path: root/netwerk/ipc/PNecko.ipdl
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Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/ipc/PNecko.ipdl')
1 files changed, 190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/ipc/PNecko.ipdl b/netwerk/ipc/PNecko.ipdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..624645e2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/ipc/PNecko.ipdl
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set sw=2 ts=8 et tw=80 ft=cpp : */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+include protocol PContent;
+include protocol PHttpChannel;
+include protocol PCookieService;
+include protocol PBrowser;
+include protocol PFTPChannel;
+include protocol PWebSocket;
+include protocol PWebSocketEventListener;
+include protocol PTCPSocket;
+include protocol PTCPServerSocket;
+include protocol PUDPSocket;
+include protocol PDNSRequest;
+include protocol PFileDescriptorSet;
+include protocol PDataChannel;
+include protocol PSimpleChannel;
+include protocol PTransportProvider;
+include protocol PChildToParentStream; //FIXME: bug #792908
+include protocol PParentToChildStream; //FIXME: bug #792908
+include protocol PStunAddrsRequest;
+include protocol PFileChannel;
+include protocol PClassifierDummyChannel;
+include protocol PWebrtcTCPSocket;
+include protocol PSocketProcessBridge;
+include protocol PDocumentChannel;
+include IPCStream;
+include NeckoChannelParams;
+include protocol PAltDataOutputStream;
+include "mozilla/dom/PermissionMessageUtils.h";
+using mozilla::dom::MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
+using class IPC::SerializedLoadContext from "SerializedLoadContext.h";
+using mozilla::dom::TabId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
+using refcounted class nsIInputStream from "mozilla/ipc/IPCStreamUtils.h";
+using refcounted class nsIURI from "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h";
+using refcounted class nsIPrincipal from "nsIPrincipal.h";
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace net {
+nested(upto inside_cpow) sync protocol PNecko
+ manager PContent;
+ manages PHttpChannel;
+ manages PCookieService;
+ manages PFTPChannel;
+ manages PWebSocket;
+ manages PWebSocketEventListener;
+ manages PTCPSocket;
+ manages PTCPServerSocket;
+ manages PUDPSocket;
+ manages PDNSRequest;
+ manages PDataChannel;
+ manages PSimpleChannel;
+ manages PFileChannel;
+ manages PTransportProvider;
+ manages PAltDataOutputStream;
+ manages PStunAddrsRequest;
+ manages PClassifierDummyChannel;
+ manages PWebrtcTCPSocket;
+ manages PDocumentChannel;
+ async __delete__();
+ nested(inside_cpow) async PCookieService();
+ async PHttpChannel(nullable PBrowser browser,
+ SerializedLoadContext loadContext,
+ HttpChannelCreationArgs args);
+ async PFTPChannel(nullable PBrowser browser, SerializedLoadContext loadContext,
+ FTPChannelCreationArgs args);
+ async PWebSocket(nullable PBrowser browser, SerializedLoadContext loadContext,
+ uint32_t aSerialID);
+ async PTCPServerSocket(uint16_t localPort, uint16_t backlog, bool useArrayBuffers);
+ async PUDPSocket(nsIPrincipal principal, nsCString filter);
+ async PDNSRequest(nsCString hostName, nsCString trrServer, uint16_t type,
+ OriginAttributes originAttributes, uint32_t flags);
+ async PDocumentChannel(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext browsingContext,
+ DocumentChannelCreationArgs args);
+ async PWebSocketEventListener(uint64_t aInnerWindowID);
+ /* Predictor Methods */
+ async PredPredict(nsIURI targetURI, nsIURI sourceURI,
+ uint32_t reason, OriginAttributes originAttributes,
+ bool hasVerifier);
+ async PredLearn(nsIURI targetURI, nsIURI sourceURI,
+ uint32_t reason, OriginAttributes originAttributes);
+ async PredReset();
+ async SpeculativeConnect(nsIURI uri, nsIPrincipal principal, bool anonymous);
+ async HTMLDNSPrefetch(nsString hostname, bool isHttps,
+ OriginAttributes originAttributes, uint32_t flags);
+ async CancelHTMLDNSPrefetch(nsString hostname, bool isHttps,
+ OriginAttributes originAttributes,
+ uint32_t flags, nsresult reason);
+ /**
+ * channelId is used to establish a connection between redirect channels in
+ * the parent and the child when we're redirecting to a data: URI.
+ */
+ async PDataChannel(uint32_t channelId);
+ async PSimpleChannel(uint32_t channelId);
+ async PFileChannel(uint32_t channelId);
+ async PClassifierDummyChannel(nsIURI uri, nsIURI aTopWindowURI,
+ nsresult aTopWindowURIResult,
+ LoadInfoArgs? loadInfo);
+ /**
+ * These are called from the child with the results of the auth prompt.
+ * callbackId is the id that was passed in PBrowser::AsyncAuthPrompt,
+ * corresponding to an nsIAuthPromptCallback
+ */
+ async OnAuthAvailable(uint64_t callbackId, nsString user,
+ nsString password, nsString domain);
+ async OnAuthCancelled(uint64_t callbackId, bool userCancel);
+ async RequestContextLoadBegin(uint64_t rcid);
+ async RequestContextAfterDOMContentLoaded(uint64_t rcid);
+ async RemoveRequestContext(uint64_t rcid);
+ async PAltDataOutputStream(nsCString type, int64_t predictedSize, PHttpChannel channel);
+ async PStunAddrsRequest();
+ /* tabId is only required for web-proxy support, which isn't always needed */
+ async PWebrtcTCPSocket(TabId? tabId);
+ /**
+ * WebExtension-specific remote resource loading
+ */
+ async GetExtensionStream(nsIURI uri) returns (nsIInputStream stream);
+ async GetExtensionFD(nsIURI uri) returns (FileDescriptor fd);
+ async InitSocketProcessBridge()
+ returns (Endpoint<PSocketProcessBridgeChild> endpoint);
+ async EnsureHSTSData()
+ returns (bool result);
+ /**
+ * Page thumbnails remote resource loading
+ */
+ async GetPageThumbStream(nsIURI uri) returns (nsIInputStream stream);
+ /*
+ * Bring up the http auth prompt for a nested remote mozbrowser.
+ * NestedFrameId is the id corresponding to the PBrowser. It is the same id
+ * that was passed to the PBrowserOrId param in to the PHttpChannel constructor
+ */
+ async AsyncAuthPromptForNestedFrame(TabId nestedFrameId, nsCString uri,
+ nsString realm, uint64_t callbackId);
+ /* Predictor Methods */
+ async PredOnPredictPrefetch(nsIURI uri, uint32_t httpStatus);
+ async PredOnPredictPreconnect(nsIURI uri);
+ async PredOnPredictDNS(nsIURI uri);
+ async SpeculativeConnectRequest();
+ // Using medium high priority to deliver this notification possibly sooner than we
+ // enter poll() on the child process with infinite timeout.
+ prio(mediumhigh) async NetworkChangeNotification(nsCString type);
+ async PTransportProvider();
+ // Actually we need PTCPSocket() for parent. But ipdl disallows us having different
+ // signatures on parent and child. So when constructing the parent side object, we just
+ // leave host/port unused.
+ async PTCPSocket(nsString host, uint16_t port);
+} // namespace net
+} // namespace mozilla