path: root/third_party/python/pip-tools/piptools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/python/pip-tools/piptools/')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/python/pip-tools/piptools/ b/third_party/python/pip-tools/piptools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b0eca76a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/python/pip-tools/piptools/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
+import sys
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from itertools import chain
+import six
+from click.utils import LazyFile
+from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_line
+from pip._internal.utils.misc import redact_auth_from_url
+from pip._internal.vcs import is_url
+from six.moves import shlex_quote
+from ._compat import PIP_VERSION
+from .click import style
+UNSAFE_PACKAGES = {"setuptools", "distribute", "pip"}
+ "--dry-run",
+ "--quiet",
+ "--rebuild",
+ "--upgrade",
+ "--upgrade-package",
+ "--verbose",
+ "--cache-dir",
+def key_from_ireq(ireq):
+ """Get a standardized key for an InstallRequirement."""
+ if ireq.req is None and is not None:
+ return str(
+ else:
+ return key_from_req(ireq.req)
+def key_from_req(req):
+ """Get an all-lowercase version of the requirement's name."""
+ if hasattr(req, "key"):
+ # from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync
+ key = req.key
+ else:
+ # from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt
+ key =
+ key = key.replace("_", "-").lower()
+ return key
+def comment(text):
+ return style(text, fg="green")
+def make_install_requirement(name, version, extras, constraint=False):
+ # If no extras are specified, the extras string is blank
+ extras_string = ""
+ if extras:
+ # Sort extras for stability
+ extras_string = "[{}]".format(",".join(sorted(extras)))
+ return install_req_from_line(
+ str("{}{}=={}".format(name, extras_string, version)), constraint=constraint
+ )
+def is_url_requirement(ireq):
+ """
+ Return True if requirement was specified as a path or URL.
+ ireq.original_link will have been set by InstallRequirement.__init__
+ """
+ return bool(ireq.original_link)
+def format_requirement(ireq, marker=None, hashes=None):
+ """
+ Generic formatter for pretty printing InstallRequirements to the terminal
+ in a less verbose way than using its `__str__` method.
+ """
+ if ireq.editable:
+ line = "-e {}".format(
+ elif is_url_requirement(ireq):
+ line =
+ else:
+ line = str(ireq.req).lower()
+ if marker:
+ line = "{} ; {}".format(line, marker)
+ if hashes:
+ for hash_ in sorted(hashes):
+ line += " \\\n --hash={}".format(hash_)
+ return line
+def format_specifier(ireq):
+ """
+ Generic formatter for pretty printing the specifier part of
+ InstallRequirements to the terminal.
+ """
+ # TODO: Ideally, this is carried over to the pip library itself
+ specs = ireq.specifier._specs if ireq.req is not None else []
+ specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda x: x._spec[1])
+ return ",".join(str(s) for s in specs) or "<any>"
+def is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
+ """
+ Returns whether an InstallRequirement is a "pinned" requirement.
+ An InstallRequirement is considered pinned if:
+ - Is not editable
+ - It has exactly one specifier
+ - That specifier is "=="
+ - The version does not contain a wildcard
+ Examples:
+ django==1.8 # pinned
+ django>1.8 # NOT pinned
+ django~=1.8 # NOT pinned
+ django==1.* # NOT pinned
+ """
+ if ireq.editable:
+ return False
+ if ireq.req is None or len(ireq.specifier._specs) != 1:
+ return False
+ op, version = next(iter(ireq.specifier._specs))._spec
+ return (op == "==" or op == "===") and not version.endswith(".*")
+def as_tuple(ireq):
+ """
+ Pulls out the (name: str, version:str, extras:(str)) tuple from
+ the pinned InstallRequirement.
+ """
+ if not is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
+ raise TypeError("Expected a pinned InstallRequirement, got {}".format(ireq))
+ name = key_from_ireq(ireq)
+ version = next(iter(ireq.specifier._specs))._spec[1]
+ extras = tuple(sorted(ireq.extras))
+ return name, version, extras
+def flat_map(fn, collection):
+ """Map a function over a collection and flatten the result by one-level"""
+ return chain.from_iterable(map(fn, collection))
+def lookup_table(values, key=None, keyval=None, unique=False, use_lists=False):
+ """
+ Builds a dict-based lookup table (index) elegantly.
+ Supports building normal and unique lookup tables. For example:
+ >>> assert lookup_table(
+ ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0]) == {
+ ... 'b': {'bar', 'baz'},
+ ... 'f': {'foo'},
+ ... 'q': {'quux', 'qux'}
+ ... }
+ For key functions that uniquely identify values, set unique=True:
+ >>> assert lookup_table(
+ ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0],
+ ... unique=True) == {
+ ... 'b': 'baz',
+ ... 'f': 'foo',
+ ... 'q': 'quux'
+ ... }
+ For the values represented as lists, set use_lists=True:
+ >>> assert lookup_table(
+ ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0],
+ ... use_lists=True) == {
+ ... 'b': ['bar', 'baz'],
+ ... 'f': ['foo'],
+ ... 'q': ['qux', 'quux']
+ ... }
+ The values of the resulting lookup table will be lists, not sets.
+ For extra power, you can even change the values while building up the LUT.
+ To do so, use the `keyval` function instead of the `key` arg:
+ >>> assert lookup_table(
+ ... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'],
+ ... keyval=lambda s: (s[0], s[1:])) == {
+ ... 'b': {'ar', 'az'},
+ ... 'f': {'oo'},
+ ... 'q': {'uux', 'ux'}
+ ... }
+ """
+ if keyval is None:
+ if key is None:
+ def keyval(v):
+ return v
+ else:
+ def keyval(v):
+ return (key(v), v)
+ if unique:
+ return dict(keyval(v) for v in values)
+ lut = {}
+ for value in values:
+ k, v = keyval(value)
+ try:
+ s = lut[k]
+ except KeyError:
+ if use_lists:
+ s = lut[k] = list()
+ else:
+ s = lut[k] = set()
+ if use_lists:
+ s.append(v)
+ else:
+ s.add(v)
+ return dict(lut)
+def dedup(iterable):
+ """Deduplicate an iterable object like iter(set(iterable)) but
+ order-preserved.
+ """
+ return iter(OrderedDict.fromkeys(iterable))
+def name_from_req(req):
+ """Get the name of the requirement"""
+ if hasattr(req, "project_name"):
+ # from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync
+ return req.project_name
+ else:
+ # from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt
+ return
+def fs_str(string):
+ """
+ Convert given string to a correctly encoded filesystem string.
+ On Python 2, if the input string is unicode, converts it to bytes
+ encoded with the filesystem encoding.
+ On Python 3 returns the string as is, since Python 3 uses unicode
+ paths and the input string shouldn't be bytes.
+ :type string: str|unicode
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ if isinstance(string, str):
+ return string
+ if isinstance(string, bytes):
+ raise AssertionError
+ return string.encode(_fs_encoding)
+_fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
+def get_hashes_from_ireq(ireq):
+ """
+ Given an InstallRequirement, return a list of string hashes in
+ the format "{algorithm}:{hash}". Return an empty list if there are no hashes
+ in the requirement options.
+ """
+ result = []
+ if PIP_VERSION[:2] <= (20, 0):
+ ireq_hashes = ireq.options.get("hashes", {})
+ else:
+ ireq_hashes = ireq.hash_options
+ for algorithm, hexdigests in ireq_hashes.items():
+ for hash_ in hexdigests:
+ result.append("{}:{}".format(algorithm, hash_))
+ return result
+def force_text(s):
+ """
+ Return a string representing `s`.
+ """
+ if s is None:
+ return ""
+ if not isinstance(s, six.string_types):
+ return six.text_type(s)
+ return s
+def get_compile_command(click_ctx):
+ """
+ Returns a normalized compile command depending on cli context.
+ The command will be normalized by:
+ - expanding options short to long
+ - removing values that are already default
+ - sorting the arguments
+ - removing one-off arguments like '--upgrade'
+ - removing arguments that don't change build behaviour like '--verbose'
+ """
+ from piptools.scripts.compile import cli
+ # Map of the compile cli options (option name -> click.Option)
+ compile_options = { option for option in cli.params}
+ left_args = []
+ right_args = []
+ for option_name, value in click_ctx.params.items():
+ option = compile_options[option_name]
+ # Get the latest option name (usually it'll be a long name)
+ option_long_name = option.opts[-1]
+ # Collect variadic args separately, they will be added
+ # at the end of the command later
+ if option.nargs < 0:
+ # These will necessarily be src_files
+ # Re-add click-stripped '--' if any start with '-'
+ if any(val.startswith("-") and val != "-" for val in value):
+ right_args.append("--")
+ right_args.extend([shlex_quote(force_text(val)) for val in value])
+ continue
+ # Exclude one-off options (--upgrade/--upgrade-package/--rebuild/...)
+ # or options that don't change compile behaviour (--verbose/--dry-run/...)
+ if option_long_name in COMPILE_EXCLUDE_OPTIONS:
+ continue
+ # Skip options without a value
+ if option.default is None and not value:
+ continue
+ # Skip options with a default value
+ if option.default == value:
+ continue
+ # Use a file name for file-like objects
+ if isinstance(value, LazyFile):
+ value =
+ # Convert value to the list
+ if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+ value = [value]
+ for val in value:
+ # Flags don't have a value, thus add to args true or false option long name
+ if option.is_flag:
+ # If there are false-options, choose an option name depending on a value
+ if option.secondary_opts:
+ # Get the latest false-option
+ secondary_option_long_name = option.secondary_opts[-1]
+ arg = option_long_name if val else secondary_option_long_name
+ # There are no false-options, use true-option
+ else:
+ arg = option_long_name
+ left_args.append(shlex_quote(arg))
+ # Append to args the option with a value
+ else:
+ if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and is_url(val):
+ val = redact_auth_from_url(val)
+ if == "pip_args":
+ # shlex_quote would produce functional but noisily quoted results,
+ # e.g. --pip-args='--cache-dir='"'"'/tmp/with spaces'"'"''
+ # Instead, we try to get more legible quoting via repr:
+ left_args.append(
+ "{option}={value}".format(
+ option=option_long_name, value=repr(fs_str(force_text(val)))
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ left_args.append(
+ "{option}={value}".format(
+ option=option_long_name, value=shlex_quote(force_text(val))
+ )
+ )
+ return " ".join(["pip-compile"] + sorted(left_args) + sorted(right_args))