path: root/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47eb76da93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/mozbuild/mozbuild/frontend/
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+from collections import defaultdict
+import json
+import os
+import sys
+from mach.decorators import (
+ CommandArgument,
+ CommandProvider,
+ Command,
+ SubCommand,
+from mozbuild.base import MachCommandBase
+import mozpack.path as mozpath
+TOPSRCDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, "../../../../../"))
+class InvalidPathException(Exception):
+ """Represents an error due to an invalid path."""
+class MozbuildFileCommands(MachCommandBase):
+ @Command(
+ "mozbuild-reference",
+ category="build-dev",
+ description="View reference documentation on mozbuild files.",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "symbol",
+ default=None,
+ nargs="*",
+ help="Symbol to view help on. If not specified, all will be shown.",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "--name-only",
+ "-n",
+ default=False,
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Print symbol names only.",
+ )
+ def reference(self, symbol, name_only=False):
+ # mozbuild.sphinx imports some Sphinx modules, so we need to be sure
+ # the optional Sphinx package is installed.
+ self.activate_virtualenv()
+ self.virtualenv_manager.install_pip_package("Sphinx==1.1.3")
+ from mozbuild.sphinx import (
+ format_module,
+ function_reference,
+ special_reference,
+ variable_reference,
+ )
+ import mozbuild.frontend.context as m
+ if name_only:
+ for s in sorted(m.VARIABLES.keys()):
+ print(s)
+ for s in sorted(m.FUNCTIONS.keys()):
+ print(s)
+ for s in sorted(m.SPECIAL_VARIABLES.keys()):
+ print(s)
+ return 0
+ if len(symbol):
+ for s in symbol:
+ if s in m.VARIABLES:
+ for line in variable_reference(s, *m.VARIABLES[s]):
+ print(line)
+ continue
+ elif s in m.FUNCTIONS:
+ for line in function_reference(s, *m.FUNCTIONS[s]):
+ print(line)
+ continue
+ elif s in m.SPECIAL_VARIABLES:
+ for line in special_reference(s, *m.SPECIAL_VARIABLES[s]):
+ print(line)
+ continue
+ print("Could not find symbol: %s" % s)
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ for line in format_module(m):
+ print(line)
+ return 0
+ @Command(
+ "file-info", category="build-dev", description="Query for metadata about files."
+ )
+ def file_info(self):
+ """Show files metadata derived from files.
+ files contain "Files" sub-contexts for declaring metadata
+ against file patterns. This command suite is used to query that data.
+ """
+ @SubCommand(
+ "file-info",
+ "bugzilla-component",
+ "Show Bugzilla component info for files listed.",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "-r", "--rev", help="Version control revision to look up info from"
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "--format",
+ choices={"json", "plain"},
+ default="plain",
+ help="Output format",
+ dest="fmt",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument("paths", nargs="+", help="Paths whose data to query")
+ def file_info_bugzilla(self, paths, rev=None, fmt=None):
+ """Show Bugzilla component for a set of files.
+ Given a requested set of files (which can be specified using
+ wildcards), print the Bugzilla component for each file.
+ """
+ components = defaultdict(set)
+ try:
+ for p, m in self._get_files_info(paths, rev=rev).items():
+ components[m.get("BUG_COMPONENT")].add(p)
+ except InvalidPathException as e:
+ print(e.message)
+ return 1
+ if fmt == "json":
+ data = {}
+ for component, files in components.items():
+ if not component:
+ continue
+ for f in files:
+ data[f] = [component.product, component.component]
+ json.dump(data, sys.stdout, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ return
+ elif fmt == "plain":
+ comp_to_file = sorted(
+ (
+ if component is None
+ else "%s :: %s" % (component.product, component.component),
+ sorted(files),
+ )
+ for component, files in components.items()
+ )
+ for component, files in comp_to_file:
+ print(component)
+ for f in files:
+ print(" %s" % f)
+ else:
+ print("unhandled output format: %s" % fmt)
+ return 1
+ @SubCommand(
+ "file-info", "missing-bugzilla", "Show files missing Bugzilla component info"
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "-r", "--rev", help="Version control revision to look up info from"
+ )
+ @CommandArgument(
+ "--format",
+ choices={"json", "plain"},
+ dest="fmt",
+ default="plain",
+ help="Output format",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument("paths", nargs="+", help="Paths whose data to query")
+ def file_info_missing_bugzilla(self, paths, rev=None, fmt=None):
+ missing = set()
+ try:
+ for p, m in self._get_files_info(paths, rev=rev).items():
+ if "BUG_COMPONENT" not in m:
+ missing.add(p)
+ except InvalidPathException as e:
+ print(e.message)
+ return 1
+ if fmt == "json":
+ json.dump({"missing": sorted(missing)}, sys.stdout, indent=2)
+ return
+ elif fmt == "plain":
+ for f in sorted(missing):
+ print(f)
+ else:
+ print("unhandled output format: %s" % fmt)
+ return 1
+ @SubCommand(
+ "file-info",
+ "bugzilla-automation",
+ "Perform Bugzilla metadata analysis as required for automation",
+ )
+ @CommandArgument("out_dir", help="Where to write files")
+ def bugzilla_automation(self, out_dir):
+ """Analyze and validate Bugzilla metadata as required by automation.
+ This will write out JSON and gzipped JSON files for Bugzilla metadata.
+ The exit code will be non-0 if Bugzilla metadata fails validation.
+ """
+ import gzip
+ missing_component = set()
+ seen_components = set()
+ component_by_path = {}
+ # TODO operate in VCS space. This requires teaching the VCS reader
+ # to understand wildcards and/or for the relative path issue in the
+ # VCS finder to be worked out.
+ for p, m in sorted(self._get_files_info(["**"]).items()):
+ if "BUG_COMPONENT" not in m:
+ missing_component.add(p)
+ print("Missing Bugzilla component: %s" % p)
+ continue
+ c = m["BUG_COMPONENT"]
+ seen_components.add(c)
+ component_by_path[p] = [c.product, c.component]
+ print("Examined %d files" % len(component_by_path))
+ # We also have a normalized versions of the file to components mapping
+ # that requires far less storage space by eliminating redundant strings.
+ indexed_components = {
+ i: [c.product, c.component] for i, c in enumerate(sorted(seen_components))
+ }
+ components_index = {tuple(v): k for k, v in indexed_components.items()}
+ normalized_component = {"components": indexed_components, "paths": {}}
+ for p, c in component_by_path.items():
+ d = normalized_component["paths"]
+ while "/" in p:
+ base, p = p.split("/", 1)
+ d = d.setdefault(base, {})
+ d[p] = components_index[tuple(c)]
+ if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
+ os.makedirs(out_dir)
+ components_json = os.path.join(out_dir, "components.json")
+ print("Writing %s" % components_json)
+ with open(components_json, "w") as fh:
+ json.dump(component_by_path, fh, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ missing_json = os.path.join(out_dir, "missing.json")
+ print("Writing %s" % missing_json)
+ with open(missing_json, "w") as fh:
+ json.dump({"missing": sorted(missing_component)}, fh, indent=2)
+ indexed_components_json = os.path.join(out_dir, "components-normalized.json")
+ print("Writing %s" % indexed_components_json)
+ with open(indexed_components_json, "w") as fh:
+ # Don't indent so file is as small as possible.
+ json.dump(normalized_component, fh, sort_keys=True)
+ # Write compressed versions of JSON files.
+ for p in (components_json, indexed_components_json, missing_json):
+ gzip_path = "%s.gz" % p
+ print("Writing %s" % gzip_path)
+ with open(p, "rb") as ifh,, "wb") as ofh:
+ while True:
+ data =
+ if not data:
+ break
+ ofh.write(data)
+ # Causes CI task to fail if files are missing Bugzilla annotation.
+ if missing_component:
+ return 1
+ def _get_files_info(self, paths, rev=None):
+ reader = self.mozbuild_reader(config_mode="empty", vcs_revision=rev)
+ # Normalize to relative from topsrcdir.
+ relpaths = []
+ for p in paths:
+ a = mozpath.abspath(p)
+ if not mozpath.basedir(a, [self.topsrcdir]):
+ raise InvalidPathException("path is outside topsrcdir: %s" % p)
+ relpaths.append(mozpath.relpath(a, self.topsrcdir))
+ # Expand wildcards.
+ # One variable is for ordering. The other for membership tests.
+ # (Membership testing on a list can be slow.)
+ allpaths = []
+ all_paths_set = set()
+ for p in relpaths:
+ if "*" not in p:
+ if p not in all_paths_set:
+ if not os.path.exists(mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, p)):
+ print("(%s does not exist; ignoring)" % p, file=sys.stderr)
+ continue
+ all_paths_set.add(p)
+ allpaths.append(p)
+ continue
+ if rev:
+ raise InvalidPathException(
+ "cannot use wildcard in version control mode"
+ )
+ # finder is rooted at / for now.
+ # TODO bug 1171069 tracks changing to relative.
+ search = mozpath.join(self.topsrcdir, p)[1:]
+ for path, f in reader.finder.find(search):
+ path = path[len(self.topsrcdir) :]
+ if path not in all_paths_set:
+ all_paths_set.add(path)
+ allpaths.append(path)
+ return reader.files_info(allpaths)
+ @SubCommand(
+ "file-info", "schedules", "Show the combined SCHEDULES for the files listed."
+ )
+ @CommandArgument("paths", nargs="+", help="Paths whose data to query")
+ def file_info_schedules(self, paths):
+ """Show what is scheduled by the given files.
+ Given a requested set of files (which can be specified using
+ wildcards), print the total set of scheduled components.
+ """
+ from mozbuild.frontend.reader import EmptyConfig, BuildReader
+ config = EmptyConfig(TOPSRCDIR)
+ reader = BuildReader(config)
+ schedules = set()
+ for p, m in reader.files_info(paths).items():
+ schedules |= set(m["SCHEDULES"].components)
+ print(", ".join(schedules))