path: root/third_party/rust/clap/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/clap/src')
40 files changed, 19813 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54cb85c82b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,1011 @@
+// Std
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::cmp;
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write};
+use std::usize;
+// Internal
+use app::{App, AppSettings};
+use app::parser::Parser;
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgSettings, DispOrder};
+use errors::{Error, Result as ClapResult};
+use fmt::{Colorizer, ColorizerOption, Format};
+use app::usage;
+use map::VecMap;
+// Third Party
+use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;
+#[cfg(feature = "wrap_help")]
+use term_size;
+use textwrap;
+#[cfg(not(feature = "wrap_help"))]
+mod term_size {
+ pub fn dimensions() -> Option<(usize, usize)> { None }
+fn str_width(s: &str) -> usize { UnicodeWidthStr::width(s) }
+const TAB: &'static str = " ";
+// These are just convenient traits to make the code easier to read.
+trait ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>: AnyArg<'b, 'c> + Display {}
+impl<'b, 'c, T> ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> for T
+ T: AnyArg<'b, 'c> + Display,
+trait ArgWithOrder<'b, 'c>: ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> + DispOrder {
+ fn as_base(&self) -> &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>;
+impl<'b, 'c, T> ArgWithOrder<'b, 'c> for T
+ T: ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> + DispOrder,
+ fn as_base(&self) -> &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c> { self }
+fn as_arg_trait<'a, 'b, T: ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &ArgWithOrder<'a, 'b> { x }
+impl<'b, 'c> DispOrder for App<'b, 'c> {
+ fn disp_ord(&self) -> usize { 999 }
+macro_rules! color {
+ ($_self:ident, $s:expr, $c:ident) => {
+ if $_self.color {
+ write!($_self.writer, "{}", $_self.cizer.$c($s))
+ } else {
+ write!($_self.writer, "{}", $s)
+ }
+ };
+ ($_self:ident, $fmt_s:expr, $v:expr, $c:ident) => {
+ if $_self.color {
+ write!($_self.writer, "{}", $_self.cizer.$c(format!($fmt_s, $v)))
+ } else {
+ write!($_self.writer, $fmt_s, $v)
+ }
+ };
+/// `clap` Help Writer.
+/// Wraps a writer stream providing different methods to generate help for `clap` objects.
+pub struct Help<'a> {
+ writer: &'a mut Write,
+ next_line_help: bool,
+ hide_pv: bool,
+ term_w: usize,
+ color: bool,
+ cizer: Colorizer,
+ longest: usize,
+ force_next_line: bool,
+ use_long: bool,
+// Public Functions
+impl<'a> Help<'a> {
+ /// Create a new `Help` instance.
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(too_many_arguments))]
+ pub fn new(
+ w: &'a mut Write,
+ next_line_help: bool,
+ hide_pv: bool,
+ color: bool,
+ cizer: Colorizer,
+ term_w: Option<usize>,
+ max_w: Option<usize>,
+ use_long: bool,
+ ) -> Self {
+ debugln!("Help::new;");
+ Help {
+ writer: w,
+ next_line_help: next_line_help,
+ hide_pv: hide_pv,
+ term_w: match term_w {
+ Some(width) => if width == 0 {
+ usize::MAX
+ } else {
+ width
+ },
+ None => cmp::min(
+ term_size::dimensions().map_or(120, |(w, _)| w),
+ match max_w {
+ None | Some(0) => usize::MAX,
+ Some(mw) => mw,
+ },
+ ),
+ },
+ color: color,
+ cizer: cizer,
+ longest: 0,
+ force_next_line: false,
+ use_long: use_long,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Reads help settings from an App
+ /// and write its help to the wrapped stream.
+ pub fn write_app_help(w: &'a mut Write, app: &App, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_app_help;");
+ Self::write_parser_help(w, &app.p, use_long)
+ }
+ /// Reads help settings from a Parser
+ /// and write its help to the wrapped stream.
+ pub fn write_parser_help(w: &'a mut Write, parser: &Parser, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_parser_help;");
+ Self::_write_parser_help(w, parser, false, use_long)
+ }
+ /// Reads help settings from a Parser
+ /// and write its help to the wrapped stream which will be stderr. This method prevents
+ /// formatting when required.
+ pub fn write_parser_help_to_stderr(w: &'a mut Write, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_parser_help;");
+ Self::_write_parser_help(w, parser, true, false)
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn _write_parser_help(
+ w: &'a mut Write,
+ parser: &Parser,
+ stderr: bool,
+ use_long: bool,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_parser_help;");
+ let nlh = parser.is_set(AppSettings::NextLineHelp);
+ let hide_v = parser.is_set(AppSettings::HidePossibleValuesInHelp);
+ let color = parser.is_set(AppSettings::ColoredHelp);
+ let cizer = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: stderr,
+ when: parser.color(),
+ });
+ Self::new(
+ w,
+ nlh,
+ hide_v,
+ color,
+ cizer,
+ parser.meta.term_w,
+ parser.meta.max_w,
+ use_long,
+ ).write_help(parser)
+ }
+ /// Writes the parser help to the wrapped stream.
+ pub fn write_help(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_help;");
+ if let Some(h) = parser.meta.help_str {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", h).map_err(Error::from)?;
+ } else if let Some(tmpl) = parser.meta.template {
+ self.write_templated_help(parser, tmpl)?;
+ } else {
+ self.write_default_help(parser)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+// Methods to write AnyArg help.
+impl<'a> Help<'a> {
+ /// Writes help for each argument in the order they were declared to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_args_unsorted<'b: 'd, 'c: 'd, 'd, I: 'd>(&mut self, args: I) -> io::Result<()>
+ where
+ I: Iterator<Item = &'d ArgWithOrder<'b, 'c>>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Help::write_args_unsorted;");
+ // The shortest an arg can legally be is 2 (i.e. '-x')
+ self.longest = 2;
+ let mut arg_v = Vec::with_capacity(10);
+ for arg in args.filter(|arg| {
+ !(arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)) || arg.is_set(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp)
+ }) {
+ if arg.longest_filter() {
+ self.longest = cmp::max(self.longest, str_width(arg.to_string().as_str()));
+ }
+ arg_v.push(arg)
+ }
+ let mut first = true;
+ for arg in arg_v {
+ if first {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ }
+ self.write_arg(arg.as_base())?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Sorts arguments by length and display order and write their help to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_args<'b: 'd, 'c: 'd, 'd, I: 'd>(&mut self, args: I) -> io::Result<()>
+ where
+ I: Iterator<Item = &'d ArgWithOrder<'b, 'c>>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Help::write_args;");
+ // The shortest an arg can legally be is 2 (i.e. '-x')
+ self.longest = 2;
+ let mut ord_m = VecMap::new();
+ // Determine the longest
+ for arg in args.filter(|arg| {
+ // If it's NextLineHelp, but we don't care to compute how long because it may be
+ // NextLineHelp on purpose *because* it's so long and would throw off all other
+ // args alignment
+ !arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden) || arg.is_set(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp)
+ }) {
+ if arg.longest_filter() {
+ debugln!("Help::write_args: Current Longest...{}", self.longest);
+ self.longest = cmp::max(self.longest, str_width(arg.to_string().as_str()));
+ debugln!("Help::write_args: New Longest...{}", self.longest);
+ }
+ let btm = ord_m.entry(arg.disp_ord()).or_insert(BTreeMap::new());
+ btm.insert(, arg);
+ }
+ let mut first = true;
+ for btm in ord_m.values() {
+ for arg in btm.values() {
+ if first {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ }
+ self.write_arg(arg.as_base())?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes help for an argument to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_arg<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_arg;");
+ self.short(arg)?;
+ self.long(arg)?;
+ let spec_vals = self.val(arg)?;
+, &*spec_vals)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes argument's short command to the wrapped stream.
+ fn short<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::short;");
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", TAB)?;
+ if let Some(s) = arg.short() {
+ color!(self, "-{}", s, good)
+ } else if arg.has_switch() {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", TAB)
+ } else {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ }
+ /// Writes argument's long command to the wrapped stream.
+ fn long<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::long;");
+ if !arg.has_switch() {
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ if arg.takes_value() {
+ if let Some(l) = arg.long() {
+ if arg.short().is_some() {
+ write!(self.writer, ", ")?;
+ }
+ color!(self, "--{}", l, good)?
+ }
+ let sep = if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireEquals) {
+ "="
+ } else {
+ " "
+ };
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", sep)?;
+ } else if let Some(l) = arg.long() {
+ if arg.short().is_some() {
+ write!(self.writer, ", ")?;
+ }
+ color!(self, "--{}", l, good)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes argument's possible values to the wrapped stream.
+ fn val<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
+ debugln!("Help::val: arg={}", arg);
+ if arg.takes_value() {
+ let delim = if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter) {
+ arg.val_delim().expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
+ } else {
+ ' '
+ };
+ if let Some(vec) = arg.val_names() {
+ let mut it = vec.iter().peekable();
+ while let Some((_, val)) = {
+ color!(self, "<{}>", val, good)?;
+ if it.peek().is_some() {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", delim)?;
+ }
+ }
+ let num = vec.len();
+ if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && num == 1 {
+ color!(self, "...", good)?;
+ }
+ } else if let Some(num) = arg.num_vals() {
+ let mut it = (0..num).peekable();
+ while let Some(_) = {
+ color!(self, "<{}>",, good)?;
+ if it.peek().is_some() {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", delim)?;
+ }
+ }
+ if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && num == 1 {
+ color!(self, "...", good)?;
+ }
+ } else if arg.has_switch() {
+ color!(self, "<{}>",, good)?;
+ if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ color!(self, "...", good)?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ color!(self, "{}", arg, good)?;
+ }
+ }
+ let spec_vals = self.spec_vals(arg);
+ let h ="");
+ let h_w = str_width(h) + str_width(&*spec_vals);
+ let nlh = self.next_line_help || arg.is_set(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp);
+ let taken = self.longest + 12;
+ self.force_next_line = !nlh && self.term_w >= taken
+ && (taken as f32 / self.term_w as f32) > 0.40
+ && h_w > (self.term_w - taken);
+ debug!("Help::val: Has switch...");
+ if arg.has_switch() {
+ sdebugln!("Yes");
+ debugln!("Help::val: force_next_line...{:?}", self.force_next_line);
+ debugln!("Help::val: nlh...{:?}", nlh);
+ debugln!("Help::val: taken...{}", taken);
+ debugln!(
+ "Help::val: help_width > (width - taken)...{} > ({} - {})",
+ h_w,
+ self.term_w,
+ taken
+ );
+ debugln!("Help::val: longest...{}", self.longest);
+ debug!("Help::val: next_line...");
+ if !(nlh || self.force_next_line) {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ let self_len = str_width(arg.to_string().as_str());
+ // subtract ourself
+ let mut spcs = self.longest - self_len;
+ // Since we're writing spaces from the tab point we first need to know if we
+ // had a long and short, or just short
+ if arg.long().is_some() {
+ // Only account 4 after the val
+ spcs += 4;
+ } else {
+ // Only account for ', --' + 4 after the val
+ spcs += 8;
+ }
+ write_nspaces!(self.writer, spcs);
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("Yes");
+ }
+ } else if !(nlh || self.force_next_line) {
+ sdebugln!("No, and not next_line");
+ write_nspaces!(
+ self.writer,
+ self.longest + 4 - (str_width(arg.to_string().as_str()))
+ );
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ }
+ Ok(spec_vals)
+ }
+ fn write_before_after_help(&mut self, h: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_before_after_help;");
+ let mut help = String::from(h);
+ // determine if our help fits or needs to wrap
+ debugln!(
+ "Help::write_before_after_help: Term width...{}",
+ self.term_w
+ );
+ let too_long = str_width(h) >= self.term_w;
+ debug!("Help::write_before_after_help: Too long...");
+ if too_long || h.contains("{n}") {
+ sdebugln!("Yes");
+ debugln!("Help::write_before_after_help: help: {}", help);
+ debugln!(
+ "Help::write_before_after_help: help width: {}",
+ str_width(&*help)
+ );
+ // Determine how many newlines we need to insert
+ debugln!(
+ "Help::write_before_after_help: Usable space: {}",
+ self.term_w
+ );
+ help = wrap_help(&help.replace("{n}", "\n"), self.term_w);
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ }
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", help)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes argument's help to the wrapped stream.
+ fn help<'b, 'c>(&mut self, arg: &ArgWithDisplay<'b, 'c>, spec_vals: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::help;");
+ let h = if self.use_long {
+ arg.long_help().unwrap_or_else(||""))
+ } else {
+|| arg.long_help().unwrap_or(""))
+ };
+ let mut help = String::from(h) + spec_vals;
+ let nlh = self.next_line_help || arg.is_set(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp) || self.use_long;
+ debugln!("Help::help: Next Line...{:?}", nlh);
+ let spcs = if nlh || self.force_next_line {
+ 12 // "tab" * 3
+ } else {
+ self.longest + 12
+ };
+ let too_long = spcs + str_width(h) + str_width(&*spec_vals) >= self.term_w;
+ // Is help on next line, if so then indent
+ if nlh || self.force_next_line {
+ write!(self.writer, "\n{}{}{}", TAB, TAB, TAB)?;
+ }
+ debug!("Help::help: Too long...");
+ if too_long && spcs <= self.term_w || h.contains("{n}") {
+ sdebugln!("Yes");
+ debugln!("Help::help: help...{}", help);
+ debugln!("Help::help: help width...{}", str_width(&*help));
+ // Determine how many newlines we need to insert
+ let avail_chars = self.term_w - spcs;
+ debugln!("Help::help: Usable space...{}", avail_chars);
+ help = wrap_help(&help.replace("{n}", "\n"), avail_chars);
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ }
+ if let Some(part) = help.lines().next() {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", part)?;
+ }
+ for part in help.lines().skip(1) {
+ write!(self.writer, "\n")?;
+ if nlh || self.force_next_line {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}{}{}", TAB, TAB, TAB)?;
+ } else if arg.has_switch() {
+ write_nspaces!(self.writer, self.longest + 12);
+ } else {
+ write_nspaces!(self.writer, self.longest + 8);
+ }
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", part)?;
+ }
+ if !help.contains('\n') && (nlh || self.force_next_line) {
+ write!(self.writer, "\n")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn spec_vals(&self, a: &ArgWithDisplay) -> String {
+ debugln!("Help::spec_vals: a={}", a);
+ let mut spec_vals = vec![];
+ if let Some(ref env) = a.env() {
+ debugln!(
+ "Help::spec_vals: Found environment variable...[{:?}:{:?}]",
+ env.0,
+ env.1
+ );
+ let env_val = if !a.is_set(ArgSettings::HideEnvValues) {
+ format!("={}", env.1.map_or(Cow::Borrowed(""), |val| val.to_string_lossy()))
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ let env_info = format!(
+ " [env: {}{}]",
+ env.0.to_string_lossy(),
+ env_val
+ );
+ spec_vals.push(env_info);
+ }
+ if !a.is_set(ArgSettings::HideDefaultValue) {
+ if let Some(pv) = a.default_val() {
+ debugln!("Help::spec_vals: Found default value...[{:?}]", pv);
+ spec_vals.push(format!(
+ " [default: {}]",
+ if self.color {
+ self.cizer.good(pv.to_string_lossy())
+ } else {
+ Format::None(pv.to_string_lossy())
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = a.aliases() {
+ debugln!("Help::spec_vals: Found aliases...{:?}", aliases);
+ spec_vals.push(format!(
+ " [aliases: {}]",
+ if self.color {
+ aliases
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| format!("{}", self.cizer.good(v)))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(", ")
+ } else {
+ aliases.join(", ")
+ }
+ ));
+ }
+ if !self.hide_pv && !a.is_set(ArgSettings::HidePossibleValues) {
+ if let Some(pv) = a.possible_vals() {
+ debugln!("Help::spec_vals: Found possible vals...{:?}", pv);
+ spec_vals.push(if self.color {
+ format!(
+ " [possible values: {}]",
+ pv.iter()
+ .map(|v| format!("{}", self.cizer.good(v)))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(", ")
+ )
+ } else {
+ format!(" [possible values: {}]", pv.join(", "))
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ spec_vals.join(" ")
+ }
+// Methods to write Parser help.
+impl<'a> Help<'a> {
+ /// Writes help for all arguments (options, flags, args, subcommands)
+ /// including titles of a Parser Object to the wrapped stream.
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(useless_let_if_seq))]
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(useless_let_if_seq))]
+ pub fn write_all_args(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_all_args;");
+ let flags = parser.has_flags();
+ let pos = parser
+ .positionals()
+ .filter(|arg| !arg.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ .count() > 0;
+ let opts = parser.has_opts();
+ let subcmds = parser.has_visible_subcommands();
+ let unified_help = parser.is_set(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage);
+ let mut first = true;
+ if unified_help && (flags || opts) {
+ let opts_flags = parser
+ .flags()
+ .map(as_arg_trait)
+ .chain(parser.opts().map(as_arg_trait));
+ color!(self, "OPTIONS:\n", warning)?;
+ self.write_args(opts_flags)?;
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ if flags {
+ color!(self, "FLAGS:\n", warning)?;
+ self.write_args(parser.flags().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ if opts {
+ if !first {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n\n")?;
+ }
+ color!(self, "OPTIONS:\n", warning)?;
+ self.write_args(parser.opts().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if pos {
+ if !first {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n\n")?;
+ }
+ color!(self, "ARGS:\n", warning)?;
+ self.write_args_unsorted(parser.positionals().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ if subcmds {
+ if !first {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n\n")?;
+ }
+ color!(self, "SUBCOMMANDS:\n", warning)?;
+ self.write_subcommands(parser)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes help for subcommands of a Parser Object to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_subcommands(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_subcommands;");
+ // The shortest an arg can legally be is 2 (i.e. '-x')
+ self.longest = 2;
+ let mut ord_m = VecMap::new();
+ for sc in parser
+ .subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|s| !s.p.is_set(AppSettings::Hidden))
+ {
+ let btm = ord_m.entry(sc.p.meta.disp_ord).or_insert(BTreeMap::new());
+ self.longest = cmp::max(self.longest, str_width(;
+ //self.longest = cmp::max(self.longest,;
+ btm.insert(, sc.clone());
+ }
+ let mut first = true;
+ for btm in ord_m.values() {
+ for sc in btm.values() {
+ if first {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ }
+ self.write_arg(sc)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes version of a Parser Object to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_version(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_version;");
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", parser.meta.version.unwrap_or(""))?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes binary name of a Parser Object to the wrapped stream.
+ fn write_bin_name(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> io::Result<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_bin_name;");
+ macro_rules! write_name {
+ () => {{
+ let mut name =;
+ name = name.replace("{n}", "\n");
+ color!(self, wrap_help(&name, self.term_w), good)?;
+ }};
+ }
+ if let Some(bn) = parser.meta.bin_name.as_ref() {
+ if bn.contains(' ') {
+ // Incase we're dealing with subcommands i.e. git mv is translated to git-mv
+ color!(self, bn.replace(" ", "-"), good)?
+ } else {
+ write_name!();
+ }
+ } else {
+ write_name!();
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Writes default help for a Parser Object to the wrapped stream.
+ pub fn write_default_help(&mut self, parser: &Parser) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_default_help;");
+ if let Some(h) = parser.meta.pre_help {
+ self.write_before_after_help(h)?;
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n\n")?;
+ }
+ macro_rules! write_thing {
+ ($thing:expr) => {{
+ let mut owned_thing = $thing.to_owned();
+ owned_thing = owned_thing.replace("{n}", "\n");
+ write!(self.writer, "{}\n",
+ wrap_help(&owned_thing, self.term_w))?
+ }};
+ }
+ // Print the version
+ self.write_bin_name(parser)?;
+ self.writer.write_all(b" ")?;
+ self.write_version(parser)?;
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ if let Some(author) = {
+ write_thing!(author)
+ }
+ if self.use_long {
+ if let Some(about) = parser.meta.long_about {
+ debugln!("Help::write_default_help: writing long about");
+ write_thing!(about)
+ } else if let Some(about) = parser.meta.about {
+ debugln!("Help::write_default_help: writing about");
+ write_thing!(about)
+ }
+ } else if let Some(about) = parser.meta.about {
+ debugln!("Help::write_default_help: writing about");
+ write_thing!(about)
+ } else if let Some(about) = parser.meta.long_about {
+ debugln!("Help::write_default_help: writing long about");
+ write_thing!(about)
+ }
+ color!(self, "\nUSAGE:", warning)?;
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "\n{}{}\n\n",
+ TAB,
+ usage::create_usage_no_title(parser, &[])
+ )?;
+ let flags = parser.has_flags();
+ let pos = parser.has_positionals();
+ let opts = parser.has_opts();
+ let subcmds = parser.has_subcommands();
+ if flags || opts || pos || subcmds {
+ self.write_all_args(parser)?;
+ }
+ if let Some(h) = parser.meta.more_help {
+ if flags || opts || pos || subcmds {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"\n\n")?;
+ }
+ self.write_before_after_help(h)?;
+ }
+ self.writer.flush().map_err(Error::from)
+ }
+/// Possible results for a copying function that stops when a given
+/// byte was found.
+enum CopyUntilResult {
+ DelimiterFound(usize),
+ DelimiterNotFound(usize),
+ ReaderEmpty,
+ ReadError(io::Error),
+ WriteError(io::Error),
+/// Copies the contents of a reader into a writer until a delimiter byte is found.
+/// On success, the total number of bytes that were
+/// copied from reader to writer is returned.
+fn copy_until<R: Read, W: Write>(r: &mut R, w: &mut W, delimiter_byte: u8) -> CopyUntilResult {
+ debugln!("copy_until;");
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for wb in r.bytes() {
+ match wb {
+ Ok(b) => {
+ if b == delimiter_byte {
+ return CopyUntilResult::DelimiterFound(count);
+ }
+ match w.write(&[b]) {
+ Ok(c) => count += c,
+ Err(e) => return CopyUntilResult::WriteError(e),
+ }
+ }
+ Err(e) => return CopyUntilResult::ReadError(e),
+ }
+ }
+ if count > 0 {
+ CopyUntilResult::DelimiterNotFound(count)
+ } else {
+ CopyUntilResult::ReaderEmpty
+ }
+/// Copies the contents of a reader into a writer until a {tag} is found,
+/// copying the tag content to a buffer and returning its size.
+/// In addition to errors, there are three possible outputs:
+/// - `None`: The reader was consumed.
+/// - `Some(Ok(0))`: No tag was captured but the reader still contains data.
+/// - `Some(Ok(length>0))`: a tag with `length` was captured to the `tag_buffer`.
+fn copy_and_capture<R: Read, W: Write>(
+ r: &mut R,
+ w: &mut W,
+ tag_buffer: &mut Cursor<Vec<u8>>,
+) -> Option<io::Result<usize>> {
+ use self::CopyUntilResult::*;
+ debugln!("copy_and_capture;");
+ // Find the opening byte.
+ match copy_until(r, w, b'{') {
+ // The end of the reader was reached without finding the opening tag.
+ // (either with or without having copied data to the writer)
+ // Return None indicating that we are done.
+ ReaderEmpty | DelimiterNotFound(_) => None,
+ // Something went wrong.
+ ReadError(e) | WriteError(e) => Some(Err(e)),
+ // The opening byte was found.
+ // (either with or without having copied data to the writer)
+ DelimiterFound(_) => {
+ // Lets reset the buffer first and find out how long it is.
+ tag_buffer.set_position(0);
+ let buffer_size = tag_buffer.get_ref().len();
+ // Find the closing byte,limiting the reader to the length of the buffer.
+ let mut rb = r.take(buffer_size as u64);
+ match copy_until(&mut rb, tag_buffer, b'}') {
+ // We were already at the end of the reader.
+ // Return None indicating that we are done.
+ ReaderEmpty => None,
+ // The closing tag was found.
+ // Return the tag_length.
+ DelimiterFound(tag_length) => Some(Ok(tag_length)),
+ // The end of the reader was found without finding the closing tag.
+ // Write the opening byte and captured text to the writer.
+ // Return 0 indicating that nothing was captured but the reader still contains data.
+ DelimiterNotFound(not_tag_length) => match w.write(b"{") {
+ Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
+ _ => match w.write(&tag_buffer.get_ref()[0..not_tag_length]) {
+ Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
+ _ => Some(Ok(0)),
+ },
+ },
+ ReadError(e) | WriteError(e) => Some(Err(e)),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Methods to write Parser help using templates.
+impl<'a> Help<'a> {
+ /// Write help to stream for the parser in the format defined by the template.
+ ///
+ /// Tags arg given inside curly brackets:
+ /// Valid tags are:
+ /// * `{bin}` - Binary name.
+ /// * `{version}` - Version number.
+ /// * `{author}` - Author information.
+ /// * `{usage}` - Automatically generated or given usage string.
+ /// * `{all-args}` - Help for all arguments (options, flags, positionals arguments,
+ /// and subcommands) including titles.
+ /// * `{unified}` - Unified help for options and flags.
+ /// * `{flags}` - Help for flags.
+ /// * `{options}` - Help for options.
+ /// * `{positionals}` - Help for positionals arguments.
+ /// * `{subcommands}` - Help for subcommands.
+ /// * `{after-help}` - Info to be displayed after the help message.
+ /// * `{before-help}` - Info to be displayed before the help message.
+ ///
+ /// The template system is, on purpose, very simple. Therefore the tags have to writen
+ /// in the lowercase and without spacing.
+ fn write_templated_help(&mut self, parser: &Parser, template: &str) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Help::write_templated_help;");
+ let mut tmplr = Cursor::new(&template);
+ let mut tag_buf = Cursor::new(vec![0u8; 15]);
+ // The strategy is to copy the template from the reader to wrapped stream
+ // until a tag is found. Depending on its value, the appropriate content is copied
+ // to the wrapped stream.
+ // The copy from template is then resumed, repeating this sequence until reading
+ // the complete template.
+ loop {
+ let tag_length = match copy_and_capture(&mut tmplr, &mut self.writer, &mut tag_buf) {
+ None => return Ok(()),
+ Some(Err(e)) => return Err(Error::from(e)),
+ Some(Ok(val)) if val > 0 => val,
+ _ => continue,
+ };
+ debugln!("Help::write_template_help:iter: tag_buf={};", unsafe {
+ String::from_utf8_unchecked(
+ tag_buf.get_ref()[0..tag_length]
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&i| i)
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ )
+ });
+ match &tag_buf.get_ref()[0..tag_length] {
+ b"?" => {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"Could not decode tag name")?;
+ }
+ b"bin" => {
+ self.write_bin_name(parser)?;
+ }
+ b"version" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+ parser.meta.version.unwrap_or("unknown version")
+ )?;
+ }
+ b"author" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+"unknown author")
+ )?;
+ }
+ b"about" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+ parser.meta.about.unwrap_or("unknown about")
+ )?;
+ }
+ b"long-about" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+ parser.meta.long_about.unwrap_or("unknown about")
+ )?;
+ }
+ b"usage" => {
+ write!(self.writer, "{}", usage::create_usage_no_title(parser, &[]))?;
+ }
+ b"all-args" => {
+ self.write_all_args(parser)?;
+ }
+ b"unified" => {
+ let opts_flags = parser
+ .flags()
+ .map(as_arg_trait)
+ .chain(parser.opts().map(as_arg_trait));
+ self.write_args(opts_flags)?;
+ }
+ b"flags" => {
+ self.write_args(parser.flags().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ }
+ b"options" => {
+ self.write_args(parser.opts().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ }
+ b"positionals" => {
+ self.write_args(parser.positionals().map(as_arg_trait))?;
+ }
+ b"subcommands" => {
+ self.write_subcommands(parser)?;
+ }
+ b"after-help" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+ parser.meta.more_help.unwrap_or("unknown after-help")
+ )?;
+ }
+ b"before-help" => {
+ write!(
+ self.writer,
+ "{}",
+ parser.meta.pre_help.unwrap_or("unknown before-help")
+ )?;
+ }
+ // Unknown tag, write it back.
+ r => {
+ self.writer.write_all(b"{")?;
+ self.writer.write_all(r)?;
+ self.writer.write_all(b"}")?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+fn wrap_help(help: &str, avail_chars: usize) -> String {
+ let wrapper = textwrap::Wrapper::new(avail_chars).break_words(false);
+ help.lines()
+ .map(|line| wrapper.fill(line))
+ .collect::<Vec<String>>()
+ .join("\n")
+mod test {
+ use super::wrap_help;
+ #[test]
+ fn wrap_help_last_word() {
+ let help = String::from("foo bar baz");
+ assert_eq!(wrap_help(&help, 5), "foo\nbar\nbaz");
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c7f128fe53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
+pub struct AppMeta<'b> {
+ pub name: String,
+ pub bin_name: Option<String>,
+ pub author: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub version: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub long_version: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub about: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub long_about: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub more_help: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub pre_help: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub aliases: Option<Vec<(&'b str, bool)>>, // (name, visible)
+ pub usage_str: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub usage: Option<String>,
+ pub help_str: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub disp_ord: usize,
+ pub term_w: Option<usize>,
+ pub max_w: Option<usize>,
+ pub template: Option<&'b str>,
+impl<'b> AppMeta<'b> {
+ pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() }
+ pub fn with_name(s: String) -> Self {
+ AppMeta {
+ name: s,
+ disp_ord: 999,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4fd69db28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,1841 @@
+mod settings;
+pub mod parser;
+mod meta;
+mod help;
+mod validator;
+mod usage;
+// Std
+use std::env;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::io::{self, BufRead, BufWriter, Write};
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::process;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::result::Result as StdResult;
+// Third Party
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use yaml_rust::Yaml;
+// Internal
+use app::help::Help;
+use app::parser::Parser;
+use args::{AnyArg, Arg, ArgGroup, ArgMatcher, ArgMatches, ArgSettings};
+use errors::Result as ClapResult;
+pub use self::settings::AppSettings;
+use completions::Shell;
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+/// Used to create a representation of a command line program and all possible command line
+/// arguments. Application settings are set using the "builder pattern" with the
+/// [`App::get_matches`] family of methods being the terminal methods that starts the
+/// runtime-parsing process. These methods then return information about the user supplied
+/// arguments (or lack there of).
+/// **NOTE:** There aren't any mandatory "options" that one must set. The "options" may
+/// also appear in any order (so long as one of the [`App::get_matches`] methods is the last method
+/// called).
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// let m = App::new("My Program")
+/// .author("Me,")
+/// .version("1.0.2")
+/// .about("Explains in brief what the program does")
+/// .arg(
+/// Arg::with_name("in_file").index(1)
+/// )
+/// .after_help("Longer explanation to appear after the options when \
+/// displaying the help information from --help or -h")
+/// .get_matches();
+/// // Your program logic starts here...
+/// ```
+/// [`App::get_matches`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches
+pub struct App<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub p: Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> App<'a, 'b> {
+ /// Creates a new instance of an application requiring a name. The name may be, but doesn't
+ /// have to be same as the binary. The name will be displayed to the user when they request to
+ /// print version or help and usage information.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let prog = App::new("My Program")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn new<S: Into<String>>(n: S) -> Self {
+ App {
+ p: Parser::with_name(n.into()),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Get the name of the app
+ pub fn get_name(&self) -> &str { & }
+ /// Get the name of the binary
+ pub fn get_bin_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().map(|s| s.as_str()) }
+ /// Creates a new instance of an application requiring a name, but uses the [`crate_authors!`]
+ /// and [`crate_version!`] macros to fill in the [`App::author`] and [`App::version`] fields.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let prog = App::with_defaults("My Program")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`crate_authors!`]: ./macro.crate_authors!.html
+ /// [`crate_version!`]: ./macro.crate_version!.html
+ /// [`App::author`]: ./
+ /// [`App::version`]: ./
+ #[deprecated(since="2.14.1", note="Can never work; use explicit App::author() and App::version() calls instead")]
+ pub fn with_defaults<S: Into<String>>(n: S) -> Self {
+ let mut a = App {
+ p: Parser::with_name(n.into()),
+ };
+ = Some("Kevin K. <>");
+ a.p.meta.version = Some("2.19.2");
+ a
+ }
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`App`] from a .yml (YAML) file. A full example of supported YAML
+ /// objects can be found in [`examples/`] and [`examples/17_yaml.yml`]. One great use
+ /// for using YAML is when supporting multiple languages and dialects, as each language could
+ /// be a distinct YAML file and determined at compiletime via `cargo` "features" in your
+ /// `Cargo.toml`
+ ///
+ /// In order to use this function you must compile `clap` with the `features = ["yaml"]` in
+ /// your settings for the `[dependencies.clap]` table of your `Cargo.toml`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Due to how the YAML objects are built there is a convenience macro for loading
+ /// the YAML file at compile time (relative to the current file, like modules work). That YAML
+ /// object can then be passed to this function.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// The YAML file must be properly formatted or this function will [`panic!`]. A good way to
+ /// ensure this doesn't happen is to run your program with the `--help` switch. If this passes
+ /// without error, you needn't worry because the YAML is properly formatted.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// The following example shows how to load a properly formatted YAML file to build an instance
+ /// of an [`App`] struct.
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// # #[macro_use]
+ /// # extern crate clap;
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// # fn main() {
+ /// let yml = load_yaml!("app.yml");
+ /// let app = App::from_yaml(yml);
+ ///
+ /// // continued logic goes here, such as `app.get_matches()` etc.
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`examples/`]:
+ /// [`examples/17_yaml.yml`]:
+ /// [`panic!`]:!.html
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ pub fn from_yaml(yaml: &'a Yaml) -> App<'a, 'a> { App::from(yaml) }
+ /// Sets a string of author(s) that will be displayed to the user when they
+ /// request the help information with `--help` or `-h`.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro-tip:** Use `clap`s convenience macro [`crate_authors!`] to automatically set your
+ /// application's author(s) to the same thing as your crate at compile time. See the [`examples/`]
+ /// directory for more information
+ ///
+ /// See the [`examples/`]
+ /// directory for more information
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .author("Me,")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`crate_authors!`]: ./macro.crate_authors!.html
+ /// [`examples/`]:
+ pub fn author<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, author: S) -> Self {
+ = Some(author.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Overrides the system-determined binary name. This should only be used when absolutely
+ /// necessary, such as when the binary name for your application is misleading, or perhaps
+ /// *not* how the user should invoke your program.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro-tip:** When building things such as third party `cargo` subcommands, this setting
+ /// **should** be used!
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This command **should not** be used for [`SubCommand`]s.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("My Program")
+ /// .bin_name("my_binary")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ pub fn bin_name<S: Into<String>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.bin_name = Some(name.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a string describing what the program does. This will be displayed when displaying help
+ /// information with `-h`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `about` is provided, and not [`App::long_about`] but the user requests
+ /// `--help` clap will still display the contents of `about` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Only [`App::about`] is used in completion script generation in order to be
+ /// concise
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .about("Does really amazing things to great people")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App::long_about`]: ./struct.App.html#method.long_about
+ pub fn about<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, about: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.about = Some(about.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a string describing what the program does. This will be displayed when displaying help
+ /// information.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `long_about` is provided, and not [`App::about`] but the user requests
+ /// `-h` clap will still display the contents of `long_about` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Only [`App::about`] is used in completion script generation in order to be
+ /// concise
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .long_about(
+ /// "Does really amazing things to great people. Now let's talk a little
+ /// more in depth about how this subcommand really works. It may take about
+ /// a few lines of text, but that's ok!")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App::about`]: ./struct.App.html#method.about
+ pub fn long_about<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, about: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.long_about = Some(about.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the program's name. This will be displayed when displaying help information.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro-top:** This function is particularly useful when configuring a program via
+ /// [`App::from_yaml`] in conjunction with the [`crate_name!`] macro to derive the program's
+ /// name from its `Cargo.toml`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// # #[macro_use]
+ /// # extern crate clap;
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// # fn main() {
+ /// let yml = load_yaml!("app.yml");
+ /// let app = App::from_yaml(yml)
+ /// .name(crate_name!());
+ ///
+ /// // continued logic goes here, such as `app.get_matches()` etc.
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// [`App::from_yaml`]: ./struct.App.html#method.from_yaml
+ /// [`crate_name!`]: ./macro.crate_name.html
+ pub fn name<S: Into<String>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ = name.into();
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds additional help information to be displayed in addition to auto-generated help. This
+ /// information is displayed **after** the auto-generated help information. This is often used
+ /// to describe how to use the arguments, or caveats to be noted.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .after_help("Does really amazing things to great people...but be careful with -R")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn after_help<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, help: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.more_help = Some(help.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds additional help information to be displayed in addition to auto-generated help. This
+ /// information is displayed **before** the auto-generated help information. This is often used
+ /// for header information.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .before_help("Some info I'd like to appear before the help info")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn before_help<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, help: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.pre_help = Some(help.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a string of the version number to be displayed when displaying version or help
+ /// information with `-V`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `version` is provided, and not [`App::long_version`] but the user
+ /// requests `--version` clap will still display the contents of `version` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **Pro-tip:** Use `clap`s convenience macro [`crate_version!`] to automatically set your
+ /// application's version to the same thing as your crate at compile time. See the [`examples/`]
+ /// directory for more information
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v0.1.24")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`crate_version!`]: ./macro.crate_version!.html
+ /// [`examples/`]:
+ /// [`App::long_version`]: ./struct.App.html#method.long_version
+ pub fn version<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, ver: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.version = Some(ver.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a string of the version number to be displayed when displaying version or help
+ /// information with `--version`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `long_version` is provided, and not [`App::version`] but the user
+ /// requests `-V` clap will still display the contents of `long_version` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **Pro-tip:** Use `clap`s convenience macro [`crate_version!`] to automatically set your
+ /// application's version to the same thing as your crate at compile time. See the [`examples/`]
+ /// directory for more information
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .long_version(
+ /// "v0.1.24
+ /// commit: abcdef89726d
+ /// revision: 123
+ /// release: 2
+ /// binary: myprog")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`crate_version!`]: ./macro.crate_version!.html
+ /// [`examples/`]:
+ /// [`App::version`]: ./struct.App.html#method.version
+ pub fn long_version<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, ver: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.long_version = Some(ver.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a custom usage string to override the auto-generated usage string.
+ ///
+ /// This will be displayed to the user when errors are found in argument parsing, or when you
+ /// call [`ArgMatches::usage`]
+ ///
+ /// **CAUTION:** Using this setting disables `clap`s "context-aware" usage strings. After this
+ /// setting is set, this will be the only usage string displayed to the user!
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** You do not need to specify the "USAGE: \n\t" portion, as that will
+ /// still be applied by `clap`, you only need to specify the portion starting
+ /// with the binary name.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This will not replace the entire help message, *only* the portion
+ /// showing the usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .usage("myapp [-clDas] <some_file>")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches::usage`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.usage
+ pub fn usage<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, usage: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.usage_str = Some(usage.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a custom help message and overrides the auto-generated one. This should only be used
+ /// when the auto-generated message does not suffice.
+ ///
+ /// This will be displayed to the user when they use `--help` or `-h`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This replaces the **entire** help message, so nothing will be auto-generated.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This **only** replaces the help message for the current command, meaning if you
+ /// are using subcommands, those help messages will still be auto-generated unless you
+ /// specify a [`Arg::help`] for them as well.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myapp")
+ /// .help("myapp v1.0\n\
+ /// Does awesome things\n\
+ /// (C)\n\n\
+ ///
+ /// USAGE: myapp <opts> <comamnd>\n\n\
+ ///
+ /// Options:\n\
+ /// -h, --helpe Dispay this message\n\
+ /// -V, --version Display version info\n\
+ /// -s <stuff> Do something with stuff\n\
+ /// -v Be verbose\n\n\
+ ///
+ /// Commmands:\n\
+ /// help Prints this message\n\
+ /// work Do some work")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::help`]: ./
+ pub fn help<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, help: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.help_str = Some(help.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the [`short`] for the auto-generated `help` argument.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` automatically assigns `h`, but this can be overridden if you have a
+ /// different argument which you'd prefer to use the `-h` short with. This can be done by
+ /// defining your own argument with a lowercase `h` as the [`short`].
+ ///
+ /// `clap` lazily generates these `help` arguments **after** you've defined any arguments of
+ /// your own.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Any leading `-` characters will be stripped, and only the first
+ /// non `-` character will be used as the [`short`] version
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .help_short("H") // Using an uppercase `H` instead of the default lowercase `h`
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`short`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.short
+ pub fn help_short<S: AsRef<str> + 'b>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.help_short(s.as_ref());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the [`short`] for the auto-generated `version` argument.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` automatically assigns `V`, but this can be overridden if you have a
+ /// different argument which you'd prefer to use the `-V` short with. This can be done by
+ /// defining your own argument with an uppercase `V` as the [`short`].
+ ///
+ /// `clap` lazily generates these `version` arguments **after** you've defined any arguments of
+ /// your own.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Any leading `-` characters will be stripped, and only the first
+ /// non `-` character will be used as the `short` version
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version_short("v") // Using a lowercase `v` instead of the default capital `V`
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`short`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.short
+ pub fn version_short<S: AsRef<str>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.version_short(s.as_ref());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the help text for the auto-generated `help` argument.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` sets this to `"Prints help information"`, but if you're using a
+ /// different convention for your help messages and would prefer a different phrasing you can
+ /// override it.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .help_message("Print help information") // Perhaps you want imperative help messages
+ ///
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn help_message<S: Into<&'a str>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.help_message = Some(s.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the help text for the auto-generated `version` argument.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` sets this to `"Prints version information"`, but if you're using a
+ /// different convention for your help messages and would prefer a different phrasing then you
+ /// can change it.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version_message("Print version information") // Perhaps you want imperative help messages
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn version_message<S: Into<&'a str>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.version_message = Some(s.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the help template to be used, overriding the default format.
+ ///
+ /// Tags arg given inside curly brackets.
+ ///
+ /// Valid tags are:
+ ///
+ /// * `{bin}` - Binary name.
+ /// * `{version}` - Version number.
+ /// * `{author}` - Author information.
+ /// * `{about}` - General description (from [`App::about`])
+ /// * `{usage}` - Automatically generated or given usage string.
+ /// * `{all-args}` - Help for all arguments (options, flags, positionals arguments,
+ /// and subcommands) including titles.
+ /// * `{unified}` - Unified help for options and flags. Note, you must *also* set
+ /// [`AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage`] to fully merge both options and
+ /// flags, otherwise the ordering is "best effort"
+ /// * `{flags}` - Help for flags.
+ /// * `{options}` - Help for options.
+ /// * `{positionals}` - Help for positionals arguments.
+ /// * `{subcommands}` - Help for subcommands.
+ /// * `{after-help}` - Help from [`App::after_help`]
+ /// * `{before-help}` - Help from [`App::before_help`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("1.0")
+ /// .template("{bin} ({version}) - {usage}")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// **NOTE:**The template system is, on purpose, very simple. Therefore the tags have to writen
+ /// in the lowercase and without spacing.
+ /// [`App::about`]: ./struct.App.html#method.about
+ /// [`App::after_help`]: ./struct.App.html#method.after_help
+ /// [`App::before_help`]: ./struct.App.html#method.before_help
+ /// [`AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.UnifiedHelpMessage
+ pub fn template<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.template = Some(s.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enables a single command, or [`SubCommand`], level settings.
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::WaitOnError)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn setting(mut self, setting: AppSettings) -> Self {
+ self.p.set(setting);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enables multiple command, or [`SubCommand`], level settings
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .settings(&[AppSettings::SubcommandRequired,
+ /// AppSettings::WaitOnError])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn settings(mut self, settings: &[AppSettings]) -> Self {
+ for s in settings {
+ self.p.set(*s);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enables a single setting that is propagated down through all child [`SubCommand`]s.
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: The setting is *only* propagated *down* and not up through parent commands.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .global_setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn global_setting(mut self, setting: AppSettings) -> Self {
+ self.p.set(setting);
+ self.p.g_settings.set(setting);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Enables multiple settings which are propagated *down* through all child [`SubCommand`]s.
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: The setting is *only* propagated *down* and not up through parent commands.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .global_settings(&[AppSettings::SubcommandRequired,
+ /// AppSettings::ColoredHelp])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn global_settings(mut self, settings: &[AppSettings]) -> Self {
+ for s in settings {
+ self.p.set(*s);
+ self.p.g_settings.set(*s)
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Disables a single command, or [`SubCommand`], level setting.
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .unset_setting(AppSettings::ColorAuto)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn unset_setting(mut self, setting: AppSettings) -> Self {
+ self.p.unset(setting);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Disables multiple command, or [`SubCommand`], level settings.
+ ///
+ /// See [`AppSettings`] for a full list of possibilities and examples.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .unset_settings(&[AppSettings::ColorAuto,
+ /// AppSettings::AllowInvalidUtf8])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html
+ pub fn unset_settings(mut self, settings: &[AppSettings]) -> Self {
+ for s in settings {
+ self.p.unset(*s);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the terminal width at which to wrap help messages. Defaults to `120`. Using `0` will
+ /// ignore terminal widths and use source formatting.
+ ///
+ /// `clap` automatically tries to determine the terminal width on Unix, Linux, OSX and Windows
+ /// if the `wrap_help` cargo "feature" has been used while compiling. If the terminal width
+ /// cannot be determined, `clap` defaults to `120`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting applies globally and *not* on a per-command basis.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting must be set **before** any subcommands are added!
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// Only Unix, Linux, OSX and Windows support automatic determination of terminal width.
+ /// Even on those platforms, this setting is useful if for any reason the terminal width
+ /// cannot be determined.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .set_term_width(80)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn set_term_width(mut self, width: usize) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.term_w = Some(width);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the max terminal width at which to wrap help messages. Using `0` will ignore terminal
+ /// widths and use source formatting.
+ ///
+ /// `clap` automatically tries to determine the terminal width on Unix, Linux, OSX and Windows
+ /// if the `wrap_help` cargo "feature" has been used while compiling, but one might want to
+ /// limit the size (e.g. when the terminal is running fullscreen).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting applies globally and *not* on a per-command basis.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting must be set **before** any subcommands are added!
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// Only Unix, Linux, OSX and Windows support automatic determination of terminal width.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .max_term_width(100)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn max_term_width(mut self, w: usize) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.max_w = Some(w);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds an [argument] to the list of valid possibilities.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// // Adding a single "flag" argument with a short and help text, using Arg::with_name()
+ /// .arg(
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d")
+ /// .help("turns on debugging mode")
+ /// )
+ /// // Adding a single "option" argument with a short, a long, and help text using the less
+ /// // verbose Arg::from_usage()
+ /// .arg(
+ /// Arg::from_usage("-c --config=[CONFIG] 'Optionally sets a config file to use'")
+ /// )
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [argument]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn arg<A: Into<Arg<'a, 'b>>>(mut self, a: A) -> Self {
+ self.p.add_arg(a.into());
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds multiple [arguments] to the list of valid possibilities
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .args(
+ /// &[Arg::from_usage("[debug] -d 'turns on debugging info'"),
+ /// Arg::with_name("input").index(1).help("the input file to use")]
+ /// )
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn args(mut self, args: &[Arg<'a, 'b>]) -> Self {
+ for arg in args {
+ self.p.add_arg_ref(arg);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// A convenience method for adding a single [argument] from a usage type string. The string
+ /// used follows the same rules and syntax as [`Arg::from_usage`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The downside to using this method is that you can not set any additional
+ /// properties of the [`Arg`] other than what [`Arg::from_usage`] supports.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg_from_usage("-c --config=<FILE> 'Sets a configuration file to use'")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`Arg::from_usage`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.from_usage
+ pub fn arg_from_usage(mut self, usage: &'a str) -> Self {
+ self.p.add_arg(Arg::from_usage(usage));
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds multiple [arguments] at once from a usage string, one per line. See
+ /// [`Arg::from_usage`] for details on the syntax and rules supported.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Like [`App::arg_from_usage`] the downside is you only set properties for the
+ /// [`Arg`]s which [`Arg::from_usage`] supports.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .args_from_usage(
+ /// "-c --config=[FILE] 'Sets a configuration file to use'
+ /// [debug]... -d 'Sets the debugging level'
+ /// <FILE> 'The input file to use'"
+ /// )
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`Arg::from_usage`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.from_usage
+ /// [`App::arg_from_usage`]: ./struct.App.html#method.arg_from_usage
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn args_from_usage(mut self, usage: &'a str) -> Self {
+ for line in usage.lines() {
+ let l = line.trim();
+ if l.is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ self.p.add_arg(Arg::from_usage(l));
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding a [`SubCommand`] alias, which function as "hidden" subcommands that
+ /// automatically dispatch as if this subcommand was used. This is more efficient, and easier
+ /// than creating multiple hidden subcommands as one only needs to check for the existence of
+ /// this command, and not all variants.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .alias("do-stuff"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "do-stuff"]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ pub fn alias<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.p.meta.aliases {
+ als.push((name.into(), false));
+ } else {
+ self.p.meta.aliases = Some(vec![(name.into(), false)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding [`SubCommand`] aliases, which function as "hidden" subcommands that
+ /// automatically dispatch as if this subcommand was used. This is more efficient, and easier
+ /// than creating multiple hidden subcommands as one only needs to check for the existence of
+ /// this command, and not all variants.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .aliases(&["do-stuff", "do-tests", "tests"]))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .help("the file to add")
+ /// .index(1)
+ /// .required(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "do-tests"]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ pub fn aliases(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.p.meta.aliases {
+ for n in names {
+ als.push((n, false));
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.p.meta.aliases = Some(names.iter().map(|n| (*n, false)).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding a [`SubCommand`] alias that functions exactly like those defined with
+ /// [`App::alias`], except that they are visible inside the help message.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .visible_alias("do-stuff"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "do-stuff"]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App::alias`]: ./struct.App.html#method.alias
+ pub fn visible_alias<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.p.meta.aliases {
+ als.push((name.into(), true));
+ } else {
+ self.p.meta.aliases = Some(vec![(name.into(), true)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding multiple [`SubCommand`] aliases that functions exactly like those defined
+ /// with [`App::aliases`], except that they are visible inside the help message.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .visible_aliases(&["do-stuff", "tests"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "do-stuff"]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App::aliases`]: ./struct.App.html#method.aliases
+ pub fn visible_aliases(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.p.meta.aliases {
+ for n in names {
+ als.push((n, true));
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.p.meta.aliases = Some(names.iter().map(|n| (*n, true)).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds an [`ArgGroup`] to the application. [`ArgGroup`]s are a family of related arguments.
+ /// By placing them in a logical group, you can build easier requirement and exclusion rules.
+ /// For instance, you can make an entire [`ArgGroup`] required, meaning that one (and *only*
+ /// one) argument from that group must be present at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// You can also do things such as name an [`ArgGroup`] as a conflict to another argument.
+ /// Meaning any of the arguments that belong to that group will cause a failure if present with
+ /// the conflicting argument.
+ ///
+ /// Another added benefit of [`ArgGroup`]s is that you can extract a value from a group instead
+ /// of determining exactly which argument was used.
+ ///
+ /// Finally, using [`ArgGroup`]s to ensure exclusion between arguments is another very common
+ /// use
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// The following example demonstrates using an [`ArgGroup`] to ensure that one, and only one,
+ /// of the arguments from the specified group is present at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, ArgGroup};
+ /// App::new("app")
+ /// .args_from_usage(
+ /// "--set-ver [ver] 'set the version manually'
+ /// --major 'auto increase major'
+ /// --minor 'auto increase minor'
+ /// --patch 'auto increase patch'")
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("vers")
+ /// .args(&["set-ver", "major", "minor","patch"])
+ /// .required(true))
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgGroup`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html
+ pub fn group(mut self, group: ArgGroup<'a>) -> Self {
+ self.p.add_group(group);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds multiple [`ArgGroup`]s to the [`App`] at once.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, ArgGroup};
+ /// App::new("app")
+ /// .args_from_usage(
+ /// "--set-ver [ver] 'set the version manually'
+ /// --major 'auto increase major'
+ /// --minor 'auto increase minor'
+ /// --patch 'auto increase patch'
+ /// -c [FILE] 'a config file'
+ /// -i [IFACE] 'an interface'")
+ /// .groups(&[
+ /// ArgGroup::with_name("vers")
+ /// .args(&["set-ver", "major", "minor","patch"])
+ /// .required(true),
+ /// ArgGroup::with_name("input")
+ /// .args(&["c", "i"])
+ /// ])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgGroup`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ pub fn groups(mut self, groups: &[ArgGroup<'a>]) -> Self {
+ for g in groups {
+ self =;
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds a [`SubCommand`] to the list of valid possibilities. Subcommands are effectively
+ /// sub-[`App`]s, because they can contain their own arguments, subcommands, version, usage,
+ /// etc. They also function just like [`App`]s, in that they get their own auto generated help,
+ /// version, and usage.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("config")
+ /// .about("Controls configuration features")
+ /// .arg_from_usage("<config> 'Required configuration file to use'"))
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ pub fn subcommand(mut self, subcmd: App<'a, 'b>) -> Self {
+ self.p.add_subcommand(subcmd);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds multiple subcommands to the list of valid possibilities by iterating over an
+ /// [`IntoIterator`] of [`SubCommand`]s
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// # App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommands( vec![
+ /// SubCommand::with_name("config").about("Controls configuration functionality")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config_file").index(1)),
+ /// SubCommand::with_name("debug").about("Controls debug functionality")])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`IntoIterator`]:
+ pub fn subcommands<I>(mut self, subcmds: I) -> Self
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = App<'a, 'b>>,
+ {
+ for subcmd in subcmds {
+ self.p.add_subcommand(subcmd);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows custom ordering of [`SubCommand`]s within the help message. Subcommands with a lower
+ /// value will be displayed first in the help message. This is helpful when one would like to
+ /// emphasise frequently used subcommands, or prioritize those towards the top of the list.
+ /// Duplicate values **are** allowed. Subcommands with duplicate display orders will be
+ /// displayed in alphabetical order.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The default is 999 for all subcommands.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("cust-ord")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("alpha") // typically subcommands are grouped
+ /// // alphabetically by name. Subcommands
+ /// // without a display_order have a value of
+ /// // 999 and are displayed alphabetically with
+ /// // all other 999 subcommands
+ /// .about("Some help and text"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("beta")
+ /// .display_order(1) // In order to force this subcommand to appear *first*
+ /// // all we have to do is give it a value lower than 999.
+ /// // Any other subcommands with a value of 1 will be displayed
+ /// // alphabetically with this one...then 2 values, then 3, etc.
+ /// .about("I should be first!"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "cust-ord", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays the following help message
+ ///
+ /// ```text
+ /// cust-ord
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// cust-ord [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ ///
+ /// beta I should be first!
+ /// alpha Some help and text
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ pub fn display_order(mut self, ord: usize) -> Self {
+ self.p.meta.disp_ord = ord;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Prints the full help message to [`io::stdout()`] using a [`BufWriter`] using the same
+ /// method as if someone ran `-h` to request the help message
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" help messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-h` (short)] or [`--help` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// app.print_help();
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::stdout()`]:
+ /// [`BufWriter`]:
+ /// [`-h` (short)]: ./
+ /// [`--help` (long)]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long_help
+ pub fn print_help(&mut self) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ // If there are global arguments, or settings we need to propagate them down to subcommands
+ // before parsing incase we run into a subcommand
+ self.p.propagate_globals();
+ self.p.propagate_settings();
+ self.p.derive_display_order();
+ self.p.create_help_and_version();
+ let out = io::stdout();
+ let mut buf_w = BufWriter::new(out.lock());
+ self.write_help(&mut buf_w)
+ }
+ /// Prints the full help message to [`io::stdout()`] using a [`BufWriter`] using the same
+ /// method as if someone ran `--help` to request the help message
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" help messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-h` (short)] or [`--help` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// app.print_long_help();
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::stdout()`]:
+ /// [`BufWriter`]:
+ /// [`-h` (short)]: ./
+ /// [`--help` (long)]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long_help
+ pub fn print_long_help(&mut self) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ // If there are global arguments, or settings we need to propagate them down to subcommands
+ // before parsing incase we run into a subcommand
+ self.p.propagate_globals();
+ self.p.propagate_settings();
+ self.p.derive_display_order();
+ self.p.create_help_and_version();
+ let out = io::stdout();
+ let mut buf_w = BufWriter::new(out.lock());
+ self.write_long_help(&mut buf_w)
+ }
+ /// Writes the full help message to the user to a [`io::Write`] object in the same method as if
+ /// the user ran `-h`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" help messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-h` (short)] or [`--help` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** There is a known bug where this method does not write propagated global arguments
+ /// or autogenerated arguments (i.e. the default help/version args). Prefer
+ /// [`App::write_long_help`] instead if possible!
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// use std::io;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// let mut out = io::stdout();
+ /// app.write_help(&mut out).expect("failed to write to stdout");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::Write`]:
+ /// [`-h` (short)]: ./
+ /// [`--help` (long)]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long_help
+ pub fn write_help<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ //
+ // If there are global arguments, or settings we need to propagate them down to subcommands
+ // before parsing incase we run into a subcommand
+ // self.p.propagate_globals();
+ // self.p.propagate_settings();
+ // self.p.derive_display_order();
+ // self.p.create_help_and_version();
+ Help::write_app_help(w, self, false)
+ }
+ /// Writes the full help message to the user to a [`io::Write`] object in the same method as if
+ /// the user ran `--help`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" help messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-h` (short)] or [`--help` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// use std::io;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// let mut out = io::stdout();
+ /// app.write_long_help(&mut out).expect("failed to write to stdout");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::Write`]:
+ /// [`-h` (short)]: ./
+ /// [`--help` (long)]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long_help
+ pub fn write_long_help<W: Write>(&mut self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ self.p.propagate_globals();
+ self.p.propagate_settings();
+ self.p.derive_display_order();
+ self.p.create_help_and_version();
+ Help::write_app_help(w, self, true)
+ }
+ /// Writes the version message to the user to a [`io::Write`] object as if the user ran `-V`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" version messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-V` (short)] or [`--version` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// use std::io;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// let mut out = io::stdout();
+ /// app.write_version(&mut out).expect("failed to write to stdout");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::Write`]:
+ /// [`-V` (short)]: ./struct.App.html#method.version
+ /// [`--version` (long)]: ./struct.App.html#method.long_version
+ pub fn write_version<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ self.p.write_version(w, false).map_err(From::from)
+ }
+ /// Writes the version message to the user to a [`io::Write`] object
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** clap has the ability to distinguish between "short" and "long" version messages
+ /// depending on if the user ran [`-V` (short)] or [`--version` (long)]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::App;
+ /// use std::io;
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// let mut out = io::stdout();
+ /// app.write_long_version(&mut out).expect("failed to write to stdout");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`io::Write`]:
+ /// [`-V` (short)]: ./struct.App.html#method.version
+ /// [`--version` (long)]: ./struct.App.html#method.long_version
+ pub fn write_long_version<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ self.p.write_version(w, true).map_err(From::from)
+ }
+ /// Generate a completions file for a specified shell at compile time.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** to generate the file at compile time you must use a `` "Build Script"
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// The following example generates a bash completion script via a `` script. In this
+ /// simple example, we'll demo a very small application with only a single subcommand and two
+ /// args. Real applications could be many multiple levels deep in subcommands, and have tens or
+ /// potentially hundreds of arguments.
+ ///
+ /// First, it helps if we separate out our `App` definition into a separate file. Whether you
+ /// do this as a function, or bare App definition is a matter of personal preference.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// // src/
+ ///
+ /// use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ ///
+ /// pub fn build_cli() -> App<'static, 'static> {
+ /// App::new("compl")
+ /// .about("Tests completions")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .help("some input file"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .about("tests things")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("case")
+ /// .long("case")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .help("the case to test")))
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// In our regular code, we can simply call this `build_cli()` function, then call
+ /// `get_matches()`, or any of the other normal methods directly after. For example:
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// // src/
+ ///
+ /// mod cli;
+ ///
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// let m = cli::build_cli().get_matches();
+ ///
+ /// // normal logic continues...
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Next, we set up our `Cargo.toml` to use a `` build script.
+ ///
+ /// ```toml
+ /// # Cargo.toml
+ /// build = ""
+ ///
+ /// [build-dependencies]
+ /// clap = "2.23"
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Next, we place a `` in our project root.
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// extern crate clap;
+ ///
+ /// use clap::Shell;
+ ///
+ /// include!("src/");
+ ///
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// let outdir = match env::var_os("OUT_DIR") {
+ /// None => return,
+ /// Some(outdir) => outdir,
+ /// };
+ /// let mut app = build_cli();
+ /// app.gen_completions("myapp", // We need to specify the bin name manually
+ /// Shell::Bash, // Then say which shell to build completions for
+ /// outdir); // Then say where write the completions to
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ /// Now, once we compile there will be a `{bin_name}.bash` file in the directory.
+ /// Assuming we compiled with debug mode, it would be somewhere similar to
+ /// `<project>/target/debug/build/myapp-<hash>/out/myapp.bash`.
+ ///
+ /// Fish shell completions will use the file format `{bin_name}.fish`
+ pub fn gen_completions<T: Into<OsString>, S: Into<String>>(
+ &mut self,
+ bin_name: S,
+ for_shell: Shell,
+ out_dir: T,
+ ) {
+ self.p.meta.bin_name = Some(bin_name.into());
+ self.p.gen_completions(for_shell, out_dir.into());
+ }
+ /// Generate a completions file for a specified shell at runtime. Until `cargo install` can
+ /// install extra files like a completion script, this may be used e.g. in a command that
+ /// outputs the contents of the completion script, to be redirected into a file by the user.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Assuming a separate `` like the [example above](./struct.App.html#method.gen_completions),
+ /// we can let users generate a completion script using a command:
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// // src/
+ ///
+ /// mod cli;
+ /// use std::io;
+ ///
+ /// fn main() {
+ /// let matches = cli::build_cli().get_matches();
+ ///
+ /// if matches.is_present("generate-bash-completions") {
+ /// cli::build_cli().gen_completions_to("myapp", Shell::Bash, &mut io::stdout());
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// // normal logic continues...
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Usage:
+ ///
+ /// ```shell
+ /// $ myapp generate-bash-completions > /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/myapp.bash
+ /// ```
+ pub fn gen_completions_to<W: Write, S: Into<String>>(
+ &mut self,
+ bin_name: S,
+ for_shell: Shell,
+ buf: &mut W,
+ ) {
+ self.p.meta.bin_name = Some(bin_name.into());
+ self.p.gen_completions_to(for_shell, buf);
+ }
+ /// Starts the parsing process, upon a failed parse an error will be displayed to the user and
+ /// the process will exit with the appropriate error code. By default this method gets all user
+ /// provided arguments from [`env::args_os`] in order to allow for invalid UTF-8 code points,
+ /// which are legal on many platforms.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let matches = App::new("myprog")
+ /// // Args and options go here...
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ /// [`env::args_os`]:
+ pub fn get_matches(self) -> ArgMatches<'a> { self.get_matches_from(&mut env::args_os()) }
+ /// Starts the parsing process. This method will return a [`clap::Result`] type instead of exiting
+ /// the process on failed parse. By default this method gets matches from [`env::args_os`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This method WILL NOT exit when `--help` or `--version` (or short versions) are
+ /// used. It will return a [`clap::Error`], where the [`kind`] is a
+ /// [`ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed`] or [`ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed`] respectively. You must call
+ /// [`Error::exit`] or perform a [`std::process::exit`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let matches = App::new("myprog")
+ /// // Args and options go here...
+ /// .get_matches_safe()
+ /// .unwrap_or_else( |e| e.exit() );
+ /// ```
+ /// [`env::args_os`]:
+ /// [`ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.HelpDisplayed
+ /// [`ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.VersionDisplayed
+ /// [`Error::exit`]: ./struct.Error.html#method.exit
+ /// [`std::process::exit`]:
+ /// [`clap::Result`]: ./type.Result.html
+ /// [`clap::Error`]: ./struct.Error.html
+ /// [`kind`]: ./struct.Error.html
+ pub fn get_matches_safe(self) -> ClapResult<ArgMatches<'a>> {
+ // Start the parsing
+ self.get_matches_from_safe(&mut env::args_os())
+ }
+ /// Starts the parsing process. Like [`App::get_matches`] this method does not return a [`clap::Result`]
+ /// and will automatically exit with an error message. This method, however, lets you specify
+ /// what iterator to use when performing matches, such as a [`Vec`] of your making.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The first argument will be parsed as the binary name unless
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`] is used
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let arg_vec = vec!["my_prog", "some", "args", "to", "parse"];
+ ///
+ /// let matches = App::new("myprog")
+ /// // Args and options go here...
+ /// .get_matches_from(arg_vec);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App::get_matches`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches
+ /// [`clap::Result`]: ./type.Result.html
+ /// [`Vec`]:
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.NoBinaryName
+ pub fn get_matches_from<I, T>(mut self, itr: I) -> ArgMatches<'a>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ self.get_matches_from_safe_borrow(itr).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
+ // Otherwise, write to stderr and exit
+ if e.use_stderr() {
+ wlnerr!("{}", e.message);
+ if self.p.is_set(AppSettings::WaitOnError) {
+ wlnerr!("\nPress [ENTER] / [RETURN] to continue...");
+ let mut s = String::new();
+ let i = io::stdin();
+ i.lock().read_line(&mut s).unwrap();
+ }
+ drop(self);
+ drop(e);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }
+ drop(self);
+ e.exit()
+ })
+ }
+ /// Starts the parsing process. A combination of [`App::get_matches_from`], and
+ /// [`App::get_matches_safe`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This method WILL NOT exit when `--help` or `--version` (or short versions) are
+ /// used. It will return a [`clap::Error`], where the [`kind`] is a [`ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed`]
+ /// or [`ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed`] respectively. You must call [`Error::exit`] or
+ /// perform a [`std::process::exit`] yourself.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The first argument will be parsed as the binary name unless
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`] is used
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let arg_vec = vec!["my_prog", "some", "args", "to", "parse"];
+ ///
+ /// let matches = App::new("myprog")
+ /// // Args and options go here...
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(arg_vec)
+ /// .unwrap_or_else( |e| { panic!("An error occurs: {}", e) });
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App::get_matches_from`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches_from
+ /// [`App::get_matches_safe`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches_safe
+ /// [`ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.HelpDisplayed
+ /// [`ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.VersionDisplayed
+ /// [`Error::exit`]: ./struct.Error.html#method.exit
+ /// [`std::process::exit`]:
+ /// [`clap::Error`]: ./struct.Error.html
+ /// [`Error::exit`]: ./struct.Error.html#method.exit
+ /// [`kind`]: ./struct.Error.html
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.NoBinaryName
+ pub fn get_matches_from_safe<I, T>(mut self, itr: I) -> ClapResult<ArgMatches<'a>>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ self.get_matches_from_safe_borrow(itr)
+ }
+ /// Starts the parsing process without consuming the [`App`] struct `self`. This is normally not
+ /// the desired functionality, instead prefer [`App::get_matches_from_safe`] which *does*
+ /// consume `self`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The first argument will be parsed as the binary name unless
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`] is used
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let arg_vec = vec!["my_prog", "some", "args", "to", "parse"];
+ ///
+ /// let mut app = App::new("myprog");
+ /// // Args and options go here...
+ /// let matches = app.get_matches_from_safe_borrow(arg_vec)
+ /// .unwrap_or_else( |e| { panic!("An error occurs: {}", e) });
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`App::get_matches_from_safe`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches_from_safe
+ /// [`AppSettings::NoBinaryName`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.NoBinaryName
+ pub fn get_matches_from_safe_borrow<I, T>(&mut self, itr: I) -> ClapResult<ArgMatches<'a>>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ // If there are global arguments, or settings we need to propagate them down to subcommands
+ // before parsing incase we run into a subcommand
+ if !self.p.is_set(AppSettings::Propagated) {
+ self.p.propagate_globals();
+ self.p.propagate_settings();
+ self.p.derive_display_order();
+ self.p.set(AppSettings::Propagated);
+ }
+ let mut matcher = ArgMatcher::new();
+ let mut it = itr.into_iter();
+ // Get the name of the program (argument 1 of env::args()) and determine the
+ // actual file
+ // that was used to execute the program. This is because a program called
+ // ./target/release/my_prog -a
+ // will have two arguments, './target/release/my_prog', '-a' but we don't want
+ // to display
+ // the full path when displaying help messages and such
+ if !self.p.is_set(AppSettings::NoBinaryName) {
+ if let Some(name) = {
+ let bn_os = name.into();
+ let p = Path::new(&*bn_os);
+ if let Some(f) = p.file_name() {
+ if let Some(s) = f.to_os_string().to_str() {
+ if self.p.meta.bin_name.is_none() {
+ self.p.meta.bin_name = Some(s.to_owned());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // do the real parsing
+ if let Err(e) = self.p.get_matches_with(&mut matcher, &mut it.peekable()) {
+ return Err(e);
+ }
+ let global_arg_vec: Vec<&str> = (&self).p.global_args.iter().map(|ga|;
+ matcher.propagate_globals(&global_arg_vec);
+ Ok(matcher.into())
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+impl<'a> From<&'a Yaml> for App<'a, 'a> {
+ fn from(mut yaml: &'a Yaml) -> Self {
+ use args::SubCommand;
+ // We WANT this to panic on expect() is good.
+ let mut is_sc = None;
+ let mut a = if let Some(name) = yaml["name"].as_str() {
+ App::new(name)
+ } else {
+ let yaml_hash = yaml.as_hash().unwrap();
+ let sc_key = yaml_hash.keys().nth(0).unwrap();
+ is_sc = Some(yaml_hash.get(sc_key).unwrap());
+ App::new(sc_key.as_str().unwrap())
+ };
+ yaml = if let Some(sc) = is_sc { sc } else { yaml };
+ macro_rules! yaml_str {
+ ($a:ident, $y:ident, $i:ident) => {
+ if let Some(v) = $y[stringify!($i)].as_str() {
+ $a = $a.$i(v);
+ } else if $y[stringify!($i)] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a string", $y[stringify!($i)]);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, version);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, author);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, bin_name);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, about);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, before_help);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, after_help);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, template);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, usage);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, help);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, help_short);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, version_short);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, help_message);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, version_message);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, alias);
+ yaml_str!(a, yaml, visible_alias);
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["display_order"].as_i64() {
+ a = a.display_order(v as usize);
+ } else if yaml["display_order"] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!(
+ "Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a u64",
+ yaml["display_order"]
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["setting"].as_str() {
+ a = a.setting(v.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ } else if yaml["setting"] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!(
+ "Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to an AppSetting",
+ yaml["setting"]
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["settings"].as_vec() {
+ for ys in v {
+ if let Some(s) = ys.as_str() {
+ a = a.setting(s.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(v) = yaml["settings"].as_str() {
+ a = a.setting(v.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ } else if yaml["settings"] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!(
+ "Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a string",
+ yaml["settings"]
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["global_setting"].as_str() {
+ a = a.setting(v.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ } else if yaml["global_setting"] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!(
+ "Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to an AppSetting",
+ yaml["setting"]
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["global_settings"].as_vec() {
+ for ys in v {
+ if let Some(s) = ys.as_str() {
+ a = a.global_setting(s.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(v) = yaml["global_settings"].as_str() {
+ a = a.global_setting(v.parse().expect("unknown AppSetting found in YAML file"));
+ } else if yaml["global_settings"] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!(
+ "Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a string",
+ yaml["global_settings"]
+ );
+ }
+ macro_rules! vec_or_str {
+ ($a:ident, $y:ident, $as_vec:ident, $as_single:ident) => {{
+ let maybe_vec = $y[stringify!($as_vec)].as_vec();
+ if let Some(vec) = maybe_vec {
+ for ys in vec {
+ if let Some(s) = ys.as_str() {
+ $a = $a.$as_single(s);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a string", ys);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if let Some(s) = $y[stringify!($as_vec)].as_str() {
+ $a = $a.$as_single(s);
+ } else if $y[stringify!($as_vec)] != Yaml::BadValue {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to either a vec or string", $y[stringify!($as_vec)]);
+ }
+ }
+ $a
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ a = vec_or_str!(a, yaml, aliases, alias);
+ a = vec_or_str!(a, yaml, visible_aliases, visible_alias);
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["args"].as_vec() {
+ for arg_yaml in v {
+ a = a.arg(Arg::from_yaml(arg_yaml.as_hash().unwrap()));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["subcommands"].as_vec() {
+ for sc_yaml in v {
+ a = a.subcommand(SubCommand::from_yaml(sc_yaml));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = yaml["groups"].as_vec() {
+ for ag_yaml in v {
+ a =;
+ }
+ }
+ a
+ }
+impl<'a, 'b> Clone for App<'a, 'b> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self { App { p: self.p.clone() } }
+impl<'n, 'e> AnyArg<'n, 'e> for App<'n, 'e> {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str {
+ unreachable!("App struct does not support AnyArg::name, this is a bug!")
+ }
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { None }
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]> { None }
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { None }
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { None }
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>> { None }
+ fn is_set(&self, _: ArgSettings) -> bool { false }
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { None }
+ fn set(&mut self, _: ArgSettings) {
+ unreachable!("App struct does not support AnyArg::set, this is a bug!")
+ }
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool { false }
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { None }
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char> { None }
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { None }
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char> { None }
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.p.meta.about }
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.p.meta.long_about }
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr> { None }
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>> {
+ None
+ }
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)> { None }
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>> {
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = self.p.meta.aliases {
+ let vis_aliases: Vec<_> = aliases
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|&(n, v)| if v { Some(n) } else { None })
+ .collect();
+ if vis_aliases.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(vis_aliases)
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> fmt::Display for App<'n, 'e> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60baad048a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,2131 @@
+// Std
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::{self, BufWriter, Write};
+#[cfg(all(feature = "debug", not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::slice::Iter;
+use std::iter::Peekable;
+use std::cell::Cell;
+// Internal
+use SubCommand;
+use app::App;
+use app::help::Help;
+use app::meta::AppMeta;
+use app::settings::AppFlags;
+use args::{AnyArg, Arg, ArgGroup, ArgMatcher, Base, FlagBuilder, OptBuilder, PosBuilder, Switched};
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use completions::ComplGen;
+use errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use errors::Result as ClapResult;
+use fmt::ColorWhen;
+use osstringext::OsStrExt2;
+use completions::Shell;
+use suggestions;
+use app::settings::AppSettings as AS;
+use app::validator::Validator;
+use app::usage;
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum ParseResult<'a> {
+ Flag,
+ Opt(&'a str),
+ Pos(&'a str),
+ MaybeHyphenValue,
+ MaybeNegNum,
+ NotFound,
+ ValuesDone,
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+pub struct Parser<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ pub meta: AppMeta<'b>,
+ settings: AppFlags,
+ pub g_settings: AppFlags,
+ pub flags: Vec<FlagBuilder<'a, 'b>>,
+ pub opts: Vec<OptBuilder<'a, 'b>>,
+ pub positionals: VecMap<PosBuilder<'a, 'b>>,
+ pub subcommands: Vec<App<'a, 'b>>,
+ pub groups: Vec<ArgGroup<'a>>,
+ pub global_args: Vec<Arg<'a, 'b>>,
+ pub required: Vec<&'a str>,
+ pub r_ifs: Vec<(&'a str, &'b str, &'a str)>,
+ pub overrides: Vec<(&'b str, &'a str)>,
+ help_short: Option<char>,
+ version_short: Option<char>,
+ cache: Option<&'a str>,
+ pub help_message: Option<&'a str>,
+ pub version_message: Option<&'a str>,
+ cur_idx: Cell<usize>,
+impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ pub fn with_name(n: String) -> Self {
+ Parser {
+ meta: AppMeta::with_name(n),
+ g_settings: AppFlags::zeroed(),
+ cur_idx: Cell::new(0),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn help_short(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ let c = s.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-')
+ .chars()
+ .nth(0)
+ .unwrap_or('h');
+ self.help_short = Some(c);
+ }
+ pub fn version_short(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ let c = s.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-')
+ .chars()
+ .nth(0)
+ .unwrap_or('V');
+ self.version_short = Some(c);
+ }
+ pub fn gen_completions_to<W: Write>(&mut self, for_shell: Shell, buf: &mut W) {
+ if !self.is_set(AS::Propagated) {
+ self.propagate_help_version();
+ self.build_bin_names();
+ self.propagate_globals();
+ self.propagate_settings();
+ self.set(AS::Propagated);
+ }
+ ComplGen::new(self).generate(for_shell, buf)
+ }
+ pub fn gen_completions(&mut self, for_shell: Shell, od: OsString) {
+ use std::error::Error;
+ let out_dir = PathBuf::from(od);
+ let name = &*self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
+ let file_name = match for_shell {
+ Shell::Bash => format!("{}.bash", name),
+ Shell::Fish => format!("{}.fish", name),
+ Shell::Zsh => format!("_{}", name),
+ Shell::PowerShell => format!("_{}.ps1", name),
+ };
+ let mut file = match File::create(out_dir.join(file_name)) {
+ Err(why) => panic!("couldn't create completion file: {}", why.description()),
+ Ok(file) => file,
+ };
+ self.gen_completions_to(for_shell, &mut file)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn app_debug_asserts(&mut self) -> bool {
+ assert!(self.verify_positionals());
+ let should_err = self.groups.iter().all(|g| {
+ g.args.iter().all(|arg| {
+ (self.flags.iter().any(|f| & == arg)
+ || self.opts.iter().any(|o| & == arg)
+ || self.positionals.values().any(|p| & == arg)
+ || self.groups.iter().any(|g| & == arg))
+ })
+ });
+ let g = self.groups.iter().find(|g| {
+ g.args.iter().any(|arg| {
+ !(self.flags.iter().any(|f| & == arg)
+ || self.opts.iter().any(|o| & == arg)
+ || self.positionals.values().any(|p| & == arg)
+ || self.groups.iter().any(|g| & == arg))
+ })
+ });
+ assert!(
+ should_err,
+ "The group '{}' contains the arg '{}' that doesn't actually exist.",
+ g.unwrap().name,
+ g.unwrap()
+ .args
+ .iter()
+ .find(|arg| !(self.flags.iter().any(|f| && == arg)
+ || self.opts.iter().any(|o| && == arg)
+ || self.positionals.values().any(|p| && == arg)
+ || self.groups.iter().any(|g| && == arg)))
+ .unwrap()
+ );
+ true
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn debug_asserts(&self, a: &Arg) -> bool {
+ assert!(
+ !arg_names!(self).any(|name| name ==,
+ format!("Non-unique argument name: {} is already in use",
+ );
+ if let Some(l) = a.s.long {
+ assert!(
+ !self.contains_long(l),
+ "Argument long must be unique\n\n\t--{} is already in use",
+ l
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(s) = a.s.short {
+ assert!(
+ !self.contains_short(s),
+ "Argument short must be unique\n\n\t-{} is already in use",
+ s
+ );
+ }
+ let i = if a.index.is_none() {
+ (self.positionals.len() + 1)
+ } else {
+ a.index.unwrap() as usize
+ };
+ assert!(
+ !self.positionals.contains_key(i),
+ "Argument \"{}\" has the same index as another positional \
+ argument\n\n\tPerhaps try .multiple(true) to allow one positional argument \
+ to take multiple values",
+ );
+ assert!(
+ !(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && a.is_set(ArgSettings::Global)),
+ "Global arguments cannot be required.\n\n\t'{}' is marked as \
+ global and required",
+ );
+ if a.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) {
+ assert!(
+ !self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .any(|p| p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last)),
+ "Only one positional argument may have last(true) set. Found two."
+ );
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none(),
+ "Flags or Options may not have last(true) set. {} has both a long and last(true) set.",
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none(),
+ "Flags or Options may not have last(true) set. {} has both a short and last(true) set.",
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn add_conditional_reqs(&mut self, a: &Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ if let Some(ref r_ifs) = a.r_ifs {
+ for &(arg, val) in r_ifs {
+ self.r_ifs.push((arg, val,;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn add_arg_groups(&mut self, a: &Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ if let Some(ref grps) = a.b.groups {
+ for g in grps {
+ let mut found = false;
+ if let Some(ref mut ag) = self.groups.iter_mut().find(|grp| & == g) {
+ ag.args.push(;
+ found = true;
+ }
+ if !found {
+ let mut ag = ArgGroup::with_name(g);
+ ag.args.push(;
+ self.groups.push(ag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn add_reqs(&mut self, a: &Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) {
+ // If the arg is required, add all it's requirements to master required list
+ self.required.push(;
+ if let Some(ref areqs) = a.b.requires {
+ for name in areqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&&(val, _)| val.is_none())
+ .map(|&(_, name)| name)
+ {
+ self.required.push(name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn implied_settings(&mut self, a: &Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) {
+ // if an arg has `Last` set, we need to imply DontCollapseArgsInUsage so that args
+ // in the usage string don't get confused or left out.
+ self.set(AS::DontCollapseArgsInUsage);
+ self.set(AS::ContainsLast);
+ }
+ if let Some(l) = a.s.long {
+ if l == "version" {
+ self.unset(AS::NeedsLongVersion);
+ } else if l == "help" {
+ self.unset(AS::NeedsLongHelp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // actually adds the arguments
+ pub fn add_arg(&mut self, a: Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ // if it's global we have to clone anyways
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Global) {
+ return self.add_arg_ref(&a);
+ }
+ debug_assert!(self.debug_asserts(&a));
+ self.add_conditional_reqs(&a);
+ self.add_arg_groups(&a);
+ self.add_reqs(&a);
+ self.implied_settings(&a);
+ if a.index.is_some() || (a.s.short.is_none() && a.s.long.is_none()) {
+ let i = if a.index.is_none() {
+ (self.positionals.len() + 1)
+ } else {
+ a.index.unwrap() as usize
+ };
+ self.positionals
+ .insert(i, PosBuilder::from_arg(a, i as u64));
+ } else if a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue) {
+ let mut ob = OptBuilder::from(a);
+ ob.s.unified_ord = self.flags.len() + self.opts.len();
+ self.opts.push(ob);
+ } else {
+ let mut fb = FlagBuilder::from(a);
+ fb.s.unified_ord = self.flags.len() + self.opts.len();
+ self.flags.push(fb);
+ }
+ }
+ // actually adds the arguments but from a borrow (which means we have to do some clonine)
+ pub fn add_arg_ref(&mut self, a: &Arg<'a, 'b>) {
+ debug_assert!(self.debug_asserts(a));
+ self.add_conditional_reqs(a);
+ self.add_arg_groups(a);
+ self.add_reqs(a);
+ self.implied_settings(a);
+ if a.index.is_some() || (a.s.short.is_none() && a.s.long.is_none()) {
+ let i = if a.index.is_none() {
+ (self.positionals.len() + 1)
+ } else {
+ a.index.unwrap() as usize
+ };
+ let pb = PosBuilder::from_arg_ref(a, i as u64);
+ self.positionals.insert(i, pb);
+ } else if a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue) {
+ let mut ob = OptBuilder::from(a);
+ ob.s.unified_ord = self.flags.len() + self.opts.len();
+ self.opts.push(ob);
+ } else {
+ let mut fb = FlagBuilder::from(a);
+ fb.s.unified_ord = self.flags.len() + self.opts.len();
+ self.flags.push(fb);
+ }
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Global) {
+ self.global_args.push(a.into());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_group(&mut self, group: ArgGroup<'a>) {
+ if group.required {
+ self.required.push(;
+ if let Some(ref reqs) = group.requires {
+ self.required.extend_from_slice(reqs);
+ }
+ // if let Some(ref bl) = group.conflicts {
+ // self.blacklist.extend_from_slice(bl);
+ // }
+ }
+ if self.groups.iter().any(|g| == {
+ let grp = self.groups
+ .iter_mut()
+ .find(|g| ==
+ grp.args.extend_from_slice(&group.args);
+ grp.requires = group.requires.clone();
+ grp.conflicts = group.conflicts.clone();
+ grp.required = group.required;
+ } else {
+ self.groups.push(group);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_subcommand(&mut self, mut subcmd: App<'a, 'b>) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::add_subcommand: term_w={:?}, name={}",
+ self.meta.term_w,
+ );
+ subcmd.p.meta.term_w = self.meta.term_w;
+ if == "help" {
+ self.unset(AS::NeedsSubcommandHelp);
+ }
+ self.subcommands.push(subcmd);
+ }
+ pub fn propagate_settings(&mut self) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::propagate_settings: self={}, g_settings={:#?}",
+ self.g_settings
+ );
+ for sc in &mut self.subcommands {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::propagate_settings: sc={}, settings={:#?}, g_settings={:#?}",
+ sc.p.settings,
+ sc.p.g_settings
+ );
+ // We have to create a new scope in order to tell rustc the borrow of `sc` is
+ // done and to recursively call this method
+ {
+ let vsc = self.settings.is_set(AS::VersionlessSubcommands);
+ let gv = self.settings.is_set(AS::GlobalVersion);
+ if vsc {
+ sc.p.set(AS::DisableVersion);
+ }
+ if gv && sc.p.meta.version.is_none() && self.meta.version.is_some() {
+ sc.p.set(AS::GlobalVersion);
+ sc.p.meta.version = Some(self.meta.version.unwrap());
+ }
+ sc.p.settings = sc.p.settings | self.g_settings;
+ sc.p.g_settings = sc.p.g_settings | self.g_settings;
+ sc.p.meta.term_w = self.meta.term_w;
+ sc.p.meta.max_w = self.meta.max_w;
+ }
+ sc.p.propagate_settings();
+ }
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(needless_borrow))]
+ pub fn derive_display_order(&mut self) {
+ if self.is_set(AS::DeriveDisplayOrder) {
+ let unified = self.is_set(AS::UnifiedHelpMessage);
+ for (i, o) in self.opts
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|&(_, ref o)| o.s.disp_ord == 999)
+ {
+ o.s.disp_ord = if unified { o.s.unified_ord } else { i };
+ }
+ for (i, f) in self.flags
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|&(_, ref f)| f.s.disp_ord == 999)
+ {
+ f.s.disp_ord = if unified { f.s.unified_ord } else { i };
+ }
+ for (i, sc) in &mut self.subcommands
+ .iter_mut()
+ .enumerate()
+ .filter(|&(_, ref sc)| sc.p.meta.disp_ord == 999)
+ {
+ sc.p.meta.disp_ord = i;
+ }
+ }
+ for sc in &mut self.subcommands {
+ sc.p.derive_display_order();
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn required(&self) -> Iter<&str> { self.required.iter() }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(needless_borrow))]
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_args(&self) -> bool {
+ !(self.flags.is_empty() && self.opts.is_empty() && self.positionals.is_empty())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_opts(&self) -> bool { !self.opts.is_empty() }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_flags(&self) -> bool { !self.flags.is_empty() }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_positionals(&self) -> bool { !self.positionals.is_empty() }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_subcommands(&self) -> bool { !self.subcommands.is_empty() }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_visible_opts(&self) -> bool {
+ if self.opts.is_empty() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ self.opts.iter().any(|o| !o.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_visible_flags(&self) -> bool {
+ if self.flags.is_empty() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ self.flags.iter().any(|f| !f.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_visible_positionals(&self) -> bool {
+ if self.positionals.is_empty() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .any(|p| !p.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn has_visible_subcommands(&self) -> bool {
+ self.has_subcommands()
+ && self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|sc| != "help")
+ .any(|sc| !sc.p.is_set(AS::Hidden))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn is_set(&self, s: AS) -> bool { self.settings.is_set(s) }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn set(&mut self, s: AS) { self.settings.set(s) }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn unset(&mut self, s: AS) { self.settings.unset(s) }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(block_in_if_condition_stmt))]
+ pub fn verify_positionals(&mut self) -> bool {
+ // Because you must wait until all arguments have been supplied, this is the first chance
+ // to make assertions on positional argument indexes
+ //
+ // Firt we verify that the index highest supplied index, is equal to the number of
+ // positional arguments to verify there are no gaps (i.e. supplying an index of 1 and 3
+ // but no 2)
+ if let Some((idx, p)) = self.positionals.iter().rev().next() {
+ assert!(
+ !(idx != self.positionals.len()),
+ "Found positional argument \"{}\" whose index is {} but there \
+ are only {} positional arguments defined",
+ idx,
+ self.positionals.len()
+ );
+ }
+ // Next we verify that only the highest index has a .multiple(true) (if any)
+ if self.positionals.values().any(|a| {
+ a.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && (a.index as usize != self.positionals.len())
+ }) {
+ let mut it = self.positionals.values().rev();
+ let last =;
+ let second_to_last =;
+ // Either the final positional is required
+ // Or the second to last has a terminator or .last(true) set
+ let ok = last.is_set(ArgSettings::Required)
+ || (second_to_last.v.terminator.is_some()
+ || second_to_last.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ || last.is_set(ArgSettings::Last);
+ assert!(
+ ok,
+ "When using a positional argument with .multiple(true) that is *not the \
+ last* positional argument, the last positional argument (i.e the one \
+ with the highest index) *must* have .required(true) or .last(true) set."
+ );
+ let ok = second_to_last.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) || last.is_set(ArgSettings::Last);
+ assert!(
+ ok,
+ "Only the last positional argument, or second to last positional \
+ argument may be set to .multiple(true)"
+ );
+ let count = self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .filter(|p| p.b.settings.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && p.v.num_vals.is_none())
+ .count();
+ let ok = count <= 1
+ || (last.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) && last.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple)
+ && second_to_last.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple)
+ && count == 2);
+ assert!(
+ ok,
+ "Only one positional argument with .multiple(true) set is allowed per \
+ command, unless the second one also has .last(true) set"
+ );
+ }
+ if self.is_set(AS::AllowMissingPositional) {
+ // Check that if a required positional argument is found, all positions with a lower
+ // index are also required.
+ let mut found = false;
+ let mut foundx2 = false;
+ for p in self.positionals.values().rev() {
+ if foundx2 && !p.b.settings.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) {
+ assert!(
+ p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required),
+ "Found positional argument which is not required with a lower \
+ index than a required positional argument by two or more: {:?} \
+ index {}",
+ p.index
+ );
+ } else if p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) {
+ // Args that .last(true) don't count since they can be required and have
+ // positionals with a lower index that aren't required
+ // Imagine: prog <req1> [opt1] -- <req2>
+ // Both of these are valid invocations:
+ // $ prog r1 -- r2
+ // $ prog r1 o1 -- r2
+ if found {
+ foundx2 = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ found = true;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ found = false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Check that if a required positional argument is found, all positions with a lower
+ // index are also required
+ let mut found = false;
+ for p in self.positionals.values().rev() {
+ if found {
+ assert!(
+ p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required),
+ "Found positional argument which is not required with a lower \
+ index than a required positional argument: {:?} index {}",
+ p.index
+ );
+ } else if p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) {
+ // Args that .last(true) don't count since they can be required and have
+ // positionals with a lower index that aren't required
+ // Imagine: prog <req1> [opt1] -- <req2>
+ // Both of these are valid invocations:
+ // $ prog r1 -- r2
+ // $ prog r1 o1 -- r2
+ found = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .any(|p| p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) && p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ && self.has_subcommands() && !self.is_set(AS::SubcommandsNegateReqs)
+ {
+ panic!(
+ "Having a required positional argument with .last(true) set *and* child \
+ subcommands without setting SubcommandsNegateReqs isn't compatible."
+ );
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ pub fn propagate_globals(&mut self) {
+ for sc in &mut self.subcommands {
+ // We have to create a new scope in order to tell rustc the borrow of `sc` is
+ // done and to recursively call this method
+ {
+ for a in &self.global_args {
+ sc.p.add_arg_ref(a);
+ }
+ }
+ sc.p.propagate_globals();
+ }
+ }
+ // Checks if the arg matches a subcommand name, or any of it's aliases (if defined)
+ fn possible_subcommand(&self, arg_os: &OsStr) -> (bool, Option<&str>) {
+ debugln!("Parser::possible_subcommand: arg={:?}", arg_os);
+ fn starts(h: &str, n: &OsStr) -> bool {
+ #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+ use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ #[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+ use osstringext::OsStrExt3;
+ let n_bytes = n.as_bytes();
+ let h_bytes = OsStr::new(h).as_bytes();
+ h_bytes.starts_with(n_bytes)
+ }
+ if self.is_set(AS::ArgsNegateSubcommands) && self.is_set(AS::ValidArgFound) {
+ return (false, None);
+ }
+ if !self.is_set(AS::InferSubcommands) {
+ if let Some(sc) = find_subcmd!(self, arg_os) {
+ return (true, Some(&;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let v = self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|s| {
+ starts(&[..], &*arg_os)
+ || (s.p.meta.aliases.is_some()
+ && s.p
+ .meta
+ .aliases
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&&(a, _)| starts(a, &*arg_os))
+ .count() == 1)
+ })
+ .map(|sc| &
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ if v.len() == 1 {
+ return (true, Some(v[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ (false, None)
+ }
+ fn parse_help_subcommand<I, T>(&self, it: &mut I) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>>
+ where
+ I: Iterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_help_subcommand;");
+ let cmds: Vec<OsString> =|c| c.into()).collect();
+ let mut help_help = false;
+ let mut bin_name = self.meta
+ .bin_name
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap_or(&
+ .clone();
+ let mut sc = {
+ let mut sc: &Parser = self;
+ for (i, cmd) in cmds.iter().enumerate() {
+ if &*cmd.to_string_lossy() == "help" {
+ // cmd help help
+ help_help = true;
+ }
+ if let Some(c) = sc.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .find(|s| &* == cmd)
+ .map(|sc| &sc.p)
+ {
+ sc = c;
+ if i == cmds.len() - 1 {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if let Some(c) = sc.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .find(|s| {
+ if let Some(ref als) = s.p.meta.aliases {
+ als.iter().any(|&(a, _)| a == &*cmd.to_string_lossy())
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ })
+ .map(|sc| &sc.p)
+ {
+ sc = c;
+ if i == cmds.len() - 1 {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::unrecognized_subcommand(
+ cmd.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&,
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ bin_name = format!("{} {}", bin_name, &*;
+ }
+ sc.clone()
+ };
+ if help_help {
+ let mut pb = PosBuilder::new("subcommand", 1);
+ = Some("The subcommand whose help message to display");
+ pb.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ sc.positionals.insert(1, pb);
+ sc.settings = sc.settings | self.g_settings;
+ } else {
+ sc.create_help_and_version();
+ }
+ if sc.meta.bin_name != self.meta.bin_name {
+ sc.meta.bin_name = Some(format!("{} {}", bin_name,;
+ }
+ Err(sc._help(false))
+ }
+ // allow wrong self convention due to self.valid_neg_num = true and it's a private method
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(wrong_self_convention))]
+ fn is_new_arg(&mut self, arg_os: &OsStr, needs_val_of: ParseResult) -> bool {
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg:{:?}:{:?}", arg_os, needs_val_of);
+ let app_wide_settings = if self.is_set(AS::AllowLeadingHyphen) {
+ true
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::AllowNegativeNumbers) {
+ let a = arg_os.to_string_lossy();
+ if a.parse::<i64>().is_ok() || a.parse::<f64>().is_ok() {
+ self.set(AS::ValidNegNumFound);
+ true
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ let arg_allows_tac = match needs_val_of {
+ ParseResult::Opt(name) => {
+ let o = self.opts
+ .iter()
+ .find(|o| == name)
+ (o.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
+ }
+ ParseResult::Pos(name) => {
+ let p = self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .find(|p| == name)
+ (p.is_set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen) || app_wide_settings)
+ }
+ ParseResult::ValuesDone => return true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg: arg_allows_tac={:?}", arg_allows_tac);
+ // Is this a new argument, or values from a previous option?
+ let mut ret = if arg_os.starts_with(b"--") {
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg: -- found");
+ if arg_os.len_() == 2 && !arg_allows_tac {
+ return true; // We have to return true so override everything else
+ } else if arg_allows_tac {
+ return false;
+ }
+ true
+ } else if arg_os.starts_with(b"-") {
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg: - found");
+ // a singe '-' by itself is a value and typically means "stdin" on unix systems
+ !(arg_os.len_() == 1)
+ } else {
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg: probably value");
+ false
+ };
+ ret = ret && !arg_allows_tac;
+ debugln!("Parser::is_new_arg: starts_new_arg={:?}", ret);
+ ret
+ }
+ // The actual parsing function
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(while_let_on_iterator, collapsible_if))]
+ pub fn get_matches_with<I, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ it: &mut Peekable<I>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ I: Iterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with;");
+ // Verify all positional assertions pass
+ debug_assert!(self.app_debug_asserts());
+ if self.positionals.values().any(|a| {
+ a.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && (a.index as usize != self.positionals.len())
+ })
+ && self.positionals
+ .values()
+ .last()
+ .map_or(false, |p| !p.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ {
+ self.settings.set(AS::LowIndexMultiplePositional);
+ }
+ let has_args = self.has_args();
+ // Next we create the `--help` and `--version` arguments and add them if
+ // necessary
+ self.create_help_and_version();
+ let mut subcmd_name: Option<String> = None;
+ let mut needs_val_of: ParseResult<'a> = ParseResult::NotFound;
+ let mut pos_counter = 1;
+ while let Some(arg) = {
+ let arg_os = arg.into();
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::get_matches_with: Begin parsing '{:?}' ({:?})",
+ arg_os,
+ &*arg_os.as_bytes()
+ );
+ self.unset(AS::ValidNegNumFound);
+ // Is this a new argument, or values from a previous option?
+ let starts_new_arg = self.is_new_arg(&arg_os, needs_val_of);
+ if !self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues) && arg_os.starts_with(b"--") && arg_os.len_() == 2
+ && starts_new_arg
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with: setting TrailingVals=true");
+ self.set(AS::TrailingValues);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Has the user already passed '--'? Meaning only positional args follow
+ if !self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues) {
+ // Does the arg match a subcommand name, or any of it's aliases (if defined)
+ {
+ match needs_val_of {
+ ParseResult::Opt(_) | ParseResult::Pos(_) => (),
+ _ => {
+ let (is_match, sc_name) = self.possible_subcommand(&arg_os);
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::get_matches_with: possible_sc={:?}, sc={:?}",
+ is_match,
+ sc_name
+ );
+ if is_match {
+ let sc_name = sc_name.expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ if sc_name == "help" && self.is_set(AS::NeedsSubcommandHelp) {
+ self.parse_help_subcommand(it)?;
+ }
+ subcmd_name = Some(sc_name.to_owned());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if starts_new_arg {
+ let check_all = self.is_set(AS::AllArgsOverrideSelf);
+ {
+ let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
+ matcher.process_arg_overrides(
+ any_arg,
+ &mut self.overrides,
+ &mut self.required,
+ check_all,
+ );
+ }
+ if arg_os.starts_with(b"--") {
+ needs_val_of = self.parse_long_arg(matcher, &arg_os)?;
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser:get_matches_with: After parse_long_arg {:?}",
+ needs_val_of
+ );
+ match needs_val_of {
+ ParseResult::Flag | ParseResult::Opt(..) | ParseResult::ValuesDone => {
+ continue
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ } else if arg_os.starts_with(b"-") && arg_os.len_() != 1 {
+ // Try to parse short args like normal, if AllowLeadingHyphen or
+ // AllowNegativeNumbers is set, parse_short_arg will *not* throw
+ // an error, and instead return Ok(None)
+ needs_val_of = self.parse_short_arg(matcher, &arg_os)?;
+ // If it's None, we then check if one of those two AppSettings was set
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser:get_matches_with: After parse_short_arg {:?}",
+ needs_val_of
+ );
+ match needs_val_of {
+ ParseResult::MaybeNegNum => {
+ if !(arg_os.to_string_lossy().parse::<i64>().is_ok()
+ || arg_os.to_string_lossy().parse::<f64>().is_ok())
+ {
+ return Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*arg_os.to_string_lossy(),
+ "",
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ ParseResult::Opt(..) | ParseResult::Flag | ParseResult::ValuesDone => {
+ continue
+ }
+ _ => (),
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if let ParseResult::Opt(name) = needs_val_of {
+ // Check to see if parsing a value from a previous arg
+ let arg = self.opts
+ .iter()
+ .find(|o| == name)
+ // get the OptBuilder so we can check the settings
+ needs_val_of = self.add_val_to_arg(arg, &arg_os, matcher)?;
+ // get the next value from the iterator
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !(self.is_set(AS::ArgsNegateSubcommands) && self.is_set(AS::ValidArgFound))
+ && !self.is_set(AS::InferSubcommands) && !self.is_set(AS::AllowExternalSubcommands)
+ {
+ if let Some(cdate) =
+ suggestions::did_you_mean(&*arg_os.to_string_lossy(), sc_names!(self))
+ {
+ return Err(Error::invalid_subcommand(
+ arg_os.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
+ cdate,
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let low_index_mults = self.is_set(AS::LowIndexMultiplePositional)
+ && pos_counter == (self.positionals.len() - 1);
+ let missing_pos = self.is_set(AS::AllowMissingPositional)
+ && (pos_counter == (self.positionals.len() - 1)
+ && !self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues));
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::get_matches_with: Positional counter...{}",
+ pos_counter
+ );
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::get_matches_with: Low index multiples...{:?}",
+ low_index_mults
+ );
+ if low_index_mults || missing_pos {
+ if let Some(na) = it.peek() {
+ let n = (*na).clone().into();
+ needs_val_of = if needs_val_of != ParseResult::ValuesDone {
+ if let Some(p) = self.positionals.get(pos_counter) {
+ ParseResult::Pos(
+ } else {
+ ParseResult::ValuesDone
+ }
+ } else {
+ ParseResult::ValuesDone
+ };
+ let sc_match = { self.possible_subcommand(&n).0 };
+ if self.is_new_arg(&n, needs_val_of) || sc_match
+ || suggestions::did_you_mean(&n.to_string_lossy(), sc_names!(self))
+ .is_some()
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with: Bumping the positional counter...");
+ pos_counter += 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with: Bumping the positional counter...");
+ pos_counter += 1;
+ }
+ } else if (self.is_set(AS::AllowMissingPositional) && self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues))
+ || (self.is_set(AS::ContainsLast) && self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues))
+ {
+ // Came to -- and one postional has .last(true) set, so we go immediately
+ // to the last (highest index) positional
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with: .last(true) and --, setting last pos");
+ pos_counter = self.positionals.len();
+ }
+ if let Some(p) = self.positionals.get(pos_counter) {
+ if p.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) && !self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues) {
+ return Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*arg_os.to_string_lossy(),
+ "",
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ if !self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues)
+ && (self.is_set(AS::TrailingVarArg) && pos_counter == self.positionals.len())
+ {
+ self.settings.set(AS::TrailingValues);
+ }
+ if self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != {
+ let check_all = self.is_set(AS::AllArgsOverrideSelf);
+ {
+ let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
+ matcher.process_arg_overrides(
+ any_arg,
+ &mut self.overrides,
+ &mut self.required,
+ check_all,
+ );
+ }
+ self.cache = Some(;
+ }
+ let _ = self.add_val_to_arg(p, &arg_os, matcher)?;
+ matcher.inc_occurrence_of(;
+ let _ = self.groups_for_arg(
+ .and_then(|vec| Some(matcher.inc_occurrences_of(&*vec)));
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ // Only increment the positional counter if it doesn't allow multiples
+ if !p.b.settings.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ pos_counter += 1;
+ }
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::AllowExternalSubcommands) {
+ // Get external subcommand name
+ let sc_name = match arg_os.to_str() {
+ Some(s) => s.to_string(),
+ None => {
+ if !self.is_set(AS::StrictUtf8) {
+ return Err(Error::invalid_utf8(
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ arg_os.to_string_lossy().into_owned()
+ }
+ };
+ // Collect the external subcommand args
+ let mut sc_m = ArgMatcher::new();
+ while let Some(v) = {
+ let a = v.into();
+ if a.to_str().is_none() && !self.is_set(AS::StrictUtf8) {
+ return Err(Error::invalid_utf8(
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ sc_m.add_val_to("", &a);
+ }
+ matcher.subcommand(SubCommand {
+ name: sc_name,
+ matches: sc_m.into(),
+ });
+ } else if !((self.is_set(AS::AllowLeadingHyphen)
+ || self.is_set(AS::AllowNegativeNumbers))
+ && arg_os.starts_with(b"-"))
+ && !self.is_set(AS::InferSubcommands)
+ {
+ return Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*arg_os.to_string_lossy(),
+ "",
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ } else if !has_args || self.is_set(AS::InferSubcommands) && self.has_subcommands() {
+ if let Some(cdate) =
+ suggestions::did_you_mean(&*arg_os.to_string_lossy(), sc_names!(self))
+ {
+ return Err(Error::invalid_subcommand(
+ arg_os.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
+ cdate,
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::unrecognized_subcommand(
+ arg_os.to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&,
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*arg_os.to_string_lossy(),
+ "",
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref pos_sc_name) = subcmd_name {
+ let sc_name = {
+ find_subcmd!(self, pos_sc_name)
+ .p
+ .meta
+ .name
+ .clone()
+ };
+ self.parse_subcommand(&*sc_name, matcher, it)?;
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::SubcommandRequired) {
+ let bn = self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&;
+ return Err(Error::missing_subcommand(
+ bn,
+ &usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp) {
+ debugln!("Parser::get_matches_with: SubcommandRequiredElseHelp=true");
+ let mut out = vec![];
+ self.write_help_err(&mut out)?;
+ return Err(Error {
+ message: String::from_utf8_lossy(&*out).into_owned(),
+ kind: ErrorKind::MissingArgumentOrSubcommand,
+ info: None,
+ });
+ }
+ // In case the last arg was new, we need to process it's overrides
+ let check_all = self.is_set(AS::AllArgsOverrideSelf);
+ {
+ let any_arg = find_any_by_name!(self, self.cache.unwrap_or(""));
+ matcher.process_arg_overrides(
+ any_arg,
+ &mut self.overrides,
+ &mut self.required,
+ check_all,
+ );
+ }
+ self.remove_overrides(matcher);
+ Validator::new(self).validate(needs_val_of, subcmd_name, matcher)
+ }
+ fn remove_overrides(&mut self, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher) {
+ debugln!("Parser::remove_overrides:{:?};", self.overrides);
+ for &(overr, name) in &self.overrides {
+ debugln!("Parser::remove_overrides:iter:({},{});", overr, name);
+ if matcher.is_present(overr) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::remove_overrides:iter:({},{}): removing {};",
+ overr,
+ name,
+ name
+ );
+ matcher.remove(name);
+ for i in (0..self.required.len()).rev() {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::remove_overrides:iter:({},{}): removing required {};",
+ overr,
+ name,
+ name
+ );
+ if self.required[i] == name {
+ self.required.swap_remove(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn propagate_help_version(&mut self) {
+ debugln!("Parser::propagate_help_version;");
+ self.create_help_and_version();
+ for sc in &mut self.subcommands {
+ sc.p.propagate_help_version();
+ }
+ }
+ fn build_bin_names(&mut self) {
+ debugln!("Parser::build_bin_names;");
+ for sc in &mut self.subcommands {
+ debug!("Parser::build_bin_names:iter: bin_name set...");
+ if sc.p.meta.bin_name.is_none() {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ let bin_name = format!(
+ "{}{}{}",
+ self.meta
+ .bin_name
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap_or(&,
+ if self.meta.bin_name.is_some() {
+ " "
+ } else {
+ ""
+ },
+ &*
+ );
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::build_bin_names:iter: Setting bin_name of {} to {}",
+ bin_name
+ );
+ sc.p.meta.bin_name = Some(bin_name);
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("yes ({:?})", sc.p.meta.bin_name);
+ }
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::build_bin_names:iter: Calling build_bin_names from...{}",
+ );
+ sc.p.build_bin_names();
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_subcommand<I, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ sc_name: &str,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ it: &mut Peekable<I>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ I: Iterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ use std::fmt::Write;
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_subcommand;");
+ let mut mid_string = String::new();
+ if !self.is_set(AS::SubcommandsNegateReqs) {
+ let mut hs: Vec<&str> = self.required.iter().map(|n| &**n).collect();
+ for k in matcher.arg_names() {
+ hs.push(k);
+ }
+ let reqs = usage::get_required_usage_from(self, &hs, Some(matcher), None, false);
+ for s in &reqs {
+ write!(&mut mid_string, " {}", s).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ }
+ }
+ mid_string.push_str(" ");
+ if let Some(ref mut sc) = self.subcommands
+ .iter_mut()
+ .find(|s| == sc_name)
+ {
+ let mut sc_matcher = ArgMatcher::new();
+ // bin_name should be parent's bin_name + [<reqs>] + the sc's name separated by
+ // a space
+ sc.p.meta.usage = Some(format!(
+ "{}{}{}",
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()),
+ if self.meta.bin_name.is_some() {
+ &*mid_string
+ } else {
+ ""
+ },
+ &*
+ ));
+ sc.p.meta.bin_name = Some(format!(
+ "{}{}{}",
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()),
+ if self.meta.bin_name.is_some() {
+ " "
+ } else {
+ ""
+ },
+ &*
+ ));
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_subcommand: About to parse sc={}",
+ );
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_subcommand: sc settings={:#?}", sc.p.settings);
+ sc.p.get_matches_with(&mut sc_matcher, it)?;
+ matcher.subcommand(SubCommand {
+ name:,
+ matches: sc_matcher.into(),
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn groups_for_arg(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Vec<&'a str>> {
+ debugln!("Parser::groups_for_arg: name={}", name);
+ if self.groups.is_empty() {
+ debugln!("Parser::groups_for_arg: No groups defined");
+ return None;
+ }
+ let mut res = vec![];
+ debugln!("Parser::groups_for_arg: Searching through groups...");
+ for grp in &self.groups {
+ for a in &grp.args {
+ if a == &name {
+ sdebugln!("\tFound '{}'",;
+ res.push(&*;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if res.is_empty() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ Some(res)
+ }
+ pub fn args_in_group(&self, group: &str) -> Vec<String> {
+ let mut g_vec = vec![];
+ let mut args = vec![];
+ for n in &self.groups
+ .iter()
+ .find(|g| == group)
+ .args
+ {
+ if let Some(f) = self.flags.iter().find(|f| & == n) {
+ args.push(f.to_string());
+ } else if let Some(f) = self.opts.iter().find(|o| & == n) {
+ args.push(f.to_string());
+ } else if let Some(p) = self.positionals.values().find(|p| & == n) {
+ args.push(;
+ } else {
+ g_vec.push(*n);
+ }
+ }
+ for av in g_vec.iter().map(|g| self.args_in_group(g)) {
+ args.extend(av);
+ }
+ args.dedup();
+ args.iter().map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect()
+ }
+ pub fn arg_names_in_group(&self, group: &str) -> Vec<&'a str> {
+ let mut g_vec = vec![];
+ let mut args = vec![];
+ for n in &self.groups
+ .iter()
+ .find(|g| == group)
+ .args
+ {
+ if self.groups.iter().any(|g| == *n) {
+ args.extend(self.arg_names_in_group(n));
+ g_vec.push(*n);
+ } else if !args.contains(n) {
+ args.push(*n);
+ }
+ }
+ args.iter().map(|s| *s).collect()
+ }
+ pub fn create_help_and_version(&mut self) {
+ debugln!("Parser::create_help_and_version;");
+ // name is "hclap_help" because flags are sorted by name
+ if !self.contains_long("help") {
+ debugln!("Parser::create_help_and_version: Building --help");
+ if self.help_short.is_none() && !self.contains_short('h') {
+ self.help_short = Some('h');
+ }
+ let arg = FlagBuilder {
+ b: Base {
+ name: "hclap_help",
+ help: self.help_message.or(Some("Prints help information")),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ s: Switched {
+ short: self.help_short,
+ long: Some("help"),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ };
+ self.flags.push(arg);
+ }
+ if !self.is_set(AS::DisableVersion) && !self.contains_long("version") {
+ debugln!("Parser::create_help_and_version: Building --version");
+ if self.version_short.is_none() && !self.contains_short('V') {
+ self.version_short = Some('V');
+ }
+ // name is "vclap_version" because flags are sorted by name
+ let arg = FlagBuilder {
+ b: Base {
+ name: "vclap_version",
+ help: self.version_message.or(Some("Prints version information")),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ s: Switched {
+ short: self.version_short,
+ long: Some("version"),
+ ..Default::default()
+ },
+ };
+ self.flags.push(arg);
+ }
+ if !self.subcommands.is_empty() && !self.is_set(AS::DisableHelpSubcommand)
+ && self.is_set(AS::NeedsSubcommandHelp)
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::create_help_and_version: Building help");
+ self.subcommands.push(
+ App::new("help")
+ .about("Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)"),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Retrieves the names of all args the user has supplied thus far, except required ones
+ // because those will be listed in self.required
+ fn check_for_help_and_version_str(&self, arg: &OsStr) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Parser::check_for_help_and_version_str;");
+ debug!(
+ "Parser::check_for_help_and_version_str: Checking if --{} is help or version...",
+ arg.to_str().unwrap()
+ );
+ if arg == "help" && self.is_set(AS::NeedsLongHelp) {
+ sdebugln!("Help");
+ return Err(self._help(true));
+ }
+ if arg == "version" && self.is_set(AS::NeedsLongVersion) {
+ sdebugln!("Version");
+ return Err(self._version(true));
+ }
+ sdebugln!("Neither");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn check_for_help_and_version_char(&self, arg: char) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Parser::check_for_help_and_version_char;");
+ debug!(
+ "Parser::check_for_help_and_version_char: Checking if -{} is help or version...",
+ arg
+ );
+ if let Some(h) = self.help_short {
+ if arg == h && self.is_set(AS::NeedsLongHelp) {
+ sdebugln!("Help");
+ return Err(self._help(false));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = self.version_short {
+ if arg == v && self.is_set(AS::NeedsLongVersion) {
+ sdebugln!("Version");
+ return Err(self._version(false));
+ }
+ }
+ sdebugln!("Neither");
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn use_long_help(&self) -> bool {
+ self.meta.long_about.is_some() || self.flags.iter().any(|f| f.b.long_help.is_some())
+ || self.opts.iter().any(|o| o.b.long_help.is_some())
+ || self.positionals.values().any(|p| p.b.long_help.is_some())
+ || self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .any(|s| s.p.meta.long_about.is_some())
+ }
+ fn _help(&self, mut use_long: bool) -> Error {
+ debugln!("Parser::_help: use_long={:?}", use_long);
+ use_long = use_long && self.use_long_help();
+ let mut buf = vec![];
+ match Help::write_parser_help(&mut buf, self, use_long) {
+ Err(e) => e,
+ _ => Error {
+ message: String::from_utf8(buf).unwrap_or_default(),
+ kind: ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed,
+ info: None,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ fn _version(&self, use_long: bool) -> Error {
+ debugln!("Parser::_version: ");
+ let out = io::stdout();
+ let mut buf_w = BufWriter::new(out.lock());
+ match self.print_version(&mut buf_w, use_long) {
+ Err(e) => e,
+ _ => Error {
+ message: String::new(),
+ kind: ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed,
+ info: None,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ fn parse_long_arg(
+ &mut self,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ full_arg: &OsStr,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>> {
+ // maybe here lifetime should be 'a
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_long_arg;");
+ // Update the curent index
+ self.cur_idx.set(self.cur_idx.get() + 1);
+ let mut val = None;
+ debug!("Parser::parse_long_arg: Does it contain '='...");
+ let arg = if full_arg.contains_byte(b'=') {
+ let (p0, p1) = full_arg.trim_left_matches(b'-').split_at_byte(b'=');
+ sdebugln!("Yes '{:?}'", p1);
+ val = Some(p1);
+ p0
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("No");
+ full_arg.trim_left_matches(b'-')
+ };
+ if let Some(opt) = find_opt_by_long!(@os self, arg) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_long_arg: Found valid opt '{}'",
+ opt.to_string()
+ );
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ let ret = self.parse_opt(val, opt, val.is_some(), matcher)?;
+ if self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != {
+ self.cache = Some(;
+ }
+ return Ok(ret);
+ } else if let Some(flag) = find_flag_by_long!(@os self, arg) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_long_arg: Found valid flag '{}'",
+ flag.to_string()
+ );
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ // Only flags could be help or version, and we need to check the raw long
+ // so this is the first point to check
+ self.check_for_help_and_version_str(arg)?;
+ self.parse_flag(flag, matcher)?;
+ // Handle conflicts, requirements, etc.
+ if self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != {
+ self.cache = Some(;
+ }
+ return Ok(ParseResult::Flag);
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::AllowLeadingHyphen) {
+ return Ok(ParseResult::MaybeHyphenValue);
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::ValidNegNumFound) {
+ return Ok(ParseResult::MaybeNegNum);
+ }
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_long_arg: Didn't match anything");
+ self.did_you_mean_error(arg.to_str().expect(INVALID_UTF8), matcher)
+ .map(|_| ParseResult::NotFound)
+ }
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(len_zero))]
+ fn parse_short_arg(
+ &mut self,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ full_arg: &OsStr,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>> {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_short_arg: full_arg={:?}", full_arg);
+ let arg_os = full_arg.trim_left_matches(b'-');
+ let arg = arg_os.to_string_lossy();
+ // If AllowLeadingHyphen is set, we want to ensure `-val` gets parsed as `-val` and not
+ // `-v` `-a` `-l` assuming `v` `a` and `l` are all, or mostly, valid shorts.
+ if self.is_set(AS::AllowLeadingHyphen) {
+ if arg.chars().any(|c| !self.contains_short(c)) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_short_arg: LeadingHyphenAllowed yet -{} isn't valid",
+ arg
+ );
+ return Ok(ParseResult::MaybeHyphenValue);
+ }
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::ValidNegNumFound) {
+ // TODO: Add docs about having AllowNegativeNumbers and `-2` as a valid short
+ // May be better to move this to *after* not finding a valid flag/opt?
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_short_arg: Valid negative num...");
+ return Ok(ParseResult::MaybeNegNum);
+ }
+ let mut ret = ParseResult::NotFound;
+ for c in arg.chars() {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_short_arg:iter:{}", c);
+ // update each index because `-abcd` is four indices to clap
+ self.cur_idx.set(self.cur_idx.get() + 1);
+ // Check for matching short options, and return the name if there is no trailing
+ // concatenated value: -oval
+ // Option: -o
+ // Value: val
+ if let Some(opt) = find_opt_by_short!(self, c) {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_short_arg:iter:{}: Found valid opt", c);
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ // Check for trailing concatenated value
+ let p: Vec<_> = arg.splitn(2, c).collect();
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_short_arg:iter:{}: p[0]={:?}, p[1]={:?}",
+ c,
+ p[0].as_bytes(),
+ p[1].as_bytes()
+ );
+ let i = p[0].as_bytes().len() + 1;
+ let val = if p[1].as_bytes().len() > 0 {
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_short_arg:iter:{}: val={:?} (bytes), val={:?} (ascii)",
+ c,
+ arg_os.split_at(i).1.as_bytes(),
+ arg_os.split_at(i).1
+ );
+ Some(arg_os.split_at(i).1)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ // Default to "we're expecting a value later"
+ let ret = self.parse_opt(val, opt, false, matcher)?;
+ if self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != {
+ self.cache = Some(;
+ }
+ return Ok(ret);
+ } else if let Some(flag) = find_flag_by_short!(self, c) {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_short_arg:iter:{}: Found valid flag", c);
+ self.settings.set(AS::ValidArgFound);
+ // Only flags can be help or version
+ self.check_for_help_and_version_char(c)?;
+ ret = self.parse_flag(flag, matcher)?;
+ // Handle conflicts, requirements, overrides, etc.
+ // Must be called here due to mutablilty
+ if self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != {
+ self.cache = Some(;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let arg = format!("-{}", c);
+ return Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*arg,
+ "",
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(ret)
+ }
+ fn parse_opt(
+ &self,
+ val: Option<&OsStr>,
+ opt: &OptBuilder<'a, 'b>,
+ had_eq: bool,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>> {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_opt; opt={}, val={:?}",, val);
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_opt; opt.settings={:?}", opt.b.settings);
+ let mut has_eq = false;
+ let no_val = val.is_none();
+ let empty_vals = opt.is_set(ArgSettings::EmptyValues);
+ let min_vals_zero = opt.v.min_vals.unwrap_or(1) == 0;
+ let needs_eq = opt.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireEquals);
+ debug!("Parser::parse_opt; Checking for val...");
+ if let Some(fv) = val {
+ has_eq = fv.starts_with(&[b'=']) || had_eq;
+ let v = fv.trim_left_matches(b'=');
+ if !empty_vals && (v.len_() == 0 || (needs_eq && !has_eq)) {
+ sdebugln!("Found Empty - Error");
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ opt,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ sdebugln!("Found - {:?}, len: {}", v, v.len_());
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::parse_opt: {:?} contains '='...{:?}",
+ fv,
+ fv.starts_with(&[b'='])
+ );
+ self.add_val_to_arg(opt, v, matcher)?;
+ } else if needs_eq && !(empty_vals || min_vals_zero) {
+ sdebugln!("None, but requires equals...Error");
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ opt,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ));
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("None");
+ }
+ matcher.inc_occurrence_of(;
+ // Increment or create the group "args"
+ self.groups_for_arg(
+ .and_then(|vec| Some(matcher.inc_occurrences_of(&*vec)));
+ let needs_delim = opt.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter);
+ let mult = opt.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ if no_val && min_vals_zero && !has_eq && needs_eq {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_opt: More arg vals not required...");
+ return Ok(ParseResult::ValuesDone);
+ } else if no_val || (mult && !needs_delim) && !has_eq && matcher.needs_more_vals(opt) {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_opt: More arg vals required...");
+ return Ok(ParseResult::Opt(;
+ }
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_opt: More arg vals not required...");
+ Ok(ParseResult::ValuesDone)
+ }
+ fn add_val_to_arg<A>(
+ &self,
+ arg: &A,
+ val: &OsStr,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_val_to_arg; arg={}, val={:?}",, val);
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::add_val_to_arg; trailing_vals={:?}, DontDelimTrailingVals={:?}",
+ self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues),
+ self.is_set(AS::DontDelimitTrailingValues)
+ );
+ if !(self.is_set(AS::TrailingValues) && self.is_set(AS::DontDelimitTrailingValues)) {
+ if let Some(delim) = arg.val_delim() {
+ if val.is_empty_() {
+ Ok(self.add_single_val_to_arg(arg, val, matcher)?)
+ } else {
+ let mut iret = ParseResult::ValuesDone;
+ for v in val.split(delim as u32 as u8) {
+ iret = self.add_single_val_to_arg(arg, v, matcher)?;
+ }
+ // If there was a delimiter used, we're not looking for more values
+ if val.contains_byte(delim as u32 as u8)
+ || arg.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter)
+ {
+ iret = ParseResult::ValuesDone;
+ }
+ Ok(iret)
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.add_single_val_to_arg(arg, val, matcher)
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.add_single_val_to_arg(arg, val, matcher)
+ }
+ }
+ fn add_single_val_to_arg<A>(
+ &self,
+ arg: &A,
+ v: &OsStr,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_single_val_to_arg;");
+ debugln!("Parser::add_single_val_to_arg: adding val...{:?}", v);
+ // update the current index because each value is a distinct index to clap
+ self.cur_idx.set(self.cur_idx.get() + 1);
+ // @TODO @docs @p4: docs for indices should probably note that a terminator isn't a value
+ // and therefore not reported in indices
+ if let Some(t) = arg.val_terminator() {
+ if t == v {
+ return Ok(ParseResult::ValuesDone);
+ }
+ }
+ matcher.add_val_to(, v);
+ matcher.add_index_to(, self.cur_idx.get());
+ // Increment or create the group "args"
+ if let Some(grps) = self.groups_for_arg( {
+ for grp in grps {
+ matcher.add_val_to(&*grp, v);
+ }
+ }
+ if matcher.needs_more_vals(arg) {
+ return Ok(ParseResult::Opt(;
+ }
+ Ok(ParseResult::ValuesDone)
+ }
+ fn parse_flag(
+ &self,
+ flag: &FlagBuilder<'a, 'b>,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<ParseResult<'a>> {
+ debugln!("Parser::parse_flag;");
+ matcher.inc_occurrence_of(;
+ matcher.add_index_to(, self.cur_idx.get());
+ // Increment or create the group "args"
+ self.groups_for_arg(
+ .and_then(|vec| Some(matcher.inc_occurrences_of(&*vec)));
+ Ok(ParseResult::Flag)
+ }
+ fn did_you_mean_error(&self, arg: &str, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ // Didn't match a flag or option
+ let suffix = suggestions::did_you_mean_flag_suffix(arg, longs!(self), &self.subcommands);
+ // Add the arg to the matches to build a proper usage string
+ if let Some(name) = suffix.1 {
+ if let Some(opt) = find_opt_by_long!(self, name) {
+ self.groups_for_arg(&*
+ .and_then(|grps| Some(matcher.inc_occurrences_of(&*grps)));
+ matcher.insert(&*;
+ } else if let Some(flg) = find_flag_by_long!(self, name) {
+ self.groups_for_arg(&*
+ .and_then(|grps| Some(matcher.inc_occurrences_of(&*grps)));
+ matcher.insert(&*;
+ }
+ }
+ let used_arg = format!("--{}", arg);
+ Err(Error::unknown_argument(
+ &*used_arg,
+ &*suffix.0,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self, matcher, None),
+ self.color(),
+ ))
+ }
+ // Prints the version to the user and exits if quit=true
+ fn print_version<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W, use_long: bool) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ self.write_version(w, use_long)?;
+ w.flush().map_err(Error::from)
+ }
+ pub fn write_version<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W, use_long: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let ver = if use_long {
+ self.meta
+ .long_version
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| self.meta.version.unwrap_or(""))
+ } else {
+ self.meta
+ .version
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| self.meta.long_version.unwrap_or(""))
+ };
+ if let Some(bn) = self.meta.bin_name.as_ref() {
+ if bn.contains(' ') {
+ // Incase we're dealing with subcommands i.e. git mv is translated to git-mv
+ write!(w, "{} {}", bn.replace(" ", "-"), ver)
+ } else {
+ write!(w, "{} {}", &[..], ver)
+ }
+ } else {
+ write!(w, "{} {}", &[..], ver)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn print_help(&self) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ let out = io::stdout();
+ let mut buf_w = BufWriter::new(out.lock());
+ self.write_help(&mut buf_w)
+ }
+ pub fn write_help<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ Help::write_parser_help(w, self, false)
+ }
+ pub fn write_long_help<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ Help::write_parser_help(w, self, true)
+ }
+ pub fn write_help_err<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ Help::write_parser_help_to_stderr(w, self)
+ }
+ pub fn add_defaults(&mut self, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults;");
+ macro_rules! add_val {
+ (@default $_self:ident, $a:ident, $m:ident) => {
+ if let Some(ref val) = $a.v.default_val {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}: has default vals", $;
+ if $m.get($|ma| ma.vals.len()).map(|len| len == 0).unwrap_or(false) {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}: has no user defined vals", $;
+ $_self.add_val_to_arg($a, OsStr::new(val), $m)?;
+ if $_self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != $ {
+ $_self.cache = Some($;
+ }
+ } else if $m.get($ {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}: has user defined vals", $;
+ } else {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}: wasn't used", $;
+ $_self.add_val_to_arg($a, OsStr::new(val), $m)?;
+ if $_self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != $ {
+ $_self.cache = Some($;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ debugln!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}: doesn't have default vals", $;
+ }
+ };
+ ($_self:ident, $a:ident, $m:ident) => {
+ if let Some(ref vm) = $a.v.default_vals_ifs {
+ sdebugln!(" has conditional defaults");
+ let mut done = false;
+ if $m.get($ {
+ for &(arg, val, default) in vm.values() {
+ let add = if let Some(a) = $m.get(arg) {
+ if let Some(v) = val {
+ a.vals.iter().any(|value| v == value)
+ } else {
+ true
+ }
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ if add {
+ $_self.add_val_to_arg($a, OsStr::new(default), $m)?;
+ if $_self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != $ {
+ $_self.cache = Some($;
+ }
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if done {
+ continue; // outer loop (outside macro)
+ }
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!(" doesn't have conditional defaults");
+ }
+ add_val!(@default $_self, $a, $m)
+ };
+ }
+ for o in &self.opts {
+ debug!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}:",;
+ add_val!(self, o, matcher);
+ }
+ for p in self.positionals.values() {
+ debug!("Parser::add_defaults:iter:{}:",;
+ add_val!(self, p, matcher);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn add_env(&mut self, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ macro_rules! add_val {
+ ($_self:ident, $a:ident, $m:ident) => {
+ if let Some(ref val) = $a.v.env {
+ if $m.get($|ma| ma.vals.len()).map(|len| len == 0).unwrap_or(false) {
+ if let Some(ref val) = val.1 {
+ $_self.add_val_to_arg($a, OsStr::new(val), $m)?;
+ if $_self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != $ {
+ $_self.cache = Some($;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if let Some(ref val) = val.1 {
+ $_self.add_val_to_arg($a, OsStr::new(val), $m)?;
+ if $_self.cache.map_or(true, |name| name != $ {
+ $_self.cache = Some($;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ for o in &self.opts {
+ add_val!(self, o, matcher);
+ }
+ for p in self.positionals.values() {
+ add_val!(self, p, matcher);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn flags(&self) -> Iter<FlagBuilder<'a, 'b>> { self.flags.iter() }
+ pub fn opts(&self) -> Iter<OptBuilder<'a, 'b>> { self.opts.iter() }
+ pub fn positionals(&self) -> map::Values<PosBuilder<'a, 'b>> { self.positionals.values() }
+ pub fn subcommands(&self) -> Iter<App> { self.subcommands.iter() }
+ // Should we color the output? None=determined by output location, true=yes, false=no
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn color(&self) -> ColorWhen {
+ debugln!("Parser::color;");
+ debug!("Parser::color: Color setting...");
+ if self.is_set(AS::ColorNever) {
+ sdebugln!("Never");
+ ColorWhen::Never
+ } else if self.is_set(AS::ColorAlways) {
+ sdebugln!("Always");
+ ColorWhen::Always
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("Auto");
+ ColorWhen::Auto
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn find_any_arg(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>> {
+ if let Some(f) = find_by_name!(self, name, flags, iter) {
+ return Some(f);
+ }
+ if let Some(o) = find_by_name!(self, name, opts, iter) {
+ return Some(o);
+ }
+ if let Some(p) = find_by_name!(self, name, positionals, values) {
+ return Some(p);
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Check is a given string matches the binary name for this parser
+ fn is_bin_name(&self, value: &str) -> bool {
+ self.meta
+ .bin_name
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|name| Some(value == name))
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Check is a given string is an alias for this parser
+ fn is_alias(&self, value: &str) -> bool {
+ self.meta
+ .aliases
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|aliases| {
+ for alias in aliases {
+ if alias.0 == value {
+ return Some(true);
+ }
+ }
+ Some(false)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ // Only used for completion scripts due to bin_name messiness
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(block_in_if_condition_stmt))]
+ pub fn find_subcommand(&'b self, sc: &str) -> Option<&'b App<'a, 'b>> {
+ debugln!("Parser::find_subcommand: sc={}", sc);
+ debugln!(
+ "Parser::find_subcommand: Currently in Parser...{}",
+ self.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap()
+ );
+ for s in &self.subcommands {
+ if s.p.is_bin_name(sc) {
+ return Some(s);
+ }
+ // XXX: why do we split here?
+ // isn't `sc` supposed to be single word already?
+ let last = sc.split(' ').rev().next().expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ if s.p.is_alias(last) {
+ return Some(s);
+ }
+ if let Some(app) = s.p.find_subcommand(sc) {
+ return Some(app);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn contains_long(&self, l: &str) -> bool { longs!(self).any(|al| al == &l) }
+ #[inline]
+ fn contains_short(&self, s: char) -> bool { shorts!(self).any(|arg_s| arg_s == &s) }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e676b7b82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+// Std
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::ops::BitOr;
+bitflags! {
+ struct Flags: u64 {
+ const SC_NEGATE_REQS = 1;
+ const SC_REQUIRED = 1 << 1;
+ const A_REQUIRED_ELSE_HELP = 1 << 2;
+ const GLOBAL_VERSION = 1 << 3;
+ const VERSIONLESS_SC = 1 << 4;
+ const UNIFIED_HELP = 1 << 5;
+ const WAIT_ON_ERROR = 1 << 6;
+ const SC_REQUIRED_ELSE_HELP= 1 << 7;
+ const NEEDS_LONG_HELP = 1 << 8;
+ const NEEDS_LONG_VERSION = 1 << 9;
+ const NEEDS_SC_HELP = 1 << 10;
+ const DISABLE_VERSION = 1 << 11;
+ const HIDDEN = 1 << 12;
+ const TRAILING_VARARG = 1 << 13;
+ const NO_BIN_NAME = 1 << 14;
+ const ALLOW_UNK_SC = 1 << 15;
+ const UTF8_STRICT = 1 << 16;
+ const UTF8_NONE = 1 << 17;
+ const LEADING_HYPHEN = 1 << 18;
+ const NO_POS_VALUES = 1 << 19;
+ const NEXT_LINE_HELP = 1 << 20;
+ const DERIVE_DISP_ORDER = 1 << 21;
+ const COLORED_HELP = 1 << 22;
+ const COLOR_ALWAYS = 1 << 23;
+ const COLOR_AUTO = 1 << 24;
+ const COLOR_NEVER = 1 << 25;
+ const DONT_DELIM_TRAIL = 1 << 26;
+ const ALLOW_NEG_NUMS = 1 << 27;
+ const LOW_INDEX_MUL_POS = 1 << 28;
+ const DISABLE_HELP_SC = 1 << 29;
+ const DONT_COLLAPSE_ARGS = 1 << 30;
+ const ARGS_NEGATE_SCS = 1 << 31;
+ const PROPAGATE_VALS_DOWN = 1 << 32;
+ const ALLOW_MISSING_POS = 1 << 33;
+ const TRAILING_VALUES = 1 << 34;
+ const VALID_NEG_NUM_FOUND = 1 << 35;
+ const PROPAGATED = 1 << 36;
+ const VALID_ARG_FOUND = 1 << 37;
+ const INFER_SUBCOMMANDS = 1 << 38;
+ const CONTAINS_LAST = 1 << 39;
+ const ARGS_OVERRIDE_SELF = 1 << 40;
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub struct AppFlags(Flags);
+impl BitOr for AppFlags {
+ type Output = Self;
+ fn bitor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { AppFlags(self.0 | rhs.0) }
+impl Default for AppFlags {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ AppFlags(
+ | Flags::UTF8_NONE | Flags::COLOR_AUTO,
+ )
+ }
+impl AppFlags {
+ pub fn new() -> Self { AppFlags::default() }
+ pub fn zeroed() -> Self { AppFlags(Flags::empty()) }
+ impl_settings! { AppSettings,
+ ArgRequiredElseHelp => Flags::A_REQUIRED_ELSE_HELP,
+ ArgsNegateSubcommands => Flags::ARGS_NEGATE_SCS,
+ AllArgsOverrideSelf => Flags::ARGS_OVERRIDE_SELF,
+ AllowExternalSubcommands => Flags::ALLOW_UNK_SC,
+ AllowInvalidUtf8 => Flags::UTF8_NONE,
+ AllowLeadingHyphen => Flags::LEADING_HYPHEN,
+ AllowNegativeNumbers => Flags::ALLOW_NEG_NUMS,
+ AllowMissingPositional => Flags::ALLOW_MISSING_POS,
+ ColoredHelp => Flags::COLORED_HELP,
+ ColorAlways => Flags::COLOR_ALWAYS,
+ ColorAuto => Flags::COLOR_AUTO,
+ ColorNever => Flags::COLOR_NEVER,
+ DontDelimitTrailingValues => Flags::DONT_DELIM_TRAIL,
+ DontCollapseArgsInUsage => Flags::DONT_COLLAPSE_ARGS,
+ DeriveDisplayOrder => Flags::DERIVE_DISP_ORDER,
+ DisableHelpSubcommand => Flags::DISABLE_HELP_SC,
+ DisableVersion => Flags::DISABLE_VERSION,
+ GlobalVersion => Flags::GLOBAL_VERSION,
+ HidePossibleValuesInHelp => Flags::NO_POS_VALUES,
+ Hidden => Flags::HIDDEN,
+ LowIndexMultiplePositional => Flags::LOW_INDEX_MUL_POS,
+ NeedsLongHelp => Flags::NEEDS_LONG_HELP,
+ NeedsLongVersion => Flags::NEEDS_LONG_VERSION,
+ NeedsSubcommandHelp => Flags::NEEDS_SC_HELP,
+ NoBinaryName => Flags::NO_BIN_NAME,
+ PropagateGlobalValuesDown=> Flags::PROPAGATE_VALS_DOWN,
+ StrictUtf8 => Flags::UTF8_STRICT,
+ SubcommandsNegateReqs => Flags::SC_NEGATE_REQS,
+ SubcommandRequired => Flags::SC_REQUIRED,
+ SubcommandRequiredElseHelp => Flags::SC_REQUIRED_ELSE_HELP,
+ TrailingVarArg => Flags::TRAILING_VARARG,
+ UnifiedHelpMessage => Flags::UNIFIED_HELP,
+ NextLineHelp => Flags::NEXT_LINE_HELP,
+ VersionlessSubcommands => Flags::VERSIONLESS_SC,
+ WaitOnError => Flags::WAIT_ON_ERROR,
+ TrailingValues => Flags::TRAILING_VALUES,
+ ValidNegNumFound => Flags::VALID_NEG_NUM_FOUND,
+ Propagated => Flags::PROPAGATED,
+ ValidArgFound => Flags::VALID_ARG_FOUND,
+ InferSubcommands => Flags::INFER_SUBCOMMANDS,
+ ContainsLast => Flags::CONTAINS_LAST
+ }
+/// Application level settings, which affect how [`App`] operates
+/// **NOTE:** When these settings are used, they apply only to current command, and are *not*
+/// propagated down or up through child or parent subcommands
+/// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum AppSettings {
+ /// Specifies that any invalid UTF-8 code points should *not* be treated as an error.
+ /// This is the default behavior of `clap`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Using argument values with invalid UTF-8 code points requires using
+ /// [`ArgMatches::os_value_of`], [`ArgMatches::os_values_of`], [`ArgMatches::lossy_value_of`],
+ /// or [`ArgMatches::lossy_values_of`] for those particular arguments which may contain invalid
+ /// UTF-8 values
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This rule only applies to argument values, as flags, options, and
+ /// [`SubCommand`]s themselves only allow valid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// Non Windows systems only
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt,OsStringExt};
+ ///
+ /// let r = App::new("myprog")
+ /// //.setting(AppSettings::AllowInvalidUtf8)
+ /// .arg_from_usage("<arg> 'some positional arg'")
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(
+ /// vec![
+ /// OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![0xe9])]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(r.is_ok());
+ /// let m = r.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of_os("arg").unwrap().as_bytes(), &[0xe9]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches::os_value_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.os_value_of
+ /// [`ArgMatches::os_values_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.os_values_of
+ /// [`ArgMatches::lossy_value_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.lossy_value_of
+ /// [`ArgMatches::lossy_values_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.lossy_values_of
+ AllowInvalidUtf8,
+ /// Essentially sets [`Arg::overrides_with("itself")`] for all arguments.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:** Positional arguments cannot override themselves (or we would never be able
+ /// to advance to the next positional). This setting ignores positional arguments.
+ /// [`Arg::overrides_with("itself")`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.overrides_with
+ AllArgsOverrideSelf,
+ /// Specifies that leading hyphens are allowed in argument *values*, such as negative numbers
+ /// like `-10`. (which would otherwise be parsed as another flag or option)
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Use this setting with caution as it silences certain circumstances which would
+ /// otherwise be an error (such as accidentally forgetting to specify a value for leading
+ /// option). It is preferred to set this on a per argument basis, via [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{Arg, App, AppSettings};
+ /// // Imagine you needed to represent negative numbers as well, such as -10
+ /// let m = App::new("nums")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("neg").index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "nums", "-20"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("neg"), Some("-20"));
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.allow_hyphen_values
+ AllowLeadingHyphen,
+ /// Allows negative numbers to pass as values. This is similar to
+ /// `AllowLeadingHyphen` except that it only allows numbers, all
+ /// other undefined leading hyphens will fail to parse.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// let res = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowNegativeNumbers)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("num"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-20"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// let m = res.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("num").unwrap(), "-20");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`AllowLeadingHyphen`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.AllowLeadingHyphen
+ AllowNegativeNumbers,
+ /// Allows one to implement two styles of CLIs where positionals can be used out of order.
+ ///
+ /// The first example is a CLI where the second to last positional argument is optional, but
+ /// the final positional argument is required. Such as `$ prog [optional] <required>` where one
+ /// of the two following usages is allowed:
+ ///
+ /// * `$ prog [optional] <required>`
+ /// * `$ prog <required>`
+ ///
+ /// This would otherwise not be allowed. This is useful when `[optional]` has a default value.
+ ///
+ /// **Note:** when using this style of "missing positionals" the final positional *must* be
+ /// [required] if `--` will not be used to skip to the final positional argument.
+ ///
+ /// **Note:** This style also only allows a single positional argument to be "skipped" without
+ /// the use of `--`. To skip more than one, see the second example.
+ ///
+ /// The second example is when one wants to skip multiple optional positional arguments, and use
+ /// of the `--` operator is OK (but not required if all arguments will be specified anyways).
+ ///
+ /// For example, imagine a CLI which has three positional arguments `[foo] [bar] [baz]...` where
+ /// `baz` accepts multiple values (similar to man `ARGS...` style training arguments).
+ ///
+ /// With this setting the following invocations are posisble:
+ ///
+ /// * `$ prog foo bar baz1 baz2 baz3`
+ /// * `$ prog foo -- baz1 baz2 baz3`
+ /// * `$ prog -- baz1 baz2 baz3`
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Style number one from above:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowMissingPositional)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("arg1"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("arg2")
+ /// .required(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "other"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("arg1"), None);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("arg2"), Some("other"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Now the same example, but using a default value for the first optional positional argument
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowMissingPositional)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("arg1")
+ /// .default_value("something"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("arg2")
+ /// .required(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "other"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("arg1"), Some("something"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("arg2"), Some("other"));
+ /// ```
+ /// Style number two from above:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowMissingPositional)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("foo"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("bar"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("baz").multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "foo", "bar", "baz1", "baz2", "baz3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("foo"), Some("foo"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("bar"), Some("bar"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("baz").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["baz1", "baz2", "baz3"]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Now nofice if we don't specifiy `foo` or `baz` but use the `--` operator.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowMissingPositional)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("foo"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("bar"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("baz").multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--", "baz1", "baz2", "baz3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("foo"), None);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("bar"), None);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("baz").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["baz1", "baz2", "baz3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [required]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ AllowMissingPositional,
+ /// Specifies that an unexpected positional argument,
+ /// which would otherwise cause a [`ErrorKind::UnknownArgument`] error,
+ /// should instead be treated as a [`SubCommand`] within the [`ArgMatches`] struct.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Use this setting with caution,
+ /// as a truly unexpected argument (i.e. one that is *NOT* an external subcommand)
+ /// will **not** cause an error and instead be treated as a potential subcommand.
+ /// One should check for such cases manually and inform the user appropriately.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands)
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "subcmd", "--option", "value", "-fff", "--flag"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// // All trailing arguments will be stored under the subcommand's sub-matches using an empty
+ /// // string argument name
+ /// match m.subcommand() {
+ /// (external, Some(ext_m)) => {
+ /// let ext_args: Vec<&str> = ext_m.values_of("").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(external, "subcmd");
+ /// assert_eq!(ext_args, ["--option", "value", "-fff", "--flag"]);
+ /// },
+ /// _ => {},
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ErrorKind::UnknownArgument`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.UnknownArgument
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ AllowExternalSubcommands,
+ /// Specifies that use of a valid [argument] negates [subcomands] being used after. By default
+ /// `clap` allows arguments between subcommands such as
+ /// `<cmd> [cmd_args] <cmd2> [cmd2_args] <cmd3> [cmd3_args]`. This setting disables that
+ /// functionality and says that arguments can only follow the *final* subcommand. For instance
+ /// using this setting makes only the following invocations possible:
+ ///
+ /// * `<cmd> <cmd2> <cmd3> [cmd3_args]`
+ /// * `<cmd> <cmd2> [cmd2_args]`
+ /// * `<cmd> [cmd_args]`
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [subcommands]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [argument]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ ArgsNegateSubcommands,
+ /// Specifies that the help text should be displayed (and then exit gracefully),
+ /// if no arguments are present at runtime (i.e. an empty run such as, `$ myprog`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** [`SubCommand`]s count as arguments
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Setting [`Arg::default_value`] effectively disables this option as it will
+ /// ensure that some argument is always present.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`Arg::default_value`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value
+ ArgRequiredElseHelp,
+ /// Uses colorized help messages.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Must be compiled with the `color` cargo feature
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// This setting only applies to Unix, Linux, and OSX (i.e. non-Windows platforms)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ColoredHelp)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ ColoredHelp,
+ /// Enables colored output only when the output is going to a terminal or TTY.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This is the default behavior of `clap`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Must be compiled with the `color` cargo feature.
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// This setting only applies to Unix, Linux, and OSX (i.e. non-Windows platforms).
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ColorAuto)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ ColorAuto,
+ /// Enables colored output regardless of whether or not the output is going to a terminal/TTY.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Must be compiled with the `color` cargo feature.
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// This setting only applies to Unix, Linux, and OSX (i.e. non-Windows platforms).
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ColorAlways)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ ColorAlways,
+ /// Disables colored output no matter if the output is going to a terminal/TTY, or not.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Must be compiled with the `color` cargo feature
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// This setting only applies to Unix, Linux, and OSX (i.e. non-Windows platforms)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ColorNever)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ ColorNever,
+ /// Disables the automatic collapsing of positional args into `[ARGS]` inside the usage string
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ DontCollapseArgsInUsage,
+ /// Disables the automatic delimiting of values when `--` or [`AppSettings::TrailingVarArg`]
+ /// was used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The same thing can be done manually by setting the final positional argument to
+ /// [`Arg::use_delimiter(false)`]. Using this setting is safer, because it's easier to locate
+ /// when making changes.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DontDelimitTrailingValues)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ /// [`AppSettings::TrailingVarArg`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.TrailingVarArg
+ /// [`Arg::use_delimiter(false)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.use_delimiter
+ DontDelimitTrailingValues,
+ /// Disables the `help` subcommand
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings, ErrorKind, SubCommand};
+ /// let res = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand)
+ /// // Normally, creating a subcommand causes a `help` subcommand to automaticaly
+ /// // be generated as well
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ DisableHelpSubcommand,
+ /// Disables `-V` and `--version` [`App`] without affecting any of the [`SubCommand`]s
+ /// (Defaults to `false`; application *does* have a version flag)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DisableVersion)
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-V"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, SubCommand, AppSettings, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DisableVersion)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "test", "-V"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ DisableVersion,
+ /// Displays the arguments and [`SubCommand`]s in the help message in the order that they were
+ /// declared in, and not alphabetically which is the default.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ DeriveDisplayOrder,
+ /// Specifies to use the version of the current command for all child [`SubCommand`]s.
+ /// (Defaults to `false`; subcommands have independent version strings from their parents.)
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The version for the current command **and** this setting must be set **prior** to
+ /// adding any child subcommands
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::GlobalVersion)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// // running `$ myprog test --version` will display
+ /// // "myprog-test v1.1"
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ GlobalVersion,
+ /// Specifies that this [`SubCommand`] should be hidden from help messages
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, SubCommand};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::Hidden))
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ Hidden,
+ /// Tells `clap` *not* to print possible values when displaying help information.
+ /// This can be useful if there are many values, or they are explained elsewhere.
+ HidePossibleValuesInHelp,
+ /// Tries to match unknown args to partial [`subcommands`] or their [aliases]. For example to
+ /// match a subcommand named `test`, one could use `t`, `te`, `tes`, and `test`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The match *must not* be ambiguous at all in order to succeed. i.e. to match `te`
+ /// to `test` there could not also be a subcommand or alias `temp` because both start with `te`
+ ///
+ /// **CAUTION:** This setting can interfere with [positional/free arguments], take care when
+ /// designing CLIs which allow inferred subcommands and have potential positional/free
+ /// arguments whose values could start with the same characters as subcommands. If this is the
+ /// case, it's recommended to use settings such as [`AppSeettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands`] in
+ /// conjunction with this setting.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::InferSubcommands)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "te"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`subcommands`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [positional/free arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [aliases]: ./struct.App.html#method.alias
+ /// [`AppSeettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.ArgsNegateSubcommands
+ InferSubcommands,
+ /// Specifies that the parser should not assume the first argument passed is the binary name.
+ /// This is normally the case when using a "daemon" style mode, or an interactive CLI where one
+ /// one would not normally type the binary or program name for each command.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::NoBinaryName)
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<cmd>... 'commands to run'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["command", "set"]);
+ ///
+ /// let cmds: Vec<&str> = m.values_of("cmd").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(cmds, ["command", "set"]);
+ /// ```
+ NoBinaryName,
+ /// Places the help string for all arguments on the line after the argument.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::NextLineHelp)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// ```
+ NextLineHelp,
+ /// **DEPRECATED**: This setting is no longer required in order to propagate values up or down
+ ///
+ /// Specifies that the parser should propagate global arg's values down or up through any *used*
+ /// child subcommands. Meaning, if a subcommand wasn't used, the values won't be propagated to
+ /// said subcommand.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("[cmd] 'command to run'")
+ /// .global(true))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("foo"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "set", "foo"]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("cmd"), Some("set"));
+ ///
+ /// let sub_m = m.subcommand_matches("foo").unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(sub_m.value_of("cmd"), Some("set"));
+ /// ```
+ /// Now doing the same thing, but *not* using any subcommands will result in the value not being
+ /// propagated down.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("[cmd] 'command to run'")
+ /// .global(true))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("foo"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "set"]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("cmd"), Some("set"));
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.subcommand_matches("foo").is_none());
+ /// ```
+ #[deprecated(since = "2.27.0", note = "No longer required to propagate values")]
+ PropagateGlobalValuesDown,
+ /// Allows [`SubCommand`]s to override all requirements of the parent command.
+ /// For example if you had a subcommand or top level application with a required argument
+ /// that is only required as long as there is no subcommand present,
+ /// using this setting would allow you to set those arguments to [`Arg::required(true)`]
+ /// and yet receive no error so long as the user uses a valid subcommand instead.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This defaults to false (using subcommand does *not* negate requirements)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// This first example shows that it is an error to not use a required argument
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, SubCommand, ErrorKind};
+ /// let err = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt").required(true))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(err.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(err.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This next example shows that it is no longer error to not use a required argument if a
+ /// valid subcommand is used.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, SubCommand, ErrorKind};
+ /// let noerr = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt").required(true))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "test"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(noerr.is_ok());
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::required(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ SubcommandsNegateReqs,
+ /// Specifies that the help text should be displayed (before exiting gracefully) if no
+ /// [`SubCommand`]s are present at runtime (i.e. an empty run such as `$ myprog`).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This should *not* be used with [`AppSettings::SubcommandRequired`] as they do
+ /// nearly same thing; this prints the help text, and the other prints an error.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If the user specifies arguments at runtime, but no subcommand the help text will
+ /// still be displayed and exit. If this is *not* the desired result, consider using
+ /// [`AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp`] instead.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings::SubcommandRequired`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.SubcommandRequired
+ /// [`AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.ArgRequiredElseHelp
+ SubcommandRequiredElseHelp,
+ /// Specifies that any invalid UTF-8 code points should be treated as an error and fail
+ /// with a [`ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8`] error.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This rule only applies to argument values; Things such as flags, options, and
+ /// [`SubCommand`]s themselves only allow valid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// Non Windows systems only
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings, ErrorKind};
+ /// use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::StrictUtf8)
+ /// .arg_from_usage("<arg> 'some positional arg'")
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(
+ /// vec![
+ /// OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![0xe9])]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(m.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.InvalidUtf8
+ StrictUtf8,
+ /// Allows specifying that if no [`SubCommand`] is present at runtime,
+ /// error and exit gracefully.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This defaults to `false` (subcommands do *not* need to be present)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings, SubCommand, ErrorKind};
+ /// let err = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog",
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(err.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(err.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingSubcommand);
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ SubcommandRequired,
+ /// Specifies that the final positional argument is a "VarArg" and that `clap` should not
+ /// attempt to parse any further args.
+ ///
+ /// The values of the trailing positional argument will contain all args from itself on.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The final positional argument **must** have [`Arg::multiple(true)`] or the usage
+ /// string equivalent.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::TrailingVarArg)
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<cmd>... 'commands to run'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "arg1", "-r", "val1"]);
+ ///
+ /// let trail: Vec<&str> = m.values_of("cmd").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(trail, ["arg1", "-r", "val1"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ TrailingVarArg,
+ /// Groups flags and options together, presenting a more unified help message
+ /// (a la `getopts` or `docopt` style).
+ ///
+ /// The default is that the auto-generated help message will group flags, and options
+ /// separately.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting is cosmetic only and does not affect any functionality.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage)
+ /// .get_matches();
+ /// // running `myprog --help` will display a unified "docopt" or "getopts" style help message
+ /// ```
+ UnifiedHelpMessage,
+ /// Disables `-V` and `--version` for all [`SubCommand`]s
+ /// (Defaults to `false`; subcommands *do* have version flags.)
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting must be set **prior** adding any subcommands
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, SubCommand, AppSettings, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .version("v1.1")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "test", "-V"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ VersionlessSubcommands,
+ /// Will display a message "Press [ENTER]/[RETURN] to continue..." and wait for user before
+ /// exiting
+ ///
+ /// This is most useful when writing an application which is run from a GUI shortcut, or on
+ /// Windows where a user tries to open the binary by double-clicking instead of using the
+ /// command line.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting is **not** recursive with [`SubCommand`]s, meaning if you wish this
+ /// behavior for all subcommands, you must set this on each command (needing this is extremely
+ /// rare)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::WaitOnError)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ WaitOnError,
+ #[doc(hidden)] NeedsLongVersion,
+ #[doc(hidden)] NeedsLongHelp,
+ #[doc(hidden)] NeedsSubcommandHelp,
+ #[doc(hidden)] LowIndexMultiplePositional,
+ #[doc(hidden)] TrailingValues,
+ #[doc(hidden)] ValidNegNumFound,
+ #[doc(hidden)] Propagated,
+ #[doc(hidden)] ValidArgFound,
+ #[doc(hidden)] ContainsLast,
+impl FromStr for AppSettings {
+ type Err = String;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, <Self as FromStr>::Err> {
+ match &*s.to_ascii_lowercase() {
+ "argrequiredelsehelp" => Ok(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp),
+ "argsnegatesubcommands" => Ok(AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands),
+ "allowinvalidutf8" => Ok(AppSettings::AllowInvalidUtf8),
+ "allowleadinghyphen" => Ok(AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen),
+ "allowexternalsubcommands" => Ok(AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands),
+ "allownegativenumbers" => Ok(AppSettings::AllowNegativeNumbers),
+ "colorauto" => Ok(AppSettings::ColorAuto),
+ "coloralways" => Ok(AppSettings::ColorAlways),
+ "colornever" => Ok(AppSettings::ColorNever),
+ "coloredhelp" => Ok(AppSettings::ColoredHelp),
+ "derivedisplayorder" => Ok(AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder),
+ "dontcollapseargsinusage" => Ok(AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage),
+ "dontdelimittrailingvalues" => Ok(AppSettings::DontDelimitTrailingValues),
+ "disablehelpsubcommand" => Ok(AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand),
+ "disableversion" => Ok(AppSettings::DisableVersion),
+ "globalversion" => Ok(AppSettings::GlobalVersion),
+ "hidden" => Ok(AppSettings::Hidden),
+ "hidepossiblevaluesinhelp" => Ok(AppSettings::HidePossibleValuesInHelp),
+ "infersubcommands" => Ok(AppSettings::InferSubcommands),
+ "lowindexmultiplepositional" => Ok(AppSettings::LowIndexMultiplePositional),
+ "nobinaryname" => Ok(AppSettings::NoBinaryName),
+ "nextlinehelp" => Ok(AppSettings::NextLineHelp),
+ "strictutf8" => Ok(AppSettings::StrictUtf8),
+ "subcommandsnegatereqs" => Ok(AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs),
+ "subcommandrequired" => Ok(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired),
+ "subcommandrequiredelsehelp" => Ok(AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp),
+ "trailingvararg" => Ok(AppSettings::TrailingVarArg),
+ "unifiedhelpmessage" => Ok(AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage),
+ "versionlesssubcommands" => Ok(AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands),
+ "waitonerror" => Ok(AppSettings::WaitOnError),
+ "validnegnumfound" => Ok(AppSettings::ValidNegNumFound),
+ "validargfound" => Ok(AppSettings::ValidArgFound),
+ "propagated" => Ok(AppSettings::Propagated),
+ "trailingvalues" => Ok(AppSettings::TrailingValues),
+ _ => Err("unknown AppSetting, cannot convert from str".to_owned()),
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::AppSettings;
+ #[test]
+ fn app_settings_fromstr() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ "argsnegatesubcommands".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "argrequiredelsehelp".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "allowexternalsubcommands".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "allowinvalidutf8".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::AllowInvalidUtf8
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "allowleadinghyphen".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "allownegativenumbers".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::AllowNegativeNumbers
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "coloredhelp".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ColoredHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "colorauto".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ColorAuto
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "coloralways".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ColorAlways
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "colornever".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ColorNever
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "disablehelpsubcommand".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "disableversion".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::DisableVersion
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "dontcollapseargsinusage".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "dontdelimittrailingvalues".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::DontDelimitTrailingValues
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "derivedisplayorder".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::DeriveDisplayOrder
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "globalversion".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::GlobalVersion
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hidden".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::Hidden
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hidepossiblevaluesinhelp".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::HidePossibleValuesInHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "lowindexmultiplePositional".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::LowIndexMultiplePositional
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "nobinaryname".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::NoBinaryName
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "nextlinehelp".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::NextLineHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "subcommandsnegatereqs".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "subcommandrequired".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::SubcommandRequired
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "subcommandrequiredelsehelp".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "strictutf8".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::StrictUtf8
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "trailingvararg".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::TrailingVarArg
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "unifiedhelpmessage".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::UnifiedHelpMessage
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "versionlesssubcommands".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::VersionlessSubcommands
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "waitonerror".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::WaitOnError
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "validnegnumfound".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ValidNegNumFound
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "validargfound".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::ValidArgFound
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "propagated".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::Propagated
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "trailingvalues".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::TrailingValues
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "infersubcommands".parse::<AppSettings>().unwrap(),
+ AppSettings::InferSubcommands
+ );
+ assert!("hahahaha".parse::<AppSettings>().is_err());
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609058843c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// std
+use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
+// Internal
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgMatcher, PosBuilder};
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use app::settings::AppSettings as AS;
+use app::parser::Parser;
+// Creates a usage string for display. This happens just after all arguments were parsed, but before
+// any subcommands have been parsed (so as to give subcommands their own usage recursively)
+pub fn create_usage_with_title(p: &Parser, used: &[&str]) -> String {
+ debugln!("usage::create_usage_with_title;");
+ let mut usage = String::with_capacity(75);
+ usage.push_str("USAGE:\n ");
+ usage.push_str(&*create_usage_no_title(p, used));
+ usage
+// Creates a usage string to be used in error message (i.e. one with currently used args)
+pub fn create_error_usage<'a, 'b>(
+ p: &Parser<'a, 'b>,
+ matcher: &'b ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ extra: Option<&str>,
+) -> String {
+ let mut args: Vec<_> = matcher
+ .arg_names()
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|n| {
+ if let Some(o) = find_by_name!(p, **n, opts, iter) {
+ !o.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !o.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ } else if let Some(p) = find_by_name!(p, **n, positionals, values) {
+ !p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ } else {
+ true // flags can't be required, so they're always true
+ }
+ })
+ .map(|&n| n)
+ .collect();
+ if let Some(r) = extra {
+ args.push(r);
+ }
+ create_usage_with_title(p, &*args)
+// Creates a usage string (*without title*) if one was not provided by the user manually.
+pub fn create_usage_no_title(p: &Parser, used: &[&str]) -> String {
+ debugln!("usage::create_usage_no_title;");
+ if let Some(u) = p.meta.usage_str {
+ String::from(&*u)
+ } else if used.is_empty() {
+ create_help_usage(p, true)
+ } else {
+ create_smart_usage(p, used)
+ }
+// Creates a usage string for display in help messages (i.e. not for errors)
+pub fn create_help_usage(p: &Parser, incl_reqs: bool) -> String {
+ let mut usage = String::with_capacity(75);
+ let name = p.meta
+ .usage
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&;
+ usage.push_str(&*name);
+ let req_string = if incl_reqs {
+ let mut reqs: Vec<&str> = p.required().map(|r| &**r).collect();
+ reqs.sort();
+ reqs.dedup();
+ get_required_usage_from(p, &reqs, None, None, false)
+ .iter()
+ .fold(String::new(), |a, s| a + &format!(" {}", s)[..])
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ let flags = needs_flags_tag(p);
+ if flags && !p.is_set(AS::UnifiedHelpMessage) {
+ usage.push_str(" [FLAGS]");
+ } else if flags {
+ usage.push_str(" [OPTIONS]");
+ }
+ if !p.is_set(AS::UnifiedHelpMessage) && p.opts.iter().any(|o| {
+ !o.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !o.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ }) {
+ usage.push_str(" [OPTIONS]");
+ }
+ usage.push_str(&req_string[..]);
+ let has_last = p.positionals.values().any(|p| p.is_set(ArgSettings::Last));
+ // places a '--' in the usage string if there are args and options
+ // supporting multiple values
+ if p.opts.iter().any(|o| o.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple))
+ && p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .any(|p| !p.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ && !(p.has_visible_subcommands() || p.is_set(AS::AllowExternalSubcommands))
+ && !has_last
+ {
+ usage.push_str(" [--]");
+ }
+ let not_req_or_hidden = |p: &PosBuilder| {
+ (!p.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) || p.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ && !p.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ };
+ if p.has_positionals() && p.positionals.values().any(not_req_or_hidden) {
+ if let Some(args_tag) = get_args_tag(p, incl_reqs) {
+ usage.push_str(&*args_tag);
+ } else {
+ usage.push_str(" [ARGS]");
+ }
+ if has_last && incl_reqs {
+ let pos = p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .find(|p| p.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ debugln!("usage::create_help_usage: '{}' has .last(true)",;
+ let req = pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Required);
+ if req
+ && p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .any(|p| !p.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ {
+ usage.push_str(" -- <");
+ } else if req {
+ usage.push_str(" [--] <");
+ } else {
+ usage.push_str(" [-- <");
+ }
+ usage.push_str(&*pos.name_no_brackets());
+ usage.push_str(">");
+ usage.push_str(pos.multiple_str());
+ if !req {
+ usage.push_str("]");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // incl_reqs is only false when this function is called recursively
+ if p.has_visible_subcommands() && incl_reqs || p.is_set(AS::AllowExternalSubcommands) {
+ if p.is_set(AS::SubcommandsNegateReqs) || p.is_set(AS::ArgsNegateSubcommands) {
+ if !p.is_set(AS::ArgsNegateSubcommands) {
+ usage.push_str("\n ");
+ usage.push_str(&*create_help_usage(p, false));
+ usage.push_str(" <SUBCOMMAND>");
+ } else {
+ usage.push_str("\n ");
+ usage.push_str(&*name);
+ usage.push_str(" <SUBCOMMAND>");
+ }
+ } else if p.is_set(AS::SubcommandRequired) || p.is_set(AS::SubcommandRequiredElseHelp) {
+ usage.push_str(" <SUBCOMMAND>");
+ } else {
+ usage.push_str(" [SUBCOMMAND]");
+ }
+ }
+ usage.shrink_to_fit();
+ debugln!("usage::create_help_usage: usage={}", usage);
+ usage
+// Creates a context aware usage string, or "smart usage" from currently used
+// args, and requirements
+fn create_smart_usage(p: &Parser, used: &[&str]) -> String {
+ debugln!("usage::smart_usage;");
+ let mut usage = String::with_capacity(75);
+ let mut hs: Vec<&str> = p.required().map(|s| &**s).collect();
+ hs.extend_from_slice(used);
+ let r_string = get_required_usage_from(p, &hs, None, None, false)
+ .iter()
+ .fold(String::new(), |acc, s| acc + &format!(" {}", s)[..]);
+ usage.push_str(
+ &p.meta
+ .usage
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&[..],
+ );
+ usage.push_str(&*r_string);
+ if p.is_set(AS::SubcommandRequired) {
+ usage.push_str(" <SUBCOMMAND>");
+ }
+ usage.shrink_to_fit();
+ usage
+// Gets the `[ARGS]` tag for the usage string
+fn get_args_tag(p: &Parser, incl_reqs: bool) -> Option<String> {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag;");
+ let mut count = 0;
+ 'outer: for pos in p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag:iter:{}:",;
+ if let Some(g_vec) = p.groups_for_arg( {
+ for grp_s in &g_vec {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag:iter:{}:iter:{};",, grp_s);
+ // if it's part of a required group we don't want to count it
+ if p.groups.iter().any(|g| g.required && (& == grp_s)) {
+ continue 'outer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ count += 1;
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_args_tag:iter: {} Args not required or hidden",
+ count
+ );
+ }
+ if !p.is_set(AS::DontCollapseArgsInUsage) && count > 1 {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag:iter: More than one, returning [ARGS]");
+ return None; // [ARGS]
+ } else if count == 1 && incl_reqs {
+ let pos = p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .find(|pos| {
+ !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ && !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last)
+ })
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_args_tag:iter: Exactly one, returning '{}'",
+ );
+ return Some(format!(
+ " [{}]{}",
+ pos.name_no_brackets(),
+ pos.multiple_str()
+ ));
+ } else if p.is_set(AS::DontCollapseArgsInUsage) && !p.positionals.is_empty() && incl_reqs {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag:iter: Don't collapse returning all");
+ return Some(
+ p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ .map(|pos| {
+ format!(" [{}]{}", pos.name_no_brackets(), pos.multiple_str())
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(""),
+ );
+ } else if !incl_reqs {
+ debugln!("usage::get_args_tag:iter: incl_reqs=false, building secondary usage string");
+ let highest_req_pos = p.positionals
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|(idx, pos)| {
+ if pos.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) && !pos.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Last) {
+ Some(idx)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .max()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| p.positionals.len());
+ return Some(
+ p.positionals
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|(idx, pos)| {
+ if idx <= highest_req_pos {
+ Some(pos)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Required))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden))
+ .filter(|pos| !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ .map(|pos| {
+ format!(" [{}]{}", pos.name_no_brackets(), pos.multiple_str())
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(""),
+ );
+ }
+ Some("".into())
+// Determines if we need the `[FLAGS]` tag in the usage string
+fn needs_flags_tag(p: &Parser) -> bool {
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag;");
+ 'outer: for f in &p.flags {
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag:iter: f={};",;
+ if let Some(l) = f.s.long {
+ if l == "help" || l == "version" {
+ // Don't print `[FLAGS]` just for help or version
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(g_vec) = p.groups_for_arg( {
+ for grp_s in &g_vec {
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag:iter:iter: grp_s={};", grp_s);
+ if p.groups.iter().any(|g| & == grp_s && g.required) {
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag:iter:iter: Group is required");
+ continue 'outer;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if f.is_set(ArgSettings::Hidden) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag:iter: [FLAGS] required");
+ return true;
+ }
+ debugln!("usage::needs_flags_tag: [FLAGS] not required");
+ false
+// Returns the required args in usage string form by fully unrolling all groups
+pub fn get_required_usage_from<'a, 'b>(
+ p: &Parser<'a, 'b>,
+ reqs: &[&'a str],
+ matcher: Option<&ArgMatcher<'a>>,
+ extra: Option<&str>,
+ incl_last: bool,
+) -> VecDeque<String> {
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: reqs={:?}, extra={:?}",
+ reqs,
+ extra
+ );
+ let mut desc_reqs: Vec<&str> = vec![];
+ desc_reqs.extend(extra);
+ let mut new_reqs: Vec<&str> = vec![];
+ macro_rules! get_requires {
+ (@group $a: ident, $v:ident, $p:ident) => {{
+ if let Some(rl) = p.groups.iter()
+ .filter(|g| g.requires.is_some())
+ .find(|g| & == $a)
+ .map(|g| g.requires.as_ref().unwrap()) {
+ for r in rl {
+ if !$p.contains(&r) {
+ debugln!("usage::get_required_usage_from:iter:{}: adding group req={:?}",
+ $a, r);
+ $v.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }};
+ ($a:ident, $what:ident, $how:ident, $v:ident, $p:ident) => {{
+ if let Some(rl) = p.$what.$how()
+ .filter(|a| a.b.requires.is_some())
+ .find(|arg| & == $a)
+ .map(|a| a.b.requires.as_ref().unwrap()) {
+ for &(_, r) in rl.iter() {
+ if !$p.contains(&r) {
+ debugln!("usage::get_required_usage_from:iter:{}: adding arg req={:?}",
+ $a, r);
+ $v.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }};
+ }
+ // initialize new_reqs
+ for a in reqs {
+ get_requires!(a, flags, iter, new_reqs, reqs);
+ get_requires!(a, opts, iter, new_reqs, reqs);
+ get_requires!(a, positionals, values, new_reqs, reqs);
+ get_requires!(@group a, new_reqs, reqs);
+ }
+ desc_reqs.extend_from_slice(&*new_reqs);
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: after init desc_reqs={:?}",
+ desc_reqs
+ );
+ loop {
+ let mut tmp = vec![];
+ for a in &new_reqs {
+ get_requires!(a, flags, iter, tmp, desc_reqs);
+ get_requires!(a, opts, iter, tmp, desc_reqs);
+ get_requires!(a, positionals, values, tmp, desc_reqs);
+ get_requires!(@group a, tmp, desc_reqs);
+ }
+ if tmp.is_empty() {
+ debugln!("usage::get_required_usage_from: no more children");
+ break;
+ } else {
+ debugln!("usage::get_required_usage_from: after iter tmp={:?}", tmp);
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: after iter new_reqs={:?}",
+ new_reqs
+ );
+ desc_reqs.extend_from_slice(&*new_reqs);
+ new_reqs.clear();
+ new_reqs.extend_from_slice(&*tmp);
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: after iter desc_reqs={:?}",
+ desc_reqs
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ desc_reqs.extend_from_slice(reqs);
+ desc_reqs.sort();
+ desc_reqs.dedup();
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: final desc_reqs={:?}",
+ desc_reqs
+ );
+ let mut ret_val = VecDeque::new();
+ let args_in_groups = p.groups
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|gn| desc_reqs.contains(&
+ .flat_map(|g| p.arg_names_in_group(
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let pmap = if let Some(m) = matcher {
+ desc_reqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|a| p.positionals.values().any(|p| && == a))
+ .filter(|&pos| !m.contains(pos))
+ .filter_map(|pos| p.positionals.values().find(|x| & == pos))
+ .filter(|&pos| incl_last || !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ .filter(|pos| !args_in_groups.contains(&
+ .map(|pos| (pos.index, pos))
+ .collect::<BTreeMap<u64, &PosBuilder>>() // sort by index
+ } else {
+ desc_reqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|a| p.positionals.values().any(|pos| && == a))
+ .filter_map(|pos| p.positionals.values().find(|x| & == pos))
+ .filter(|&pos| incl_last || !pos.is_set(ArgSettings::Last))
+ .filter(|pos| !args_in_groups.contains(&
+ .map(|pos| (pos.index, pos))
+ .collect::<BTreeMap<u64, &PosBuilder>>() // sort by index
+ };
+ debugln!(
+ "usage::get_required_usage_from: args_in_groups={:?}",
+ args_in_groups
+ );
+ for &p in pmap.values() {
+ let s = p.to_string();
+ if args_in_groups.is_empty() || !args_in_groups.contains(&&*s) {
+ ret_val.push_back(s);
+ }
+ }
+ for a in desc_reqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|name| !p.positionals.values().any(|p| && == name))
+ .filter(|name| !p.groups.iter().any(|g| && == name))
+ .filter(|name| !args_in_groups.contains(name))
+ .filter(|name| {
+ !(matcher.is_some() && matcher.as_ref().unwrap().contains(name))
+ }) {
+ debugln!("usage::get_required_usage_from:iter:{}:", a);
+ let arg = find_by_name!(p, *a, flags, iter)
+ .map(|f| f.to_string())
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ find_by_name!(p, *a, opts, iter)
+ .map(|o| o.to_string())
+ });
+ ret_val.push_back(arg);
+ }
+ let mut g_vec: Vec<String> = vec![];
+ for g in desc_reqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|n| p.groups.iter().any(|g| && == n))
+ {
+ let g_string = p.args_in_group(g).join("|");
+ let elem = format!("<{}>", &g_string[..g_string.len()]);
+ if !g_vec.contains(&elem) {
+ g_vec.push(elem);
+ }
+ }
+ for g in g_vec {
+ ret_val.push_back(g);
+ }
+ ret_val
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..448a8fc7ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/app/
@@ -0,0 +1,574 @@
+// std
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+// Internal
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgMatcher, MatchedArg};
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use errors::{Error, ErrorKind};
+use errors::Result as ClapResult;
+use osstringext::OsStrExt2;
+use app::settings::AppSettings as AS;
+use app::parser::{ParseResult, Parser};
+use fmt::{Colorizer, ColorizerOption};
+use app::usage;
+pub struct Validator<'a, 'b, 'z>(&'z mut Parser<'a, 'b>)
+ 'a: 'b,
+ 'b: 'z;
+impl<'a, 'b, 'z> Validator<'a, 'b, 'z> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'z mut Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { Validator(p) }
+ pub fn validate(
+ &mut self,
+ needs_val_of: ParseResult<'a>,
+ subcmd_name: Option<String>,
+ matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate;");
+ let mut reqs_validated = false;
+ self.0.add_env(matcher)?;
+ self.0.add_defaults(matcher)?;
+ if let ParseResult::Opt(a) = needs_val_of {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate: needs_val_of={:?}", a);
+ let o = {
+ self.0
+ .opts
+ .iter()
+ .find(|o| == a)
+ .clone()
+ };
+ self.validate_required(matcher)?;
+ reqs_validated = true;
+ let should_err = if let Some(v) = matcher.0.args.get(&* {
+ v.vals.is_empty() && !(o.v.min_vals.is_some() && o.v.min_vals.unwrap() == 0)
+ } else {
+ true
+ };
+ if should_err {
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ &o,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if matcher.is_empty() && matcher.subcommand_name().is_none()
+ && self.0.is_set(AS::ArgRequiredElseHelp)
+ {
+ let mut out = vec![];
+ self.0.write_help_err(&mut out)?;
+ return Err(Error {
+ message: String::from_utf8_lossy(&*out).into_owned(),
+ kind: ErrorKind::MissingArgumentOrSubcommand,
+ info: None,
+ });
+ }
+ self.validate_blacklist(matcher)?;
+ if !(self.0.is_set(AS::SubcommandsNegateReqs) && subcmd_name.is_some()) && !reqs_validated {
+ self.validate_required(matcher)?;
+ }
+ self.validate_matched_args(matcher)?;
+ matcher.usage(usage::create_usage_with_title(self.0, &[]));
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_arg_values<A>(
+ &self,
+ arg: &A,
+ ma: &MatchedArg,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher<'a>,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_values: arg={:?}",;
+ for val in &ma.vals {
+ if self.0.is_set(AS::StrictUtf8) && val.to_str().is_none() {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_arg_values: invalid UTF-8 found in val {:?}",
+ val
+ );
+ return Err(Error::invalid_utf8(
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ if let Some(p_vals) = arg.possible_vals() {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_values: possible_vals={:?}", p_vals);
+ let val_str = val.to_string_lossy();
+ let ok = if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive) {
+ p_vals.iter().any(|pv| pv.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&*val_str))
+ } else {
+ p_vals.contains(&&*val_str)
+ };
+ if !ok {
+ return Err(Error::invalid_value(
+ val_str,
+ p_vals,
+ arg,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if !arg.is_set(ArgSettings::EmptyValues) && val.is_empty_()
+ && matcher.contains(&*
+ {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_values: illegal empty val found");
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ arg,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ if let Some(vtor) = arg.validator() {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_arg_values: checking validator...");
+ if let Err(e) = vtor(val.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) {
+ sdebugln!("error");
+ return Err(Error::value_validation(Some(arg), e, self.0.color()));
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("good");
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(vtor) = arg.validator_os() {
+ debug!("Validator::validate_arg_values: checking validator_os...");
+ if let Err(e) = vtor(val) {
+ sdebugln!("error");
+ return Err(Error::value_validation(
+ Some(arg),
+ (*e).to_string_lossy().to_string(),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ } else {
+ sdebugln!("good");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn build_err(&self, name: &str, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("build_err!: name={}", name);
+ let mut c_with = find_from!(self.0, &name, blacklist, &matcher);
+ c_with = c_with.or(
+ self.0.find_any_arg(&name).map_or(None, |aa| aa.blacklist())
+ .map_or(None,
+ |bl| bl.iter().find(|arg| matcher.contains(arg)))
+ .map_or(None, |an| self.0.find_any_arg(an))
+ .map_or(None, |aa| Some(format!("{}", aa)))
+ );
+ debugln!("build_err!: '{:?}' conflicts with '{}'", c_with, &name);
+// matcher.remove(&name);
+ let usg = usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None);
+ if let Some(f) = find_by_name!(self.0, name, flags, iter) {
+ debugln!("build_err!: It was a flag...");
+ Err(Error::argument_conflict(f, c_with, &*usg, self.0.color()))
+ } else if let Some(o) = find_by_name!(self.0, name, opts, iter) {
+ debugln!("build_err!: It was an option...");
+ Err(Error::argument_conflict(o, c_with, &*usg, self.0.color()))
+ } else {
+ match find_by_name!(self.0, name, positionals, values) {
+ Some(p) => {
+ debugln!("build_err!: It was a positional...");
+ Err(Error::argument_conflict(p, c_with, &*usg, self.0.color()))
+ },
+ None => panic!(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn validate_blacklist(&self, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_blacklist;");
+ let mut conflicts: Vec<&str> = vec![];
+ for (&name, _) in matcher.iter() {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{};", name);
+ if let Some(grps) = self.0.groups_for_arg(name) {
+ for grp in &grps {
+ if let Some(g) = self.0.groups.iter().find(|g| & == grp) {
+ if !g.multiple {
+ for arg in &g.args {
+ if arg == &name {
+ continue;
+ }
+ conflicts.push(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref gc) = g.conflicts {
+ conflicts.extend(&*gc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(arg) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, name) {
+ if let Some(bl) = arg.blacklist() {
+ for conf in bl {
+ if matcher.get(conf).is_some() {
+ conflicts.push(conf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}:group;", name);
+ let args = self.0.arg_names_in_group(name);
+ for arg in &args {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}:group:iter:{};", name, arg);
+ if let Some(bl) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, *arg).unwrap().blacklist() {
+ for conf in bl {
+ if matcher.get(conf).is_some() {
+ conflicts.push(conf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for name in &conflicts {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}: Checking blacklisted arg",
+ name
+ );
+ let mut should_err = false;
+ if self.0.groups.iter().any(|g| & == name) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}: groups contains it...",
+ name
+ );
+ for n in self.0.arg_names_in_group(name) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}:iter:{}: looking in group...",
+ name,
+ n
+ );
+ if matcher.contains(n) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}:iter:{}: matcher contains it...",
+ name,
+ n
+ );
+ return self.build_err(n, matcher);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if let Some(ma) = matcher.get(name) {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_blacklist:iter:{}: matcher contains it...",
+ name
+ );
+ should_err = ma.occurs > 0;
+ }
+ if should_err {
+ return self.build_err(*name, matcher);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_matched_args(&self, matcher: &mut ArgMatcher<'a>) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_matched_args;");
+ for (name, ma) in matcher.iter() {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_matched_args:iter:{}: vals={:#?}",
+ name,
+ ma.vals
+ );
+ if let Some(opt) = find_by_name!(self.0, *name, opts, iter) {
+ self.validate_arg_num_vals(opt, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_values(opt, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_requires(opt, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_num_occurs(opt, ma, matcher)?;
+ } else if let Some(flag) = find_by_name!(self.0, *name, flags, iter) {
+ self.validate_arg_requires(flag, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_num_occurs(flag, ma, matcher)?;
+ } else if let Some(pos) = find_by_name!(self.0, *name, positionals, values) {
+ self.validate_arg_num_vals(pos, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_num_occurs(pos, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_values(pos, ma, matcher)?;
+ self.validate_arg_requires(pos, ma, matcher)?;
+ } else {
+ let grp = self.0
+ .groups
+ .iter()
+ .find(|g| & == name)
+ if let Some(ref g_reqs) = grp.requires {
+ if g_reqs.iter().any(|&n| !matcher.contains(n)) {
+ return self.missing_required_error(matcher, None);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_arg_num_occurs<A>(
+ &self,
+ a: &A,
+ ma: &MatchedArg,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_occurs: a={};",;
+ if ma.occurs > 1 && !a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ // Not the first time, and we don't allow multiples
+ return Err(Error::unexpected_multiple_usage(
+ a,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_arg_num_vals<A>(
+ &self,
+ a: &A,
+ ma: &MatchedArg,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals:{}",;
+ if let Some(num) = a.num_vals() {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: num_vals set...{}", num);
+ let should_err = if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ ((ma.vals.len() as u64) % num) != 0
+ } else {
+ num != (ma.vals.len() as u64)
+ };
+ if should_err {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: Sending error WrongNumberOfValues");
+ return Err(Error::wrong_number_of_values(
+ a,
+ num,
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ (ma.vals.len() % num as usize)
+ } else {
+ ma.vals.len()
+ },
+ if ma.vals.len() == 1
+ || (a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && (ma.vals.len() % num as usize) == 1)
+ {
+ "as"
+ } else {
+ "ere"
+ },
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(num) = a.max_vals() {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: max_vals set...{}", num);
+ if (ma.vals.len() as u64) > num {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: Sending error TooManyValues");
+ return Err(Error::too_many_values(
+ ma.vals
+ .iter()
+ .last()
+ .to_str()
+ .expect(INVALID_UTF8),
+ a,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ }
+ let min_vals_zero = if let Some(num) = a.min_vals() {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: min_vals set: {}", num);
+ if (ma.vals.len() as u64) < num && num != 0 {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_num_vals: Sending error TooFewValues");
+ return Err(Error::too_few_values(
+ a,
+ num,
+ ma.vals.len(),
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ num == 0
+ } else {
+ false
+ };
+ // Issue 665 (
+ // Issue 1105 (
+ if a.takes_value() && !min_vals_zero && ma.vals.is_empty() {
+ return Err(Error::empty_value(
+ a,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, None),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_arg_requires<A>(
+ &self,
+ a: &A,
+ ma: &MatchedArg,
+ matcher: &ArgMatcher,
+ ) -> ClapResult<()>
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b> + Display,
+ {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_requires:{};",;
+ if let Some(a_reqs) = a.requires() {
+ for &(val, name) in a_reqs.iter().filter(|&&(val, _)| val.is_some()) {
+ let missing_req =
+ |v| v == val.expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) && !matcher.contains(name);
+ if ma.vals.iter().any(missing_req) {
+ return self.missing_required_error(matcher, None);
+ }
+ }
+ for &(_, name) in a_reqs.iter().filter(|&&(val, _)| val.is_none()) {
+ if !matcher.contains(name) {
+ return self.missing_required_error(matcher, Some(name));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_required(&mut self, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::validate_required: required={:?};",
+ self.0.required
+ );
+ let mut should_err = false;
+ let mut to_rem = Vec::new();
+ for name in &self.0.required {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_required:iter:{}:", name);
+ if matcher.contains(name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if to_rem.contains(name) {
+ continue;
+ } else if let Some(a) = find_any_by_name!(self.0, *name) {
+ if self.is_missing_required_ok(a, matcher) {
+ to_rem.push(;
+ if let Some(reqs) = a.requires() {
+ for r in reqs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&&(val, _)| val.is_none())
+ .map(|&(_, name)| name)
+ {
+ to_rem.push(r);
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ should_err = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if should_err {
+ for r in &to_rem {
+ 'inner: for i in (0 .. self.0.required.len()).rev() {
+ if &self.0.required[i] == r {
+ self.0.required.swap_remove(i);
+ break 'inner;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return self.missing_required_error(matcher, None);
+ }
+ // Validate the conditionally required args
+ for &(a, v, r) in &self.0.r_ifs {
+ if let Some(ma) = matcher.get(a) {
+ if matcher.get(r).is_none() && ma.vals.iter().any(|val| val == v) {
+ return self.missing_required_error(matcher, Some(r));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn validate_arg_conflicts(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option<bool> {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_arg_conflicts: a={:?};",;
+ a.blacklist().map(|bl| {
+ bl.iter().any(|conf| {
+ matcher.contains(conf)
+ || self.0
+ .groups
+ .iter()
+ .find(|g| & == conf)
+ .map_or(false, |g| g.args.iter().any(|arg| matcher.contains(arg)))
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ fn validate_required_unless(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> Option<bool> {
+ debugln!("Validator::validate_required_unless: a={:?};",;
+ macro_rules! check {
+ ($how:ident, $_self:expr, $a:ident, $m:ident) => {{
+ $a.required_unless().map(|ru| {
+ ru.iter().$how(|n| {
+ $m.contains(n) || {
+ if let Some(grp) = $_self.groups.iter().find(|g| & == n) {
+ grp.args.iter().any(|arg| $m.contains(arg))
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ }};
+ }
+ if a.is_set(ArgSettings::RequiredUnlessAll) {
+ check!(all, self.0, a, matcher)
+ } else {
+ check!(any, self.0, a, matcher)
+ }
+ }
+ fn missing_required_error(&self, matcher: &ArgMatcher, extra: Option<&str>) -> ClapResult<()> {
+ debugln!("Validator::missing_required_error: extra={:?}", extra);
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: self.0.color(),
+ });
+ let mut reqs = self.0.required.iter().map(|&r| &*r).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ if let Some(r) = extra {
+ reqs.push(r);
+ }
+ reqs.retain(|n| !matcher.contains(n));
+ reqs.dedup();
+ debugln!("Validator::missing_required_error: reqs={:#?}", reqs);
+ let req_args =
+ usage::get_required_usage_from(self.0, &reqs[..], Some(matcher), extra, true)
+ .iter()
+ .fold(String::new(), |acc, s| {
+ acc + &format!("\n {}", c.error(s))[..]
+ });
+ debugln!(
+ "Validator::missing_required_error: req_args={:#?}",
+ req_args
+ );
+ Err(Error::missing_required_argument(
+ &*req_args,
+ &*usage::create_error_usage(self.0, matcher, extra),
+ self.0.color(),
+ ))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_missing_required_ok(&self, a: &AnyArg, matcher: &ArgMatcher) -> bool {
+ debugln!("Validator::is_missing_required_ok: a={}",;
+ self.validate_arg_conflicts(a, matcher).unwrap_or(false)
+ || self.validate_required_unless(a, matcher).unwrap_or(false)
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eee5228332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// Std
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::fmt as std_fmt;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+// Internal
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+pub trait AnyArg<'n, 'e>: std_fmt::Display {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str;
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]>;
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>>;
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]>;
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]>;
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]>;
+ fn is_set(&self, ArgSettings) -> bool;
+ fn set(&mut self, ArgSettings);
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool;
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64>;
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64>;
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64>;
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]>;
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> Result<(), String>>>;
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> Result<(), OsString>>>;
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char>;
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str>;
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char>;
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool;
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>>;
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str>;
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str>;
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr>;
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>>;
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)>;
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool;
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str>;
+pub trait DispOrder {
+ fn disp_ord(&self) -> usize;
+impl<'n, 'e, 'z, T: ?Sized> AnyArg<'n, 'e> for &'z T where T: AnyArg<'n, 'e> + 'z {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str { (*self).name() }
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { (*self).overrides() }
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>> { (*self).aliases() }
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]> { (*self).requires() }
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { (*self).blacklist() }
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { (*self).required_unless() }
+ fn is_set(&self, a: ArgSettings) -> bool { (*self).is_set(a) }
+ fn set(&mut self, _: ArgSettings) { panic!(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) }
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool { (*self).has_switch() }
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { (*self).max_vals() }
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { (*self).min_vals() }
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { (*self).num_vals() }
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { (*self).possible_vals() }
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> Result<(), String>>> { (*self).validator() }
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> Result<(), OsString>>> { (*self).validator_os() }
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char> { (*self).short() }
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { (*self).long() }
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char> { (*self).val_delim() }
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool { (*self).takes_value() }
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>> { (*self).val_names() }
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { (*self).help() }
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { (*self).long_help() }
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr> { (*self).default_val() }
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>> { (*self).default_vals_ifs() }
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)> { (*self).env() }
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool { (*self).longest_filter() }
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { (*self).val_terminator() }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4faba969b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,3785 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+use osstringext::OsStrExt3;
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+use std::env;
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use yaml_rust::Yaml;
+use map::VecMap;
+use usage_parser::UsageParser;
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use args::arg_builder::{Base, Switched, Valued};
+/// The abstract representation of a command line argument. Used to set all the options and
+/// relationships that define a valid argument for the program.
+/// There are two methods for constructing [`Arg`]s, using the builder pattern and setting options
+/// manually, or using a usage string which is far less verbose but has fewer options. You can also
+/// use a combination of the two methods to achieve the best of both worlds.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::Arg;
+/// // Using the traditional builder pattern and setting each option manually
+/// let cfg = Arg::with_name("config")
+/// .short("c")
+/// .long("config")
+/// .takes_value(true)
+/// .value_name("FILE")
+/// .help("Provides a config file to myprog");
+/// // Using a usage string (setting a similar argument to the one above)
+/// let input = Arg::from_usage("-i, --input=[FILE] 'Provides an input file to the program'");
+/// ```
+/// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
+pub struct Arg<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub b: Base<'a, 'b>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub s: Switched<'b>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub v: Valued<'a, 'b>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub index: Option<u64>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub r_ifs: Option<Vec<(&'a str, &'b str)>>,
+impl<'a, 'b> Arg<'a, 'b> {
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`Arg`] using a unique string name. The name will be used to get
+ /// information about whether or not the argument was used at runtime, get values, set
+ /// relationships with other args, etc..
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** In the case of arguments that take values (i.e. [`Arg::takes_value(true)`])
+ /// and positional arguments (i.e. those without a preceding `-` or `--`) the name will also
+ /// be displayed when the user prints the usage/help information of the program.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn with_name(n: &'a str) -> Self {
+ Arg {
+ b: Base::new(n),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`Arg`] from a .yml (YAML) file.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// # #[macro_use]
+ /// # extern crate clap;
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// # fn main() {
+ /// let yml = load_yaml!("arg.yml");
+ /// let arg = Arg::from_yaml(yml);
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ pub fn from_yaml(y: &BTreeMap<Yaml, Yaml>) -> Arg {
+ // We WANT this to panic on expect() is good.
+ let name_yml = y.keys().nth(0).unwrap();
+ let name_str = name_yml.as_str().unwrap();
+ let mut a = Arg::with_name(name_str);
+ let arg_settings = y.get(name_yml).unwrap().as_hash().unwrap();
+ for (k, v) in arg_settings.iter() {
+ a = match k.as_str().unwrap() {
+ "short" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, short),
+ "long" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, long),
+ "aliases" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, alias),
+ "help" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, help),
+ "long_help" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, long_help),
+ "required" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, required),
+ "required_if" => yaml_tuple2!(a, v, required_if),
+ "required_ifs" => yaml_tuple2!(a, v, required_if),
+ "takes_value" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, takes_value),
+ "index" => yaml_to_u64!(a, v, index),
+ "global" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, global),
+ "multiple" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, multiple),
+ "hidden" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, hidden),
+ "next_line_help" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, next_line_help),
+ "empty_values" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, empty_values),
+ "group" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, group),
+ "number_of_values" => yaml_to_u64!(a, v, number_of_values),
+ "max_values" => yaml_to_u64!(a, v, max_values),
+ "min_values" => yaml_to_u64!(a, v, min_values),
+ "value_name" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, value_name),
+ "use_delimiter" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, use_delimiter),
+ "allow_hyphen_values" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, allow_hyphen_values),
+ "last" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, last),
+ "require_delimiter" => yaml_to_bool!(a, v, require_delimiter),
+ "value_delimiter" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, value_delimiter),
+ "required_unless" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, required_unless),
+ "display_order" => yaml_to_usize!(a, v, display_order),
+ "default_value" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, default_value),
+ "default_value_if" => yaml_tuple3!(a, v, default_value_if),
+ "default_value_ifs" => yaml_tuple3!(a, v, default_value_if),
+ "env" => yaml_to_str!(a, v, env),
+ "value_names" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, value_name),
+ "groups" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, group),
+ "requires" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, requires),
+ "requires_if" => yaml_tuple2!(a, v, requires_if),
+ "requires_ifs" => yaml_tuple2!(a, v, requires_if),
+ "conflicts_with" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, conflicts_with),
+ "overrides_with" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, overrides_with),
+ "possible_values" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, possible_value),
+ "required_unless_one" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, required_unless),
+ "required_unless_all" => {
+ a = yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, required_unless);
+ a.setb(ArgSettings::RequiredUnlessAll);
+ a
+ }
+ s => panic!(
+ "Unknown Arg setting '{}' in YAML file for arg '{}'",
+ s, name_str
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ a
+ }
+ /// Creates a new instance of [`Arg`] from a usage string. Allows creation of basic settings
+ /// for the [`Arg`]. The syntax is flexible, but there are some rules to follow.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: Not all settings may be set using the usage string method. Some properties are
+ /// only available via the builder pattern.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: Only ASCII values are officially supported in [`Arg::from_usage`] strings. Some
+ /// UTF-8 codepoints may work just fine, but this is not guaranteed.
+ ///
+ /// # Syntax
+ ///
+ /// Usage strings typically following the form:
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// [explicit name] [short] [long] [value names] [help string]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This is not a hard rule as the attributes can appear in other orders. There are also
+ /// several additional sigils which denote additional settings. Below are the details of each
+ /// portion of the string.
+ ///
+ /// ### Explicit Name
+ ///
+ /// This is an optional field, if it's omitted the argument will use one of the additional
+ /// fields as the name using the following priority order:
+ ///
+ /// * Explicit Name (This always takes precedence when present)
+ /// * Long
+ /// * Short
+ /// * Value Name
+ ///
+ /// `clap` determines explicit names as the first string of characters between either `[]` or
+ /// `<>` where `[]` has the dual notation of meaning the argument is optional, and `<>` meaning
+ /// the argument is required.
+ ///
+ /// Explicit names may be followed by:
+ /// * The multiple denotation `...`
+ ///
+ /// Example explicit names as follows (`ename` for an optional argument, and `rname` for a
+ /// required argument):
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// [ename] -s, --long 'some flag'
+ /// <rname> -r, --longer 'some other flag'
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ### Short
+ ///
+ /// This is set by placing a single character after a leading `-`.
+ ///
+ /// Shorts may be followed by
+ /// * The multiple denotation `...`
+ /// * An optional comma `,` which is cosmetic only
+ /// * Value notation
+ ///
+ /// Example shorts are as follows (`-s`, and `-r`):
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// -s, --long 'some flag'
+ /// <rname> -r [val], --longer 'some option'
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ### Long
+ ///
+ /// This is set by placing a word (no spaces) after a leading `--`.
+ ///
+ /// Shorts may be followed by
+ /// * The multiple denotation `...`
+ /// * Value notation
+ ///
+ /// Example longs are as follows (`--some`, and `--rapid`):
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// -s, --some 'some flag'
+ /// --rapid=[FILE] 'some option'
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ### Values (Value Notation)
+ ///
+ /// This is set by placing a word(s) between `[]` or `<>` optionally after `=` (although this
+ /// is cosmetic only and does not affect functionality). If an explicit name has **not** been
+ /// set, using `<>` will denote a required argument, and `[]` will denote an optional argument
+ ///
+ /// Values may be followed by
+ /// * The multiple denotation `...`
+ /// * More Value notation
+ ///
+ /// More than one value will also implicitly set the arguments number of values, i.e. having
+ /// two values, `--option [val1] [val2]` specifies that in order for option to be satisified it
+ /// must receive exactly two values
+ ///
+ /// Example values are as follows (`FILE`, and `SPEED`):
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// -s, --some [FILE] 'some option'
+ /// --rapid=<SPEED>... 'some required multiple option'
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ### Help String
+ ///
+ /// The help string is denoted between a pair of single quotes `''` and may contain any
+ /// characters.
+ ///
+ /// Example help strings are as follows:
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// -s, --some [FILE] 'some option'
+ /// --rapid=<SPEED>... 'some required multiple option'
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ### Additional Sigils
+ ///
+ /// Multiple notation `...` (three consecutive dots/periods) specifies that this argument may
+ /// be used multiple times. Do not confuse multiple occurrences (`...`) with multiple values.
+ /// `--option val1 val2` is a single occurrence with multiple values. `--flag --flag` is
+ /// multiple occurrences (and then you can obviously have instances of both as well)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// App::new("prog")
+ /// .args(&[
+ /// Arg::from_usage("--config <FILE> 'a required file for the configuration and no short'"),
+ /// Arg::from_usage("-d, --debug... 'turns on debugging information and allows multiples'"),
+ /// Arg::from_usage("[input] 'an optional input file to use'")
+ /// ])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`Arg::from_usage`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.from_usage
+ pub fn from_usage(u: &'a str) -> Self {
+ let parser = UsageParser::from_usage(u);
+ parser.parse()
+ }
+ /// Sets the short version of the argument without the preceding `-`.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` automatically assigns `V` and `h` to the auto-generated `version` and
+ /// `help` arguments respectively. You may use the uppercase `V` or lowercase `h` for your own
+ /// arguments, in which case `clap` simply will not assign those to the auto-generated
+ /// `version` or `help` arguments.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Any leading `-` characters will be stripped, and only the first
+ /// non `-` character will be used as the [`short`] version
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// To set [`short`] use a single valid UTF-8 code point. If you supply a leading `-` such as
+ /// `-c`, the `-` will be stripped.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .short("c")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`short`] allows using the argument via a single hyphen (`-`) such as `-c`
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-c"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("config"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`short`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.short
+ pub fn short<S: AsRef<str>>(mut self, s: S) -> Self {
+ self.s.short = s.as_ref().trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-').chars().nth(0);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the long version of the argument without the preceding `--`.
+ ///
+ /// By default `clap` automatically assigns `version` and `help` to the auto-generated
+ /// `version` and `help` arguments respectively. You may use the word `version` or `help` for
+ /// the long form of your own arguments, in which case `clap` simply will not assign those to
+ /// the auto-generated `version` or `help` arguments.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Any leading `-` characters will be stripped
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// To set `long` use a word containing valid UTF-8 codepoints. If you supply a double leading
+ /// `--` such as `--config` they will be stripped. Hyphens in the middle of the word, however,
+ /// will *not* be stripped (i.e. `config-file` is allowed)
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting `long` allows using the argument via a double hyphen (`--`) such as `--config`
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("cfg"));
+ /// ```
+ pub fn long(mut self, l: &'b str) -> Self {
+ self.s.long = Some(l.trim_left_matches(|c| c == '-'));
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding a [`Arg`] alias, which function as "hidden" arguments that
+ /// automatically dispatch as if this argument was used. This is more efficient, and easier
+ /// than creating multiple hidden arguments as one only needs to check for the existence of
+ /// this command, and not all variants.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("test")
+ /// .long("test")
+ /// .alias("alias")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--alias", "cool"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("test"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("test"), Some("cool"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn alias<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.s.aliases {
+ als.push((name.into(), false));
+ } else {
+ self.s.aliases = Some(vec![(name.into(), false)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding [`Arg`] aliases, which function as "hidden" arguments that
+ /// automatically dispatch as if this argument was used. This is more efficient, and easier
+ /// than creating multiple hidden subcommands as one only needs to check for the existence of
+ /// this command, and not all variants.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("test")
+ /// .long("test")
+ /// .aliases(&["do-stuff", "do-tests", "tests"])
+ /// .help("the file to add")
+ /// .required(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--do-tests"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn aliases(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.s.aliases {
+ for n in names {
+ als.push((n, false));
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.s.aliases = Some(names.iter().map(|n| (*n, false)).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding a [`Arg`] alias that functions exactly like those defined with
+ /// [`Arg::alias`], except that they are visible inside the help message.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("test")
+ /// .visible_alias("something-awesome")
+ /// .long("test")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--something-awesome", "coffee"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("test"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("test"), Some("coffee"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`App::alias`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.alias
+ pub fn visible_alias<S: Into<&'b str>>(mut self, name: S) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.s.aliases {
+ als.push((name.into(), true));
+ } else {
+ self.s.aliases = Some(vec![(name.into(), true)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows adding multiple [`Arg`] aliases that functions exactly like those defined
+ /// with [`Arg::aliases`], except that they are visible inside the help message.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("test")
+ /// .long("test")
+ /// .visible_aliases(&["something", "awesome", "cool"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--awesome"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("test"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ /// [`App::aliases`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.aliases
+ pub fn visible_aliases(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut als) = self.s.aliases {
+ for n in names {
+ als.push((n, true));
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.s.aliases = Some(names.iter().map(|n| (*n, true)).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the short help text of the argument that will be displayed to the user when they print
+ /// the help information with `-h`. Typically, this is a short (one line) description of the
+ /// arg.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `Arg::help` is provided, and not [`Arg::long_help`] but the user requests
+ /// `--help` clap will still display the contents of `help` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Only `Arg::help` is used in completion script generation in order to be concise
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Any valid UTF-8 is allowed in the help text. The one exception is when one wishes to
+ /// include a newline in the help text and have the following text be properly aligned with all
+ /// the other help text.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .help("The config file used by the myprog")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting `help` displays a short message to the side of the argument when the user passes
+ /// `-h` or `--help` (by default).
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .help("Some help text describing the --config arg"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// helptest
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// helptest [FLAGS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// --config Some help text describing the --config arg
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::long_help`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long_help
+ pub fn help(mut self, h: &'b str) -> Self {
+ = Some(h);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the long help text of the argument that will be displayed to the user when they print
+ /// the help information with `--help`. Typically this a more detailed (multi-line) message
+ /// that describes the arg.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If only `long_help` is provided, and not [`Arg::help`] but the user requests `-h`
+ /// clap will still display the contents of `long_help` appropriately
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Only [`Arg::help`] is used in completion script generation in order to be concise
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Any valid UTF-8 is allowed in the help text. The one exception is when one wishes to
+ /// include a newline in the help text and have the following text be properly aligned with all
+ /// the other help text.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .long_help(
+ /// "The config file used by the myprog must be in JSON format
+ /// with only valid keys and may not contain other nonsense
+ /// that cannot be read by this program. Obviously I'm going on
+ /// and on, so I'll stop now.")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting `help` displays a short message to the side of the argument when the user passes
+ /// `-h` or `--help` (by default).
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .long_help(
+ /// "The config file used by the myprog must be in JSON format
+ /// with only valid keys and may not contain other nonsense
+ /// that cannot be read by this program. Obviously I'm going on
+ /// and on, so I'll stop now."))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// helptest
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// helptest [FLAGS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// --config
+ /// The config file used by the myprog must be in JSON format
+ /// with only valid keys and may not contain other nonsense
+ /// that cannot be read by this program. Obviously I'm going on
+ /// and on, so I'll stop now.
+ ///
+ /// -h, --help
+ /// Prints help information
+ ///
+ /// -V, --version
+ /// Prints version information
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::help`]: ./
+ pub fn long_help(mut self, h: &'b str) -> Self {
+ self.b.long_help = Some(h);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies that this arg is the last, or final, positional argument (i.e. has the highest
+ /// index) and is *only* able to be accessed via the `--` syntax (i.e. `$ prog args --
+ /// last_arg`). Even, if no other arguments are left to parse, if the user omits the `--` syntax
+ /// they will receive an [`UnknownArgument`] error. Setting an argument to `.last(true)` also
+ /// allows one to access this arg early using the `--` syntax. Accessing an arg early, even with
+ /// the `--` syntax is otherwise not possible.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This will change the usage string to look like `$ prog [FLAGS] [-- <ARG>]` if
+ /// `ARG` is marked as `.last(true)`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting will imply [`AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage`] because failing
+ /// to set this can make the usage string very confusing.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: This setting only applies to positional arguments, and has no affect on FLAGS /
+ ///
+ /// **CAUTION:** Setting an argument to `.last(true)` *and* having child subcommands is not
+ /// recommended with the exception of *also* using [`AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands`]
+ /// (or [`AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs`] if the argument marked `.last(true)` is also
+ /// marked [`.required(true)`])
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("args")
+ /// .last(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::last(true)`] ensures the arg has the highest [index] of all positional args
+ /// and requires that the `--` syntax be used to access it early.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("first"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("second"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("third").last(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "one", "--", "three"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// let m = res.unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("third"), Some("three"));
+ /// assert!(m.value_of("second").is_none());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Even if the positional argument marked `.last(true)` is the only argument left to parse,
+ /// failing to use the `--` syntax results in an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("first"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("second"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("third").last(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "one", "two", "three"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::last(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.last
+ /// [index]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [`AppSettings::DontCollapseArgsInUsage`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.DontCollapseArgsInUsage
+ /// [`AppSettings::ArgsNegateSubcommands`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.ArgsNegateSubcommands
+ /// [`AppSettings::SubcommandsNegateReqs`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.SubcommandsNegateReqs
+ /// [`.required(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ /// [`UnknownArgument`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.UnknownArgument
+ pub fn last(self, l: bool) -> Self {
+ if l {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::Last)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::Last)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Sets whether or not the argument is required by default. Required by default means it is
+ /// required, when no other conflicting rules have been evaluated. Conflicting rules take
+ /// precedence over being required. **Default:** `false`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Flags (i.e. not positional, or arguments that take values) cannot be required by
+ /// default. This is simply because if a flag should be required, it should simply be implied
+ /// as no additional information is required from user. Flags by their very nature are simply
+ /// yes/no, or true/false.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required(true)`] requires that the argument be used at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "file.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required(true)`] and *not* supplying that argument is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::required(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ pub fn required(self, r: bool) -> Self {
+ if r {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::Required)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::Required)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Requires that options use the `--option=val` syntax (i.e. an equals between the option and
+ /// associated value) **Default:** `false`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting also removes the default of allowing empty values and implies
+ /// [`Arg::empty_values(false)`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .require_equals(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::require_equals(true)`] requires that the option have an equals sign between
+ /// it and the associated value.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .require_equals(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config=file.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::require_equals(true)`] and *not* supplying the equals will cause an error
+ /// unless [`Arg::empty_values(true)`] is set.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .require_equals(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "file.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::EmptyValue);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::require_equals(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.require_equals
+ /// [`Arg::empty_values(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.empty_values
+ /// [`Arg::empty_values(false)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.empty_values
+ pub fn require_equals(mut self, r: bool) -> Self {
+ if r {
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::EmptyValues);
+ self.set(ArgSettings::RequireEquals)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::RequireEquals)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Allows values which start with a leading hyphen (`-`)
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING**: Take caution when using this setting combined with [`Arg::multiple(true)`], as
+ /// this becomes ambiguous `$ prog --arg -- -- val`. All three `--, --, val` will be values
+ /// when the user may have thought the second `--` would constitute the normal, "Only
+ /// positional args follow" idiom. To fix this, consider using [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`]
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING**: When building your CLIs, consider the effects of allowing leading hyphens and
+ /// the user passing in a value that matches a valid short. For example `prog -opt -F` where
+ /// `-F` is supposed to be a value, yet `-F` is *also* a valid short for another arg. Care should
+ /// should be taken when designing these args. This is compounded by the ability to "stack"
+ /// short args. I.e. if `-val` is supposed to be a value, but `-v`, `-a`, and `-l` are all valid
+ /// shorts.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("pattern")
+ /// .allow_hyphen_values(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("pat")
+ /// .allow_hyphen_values(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("pattern"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--pattern", "-file"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("pat"), Some("-file"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Not setting [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values(true)`] and supplying a value which starts with a
+ /// hyphen is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("pat")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("pattern"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--pattern", "-file"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.allow_hyphen_values
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.number_of_values
+ pub fn allow_hyphen_values(self, a: bool) -> Self {
+ if a {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Sets an arg that override this arg's required setting. (i.e. this arg will be required
+ /// unless this other argument is present).
+ ///
+ /// **Pro Tip:** Using [`Arg::required_unless`] implies [`Arg::required`] and is therefore not
+ /// mandatory to also set.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required_unless("debug")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless(name)`] requires that the argument be used at runtime
+ /// *unless* `name` is present. In the following example, the required argument is *not*
+ /// provided, but it's not an error because the `unless` arg has been supplied.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless("dbg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless(name)`] and *not* supplying `name` or this arg is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless("dbg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless
+ /// [`Arg::required`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless
+ pub fn required_unless(mut self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.r_unless {
+ vec.push(name);
+ } else {
+ self.b.r_unless = Some(vec![name]);
+ }
+ self.required(true)
+ }
+ /// Sets args that override this arg's required setting. (i.e. this arg will be required unless
+ /// all these other arguments are present).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If you wish for this argument to only be required if *one of* these args are
+ /// present see [`Arg::required_unless_one`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required_unless_all(&["cfg", "dbg"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless_all(names)`] requires that the argument be used at runtime
+ /// *unless* *all* the args in `names` are present. In the following example, the required
+ /// argument is *not* provided, but it's not an error because all the `unless` args have been
+ /// supplied.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless_all(&["dbg", "infile"])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("infile")
+ /// .short("i")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug", "-i", "file"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless_all(names)`] and *not* supplying *all* of `names` or this
+ /// arg is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless_all(&["dbg", "infile"])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("infile")
+ /// .short("i")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless_one`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless_one
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless_all(names)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless_all
+ pub fn required_unless_all(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.r_unless {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.b.r_unless = Some(names.iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::RequiredUnlessAll);
+ self.required(true)
+ }
+ /// Sets args that override this arg's [required] setting. (i.e. this arg will be required
+ /// unless *at least one of* these other arguments are present).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If you wish for this argument to only be required if *all of* these args are
+ /// present see [`Arg::required_unless_all`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required_unless_all(&["cfg", "dbg"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless_one(names)`] requires that the argument be used at runtime
+ /// *unless* *at least one of* the args in `names` are present. In the following example, the
+ /// required argument is *not* provided, but it's not an error because one the `unless` args
+ /// have been supplied.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless_one(&["dbg", "infile"])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("infile")
+ /// .short("i")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_unless_one(names)`] and *not* supplying *at least one of* `names`
+ /// or this arg is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_unless_one(&["dbg", "infile"])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("dbg")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("infile")
+ /// .short("i")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [required]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless_one(names)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless_one
+ /// [`Arg::required_unless_all`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required_unless_all
+ pub fn required_unless_one(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.r_unless {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.b.r_unless = Some(names.iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self.required(true)
+ }
+ /// Sets a conflicting argument by name. I.e. when using this argument,
+ /// the following argument can't be present and vice versa.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Conflicting rules take precedence over being required by default. Conflict rules
+ /// only need to be set for one of the two arguments, they do not need to be set for each.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Defining a conflict is two-way, but does *not* need to defined for both arguments
+ /// (i.e. if A conflicts with B, defining A.conflicts_with(B) is sufficient. You do not need
+ /// need to also do B.conflicts_with(A))
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .conflicts_with("debug")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting conflicting argument, and having both arguments present at runtime is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .conflicts_with("debug")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug", "--config", "file.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn conflicts_with(mut self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.blacklist {
+ vec.push(name);
+ } else {
+ self.b.blacklist = Some(vec![name]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// The same as [`Arg::conflicts_with`] but allows specifying multiple two-way conlicts per
+ /// argument.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Conflicting rules take precedence over being required by default. Conflict rules
+ /// only need to be set for one of the two arguments, they do not need to be set for each.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Defining a conflict is two-way, but does *not* need to defined for both arguments
+ /// (i.e. if A conflicts with B, defining A.conflicts_with(B) is sufficient. You do not need
+ /// need to also do B.conflicts_with(A))
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .conflicts_with_all(&["debug", "input"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting conflicting argument, and having any of the arguments present at runtime with a
+ /// conflicting argument is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .conflicts_with_all(&["debug", "input"])
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "file.conf", "file.txt"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::conflicts_with`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ pub fn conflicts_with_all(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.blacklist {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.b.blacklist = Some(names.iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets a overridable argument by name. I.e. this argument and the following argument
+ /// will override each other in POSIX style (whichever argument was specified at runtime
+ /// **last** "wins")
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** When an argument is overridden it is essentially as if it never was used, any
+ /// conflicts, requirements, etc. are evaluated **after** all "overrides" have been removed
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:** Positional arguments cannot override themselves (or we would never be able
+ /// to advance to the next positional). If a positional agument lists itself as an override,
+ /// it is simply ignored.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-f, --flag 'some flag'")
+ /// .conflicts_with("debug"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-d, --debug 'other flag'"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-c, --color 'third flag'")
+ /// .overrides_with("flag"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-f", "-d", "-c"]);
+ /// // ^~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~ flag is overridden by color
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("color"));
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("debug")); // even though flag conflicts with debug, it's as if flag
+ /// // was never used because it was overridden with color
+ /// assert!(!m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// ```
+ /// Care must be taken when using this setting, and having an arg override with itself. This
+ /// is common practice when supporting things like shell aliases, config files, etc.
+ /// However, when combined with multiple values, it can get dicy.
+ /// Here is how clap handles such situations:
+ ///
+ /// When a flag overrides itself, it's as if the flag was only ever used once (essentially
+ /// preventing a "Unexpected multiple usage" error):
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("posix")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--flag 'some flag'").overrides_with("flag"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["posix", "--flag", "--flag"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("flag"), 1);
+ /// ```
+ /// Making a arg `multiple(true)` and override itself is essentially meaningless. Therefore
+ /// clap ignores an override of self if it's a flag and it already accepts multiple occurrences.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("posix")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--flag... 'some flag'").overrides_with("flag"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["", "--flag", "--flag", "--flag", "--flag"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("flag"), 4);
+ /// ```
+ /// Now notice with options (which *do not* set `multiple(true)`), it's as if only the last
+ /// occurrence happened.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("posix")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--opt [val] 'some option'").overrides_with("opt"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["", "--opt=some", "--opt=other"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("opt"), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("opt"), Some("other"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Just like flags, options with `multiple(true)` set, will ignore the "override self" setting.
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("posix")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--opt [val]... 'some option'")
+ /// .overrides_with("opt"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["", "--opt", "first", "over", "--opt", "other", "val"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("opt"), 2);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("opt").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["first", "over", "other", "val"]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// A safe thing to do if you'd like to support an option which supports multiple values, but
+ /// also is "overridable" by itself, is to use `use_delimiter(false)` and *not* use
+ /// `multiple(true)` while telling users to seperate values with a comma (i.e. `val1,val2`)
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("posix")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--opt [val] 'some option'")
+ /// .overrides_with("opt")
+ /// .use_delimiter(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["", "--opt=some,other", "--opt=one,two"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("opt"), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("opt").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["one,two"]);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn overrides_with(mut self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.overrides {
+ vec.push(name.as_ref());
+ } else {
+ self.b.overrides = Some(vec![name.as_ref()]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets multiple mutually overridable arguments by name. I.e. this argument and the following
+ /// argument will override each other in POSIX style (whichever argument was specified at
+ /// runtime **last** "wins")
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** When an argument is overridden it is essentially as if it never was used, any
+ /// conflicts, requirements, etc. are evaluated **after** all "overrides" have been removed
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-f, --flag 'some flag'")
+ /// .conflicts_with("color"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-d, --debug 'other flag'"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("-c, --color 'third flag'")
+ /// .overrides_with_all(&["flag", "debug"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-f", "-d", "-c"]);
+ /// // ^~~~~~^~~~~~~~~ flag and debug are overridden by color
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("color")); // even though flag conflicts with color, it's as if flag
+ /// // and debug were never used because they were overridden
+ /// // with color
+ /// assert!(!m.is_present("debug"));
+ /// assert!(!m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// ```
+ pub fn overrides_with_all(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.overrides {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.b.overrides = Some(names.iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets an argument by name that is required when this one is present I.e. when
+ /// using this argument, the following argument *must* be present.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** [Conflicting] rules and [override] rules take precedence over being required
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .requires("input")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires(name)`] requires that the argument be used at runtime if the
+ /// defining argument is used. If the defining argument isn't used, the other argument isn't
+ /// required
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires("input")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok()); // We didn't use cfg, so input wasn't required
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires(name)`] and *not* supplying that argument is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires("input")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "file.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::requires(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [override]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.overrides_with
+ pub fn requires(mut self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.requires {
+ vec.push((None, name));
+ } else {
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ vec.push((None, name));
+ self.b.requires = Some(vec);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows a conditional requirement. The requirement will only become valid if this arg's value
+ /// equals `val`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// requires_if:
+ /// - [val, arg]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .requires_if("val", "arg")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires_if(val, arg)`] requires that the `arg` be used at runtime if the
+ /// defining argument's value is equal to `val`. If the defining argument is anything other than
+ /// `val`, the other argument isn't required.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires_if("my.cfg", "other")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "some.cfg"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok()); // We didn't use --config=my.cfg, so other wasn't required
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires_if(val, arg)`] and setting the value to `val` but *not* supplying
+ /// `arg` is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires_if("my.cfg", "input")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "my.cfg"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::requires(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [override]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.overrides_with
+ pub fn requires_if(mut self, val: &'b str, arg: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.requires {
+ vec.push((Some(val), arg));
+ } else {
+ self.b.requires = Some(vec![(Some(val), arg)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows multiple conditional requirements. The requirement will only become valid if this arg's value
+ /// equals `val`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// requires_if:
+ /// - [val, arg]
+ /// - [val2, arg2]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .requires_ifs(&[
+ /// ("val", "arg"),
+ /// ("other_val", "arg2"),
+ /// ])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires_ifs(&["val", "arg"])`] requires that the `arg` be used at runtime if the
+ /// defining argument's value is equal to `val`. If the defining argument's value is anything other
+ /// than `val`, `arg` isn't required.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires_ifs(&[
+ /// ("special.conf", "opt"),
+ /// ("other.conf", "other"),
+ /// ])
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("option")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "special.conf"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err()); // We used --config=special.conf so --option <val> is required
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::requires(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [override]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.overrides_with
+ pub fn requires_ifs(mut self, ifs: &[(&'b str, &'a str)]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.requires {
+ for &(val, arg) in ifs {
+ vec.push((Some(val), arg));
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ for &(val, arg) in ifs {
+ vec.push((Some(val), arg));
+ }
+ self.b.requires = Some(vec);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows specifying that an argument is [required] conditionally. The requirement will only
+ /// become valid if the specified `arg`'s value equals `val`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// required_if:
+ /// - [arg, val]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required_if("other_arg", "value")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_if(arg, val)`] makes this arg required if the `arg` is used at
+ /// runtime and it's value is equal to `val`. If the `arg`'s value is anything other than `val`,
+ /// this argument isn't required.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .required_if("other", "special")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--other", "not-special"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok()); // We didn't use --other=special, so "cfg" wasn't required
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_if(arg, val)`] and having `arg` used with a value of `val` but *not*
+ /// using this arg is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .required_if("other", "special")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--other", "special"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::requires(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [required]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ pub fn required_if(mut self, arg: &'a str, val: &'b str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.r_ifs {
+ vec.push((arg, val));
+ } else {
+ self.r_ifs = Some(vec![(arg, val)]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows specifying that an argument is [required] based on multiple conditions. The
+ /// conditions are set up in a `(arg, val)` style tuple. The requirement will only become valid
+ /// if one of the specified `arg`'s value equals it's corresponding `val`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// required_if:
+ /// - [arg, val]
+ /// - [arg2, val2]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .required_ifs(&[
+ /// ("extra", "val"),
+ /// ("option", "spec")
+ /// ])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_ifs(&[(arg, val)])`] makes this arg required if any of the `arg`s
+ /// are used at runtime and it's corresponding value is equal to `val`. If the `arg`'s value is
+ /// anything other than `val`, this argument isn't required.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_ifs(&[
+ /// ("extra", "val"),
+ /// ("option", "spec")
+ /// ])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("extra")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("extra"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("option"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--option", "other"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok()); // We didn't use --option=spec, or --extra=val so "cfg" isn't required
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::required_ifs(&[(arg, val)])`] and having any of the `arg`s used with it's
+ /// value of `val` but *not* using this arg is an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .required_ifs(&[
+ /// ("extra", "val"),
+ /// ("option", "spec")
+ /// ])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("extra")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("extra"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("option"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--option", "spec"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::requires(name)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [required]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ pub fn required_ifs(mut self, ifs: &[(&'a str, &'b str)]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.r_ifs {
+ for r_if in ifs {
+ vec.push((r_if.0, r_if.1));
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ for r_if in ifs {
+ vec.push((r_if.0, r_if.1));
+ }
+ self.r_ifs = Some(vec);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets multiple arguments by names that are required when this one is present I.e. when
+ /// using this argument, the following arguments *must* be present.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** [Conflicting] rules and [override] rules take precedence over being required
+ /// by default.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::Arg;
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .requires_all(&["input", "output"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires_all(&[arg, arg2])`] requires that all the arguments be used at
+ /// runtime if the defining argument is used. If the defining argument isn't used, the other
+ /// argument isn't required
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires("input")
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+ /// .index(2))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok()); // We didn't use cfg, so input and output weren't required
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Setting [`Arg::requires_all(&[arg, arg2])`] and *not* supplying all the arguments is an
+ /// error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .requires_all(&["input", "output"])
+ /// .long("config"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("input")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+ /// .index(2))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config", "file.conf", "in.txt"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// // We didn't use output
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [Conflicting]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ /// [override]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.overrides_with
+ /// [`Arg::requires_all(&[arg, arg2])`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires_all
+ pub fn requires_all(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.requires {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push((None, s));
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut vec = vec![];
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push((None, *s));
+ }
+ self.b.requires = Some(vec);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies that the argument takes a value at run time.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** values for arguments may be specified in any of the following methods
+ ///
+ /// * Using a space such as `-o value` or `--option value`
+ /// * Using an equals and no space such as `-o=value` or `--option=value`
+ /// * Use a short and no space such as `-ovalue`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** By default, args which allow [multiple values] are delimited by commas, meaning
+ /// `--option=val1,val2,val3` is three values for the `--option` argument. If you wish to
+ /// change the delimiter to another character you can use [`Arg::value_delimiter(char)`],
+ /// alternatively you can turn delimiting values **OFF** by using [`Arg::use_delimiter(false)`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--mode", "fast"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("mode"), Some("fast"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::value_delimiter(char)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_delimiter
+ /// [`Arg::use_delimiter(false)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.use_delimiter
+ /// [multiple values]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn takes_value(self, tv: bool) -> Self {
+ if tv {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::TakesValue)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::TakesValue)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies if the possible values of an argument should be displayed in the help text or
+ /// not. Defaults to `false` (i.e. show possible values)
+ ///
+ /// This is useful for args with many values, or ones which are explained elsewhere in the
+ /// help text.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .hide_possible_values(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .possible_values(&["fast", "slow"])
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .hide_possible_values(true));
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// If we were to run the above program with `--help` the `[values: fast, slow]` portion of
+ /// the help text would be omitted.
+ pub fn hide_possible_values(self, hide: bool) -> Self {
+ if hide {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::HidePossibleValues)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::HidePossibleValues)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies if the default value of an argument should be displayed in the help text or
+ /// not. Defaults to `false` (i.e. show default value)
+ ///
+ /// This is useful when default behavior of an arg is explained elsewhere in the help text.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .hide_default_value(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("connect")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("host")
+ /// .long("host")
+ /// .default_value("localhost")
+ /// .hide_default_value(true));
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// If we were to run the above program with `--help` the `[default: localhost]` portion of
+ /// the help text would be omitted.
+ pub fn hide_default_value(self, hide: bool) -> Self {
+ if hide {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::HideDefaultValue)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::HideDefaultValue)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies the index of a positional argument **starting at** 1.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The index refers to position according to **other positional argument**. It does
+ /// not define position in the argument list as a whole.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If no [`Arg::short`], or [`Arg::long`] have been defined, you can optionally
+ /// leave off the `index` method, and the index will be assigned in order of evaluation.
+ /// Utilizing the `index` method allows for setting indexes out of order
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** When utilized with [`Arg::multiple(true)`], only the **last** positional argument
+ /// may be defined as multiple (i.e. with the highest index)
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// Although not in this method directly, [`App`] will [`panic!`] if indexes are skipped (such
+ /// as defining `index(1)` and `index(3)` but not `index(2)`, or a positional argument is
+ /// defined as multiple and is not the highest index
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .index(1)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug", "fast"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("mode"), Some("fast")); // notice index(1) means "first positional"
+ /// // *not* first argument
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::short`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.short
+ /// [`Arg::long`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`panic!`]:!.html
+ pub fn index(mut self, idx: u64) -> Self {
+ self.index = Some(idx);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies that the argument may appear more than once. For flags, this results
+ /// in the number of occurrences of the flag being recorded. For example `-ddd` or `-d -d -d`
+ /// would count as three occurrences. For options there is a distinct difference in multiple
+ /// occurrences vs multiple values.
+ ///
+ /// For example, `--opt val1 val2` is one occurrence, but two values. Whereas
+ /// `--opt val1 --opt val2` is two occurrences.
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:**
+ ///
+ /// Setting `multiple(true)` for an [option] with no other details, allows multiple values
+ /// **and** multiple occurrences because it isn't possible to have more occurrences than values
+ /// for options. Because multiple values are allowed, `--option val1 val2 val3` is perfectly
+ /// valid, be careful when designing a CLI where positional arguments are expected after a
+ /// option which accepts multiple values, as `clap` will continue parsing *values* until it
+ /// reaches the max or specific number of values defined, or another flag or option.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro Tip**:
+ ///
+ /// It's possible to define an option which allows multiple occurrences, but only one value per
+ /// occurrence. To do this use [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`] in coordination with
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`].
+ ///
+ /// **WARNING:**
+ ///
+ /// When using args with `multiple(true)` on [options] or [positionals] (i.e. those args that
+ /// accept values) and [subcommands], one needs to consider the possibility of an argument value
+ /// being the same as a valid subcommand. By default `clap` will parse the argument in question
+ /// as a value *only if* a value is possible at that moment. Otherwise it will be parsed as a
+ /// subcommand. In effect, this means using `multiple(true)` with no additional parameters and
+ /// a possible value that coincides with a subcommand name, the subcommand cannot be called
+ /// unless another argument is passed first.
+ ///
+ /// As an example, consider a CLI with an option `--ui-paths=<paths>...` and subcommand `signer`
+ ///
+ /// The following would be parsed as values to `--ui-paths`.
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// $ program --ui-paths path1 path2 signer
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This is because `--ui-paths` accepts multiple values. `clap` will continue parsing values
+ /// until another argument is reached and it knows `--ui-paths` is done.
+ ///
+ /// By adding additional parameters to `--ui-paths` we can solve this issue. Consider adding
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`] as discussed above. The following are all valid, and `signer`
+ /// is parsed as both a subcommand and a value in the second case.
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// $ program --ui-paths path1 signer
+ /// $ program --ui-paths path1 --ui-paths signer signer
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// An example with flags
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verbose")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .short("v"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-v", "-v", "-v" // note, -vvv would have same result
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("verbose"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("verbose"), 3);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// An example with options
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2", "file3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("file"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("file"), 1); // notice only one occurrence
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// This is functionally equivalent to the example above
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "-F", "file2", "-F", "file3"
+ /// ]);
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3"]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("file"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("file"), 3); // Notice 3 occurrences
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3"]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// A common mistake is to define an option which allows multiples, and a positional argument
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("word")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2", "file3", "word"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("file"));
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3", "word"]); // wait...what?!
+ /// assert!(!m.is_present("word")); // but we clearly used word!
+ /// ```
+ /// The problem is clap doesn't know when to stop parsing values for "files". This is further
+ /// compounded by if we'd said `word -F file1 file2` it would have worked fine, so it would
+ /// appear to only fail sometimes...not good!
+ ///
+ /// A solution for the example above is to specify that `-F` only accepts one value, but is
+ /// allowed to appear multiple times
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .number_of_values(1)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("word")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "-F", "file2", "-F", "file3", "word"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("file"));
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3"]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("word"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("word"), Some("word"));
+ /// ```
+ /// As a final example, notice if we define [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`] and try to run the
+ /// problem example above, it would have been a runtime error with a pretty message to the
+ /// user :)
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .number_of_values(1)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("word")
+ /// .index(1))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2", "file3", "word"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [option]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [options]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [subcommands]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [positionals]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values(1)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.number_of_values
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn multiple(self, multi: bool) -> Self {
+ if multi {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::Multiple)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::Multiple)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies a value that *stops* parsing multiple values of a give argument. By default when
+ /// one sets [`multiple(true)`] on an argument, clap will continue parsing values for that
+ /// argument until it reaches another valid argument, or one of the other more specific settings
+ /// for multiple values is used (such as [`min_values`], [`max_values`] or
+ /// [`number_of_values`]).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting only applies to [options] and [positional arguments]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** When the terminator is passed in on the command line, it is **not** stored as one
+ /// of the values
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("vals")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .value_terminator(";")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// The following example uses two arguments, a sequence of commands, and the location in which
+ /// to perform them
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cmds")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .allow_hyphen_values(true)
+ /// .value_terminator(";"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("location"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "find", "-type", "f", "-name", "special", ";", "/home/clap"
+ /// ]);
+ /// let cmds: Vec<_> = m.values_of("cmds").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(&cmds, &["find", "-type", "f", "-name", "special"]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("location"), Some("/home/clap"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [options]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [positional arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [`multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ /// [`min_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.min_values
+ /// [`number_of_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.number_of_values
+ /// [`max_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.max_values
+ pub fn value_terminator(mut self, term: &'b str) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.v.terminator = Some(term);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies that an argument can be matched to all child [`SubCommand`]s.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Global arguments *only* propagate down, **not** up (to parent commands), however
+ /// their values once a user uses them will be propagated back up to parents. In effect, this
+ /// means one should *define* all global arguments at the top level, however it doesn't matter
+ /// where the user *uses* the global argument.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d")
+ /// .global(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// For example, assume an application with two subcommands, and you'd like to define a
+ /// `--verbose` flag that can be called on any of the subcommands and parent, but you don't
+ /// want to clutter the source with three duplicate [`Arg`] definitions.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verb")
+ /// .long("verbose")
+ /// .short("v")
+ /// .global(true))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("do-stuff"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "do-stuff", "--verbose"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.subcommand_name(), Some("do-stuff"));
+ /// let sub_m = m.subcommand_matches("do-stuff").unwrap();
+ /// assert!(sub_m.is_present("verb"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [required]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.required
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ /// [`ArgMatches::is_present("flag")`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.is_present
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn global(self, g: bool) -> Self {
+ if g {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::Global)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::Global)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Allows an argument to accept explicitly empty values. An empty value must be specified at
+ /// the command line with an explicit `""`, or `''`
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Defaults to `true` (Explicitly empty values are allowed)
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`] when set to `false`
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .long("file")
+ /// .empty_values(false)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// The default is to allow empty values, such as `--option ""` would be an empty value. But
+ /// we can change to make empty values become an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .short("v")
+ /// .empty_values(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config="
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::EmptyValue);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ pub fn empty_values(mut self, ev: bool) -> Self {
+ if ev {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::EmptyValues)
+ } else {
+ self = self.set(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::EmptyValues)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Hides an argument from help message output.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This does **not** hide the argument from usage strings on error
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .hidden(true)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// Setting `hidden(true)` will hide the argument when displaying help text
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .hidden(true)
+ /// .help("Some help text describing the --config arg"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// helptest
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// helptest [FLAGS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ /// ```
+ pub fn hidden(self, h: bool) -> Self {
+ if h {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::Hidden)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies a list of possible values for this argument. At runtime, `clap` verifies that
+ /// only one of the specified values was used, or fails with an error message.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting only applies to [options] and [positional arguments]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_values(&["fast", "slow", "medium"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_values(&["fast", "slow", "medium"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--mode", "fast"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("mode"), Some("fast"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The next example shows a failed parse from using a value which wasn't defined as one of the
+ /// possible values.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_values(&["fast", "slow", "medium"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--mode", "wrong"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidValue);
+ /// ```
+ /// [options]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [positional arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ pub fn possible_values(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.v.possible_vals {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.v.possible_vals = Some(names.iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies a possible value for this argument, one at a time. At runtime, `clap` verifies
+ /// that only one of the specified values was used, or fails with error message.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting only applies to [options] and [positional arguments]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_value("fast")
+ /// .possible_value("slow")
+ /// .possible_value("medium")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_value("fast")
+ /// .possible_value("slow")
+ /// .possible_value("medium"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--mode", "fast"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("mode"), Some("fast"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The next example shows a failed parse from using a value which wasn't defined as one of the
+ /// possible values.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("mode")
+ /// .long("mode")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_value("fast")
+ /// .possible_value("slow")
+ /// .possible_value("medium"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--mode", "wrong"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidValue);
+ /// ```
+ /// [options]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [positional arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ pub fn possible_value(mut self, name: &'b str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.v.possible_vals {
+ vec.push(name);
+ } else {
+ self.v.possible_vals = Some(vec![name]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// When used with [`Arg::possible_values`] it allows the argument value to pass validation even if
+ /// the case differs from that of the specified `possible_value`.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro Tip:** Use this setting with [`arg_enum!`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// # use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+ /// let m = App::new("pv")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .long("--option")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_value("test123")
+ /// .case_insensitive(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "pv", "--option", "TeSt123",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.value_of("option").unwrap().eq_ignore_ascii_case("test123"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This setting also works when multiple values can be defined:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("pv")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("-o")
+ /// .long("--option")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .possible_value("test123")
+ /// .possible_value("test321")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .case_insensitive(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "pv", "--option", "TeSt123", "teST123", "tESt321"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// let matched_vals = m.values_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ /// assert_eq!(&*matched_vals, &["TeSt123", "teST123", "tESt321"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::case_insensitive(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.possible_values
+ /// [`arg_enum!`]: ./macro.arg_enum.html
+ pub fn case_insensitive(self, ci: bool) -> Self {
+ if ci {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies the name of the [`ArgGroup`] the argument belongs to.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .group("mode")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Multiple arguments can be a member of a single group and then the group checked as if it
+ /// was one of said arguments.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .group("mode"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verbose")
+ /// .long("verbose")
+ /// .group("mode"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgGroup`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html
+ pub fn group(mut self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.groups {
+ vec.push(name);
+ } else {
+ self.b.groups = Some(vec![name]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the names of multiple [`ArgGroup`]'s the argument belongs to.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .groups(&["mode", "verbosity"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Arguments can be members of multiple groups and then the group checked as if it
+ /// was one of said arguments.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .groups(&["mode", "verbosity"]))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verbose")
+ /// .long("verbose")
+ /// .groups(&["mode", "verbosity"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--debug"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("mode"));
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("verbosity"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgGroup`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html
+ pub fn groups(mut self, names: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut vec) = self.b.groups {
+ for s in names {
+ vec.push(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.b.groups = Some(names.into_iter().map(|s| *s).collect::<Vec<_>>());
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies how many values are required to satisfy this argument. For example, if you had a
+ /// `-f <file>` argument where you wanted exactly 3 'files' you would set
+ /// `.number_of_values(3)`, and this argument wouldn't be satisfied unless the user provided
+ /// 3 and only 3 values.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Does *not* require [`Arg::multiple(true)`] to be set. Setting
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`] would allow `-f <file> <file> <file> -f <file> <file> <file>` where
+ /// as *not* setting [`Arg::multiple(true)`] would only allow one occurrence of this argument.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .short("f")
+ /// .number_of_values(3)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Not supplying the correct number of values is an error
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .number_of_values(2)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::WrongNumberOfValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn number_of_values(mut self, qty: u64) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.v.num_vals = Some(qty);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows one to perform a custom validation on the argument value. You provide a closure
+ /// which accepts a [`String`] value, and return a [`Result`] where the [`Err(String)`] is a
+ /// message displayed to the user.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The error message does *not* need to contain the `error:` portion, only the
+ /// message as all errors will appear as
+ /// `error: Invalid value for '<arg>': <YOUR MESSAGE>` where `<arg>` is replaced by the actual
+ /// arg, and `<YOUR MESSAGE>` is the `String` you return as the error.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** There is a small performance hit for using validators, as they are implemented
+ /// with [`Rc`] pointers. And the value to be checked will be allocated an extra time in order
+ /// to to be passed to the closure. This performance hit is extremely minimal in the grand
+ /// scheme of things.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// fn has_at(v: String) -> Result<(), String> {
+ /// if v.contains("@") { return Ok(()); }
+ /// Err(String::from("The value did not contain the required @ sigil"))
+ /// }
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .index(1)
+ /// .validator(has_at))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "some@file"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap().value_of("file"), Some("some@file"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`String`]:
+ /// [`Result`]:
+ /// [`Err(String)`]:
+ /// [`Rc`]:
+ pub fn validator<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: Fn(String) -> Result<(), String> + 'static,
+ {
+ self.v.validator = Some(Rc::new(f));
+ self
+ }
+ /// Works identically to Validator but is intended to be used with values that could
+ /// contain non UTF-8 formatted strings.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```rust")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// # use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+ /// # use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+ /// fn has_ampersand(v: &OsStr) -> Result<(), OsString> {
+ /// if v.as_bytes().iter().any(|b| *b == b'&') { return Ok(()); }
+ /// Err(OsString::from("The value did not contain the required & sigil"))
+ /// }
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .index(1)
+ /// .validator_os(has_ampersand))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "Fish & chips"
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap().value_of("file"), Some("Fish & chips"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`String`]:
+ /// [`OsStr`]:
+ /// [`OsString`]:
+ /// [`Result`]:
+ /// [`Err(String)`]:
+ /// [`Rc`]:
+ pub fn validator_os<F>(mut self, f: F) -> Self
+ where
+ F: Fn(&OsStr) -> Result<(), OsString> + 'static,
+ {
+ self.v.validator_os = Some(Rc::new(f));
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the *maximum* number of values are for this argument. For example, if you had a
+ /// `-f <file>` argument where you wanted up to 3 'files' you would set `.max_values(3)`, and
+ /// this argument would be satisfied if the user provided, 1, 2, or 3 values.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This does *not* implicitly set [`Arg::multiple(true)`]. This is because
+ /// `-o val -o val` is multiple occurrences but a single value and `-o val1 val2` is a single
+ /// occurrence with multiple values. For positional arguments this **does** set
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`] because there is no way to determine the difference between multiple
+ /// occurrences and multiple values.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .short("f")
+ /// .max_values(3)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Supplying less than the maximum number of values is allowed
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .max_values(3)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// let m = res.unwrap();
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2"]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Supplying more than the maximum number of values is an error
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .max_values(2)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2", "file3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::TooManyValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn max_values(mut self, qty: u64) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.v.max_vals = Some(qty);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the *minimum* number of values for this argument. For example, if you had a
+ /// `-f <file>` argument where you wanted at least 2 'files' you would set
+ /// `.min_values(2)`, and this argument would be satisfied if the user provided, 2 or more
+ /// values.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This does not implicitly set [`Arg::multiple(true)`]. This is because
+ /// `-o val -o val` is multiple occurrences but a single value and `-o val1 val2` is a single
+ /// occurrence with multiple values. For positional arguments this **does** set
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`] because there is no way to determine the difference between multiple
+ /// occurrences and multiple values.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .short("f")
+ /// .min_values(3)
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Supplying more than the minimum number of values is allowed
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .min_values(2)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1", "file2", "file3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_ok());
+ /// let m = res.unwrap();
+ /// let files: Vec<_> = m.values_of("file").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(files, ["file1", "file2", "file3"]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Supplying less than the minimum number of values is an error
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("file")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .min_values(2)
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-F", "file1"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::TooFewValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn min_values(mut self, qty: u64) -> Self {
+ self.v.min_vals = Some(qty);
+ self.set(ArgSettings::TakesValue)
+ }
+ /// Specifies whether or not an argument should allow grouping of multiple values via a
+ /// delimiter. I.e. should `--option=val1,val2,val3` be parsed as three values (`val1`, `val2`,
+ /// and `val3`) or as a single value (`val1,val2,val3`). Defaults to using `,` (comma) as the
+ /// value delimiter for all arguments that accept values (options and positional arguments)
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The default is `false`. When set to `true` the default [`Arg::value_delimiter`]
+ /// is the comma `,`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// The following example shows the default behavior.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let delims = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .long("option")
+ /// .use_delimiter(true)
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--option=val1,val2,val3",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(delims.is_present("option"));
+ /// assert_eq!(delims.occurrences_of("option"), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(delims.values_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), ["val1", "val2", "val3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// The next example shows the difference when turning delimiters off. This is the default
+ /// behavior
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let nodelims = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .long("option")
+ /// .use_delimiter(false)
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--option=val1,val2,val3",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(nodelims.is_present("option"));
+ /// assert_eq!(nodelims.occurrences_of("option"), 1);
+ /// assert_eq!(nodelims.value_of("option").unwrap(), "val1,val2,val3");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::value_delimiter`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_delimiter
+ pub fn use_delimiter(mut self, d: bool) -> Self {
+ if d {
+ if self.v.val_delim.is_none() {
+ self.v.val_delim = Some(',');
+ }
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet)
+ } else {
+ self.v.val_delim = None;
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies that *multiple values* may only be set using the delimiter. This means if an
+ /// if an option is encountered, and no delimiter is found, it automatically assumed that no
+ /// additional values for that option follow. This is unlike the default, where it is generally
+ /// assumed that more values will follow regardless of whether or not a delimiter is used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The default is `false`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Setting this to true implies [`Arg::use_delimiter(true)`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** It's a good idea to inform the user that use of a delimiter is required, either
+ /// through help text or other means.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// These examples demonstrate what happens when `require_delimiter(true)` is used. Notice
+ /// everything works in this first example, as we use a delimiter, as expected.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let delims = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .require_delimiter(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-o", "val1,val2,val3",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(delims.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(delims.values_of("opt").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), ["val1", "val2", "val3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// In this next example, we will *not* use a delimiter. Notice it's now an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .require_delimiter(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-o", "val1", "val2", "val3",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// let err = res.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// What's happening is `-o` is getting `val1`, and because delimiters are required yet none
+ /// were present, it stops parsing `-o`. At this point it reaches `val2` and because no
+ /// positional arguments have been defined, it's an error of an unexpected argument.
+ ///
+ /// In this final example, we contrast the above with `clap`'s default behavior where the above
+ /// is *not* an error.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let delims = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "-o", "val1", "val2", "val3",
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(delims.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(delims.values_of("opt").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), ["val1", "val2", "val3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::use_delimiter(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.use_delimiter
+ pub fn require_delimiter(mut self, d: bool) -> Self {
+ if d {
+ self = self.use_delimiter(true);
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet);
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ self.set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter)
+ } else {
+ self = self.use_delimiter(false);
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Specifies the separator to use when values are clumped together, defaults to `,` (comma).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** implicitly sets [`Arg::use_delimiter(true)`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .short("c")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .value_delimiter(";"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--config=val1;val2;val3"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("config").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), ["val1", "val2", "val3"])
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::use_delimiter(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.use_delimiter
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ pub fn value_delimiter(mut self, d: &str) -> Self {
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet);
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ self.v.val_delim = Some(
+ d.chars()
+ .nth(0)
+ .expect("Failed to get value_delimiter from arg"),
+ );
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specify multiple names for values of option arguments. These names are cosmetic only, used
+ /// for help and usage strings only. The names are **not** used to access arguments. The values
+ /// of the arguments are accessed in numeric order (i.e. if you specify two names `one` and
+ /// `two` `one` will be the first matched value, `two` will be the second).
+ ///
+ /// This setting can be very helpful when describing the type of input the user should be
+ /// using, such as `FILE`, `INTERFACE`, etc. Although not required, it's somewhat convention to
+ /// use all capital letters for the value name.
+ ///
+ /// **Pro Tip:** It may help to use [`Arg::next_line_help(true)`] if there are long, or
+ /// multiple value names in order to not throw off the help text alignment of all options.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This implicitly sets [`Arg::number_of_values`] if the number of value names is
+ /// greater than one. I.e. be aware that the number of "names" you set for the values, will be
+ /// the *exact* number of values required to satisfy this argument
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Does *not* require or imply [`Arg::multiple(true)`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("speed")
+ /// .short("s")
+ /// .value_names(&["fast", "slow"])
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("io")
+ /// .long("io-files")
+ /// .value_names(&["INFILE", "OUTFILE"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ /// Running the above program produces the following output
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// valnames
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// valnames [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ ///
+ /// OPTIONS:
+ /// --io-files <INFILE> <OUTFILE> Some help text
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::next_line_help(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.next_line_help
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.number_of_values
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn value_names(mut self, names: &[&'b str]) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ if self.is_set(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet) {
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet);
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut vals) = self.v.val_names {
+ let mut l = vals.len();
+ for s in names {
+ vals.insert(l, s);
+ l += 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ let mut vm = VecMap::new();
+ for (i, n) in names.iter().enumerate() {
+ vm.insert(i, *n);
+ }
+ self.v.val_names = Some(vm);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the name for value of [option] or [positional] arguments inside of help
+ /// documentation. This name is cosmetic only, the name is **not** used to access arguments.
+ /// This setting can be very helpful when describing the type of input the user should be
+ /// using, such as `FILE`, `INTERFACE`, etc. Although not required, it's somewhat convention to
+ /// use all capital letters for the value name.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// Arg::with_name("cfg")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .value_name("FILE")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
+ /// .long("config")
+ /// .value_name("FILE"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ /// Running the above program produces the following output
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// valnames
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// valnames [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ ///
+ /// OPTIONS:
+ /// --config <FILE> Some help text
+ /// ```
+ /// [option]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [positional]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ pub fn value_name(mut self, name: &'b str) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ if let Some(ref mut vals) = self.v.val_names {
+ let l = vals.len();
+ vals.insert(l, name);
+ } else {
+ let mut vm = VecMap::new();
+ vm.insert(0, name);
+ self.v.val_names = Some(vm);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the value of the argument when *not* specified at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If the user *does not* use this argument at runtime, [`ArgMatches::occurrences_of`]
+ /// will return `0` even though the [`ArgMatches::value_of`] will return the default specified.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If the user *does not* use this argument at runtime [`ArgMatches::is_present`] will
+ /// still return `true`. If you wish to determine whether the argument was used at runtime or
+ /// not, consider [`ArgMatches::occurrences_of`] which will return `0` if the argument was *not*
+ /// used at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting is perfectly compatible with [`Arg::default_value_if`] but slightly
+ /// different. `Arg::default_value` *only* takes affect when the user has not provided this arg
+ /// at runtime. `Arg::default_value_if` however only takes affect when the user has not provided
+ /// a value at runtime **and** these other conditions are met as well. If you have set
+ /// `Arg::default_value` and `Arg::default_value_if`, and the user **did not** provide a this
+ /// arg at runtime, nor did were the conditions met for `Arg::default_value_if`, the
+ /// `Arg::default_value` will be applied.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`].
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting effectively disables `AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp` if used in
+ /// conjunction as it ensures that some argument will always be present.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// First we use the default value without providing any value at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("myopt")
+ /// .default_value("myval"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("opt"), Some("myval"));
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("opt"), 0);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Next we provide a value at runtime to override the default.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("myopt")
+ /// .default_value("myval"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--myopt=non_default"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("opt"), Some("non_default"));
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("opt"));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("opt"), 1);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches::occurrences_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.occurrences_of
+ /// [`ArgMatches::value_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.value_of
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [`ArgMatches::is_present`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.is_present
+ /// [`Arg::default_value_if`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value_if
+ pub fn default_value(self, val: &'a str) -> Self {
+ self.default_value_os(OsStr::from_bytes(val.as_bytes()))
+ }
+ /// Provides a default value in the exact same manner as [`Arg::default_value`]
+ /// only using [`OsStr`]s instead.
+ /// [`Arg::default_value`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value
+ /// [`OsStr`]:
+ pub fn default_value_os(mut self, val: &'a OsStr) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.v.default_val = Some(val);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies the value of the argument if `arg` has been used at runtime. If `val` is set to
+ /// `None`, `arg` only needs to be present. If `val` is set to `"some-val"` then `arg` must be
+ /// present at runtime **and** have the value `val`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting is perfectly compatible with [`Arg::default_value`] but slightly
+ /// different. `Arg::default_value` *only* takes affect when the user has not provided this arg
+ /// at runtime. This setting however only takes affect when the user has not provided a value at
+ /// runtime **and** these other conditions are met as well. If you have set `Arg::default_value`
+ /// and `Arg::default_value_if`, and the user **did not** provide a this arg at runtime, nor did
+ /// were the conditions met for `Arg::default_value_if`, the `Arg::default_value` will be
+ /// applied.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`].
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows (`None` can be represented
+ /// as `null` in YAML)
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// default_value_if:
+ /// - [arg, val, default]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// First we use the default value only if another arg is present at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_if("flag", None, "default"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--flag"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("default"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Next we run the same test, but without providing `--flag`.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_if("flag", None, "default"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), None);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Now lets only use the default value if `--opt` contains the value `special`.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("opt"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_if("opt", Some("special"), "default"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--opt", "special"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("default"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// We can run the same test and provide any value *other than* `special` and we won't get a
+ /// default value.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .long("opt"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_if("opt", Some("special"), "default"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--opt", "hahaha"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), None);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [`Arg::default_value`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value
+ pub fn default_value_if(self, arg: &'a str, val: Option<&'b str>, default: &'b str) -> Self {
+ self.default_value_if_os(
+ arg,
+ OsStr::from_bytes(default.as_bytes()),
+ )
+ }
+ /// Provides a conditional default value in the exact same manner as [`Arg::default_value_if`]
+ /// only using [`OsStr`]s instead.
+ /// [`Arg::default_value_if`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value_if
+ /// [`OsStr`]:
+ pub fn default_value_if_os(
+ mut self,
+ arg: &'a str,
+ val: Option<&'b OsStr>,
+ default: &'b OsStr,
+ ) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ if let Some(ref mut vm) = self.v.default_vals_ifs {
+ let l = vm.len();
+ vm.insert(l, (arg, val, default));
+ } else {
+ let mut vm = VecMap::new();
+ vm.insert(0, (arg, val, default));
+ self.v.default_vals_ifs = Some(vm);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies multiple values and conditions in the same manner as [`Arg::default_value_if`].
+ /// The method takes a slice of tuples in the `(arg, Option<val>, default)` format.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE**: The conditions are stored in order and evaluated in the same order. I.e. the first
+ /// if multiple conditions are true, the first one found will be applied and the ultimate value.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If using YAML the values should be laid out as follows
+ ///
+ /// ```yaml
+ /// default_value_if:
+ /// - [arg, val, default]
+ /// - [arg2, null, default2]
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// First we use the default value only if another arg is present at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("opt")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_ifs(&[
+ /// ("flag", None, "default"),
+ /// ("opt", Some("channal"), "chan"),
+ /// ]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--opt", "channal"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("chan"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Next we run the same test, but without providing `--flag`.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_ifs(&[
+ /// ("flag", None, "default"),
+ /// ("opt", Some("channal"), "chan"),
+ /// ]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), None);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// We can also see that these values are applied in order, and if more than one condition is
+ /// true, only the first evaluated "wins"
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("opt")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("other")
+ /// .long("other")
+ /// .default_value_ifs(&[
+ /// ("flag", None, "default"),
+ /// ("opt", Some("channal"), "chan"),
+ /// ]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--opt", "channal", "--flag"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("other"), Some("default"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::takes_value(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [`Arg::default_value`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value
+ pub fn default_value_ifs(mut self, ifs: &[(&'a str, Option<&'b str>, &'b str)]) -> Self {
+ for &(arg, val, default) in ifs {
+ self = self.default_value_if_os(
+ arg,
+ OsStr::from_bytes(default.as_bytes()),
+ );
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Provides multiple conditional default values in the exact same manner as
+ /// [`Arg::default_value_ifs`] only using [`OsStr`]s instead.
+ /// [`Arg::default_value_ifs`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.default_value_ifs
+ /// [`OsStr`]:
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(explicit_counter_loop))]
+ pub fn default_value_ifs_os(mut self, ifs: &[(&'a str, Option<&'b OsStr>, &'b OsStr)]) -> Self {
+ for &(arg, val, default) in ifs {
+ self = self.default_value_if_os(arg, val, default);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Specifies that if the value is not passed in as an argument, that it should be retrieved
+ /// from the environment, if available. If it is not present in the environment, then default
+ /// rules will apply.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If the user *does not* use this argument at runtime, [`ArgMatches::occurrences_of`]
+ /// will return `0` even though the [`ArgMatches::value_of`] will return the default specified.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If the user *does not* use this argument at runtime [`ArgMatches::is_present`] will
+ /// return `true` if the variable is present in the environment . If you wish to determine whether
+ /// the argument was used at runtime or not, consider [`ArgMatches::occurrences_of`] which will
+ /// return `0` if the argument was *not* used at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This implicitly sets [`Arg::takes_value(true)`].
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** If [`Arg::multiple(true)`] is set then [`Arg::use_delimiter(true)`] should also be
+ /// set. Otherwise, only a single argument will be returned from the environment variable. The
+ /// default delimiter is `,` and follows all the other delimiter rules.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// In this example, we show the variable coming from the environment:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::env;
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ ///
+ /// env::set_var("MY_FLAG", "env");
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag")
+ /// .env("MY_FLAG"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("flag"), Some("env"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// In this example, we show the variable coming from an option on the CLI:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::env;
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ ///
+ /// env::set_var("MY_FLAG", "env");
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag")
+ /// .env("MY_FLAG"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--flag", "opt"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("flag"), Some("opt"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// In this example, we show the variable coming from the environment even with the
+ /// presence of a default:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::env;
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ ///
+ /// env::set_var("MY_FLAG", "env");
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag")
+ /// .env("MY_FLAG")
+ /// .default_value("default"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("flag"), Some("env"));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// In this example, we show the use of multiple values in a single environment variable:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use std::env;
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ ///
+ /// env::set_var("MY_FLAG_MULTI", "env1,env2");
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .long("flag")
+ /// .env("MY_FLAG_MULTI")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .use_delimiter(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.values_of("flag").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec!["env1", "env2"]);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn env(self, name: &'a str) -> Self {
+ self.env_os(OsStr::new(name))
+ }
+ /// Specifies that if the value is not passed in as an argument, that it should be retrieved
+ /// from the environment if available in the exact same manner as [`Arg::env`] only using
+ /// [`OsStr`]s instead.
+ pub fn env_os(mut self, name: &'a OsStr) -> Self {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ self.v.env = Some((name, env::var_os(name)));
+ self
+ }
+ /// @TODO @p2 @docs @release: write docs
+ pub fn hide_env_values(self, hide: bool) -> Self {
+ if hide {
+ self.set(ArgSettings::HideEnvValues)
+ } else {
+ self.unset(ArgSettings::HideEnvValues)
+ }
+ }
+ /// When set to `true` the help string will be displayed on the line after the argument and
+ /// indented once. This can be helpful for arguments with very long or complex help messages.
+ /// This can also be helpful for arguments with very long flag names, or many/long value names.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** To apply this setting to all arguments consider using
+ /// [`AppSettings::NextLineHelp`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("long-option-flag")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .value_names(&["value1", "value2"])
+ /// .help("Some really long help and complex\n\
+ /// help that makes more sense to be\n\
+ /// on a line after the option")
+ /// .next_line_help(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays the following help message
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// nlh
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// nlh [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ ///
+ /// OPTIONS:
+ /// -o, --long-option-flag <value1> <value2>
+ /// Some really long help and complex
+ /// help that makes more sense to be
+ /// on a line after the option
+ /// ```
+ /// [`AppSettings::NextLineHelp`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.NextLineHelp
+ pub fn next_line_help(mut self, nlh: bool) -> Self {
+ if nlh {
+ self.setb(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp);
+ } else {
+ self.unsetb(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows custom ordering of args within the help message. Args with a lower value will be
+ /// displayed first in the help message. This is helpful when one would like to emphasise
+ /// frequently used args, or prioritize those towards the top of the list. Duplicate values
+ /// **are** allowed. Args with duplicate display orders will be displayed in alphabetical
+ /// order.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The default is 999 for all arguments.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting is ignored for [positional arguments] which are always displayed in
+ /// [index] order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("a") // Typically args are grouped alphabetically by name.
+ /// // Args without a display_order have a value of 999 and are
+ /// // displayed alphabetically with all other 999 valued args.
+ /// .long("long-option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .help("Some help and text"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("b")
+ /// .long("other-option")
+ /// .short("O")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .display_order(1) // In order to force this arg to appear *first*
+ /// // all we have to do is give it a value lower than 999.
+ /// // Any other args with a value of 1 will be displayed
+ /// // alphabetically with this one...then 2 values, then 3, etc.
+ /// .help("I should be first!"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "prog", "--help"
+ /// ]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The above example displays the following help message
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// cust-ord
+ ///
+ /// USAGE:
+ /// cust-ord [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
+ ///
+ /// FLAGS:
+ /// -h, --help Prints help information
+ /// -V, --version Prints version information
+ ///
+ /// OPTIONS:
+ /// -O, --other-option <b> I should be first!
+ /// -o, --long-option <a> Some help and text
+ /// ```
+ /// [positional arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [index]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ pub fn display_order(mut self, ord: usize) -> Self {
+ self.s.disp_ord = ord;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Indicates that all parameters passed after this should not be parsed
+ /// individually, but rather passed in their entirety. It is worth noting
+ /// that setting this requires all values to come after a `--` to indicate they
+ /// should all be captured. For example:
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// --foo something -- -v -v -v -b -b -b --baz -q -u -x
+ /// ```
+ /// Will result in everything after `--` to be considered one raw argument. This behavior
+ /// may not be exactly what you are expecting and using [`AppSettings::TrailingVarArg`]
+ /// may be more appropriate.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** Implicitly sets [`Arg::multiple(true)`], [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values(true)`], and
+ /// [`Arg::last(true)`] when set to `true`
+ ///
+ /// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+ /// [`Arg::allow_hyphen_values(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.allow_hyphen_values
+ /// [`Arg::last(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.last
+ /// [`AppSettings::TrailingVarArg`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.TrailingVarArg
+ pub fn raw(self, raw: bool) -> Self {
+ self.multiple(raw).allow_hyphen_values(raw).last(raw)
+ }
+ /// Checks if one of the [`ArgSettings`] settings is set for the argument
+ /// [`ArgSettings`]: ./enum.ArgSettings.html
+ pub fn is_set(&self, s: ArgSettings) -> bool {
+ self.b.is_set(s)
+ }
+ /// Sets one of the [`ArgSettings`] settings for the argument
+ /// [`ArgSettings`]: ./enum.ArgSettings.html
+ pub fn set(mut self, s: ArgSettings) -> Self {
+ self.setb(s);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Unsets one of the [`ArgSettings`] settings for the argument
+ /// [`ArgSettings`]: ./enum.ArgSettings.html
+ pub fn unset(mut self, s: ArgSettings) -> Self {
+ self.unsetb(s);
+ self
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn setb(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) {
+ self.b.set(s);
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn unsetb(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) {
+ self.b.unset(s);
+ }
+impl<'a, 'b, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'a, 'b>> for Arg<'a, 'b> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'a, 'b>) -> Self {
+ Arg {
+ b: a.b.clone(),
+ v: a.v.clone(),
+ s: a.s.clone(),
+ index: a.index,
+ r_ifs: a.r_ifs.clone(),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> PartialEq for Arg<'n, 'e> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Arg<'n, 'e>) -> bool {
+ self.b == other.b
+ }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use args::{Arg, ArgFlags, ArgSettings};
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct Base<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ pub name: &'a str,
+ pub help: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub long_help: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub blacklist: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ pub settings: ArgFlags,
+ pub r_unless: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ pub overrides: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ pub groups: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ pub requires: Option<Vec<(Option<&'b str>, &'a str)>>,
+impl<'n, 'e> Base<'n, 'e> {
+ pub fn new(name: &'n str) -> Self {
+ Base {
+ name: name,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) { self.settings.set(s); }
+ pub fn unset(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) { self.settings.unset(s); }
+ pub fn is_set(&self, s: ArgSettings) -> bool { self.settings.is_set(s) }
+impl<'n, 'e, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'n, 'e>> for Base<'n, 'e> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'n, 'e>) -> Self { a.b.clone() }
+impl<'n, 'e> PartialEq for Base<'n, 'e> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &Base<'n, 'e>) -> bool { == }
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+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Std
+use std::convert::From;
+use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::result::Result as StdResult;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::mem;
+// Internal
+use Arg;
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgSettings, Base, DispOrder, Switched};
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct FlagBuilder<'n, 'e>
+ 'n: 'e,
+ pub b: Base<'n, 'e>,
+ pub s: Switched<'e>,
+impl<'n, 'e> FlagBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ pub fn new(name: &'n str) -> Self {
+ FlagBuilder {
+ b: Base::new(name),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, 'b, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'a, 'b>> for FlagBuilder<'a, 'b> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'a, 'b>) -> Self {
+ FlagBuilder {
+ b: Base::from(a),
+ s: Switched::from(a),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a, 'b> From<Arg<'a, 'b>> for FlagBuilder<'a, 'b> {
+ fn from(mut a: Arg<'a, 'b>) -> Self {
+ FlagBuilder {
+ b: mem::replace(&mut a.b, Base::default()),
+ s: mem::replace(&mut a.s, Switched::default()),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> Display for FlagBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
+ if let Some(l) = self.s.long {
+ write!(f, "--{}", l)?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "-{}", self.s.short.unwrap())?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> AnyArg<'n, 'e> for FlagBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str { }
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.overrides.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]> {
+ self.b.requires.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..])
+ }
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.blacklist.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.r_unless.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn is_set(&self, s: ArgSettings) -> bool { self.b.settings.is_set(s) }
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool { false }
+ fn set(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) { self.b.settings.set(s) }
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>> { None }
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { None }
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> StdResult<(), String>>> { None }
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> StdResult<(), OsString>>> { None }
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { None }
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char> { self.s.short }
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.s.long }
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char> { None }
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { }
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.b.long_help }
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { None }
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr> { None }
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>> {
+ None
+ }
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)> { None }
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool { self.s.long.is_some() }
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>> {
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = self.s.aliases {
+ let vis_aliases: Vec<_> = aliases
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|&(n, v)| if v { Some(n) } else { None })
+ .collect();
+ if vis_aliases.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(vis_aliases)
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> DispOrder for FlagBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn disp_ord(&self) -> usize { self.s.disp_ord }
+impl<'n, 'e> PartialEq for FlagBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &FlagBuilder<'n, 'e>) -> bool { self.b == other.b }
+mod test {
+ use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+ use super::FlagBuilder;
+ #[test]
+ fn flagbuilder_display() {
+ let mut f = FlagBuilder::new("flg");
+ f.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ f.s.long = Some("flag");
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", f), "--flag");
+ let mut f2 = FlagBuilder::new("flg");
+ f2.s.short = Some('f');
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", f2), "-f");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn flagbuilder_display_single_alias() {
+ let mut f = FlagBuilder::new("flg");
+ f.s.long = Some("flag");
+ f.s.aliases = Some(vec![("als", true)]);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", f), "--flag");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn flagbuilder_display_multiple_aliases() {
+ let mut f = FlagBuilder::new("flg");
+ f.s.short = Some('f');
+ f.s.aliases = Some(vec![
+ ("alias_not_visible", false),
+ ("f2", true),
+ ("f3", true),
+ ("f4", true),
+ ]);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", f), "-f");
+ }
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index 0000000000..d1a7a66086
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+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+pub use self::flag::FlagBuilder;
+pub use self::option::OptBuilder;
+pub use self::positional::PosBuilder;
+pub use self::base::Base;
+pub use self::switched::Switched;
+pub use self::valued::Valued;
+mod flag;
+mod positional;
+mod option;
+mod base;
+mod valued;
+mod switched;
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index 0000000000..4bb147a7d2
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+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Std
+use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::result::Result as StdResult;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::mem;
+// Internal
+use args::{AnyArg, Arg, ArgSettings, Base, DispOrder, Switched, Valued};
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
+pub struct OptBuilder<'n, 'e>
+ 'n: 'e,
+ pub b: Base<'n, 'e>,
+ pub s: Switched<'e>,
+ pub v: Valued<'n, 'e>,
+impl<'n, 'e> OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ pub fn new(name: &'n str) -> Self {
+ OptBuilder {
+ b: Base::new(name),
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'n, 'e>> for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'n, 'e>) -> Self {
+ OptBuilder {
+ b: Base::from(a),
+ s: Switched::from(a),
+ v: Valued::from(a),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> From<Arg<'n, 'e>> for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn from(mut a: Arg<'n, 'e>) -> Self {
+ a.v.fill_in();
+ OptBuilder {
+ b: mem::replace(&mut a.b, Base::default()),
+ s: mem::replace(&mut a.s, Switched::default()),
+ v: mem::replace(&mut a.v, Valued::default()),
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> Display for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
+ debugln!("OptBuilder::fmt:{}",;
+ let sep = if self.b.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireEquals) {
+ "="
+ } else {
+ " "
+ };
+ // Write the name such --long or -l
+ if let Some(l) = self.s.long {
+ write!(f, "--{}{}", l, sep)?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "-{}{}", self.s.short.unwrap(), sep)?;
+ }
+ let delim = if self.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter) {
+ self.v.val_delim.expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
+ } else {
+ ' '
+ };
+ // Write the values such as <name1> <name2>
+ if let Some(ref vec) = self.v.val_names {
+ let mut it = vec.iter().peekable();
+ while let Some((_, val)) = {
+ write!(f, "<{}>", val)?;
+ if it.peek().is_some() {
+ write!(f, "{}", delim)?;
+ }
+ }
+ let num = vec.len();
+ if self.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && num == 1 {
+ write!(f, "...")?;
+ }
+ } else if let Some(num) = self.v.num_vals {
+ let mut it = (0..num).peekable();
+ while let Some(_) = {
+ write!(f, "<{}>",;
+ if it.peek().is_some() {
+ write!(f, "{}", delim)?;
+ }
+ }
+ if self.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && num == 1 {
+ write!(f, "...")?;
+ }
+ } else {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "<{}>{}",
+ if self.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ "..."
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ )?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> AnyArg<'n, 'e> for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str { }
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.overrides.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]> {
+ self.b.requires.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..])
+ }
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.blacklist.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.r_unless.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>> { self.v.val_names.as_ref() }
+ fn is_set(&self, s: ArgSettings) -> bool { self.b.settings.is_set(s) }
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn set(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) { self.b.settings.set(s) }
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.max_vals }
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.v.terminator }
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.num_vals }
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.v.possible_vals.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> StdResult<(), String>>> {
+ self.v.validator.as_ref()
+ }
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
+ self.v.validator_os.as_ref()
+ }
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.min_vals }
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char> { self.s.short }
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.s.long }
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char> { self.v.val_delim }
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { }
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.b.long_help }
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr> { self.v.default_val }
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>> {
+ self.v.default_vals_ifs.as_ref().map(|vm| vm.values())
+ }
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)> {
+ self.v
+ .env
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|&(key, ref value)| (key, value.as_ref()))
+ }
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>> {
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = self.s.aliases {
+ let vis_aliases: Vec<_> = aliases
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|&(n, v)| if v { Some(n) } else { None })
+ .collect();
+ if vis_aliases.is_empty() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(vis_aliases)
+ }
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> DispOrder for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn disp_ord(&self) -> usize { self.s.disp_ord }
+impl<'n, 'e> PartialEq for OptBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &OptBuilder<'n, 'e>) -> bool { self.b == other.b }
+mod test {
+ use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+ use super::OptBuilder;
+ use map::VecMap;
+ #[test]
+ fn optbuilder_display1() {
+ let mut o = OptBuilder::new("opt");
+ o.s.long = Some("option");
+ o.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", o), "--option <opt>...");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn optbuilder_display2() {
+ let mut v_names = VecMap::new();
+ v_names.insert(0, "file");
+ v_names.insert(1, "name");
+ let mut o2 = OptBuilder::new("opt");
+ o2.s.short = Some('o');
+ o2.v.val_names = Some(v_names);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", o2), "-o <file> <name>");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn optbuilder_display3() {
+ let mut v_names = VecMap::new();
+ v_names.insert(0, "file");
+ v_names.insert(1, "name");
+ let mut o2 = OptBuilder::new("opt");
+ o2.s.short = Some('o');
+ o2.v.val_names = Some(v_names);
+ o2.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", o2), "-o <file> <name>");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn optbuilder_display_single_alias() {
+ let mut o = OptBuilder::new("opt");
+ o.s.long = Some("option");
+ o.s.aliases = Some(vec![("als", true)]);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", o), "--option <opt>");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn optbuilder_display_multiple_aliases() {
+ let mut o = OptBuilder::new("opt");
+ o.s.long = Some("option");
+ o.s.aliases = Some(vec![
+ ("als_not_visible", false),
+ ("als2", true),
+ ("als3", true),
+ ("als4", true),
+ ]);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", o), "--option <opt>");
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43fdca4c58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Std
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Result};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::result::Result as StdResult;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::mem;
+// Internal
+use Arg;
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgSettings, Base, DispOrder, Valued};
+use map::{self, VecMap};
+#[derive(Clone, Default)]
+pub struct PosBuilder<'n, 'e>
+ 'n: 'e,
+ pub b: Base<'n, 'e>,
+ pub v: Valued<'n, 'e>,
+ pub index: u64,
+impl<'n, 'e> PosBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ pub fn new(name: &'n str, idx: u64) -> Self {
+ PosBuilder {
+ b: Base::new(name),
+ index: idx,
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn from_arg_ref(a: &Arg<'n, 'e>, idx: u64) -> Self {
+ let mut pb = PosBuilder {
+ b: Base::from(a),
+ v: Valued::from(a),
+ index: idx,
+ };
+ if a.v.max_vals.is_some() || a.v.min_vals.is_some()
+ || (a.v.num_vals.is_some() && a.v.num_vals.unwrap() > 1)
+ {
+ pb.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ }
+ pb
+ }
+ pub fn from_arg(mut a: Arg<'n, 'e>, idx: u64) -> Self {
+ if a.v.max_vals.is_some() || a.v.min_vals.is_some()
+ || (a.v.num_vals.is_some() && a.v.num_vals.unwrap() > 1)
+ {
+ a.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ }
+ PosBuilder {
+ b: mem::replace(&mut a.b, Base::default()),
+ v: mem::replace(&mut a.v, Valued::default()),
+ index: idx,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn multiple_str(&self) -> &str {
+ let mult_vals = self.v
+ .val_names
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(true, |names| names.len() < 2);
+ if self.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) && mult_vals {
+ "..."
+ } else {
+ ""
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn name_no_brackets(&self) -> Cow<str> {
+ debugln!("PosBuilder::name_no_brackets;");
+ let mut delim = String::new();
+ delim.push(if self.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter) {
+ self.v.val_delim.expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
+ } else {
+ ' '
+ });
+ if let Some(ref names) = self.v.val_names {
+ debugln!("PosBuilder:name_no_brackets: val_names={:#?}", names);
+ if names.len() > 1 {
+ Cow::Owned(
+ names
+ .values()
+ .map(|n| format!("<{}>", n))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(&*delim),
+ )
+ } else {
+ Cow::Borrowed(names.values().next().expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG))
+ }
+ } else {
+ debugln!("PosBuilder:name_no_brackets: just name");
+ Cow::Borrowed(
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> Display for PosBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
+ let mut delim = String::new();
+ delim.push(if self.is_set(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter) {
+ self.v.val_delim.expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG)
+ } else {
+ ' '
+ });
+ if let Some(ref names) = self.v.val_names {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "{}",
+ names
+ .values()
+ .map(|n| format!("<{}>", n))
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+ .join(&*delim)
+ )?;
+ } else {
+ write!(f, "<{}>",;
+ }
+ if self.b.settings.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple)
+ && (self.v.val_names.is_none() || self.v.val_names.as_ref().unwrap().len() == 1)
+ {
+ write!(f, "...")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> AnyArg<'n, 'e> for PosBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn name(&self) -> &'n str { }
+ fn overrides(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.overrides.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn requires(&self) -> Option<&[(Option<&'e str>, &'n str)]> {
+ self.b.requires.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..])
+ }
+ fn blacklist(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.blacklist.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn required_unless(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.b.r_unless.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn val_names(&self) -> Option<&VecMap<&'e str>> { self.v.val_names.as_ref() }
+ fn is_set(&self, s: ArgSettings) -> bool { self.b.settings.is_set(s) }
+ fn set(&mut self, s: ArgSettings) { self.b.settings.set(s) }
+ fn has_switch(&self) -> bool { false }
+ fn max_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.max_vals }
+ fn val_terminator(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.v.terminator }
+ fn num_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.num_vals }
+ fn possible_vals(&self) -> Option<&[&'e str]> { self.v.possible_vals.as_ref().map(|o| &o[..]) }
+ fn validator(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(String) -> StdResult<(), String>>> {
+ self.v.validator.as_ref()
+ }
+ fn validator_os(&self) -> Option<&Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> StdResult<(), OsString>>> {
+ self.v.validator_os.as_ref()
+ }
+ fn min_vals(&self) -> Option<u64> { self.v.min_vals }
+ fn short(&self) -> Option<char> { None }
+ fn long(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { None }
+ fn val_delim(&self) -> Option<char> { self.v.val_delim }
+ fn takes_value(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { }
+ fn long_help(&self) -> Option<&'e str> { self.b.long_help }
+ fn default_vals_ifs(&self) -> Option<map::Values<(&'n str, Option<&'e OsStr>, &'e OsStr)>> {
+ self.v.default_vals_ifs.as_ref().map(|vm| vm.values())
+ }
+ fn default_val(&self) -> Option<&'e OsStr> { self.v.default_val }
+ fn env<'s>(&'s self) -> Option<(&'n OsStr, Option<&'s OsString>)> {
+ self.v
+ .env
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|&(key, ref value)| (key, value.as_ref()))
+ }
+ fn longest_filter(&self) -> bool { true }
+ fn aliases(&self) -> Option<Vec<&'e str>> { None }
+impl<'n, 'e> DispOrder for PosBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn disp_ord(&self) -> usize { self.index as usize }
+impl<'n, 'e> PartialEq for PosBuilder<'n, 'e> {
+ fn eq(&self, other: &PosBuilder<'n, 'e>) -> bool { self.b == other.b }
+mod test {
+ use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+ use super::PosBuilder;
+ use map::VecMap;
+ #[test]
+ fn display_mult() {
+ let mut p = PosBuilder::new("pos", 1);
+ p.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", p), "<pos>...");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn display_required() {
+ let mut p2 = PosBuilder::new("pos", 1);
+ p2.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Required);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", p2), "<pos>");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn display_val_names() {
+ let mut p2 = PosBuilder::new("pos", 1);
+ let mut vm = VecMap::new();
+ vm.insert(0, "file1");
+ vm.insert(1, "file2");
+ p2.v.val_names = Some(vm);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", p2), "<file1> <file2>");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn display_val_names_req() {
+ let mut p2 = PosBuilder::new("pos", 1);
+ p2.b.settings.set(ArgSettings::Required);
+ let mut vm = VecMap::new();
+ vm.insert(0, "file1");
+ vm.insert(1, "file2");
+ p2.v.val_names = Some(vm);
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", p2), "<file1> <file2>");
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..224b2f2b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+use Arg;
+pub struct Switched<'b> {
+ pub short: Option<char>,
+ pub long: Option<&'b str>,
+ pub aliases: Option<Vec<(&'b str, bool)>>, // (name, visible)
+ pub disp_ord: usize,
+ pub unified_ord: usize,
+impl<'e> Default for Switched<'e> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Switched {
+ short: None,
+ long: None,
+ aliases: None,
+ disp_ord: 999,
+ unified_ord: 999,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'n, 'e>> for Switched<'e> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'n, 'e>) -> Self { a.s.clone() }
+impl<'e> Clone for Switched<'e> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Switched {
+ short: self.short,
+ long: self.long,
+ aliases: self.aliases.clone(),
+ disp_ord: self.disp_ord,
+ unified_ord: self.unified_ord,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d70854dc89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/arg_builder/
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use map::VecMap;
+use Arg;
+pub struct Valued<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ pub possible_vals: Option<Vec<&'b str>>,
+ pub val_names: Option<VecMap<&'b str>>,
+ pub num_vals: Option<u64>,
+ pub max_vals: Option<u64>,
+ pub min_vals: Option<u64>,
+ pub validator: Option<Rc<Fn(String) -> Result<(), String>>>,
+ pub validator_os: Option<Rc<Fn(&OsStr) -> Result<(), OsString>>>,
+ pub val_delim: Option<char>,
+ pub default_val: Option<&'b OsStr>,
+ pub default_vals_ifs: Option<VecMap<(&'a str, Option<&'b OsStr>, &'b OsStr)>>,
+ pub env: Option<(&'a OsStr, Option<OsString>)>,
+ pub terminator: Option<&'b str>,
+impl<'n, 'e> Default for Valued<'n, 'e> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Valued {
+ possible_vals: None,
+ num_vals: None,
+ min_vals: None,
+ max_vals: None,
+ val_names: None,
+ validator: None,
+ validator_os: None,
+ val_delim: None,
+ default_val: None,
+ default_vals_ifs: None,
+ env: None,
+ terminator: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e> Valued<'n, 'e> {
+ pub fn fill_in(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(ref vec) = self.val_names {
+ if vec.len() > 1 {
+ self.num_vals = Some(vec.len() as u64);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl<'n, 'e, 'z> From<&'z Arg<'n, 'e>> for Valued<'n, 'e> {
+ fn from(a: &'z Arg<'n, 'e>) -> Self {
+ let mut v = a.v.clone();
+ if let Some(ref vec) = a.v.val_names {
+ if vec.len() > 1 {
+ v.num_vals = Some(vec.len() as u64);
+ }
+ }
+ v
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e1d8067e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+// Std
+use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, Iter};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::ffi::OsStr;
+use std::ops::Deref;
+use std::mem;
+// Internal
+use args::{ArgMatches, MatchedArg, SubCommand};
+use args::AnyArg;
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+pub struct ArgMatcher<'a>(pub ArgMatches<'a>);
+impl<'a> Default for ArgMatcher<'a> {
+ fn default() -> Self { ArgMatcher(ArgMatches::default()) }
+impl<'a> ArgMatcher<'a> {
+ pub fn new() -> Self { ArgMatcher::default() }
+ pub fn process_arg_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>>, overrides: &mut Vec<(&'b str, &'a str)>, required: &mut Vec<&'a str>, check_all: bool) {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::process_arg_overrides:{:?};", a.map_or(None, |a| Some(;
+ if let Some(aa) = a {
+ let mut self_done = false;
+ if let Some(a_overrides) = aa.overrides() {
+ for overr in a_overrides {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::process_arg_overrides:iter:{};", overr);
+ if overr == & {
+ self_done = true;
+ self.handle_self_overrides(a);
+ } else if self.is_present(overr) {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::process_arg_overrides:iter:{}: removing from matches;", overr);
+ self.remove(overr);
+ for i in (0 .. required.len()).rev() {
+ if &required[i] == overr {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::process_arg_overrides:iter:{}: removing required;", overr);
+ required.swap_remove(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ overrides.push((overr,;
+ } else {
+ overrides.push((overr,;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if check_all && !self_done {
+ self.handle_self_overrides(a);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn handle_self_overrides<'b>(&mut self, a: Option<&AnyArg<'a, 'b>>) {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::handle_self_overrides:{:?};", a.map_or(None, |a| Some(;
+ if let Some(aa) = a {
+ if !aa.has_switch() || aa.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ // positional args can't override self or else we would never advance to the next
+ // Also flags with --multiple set are ignored otherwise we could never have more
+ // than one
+ return;
+ }
+ if let Some(ma) = self.get_mut( {
+ if ma.vals.len() > 1 {
+ // swap_remove(0) would be O(1) but does not preserve order, which
+ // we need
+ ma.vals.remove(0);
+ ma.occurs = 1;
+ } else if !aa.takes_value() && ma.occurs > 1 {
+ ma.occurs = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_present(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
+ self.0.is_present(name)
+ }
+ pub fn propagate_globals(&mut self, global_arg_vec: &[&'a str]) {
+ debugln!( "ArgMatcher::get_global_values: global_arg_vec={:?}", global_arg_vec );
+ let mut vals_map = HashMap::new();
+ self.fill_in_global_values(global_arg_vec, &mut vals_map);
+ }
+ fn fill_in_global_values(
+ &mut self,
+ global_arg_vec: &[&'a str],
+ vals_map: &mut HashMap<&'a str, MatchedArg>,
+ ) {
+ for global_arg in global_arg_vec {
+ if let Some(ma) = self.get(global_arg) {
+ // We have to check if the parent's global arg wasn't used but still exists
+ // such as from a default value.
+ //
+ // For example, `myprog subcommand --global-arg=value` where --global-arg defines
+ // a default value of `other` myprog would have an existing MatchedArg for
+ // --global-arg where the value is `other`, however the occurs will be 0.
+ let to_update = if let Some(parent_ma) = vals_map.get(global_arg) {
+ if parent_ma.occurs > 0 && ma.occurs == 0 {
+ parent_ma.clone()
+ } else {
+ ma.clone()
+ }
+ } else {
+ ma.clone()
+ };
+ vals_map.insert(global_arg, to_update);
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut sc) = self.0.subcommand {
+ let mut am = ArgMatcher(mem::replace(&mut sc.matches, ArgMatches::new()));
+ am.fill_in_global_values(global_arg_vec, vals_map);
+ mem::swap(&mut am.0, &mut sc.matches);
+ }
+ for (name, matched_arg) in vals_map.into_iter() {
+ self.0.args.insert(name, matched_arg.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_mut(&mut self, arg: &str) -> Option<&mut MatchedArg> { self.0.args.get_mut(arg) }
+ pub fn get(&self, arg: &str) -> Option<&MatchedArg> { self.0.args.get(arg) }
+ pub fn remove(&mut self, arg: &str) { self.0.args.remove(arg); }
+ pub fn remove_all(&mut self, args: &[&str]) {
+ for &arg in args {
+ self.0.args.remove(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn insert(&mut self, name: &'a str) { self.0.args.insert(name, MatchedArg::new()); }
+ pub fn contains(&self, arg: &str) -> bool { self.0.args.contains_key(arg) }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.0.args.is_empty() }
+ pub fn usage(&mut self, usage: String) { self.0.usage = Some(usage); }
+ pub fn arg_names(&'a self) -> Vec<&'a str> { self.0.args.keys().map(Deref::deref).collect() }
+ pub fn entry(&mut self, arg: &'a str) -> Entry<&'a str, MatchedArg> { self.0.args.entry(arg) }
+ pub fn subcommand(&mut self, sc: SubCommand<'a>) { self.0.subcommand = Some(Box::new(sc)); }
+ pub fn subcommand_name(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.0.subcommand_name() }
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<&str, MatchedArg> { self.0.args.iter() }
+ pub fn inc_occurrence_of(&mut self, arg: &'a str) {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::inc_occurrence_of: arg={}", arg);
+ if let Some(a) = self.get_mut(arg) {
+ a.occurs += 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::inc_occurrence_of: first instance");
+ self.insert(arg);
+ }
+ pub fn inc_occurrences_of(&mut self, args: &[&'a str]) {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::inc_occurrences_of: args={:?}", args);
+ for arg in args {
+ self.inc_occurrence_of(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn add_val_to(&mut self, arg: &'a str, val: &OsStr) {
+ let ma = self.entry(arg).or_insert(MatchedArg {
+ occurs: 0,
+ indices: Vec::with_capacity(1),
+ vals: Vec::with_capacity(1),
+ });
+ ma.vals.push(val.to_owned());
+ }
+ pub fn add_index_to(&mut self, arg: &'a str, idx: usize) {
+ let ma = self.entry(arg).or_insert(MatchedArg {
+ occurs: 0,
+ indices: Vec::with_capacity(1),
+ vals: Vec::new(),
+ });
+ ma.indices.push(idx);
+ }
+ pub fn needs_more_vals<'b, A>(&self, o: &A) -> bool
+ where
+ A: AnyArg<'a, 'b>,
+ {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: o={}",;
+ if let Some(ma) = self.get( {
+ if let Some(num) = o.num_vals() {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: num_vals...{}", num);
+ return if o.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ ((ma.vals.len() as u64) % num) != 0
+ } else {
+ num != (ma.vals.len() as u64)
+ };
+ } else if let Some(num) = o.max_vals() {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: max_vals...{}", num);
+ return !((ma.vals.len() as u64) > num);
+ } else if o.min_vals().is_some() {
+ debugln!("ArgMatcher::needs_more_vals: min_vals...true");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return o.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ }
+ true
+ }
+impl<'a> Into<ArgMatches<'a>> for ArgMatcher<'a> {
+ fn into(self) -> ArgMatches<'a> { self.0 }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5617b22646
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,964 @@
+// Std
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
+use std::iter::Map;
+use std::slice::Iter;
+// Internal
+use args::MatchedArg;
+use args::SubCommand;
+/// Used to get information about the arguments that where supplied to the program at runtime by
+/// the user. New instances of this struct are obtained by using the [`App::get_matches`] family of
+/// methods.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// let matches = App::new("MyApp")
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("out")
+/// .long("output")
+/// .required(true)
+/// .takes_value(true))
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+/// .short("d")
+/// .multiple(true))
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("cfg")
+/// .short("c")
+/// .takes_value(true))
+/// .get_matches(); // builds the instance of ArgMatches
+/// // to get information about the "cfg" argument we created, such as the value supplied we use
+/// // various ArgMatches methods, such as ArgMatches::value_of
+/// if let Some(c) = matches.value_of("cfg") {
+/// println!("Value for -c: {}", c);
+/// }
+/// // The ArgMatches::value_of method returns an Option because the user may not have supplied
+/// // that argument at runtime. But if we specified that the argument was "required" as we did
+/// // with the "out" argument, we can safely unwrap because `clap` verifies that was actually
+/// // used at runtime.
+/// println!("Value for --output: {}", matches.value_of("out").unwrap());
+/// // You can check the presence of an argument
+/// if matches.is_present("out") {
+/// // Another way to check if an argument was present, or if it occurred multiple times is to
+/// // use occurrences_of() which returns 0 if an argument isn't found at runtime, or the
+/// // number of times that it occurred, if it was. To allow an argument to appear more than
+/// // once, you must use the .multiple(true) method, otherwise it will only return 1 or 0.
+/// if matches.occurrences_of("debug") > 2 {
+/// println!("Debug mode is REALLY on, don't be crazy");
+/// } else {
+/// println!("Debug mode kind of on");
+/// }
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// [`App::get_matches`]: ./struct.App.html#method.get_matches
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct ArgMatches<'a> {
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub args: HashMap<&'a str, MatchedArg>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub subcommand: Option<Box<SubCommand<'a>>>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub usage: Option<String>,
+impl<'a> Default for ArgMatches<'a> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ ArgMatches {
+ args: HashMap::new(),
+ subcommand: None,
+ usage: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl<'a> ArgMatches<'a> {
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ ArgMatches {
+ ..Default::default()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Gets the value of a specific [option] or [positional] argument (i.e. an argument that takes
+ /// an additional value at runtime). If the option wasn't present at runtime
+ /// it returns `None`.
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE:* If getting a value for an option or positional argument that allows multiples,
+ /// prefer [`ArgMatches::values_of`] as `ArgMatches::value_of` will only return the *first*
+ /// value.
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This method will [`panic!`] if the value contains invalid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "something"]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.value_of("output"), Some("something"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [option]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.takes_value
+ /// [positional]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.index
+ /// [`ArgMatches::values_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of
+ /// [`panic!`]:!.html
+ pub fn value_of<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<&str> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ if let Some(v) = arg.vals.get(0) {
+ return Some(v.to_str().expect(INVALID_UTF8));
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Gets the lossy value of a specific argument. If the argument wasn't present at runtime
+ /// it returns `None`. A lossy value is one which contains invalid UTF-8 code points, those
+ /// invalid points will be replaced with `\u{FFFD}`
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE:* If getting a value for an option or positional argument that allows multiples,
+ /// prefer [`Arg::values_of_lossy`] as `value_of_lossy()` will only return the *first* value.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt,OsStringExt};
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("utf8")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<arg> 'some arg'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// // "Hi {0xe9}!"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![b'H', b'i', b' ', 0xe9, b'!'])]);
+ /// assert_eq!(&*m.value_of_lossy("arg").unwrap(), "Hi \u{FFFD}!");
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::values_of_lossy`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of_lossy
+ pub fn value_of_lossy<S: AsRef<str>>(&'a self, name: S) -> Option<Cow<'a, str>> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ if let Some(v) = arg.vals.get(0) {
+ return Some(v.to_string_lossy());
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Gets the OS version of a string value of a specific argument. If the option wasn't present
+ /// at runtime it returns `None`. An OS value on Unix-like systems is any series of bytes,
+ /// regardless of whether or not they contain valid UTF-8 code points. Since [`String`]s in
+ /// Rust are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8, a valid filename on a Unix system as an argument
+ /// value may contain invalid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE:* If getting a value for an option or positional argument that allows multiples,
+ /// prefer [`ArgMatches::values_of_os`] as `Arg::value_of_os` will only return the *first*
+ /// value.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt,OsStringExt};
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("utf8")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<arg> 'some arg'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// // "Hi {0xe9}!"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![b'H', b'i', b' ', 0xe9, b'!'])]);
+ /// assert_eq!(&*m.value_of_os("arg").unwrap().as_bytes(), [b'H', b'i', b' ', 0xe9, b'!']);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`String`]:
+ /// [`ArgMatches::values_of_os`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of_os
+ pub fn value_of_os<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<&OsStr> {
+ self.args
+ .get(name.as_ref())
+ .and_then(|arg| arg.vals.get(0).map(|v| v.as_os_str()))
+ }
+ /// Gets a [`Values`] struct which implements [`Iterator`] for values of a specific argument
+ /// (i.e. an argument that takes multiple values at runtime). If the option wasn't present at
+ /// runtime it returns `None`
+ ///
+ /// # Panics
+ ///
+ /// This method will panic if any of the values contain invalid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-o", "val1", "val2", "val3"
+ /// ]);
+ /// let vals: Vec<&str> = m.values_of("output").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(vals, ["val1", "val2", "val3"]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Values`]: ./struct.Values.html
+ /// [`Iterator`]:
+ pub fn values_of<S: AsRef<str>>(&'a self, name: S) -> Option<Values<'a>> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ fn to_str_slice(o: &OsString) -> &str { o.to_str().expect(INVALID_UTF8) }
+ let to_str_slice: fn(&OsString) -> &str = to_str_slice; // coerce to fn pointer
+ return Some(Values {
+ iter: arg.vals.iter().map(to_str_slice),
+ });
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Gets the lossy values of a specific argument. If the option wasn't present at runtime
+ /// it returns `None`. A lossy value is one where if it contains invalid UTF-8 code points,
+ /// those invalid points will be replaced with `\u{FFFD}`
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("utf8")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<arg>... 'some arg'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// // "Hi"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![b'H', b'i']),
+ /// // "{0xe9}!"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![0xe9, b'!'])]);
+ /// let mut itr = m.values_of_lossy("arg").unwrap().into_iter();
+ /// assert_eq!(&[..], "Hi");
+ /// assert_eq!(&[..], "\u{FFFD}!");
+ /// assert_eq!(, None);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn values_of_lossy<S: AsRef<str>>(&'a self, name: S) -> Option<Vec<String>> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ return Some(
+ arg.vals
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| v.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
+ .collect(),
+ );
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Gets a [`OsValues`] struct which is implements [`Iterator`] for [`OsString`] values of a
+ /// specific argument. If the option wasn't present at runtime it returns `None`. An OS value
+ /// on Unix-like systems is any series of bytes, regardless of whether or not they contain
+ /// valid UTF-8 code points. Since [`String`]s in Rust are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8, a valid
+ /// filename as an argument value on Linux (for example) may contain invalid UTF-8 code points.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// use std::ffi::{OsStr,OsString};
+ /// use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt,OsStringExt};
+ ///
+ /// let m = App::new("utf8")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<arg>... 'some arg'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// // "Hi"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![b'H', b'i']),
+ /// // "{0xe9}!"
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![0xe9, b'!'])]);
+ ///
+ /// let mut itr = m.values_of_os("arg").unwrap().into_iter();
+ /// assert_eq!(, Some(OsStr::new("Hi")));
+ /// assert_eq!(, Some(OsStr::from_bytes(&[0xe9, b'!'])));
+ /// assert_eq!(, None);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`OsValues`]: ./struct.OsValues.html
+ /// [`Iterator`]:
+ /// [`OsString`]:
+ /// [`String`]:
+ pub fn values_of_os<S: AsRef<str>>(&'a self, name: S) -> Option<OsValues<'a>> {
+ fn to_str_slice(o: &OsString) -> &OsStr { &*o }
+ let to_str_slice: fn(&'a OsString) -> &'a OsStr = to_str_slice; // coerce to fn pointer
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ return Some(OsValues {
+ iter: arg.vals.iter().map(to_str_slice),
+ });
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if an argument was present at runtime, otherwise `false`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-d"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("debug"));
+ /// ```
+ pub fn is_present<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> bool {
+ if let Some(ref sc) = self.subcommand {
+ if == name.as_ref() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ self.args.contains_key(name.as_ref())
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of times an argument was used at runtime. If an argument isn't present
+ /// it will return `0`.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This returns the number of times the argument was used, *not* the number of
+ /// values. For example, `-o val1 val2 val3 -o val4` would return `2` (2 occurrences, but 4
+ /// values).
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d")
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-d", "-d", "-d"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("debug"), 3);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// This next example shows that counts actual uses of the argument, not just `-`'s
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d")
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-ddfd"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("debug"), 3);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.occurrences_of("flag"), 1);
+ /// ```
+ pub fn occurrences_of<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> u64 {
+ self.args.get(name.as_ref()).map_or(0, |a| a.occurs)
+ }
+ /// Gets the starting index of the argument in respect to all other arguments. Indices are
+ /// similar to argv indices, but are not exactly 1:1.
+ ///
+ /// For flags (i.e. those arguments which don't have an associated value), indices refer
+ /// to occurrence of the switch, such as `-f`, or `--flag`. However, for options the indices
+ /// refer to the *values* `-o val` would therefore not represent two distinct indices, only the
+ /// index for `val` would be recorded. This is by design.
+ ///
+ /// Besides the flag/option descrepancy, the primary difference between an argv index and clap
+ /// index, is that clap continues counting once all arguments have properly seperated, whereas
+ /// an argv index does not.
+ ///
+ /// The examples should clear this up.
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE:* If an argument is allowed multiple times, this method will only give the *first*
+ /// index.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// The argv indices are listed in the comments below. See how they correspond to the clap
+ /// indices. Note that if it's not listed in a clap index, this is becuase it's not saved in
+ /// in an `ArgMatches` struct for querying.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-f", "-o", "val"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3
+ /// // clap idices: ^1 ^3
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag"), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("option"), Some(3));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Now notice, if we use one of the other styles of options:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-f", "-o=val"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1 ^2
+ /// // clap idices: ^1 ^3
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag"), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("option"), Some(3));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Things become much more complicated, or clear if we look at a more complex combination of
+ /// flags. Let's also throw in the final option style for good measure.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag2")
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag3")
+ /// .short("z"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-fzF", "-oval"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1 ^2
+ /// // clap idices: ^1,2,3 ^5
+ /// //
+ /// // clap sees the above as 'myapp -f -z -F -o val'
+ /// // ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag"), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag2"), Some(3));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag3"), Some(2));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("option"), Some(5));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// One final combination of flags/options to see how they combine:
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag2")
+ /// .short("F"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag3")
+ /// .short("z"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-fzFoval"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1
+ /// // clap idices: ^1,2,3^5
+ /// //
+ /// // clap sees the above as 'myapp -f -z -F -o val'
+ /// // ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag"), Some(1));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag2"), Some(3));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("flag3"), Some(2));
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("option"), Some(5));
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// The last part to mention is when values are sent in multiple groups with a [delimiter].
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o=val1,val2,val3"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1
+ /// // clap idices: ^2 ^3 ^4
+ /// //
+ /// // clap sees the above as 'myapp -o val1 val2 val3'
+ /// // ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4
+ /// assert_eq!(m.index_of("option"), Some(2));
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ /// [delimiter]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_delimiter
+ pub fn index_of<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<usize> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ if let Some(i) = arg.indices.get(0) {
+ return Some(*i);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Gets all indices of the argument in respect to all other arguments. Indices are
+ /// similar to argv indices, but are not exactly 1:1.
+ ///
+ /// For flags (i.e. those arguments which don't have an associated value), indices refer
+ /// to occurrence of the switch, such as `-f`, or `--flag`. However, for options the indices
+ /// refer to the *values* `-o val` would therefore not represent two distinct indices, only the
+ /// index for `val` would be recorded. This is by design.
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE:* For more information about how clap indices compare to argv indices, see
+ /// [`ArgMatches::index_of`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .use_delimiter(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o=val1,val2,val3"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1
+ /// // clap idices: ^2 ^3 ^4
+ /// //
+ /// // clap sees the above as 'myapp -o val1 val2 val3'
+ /// // ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4
+ /// assert_eq!(m.indices_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[2, 3, 4]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Another quick example is when flags and options are used together
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f")
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o", "val1", "-f", "-o", "val2", "-f"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6
+ /// // clap idices: ^2 ^3 ^5 ^6
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(m.indices_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[2, 5]);
+ /// assert_eq!(m.indices_of("flag").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[3, 6]);
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// One final example, which is an odd case; if we *don't* use value delimiter as we did with
+ /// the first example above instead of `val1`, `val2` and `val3` all being distinc values, they
+ /// would all be a single value of `val1,val2,val3`, in which case case they'd only receive a
+ /// single index.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+ /// let m = App::new("myapp")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("option")
+ /// .short("o")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o=val1,val2,val3"]);
+ /// // ARGV idices: ^0 ^1
+ /// // clap idices: ^2
+ /// //
+ /// // clap sees the above as 'myapp -o "val1,val2,val3"'
+ /// // ^0 ^1 ^2
+ /// assert_eq!(m.indices_of("option").unwrap().collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[2]);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ /// [`ArgMatches::index_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.index_of
+ /// [delimiter]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_delimiter
+ pub fn indices_of<S: AsRef<str>>(&'a self, name: S) -> Option<Indices<'a>> {
+ if let Some(arg) = self.args.get(name.as_ref()) {
+ fn to_usize(i: &usize) -> usize { *i }
+ let to_usize: fn(&usize) -> usize = to_usize; // coerce to fn pointer
+ return Some(Indices {
+ iter: arg.indices.iter().map(to_usize),
+ });
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Because [`Subcommand`]s are essentially "sub-[`App`]s" they have their own [`ArgMatches`]
+ /// as well. This method returns the [`ArgMatches`] for a particular subcommand or `None` if
+ /// the subcommand wasn't present at runtime.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let app_m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("opt")
+ /// .long("option")
+ /// .takes_value(true)))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "-d", "test", "--option", "val"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// // Both parent commands, and child subcommands can have arguments present at the same times
+ /// assert!(app_m.is_present("debug"));
+ ///
+ /// // Get the subcommand's ArgMatches instance
+ /// if let Some(sub_m) = app_m.subcommand_matches("test") {
+ /// // Use the struct like normal
+ /// assert_eq!(sub_m.value_of("opt"), Some("val"));
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Subcommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ pub fn subcommand_matches<S: AsRef<str>>(&self, name: S) -> Option<&ArgMatches<'a>> {
+ if let Some(ref s) = self.subcommand {
+ if == name.as_ref() {
+ return Some(&s.matches);
+ }
+ }
+ None
+ }
+ /// Because [`Subcommand`]s are essentially "sub-[`App`]s" they have their own [`ArgMatches`]
+ /// as well.But simply getting the sub-[`ArgMatches`] doesn't help much if we don't also know
+ /// which subcommand was actually used. This method returns the name of the subcommand that was
+ /// used at runtime, or `None` if one wasn't.
+ ///
+ /// *NOTE*: Subcommands form a hierarchy, where multiple subcommands can be used at runtime,
+ /// but only a single subcommand from any group of sibling commands may used at once.
+ ///
+ /// An ASCII art depiction may help explain this better...Using a fictional version of `git` as
+ /// the demo subject. Imagine the following are all subcommands of `git` (note, the author is
+ /// aware these aren't actually all subcommands in the real `git` interface, but it makes
+ /// explanation easier)
+ ///
+ /// ```notrust
+ /// Top Level App (git) TOP
+ /// |
+ /// -----------------------------------------
+ /// / | \ \
+ /// clone push add commit LEVEL 1
+ /// | / \ / \ |
+ /// url origin remote ref name message LEVEL 2
+ /// / /\
+ /// path remote local LEVEL 3
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Given the above fictional subcommand hierarchy, valid runtime uses would be (not an all
+ /// inclusive list, and not including argument options per command for brevity and clarity):
+ ///
+ /// ```sh
+ /// $ git clone url
+ /// $ git push origin path
+ /// $ git add ref local
+ /// $ git commit message
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Notice only one command per "level" may be used. You could not, for example, do `$ git
+ /// clone url push origin path`
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let app_m = App::new("git")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("clone"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("push"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("commit"))
+ /// .get_matches();
+ ///
+ /// match app_m.subcommand_name() {
+ /// Some("clone") => {}, // clone was used
+ /// Some("push") => {}, // push was used
+ /// Some("commit") => {}, // commit was used
+ /// _ => {}, // Either no subcommand or one not tested for...
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Subcommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`ArgMatches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html
+ pub fn subcommand_name(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+ self.subcommand.as_ref().map(|sc| &[..])
+ }
+ /// This brings together [`ArgMatches::subcommand_matches`] and [`ArgMatches::subcommand_name`]
+ /// by returning a tuple with both pieces of information.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let app_m = App::new("git")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("clone"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("push"))
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("commit"))
+ /// .get_matches();
+ ///
+ /// match app_m.subcommand() {
+ /// ("clone", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // clone was used
+ /// ("push", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // push was used
+ /// ("commit", Some(sub_m)) => {}, // commit was used
+ /// _ => {}, // Either no subcommand or one not tested for...
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ ///
+ /// Another useful scenario is when you want to support third party, or external, subcommands.
+ /// In these cases you can't know the subcommand name ahead of time, so use a variable instead
+ /// with pattern matching!
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings};
+ /// // Assume there is an external subcommand named "subcmd"
+ /// let app_m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::AllowExternalSubcommands)
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec![
+ /// "myprog", "subcmd", "--option", "value", "-fff", "--flag"
+ /// ]);
+ ///
+ /// // All trailing arguments will be stored under the subcommand's sub-matches using an empty
+ /// // string argument name
+ /// match app_m.subcommand() {
+ /// (external, Some(sub_m)) => {
+ /// let ext_args: Vec<&str> = sub_m.values_of("").unwrap().collect();
+ /// assert_eq!(external, "subcmd");
+ /// assert_eq!(ext_args, ["--option", "value", "-fff", "--flag"]);
+ /// },
+ /// _ => {},
+ /// }
+ /// ```
+ /// [`ArgMatches::subcommand_matches`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.subcommand_matches
+ /// [`ArgMatches::subcommand_name`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.subcommand_name
+ pub fn subcommand(&self) -> (&str, Option<&ArgMatches<'a>>) {
+ self.subcommand
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(("", None), |sc| (&[..], Some(&sc.matches)))
+ }
+ /// Returns a string slice of the usage statement for the [`App`] or [`SubCommand`]
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```no_run
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// let app_m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches();
+ ///
+ /// println!("{}", app_m.usage());
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Subcommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ pub fn usage(&self) -> &str { self.usage.as_ref().map_or("", |u| &u[..]) }
+// The following were taken and adapated from vec_map source
+// repo:
+// commit: be5e1fa3c26e351761b33010ddbdaf5f05dbcc33
+// license: MIT - Copyright (c) 2015 The Rust Project Developers
+/// An iterator for getting multiple values out of an argument via the [`ArgMatches::values_of`]
+/// method.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// let m = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+/// .short("o")
+/// .multiple(true)
+/// .takes_value(true))
+/// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o", "val1", "val2"]);
+/// let mut values = m.values_of("output").unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(, Some("val1"));
+/// assert_eq!(, Some("val2"));
+/// assert_eq!(, None);
+/// ```
+/// [`ArgMatches::values_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of
+pub struct Values<'a> {
+ iter: Map<Iter<'a, OsString>, fn(&'a OsString) -> &'a str>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for Values<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a str;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> { }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Values<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a str> { self.iter.next_back() }
+impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for Values<'a> {}
+/// Creates an empty iterator.
+impl<'a> Default for Values<'a> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ static EMPTY: [OsString; 0] = [];
+ // This is never called because the iterator is empty:
+ fn to_str_slice(_: &OsString) -> &str { unreachable!() };
+ Values {
+ iter: EMPTY[..].iter().map(to_str_slice),
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator for getting multiple values out of an argument via the [`ArgMatches::values_of_os`]
+/// method. Usage of this iterator allows values which contain invalid UTF-8 code points unlike
+/// [`Values`].
+/// # Examples
+#[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+#[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// use std::ffi::OsString;
+/// use std::os::unix::ffi::{OsStrExt,OsStringExt};
+/// let m = App::new("utf8")
+/// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<arg> 'some arg'"))
+/// .get_matches_from(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+/// // "Hi {0xe9}!"
+/// OsString::from_vec(vec![b'H', b'i', b' ', 0xe9, b'!'])]);
+/// assert_eq!(&*m.value_of_os("arg").unwrap().as_bytes(), [b'H', b'i', b' ', 0xe9, b'!']);
+/// ```
+/// [`ArgMatches::values_of_os`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of_os
+/// [`Values`]: ./struct.Values.html
+pub struct OsValues<'a> {
+ iter: Map<Iter<'a, OsString>, fn(&'a OsString) -> &'a OsStr>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for OsValues<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a OsStr;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a OsStr> { }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for OsValues<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a OsStr> { self.iter.next_back() }
+/// Creates an empty iterator.
+impl<'a> Default for OsValues<'a> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ static EMPTY: [OsString; 0] = [];
+ // This is never called because the iterator is empty:
+ fn to_str_slice(_: &OsString) -> &OsStr { unreachable!() };
+ OsValues {
+ iter: EMPTY[..].iter().map(to_str_slice),
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator for getting multiple indices out of an argument via the [`ArgMatches::indices_of`]
+/// method.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// let m = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("output")
+/// .short("o")
+/// .multiple(true)
+/// .takes_value(true))
+/// .get_matches_from(vec!["myapp", "-o", "val1", "val2"]);
+/// let mut indices = m.indices_of("output").unwrap();
+/// assert_eq!(, Some(2));
+/// assert_eq!(, Some(3));
+/// assert_eq!(, None);
+/// ```
+/// [`ArgMatches::indices_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.indices_of
+pub struct Indices<'a> { // would rather use '_, but:
+ iter: Map<Iter<'a, usize>, fn(&'a usize) -> usize>,
+impl<'a> Iterator for Indices<'a> {
+ type Item = usize;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> { }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) { self.iter.size_hint() }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Indices<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<usize> { self.iter.next_back() }
+impl<'a> ExactSizeIterator for Indices<'a> {}
+/// Creates an empty iterator.
+impl<'a> Default for Indices<'a> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ static EMPTY: [usize; 0] = [];
+ // This is never called because the iterator is empty:
+ fn to_usize(_: &usize) -> usize { unreachable!() };
+ Indices {
+ iter: EMPTY[..].iter().map(to_usize),
+ }
+ }
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_values() {
+ let mut values: Values = Values::default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_values_with_shorter_lifetime() {
+ let matches = ArgMatches::new();
+ let mut values = matches.values_of("").unwrap_or_default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_osvalues() {
+ let mut values: OsValues = OsValues::default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_osvalues_with_shorter_lifetime() {
+ let matches = ArgMatches::new();
+ let mut values = matches.values_of_os("").unwrap_or_default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_indices() {
+ let mut indices: Indices = Indices::default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_default_indices_with_shorter_lifetime() {
+ let matches = ArgMatches::new();
+ let mut indices = matches.indices_of("").unwrap_or_default();
+ assert_eq!(, None);
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e082b69f4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Result};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use yaml_rust::Yaml;
+/// `ArgGroup`s are a family of related [arguments] and way for you to express, "Any of these
+/// arguments". By placing arguments in a logical group, you can create easier requirement and
+/// exclusion rules instead of having to list each argument individually, or when you want a rule
+/// to apply "any but not all" arguments.
+/// For instance, you can make an entire `ArgGroup` required. If [`ArgGroup::multiple(true)`] is
+/// set, this means that at least one argument from that group must be present. If
+/// [`ArgGroup::multiple(false)`] is set (the default), one and *only* one must be present.
+/// You can also do things such as name an entire `ArgGroup` as a [conflict] or [requirement] for
+/// another argument, meaning any of the arguments that belong to that group will cause a failure
+/// if present, or must present respectively.
+/// Perhaps the most common use of `ArgGroup`s is to require one and *only* one argument to be
+/// present out of a given set. Imagine that you had multiple arguments, and you want one of them
+/// to be required, but making all of them required isn't feasible because perhaps they conflict
+/// with each other. For example, lets say that you were building an application where one could
+/// set a given version number by supplying a string with an option argument, i.e.
+/// `--set-ver v1.2.3`, you also wanted to support automatically using a previous version number
+/// and simply incrementing one of the three numbers. So you create three flags `--major`,
+/// `--minor`, and `--patch`. All of these arguments shouldn't be used at one time but you want to
+/// specify that *at least one* of them is used. For this, you can create a group.
+/// Finally, you may use `ArgGroup`s to pull a value from a group of arguments when you don't care
+/// exactly which argument was actually used at runtime.
+/// # Examples
+/// The following example demonstrates using an `ArgGroup` to ensure that one, and only one, of
+/// the arguments from the specified group is present at runtime.
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::{App, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+/// let result = App::new("app")
+/// .args_from_usage(
+/// "--set-ver [ver] 'set the version manually'
+/// --major 'auto increase major'
+/// --minor 'auto increase minor'
+/// --patch 'auto increase patch'")
+/// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("vers")
+/// .args(&["set-ver", "major", "minor","patch"])
+/// .required(true))
+/// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["app", "--major", "--patch"]);
+/// // Because we used two args in the group it's an error
+/// assert!(result.is_err());
+/// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+/// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+/// ```
+/// This next example shows a passing parse of the same scenario
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::{App, ArgGroup};
+/// let result = App::new("app")
+/// .args_from_usage(
+/// "--set-ver [ver] 'set the version manually'
+/// --major 'auto increase major'
+/// --minor 'auto increase minor'
+/// --patch 'auto increase patch'")
+/// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("vers")
+/// .args(&["set-ver", "major", "minor","patch"])
+/// .required(true))
+/// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["app", "--major"]);
+/// assert!(result.is_ok());
+/// let matches = result.unwrap();
+/// // We may not know which of the args was used, so we can test for the group...
+/// assert!(matches.is_present("vers"));
+/// // we could also alternatively check each arg individually (not shown here)
+/// ```
+/// [`ArgGroup::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html#method.multiple
+/// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+/// [conflict]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+/// [requirement]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+pub struct ArgGroup<'a> {
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub name: &'a str,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub args: Vec<&'a str>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub required: bool,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub requires: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub conflicts: Option<Vec<&'a str>>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub multiple: bool,
+impl<'a> ArgGroup<'a> {
+ /// Creates a new instance of `ArgGroup` using a unique string name. The name will be used to
+ /// get values from the group or refer to the group inside of conflict and requirement rules.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, ArgGroup};
+ /// ArgGroup::with_name("config")
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn with_name(n: &'a str) -> Self {
+ ArgGroup {
+ name: n,
+ required: false,
+ args: vec![],
+ requires: None,
+ conflicts: None,
+ multiple: false,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates a new instance of `ArgGroup` from a .yml (YAML) file.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// # #[macro_use]
+ /// # extern crate clap;
+ /// # use clap::ArgGroup;
+ /// # fn main() {
+ /// let yml = load_yaml!("group.yml");
+ /// let ag = ArgGroup::from_yaml(yml);
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ pub fn from_yaml(y: &'a Yaml) -> ArgGroup<'a> { ArgGroup::from(y.as_hash().unwrap()) }
+ /// Adds an [argument] to this group by name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .arg("flag")
+ /// .arg("color"))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f"]);
+ /// // maybe we don't know which of the two flags was used...
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("req_flags"));
+ /// // but we can also check individually if needed
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [argument]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(should_assert_eq))]
+ pub fn arg(mut self, n: &'a str) -> Self {
+ assert!(
+ != n,
+ "ArgGroup '{}' can not have same name as arg inside it",
+ &*
+ );
+ self.args.push(n);
+ self
+ }
+ /// Adds multiple [arguments] to this group by name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f"]);
+ /// // maybe we don't know which of the two flags was used...
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("req_flags"));
+ /// // but we can also check individually if needed
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("flag"));
+ /// ```
+ /// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn args(mut self, ns: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ for n in ns {
+ self = self.arg(n);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Allows more than one of the ['Arg']s in this group to be used. (Default: `false`)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// Notice in this example we use *both* the `-f` and `-c` flags which are both part of the
+ /// group
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup};
+ /// let m = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .multiple(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from(vec!["myprog", "-f", "-c"]);
+ /// // maybe we don't know which of the two flags was used...
+ /// assert!(m.is_present("req_flags"));
+ /// ```
+ /// In this next example, we show the default behavior (i.e. `multiple(false)) which will throw
+ /// an error if more than one of the args in the group was used.
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-f", "-c"]);
+ /// // Because we used both args in the group it's an error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ /// ['Arg']: ./struct.Arg.html
+ pub fn multiple(mut self, m: bool) -> Self {
+ self.multiple = m;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the group as required or not. A required group will be displayed in the usage string
+ /// of the application in the format `<arg|arg2|arg3>`. A required `ArgGroup` simply states
+ /// that one argument from this group *must* be present at runtime (unless
+ /// conflicting with another argument).
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** This setting only applies to the current [`App`] / [`SubCommand`], and not
+ /// globally.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** By default, [`ArgGroup::multiple`] is set to `false` which when combined with
+ /// `ArgGroup::required(true)` states, "One and *only one* arg must be used from this group.
+ /// Use of more than one arg is an error." Vice setting `ArgGroup::multiple(true)` which
+ /// states, '*At least* one arg from this group must be used. Using multiple is OK."
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .required(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog"]);
+ /// // Because we didn't use any of the args in the group, it's an error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`ArgGroup::multiple`]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html#method.multiple
+ pub fn required(mut self, r: bool) -> Self {
+ self.required = r;
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the requirement rules of this group. This is not to be confused with a
+ /// [required group]. Requirement rules function just like [argument requirement rules], you
+ /// can name other arguments or groups that must be present when any one of the arguments from
+ /// this group is used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The name provided may be an argument, or group name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .requires("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-c"]);
+ /// // because we used an arg from the group, and the group requires "-d" to be used, it's an
+ /// // error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [required group]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html#method.required
+ /// [argument requirement rules]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires
+ pub fn requires(mut self, n: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut reqs) = self.requires {
+ reqs.push(n);
+ } else {
+ self.requires = Some(vec![n]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the requirement rules of this group. This is not to be confused with a
+ /// [required group]. Requirement rules function just like [argument requirement rules], you
+ /// can name other arguments or groups that must be present when one of the arguments from this
+ /// group is used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The names provided may be an argument, or group name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verb")
+ /// .short("v"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .requires_all(&["debug", "verb"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-c", "-d"]);
+ /// // because we used an arg from the group, and the group requires "-d" and "-v" to be used,
+ /// // yet we only used "-d" it's an error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ /// [required group]: ./struct.ArgGroup.html#method.required
+ /// [argument requirement rules]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.requires_all
+ pub fn requires_all(mut self, ns: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ for n in ns {
+ self = self.requires(n);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the exclusion rules of this group. Exclusion (aka conflict) rules function just like
+ /// [argument exclusion rules], you can name other arguments or groups that must *not* be
+ /// present when one of the arguments from this group are used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The name provided may be an argument, or group name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .conflicts_with("debug"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-c", "-d"]);
+ /// // because we used an arg from the group, and the group conflicts with "-d", it's an error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ /// [argument exclusion rules]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+ pub fn conflicts_with(mut self, n: &'a str) -> Self {
+ if let Some(ref mut confs) = self.conflicts {
+ confs.push(n);
+ } else {
+ self.conflicts = Some(vec![n]);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+ /// Sets the exclusion rules of this group. Exclusion rules function just like
+ /// [argument exclusion rules], you can name other arguments or groups that must *not* be
+ /// present when one of the arguments from this group are used.
+ ///
+ /// **NOTE:** The names provided may be an argument, or group name
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ArgGroup, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("myprog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("flag")
+ /// .short("f"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .short("c"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .short("d"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("verb")
+ /// .short("v"))
+ /// .group(ArgGroup::with_name("req_flags")
+ /// .args(&["flag", "color"])
+ /// .conflicts_with_all(&["debug", "verb"]))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["myprog", "-c", "-v"]);
+ /// // because we used an arg from the group, and the group conflicts with either "-v" or "-d"
+ /// // it's an error
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// let err = result.unwrap_err();
+ /// assert_eq!(err.kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ /// [argument exclusion rules]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with_all
+ pub fn conflicts_with_all(mut self, ns: &[&'a str]) -> Self {
+ for n in ns {
+ self = self.conflicts_with(n);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+impl<'a> Debug for ArgGroup<'a> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "{{\n\
+ \tname: {:?},\n\
+ \targs: {:?},\n\
+ \trequired: {:?},\n\
+ \trequires: {:?},\n\
+ \tconflicts: {:?},\n\
+ }}",
+ self.args,
+ self.required,
+ self.requires,
+ self.conflicts
+ )
+ }
+impl<'a, 'z> From<&'z ArgGroup<'a>> for ArgGroup<'a> {
+ fn from(g: &'z ArgGroup<'a>) -> Self {
+ ArgGroup {
+ name:,
+ required: g.required,
+ args: g.args.clone(),
+ requires: g.requires.clone(),
+ conflicts: g.conflicts.clone(),
+ multiple: g.multiple,
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+impl<'a> From<&'a BTreeMap<Yaml, Yaml>> for ArgGroup<'a> {
+ fn from(b: &'a BTreeMap<Yaml, Yaml>) -> Self {
+ // We WANT this to panic on expect() is good.
+ let mut a = ArgGroup::default();
+ let group_settings = if b.len() == 1 {
+ let name_yml = b.keys().nth(0).expect("failed to get name");
+ let name_str = name_yml
+ .as_str()
+ .expect("failed to convert arg YAML name to str");
+ = name_str;
+ b.get(name_yml)
+ .expect("failed to get name_str")
+ .as_hash()
+ .expect("failed to convert to a hash")
+ } else {
+ b
+ };
+ for (k, v) in group_settings {
+ a = match k.as_str().unwrap() {
+ "required" => a.required(v.as_bool().unwrap()),
+ "multiple" => a.multiple(v.as_bool().unwrap()),
+ "args" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, arg),
+ "arg" => {
+ if let Some(ys) = v.as_str() {
+ a = a.arg(ys);
+ }
+ a
+ }
+ "requires" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, requires),
+ "conflicts_with" => yaml_vec_or_str!(v, a, conflicts_with),
+ "name" => {
+ if let Some(ys) = v.as_str() {
+ = ys;
+ }
+ a
+ }
+ s => panic!(
+ "Unknown ArgGroup setting '{}' in YAML file for \
+ ArgGroup '{}'",
+ s,
+ ),
+ }
+ }
+ a
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::ArgGroup;
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ use yaml_rust::YamlLoader;
+ #[test]
+ fn groups() {
+ let g = ArgGroup::with_name("test")
+ .arg("a1")
+ .arg("a4")
+ .args(&["a2", "a3"])
+ .required(true)
+ .conflicts_with("c1")
+ .conflicts_with_all(&["c2", "c3"])
+ .conflicts_with("c4")
+ .requires("r1")
+ .requires_all(&["r2", "r3"])
+ .requires("r4");
+ let args = vec!["a1", "a4", "a2", "a3"];
+ let reqs = vec!["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"];
+ let confs = vec!["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"];
+ assert_eq!(g.args, args);
+ assert_eq!(g.requires, Some(reqs));
+ assert_eq!(g.conflicts, Some(confs));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_debug() {
+ let g = ArgGroup::with_name("test")
+ .arg("a1")
+ .arg("a4")
+ .args(&["a2", "a3"])
+ .required(true)
+ .conflicts_with("c1")
+ .conflicts_with_all(&["c2", "c3"])
+ .conflicts_with("c4")
+ .requires("r1")
+ .requires_all(&["r2", "r3"])
+ .requires("r4");
+ let args = vec!["a1", "a4", "a2", "a3"];
+ let reqs = vec!["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"];
+ let confs = vec!["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"];
+ let debug_str = format!(
+ "{{\n\
+ \tname: \"test\",\n\
+ \targs: {:?},\n\
+ \trequired: {:?},\n\
+ \trequires: {:?},\n\
+ \tconflicts: {:?},\n\
+ }}",
+ args,
+ true,
+ Some(reqs),
+ Some(confs)
+ );
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{:?}", g), &*debug_str);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from() {
+ let g = ArgGroup::with_name("test")
+ .arg("a1")
+ .arg("a4")
+ .args(&["a2", "a3"])
+ .required(true)
+ .conflicts_with("c1")
+ .conflicts_with_all(&["c2", "c3"])
+ .conflicts_with("c4")
+ .requires("r1")
+ .requires_all(&["r2", "r3"])
+ .requires("r4");
+ let args = vec!["a1", "a4", "a2", "a3"];
+ let reqs = vec!["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"];
+ let confs = vec!["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"];
+ let g2 = ArgGroup::from(&g);
+ assert_eq!(g2.args, args);
+ assert_eq!(g2.requires, Some(reqs));
+ assert_eq!(g2.conflicts, Some(confs));
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "yaml", test)]
+ fn test_yaml() {
+ let g_yaml = "name: test
+- a1
+- a4
+- a2
+- a3
+- c1
+- c2
+- c3
+- c4
+- r1
+- r2
+- r3
+- r4";
+ let yml = &YamlLoader::load_from_str(g_yaml).expect("failed to load YAML file")[0];
+ let g = ArgGroup::from_yaml(yml);
+ let args = vec!["a1", "a4", "a2", "a3"];
+ let reqs = vec!["r1", "r2", "r3", "r4"];
+ let confs = vec!["c1", "c2", "c3", "c4"];
+ assert_eq!(g.args, args);
+ assert_eq!(g.requires, Some(reqs));
+ assert_eq!(g.conflicts, Some(confs));
+ }
+impl<'a> Clone for ArgGroup<'a> {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ ArgGroup {
+ name:,
+ required: self.required,
+ args: self.args.clone(),
+ requires: self.requires.clone(),
+ conflicts: self.conflicts.clone(),
+ multiple: self.multiple,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1de12f4ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_tuple2 {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ if let Some(vec) = $v.as_vec() {
+ for ys in vec {
+ if let Some(tup) = ys.as_vec() {
+ debug_assert_eq!(2, tup.len());
+ $a = $a.$c(yaml_str!(tup[0]), yaml_str!(tup[1]));
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value to vec");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value to vec");
+ }
+ $a
+ }
+ };
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_tuple3 {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ if let Some(vec) = $v.as_vec() {
+ for ys in vec {
+ if let Some(tup) = ys.as_vec() {
+ debug_assert_eq!(3, tup.len());
+ $a = $a.$c(yaml_str!(tup[0]), yaml_opt_str!(tup[1]), yaml_str!(tup[2]));
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value to vec");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value to vec");
+ }
+ $a
+ }
+ };
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_vec_or_str {
+ ($v:ident, $a:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ let maybe_vec = $v.as_vec();
+ if let Some(vec) = maybe_vec {
+ for ys in vec {
+ if let Some(s) = ys.as_str() {
+ $a = $a.$c(s);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to a string", ys);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if let Some(s) = $v.as_str() {
+ $a = $a.$c(s);
+ } else {
+ panic!("Failed to convert YAML value {:?} to either a vec or string", $v);
+ }
+ }
+ $a
+ }
+ };
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_opt_str {
+ ($v:expr) => {{
+ if $v.is_null() {
+ Some($v.as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to convert YAML {:?} value to a string", $v)))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_str {
+ ($v:expr) => {{
+ $v.as_str().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to convert YAML {:?} value to a string", $v))
+ }};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_to_str {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ $a.$c(yaml_str!($v))
+ }};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_to_bool {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ $a.$c($v.as_bool().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to convert YAML {:?} value to a string", $v)))
+ }};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_to_u64 {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ $a.$c($v.as_i64().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to convert YAML {:?} value to a string", $v)) as u64)
+ }};
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! yaml_to_usize {
+ ($a:ident, $v:ident, $c:ident) => {{
+ $a.$c($v.as_i64().unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("failed to convert YAML {:?} value to a string", $v)) as usize)
+ }};
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eeda2611ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+// Std
+use std::ffi::OsString;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct MatchedArg {
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub occurs: u64,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub indices: Vec<usize>,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub vals: Vec<OsString>,
+impl Default for MatchedArg {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ MatchedArg {
+ occurs: 1,
+ indices: Vec::new(),
+ vals: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+impl MatchedArg {
+ pub fn new() -> Self { MatchedArg::default() }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21f9b850d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+pub use self::any_arg::{AnyArg, DispOrder};
+pub use self::arg::Arg;
+pub use self::arg_builder::{Base, FlagBuilder, OptBuilder, PosBuilder, Switched, Valued};
+pub use self::arg_matcher::ArgMatcher;
+pub use self::arg_matches::{ArgMatches, OsValues, Values};
+pub use self::group::ArgGroup;
+pub use self::matched_arg::MatchedArg;
+pub use self::settings::{ArgFlags, ArgSettings};
+pub use self::subcommand::SubCommand;
+mod macros;
+mod arg;
+pub mod any_arg;
+mod arg_matches;
+mod arg_matcher;
+mod subcommand;
+mod arg_builder;
+mod matched_arg;
+mod group;
+pub mod settings;
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72f91d3f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+// Std
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+bitflags! {
+ struct Flags: u32 {
+ const REQUIRED = 1;
+ const MULTIPLE = 1 << 1;
+ const EMPTY_VALS = 1 << 2;
+ const GLOBAL = 1 << 3;
+ const HIDDEN = 1 << 4;
+ const TAKES_VAL = 1 << 5;
+ const USE_DELIM = 1 << 6;
+ const NEXT_LINE_HELP = 1 << 7;
+ const R_UNLESS_ALL = 1 << 8;
+ const REQ_DELIM = 1 << 9;
+ const DELIM_NOT_SET = 1 << 10;
+ const HIDE_POS_VALS = 1 << 11;
+ const ALLOW_TAC_VALS = 1 << 12;
+ const REQUIRE_EQUALS = 1 << 13;
+ const LAST = 1 << 14;
+ const HIDE_DEFAULT_VAL = 1 << 15;
+ const CASE_INSENSITIVE = 1 << 16;
+ const HIDE_ENV_VALS = 1 << 17;
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct ArgFlags(Flags);
+impl ArgFlags {
+ pub fn new() -> Self { ArgFlags::default() }
+ impl_settings!{ArgSettings,
+ Required => Flags::REQUIRED,
+ Multiple => Flags::MULTIPLE,
+ EmptyValues => Flags::EMPTY_VALS,
+ Global => Flags::GLOBAL,
+ Hidden => Flags::HIDDEN,
+ TakesValue => Flags::TAKES_VAL,
+ UseValueDelimiter => Flags::USE_DELIM,
+ NextLineHelp => Flags::NEXT_LINE_HELP,
+ RequiredUnlessAll => Flags::R_UNLESS_ALL,
+ RequireDelimiter => Flags::REQ_DELIM,
+ ValueDelimiterNotSet => Flags::DELIM_NOT_SET,
+ HidePossibleValues => Flags::HIDE_POS_VALS,
+ AllowLeadingHyphen => Flags::ALLOW_TAC_VALS,
+ RequireEquals => Flags::REQUIRE_EQUALS,
+ Last => Flags::LAST,
+ CaseInsensitive => Flags::CASE_INSENSITIVE,
+ HideEnvValues => Flags::HIDE_ENV_VALS,
+ HideDefaultValue => Flags::HIDE_DEFAULT_VAL
+ }
+impl Default for ArgFlags {
+ fn default() -> Self { ArgFlags(Flags::EMPTY_VALS | Flags::DELIM_NOT_SET) }
+/// Various settings that apply to arguments and may be set, unset, and checked via getter/setter
+/// methods [`Arg::set`], [`Arg::unset`], and [`Arg::is_set`]
+/// [`Arg::set`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.set
+/// [`Arg::unset`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.unset
+/// [`Arg::is_set`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.is_set
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum ArgSettings {
+ /// The argument must be used
+ Required,
+ /// The argument may be used multiple times such as `--flag --flag`
+ Multiple,
+ /// The argument allows empty values such as `--option ""`
+ EmptyValues,
+ /// The argument should be propagated down through all child [`SubCommands`]
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ Global,
+ /// The argument should **not** be shown in help text
+ Hidden,
+ /// The argument accepts a value, such as `--option <value>`
+ TakesValue,
+ /// Determines if the argument allows values to be grouped via a delimiter
+ UseValueDelimiter,
+ /// Prints the help text on the line after the argument
+ NextLineHelp,
+ /// Requires the use of a value delimiter for all multiple values
+ RequireDelimiter,
+ /// Hides the possible values from the help string
+ HidePossibleValues,
+ /// Allows vals that start with a '-'
+ AllowLeadingHyphen,
+ /// Require options use `--option=val` syntax
+ RequireEquals,
+ /// Specifies that the arg is the last positional argument and may be accessed early via `--`
+ /// syntax
+ Last,
+ /// Hides the default value from the help string
+ HideDefaultValue,
+ /// Makes `Arg::possible_values` case insensitive
+ CaseInsensitive,
+ /// Hides ENV values in the help message
+ HideEnvValues,
+ #[doc(hidden)] RequiredUnlessAll,
+ #[doc(hidden)] ValueDelimiterNotSet,
+impl FromStr for ArgSettings {
+ type Err = String;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, <Self as FromStr>::Err> {
+ match &*s.to_ascii_lowercase() {
+ "required" => Ok(ArgSettings::Required),
+ "multiple" => Ok(ArgSettings::Multiple),
+ "global" => Ok(ArgSettings::Global),
+ "emptyvalues" => Ok(ArgSettings::EmptyValues),
+ "hidden" => Ok(ArgSettings::Hidden),
+ "takesvalue" => Ok(ArgSettings::TakesValue),
+ "usevaluedelimiter" => Ok(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter),
+ "nextlinehelp" => Ok(ArgSettings::NextLineHelp),
+ "requiredunlessall" => Ok(ArgSettings::RequiredUnlessAll),
+ "requiredelimiter" => Ok(ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter),
+ "valuedelimiternotset" => Ok(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet),
+ "hidepossiblevalues" => Ok(ArgSettings::HidePossibleValues),
+ "allowleadinghyphen" => Ok(ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen),
+ "requireequals" => Ok(ArgSettings::RequireEquals),
+ "last" => Ok(ArgSettings::Last),
+ "hidedefaultvalue" => Ok(ArgSettings::HideDefaultValue),
+ "caseinsensitive" => Ok(ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive),
+ "hideenvvalues" => Ok(ArgSettings::HideEnvValues),
+ _ => Err("unknown ArgSetting, cannot convert from str".to_owned()),
+ }
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::ArgSettings;
+ #[test]
+ fn arg_settings_fromstr() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ "allowleadinghyphen".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::AllowLeadingHyphen
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "emptyvalues".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::EmptyValues
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "global".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::Global
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hidepossiblevalues".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::HidePossibleValues
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hidden".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::Hidden
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "multiple".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::Multiple
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "nextlinehelp".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::NextLineHelp
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "requiredunlessall".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::RequiredUnlessAll
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "requiredelimiter".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::RequireDelimiter
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "required".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::Required
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "takesvalue".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::TakesValue
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "usevaluedelimiter".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "valuedelimiternotset".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "requireequals".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::RequireEquals
+ );
+ assert_eq!("last".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(), ArgSettings::Last);
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hidedefaultvalue".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::HideDefaultValue
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "caseinsensitive".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::CaseInsensitive
+ );
+ assert_eq!(
+ "hideenvvalues".parse::<ArgSettings>().unwrap(),
+ ArgSettings::HideEnvValues
+ );
+ assert!("hahahaha".parse::<ArgSettings>().is_err());
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eebbf827ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/args/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+// Third Party
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+use yaml_rust::Yaml;
+// Internal
+use App;
+use ArgMatches;
+/// The abstract representation of a command line subcommand.
+/// This struct describes all the valid options of the subcommand for the program. Subcommands are
+/// essentially "sub-[`App`]s" and contain all the same possibilities (such as their own
+/// [arguments], subcommands, and settings).
+/// # Examples
+/// ```rust
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+/// App::new("myprog")
+/// .subcommand(
+/// SubCommand::with_name("config")
+/// .about("Used for configuration")
+/// .arg(Arg::with_name("config_file")
+/// .help("The configuration file to use")
+/// .index(1)))
+/// # ;
+/// ```
+/// [`App`]: ./struct.App.html
+/// [arguments]: ./struct.Arg.html
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct SubCommand<'a> {
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub name: String,
+ #[doc(hidden)] pub matches: ArgMatches<'a>,
+impl<'a> SubCommand<'a> {
+ /// Creates a new instance of a subcommand requiring a name. The name will be displayed
+ /// to the user when they print version or help and usage information.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, SubCommand};
+ /// App::new("myprog")
+ /// .subcommand(
+ /// SubCommand::with_name("config"))
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ pub fn with_name<'b>(name: &str) -> App<'a, 'b> { App::new(name) }
+ /// Creates a new instance of a subcommand from a YAML (.yml) document
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```ignore
+ /// # #[macro_use]
+ /// # extern crate clap;
+ /// # use clap::Subcommand;
+ /// # fn main() {
+ /// let sc_yaml = load_yaml!("test_subcommand.yml");
+ /// let sc = SubCommand::from_yaml(sc_yaml);
+ /// # }
+ /// ```
+ #[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+ pub fn from_yaml(yaml: &Yaml) -> App { App::from_yaml(yaml) }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d042e2ea1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// Std
+use std::io::Write;
+// Internal
+use app::parser::Parser;
+use args::OptBuilder;
+use completions;
+pub struct BashGen<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> BashGen<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { BashGen { p: p } }
+ pub fn generate_to<W: Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) {
+ w!(
+ buf,
+ format!(
+ "_{name}() {{
+ local i cur prev opts cmds
+ cur=\"${{COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}}\"
+ prev=\"${{COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}}\"
+ cmd=\"\"
+ opts=\"\"
+ for i in ${{COMP_WORDS[@]}}
+ do
+ case \"${{i}}\" in
+ {name})
+ cmd=\"{name}\"
+ ;;
+ {subcmds}
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ case \"${{cmd}}\" in
+ {name})
+ opts=\"{name_opts}\"
+ if [[ ${{cur}} == -* || ${{COMP_CWORD}} -eq 1 ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"${{opts}}\" -- ${{cur}}) )
+ return 0
+ fi
+ case \"${{prev}}\" in
+ {name_opts_details}
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"${{opts}}\" -- ${{cur}}) )
+ return 0
+ ;;
+ {subcmd_details}
+ esac
+complete -F _{name} -o bashdefault -o default {name}
+ name = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ name_opts = self.all_options_for_path(self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap()),
+ name_opts_details =
+ self.option_details_for_path(self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap()),
+ subcmds = self.all_subcommands(),
+ subcmd_details = self.subcommand_details()
+ ).as_bytes()
+ );
+ }
+ fn all_subcommands(&self) -> String {
+ debugln!("BashGen::all_subcommands;");
+ let mut subcmds = String::new();
+ let scs = completions::all_subcommand_names(self.p);
+ for sc in &scs {
+ subcmds = format!(
+ "{}
+ {name})
+ cmd+=\"__{fn_name}\"
+ ;;",
+ subcmds,
+ name = sc,
+ fn_name = sc.replace("-", "__")
+ );
+ }
+ subcmds
+ }
+ fn subcommand_details(&self) -> String {
+ debugln!("BashGen::subcommand_details;");
+ let mut subcmd_dets = String::new();
+ let mut scs = completions::get_all_subcommand_paths(self.p, true);
+ scs.sort();
+ scs.dedup();
+ for sc in &scs {
+ subcmd_dets = format!(
+ "{}
+ {subcmd})
+ opts=\"{sc_opts}\"
+ if [[ ${{cur}} == -* || ${{COMP_CWORD}} -eq {level} ]] ; then
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"${{opts}}\" -- ${{cur}}) )
+ return 0
+ fi
+ case \"${{prev}}\" in
+ {opts_details}
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W \"${{opts}}\" -- ${{cur}}) )
+ return 0
+ ;;",
+ subcmd_dets,
+ subcmd = sc.replace("-", "__"),
+ sc_opts = self.all_options_for_path(&*sc),
+ level = sc.split("__").map(|_| 1).fold(0, |acc, n| acc + n),
+ opts_details = self.option_details_for_path(&*sc)
+ );
+ }
+ subcmd_dets
+ }
+ fn option_details_for_path(&self, path: &str) -> String {
+ debugln!("BashGen::option_details_for_path: path={}", path);
+ let mut p = self.p;
+ for sc in path.split("__").skip(1) {
+ debugln!("BashGen::option_details_for_path:iter: sc={}", sc);
+ p = &find_subcmd!(p, sc).unwrap().p;
+ }
+ let mut opts = String::new();
+ for o in p.opts() {
+ if let Some(l) = o.s.long {
+ opts = format!(
+ "{}
+ --{})
+ return 0
+ ;;",
+ opts,
+ l,
+ self.vals_for(o)
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(s) = o.s.short {
+ opts = format!(
+ "{}
+ -{})
+ return 0
+ ;;",
+ opts,
+ s,
+ self.vals_for(o)
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ opts
+ }
+ fn vals_for(&self, o: &OptBuilder) -> String {
+ debugln!("BashGen::vals_for: o={}",;
+ use args::AnyArg;
+ if let Some(vals) = o.possible_vals() {
+ format!("$(compgen -W \"{}\" -- ${{cur}})", vals.join(" "))
+ } else {
+ String::from("$(compgen -f ${cur})")
+ }
+ }
+ fn all_options_for_path(&self, path: &str) -> String {
+ debugln!("BashGen::all_options_for_path: path={}", path);
+ let mut p = self.p;
+ for sc in path.split("__").skip(1) {
+ debugln!("BashGen::all_options_for_path:iter: sc={}", sc);
+ p = &find_subcmd!(p, sc).unwrap().p;
+ }
+ let mut opts = shorts!(p).fold(String::new(), |acc, s| format!("{} -{}", acc, s));
+ opts = format!(
+ "{} {}",
+ opts,
+ longs!(p).fold(String::new(), |acc, l| format!("{} --{}", acc, l))
+ );
+ opts = format!(
+ "{} {}",
+ opts,
+ p.positionals
+ .values()
+ .fold(String::new(), |acc, p| format!("{} {}", acc, p))
+ );
+ opts = format!(
+ "{} {}",
+ opts,
+ p.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .fold(String::new(), |acc, s| format!("{} {}", acc,
+ );
+ for sc in &p.subcommands {
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = sc.p.meta.aliases {
+ opts = format!(
+ "{} {}",
+ opts,
+ aliases
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(n, _)| n)
+ .fold(String::new(), |acc, a| format!("{} {}", acc, a))
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ opts
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2c5a5e70b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Std
+use std::io::Write;
+// Internal
+use app::parser::Parser;
+pub struct FishGen<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> FishGen<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { FishGen { p: p } }
+ pub fn generate_to<W: Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) {
+ let command = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let mut buffer = String::new();
+ gen_fish_inner(command, self, command, &mut buffer);
+ w!(buf, buffer.as_bytes());
+ }
+// Escape string inside single quotes
+fn escape_string(string: &str) -> String { string.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("'", "\\'") }
+fn gen_fish_inner(root_command: &str, comp_gen: &FishGen, subcommand: &str, buffer: &mut String) {
+ debugln!("FishGen::gen_fish_inner;");
+ // example :
+ //
+ // complete
+ // -c {command}
+ // -d "{description}"
+ // -s {short}
+ // -l {long}
+ // -a "{possible_arguments}"
+ // -r # if require parameter
+ // -f # don't use file completion
+ // -n "__fish_use_subcommand" # complete for command "myprog"
+ // -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from subcmd1" # complete for command "myprog subcmd1"
+ let mut basic_template = format!("complete -c {} -n ", root_command);
+ if root_command == subcommand {
+ basic_template.push_str("\"__fish_use_subcommand\"");
+ } else {
+ basic_template.push_str(format!("\"__fish_seen_subcommand_from {}\"", subcommand).as_str());
+ }
+ for option in comp_gen.p.opts() {
+ let mut template = basic_template.clone();
+ if let Some(data) = option.s.short {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -s {}", data).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = option.s.long {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -l {}", data).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(ref data) = option.v.possible_vals {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -r -f -a \"{}\"", data.join(" ")).as_str());
+ }
+ buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
+ buffer.push_str("\n");
+ }
+ for flag in comp_gen.p.flags() {
+ let mut template = basic_template.clone();
+ if let Some(data) = flag.s.short {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -s {}", data).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = flag.s.long {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -l {}", data).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str());
+ }
+ buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
+ buffer.push_str("\n");
+ }
+ for subcommand in &comp_gen.p.subcommands {
+ let mut template = basic_template.clone();
+ template.push_str(" -f");
+ template.push_str(format!(" -a \"{}\"", &;
+ if let Some(data) = subcommand.p.meta.about {
+ template.push_str(format!(" -d '{}'", escape_string(data)).as_str())
+ }
+ buffer.push_str(template.as_str());
+ buffer.push_str("\n");
+ }
+ // generate options of subcommands
+ for subcommand in &comp_gen.p.subcommands {
+ let sub_comp_gen = FishGen::new(&subcommand.p);
+ gen_fish_inner(root_command, &sub_comp_gen, &subcommand.to_string(), buffer);
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..653c72c486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+macro_rules! w {
+ ($buf:expr, $to_w:expr) => {
+ match $buf.write_all($to_w) {
+ Ok(..) => (),
+ Err(..) => panic!("Failed to write to completions file"),
+ }
+ };
+macro_rules! get_zsh_arg_conflicts {
+ ($p:ident, $arg:ident, $msg:ident) => {
+ if let Some(conf_vec) = $arg.blacklist() {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ for arg_name in conf_vec {
+ let arg = $p.find_any_arg(arg_name).expect($msg);
+ if let Some(s) = arg.short() {
+ v.push(format!("-{}", s));
+ }
+ if let Some(l) = arg.long() {
+ v.push(format!("--{}", l));
+ }
+ }
+ v.join(" ")
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..742c616195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+mod macros;
+mod bash;
+mod fish;
+mod zsh;
+mod powershell;
+mod shell;
+// Std
+use std::io::Write;
+// Internal
+use app::parser::Parser;
+use self::bash::BashGen;
+use self::fish::FishGen;
+use self::zsh::ZshGen;
+use self::powershell::PowerShellGen;
+pub use self::shell::Shell;
+pub struct ComplGen<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> ComplGen<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { ComplGen { p: p } }
+ pub fn generate<W: Write>(&self, for_shell: Shell, buf: &mut W) {
+ match for_shell {
+ Shell::Bash => BashGen::new(self.p).generate_to(buf),
+ Shell::Fish => FishGen::new(self.p).generate_to(buf),
+ Shell::Zsh => ZshGen::new(self.p).generate_to(buf),
+ Shell::PowerShell => PowerShellGen::new(self.p).generate_to(buf),
+ }
+ }
+// Gets all subcommands including child subcommands in the form of 'name' where the name
+// is a single word (i.e. "install") of the path to said subcommand (i.e.
+// "rustup toolchain install")
+// Also note, aliases are treated as their own subcommands but duplicates of whatever they're
+// aliasing.
+pub fn all_subcommand_names(p: &Parser) -> Vec<String> {
+ debugln!("all_subcommand_names;");
+ let mut subcmds: Vec<_> = subcommands_of(p)
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(ref n, _)| n.clone())
+ .collect();
+ for sc_v in p.subcommands.iter().map(|s| all_subcommand_names(&s.p)) {
+ subcmds.extend(sc_v);
+ }
+ subcmds.sort();
+ subcmds.dedup();
+ subcmds
+// Gets all subcommands including child subcommands in the form of ('name', 'bin_name') where the name
+// is a single word (i.e. "install") of the path and full bin_name of said subcommand (i.e.
+// "rustup toolchain install")
+// Also note, aliases are treated as their own subcommands but duplicates of whatever they're
+// aliasing.
+pub fn all_subcommands(p: &Parser) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
+ debugln!("all_subcommands;");
+ let mut subcmds: Vec<_> = subcommands_of(p);
+ for sc_v in p.subcommands.iter().map(|s| all_subcommands(&s.p)) {
+ subcmds.extend(sc_v);
+ }
+ subcmds
+// Gets all subcommands exlcuding child subcommands in the form of (name, bin_name) where the name
+// is a single word (i.e. "install") and the bin_name is a space deliniated list of the path to said
+// subcommand (i.e. "rustup toolchain install")
+// Also note, aliases are treated as their own subcommands but duplicates of whatever they're
+// aliasing.
+pub fn subcommands_of(p: &Parser) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
+ debugln!(
+ "subcommands_of: name={}, bin_name={}",
+ p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap()
+ );
+ let mut subcmds = vec![];
+ debugln!(
+ "subcommands_of: Has subcommands...{:?}",
+ p.has_subcommands()
+ );
+ if !p.has_subcommands() {
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ debugln!("subcommands_of: Looking for aliases...");
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = p.meta.aliases {
+ for &(n, _) in aliases {
+ debugln!("subcommands_of:iter:iter: Found alias...{}", n);
+ let mut als_bin_name: Vec<_> =
+ p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().split(' ').collect();
+ als_bin_name.push(n);
+ let old = als_bin_name.len() - 2;
+ als_bin_name.swap_remove(old);
+ ret.push((n.to_owned(), als_bin_name.join(" ")));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ for sc in &p.subcommands {
+ debugln!(
+ "subcommands_of:iter: name={}, bin_name={}",
+ sc.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap()
+ );
+ debugln!("subcommands_of:iter: Looking for aliases...");
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = sc.p.meta.aliases {
+ for &(n, _) in aliases {
+ debugln!("subcommands_of:iter:iter: Found alias...{}", n);
+ let mut als_bin_name: Vec<_> =
+ p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().split(' ').collect();
+ als_bin_name.push(n);
+ let old = als_bin_name.len() - 2;
+ als_bin_name.swap_remove(old);
+ subcmds.push((n.to_owned(), als_bin_name.join(" ")));
+ }
+ }
+ subcmds.push((
+ sc.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().clone(),
+ ));
+ }
+ subcmds
+pub fn get_all_subcommand_paths(p: &Parser, first: bool) -> Vec<String> {
+ debugln!("get_all_subcommand_paths;");
+ let mut subcmds = vec![];
+ if !p.has_subcommands() {
+ if !first {
+ let name = &*;
+ let path = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().clone().replace(" ", "__");
+ let mut ret = vec![path.clone()];
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = p.meta.aliases {
+ for &(n, _) in aliases {
+ ret.push(path.replace(name, n));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return vec![];
+ }
+ for sc in &p.subcommands {
+ let name = &*;
+ let path = sc.p
+ .meta
+ .bin_name
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .clone()
+ .replace(" ", "__");
+ subcmds.push(path.clone());
+ if let Some(ref aliases) = sc.p.meta.aliases {
+ for &(n, _) in aliases {
+ subcmds.push(path.replace(name, n));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for sc_v in p.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .map(|s| get_all_subcommand_paths(&s.p, false))
+ {
+ subcmds.extend(sc_v);
+ }
+ subcmds
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b06d4d19fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Std
+use std::io::Write;
+// Internal
+use app::parser::Parser;
+pub struct PowerShellGen<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> PowerShellGen<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self { PowerShellGen { p: p } }
+ pub fn generate_to<W: Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) {
+ let bin_name = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let mut names = vec![];
+ let subcommands_cases =
+ generate_inner(self.p, "", &mut names);
+ let result = format!(r#"
+using namespace System.Management.Automation
+using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language
+Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName '{bin_name}' -ScriptBlock {{
+ param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
+ $commandElements = $commandAst.CommandElements
+ $command = @(
+ '{bin_name}'
+ for ($i = 1; $i -lt $commandElements.Count; $i++) {{
+ $element = $commandElements[$i]
+ if ($element -isnot [StringConstantExpressionAst] -or
+ $element.StringConstantType -ne [StringConstantType]::BareWord -or
+ $element.Value.StartsWith('-')) {{
+ break
+ }}
+ $element.Value
+ }}) -join ';'
+ $completions = @(switch ($command) {{{subcommands_cases}
+ }})
+ $completions.Where{{ $_.CompletionText -like "$wordToComplete*" }} |
+ Sort-Object -Property ListItemText
+ bin_name = bin_name,
+ subcommands_cases = subcommands_cases
+ );
+ w!(buf, result.as_bytes());
+ }
+// Escape string inside single quotes
+fn escape_string(string: &str) -> String { string.replace("'", "''") }
+fn get_tooltip<T : ToString>(help: Option<&str>, data: T) -> String {
+ match help {
+ Some(help) => escape_string(&help),
+ _ => data.to_string()
+ }
+fn generate_inner<'a, 'b, 'p>(
+ p: &'p Parser<'a, 'b>,
+ previous_command_name: &str,
+ names: &mut Vec<&'p str>,
+) -> String {
+ debugln!("PowerShellGen::generate_inner;");
+ let command_name = if previous_command_name.is_empty() {
+ p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG).clone()
+ } else {
+ format!("{};{}", previous_command_name, &
+ };
+ let mut completions = String::new();
+ let preamble = String::from("\n [CompletionResult]::new(");
+ for option in p.opts() {
+ if let Some(data) = option.s.short {
+ let tooltip = get_tooltip(, data);
+ completions.push_str(&preamble);
+ completions.push_str(format!("'-{}', '{}', {}, '{}')",
+ data, data, "[CompletionResultType]::ParameterName", tooltip).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = option.s.long {
+ let tooltip = get_tooltip(, data);
+ completions.push_str(&preamble);
+ completions.push_str(format!("'--{}', '{}', {}, '{}')",
+ data, data, "[CompletionResultType]::ParameterName", tooltip).as_str());
+ }
+ }
+ for flag in p.flags() {
+ if let Some(data) = flag.s.short {
+ let tooltip = get_tooltip(, data);
+ completions.push_str(&preamble);
+ completions.push_str(format!("'-{}', '{}', {}, '{}')",
+ data, data, "[CompletionResultType]::ParameterName", tooltip).as_str());
+ }
+ if let Some(data) = flag.s.long {
+ let tooltip = get_tooltip(, data);
+ completions.push_str(&preamble);
+ completions.push_str(format!("'--{}', '{}', {}, '{}')",
+ data, data, "[CompletionResultType]::ParameterName", tooltip).as_str());
+ }
+ }
+ for subcommand in &p.subcommands {
+ let data = &;
+ let tooltip = get_tooltip(subcommand.p.meta.about, data);
+ completions.push_str(&preamble);
+ completions.push_str(format!("'{}', '{}', {}, '{}')",
+ data, data, "[CompletionResultType]::ParameterValue", tooltip).as_str());
+ }
+ let mut subcommands_cases = format!(
+ r"
+ '{}' {{{}
+ break
+ }}",
+ &command_name,
+ completions
+ );
+ for subcommand in &p.subcommands {
+ let subcommand_subcommands_cases =
+ generate_inner(&subcommand.p, &command_name, names);
+ subcommands_cases.push_str(&subcommand_subcommands_cases);
+ }
+ subcommands_cases
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75b7d360b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use std::fmt;
+/// Describes which shell to produce a completions file for
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(enum_variant_names))]
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum Shell {
+ /// Generates a .bash completion file for the Bourne Again SHell (BASH)
+ Bash,
+ /// Generates a .fish completion file for the Friendly Interactive SHell (fish)
+ Fish,
+ /// Generates a completion file for the Z SHell (ZSH)
+ Zsh,
+ /// Generates a completion file for PowerShell
+ PowerShell,
+impl Shell {
+ /// A list of possible variants in `&'static str` form
+ pub fn variants() -> [&'static str; 4] { ["zsh", "bash", "fish", "powershell"] }
+impl FromStr for Shell {
+ type Err = String;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
+ match s {
+ "ZSH" | _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("zsh") => Ok(Shell::Zsh),
+ "FISH" | _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("fish") => Ok(Shell::Fish),
+ "BASH" | _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("bash") => Ok(Shell::Bash),
+ "POWERSHELL" | _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case("powershell") => Ok(Shell::PowerShell),
+ _ => Err(String::from("[valid values: bash, fish, zsh, powershell]")),
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for Shell {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ Shell::Bash => write!(f, "BASH"),
+ Shell::Fish => write!(f, "FISH"),
+ Shell::Zsh => write!(f, "ZSH"),
+ Shell::PowerShell => write!(f, "POWERSHELL"),
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11dd868eea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/completions/
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+// Std
+use std::io::Write;
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+// Internal
+use app::App;
+use app::parser::Parser;
+use args::{AnyArg, ArgSettings};
+use completions;
+pub struct ZshGen<'a, 'b>
+ 'a: 'b,
+ p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>,
+impl<'a, 'b> ZshGen<'a, 'b> {
+ pub fn new(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>) -> Self {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::new;");
+ ZshGen { p: p }
+ }
+ pub fn generate_to<W: Write>(&self, buf: &mut W) {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::generate_to;");
+ w!(
+ buf,
+ format!(
+ "\
+#compdef {name}
+autoload -U is-at-least
+_{name}() {{
+ typeset -A opt_args
+ typeset -a _arguments_options
+ local ret=1
+ if is-at-least 5.2; then
+ _arguments_options=(-s -S -C)
+ else
+ _arguments_options=(-s -C)
+ fi
+ local context curcontext=\"$curcontext\" state line
+ {initial_args}
+ {subcommands}
+_{name} \"$@\"",
+ name = self.p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ initial_args = get_args_of(self.p),
+ subcommands = get_subcommands_of(self.p),
+ subcommand_details = subcommand_details(self.p)
+ ).as_bytes()
+ );
+ }
+// Displays the commands of a subcommand
+// (( $+functions[_[bin_name_underscore]_commands] )) ||
+// _[bin_name_underscore]_commands() {
+// local commands; commands=(
+// '[arg_name]:[arg_help]'
+// )
+// _describe -t commands '[bin_name] commands' commands "$@"
+// Where the following variables are present:
+// [bin_name_underscore]: The full space deliniated bin_name, where spaces have been replaced by
+// underscore characters
+// [arg_name]: The name of the subcommand
+// [arg_help]: The help message of the subcommand
+// [bin_name]: The full space deliniated bin_name
+// Here's a snippet from rustup:
+// (( $+functions[_rustup_commands] )) ||
+// _rustup_commands() {
+// local commands; commands=(
+// 'show:Show the active and installed toolchains'
+// 'update:Update Rust toolchains'
+// # ... snip for brevity
+// 'help:Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)'
+// )
+// _describe -t commands 'rustup commands' commands "$@"
+fn subcommand_details(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::subcommand_details;");
+ // First we do ourself
+ let mut ret = vec![
+ format!(
+ "\
+(( $+functions[_{bin_name_underscore}_commands] )) ||
+_{bin_name_underscore}_commands() {{
+ local commands; commands=(
+ {subcommands_and_args}
+ )
+ _describe -t commands '{bin_name} commands' commands \"$@\"
+ bin_name_underscore = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "__"),
+ bin_name = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap(),
+ subcommands_and_args = subcommands_of(p)
+ ),
+ ];
+ // Next we start looping through all the children, grandchildren, etc.
+ let mut all_subcommands = completions::all_subcommands(p);
+ all_subcommands.sort();
+ all_subcommands.dedup();
+ for &(_, ref bin_name) in &all_subcommands {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::subcommand_details:iter: bin_name={}", bin_name);
+ ret.push(format!(
+ "\
+(( $+functions[_{bin_name_underscore}_commands] )) ||
+_{bin_name_underscore}_commands() {{
+ local commands; commands=(
+ {subcommands_and_args}
+ )
+ _describe -t commands '{bin_name} commands' commands \"$@\"
+ bin_name_underscore = bin_name.replace(" ", "__"),
+ bin_name = bin_name,
+ subcommands_and_args = subcommands_of(parser_of(p, bin_name))
+ ));
+ }
+ ret.join("\n")
+// Generates subcommand completions in form of
+// '[arg_name]:[arg_help]'
+// Where:
+// [arg_name]: the subcommand's name
+// [arg_help]: the help message of the subcommand
+// A snippet from rustup:
+// 'show:Show the active and installed toolchains'
+// 'update:Update Rust toolchains'
+fn subcommands_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::subcommands_of;");
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ fn add_sc(sc: &App, n: &str, ret: &mut Vec<String>) {
+ debugln!("ZshGen::add_sc;");
+ let s = format!(
+ "\"{name}:{help}\" \\",
+ name = n,
+ help = sc.p
+ .meta
+ .about
+ .unwrap_or("")
+ .replace("[", "\\[")
+ .replace("]", "\\]")
+ );
+ if !s.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(s);
+ }
+ }
+ // The subcommands
+ for sc in p.subcommands() {
+ debugln!(
+ "ZshGen::subcommands_of:iter: subcommand={}",
+ );
+ add_sc(sc, &, &mut ret);
+ if let Some(ref v) = sc.p.meta.aliases {
+ for alias in v.iter().filter(|&&(_, vis)| vis).map(|&(n, _)| n) {
+ add_sc(sc, alias, &mut ret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret.join("\n")
+// Get's the subcommand section of a completion file
+// This looks roughly like:
+// case $state in
+// ([bin_name]_args)
+// curcontext=\"${curcontext%:*:*}:[name_hyphen]-command-$words[1]:\"
+// case $line[1] in
+// ([name])
+// _arguments -C -s -S \
+// [subcommand_args]
+// && ret=0
+// ;;",
+// [repeat]
+// esac
+// ;;
+// esac",
+// Where the following variables are present:
+// [name] = The subcommand name in the form of "install" for "rustup toolchain install"
+// [bin_name] = The full space deliniated bin_name such as "rustup toolchain install"
+// [name_hyphen] = The full space deliniated bin_name, but replace spaces with hyphens
+// [repeat] = From the same recursive calls, but for all subcommands
+// [subcommand_args] = The same as zsh::get_args_of
+fn get_subcommands_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("get_subcommands_of;");
+ debugln!(
+ "get_subcommands_of: Has subcommands...{:?}",
+ p.has_subcommands()
+ );
+ if !p.has_subcommands() {
+ return String::new();
+ }
+ let sc_names = completions::subcommands_of(p);
+ let mut subcmds = vec![];
+ for &(ref name, ref bin_name) in &sc_names {
+ let mut v = vec![format!("({})", name)];
+ let subcommand_args = get_args_of(parser_of(p, &*bin_name));
+ if !subcommand_args.is_empty() {
+ v.push(subcommand_args);
+ }
+ let subcommands = get_subcommands_of(parser_of(p, &*bin_name));
+ if !subcommands.is_empty() {
+ v.push(subcommands);
+ }
+ v.push(String::from(";;"));
+ subcmds.push(v.join("\n"));
+ }
+ format!(
+ "case $state in
+ ({name})
+ words=($line[{pos}] \"${{words[@]}}\")
+ (( CURRENT += 1 ))
+ curcontext=\"${{curcontext%:*:*}}:{name_hyphen}-command-$line[{pos}]:\"
+ case $line[{pos}] in
+ {subcommands}
+ esac
+ ;;
+ name =,
+ name_hyphen = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "-"),
+ subcommands = subcmds.join("\n"),
+ pos = p.positionals().len() + 1
+ )
+fn parser_of<'a, 'b>(p: &'b Parser<'a, 'b>, sc: &str) -> &'b Parser<'a, 'b> {
+ debugln!("parser_of: sc={}", sc);
+ if sc == p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap_or(&String::new()) {
+ return p;
+ }
+ &p.find_subcommand(sc).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG).p
+// Writes out the args section, which ends up being the flags, opts and postionals, and a jump to
+// another ZSH function if there are subcommands.
+// The structer works like this:
+// ([conflicting_args]) [multiple] arg [takes_value] [[help]] [: :(possible_values)]
+// ^-- list '-v -h' ^--'*' ^--'+' ^-- list 'one two three'
+// An example from the rustup command:
+// _arguments -C -s -S \
+// '(-h --help --verbose)-v[Enable verbose output]' \
+// '(-V -v --version --verbose --help)-h[Prints help information]' \
+// # ... snip for brevity
+// ':: :_rustup_commands' \ # <-- displays subcommands
+// '*::: :->rustup' \ # <-- displays subcommand args and child subcommands
+// && ret=0
+// The args used for _arguments are as follows:
+// -C: modify the $context internal variable
+// -s: Allow stacking of short args (i.e. -a -b -c => -abc)
+// -S: Do not complete anything after '--' and treat those as argument values
+fn get_args_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("get_args_of;");
+ let mut ret = vec![String::from("_arguments \"${_arguments_options[@]}\" \\")];
+ let opts = write_opts_of(p);
+ let flags = write_flags_of(p);
+ let positionals = write_positionals_of(p);
+ let sc_or_a = if p.has_subcommands() {
+ format!(
+ "\":: :_{name}_commands\" \\",
+ name = p.meta.bin_name.as_ref().unwrap().replace(" ", "__")
+ )
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ let sc = if p.has_subcommands() {
+ format!("\"*::: :->{name}\" \\", name =
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ if !opts.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(opts);
+ }
+ if !flags.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(flags);
+ }
+ if !positionals.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(positionals);
+ }
+ if !sc_or_a.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(sc_or_a);
+ }
+ if !sc.is_empty() {
+ ret.push(sc);
+ }
+ ret.push(String::from("&& ret=0"));
+ ret.join("\n")
+// Escape help string inside single quotes and brackets
+fn escape_help(string: &str) -> String {
+ string
+ .replace("\\", "\\\\")
+ .replace("'", "'\\''")
+ .replace("[", "\\[")
+ .replace("]", "\\]")
+// Escape value string inside single quotes and parentheses
+fn escape_value(string: &str) -> String {
+ string
+ .replace("\\", "\\\\")
+ .replace("'", "'\\''")
+ .replace("(", "\\(")
+ .replace(")", "\\)")
+ .replace(" ", "\\ ")
+fn write_opts_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("write_opts_of;");
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ for o in p.opts() {
+ debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: o={}",;
+ let help =, escape_help);
+ let mut conflicts = get_zsh_arg_conflicts!(p, o, INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ conflicts = if conflicts.is_empty() {
+ String::new()
+ } else {
+ format!("({})", conflicts)
+ };
+ let multiple = if o.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ "*"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ };
+ let pv = if let Some(pv_vec) = o.possible_vals() {
+ format!(": :({})", pv_vec.iter().map(
+ |v| escape_value(*v)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" "))
+ } else {
+ String::new()
+ };
+ if let Some(short) = o.short() {
+ let s = format!(
+ "'{conflicts}{multiple}-{arg}+[{help}]{possible_values}' \\",
+ conflicts = conflicts,
+ multiple = multiple,
+ arg = short,
+ possible_values = pv,
+ help = help
+ );
+ debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*s);
+ ret.push(s);
+ }
+ if let Some(long) = o.long() {
+ let l = format!(
+ "'{conflicts}{multiple}--{arg}=[{help}]{possible_values}' \\",
+ conflicts = conflicts,
+ multiple = multiple,
+ arg = long,
+ possible_values = pv,
+ help = help
+ );
+ debugln!("write_opts_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*l);
+ ret.push(l);
+ }
+ }
+ ret.join("\n")
+fn write_flags_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("write_flags_of;");
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ for f in p.flags() {
+ debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: f={}",;
+ let help =, escape_help);
+ let mut conflicts = get_zsh_arg_conflicts!(p, f, INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ conflicts = if conflicts.is_empty() {
+ String::new()
+ } else {
+ format!("({})", conflicts)
+ };
+ let multiple = if f.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple) {
+ "*"
+ } else {
+ ""
+ };
+ if let Some(short) = f.short() {
+ let s = format!(
+ "'{conflicts}{multiple}-{arg}[{help}]' \\",
+ multiple = multiple,
+ conflicts = conflicts,
+ arg = short,
+ help = help
+ );
+ debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*s);
+ ret.push(s);
+ }
+ if let Some(long) = f.long() {
+ let l = format!(
+ "'{conflicts}{multiple}--{arg}[{help}]' \\",
+ conflicts = conflicts,
+ multiple = multiple,
+ arg = long,
+ help = help
+ );
+ debugln!("write_flags_of:iter: Wrote...{}", &*l);
+ ret.push(l);
+ }
+ }
+ ret.join("\n")
+fn write_positionals_of(p: &Parser) -> String {
+ debugln!("write_positionals_of;");
+ let mut ret = vec![];
+ for arg in p.positionals() {
+ debugln!("write_positionals_of:iter: arg={}",;
+ let a = format!(
+ "'{optional}:{name}{help}:{action}' \\",
+ optional = if !arg.b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required) { ":" } else { "" },
+ name =,
+ help = arg.b
+ .help
+ .map_or("".to_owned(), |v| " -- ".to_owned() + v)
+ .replace("[", "\\[")
+ .replace("]", "\\]"),
+ action = arg.possible_vals().map_or("_files".to_owned(), |values| {
+ format!("({})",
+ values.iter().map(|v| escape_value(*v)).collect::<Vec<String>>().join(" "))
+ })
+ );
+ debugln!("write_positionals_of:iter: Wrote...{}", a);
+ ret.push(a);
+ }
+ ret.join("\n")
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84a00fd14e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,911 @@
+// Std
+use std::convert::From;
+use std::error::Error as StdError;
+use std::fmt as std_fmt;
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::io::{self, Write};
+use std::process;
+use std::result::Result as StdResult;
+// Internal
+use args::AnyArg;
+use fmt::{ColorWhen, Colorizer, ColorizerOption};
+use suggestions;
+/// Short hand for [`Result`] type
+/// [`Result`]:
+pub type Result<T> = StdResult<T, Error>;
+/// Command line argument parser kind of error
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ErrorKind {
+ /// Occurs when an [`Arg`] has a set of possible values,
+ /// and the user provides a value which isn't in that set.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("speed")
+ /// .possible_value("fast")
+ /// .possible_value("slow"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "other"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidValue);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg`]: ./struct.Arg.html
+ InvalidValue,
+ /// Occurs when a user provides a flag, option, argument or subcommand which isn't defined.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::from_usage("--flag 'some flag'"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--other"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnknownArgument);
+ /// ```
+ UnknownArgument,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides an unrecognized [`SubCommand`] which meets the threshold for
+ /// being similar enough to an existing subcommand.
+ /// If it doesn't meet the threshold, or the 'suggestions' feature is disabled,
+ /// the more general [`UnknownArgument`] error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "suggestions"), doc = " ```no_run")]
+ #[cfg_attr(feature = "suggestions", doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind, SubCommand};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("config")
+ /// .about("Used for configuration")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config_file")
+ /// .help("The configuration file to use")
+ /// .index(1)))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "confi"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidSubcommand);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`UnknownArgument`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.UnknownArgument
+ InvalidSubcommand,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides an unrecognized [`SubCommand`] which either
+ /// doesn't meet the threshold for being similar enough to an existing subcommand,
+ /// or the 'suggestions' feature is disabled.
+ /// Otherwise the more detailed [`InvalidSubcommand`] error is returned.
+ ///
+ /// This error typically happens when passing additional subcommand names to the `help`
+ /// subcommand. Otherwise, the more general [`UnknownArgument`] error is used.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind, SubCommand};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("config")
+ /// .about("Used for configuration")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config_file")
+ /// .help("The configuration file to use")
+ /// .index(1)))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "help", "nothing"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnrecognizedSubcommand);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`InvalidSubcommand`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.InvalidSubcommand
+ /// [`UnknownArgument`]: ./enum.ErrorKind.html#variant.UnknownArgument
+ UnrecognizedSubcommand,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides an empty value for an option that does not allow empty
+ /// values.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let res = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .long("color")
+ /// .empty_values(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--color="]);
+ /// assert!(res.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(res.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::EmptyValue);
+ /// ```
+ EmptyValue,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides a value for an argument with a custom validation and the
+ /// value fails that validation.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// fn is_numeric(val: String) -> Result<(), String> {
+ /// match val.parse::<i64>() {
+ /// Ok(..) => Ok(()),
+ /// Err(..) => Err(String::from("Value wasn't a number!")),
+ /// }
+ /// }
+ ///
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("num")
+ /// .validator(is_numeric))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "NotANumber"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::ValueValidation);
+ /// ```
+ ValueValidation,
+ /// Occurs when a user provides more values for an argument than were defined by setting
+ /// [`Arg::max_values`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("arg")
+ /// .multiple(true)
+ /// .max_values(2))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "too", "many", "values"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::TooManyValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::max_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.max_values
+ TooManyValues,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides fewer values for an argument than were defined by setting
+ /// [`Arg::min_values`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("some_opt")
+ /// .long("opt")
+ /// .min_values(3))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--opt", "too", "few"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::TooFewValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::min_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.min_values
+ TooFewValues,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides a different number of values for an argument than what's
+ /// been defined by setting [`Arg::number_of_values`] or than was implicitly set by
+ /// [`Arg::value_names`].
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("some_opt")
+ /// .long("opt")
+ /// .takes_value(true)
+ /// .number_of_values(2))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--opt", "wrong"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::WrongNumberOfValues);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values`]
+ /// [`Arg::number_of_values`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.number_of_values
+ /// [`Arg::value_names`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_names
+ WrongNumberOfValues,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides two values which conflict with each other and can't be used
+ /// together.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .conflicts_with("color"))
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("color")
+ /// .long("color"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--debug", "--color"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict);
+ /// ```
+ ArgumentConflict,
+ /// Occurs when the user does not provide one or more required arguments.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .required(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument);
+ /// ```
+ MissingRequiredArgument,
+ /// Occurs when a subcommand is required (as defined by [`AppSettings::SubcommandRequired`]),
+ /// but the user does not provide one.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, AppSettings, SubCommand, ErrorKind};
+ /// let err = App::new("prog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::SubcommandRequired)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test"))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![
+ /// "myprog",
+ /// ]);
+ /// assert!(err.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(err.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingSubcommand);
+ /// # ;
+ /// ```
+ /// [`AppSettings::SubcommandRequired`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.SubcommandRequired
+ MissingSubcommand,
+ /// Occurs when either an argument or [`SubCommand`] is required, as defined by
+ /// [`AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp`], but the user did not provide one.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, AppSettings, ErrorKind, SubCommand};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp)
+ /// .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("config")
+ /// .about("Used for configuration")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("config_file")
+ /// .help("The configuration file to use")))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::MissingArgumentOrSubcommand);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`SubCommand`]: ./struct.SubCommand.html
+ /// [`AppSettings::ArgRequiredElseHelp`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.ArgRequiredElseHelp
+ MissingArgumentOrSubcommand,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides multiple values to an argument which doesn't allow that.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+ /// .long("debug")
+ /// .multiple(false))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--debug", "--debug"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::UnexpectedMultipleUsage);
+ /// ```
+ UnexpectedMultipleUsage,
+ /// Occurs when the user provides a value containing invalid UTF-8 for an argument and
+ /// [`AppSettings::StrictUtf8`] is set.
+ ///
+ /// # Platform Specific
+ ///
+ /// Non-Windows platforms only (such as Linux, Unix, OSX, etc.)
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ #[cfg_attr(not(unix), doc = " ```ignore")]
+ #[cfg_attr(unix, doc = " ```")]
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind, AppSettings};
+ /// # use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
+ /// # use std::ffi::OsString;
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .setting(AppSettings::StrictUtf8)
+ /// .arg(Arg::with_name("utf8")
+ /// .short("u")
+ /// .takes_value(true))
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec![OsString::from("myprog"),
+ /// OsString::from("-u"),
+ /// OsString::from_vec(vec![0xE9])]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8);
+ /// ```
+ /// [`AppSettings::StrictUtf8`]: ./enum.AppSettings.html#variant.StrictUtf8
+ InvalidUtf8,
+ /// Not a true "error" as it means `--help` or similar was used.
+ /// The help message will be sent to `stdout`.
+ ///
+ /// **Note**: If the help is displayed due to an error (such as missing subcommands) it will
+ /// be sent to `stderr` instead of `stdout`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--help"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed);
+ /// ```
+ HelpDisplayed,
+ /// Not a true "error" as it means `--version` or similar was used.
+ /// The message will be sent to `stdout`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```rust
+ /// # use clap::{App, Arg, ErrorKind};
+ /// let result = App::new("prog")
+ /// .get_matches_from_safe(vec!["prog", "--version"]);
+ /// assert!(result.is_err());
+ /// assert_eq!(result.unwrap_err().kind, ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed);
+ /// ```
+ VersionDisplayed,
+ /// Occurs when using the [`value_t!`] and [`values_t!`] macros to convert an argument value
+ /// into type `T`, but the argument you requested wasn't used. I.e. you asked for an argument
+ /// with name `config` to be converted, but `config` wasn't used by the user.
+ /// [`value_t!`]: ./macro.value_t!.html
+ /// [`values_t!`]: ./macro.values_t!.html
+ ArgumentNotFound,
+ /// Represents an [I/O error].
+ /// Can occur when writing to `stderr` or `stdout` or reading a configuration file.
+ /// [I/O error]:
+ Io,
+ /// Represents a [Format error] (which is a part of [`Display`]).
+ /// Typically caused by writing to `stderr` or `stdout`.
+ /// [`Display`]:
+ /// [Format error]:
+ Format,
+/// Command Line Argument Parser Error
+pub struct Error {
+ /// Formatted error message
+ pub message: String,
+ /// The type of error
+ pub kind: ErrorKind,
+ /// Any additional information passed along, such as the argument name that caused the error
+ pub info: Option<Vec<String>>,
+impl Error {
+ /// Should the message be written to `stdout` or not
+ pub fn use_stderr(&self) -> bool {
+ match self.kind {
+ ErrorKind::HelpDisplayed | ErrorKind::VersionDisplayed => false,
+ _ => true,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Prints the error to `stderr` and exits with a status of `1`
+ pub fn exit(&self) -> ! {
+ if self.use_stderr() {
+ wlnerr!("{}", self.message);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }
+ let out = io::stdout();
+ writeln!(&mut out.lock(), "{}", self.message).expect("Error writing Error to stdout");
+ process::exit(0);
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn write_to<W: Write>(&self, w: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { write!(w, "{}", self.message) }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn argument_conflict<'a, 'b, O, U>(
+ arg: &AnyArg,
+ other: Option<O>,
+ usage: U,
+ color: ColorWhen,
+ ) -> Self
+ where
+ O: Into<String>,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let mut v = vec![];
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' cannot be used with {}\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(&*arg.to_string()),
+ match other {
+ Some(name) => {
+ let n = name.into();
+ v.push(n.clone());
+ c.warning(format!("'{}'", n))
+ }
+ None => c.none("one or more of the other specified arguments".to_owned()),
+ },
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::ArgumentConflict,
+ info: Some(v),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn empty_value<'a, 'b, U>(arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' requires a value but none was supplied\
+ \n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::EmptyValue,
+ info: Some(vec![]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn invalid_value<'a, 'b, B, G, U>(
+ bad_val: B,
+ good_vals: &[G],
+ arg: &AnyArg,
+ usage: U,
+ color: ColorWhen,
+ ) -> Self
+ where
+ B: AsRef<str>,
+ G: AsRef<str> + Display,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ let suffix = suggestions::did_you_mean_value_suffix(bad_val.as_ref(), good_vals.iter());
+ let mut sorted = vec![];
+ for v in good_vals {
+ let val = format!("{}", c.good(v));
+ sorted.push(val);
+ }
+ sorted.sort();
+ let valid_values = sorted.join(", ");
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} '{}' isn't a valid value for '{}'\n\t\
+ [possible values: {}]\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(bad_val.as_ref()),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ valid_values,
+ suffix.0,
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::InvalidValue,
+ info: Some(vec![, bad_val.as_ref().to_owned()]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn invalid_subcommand<S, D, N, U>(
+ subcmd: S,
+ did_you_mean: D,
+ name: N,
+ usage: U,
+ color: ColorWhen,
+ ) -> Self
+ where
+ S: Into<String>,
+ D: AsRef<str> + Display,
+ N: Display,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let s = subcmd.into();
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The subcommand '{}' wasn't recognized\n\t\
+ Did you mean '{}'?\n\n\
+ If you believe you received this message in error, try \
+ re-running with '{} {} {}'\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(&*s),
+ c.good(did_you_mean.as_ref()),
+ name,
+ c.good("--"),
+ &*s,
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::InvalidSubcommand,
+ info: Some(vec![s]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn unrecognized_subcommand<S, N>(subcmd: S, name: N, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ S: Into<String>,
+ N: Display,
+ {
+ let s = subcmd.into();
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The subcommand '{}' wasn't recognized\n\n\
+ {}\n\t\
+ {} help <subcommands>...\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(&*s),
+ c.warning("USAGE:"),
+ name,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::UnrecognizedSubcommand,
+ info: Some(vec![s]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn missing_required_argument<R, U>(required: R, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ R: Display,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The following required arguments were not provided:{}\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ required,
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::MissingRequiredArgument,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn missing_subcommand<N, U>(name: N, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ N: AsRef<str> + Display,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} '{}' requires a subcommand, but one was not provided\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(name),
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::MissingSubcommand,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn invalid_utf8<U>(usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} Invalid UTF-8 was detected in one or more arguments\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::InvalidUtf8,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn too_many_values<'a, 'b, V, U>(val: V, arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ V: AsRef<str> + Display + ToOwned,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let v = val.as_ref();
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The value '{}' was provided to '{}', but it wasn't expecting \
+ any more values\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(v),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::TooManyValues,
+ info: Some(vec![, v.to_owned()]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn too_few_values<'a, 'b, U>(
+ arg: &AnyArg,
+ min_vals: u64,
+ curr_vals: usize,
+ usage: U,
+ color: ColorWhen,
+ ) -> Self
+ where
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' requires at least {} values, but only {} w{} \
+ provided\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ c.warning(min_vals.to_string()),
+ c.warning(curr_vals.to_string()),
+ if curr_vals > 1 { "ere" } else { "as" },
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::TooFewValues,
+ info: Some(vec![]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn value_validation<'a, 'b>(arg: Option<&AnyArg>, err: String, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} Invalid value{}: {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ if let Some(a) = arg {
+ format!(" for '{}'", c.warning(a.to_string()))
+ } else {
+ "".to_string()
+ },
+ err
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::ValueValidation,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn value_validation_auto(err: String) -> Self {
+ let n: Option<&AnyArg> = None;
+ Error::value_validation(n, err, ColorWhen::Auto)
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn wrong_number_of_values<'a, 'b, S, U>(
+ arg: &AnyArg,
+ num_vals: u64,
+ curr_vals: usize,
+ suffix: S,
+ usage: U,
+ color: ColorWhen,
+ ) -> Self
+ where
+ S: Display,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' requires {} values, but {} w{} \
+ provided\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ c.warning(num_vals.to_string()),
+ c.warning(curr_vals.to_string()),
+ suffix,
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::WrongNumberOfValues,
+ info: Some(vec![]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn unexpected_multiple_usage<'a, 'b, U>(arg: &AnyArg, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' was provided more than once, but cannot \
+ be used multiple times\n\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(arg.to_string()),
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedMultipleUsage,
+ info: Some(vec![]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn unknown_argument<A, U>(arg: A, did_you_mean: &str, usage: U, color: ColorWhen) -> Self
+ where
+ A: Into<String>,
+ U: Display,
+ {
+ let a = arg.into();
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} Found argument '{}' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in \
+ this context{}\n\
+ {}\n\n\
+ For more information try {}",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ c.warning(&*a),
+ if did_you_mean.is_empty() {
+ "\n".to_owned()
+ } else {
+ format!("{}\n", did_you_mean)
+ },
+ usage,
+ c.good("--help")
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::UnknownArgument,
+ info: Some(vec![a]),
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn io_error(e: &Error, color: ColorWhen) -> Self {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: color,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!("{} {}", c.error("error:"), e.description()),
+ kind: ErrorKind::Io,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ pub fn argument_not_found_auto<A>(arg: A) -> Self
+ where
+ A: Into<String>,
+ {
+ let a = arg.into();
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: ColorWhen::Auto,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!(
+ "{} The argument '{}' wasn't found",
+ c.error("error:"),
+ a.clone()
+ ),
+ kind: ErrorKind::ArgumentNotFound,
+ info: Some(vec![a]),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Create an error with a custom description.
+ ///
+ /// This can be used in combination with `Error::exit` to exit your program
+ /// with a custom error message.
+ pub fn with_description(description: &str, kind: ErrorKind) -> Self {
+ let c = Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: ColorWhen::Auto,
+ });
+ Error {
+ message: format!("{} {}", c.error("error:"), description),
+ kind: kind,
+ info: None,
+ }
+ }
+impl StdError for Error {
+ fn description(&self) -> &str { &*self.message }
+impl Display for Error {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std_fmt::Formatter) -> std_fmt::Result { writeln!(f, "{}", self.message) }
+impl From<io::Error> for Error {
+ fn from(e: io::Error) -> Self { Error::with_description(e.description(), ErrorKind::Io) }
+impl From<std_fmt::Error> for Error {
+ fn from(e: std_fmt::Error) -> Self {
+ Error::with_description(e.description(), ErrorKind::Format)
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..334c5b103a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+use ansi_term::ANSIString;
+#[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+use ansi_term::Colour::{Green, Red, Yellow};
+#[cfg(feature = "color")]
+use atty;
+use std::fmt;
+use std::env;
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ColorWhen {
+ Auto,
+ Always,
+ Never,
+#[cfg(feature = "color")]
+pub fn is_a_tty(stderr: bool) -> bool {
+ debugln!("is_a_tty: stderr={:?}", stderr);
+ let stream = if stderr {
+ atty::Stream::Stderr
+ } else {
+ atty::Stream::Stdout
+ };
+ atty::is(stream)
+#[cfg(not(feature = "color"))]
+pub fn is_a_tty(_: bool) -> bool {
+ debugln!("is_a_tty;");
+ false
+pub fn is_term_dumb() -> bool { env::var("TERM").ok() == Some(String::from("dumb")) }
+pub struct ColorizerOption {
+ pub use_stderr: bool,
+ pub when: ColorWhen,
+pub struct Colorizer {
+ when: ColorWhen,
+macro_rules! color {
+ ($_self:ident, $c:ident, $m:expr) => {
+ match $_self.when {
+ ColorWhen::Auto => Format::$c($m),
+ ColorWhen::Always => Format::$c($m),
+ ColorWhen::Never => Format::None($m),
+ }
+ };
+impl Colorizer {
+ pub fn new(option: ColorizerOption) -> Colorizer {
+ let is_a_tty = is_a_tty(option.use_stderr);
+ let is_term_dumb = is_term_dumb();
+ Colorizer {
+ when: if is_a_tty && !is_term_dumb {
+ option.when
+ } else {
+ ColorWhen::Never
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn good<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T>
+ where
+ T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Colorizer::good;");
+ color!(self, Good, msg)
+ }
+ pub fn warning<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T>
+ where
+ T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Colorizer::warning;");
+ color!(self, Warning, msg)
+ }
+ pub fn error<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T>
+ where
+ T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Colorizer::error;");
+ color!(self, Error, msg)
+ }
+ pub fn none<T>(&self, msg: T) -> Format<T>
+ where
+ T: fmt::Display + AsRef<str>,
+ {
+ debugln!("Colorizer::none;");
+ Format::None(msg)
+ }
+impl Default for Colorizer {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Colorizer::new(ColorizerOption {
+ use_stderr: true,
+ when: ColorWhen::Auto,
+ })
+ }
+/// Defines styles for different types of error messages. Defaults to Error=Red, Warning=Yellow,
+/// and Good=Green
+pub enum Format<T> {
+ /// Defines the style used for errors, defaults to Red
+ Error(T),
+ /// Defines the style used for warnings, defaults to Yellow
+ Warning(T),
+ /// Defines the style used for good values, defaults to Green
+ Good(T),
+ /// Defines no formatting style
+ None(T),
+#[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+impl<T: AsRef<str>> Format<T> {
+ fn format(&self) -> ANSIString {
+ match *self {
+ Format::Error(ref e) => Red.bold().paint(e.as_ref()),
+ Format::Warning(ref e) => Yellow.paint(e.as_ref()),
+ Format::Good(ref e) => Green.paint(e.as_ref()),
+ Format::None(ref e) => ANSIString::from(e.as_ref()),
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(any(not(feature = "color"), target_os = "windows"))]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(match_same_arms))]
+impl<T: fmt::Display> Format<T> {
+ fn format(&self) -> &T {
+ match *self {
+ Format::Error(ref e) => e,
+ Format::Warning(ref e) => e,
+ Format::Good(ref e) => e,
+ Format::None(ref e) => e,
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+impl<T: AsRef<str>> fmt::Display for Format<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.format()) }
+#[cfg(any(not(feature = "color"), target_os = "windows"))]
+impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Format<T> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", &self.format()) }
+#[cfg(all(test, feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+mod test {
+ use ansi_term::ANSIString;
+ use ansi_term::Colour::{Green, Red, Yellow};
+ use super::Format;
+ #[test]
+ fn colored_output() {
+ let err = Format::Error("error");
+ assert_eq!(
+ &*format!("{}", err),
+ &*format!("{}", Red.bold().paint("error"))
+ );
+ let good = Format::Good("good");
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", good), &*format!("{}", Green.paint("good")));
+ let warn = Format::Warning("warn");
+ assert_eq!(&*format!("{}", warn), &*format!("{}", Yellow.paint("warn")));
+ let none = Format::None("none");
+ assert_eq!(
+ &*format!("{}", none),
+ &*format!("{}", ANSIString::from("none"))
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b51f9d727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+// Copyright ⓒ 2015-2016 Kevin B. Knapp and [`clap-rs` contributors](
+// Licensed under the MIT license
+// (see LICENSE or <>) All files in the project carrying such
+// notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
+//! `clap` is a simple-to-use, efficient, and full-featured library for parsing command line
+//! arguments and subcommands when writing console/terminal applications.
+//! ## About
+//! `clap` is used to parse *and validate* the string of command line arguments provided by the user
+//! at runtime. You provide the list of valid possibilities, and `clap` handles the rest. This means
+//! you focus on your *applications* functionality, and less on the parsing and validating of
+//! arguments.
+//! `clap` also provides the traditional version and help switches (or flags) 'for free' meaning
+//! automatically with no configuration. It does this by checking list of valid possibilities you
+//! supplied and adding only the ones you haven't already defined. If you are using subcommands,
+//! `clap` will also auto-generate a `help` subcommand for you in addition to the traditional flags.
+//! Once `clap` parses the user provided string of arguments, it returns the matches along with any
+//! applicable values. If the user made an error or typo, `clap` informs them of the mistake and
+//! exits gracefully (or returns a `Result` type and allows you to perform any clean up prior to
+//! exit). Because of this, you can make reasonable assumptions in your code about the validity of
+//! the arguments.
+//! ## Quick Example
+//! The following examples show a quick example of some of the very basic functionality of `clap`.
+//! For more advanced usage, such as requirements, conflicts, groups, multiple values and
+//! occurrences see the [documentation](, [examples/]( directory of
+//! this repository or the [video tutorials](
+//! **NOTE:** All of these examples are functionally the same, but show different styles in which to
+//! use `clap`
+//! The first example shows a method that allows more advanced configuration options (not shown in
+//! this small example), or even dynamically generating arguments when desired. The downside is it's
+//! more verbose.
+//! ```no_run
+//! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/
+//! //
+//! // This example demonstrates clap's full 'builder pattern' style of creating arguments which is
+//! // more verbose, but allows easier editing, and at times more advanced options, or the possibility
+//! // to generate arguments dynamically.
+//! extern crate clap;
+//! use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand};
+//! fn main() {
+//! let matches = App::new("My Super Program")
+//! .version("1.0")
+//! .author("Kevin K. <>")
+//! .about("Does awesome things")
+//! .arg(Arg::with_name("config")
+//! .short("c")
+//! .long("config")
+//! .value_name("FILE")
+//! .help("Sets a custom config file")
+//! .takes_value(true))
+//! .arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT")
+//! .help("Sets the input file to use")
+//! .required(true)
+//! .index(1))
+//! .arg(Arg::with_name("v")
+//! .short("v")
+//! .multiple(true)
+//! .help("Sets the level of verbosity"))
+//! .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+//! .about("controls testing features")
+//! .version("1.3")
+//! .author("Someone E. <>")
+//! .arg(Arg::with_name("debug")
+//! .short("d")
+//! .help("print debug information verbosely")))
+//! .get_matches();
+//! // Gets a value for config if supplied by user, or defaults to "default.conf"
+//! let config = matches.value_of("config").unwrap_or("default.conf");
+//! println!("Value for config: {}", config);
+//! // Calling .unwrap() is safe here because "INPUT" is required (if "INPUT" wasn't
+//! // required we could have used an 'if let' to conditionally get the value)
+//! println!("Using input file: {}", matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap());
+//! // Vary the output based on how many times the user used the "verbose" flag
+//! // (i.e. 'myprog -v -v -v' or 'myprog -vvv' vs 'myprog -v'
+//! match matches.occurrences_of("v") {
+//! 0 => println!("No verbose info"),
+//! 1 => println!("Some verbose info"),
+//! 2 => println!("Tons of verbose info"),
+//! 3 | _ => println!("Don't be crazy"),
+//! }
+//! // You can handle information about subcommands by requesting their matches by name
+//! // (as below), requesting just the name used, or both at the same time
+//! if let Some(matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("test") {
+//! if matches.is_present("debug") {
+//! println!("Printing debug info...");
+//! } else {
+//! println!("Printing normally...");
+//! }
+//! }
+//! // more program logic goes here...
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! The next example shows a far less verbose method, but sacrifices some of the advanced
+//! configuration options (not shown in this small example). This method also takes a *very* minor
+//! runtime penalty.
+//! ```no_run
+//! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/
+//! //
+//! // This example demonstrates clap's "usage strings" method of creating arguments
+//! // which is less verbose
+//! extern crate clap;
+//! use clap::{Arg, App, SubCommand};
+//! fn main() {
+//! let matches = App::new("myapp")
+//! .version("1.0")
+//! .author("Kevin K. <>")
+//! .about("Does awesome things")
+//! .args_from_usage(
+//! "-c, --config=[FILE] 'Sets a custom config file'
+//! <INPUT> 'Sets the input file to use'
+//! -v... 'Sets the level of verbosity'")
+//! .subcommand(SubCommand::with_name("test")
+//! .about("controls testing features")
+//! .version("1.3")
+//! .author("Someone E. <>")
+//! .arg_from_usage("-d, --debug 'Print debug information'"))
+//! .get_matches();
+//! // Same as previous example...
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! This third method shows how you can use a YAML file to build your CLI and keep your Rust source
+//! tidy or support multiple localized translations by having different YAML files for each
+//! localization.
+//! First, create the `cli.yml` file to hold your CLI options, but it could be called anything we
+//! like:
+//! ```yaml
+//! name: myapp
+//! version: "1.0"
+//! author: Kevin K. <>
+//! about: Does awesome things
+//! args:
+//! - config:
+//! short: c
+//! long: config
+//! value_name: FILE
+//! help: Sets a custom config file
+//! takes_value: true
+//! - INPUT:
+//! help: Sets the input file to use
+//! required: true
+//! index: 1
+//! - verbose:
+//! short: v
+//! multiple: true
+//! help: Sets the level of verbosity
+//! subcommands:
+//! - test:
+//! about: controls testing features
+//! version: "1.3"
+//! author: Someone E. <>
+//! args:
+//! - debug:
+//! short: d
+//! help: print debug information
+//! ```
+//! Since this feature requires additional dependencies that not everyone may want, it is *not*
+//! compiled in by default and we need to enable a feature flag in Cargo.toml:
+//! Simply change your `clap = "~2.27.0"` to `clap = {version = "~2.27.0", features = ["yaml"]}`.
+//! At last we create our `` file just like we would have with the previous two examples:
+//! ```ignore
+//! // (Full example with detailed comments in examples/
+//! //
+//! // This example demonstrates clap's building from YAML style of creating arguments which is far
+//! // more clean, but takes a very small performance hit compared to the other two methods.
+//! #[macro_use]
+//! extern crate clap;
+//! use clap::App;
+//! fn main() {
+//! // The YAML file is found relative to the current file, similar to how modules are found
+//! let yaml = load_yaml!("cli.yml");
+//! let matches = App::from_yaml(yaml).get_matches();
+//! // Same as previous examples...
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! Finally there is a macro version, which is like a hybrid approach offering the speed of the
+//! builder pattern (the first example), but without all the verbosity.
+//! ```no_run
+//! #[macro_use]
+//! extern crate clap;
+//! fn main() {
+//! let matches = clap_app!(myapp =>
+//! (version: "1.0")
+//! (author: "Kevin K. <>")
+//! (about: "Does awesome things")
+//! (@arg CONFIG: -c --config +takes_value "Sets a custom config file")
+//! (@arg INPUT: +required "Sets the input file to use")
+//! (@arg debug: -d ... "Sets the level of debugging information")
+//! (@subcommand test =>
+//! (about: "controls testing features")
+//! (version: "1.3")
+//! (author: "Someone E. <>")
+//! (@arg verbose: -v --verbose "Print test information verbosely")
+//! )
+//! ).get_matches();
+//! // Same as before...
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! If you were to compile any of the above programs and run them with the flag `--help` or `-h` (or
+//! `help` subcommand, since we defined `test` as a subcommand) the following would be output
+//! ```text
+//! $ myprog --help
+//! My Super Program 1.0
+//! Kevin K. <>
+//! Does awesome things
+//! USAGE:
+//! FLAGS:
+//! -h, --help Prints this message
+//! -v Sets the level of verbosity
+//! -V, --version Prints version information
+//! -c, --config <FILE> Sets a custom config file
+//! ARGS:
+//! INPUT The input file to use
+//! help Prints this message
+//! test Controls testing features
+//! ```
+//! **NOTE:** You could also run `myapp test --help` to see similar output and options for the
+//! `test` subcommand.
+//! ## Try it!
+//! ### Pre-Built Test
+//! To try out the pre-built example, use the following steps:
+//! * Clone the repository `$ git clone && cd clap-rs/tests`
+//! * Compile the example `$ cargo build --release`
+//! * Run the help info `$ ./target/release/claptests --help`
+//! * Play with the arguments!
+//! ### BYOB (Build Your Own Binary)
+//! To test out `clap`'s default auto-generated help/version follow these steps:
+//! * Create a new cargo project `$ cargo new fake --bin && cd fake`
+//! * Add `clap` to your `Cargo.toml`
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies]
+//! clap = "2"
+//! ```
+//! * Add the following to your `src/`
+//! ```no_run
+//! extern crate clap;
+//! use clap::App;
+//! fn main() {
+//! App::new("fake").version("v1.0-beta").get_matches();
+//! }
+//! ```
+//! * Build your program `$ cargo build --release`
+//! * Run with help or version `$ ./target/release/fake --help` or `$ ./target/release/fake
+//! --version`
+//! ## Usage
+//! For full usage, add `clap` as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml` (it is **highly** recommended to
+//! use the `~major.minor.patch` style versions in your `Cargo.toml`, for more information see
+//! [Compatibility Policy](#compatibility-policy)) to use from
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies]
+//! clap = "~2.27.0"
+//! ```
+//! Or get the latest changes from the master branch at github:
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies.clap]
+//! git = ""
+//! ```
+//! Add `extern crate clap;` to your crate root.
+//! Define a list of valid arguments for your program (see the
+//! [documentation]( or [examples/](examples) directory of this repo)
+//! Then run `cargo build` or `cargo update && cargo build` for your project.
+//! ### Optional Dependencies / Features
+//! #### Features enabled by default
+//! * `suggestions`: Turns on the `Did you mean '--myoption'?` feature for when users make typos. (builds dependency `strsim`)
+//! * `color`: Turns on colored error messages. This feature only works on non-Windows OSs. (builds dependency `ansi-term` and `atty`)
+//! * `wrap_help`: Wraps the help at the actual terminal width when
+//! available, instead of 120 chracters. (builds dependency `textwrap`
+//! with feature `term_size`)
+//! To disable these, add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies.clap]
+//! version = "~2.27.0"
+//! default-features = false
+//! ```
+//! You can also selectively enable only the features you'd like to include, by adding:
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies.clap]
+//! version = "~2.27.0"
+//! default-features = false
+//! # Cherry-pick the features you'd like to use
+//! features = [ "suggestions", "color" ]
+//! ```
+//! #### Opt-in features
+//! * **"yaml"**: Enables building CLIs from YAML documents. (builds dependency `yaml-rust`)
+//! * **"unstable"**: Enables unstable `clap` features that may change from release to release
+//! ### Dependencies Tree
+//! The following graphic depicts `clap`s dependency graph (generated using
+//! [cargo-graph](
+//! * **Dashed** Line: Optional dependency
+//! * **Red** Color: **NOT** included by default (must use cargo `features` to enable)
+//! * **Blue** Color: Dev dependency, only used while developing.
+//! ![clap dependencies](
+//! ### More Information
+//! You can find complete documentation on the []( for this project.
+//! You can also find usage examples in the [examples/]( directory of this repo.
+//! #### Video Tutorials
+//! There's also the video tutorial series [Argument Parsing with Rust v2](
+//! These videos slowly trickle out as I finish them and currently a work in progress.
+//! ## How to Contribute
+//! Contributions are always welcome! And there is a multitude of ways in which you can help
+//! depending on what you like to do, or are good at. Anything from documentation, code cleanup,
+//! issue completion, new features, you name it, even filing issues is contributing and greatly
+//! appreciated!
+//! Another really great way to help is if you find an interesting, or helpful way in which to use
+//! `clap`. You can either add it to the [examples/](examples) directory, or file an issue and tell
+//! me. I'm all about giving credit where credit is due :)
+//! Please read []( before you start contributing.
+//! ### Testing Code
+//! To test with all features both enabled and disabled, you can run theese commands:
+//! ```text
+//! $ cargo test --no-default-features
+//! $ cargo test --features "yaml unstable"
+//! ```
+//! Alternatively, if you have [`just`]( installed you can run the
+//! prebuilt recipies. *Not* using `just` is perfectly fine as well, it simply bundles commands
+//! automatically.
+//! For example, to test the code, as above simply run:
+//! ```text
+//! $ just run-tests
+//! ```
+//! From here on, I will lis the appropriate `cargo` command as well as the `just` command.
+//! Sometimes it's helpful to only run a subset of the tests, which can be done via:
+//! ```text
+//! $ cargo test --test <test_name>
+//! # Or
+//! $ just run-test <test_name>
+//! ```
+//! ### Linting Code
+//! During the CI process `clap` runs against many different lints using
+//! [`clippy`]( In order to check if these lints pass on
+//! your own computer prior to submitting a PR you'll need a nightly compiler.
+//! In order to check the code for lints run either:
+//! ```text
+//! $ rustup override add nightly
+//! $ cargo build --features lints
+//! $ rustup override remove
+//! # Or
+//! $ just lint
+//! ```
+//! ### Debugging Code
+//! Another helpful technique is to see the `clap` debug output while developing features. In order
+//! to see the debug output while running the full test suite or individual tests, run:
+//! ```text
+//! $ cargo test --features debug
+//! # Or for individual tests
+//! $ cargo test --test <test_name> --features debug
+//! # The corresponding just command for individual debugging tests is:
+//! $ just debug <test_name>
+//! ```
+//! ### Goals
+//! There are a few goals of `clap` that I'd like to maintain throughout contributions. If your
+//! proposed changes break, or go against any of these goals we'll discuss the changes further
+//! before merging (but will *not* be ignored, all contributes are welcome!). These are by no means
+//! hard-and-fast rules, as I'm no expert and break them myself from time to time (even if by
+//! mistake or ignorance).
+//! * Remain backwards compatible when possible
+//! - If backwards compatibility *must* be broken, use deprecation warnings if at all possible before
+//! removing legacy code - This does not apply for security concerns
+//! * Parse arguments quickly
+//! - Parsing of arguments shouldn't slow down usage of the main program - This is also true of
+//! generating help and usage information (although *slightly* less stringent, as the program is about
+//! to exit)
+//! * Try to be cognizant of memory usage
+//! - Once parsing is complete, the memory footprint of `clap` should be low since the main program
+//! is the star of the show
+//! * `panic!` on *developer* error, exit gracefully on *end-user* error
+//! ### Compatibility Policy
+//! Because `clap` takes `SemVer` and compatibility seriously, this is the official policy regarding
+//! breaking changes and previous versions of Rust.
+//! `clap` will pin the minimum required version of Rust to the CI builds. Bumping the minimum
+//! version of Rust is considered a minor breaking change, meaning *at a minimum* the minor version
+//! of `clap` will be bumped.
+//! In order to keep from being suprised of breaking changes, it is **highly** recommended to use
+//! the `~major.minor.patch` style in your `Cargo.toml`:
+//! ```toml
+//! [dependencies] clap = "~2.27.0"
+//! ```
+//! This will cause *only* the patch version to be updated upon a `cargo update` call, and therefore
+//! cannot break due to new features, or bumped minimum versions of Rust.
+//! #### Minimum Version of Rust
+//! `clap` will officially support current stable Rust, minus two releases, but may work with prior
+//! releases as well. For example, current stable Rust at the time of this writing is 1.21.0,
+//! meaning `clap` is guaranteed to compile with 1.19.0 and beyond. At the 1.22.0 release, `clap`
+//! will be guaranteed to compile with 1.20.0 and beyond, etc.
+//! Upon bumping the minimum version of Rust (assuming it's within the stable-2 range), it *must* be
+//! clearly annotated in the ``
+//! ## License
+//! `clap` is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) file in
+//! this repository for more information.
+#![crate_type = "lib"]
+#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
+#![deny(missing_docs, missing_debug_implementations, missing_copy_implementations, trivial_casts,
+ unused_import_braces, unused_allocation)]
+// Lints we'd like to deny but are currently failing for upstream crates
+// unused_qualifications (bitflags, clippy)
+// trivial_numeric_casts (bitflags)
+#![cfg_attr(not(any(feature = "lints", feature = "nightly")), forbid(unstable_features))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", feature(plugin))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", plugin(clippy))]
+// Need to disable deny(warnings) while deprecations are active
+// #![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", deny(warnings))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(cyclomatic_complexity))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(doc_markdown))]
+#![cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(explicit_iter_loop))]
+#[cfg(all(feature = "color", not(target_os = "windows")))]
+extern crate ansi_term;
+#[cfg(feature = "color")]
+extern crate atty;
+extern crate bitflags;
+#[cfg(feature = "suggestions")]
+extern crate strsim;
+#[cfg(feature = "wrap_help")]
+extern crate term_size;
+extern crate textwrap;
+extern crate unicode_width;
+#[cfg(feature = "vec_map")]
+extern crate vec_map;
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+extern crate yaml_rust;
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+pub use yaml_rust::YamlLoader;
+pub use args::{Arg, ArgGroup, ArgMatches, ArgSettings, OsValues, SubCommand, Values};
+pub use app::{App, AppSettings};
+pub use fmt::Format;
+pub use errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result};
+pub use completions::Shell;
+mod macros;
+mod app;
+mod args;
+mod usage_parser;
+mod fmt;
+mod suggestions;
+mod errors;
+mod osstringext;
+mod strext;
+mod completions;
+mod map;
+const INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG: &'static str = "Fatal internal error. Please consider filing a bug \
+ report at";
+const INVALID_UTF8: &'static str = "unexpected invalid UTF-8 code point";
+pub use derive::{ArgEnum, ClapApp, FromArgMatches, IntoApp};
+mod derive {
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ pub trait ClapApp: IntoApp + FromArgMatches + Sized {
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn parse() -> Self { Self::from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches()) }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Self
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ Self::from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_from(argv))
+ }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn try_parse() -> Result<Self, clap::Error> {
+ Self::try_from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_safe()?)
+ }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn try_parse_from<I, T>(argv: I) -> Result<Self, clap::Error>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
+ T: Into<OsString> + Clone,
+ {
+ Self::try_from_argmatches(Self::into_app().get_matches_from_safe(argv)?)
+ }
+ }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ pub trait IntoApp {
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn into_app<'a, 'b>() -> clap::App<'a, 'b>;
+ }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ pub trait FromArgMatches: Sized {
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Self;
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ fn try_from_argmatches<'a>(matches: clap::ArgMatches<'a>) -> Result<Self, clap::Error>;
+ }
+ /// @TODO @release @docs
+ pub trait ArgEnum {}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98a39e8e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1079 @@
+/// A convenience macro for loading the YAML file at compile time (relative to the current file,
+/// like modules work). That YAML object can then be passed to this function.
+/// # Panics
+/// The YAML file must be properly formatted or this function will panic!(). A good way to
+/// ensure this doesn't happen is to run your program with the `--help` switch. If this passes
+/// without error, you needn't worry because the YAML is properly formatted.
+/// # Examples
+/// The following example shows how to load a properly formatted YAML file to build an instance
+/// of an `App` struct.
+/// ```ignore
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let yml = load_yaml!("app.yml");
+/// let app = App::from_yaml(yml);
+/// // continued logic goes here, such as `app.get_matches()` etc.
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(feature = "yaml")]
+macro_rules! load_yaml {
+ ($yml:expr) => (
+ &::clap::YamlLoader::load_from_str(include_str!($yml)).expect("failed to load YAML file")[0]
+ );
+/// Convenience macro getting a typed value `T` where `T` implements [`std::str::FromStr`] from an
+/// argument value. This macro returns a `Result<T,String>` which allows you as the developer to
+/// decide what you'd like to do on a failed parse. There are two types of errors, parse failures
+/// and those where the argument wasn't present (such as a non-required argument). You can use
+/// it to get a single value, or a iterator as with the [`ArgMatches::values_of`]
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let matches = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg_from_usage("[length] 'Set the length to use as a pos whole num, i.e. 20'")
+/// .get_matches();
+/// let len = value_t!(matches.value_of("length"), u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
+/// let also_len = value_t!(matches, "length", u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", len, len + 2);
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`std::str::FromStr`]:
+/// [`ArgMatches::values_of`]: ./struct.ArgMatches.html#method.values_of
+/// [`Result<T,String>`]:
+macro_rules! value_t {
+ ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
+ value_t!($m.value_of($v), $t)
+ };
+ ($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
+ if let Some(v) = $m.value_of($v) {
+ match v.parse::<$t>() {
+ Ok(val) => Ok(val),
+ Err(_) =>
+ Err(::clap::Error::value_validation_auto(
+ format!("The argument '{}' isn't a valid value", v))),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(::clap::Error::argument_not_found_auto($v))
+ }
+ };
+/// Convenience macro getting a typed value `T` where `T` implements [`std::str::FromStr`] or
+/// exiting upon error, instead of returning a [`Result`] type.
+/// **NOTE:** This macro is for backwards compatibility sake. Prefer
+/// [`value_t!(/* ... */).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit())`]
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let matches = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg_from_usage("[length] 'Set the length to use as a pos whole num, i.e. 20'")
+/// .get_matches();
+/// let len = value_t_or_exit!(matches.value_of("length"), u32);
+/// let also_len = value_t_or_exit!(matches, "length", u32);
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", len, len + 2);
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`std::str::FromStr`]:
+/// [`Result`]:
+/// [`value_t!(/* ... */).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit())`]: ./macro.value_t!.html
+macro_rules! value_t_or_exit {
+ ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
+ value_t_or_exit!($m.value_of($v), $t)
+ };
+ ($m:ident.value_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
+ if let Some(v) = $m.value_of($v) {
+ match v.parse::<$t>() {
+ Ok(val) => val,
+ Err(_) =>
+ ::clap::Error::value_validation_auto(
+ format!("The argument '{}' isn't a valid value", v)).exit(),
+ }
+ } else {
+ ::clap::Error::argument_not_found_auto($v).exit()
+ }
+ };
+/// Convenience macro getting a typed value [`Vec<T>`] where `T` implements [`std::str::FromStr`]
+/// This macro returns a [`clap::Result<Vec<T>>`] which allows you as the developer to decide
+/// what you'd like to do on a failed parse.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let matches = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg_from_usage("[seq]... 'A sequence of pos whole nums, i.e. 20 45'")
+/// .get_matches();
+/// let vals = values_t!(matches.values_of("seq"), u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
+/// for v in &vals {
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);
+/// }
+/// let vals = values_t!(matches, "seq", u32).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
+/// for v in &vals {
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);
+/// }
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`std::str::FromStr`]:
+/// [`Vec<T>`]:
+/// [`clap::Result<Vec<T>>`]: ./type.Result.html
+macro_rules! values_t {
+ ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
+ values_t!($m.values_of($v), $t)
+ };
+ ($m:ident.values_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
+ if let Some(vals) = $m.values_of($v) {
+ let mut tmp = vec![];
+ let mut err = None;
+ for pv in vals {
+ match pv.parse::<$t>() {
+ Ok(rv) => tmp.push(rv),
+ Err(..) => {
+ err = Some(::clap::Error::value_validation_auto(
+ format!("The argument '{}' isn't a valid value", pv)));
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ match err {
+ Some(e) => Err(e),
+ None => Ok(tmp),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(::clap::Error::argument_not_found_auto($v))
+ }
+ };
+/// Convenience macro getting a typed value [`Vec<T>`] where `T` implements [`std::str::FromStr`]
+/// or exiting upon error.
+/// **NOTE:** This macro is for backwards compatibility sake. Prefer
+/// [`values_t!(/* ... */).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit())`]
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let matches = App::new("myapp")
+/// .arg_from_usage("[seq]... 'A sequence of pos whole nums, i.e. 20 45'")
+/// .get_matches();
+/// let vals = values_t_or_exit!(matches.values_of("seq"), u32);
+/// for v in &vals {
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);
+/// }
+/// // type for example only
+/// let vals: Vec<u32> = values_t_or_exit!(matches, "seq", u32);
+/// for v in &vals {
+/// println!("{} + 2: {}", v, v + 2);
+/// }
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// [`values_t!(/* ... */).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit())`]: ./macro.values_t!.html
+/// [`std::str::FromStr`]:
+/// [`Vec<T>`]:
+macro_rules! values_t_or_exit {
+ ($m:ident, $v:expr, $t:ty) => {
+ values_t_or_exit!($m.values_of($v), $t)
+ };
+ ($m:ident.values_of($v:expr), $t:ty) => {
+ if let Some(vals) = $m.values_of($v) {
+|v| v.parse::<$t>().unwrap_or_else(|_|{
+ ::clap::Error::value_validation_auto(
+ format!("One or more arguments aren't valid values")).exit()
+ })).collect::<Vec<$t>>()
+ } else {
+ ::clap::Error::argument_not_found_auto($v).exit()
+ }
+ };
+// _clap_count_exprs! is derived from
+// commit: 82a35ca5d9a04c3b920622d542104e3310ee5b07
+// License: MIT
+// Copyright ⓒ 2015 grabbag contributors.
+// Licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE or <
+// /licenses/MIT>) or the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE of
+// <>), at your option. All
+// files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified,
+// or distributed except according to those terms.
+/// Counts the number of comma-delimited expressions passed to it. The result is a compile-time
+/// evaluable expression, suitable for use as a static array size, or the value of a `const`.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// # #[macro_use] extern crate clap;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// const COUNT: usize = _clap_count_exprs!(a, 5+1, "hi there!".into_string());
+/// assert_eq!(COUNT, 3);
+/// # }
+/// ```
+macro_rules! _clap_count_exprs {
+ () => { 0 };
+ ($e:expr) => { 1 };
+ ($e:expr, $($es:expr),+) => { 1 + _clap_count_exprs!($($es),*) };
+/// Convenience macro to generate more complete enums with variants to be used as a type when
+/// parsing arguments. This enum also provides a `variants()` function which can be used to
+/// retrieve a `Vec<&'static str>` of the variant names, as well as implementing [`FromStr`] and
+/// [`Display`] automatically.
+/// **NOTE:** Case insensitivity is supported for ASCII characters only. It's highly recommended to
+/// use [`Arg::case_insensitive(true)`] for args that will be used with these enums
+/// **NOTE:** This macro automatically implements [`std::str::FromStr`] and [`std::fmt::Display`]
+/// **NOTE:** These enums support pub (or not) and uses of the #[derive()] traits
+/// # Examples
+/// ```rust
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::{App, Arg};
+/// arg_enum!{
+/// #[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
+/// pub enum Foo {
+/// Bar,
+/// Baz,
+/// Qux
+/// }
+/// }
+/// // Foo enum can now be used via Foo::Bar, or Foo::Baz, etc
+/// // and implements std::str::FromStr to use with the value_t! macros
+/// fn main() {
+/// let m = App::new("app")
+/// .arg(Arg::from_usage("<foo> 'the foo'")
+/// .possible_values(&Foo::variants())
+/// .case_insensitive(true))
+/// .get_matches_from(vec![
+/// "app", "baz"
+/// ]);
+/// let f = value_t!(m, "foo", Foo).unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
+/// assert_eq!(f, Foo::Baz);
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// [`FromStr`]:
+/// [`std::str::FromStr`]:
+/// [`Display`]:
+/// [`std::fmt::Display`]:
+/// [`Arg::case_insensitive(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.case_insensitive
+macro_rules! arg_enum {
+ (@as_item $($i:item)*) => ($($i)*);
+ (@impls ( $($tts:tt)* ) -> ($e:ident, $($v:ident),+)) => {
+ arg_enum!(@as_item
+ $($tts)*
+ impl ::std::str::FromStr for $e {
+ type Err = String;
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> ::std::result::Result<Self,Self::Err> {
+ #[allow(unused_imports)]
+ use ::std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+ match s {
+ $(stringify!($v) |
+ _ if s.eq_ignore_ascii_case(stringify!($v)) => Ok($e::$v)),+,
+ _ => Err({
+ let v = vec![
+ $(stringify!($v),)+
+ ];
+ format!("valid values: {}",
+ v.join(" ,"))
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl ::std::fmt::Display for $e {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
+ match *self {
+ $($e::$v => write!(f, stringify!($v)),)+
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl $e {
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn variants() -> [&'static str; _clap_count_exprs!($(stringify!($v)),+)] {
+ [
+ $(stringify!($v),)+
+ ]
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(@impls
+ ($(#[$($m),+])+
+ pub enum $e {
+ $($v$(=$val)*),+
+ }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
+ );
+ };
+ ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(@impls
+ ($(#[$($m),+])+
+ pub enum $e {
+ $($v$(=$val)*),+
+ }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
+ );
+ };
+ ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!($(#[$($m:meta),+])+
+ enum $e:ident {
+ $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ ($(#[$($m:meta),+])+ enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(@impls
+ ($(#[$($m),+])+
+ enum $e {
+ $($v$(=$val)*),+
+ }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
+ );
+ };
+ (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(pub enum $e:ident {
+ $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+
+ });
+ };
+ (pub enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(@impls
+ (pub enum $e {
+ $($v$(=$val)*),+
+ }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
+ );
+ };
+ (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*,)+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(enum $e:ident {
+ $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+
+ });
+ };
+ (enum $e:ident { $($v:ident $(=$val:expr)*),+ } ) => {
+ arg_enum!(@impls
+ (enum $e {
+ $($v$(=$val)*),+
+ }) -> ($e, $($v),+)
+ );
+ };
+/// Allows you to pull the version from your Cargo.toml at compile time as
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let m = App::new("app")
+/// .version(crate_version!())
+/// .get_matches();
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(not(feature = "no_cargo"))]
+macro_rules! crate_version {
+ () => {
+ };
+/// Allows you to pull the authors for the app from your Cargo.toml at
+/// compile time in the form:
+/// `"author1 lastname <>:author2 lastname <>"`
+/// You can replace the colons with a custom separator by supplying a
+/// replacement string, so, for example,
+/// `crate_authors!(",\n")` would become
+/// `"author1 lastname <>,\nauthor2 lastname <>,\nauthor3 lastname <>"`
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let m = App::new("app")
+/// .author(crate_authors!("\n"))
+/// .get_matches();
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(not(feature = "no_cargo"))]
+macro_rules! crate_authors {
+ ($sep:expr) => {{
+ use std::ops::Deref;
+ use std::sync::{ONCE_INIT, Once};
+ #[allow(missing_copy_implementations)]
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ struct CargoAuthors { __private_field: () };
+ impl Deref for CargoAuthors {
+ type Target = str;
+ #[allow(unsafe_code)]
+ fn deref(&self) -> &'static str {
+ static ONCE: Once = ONCE_INIT;
+ static mut VALUE: *const String = 0 as *const String;
+ unsafe {
+ ONCE.call_once(|| {
+ let s = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS").replace(':', $sep);
+ VALUE = Box::into_raw(Box::new(s));
+ });
+ &(*VALUE)[..]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &*CargoAuthors { __private_field: () }
+ }};
+ () => {
+ };
+/// Allows you to pull the description from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let m = App::new("app")
+/// .about(crate_description!())
+/// .get_matches();
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(not(feature = "no_cargo"))]
+macro_rules! crate_description {
+ () => {
+ };
+/// Allows you to pull the name from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # use clap::App;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let m = App::new(crate_name!())
+/// .get_matches();
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(not(feature = "no_cargo"))]
+macro_rules! crate_name {
+ () => {
+ env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")
+ };
+/// Allows you to build the `App` instance from your Cargo.toml at compile time.
+/// Equivalent to using the `crate_*!` macros with their respective fields.
+/// Provided separator is for the [`crate_authors!`](macro.crate_authors.html) macro,
+/// refer to the documentation therefor.
+/// **NOTE:** Changing the values in your `Cargo.toml` does not trigger a re-build automatically,
+/// and therefore won't change the generated output until you recompile.
+/// **Pro Tip:** In some cases you can "trick" the compiler into triggering a rebuild when your
+/// `Cargo.toml` is changed by including this in your `src/` file
+/// `include_str!("../Cargo.toml");`
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let m = app_from_crate!().get_matches();
+/// # }
+/// ```
+#[cfg(not(feature = "no_cargo"))]
+macro_rules! app_from_crate {
+ () => {
+ $crate::App::new(crate_name!())
+ .version(crate_version!())
+ .author(crate_authors!())
+ .about(crate_description!())
+ };
+ ($sep:expr) => {
+ $crate::App::new(crate_name!())
+ .version(crate_version!())
+ .author(crate_authors!($sep))
+ .about(crate_description!())
+ };
+/// Build `App`, `Arg`s, `SubCommand`s and `Group`s with Usage-string like input
+/// but without the associated parsing runtime cost.
+/// `clap_app!` also supports several shorthand syntaxes.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[macro_use]
+/// # extern crate clap;
+/// # fn main() {
+/// let matches = clap_app!(myapp =>
+/// (version: "1.0")
+/// (author: "Kevin K. <>")
+/// (about: "Does awesome things")
+/// (@arg CONFIG: -c --config +takes_value "Sets a custom config file")
+/// (@arg INPUT: +required "Sets the input file to use")
+/// (@arg debug: -d ... "Sets the level of debugging information")
+/// (@group difficulty =>
+/// (@arg hard: -h --hard "Sets hard mode")
+/// (@arg normal: -n --normal "Sets normal mode")
+/// (@arg easy: -e --easy "Sets easy mode")
+/// )
+/// (@subcommand test =>
+/// (about: "controls testing features")
+/// (version: "1.3")
+/// (author: "Someone E. <>")
+/// (@arg verbose: -v --verbose "Print test information verbosely")
+/// )
+/// );
+/// # }
+/// ```
+/// # Shorthand Syntax for Args
+/// * A single hyphen followed by a character (such as `-c`) sets the [`Arg::short`]
+/// * A double hyphen followed by a character or word (such as `--config`) sets [`Arg::long`]
+/// * If one wishes to use a [`Arg::long`] with a hyphen inside (i.e. `--config-file`), you
+/// must use `--("config-file")` due to limitations of the Rust macro system.
+/// * Three dots (`...`) sets [`Arg::multiple(true)`]
+/// * Angled brackets after either a short or long will set [`Arg::value_name`] and
+/// `Arg::required(true)` such as `--config <FILE>` = `Arg::value_name("FILE")` and
+/// `Arg::required(true)`
+/// * Square brackets after either a short or long will set [`Arg::value_name`] and
+/// `Arg::required(false)` such as `--config [FILE]` = `Arg::value_name("FILE")` and
+/// `Arg::required(false)`
+/// * There are short hand syntaxes for Arg methods that accept booleans
+/// * A plus sign will set that method to `true` such as `+required` = `Arg::required(true)`
+/// * An exclamation will set that method to `false` such as `!required` = `Arg::required(false)`
+/// * A `#{min, max}` will set [`Arg::min_values(min)`] and [`Arg::max_values(max)`]
+/// * An asterisk (`*`) will set `Arg::required(true)`
+/// * Curly brackets around a `fn` will set [`Arg::validator`] as in `{fn}` = `Arg::validator(fn)`
+/// * An Arg method that accepts a string followed by square brackets will set that method such as
+/// `conflicts_with[FOO]` will set `Arg::conflicts_with("FOO")` (note the lack of quotes around
+/// `FOO` in the macro)
+/// * An Arg method that takes a string and can be set multiple times (such as
+/// [`Arg::conflicts_with`]) followed by square brackets and a list of values separated by spaces
+/// will set that method such as `conflicts_with[FOO BAR BAZ]` will set
+/// `Arg::conflicts_with("FOO")`, `Arg::conflicts_with("BAR")`, and `Arg::conflicts_with("BAZ")`
+/// (note the lack of quotes around the values in the macro)
+/// [`Arg::short`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.short
+/// [`Arg::long`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.long
+/// [`Arg::multiple(true)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.multiple
+/// [`Arg::value_name`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.value_name
+/// [`Arg::min_values(min)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.min_values
+/// [`Arg::max_values(max)`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.max_values
+/// [`Arg::validator`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.validator
+/// [`Arg::conflicts_with`]: ./struct.Arg.html#method.conflicts_with
+macro_rules! clap_app {
+ (@app ($builder:expr)) => { $builder };
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@arg ($name:expr): $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ ($builder.arg(
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($crate::Arg::with_name($name)) (-) $($tail)* }))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@arg $name:ident: $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ ($builder.arg(
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($crate::Arg::with_name(stringify!($name))) (-) $($tail)* }))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@setting $setting:ident) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ ($builder.setting($crate::AppSettings::$setting))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+// Treat the application builder as an argument to set it's attributes
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@attributes $($attr:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app (clap_app!{ @arg ($builder) $($attr)* }) $($tt)* }
+ };
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@group $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ (clap_app!{ @group ($builder, $crate::ArgGroup::with_name(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* })
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+// Handle subcommand creation
+ (@app ($builder:expr) (@subcommand $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ ($builder.subcommand(
+ clap_app!{ @app ($crate::SubCommand::with_name(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* }
+ ))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+// Yaml like function calls - used for setting various meta directly against the app
+ (@app ($builder:expr) ($ident:ident: $($v:expr),*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+// clap_app!{ @app ($builder.$ident($($v),*)) $($tt)* }
+ clap_app!{ @app
+ ($builder.$ident($($v),*))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+// Add members to group and continue argument handling with the parent builder
+ (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr)) => { $$group) };
+ (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr) (@attributes $($attr:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @group ($builder, clap_app!{ @arg ($group) (-) $($attr)* }) $($tt)* }
+ };
+ (@group ($builder:expr, $group:expr) (@arg $name:ident: $($tail:tt)*) $($tt:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @group
+ (clap_app!{ @app ($builder) (@arg $name: $($tail)*) },
+ $group.arg(stringify!($name)))
+ $($tt)*
+ }
+ };
+// No more tokens to munch
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt) => { $arg };
+// Shorthand tokens influenced by the usage_string
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt --($long:expr) $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.long($long)) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt --$long:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.long(stringify!($long))) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt -$short:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.short(stringify!($short))) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) (-) <$var:ident> $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) +takes_value +required $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) (+) <$var:ident> $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) (-) [$var:ident] $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) +takes_value $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) (+) [$var:ident] $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.value_name(stringify!($var))) (+) $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt ... $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes +multiple $($tail)* }
+ };
+// Shorthand magic
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt #{$n:expr, $m:expr} $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes min_values($n) max_values($m) $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt * $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg) $modes +required $($tail)* }
+ };
+// !foo -> .foo(false)
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt !$ident:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident(false)) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+// +foo -> .foo(true)
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt +$ident:ident $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident(true)) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+// Validator
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt {$fn_:expr} $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.validator($fn_)) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+ (@as_expr $expr:expr) => { $expr };
+// Help
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $desc:tt) => { $!{ @as_expr $desc }) };
+// Handle functions that need to be called multiple times for each argument
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $ident:ident[$($target:ident)*] $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg $( .$ident(stringify!($target)) )*) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+// Inherit builder's functions
+ (@arg ($arg:expr) $modes:tt $ident:ident($($expr:expr)*) $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @arg ($arg.$ident($($expr)*)) $modes $($tail)* }
+ };
+// Build a subcommand outside of an app.
+ (@subcommand $name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) => {
+ clap_app!{ @app ($crate::SubCommand::with_name(stringify!($name))) $($tail)* }
+ };
+// Start the magic
+ (($name:expr) => $($tail:tt)*) => {{
+ clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new($name)) $($tail)*}
+ }};
+ ($name:ident => $($tail:tt)*) => {{
+ clap_app!{ @app ($crate::App::new(stringify!($name))) $($tail)*}
+ }};
+macro_rules! impl_settings {
+ ($n:ident, $($v:ident => $c:path),+) => {
+ pub fn set(&mut self, s: $n) {
+ match s {
+ $($n::$v => self.0.insert($c)),+
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn unset(&mut self, s: $n) {
+ match s {
+ $($n::$v => self.0.remove($c)),+
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_set(&self, s: $n) -> bool {
+ match s {
+ $($n::$v => self.0.contains($c)),+
+ }
+ }
+ };
+// Convenience for writing to stderr thanks to
+macro_rules! wlnerr(
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => ({
+ use std::io::{Write, stderr};
+ writeln!(&mut stderr(), $($arg)*).ok();
+ })
+#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "debug", macro_use)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "debug", allow(unused_macros))]
+mod debug_macros {
+ macro_rules! debugln {
+ ($fmt:expr) => (println!(concat!("DEBUG:clap:", $fmt)));
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (println!(concat!("DEBUG:clap:",$fmt), $($arg)*));
+ }
+ macro_rules! sdebugln {
+ ($fmt:expr) => (println!($fmt));
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (println!($fmt, $($arg)*));
+ }
+ macro_rules! debug {
+ ($fmt:expr) => (print!(concat!("DEBUG:clap:", $fmt)));
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!(concat!("DEBUG:clap:",$fmt), $($arg)*));
+ }
+ macro_rules! sdebug {
+ ($fmt:expr) => (print!($fmt));
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!($fmt, $($arg)*));
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
+#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "debug"), macro_use)]
+mod debug_macros {
+ macro_rules! debugln {
+ ($fmt:expr) => ();
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ();
+ }
+ macro_rules! sdebugln {
+ ($fmt:expr) => ();
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ();
+ }
+ macro_rules! debug {
+ ($fmt:expr) => ();
+ ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ();
+ }
+// Helper/deduplication macro for printing the correct number of spaces in help messages
+// used in:
+// src/args/arg_builder/*.rs
+// src/app/
+macro_rules! write_nspaces {
+ ($dst:expr, $num:expr) => ({
+ debugln!("write_spaces!: num={}", $num);
+ for _ in 0..$num {
+ $dst.write_all(b" ")?;
+ }
+ })
+// convenience macro for remove an item from a vec
+//macro_rules! vec_remove_all {
+// ($vec:expr, $to_rem:expr) => {
+// debugln!("vec_remove_all! to_rem={:?}", $to_rem);
+// for i in (0 .. $vec.len()).rev() {
+// let should_remove = $to_rem.any(|name| name == &$vec[i]);
+// if should_remove { $vec.swap_remove(i); }
+// }
+// };
+macro_rules! find_from {
+ ($_self:expr, $arg_name:expr, $from:ident, $matcher:expr) => {{
+ let mut ret = None;
+ for k in $matcher.arg_names() {
+ if let Some(f) = find_by_name!($_self, k, flags, iter) {
+ if let Some(ref v) = f.$from() {
+ if v.contains($arg_name) {
+ ret = Some(f.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(o) = find_by_name!($_self, k, opts, iter) {
+ if let Some(ref v) = o.$from() {
+ if v.contains(&$arg_name) {
+ ret = Some(o.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(pos) = find_by_name!($_self, k, positionals, values) {
+ if let Some(ref v) = pos.$from() {
+ if v.contains($arg_name) {
+ ret = Some(;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret
+ }};
+//macro_rules! find_name_from {
+// ($_self:expr, $arg_name:expr, $from:ident, $matcher:expr) => {{
+// let mut ret = None;
+// for k in $matcher.arg_names() {
+// if let Some(f) = find_by_name!($_self, k, flags, iter) {
+// if let Some(ref v) = f.$from() {
+// if v.contains($arg_name) {
+// ret = Some(;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if let Some(o) = find_by_name!($_self, k, opts, iter) {
+// if let Some(ref v) = o.$from() {
+// if v.contains(&$arg_name) {
+// ret = Some(;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// if let Some(pos) = find_by_name!($_self, k, positionals, values) {
+// if let Some(ref v) = pos.$from() {
+// if v.contains($arg_name) {
+// ret = Some(;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// ret
+// }};
+macro_rules! find_any_by_name {
+ ($p:expr, $name:expr) => {
+ {
+ fn as_trait_obj<'a, 'b, T: AnyArg<'a, 'b>>(x: &T) -> &AnyArg<'a, 'b> { x }
+ find_by_name!($p, $name, flags, iter).map(as_trait_obj).or(
+ find_by_name!($p, $name, opts, iter).map(as_trait_obj).or(
+ find_by_name!($p, $name, positionals, values).map(as_trait_obj)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+// Finds an arg by name
+macro_rules! find_by_name {
+ ($p:expr, $name:expr, $what:ident, $how:ident) => {
+ $p.$what.$how().find(|o| == $name)
+ }
+// Finds an option including if it's aliasesed
+macro_rules! find_opt_by_long {
+ (@os $_self:ident, $long:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_long!($_self, $long, opts)
+ }};
+ ($_self:ident, $long:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_long!($_self, $long, opts)
+ }};
+macro_rules! find_flag_by_long {
+ (@os $_self:ident, $long:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_long!($_self, $long, flags)
+ }};
+ ($_self:ident, $long:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_long!($_self, $long, flags)
+ }};
+macro_rules! _find_by_long {
+ ($_self:ident, $long:expr, $what:ident) => {{
+ $_self.$what
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|a| a.s.long.is_some())
+ .find(|a| {
+ a.s.long.unwrap() == $long ||
+ (a.s.aliases.is_some() &&
+ a.s
+ .aliases
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .iter()
+ .any(|&(alias, _)| alias == $long))
+ })
+ }}
+// Finds an option
+macro_rules! find_opt_by_short {
+ ($_self:ident, $short:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_short!($_self, $short, opts)
+ }}
+macro_rules! find_flag_by_short {
+ ($_self:ident, $short:expr) => {{
+ _find_by_short!($_self, $short, flags)
+ }}
+macro_rules! _find_by_short {
+ ($_self:ident, $short:expr, $what:ident) => {{
+ $_self.$what
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|a| a.s.short.is_some())
+ .find(|a| a.s.short.unwrap() == $short)
+ }}
+macro_rules! find_subcmd {
+ ($_self:expr, $sc:expr) => {{
+ $_self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .find(|s| {
+ &* == $sc ||
+ (s.p.meta.aliases.is_some() &&
+ s.p
+ .meta
+ .aliases
+ .as_ref()
+ .unwrap()
+ .iter()
+ .any(|&(n, _)| n == $sc))
+ })
+ }};
+macro_rules! shorts {
+ ($_self:ident) => {{
+ _shorts_longs!($_self, short)
+ }};
+macro_rules! longs {
+ ($_self:ident) => {{
+ _shorts_longs!($_self, long)
+ }};
+macro_rules! _shorts_longs {
+ ($_self:ident, $what:ident) => {{
+ $_self.flags
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|f| f.s.$what.is_some())
+ .map(|f| f.s.$what.as_ref().unwrap())
+ .chain($_self.opts.iter()
+ .filter(|o| o.s.$what.is_some())
+ .map(|o| o.s.$what.as_ref().unwrap()))
+ }};
+macro_rules! arg_names {
+ ($_self:ident) => {{
+ _names!(@args $_self)
+ }};
+macro_rules! sc_names {
+ ($_self:ident) => {{
+ _names!(@sc $_self)
+ }};
+macro_rules! _names {
+ (@args $_self:ident) => {{
+ $_self.flags
+ .iter()
+ .map(|f| &*
+ .chain($_self.opts.iter()
+ .map(|o| &*
+ .chain($_self.positionals.values()
+ .map(|p| &*
+ }};
+ (@sc $_self:ident) => {{
+ $_self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .map(|s| &*
+ .chain($_self.subcommands
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|s| s.p.meta.aliases.is_some())
+ .flat_map(|s| s.p.meta.aliases.as_ref().unwrap().iter().map(|&(n, _)| n)))
+ }}
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..063a860288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#[cfg(feature = "vec_map")]
+pub use vec_map::{Values, VecMap};
+#[cfg(not(feature = "vec_map"))]
+pub use self::vec_map::{Values, VecMap};
+#[cfg(not(feature = "vec_map"))]
+mod vec_map {
+ use std::collections::BTreeMap;
+ use std::collections::btree_map;
+ use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
+ #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
+ pub struct VecMap<V> {
+ inner: BTreeMap<usize, V>,
+ }
+ impl<V> VecMap<V> {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ VecMap {
+ inner: Default::default(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.inner.len() }
+ pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.inner.is_empty() }
+ pub fn insert(&mut self, key: usize, value: V) -> Option<V> {
+ self.inner.insert(key, value)
+ }
+ pub fn values(&self) -> Values<V> { self.inner.values() }
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<V> {
+ Iter {
+ inner: self.inner.iter(),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn contains_key(&self, key: usize) -> bool { self.inner.contains_key(&key) }
+ pub fn entry(&mut self, key: usize) -> Entry<V> { self.inner.entry(key) }
+ pub fn get(&self, key: usize) -> Option<&V> { self.inner.get(&key) }
+ }
+ pub type Values<'a, V> = btree_map::Values<'a, usize, V>;
+ pub type Entry<'a, V> = btree_map::Entry<'a, usize, V>;
+ #[derive(Clone)]
+ pub struct Iter<'a, V: 'a> {
+ inner: btree_map::Iter<'a, usize, V>,
+ }
+ impl<'a, V: 'a + Debug> Debug for Iter<'a, V> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.debug_list().entries(self.inner.clone()).finish()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<'a, V: 'a> Iterator for Iter<'a, V> {
+ type Item = (usize, &'a V);
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {|(k, v)| (*k, v)) }
+ }
+ impl<'a, V: 'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Iter<'a, V> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ self.inner.next_back().map(|(k, v)| (*k, v))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9e0ba33a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+use std::ffi::OsStr;
+#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
+use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+pub trait OsStrExt3 {
+ fn from_bytes(b: &[u8]) -> &Self;
+ fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8];
+pub trait OsStrExt2 {
+ fn starts_with(&self, s: &[u8]) -> bool;
+ fn split_at_byte(&self, b: u8) -> (&OsStr, &OsStr);
+ fn split_at(&self, i: usize) -> (&OsStr, &OsStr);
+ fn trim_left_matches(&self, b: u8) -> &OsStr;
+ fn len_(&self) -> usize;
+ fn contains_byte(&self, b: u8) -> bool;
+ fn is_empty_(&self) -> bool;
+ fn split(&self, b: u8) -> OsSplit;
+#[cfg(any(target_os = "windows", target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+impl OsStrExt3 for OsStr {
+ fn from_bytes(b: &[u8]) -> &Self {
+ use std::mem;
+ unsafe { mem::transmute(b) }
+ }
+ fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ self.to_str().map(|s| s.as_bytes()).expect(INVALID_UTF8)
+ }
+impl OsStrExt2 for OsStr {
+ fn starts_with(&self, s: &[u8]) -> bool {
+ self.as_bytes().starts_with(s)
+ }
+ fn is_empty_(&self) -> bool {
+ self.as_bytes().is_empty()
+ }
+ fn contains_byte(&self, byte: u8) -> bool {
+ for b in self.as_bytes() {
+ if b == &byte {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ false
+ }
+ fn split_at_byte(&self, byte: u8) -> (&OsStr, &OsStr) {
+ for (i, b) in self.as_bytes().iter().enumerate() {
+ if b == &byte {
+ return (
+ OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[..i]),
+ OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[i + 1..]),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ (
+ &*self,
+ OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[self.len_()..self.len_()]),
+ )
+ }
+ fn trim_left_matches(&self, byte: u8) -> &OsStr {
+ let mut found = false;
+ for (i, b) in self.as_bytes().iter().enumerate() {
+ if b != &byte {
+ return OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[i..]);
+ } else {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if found {
+ return OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[self.len_()..]);
+ }
+ &*self
+ }
+ fn split_at(&self, i: usize) -> (&OsStr, &OsStr) {
+ (
+ OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[..i]),
+ OsStr::from_bytes(&self.as_bytes()[i..]),
+ )
+ }
+ fn len_(&self) -> usize {
+ self.as_bytes().len()
+ }
+ fn split(&self, b: u8) -> OsSplit {
+ OsSplit {
+ sep: b,
+ val: self.as_bytes(),
+ pos: 0,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct OsSplit<'a> {
+ sep: u8,
+ val: &'a [u8],
+ pos: usize,
+impl<'a> Iterator for OsSplit<'a> {
+ type Item = &'a OsStr;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a OsStr> {
+ debugln!("OsSplit::next: self={:?}", self);
+ if self.pos == self.val.len() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let start = self.pos;
+ for b in &self.val[start..] {
+ self.pos += 1;
+ if *b == self.sep {
+ return Some(OsStr::from_bytes(&self.val[start..self.pos - 1]));
+ }
+ }
+ Some(OsStr::from_bytes(&self.val[start..]))
+ }
+ fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
+ let mut count = 0;
+ for b in &self.val[self.pos..] {
+ if *b == self.sep {
+ count += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if count > 0 {
+ return (count, Some(count));
+ }
+ (0, None)
+ }
+impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for OsSplit<'a> {
+ fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<&'a OsStr> {
+ if self.pos == 0 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let start = self.pos;
+ for b in self.val[..self.pos].iter().rev() {
+ self.pos -= 1;
+ if *b == self.sep {
+ return Some(OsStr::from_bytes(&self.val[self.pos + 1..start]));
+ }
+ }
+ Some(OsStr::from_bytes(&self.val[..start]))
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f81367ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+pub trait _StrExt {
+ fn _is_char_boundary(&self, index: usize) -> bool;
+impl _StrExt for str {
+ #[inline]
+ fn _is_char_boundary(&self, index: usize) -> bool {
+ if index == self.len() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ match self.as_bytes().get(index) {
+ None => false,
+ Some(&b) => b < 128 || b >= 192,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23832cb3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+use app::App;
+// Third Party
+#[cfg(feature = "suggestions")]
+use strsim;
+// Internal
+use fmt::Format;
+/// Produces a string from a given list of possible values which is similar to
+/// the passed in value `v` with a certain confidence.
+/// Thus in a list of possible values like ["foo", "bar"], the value "fop" will yield
+/// `Some("foo")`, whereas "blark" would yield `None`.
+#[cfg(feature = "suggestions")]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
+pub fn did_you_mean<'a, T: ?Sized, I>(v: &str, possible_values: I) -> Option<&'a str>
+ T: AsRef<str> + 'a,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ let mut candidate: Option<(f64, &str)> = None;
+ for pv in possible_values {
+ let confidence = strsim::jaro_winkler(v, pv.as_ref());
+ if confidence > 0.8 && (candidate.is_none() || (candidate.as_ref().unwrap().0 < confidence))
+ {
+ candidate = Some((confidence, pv.as_ref()));
+ }
+ }
+ match candidate {
+ None => None,
+ Some((_, candidate)) => Some(candidate),
+ }
+#[cfg(not(feature = "suggestions"))]
+pub fn did_you_mean<'a, T: ?Sized, I>(_: &str, _: I) -> Option<&'a str>
+ T: AsRef<str> + 'a,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ None
+/// Returns a suffix that can be empty, or is the standard 'did you mean' phrase
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "lints", allow(needless_lifetimes))]
+pub fn did_you_mean_flag_suffix<'z, T, I>(
+ arg: &str,
+ longs: I,
+ subcommands: &'z [App],
+) -> (String, Option<&'z str>)
+ T: AsRef<str> + 'z,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'z T>,
+ match did_you_mean(arg, longs) {
+ Some(candidate) => {
+ let suffix = format!(
+ "\n\tDid you mean {}{}?",
+ Format::Good("--"),
+ Format::Good(candidate)
+ );
+ return (suffix, Some(candidate));
+ }
+ None => for subcommand in subcommands {
+ let opts = subcommand
+ .p
+ .flags
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|f| f.s.long)
+ .chain(subcommand.p.opts.iter().filter_map(|o| o.s.long));
+ if let Some(candidate) = did_you_mean(arg, opts) {
+ let suffix = format!(
+ "\n\tDid you mean to put '{}{}' after the subcommand '{}'?",
+ Format::Good("--"),
+ Format::Good(candidate),
+ Format::Good(subcommand.get_name())
+ );
+ return (suffix, Some(candidate));
+ }
+ },
+ }
+ (String::new(), None)
+/// Returns a suffix that can be empty, or is the standard 'did you mean' phrase
+pub fn did_you_mean_value_suffix<'z, T, I>(arg: &str, values: I) -> (String, Option<&'z str>)
+ T: AsRef<str> + 'z,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'z T>,
+ match did_you_mean(arg, values) {
+ Some(candidate) => {
+ let suffix = format!("\n\tDid you mean '{}'?", Format::Good(candidate));
+ (suffix, Some(candidate))
+ }
+ None => (String::new(), None),
+ }
+#[cfg(all(test, features = "suggestions"))]
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ #[test]
+ fn possible_values_match() {
+ let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
+ assert_eq!(did_you_mean("tst", p_vals.iter()), Some("test"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn possible_values_nomatch() {
+ let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
+ assert!(did_you_mean("hahaahahah", p_vals.iter()).is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn suffix_long() {
+ let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
+ let suffix = "\n\tDid you mean \'--test\'?";
+ assert_eq!(
+ did_you_mean_flag_suffix("tst", p_vals.iter(), []),
+ (suffix, Some("test"))
+ );
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn suffix_enum() {
+ let p_vals = ["test", "possible", "values"];
+ let suffix = "\n\tDid you mean \'test\'?";
+ assert_eq!(
+ did_you_mean_value_suffix("tst", p_vals.iter()),
+ (suffix, Some("test"))
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/clap/src/ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6d5ac6069
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/clap/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1347 @@
+// Internal
+use args::Arg;
+use args::settings::ArgSettings;
+use map::VecMap;
+#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
+enum UsageToken {
+ Name,
+ ValName,
+ Short,
+ Long,
+ Help,
+ Multiple,
+ Unknown,
+pub struct UsageParser<'a> {
+ usage: &'a str,
+ pos: usize,
+ start: usize,
+ prev: UsageToken,
+ explicit_name_set: bool,
+impl<'a> UsageParser<'a> {
+ fn new(usage: &'a str) -> Self {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::new: usage={:?}", usage);
+ UsageParser {
+ usage: usage,
+ pos: 0,
+ start: 0,
+ prev: UsageToken::Unknown,
+ explicit_name_set: false,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn from_usage(usage: &'a str) -> Self {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::from_usage;");
+ UsageParser::new(usage)
+ }
+ pub fn parse(mut self) -> Arg<'a, 'a> {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::parse;");
+ let mut arg = Arg::default();
+ loop {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::parse:iter: pos={};", self.pos);
+ self.stop_at(token);
+ if let Some(&c) = self.usage.as_bytes().get(self.pos) {
+ match c {
+ b'-' => self.short_or_long(&mut arg),
+ b'.' => self.multiple(&mut arg),
+ b'\'' => arg),
+ _ => arg),
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_assert!(
+ !,
+ format!(
+ "No name found for Arg when parsing usage string: {}",
+ self.usage
+ )
+ );
+ arg.v.num_vals = match arg.v.val_names {
+ Some(ref v) if v.len() >= 2 => Some(v.len() as u64),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ debugln!("UsageParser::parse: vals...{:?}", arg.v.val_names);
+ arg
+ }
+ fn name(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg<'a, 'a>) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::name;");
+ if *self.usage
+ .as_bytes()
+ .get(self.pos)
+ .expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) == b'<' && !self.explicit_name_set
+ {
+ arg.setb(ArgSettings::Required);
+ }
+ self.pos += 1;
+ self.stop_at(name_end);
+ let name = &self.usage[self.start..self.pos];
+ if self.prev == UsageToken::Unknown {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::name: setting name...{}", name);
+ = name;
+ if arg.s.long.is_none() && arg.s.short.is_none() {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::name: explicit name set...");
+ self.explicit_name_set = true;
+ self.prev = UsageToken::Name;
+ }
+ } else {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::name: setting val name...{}", name);
+ if let Some(ref mut v) = arg.v.val_names {
+ let len = v.len();
+ v.insert(len, name);
+ } else {
+ let mut v = VecMap::new();
+ v.insert(0, name);
+ arg.v.val_names = Some(v);
+ arg.setb(ArgSettings::TakesValue);
+ }
+ self.prev = UsageToken::ValName;
+ }
+ }
+ fn stop_at<F>(&mut self, f: F)
+ where
+ F: Fn(u8) -> bool,
+ {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::stop_at;");
+ self.start = self.pos;
+ self.pos += self.usage[self.start..]
+ .bytes()
+ .take_while(|&b| f(b))
+ .count();
+ }
+ fn short_or_long(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg<'a, 'a>) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::short_or_long;");
+ self.pos += 1;
+ if *self.usage
+ .as_bytes()
+ .get(self.pos)
+ .expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG) == b'-'
+ {
+ self.pos += 1;
+ self.long(arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.short(arg)
+ }
+ fn long(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg<'a, 'a>) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::long;");
+ self.stop_at(long_end);
+ let name = &self.usage[self.start..self.pos];
+ if !self.explicit_name_set {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::long: setting name...{}", name);
+ = name;
+ }
+ debugln!("UsageParser::long: setting long...{}", name);
+ arg.s.long = Some(name);
+ self.prev = UsageToken::Long;
+ }
+ fn short(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg<'a, 'a>) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::short;");
+ let start = &self.usage[self.pos..];
+ let short = start.chars().nth(0).expect(INTERNAL_ERROR_MSG);
+ debugln!("UsageParser::short: setting short...{}", short);
+ arg.s.short = Some(short);
+ if {
+ // --long takes precedence but doesn't set self.explicit_name_set
+ let name = &start[..short.len_utf8()];
+ debugln!("UsageParser::short: setting name...{}", name);
+ = name;
+ }
+ self.prev = UsageToken::Short;
+ }
+ // "something..."
+ fn multiple(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::multiple;");
+ let mut dot_counter = 1;
+ let start = self.pos;
+ let mut bytes = self.usage[start..].bytes();
+ while == Some(b'.') {
+ dot_counter += 1;
+ self.pos += 1;
+ if dot_counter == 3 {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::multiple: setting multiple");
+ arg.setb(ArgSettings::Multiple);
+ if arg.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue) {
+ arg.setb(ArgSettings::UseValueDelimiter);
+ arg.unsetb(ArgSettings::ValueDelimiterNotSet);
+ if arg.v.val_delim.is_none() {
+ arg.v.val_delim = Some(',');
+ }
+ }
+ self.prev = UsageToken::Multiple;
+ self.pos += 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn help(&mut self, arg: &mut Arg<'a, 'a>) {
+ debugln!("UsageParser::help;");
+ self.stop_at(help_start);
+ self.start = self.pos + 1;
+ self.pos = self.usage.len() - 1;
+ debugln!(
+ "UsageParser::help: setting help...{}",
+ &self.usage[self.start..self.pos]
+ );
+ = Some(&self.usage[self.start..self.pos]);
+ self.pos += 1; // Move to next byte to keep from thinking ending ' is a start
+ self.prev = UsageToken::Help;
+ }
+fn name_end(b: u8) -> bool { b != b']' && b != b'>' }
+fn token(b: u8) -> bool { b != b'\'' && b != b'.' && b != b'<' && b != b'[' && b != b'-' }
+fn long_end(b: u8) -> bool {
+ b != b'\'' && b != b'.' && b != b'<' && b != b'[' && b != b'=' && b != b' '
+fn help_start(b: u8) -> bool { b != b'\'' }
+mod test {
+ use args::Arg;
+ use args::ArgSettings;
+ #[test]
+ fn create_flag_usage() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[flag] -f 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("[flag] --flag 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "flag");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("--flag 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "flag");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("[flag] -f --flag 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "flag");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("[flag] -f... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(d.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("[flag] -f --flag... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.long.unwrap(), "flag");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(e.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("-f --flag... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "flag");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.long.unwrap(), "flag");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(e.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("--flags");
+ assert_eq!(, "flags");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.long.unwrap(), "flags");
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("--flags...");
+ assert_eq!(, "flags");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.long.unwrap(), "flags");
+ assert!(e.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("[flags] -f");
+ assert_eq!(, "flags");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("[flags] -f...");
+ assert_eq!(, "flags");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(e.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("-f 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "f");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("-f");
+ assert_eq!(, "f");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ let e = Arg::from_usage("-f...");
+ assert_eq!(, "f");
+ assert_eq!(e.s.short.unwrap(), 'f');
+ assert!(e.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(e.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(e.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage0() {
+ // Short only
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] -o [opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage1() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o [opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(b.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage2() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> -o <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(c.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage3() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(d.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage4() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] -o [opt]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage5() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option]... -o [opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(a.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage6() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o [opt]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(b.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage7() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> -o <opt>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(c.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage8() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option>... -o <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(c.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage9() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o <opt>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert!(d.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long1() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] --opt [opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long2() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("--opt [option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long3() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> --opt <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long4() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt <option> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long5() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] --opt [opt]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long6() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option]... --opt [opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long7() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("--opt [option]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long8() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> --opt <opt>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long9() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option>... --opt <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long10() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt <option>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals1() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] --opt=[opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals2() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("--opt=[option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals3() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> --opt=<opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals4() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt=<option> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals5() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] --opt=[opt]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals6() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option]... --opt=[opt] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(a.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals7() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("--opt=[option]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(b.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals8() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> --opt=<opt>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals9() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option>... --opt=<opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(c.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_long_equals10() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt=<option>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both1() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] -o --opt [option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both2() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt [option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both3() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> -o --opt <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both4() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt <option> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both5() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option]... -o --opt [option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both6() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt [option]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both7() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option>... -o --opt <opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both8() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt <option>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals1() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option] -o --opt=[option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals2() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt=[option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals3() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option> -o --opt=<opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals4() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt=<option> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals5() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[option]... -o --opt=[option] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(a.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals6() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt=[option]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(b.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ b.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals7() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("<option>... -o --opt=<opt> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "option");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(c.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ c.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"opt"]
+ );
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_usage_both_equals8() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o --opt=<option>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"option"]
+ );
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_with_vals1() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o <file> <mode> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert!(d.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"file", &"mode"]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(d.v.num_vals.unwrap(), 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_with_vals2() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("-o <file> <mode>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "o");
+ assert!(d.s.long.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(d.s.short.unwrap(), 'o');
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"file", &"mode"]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(d.v.num_vals.unwrap(), 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_with_vals3() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt <file> <mode>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"file", &"mode"]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(d.v.num_vals.unwrap(), 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_with_vals4() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("[myopt] --opt <file> <mode> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "myopt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(
+ d.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"file", &"mode"]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(d.v.num_vals.unwrap(), 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_option_with_vals5() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("--opt <file> <mode> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "opt");
+ assert!(d.s.short.is_none());
+ assert_eq!(d.s.long.unwrap(), "opt");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::TakesValue));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert_eq!(d.v.num_vals.unwrap(), 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_positional_usage() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[pos] 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!a.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(a.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(a.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_positional_usage0() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("<pos> 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(b.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_mult_help() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("[pos]... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_help_lit_single_quote() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("[pos]... 'some help\' info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help' info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_help_double_lit_single_quote() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("[pos]... 'some \'help\' info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some 'help' info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_help_newline() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage(
+ "[pos]... 'some help{n}\
+ info'",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help{n}info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_help_newline_lit_sq() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage(
+ "[pos]... 'some help\' stuff{n}\
+ info'",
+ );
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help' stuff{n}info");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_req_mult_help() {
+ let d = Arg::from_usage("<pos>... 'some help info'");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert_eq!(, "some help info");
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(d.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(d.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(d.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_req() {
+ let b = Arg::from_usage("<pos>");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert!(!b.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(b.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(b.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(b.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn pos_mult() {
+ let c = Arg::from_usage("[pos]...");
+ assert_eq!(, "pos");
+ assert!(c.is_set(ArgSettings::Multiple));
+ assert!(!c.is_set(ArgSettings::Required));
+ assert!(c.v.val_names.is_none());
+ assert!(c.v.num_vals.is_none());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn nonascii() {
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("<ASCII> 'üñíčöĐ€'");
+ assert_eq!(, "ASCII");
+ assert_eq!(, Some("üñíčöĐ€"));
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("<üñíčöĐ€> 'ASCII'");
+ assert_eq!(, "üñíčöĐ€");
+ assert_eq!(, Some("ASCII"));
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("<üñíčöĐ€> 'üñíčöĐ€'");
+ assert_eq!(, "üñíčöĐ€");
+ assert_eq!(, Some("üñíčöĐ€"));
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("-ø 'ø'");
+ assert_eq!(, "ø");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.short, Some('ø'));
+ assert_eq!(, Some("ø"));
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("--üñíčöĐ€ 'Nōṫ ASCII'");
+ assert_eq!(, "üñíčöĐ€");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long, Some("üñíčöĐ€"));
+ assert_eq!(, Some("Nōṫ ASCII"));
+ let a = Arg::from_usage("[ñämê] --ôpt=[üñíčöĐ€] 'hælp'");
+ assert_eq!(, "ñämê");
+ assert_eq!(a.s.long, Some("ôpt"));
+ assert_eq!(
+ a.v.val_names.unwrap().values().collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+ [&"üñíčöĐ€"]
+ );
+ assert_eq!(, Some("hælp"));
+ }