path: root/third_party/rust/cranelift-codegen/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/cranelift-codegen/ b/third_party/rust/cranelift-codegen/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c456908845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/cranelift-codegen/
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Build script.
+// This program is run by Cargo when building cranelift-codegen. It is used to generate Rust code from
+// the language definitions in the cranelift-codegen/meta directory.
+// Environment:
+// Directory where generated files should be placed.
+// Target triple provided by Cargo.
+// The build script expects to be run from the directory where this file lives. The
+// current directory is used to find the sources.
+use cranelift_codegen_meta as meta;
+use std::env;
+use std::process;
+use std::time::Instant;
+fn main() {
+ let start_time = Instant::now();
+ let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("The OUT_DIR environment variable must be set");
+ let target_triple = env::var("TARGET").expect("The TARGET environment variable must be set");
+ let new_backend_isas = if env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_X64").is_ok() {
+ // The x64 (new backend for x86_64) is a bit particular: it only requires generating
+ // the shared meta code; the only ISA-specific code is for settings.
+ vec![meta::isa::Isa::X86]
+ } else {
+ Vec::new()
+ };
+ // Configure isa targets using the old backend.
+ let isa_targets = meta::isa::Isa::all()
+ .iter()
+ .cloned()
+ .filter(|isa| {
+ let env_key = format!("CARGO_FEATURE_{}", isa.to_string().to_uppercase());
+ env::var(env_key).is_ok()
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let old_backend_isas = if new_backend_isas.is_empty() && isa_targets.is_empty() {
+ // Try to match native target.
+ let target_name = target_triple.split('-').next().unwrap();
+ let isa = meta::isa_from_arch(&target_name).expect("error when identifying target");
+ println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=feature=\"{}\"", isa);
+ vec![isa]
+ } else {
+ isa_targets
+ };
+ let cur_dir = env::current_dir().expect("Can't access current working directory");
+ let crate_dir = cur_dir.as_path();
+ // Make sure we rebuild if this build script changes (will not happen with
+ // if the path to this file contains non-UTF-8 bytes).
+ println!(
+ "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}",
+ crate_dir.join("").to_str().unwrap()
+ );
+ if let Err(err) = meta::generate(&old_backend_isas, &new_backend_isas, &out_dir) {
+ eprintln!("Error: {}", err);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }
+ if env::var("CRANELIFT_VERBOSE").is_ok() {
+ for isa in &old_backend_isas {
+ println!(
+ "cargo:warning=Includes old-backend support for {} ISA",
+ isa.to_string()
+ );
+ }
+ for isa in &new_backend_isas {
+ println!(
+ "cargo:warning=Includes new-backend support for {} ISA",
+ isa.to_string()
+ );
+ }
+ println!(
+ "cargo:warning=Build step took {:?}.",
+ Instant::now() - start_time
+ );
+ println!("cargo:warning=Generated files are in {}", out_dir);
+ }
+ #[cfg(feature = "rebuild-peephole-optimizers")]
+ {
+ std::fs::write(
+ std::path::Path::new(&out_dir).join("CRANELIFT_CODEGEN_PATH"),
+ cur_dir.to_str().unwrap(),
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ }