path: root/netwerk/ipc/PSocketProcess.ipdl
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Diffstat (limited to 'netwerk/ipc/PSocketProcess.ipdl')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netwerk/ipc/PSocketProcess.ipdl b/netwerk/ipc/PSocketProcess.ipdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b885d6a6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netwerk/ipc/PSocketProcess.ipdl
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+include protocol PDNSRequest;
+include protocol PSocketProcessBridge;
+include protocol PProfiler;
+include protocol PWebrtcTCPSocket;
+include protocol PHttpTransaction;
+include protocol PHttpConnectionMgr;
+include protocol PFileDescriptorSet;
+include protocol PChildToParentStream;
+include protocol PParentToChildStream;
+include protocol PInputChannelThrottleQueue;
+include protocol PBackground;
+include protocol PAltService;
+include protocol PAltSvcTransaction;
+include protocol PTRRService;
+include protocol PProxyConfigLookup;
+include protocol PNativeDNSResolverOverride;
+include protocol PRemoteLazyInputStream;
+include MemoryReportTypes;
+include NeckoChannelParams;
+include PrefsTypes;
+include PSMIPCTypes;
+using mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId from "mozilla/dom/NativeThreadId.h";
+using mozilla::dom::TabId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramAccumulation from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::KeyedHistogramAccumulation from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarAction from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::KeyedScalarAction from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::ChildEventData from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using mozilla::Telemetry::DiscardedData from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
+using base::ProcessId from "base/process.h";
+using mozilla::OriginAttributes from "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundUtils.h";
+using PRTime from "prtime.h";
+using refcounted class nsIURI from "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h";
+using struct nsID from "nsID.h";
+using mozilla::net::SocketInfo from "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h";
+using mozilla::net::DNSCacheEntries from "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h";
+using mozilla::net::HttpRetParams from "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h";
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace net {
+struct HttpHandlerInitArgs {
+ bool mFastOpenSupported;
+ nsCString mLegacyAppName;
+ nsCString mLegacyAppVersion;
+ nsCString mPlatform;
+ nsCString mOscpu;
+ nsCString mMisc;
+ nsCString mProduct;
+ nsCString mProductSub;
+ nsCString mAppName;
+ nsCString mAppVersion;
+ nsCString mCompatFirefox;
+ nsCString mCompatDevice;
+ nsCString mDeviceModelId;
+struct SocketDataArgs
+ uint64_t totalSent;
+ uint64_t totalRecv;
+ SocketInfo[] info;
+struct SocketPorcessInitAttributes {
+ bool mOffline;
+ bool mConnectivity;
+ bool mInitSandbox;
+ FileDescriptor? mSandboxBroker;
+sync protocol PSocketProcess
+ manages PDNSRequest;
+ manages PWebrtcTCPSocket;
+ manages PFileDescriptorSet;
+ manages PHttpTransaction;
+ manages PHttpConnectionMgr;
+ manages PChildToParentStream;
+ manages PParentToChildStream;
+ manages PInputChannelThrottleQueue;
+ manages PAltService;
+ manages PAltSvcTransaction;
+ manages PTRRService;
+ manages PProxyConfigLookup;
+ manages PNativeDNSResolverOverride;
+ manages PRemoteLazyInputStream;
+ async InitCrashReporter(NativeThreadId threadId);
+ async AddMemoryReport(MemoryReport aReport);
+ // Messages for sending telemetry to parent process.
+ async AccumulateChildHistograms(HistogramAccumulation[] accumulations);
+ async AccumulateChildKeyedHistograms(KeyedHistogramAccumulation[] accumulations);
+ async UpdateChildScalars(ScalarAction[] actions);
+ async UpdateChildKeyedScalars(KeyedScalarAction[] actions);
+ async RecordChildEvents(ChildEventData[] events);
+ async RecordDiscardedData(DiscardedData data);
+ /* tabId is only required for web-proxy support, which isn't always needed */
+ async PWebrtcTCPSocket(TabId? tabId);
+ async PChildToParentStream();
+ async ObserveHttpActivity(HttpActivityArgs aActivityArgs,
+ uint32_t aActivityType,
+ uint32_t aActivitySubtype,
+ PRTime aTimestamp,
+ uint64_t aExtraSizeData,
+ nsCString aExtraStringData);
+ async InitBackground(Endpoint<PBackgroundParent> aEndpoint);
+ async PAltService();
+ sync GetTLSClientCert(nsCString aHostName,
+ OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
+ int32_t aPort,
+ uint32_t aProviderFlags,
+ uint32_t aProviderTlsFlags,
+ ByteArray aServerCert,
+ ByteArray? aClientCert,
+ ByteArray[] aCollectedCANames)
+ returns (bool aSucceeded, ByteArray aOutCert, ByteArray aOutKey, ByteArray[] aBuiltChain);
+ async PProxyConfigLookup(nsIURI aUri, uint32_t aFlags);
+ async CachePushCheck(nsIURI aPushedURL,
+ OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
+ nsCString aRequestString)
+ returns (bool aAccepted);
+ async Init(SocketPorcessInitAttributes aAttributes);
+ async PreferenceUpdate(Pref pref);
+ async RequestMemoryReport(uint32_t generation,
+ bool anonymize,
+ bool minimizeMemoryUsage,
+ FileDescriptor? DMDFile)
+ returns (uint32_t aGeneration);
+ async SetOffline(bool offline);
+ async SetConnectivity(bool connectivity);
+ async InitLinuxSandbox(FileDescriptor? sandboxBroker);
+ async InitSocketProcessBridgeParent(ProcessId processId, Endpoint<PSocketProcessBridgeParent> endpoint);
+ async InitProfiler(Endpoint<PProfilerChild> aEndpoint);
+ // test-only
+ async SocketProcessTelemetryPing();
+ async PHttpTransaction();
+ async PParentToChildStream();
+ async PHttpConnectionMgr(HttpHandlerInitArgs aArgs);
+ async UpdateDeviceModelId(nsCString aModelId);
+ async OnHttpActivityDistributorActivated(bool aIsActivated);
+ async PInputChannelThrottleQueue(uint32_t meanBytesPerSecond,
+ uint32_t maxBytesPerSecond);
+ async PAltSvcTransaction(HttpConnectionInfoCloneArgs aConnInfo,
+ uint32_t aCaps);
+ async ClearSessionCache();
+ async PTRRService(bool aCaptiveIsPassed,
+ bool aParentalControlEnabled,
+ nsCString[] aDNSSuffixList);
+ async PNativeDNSResolverOverride();
+ async NotifyObserver(nsCString aTopic, nsString aData);
+ async PRemoteLazyInputStream(nsID aID, uint64_t aSize);
+ async GetSocketData()
+ returns (SocketDataArgs data);
+ async GetDNSCacheEntries()
+ returns (DNSCacheEntries[] entries);
+ async GetHttpConnectionData()
+ returns (HttpRetParams[] params);
+ async PFileDescriptorSet(FileDescriptor fd);
+ async PDNSRequest(nsCString hostName, nsCString trrServer, uint16_t type,
+ OriginAttributes originAttributes, uint32_t flags);
+} // namespace net
+} // namespace mozilla