path: root/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount
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2 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e37ff17db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/accountProvisioner.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!ENTITY window.title "&brandShortName; dasturiga xush kelibsiz">
+<!ENTITY header2.label "Yangi e-pochta manzilini olishni xohlaysizmi?">
+<!ENTITY other.languages "Biz faqat hududingizdagi manzillar taklif qilgan ta’minotchilarni ko‘rsatyapmiz. Barcha ta’minotchilarni ko‘rish uchun bu yerga bosing.">
+<!ENTITY error.line1 "Kechirasiz, biz tavsiya qilinga e-pochta manzillarini topa olmadik.">
+<!ENTITY error.line2 "Siz ko‘proq e-pochta manzillarini topishda taxalluslar yoki har qanday boshqa atamani topish uchun urinib ko‘rishingiz mumkin.">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(error.suggest.before, error.suggest.middle, error.suggest.after):
+ error.suggest.before, error.suggest.middle, and error.suggest.after all go into
+ one line with error.suggest.middle that links to a site which provides download
+ of free account alternatives. -->
+<!ENTITY error.suggest.before "Shuningdek, quyidagi muqobil ">
+<!ENTITY error.suggest.middle "bepul e-pochta hisoblaridan birini sinab ko‘rishingiz mumkin">
+<!ENTITY error.suggest.after ".">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE(success.title.before, success.title.after):
+ success.title.before and success.title.after all go into one line, wrapping
+ around the name that the user has typed in to the search input. -->
+<!ENTITY success.title.before "Salom ">
+<!ENTITY success.title.after ", quyidagi e-pochta manzillari siz uchun mavjud:">
+<!ENTITY success.tip "(Siz ko‘proq e-pochta manzillarini topishda taxalluslar yoki har qanday boshqa atamani topish uchun urinib ko‘rishingiz mumkin)">
+<!ENTITY partnership.description "&brandShortName; ba’zi ta’minotchilar bilan hamkorlikda sizga yangi e-pochta hisobini taqdim qilishi mumkin. Faqatgina ismingiz va familiyangizni yoki xohlagan so‘zingizni tepadagi maydonchaga kiritib, foydalanishni boshlashingiz mumkin.">
+<!ENTITY existing.header "Foydalanish uchun e-pochta manziligiz bormi?">
+<!ENTITY tinyheader.title "Manzilingiz bormi?">
+<!ENTITY tinyheader.existing "Buni tashlab ketaman va mavjud e-pochtamdan foydalanaman">
+<!ENTITY content.close "Menimcha, hisobimni keyinroq sozlaganim ma’qul.">
+<!ENTITY successful.title "Tabriklaymiz!">
+<!ENTITY successful.successMessage "Siz muvaffaqiyatli ravishda hisobingizni sozladingiz.">
+<!ENTITY successful.write "Bir nechta xat yozish">
+<!ENTITY successful.write.desc "Yangi e-pochta manzilingiz haqida do‘stlaringiz va oila a’zolaringizga xabar bering.<br/> Aslida shu maqsadda e-pochta ochmaganmisiz?">
+<!ENTITY successful.customize "&brandShortName; dasturini ba’zi ajoyib qo‘shimcha dasturlar bilan moslab olish">
+<!ENTITY successful.customize.desc "Minglab qo‘shimcha dasturlar bor. Ular sizga &brandShortName; dasturini ehtiyojingizga mos foydalanishingizda yordam beradi.">
+<!ENTITY successful.attach "Xatlarimga shaxsiy imzom biriktirilsin">
+<!ENTITY successful.attach.desc "Siz jo‘natilayotgan har bir xabarnig oxiriga o‘zingiz haqingizda ma’lumot yoki birorta iqtibosni avtomatik biriktirishingiz mumkin.">
+<!ENTITY successful.close "Bu oyna yopilsin.">
+<!ENTITY input.namePlaceholder "Ismingiz yoki taxallusingiz">
+<!ENTITY "Izlash">
+<!ENTITY search_engine.title "Qidiruv tizimini o‘zingizga moslab oling">
+<!ENTITY search_engine.message "E-pochta ta’minotchisi internetdan qidirish imkoniyatini ham berishi mumkin.">
+<!ENTITY search_engine.button "Tugatish">
diff --git a/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04972081c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/l10n-uz/mail/chrome/messenger/newmailaccount/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# This will be shown instead of a price when displaying free email accounts
+# %S will be the price per year charged to the user for the account.
+price=%S yiliga
+# LOCALIZATION NOTE (moreOptions): Semi-colon list of plural forms.
+# See:
+# #1 is the number of additional email addresses available for registration.
+# This line is shown when there are more than two suggested email
+# addresses available.
+moreOptions=+#1 ta boshqa…;+#1 ta boshqa…
+# \u0020 is a space, and should be included before and after.
+# \u0020 is a space, and should be included after.
+privacyPolicy=Maxfiylik siyosati
+tos=Xizmat shartlari
+cannotConnect=Kechirasiz – ro‘yxatdan o‘tish serveri bilan bog‘lana olmadik. Internetga ulanishni tekshirib ko‘ring.