà da l'administratur da tes sistem. %3$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonPostInstall.message1)
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that was
+# just installed.
+# %2$S is replaced with the localized name of the application.
+addonPostInstall.message1=%1$S è vegnì agiuntà a %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonPostInstall.multiple.message1)
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized name of the application.
+addonPostInstall.multiple.message=Quests supplements èn vegnids agiuntads a %1$S:
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonDownloadingAndVerifying):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# Also see for mockups
+addonDownloadingAndVerifying=Telechargiar e verifitgar il supplement…;Telechargiar e verifitgar #1 supplements…
+addonInstall.unsigned=(Betg verifitgà)
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallMessage,addonConfirmInstallUnsigned):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the number of add-ons being installed
+addonConfirmInstall.message=Questa pagina vul installar in supplement per #1:;Questa pagina vul installar #2 supplements per #1:
+addonConfirmInstallUnsigned.message=Attenziun: Questa pagina vul installar in supplement betg verifitgà per #1. Cuntinuaziun sin agen ristg.;Attenziun: Questa pagina vul installar #2 supplements betg verifitgads per #1. Cuntinuaziun sin agen ristg.;
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 is brandShortName
+# #2 is the total number of add-ons being installed (at least 2)
+addonConfirmInstallSomeUnsigned.message=;Attenziun: Questa pagina vul installar #2 supplements en #1, intgins da quels n'èn betg verifitgads. Cuntinuaziun sin agen ristg.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstalled):
+# %S is the name of the add-on
+addonInstalled=%S è vegnì installà cun success.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonsGenericInstalled):
+# Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
+# #1 number of add-ons
+addonsGenericInstalled=#1 supplement è vegnì installà cun success.;#1 supplements èn vegnids installads cun success.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallError-1, addonInstallError-2, addonInstallError-3, addonInstallError-4, addonInstallError-5, addonLocalInstallError-1, addonLocalInstallError-2, addonLocalInstallError-3, addonLocalInstallError-4, addonLocalInstallError-5):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallError-1=Impussibel da telechargiar il supplement causa ina errur da connexiun.
+addonInstallError-2=Impussibel dad installar il supplement. El na correspunda betg al supplement che %1$S ha spetgà.
+addonInstallError-3=Impussibel dad installar il supplement telechargià da questa pagina. El para dad esser donnegià.
+addonInstallError-4=Impussibel dad installar %2$S perquai che %1$S na po betg modifitgar la datoteca necessaria.
+addonInstallError-5=%1$S ha impedì che questa pagina installeschia in supplement betg verifitgà.
+addonLocalInstallError-1=Impussibel dad installar quest supplement pervia d'ina errur en il sistem da datotecas.
+addonLocalInstallError-2=Impussibel dad installar quest supplement. El na correspunda betg al supplement che %1$S ha spetgà.
+addonLocalInstallError-3=Impussibel dad installar quest supplement. El para dad esser donnegià.
+addonLocalInstallError-4=Impussibel dad installar %2$S perquai che %1$S na po betg modifitgar la datoteca necessaria.
+addonLocalInstallError-5=Impussibel dad installar quest supplement perquai ch'el n'è betg verifitgà.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorIncompatible):
+# %1$S is the application name, %2$S is the application version, %3$S is the add-on name
+addonInstallErrorIncompatible=Impussibel dad installar %3$S. Il supplement n'è betg cumpatibel cun %1$S %2$S.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (addonInstallErrorBlocklisted): %S is add-on name
+addonInstallErrorBlocklisted=Impussibel dad installar %S. Quest supplement chaschuna probablamain problems da segirezza u da stabilitad.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.header)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog,
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# See
+# for an example of the full dialog.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.header=Agiuntar %S?
+# %S is brandShortName
+webextPerms.experimentWarning=Supplements donnegius pon engular infurmaziuns privatas u cumprometter tes computer. Installescha mo quest supplement sche ti ta fidas da la funtauna.
+webextPerms.unsignedWarning=Attenziun: Quest supplement n'è betg verifitgà. Supplements donnegius pon engular infurmaziuns privatas u cumprometter tes computer. Installescha mo quest supplement sche ti ta fidas da la funtauna.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.listIntro)
+# This string will be followed by a list of permissions requested
+# by the webextension.
+webextPerms.listIntro=Basegna l'autorisaziun per:
+webextPerms.learnMore=Vegnir a savair dapli davart permissiuns
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem)
+# %1$S will be replaced with the localized name of the sideloaded add-on.
+# %2$S will be replace with the name of the application (e.g., Firefox, Nightly)
+webextPerms.sideloadMenuItem=Agiuntà %1$S a %2$S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.sideloadHeader)
+# This string is used as a header in the webextension permissions dialog
+# when the extension is side-loaded.
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the extension being installed.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.sideloadHeader=Agiuntà %S
+webextPerms.sideloadText2=In auter program sin tes computer ha installà in supplement che cumprometta eventualmain tes navigatur. Controllescha per plaschair las dumondas d'autorisaziun da quest supplement e tscherna Activar u Interrumper (per al laschar deactivà).
+webextPerms.sideloadTextNoPerms=In auter program sin tes computer ha installà in supplement che cumprometta eventualmain tes navigatur. Tscherna per plaschair Activar u Interrumper (per al laschar deactivà).
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateMenuItem)
+# %S will be replaced with the localized name of the extension which
+# has been updated.
+webextPerms.updateMenuItem=%S dumonda novas autorisaziuns
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.updateText)
+# %S is replaced with the localized name of the updated extension.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.updateText=%S è vegnì actualisà. Ti stos approvar las novas autorisaziuns avant che la versiun actualisada vegn installada. Sche ti tschernas «Interrumper» vegn la versiun actuala dal supplement mantegnida.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader)
+# %S is replace with the localized name of the extension requested new
+# permissions.
+# Note, this string will be used as raw markup. Avoid characters like <, >, &
+webextPerms.optionalPermsHeader=%S dumonda ulteriuras autorisaziuns.
+webextPerms.optionalPermsListIntro=L'extensiun vul:
+webextPerms.description.accountsFolders=Crear, renumnar u stizzar ordinaturs da tes conto dad e-mail
+webextPerms.description.accountsRead=Vesair tes contos dad e-mail e lur ordinaturs
+webextPerms.description.addressBooks=Leger e modifitgar tes contacts en il cudeschet d'adressas
+webextPerms.description.bookmarks=Leger e modifitgar segnapaginas
+webextPerms.description.browserSettings=Leger e modifitgar ils parameters dal navigatur
+webextPerms.description.browsingData=Stizzar la cronologia recenta, ils cookies e las datas correspundentas
+webextPerms.description.clipboardRead=Retschaiver las datas da l'archiv provisoric
+webextPerms.description.clipboardWrite=Agiuntar datas a l'archiv provisoric
+webextPerms.description.compose=Leger e modifitgar tes messadis d'e-mail cura che ti als scrivas e tramettas
+webextPerms.description.devtools=Extender ils utensils per sviluppaders per acceder a tias datas en ils tabs averts
+webextPerms.description.dns=Acceder a l'adressa IP ed al num dal host
+webextPerms.description.downloads=Telechargiar datotecas e leger e modifitgar la cronologia da telechargiadas dal navigatur las datotecas telechargiadas sin il computer
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.experiment)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.experiment=Avair access cumplet, senza restricziuns a %S ed a tes computer
+webextPerms.description.find=Leger il text da tut ils tabs averts
+webextPerms.description.geolocation=Acceder a tia posiziun geografica
+webextPerms.description.history=Acceder a tia cronologia da navigaziun l'utilisaziun dad extensiuns ed administrar designs
+webextPerms.description.messagesModify=Legia e modifitgescha tes messadis dad e-mail durant ch'els ta vegnan mussads
+webextPerms.description.messagesMove=Spustar, copiar u stizzar tes messadis dad e-mail
+webextPerms.description.messagesRead=Legia tes messadis dad e-mail ed als marchescha u etichettescha
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging)
+# %S will be replaced with the name of the application
+webextPerms.description.nativeMessaging=Barattar messadis cun auters programs che %S
+webextPerms.description.notifications=Ta mussar communicaziuns
+webextPerms.description.pkcs11=Furnir servetschs d'autentificaziun criptografica
+webextPerms.description.privacy=Leger e modifitgar parameters per la sfera privata
+webextPerms.description.proxy=Controllar ils parameters da proxy dal navigatur
+webextPerms.description.sessions=Acceder als tabs serrads dacurt
+webextPerms.description.tabs=Acceder als tabs dal navigatur
+webextPerms.description.tabHide=Zuppentar e mussar ils tabs dal navigatur
+webextPerms.description.topSites=Acceder a la cronologia da navigaziun
+webextPerms.description.unlimitedStorage=Memorisar ina quantitad illimitada da datas sin il computer
+webextPerms.description.webNavigation=Acceder a l'activitad dal navigatur durant la navigaziun
+webextPerms.hostDescription.allUrls=Acceder a tias datas per tut las websites
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS domain for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.wildcard=Acceder a tias datas per paginas en la domena %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards):
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# domains for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManyWildcards=Acceder a tias datas en #1 autra domena;Acceder a tias datas en #1 autras domenas
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite)
+# %S will be replaced by the DNS host name for which a webextension
+# is requesting access (e.g.,
+webextPerms.hostDescription.oneSite=Acceder a tias datas per %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites)
+# Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 will be replaced by an integer indicating the number of additional
+# hosts for which this webextension is requesting permission.
+webextPerms.hostDescription.tooManySites=Acceder a tias datas sin #1 autra website;Acceder a tias datas sin #1 autras websites
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.defaultSearch.description)
+# %1$S is replaced with the localized named of the extension that is asking to change the default search engine.
+# %2$S is replaced with the name of the current search engine
+# %3$S is replaced with the name of the new search engine
+webext.defaultSearch.description=%1$S vul midar tia maschina da tschertgar da standard da %2$S en %3$S. Es ti d'accord?
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.remove.confirmation.title)
+# %S is the name of the extension which is about to be removed.
+webext.remove.confirmation.title=Allontanar %S
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (webext.remove.confirmation.message)
+# %1$S is the name of the extension which is about to be removed.
+# %2$S is brandShorterName
+webext.remove.confirmation.message=Allontanar %1$S da %2$S?