path: root/third_party/rust/fxa-client/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/fxa-client/src/')
1 files changed, 255 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/fxa-client/src/ b/third_party/rust/fxa-client/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..728554890c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/fxa-client/src/
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+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+pub use crate::oauth::{AuthorizationPKCEParams, AuthorizationParameters};
+use crate::{error::*, http_client, scoped_keys::ScopedKey, util::Xorable, Config};
+pub use http_client::{
+ derive_auth_key_from_session_token, send_authorization_request, send_verification,
+ AuthorizationRequestParameters,
+use jwcrypto::{EncryptionAlgorithm, EncryptionParameters};
+use rc_crypto::{digest, hkdf, hmac, pbkdf2};
+use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+pub fn get_sync_keys(
+ config: &Config,
+ key_fetch_token: &str,
+ email: &str,
+ pw: &str,
+) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> {
+ let acct_keys = get_account_keys(config, key_fetch_token)?;
+ let wrap_kb = &acct_keys[32..];
+ let sync_key = derive_sync_key(email, pw, wrap_kb)?;
+ let xcs_key = derive_xcs_key(email, pw, wrap_kb)?;
+ Ok((sync_key, xcs_key))
+pub fn create_keys_jwe(
+ client_id: &str,
+ scope: &str,
+ jwk: &str,
+ auth_key: &[u8],
+ config: &Config,
+ acct_keys: (&[u8], &[u8]),
+) -> anyhow::Result<String> {
+ let scoped: HashMap<String, ScopedKey> =
+ get_scoped_keys(scope, client_id, auth_key, config, acct_keys)?;
+ let scoped = serde_json::to_string(&scoped)?;
+ let scoped = scoped.as_bytes();
+ let jwk = serde_json::from_str(jwk)?;
+ let res = jwcrypto::encrypt_to_jwe(
+ scoped,
+ EncryptionParameters::ECDH_ES {
+ enc: EncryptionAlgorithm::A256GCM,
+ peer_jwk: &jwk,
+ },
+ )?;
+ Ok(res)
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct Epk {
+ crv: String,
+ kty: String,
+ x: String,
+ y: String,
+fn kwe(name: &str, email: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
+ format!("{}:{}", name, email)
+ .as_bytes()
+ .to_vec()
+fn kw(name: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
+ format!("{}", name)
+ .as_bytes()
+ .to_vec()
+pub fn get_scoped_keys(
+ scope: &str,
+ client_id: &str,
+ auth_key: &[u8],
+ config: &Config,
+ acct_keys: (&[u8], &[u8]),
+) -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<String, ScopedKey>> {
+ let key_data = http_client::get_scoped_key_data_response(scope, client_id, auth_key, config)?;
+ let mut scoped_keys: HashMap<String, ScopedKey> = HashMap::new();
+ key_data
+ .as_object()
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Key data not an object"))?
+ .keys()
+ .try_for_each(|key| -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+ let val = key_data
+ .as_object()
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Key data not an object"))?
+ .get(key)
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Key does not exist"))?;
+ scoped_keys.insert(key.clone(), get_key_for_scope(&key, val, acct_keys)?);
+ Ok(())
+ })?;
+ Ok(scoped_keys)
+fn get_key_for_scope(
+ key: &str,
+ val: &serde_json::Value,
+ acct_keys: (&[u8], &[u8]),
+) -> anyhow::Result<ScopedKey> {
+ let (sync_key, xcs_key) = acct_keys;
+ let sync_key = base64::encode_config(sync_key, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD);
+ let xcs_key = base64::encode_config(xcs_key, base64::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD);
+ let kid = format!(
+ "{}-{}",
+ val.as_object()
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Json is not an object"))?
+ .get("keyRotationTimestamp")
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Key rotation timestamp doesn't exist"))?
+ .as_u64()
+ .ok_or_else(|| anyhow::Error::msg("Key rotation timestamp is not a number"))?,
+ xcs_key
+ );
+ Ok(ScopedKey {
+ scope: key.to_string(),
+ kid,
+ k: sync_key,
+ kty: "oct".to_string(),
+ })
+fn derive_xcs_key(email: &str, pwd: &str, wrap_kb: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let unwrap_kb = derive_unwrap_kb(email, pwd)?;
+ let kb = xored(wrap_kb, &unwrap_kb)?;
+ Ok(sha256(&kb)?[0..16].into())
+fn sha256(kb: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let ret = digest::digest(&digest::SHA256, kb)?;
+ let ret: &[u8] = ret.as_ref();
+ Ok(ret.to_vec())
+fn derive_hkdf_sha256_key(ikm: &[u8], salt: &[u8], info: &[u8], len: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let salt = hmac::SigningKey::new(&digest::SHA256, salt);
+ let mut out = vec![0u8; len];
+ hkdf::extract_and_expand(&salt, ikm, info, &mut out)?;
+ Ok(out)
+fn quick_strech_pwd(email: &str, pwd: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let salt = kwe("quickStretch", email);
+ let mut out = [0u8; 32];
+ pbkdf2::derive(
+ pwd.as_bytes(),
+ &salt,
+ 1000,
+ pbkdf2::HashAlgorithm::SHA256,
+ &mut out,
+ )?;
+ Ok(out.to_vec())
+pub fn auth_pwd(email: &str, pwd: &str) -> Result<String> {
+ let streched = quick_strech_pwd(email, pwd)?;
+ let salt = b"";
+ let context = kw("authPW");
+ let derived = derive_hkdf_sha256_key(&streched, salt, &context, 32)?;
+ Ok(hex::encode(derived))
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct Credentials {
+ key: Vec<u8>,
+ id: Vec<u8>,
+ extra: Vec<u8>,
+ out: Vec<u8>,
+fn derive_hawk_credentials(token_hex: &str, context: &str, size: usize) -> Result<Credentials> {
+ let token = hex::decode(token_hex)?;
+ let out = derive_hkdf_sha256_key(&token, &[0u8; 0], &kw(context), size)?;
+ let key = out[32..64].to_vec();
+ let extra = out[64..].to_vec();
+ Ok(Credentials {
+ key,
+ id: out[0..32].to_vec(),
+ extra,
+ out: out.to_vec(),
+ })
+fn xored(a: &[u8], b: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ a.xored_with(b)
+fn derive_unwrap_kb(email: &str, pwd: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let streched_pw = quick_strech_pwd(email, pwd)?;
+ let out = derive_hkdf_sha256_key(&streched_pw, &[0u8; 0], &kw("unwrapBkey"), 32)?;
+ Ok(out)
+fn derive_sync_key(email: &str, pwd: &str, wrap_kb: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let unwrap_kb = derive_unwrap_kb(email, pwd)?;
+ let kb = xored(wrap_kb, &unwrap_kb)?;
+ derive_hkdf_sha256_key(
+ &kb,
+ &[0u8; 0],
+ "".as_bytes(),
+ 64,
+ )
+fn get_account_keys(config: &Config, key_fetch_token: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
+ let creds = derive_hawk_credentials(key_fetch_token, "keyFetchToken", 96)?;
+ let key_request_key = &creds.extra[0..32];
+ let more_creds = derive_hkdf_sha256_key(key_request_key, &[0u8; 0], &kw("account/keys"), 96)?;
+ let _resp_hmac_key = &more_creds[0..32];
+ let resp_xor_key = &more_creds[32..96];
+ let bundle = http_client::get_keys_bundle(&config, &creds.out)?;
+ // Missing MAC matching since this is only for tests
+ xored(resp_xor_key, &bundle[0..64])
+mod tests {
+ // Test vectors used from
+ use super::*;
+ const EMAIL: &str = "andré";
+ const PASSWORD: &str = "pässwörd";
+ #[test]
+ fn test_derive_quick_stretch() {
+ let qs = quick_strech_pwd(EMAIL, PASSWORD).unwrap();
+ let expected = "e4e8889bd8bd61ad6de6b95c059d56e7b50dacdaf62bd84644af7e2add84345d";
+ assert_eq!(expected, hex::encode(qs));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_auth_pw() {
+ let auth_pw = auth_pwd(EMAIL, PASSWORD).unwrap();
+ let expected = "247b675ffb4c46310bc87e26d712153abe5e1c90ef00a4784594f97ef54f2375";
+ assert_eq!(auth_pw, expected);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_derive_unwrap_kb() {
+ let unwrap_kb = derive_unwrap_kb(EMAIL, PASSWORD).unwrap();
+ let expected = "de6a2648b78284fcb9ffa81ba95803309cfba7af583c01a8a1a63e567234dd28";
+ assert_eq!(hex::encode(unwrap_kb), expected);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_kb() {
+ let wrap_kb =
+ hex::decode("7effe354abecbcb234a8dfc2d7644b4ad339b525589738f2d27341bb8622ecd8")
+ .unwrap();
+ let unwrap_kb =
+ hex::decode("de6a2648b78284fcb9ffa81ba95803309cfba7af583c01a8a1a63e567234dd28")
+ .unwrap();
+ let kb = xored(&wrap_kb, &unwrap_kb).unwrap();
+ let expected = "a095c51c1c6e384e8d5777d97e3c487a4fc2128a00ab395a73d57fedf41631f0";
+ assert_eq!(expected, hex::encode(kb));
+ }