path: root/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout
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Diffstat (limited to '')
8 files changed, 371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85c141b95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+Submit=Soʻrov joʻnatish
+FileUpload=Fayl yuklash
+ForgotPostWarning=Shakl enctype=%S usulida, ammo method=post`da emas. method=GET bilan normal joʻnatish va hech nimani kodlamaslik.
+ForgotFileEnctypeWarning=Shakl fayllarni yuklashga ruxsat beradi, ammo "method=POST" va "enctype=multipart/form-data" o'lchamlari koʻrsatilmagan. Fayl joʻnatilmaydi.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (DefaultFormSubject): %S will be replaced with brandShortName
+DefaultFormSubject=%Sdan xabar shakli
+CannotEncodeAllUnicode=Shakl barcha Unicode belgilarini kodlab boʻlmaydigan %S kodlash usulida joʻnatilgan, shuning uchun foydalanuvchi tomonidan kiritilgan ma`lumotlar buzilgan boʻlishi mumkin. Ushbu muammodan qochish uchun sahifa UTF-8 kodlash usulida joʻnatiladigan qilib oʻzgartirilishi kerak. Buning uchun sahifaning kodini UTF-8 kodlash usuliga oʻzgartirish kerak yoki element shaklida "accept-charset=utf-8" koʻrsatilishi kerak.
+AllSupportedTypes=Barcha mos yozuvlar
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoFileSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file'> when there is no file selected yet.
+NoFileSelected=Birorta fayl tanlanmagan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoFilesSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' multiple> when there is no file selected yet.
+NoFilesSelected=Fayllar tanlanmgan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (NoDirSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' directory/webkitdirectory> when there is no directory
+# selected yet.
+NoDirSelected=Birorta ham katalog tanlanmagan.
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (XFilesSelected): this string is shown on a
+# <input type='file' multiple> when there are more than one selected file.
+# %S will be a number greater or equal to 2.
+XFilesSelected=%S ta fayl tanlandi.
+ColorPicker=Rangni tanlang
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (AndNMoreFiles): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# This string is shown at the end of the tooltip text for <input type='file'
+# multiple> when there are more than 21 files selected (when we will only list
+# the first 20, plus an "and X more" line). #1 represents the number of files
+# minus 20 and will always be a number equal to or greater than 2. So the
+# singular case will never be used.
+AndNMoreFiles=va bitta koʻproq;va #1 ta koʻproq
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (DefaultSummary): this string is shown on a <details> when
+# it has no direct <summary> child. Google Chrome should already have this
+# string translated.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f94b524c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithDimensions2AndFile): first %S is filename, second %S is type, third %S is width and fourth %S is height
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithoutDimensions): first %S is filename, second %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithDimensions2): first %S is type, second %S is width and third %S is height
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (ImageTitleWithNeitherDimensionsNorFile): first %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (MediaTitleWithFile): first %S is filename, second %S is type
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (MediaTitleWithNoInfo): first %S is type
+ImageTitleWithDimensions2AndFile=%S (%S rasm, %S × %S piksel)
+ImageTitleWithoutDimensions=%S (%S rasm)
+ImageTitleWithDimensions2=(%S rasm, %S × %S piksel)
+ImageTitleWithNeitherDimensionsNorFile=(%S rasm)
+MediaTitleWithFile=%S (%S obyekt)
+MediaTitleWithNoInfo=(%S obyekt)
+InvalidImage=“%S” rasmini koʻrsatib boʻlmaydi, chunki unda xatolik mavjud.
+ScaledImage=Kattalashtirilgan (%S%%)
+TitleWithStatus=%S - %S
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c3401fcdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+MimeNotCss=%1$S uslublar jadvali yuklanmadi, chunki uning MIME turi - "%2$S", "text/css" emas.
+MimeNotCssWarn=%1$S uslublar jadvali CSS kabi yuklandi, chunki uning MIME turi - "%2$S", "text/css" emas.
+PEDeclDropped=Bayonot tashlandi.
+PEDeclSkipped=Keyingi deklaratsiyaga tashlab o‘tildi
+PEUnknownProperty=Noma’lum '%1$S' xossa.
+PEValueParsingError='%1$S' uchun qiymat ajratilayotganda xatolik.
+PEUnknownAtRule=Qoidadagi aniqlanmadi yoki '%1$S' qoidadagi ajratishda xatolik.
+PEAtNSUnexpected=@namespace ichida marker kutilmagandi: '%1$S'.
+PEKeyframeBadName=@keyframes qoidasi nomi uchun identifikator kutilgandi.
+PEBadSelectorRSIgnored=Yomon tanlagich bo‘lgani uchun qoidalar to‘plami rad qilindi.
+PEBadSelectorKeyframeRuleIgnored=Yomon tanlagich tufayli keyframe qoidasi rad qilindi.
+PESelectorGroupNoSelector=Tanlagich kutilgandi.
+PESelectorGroupExtraCombinator=Osilib turgan kombinator.
+PEClassSelNotIdent=class tanlagich uchun identifikator kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PETypeSelNotType=Element nomi yoki '*' kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEUnknownNamespacePrefix='%1$S' noma’lum joy nomi prefiksi.
+PEAttributeNameExpected=Atribut nomi uchun identifikator kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEAttributeNameOrNamespaceExpected=Atribut nomi yoki nom joyi kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEAttSelNoBar='|' kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEAttSelUnexpected=Atribut tanlagichda marker kutilmagandi: '%1$S'.
+PEAttSelBadValue=Atribut tanlagichda qiymat uchun qator yoki identifikator kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEPseudoSelBadName=pseudo-class yoki pseudo-element uchun identifikator kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEPseudoSelEndOrUserActionPC=Tanlagich tugashi yoki pseudo-element’dan so‘ng foydalanuvchi pseudo-class amali kutilgandi. ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEPseudoSelUnknown=Noma’lum pseudo-class yoki pseudo-element '%1$S'.
+PENegationBadArg=Inkor pseudo-class '%1$S'da argument qolib ketgan.
+PEPseudoClassArgNotIdent=pseudo-class parameter uchun identifikator kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEColorNotColor=Rang kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEParseDeclarationDeclExpected=Bayonot kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEUnknownFontDesc=@font-face qoidasida '%1$S' noma’lum ta’riflagich.
+PEMQExpectedFeatureName=Media xususiyati nomi kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEMQNoMinMaxWithoutValue=min- yoki max- bor media xususiyatlarda qiymat bo‘lishi kerak.
+PEMQExpectedFeatureValue=Media xususiyat uchun noto‘g‘ri qiymat topildi.
+PEExpectedNoneOrURL='none' yoki URL kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
+PEExpectedNoneOrURLOrFilterFunction='none', URL yoki filter funksiyasi kutilgandi, ammo '%1$S' topildi.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da23f2c559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Encoding warnings and errors
+EncNoDeclarationFrame=Ramkalangan hujjatning kodlash usuli bayon qilinmagan. Hujjatni ramkalamasdan ko‘rganda, hujjat boshqacha ko‘rinishi mumkin.
+EncNoDeclarationPlain=Bir xil randagi matnli hujatning kodlash usuli bayon qilinmagan. Agar hujjatda US-ASCII oralig‘idan tashqari belgilar bo‘lsa, ba’zi brauzer moslamalarida hujjat tushunarsiz matn bilan renderlanadi. Fayl kodlash usuli o‘tkazish protokolida bayon qilinishi kerak yoki faylni kodlash imzosi kabi bayt belgilash tartibida foydalanish kerak.
+EncNoDeclaration=HTML hujatning kodlash usuli bayon qilinmagan. Agar hujjatda US-ASCII oralig‘idan tashqari belgilar bo‘lsa, ba’zi brauzer moslamalarida hujjat tushunarsiz matn bilan renderlanadi. Sahifa kodlash usuli hujjatda yoki o‘tkazish protokolida bayon qilinishi kerak.
+EncLateMetaFrame=Faylning birinchi 1024 bayti skaner qilib ko‘rilganda ramkalangan HTML hujjatning kodlash usuli bayonoti topilmadi. Hujjat ramkalanmasdan ko‘rilganda, sahifa avtomatik tarzda qayta yuklanadi. Kodlangan bayonot faylning birinchi 1024 bayti ichida ko‘chirilishi kerak.
+EncLateMeta=Faylning birinchi 1024 bayti skaner qilib ko‘rilganda HTML hujjatning kodlash usuli bayonoti topilmadi. Boshqacha ko‘rilganda - moslangan brauzer, sahifa avtomatik tarzda qayta yuklanadi. Kodlangan bayonot faylning birinchi 1024 bayti ichida ko‘chirilishi kerak.
+EncLateMetaReload=Sahifa qayta yuklandi, chunki faylning birinchi 1024 bayti skaner qilib ko‘rilganda HTML hujjatning kodlash usuli bayonoti topilmadi. Kodlangan bayonot faylning birinchi 1024 bayti ichida ko‘chirilishi kerak.
+EncLateMetaTooLate=Hujjatning kodlash usuli bayonoti kuchga kirishi uchun u juda kech topildi. Kodlangan bayonot faylning birinchi 1024 bayti ichida ko‘chirilishi kerak.
+EncMetaUnsupported=HTML hujjat meta teg foydalanishi uchun mos kelmaydigan kodlash usuli bayon qilingan. Bayonot rad qilindi.
+EncProtocolUnsupported=O‘tkazish protokoli bosqichida mos kelmaydigan kodlash usuli bayon qilingan. Bayonot rad qilindi.
+EncBomlessUtf16=Faqat bayt tartibi belgisisiz va o‘tkazish protokoli-daraja ma’lumotisiz UTF-16 kodlangan asosiy Latin aniqlandi. Ushbu tarkibni UTF-16 da kodlash samarasiz va kodlash xususiyati boshqa sababdan ma’lumot berilishi kerak.
+EncMetaUtf16=Meta teg UTF-16 kabi kodlash usulida bayon qilish uchun foydalanilgan. U UTF-8 bayonot kabi sharhlangan.
+EncMetaUserDefined=Meta teg x-user-defined kabi kodlash usulida bayon qilish uchun foydalanilgan. U noto‘g‘ri kodlangan eski shriftlar bilan moslik o‘rniga windows-1252 bayonot kabi o‘girilgan. Ushbu sayt "Unicode"ga o‘tkazilishi kerak.
+# The bulk of the messages below are derived from
+# which is available under the MIT license.
+# Tokenizer errors
+errGarbageAfterLtSlash=“</” dan so‘ng chiqindi.
+errLtSlashGt=“</>” ko‘rindi. Taxminiy sabablar: “<” qo‘yilmagan (“&lt;” kabi qo‘yilgan) yoki xato tugash tegi.
+errCharRefLacksSemicolon=Belgi ishorasi nuqtali vergul bilan tugatilmagan.
+errNoDigitsInNCR=Raqamli belgi ishorasida raqam yo‘q.
+errGtInSystemId=Tizim identifikatorida “>”.
+errGtInPublicId=E’lon qilinadigan identifikatorda “>”.
+errNamelessDoctype=Nomsiz hujjat turi.
+errConsecutiveHyphens=Ketma-ket chiziqlar sharhni tugatmaydi. sharh ichida “--” ga ruxsat berilmaydi, ammo u “- -”
+errPrematureEndOfComment=Sharhning shoshilinch tugashi. Kerakli tarzda sharhni tugatish uchun “-->”dan foydalaning.
+errBogusComment=Qalbaki sharh.
+errUnquotedAttributeLt=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut nomida“<”. Taxminiy sababi: darhol boshlanishidan oldin “>” qolib ketgan.
+errUnquotedAttributeGrave=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut qiymatida “`”. Taxminiy sababi: qo‘shtirnoq sifatida xato belgidan foydalanilmoqda.
+errUnquotedAttributeQuote=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut nomida qo‘shtirnoq bor. Taxminiy sabablari: Atributlar birgalida ishlamoqda yoki qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut qiymatida URL so‘rov qatori bor.
+errUnquotedAttributeEquals=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut nomida “=”. Taxminiy sabablari: Atributlar birgalida ishlamoqda yoki qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut qiymatida URL so‘rov qatori bor.
+errSlashNotFollowedByGt=Qiya chiziq belgisi ">" dan keyin darhol qo‘yilmagan.
+errNoSpaceBetweenAttributes=Atributlar o‘rtasida bo‘sh joy qoldirilmagan.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartLt=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut nomi boshida“<”. Taxminiy sababi: darhol boshlanishidan oldin “>” qolib ketgan.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartGrave=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut qiymati boshida “`”. Taxminiy sababi: qo‘shtirnoq sifatida xato belgidan foydalanilmoqda.
+errUnquotedAttributeStartEquals=Qo‘shtirnoqqa olinmagan atribut qiymati boshida “=”. Taxminiy sababi: barobar belgisining tasodifiy nusxasi.
+errAttributeValueMissing=Atribut qiymati tashlab ketildi.
+errBadCharBeforeAttributeNameLt=Atribut nomi kutilayotganda “<” ko‘rndi. Taxminiy sababi: darhol boshlanishdan oldin “>” qolib ketgan.
+errEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName=Atribut nomi kutilganda “=” ko‘rindi. Taxminiy sababi: Atribut nomi qo‘yilmagan.
+errBadCharAfterLt=“<” dan keyin yomon belgi. Taxminiy saabi: “<” qo‘yilmagan. “&lt;” kabi qo‘yishga urinib ko‘ring.
+errLtGt=“<>” ko‘rindi. Taxminiy sabablar: “<” qo‘yilmagan (“&lt;” kabi qo‘yilgan) yoki xato boshlash tegi.
+errProcessingInstruction=Ko‘rindi “<?”. Taxminiy sababi: HTML da XML jarayoni ko‘rsatmasidan foydalanishga urinib ko‘ring. (XML amalga oshirish HTML da ishlamaydi.)
+errUnescapedAmpersandInterpretedAsCharacterReference=Quyidagi “&” qatori belgi ishorasi kabi ko‘rsatilgan. (“&” balkim “&amp;” kabi bo‘lishi kerakdir.)
+errNotSemicolonTerminated=Nomlangan belgi ishorasi nuqtali vergul tomonidan to‘xtatilmadi.(yoki “&” belgisi “&amp;”kabi qo‘yilishi kerak.)
+errNoNamedCharacterMatch=“&” belgi ishorasi bilan boshlanmadi. (“&” balki “&amp;” kabi qoldirilgan bo‘lishi mumkin.)
+errQuoteBeforeAttributeName=Atribut nomi kutilganda qo‘shtirnoq ko‘rindi. Taxminiy sababi: “=” boshida qo‘yilmagan.
+errLtInAttributeName=“<” atribut nomida. Taxminiy sababi: “>” oldinroq tushib qolgan.
+errQuoteInAttributeName=Atribut nomida qo‘shtirnoq. Taxminiy sababi: Mos qo‘shtirnoq boshrog‘ida qo‘yilmagan.
+errExpectedPublicId=Ommaviy identifikator kutilgandi, ammo hujjat turi tugatildi.
+errBogusDoctype=Soxta hujjat turi.
+maybeErrAttributesOnEndTag=Tugash tegida atributlar bor edi.
+maybeErrSlashInEndTag=Tugash tegi oxirida “/” bo‘linadigan belgi.
+errNcrNonCharacter=Belgi ishorasi belgi bo‘lmaganlarga kengayadi.
+errNcrSurrogate=Belgi ishoralari surrogatga kengayadi.
+errNcrControlChar=Belgi ishoralari boshqaruv belgilariga kengayadi.
+errNcrCr=Raqamli belgili ishoralar qaytadigan tashuvchiga kengayadi.
+errNcrInC1Range=Raqamli belgili ishoralar C1 boshqaruv olag‘iga kengayadi.
+errEofInPublicId=Faylning oxiri ommaviy identifikator ichida.
+errEofInComment=Faylning oxiri sharh ichida.
+errEofInDoctype=Faylning oxiri hujjat turi ichida.
+errEofInAttributeValue=Atribut qiymati ichida bo‘lganda olingan fal oxiri. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errEofInAttributeName=Faylning oxiri atribut nomida yuz berdi. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errEofWithoutGt=“>” bilan tugovchi oldingi tegsiz faylning oxiri ko‘rindi. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errEofInTagName=Teg nomi ko‘rilayotganda faylning oxiri ko‘ringan. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errEofInEndTag=Faylning oxiri tegningichida. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errEofAfterLt=“<” dan so‘ng faylning oxiri.
+errNcrOutOfRange=Belgi ishorasi ruxsat berilgan yunikod orali‘gidan tashqarida.
+errNcrUnassigned=Belgi ishoralari butunlay belgilanmgan kod nuqtasiga kengaytiriladi.
+errDuplicateAttribute=Nusxa atribut.
+errEofInSystemId=Faylning oxiri tizim identifikatori ichida.
+errExpectedSystemId=Tizim identifikatori kutilgandi, ammo hujjat turi tugadi.
+errMissingSpaceBeforeDoctypeName=Hujjat turi nomi oldidan bo‘sh joy qoldirilmagan.
+errHyphenHyphenBang=Sharhda “--!” topildi.
+errNcrZero=Belgi ishorasi nolga kengayadi.
+errNoSpaceBetweenDoctypeSystemKeywordAndQuote=“SYSTEM” hujjat turi kalit so‘zi va qo‘shtirnoq o‘rtasida bo‘sh joy qoldirilmagan.
+errNoSpaceBetweenPublicAndSystemIds=Ko‘rinadigan hujjat turi va tizim identifikatori o‘rtasida bo‘sh joy qoldirilmagan.
+errNoSpaceBetweenDoctypePublicKeywordAndQuote=“PUBLIC” hujjat turi kalit so‘zi va qo‘shtirnoq o‘rtasida bo‘sh joy qoldirilmagan.
+# Tree builder errors
+errStrayStartTag2=Soxta “%1$S” boshlanish tegi.
+errStrayEndTag=Soxta “%1$S” tugash tegi.
+errUnclosedElements=“%1$S” tugash tegi ko‘rindi, ammo bu yerda ochiq elementlar bor.
+errUnclosedElementsImplied=“%1$S” tugash tegi nazarda tutilgan, ammo ochiq elementlar bor edi.
+errUnclosedElementsCell=Jadval katagi shubhasiz yopildi, ammo ochiq elementlar bor edi.
+errStrayDoctype=Adashilgan hujjat turi.
+errAlmostStandardsDoctype=Butunlay standartlar usuli hujjat turi. “<!DOCTYPE html>” kutilgandi.
+errQuirkyDoctype=G‘ayrioddiy hujjat turi. “<!DOCTYPE html>” kutilgandi.
+errNonSpaceInTrailer=Qo‘shimcha sahifada bo‘sh bo‘lmagan belgi bor.
+errNonSpaceAfterFrameset=“frameset”dan so‘ng bo‘sh joy yo‘q.
+errNonSpaceInFrameset=“frameset”da bo‘sh joy yo‘q.
+errNonSpaceAfterBody=body’dan so‘ng bo‘sh bo‘lmagan belgi bor.
+errNonSpaceInColgroupInFragment=Fragment ajratilayotganda “colgroup”da bo‘sh joy yo‘q.
+errNonSpaceInNoscriptInHead=“head” ichidagi “noscript” ichida belgi bor.
+errFooBetweenHeadAndBody=“head” va “body” o‘rtasida “%1$S” elementi bor.
+errStartTagWithoutDoctype=Avval hujjat turi ko‘rinmasdan boshlash tegi ko‘rindi. “<!DOCTYPE html>” kutilgandi.
+errNoSelectInTableScope=Jadval qavsi ichida “select” yo‘q.
+errStartSelectWhereEndSelectExpected=tugash tegi kuitlgan joyda “select” boshlash tegi.
+errStartTagWithSelectOpen=“%1$S” boshlash tegi “select” ochiq bilan.
+errBadStartTagInHead2=“head”da “%1$S” yomon boshlanish tegi.
+errImage=“image” boshlash tegini ko‘ring.
+errFooSeenWhenFooOpen=“%1$S” boshlash tegi ko‘rindi, ammo xuddi shu turdagi element allaqachon ochilgan.
+errHeadingWhenHeadingOpen=Boshlanish boshqa boshlanishning qismi bo‘lmaydi.
+errFramesetStart=“frameset” boshlash tegi ko‘rindi.
+errNoCellToClose=Yopish uchun katak yo‘q.
+errStartTagInTable=“table”da “%1$S” boshlash tegi ko‘rindi.
+errFormWhenFormOpen=“form” boshlash tegi ko‘rindi, ammo allaqachon faol “form” elementi bor edi. Ichki shakllarga ruxsat berilmaydi. Teg rad qilinmoqda.
+errTableSeenWhileTableOpen=“table” uchun boshlash tegi ko‘rindi, ammo oldingi “table” hali ham ochiq.
+errStartTagInTableBody=“%1$S” boshlash tegi jadval "body" qismida.
+errEndTagSeenWithoutDoctype=Tugash tegi hujat turi birinchi ko‘rinmasdan ko‘ringan. “<!DOCTYPE html>” kutilgandi.
+errEndTagAfterBody=“body”dan so‘ng ko‘ringan tugash tegi yopilgan.
+errEndTagSeenWithSelectOpen=“%1$S” tugash tegi “select” ochiq bilan.
+errGarbageInColgroup=“colgroup” fragmentida chiqindi.
+errEndTagBr=“br” tugash tegi.
+errNoElementToCloseButEndTagSeen=Qavsda “%1$S” elementi yo‘q, ammo “%1$S” tugash tegi ko‘rindi.
+errHtmlStartTagInForeignContext=HTML boshlash tegi “%1$S” xorijiy nom maydoni matnida.
+errTableClosedWhileCaptionOpen=“table” yopildi, ammo “caption” hali ham ochiq.
+errNoTableRowToClose=Yopish uchun jadval qatori yo‘q.
+errNonSpaceInTable=Jadvalning ichida noto‘g‘ri bo‘sh bo‘lmagan belgilar bor.
+errUnclosedChildrenInRuby=“ruby”da yopilmagan "bolalar" bor.
+errStartTagSeenWithoutRuby=“ruby” elementi ochilmasdan “%1$S” boshlash tegi ko‘rindi.
+errSelfClosing=O‘zi yopiluvchi sintaks (“/>”) bo‘sh bo‘lmagan HTML elementidan foydalanmoqda. "/" belgisi rad qilinmoqda va boshlash tegi sifatida to‘g‘rilanmoqda.
+errNoCheckUnclosedElementsOnStack=To‘plamda yopilmagan elementlar bor.
+errEndTagDidNotMatchCurrentOpenElement=“%1$S” tugash tegi joriy ochiq element (“%2$S”) nomi bilan mos kelmadi.
+errEndTagViolatesNestingRules=“%1$S” tugash tegi kiritilgan qoidalarni buzadi.
+errEndWithUnclosedElements=“%1$S” uchun tugash tegi ko‘ringan, ammo yopilmagan elementlar bor edi.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4eaec3106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ImageMapRectBoundsError=<area shape="rect"> tegi "coords" atributi "left,top,right,bottom" formatda emas.
+ImageMapCircleWrongNumberOfCoords=<area shape="circle"> tegi "coords" atributi "center-x,center-y,radius" formatda emas.
+ImageMapCircleNegativeRadius=<area shape="circle"> tegi "coords" atributi inkor radiusda.
+ImageMapPolyWrongNumberOfCoords=<area shape="poly"> tegi "coords" atributi "x1,y1,x2,y2 …" formatda emas.
+ImageMapPolyOddNumberOfCoords=<area shape="poly"> tegi "coords" atributi so‘nggi "y" koordinatasida (to‘g‘ri format: "x1,y1,x2,y2 …") qoldirib ketilgan.
+TablePartRelPosWarning=Endi jadval qatorlari va qator guruhlarini aloqador joylashtirish mumkin. Ushbu sayt yangilanishi kerak, chunki ushbu xususiyatda effektga ega emasligiga boq‘liq bo‘lishi mumkin.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLargeArea):
+## %1$S is an integer value of the area of the frame
+## %2$S is an integer value of the area of a limit based on the viewport size
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningContentTooLarge2):
+## (%1$S, %2$S) is a pair of integer values of the frame size
+## (%3$S, %4$S) is a pair of integer values of a limit based on the viewport size
+## (%5$S, %6$S) is a pair of integer values of an absolute limit
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningTransformBackfaceVisibilityHidden):
+## 'backface-visibility: hidden' is a CSS property, don't translate it.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningTransformPreserve3D):
+## 'transform-style: preserve-3d' is a CSS property, don't translate it.
+## LOCALIZATION NOTE(CompositorAnimationWarningTransformSVG,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithGeometricProperties,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformWithSyncGeometricAnimations,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningTransformFrameInactive,
+## CompositorAnimationWarningOpacityFrameInactive):
+## 'transform' and 'opacity' mean CSS property names, don't translate it.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e318707097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Page number formatting
+## @page_number The current page number
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pageofpages): Do not translate %ld in the following line.
+# Place the word %ld where the page number and number of pages should be
+# The first %ld will receive the the page number
+# Page number formatting
+## @page_number The current page number
+## @page_total The total number of pages
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE (pageofpages): Do not translate %ld in the following line.
+# Place the word %ld where the page number and number of pages should be
+# The first %ld will receive the the page number
+# the second %ld will receive the total number of pages
+pageofpages=%1$d / %2$d
+PrintToFile=Faylga chop qilish
+print_error_dialog_title=Printerda xato
+printpreview_error_dialog_title=Chop qilishni koʻrishda xato
+# Printing error messages.
+#LOCALIZATION NOTE: Some of these messages come in pairs, one
+# for printing and one for print previewing. You can remove that
+# distinction in your language by removing the entity with the _PP
+# suffix; then the entity without a suffix will be used for both.
+# You can also add that distinction to any of the messages that don't
+# already have it by adding a new entity with a _PP suffix.
+# For instance, if you delete PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY_PP, then
+# the PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY message will be used for that error
+# condition when print previewing as well as when printing. If you
+# add PERR_FAILURE_PP, then PERR_FAILURE will only be used when
+# printing, and PERR_FAILURE_PP will be used under the same conditions
+# when print previewing.
+PERR_FAILURE=Chop qilishda xato yuz berdi.
+PERR_ABORT=Chop qilish buyrugʻi toʻxtatilgan yoki bekor qilingan.
+PERR_NOT_AVAILABLE=Ba`zi chop qilish funksiyalari hozirda mavjud emas.
+PERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED=Ba`zi chop qilish funksiyalari hali amalga oshirilmagan.
+PERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY=Chop qilish uchun boʻsh joy yetishmaydi.
+PERR_UNEXPECTED=Chop qilinayotganda kutilmagan xato yuz berdi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_NO_PRINTER_AVAILABLE_PP=Printerlar mavjud emas, shuning uchun chop qilishni koʻrib boʻlmaydi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_NAME_NOT_FOUND=Tanlangan printer topilmadi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_COULD_NOT_OPEN_FILE=Chop qilish uchun chiqish faylini ochishda xato yuz berdi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTDOC=Chop qilish vazifasi boshlanayotganda xato yuz berdi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_ENDDOC=Chop qilish vazifasi tugayotganda chop qilish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_STARTPAGE=Yangi sahifa boshlanayotganda chop qilish muvaffaqiyatsiz yakunlandi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY=Hujjat yuklanayotganda, uni chop qilib boʻlmaydi.
+PERR_GFX_PRINTER_DOC_IS_BUSY_PP=Hujjat yuklanayotganda, chop qilishni oldindan koʻrib boʻlmaydi.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e64fa4099
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# Map Expat error codes to error strings
+1 = xotira yetmaydi
+2 = sintaktik xato
+4 = yaxshi shakllanmagan
+5 = yopilmagan marker
+6 = qisman belgi
+7 = mos kelmaydigan teg
+8 = nusxa atribut
+9 = hujjat elementidan so‘ng chiqindi
+10 = ishora mazmuni parameteri noqonuniy
+11 = aniqlanmagan mazmun
+12 = rekursim kirish ifodasi
+13 = asinxronlangan kiritma
+14 = noto‘g‘ri xususiyatli raqam ishorasi
+15 = ikkilik kiritish ishorasi
+16 = atributga tashqi kiritish ishorasi
+17 = XML yoki matn bayonoti mazmun boshi emas
+18 = noma’lum kodlash
+19 = XML bayonotda maxsus kodlash noto‘g‘ri
+20 = CDATA qismi yopilmagan
+21 = tashqi mazmun ishorasini amalga oshirishda xatolik
+22 = hujjat avtonom emas
+23 = ajratgich holati kutilmagandi
+24 = mazmun parameter mazmunida bayonot berildi
+27 = prefiks nom maydoniga bog‘lanmagan
+28 = prefiks ma’lumot berilmasdan qolmasligi kerak
+29 = parameter mazmunida tugallanmagan belgilash
+30 = XML bayonoti yaxshi shakllanmagan
+31 = matn bayonoti yaxshi shakllanmagan
+32 = ommaviy id nomda noqonuniy belgi(lar)
+38 = zahiralangan prefiks (xml) ma’lumot berilmagan yoki bosh joy maydoniga bog‘lanmagan bo‘lishi kerak
+39 = zahiralangan prefiks (xmlns) ma’lumot berilmagan yoki ma’lumot berilgan bo‘lishi kerak emas
+40 = prefiks zahiralangan nom maydonlari nomlaridan biriga bog‘lanmasligi kerak
+# %1$S is replaced by the Expat error string, may be followed by Expected (see below)
+# %2$S is replaced by URL
+# %3$u is replaced by line number
+# %4$u is replaced by column number
+XMLParsingError = XML ajratishda xato: %1$S\nManzili: %2$S\n%3$u qator raqami, %4$u ustun:
+# %S is replaced by a tag name.
+# This gets appended to the error string if the error is mismatched tag.
+Expected = . Kutilgandi: </%S>.
diff --git a/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..278baefeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/dom/chrome/layout/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+PINotInProlog=<?%1$S?> amalga oshirish ko‘rsatmasi prolog tashqarisida endi hech qanday boshqa kuchga ega emas (360119 nosozlikni ko‘ring).