path: root/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 572 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smime b/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smime
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..e67f6bedcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smime
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+# - frontend for S/MIME message generation and parsing
+use Getopt::Std;
+@boundarychars = ( "0" .. "9", "A" .. "F" );
+# path to cmsutil
+$cmsutilpath = "cmsutil";
+# Thanks to Gisle Aas <> for the base64 functions
+# originally taken from MIME-Base64-2.11 at
+sub encode_base64($)
+ my $res = "";
+ pos($_[0]) = 0; # ensure start at the beginning
+ while ($_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs) {
+ $res .= substr(pack('u', $1), 1); # get rid of length byte after packing
+ chop($res);
+ }
+ $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;
+ # fix padding at the end
+ my $padding = (3 - length($_[0]) % 3) % 3;
+ $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/'=' x $padding/e if $padding;
+ # break encoded string into lines of no more than 76 characters each
+ $res =~ s/(.{1,76})/$1\n/g;
+ $res;
+sub decode_base64($)
+ local($^W) = 0; # unpack("u",...) gives bogus warning in 5.00[123]
+ my $str = shift;
+ my $res = "";
+ $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+=/||cd; # remove non-base64 chars
+ if (length($str) % 4) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::carp("Length of base64 data not a multiple of 4")
+ }
+ $str =~ s/=+$//; # remove padding
+ $str =~ tr|A-Za-z0-9+/| -_|; # convert to uuencoded format
+ while ($str =~ /(.{1,60})/gs) {
+ my $len = chr(32 + length($1)*3/4); # compute length byte
+ $res .= unpack("u", $len . $1 ); # uudecode
+ }
+ $res;
+# parse headers into a hash
+# %headers = parseheaders($headertext);
+sub parseheaders($)
+ my ($headerdata) = @_;
+ my $hdr;
+ my %hdrhash;
+ my $hdrname;
+ my $hdrvalue;
+ my @hdrvalues;
+ my $subhdrname;
+ my $subhdrvalue;
+ # the expression in split() correctly handles continuation lines
+ foreach $hdr (split(/\n(?=\S)/, $headerdata)) {
+ $hdr =~ s/\r*\n\s+/ /g; # collapse continuation lines
+ ($hdrname, $hdrvalue) = $hdr =~ m/^(\S+):\s+(.*)$/;
+ # ignore non-headers (or should we die horribly?)
+ next unless (defined($hdrname));
+ $hdrname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # lowercase the header name
+ @hdrvalues = split(/\s*;\s*/, $hdrvalue); # split header values (XXXX quoting)
+ # there is guaranteed to be at least one value
+ $hdrvalue = shift @hdrvalues;
+ if ($hdrvalue =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/) { # strip quotes if there
+ $hdrvalue = $1;
+ }
+ $hdrhash{$hdrname}{MAIN} = $hdrvalue;
+ # print "XXX $hdrname = $hdrvalue\n";
+ # deal with additional name-value pairs
+ foreach $hdrvalue (@hdrvalues) {
+ ($subhdrname, $subhdrvalue) = $hdrvalue =~ m/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/;
+ # ignore non-name-value pairs (or should we die?)
+ next unless (defined($subhdrname));
+ $subhdrname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ if ($subhdrvalue =~ /^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/) { # strip quotes if there
+ $subhdrvalue = $1;
+ }
+ $hdrhash{$hdrname}{$subhdrname} = $subhdrvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ return %hdrhash;
+# encryptentity($entity, $options) - encrypt an S/MIME entity,
+# creating a new application/pkcs7-smime entity
+# entity - string containing entire S/MIME entity to encrypt
+# options - options for cmsutil
+# this will generate and return a new application/pkcs7-smime entity containing
+# the enveloped input entity.
+sub encryptentity($$)
+ my ($entity, $cmsutiloptions) = @_;
+ my $out = "";
+ my $boundary;
+ $tmpencfile = "/tmp/encryptentity.$$";
+ #
+ # generate a random boundary string
+ #
+ $boundary = "------------ms" . join("", @boundarychars[map{rand @boundarychars }( 1 .. 24 )]);
+ #
+ # tell cmsutil to generate a enveloped CMS message using our data
+ #
+ open(CMS, "|$cmsutilpath -E $cmsutiloptions -o $tmpencfile") or die "ERROR: cannot pipe to cmsutil";
+ print CMS $entity;
+ unless (close(CMS)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: encryption failed.\n";
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $out = "Content-Type: application/pkcs7-mime; smime-type=enveloped-data; name=smime.p7m\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7m\n";
+ $out .= "\n"; # end of entity header
+ open (ENC, $tmpencfile) or die "ERROR: cannot find newly generated encrypted content";
+ local($/) = undef; # slurp whole file
+ $out .= encode_base64(<ENC>), "\n"; # entity body is base64-encoded CMS message
+ close(ENC);
+ unlink($tmpencfile);
+ $out;
+# signentity($entity, $options) - sign an S/MIME entity
+# entity - string containing entire S/MIME entity to sign
+# options - options for cmsutil
+# this will generate and return a new multipart/signed entity consisting
+# of the canonicalized original content, plus a signature block.
+sub signentity($$)
+ my ($entity, $cmsutiloptions) = @_;
+ my $out = "";
+ my $boundary;
+ $tmpsigfile = "/tmp/signentity.$$";
+ #
+ # generate a random boundary string
+ #
+ $boundary = "------------ms" . join("", @boundarychars[map{rand @boundarychars }( 1 .. 24 )]);
+ #
+ # tell cmsutil to generate a signed CMS message using the canonicalized data
+ # The signedData has detached content (-T) and includes a signing time attribute (-G)
+ #
+ # if we do not provide a password on the command line, here's where we would be asked for it
+ #
+ open(CMS, "|$cmsutilpath -S -T -G $cmsutiloptions -o $tmpsigfile") or die "ERROR: cannot pipe to cmsutil";
+ print CMS $entity;
+ unless (close(CMS)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: signature generation failed.\n";
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ open (SIG, $tmpsigfile) or die "ERROR: cannot find newly generated signature";
+ #
+ # construct a new multipart/signed MIME entity consisting of the original content and
+ # the signature
+ #
+ # (we assume that cmsutil generates a SHA256 digest)
+ $out .= "Content-Type: multipart/signed; protocol=\"application/pkcs7-signature\"; micalg=sha256; boundary=\"${boundary}\"\n";
+ $out .= "\n"; # end of entity header
+ $out .= "This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format.\n"; # explanatory comment
+ $out .= "\n--${boundary}\n";
+ $out .= $entity;
+ $out .= "\n--${boundary}\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7s\n";
+ $out .= "Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature\n";
+ $out .= "\n"; # end of signature subentity header
+ local($/) = undef; # slurp whole file
+ $out .= encode_base64(<SIG>); # append base64-encoded signature
+ $out .= "\n--${boundary}--\n";
+ close(SIG);
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ $out;
+sub usage {
+ print STDERR "usage: smime [options]\n";
+ print STDERR " options:\n";
+ print STDERR " -S nick generate signed message, use certificate named \"nick\"\n";
+ print STDERR " -p passwd use \"passwd\" as security module password\n";
+ print STDERR " -E rec1[,rec2...] generate encrypted message for recipients\n";
+ print STDERR " -D decode a S/MIME message\n";
+ print STDERR " -p passwd use \"passwd\" as security module password\n";
+ print STDERR " (required for decrypting only)\n";
+ print STDERR " -C pathname set pathname of \"cmsutil\"\n";
+ print STDERR " -d directory set directory containing certificate db\n";
+ print STDERR " (default: ~/.netscape)\n";
+ print STDERR "\nWith -S or -E, smime will take a regular RFC822 message or MIME entity\n";
+ print STDERR "on stdin and generate a signed or encrypted S/MIME message with the same\n";
+ print STDERR "headers and content from it. The output can be used as input to a MTA.\n";
+ print STDERR "-D causes smime to strip off all S/MIME layers if possible and output\n";
+ print STDERR "the \"inner\" message.\n";
+# start of main procedures
+# process command line options
+unless (getopts('S:E:p:d:C:D')) {
+ usage();
+ exit 1;
+unless (defined($opt_S) or defined($opt_E) or defined($opt_D)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: -S and/or -E, or -D must be specified.\n";
+ usage();
+ exit 1;
+$signopts = "";
+$encryptopts = "";
+$decodeopts = "";
+# pass -d option along
+if (defined($opt_d)) {
+ $signopts .= "-d \"$opt_d\" ";
+ $encryptopts .= "-d \"$opt_d\" ";
+ $decodeopts .= "-d \"$opt_d\" ";
+if (defined($opt_S)) {
+ $signopts .= "-N \"$opt_S\" ";
+if (defined($opt_p)) {
+ $signopts .= "-p \"$opt_p\" ";
+ $decodeopts .= "-p \"$opt_p\" ";
+if (defined($opt_E)) {
+ @recipients = split(",", $opt_E);
+ $encryptopts .= "-r ";
+ $encryptopts .= join (" -r ", @recipients);
+if (defined($opt_C)) {
+ $cmsutilpath = $opt_C;
+# split headers into mime entity headers and RFC822 headers
+# The RFC822 headers are preserved and stay on the outer layer of the message
+$rfc822headers = "";
+$mimeheaders = "";
+$mimebody = "";
+$skippedheaders = "";
+while (<STDIN>) {
+ last if (/^$/);
+ if (/^content-\S+: /i) {
+ $lastref = \$mimeheaders;
+ } elsif (/^mime-version: /i) {
+ $lastref = \$skippedheaders; # skip it
+ } elsif (/^\s/) {
+ ;
+ } else {
+ $lastref = \$rfc822headers;
+ }
+ $$lastref .= $_;
+# if there are no MIME entity headers, generate some default ones
+if ($mimeheaders eq "") {
+ $mimeheaders .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n";
+ $mimeheaders .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
+# slurp in the entity body
+$saveRS = $/;
+$/ = undef;
+$mimebody = <STDIN>;
+$/ = $saveRS;
+if (defined $opt_D) {
+ #
+ # decode
+ #
+ # possible options would be:
+ # - strip off only one layer
+ # - strip off outer signature (if present)
+ # - just print information about the structure of the message
+ # - strip n layers, then dump DER of CMS message
+ $layercounter = 1;
+ while (1) {
+ %hdrhash = parseheaders($mimeheaders);
+ unless (exists($hdrhash{"content-type"}{MAIN})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: no content type header found in MIME entity\n";
+ last; # no content-type - we're done
+ }
+ $contenttype = $hdrhash{"content-type"}{MAIN};
+ if ($contenttype eq "application/pkcs7-mime") {
+ #
+ # opaque-signed or enveloped message
+ #
+ unless (exists($hdrhash{"content-type"}{"smime-type"})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: no smime-type attribute in application/pkcs7-smime entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $smimetype = $hdrhash{"content-type"}{"smime-type"};
+ if ($smimetype eq "signed-data" or $smimetype eq "enveloped-data") {
+ # it's verification or decryption time!
+ # can handle only base64 encoding for now
+ # all other encodings are treated as binary (8bit)
+ if ($hdrhash{"content-transfer-encoding"}{MAIN} eq "base64") {
+ $mimebody = decode_base64($mimebody);
+ }
+ # if we need to dump the DER, we would do it right here
+ # now write the DER
+ $tmpderfile = "/tmp/der.$$";
+ open(TMP, ">$tmpderfile") or die "ERROR: cannot write signature data to temporary file";
+ print TMP $mimebody;
+ unless (close(TMP)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: writing signature data to temporary file.\n";
+ unlink($tmpderfile);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $mimeheaders = "";
+ open(TMP, "$cmsutilpath -D $decodeopts -h $layercounter -i $tmpderfile |") or die "ERROR: cannot open pipe to cmsutil";
+ $layercounter++;
+ while (<TMP>) {
+ last if (/^\r?$/); # empty lines mark end of header
+ if (/^SMIME: /) { # add all SMIME info to the rfc822 hdrs
+ $lastref = \$rfc822headers;
+ } elsif (/^\s/) {
+ ; # continuation lines go to the last dest
+ } else {
+ $lastref = \$mimeheaders; # all other headers are mime headers
+ }
+ $$lastref .= $_;
+ }
+ # slurp in rest of the data to $mimebody
+ $saveRS = $/; $/ = undef; $mimebody = <TMP>; $/ = $saveRS;
+ close(TMP);
+ unlink($tmpderfile);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: unknown smime-type \"$smimetype\" in application/pkcs7-smime entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ } elsif ($contenttype eq "multipart/signed") {
+ #
+ # clear signed message
+ #
+ unless (exists($hdrhash{"content-type"}{"protocol"})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: content type has no protocol attribute in multipart/signed entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($hdrhash{"content-type"}{"protocol"} ne "application/pkcs7-signature") {
+ # we cannot handle this guy
+ print STDERR "ERROR: unknown protocol \"", $hdrhash{"content-type"}{"protocol"},
+ "\" in multipart/signed entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ unless (exists($hdrhash{"content-type"}{"boundary"})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: no boundary attribute in multipart/signed entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ $boundary = $hdrhash{"content-type"}{"boundary"};
+ # split $mimebody along \n--$boundary\n - gets you four parts
+ # first (0), any comments the sending agent might have put in
+ # second (1), the message itself
+ # third (2), the signature as a mime entity
+ # fourth (3), trailing data (there shouldn't be any)
+ @multiparts = split(/\r?\n--$boundary(?:--)?\r?\n/, $mimebody);
+ #
+ # parse the signature headers
+ ($submimeheaders, $submimebody) = split(/^$/m, $multiparts[2]);
+ %sighdrhash = parseheaders($submimeheaders);
+ unless (exists($sighdrhash{"content-type"}{MAIN})) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: signature entity has no content type.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($sighdrhash{"content-type"}{MAIN} ne "application/pkcs7-signature") {
+ # we cannot handle this guy
+ print STDERR "ERROR: unknown content type \"", $sighdrhash{"content-type"}{MAIN},
+ "\" in signature entity.\n";
+ last;
+ }
+ if ($sighdrhash{"content-transfer-encoding"}{MAIN} eq "base64") {
+ $submimebody = decode_base64($submimebody);
+ }
+ # we would dump the DER at this point
+ $tmpsigfile = "/tmp/sig.$$";
+ open(TMP, ">$tmpsigfile") or die "ERROR: cannot write signature data to temporary file";
+ print TMP $submimebody;
+ unless (close(TMP)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: writing signature data to temporary file.\n";
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $tmpmsgfile = "/tmp/msg.$$";
+ open(TMP, ">$tmpmsgfile") or die "ERROR: cannot write message data to temporary file";
+ print TMP $multiparts[1];
+ unless (close(TMP)) {
+ print STDERR "ERROR: writing message data to temporary file.\n";
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ unlink($tmpmsgfile);
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ $mimeheaders = "";
+ open(TMP, "$cmsutilpath -D $decodeopts -h $layercounter -c $tmpmsgfile -i $tmpsigfile |") or die "ERROR: cannot open pipe to cmsutil";
+ $layercounter++;
+ while (<TMP>) {
+ last if (/^\r?$/);
+ if (/^SMIME: /) {
+ $lastref = \$rfc822headers;
+ } elsif (/^\s/) {
+ ;
+ } else {
+ $lastref = \$mimeheaders;
+ }
+ $$lastref .= $_;
+ }
+ $saveRS = $/; $/ = undef; $mimebody = <TMP>; $/ = $saveRS;
+ close(TMP);
+ unlink($tmpsigfile);
+ unlink($tmpmsgfile);
+ } else {
+ # not a content type we know - we're done
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # so now we have the S/MIME parsing information in rfc822headers
+ # and the first mime entity we could not handle in mimeheaders and mimebody.
+ # dump 'em out and we're done.
+ print $rfc822headers;
+ print $mimeheaders . "\n" . $mimebody;
+} else {
+ #
+ # encode (which is much easier than decode)
+ #
+ $mimeentity = $mimeheaders . "\n" . $mimebody;
+ #
+ # canonicalize inner entity (rudimentary yet)
+ # convert single LFs to CRLF
+ # if no Content-Transfer-Encoding header present:
+ # if 8 bit chars present, use Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
+ # otherwise, use Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ #
+ $mimeentity =~ s/\r*\n/\r\n/mg;
+ #
+ # now do the wrapping
+ # we sign first, then encrypt because that's what Communicator needs
+ #
+ if (defined($opt_S)) {
+ $mimeentity = signentity($mimeentity, $signopts);
+ }
+ if (defined($opt_E)) {
+ $mimeentity = encryptentity($mimeentity, $encryptopts);
+ }
+ #
+ # XXX sign again to do triple wrapping (RFC2634)
+ #
+ #
+ # now write out the RFC822 headers
+ # followed by the final $mimeentity
+ #
+ print $rfc822headers;
+ print "MIME-Version: 1.0 (NSS SMIME -\n"; # set up the flag
+ print $mimeentity;
+exit 0;
diff --git a/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smimetools.gyp b/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smimetools.gyp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d3679f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/nss/cmd/smimetools/smimetools.gyp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+ 'includes': [
+ '../../coreconf/config.gypi',
+ '../../cmd/platlibs.gypi'
+ ],
+ 'targets': [
+ {
+ 'target_name': 'cmsutil',
+ 'type': 'executable',
+ 'sources': [
+ 'cmsutil.c'
+ ],
+ 'dependencies': [
+ '<(DEPTH)/exports.gyp:dbm_exports',
+ '<(DEPTH)/exports.gyp:nss_exports'
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'variables': {
+ 'module': 'nss'
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file