path: root/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11')
13 files changed, 10440 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/.cargo-checksum.json b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/.cargo-checksum.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a82dc6ce92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/.cargo-checksum.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"files":{"Cargo.toml":"ba6db93df75f979728d5bcb9fff9ee328fa807ba6d640121b3effe355fa98345","":"5c66af7bc110525a57c757859b9b93468ae54222e6ce9ce5ffd55b2a6ca596b9","shaders/blit.hlsl":"92a8b404ee956ceff2728ec8dd68969fba4c32a79f4d879f069a294f245a867c","shaders/clear.hlsl":"b715a0d8ccebd858531de845fdb3f1b31f25d3f62266238cd1d417006a07957c","shaders/copy.hlsl":"c71b2df8691068d450d3216b54a5a0315f1e17bcd75aec3b4f46b5e3521945c3","src/":"c191269ba4e38c119afe989fb6d0343ed7497477e1b4debb11761c125c3feedf","src/":"60a2a7cac9cbced6385f560d7b171c4a8eb9a644d8ac219671e1e0fcc8a2439f","src/":"a54e7b23fd268d839726bb6d5a0843e77e50156eda16ce51799931043b7a199c","src/":"3af9731ebdfc6d834f661cbd4a2378d063d9728d34b9dc725bcb3195b134d478","src/":"ce3874fbe7fbbc50b18f90223ca7e98d0a69d30c7cd671e317de3ec1db7ca668","src/":"f18b3f11f846a40bfecc06a0af1148175fdadee5662c746a9e124ff75a438070","src/":"05cb22fdeaaf17b05e21a68911e1fa8c8feb03eeda256e18a72c74ea31ce3f15"},"package":null} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/Cargo.toml b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..163fc6a285
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+name = "gfx-backend-dx11"
+version = "0.6.0"
+description = "DirectX-11 API backend for gfx-rs"
+homepage = ""
+repository = ""
+keywords = ["graphics", "gamedev"]
+license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
+authors = ["The Gfx-rs Developers"]
+readme = ""
+documentation = ""
+workspace = "../../.."
+edition = "2018"
+default = []
+name = "gfx_backend_dx11"
+arrayvec = "0.5"
+auxil = { path = "../../auxil/auxil", version = "0.5", package = "gfx-auxil", features = ["spirv_cross"] }
+hal = { path = "../../hal", version = "0.6", package = "gfx-hal" }
+range-alloc = { path = "../../auxil/range-alloc", version = "0.1" }
+bitflags = "1"
+libloading = "0.6"
+log = { version = "0.4" }
+smallvec = "1.0"
+spirv_cross = { version = "0.22", features = ["hlsl"] }
+thunderdome = "0.3"
+parking_lot = "0.11"
+winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["basetsd","d3d11", "d3d11_1", "d3d11sdklayers", "d3dcommon","d3dcompiler","dxgi1_2","dxgi1_3","dxgi1_4", "dxgi1_5", "dxgiformat","dxgitype","handleapi","minwindef","synchapi","unknwnbase","winbase","windef","winerror","winnt","winuser"] }
+wio = "0.2"
+raw-window-handle = "0.3"
+# This forces to build the crate on windows, otherwise the build fails
+# and we get no docs at all.
+default-target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..921c43c22c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# gfx_device_dx11
+[DX11]( backend for gfx.
+## Normalized Coordinates
+Render | Depth | Texture
+![render_coordinates](../../../info/gl_render_coordinates.png) | ![depth_coordinates](../../../info/dx_depth_coordinates.png) | ![texture_coordinates](../../../info/dx_texture_coordinates.png)
+## Mirroring
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/blit.hlsl b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/blit.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f627e5c9b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/blit.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+cbuffer Region : register(b0) {
+ float2 offset;
+ float2 extent;
+ float z;
+ float level;
+struct VsOutput {
+ float4 pos: SV_POSITION;
+ float4 uv: TEXCOORD0;
+// Create a screen filling triangle
+VsOutput vs_blit_2d(uint id: SV_VertexID) {
+ float2 coord = float2((id << 1) & 2, id & 2);
+ VsOutput output = {
+ float4(float2(-1.0, 1.0) + coord * float2(2.0, -2.0), 0.0, 1.0),
+ float4(offset + coord * extent, z, level)
+ };
+ return output;
+SamplerState BlitSampler : register(s0);
+Texture2DArray<uint4> BlitSrc_Uint : register(t0);
+Texture2DArray<int4> BlitSrc_Sint : register(t0);
+Texture2DArray<float4> BlitSrc_Float : register(t0);
+// TODO: get rid of GetDimensions call
+uint4 Nearest_Uint(float4 uv)
+ float4 size;
+ BlitSrc_Uint.GetDimensions(0, size.x, size.y, size.z, size.w);
+ float2 pix = uv.xy * size.xy;
+ return BlitSrc_Uint.Load(int4(int2(pix),;
+int4 Nearest_Sint(float4 uv)
+ float4 size;
+ BlitSrc_Sint.GetDimensions(0, size.x, size.y, size.z, size.w);
+ float2 pix = uv.xy * size.xy;
+ return BlitSrc_Sint.Load(int4(int2(pix),;
+uint4 ps_blit_2d_uint(VsOutput input) : SV_Target
+ return Nearest_Uint(input.uv);
+int4 ps_blit_2d_int(VsOutput input) : SV_Target
+ return Nearest_Sint(input.uv);
+float4 ps_blit_2d_float(VsOutput input) : SV_Target
+ return BlitSrc_Float.SampleLevel(BlitSampler,, input.uv.w);
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/clear.hlsl b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/clear.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c91fe6b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/clear.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+cbuffer ClearColorF32 : register(b0) { float4 ClearF32; };
+cbuffer ClearColorU32 : register(b0) { uint4 ClearU32; };
+cbuffer ClearColorI32 : register(b0) { int4 ClearI32; };
+cbuffer ClearColorDepth : register(b0) { float ClearDepth; };
+// fullscreen triangle
+float4 vs_partial_clear(uint id : SV_VertexID) : SV_Position
+ return float4(
+ float(id / 2) * 4.0 - 1.0,
+ float(id % 2) * 4.0 - 1.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0
+ );
+// TODO: send constants through VS as flat attributes
+float4 ps_partial_clear_float() : SV_Target0 { return ClearF32; }
+uint4 ps_partial_clear_uint() : SV_Target0 { return ClearU32; }
+int4 ps_partial_clear_int() : SV_Target0 { return ClearI32; }
+float ps_partial_clear_depth() : SV_Depth { return ClearDepth; }
+void ps_partial_clear_stencil() { }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/copy.hlsl b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/copy.hlsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8b5d8523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/shaders/copy.hlsl
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+struct BufferCopy {
+ uint4 SrcDst;
+struct ImageCopy {
+ uint4 Src;
+ uint4 Dst;
+struct BufferImageCopy {
+ // x=offset, yz=size
+ uint4 BufferVars;
+ uint4 ImageOffset;
+ uint4 ImageExtent;
+ uint4 ImageSize;
+cbuffer CopyConstants : register(b0) {
+ BufferCopy BufferCopies;
+ ImageCopy ImageCopies;
+ BufferImageCopy BufferImageCopies;
+uint3 GetDestBounds()
+ return min(
+ BufferImageCopies.ImageOffset + BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent,
+ BufferImageCopies.ImageSize
+ );
+uint3 GetImageCopyDst(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return uint3(ImageCopies.Dst.xy + dispatch_thread_id.xy, ImageCopies.Dst.z);
+uint3 GetImageCopySrc(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return uint3(ImageCopies.Src.xy + dispatch_thread_id.xy, ImageCopies.Src.z);
+uint3 GetImageDst(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return uint3(BufferImageCopies.ImageOffset.xy + dispatch_thread_id.xy, BufferImageCopies.ImageOffset.z);
+uint3 GetImageSrc(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return uint3(BufferImageCopies.ImageOffset.xy + dispatch_thread_id.xy, BufferImageCopies.ImageOffset.z);
+uint GetBufferDst128(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 16 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 16 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferSrc128(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 16 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 16 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferDst64(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 8 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 8 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferSrc64(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 8 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 8 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferDst32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 4 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferSrc32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 4 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferDst16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 2 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferSrc16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * 2 * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferDst8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint GetBufferSrc8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id)
+ return BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.x + dispatch_thread_id.x * 4 + dispatch_thread_id.y * max(BufferImageCopies.BufferVars.y, BufferImageCopies.ImageExtent.x);
+uint4 Uint32ToUint8x4(uint data)
+ return (data >> uint4(0, 8, 16, 24)) & 0xFF;
+uint2 Uint32ToUint16x2(uint data)
+ return (data >> uint2(0, 16)) & 0xFFFF;
+uint Uint8x4ToUint32(uint4 data)
+ return dot(min(data, 0xFF), 1 << uint4(0, 8, 16, 24));
+uint Uint16x2ToUint32(uint2 data)
+ return dot(min(data, 0xFFFF), 1 << uint2(0, 16));
+uint2 Uint16ToUint8x2(uint data)
+ return (data >> uint2(0, 8)) & 0xFF;
+uint Uint8x2ToUint16(uint2 data)
+ return dot(min(data, 0xFF), 1 << uint2(0, 8));
+uint4 Float4ToUint8x4(float4 data)
+ return uint4(data * 255 + .5f);
+// Buffers are always R32-aligned
+ByteAddressBuffer BufferCopySrc : register(t0);
+RWByteAddressBuffer BufferCopyDst : register(u0);
+RWTexture1DArray<uint> Image1CopyDstR : register(u0);
+RWTexture1DArray<uint2> Image1CopyDstRg : register(u0);
+RWTexture1DArray<uint4> Image1CopyDstRgba : register(u0);
+Texture2DArray<uint4> Image2CopySrc : register(t0);
+RWTexture2DArray<uint> Image2CopyDstR : register(u0);
+RWTexture2DArray<uint2> Image2CopyDstRg : register(u0);
+RWTexture2DArray<uint4> Image2CopyDstRgba : register(u0);
+Texture2DArray<float4> ImageCopy2SrcBgra : register(t0);
+// Image<->Image copies
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8g8_image2d_r16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx] = Uint8x2ToUint16(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16_image2d_r8g8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx] = Uint16ToUint8x2(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_image2d_r32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx] = Uint8x4ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_image2d_r16g16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint16x2(Uint8x4ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]));
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_image2d_r32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx] = Uint16x2ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_image2d_r8g8b8a8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRgba[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint8x4(Uint16x2ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]));
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r32_image2d_r16g16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint16x2(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r32_image2d_r8g8b8a8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageCopyDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageCopySrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRgba[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint8x4(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]);
+//#define COPY_1D_NUM_THREAD 64 //TODO
+#define COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X 8
+#define COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y 8
+// Buffer<->Image copies
+// R32G32B32A32
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32g32b32a32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc128(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRgba[dst_idx] = uint4(
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx),
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx + 1 * 4),
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx + 2 * 4),
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx + 3 * 4)
+ );
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r32g32b32a32_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint4 data = Image2CopySrc[src_idx];
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst128(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, data.x);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx + 1 * 4, data.y);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx + 2 * 4, data.z);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx + 3 * 4, data.w);
+// R32G32
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32g32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc64(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx] = uint2(
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx),
+ BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx + 1 * 4)
+ );
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r32g32_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint2 data = Image2CopySrc[src_idx].rg;
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst64(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx , data.x);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx + 1 * 4, data.y);
+// R16G16B16A16
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16g16b16a16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc64(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRgba[dst_idx] = uint4(
+ Uint32ToUint16x2(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx)),
+ Uint32ToUint16x2(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx + 1 * 4))
+ );
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16g16b16a16_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint4 data = Image2CopySrc[src_idx];
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst64(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint16x2ToUint32(data.xy));
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx + 1 * 4, Uint16x2ToUint32(;
+// R32
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image1CopyDstR[dst_idx.xz] = BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx);
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx] = BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx);
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r32_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Image2CopySrc[src_idx].r);
+// R16G16
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16g16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint16x2(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint16x2ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx].xy));
+// R8G8B8A8
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8g8b8a8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image1CopyDstRgba[dst_idx.xz] = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8g8b8a8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ Image2CopyDstRgba[dst_idx] = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint8x4ToUint32(Image2CopySrc[src_idx]));
+// B8G8R8A8
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_b8g8r8a8_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst32(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint8x4ToUint32(Float4ToUint8x4(ImageCopy2SrcBgra[src_idx].bgra)));
+// R16
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(uint3(2, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc16(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint2 data = Uint32ToUint16x2(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+ uint remaining_x = bounds.x - dst_idx.x;
+ if (remaining_x >= 2) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)] = data.y;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 1) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(0, 0, 0)] = data.x;
+ }
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r16_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(uint3(2, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst16(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint upper = Image2CopySrc[src_idx].r;
+ uint lower = Image2CopySrc[src_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)].r;
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint16x2ToUint32(uint2(upper, lower)));
+// R8G8
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8g8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(uint3(2, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc16(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint4 data = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+ uint remaining_x = bounds.x - dst_idx.x;
+ if (remaining_x >= 2) {
+ Image1CopyDstRg[dst_idx.xz + uint2(1, 0)] =;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 1) {
+ Image1CopyDstRg[dst_idx.xz + uint2(0, 0)] = data.xy;
+ }
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8g8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(uint3(2, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc16(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint4 data = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+ uint remaining_x = bounds.x - dst_idx.x;
+ if (remaining_x >= 2) {
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)] =;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 1) {
+ Image2CopyDstRg[dst_idx + uint3(0, 0, 0)] = data.xy;
+ }
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8g8_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(uint3(2, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst16(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint2 lower = Image2CopySrc[src_idx].xy;
+ uint2 upper = Image2CopySrc[src_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)].xy;
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint8x4ToUint32(uint4(lower.x, lower.y, upper.x, upper.y)));
+// R8
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, 1, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(uint3(4, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc8(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint4 data = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+ uint remaining_x = bounds.x - dst_idx.x;
+ if (remaining_x >= 4) {
+ Image1CopyDstR[dst_idx.xz + uint2(3, 0)] = data.w;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 3) {
+ Image1CopyDstR[dst_idx.xz + uint2(2, 0)] = data.z;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 2) {
+ Image1CopyDstR[dst_idx.xz + uint2(1, 0)] = data.y;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 1) {
+ Image1CopyDstR[dst_idx.xz + uint2(0, 0)] = data.x;
+ }
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 dst_idx = GetImageDst(uint3(4, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (dst_idx.x >= bounds.x || dst_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint src_idx = GetBufferSrc8(dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint4 data = Uint32ToUint8x4(BufferCopySrc.Load(src_idx));
+ uint remaining_x = bounds.x - dst_idx.x;
+ if (remaining_x >= 4) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(3, 0, 0)] = data.w;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 3) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(2, 0, 0)] = data.z;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 2) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)] = data.y;
+ }
+ if (remaining_x >= 1) {
+ Image2CopyDstR[dst_idx + uint3(0, 0, 0)] = data.x;
+ }
+[numthreads(COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_X, COPY_2D_NUM_THREAD_Y, 1)]
+void cs_copy_image2d_r8_buffer(uint3 dispatch_thread_id : SV_DispatchThreadID) {
+ uint3 src_idx = GetImageSrc(uint3(4, 1, 0) * dispatch_thread_id);
+ uint3 bounds = GetDestBounds();
+ if (src_idx.x >= bounds.x || src_idx.y >= bounds.y) {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint dst_idx = GetBufferDst8(dispatch_thread_id);
+ BufferCopyDst.Store(dst_idx, Uint8x4ToUint32(uint4(
+ Image2CopySrc[src_idx].r,
+ Image2CopySrc[src_idx + uint3(1, 0, 0)].r,
+ Image2CopySrc[src_idx + uint3(2, 0, 0)].r,
+ Image2CopySrc[src_idx + uint3(3, 0, 0)].r
+ )));
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cd75ce788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+use auxil::ShaderStage;
+use hal::{
+ format::{Aspects, Format, FormatDesc},
+ image,
+ pso::{
+ BlendDesc, BlendOp, ColorBlendDesc, Comparison, DepthBias, DepthStencilDesc, Face, Factor,
+ FrontFace, InputAssemblerDesc, Multisampling, PolygonMode, Rasterizer, Rect, Sided, State,
+ StencilFace, StencilOp, StencilValue, Viewport,
+ },
+ IndexType,
+use spirv_cross::spirv;
+use winapi::{
+ shared::{
+ dxgiformat::*,
+ minwindef::{FALSE, INT, TRUE},
+ },
+ um::{d3d11::*, d3dcommon::*},
+use std::mem;
+pub fn map_index_type(ty: IndexType) -> DXGI_FORMAT {
+ match ty {
+ IndexType::U16 => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
+ IndexType::U32 => DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ }
+// TODO: add aspect parameter
+pub fn viewable_format(format: DXGI_FORMAT) -> DXGI_FORMAT {
+ match format {
+ _ => format,
+ }
+// TODO: stolen from d3d12 backend, maybe share function somehow?
+pub fn map_format(format: Format) -> Option<DXGI_FORMAT> {
+ use hal::format::Format::*;
+ let format = match format {
+ R5g6b5Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM,
+ R5g5b5a1Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM,
+ Rgba8Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM,
+ Rgba8Snorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SNORM,
+ Rgba8Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ Rgba8Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SINT,
+ Bgra8Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
+ A2b10g10r10Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM,
+ A2b10g10r10Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT,
+ R16Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UNORM,
+ R16Snorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SNORM,
+ R16Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
+ R16Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_SINT,
+ R16Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT,
+ Rg16Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UNORM,
+ Rg16Snorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM,
+ Rg16Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ Rg16Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT,
+ Rg16Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT,
+ Rgba16Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UNORM,
+ Rgba16Snorm => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SNORM,
+ Rgba16Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT,
+ Rgba16Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT,
+ Rgba16Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT,
+ R32Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ R32Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32_SINT,
+ R32Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT,
+ Rg32Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT,
+ Rg32Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_SINT,
+ Rg32Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT,
+ Rgb32Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT,
+ Rgb32Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SINT,
+ Rgb32Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT,
+ Rgba32Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT,
+ Rgba32Sint => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_SINT,
+ Rgba32Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT,
+ B10g11r11Ufloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT,
+ E5b9g9r9Ufloat => DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP,
+ D16Unorm => DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM,
+ D32Sfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT,
+ D32SfloatS8Uint => DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT,
+ Bc1RgbUnorm | Bc1RgbaUnorm => DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM,
+ Bc1RgbSrgb | Bc1RgbaSrgb => DXGI_FORMAT_BC1_UNORM_SRGB,
+ Bc6hUfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16,
+ Bc6hSfloat => DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16,
+ _ => return None,
+ };
+ Some(format)
+pub fn map_format_nosrgb(format: Format) -> Option<DXGI_FORMAT> {
+ // NOTE: DXGI doesn't allow sRGB format on the swapchain, but
+ // creating RTV of swapchain buffers with sRGB works
+ match format {
+ Format::Bgra8Srgb => Some(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM),
+ Format::Rgba8Srgb => Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM),
+ _ => map_format(format),
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ pub typeless: DXGI_FORMAT,
+ pub srv: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+ pub rtv: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+ pub uav: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+ pub dsv: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+ // the format we use internally for operating on textures (eg. Rgba8 uses R32 internally for
+ // copies)
+ pub copy_uav: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+ pub copy_srv: Option<DXGI_FORMAT>,
+impl DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ pub const UNKNOWN: DecomposedDxgiFormat = DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: None,
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: None,
+ };
+ // TODO: we probably want to pass in usage flags or similar to allow for our `typeless_format`
+ // field to only contain the input format (eg. depth only rather than typeless likely
+ // improves perf since the driver doesn't need to expose internals)
+ //
+ // TODO: we also want aspect for determining depth/stencil
+ pub fn from_dxgi_format(format: DXGI_FORMAT) -> DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ match format {
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT),
+ },
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_A8_UNORM => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: format,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(format),
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R8_SINT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_SINT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT),
+ rtv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT),
+ uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT),
+ dsv: Some(format),
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R16_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_D16_UNORM),
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R32G8X24_TYPELESS,
+ // TODO: depth or stencil?
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: Some(format),
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: Some(format),
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ },
+ DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT),
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ }
+ }
+ DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT),
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: should we just convert to Rgba32 internally?
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_UINT),
+ },
+ | DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UNORM | DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_TYPELESS,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT),
+ copy_srv: Some(DXGI_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2_UINT),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: format,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: Some(format),
+ uav: Some(format),
+ dsv: None,
+ copy_uav: Some(format),
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ typeless: format,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ typeless: format,
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_UF16 | DXGI_FORMAT_BC6H_SF16 => DecomposedDxgiFormat {
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ // TODO: srgb craziness
+ srv: Some(format),
+ rtv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ dsv: None,
+ // NOTE: read only
+ copy_uav: None,
+ copy_srv: Some(format),
+ },
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ }
+pub fn map_viewport(viewport: &Viewport) -> D3D11_VIEWPORT {
+ TopLeftX: viewport.rect.x as _,
+ TopLeftY: viewport.rect.y as _,
+ Width: viewport.rect.w as _,
+ Height: viewport.rect.h as _,
+ MinDepth: viewport.depth.start,
+ MaxDepth: viewport.depth.end,
+ }
+pub fn map_rect(rect: &Rect) -> D3D11_RECT {
+ D3D11_RECT {
+ left: rect.x as _,
+ top: rect.y as _,
+ right: (rect.x + rect.w) as _,
+ bottom: (rect.y + rect.h) as _,
+ }
+pub fn map_topology(ia: &InputAssemblerDesc) -> D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY {
+ use hal::pso::Primitive::*;
+ match (ia.primitive, ia.with_adjacency) {
+ (PointList, true) => panic!("Points can't have adjacency info"),
+ (PatchList(num), false) => {
+ assert!(num != 0);
+ }
+ (_, true) => panic!("Patches can't have adjacency info"),
+ }
+fn map_fill_mode(mode: PolygonMode) -> D3D11_FILL_MODE {
+ match mode {
+ PolygonMode::Fill => D3D11_FILL_SOLID,
+ PolygonMode::Line => D3D11_FILL_WIREFRAME,
+ // TODO: return error
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+fn map_cull_mode(mode: Face) -> D3D11_CULL_MODE {
+ match mode {
+ Face::NONE => D3D11_CULL_NONE,
+ Face::FRONT => D3D11_CULL_FRONT,
+ Face::BACK => D3D11_CULL_BACK,
+ _ => panic!("Culling both front and back faces is not supported"),
+ }
+pub(crate) fn map_rasterizer_desc(
+ desc: &Rasterizer,
+ multisampling_desc: &Option<Multisampling>,
+ let bias = match desc.depth_bias {
+ //TODO: support dynamic depth bias
+ Some(State::Static(db)) => db,
+ Some(_) | None => DepthBias::default(),
+ };
+ if let State::Static(w) = desc.line_width {
+ super::validate_line_width(w);
+ }
+ let multisampled = multisampling_desc.is_some();
+ FillMode: map_fill_mode(desc.polygon_mode),
+ CullMode: map_cull_mode(desc.cull_face),
+ FrontCounterClockwise: match desc.front_face {
+ FrontFace::Clockwise => FALSE,
+ FrontFace::CounterClockwise => TRUE,
+ },
+ DepthBias: bias.const_factor as INT,
+ DepthBiasClamp: bias.clamp,
+ SlopeScaledDepthBias: bias.slope_factor,
+ DepthClipEnable: !desc.depth_clamping as _,
+ // TODO:
+ ScissorEnable: TRUE,
+ MultisampleEnable: multisampled as _,
+ AntialiasedLineEnable: multisampled as _,
+ // TODO: conservative raster in >=11.x
+ }
+fn map_blend_factor(factor: Factor) -> D3D11_BLEND {
+ match factor {
+ Factor::Zero => D3D11_BLEND_ZERO,
+ Factor::One => D3D11_BLEND_ONE,
+ Factor::SrcColor => D3D11_BLEND_SRC_COLOR,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrcColor => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC_COLOR,
+ Factor::DstColor => D3D11_BLEND_DEST_COLOR,
+ Factor::OneMinusDstColor => D3D11_BLEND_INV_DEST_COLOR,
+ Factor::SrcAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrcAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
+ Factor::DstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_DEST_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusDstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_DEST_ALPHA,
+ Factor::ConstColor | Factor::ConstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_BLEND_FACTOR,
+ Factor::OneMinusConstColor | Factor::OneMinusConstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_BLEND_FACTOR,
+ Factor::SrcAlphaSaturate => D3D11_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SAT,
+ Factor::Src1Color => D3D11_BLEND_SRC1_COLOR,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrc1Color => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC1_COLOR,
+ Factor::Src1Alpha => D3D11_BLEND_SRC1_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrc1Alpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC1_ALPHA,
+ }
+fn map_alpha_blend_factor(factor: Factor) -> D3D11_BLEND {
+ match factor {
+ Factor::Zero => D3D11_BLEND_ZERO,
+ Factor::One => D3D11_BLEND_ONE,
+ Factor::SrcColor | Factor::SrcAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA,
+ Factor::DstColor | Factor::DstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_DEST_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrcColor | Factor::OneMinusSrcAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusDstColor | Factor::OneMinusDstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_DEST_ALPHA,
+ Factor::ConstColor | Factor::ConstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_BLEND_FACTOR,
+ Factor::OneMinusConstColor | Factor::OneMinusConstAlpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_BLEND_FACTOR,
+ Factor::SrcAlphaSaturate => D3D11_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SAT,
+ Factor::Src1Color | Factor::Src1Alpha => D3D11_BLEND_SRC1_ALPHA,
+ Factor::OneMinusSrc1Color | Factor::OneMinusSrc1Alpha => D3D11_BLEND_INV_SRC1_ALPHA,
+ }
+fn map_blend_op(operation: BlendOp) -> (D3D11_BLEND_OP, D3D11_BLEND, D3D11_BLEND) {
+ match operation {
+ BlendOp::Add { src, dst } => (
+ map_blend_factor(src),
+ map_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::Sub { src, dst } => (
+ map_blend_factor(src),
+ map_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::RevSub { src, dst } => (
+ map_blend_factor(src),
+ map_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::Min => (D3D11_BLEND_OP_MIN, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO),
+ BlendOp::Max => (D3D11_BLEND_OP_MAX, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO),
+ }
+fn map_alpha_blend_op(operation: BlendOp) -> (D3D11_BLEND_OP, D3D11_BLEND, D3D11_BLEND) {
+ match operation {
+ BlendOp::Add { src, dst } => (
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(src),
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::Sub { src, dst } => (
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(src),
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::RevSub { src, dst } => (
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(src),
+ map_alpha_blend_factor(dst),
+ ),
+ BlendOp::Min => (D3D11_BLEND_OP_MIN, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO),
+ BlendOp::Max => (D3D11_BLEND_OP_MAX, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO, D3D11_BLEND_ZERO),
+ }
+fn map_blend_targets(
+ render_target_blends: &[ColorBlendDesc],
+ let mut targets: [D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_BLEND_DESC; 8] = [unsafe { mem::zeroed() }; 8];
+ for (mut target, color_desc) in targets.iter_mut().zip(render_target_blends.iter()) {
+ target.RenderTargetWriteMask = color_desc.mask.bits() as _;
+ if let Some(ref blend) = color_desc.blend {
+ let (color_op, color_src, color_dst) = map_blend_op(blend.color);
+ let (alpha_op, alpha_src, alpha_dst) = map_alpha_blend_op(blend.alpha);
+ target.BlendEnable = TRUE;
+ target.BlendOp = color_op;
+ target.SrcBlend = color_src;
+ target.DestBlend = color_dst;
+ target.BlendOpAlpha = alpha_op;
+ target.SrcBlendAlpha = alpha_src;
+ target.DestBlendAlpha = alpha_dst;
+ }
+ }
+ targets
+pub(crate) fn map_blend_desc(
+ desc: &BlendDesc,
+ multisampling: &Option<Multisampling>,
+) -> D3D11_BLEND_DESC {
+ AlphaToCoverageEnable: multisampling.as_ref().map_or(false, |m| m.alpha_coverage) as _,
+ IndependentBlendEnable: TRUE,
+ RenderTarget: map_blend_targets(&desc.targets),
+ }
+pub fn map_comparison(func: Comparison) -> D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC {
+ match func {
+ Comparison::Never => D3D11_COMPARISON_NEVER,
+ Comparison::Less => D3D11_COMPARISON_LESS,
+ Comparison::LessEqual => D3D11_COMPARISON_LESS_EQUAL,
+ Comparison::Equal => D3D11_COMPARISON_EQUAL,
+ Comparison::GreaterEqual => D3D11_COMPARISON_GREATER_EQUAL,
+ Comparison::Greater => D3D11_COMPARISON_GREATER,
+ Comparison::NotEqual => D3D11_COMPARISON_NOT_EQUAL,
+ Comparison::Always => D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS,
+ }
+fn map_stencil_op(op: StencilOp) -> D3D11_STENCIL_OP {
+ match op {
+ StencilOp::Keep => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP,
+ StencilOp::Zero => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_ZERO,
+ StencilOp::Replace => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilOp::IncrementClamp => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_INCR_SAT,
+ StencilOp::IncrementWrap => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_INCR,
+ StencilOp::DecrementClamp => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_DECR_SAT,
+ StencilOp::DecrementWrap => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_DECR,
+ StencilOp::Invert => D3D11_STENCIL_OP_INVERT,
+ }
+fn map_stencil_side(side: &StencilFace) -> D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC {
+ StencilFailOp: map_stencil_op(side.op_fail),
+ StencilDepthFailOp: map_stencil_op(side.op_depth_fail),
+ StencilPassOp: map_stencil_op(side.op_pass),
+ StencilFunc: map_comparison(,
+ }
+pub(crate) fn map_depth_stencil_desc(
+ desc: &DepthStencilDesc,
+) -> (D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC, State<StencilValue>, bool) {
+ let (depth_on, depth_write, depth_func) = match desc.depth {
+ Some(ref depth) => (TRUE, depth.write, map_comparison(,
+ None => unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
+ };
+ let (stencil_on, front, back, read_mask, write_mask, stencil_ref) = match desc.stencil {
+ Some(ref stencil) => {
+ let read_masks = stencil.read_masks.static_or(Sided::new(!0));
+ let write_masks = stencil.read_masks.static_or(Sided::new(!0));
+ let reference_value = match stencil.reference_values {
+ State::Static(ref values) => {
+ if values.front != values.back {
+ error!("Different reference values for front ({}) and back ({}) of the stencil",
+ values.front, values.back);
+ }
+ State::Static(values.front)
+ }
+ State::Dynamic => State::Dynamic,
+ };
+ // TODO: cascade to create_pipeline
+ if read_masks.front != read_masks.back || write_masks.front != write_masks.back {
+ error!(
+ "Different sides are specified for read ({:?} and write ({:?}) stencil masks",
+ read_masks, write_masks
+ );
+ }
+ (
+ map_stencil_side(&stencil.faces.front),
+ map_stencil_side(&stencil.faces.back),
+ read_masks.front,
+ write_masks.front,
+ reference_value,
+ )
+ }
+ None => unsafe { mem::zeroed() },
+ };
+ let stencil_read_only = write_mask == 0
+ || (front.StencilDepthFailOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP
+ && front.StencilFailOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP
+ && front.StencilPassOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP
+ && back.StencilDepthFailOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP
+ && back.StencilFailOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP
+ && back.StencilPassOp == D3D11_STENCIL_OP_KEEP);
+ let read_only = !depth_write && stencil_read_only;
+ (
+ DepthEnable: depth_on,
+ DepthWriteMask: if depth_write {
+ } else {
+ },
+ DepthFunc: depth_func,
+ StencilEnable: stencil_on,
+ StencilReadMask: read_mask as _,
+ StencilWriteMask: write_mask as _,
+ FrontFace: front,
+ BackFace: back,
+ },
+ stencil_ref,
+ read_only,
+ )
+pub fn map_execution_model(model: spirv::ExecutionModel) -> ShaderStage {
+ match model {
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::Vertex => ShaderStage::Vertex,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::Fragment => ShaderStage::Fragment,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::Geometry => ShaderStage::Geometry,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::GlCompute => ShaderStage::Compute,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::TessellationControl => ShaderStage::Hull,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::TessellationEvaluation => ShaderStage::Domain,
+ spirv::ExecutionModel::Kernel => panic!("Kernel is not a valid execution model."),
+ }
+pub fn map_stage(stage: ShaderStage) -> spirv::ExecutionModel {
+ match stage {
+ ShaderStage::Vertex => spirv::ExecutionModel::Vertex,
+ ShaderStage::Fragment => spirv::ExecutionModel::Fragment,
+ ShaderStage::Geometry => spirv::ExecutionModel::Geometry,
+ ShaderStage::Compute => spirv::ExecutionModel::GlCompute,
+ ShaderStage::Hull => spirv::ExecutionModel::TessellationControl,
+ ShaderStage::Domain => spirv::ExecutionModel::TessellationEvaluation,
+ ShaderStage::Task | ShaderStage::Mesh => {
+ panic!("{:?} shader is not supported in DirectX 11", stage)
+ }
+ }
+pub fn map_wrapping(wrap: image::WrapMode) -> D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE {
+ use hal::image::WrapMode as Wm;
+ match wrap {
+ }
+fn map_filter_type(filter: image::Filter) -> D3D11_FILTER_TYPE {
+ match filter {
+ image::Filter::Nearest => D3D11_FILTER_TYPE_POINT,
+ image::Filter::Linear => D3D11_FILTER_TYPE_LINEAR,
+ }
+// Hopefully works just as well in d3d11 :)
+pub fn map_filter(
+ mag_filter: image::Filter,
+ min_filter: image::Filter,
+ mip_filter: image::Filter,
+ anisotropy_clamp: Option<u8>,
+) -> D3D11_FILTER {
+ let mag = map_filter_type(mag_filter);
+ let min = map_filter_type(min_filter);
+ let mip = map_filter_type(mip_filter);
+ | anisotropy_clamp
+ .unwrap_or(0)
+pub fn map_image_usage(usage: image::Usage, format_desc: FormatDesc) -> D3D11_BIND_FLAG {
+ let mut bind = 0;
+ if usage.intersects(image::Usage::TRANSFER_SRC | image::Usage::SAMPLED | image::Usage::STORAGE)
+ {
+ }
+ // we cant get RTVs or UAVs on compressed & depth formats
+ if !format_desc.is_compressed() && !format_desc.aspects.contains(Aspects::DEPTH) {
+ if usage.intersects(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | image::Usage::TRANSFER_DST) {
+ }
+ if usage.intersects(image::Usage::TRANSFER_DST | image::Usage::STORAGE) {
+ }
+ }
+ if usage.contains(image::Usage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
+ }
+ bind
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d061de3a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+use winapi::um::{d3d11, d3d11_1, d3dcommon};
+use wio::{com::ComPtr, wide::ToWide};
+use std::{env, ffi::OsStr, fmt};
+pub struct DebugScope {
+ annotation: ComPtr<d3d11_1::ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation>,
+impl DebugScope {
+ // TODO: Not used currently in release, will be used in the future
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ pub fn with_name(
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ args: fmt::Arguments,
+ ) -> Option<Self> {
+ let name = format!("{}", args);
+ // debugging with visual studio and its ilk *really* doesn't like calling this on a
+ // deferred context when replaying a capture, compared to renderdoc
+ if unsafe { context.GetType() } == d3d11::D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_DEFERRED {
+ // TODO: find a better way to detect either if RD or VS is active debugger
+ if env::var("GFX_NO_RENDERDOC").is_ok() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ }
+ let annotation = context
+ .cast::<d3d11_1::ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation>()
+ .unwrap();
+ let msg: &OsStr = name.as_ref();
+ let msg: Vec<u16> = msg.to_wide_null();
+ unsafe {
+ annotation.BeginEvent(msg.as_ptr() as _);
+ }
+ Some(DebugScope { annotation })
+ }
+impl Drop for DebugScope {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ self.annotation.EndEvent();
+ }
+ }
+pub fn debug_marker(context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>, name: &str) {
+ // same here
+ if unsafe { context.GetType() } == d3d11::D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_DEFERRED {
+ if env::var("GFX_NO_RENDERDOC").is_ok() {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let annotation = context
+ .cast::<d3d11_1::ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation>()
+ .unwrap();
+ let msg: &OsStr = name.as_ref();
+ let msg: Vec<u16> = msg.to_wide_null();
+ unsafe {
+ annotation.SetMarker(msg.as_ptr() as _);
+ }
+pub fn verify_debug_ascii(name: &str) -> bool {
+ let res = name.is_ascii();
+ if !res {
+ error!("DX11 buffer names must be ASCII");
+ }
+ res
+/// Set the debug name of a resource.
+/// Must be ASCII.
+/// SetPrivateData will copy the data internally so the data doesn't need to live.
+pub fn set_debug_name(resource: &d3d11::ID3D11DeviceChild, name: &str) {
+ unsafe {
+ resource.SetPrivateData(
+ (&d3dcommon::WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName) as *const _,
+ name.len() as _,
+ name.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+/// Set the debug name of a resource with a given suffix.
+/// Must be ASCII.
+/// The given string will be mutated to add the suffix, then restored to it's original state.
+/// This saves an allocation. SetPrivateData will copy the data internally so the data doesn't need to live.
+pub fn set_debug_name_with_suffix(
+ resource: &d3d11::ID3D11DeviceChild,
+ name: &mut String,
+ suffix: &str,
+) {
+ name.push_str(suffix);
+ unsafe {
+ resource.SetPrivateData(
+ (&d3dcommon::WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName) as *const _,
+ name.len() as _,
+ name.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+ name.drain((name.len() - suffix.len())..);
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8a5d5e179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,2485 @@
+use auxil::ShaderStage;
+use hal::{
+ adapter::MemoryProperties, buffer, device, format, image, memory, pass, pool, pso,
+ pso::VertexInputRate, query, queue::QueueFamilyId, window,
+use winapi::{
+ shared::{dxgi, dxgiformat, dxgitype, minwindef::TRUE, windef::HWND, winerror},
+ um::{d3d11, d3d11_1, d3d11sdklayers, d3dcommon},
+use wio::com::ComPtr;
+use std::{
+ borrow::Borrow,
+ fmt, mem,
+ ops::Range,
+ ptr,
+ sync::{Arc, Weak},
+use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex, RwLock};
+use crate::{
+ conv,
+ debug::{set_debug_name, set_debug_name_with_suffix, verify_debug_ascii},
+ internal, shader, Backend, Buffer, BufferView, CommandBuffer, CommandPool, ComputePipeline,
+ DescriptorContent, DescriptorIndex, DescriptorPool, DescriptorSet, DescriptorSetInfo,
+ DescriptorSetLayout, Fence, Framebuffer, GraphicsPipeline, Image, ImageView, InternalBuffer,
+ InternalImage, Memory, MultiStageData, PipelineLayout, QueryPool, RawFence,
+ RegisterAccumulator, RegisterData, RenderPass, ResourceIndex, Sampler, Semaphore, ShaderModule,
+ SubpassDesc, ViewInfo,
+//TODO: expose coherent type 0x2 when it's properly supported
+const BUFFER_TYPE_MASK: u32 = 0x1 | 0x4;
+struct InputLayout {
+ raw: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11InputLayout>,
+ required_bindings: u32,
+ max_vertex_bindings: u32,
+ topology: d3d11::D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY,
+ vertex_strides: Vec<u32>,
+pub struct DepthStencilState {
+ pub raw: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilState>,
+ pub stencil_ref: pso::State<pso::StencilValue>,
+ pub read_only: bool,
+pub struct Device {
+ raw: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ raw1: Option<ComPtr<d3d11_1::ID3D11Device1>>,
+ pub(crate) context: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ features: hal::Features,
+ memory_properties: MemoryProperties,
+ internal: Arc<internal::Internal>,
+impl fmt::Debug for Device {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Device")
+ }
+impl Drop for Device {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if let Ok(debug) = self.raw.cast::<d3d11sdklayers::ID3D11Debug>() {
+ unsafe {
+ debug.ReportLiveDeviceObjects(d3d11sdklayers::D3D11_RLDO_DETAIL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Device {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Device {}
+impl Device {
+ pub fn new(
+ device: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ device1: Option<ComPtr<d3d11_1::ID3D11Device1>>,
+ context: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ features: hal::Features,
+ memory_properties: MemoryProperties,
+ ) -> Self {
+ Device {
+ internal: Arc::new(internal::Internal::new(&device)),
+ raw: device,
+ raw1: device1,
+ context,
+ features,
+ memory_properties,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut d3d11::ID3D11Device {
+ self.raw.as_raw()
+ }
+ fn create_rasterizer_state(
+ &self,
+ rasterizer_desc: &pso::Rasterizer,
+ multisampling_desc: &Option<pso::Multisampling>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RasterizerState>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut rasterizer = ptr::null_mut();
+ let desc = conv::map_rasterizer_desc(rasterizer_desc, multisampling_desc);
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .CreateRasterizerState(&desc, &mut rasterizer as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(rasterizer) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_blend_state(
+ &self,
+ blend_desc: &pso::BlendDesc,
+ multisampling: &Option<pso::Multisampling>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11BlendState>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut blend = ptr::null_mut();
+ let desc = conv::map_blend_desc(blend_desc, multisampling);
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .CreateBlendState(&desc, &mut blend as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(blend) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_depth_stencil_state(
+ &self,
+ depth_desc: &pso::DepthStencilDesc,
+ ) -> Result<DepthStencilState, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut depth = ptr::null_mut();
+ let (desc, stencil_ref, read_only) = conv::map_depth_stencil_desc(depth_desc);
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw
+ .CreateDepthStencilState(&desc, &mut depth as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(DepthStencilState {
+ raw: unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(depth) },
+ stencil_ref,
+ read_only,
+ })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_input_layout(
+ &self,
+ vs: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ vertex_buffers: &[pso::VertexBufferDesc],
+ attributes: &[pso::AttributeDesc],
+ input_assembler: &pso::InputAssemblerDesc,
+ vertex_semantic_remapping: auxil::FastHashMap<u32, Option<(u32, u32)>>,
+ ) -> Result<InputLayout, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut layout = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut vertex_strides = Vec::new();
+ let mut required_bindings = 0u32;
+ let mut max_vertex_bindings = 0u32;
+ for buffer in vertex_buffers {
+ required_bindings |= 1 << buffer.binding as u32;
+ max_vertex_bindings = max_vertex_bindings.max(1u32 + buffer.binding as u32);
+ while vertex_strides.len() <= buffer.binding as usize {
+ vertex_strides.push(0);
+ }
+ vertex_strides[buffer.binding as usize] = buffer.stride;
+ }
+ // See [`shader::introspect_spirv_vertex_semantic_remapping`] for details of why this is needed.
+ let semantics: Vec<_> = attributes
+ .iter()
+ .map(
+ |attrib| match vertex_semantic_remapping.get(&attrib.location) {
+ Some(Some((major, minor))) => {
+ let name = std::borrow::Cow::Owned(format!("TEXCOORD{}_\0", major));
+ let location = *minor;
+ (name, location)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let name = std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed("TEXCOORD\0");
+ let location = attrib.location;
+ (name, location)
+ }
+ },
+ )
+ .collect();
+ let input_elements = attributes
+ .iter()
+ .zip(semantics.iter())
+ .filter_map(|(attrib, (semantic_name, semantic_index))| {
+ let buffer_desc = match vertex_buffers
+ .iter()
+ .find(|buffer_desc| buffer_desc.binding == attrib.binding)
+ {
+ Some(buffer_desc) => buffer_desc,
+ None => {
+ // TODO:
+ // error!("Couldn't find associated vertex buffer description {:?}", attrib.binding);
+ return Some(Err(pso::CreationError::Other));
+ }
+ };
+ let (slot_class, step_rate) = match buffer_desc.rate {
+ VertexInputRate::Vertex => (d3d11::D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA, 0),
+ VertexInputRate::Instance(divisor) => {
+ (d3d11::D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA, divisor)
+ }
+ };
+ let format = attrib.element.format;
+ Some(Ok(d3d11::D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC {
+ SemanticName: semantic_name.as_ptr() as *const _, // Semantic name used by SPIRV-Cross
+ SemanticIndex: *semantic_index,
+ Format: match conv::map_format(format) {
+ Some(fm) => fm,
+ None => {
+ // TODO:
+ // error!("Unable to find DXGI format for {:?}", format);
+ return Some(Err(pso::CreationError::Other));
+ }
+ },
+ InputSlot: attrib.binding as _,
+ AlignedByteOffset: attrib.element.offset,
+ InputSlotClass: slot_class,
+ InstanceDataStepRate: step_rate as _,
+ }))
+ })
+ .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateInputLayout(
+ input_elements.as_ptr(),
+ input_elements.len() as _,
+ vs.GetBufferPointer(),
+ vs.GetBufferSize(),
+ &mut layout as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ let topology = conv::map_topology(input_assembler);
+ Ok(InputLayout {
+ raw: unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(layout) },
+ required_bindings,
+ max_vertex_bindings,
+ topology,
+ vertex_strides,
+ })
+ } else {
+ error!("CreateInputLayout error 0x{:X}", hr);
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_vertex_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11VertexShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut vs = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateVertexShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut vs as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(vs) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_pixel_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut ps = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreatePixelShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut ps as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(ps) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_geometry_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11GeometryShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut gs = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateGeometryShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut gs as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(gs) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_hull_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11HullShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut hs = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateHullShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut hs as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(hs) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_domain_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DomainShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut ds = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateDomainShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut ds as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(ds) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ fn create_compute_shader(
+ &self,
+ blob: ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>, pso::CreationError> {
+ let mut cs = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateComputeShader(
+ blob.GetBufferPointer(),
+ blob.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut cs as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(cs) })
+ } else {
+ Err(pso::CreationError::Other)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: fix return type..
+ fn extract_entry_point(
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ source: &pso::EntryPoint<Backend>,
+ layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ features: &hal::Features,
+ ) -> Result<Option<ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>>, device::ShaderError> {
+ // TODO: entrypoint stuff
+ match *source.module {
+ ShaderModule::Dxbc(ref _shader) => {
+ unimplemented!()
+ // Ok(Some(shader))
+ }
+ ShaderModule::Spirv(ref raw_data) => Ok(shader::compile_spirv_entrypoint(
+ raw_data, stage, source, layout, features,
+ )?),
+ }
+ }
+ fn view_image_as_shader_resource(
+ &self,
+ info: &ViewInfo,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView>, image::ViewCreationError> {
+ let mut desc: d3d11::D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ desc.Format = info.format;
+ if desc.Format == dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_D32_FLOAT_S8X24_UINT {
+ desc.Format = dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT_X8X24_TYPELESS;
+ }
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let MostDetailedMip = info.levels.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let MipLevels = (info.levels.end - info.levels.start) as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let FirstArraySlice = info.layers.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let ArraySize = (info.layers.end - info.layers.start) as _;
+ match info.view_kind {
+ image::ViewKind::D1 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D1Array => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_ARRAY_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2 if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMS_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_SRV {
+ UnusedField_NothingToDefine: 0,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMSArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_SRV {
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D3 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture3D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX3D_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::Cube => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBE;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.TextureCube_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEXCUBE_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::CubeArray => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURECUBEARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.TextureCubeArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEXCUBE_ARRAY_SRV {
+ MostDetailedMip,
+ MipLevels,
+ First2DArrayFace: FirstArraySlice,
+ NumCubes: ArraySize / 6,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let mut srv = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateShaderResourceView(
+ info.resource,
+ &desc,
+ &mut srv as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(srv) })
+ } else {
+ Err(image::ViewCreationError::Unsupported)
+ }
+ }
+ fn view_image_as_unordered_access(
+ &self,
+ info: &ViewInfo,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>, image::ViewCreationError> {
+ let mut desc: d3d11::D3D11_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW_DESC = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ desc.Format = info.format;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let MipSlice = info.levels.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let FirstArraySlice = info.layers.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let ArraySize = (info.layers.end - info.layers.start) as _;
+ match info.view_kind {
+ image::ViewKind::D1 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_UAV {
+ MipSlice: info.levels.start as _,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D1Array => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_ARRAY_UAV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_UAV {
+ MipSlice: info.levels.start as _,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_UAV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D3 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture3D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX3D_UAV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstWSlice: FirstArraySlice,
+ WSize: ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ let mut uav = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateUnorderedAccessView(
+ info.resource,
+ &desc,
+ &mut uav as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(uav) })
+ } else {
+ error!("CreateUnorderedAccessView failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ Err(image::ViewCreationError::Unsupported)
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn view_image_as_render_target(
+ &self,
+ info: &ViewInfo,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView>, image::ViewCreationError> {
+ let mut desc: d3d11::D3D11_RENDER_TARGET_VIEW_DESC = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ desc.Format = info.format;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let MipSlice = info.levels.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let FirstArraySlice = info.layers.start as _;
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let ArraySize = (info.layers.end - info.layers.start) as _;
+ match info.view_kind {
+ image::ViewKind::D1 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_RTV { MipSlice }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D1Array => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE1DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture1DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX1D_ARRAY_RTV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2 => {
+ if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMS_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_RTV {
+ UnusedField_NothingToDefine: 0,
+ }
+ } else {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_RTV { MipSlice }
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array => {
+ if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMSArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_RTV {
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ } else {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_RTV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D3 => {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE3D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture3D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX3D_RTV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstWSlice: FirstArraySlice,
+ WSize: ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ let mut rtv = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateRenderTargetView(
+ info.resource,
+ &desc,
+ &mut rtv as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(rtv) })
+ } else {
+ error!("CreateRenderTargetView failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ Err(image::ViewCreationError::Unsupported)
+ }
+ }
+ fn view_image_as_depth_stencil(
+ &self,
+ info: &ViewInfo,
+ read_only_stencil: Option<bool>,
+ ) -> Result<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>, image::ViewCreationError> {
+ #![allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let MipSlice = info.levels.start as _;
+ let FirstArraySlice = info.layers.start as _;
+ let ArraySize = (info.layers.end - info.layers.start) as _;
+ assert_eq!(info.levels.start + 1, info.levels.end);
+ assert!(info.layers.end <= info.kind.num_layers());
+ let mut desc: d3d11::D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ desc.Format = info.format;
+ if let Some(stencil) = read_only_stencil {
+ desc.Flags = match stencil {
+ true => d3d11::D3D11_DSV_READ_ONLY_DEPTH | d3d11::D3D11_DSV_READ_ONLY_STENCIL,
+ false => d3d11::D3D11_DSV_READ_ONLY_DEPTH,
+ }
+ }
+ match info.view_kind {
+ image::ViewKind::D2 => {
+ if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMS;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMS_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_DSV {
+ UnusedField_NothingToDefine: 0,
+ }
+ } else {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2D_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_DSV { MipSlice }
+ }
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array => {
+ if info.kind.num_samples() > 1 {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DMSARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DMSArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2DMS_ARRAY_DSV {
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ } else {
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2DARRAY;
+ *unsafe { desc.u.Texture2DArray_mut() } = d3d11::D3D11_TEX2D_ARRAY_DSV {
+ MipSlice,
+ FirstArraySlice,
+ ArraySize,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ }
+ let mut dsv = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ self.raw.CreateDepthStencilView(
+ info.resource,
+ &desc,
+ &mut dsv as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(dsv) })
+ } else {
+ error!("CreateDepthStencilView failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ Err(image::ViewCreationError::Unsupported)
+ }
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn create_swapchain_impl(
+ &self,
+ config: &window::SwapchainConfig,
+ window_handle: HWND,
+ factory: ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGIFactory>,
+ ) -> Result<(ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGISwapChain>, dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT), window::CreationError>
+ {
+ // TODO: use IDXGIFactory2 for >=11.1
+ // TODO: this function should be able to fail (Result)?
+ debug!("{:#?}", config);
+ let non_srgb_format = conv::map_format_nosrgb(config.format).unwrap();
+ let mut desc = dxgi::DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC {
+ BufferDesc: dxgitype::DXGI_MODE_DESC {
+ Width: config.extent.width,
+ Height: config.extent.height,
+ // TODO: should this grab max value of all monitor hz? vsync
+ // will clamp to current monitor anyways?
+ RefreshRate: dxgitype::DXGI_RATIONAL {
+ Numerator: 1,
+ Denominator: 60,
+ },
+ Format: non_srgb_format,
+ },
+ SampleDesc: dxgitype::DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC {
+ Count: 1,
+ Quality: 0,
+ },
+ BufferCount: config.image_count,
+ OutputWindow: window_handle,
+ // TODO:
+ Windowed: TRUE,
+ // TODO:
+ Flags: 0,
+ };
+ let dxgi_swapchain = {
+ let mut swapchain: *mut dxgi::IDXGISwapChain = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ factory.CreateSwapChain(
+ self.raw.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ &mut desc as *mut _,
+ &mut swapchain as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(swapchain) }
+ };
+ Ok((dxgi_swapchain, non_srgb_format))
+ }
+impl device::Device<Backend> for Device {
+ unsafe fn allocate_memory(
+ &self,
+ mem_type: hal::MemoryTypeId,
+ size: u64,
+ ) -> Result<Memory, device::AllocationError> {
+ let properties = self.memory_properties.memory_types[mem_type.0].properties;
+ let host_ptr = if properties.contains(hal::memory::Properties::CPU_VISIBLE) {
+ let mut data = vec![0u8; size as usize];
+ let ptr = data.as_mut_ptr();
+ mem::forget(data);
+ ptr
+ } else {
+ ptr::null_mut()
+ };
+ Ok(Memory {
+ properties,
+ size,
+ host_ptr,
+ local_buffers: Arc::new(RwLock::new(thunderdome::Arena::new())),
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_command_pool(
+ &self,
+ _family: QueueFamilyId,
+ _create_flags: pool::CommandPoolCreateFlags,
+ ) -> Result<CommandPool, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ // TODO:
+ Ok(CommandPool {
+ device: self.raw.clone(),
+ device1: self.raw1.clone(),
+ internal: Arc::clone(&self.internal),
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_command_pool(&self, _pool: CommandPool) {
+ // automatic
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_render_pass<'a, IA, IS, ID>(
+ &self,
+ attachments: IA,
+ subpasses: IS,
+ _dependencies: ID,
+ ) -> Result<RenderPass, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ IA: IntoIterator,
+ IA::Item: Borrow<pass::Attachment>,
+ IS: IntoIterator,
+ IS::Item: Borrow<pass::SubpassDesc<'a>>,
+ ID: IntoIterator,
+ ID::Item: Borrow<pass::SubpassDependency>,
+ {
+ Ok(RenderPass {
+ attachments: attachments
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|attachment| attachment.borrow().clone())
+ .collect(),
+ subpasses: subpasses
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|desc| {
+ let desc = desc.borrow();
+ SubpassDesc {
+ color_attachments: desc
+ .colors
+ .iter()
+ .map(|color| color.borrow().clone())
+ .collect(),
+ depth_stencil_attachment:|d| *d),
+ input_attachments: desc
+ .inputs
+ .iter()
+ .map(|input| input.borrow().clone())
+ .collect(),
+ resolve_attachments: desc
+ .resolves
+ .iter()
+ .map(|resolve| resolve.borrow().clone())
+ .collect(),
+ }
+ })
+ .collect(),
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_pipeline_layout<IS, IR>(
+ &self,
+ set_layouts: IS,
+ _push_constant_ranges: IR,
+ ) -> Result<PipelineLayout, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ IS: IntoIterator,
+ IS::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSetLayout>,
+ IR: IntoIterator,
+ IR::Item: Borrow<(pso::ShaderStageFlags, Range<u32>)>,
+ {
+ let mut res_offsets = MultiStageData::<RegisterData<RegisterAccumulator>>::default();
+ let mut sets = Vec::new();
+ for set_layout in set_layouts {
+ let layout = set_layout.borrow();
+ sets.push(DescriptorSetInfo {
+ bindings: Arc::clone(&layout.bindings),
+ registers: res_offsets.advance(&layout.pool_mapping),
+ });
+ }
+ res_offsets.map_other(|data| {
+ // These use <= because this tells us the _next_ register, so maximum usage will be equal to the limit.
+ //
+ // Leave one slot for push constants
+ assert!(
+ data.c.res_index as u32
+ "{} bound constant buffers exceeds limit of {}",
+ data.c.res_index as u32,
+ );
+ assert!(
+ data.s.res_index as u32 <= d3d11::D3D11_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_REGISTER_COUNT,
+ "{} bound samplers exceeds limit of {}",
+ data.s.res_index as u32,
+ );
+ assert!(
+ data.t.res_index as u32 <= d3d11::D3D11_COMMONSHADER_INPUT_RESOURCE_REGISTER_COUNT,
+ "{} bound sampled textures and read-only buffers exceeds limit of {}",
+ data.t.res_index as u32,
+ );
+ assert!(
+ data.u.res_index as u32 <= d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT,
+ "{} bound storage textures and read-write buffers exceeds limit of {}",
+ data.u.res_index as u32,
+ );
+ });
+ Ok(PipelineLayout { sets })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_pipeline_cache(
+ &self,
+ _data: Option<&[u8]>,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_pipeline_cache_data(&self, _cache: &()) -> Result<Vec<u8>, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ //empty
+ Ok(Vec::new())
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_cache(&self, _: ()) {
+ //empty
+ }
+ unsafe fn merge_pipeline_caches<I>(&self, _: &(), _: I) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ {
+ //empty
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_graphics_pipeline<'a>(
+ &self,
+ desc: &pso::GraphicsPipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
+ _cache: Option<&()>,
+ ) -> Result<GraphicsPipeline, pso::CreationError> {
+ let features = &self.features;
+ let build_shader = |stage: ShaderStage, source: Option<&pso::EntryPoint<'a, Backend>>| {
+ let source = match source {
+ Some(src) => src,
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ Self::extract_entry_point(stage, source, desc.layout, features)
+ .map_err(|err| pso::CreationError::Shader(err))
+ };
+ let (layout, vs, gs, hs, ds) = match desc.primitive_assembler {
+ pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Vertex {
+ buffers,
+ attributes,
+ ref input_assembler,
+ ref vertex,
+ ref tessellation,
+ ref geometry,
+ } => {
+ let vertex_semantic_remapping = match vertex.module {
+ ShaderModule::Spirv(spirv) => {
+ shader::introspect_spirv_vertex_semantic_remapping(spirv)
+ .map_err(|err| pso::CreationError::Shader(err))?
+ }
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ };
+ let vs = build_shader(ShaderStage::Vertex, Some(&vertex))?.unwrap();
+ let gs = build_shader(ShaderStage::Geometry, geometry.as_ref())?;
+ let layout = self.create_input_layout(
+ vs.clone(),
+ buffers,
+ attributes,
+ input_assembler,
+ vertex_semantic_remapping,
+ )?;
+ let vs = self.create_vertex_shader(vs)?;
+ let gs = if let Some(blob) = gs {
+ Some(self.create_geometry_shader(blob)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let (hs, ds) = if let Some(ts) = tessellation {
+ let hs = build_shader(ShaderStage::Hull, Some(&ts.0))?.unwrap();
+ let ds = build_shader(ShaderStage::Domain, Some(&ts.1))?.unwrap();
+ (
+ Some(self.create_hull_shader(hs)?),
+ Some(self.create_domain_shader(ds)?),
+ )
+ } else {
+ (None, None)
+ };
+ (layout, vs, gs, hs, ds)
+ }
+ pso::PrimitiveAssemblerDesc::Mesh { .. } => {
+ return Err(pso::CreationError::UnsupportedPipeline)
+ }
+ };
+ let ps = build_shader(ShaderStage::Fragment, desc.fragment.as_ref())?;
+ let ps = if let Some(blob) = ps {
+ Some(self.create_pixel_shader(blob)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let rasterizer_state =
+ self.create_rasterizer_state(&desc.rasterizer, &desc.multisampling)?;
+ let blend_state = self.create_blend_state(&desc.blender, &desc.multisampling)?;
+ let depth_stencil_state = Some(self.create_depth_stencil_state(&desc.depth_stencil)?);
+ Ok(GraphicsPipeline {
+ vs,
+ gs,
+ ds,
+ hs,
+ ps,
+ topology: layout.topology,
+ input_layout: layout.raw,
+ rasterizer_state,
+ blend_state,
+ depth_stencil_state,
+ baked_states: desc.baked_states.clone(),
+ required_bindings: layout.required_bindings,
+ max_vertex_bindings: layout.max_vertex_bindings,
+ strides: layout.vertex_strides,
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_compute_pipeline<'a>(
+ &self,
+ desc: &pso::ComputePipelineDesc<'a, Backend>,
+ _cache: Option<&()>,
+ ) -> Result<ComputePipeline, pso::CreationError> {
+ let features = &self.features;
+ let build_shader = |stage: ShaderStage, source: Option<&pso::EntryPoint<'a, Backend>>| {
+ let source = match source {
+ Some(src) => src,
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ Self::extract_entry_point(stage, source, desc.layout, features)
+ .map_err(|err| pso::CreationError::Shader(err))
+ };
+ let cs = build_shader(ShaderStage::Compute, Some(&desc.shader))?.unwrap();
+ let cs = self.create_compute_shader(cs)?;
+ Ok(ComputePipeline { cs })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_framebuffer<I>(
+ &self,
+ _renderpass: &RenderPass,
+ attachments: I,
+ extent: image::Extent,
+ ) -> Result<Framebuffer, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<ImageView>,
+ {
+ Ok(Framebuffer {
+ attachments: attachments
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|att| att.borrow().clone())
+ .collect(),
+ layers: extent.depth as _,
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_shader_module(
+ &self,
+ raw_data: &[u32],
+ ) -> Result<ShaderModule, device::ShaderError> {
+ Ok(ShaderModule::Spirv(raw_data.into()))
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_buffer(
+ &self,
+ size: u64,
+ usage: buffer::Usage,
+ ) -> Result<Buffer, buffer::CreationError> {
+ use buffer::Usage;
+ let mut bind = 0;
+ if usage.contains(Usage::UNIFORM) {
+ bind |= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
+ }
+ if usage.contains(Usage::VERTEX) {
+ bind |= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
+ }
+ if usage.contains(Usage::INDEX) {
+ bind |= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
+ }
+ // TODO: >=11.1
+ if usage.intersects(
+ ) {
+ bind |= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE;
+ }
+ if usage.intersects(Usage::TRANSFER_DST | Usage::STORAGE) {
+ bind |= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS;
+ }
+ // if `D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER` intersects with any other bind flag, we need to handle
+ // it by creating two buffers. one with `D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER` and one with the rest
+ let needs_disjoint_cb = bind & d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER != 0
+ && bind != d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
+ if needs_disjoint_cb {
+ bind ^= d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER;
+ }
+ fn up_align(x: u64, alignment: u64) -> u64 {
+ (x + alignment - 1) & !(alignment - 1)
+ }
+ // constant buffer size need to be divisible by 16
+ let size = if usage.contains(Usage::UNIFORM) {
+ up_align(size, 16)
+ } else {
+ up_align(size, 4)
+ };
+ Ok(Buffer {
+ internal: InternalBuffer {
+ raw: ptr::null_mut(),
+ disjoint_cb: if needs_disjoint_cb {
+ Some(ptr::null_mut())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ srv: None,
+ uav: None,
+ usage,
+ debug_name: None,
+ },
+ bound_range: 0..0,
+ local_memory_arena: Weak::new(),
+ memory_index: None,
+ is_coherent: false,
+ memory_ptr: ptr::null_mut(),
+ bind,
+ requirements: memory::Requirements {
+ size,
+ alignment: 4,
+ type_mask: BUFFER_TYPE_MASK,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_buffer_requirements(&self, buffer: &Buffer) -> memory::Requirements {
+ buffer.requirements
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_buffer_memory(
+ &self,
+ memory: &Memory,
+ offset: u64,
+ buffer: &mut Buffer,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::BindError> {
+ debug!(
+ "usage={:?}, props={:b}",
+ buffer.internal.usage,
+ );
+ #[allow(non_snake_case)]
+ let mut MiscFlags = if buffer.bind
+ != 0
+ {
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ if buffer.internal.usage.contains(buffer::Usage::INDIRECT) {
+ }
+ let initial_data = if memory.host_ptr.is_null() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(d3d11::D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA {
+ pSysMem: memory.host_ptr.offset(offset as isize) as *const _,
+ SysMemPitch: 0,
+ SysMemSlicePitch: 0,
+ })
+ };
+ //TODO: check `` ?
+ let raw = {
+ // device local memory
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_DESC {
+ ByteWidth: buffer.requirements.size as _,
+ Usage: d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT,
+ BindFlags: buffer.bind,
+ CPUAccessFlags: 0,
+ MiscFlags,
+ StructureByteStride: if buffer.internal.usage.contains(buffer::Usage::TRANSFER_SRC)
+ {
+ 4
+ } else {
+ 0
+ },
+ };
+ let mut raw: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateBuffer(
+ &desc,
+ initial_data.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |id| id),
+ &mut raw as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = buffer.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(&*raw, name);
+ }
+ ComPtr::from_raw(raw)
+ };
+ let disjoint_cb = if buffer.internal.disjoint_cb.is_some() {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_DESC {
+ ByteWidth: buffer.requirements.size as _,
+ Usage: d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT,
+ BindFlags: d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER,
+ CPUAccessFlags: 0,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ StructureByteStride: 0,
+ };
+ let mut disjoint_raw: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateBuffer(
+ &desc,
+ initial_data.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |id| id),
+ &mut disjoint_raw as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = buffer.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&*disjoint_raw, name, " -- Constant Buffer");
+ }
+ Some(disjoint_raw)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let srv = if buffer.bind & d3d11::D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE != 0 {
+ let mut desc = mem::zeroed::<d3d11::D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC>();
+ desc.Format = dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS;
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3dcommon::D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_BUFFEREX;
+ *desc.u.BufferEx_mut() = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV {
+ FirstElement: 0,
+ NumElements: buffer.requirements.size as u32 / 4,
+ Flags: d3d11::D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG_RAW,
+ };
+ let mut srv: *mut d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateShaderResourceView(
+ raw.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ &desc,
+ &mut srv as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ error!("CreateShaderResourceView failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = buffer.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&*srv, name, " -- SRV");
+ }
+ Some(srv)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let uav = if buffer.bind & d3d11::D3D11_BIND_UNORDERED_ACCESS != 0 {
+ let mut desc = mem::zeroed::<d3d11::D3D11_UNORDERED_ACCESS_VIEW_DESC>();
+ desc.Format = dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_TYPELESS;
+ desc.ViewDimension = d3d11::D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION_BUFFER;
+ *desc.u.Buffer_mut() = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_UAV {
+ FirstElement: 0,
+ NumElements: buffer.requirements.size as u32 / 4,
+ Flags: d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG_RAW,
+ };
+ let mut uav: *mut d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateUnorderedAccessView(
+ raw.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ &desc,
+ &mut uav as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ error!("CreateUnorderedAccessView failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = buffer.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&*uav, name, " -- UAV");
+ }
+ Some(uav)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ let internal = InternalBuffer {
+ raw: raw.into_raw(),
+ disjoint_cb,
+ srv,
+ uav,
+ usage: buffer.internal.usage,
+ debug_name: buffer.internal.debug_name.take(),
+ };
+ let range = offset..offset + buffer.requirements.size;
+ let memory_index = memory.bind_buffer(range.clone(), internal.clone());
+ buffer.internal = internal;
+ buffer.is_coherent = memory
+ .properties
+ .contains(hal::memory::Properties::COHERENT);
+ buffer.memory_ptr = memory.host_ptr;
+ buffer.bound_range = range;
+ buffer.local_memory_arena = Arc::downgrade(&memory.local_buffers);
+ buffer.memory_index = Some(memory_index);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_buffer_view(
+ &self,
+ _buffer: &Buffer,
+ _format: Option<format::Format>,
+ _range: buffer::SubRange,
+ ) -> Result<BufferView, buffer::ViewCreationError> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_image(
+ &self,
+ kind: image::Kind,
+ mip_levels: image::Level,
+ format: format::Format,
+ _tiling: image::Tiling,
+ usage: image::Usage,
+ view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
+ ) -> Result<Image, image::CreationError> {
+ let surface_desc = format.base_format().0.desc();
+ let bytes_per_texel = surface_desc.bits / 8;
+ let ext = kind.extent();
+ let size = (ext.width * ext.height * ext.depth) as u64 * bytes_per_texel as u64;
+ let bind = conv::map_image_usage(usage, surface_desc);
+ debug!("{:b}", bind);
+ Ok(Image {
+ internal: InternalImage {
+ raw: ptr::null_mut(),
+ copy_srv: None,
+ srv: None,
+ unordered_access_views: Vec::new(),
+ depth_stencil_views: Vec::new(),
+ render_target_views: Vec::new(),
+ debug_name: None,
+ },
+ decomposed_format: conv::DecomposedDxgiFormat::UNKNOWN,
+ kind,
+ mip_levels,
+ format,
+ usage,
+ view_caps,
+ bind,
+ requirements: memory::Requirements {
+ size: size,
+ alignment: 4,
+ type_mask: 0x1, // device-local only
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_image_requirements(&self, image: &Image) -> memory::Requirements {
+ image.requirements
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_image_subresource_footprint(
+ &self,
+ _image: &Image,
+ _sub: image::Subresource,
+ ) -> image::SubresourceFootprint {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_image_memory(
+ &self,
+ memory: &Memory,
+ _offset: u64,
+ image: &mut Image,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::BindError> {
+ use image::Usage;
+ use memory::Properties;
+ let base_format = image.format.base_format();
+ let format_desc = base_format.0.desc();
+ let compressed = format_desc.is_compressed();
+ let depth = image.format.is_depth();
+ let stencil = image.format.is_stencil();
+ let (bind, usage, cpu) = if == Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL {
+ (image.bind, d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT, 0)
+ } else if
+ == (Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL | Properties::CPU_VISIBLE | Properties::CPU_CACHED)
+ {
+ (
+ image.bind,
+ d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC,
+ d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE,
+ )
+ } else if == (Properties::CPU_VISIBLE | Properties::CPU_CACHED) {
+ (
+ 0,
+ d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_STAGING,
+ d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE,
+ )
+ } else {
+ unimplemented!()
+ };
+ let dxgi_format = conv::map_format(image.format).unwrap();
+ let decomposed = conv::DecomposedDxgiFormat::from_dxgi_format(dxgi_format);
+ assert!(
+ memory.host_ptr.is_null(),
+ "Images can only be allocated from device-local memory"
+ );
+ let initial_data_ptr = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut resource = ptr::null_mut();
+ let view_kind = match image.kind {
+ image::Kind::D1(width, layers) => {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE1D_DESC {
+ Width: width,
+ MipLevels: image.mip_levels as _,
+ ArraySize: layers as _,
+ Format: decomposed.typeless,
+ Usage: usage,
+ BindFlags: bind,
+ CPUAccessFlags: cpu,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ };
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateTexture1D(
+ &desc,
+ initial_data_ptr,
+ &mut resource as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ error!("CreateTexture1D failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D1Array
+ }
+ image::Kind::D2(width, height, layers, samples) => {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC {
+ Width: width,
+ Height: height,
+ MipLevels: image.mip_levels as _,
+ ArraySize: layers as _,
+ Format: decomposed.typeless,
+ SampleDesc: dxgitype::DXGI_SAMPLE_DESC {
+ Count: samples as _,
+ Quality: 0,
+ },
+ Usage: usage,
+ BindFlags: bind,
+ CPUAccessFlags: cpu,
+ MiscFlags: if image.view_caps.contains(image::ViewCapabilities::KIND_CUBE) {
+ } else {
+ 0
+ },
+ };
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateTexture2D(
+ &desc,
+ initial_data_ptr,
+ &mut resource as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ error!("CreateTexture2D failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array
+ }
+ image::Kind::D3(width, height, depth) => {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE3D_DESC {
+ Width: width,
+ Height: height,
+ Depth: depth,
+ MipLevels: image.mip_levels as _,
+ Format: decomposed.typeless,
+ Usage: usage,
+ BindFlags: bind,
+ CPUAccessFlags: cpu,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ };
+ let hr = self.raw.CreateTexture3D(
+ &desc,
+ initial_data_ptr,
+ &mut resource as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ error!("CreateTexture3D failed: 0x{:x}", hr);
+ return Err(device::BindError::WrongMemory);
+ }
+ image::ViewKind::D3
+ }
+ };
+ let mut unordered_access_views = Vec::new();
+ if image.usage.contains(Usage::TRANSFER_DST) && !compressed && !depth {
+ for mip in 0..image.mip_levels {
+ let view = ViewInfo {
+ resource: resource,
+ kind: image.kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ view_kind,
+ // TODO: we should be using `uav_format` rather than `copy_uav_format`, and share
+ // the UAVs when the formats are identical
+ format: decomposed.copy_uav.unwrap(),
+ levels: mip..(mip + 1),
+ layers: 0..image.kind.num_layers(),
+ };
+ let uav = self
+ .view_image_as_unordered_access(&view)
+ .map_err(|_| device::BindError::WrongMemory)?;
+ if let Some(ref name) = image.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(&uav, &format!("{} -- UAV Mip {}", name, mip));
+ }
+ unordered_access_views.push(uav);
+ }
+ }
+ let (copy_srv, srv) = if image.usage.contains(image::Usage::TRANSFER_SRC) {
+ let mut view = ViewInfo {
+ resource: resource,
+ kind: image.kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ view_kind,
+ format: decomposed.copy_srv.unwrap(),
+ levels: 0..image.mip_levels,
+ layers: 0..image.kind.num_layers(),
+ };
+ let copy_srv = if !compressed {
+ Some(
+ self.view_image_as_shader_resource(&view)
+ .map_err(|_| device::BindError::WrongMemory)?,
+ )
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ view.format = decomposed.srv.unwrap();
+ let srv = if !depth && !stencil {
+ Some(
+ self.view_image_as_shader_resource(&view)
+ .map_err(|_| device::BindError::WrongMemory)?,
+ )
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ (copy_srv, srv)
+ } else {
+ (None, None)
+ };
+ let mut render_target_views = Vec::new();
+ if (image.usage.contains(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT)
+ || image.usage.contains(image::Usage::TRANSFER_DST))
+ && !compressed
+ && !depth
+ {
+ for layer in 0..image.kind.num_layers() {
+ for mip in 0..image.mip_levels {
+ let view = ViewInfo {
+ resource,
+ kind: image.kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ view_kind,
+ format: decomposed.rtv.unwrap(),
+ levels: mip..(mip + 1),
+ layers: layer..(layer + 1),
+ };
+ let rtv = self
+ .view_image_as_render_target(&view)
+ .map_err(|_| device::BindError::WrongMemory)?;
+ if let Some(ref name) = image.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(
+ &rtv,
+ &format!("{} -- RTV Mip {} Layer {}", name, mip, layer),
+ );
+ }
+ render_target_views.push(rtv);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ let mut depth_stencil_views = Vec::new();
+ if depth {
+ for layer in 0..image.kind.num_layers() {
+ for mip in 0..image.mip_levels {
+ let view = ViewInfo {
+ resource,
+ kind: image.kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ view_kind,
+ format: decomposed.dsv.unwrap(),
+ levels: mip..(mip + 1),
+ layers: layer..(layer + 1),
+ };
+ let dsv = self
+ .view_image_as_depth_stencil(&view, None)
+ .map_err(|_| device::BindError::WrongMemory)?;
+ if let Some(ref name) = image.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(
+ &dsv,
+ &format!("{} -- DSV Mip {} Layer {}", name, mip, layer),
+ );
+ }
+ depth_stencil_views.push(dsv);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = image.internal.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(&*resource, name);
+ if let Some(ref copy_srv) = copy_srv {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(copy_srv, name, " -- Copy SRV");
+ }
+ if let Some(ref srv) = srv {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(srv, name, " -- SRV");
+ }
+ }
+ let internal = InternalImage {
+ raw: resource,
+ copy_srv,
+ srv,
+ unordered_access_views,
+ depth_stencil_views,
+ render_target_views,
+ debug_name: image.internal.debug_name.take(),
+ };
+ image.decomposed_format = decomposed;
+ image.internal = internal;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_image_view(
+ &self,
+ image: &Image,
+ view_kind: image::ViewKind,
+ format: format::Format,
+ _swizzle: format::Swizzle,
+ range: image::SubresourceRange,
+ ) -> Result<ImageView, image::ViewCreationError> {
+ let is_array = image.kind.num_layers() > 1;
+ let num_levels = range.resolve_level_count(image.mip_levels);
+ let num_layers = range.resolve_layer_count(image.kind.num_layers());
+ let info = ViewInfo {
+ resource: image.internal.raw,
+ kind: image.kind,
+ caps: image.view_caps,
+ // D3D11 doesn't allow looking at a single slice of an array as a non-array
+ view_kind: if is_array && view_kind == image::ViewKind::D2 {
+ image::ViewKind::D2Array
+ } else if is_array && view_kind == image::ViewKind::D1 {
+ image::ViewKind::D1Array
+ } else {
+ view_kind
+ },
+ format: conv::map_format(format).ok_or(image::ViewCreationError::BadFormat(format))?,
+ levels: range.level_start..range.level_start + num_levels,
+ layers: range.layer_start..range.layer_start + num_layers,
+ };
+ let srv_info = ViewInfo {
+ format: conv::viewable_format(info.format),
+ };
+ let mut debug_name = image.internal.debug_name.clone();
+ Ok(ImageView {
+ subresource: d3d11::D3D11CalcSubresource(
+ 0,
+ range.layer_start as _,
+ range.level_start as _,
+ ),
+ format,
+ srv_handle: if image.usage.intersects(image::Usage::SAMPLED) {
+ let srv = self.view_image_as_shader_resource(&srv_info)?;
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&srv, name, " -- SRV");
+ }
+ Some(srv.into_raw())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ rtv_handle: if image.usage.contains(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT) {
+ let rtv = self.view_image_as_render_target(&info)?;
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&rtv, name, " -- RTV");
+ }
+ Some(rtv.into_raw())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ uav_handle: if image.usage.contains(image::Usage::STORAGE) {
+ let uav = self.view_image_as_unordered_access(&info)?;
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&uav, name, " -- UAV");
+ }
+ Some(uav.into_raw())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ dsv_handle: if image.usage.contains(image::Usage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
+ let dsv = self.view_image_as_depth_stencil(&info, None)?;
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&dsv, name, " -- DSV");
+ }
+ Some(dsv.into_raw())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ rodsv_handle: if image.usage.contains(image::Usage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
+ let rodsv =
+ self.view_image_as_depth_stencil(&info, Some(image.format.is_stencil()))?;
+ if let Some(ref mut name) = debug_name {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&rodsv, name, " -- DSV");
+ }
+ Some(rodsv.into_raw())
+ } else {
+ None
+ },
+ owned: true,
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_sampler(
+ &self,
+ info: &image::SamplerDesc,
+ ) -> Result<Sampler, device::AllocationError> {
+ assert!(info.normalized);
+ let op = match info.comparison {
+ };
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC {
+ Filter: conv::map_filter(
+ info.min_filter,
+ info.mag_filter,
+ info.mip_filter,
+ op,
+ info.anisotropy_clamp,
+ ),
+ AddressU: conv::map_wrapping(info.wrap_mode.0),
+ AddressV: conv::map_wrapping(info.wrap_mode.1),
+ AddressW: conv::map_wrapping(info.wrap_mode.2),
+ MipLODBias: info.lod_bias.0,
+ MaxAnisotropy: info.anisotropy_clamp.map_or(0, |aniso| aniso as u32),
+ ComparisonFunc: info.comparison.map_or(0, |comp| conv::map_comparison(comp)),
+ BorderColor: info.border.into(),
+ MinLOD: info.lod_range.start.0,
+ MaxLOD: info.lod_range.end.0,
+ };
+ let mut sampler = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self
+ .raw
+ .CreateSamplerState(&desc, &mut sampler as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _);
+ assert_eq!(true, winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ Ok(Sampler {
+ sampler_handle: ComPtr::from_raw(sampler),
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_descriptor_pool<I>(
+ &self,
+ _max_sets: usize,
+ ranges: I,
+ _flags: pso::DescriptorPoolCreateFlags,
+ ) -> Result<DescriptorPool, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorRangeDesc>,
+ {
+ let mut total = RegisterData::default();
+ for range in ranges {
+ let r = range.borrow();
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(r.ty);
+ total.add_content_many(content, r.count as DescriptorIndex);
+ }
+ let max_stages = 6;
+ let count = total.sum() * max_stages;
+ Ok(DescriptorPool::with_capacity(count))
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_descriptor_set_layout<I, J>(
+ &self,
+ layout_bindings: I,
+ _immutable_samplers: J,
+ ) -> Result<DescriptorSetLayout, device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<Sampler>,
+ {
+ let mut total = MultiStageData::<RegisterData<_>>::default();
+ let mut bindings = layout_bindings
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|b| b.borrow().clone())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ for binding in bindings.iter() {
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ // If this binding is used by the graphics pipeline and is a UAV, it belongs to the "Output Merger"
+ // stage, so we only put them in the fragment stage to save redundant descriptor allocations.
+ let stage_flags = if content.contains(DescriptorContent::UAV)
+ && binding
+ .stage_flags
+ .intersects(pso::ShaderStageFlags::ALL - pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE)
+ {
+ let mut stage_flags = pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT;
+ stage_flags.set(
+ pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE,
+ binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE),
+ );
+ stage_flags
+ } else {
+ binding.stage_flags
+ };
+ total.add_content_many(content, stage_flags, binding.count as _);
+ }
+ bindings.sort_by_key(|a| a.binding);
+ let accum = total.map_register(|count| RegisterAccumulator {
+ res_index: *count as ResourceIndex,
+ });
+ Ok(DescriptorSetLayout {
+ bindings: Arc::new(bindings),
+ pool_mapping: accum.to_mapping(),
+ })
+ }
+ unsafe fn write_descriptor_sets<'a, I, J>(&self, write_iter: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = pso::DescriptorSetWrite<'a, Backend, J>>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<pso::Descriptor<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ for write in write_iter {
+ // Get baseline mapping
+ let mut mapping = write
+ .set
+ .layout
+ .pool_mapping
+ .map_register(|mapping| mapping.offset);
+ // Iterate over layout bindings until the first binding is found.
+ let binding_start = write
+ .set
+ .layout
+ .bindings
+ .iter()
+ .position(|binding| binding.binding == write.binding)
+ .unwrap();
+ // If we've skipped layout bindings, we need to add them to get the correct binding offset
+ for binding in &write.set.layout.bindings[..binding_start] {
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ mapping.add_content_many(content, binding.stage_flags, binding.count as _);
+ }
+ // We start at the given binding index and array index
+ let mut binding_index = binding_start;
+ let mut array_index = write.array_offset;
+ // If we're skipping array indices in the current binding, we need to add them to get the correct binding offset
+ if array_index > 0 {
+ let binding: &pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding =
+ &write.set.layout.bindings[binding_index];
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ mapping.add_content_many(content, binding.stage_flags, array_index as _);
+ }
+ // Iterate over the descriptors, figuring out the corresponding binding, and adding
+ // it to the set of bindings.
+ //
+ // When we hit the end of an array of descriptors and there are still descriptors left
+ // over, we will spill into writing the next binding.
+ for descriptor in write.descriptors {
+ let binding: &pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding =
+ &write.set.layout.bindings[binding_index];
+ let handles = match *descriptor.borrow() {
+ pso::Descriptor::Buffer(buffer, ref _sub) => RegisterData {
+ c: match buffer.internal.disjoint_cb {
+ Some(dj_buf) => dj_buf as *mut _,
+ None => buffer.internal.raw as *mut _,
+ },
+ t: buffer.internal.srv.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |p| p as *mut _),
+ u: buffer.internal.uav.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |p| p as *mut _),
+ s: ptr::null_mut(),
+ },
+ pso::Descriptor::Image(image, _layout) => RegisterData {
+ c: ptr::null_mut(),
+ t: image.srv_handle.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |h| h as *mut _),
+ u: image.uav_handle.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |h| h as *mut _),
+ s: ptr::null_mut(),
+ },
+ pso::Descriptor::Sampler(sampler) => RegisterData {
+ c: ptr::null_mut(),
+ t: ptr::null_mut(),
+ u: ptr::null_mut(),
+ s: sampler.sampler_handle.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ },
+ pso::Descriptor::CombinedImageSampler(image, _layout, sampler) => {
+ RegisterData {
+ c: ptr::null_mut(),
+ t: image.srv_handle.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |h| h as *mut _),
+ u: image.uav_handle.map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |h| h as *mut _),
+ s: sampler.sampler_handle.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ }
+ }
+ pso::Descriptor::TexelBuffer(_buffer_view) => unimplemented!(),
+ };
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::CBV) {
+ let offsets = mapping.map_other(|map| map.c);
+ write
+ .set
+ .assign_stages(&offsets, binding.stage_flags, handles.c);
+ };
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::SRV) {
+ let offsets = mapping.map_other(|map| map.t);
+ write
+ .set
+ .assign_stages(&offsets, binding.stage_flags, handles.t);
+ };
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::UAV) {
+ // If this binding is used by the graphics pipeline and is a UAV, it belongs to the "Output Merger"
+ // stage, so we only put them in the fragment stage to save redundant descriptor allocations.
+ let stage_flags = if binding
+ .stage_flags
+ .intersects(pso::ShaderStageFlags::ALL - pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE)
+ {
+ let mut stage_flags = pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT;
+ stage_flags.set(
+ pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE,
+ binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE),
+ );
+ stage_flags
+ } else {
+ binding.stage_flags
+ };
+ let offsets = mapping.map_other(|map| map.u);
+ write.set.assign_stages(&offsets, stage_flags, handles.u);
+ };
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::SAMPLER) {
+ let offsets = mapping.map_other(|map| map.s);
+ write
+ .set
+ .assign_stages(&offsets, binding.stage_flags, handles.s);
+ };
+ mapping.add_content_many(content, binding.stage_flags, 1);
+ array_index += 1;
+ if array_index >= binding.count {
+ // We've run out of array to write to, we should overflow to the next binding.
+ array_index = 0;
+ binding_index += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_descriptor_sets<'a, I>(&self, copy_iter: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<pso::DescriptorSetCopy<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ for copy in copy_iter {
+ let _copy = copy.borrow();
+ //TODO
+ /*
+ for offset in 0 .. copy.count {
+ let (dst_ty, dst_handle_offset, dst_second_handle_offset) = copy
+ .dst_set
+ .get_handle_offset(copy.dst_binding + offset as u32);
+ let (src_ty, src_handle_offset, src_second_handle_offset) = copy
+ .src_set
+ .get_handle_offset(copy.src_binding + offset as u32);
+ assert_eq!(dst_ty, src_ty);
+ let dst_handle = copy.dst_set.handles.offset(dst_handle_offset as isize);
+ let src_handle = copy.dst_set.handles.offset(src_handle_offset as isize);
+ match dst_ty {
+ pso::DescriptorType::Image {
+ ty: pso::ImageDescriptorType::Sampled { with_sampler: true }
+ } => {
+ let dst_second_handle = copy
+ .dst_set
+ .handles
+ .offset(dst_second_handle_offset as isize);
+ let src_second_handle = copy
+ .dst_set
+ .handles
+ .offset(src_second_handle_offset as isize);
+ *dst_handle = *src_handle;
+ *dst_second_handle = *src_second_handle;
+ }
+ _ => *dst_handle = *src_handle,
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn map_memory(
+ &self,
+ memory: &Memory,
+ segment: memory::Segment,
+ ) -> Result<*mut u8, device::MapError> {
+ Ok(memory.host_ptr.offset(segment.offset as isize))
+ }
+ unsafe fn unmap_memory(&self, _memory: &Memory) {
+ // persistent mapping FTW
+ }
+ unsafe fn flush_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(&self, ranges: I) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<(&'a Memory, memory::Segment)>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "FlushMappedRanges");
+ // go through every range we wrote to
+ for range in ranges.into_iter() {
+ let &(memory, ref segment) = range.borrow();
+ let range = memory.resolve(segment);
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "Range({:?})", range);
+ memory.flush(&self.context, range);
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn invalidate_mapped_memory_ranges<'a, I>(
+ &self,
+ ranges: I,
+ ) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory>
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<(&'a Memory, memory::Segment)>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "InvalidateMappedRanges");
+ // go through every range we want to read from
+ for range in ranges.into_iter() {
+ let &(memory, ref segment) = range.borrow();
+ let range = memory.resolve(segment);
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "Range({:?})", range);
+ memory.invalidate(
+ &self.context,
+ range,
+ self.internal.working_buffer.clone(),
+ self.internal.working_buffer_size,
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn create_semaphore(&self) -> Result<Semaphore, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ // TODO:
+ Ok(Semaphore)
+ }
+ fn create_fence(&self, signalled: bool) -> Result<Fence, device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(Arc::new(RawFence {
+ mutex: Mutex::new(signalled),
+ condvar: Condvar::new(),
+ }))
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_fence(&self, fence: &Fence) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ *fence.mutex.lock() = false;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn wait_for_fence(
+ &self,
+ fence: &Fence,
+ timeout_ns: u64,
+ ) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
+ debug!("wait_for_fence {:?} for {} ns", fence, timeout_ns);
+ let mut guard = fence.mutex.lock();
+ match timeout_ns {
+ 0 => Ok(*guard),
+ while !*guard {
+ fence.condvar.wait(&mut guard);
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ _ => {
+ let total = Duration::from_nanos(timeout_ns as u64);
+ let now = Instant::now();
+ while !*guard {
+ let duration = match total.checked_sub(now.elapsed()) {
+ Some(dur) => dur,
+ None => return Ok(false),
+ };
+ let result = fence.condvar.wait_for(&mut guard, duration);
+ if result.timed_out() {
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_fence_status(&self, fence: &Fence) -> Result<bool, device::DeviceLost> {
+ Ok(*fence.mutex.lock())
+ }
+ fn create_event(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_event_status(&self, _event: &()) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_event(&self, _event: &()) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_event(&self, _event: &()) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn free_memory(&self, mut memory: Memory) {
+ if !memory.host_ptr.is_null() {
+ let _vec =
+ Vec::from_raw_parts(memory.host_ptr, memory.size as usize, memory.size as usize);
+ // let it drop
+ memory.host_ptr = ptr::null_mut();
+ }
+ for (_, (_range, mut internal)) in memory.local_buffers.write().drain() {
+ internal.release_resources()
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_query_pool(
+ &self,
+ _query_ty: query::Type,
+ _count: query::Id,
+ ) -> Result<QueryPool, query::CreationError> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_query_pool(&self, _pool: QueryPool) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn get_query_pool_results(
+ &self,
+ _pool: &QueryPool,
+ _queries: Range<query::Id>,
+ _data: &mut [u8],
+ _stride: buffer::Offset,
+ _flags: query::ResultFlags,
+ ) -> Result<bool, device::OomOrDeviceLost> {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_shader_module(&self, _shader_lib: ShaderModule) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_render_pass(&self, _rp: RenderPass) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_pipeline_layout(&self, _layout: PipelineLayout) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_graphics_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: GraphicsPipeline) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_compute_pipeline(&self, _pipeline: ComputePipeline) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, _fb: Framebuffer) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_buffer(&self, buffer: Buffer) {
+ let mut internal = buffer.internal;
+ if internal.raw.is_null() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let arena_arc = match buffer.local_memory_arena.upgrade() {
+ Some(arena) => arena,
+ // Memory is destroyed before the buffer, we've already been destroyed.
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let mut arena = arena_arc.write();
+ let memory_index = buffer.memory_index.expect("Buffer's memory index unset");
+ // Drop the internal stored by the arena on the floor, it owns nothing.
+ let _ = arena.remove(memory_index);
+ // Release all memory owned by this buffer
+ internal.release_resources();
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_buffer_view(&self, _view: BufferView) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_image(&self, mut image: Image) {
+ image.internal.release_resources();
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_image_view(&self, _view: ImageView) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_sampler(&self, _sampler: Sampler) {}
+ unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_pool(&self, _pool: DescriptorPool) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_descriptor_set_layout(&self, _layout: DescriptorSetLayout) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_fence(&self, _fence: Fence) {
+ // unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_semaphore(&self, _semaphore: Semaphore) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_event(&self, _event: ()) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), device::OutOfMemory> {
+ Ok(())
+ // unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_image_name(&self, image: &mut Image, name: &str) {
+ if !verify_debug_ascii(name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ image.internal.debug_name = Some(name.to_string());
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_buffer_name(&self, buffer: &mut Buffer, name: &str) {
+ if !verify_debug_ascii(name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ buffer.internal.debug_name = Some(name.to_string());
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_command_buffer_name(&self, command_buffer: &mut CommandBuffer, name: &str) {
+ if !verify_debug_ascii(name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ command_buffer.debug_name = Some(name.to_string());
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_semaphore_name(&self, _semaphore: &mut Semaphore, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_fence_name(&self, _fence: &mut Fence, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_framebuffer_name(&self, _framebuffer: &mut Framebuffer, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_render_pass_name(&self, _render_pass: &mut RenderPass, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_name(&self, _descriptor_set: &mut DescriptorSet, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_descriptor_set_layout_name(
+ &self,
+ _descriptor_set_layout: &mut DescriptorSetLayout,
+ _name: &str,
+ ) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_pipeline_layout_name(&self, _pipeline_layout: &mut PipelineLayout, _name: &str) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_compute_pipeline_name(
+ &self,
+ _compute_pipeline: &mut ComputePipeline,
+ _name: &str,
+ ) {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_graphics_pipeline_name(
+ &self,
+ graphics_pipeline: &mut GraphicsPipeline,
+ name: &str,
+ ) {
+ if !verify_debug_ascii(name) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut name = name.to_string();
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&graphics_pipeline.blend_state, &mut name, " -- Blend State");
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(
+ &graphics_pipeline.rasterizer_state,
+ &mut name,
+ " -- Rasterizer State",
+ );
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(
+ &graphics_pipeline.input_layout,
+ &mut name,
+ " -- Input Layout",
+ );
+ if let Some(ref dss) = graphics_pipeline.depth_stencil_state {
+ set_debug_name_with_suffix(&dss.raw, &mut name, " -- Depth Stencil State");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd722d7554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+use hal::adapter::{AdapterInfo, DeviceType};
+use winapi::{
+ shared::{
+ dxgi, dxgi1_2, dxgi1_3, dxgi1_4, dxgi1_5,
+ guiddef::{GUID, REFIID},
+ winerror,
+ },
+ um::unknwnbase::IUnknown,
+ Interface,
+use wio::com::ComPtr;
+use std::{ffi::OsString, mem, os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt, ptr};
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub(crate) enum DxgiVersion {
+ /// Capable of the following interfaces:
+ /// * IDXGIObject
+ /// * IDXGIDeviceSubObject
+ /// * IDXGIResource
+ /// * IDXGIKeyedMutex
+ /// * IDXGISurface
+ /// * IDXGISurface1
+ /// * IDXGIOutput
+ /// * IDXGISwapChain
+ /// * IDXGIFactory
+ /// * IDXGIDevice
+ /// * IDXGIFactory1
+ /// * IDXGIAdapter1
+ /// * IDXGIDevice1
+ Dxgi1_0,
+ /// Capable of the following interfaces:
+ /// * IDXGIDisplayControl
+ /// * IDXGIOutputDuplication
+ /// * IDXGISurface2
+ /// * IDXGIResource1
+ /// * IDXGIDevice2
+ /// * IDXGISwapChain1
+ /// * IDXGIFactory2
+ /// * IDXGIAdapter2
+ /// * IDXGIOutput1
+ Dxgi1_2,
+ /// Capable of the following interfaces:
+ /// * IDXGIDevice3
+ /// * IDXGISwapChain2
+ /// * IDXGIOutput2
+ /// * IDXGIDecodeSwapChain
+ /// * IDXGIFactoryMedia
+ /// * IDXGISwapChainMedia
+ /// * IDXGIOutput3
+ Dxgi1_3,
+ /// Capable of the following interfaces:
+ /// * IDXGISwapChain3
+ /// * IDXGIOutput4
+ /// * IDXGIFactory4
+ /// * IDXGIAdapter3
+ Dxgi1_4,
+ /// Capable of the following interfaces:
+ /// * IDXGIOutput5
+ /// * IDXGISwapChain4
+ /// * IDXGIDevice4
+ /// * IDXGIFactory5
+ Dxgi1_5,
+type DxgiFun =
+ unsafe extern "system" fn(REFIID, *mut *mut winapi::ctypes::c_void) -> winerror::HRESULT;
+fn create_dxgi_factory1(
+ func: &DxgiFun,
+ guid: &GUID,
+) -> Result<ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGIFactory>, winerror::HRESULT> {
+ let mut factory: *mut IUnknown = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe { func(guid, &mut factory as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _) };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(factory as *mut _) })
+ } else {
+ Err(hr)
+ }
+pub(crate) fn get_dxgi_factory(
+) -> Result<(libloading::Library, ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGIFactory>, DxgiVersion), winerror::HRESULT> {
+ // The returned Com-pointer is only safe to use for the lifetime of the Library.
+ let library = libloading::Library::new("dxgi.dll").map_err(|_| -1)?;
+ let func: libloading::Symbol<DxgiFun> =
+ unsafe { library.get(b"CreateDXGIFactory1") }.map_err(|_| -1)?;
+ // TODO: do we even need `create_dxgi_factory2`?
+ if let Ok(factory) = create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi1_5::IDXGIFactory5::uuidof()) {
+ return Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_5));
+ }
+ if let Ok(factory) = create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi1_4::IDXGIFactory4::uuidof()) {
+ return Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_4));
+ }
+ if let Ok(factory) = create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi1_3::IDXGIFactory3::uuidof()) {
+ return Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_3));
+ }
+ if let Ok(factory) = create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi1_2::IDXGIFactory2::uuidof()) {
+ return Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_2));
+ }
+ if let Ok(factory) = create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi::IDXGIFactory1::uuidof()) {
+ return Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_0));
+ }
+ // TODO: any reason why above would fail and this wouldnt?
+ match create_dxgi_factory1(&func, &dxgi::IDXGIFactory::uuidof()) {
+ Ok(factory) => Ok((library, factory, DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_0)),
+ Err(hr) => Err(hr),
+ }
+fn enum_adapters1(
+ idx: u32,
+ factory: *mut dxgi::IDXGIFactory,
+) -> Result<ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGIAdapter>, winerror::HRESULT> {
+ let mut adapter: *mut dxgi::IDXGIAdapter = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ (*(factory as *mut dxgi::IDXGIFactory1))
+ .EnumAdapters1(idx, &mut adapter as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ };
+ if winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ Ok(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(adapter) })
+ } else {
+ Err(hr)
+ }
+fn get_adapter_desc(adapter: *mut dxgi::IDXGIAdapter, version: DxgiVersion) -> AdapterInfo {
+ match version {
+ DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_0 => {
+ let mut desc: dxgi::DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC1 = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ unsafe {
+ (*(adapter as *mut dxgi::IDXGIAdapter1)).GetDesc1(&mut desc);
+ }
+ let device_name = {
+ let len = desc.Description.iter().take_while(|&&c| c != 0).count();
+ let name = <OsString as OsStringExt>::from_wide(&desc.Description[..len]);
+ name.to_string_lossy().into_owned()
+ };
+ AdapterInfo {
+ name: device_name,
+ vendor: desc.VendorId as usize,
+ device: desc.DeviceId as usize,
+ device_type: if (desc.Flags & dxgi::DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) != 0 {
+ DeviceType::VirtualGpu
+ } else {
+ DeviceType::DiscreteGpu
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_2
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_3
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_4
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_5 => {
+ let mut desc: dxgi1_2::DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC2 = unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ unsafe {
+ (*(adapter as *mut dxgi1_2::IDXGIAdapter2)).GetDesc2(&mut desc);
+ }
+ let device_name = {
+ let len = desc.Description.iter().take_while(|&&c| c != 0).count();
+ let name = <OsString as OsStringExt>::from_wide(&desc.Description[..len]);
+ name.to_string_lossy().into_owned()
+ };
+ AdapterInfo {
+ name: device_name,
+ vendor: desc.VendorId as usize,
+ device: desc.DeviceId as usize,
+ device_type: if (desc.Flags & dxgi::DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG_SOFTWARE) != 0 {
+ DeviceType::VirtualGpu
+ } else {
+ DeviceType::DiscreteGpu
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub(crate) fn get_adapter(
+ idx: u32,
+ factory: *mut dxgi::IDXGIFactory,
+ version: DxgiVersion,
+) -> Result<(ComPtr<dxgi::IDXGIAdapter>, AdapterInfo), winerror::HRESULT> {
+ let adapter = match version {
+ DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_0
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_2
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_3
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_4
+ | DxgiVersion::Dxgi1_5 => enum_adapters1(idx, factory)?,
+ };
+ let desc = get_adapter_desc(adapter.as_raw(), version);
+ Ok((adapter, desc))
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21b0c3e93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1329 @@
+use auxil::{FastHashMap, ShaderStage};
+use hal::{command, image, pso};
+use winapi::{
+ shared::minwindef::UINT,
+ shared::{
+ dxgiformat,
+ minwindef::{FALSE, TRUE},
+ winerror,
+ },
+ um::{d3d11, d3dcommon},
+use wio::com::ComPtr;
+use std::{borrow::Borrow, mem, ptr};
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use smallvec::SmallVec;
+use spirv_cross;
+use crate::{conv, shader, Buffer, Image, RenderPassCache};
+struct BufferCopy {
+ src: u32,
+ dst: u32,
+ _padding: [u32; 2],
+struct ImageCopy {
+ src: [u32; 4],
+ dst: [u32; 4],
+struct BufferImageCopy {
+ buffer_offset: u32,
+ buffer_size: [u32; 2],
+ _padding: u32,
+ image_offset: [u32; 4],
+ image_extent: [u32; 4],
+ // actual size of the target image
+ image_size: [u32; 4],
+struct BufferImageCopyInfo {
+ buffer: BufferCopy,
+ image: ImageCopy,
+ buffer_image: BufferImageCopy,
+struct BlitInfo {
+ offset: [f32; 2],
+ extent: [f32; 2],
+ z: f32,
+ level: f32,
+struct PartialClearInfo {
+ // transmute between the types, easier than juggling all different kinds of fields..
+ data: [u32; 4],
+// the threadgroup count we use in our copy shaders
+const COPY_THREAD_GROUP_X: u32 = 8;
+const COPY_THREAD_GROUP_Y: u32 = 8;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>>,
+ // Buffer -> Image2D
+ d2_from_buffer: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>>,
+ // Image2D -> Buffer
+ d2_into_buffer: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>,
+ scale: (u32, u32),
+struct ConstantBuffer {
+ buffer: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>,
+impl ConstantBuffer {
+ unsafe fn update<T>(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>, data: T) {
+ let mut mapped = mem::zeroed::<d3d11::D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE>();
+ let hr = context.Map(
+ self.buffer.as_raw() as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ &mut mapped,
+ );
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, hr);
+ ptr::copy(&data, mapped.pData as _, 1);
+ context.Unmap(self.buffer.as_raw() as _, 0);
+ }
+// Holds everything we need for fallback implementations of features that are not in DX.
+// TODO: make struct fields more modular and group them up in structs depending on if it is a
+// fallback version or not (eg. Option<PartialClear>), should make struct definition and
+// `new` function smaller
+pub struct Internal {
+ // partial clearing
+ vs_partial_clear: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11VertexShader>,
+ ps_partial_clear_float: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_partial_clear_uint: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_partial_clear_int: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_partial_clear_depth: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_partial_clear_stencil: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ partial_clear_depth_stencil_state: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilState>,
+ partial_clear_depth_state: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilState>,
+ partial_clear_stencil_state: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilState>,
+ // blitting
+ vs_blit_2d: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11VertexShader>,
+ sampler_nearest: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11SamplerState>,
+ sampler_linear: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11SamplerState>,
+ ps_blit_2d_uint: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_blit_2d_int: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ ps_blit_2d_float: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>,
+ // Image<->Image not covered by `CopySubresourceRegion`
+ cs_copy_image_shaders: FastHashMap<
+ (dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT, dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT),
+ ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>,
+ >,
+ // Image -> Buffer and Buffer -> Image shaders
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders: FastHashMap<dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT, ComputeCopyBuffer>,
+ // internal constant buffer that is used by internal shaders
+ internal_buffer: Mutex<ConstantBuffer>,
+ // public buffer that is used as intermediate storage for some operations (memory invalidation)
+ pub working_buffer: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>,
+ pub working_buffer_size: u64,
+ pub constant_buffer_count_buffer:
+ /// Command lists are not supported by graphics card and are being emulated.
+ /// Requires various workarounds to make things work correctly.
+ pub command_list_emulation: bool,
+fn compile_blob(src: &[u8], entrypoint: &str, stage: ShaderStage) -> ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob> {
+ unsafe {
+ ComPtr::from_raw(
+ shader::compile_hlsl_shader(
+ stage,
+ spirv_cross::hlsl::ShaderModel::V5_0,
+ entrypoint,
+ src,
+ )
+ .unwrap(),
+ )
+ }
+fn compile_vs(
+ device: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ src: &[u8],
+ entrypoint: &str,
+) -> ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11VertexShader> {
+ let bytecode = compile_blob(src, entrypoint, ShaderStage::Vertex);
+ let mut shader = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateVertexShader(
+ bytecode.GetBufferPointer(),
+ bytecode.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut shader as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(true, winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(shader) }
+fn compile_ps(
+ device: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ src: &[u8],
+ entrypoint: &str,
+) -> ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader> {
+ let bytecode = compile_blob(src, entrypoint, ShaderStage::Fragment);
+ let mut shader = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreatePixelShader(
+ bytecode.GetBufferPointer(),
+ bytecode.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut shader as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(true, winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(shader) }
+fn compile_cs(
+ device: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ src: &[u8],
+ entrypoint: &str,
+) -> ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader> {
+ let bytecode = compile_blob(src, entrypoint, ShaderStage::Compute);
+ let mut shader = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateComputeShader(
+ bytecode.GetBufferPointer(),
+ bytecode.GetBufferSize(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut shader as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(true, winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(shader) }
+impl Internal {
+ pub fn new(device: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>) -> Self {
+ let internal_buffer = {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_DESC {
+ ByteWidth: mem::size_of::<BufferImageCopyInfo>() as _,
+ Usage: d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC,
+ BindFlags: d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER,
+ CPUAccessFlags: d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ StructureByteStride: 0,
+ };
+ let mut buffer = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateBuffer(
+ &desc,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut buffer as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(true, winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr));
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(buffer) }
+ };
+ let (depth_stencil_state, depth_state, stencil_state) = {
+ let mut depth_state = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut stencil_state = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut depth_stencil_state = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut desc = d3d11::D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC {
+ DepthEnable: TRUE,
+ DepthWriteMask: d3d11::D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK_ALL,
+ DepthFunc: d3d11::D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS,
+ StencilEnable: TRUE,
+ StencilReadMask: 0,
+ StencilWriteMask: !0,
+ FrontFace: d3d11::D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC {
+ StencilFailOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilDepthFailOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilPassOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilFunc: d3d11::D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS,
+ },
+ BackFace: d3d11::D3D11_DEPTH_STENCILOP_DESC {
+ StencilFailOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilDepthFailOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilPassOp: d3d11::D3D11_STENCIL_OP_REPLACE,
+ StencilFunc: d3d11::D3D11_COMPARISON_ALWAYS,
+ },
+ };
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateDepthStencilState(
+ &desc,
+ &mut depth_stencil_state as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, hr);
+ desc.DepthEnable = TRUE;
+ desc.StencilEnable = FALSE;
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device
+ .CreateDepthStencilState(&desc, &mut depth_state as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ };
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, hr);
+ desc.DepthEnable = FALSE;
+ desc.StencilEnable = TRUE;
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateDepthStencilState(
+ &desc,
+ &mut stencil_state as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, hr);
+ unsafe {
+ (
+ ComPtr::from_raw(depth_stencil_state),
+ ComPtr::from_raw(depth_state),
+ ComPtr::from_raw(stencil_state),
+ )
+ }
+ };
+ let (sampler_nearest, sampler_linear) = {
+ let mut desc = d3d11::D3D11_SAMPLER_DESC {
+ Filter: d3d11::D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT,
+ AddressU: d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
+ AddressV: d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
+ AddressW: d3d11::D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP,
+ MipLODBias: 0f32,
+ MaxAnisotropy: 0,
+ ComparisonFunc: 0,
+ BorderColor: [0f32; 4],
+ MinLOD: 0f32,
+ MaxLOD: d3d11::D3D11_FLOAT32_MAX,
+ };
+ let mut nearest = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut linear = ptr::null_mut();
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, unsafe {
+ device.CreateSamplerState(&desc, &mut nearest as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ });
+ desc.Filter = d3d11::D3D11_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, unsafe {
+ device.CreateSamplerState(&desc, &mut linear as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _)
+ });
+ unsafe { (ComPtr::from_raw(nearest), ComPtr::from_raw(linear)) }
+ };
+ let (working_buffer, working_buffer_size) = {
+ let working_buffer_size = 1 << 16;
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_DESC {
+ ByteWidth: working_buffer_size,
+ Usage: d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_STAGING,
+ BindFlags: 0,
+ CPUAccessFlags: d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_READ | d3d11::D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ StructureByteStride: 0,
+ };
+ let mut working_buffer = ptr::null_mut();
+ assert_eq!(winerror::S_OK, unsafe {
+ device.CreateBuffer(
+ &desc,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut working_buffer as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ });
+ (
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(working_buffer) },
+ working_buffer_size,
+ )
+ };
+ let clear_shaders = include_bytes!("../shaders/clear.hlsl");
+ let copy_shaders = include_bytes!("../shaders/copy.hlsl");
+ let blit_shaders = include_bytes!("../shaders/blit.hlsl");
+ let mut cs_copy_image_shaders = FastHashMap::default();
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r8g8_image2d_r16"),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r16_image2d_r8g8"),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_image2d_r32"),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_image2d_r16g16",
+ ),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_image2d_r32"),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_image2d_r8g8b8a8",
+ ),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r32_image2d_r16g16"),
+ );
+ cs_copy_image_shaders.insert(
+ (
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ ),
+ compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r32_image2d_r8g8b8a8"),
+ );
+ let mut cs_copy_buffer_shaders = FastHashMap::default();
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32g32b32a32",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_image2d_r32g32b32a32_buffer",
+ ),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32g32",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r32g32_buffer"),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r32",
+ )),
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r32",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r32_buffer"),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16g16b16a16",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_image2d_r16g16b16a16_buffer",
+ ),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16g16",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r16g16_buffer"),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R16_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r16",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r16_buffer"),
+ scale: (2, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_from_buffer: None,
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_b8g8r8a8_buffer"),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8g8b8a8",
+ )),
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8g8b8a8",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r8g8b8a8_buffer"),
+ scale: (1, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8g8",
+ )),
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8g8",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r8g8_buffer"),
+ scale: (2, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders.insert(
+ dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT_R8_UINT,
+ ComputeCopyBuffer {
+ d1_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image1d_r8",
+ )),
+ d2_from_buffer: Some(compile_cs(
+ device,
+ copy_shaders,
+ "cs_copy_buffer_image2d_r8",
+ )),
+ d2_into_buffer: compile_cs(device, copy_shaders, "cs_copy_image2d_r8_buffer"),
+ scale: (4, 1),
+ },
+ );
+ let mut threading_capability: d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_THREADING =
+ unsafe { mem::zeroed() };
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CheckFeatureSupport(
+ &mut threading_capability as *mut _ as *mut _,
+ mem::size_of::<d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_THREADING>() as _,
+ )
+ };
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ let command_list_emulation = !(threading_capability.DriverCommandLists >= 1);
+ if command_list_emulation {
+ info!("D3D11 command list emulation is active");
+ }
+ Internal {
+ vs_partial_clear: compile_vs(device, clear_shaders, "vs_partial_clear"),
+ ps_partial_clear_float: compile_ps(device, clear_shaders, "ps_partial_clear_float"),
+ ps_partial_clear_uint: compile_ps(device, clear_shaders, "ps_partial_clear_uint"),
+ ps_partial_clear_int: compile_ps(device, clear_shaders, "ps_partial_clear_int"),
+ ps_partial_clear_depth: compile_ps(device, clear_shaders, "ps_partial_clear_depth"),
+ ps_partial_clear_stencil: compile_ps(device, clear_shaders, "ps_partial_clear_stencil"),
+ partial_clear_depth_stencil_state: depth_stencil_state,
+ partial_clear_depth_state: depth_state,
+ partial_clear_stencil_state: stencil_state,
+ vs_blit_2d: compile_vs(device, blit_shaders, "vs_blit_2d"),
+ sampler_nearest,
+ sampler_linear,
+ ps_blit_2d_uint: compile_ps(device, blit_shaders, "ps_blit_2d_uint"),
+ ps_blit_2d_int: compile_ps(device, blit_shaders, "ps_blit_2d_int"),
+ ps_blit_2d_float: compile_ps(device, blit_shaders, "ps_blit_2d_float"),
+ cs_copy_image_shaders,
+ cs_copy_buffer_shaders,
+ internal_buffer: Mutex::new(ConstantBuffer {
+ buffer: internal_buffer,
+ }),
+ working_buffer,
+ working_buffer_size: working_buffer_size as _,
+ constant_buffer_count_buffer: [4096_u32;
+ command_list_emulation,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn copy_image_2d<T>(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ src: &Image,
+ dst: &Image,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageCopy>,
+ {
+ let key = (
+ src.decomposed_format.copy_srv.unwrap(),
+ dst.decomposed_format.copy_srv.unwrap(),
+ );
+ if let Some(shader) = self.cs_copy_image_shaders.get(&key) {
+ // Some formats cant go through default path, since they cant
+ // be cast between formats of different component types (eg.
+ // Rg16 <-> Rgba8)
+ // TODO: subresources
+ let srv = src.internal.copy_srv.clone().unwrap().as_raw();
+ let mut const_buf = self.internal_buffer.lock();
+ unsafe {
+ context.CSSetShader(shader.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.CSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &const_buf.buffer.as_raw());
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [srv].as_ptr());
+ for region in regions.into_iter() {
+ let info = region.borrow();
+ let image = ImageCopy {
+ src: [
+ info.src_offset.x as _,
+ info.src_offset.y as _,
+ info.src_offset.z as _,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ dst: [
+ info.dst_offset.x as _,
+ info.dst_offset.y as _,
+ info.dst_offset.z as _,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ };
+ const_buf.update(
+ context,
+ BufferImageCopyInfo {
+ image,
+ ..mem::zeroed()
+ },
+ );
+ let uav = dst.get_uav(info.dst_subresource.level, 0).unwrap().as_raw();
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(0, 1, [uav].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ context.Dispatch(info.extent.width as u32, info.extent.height as u32, 1);
+ }
+ // unbind external resources
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr());
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Default copy path
+ for region in regions.into_iter() {
+ let info: &command::ImageCopy = region.borrow();
+ assert_eq!(
+ src.decomposed_format.typeless, dst.decomposed_format.typeless,
+ "DX11 backend cannot copy between underlying image formats: {} to {}.",
+ src.decomposed_format.typeless, dst.decomposed_format.typeless,
+ );
+ // Formats are the same per above assert, only need to do it for one of the formats
+ let full_copy_only =
+ src.format.is_depth() || src.format.is_stencil() || src.kind.num_samples() > 1;
+ let copy_box = if full_copy_only {
+ let offset_zero = info.src_offset.x == 0
+ && info.src_offset.y == 0
+ && info.src_offset.z == 0
+ && info.dst_offset.x == 0
+ && info.dst_offset.y == 0
+ && info.dst_offset.z == 0;
+ let full_extent = info.extent == src.kind.extent();
+ if !offset_zero || !full_extent {
+ warn!("image to image copies of depth-stencil or multisampled textures must copy the whole resource. Ignoring non-zero offset or non-full extent.");
+ }
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: info.src_offset.x as _,
+ top: info.src_offset.y as _,
+ front: info.src_offset.z as _,
+ right: info.src_offset.x as u32 + info.extent.width as u32,
+ bottom: info.src_offset.y as u32 + info.extent.height as u32,
+ back: info.src_offset.z as u32 + info.extent.depth as u32,
+ })
+ };
+ // TODO: layer subresources
+ unsafe {
+ context.CopySubresourceRegion(
+ dst.internal.raw,
+ src.calc_subresource(info.src_subresource.level as _, 0),
+ info.dst_offset.x as _,
+ info.dst_offset.y as _,
+ info.dst_offset.z as _,
+ src.internal.raw,
+ dst.calc_subresource(info.dst_subresource.level as _, 0),
+ copy_box.map_or_else(ptr::null, |b| &b),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn copy_image_to_buffer<T>(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ src: &Image,
+ dst: &Buffer,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(
+ context,
+ "Image (format={:?},kind={:?}) => Buffer",
+ src.format,
+ src.kind
+ );
+ let shader = self
+ .cs_copy_buffer_shaders
+ .get(&src.decomposed_format.copy_srv.unwrap())
+ .unwrap()
+ .clone();
+ let srv = src.internal.copy_srv.clone().unwrap().as_raw();
+ let uav = dst.internal.uav.unwrap();
+ let format_desc = src.format.base_format().0.desc();
+ let bytes_per_texel = format_desc.bits as u32 / 8;
+ let mut const_buf = self.internal_buffer.lock();
+ unsafe {
+ context.CSSetShader(shader.d2_into_buffer.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.CSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &const_buf.buffer.as_raw());
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [srv].as_ptr());
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(0, 1, [uav].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ for copy in regions {
+ let info = copy.borrow();
+ let size = src.kind.extent();
+ let buffer_image = BufferImageCopy {
+ buffer_offset: info.buffer_offset as _,
+ buffer_size: [info.buffer_width, info.buffer_height],
+ _padding: 0,
+ image_offset: [
+ info.image_offset.x as _,
+ info.image_offset.y as _,
+ (info.image_offset.z + info.image_layers.layers.start as i32) as _,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ image_extent: [
+ info.image_extent.width,
+ info.image_extent.height,
+ info.image_extent.depth,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ image_size: [size.width, size.height, size.depth, 0],
+ };
+ const_buf.update(
+ context,
+ BufferImageCopyInfo {
+ buffer_image,
+ ..mem::zeroed()
+ },
+ );
+ debug_marker!(context, "{:?}", info);
+ context.Dispatch(
+ ((info.image_extent.width + (COPY_THREAD_GROUP_X - 1))
+ / shader.scale.0)
+ .max(1),
+ ((info.image_extent.height + (COPY_THREAD_GROUP_X - 1))
+ / shader.scale.1)
+ .max(1),
+ 1,
+ );
+ if let Some(disjoint_cb) = dst.internal.disjoint_cb {
+ let total_size = info.image_extent.depth
+ * (info.buffer_height * info.buffer_width * bytes_per_texel);
+ let copy_box = d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: info.buffer_offset as u32,
+ top: 0,
+ front: 0,
+ right: info.buffer_offset as u32 + total_size,
+ bottom: 1,
+ back: 1,
+ };
+ context.CopySubresourceRegion(
+ disjoint_cb as _,
+ 0,
+ info.buffer_offset as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ dst.internal.raw as _,
+ 0,
+ &copy_box,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // unbind external resources
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr());
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(0, 1, [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn copy_buffer_to_image<T>(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ src: &Buffer,
+ dst: &Image,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(
+ context,
+ "Buffer => Image (format={:?},kind={:?})",
+ dst.format,
+ dst.kind
+ );
+ // NOTE: we have two separate paths for Buffer -> Image transfers. we need to special case
+ // uploads to compressed formats through `UpdateSubresource` since we cannot get a
+ // UAV of any compressed format.
+ let format_desc = dst.format.base_format().0.desc();
+ if format_desc.is_compressed() {
+ // we dont really care about non-4x4 block formats..
+ assert_eq!(format_desc.dim, (4, 4));
+ assert!(
+ !src.memory_ptr.is_null(),
+ "Only CPU to GPU upload of compressed texture is supported atm"
+ );
+ for copy in regions {
+ let info: &command::BufferImageCopy = copy.borrow();
+ let bytes_per_texel = format_desc.bits as u32 / 8;
+ let bounds = d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: info.image_offset.x as _,
+ top: info.image_offset.y as _,
+ front: info.image_offset.z as _,
+ right: info.image_offset.x as u32 + info.image_extent.width,
+ bottom: info.image_offset.y as u32 + info.image_extent.height,
+ back: info.image_offset.z as u32 + info.image_extent.depth,
+ };
+ let row_pitch = bytes_per_texel * info.image_extent.width / 4;
+ let depth_pitch = row_pitch * info.image_extent.height / 4;
+ for layer in info.image_layers.layers.clone() {
+ let layer_offset = layer - info.image_layers.layers.start;
+ unsafe {
+ context.UpdateSubresource(
+ dst.internal.raw,
+ dst.calc_subresource(info.image_layers.level as _, layer as _),
+ &bounds,
+ src.memory_ptr.offset(
+ src.bound_range.start as isize
+ + info.buffer_offset as isize
+ + depth_pitch as isize * layer_offset as isize,
+ ) as _,
+ row_pitch,
+ depth_pitch,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ let shader = self
+ .cs_copy_buffer_shaders
+ .get(&dst.decomposed_format.copy_uav.unwrap())
+ .unwrap()
+ .clone();
+ let srv = src.internal.srv.unwrap();
+ let mut const_buf = self.internal_buffer.lock();
+ let shader_raw = match dst.kind {
+ image::Kind::D1(..) => shader.d1_from_buffer.unwrap().as_raw(),
+ image::Kind::D2(..) => shader.d2_from_buffer.unwrap().as_raw(),
+ image::Kind::D3(..) => panic!("Copies into 3D images are not supported"),
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ context.CSSetShader(shader_raw, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.CSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &const_buf.buffer.as_raw());
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [srv].as_ptr());
+ for copy in regions {
+ let info = copy.borrow();
+ let size = dst.kind.extent();
+ let buffer_image = BufferImageCopy {
+ buffer_offset: info.buffer_offset as _,
+ buffer_size: [info.buffer_width, info.buffer_height],
+ _padding: 0,
+ image_offset: [
+ info.image_offset.x as _,
+ info.image_offset.y as _,
+ (info.image_offset.z + info.image_layers.layers.start as i32) as _,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ image_extent: [
+ info.image_extent.width,
+ info.image_extent.height,
+ info.image_extent.depth,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ image_size: [size.width, size.height, size.depth, 0],
+ };
+ const_buf.update(
+ context,
+ BufferImageCopyInfo {
+ buffer_image,
+ ..mem::zeroed()
+ },
+ );
+ debug_marker!(context, "{:?}", info);
+ // TODO: multiple layers? do we introduce a stride and do multiple dispatch
+ // calls or handle this in the shader? (use z component in dispatch call
+ //
+ // NOTE: right now our copy UAV is a 2D array, and we set the layer in the
+ // `update_buffer_image` call above
+ let uav = dst
+ .get_uav(
+ info.image_layers.level,
+ 0, /*info.image_layers.layers.start*/
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .as_raw();
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(0, 1, [uav].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ context.Dispatch(
+ ((info.image_extent.width + (COPY_THREAD_GROUP_X - 1))
+ / shader.scale.0)
+ .max(1),
+ ((info.image_extent.height + (COPY_THREAD_GROUP_X - 1))
+ / shader.scale.1)
+ .max(1),
+ 1,
+ );
+ }
+ // unbind external resources
+ context.CSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr());
+ context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ [ptr::null_mut(); 1].as_ptr(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn find_blit_shader(&self, src: &Image) -> Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader> {
+ use crate::format::ChannelType as Ct;
+ match src.format.base_format().1 {
+ Ct::Uint => Some(self.ps_blit_2d_uint.as_raw()),
+ Ct::Sint => Some(self.ps_blit_2d_int.as_raw()),
+ Ct::Unorm | Ct::Snorm | Ct::Sfloat | Ct::Srgb => Some(self.ps_blit_2d_float.as_raw()),
+ Ct::Ufloat | Ct::Uscaled | Ct::Sscaled => None,
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn blit_2d_image<T>(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ src: &Image,
+ dst: &Image,
+ filter: image::Filter,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageBlit>,
+ {
+ use std::cmp;
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(
+ context,
+ "Blit: Image (format={:?},kind={:?}) => Image (format={:?},kind={:?})",
+ src.format,
+ src.kind,
+ dst.format,
+ dst.kind
+ );
+ let shader = self.find_blit_shader(src).unwrap();
+ let srv = src.internal.srv.clone().unwrap().as_raw();
+ let mut const_buf = self.internal_buffer.lock();
+ unsafe {
+ context.IASetPrimitiveTopology(d3dcommon::D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST);
+ context.VSSetShader(self.vs_blit_2d.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.VSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, [const_buf.buffer.as_raw()].as_ptr());
+ context.PSSetShader(shader, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [srv].as_ptr());
+ context.PSSetSamplers(
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ match filter {
+ image::Filter::Nearest => [self.sampler_nearest.as_raw()],
+ image::Filter::Linear => [self.sampler_linear.as_raw()],
+ }
+ .as_ptr(),
+ );
+ for region in regions {
+ let info = region.borrow();
+ let blit_info = {
+ let (sx, dx) = if info.dst_bounds.start.x > info.dst_bounds.end.x {
+ (
+ info.src_bounds.end.x,
+ info.src_bounds.start.x - info.src_bounds.end.x,
+ )
+ } else {
+ (
+ info.src_bounds.start.x,
+ info.src_bounds.end.x - info.src_bounds.start.x,
+ )
+ };
+ let (sy, dy) = if info.dst_bounds.start.y > info.dst_bounds.end.y {
+ (
+ info.src_bounds.end.y,
+ info.src_bounds.start.y - info.src_bounds.end.y,
+ )
+ } else {
+ (
+ info.src_bounds.start.y,
+ info.src_bounds.end.y - info.src_bounds.start.y,
+ )
+ };
+ let image::Extent { width, height, .. } =
+ src.kind.level_extent(info.src_subresource.level);
+ BlitInfo {
+ offset: [sx as f32 / width as f32, sy as f32 / height as f32],
+ extent: [dx as f32 / width as f32, dy as f32 / height as f32],
+ z: 0f32, // TODO
+ level: info.src_subresource.level as _,
+ }
+ };
+ const_buf.update(context, blit_info);
+ // TODO: more layers
+ let rtv = dst
+ .get_rtv(
+ info.dst_subresource.level,
+ info.dst_subresource.layers.start,
+ )
+ .unwrap()
+ .as_raw();
+ context.RSSetViewports(
+ 1,
+ [d3d11::D3D11_VIEWPORT {
+ TopLeftX: cmp::min(info.dst_bounds.start.x, info.dst_bounds.end.x) as _,
+ TopLeftY: cmp::min(info.dst_bounds.start.y, info.dst_bounds.end.y) as _,
+ Width: (info.dst_bounds.end.x - info.dst_bounds.start.x).abs() as _,
+ Height: (info.dst_bounds.end.y - info.dst_bounds.start.y).abs() as _,
+ MinDepth: 0.0f32,
+ MaxDepth: 1.0f32,
+ }]
+ .as_ptr(),
+ );
+ context.OMSetRenderTargets(1, [rtv].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ context.Draw(3, 0);
+ }
+ context.PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, [ptr::null_mut()].as_ptr());
+ context.OMSetRenderTargets(1, [ptr::null_mut()].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn clear_attachments<T, U>(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ clears: T,
+ rects: U,
+ cache: &RenderPassCache,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::AttachmentClear>,
+ U: IntoIterator,
+ U::Item: Borrow<pso::ClearRect>,
+ {
+ use hal::format::ChannelType as Ct;
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(context, "ClearAttachments");
+ let clear_rects: SmallVec<[pso::ClearRect; 8]> = rects
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|rect| rect.borrow().clone())
+ .collect();
+ let mut const_buf = self.internal_buffer.lock();
+ unsafe {
+ context.IASetPrimitiveTopology(d3dcommon::D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST);
+ context.IASetInputLayout(ptr::null_mut());
+ context.VSSetShader(self.vs_partial_clear.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ context.PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, [const_buf.buffer.as_raw()].as_ptr());
+ }
+ let subpass = &cache.render_pass.subpasses[cache.current_subpass as usize];
+ for clear in clears {
+ let clear = clear.borrow();
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(context, "{:?}", clear);
+ match *clear {
+ command::AttachmentClear::Color { index, value } => {
+ unsafe {
+ const_buf.update(
+ context,
+ PartialClearInfo {
+ data: mem::transmute(value),
+ },
+ )
+ };
+ let attachment = {
+ let rtv_id = subpass.color_attachments[index];
+ &cache.framebuffer.attachments[rtv_id.0]
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ context.OMSetRenderTargets(
+ 1,
+ [attachment.rtv_handle.unwrap()].as_ptr(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ }
+ let shader = match attachment.format.base_format().1 {
+ Ct::Uint => self.ps_partial_clear_uint.as_raw(),
+ Ct::Sint => self.ps_partial_clear_int.as_raw(),
+ _ => self.ps_partial_clear_float.as_raw(),
+ };
+ unsafe { context.PSSetShader(shader, ptr::null_mut(), 0) };
+ for clear_rect in &clear_rects {
+ let viewport = conv::map_viewport(&pso::Viewport {
+ rect: clear_rect.rect,
+ depth: 0f32..1f32,
+ });
+ debug_marker!(context, "{:?}", clear_rect.rect);
+ unsafe {
+ context.RSSetViewports(1, [viewport].as_ptr());
+ context.Draw(3, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ command::AttachmentClear::DepthStencil { depth, stencil } => {
+ unsafe {
+ const_buf.update(
+ context,
+ PartialClearInfo {
+ data: [
+ mem::transmute(depth.unwrap_or(0f32)),
+ stencil.unwrap_or(0),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ ],
+ },
+ )
+ };
+ let attachment = {
+ let dsv_id = subpass.depth_stencil_attachment.unwrap();
+ &cache.framebuffer.attachments[dsv_id.0]
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ match (depth, stencil) {
+ (Some(_), Some(stencil)) => {
+ context.OMSetDepthStencilState(
+ self.partial_clear_depth_stencil_state.as_raw(),
+ stencil,
+ );
+ context.PSSetShader(
+ self.ps_partial_clear_depth.as_raw(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ (Some(_), None) => {
+ context.OMSetDepthStencilState(
+ self.partial_clear_depth_state.as_raw(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ context.PSSetShader(
+ self.ps_partial_clear_depth.as_raw(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ (None, Some(stencil)) => {
+ context.OMSetDepthStencilState(
+ self.partial_clear_stencil_state.as_raw(),
+ stencil,
+ );
+ context.PSSetShader(
+ self.ps_partial_clear_stencil.as_raw(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ (None, None) => {}
+ }
+ context.OMSetRenderTargets(
+ 0,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ attachment.dsv_handle.unwrap(),
+ );
+ context.PSSetShader(
+ self.ps_partial_clear_depth.as_raw(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ for clear_rect in &clear_rects {
+ let viewport = conv::map_viewport(&pso::Viewport {
+ rect: clear_rect.rect,
+ depth: 0f32..1f32,
+ });
+ unsafe {
+ context.RSSetViewports(1, [viewport].as_ptr());
+ context.Draw(3, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..831effedae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,4285 @@
+# DX11 backend internals.
+## Pipeline Layout
+In D3D11 there are tables of CBVs, SRVs, UAVs, and samplers.
+Each descriptor type can take 1 or two of those entry points.
+The descriptor pool is just and array of handles, belonging to descriptor set 1, descriptor set 2, etc.
+Each range of descriptors in a descriptor set area of the pool is split into shader stages,
+which in turn is split into CBS/SRV/UAV/Sampler parts. That allows binding a descriptor set as a list
+of continuous descriptor ranges (per type, per shader stage).
+extern crate bitflags;
+extern crate log;
+use crate::{debug::set_debug_name, device::DepthStencilState};
+use auxil::ShaderStage;
+use hal::{
+ adapter, buffer, command, format, image, memory, pass, pso, query, queue, window, DrawCount,
+ IndexCount, IndexType, InstanceCount, Limits, TaskCount, VertexCount, VertexOffset,
+ WorkGroupCount,
+use range_alloc::RangeAllocator;
+use winapi::{
+ shared::{
+ dxgi::{IDXGIAdapter, IDXGIFactory, IDXGISwapChain},
+ dxgiformat,
+ minwindef::{FALSE, HMODULE, UINT},
+ windef::{HWND, RECT},
+ winerror,
+ },
+ um::{d3d11, d3d11_1, d3dcommon, winuser::GetClientRect},
+ Interface as _,
+use wio::com::ComPtr;
+use arrayvec::ArrayVec;
+use parking_lot::{Condvar, Mutex, RwLock};
+use std::{
+ borrow::Borrow,
+ cell::RefCell,
+ fmt, mem,
+ ops::Range,
+ os::raw::c_void,
+ ptr,
+ sync::{Arc, Weak},
+macro_rules! debug_scope {
+ ($context:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ $crate::debug::DebugScope::with_name(
+ $context,
+ format_args!($($arg)+),
+ )
+ }
+ #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+ {
+ ()
+ }
+ });
+macro_rules! debug_marker {
+ ($context:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ {
+ $crate::debug::debug_marker(
+ $context,
+ &format!($($arg)+),
+ );
+ }
+ });
+mod conv;
+mod debug;
+mod device;
+mod dxgi;
+mod internal;
+mod shader;
+type CreateFun = unsafe extern "system" fn(
+ *mut IDXGIAdapter,
+ *const UINT,
+ *mut *mut d3d11::ID3D11Device,
+ *mut UINT,
+ *mut *mut d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext,
+) -> winerror::HRESULT;
+pub(crate) struct ViewInfo {
+ resource: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Resource,
+ kind: image::Kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
+ view_kind: image::ViewKind,
+ format: dxgiformat::DXGI_FORMAT,
+ levels: Range<image::Level>,
+ layers: Range<image::Layer>,
+impl fmt::Debug for ViewInfo {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("ViewInfo")
+ }
+pub struct Instance {
+ pub(crate) factory: ComPtr<IDXGIFactory>,
+ pub(crate) dxgi_version: dxgi::DxgiVersion,
+ library_d3d11: Arc<libloading::Library>,
+ library_dxgi: libloading::Library,
+unsafe impl Send for Instance {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Instance {}
+impl Instance {
+ pub fn create_surface_from_hwnd(&self, hwnd: *mut c_void) -> Surface {
+ Surface {
+ factory: self.factory.clone(),
+ wnd_handle: hwnd as *mut _,
+ presentation: None,
+ }
+ }
+fn get_features(
+ _device: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ feature_level: d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL,
+) -> hal::Features {
+ let mut features = hal::Features::empty()
+ | hal::Features::ROBUST_BUFFER_ACCESS // TODO: verify
+ | hal::Features::INSTANCE_RATE
+ | hal::Features::INDEPENDENT_BLENDING // TODO: verify
+ | hal::Features::SAMPLER_BORDER_COLOR
+ | hal::Features::SAMPLER_MIP_LOD_BIAS
+ | hal::Features::SAMPLER_ANISOTROPY
+ | hal::Features::DEPTH_CLAMP
+ | hal::Features::NDC_Y_UP;
+ features.set(
+ | hal::Features::FULL_DRAW_INDEX_U32
+ | hal::Features::GEOMETRY_SHADER,
+ feature_level >= d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0,
+ );
+ features.set(
+ hal::Features::IMAGE_CUBE_ARRAY,
+ feature_level >= d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1,
+ );
+ features.set(
+ | hal::Features::FORMAT_BC
+ | hal::Features::TESSELLATION_SHADER
+ feature_level >= d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0,
+ );
+ features.set(
+ hal::Features::LOGIC_OP, // TODO: Optional at 10_0 -> 11_0
+ feature_level >= d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1,
+ );
+ features
+const MAX_PUSH_CONSTANT_SIZE: usize = 256;
+fn get_limits(feature_level: d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL) -> hal::Limits {
+ let max_texture_uv_dimension = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2 => 2048,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 => 4096,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1 => 8192,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 | _ => 16384,
+ };
+ let max_texture_w_dimension = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3 => 256,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1
+ | _ => 2048,
+ };
+ let max_texture_cube_dimension = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2 => 512,
+ _ => max_texture_uv_dimension,
+ };
+ let max_image_uav = 2;
+ let max_buffer_uav = d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT as usize - max_image_uav;
+ let max_input_slots = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 => 16,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1
+ | _ => 32,
+ };
+ let max_color_attachments = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 => 4,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1
+ | _ => 8,
+ };
+ //
+ // for more information.
+ let max_samples = match feature_level {
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3
+ | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 => 0b0001, // Conservative, MSAA isn't required.
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1 => 0b0101, // Optimistic, 4xMSAA is required on all formats _but_ RGBA32.
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0 | d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1 | _ => 0b1101, // Optimistic, 8xMSAA and 4xMSAA is required on all formats _but_ RGBA32 which requires 4x.
+ };
+ let max_constant_buffers = d3d11::D3D11_COMMONSHADER_CONSTANT_BUFFER_API_SLOT_COUNT - 1;
+ hal::Limits {
+ max_image_1d_size: max_texture_uv_dimension,
+ max_image_2d_size: max_texture_uv_dimension,
+ max_image_3d_size: max_texture_w_dimension,
+ max_image_cube_size: max_texture_cube_dimension,
+ max_image_array_layers: max_texture_cube_dimension as _,
+ max_per_stage_descriptor_samplers: d3d11::D3D11_COMMONSHADER_SAMPLER_SLOT_COUNT as _,
+ // Leave top buffer for push constants
+ max_per_stage_descriptor_uniform_buffers: max_constant_buffers as _,
+ max_per_stage_descriptor_storage_buffers: max_buffer_uav,
+ max_per_stage_descriptor_storage_images: max_image_uav,
+ max_per_stage_descriptor_sampled_images:
+ max_descriptor_set_uniform_buffers_dynamic: max_constant_buffers as _,
+ max_descriptor_set_storage_buffers_dynamic: 0, // TODO: Implement dynamic offsets for storage buffers
+ max_texel_elements: max_texture_uv_dimension as _, //TODO
+ max_patch_size: d3d11::D3D11_IA_PATCH_MAX_CONTROL_POINT_COUNT as _,
+ max_viewport_dimensions: [d3d11::D3D11_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_MAX; 2],
+ max_framebuffer_extent: hal::image::Extent {
+ //TODO
+ width: 4096,
+ height: 4096,
+ depth: 1,
+ },
+ max_compute_work_group_count: [
+ ],
+ max_compute_work_group_invocations: d3d11::D3D11_CS_THREAD_GROUP_MAX_THREADS_PER_GROUP as _,
+ max_compute_work_group_size: [
+ ], // TODO
+ max_vertex_input_attribute_offset: 255, // TODO
+ max_vertex_input_attributes: max_input_slots,
+ max_vertex_input_binding_stride: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_MULTI_ELEMENT_STRUCTURE_SIZE_IN_BYTES
+ as _,
+ max_vertex_input_bindings: d3d11::D3D11_IA_VERTEX_INPUT_RESOURCE_SLOT_COUNT as _, // TODO: verify same as attributes
+ max_vertex_output_components: d3d11::D3D11_VS_OUTPUT_REGISTER_COUNT as _, // TODO
+ min_texel_buffer_offset_alignment: 1, // TODO
+ min_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment: 16,
+ min_storage_buffer_offset_alignment: 16, // TODO
+ framebuffer_color_sample_counts: max_samples,
+ framebuffer_depth_sample_counts: max_samples,
+ framebuffer_stencil_sample_counts: max_samples,
+ max_color_attachments,
+ buffer_image_granularity: 1,
+ non_coherent_atom_size: 1, // TODO
+ max_sampler_anisotropy: 16.,
+ optimal_buffer_copy_offset_alignment: 1, // TODO
+ // buffer -> image and image -> buffer paths use compute shaders that, at maximum, read 4 pixels from the buffer
+ // at a time, so need an alignment of at least 4.
+ optimal_buffer_copy_pitch_alignment: 4,
+ min_vertex_input_binding_stride_alignment: 1,
+ max_push_constants_size: MAX_PUSH_CONSTANT_SIZE,
+ max_uniform_buffer_range: 1 << 16,
+ ..hal::Limits::default() //TODO
+ }
+fn get_format_properties(
+ device: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+) -> [format::Properties; format::NUM_FORMATS] {
+ let mut format_properties = [format::Properties::default(); format::NUM_FORMATS];
+ for (i, props) in &mut format_properties.iter_mut().enumerate().skip(1) {
+ let format: format::Format = unsafe { mem::transmute(i as u32) };
+ let dxgi_format = match conv::map_format(format) {
+ Some(format) => format,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ let mut support = d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT {
+ InFormat: dxgi_format,
+ OutFormatSupport: 0,
+ };
+ let mut support_2 = d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 {
+ InFormat: dxgi_format,
+ OutFormatSupport2: 0,
+ };
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CheckFeatureSupport(
+ &mut support as *mut _ as *mut _,
+ mem::size_of::<d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT>() as UINT,
+ )
+ };
+ if hr == winerror::S_OK {
+ let can_buffer = 0 != support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_BUFFER;
+ let can_image = 0
+ != support.OutFormatSupport
+ let can_linear = can_image && !format.surface_desc().is_compressed();
+ if can_image {
+ props.optimal_tiling |=
+ format::ImageFeature::SAMPLED | format::ImageFeature::BLIT_SRC;
+ }
+ if can_linear {
+ props.linear_tiling |=
+ format::ImageFeature::SAMPLED | format::ImageFeature::BLIT_SRC;
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_IA_VERTEX_BUFFER != 0 {
+ props.buffer_features |= format::BufferFeature::VERTEX;
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_SHADER_SAMPLE != 0 {
+ props.optimal_tiling |= format::ImageFeature::SAMPLED_LINEAR;
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_RENDER_TARGET != 0 {
+ props.optimal_tiling |=
+ format::ImageFeature::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | format::ImageFeature::BLIT_DST;
+ if can_linear {
+ props.linear_tiling |=
+ format::ImageFeature::COLOR_ATTACHMENT | format::ImageFeature::BLIT_DST;
+ }
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_BLENDABLE != 0 {
+ props.optimal_tiling |= format::ImageFeature::COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND;
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_DEPTH_STENCIL != 0 {
+ props.optimal_tiling |= format::ImageFeature::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT;
+ }
+ if support.OutFormatSupport & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT_SHADER_LOAD != 0 {
+ if can_buffer {
+ props.buffer_features |= format::BufferFeature::UNIFORM_TEXEL;
+ }
+ }
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CheckFeatureSupport(
+ &mut support_2 as *mut _ as *mut _,
+ mem::size_of::<d3d11::D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_FORMAT_SUPPORT2>() as UINT,
+ )
+ };
+ if hr == winerror::S_OK {
+ if support_2.OutFormatSupport2 & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_ATOMIC_ADD != 0 {
+ //TODO: other atomic flags?
+ if can_buffer {
+ props.buffer_features |= format::BufferFeature::STORAGE_TEXEL_ATOMIC;
+ }
+ if can_image {
+ props.optimal_tiling |= format::ImageFeature::STORAGE_ATOMIC;
+ }
+ }
+ if support_2.OutFormatSupport2 & d3d11::D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2_UAV_TYPED_STORE != 0 {
+ if can_buffer {
+ props.buffer_features |= format::BufferFeature::STORAGE_TEXEL;
+ }
+ if can_image {
+ props.optimal_tiling |= format::ImageFeature::STORAGE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: blits, linear tiling
+ }
+ format_properties
+impl hal::Instance<Backend> for Instance {
+ fn create(_: &str, _: u32) -> Result<Self, hal::UnsupportedBackend> {
+ // TODO: get the latest factory we can find
+ match dxgi::get_dxgi_factory() {
+ Ok((library_dxgi, factory, dxgi_version)) => {
+ info!("DXGI version: {:?}", dxgi_version);
+ let library_d3d11 = Arc::new(
+ libloading::Library::new("d3d11.dll").map_err(|_| hal::UnsupportedBackend)?,
+ );
+ Ok(Instance {
+ factory,
+ dxgi_version,
+ library_d3d11,
+ library_dxgi,
+ })
+ }
+ Err(hr) => {
+ info!("Failed on factory creation: {:?}", hr);
+ Err(hal::UnsupportedBackend)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn enumerate_adapters(&self) -> Vec<adapter::Adapter<Backend>> {
+ let mut adapters = Vec::new();
+ let mut idx = 0;
+ let func: libloading::Symbol<CreateFun> =
+ match unsafe { self.library_d3d11.get(b"D3D11CreateDevice") } {
+ Ok(func) => func,
+ Err(e) => {
+ error!("Unable to get device creation function: {:?}", e);
+ return Vec::new();
+ }
+ };
+ while let Ok((adapter, info)) =
+ dxgi::get_adapter(idx, self.factory.as_raw(), self.dxgi_version)
+ {
+ idx += 1;
+ use hal::memory::Properties;
+ // TODO: move into function?
+ let (device, feature_level) = {
+ let feature_level = get_feature_level(&func, adapter.as_raw());
+ let mut device = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ func(
+ adapter.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ [feature_level].as_ptr(),
+ 1,
+ d3d11::D3D11_SDK_VERSION,
+ &mut device as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ )
+ };
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ (
+ unsafe { ComPtr::<d3d11::ID3D11Device>::from_raw(device) },
+ feature_level,
+ )
+ };
+ let memory_properties = adapter::MemoryProperties {
+ memory_types: vec![
+ adapter::MemoryType {
+ properties: Properties::DEVICE_LOCAL,
+ heap_index: 0,
+ },
+ adapter::MemoryType {
+ properties: Properties::CPU_VISIBLE
+ | Properties::COHERENT
+ | Properties::CPU_CACHED,
+ heap_index: 1,
+ },
+ adapter::MemoryType {
+ properties: Properties::CPU_VISIBLE | Properties::CPU_CACHED,
+ heap_index: 1,
+ },
+ ],
+ // TODO: would using *VideoMemory and *SystemMemory from
+ // DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC be too optimistic? :)
+ memory_heaps: vec![
+ adapter::MemoryHeap {
+ size: !0,
+ flags: memory::HeapFlags::DEVICE_LOCAL,
+ },
+ adapter::MemoryHeap {
+ size: !0,
+ flags: memory::HeapFlags::empty(),
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ let limits = get_limits(feature_level);
+ let features = get_features(device.clone(), feature_level);
+ let format_properties = get_format_properties(device.clone());
+ let hints = hal::Hints::BASE_VERTEX_INSTANCE_DRAWING;
+ let physical_device = PhysicalDevice {
+ adapter,
+ library_d3d11: Arc::clone(&self.library_d3d11),
+ features,
+ hints,
+ limits,
+ memory_properties,
+ format_properties,
+ };
+ info!("{:#?}", info);
+ adapters.push(adapter::Adapter {
+ info,
+ physical_device,
+ queue_families: vec![QueueFamily],
+ });
+ }
+ adapters
+ }
+ unsafe fn create_surface(
+ &self,
+ has_handle: &impl raw_window_handle::HasRawWindowHandle,
+ ) -> Result<Surface, hal::window::InitError> {
+ match has_handle.raw_window_handle() {
+ raw_window_handle::RawWindowHandle::Windows(handle) => {
+ Ok(self.create_surface_from_hwnd(handle.hwnd))
+ }
+ _ => Err(hal::window::InitError::UnsupportedWindowHandle),
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn destroy_surface(&self, _surface: Surface) {
+ // TODO: Implement Surface cleanup
+ }
+pub struct PhysicalDevice {
+ adapter: ComPtr<IDXGIAdapter>,
+ library_d3d11: Arc<libloading::Library>,
+ features: hal::Features,
+ hints: hal::Hints,
+ limits: hal::Limits,
+ memory_properties: adapter::MemoryProperties,
+ format_properties: [format::Properties; format::NUM_FORMATS],
+impl fmt::Debug for PhysicalDevice {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("PhysicalDevice")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for PhysicalDevice {}
+unsafe impl Sync for PhysicalDevice {}
+// TODO: does the adapter we get earlier matter for feature level?
+fn get_feature_level(func: &CreateFun, adapter: *mut IDXGIAdapter) -> d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL {
+ let requested_feature_levels = [
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_1,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_3,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_2,
+ d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1,
+ ];
+ let mut feature_level = d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1;
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ func(
+ adapter,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ requested_feature_levels[..].as_ptr(),
+ requested_feature_levels.len() as _,
+ d3d11::D3D11_SDK_VERSION,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut feature_level as *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ )
+ };
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ // if there is no 11.1 runtime installed, requesting
+ // `D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1` will return E_INVALIDARG so we just retry
+ // without that
+ if hr == winerror::E_INVALIDARG {
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ func(
+ adapter,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ 0,
+ requested_feature_levels[1..].as_ptr(),
+ (requested_feature_levels.len() - 1) as _,
+ d3d11::D3D11_SDK_VERSION,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ &mut feature_level as *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ )
+ };
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ // TODO: device might not support any feature levels?
+ unimplemented!();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ feature_level
+// TODO: PhysicalDevice
+impl adapter::PhysicalDevice<Backend> for PhysicalDevice {
+ unsafe fn open(
+ &self,
+ families: &[(&QueueFamily, &[queue::QueuePriority])],
+ requested_features: hal::Features,
+ ) -> Result<adapter::Gpu<Backend>, hal::device::CreationError> {
+ let func: libloading::Symbol<CreateFun> =
+ self.library_d3d11.get(b"D3D11CreateDevice").unwrap();
+ let (device, cxt) = {
+ if !self.features().contains(requested_features) {
+ return Err(hal::device::CreationError::MissingFeature);
+ }
+ let feature_level = get_feature_level(&func, self.adapter.as_raw());
+ let mut returned_level = d3dcommon::D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1;
+ #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
+ let create_flags = d3d11::D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG;
+ #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))]
+ let create_flags = 0;
+ // TODO: request debug device only on debug config?
+ let mut device: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Device = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut cxt = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = func(
+ self.adapter.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ create_flags,
+ [feature_level].as_ptr(),
+ 1,
+ d3d11::D3D11_SDK_VERSION,
+ &mut device as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ &mut returned_level as *mut _,
+ &mut cxt as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ );
+ // NOTE: returns error if adapter argument is non-null and driver
+ // type is not unknown; or if debug device is requested but not
+ // present
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ return Err(hal::device::CreationError::InitializationFailed);
+ }
+ info!(
+ "feature level={:x}=FL{}_{}",
+ feature_level,
+ feature_level >> 12,
+ feature_level >> 8 & 0xF
+ );
+ (ComPtr::from_raw(device), ComPtr::from_raw(cxt))
+ };
+ let device1 = device.cast::<d3d11_1::ID3D11Device1>().ok();
+ let device = device::Device::new(
+ device,
+ device1,
+ cxt,
+ requested_features,
+ self.memory_properties.clone(),
+ );
+ // TODO: deferred context => 1 cxt/queue?
+ let queue_groups = families
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|&(_family, prio)| {
+ assert_eq!(prio.len(), 1);
+ let mut group = queue::QueueGroup::new(queue::QueueFamilyId(0));
+ // TODO: multiple queues?
+ let queue = CommandQueue {
+ context: device.context.clone(),
+ };
+ group.add_queue(queue);
+ group
+ })
+ .collect();
+ Ok(adapter::Gpu {
+ device,
+ queue_groups,
+ })
+ }
+ fn format_properties(&self, fmt: Option<format::Format>) -> format::Properties {
+ let idx =|fmt| fmt as usize).unwrap_or(0);
+ self.format_properties[idx]
+ }
+ fn image_format_properties(
+ &self,
+ format: format::Format,
+ dimensions: u8,
+ tiling: image::Tiling,
+ usage: image::Usage,
+ view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
+ ) -> Option<image::FormatProperties> {
+ conv::map_format(format)?; //filter out unknown formats
+ let supported_usage = {
+ use hal::image::Usage as U;
+ let format_props = &self.format_properties[format as usize];
+ let props = match tiling {
+ image::Tiling::Optimal => format_props.optimal_tiling,
+ image::Tiling::Linear => format_props.linear_tiling,
+ };
+ let mut flags = U::empty();
+ // Note: these checks would have been nicer if we had explicit BLIT usage
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::BLIT_SRC) {
+ flags |= U::TRANSFER_SRC;
+ }
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::BLIT_DST) {
+ flags |= U::TRANSFER_DST;
+ }
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::SAMPLED) {
+ flags |= U::SAMPLED;
+ }
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::STORAGE) {
+ flags |= U::STORAGE;
+ }
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::COLOR_ATTACHMENT) {
+ }
+ if props.contains(format::ImageFeature::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) {
+ }
+ flags
+ };
+ if !supported_usage.contains(usage) {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let max_resource_size =
+ Some(match tiling {
+ image::Tiling::Optimal => image::FormatProperties {
+ max_extent: match dimensions {
+ 1 => image::Extent {
+ width: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE1D_U_DIMENSION,
+ height: 1,
+ depth: 1,
+ },
+ 2 => image::Extent {
+ width: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION,
+ height: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION,
+ depth: 1,
+ },
+ 3 => image::Extent {
+ width: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE3D_U_V_OR_W_DIMENSION,
+ height: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE3D_U_V_OR_W_DIMENSION,
+ depth: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE3D_U_V_OR_W_DIMENSION,
+ },
+ _ => return None,
+ },
+ max_levels: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_MIP_LEVELS as _,
+ max_layers: match dimensions {
+ _ => return None,
+ },
+ sample_count_mask: if dimensions == 2
+ && !view_caps.contains(image::ViewCapabilities::KIND_CUBE)
+ && (usage.contains(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT)
+ | usage.contains(image::Usage::DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT))
+ {
+ } else {
+ 0x1
+ },
+ max_resource_size,
+ },
+ image::Tiling::Linear => image::FormatProperties {
+ max_extent: match dimensions {
+ 2 => image::Extent {
+ width: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION,
+ height: d3d11::D3D11_REQ_TEXTURE2D_U_OR_V_DIMENSION,
+ depth: 1,
+ },
+ _ => return None,
+ },
+ max_levels: 1,
+ max_layers: 1,
+ sample_count_mask: 0x1,
+ max_resource_size,
+ },
+ })
+ }
+ fn memory_properties(&self) -> adapter::MemoryProperties {
+ self.memory_properties.clone()
+ }
+ fn features(&self) -> hal::Features {
+ self.features
+ }
+ fn hints(&self) -> hal::Hints {
+ self.hints
+ }
+ fn limits(&self) -> Limits {
+ self.limits
+ }
+struct Presentation {
+ swapchain: ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain>,
+ view: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView>,
+ format: format::Format,
+ size: window::Extent2D,
+ mode: window::PresentMode,
+ image: Arc<Image>,
+ is_init: bool,
+pub struct Surface {
+ pub(crate) factory: ComPtr<IDXGIFactory>,
+ wnd_handle: HWND,
+ presentation: Option<Presentation>,
+impl fmt::Debug for Surface {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Surface")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Surface {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Surface {}
+impl window::Surface<Backend> for Surface {
+ fn supports_queue_family(&self, _queue_family: &QueueFamily) -> bool {
+ true
+ }
+ fn capabilities(&self, _physical_device: &PhysicalDevice) -> window::SurfaceCapabilities {
+ let current_extent = unsafe {
+ let mut rect: RECT = mem::zeroed();
+ assert_ne!(
+ 0,
+ GetClientRect(self.wnd_handle as *mut _, &mut rect as *mut RECT)
+ );
+ Some(window::Extent2D {
+ width: (rect.right - rect.left) as u32,
+ height: (rect.bottom - as u32,
+ })
+ };
+ // TODO: flip swap effects require dx11.1/windows8
+ // NOTE: some swap effects affect msaa capabilities..
+ // TODO: _DISCARD swap effects can only have one image?
+ window::SurfaceCapabilities {
+ present_modes: window::PresentMode::IMMEDIATE | window::PresentMode::FIFO,
+ composite_alpha_modes: window::CompositeAlphaMode::OPAQUE, //TODO
+ image_count: 1..=16, // TODO:
+ current_extent,
+ extents: window::Extent2D {
+ width: 16,
+ height: 16,
+ }..=window::Extent2D {
+ width: 4096,
+ height: 4096,
+ },
+ max_image_layers: 1,
+ usage: image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT,
+ }
+ }
+ fn supported_formats(&self, _physical_device: &PhysicalDevice) -> Option<Vec<format::Format>> {
+ Some(vec![
+ format::Format::Bgra8Srgb,
+ format::Format::Bgra8Unorm,
+ format::Format::Rgba8Srgb,
+ format::Format::Rgba8Unorm,
+ format::Format::A2b10g10r10Unorm,
+ format::Format::Rgba16Sfloat,
+ ])
+ }
+pub struct SwapchainImage {
+ image: Arc<Image>,
+ view: ImageView,
+impl Borrow<Image> for SwapchainImage {
+ fn borrow(&self) -> &Image {
+ &*self.image
+ }
+impl Borrow<ImageView> for SwapchainImage {
+ fn borrow(&self) -> &ImageView {
+ &self.view
+ }
+impl window::PresentationSurface<Backend> for Surface {
+ type SwapchainImage = SwapchainImage;
+ unsafe fn configure_swapchain(
+ &mut self,
+ device: &device::Device,
+ config: window::SwapchainConfig,
+ ) -> Result<(), window::CreationError> {
+ assert!(image::Usage::COLOR_ATTACHMENT.contains(config.image_usage));
+ let swapchain = match self.presentation.take() {
+ Some(present) => {
+ if present.format == config.format && present.size == config.extent {
+ self.presentation = Some(present);
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ let non_srgb_format = conv::map_format_nosrgb(config.format).unwrap();
+ drop(present.view);
+ let result = present.swapchain.ResizeBuffers(
+ config.image_count,
+ config.extent.width,
+ config.extent.height,
+ non_srgb_format,
+ 0,
+ );
+ if result != winerror::S_OK {
+ error!("ResizeBuffers failed with 0x{:x}", result as u32);
+ return Err(window::CreationError::WindowInUse(hal::device::WindowInUse));
+ }
+ present.swapchain
+ }
+ None => {
+ let (swapchain, _) =
+ device.create_swapchain_impl(&config, self.wnd_handle, self.factory.clone())?;
+ swapchain
+ }
+ };
+ // Disable automatic Alt+Enter handling by DXGI.
+ const DXGI_MWA_NO_WINDOW_CHANGES: u32 = 1;
+ const DXGI_MWA_NO_ALT_ENTER: u32 = 2;
+ self.factory.MakeWindowAssociation(
+ self.wnd_handle,
+ );
+ let mut resource: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Resource = ptr::null_mut();
+ assert_eq!(
+ winerror::S_OK,
+ swapchain.GetBuffer(
+ 0 as _,
+ &d3d11::ID3D11Resource::uuidof(),
+ &mut resource as *mut *mut _ as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ );
+ set_debug_name(&*resource, "Swapchain Image");
+ let kind = image::Kind::D2(config.extent.width, config.extent.height, 1, 1);
+ let format = conv::map_format(config.format).unwrap();
+ let decomposed_format = conv::DecomposedDxgiFormat::from_dxgi_format(format);
+ let view_info = ViewInfo {
+ resource,
+ kind,
+ caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ view_kind: image::ViewKind::D2,
+ format: decomposed_format.rtv.unwrap(),
+ levels: 0..1,
+ layers: 0..1,
+ };
+ let view = device.view_image_as_render_target(&view_info).unwrap();
+ set_debug_name(&view, "Swapchain Image View");
+ self.presentation = Some(Presentation {
+ swapchain,
+ view,
+ format: config.format,
+ size: config.extent,
+ mode: config.present_mode,
+ image: Arc::new(Image {
+ kind,
+ usage: config.image_usage,
+ format: config.format,
+ view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities::empty(),
+ decomposed_format,
+ mip_levels: 1,
+ internal: InternalImage {
+ raw: resource,
+ copy_srv: None, //TODO
+ srv: None, //TODO
+ unordered_access_views: Vec::new(),
+ depth_stencil_views: Vec::new(),
+ render_target_views: Vec::new(),
+ debug_name: None,
+ },
+ bind: conv::map_image_usage(config.image_usage, config.format.surface_desc()),
+ requirements: memory::Requirements {
+ size: 0,
+ alignment: 1,
+ type_mask: 0,
+ },
+ }),
+ is_init: true,
+ });
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ unsafe fn unconfigure_swapchain(&mut self, _device: &device::Device) {
+ self.presentation = None;
+ }
+ unsafe fn acquire_image(
+ &mut self,
+ _timeout_ns: u64, //TODO: use the timeout
+ ) -> Result<(SwapchainImage, Option<window::Suboptimal>), window::AcquireError> {
+ let present = self.presentation.as_ref().unwrap();
+ let swapchain_image = SwapchainImage {
+ image: Arc::clone(&present.image),
+ view: ImageView {
+ subresource: d3d11::D3D11CalcSubresource(0, 0, 1),
+ format: present.format,
+ rtv_handle: Some(present.view.as_raw()),
+ dsv_handle: None,
+ srv_handle: None,
+ uav_handle: None,
+ rodsv_handle: None,
+ owned: false,
+ },
+ };
+ Ok((swapchain_image, None))
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct QueueFamily;
+impl queue::QueueFamily for QueueFamily {
+ fn queue_type(&self) -> queue::QueueType {
+ queue::QueueType::General
+ }
+ fn max_queues(&self) -> usize {
+ 1
+ }
+ fn id(&self) -> queue::QueueFamilyId {
+ queue::QueueFamilyId(0)
+ }
+pub struct CommandQueue {
+ context: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+impl fmt::Debug for CommandQueue {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("CommandQueue")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for CommandQueue {}
+unsafe impl Sync for CommandQueue {}
+impl queue::CommandQueue<Backend> for CommandQueue {
+ unsafe fn submit<'a, T, Ic, S, Iw, Is>(
+ &mut self,
+ submission: queue::Submission<Ic, Iw, Is>,
+ fence: Option<&Fence>,
+ ) where
+ T: 'a + Borrow<CommandBuffer>,
+ Ic: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ S: 'a + Borrow<Semaphore>,
+ Iw: IntoIterator<Item = (&'a S, pso::PipelineStage)>,
+ Is: IntoIterator<Item = &'a S>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "Submit(fence={:?})", fence);
+ for cmd_buf in submission.command_buffers {
+ let cmd_buf = cmd_buf.borrow();
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(
+ &self.context,
+ "CommandBuffer ({}/{})",
+ cmd_buf.flush_coherent_memory.len(),
+ cmd_buf.invalidate_coherent_memory.len()
+ );
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "Pre-Exec: Flush");
+ for sync in &cmd_buf.flush_coherent_memory {
+ sync.do_flush(&self.context);
+ }
+ }
+ self.context
+ .ExecuteCommandList(cmd_buf.as_raw_list().as_raw(), FALSE);
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "Post-Exec: Invalidate");
+ for sync in &cmd_buf.invalidate_coherent_memory {
+ sync.do_invalidate(&self.context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(fence) = fence {
+ *fence.mutex.lock() = true;
+ fence.condvar.notify_all();
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn present(
+ &mut self,
+ surface: &mut Surface,
+ _image: SwapchainImage,
+ _wait_semaphore: Option<&Semaphore>,
+ ) -> Result<Option<window::Suboptimal>, window::PresentError> {
+ let mut presentation = surface.presentation.as_mut().unwrap();
+ let (interval, flags) = match presentation.mode {
+ window::PresentMode::IMMEDIATE => (0, 0),
+ //Note: this ends up not presenting anything for some reason
+ //window::PresentMode::MAILBOX if !presentation.is_init => (1, DXGI_PRESENT_DO_NOT_SEQUENCE),
+ window::PresentMode::FIFO => (1, 0),
+ _ => (0, 0),
+ };
+ presentation.is_init = false;
+ presentation.swapchain.Present(interval, flags);
+ Ok(None)
+ }
+ fn wait_idle(&self) -> Result<(), hal::device::OutOfMemory> {
+ // unimplemented!()
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub struct AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id: Option<pass::SubpassId>,
+ attachment_id: usize,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear,
+pub struct RenderPassCache {
+ pub render_pass: RenderPass,
+ pub framebuffer: Framebuffer,
+ pub attachment_clear_values: Vec<AttachmentClear>,
+ pub target_rect: pso::Rect,
+ pub current_subpass: pass::SubpassId,
+impl RenderPassCache {
+ pub fn start_subpass(
+ &mut self,
+ internal: &internal::Internal,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ cache: &mut CommandBufferState,
+ ) {
+ let attachments = self
+ .attachment_clear_values
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|clear| clear.subpass_id == Some(self.current_subpass))
+ .map(|clear| clear.raw);
+ cache.dirty_flag.insert(
+ | DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS
+ | DirtyStateFlag::VIEWPORTS
+ );
+ internal.clear_attachments(
+ context,
+ attachments,
+ &[pso::ClearRect {
+ rect: self.target_rect,
+ layers: 0..1,
+ }],
+ &self,
+ );
+ let subpass = &self.render_pass.subpasses[self.current_subpass as usize];
+ let color_views = subpass
+ .color_attachments
+ .iter()
+ .map(|&(id, _)| self.framebuffer.attachments[id].rtv_handle.unwrap())
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let (ds_view, rods_view) = match subpass.depth_stencil_attachment {
+ Some((id, _)) => {
+ let attachment = &self.framebuffer.attachments[id];
+ let ds_view = attachment.dsv_handle.unwrap();
+ let rods_view = attachment.rodsv_handle.unwrap();
+ (Some(ds_view), Some(rods_view))
+ }
+ None => (None, None),
+ };
+ cache.set_render_targets(&color_views, ds_view, rods_view);
+ cache.bind(context);
+ }
+ fn resolve_msaa(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ let subpass: &SubpassDesc = &self.render_pass.subpasses[self.current_subpass as usize];
+ for (&(color_id, _), &(resolve_id, _)) in subpass
+ .color_attachments
+ .iter()
+ .zip(subpass.resolve_attachments.iter())
+ {
+ if color_id == pass::ATTACHMENT_UNUSED || resolve_id == pass::ATTACHMENT_UNUSED {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let color_framebuffer = &self.framebuffer.attachments[color_id];
+ let resolve_framebuffer = &self.framebuffer.attachments[resolve_id];
+ let mut color_resource: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Resource = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut resolve_resource: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Resource = ptr::null_mut();
+ unsafe {
+ (&*color_framebuffer
+ .rtv_handle
+ .expect("Framebuffer must have COLOR_ATTACHMENT usage"))
+ .GetResource(&mut color_resource as *mut *mut _);
+ (&*resolve_framebuffer
+ .rtv_handle
+ .expect("Resolve texture must have COLOR_ATTACHMENT usage"))
+ .GetResource(&mut resolve_resource as *mut *mut _);
+ context.ResolveSubresource(
+ resolve_resource,
+ resolve_framebuffer.subresource,
+ color_resource,
+ color_framebuffer.subresource,
+ conv::map_format(color_framebuffer.format).unwrap(),
+ );
+ (&*color_resource).Release();
+ (&*resolve_resource).Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn next_subpass(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ self.resolve_msaa(context);
+ self.current_subpass += 1;
+ }
+bitflags! {
+ struct DirtyStateFlag : u32 {
+ const RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS = (1 << 1);
+ const VERTEX_BUFFERS = (1 << 2);
+ const GRAPHICS_PIPELINE = (1 << 3);
+ const PIPELINE_GS = (1 << 4);
+ const PIPELINE_HS = (1 << 5);
+ const PIPELINE_DS = (1 << 6);
+ const PIPELINE_PS = (1 << 7);
+ const VIEWPORTS = (1 << 8);
+ const BLEND_STATE = (1 << 9);
+ const DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE = (1 << 10);
+ }
+pub struct CommandBufferState {
+ dirty_flag: DirtyStateFlag,
+ render_target_len: u32,
+ render_targets: [*mut d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView; 8],
+ uav_len: u32,
+ uavs: [*mut d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView; d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT as _],
+ depth_target: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ readonly_depth_target: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ depth_target_read_only: bool,
+ graphics_pipeline: Option<GraphicsPipeline>,
+ // a bitmask that keeps track of what vertex buffer bindings have been "bound" into
+ // our vec
+ bound_bindings: u32,
+ // a bitmask that hold the required binding slots to be bound for the currently
+ // bound pipeline
+ required_bindings: Option<u32>,
+ // the highest binding number in currently bound pipeline
+ max_bindings: Option<u32>,
+ viewports: Vec<d3d11::D3D11_VIEWPORT>,
+ vertex_buffers: Vec<*mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>,
+ vertex_offsets: Vec<u32>,
+ vertex_strides: Vec<u32>,
+ blend_factor: Option<[f32; 4]>,
+ // we can only support one face (rather, both faces must have the same value)
+ stencil_ref: Option<pso::StencilValue>,
+ stencil_read_mask: Option<pso::StencilValue>,
+ stencil_write_mask: Option<pso::StencilValue>,
+ current_blend: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11BlendState>,
+impl fmt::Debug for CommandBufferState {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("CommandBufferState")
+ }
+impl CommandBufferState {
+ fn new() -> Self {
+ CommandBufferState {
+ dirty_flag: DirtyStateFlag::empty(),
+ render_target_len: 0,
+ render_targets: [ptr::null_mut(); 8],
+ uav_len: 0,
+ uavs: [ptr::null_mut(); 8],
+ depth_target: None,
+ readonly_depth_target: None,
+ depth_target_read_only: false,
+ graphics_pipeline: None,
+ bound_bindings: 0,
+ required_bindings: None,
+ max_bindings: None,
+ viewports: Vec::new(),
+ vertex_buffers: Vec::new(),
+ vertex_offsets: Vec::new(),
+ vertex_strides: Vec::new(),
+ blend_factor: None,
+ stencil_ref: None,
+ stencil_read_mask: None,
+ stencil_write_mask: None,
+ current_blend: None,
+ }
+ }
+ fn clear(&mut self) {
+ self.render_target_len = 0;
+ self.uav_len = 0;
+ self.depth_target = None;
+ self.readonly_depth_target = None;
+ self.depth_target_read_only = false;
+ self.graphics_pipeline = None;
+ self.bound_bindings = 0;
+ self.required_bindings = None;
+ self.max_bindings = None;
+ self.viewports.clear();
+ self.vertex_buffers.clear();
+ self.vertex_offsets.clear();
+ self.vertex_strides.clear();
+ self.blend_factor = None;
+ self.stencil_ref = None;
+ self.stencil_read_mask = None;
+ self.stencil_write_mask = None;
+ self.current_blend = None;
+ }
+ pub fn set_vertex_buffer(
+ &mut self,
+ index: usize,
+ offset: u32,
+ buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+ ) {
+ self.bound_bindings |= 1 << index as u32;
+ if index >= self.vertex_buffers.len() {
+ self.vertex_buffers.push(buffer);
+ self.vertex_offsets.push(offset);
+ } else {
+ self.vertex_buffers[index] = buffer;
+ self.vertex_offsets[index] = offset;
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::VERTEX_BUFFERS);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_vertex_buffers(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if !self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::VERTEX_BUFFERS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if let Some(binding_count) = self.max_bindings {
+ if self.vertex_buffers.len() >= binding_count as usize
+ && self.vertex_strides.len() >= binding_count as usize
+ {
+ unsafe {
+ context.IASetVertexBuffers(
+ 0,
+ binding_count,
+ self.vertex_buffers.as_ptr(),
+ self.vertex_strides.as_ptr(),
+ self.vertex_offsets.as_ptr(),
+ );
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::VERTEX_BUFFERS);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_viewports(&mut self, viewports: &[d3d11::D3D11_VIEWPORT]) {
+ self.viewports.clear();
+ self.viewports.extend(viewports);
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::VIEWPORTS);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_viewports(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if !self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::VIEWPORTS) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if let Some(ref pipeline) = self.graphics_pipeline {
+ if let Some(ref viewport) = pipeline.baked_states.viewport {
+ unsafe {
+ context.RSSetViewports(1, [conv::map_viewport(&viewport)].as_ptr());
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsafe {
+ context.RSSetViewports(self.viewports.len() as u32, self.viewports.as_ptr());
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unsafe {
+ context.RSSetViewports(self.viewports.len() as u32, self.viewports.as_ptr());
+ }
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::VIEWPORTS);
+ }
+ pub fn set_render_targets(
+ &mut self,
+ render_targets: &[*mut d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView],
+ depth_target: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ readonly_depth_target: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ ) {
+ for (idx, &rt) in render_targets.iter().enumerate() {
+ self.render_targets[idx] = rt;
+ }
+ self.render_target_len = render_targets.len() as u32;
+ self.depth_target = depth_target;
+ self.readonly_depth_target = readonly_depth_target;
+ self.dirty_flag
+ .insert(DirtyStateFlag::RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_render_targets(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if !self
+ .dirty_flag
+ .contains(DirtyStateFlag::RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ let depth_target = if self.depth_target_read_only {
+ self.readonly_depth_target
+ } else {
+ self.depth_target
+ }
+ .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
+ let uav_start_index = d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT - self.uav_len;
+ unsafe {
+ if self.uav_len > 0 {
+ context.OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews(
+ self.render_target_len,
+ self.render_targets.as_ptr(),
+ depth_target,
+ uav_start_index,
+ self.uav_len,
+ &self.uavs[uav_start_index as usize] as *const *mut _,
+ ptr::null(),
+ )
+ } else {
+ context.OMSetRenderTargets(
+ self.render_target_len,
+ self.render_targets.as_ptr(),
+ depth_target,
+ )
+ };
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag
+ .remove(DirtyStateFlag::RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS);
+ }
+ pub fn set_blend_factor(&mut self, factor: [f32; 4]) {
+ self.blend_factor = Some(factor);
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::BLEND_STATE);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_blend_state(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if let Some(blend) = self.current_blend {
+ let blend_color = if let Some(ref pipeline) = self.graphics_pipeline {
+ pipeline
+ .baked_states
+ .blend_color
+ .or(self.blend_factor)
+ .unwrap_or([0f32; 4])
+ } else {
+ self.blend_factor.unwrap_or([0f32; 4])
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ context.OMSetBlendState(blend, &blend_color, !0);
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::BLEND_STATE);
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn set_stencil_ref(&mut self, value: pso::StencilValue) {
+ self.stencil_ref = Some(value);
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_depth_stencil_state(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if !self
+ .dirty_flag
+ .contains(DirtyStateFlag::DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ let pipeline = match self.graphics_pipeline {
+ Some(ref pipeline) => pipeline,
+ None => return,
+ };
+ if let Some(ref state) = pipeline.depth_stencil_state {
+ let stencil_ref = state.stencil_ref.static_or(self.stencil_ref.unwrap_or(0));
+ unsafe {
+ context.OMSetDepthStencilState(state.raw.as_raw(), stencil_ref);
+ }
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE)
+ }
+ pub fn set_graphics_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline: GraphicsPipeline) {
+ let prev = self.graphics_pipeline.take();
+ let mut prev_has_ps = false;
+ let mut prev_has_gs = false;
+ let mut prev_has_ds = false;
+ let mut prev_has_hs = false;
+ if let Some(p) = prev {
+ prev_has_ps =;
+ prev_has_gs =;
+ prev_has_ds = p.ds.is_some();
+ prev_has_hs = p.hs.is_some();
+ }
+ if prev_has_ps || {
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS);
+ }
+ if prev_has_gs || {
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_GS);
+ }
+ if prev_has_ds || pipeline.ds.is_some() {
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_DS);
+ }
+ if prev_has_hs || pipeline.hs.is_some() {
+ self.dirty_flag.insert(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_HS);
+ }
+ // If we don't have depth stencil state, we use the old value, so we don't bother changing anything.
+ let depth_target_read_only = pipeline
+ .depth_stencil_state
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(self.depth_target_read_only, |ds| ds.read_only);
+ if self.depth_target_read_only != depth_target_read_only {
+ self.depth_target_read_only = depth_target_read_only;
+ self.dirty_flag
+ .insert(DirtyStateFlag::RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS);
+ }
+ self.dirty_flag
+ .insert(DirtyStateFlag::GRAPHICS_PIPELINE | DirtyStateFlag::DEPTH_STENCIL_STATE);
+ self.graphics_pipeline = Some(pipeline);
+ }
+ pub fn bind_graphics_pipeline(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ if !self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::GRAPHICS_PIPELINE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if let Some(ref pipeline) = self.graphics_pipeline {
+ self.vertex_strides.clear();
+ self.vertex_strides.extend(&pipeline.strides);
+ self.required_bindings = Some(pipeline.required_bindings);
+ self.max_bindings = Some(pipeline.max_vertex_bindings);
+ };
+ self.bind_vertex_buffers(context);
+ if let Some(ref pipeline) = self.graphics_pipeline {
+ unsafe {
+ context.IASetPrimitiveTopology(pipeline.topology);
+ context.IASetInputLayout(pipeline.input_layout.as_raw());
+ context.VSSetShader(pipeline.vs.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ if self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS) {
+ let ps = pipeline
+ .ps
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |ps| ps.as_raw());
+ context.PSSetShader(ps, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS)
+ }
+ if self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_GS) {
+ let gs = pipeline
+ .gs
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |gs| gs.as_raw());
+ context.GSSetShader(gs, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_GS)
+ }
+ if self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_HS) {
+ let hs = pipeline
+ .hs
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |hs| hs.as_raw());
+ context.HSSetShader(hs, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_HS)
+ }
+ if self.dirty_flag.contains(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_DS) {
+ let ds = pipeline
+ .ds
+ .as_ref()
+ .map_or(ptr::null_mut(), |ds| ds.as_raw());
+ context.DSSetShader(ds, ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_DS)
+ }
+ context.RSSetState(pipeline.rasterizer_state.as_raw());
+ if let Some(ref viewport) = pipeline.baked_states.viewport {
+ context.RSSetViewports(1, [conv::map_viewport(&viewport)].as_ptr());
+ }
+ if let Some(ref scissor) = pipeline.baked_states.scissor {
+ context.RSSetScissorRects(1, [conv::map_rect(&scissor)].as_ptr());
+ }
+ self.current_blend = Some(pipeline.blend_state.as_raw());
+ }
+ };
+ self.bind_blend_state(context);
+ self.bind_depth_stencil_state(context);
+ self.dirty_flag.remove(DirtyStateFlag::GRAPHICS_PIPELINE);
+ }
+ pub fn bind(&mut self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ self.bind_render_targets(context);
+ self.bind_graphics_pipeline(context);
+ self.bind_vertex_buffers(context);
+ self.bind_viewports(context);
+ }
+type PerConstantBufferVec<T> =
+fn generate_graphics_dynamic_constant_buffer_offsets<'a>(
+ bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
+ offset_iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = u32>,
+ context1_some: bool,
+) -> (PerConstantBufferVec<UINT>, PerConstantBufferVec<UINT>) {
+ let mut vs_offsets = ArrayVec::new();
+ let mut fs_offsets = ArrayVec::new();
+ let mut exists_dynamic_constant_buffer = false;
+ for binding in bindings.into_iter() {
+ match binding.ty {
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Uniform,
+ } => {
+ let offset =;
+ if binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
+ vs_offsets.push(offset / 16)
+ };
+ if binding
+ .stage_flags
+ .contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT)
+ {
+ fs_offsets.push(offset / 16)
+ };
+ exists_dynamic_constant_buffer = true;
+ }
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: false,
+ },
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Uniform,
+ } => {
+ if binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
+ vs_offsets.push(0)
+ };
+ if binding
+ .stage_flags
+ .contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT)
+ {
+ fs_offsets.push(0)
+ };
+ }
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Storage { .. },
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ } => {
+ // TODO: Storage buffer offsets require new buffer views with correct sizes.
+ // Might also require D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV to act like RBA is happening.
+ let _ =;
+ warn!("Dynamic offsets into storage buffers are currently unsupported on DX11.");
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if exists_dynamic_constant_buffer && !context1_some {
+ warn!("D3D11.1 runtime required for dynamic offsets into constant buffers. Offsets will be ignored.");
+ }
+ (vs_offsets, fs_offsets)
+fn generate_compute_dynamic_constant_buffer_offsets<'a>(
+ bindings: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>,
+ offset_iter: &mut impl Iterator<Item = u32>,
+ context1_some: bool,
+) -> PerConstantBufferVec<UINT> {
+ let mut cs_offsets = ArrayVec::new();
+ let mut exists_dynamic_constant_buffer = false;
+ for binding in bindings.into_iter() {
+ match binding.ty {
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Uniform,
+ } => {
+ let offset =;
+ if binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
+ cs_offsets.push(offset / 16)
+ };
+ exists_dynamic_constant_buffer = true;
+ }
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: false,
+ },
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Uniform,
+ } => {
+ if binding.stage_flags.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
+ cs_offsets.push(0)
+ };
+ }
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Storage { .. },
+ format:
+ pso::BufferDescriptorFormat::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ } => {
+ // TODO: Storage buffer offsets require new buffer views with correct sizes.
+ // Might also require D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV to act like RBA is happening.
+ let _ =;
+ warn!("Dynamic offsets into storage buffers are currently unsupported on DX11.");
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ if exists_dynamic_constant_buffer && !context1_some {
+ warn!("D3D11.1 runtime required for dynamic offsets into constant buffers. Offsets will be ignored.");
+ }
+ cs_offsets
+pub struct CommandBuffer {
+ internal: Arc<internal::Internal>,
+ context: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ context1: Option<ComPtr<d3d11_1::ID3D11DeviceContext1>>,
+ list: RefCell<Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11CommandList>>>,
+ // since coherent memory needs to be synchronized at submission, we need to gather up all
+ // coherent resources that are used in the command buffer and flush/invalidate them accordingly
+ // before executing.
+ flush_coherent_memory: Vec<MemoryFlush>,
+ invalidate_coherent_memory: Vec<MemoryInvalidate>,
+ // holds information about the active render pass
+ render_pass_cache: Option<RenderPassCache>,
+ // Have to update entire push constant buffer at once, keep whole buffer data local.
+ push_constant_data: [u32; MAX_PUSH_CONSTANT_SIZE / 4],
+ push_constant_buffer: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>,
+ cache: CommandBufferState,
+ one_time_submit: bool,
+ debug_name: Option<String>,
+ debug_scopes: Vec<Option<debug::DebugScope>>,
+impl fmt::Debug for CommandBuffer {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("CommandBuffer")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for CommandBuffer {}
+unsafe impl Sync for CommandBuffer {}
+impl CommandBuffer {
+ fn create_deferred(
+ device: &d3d11::ID3D11Device,
+ device1: Option<&d3d11_1::ID3D11Device1>,
+ internal: Arc<internal::Internal>,
+ ) -> Self {
+ let (context, context1) = if let Some(device1) = device1 {
+ let mut context1: *mut d3d11_1::ID3D11DeviceContext1 = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe { device1.CreateDeferredContext1(0, &mut context1 as *mut *mut _) };
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ let context1 = unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(context1) };
+ let context = context1.cast::<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>().unwrap();
+ (context, Some(context1))
+ } else {
+ let mut context: *mut d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe { device.CreateDeferredContext(0, &mut context as *mut *mut _) };
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ let context = unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(context) };
+ (context, None)
+ };
+ let push_constant_buffer = {
+ let desc = d3d11::D3D11_BUFFER_DESC {
+ Usage: d3d11::D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT,
+ BindFlags: d3d11::D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER,
+ CPUAccessFlags: 0,
+ MiscFlags: 0,
+ StructureByteStride: 0,
+ };
+ let mut buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ device.CreateBuffer(&desc as *const _, ptr::null_mut(), &mut buffer as *mut _)
+ };
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(buffer) }
+ };
+ let push_constant_data = [0_u32; 64];
+ CommandBuffer {
+ internal,
+ context,
+ context1,
+ list: RefCell::new(None),
+ flush_coherent_memory: Vec::new(),
+ invalidate_coherent_memory: Vec::new(),
+ render_pass_cache: None,
+ push_constant_data,
+ push_constant_buffer,
+ cache: CommandBufferState::new(),
+ one_time_submit: false,
+ debug_name: None,
+ debug_scopes: Vec::new(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn as_raw_list(&self) -> ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11CommandList> {
+ if self.one_time_submit {
+ self.list.replace(None).unwrap()
+ } else {
+ self.list.borrow().clone().unwrap()
+ }
+ }
+ fn defer_coherent_flush(&mut self, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ if !self
+ .flush_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == buffer.internal.raw)
+ {
+ self.flush_coherent_memory.push(MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: buffer.memory_ptr,
+ sync_range: SyncRange::Whole,
+ buffer: buffer.internal.raw,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ fn defer_coherent_invalidate(&mut self, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ if !self
+ .invalidate_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == buffer.internal.raw)
+ {
+ self.invalidate_coherent_memory.push(MemoryInvalidate {
+ working_buffer: Some(self.internal.working_buffer.clone()),
+ working_buffer_size: self.internal.working_buffer_size,
+ host_memory: buffer.memory_ptr,
+ host_sync_range: buffer.bound_range.clone(),
+ buffer_sync_range: buffer.bound_range.clone(),
+ buffer: buffer.internal.raw,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ fn reset(&mut self) {
+ self.flush_coherent_memory.clear();
+ self.invalidate_coherent_memory.clear();
+ self.render_pass_cache = None;
+ self.cache.clear();
+ self.debug_scopes.clear();
+ }
+impl command::CommandBuffer<Backend> for CommandBuffer {
+ unsafe fn begin(
+ &mut self,
+ flags: command::CommandBufferFlags,
+ _info: command::CommandBufferInheritanceInfo<Backend>,
+ ) {
+ self.one_time_submit = flags.contains(command::CommandBufferFlags::ONE_TIME_SUBMIT);
+ self.reset();
+ // Push constants are at the top register to allow them to be bound only once.
+ let raw_push_constant_buffer = self.push_constant_buffer.as_raw();
+ self.context.VSSetConstantBuffers(
+ 1,
+ &raw_push_constant_buffer as *const _,
+ );
+ self.context.PSSetConstantBuffers(
+ 1,
+ &raw_push_constant_buffer as *const _,
+ );
+ self.context.CSSetConstantBuffers(
+ 1,
+ &raw_push_constant_buffer as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn finish(&mut self) {
+ let mut list: *mut d3d11::ID3D11CommandList = ptr::null_mut();
+ let hr = self
+ .context
+ .FinishCommandList(FALSE, &mut list as *mut *mut _);
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ if let Some(ref name) = self.debug_name {
+ set_debug_name(&*list, name);
+ }
+ self.list.replace(Some(ComPtr::from_raw(list)));
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset(&mut self, _release_resources: bool) {
+ self.reset();
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_render_pass<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ render_pass: &RenderPass,
+ framebuffer: &Framebuffer,
+ target_rect: pso::Rect,
+ clear_values: T,
+ _first_subpass: command::SubpassContents,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ClearValue>,
+ {
+ use pass::AttachmentLoadOp as Alo;
+ let mut clear_iter = clear_values.into_iter();
+ let mut attachment_clears = Vec::new();
+ for (idx, attachment) in render_pass.attachments.iter().enumerate() {
+ //let attachment = render_pass.attachments[attachment_ref];
+ let format = attachment.format.unwrap();
+ let subpass_id = render_pass
+ .subpasses
+ .iter()
+ .position(|sp| sp.is_using(idx))
+ .map(|i| i as pass::SubpassId);
+ if attachment.has_clears() {
+ let value = *;
+ match (attachment.ops.load, attachment.stencil_ops.load) {
+ (Alo::Clear, Alo::Clear) if format.is_depth() => {
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::DepthStencil {
+ depth: Some(value.depth_stencil.depth),
+ stencil: Some(value.depth_stencil.stencil),
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ (Alo::Clear, Alo::Clear) => {
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::Color {
+ index: idx,
+ value: value.color,
+ },
+ });
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::DepthStencil {
+ depth: None,
+ stencil: Some(value.depth_stencil.stencil),
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ (Alo::Clear, _) if format.is_depth() => {
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::DepthStencil {
+ depth: Some(value.depth_stencil.depth),
+ stencil: None,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ (Alo::Clear, _) => {
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::Color {
+ index: idx,
+ value: value.color,
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ (_, Alo::Clear) => {
+ attachment_clears.push(AttachmentClear {
+ subpass_id,
+ attachment_id: idx,
+ raw: command::AttachmentClear::DepthStencil {
+ depth: None,
+ stencil: Some(value.depth_stencil.stencil),
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ self.render_pass_cache = Some(RenderPassCache {
+ render_pass: render_pass.clone(),
+ framebuffer: framebuffer.clone(),
+ attachment_clear_values: attachment_clears,
+ target_rect,
+ current_subpass: 0,
+ });
+ if let Some(ref mut current_render_pass) = self.render_pass_cache {
+ current_render_pass.start_subpass(&self.internal, &self.context, &mut self.cache);
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn next_subpass(&mut self, _contents: command::SubpassContents) {
+ if let Some(ref mut current_render_pass) = self.render_pass_cache {
+ current_render_pass.next_subpass(&self.context);
+ current_render_pass.start_subpass(&self.internal, &self.context, &mut self.cache);
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_render_pass(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(ref mut current_render_pass) = self.render_pass_cache {
+ current_render_pass.resolve_msaa(&self.context);
+ }
+ self.context
+ .OMSetRenderTargets(8, [ptr::null_mut(); 8].as_ptr(), ptr::null_mut());
+ self.render_pass_cache = None;
+ }
+ unsafe fn pipeline_barrier<'a, T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _stages: Range<pso::PipelineStage>,
+ _dependencies: memory::Dependencies,
+ _barriers: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<memory::Barrier<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ // TODO: should we track and assert on resource states?
+ // unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn clear_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ image: &Image,
+ _: image::Layout,
+ value: command::ClearValue,
+ subresource_ranges: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<image::SubresourceRange>,
+ {
+ for range in subresource_ranges {
+ let range = range.borrow();
+ let num_levels = range.resolve_level_count(image.mip_levels);
+ let num_layers = range.resolve_layer_count(image.kind.num_layers());
+ let mut depth_stencil_flags = 0;
+ if range.aspects.contains(format::Aspects::DEPTH) {
+ depth_stencil_flags |= d3d11::D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH;
+ }
+ if range.aspects.contains(format::Aspects::STENCIL) {
+ depth_stencil_flags |= d3d11::D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL;
+ }
+ // TODO: clear Int/Uint depending on format
+ for rel_layer in 0..num_layers {
+ for rel_level in 0..num_levels {
+ let level = range.level_start + rel_level;
+ let layer = range.layer_start + rel_layer;
+ if range.aspects.contains(format::Aspects::COLOR) {
+ self.context.ClearRenderTargetView(
+ image.get_rtv(level, layer).unwrap().as_raw(),
+ &value.color.float32,
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.context.ClearDepthStencilView(
+ image.get_dsv(level, layer).unwrap().as_raw(),
+ depth_stencil_flags,
+ value.depth_stencil.depth,
+ value.depth_stencil.stencil as _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn clear_attachments<T, U>(&mut self, clears: T, rects: U)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::AttachmentClear>,
+ U: IntoIterator,
+ U::Item: Borrow<pso::ClearRect>,
+ {
+ if let Some(ref pass) = self.render_pass_cache {
+ self.cache.dirty_flag.insert(
+ | DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS
+ | DirtyStateFlag::VIEWPORTS
+ );
+ self.internal
+ .clear_attachments(&self.context, clears, rects, pass);
+ self.cache.bind(&self.context);
+ } else {
+ panic!("`clear_attachments` can only be called inside a renderpass")
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn resolve_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ _src: &Image,
+ _src_layout: image::Layout,
+ _dst: &Image,
+ _dst_layout: image::Layout,
+ _regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageResolve>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn blit_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ src: &Image,
+ _src_layout: image::Layout,
+ dst: &Image,
+ _dst_layout: image::Layout,
+ filter: image::Filter,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageBlit>,
+ {
+ self.cache
+ .dirty_flag
+ .insert(DirtyStateFlag::GRAPHICS_PIPELINE | DirtyStateFlag::PIPELINE_PS);
+ self.internal
+ .blit_2d_image(&self.context, src, dst, filter, regions);
+ self.cache.bind(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_index_buffer(&mut self, buffer: &Buffer, sub: buffer::SubRange, ty: IndexType) {
+ self.context.IASetIndexBuffer(
+ buffer.internal.raw,
+ conv::map_index_type(ty),
+ sub.offset as u32,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_vertex_buffers<I, T>(&mut self, first_binding: pso::BufferIndex, buffers: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = (T, buffer::SubRange)>,
+ T: Borrow<Buffer>,
+ {
+ for (i, (buf, sub)) in buffers.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ let idx = i + first_binding as usize;
+ let buf = buf.borrow();
+ if buf.is_coherent {
+ self.defer_coherent_flush(buf);
+ }
+ self.cache
+ .set_vertex_buffer(idx, sub.offset as u32, buf.internal.raw);
+ }
+ self.cache.bind_vertex_buffers(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_viewports<T>(&mut self, _first_viewport: u32, viewports: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<pso::Viewport>,
+ {
+ let viewports = viewports
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|v| {
+ let v = v.borrow();
+ conv::map_viewport(v)
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // TODO: DX only lets us set all VPs at once, so cache in slice?
+ self.cache.set_viewports(&viewports);
+ self.cache.bind_viewports(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_scissors<T>(&mut self, _first_scissor: u32, scissors: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<pso::Rect>,
+ {
+ let scissors = scissors
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|s| {
+ let s = s.borrow();
+ conv::map_rect(s)
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ // TODO: same as for viewports
+ self.context
+ .RSSetScissorRects(scissors.len() as _, scissors.as_ptr());
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_blend_constants(&mut self, color: pso::ColorValue) {
+ self.cache.set_blend_factor(color);
+ self.cache.bind_blend_state(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_reference(&mut self, _faces: pso::Face, value: pso::StencilValue) {
+ self.cache.set_stencil_ref(value);
+ self.cache.bind_depth_stencil_state(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_read_mask(&mut self, _faces: pso::Face, value: pso::StencilValue) {
+ self.cache.stencil_read_mask = Some(value);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_stencil_write_mask(&mut self, _faces: pso::Face, value: pso::StencilValue) {
+ self.cache.stencil_write_mask = Some(value);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_depth_bounds(&mut self, _bounds: Range<f32>) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_line_width(&mut self, width: f32) {
+ validate_line_width(width);
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_depth_bias(&mut self, _depth_bias: pso::DepthBias) {
+ // TODO:
+ // unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_graphics_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline: &GraphicsPipeline) {
+ self.cache.set_graphics_pipeline(pipeline.clone());
+ self.cache.bind(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_graphics_descriptor_sets<'a, I, J>(
+ &mut self,
+ layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ first_set: usize,
+ sets: I,
+ offsets: J,
+ ) where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSet>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<command::DescriptorSetOffset>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "BindGraphicsDescriptorSets");
+ // TODO: find a better solution to invalidating old bindings..
+ let nulls = [ptr::null_mut(); d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT as usize];
+ self.context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(
+ 0,
+ nulls.as_ptr(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ let mut offset_iter = offsets.into_iter().map(|o: J::Item| *o.borrow());
+ for (set, info) in sets.into_iter().zip(&layout.sets[first_set..]) {
+ let set: &DescriptorSet = set.borrow();
+ {
+ let coherent_buffers = set.coherent_buffers.lock();
+ for sync in coherent_buffers.flush_coherent_buffers.borrow().iter() {
+ // TODO: merge sync range if a flush already exists
+ if !self
+ .flush_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == sync.device_buffer)
+ {
+ self.flush_coherent_memory.push(MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: sync.host_ptr,
+ sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer: sync.device_buffer,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ for sync in coherent_buffers.invalidate_coherent_buffers.borrow().iter() {
+ if !self
+ .invalidate_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == sync.device_buffer)
+ {
+ self.invalidate_coherent_memory.push(MemoryInvalidate {
+ working_buffer: Some(self.internal.working_buffer.clone()),
+ working_buffer_size: self.internal.working_buffer_size,
+ host_memory: sync.host_ptr,
+ host_sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer_sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer: sync.device_buffer,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let (vs_offsets, fs_offsets) = generate_graphics_dynamic_constant_buffer_offsets(
+ &*set.layout.bindings,
+ &mut offset_iter,
+ self.context1.is_some(),
+ );
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.vs.c.as_some() {
+ let start_slot = rd.res_index as u32;
+ let num_buffers = rd.count as u32;
+ let constant_buffers = set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize);
+ if let Some(ref context1) = self.context1 {
+ // This call with offsets won't work right with command list emulation
+ // unless we reset the first and last constant buffers to null.
+ if self.internal.command_list_emulation {
+ let null_cbuf = [ptr::null_mut::<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>()];
+ context1.VSSetConstantBuffers(start_slot, 1, &null_cbuf as *const _);
+ if num_buffers > 1 {
+ context1.VSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot + num_buffers - 1,
+ 1,
+ &null_cbuf as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: This should be the actual buffer length for RBA purposes,
+ // but that information isn't easily accessible here.
+ context1.VSSetConstantBuffers1(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ vs_offsets.as_ptr(),
+ self.internal.constant_buffer_count_buffer.as_ptr(),
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.context.VSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.vs.t.as_some() {
+ self.context.VSSetShaderResources(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.vs.s.as_some() {
+ self.context.VSSetSamplers(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = {
+ let start_slot = rd.res_index as u32;
+ let num_buffers = rd.count as u32;
+ let constant_buffers = set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize);
+ if let Some(ref context1) = self.context1 {
+ // This call with offsets won't work right with command list emulation
+ // unless we reset the first and last constant buffers to null.
+ if self.internal.command_list_emulation {
+ let null_cbuf = [ptr::null_mut::<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>()];
+ context1.PSSetConstantBuffers(start_slot, 1, &null_cbuf as *const _);
+ if num_buffers > 1 {
+ context1.PSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot + num_buffers - 1,
+ 1,
+ &null_cbuf as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ context1.PSSetConstantBuffers1(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ fs_offsets.as_ptr(),
+ self.internal.constant_buffer_count_buffer.as_ptr(),
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.context.PSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = {
+ self.context.PSSetShaderResources(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = {
+ self.context.PSSetSamplers(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ // UAVs going to the graphics pipeline are always treated as pixel shader bindings.
+ if let Some(rd) = {
+ // We bind UAVs in inverse order from the top to prevent invalidation
+ // when the render target count changes.
+ for idx in (0..(rd.count)).rev() {
+ let ptr = (*set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize + idx as isize)).0;
+ let uav_register = d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT
+ - 1
+ - rd.res_index as u32
+ - idx as u32;
+ self.cache.uavs[uav_register as usize] = ptr as *mut _;
+ }
+ self.cache.uav_len = (rd.res_index + rd.count) as u32;
+ self.cache
+ .dirty_flag
+ .insert(DirtyStateFlag::RENDER_TARGETS_AND_UAVS);
+ }
+ }
+ self.cache.bind_render_targets(&self.context);
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_compute_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline: &ComputePipeline) {
+ self.context
+ .CSSetShader(pipeline.cs.as_raw(), ptr::null_mut(), 0);
+ }
+ unsafe fn bind_compute_descriptor_sets<I, J>(
+ &mut self,
+ layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ first_set: usize,
+ sets: I,
+ offsets: J,
+ ) where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<DescriptorSet>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<command::DescriptorSetOffset>,
+ {
+ let _scope = debug_scope!(&self.context, "BindComputeDescriptorSets");
+ let nulls = [ptr::null_mut(); d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT as usize];
+ self.context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(
+ 0,
+ nulls.as_ptr(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ let mut offset_iter = offsets.into_iter().map(|o: J::Item| *o.borrow());
+ for (set, info) in sets.into_iter().zip(&layout.sets[first_set..]) {
+ let set: &DescriptorSet = set.borrow();
+ {
+ let coherent_buffers = set.coherent_buffers.lock();
+ for sync in coherent_buffers.flush_coherent_buffers.borrow().iter() {
+ if !self
+ .flush_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == sync.device_buffer)
+ {
+ self.flush_coherent_memory.push(MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: sync.host_ptr,
+ sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer: sync.device_buffer,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ for sync in coherent_buffers.invalidate_coherent_buffers.borrow().iter() {
+ if !self
+ .invalidate_coherent_memory
+ .iter()
+ .any(|m| m.buffer == sync.device_buffer)
+ {
+ self.invalidate_coherent_memory.push(MemoryInvalidate {
+ working_buffer: Some(self.internal.working_buffer.clone()),
+ working_buffer_size: self.internal.working_buffer_size,
+ host_memory: sync.host_ptr,
+ host_sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer_sync_range: sync.range.clone(),
+ buffer: sync.device_buffer,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let cs_offsets = generate_compute_dynamic_constant_buffer_offsets(
+ &*set.layout.bindings,
+ &mut offset_iter,
+ self.context1.is_some(),
+ );
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.cs.c.as_some() {
+ let start_slot = rd.res_index as u32;
+ let num_buffers = rd.count as u32;
+ let constant_buffers = set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize);
+ if let Some(ref context1) = self.context1 {
+ // This call with offsets won't work right with command list emulation
+ // unless we reset the first and last constant buffers to null.
+ if self.internal.command_list_emulation {
+ let null_cbuf = [ptr::null_mut::<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>()];
+ context1.CSSetConstantBuffers(start_slot, 1, &null_cbuf as *const _);
+ if num_buffers > 1 {
+ context1.CSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot + num_buffers - 1,
+ 1,
+ &null_cbuf as *const _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: This should be the actual buffer length for RBA purposes,
+ // but that information isn't easily accessible here.
+ context1.CSSetConstantBuffers1(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ cs_offsets.as_ptr(),
+ self.internal.constant_buffer_count_buffer.as_ptr(),
+ );
+ } else {
+ self.context.CSSetConstantBuffers(
+ start_slot,
+ num_buffers,
+ constant_buffers as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.cs.t.as_some() {
+ self.context.CSSetShaderResources(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.cs.u.as_some() {
+ self.context.CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ );
+ }
+ if let Some(rd) = info.registers.cs.s.as_some() {
+ self.context.CSSetSamplers(
+ rd.res_index as u32,
+ rd.count as u32,
+ set.handles.offset(rd.pool_offset as isize) as *const *mut _,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn dispatch(&mut self, count: WorkGroupCount) {
+ self.context.Dispatch(count[0], count[1], count[2]);
+ }
+ unsafe fn dispatch_indirect(&mut self, _buffer: &Buffer, _offset: buffer::Offset) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn fill_buffer(&mut self, _buffer: &Buffer, _sub: buffer::SubRange, _data: u32) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn update_buffer(&mut self, _buffer: &Buffer, _offset: buffer::Offset, _data: &[u8]) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_buffer<T>(&mut self, src: &Buffer, dst: &Buffer, regions: T)
+ where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferCopy>,
+ {
+ if src.is_coherent {
+ self.defer_coherent_flush(src);
+ }
+ for region in regions.into_iter() {
+ let info = region.borrow();
+ let dst_box = d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: info.src as _,
+ top: 0,
+ front: 0,
+ right: (info.src + info.size) as _,
+ bottom: 1,
+ back: 1,
+ };
+ self.context.CopySubresourceRegion(
+ dst.internal.raw as _,
+ 0,
+ info.dst as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ src.internal.raw as _,
+ 0,
+ &dst_box,
+ );
+ if let Some(disjoint_cb) = dst.internal.disjoint_cb {
+ self.context.CopySubresourceRegion(
+ disjoint_cb as _,
+ 0,
+ info.dst as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ src.internal.raw as _,
+ 0,
+ &dst_box,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ src: &Image,
+ _: image::Layout,
+ dst: &Image,
+ _: image::Layout,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::ImageCopy>,
+ {
+ self.internal
+ .copy_image_2d(&self.context, src, dst, regions);
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_buffer_to_image<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ buffer: &Buffer,
+ image: &Image,
+ _: image::Layout,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ if buffer.is_coherent {
+ self.defer_coherent_flush(buffer);
+ }
+ self.internal
+ .copy_buffer_to_image(&self.context, buffer, image, regions);
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_image_to_buffer<T>(
+ &mut self,
+ image: &Image,
+ _: image::Layout,
+ buffer: &Buffer,
+ regions: T,
+ ) where
+ T: IntoIterator,
+ T::Item: Borrow<command::BufferImageCopy>,
+ {
+ if buffer.is_coherent {
+ self.defer_coherent_invalidate(buffer);
+ }
+ self.internal
+ .copy_image_to_buffer(&self.context, image, buffer, regions);
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw(&mut self, vertices: Range<VertexCount>, instances: Range<InstanceCount>) {
+ self.context.DrawInstanced(
+ vertices.end - vertices.start,
+ instances.end - instances.start,
+ vertices.start,
+ instances.start,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed(
+ &mut self,
+ indices: Range<IndexCount>,
+ base_vertex: VertexOffset,
+ instances: Range<InstanceCount>,
+ ) {
+ self.context.DrawIndexedInstanced(
+ indices.end - indices.start,
+ instances.end - instances.start,
+ indices.start,
+ base_vertex,
+ instances.start,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ buffer: &Buffer,
+ offset: buffer::Offset,
+ draw_count: DrawCount,
+ _stride: u32,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(draw_count, 1, "DX11 doesn't support MULTI_DRAW_INDIRECT");
+ self.context
+ .DrawInstancedIndirect(buffer.internal.raw, offset as _);
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ buffer: &Buffer,
+ offset: buffer::Offset,
+ draw_count: DrawCount,
+ _stride: u32,
+ ) {
+ assert_eq!(draw_count, 1, "DX11 doesn't support MULTI_DRAW_INDIRECT");
+ self.context
+ .DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect(buffer.internal.raw, offset as _);
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _buffer: &Buffer,
+ _offset: buffer::Offset,
+ _count_buffer: &Buffer,
+ _count_buffer_offset: buffer::Offset,
+ _max_draw_count: u32,
+ _stride: u32,
+ ) {
+ panic!("DX11 doesn't support DRAW_INDIRECT_COUNT")
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_indexed_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _buffer: &Buffer,
+ _offset: buffer::Offset,
+ _count_buffer: &Buffer,
+ _count_buffer_offset: buffer::Offset,
+ _max_draw_count: u32,
+ _stride: u32,
+ ) {
+ panic!("DX11 doesn't support DRAW_INDIRECT_COUNT")
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks(&mut self, _: TaskCount, _: TaskCount) {
+ panic!("DX11 doesn't support MESH_SHADERS")
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks_indirect(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::DrawCount,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ panic!("DX11 doesn't support MESH_SHADERS")
+ }
+ unsafe fn draw_mesh_tasks_indirect_count(
+ &mut self,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: buffer::Offset,
+ _: &Buffer,
+ _: buffer::Offset,
+ _: hal::DrawCount,
+ _: u32,
+ ) {
+ panic!("DX11 doesn't support MESH_SHADERS")
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_event(&mut self, _: &(), _: pso::PipelineStage) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_event(&mut self, _: &(), _: pso::PipelineStage) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn wait_events<'a, I, J>(&mut self, _: I, _: Range<pso::PipelineStage>, _: J)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator,
+ I::Item: Borrow<()>,
+ J: IntoIterator,
+ J::Item: Borrow<memory::Barrier<'a, Backend>>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_query(&mut self, _query: query::Query<Backend>, _flags: query::ControlFlags) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_query(&mut self, _query: query::Query<Backend>) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset_query_pool(&mut self, _pool: &QueryPool, _queries: Range<query::Id>) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn copy_query_pool_results(
+ &mut self,
+ _pool: &QueryPool,
+ _queries: Range<query::Id>,
+ _buffer: &Buffer,
+ _offset: buffer::Offset,
+ _stride: buffer::Offset,
+ _flags: query::ResultFlags,
+ ) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn write_timestamp(&mut self, _: pso::PipelineStage, _query: query::Query<Backend>) {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn push_graphics_constants(
+ &mut self,
+ _layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ _stages: pso::ShaderStageFlags,
+ offset: u32,
+ constants: &[u32],
+ ) {
+ let start = (offset / 4) as usize;
+ let end = start + constants.len();
+ self.push_constant_data[start..end].copy_from_slice(constants);
+ self.context.UpdateSubresource(
+ self.push_constant_buffer.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ self.push_constant_data.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ 1,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn push_compute_constants(
+ &mut self,
+ _layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ offset: u32,
+ constants: &[u32],
+ ) {
+ let start = (offset / 4) as usize;
+ let end = start + constants.len();
+ self.push_constant_data[start..end].copy_from_slice(constants);
+ self.context.UpdateSubresource(
+ self.push_constant_buffer.as_raw() as *mut _,
+ 0,
+ ptr::null(),
+ self.push_constant_data.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ 1,
+ );
+ }
+ unsafe fn execute_commands<'a, T, I>(&mut self, _buffers: I)
+ where
+ T: 'a + Borrow<CommandBuffer>,
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a T>,
+ {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn insert_debug_marker(&mut self, name: &str, _color: u32) {
+ debug::debug_marker(&self.context, &format!("{}", name))
+ }
+ unsafe fn begin_debug_marker(&mut self, _name: &str, _color: u32) {
+ // TODO: This causes everything after this to be part of this scope, why?
+ // self.debug_scopes.push(debug::DebugScope::with_name(&self.context, format_args!("{}", name)))
+ }
+ unsafe fn end_debug_marker(&mut self) {
+ // self.debug_scopes.pop();
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+enum SyncRange {
+ Whole,
+ Partial(Range<u64>),
+pub struct MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: *const u8,
+ sync_range: SyncRange,
+ buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+pub struct MemoryInvalidate {
+ working_buffer: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>>,
+ working_buffer_size: u64,
+ host_memory: *mut u8,
+ host_sync_range: Range<u64>,
+ buffer_sync_range: Range<u64>,
+ buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+impl fmt::Debug for MemoryInvalidate {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("MemoryInvalidate")
+ }
+fn intersection(a: &Range<u64>, b: &Range<u64>) -> Option<Range<u64>> {
+ let r = a.start.max(b.start)..a.end.min(b.end);
+ if r.start < r.end {
+ Some(r)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+impl MemoryFlush {
+ fn do_flush(&self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ let src = self.host_memory;
+ debug_marker!(context, "Flush({:?})", self.sync_range);
+ let region = match self.sync_range {
+ SyncRange::Partial(ref range) if range.start < range.end => Some(d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: range.start as u32,
+ top: 0,
+ front: 0,
+ right: range.end as u32,
+ bottom: 1,
+ back: 1,
+ }),
+ _ => None,
+ };
+ unsafe {
+ context.UpdateSubresource(
+ self.buffer as _,
+ 0,
+ region.as_ref().map_or(ptr::null(), |r| r),
+ src as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+impl MemoryInvalidate {
+ fn download(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+ host_range: Range<u64>,
+ buffer_range: Range<u64>,
+ ) {
+ // Range<u64> doesn't impl `len` for some bizzare reason relating to underflow
+ debug_assert_eq!(
+ host_range.end - host_range.start,
+ buffer_range.end - buffer_range.start
+ );
+ unsafe {
+ context.CopySubresourceRegion(
+ self.working_buffer.clone().unwrap().as_raw() as _,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ buffer as _,
+ 0,
+ &d3d11::D3D11_BOX {
+ left: buffer_range.start as _,
+ top: 0,
+ front: 0,
+ right: buffer_range.end as _,
+ bottom: 1,
+ back: 1,
+ },
+ );
+ // copy over to our vec
+ let dst = self.host_memory.offset(host_range.start as isize);
+ let src =;
+ ptr::copy(src, dst, (host_range.end - host_range.start) as usize);
+ self.unmap(&context);
+ }
+ }
+ fn do_invalidate(&self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ let stride = self.working_buffer_size;
+ let len = self.host_sync_range.end - self.host_sync_range.start;
+ let chunks = len / stride;
+ let remainder = len % stride;
+ // we split up the copies into chunks the size of our working buffer
+ for i in 0..chunks {
+ let host_offset = self.host_sync_range.start + i * stride;
+ let host_range = host_offset..(host_offset + stride);
+ let buffer_offset = self.buffer_sync_range.start + i * stride;
+ let buffer_range = buffer_offset..(buffer_offset + stride);
+, self.buffer, host_range, buffer_range);
+ }
+ if remainder != 0 {
+ let host_offset = self.host_sync_range.start + chunks * stride;
+ let host_range = host_offset..self.host_sync_range.end;
+ let buffer_offset = self.buffer_sync_range.start + chunks * stride;
+ let buffer_range = buffer_offset..self.buffer_sync_range.end;
+ debug_assert!(host_range.end - host_range.start <= stride);
+ debug_assert!(buffer_range.end - buffer_range.start <= stride);
+, self.buffer, host_range, buffer_range);
+ }
+ }
+ fn map(&self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) -> *mut u8 {
+ assert_eq!(self.working_buffer.is_some(), true);
+ unsafe {
+ let mut map = mem::zeroed();
+ let hr = context.Map(
+ self.working_buffer.clone().unwrap().as_raw() as _,
+ 0,
+ d3d11::D3D11_MAP_READ,
+ 0,
+ &mut map,
+ );
+ assert_eq!(hr, winerror::S_OK);
+ map.pData as _
+ }
+ }
+ fn unmap(&self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>) {
+ unsafe {
+ context.Unmap(self.working_buffer.clone().unwrap().as_raw() as _, 0);
+ }
+ }
+type LocalResourceArena<T> = thunderdome::Arena<(Range<u64>, T)>;
+// Since we dont have any heaps to work with directly, Beverytime we bind a
+// buffer/image to memory we allocate a dx11 resource and assign it a range.
+// `HOST_VISIBLE` memory gets a `Vec<u8>` which covers the entire memory
+// range. This forces us to only expose non-coherent memory, as this
+// abstraction acts as a "cache" since the "staging buffer" vec is disjoint
+// from all the dx11 resources we store in the struct.
+pub struct Memory {
+ properties: memory::Properties,
+ size: u64,
+ // pointer to staging memory, if it's HOST_VISIBLE
+ host_ptr: *mut u8,
+ // list of all buffers bound to this memory
+ local_buffers: Arc<RwLock<LocalResourceArena<InternalBuffer>>>,
+impl fmt::Debug for Memory {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Memory")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Memory {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Memory {}
+impl Memory {
+ pub fn resolve(&self, segment: &memory::Segment) -> Range<u64> {
+ segment.offset..segment.size.map_or(self.size, |s| segment.offset + s)
+ }
+ pub fn bind_buffer(&self, range: Range<u64>, buffer: InternalBuffer) -> thunderdome::Index {
+ let mut local_buffers = self.local_buffers.write();
+ local_buffers.insert((range, buffer))
+ }
+ pub fn flush(&self, context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>, range: Range<u64>) {
+ use buffer::Usage;
+ for (_, &(ref buffer_range, ref buffer)) in {
+ let range = match intersection(&range, &buffer_range) {
+ Some(r) => r,
+ None => continue,
+ };
+ // we need to handle 3 cases for updating buffers:
+ //
+ // 1. if our buffer was created as a `UNIFORM` buffer *and* other usage flags, we
+ // also have a disjoint buffer which only has `D3D11_BIND_CONSTANT_BUFFER` due
+ // to DX11 limitation. we then need to update both the original buffer and the
+ // disjoint one with the *whole* range
+ //
+ // 2. if our buffer was created with *only* `UNIFORM` usage we need to upload
+ // the whole range
+ //
+ // 3. the general case, without any `UNIFORM` usage has no restrictions on
+ // partial updates, so we upload the specified range
+ //
+ if let Some(disjoint) = buffer.disjoint_cb {
+ MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: unsafe { self.host_ptr.offset(buffer_range.start as _) },
+ sync_range: SyncRange::Whole,
+ buffer: disjoint,
+ }
+ .do_flush(&context);
+ }
+ let mem_flush = if buffer.usage == Usage::UNIFORM {
+ MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: unsafe { self.host_ptr.offset(buffer_range.start as _) },
+ sync_range: SyncRange::Whole,
+ buffer: buffer.raw,
+ }
+ } else {
+ let local_start = range.start - buffer_range.start;
+ let local_end = range.end - buffer_range.start;
+ MemoryFlush {
+ host_memory: unsafe { self.host_ptr.offset(range.start as _) },
+ sync_range: SyncRange::Partial(local_start..local_end),
+ buffer: buffer.raw,
+ }
+ };
+ mem_flush.do_flush(&context)
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn invalidate(
+ &self,
+ context: &ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DeviceContext>,
+ range: Range<u64>,
+ working_buffer: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>,
+ working_buffer_size: u64,
+ ) {
+ for (_, &(ref buffer_range, ref buffer)) in {
+ if let Some(range) = intersection(&range, &buffer_range) {
+ let buffer_start_offset = range.start - buffer_range.start;
+ let buffer_end_offset = range.end - buffer_range.start;
+ let buffer_sync_range = buffer_start_offset..buffer_end_offset;
+ MemoryInvalidate {
+ working_buffer: Some(working_buffer.clone()),
+ working_buffer_size,
+ host_memory: self.host_ptr,
+ host_sync_range: range.clone(),
+ buffer_sync_range: buffer_sync_range,
+ buffer: buffer.raw,
+ }
+ .do_invalidate(&context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+pub struct CommandPool {
+ device: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11Device>,
+ device1: Option<ComPtr<d3d11_1::ID3D11Device1>>,
+ internal: Arc<internal::Internal>,
+unsafe impl Send for CommandPool {}
+unsafe impl Sync for CommandPool {}
+impl hal::pool::CommandPool<Backend> for CommandPool {
+ unsafe fn reset(&mut self, _release_resources: bool) {
+ //unimplemented!()
+ }
+ unsafe fn allocate_one(&mut self, _level: command::Level) -> CommandBuffer {
+ CommandBuffer::create_deferred(
+ &self.device,
+ self.device1.as_deref(),
+ Arc::clone(&self.internal),
+ )
+ }
+ unsafe fn free<I>(&mut self, _cbufs: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = CommandBuffer>,
+ {
+ // TODO:
+ // unimplemented!()
+ }
+/// Similarily to dx12 backend, we can handle either precompiled dxbc or spirv
+pub enum ShaderModule {
+ Dxbc(Vec<u8>),
+ Spirv(Vec<u32>),
+// TODO: temporary
+impl fmt::Debug for ShaderModule {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter) -> ::std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}", "ShaderModule { ... }")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for ShaderModule {}
+unsafe impl Sync for ShaderModule {}
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct SubpassDesc {
+ pub color_attachments: Vec<pass::AttachmentRef>,
+ pub depth_stencil_attachment: Option<pass::AttachmentRef>,
+ pub input_attachments: Vec<pass::AttachmentRef>,
+ pub resolve_attachments: Vec<pass::AttachmentRef>,
+impl SubpassDesc {
+ pub(crate) fn is_using(&self, at_id: pass::AttachmentId) -> bool {
+ self.color_attachments
+ .iter()
+ .chain(self.depth_stencil_attachment.iter())
+ .chain(self.input_attachments.iter())
+ .chain(self.resolve_attachments.iter())
+ .any(|&(id, _)| id == at_id)
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct RenderPass {
+ pub attachments: Vec<pass::Attachment>,
+ pub subpasses: Vec<SubpassDesc>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct Framebuffer {
+ attachments: Vec<ImageView>,
+ layers: image::Layer,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct InternalBuffer {
+ raw: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+ // TODO: need to sync between `raw` and `disjoint_cb`, same way as we do with
+ // `MemoryFlush/Invalidate`
+ disjoint_cb: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer>, // if unbound this buffer might be null.
+ srv: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView>,
+ uav: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>,
+ usage: buffer::Usage,
+ debug_name: Option<String>,
+impl InternalBuffer {
+ unsafe fn release_resources(&mut self) {
+ (&*self.raw).Release();
+ self.raw = ptr::null_mut();
+ self.disjoint_cb.take().map(|cb| (&*cb).Release());
+ self.uav.take().map(|uav| (&*uav).Release());
+ self.srv.take().map(|srv| (&*srv).Release());
+ self.usage = buffer::Usage::empty();
+ self.debug_name = None;
+ }
+pub struct Buffer {
+ internal: InternalBuffer,
+ is_coherent: bool,
+ memory_ptr: *mut u8, // null if unbound or non-cpu-visible
+ bound_range: Range<u64>, // 0 if unbound
+ /// Handle to the Memory arena storing this buffer.
+ local_memory_arena: Weak<RwLock<LocalResourceArena<InternalBuffer>>>,
+ /// Index into the above memory arena.
+ ///
+ /// Once memory is bound to a buffer, this should never be None.
+ memory_index: Option<thunderdome::Index>,
+ requirements: memory::Requirements,
+ bind: d3d11::D3D11_BIND_FLAG,
+impl fmt::Debug for Buffer {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Buffer")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Buffer {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Buffer {}
+pub struct BufferView;
+pub struct Image {
+ kind: image::Kind,
+ usage: image::Usage,
+ format: format::Format,
+ view_caps: image::ViewCapabilities,
+ decomposed_format: conv::DecomposedDxgiFormat,
+ mip_levels: image::Level,
+ internal: InternalImage,
+ bind: d3d11::D3D11_BIND_FLAG,
+ requirements: memory::Requirements,
+impl fmt::Debug for Image {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Image")
+ }
+pub struct InternalImage {
+ raw: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Resource,
+ copy_srv: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView>>,
+ srv: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView>>,
+ /// Contains UAVs for all subresources
+ unordered_access_views: Vec<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>>,
+ /// Contains DSVs for all subresources
+ depth_stencil_views: Vec<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>>,
+ /// Contains RTVs for all subresources
+ render_target_views: Vec<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView>>,
+ debug_name: Option<String>,
+impl InternalImage {
+ unsafe fn release_resources(&mut self) {
+ (&*self.raw).Release();
+ self.copy_srv = None;
+ self.srv = None;
+ self.unordered_access_views.clear();
+ self.depth_stencil_views.clear();
+ self.render_target_views.clear();
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for InternalImage {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("InternalImage")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Image {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Image {}
+impl Image {
+ fn calc_subresource(&self, mip_level: UINT, layer: UINT) -> UINT {
+ mip_level + (layer * self.mip_levels as UINT)
+ }
+ fn get_uav(
+ &self,
+ mip_level: image::Level,
+ _layer: image::Layer,
+ ) -> Option<&ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>> {
+ self.internal
+ .unordered_access_views
+ .get(self.calc_subresource(mip_level as _, 0) as usize)
+ }
+ fn get_dsv(
+ &self,
+ mip_level: image::Level,
+ layer: image::Layer,
+ ) -> Option<&ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>> {
+ self.internal
+ .depth_stencil_views
+ .get(self.calc_subresource(mip_level as _, layer as _) as usize)
+ }
+ fn get_rtv(
+ &self,
+ mip_level: image::Level,
+ layer: image::Layer,
+ ) -> Option<&ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView>> {
+ self.internal
+ .render_target_views
+ .get(self.calc_subresource(mip_level as _, layer as _) as usize)
+ }
+impl Drop for Image {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ unsafe {
+ (*self.internal.raw).Release();
+ }
+ }
+pub struct ImageView {
+ subresource: UINT,
+ format: format::Format,
+ rtv_handle: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11RenderTargetView>,
+ srv_handle: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11ShaderResourceView>,
+ dsv_handle: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ rodsv_handle: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11DepthStencilView>,
+ uav_handle: Option<*mut d3d11::ID3D11UnorderedAccessView>,
+ owned: bool,
+impl Clone for ImageView {
+ fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ subresource: self.subresource,
+ format: self.format,
+ rtv_handle: self.rtv_handle.clone(),
+ srv_handle: self.srv_handle.clone(),
+ dsv_handle: self.dsv_handle.clone(),
+ rodsv_handle: self.rodsv_handle.clone(),
+ uav_handle: self.uav_handle.clone(),
+ owned: false,
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for ImageView {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ if self.owned {
+ if let Some(rtv) = self.rtv_handle.take() {
+ unsafe { (&*rtv).Release() };
+ }
+ if let Some(srv) = self.srv_handle.take() {
+ unsafe { (&*srv).Release() };
+ }
+ if let Some(dsv) = self.dsv_handle.take() {
+ unsafe { (&*dsv).Release() };
+ }
+ if let Some(rodsv) = self.rodsv_handle.take() {
+ unsafe { (&*rodsv).Release() };
+ }
+ if let Some(uav) = self.uav_handle.take() {
+ unsafe { (&*uav).Release() };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Debug for ImageView {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("ImageView")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for ImageView {}
+unsafe impl Sync for ImageView {}
+pub struct Sampler {
+ sampler_handle: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11SamplerState>,
+impl fmt::Debug for Sampler {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("Sampler")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Sampler {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Sampler {}
+pub struct ComputePipeline {
+ cs: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11ComputeShader>,
+impl fmt::Debug for ComputePipeline {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("ComputePipeline")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for ComputePipeline {}
+unsafe impl Sync for ComputePipeline {}
+/// NOTE: some objects are hashed internally and reused when created with the
+/// same params[0], need to investigate which interfaces this applies
+/// to.
+/// [0]:
+pub struct GraphicsPipeline {
+ vs: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11VertexShader>,
+ gs: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11GeometryShader>>,
+ hs: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11HullShader>>,
+ ds: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11DomainShader>>,
+ ps: Option<ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11PixelShader>>,
+ topology: d3d11::D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY,
+ input_layout: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11InputLayout>,
+ rasterizer_state: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11RasterizerState>,
+ blend_state: ComPtr<d3d11::ID3D11BlendState>,
+ depth_stencil_state: Option<DepthStencilState>,
+ baked_states: pso::BakedStates,
+ required_bindings: u32,
+ max_vertex_bindings: u32,
+ strides: Vec<u32>,
+impl fmt::Debug for GraphicsPipeline {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("GraphicsPipeline")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for GraphicsPipeline {}
+unsafe impl Sync for GraphicsPipeline {}
+type ResourceIndex = u8;
+type DescriptorIndex = u16;
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct RegisterData<T> {
+ // CBV
+ c: T,
+ // SRV
+ t: T,
+ // UAV
+ u: T,
+ // Sampler
+ s: T,
+impl<T> RegisterData<T> {
+ fn map<U, F: Fn(&T) -> U>(&self, fun: F) -> RegisterData<U> {
+ RegisterData {
+ c: fun(&self.c),
+ t: fun(&self.t),
+ u: fun(&self.u),
+ s: fun(&self.s),
+ }
+ }
+impl RegisterData<DescriptorIndex> {
+ fn add_content_many(&mut self, content: DescriptorContent, many: DescriptorIndex) {
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::CBV) {
+ self.c += many;
+ }
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::SRV) {
+ self.t += many;
+ }
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::UAV) {
+ self.u += many;
+ }
+ if content.contains(DescriptorContent::SAMPLER) {
+ self.s += many;
+ }
+ }
+ fn sum(&self) -> DescriptorIndex {
+ self.c + self.t + self.u + self.s
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct MultiStageData<T> {
+ vs: T,
+ ps: T,
+ cs: T,
+impl<T> MultiStageData<T> {
+ fn select(self, stage: ShaderStage) -> T {
+ match stage {
+ ShaderStage::Vertex => self.vs,
+ ShaderStage::Fragment =>,
+ ShaderStage::Compute => self.cs,
+ _ => panic!("Unsupported stage {:?}", stage),
+ }
+ }
+impl<T> MultiStageData<RegisterData<T>> {
+ fn map_register<U, F: Fn(&T) -> U>(&self, fun: F) -> MultiStageData<RegisterData<U>> {
+ MultiStageData {
+ vs:,
+ ps:,
+ cs:,
+ }
+ }
+ fn map_other<U, F: Fn(&RegisterData<T>) -> U>(&self, fun: F) -> MultiStageData<U> {
+ MultiStageData {
+ vs: fun(&self.vs),
+ ps: fun(&,
+ cs: fun(&self.cs),
+ }
+ }
+impl MultiStageData<RegisterData<DescriptorIndex>> {
+ fn add_content_many(
+ &mut self,
+ content: DescriptorContent,
+ stages: pso::ShaderStageFlags,
+ count: DescriptorIndex,
+ ) {
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
+ self.vs.add_content_many(content, count);
+ }
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT) {
+, count);
+ }
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
+ self.cs.add_content_many(content, count);
+ }
+ }
+ fn sum(&self) -> DescriptorIndex {
+ self.vs.sum() + + self.cs.sum()
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct RegisterPoolMapping {
+ offset: DescriptorIndex,
+ count: ResourceIndex,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct RegisterInfo {
+ res_index: ResourceIndex,
+ pool_offset: DescriptorIndex,
+ count: ResourceIndex,
+impl RegisterInfo {
+ fn as_some(&self) -> Option<&Self> {
+ if self.count == 0 {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(self)
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
+struct RegisterAccumulator {
+ res_index: ResourceIndex,
+impl RegisterAccumulator {
+ fn to_mapping(&self, cur_offset: &mut DescriptorIndex) -> RegisterPoolMapping {
+ let offset = *cur_offset;
+ *cur_offset += self.res_index as DescriptorIndex;
+ RegisterPoolMapping {
+ offset,
+ count: self.res_index,
+ }
+ }
+ fn advance(&mut self, mapping: &RegisterPoolMapping) -> RegisterInfo {
+ let res_index = self.res_index;
+ self.res_index += mapping.count;
+ RegisterInfo {
+ res_index,
+ pool_offset: mapping.offset,
+ count: mapping.count,
+ }
+ }
+impl RegisterData<RegisterAccumulator> {
+ fn to_mapping(&self, pool_offset: &mut DescriptorIndex) -> RegisterData<RegisterPoolMapping> {
+ RegisterData {
+ c: self.c.to_mapping(pool_offset),
+ t: self.t.to_mapping(pool_offset),
+ u: self.u.to_mapping(pool_offset),
+ s: self.s.to_mapping(pool_offset),
+ }
+ }
+ fn advance(
+ &mut self,
+ mapping: &RegisterData<RegisterPoolMapping>,
+ ) -> RegisterData<RegisterInfo> {
+ RegisterData {
+ c: self.c.advance(&mapping.c),
+ t: self.t.advance(&mapping.t),
+ u: self.u.advance(&mapping.u),
+ s: self.s.advance(&mapping.s),
+ }
+ }
+impl MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterAccumulator>> {
+ fn to_mapping(&self) -> MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterPoolMapping>> {
+ let mut pool_offset = 0;
+ MultiStageData {
+ vs: self.vs.to_mapping(&mut pool_offset),
+ ps: pool_offset),
+ cs: self.cs.to_mapping(&mut pool_offset),
+ }
+ }
+ fn advance(
+ &mut self,
+ mapping: &MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterPoolMapping>>,
+ ) -> MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterInfo>> {
+ MultiStageData {
+ vs: self.vs.advance(&mapping.vs),
+ ps:,
+ cs: self.cs.advance(&mapping.cs),
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+struct DescriptorSetInfo {
+ bindings: Arc<Vec<pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>>,
+ registers: MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterInfo>>,
+impl DescriptorSetInfo {
+ fn find_register(
+ &self,
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ binding_index: pso::DescriptorBinding,
+ ) -> (DescriptorContent, RegisterData<ResourceIndex>) {
+ let mut res_offsets = self
+ .registers
+ .map_register(|info| info.res_index as DescriptorIndex)
+ .select(stage);
+ for binding in self.bindings.iter() {
+ if !binding.stage_flags.contains(stage.to_flag()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ if binding.binding == binding_index {
+ return (content,|offset| *offset as ResourceIndex));
+ }
+ res_offsets.add_content_many(content, 1);
+ }
+ panic!("Unable to find binding {:?}", binding_index);
+ }
+ fn find_uav_register(
+ &self,
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ binding_index: pso::DescriptorBinding,
+ ) -> (DescriptorContent, RegisterData<ResourceIndex>) {
+ // Look only where uavs are stored for that stage.
+ let register_stage = if stage == ShaderStage::Compute {
+ stage
+ } else {
+ ShaderStage::Fragment
+ };
+ let mut res_offsets = self
+ .registers
+ .map_register(|info| info.res_index as DescriptorIndex)
+ .select(register_stage);
+ for binding in self.bindings.iter() {
+ // We don't care what stage they're in, only if they are UAVs or not.
+ let content = DescriptorContent::from(binding.ty);
+ if !content.contains(DescriptorContent::UAV) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if binding.binding == binding_index {
+ return (content,|offset| *offset as ResourceIndex));
+ }
+ res_offsets.add_content_many(content, 1);
+ }
+ panic!("Unable to find binding {:?}", binding_index);
+ }
+/// The pipeline layout holds optimized (less api calls) ranges of objects for all descriptor sets
+/// belonging to the pipeline object.
+pub struct PipelineLayout {
+ sets: Vec<DescriptorSetInfo>,
+/// The descriptor set layout contains mappings from a given binding to the offset in our
+/// descriptor pool storage and what type of descriptor it is (combined image sampler takes up two
+/// handles).
+pub struct DescriptorSetLayout {
+ bindings: Arc<Vec<pso::DescriptorSetLayoutBinding>>,
+ pool_mapping: MultiStageData<RegisterData<RegisterPoolMapping>>,
+struct CoherentBufferFlushRange {
+ device_buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+ host_ptr: *mut u8,
+ range: SyncRange,
+struct CoherentBufferInvalidateRange {
+ device_buffer: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer,
+ host_ptr: *mut u8,
+ range: Range<u64>,
+struct CoherentBuffers {
+ // descriptor set writes containing coherent resources go into these vecs and are added to the
+ // command buffers own Vec on binding the set.
+ flush_coherent_buffers: RefCell<Vec<CoherentBufferFlushRange>>,
+ invalidate_coherent_buffers: RefCell<Vec<CoherentBufferInvalidateRange>>,
+impl CoherentBuffers {
+ fn _add_flush(&self, old: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ let new = buffer.internal.raw;
+ if old != new {
+ let mut buffers = self.flush_coherent_buffers.borrow_mut();
+ let pos = buffers.iter().position(|sync| old == sync.device_buffer);
+ let sync_range = CoherentBufferFlushRange {
+ device_buffer: new,
+ host_ptr: buffer.memory_ptr,
+ range: SyncRange::Whole,
+ };
+ if let Some(pos) = pos {
+ buffers[pos] = sync_range;
+ } else {
+ buffers.push(sync_range);
+ }
+ if let Some(disjoint) = buffer.internal.disjoint_cb {
+ let pos = buffers
+ .iter()
+ .position(|sync| disjoint == sync.device_buffer);
+ let sync_range = CoherentBufferFlushRange {
+ device_buffer: disjoint,
+ host_ptr: buffer.memory_ptr,
+ range: SyncRange::Whole,
+ };
+ if let Some(pos) = pos {
+ buffers[pos] = sync_range;
+ } else {
+ buffers.push(sync_range);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn _add_invalidate(&self, old: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ let new = buffer.internal.raw;
+ if old != new {
+ let mut buffers = self.invalidate_coherent_buffers.borrow_mut();
+ let pos = buffers.iter().position(|sync| old == sync.device_buffer);
+ let sync_range = CoherentBufferInvalidateRange {
+ device_buffer: new,
+ host_ptr: buffer.memory_ptr,
+ range: buffer.bound_range.clone(),
+ };
+ if let Some(pos) = pos {
+ buffers[pos] = sync_range;
+ } else {
+ buffers.push(sync_range);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// Newtype around a common interface that all bindable resources inherit from.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+struct Descriptor(*mut d3d11::ID3D11DeviceChild);
+bitflags! {
+ /// A set of D3D11 descriptor types that need to be associated
+ /// with a single gfx-hal `DescriptorType`.
+ #[derive(Default)]
+ pub struct DescriptorContent: u8 {
+ const CBV = 0x1;
+ const SRV = 0x2;
+ const UAV = 0x4;
+ const SAMPLER = 0x8;
+ /// Indicates if the descriptor is a dynamic uniform/storage buffer.
+ /// Important as dynamic buffers are implemented as root descriptors.
+ const DYNAMIC = 0x10;
+ }
+impl From<pso::DescriptorType> for DescriptorContent {
+ fn from(ty: pso::DescriptorType) -> Self {
+ use hal::pso::{
+ BufferDescriptorFormat as Bdf, BufferDescriptorType as Bdt, DescriptorType as Dt,
+ ImageDescriptorType as Idt,
+ };
+ match ty {
+ Dt::Sampler => DescriptorContent::SAMPLER,
+ Dt::Image {
+ ty: Idt::Sampled { with_sampler: true },
+ } => DescriptorContent::SRV | DescriptorContent::SAMPLER,
+ Dt::Image {
+ ty: Idt::Sampled {
+ with_sampler: false,
+ },
+ }
+ | Dt::InputAttachment => DescriptorContent::SRV,
+ Dt::Image {
+ ty: Idt::Storage { .. },
+ } => DescriptorContent::UAV,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Uniform,
+ format:
+ Bdf::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ } => DescriptorContent::CBV | DescriptorContent::DYNAMIC,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Uniform, ..
+ } => DescriptorContent::CBV,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Storage { read_only: true },
+ format:
+ Bdf::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ } => DescriptorContent::SRV | DescriptorContent::DYNAMIC,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Storage { read_only: false },
+ format:
+ Bdf::Structured {
+ dynamic_offset: true,
+ },
+ } => DescriptorContent::UAV | DescriptorContent::DYNAMIC,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Storage { read_only: true },
+ ..
+ } => DescriptorContent::SRV,
+ Dt::Buffer {
+ ty: Bdt::Storage { read_only: false },
+ ..
+ } => DescriptorContent::UAV,
+ }
+ }
+pub struct DescriptorSet {
+ offset: DescriptorIndex,
+ len: DescriptorIndex,
+ handles: *mut Descriptor,
+ coherent_buffers: Mutex<CoherentBuffers>,
+ layout: DescriptorSetLayout,
+impl fmt::Debug for DescriptorSet {
+ fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ fmt.write_str("DescriptorSet")
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for DescriptorSet {}
+unsafe impl Sync for DescriptorSet {}
+impl DescriptorSet {
+ fn _add_flush(&self, old: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ let new = buffer.internal.raw;
+ if old != new {
+ self.coherent_buffers.lock()._add_flush(old, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ fn _add_invalidate(&self, old: *mut d3d11::ID3D11Buffer, buffer: &Buffer) {
+ let new = buffer.internal.raw;
+ if old != new {
+ self.coherent_buffers.lock()._add_invalidate(old, buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn assign(&self, offset: DescriptorIndex, value: *mut d3d11::ID3D11DeviceChild) {
+ *self.handles.offset(offset as isize) = Descriptor(value);
+ }
+ unsafe fn assign_stages(
+ &self,
+ offsets: &MultiStageData<DescriptorIndex>,
+ stages: pso::ShaderStageFlags,
+ value: *mut d3d11::ID3D11DeviceChild,
+ ) {
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::VERTEX) {
+ self.assign(offsets.vs, value);
+ }
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::FRAGMENT) {
+ self.assign(, value);
+ }
+ if stages.contains(pso::ShaderStageFlags::COMPUTE) {
+ self.assign(offsets.cs, value);
+ }
+ }
+pub struct DescriptorPool {
+ handles: Vec<Descriptor>,
+ allocator: RangeAllocator<DescriptorIndex>,
+unsafe impl Send for DescriptorPool {}
+unsafe impl Sync for DescriptorPool {}
+impl DescriptorPool {
+ fn with_capacity(size: DescriptorIndex) -> Self {
+ DescriptorPool {
+ handles: vec![Descriptor(ptr::null_mut()); size as usize],
+ allocator: RangeAllocator::new(0..size),
+ }
+ }
+impl pso::DescriptorPool<Backend> for DescriptorPool {
+ unsafe fn allocate_set(
+ &mut self,
+ layout: &DescriptorSetLayout,
+ ) -> Result<DescriptorSet, pso::AllocationError> {
+ let len = layout
+ .pool_mapping
+ .map_register(|mapping| mapping.count as DescriptorIndex)
+ .sum()
+ .max(1);
+ self.allocator
+ .allocate_range(len)
+ .map(|range| {
+ for handle in &mut self.handles[range.start as usize..range.end as usize] {
+ *handle = Descriptor(ptr::null_mut());
+ }
+ DescriptorSet {
+ offset: range.start,
+ len,
+ handles: self.handles.as_mut_ptr().offset(range.start as _),
+ coherent_buffers: Mutex::new(CoherentBuffers {
+ flush_coherent_buffers: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
+ invalidate_coherent_buffers: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
+ }),
+ layout: DescriptorSetLayout {
+ bindings: Arc::clone(&layout.bindings),
+ pool_mapping: layout.pool_mapping.clone(),
+ },
+ }
+ })
+ .map_err(|_| pso::AllocationError::OutOfPoolMemory)
+ }
+ unsafe fn free<I>(&mut self, descriptor_sets: I)
+ where
+ I: IntoIterator<Item = DescriptorSet>,
+ {
+ for set in descriptor_sets {
+ self.allocator
+ .free_range(set.offset..(set.offset + set.len))
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn reset(&mut self) {
+ self.allocator.reset();
+ }
+pub struct RawFence {
+ mutex: Mutex<bool>,
+ condvar: Condvar,
+pub type Fence = Arc<RawFence>;
+pub struct Semaphore;
+pub struct QueryPool;
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
+pub enum Backend {}
+impl hal::Backend for Backend {
+ type Instance = Instance;
+ type PhysicalDevice = PhysicalDevice;
+ type Device = device::Device;
+ type Surface = Surface;
+ type QueueFamily = QueueFamily;
+ type CommandQueue = CommandQueue;
+ type CommandBuffer = CommandBuffer;
+ type Memory = Memory;
+ type CommandPool = CommandPool;
+ type ShaderModule = ShaderModule;
+ type RenderPass = RenderPass;
+ type Framebuffer = Framebuffer;
+ type Buffer = Buffer;
+ type BufferView = BufferView;
+ type Image = Image;
+ type ImageView = ImageView;
+ type Sampler = Sampler;
+ type ComputePipeline = ComputePipeline;
+ type GraphicsPipeline = GraphicsPipeline;
+ type PipelineLayout = PipelineLayout;
+ type PipelineCache = ();
+ type DescriptorSetLayout = DescriptorSetLayout;
+ type DescriptorPool = DescriptorPool;
+ type DescriptorSet = DescriptorSet;
+ type Fence = Fence;
+ type Semaphore = Semaphore;
+ type Event = ();
+ type QueryPool = QueryPool;
+fn validate_line_width(width: f32) {
+ // Note from the Vulkan spec:
+ // > If the wide lines feature is not enabled, lineWidth must be 1.0
+ // Simply assert and no-op because DX11 never exposes `Features::LINE_WIDTH`
+ assert_eq!(width, 1.0);
diff --git a/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0184f21d3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/gfx-backend-dx11/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+use std::{ffi, ptr, slice};
+use spirv_cross::{hlsl, spirv, ErrorCode as SpirvErrorCode};
+use winapi::{
+ shared::winerror,
+ um::{d3d11, d3dcommon, d3dcompiler},
+use wio::com::ComPtr;
+use auxil::{spirv_cross_specialize_ast, ShaderStage};
+use hal::{device, pso};
+use crate::{conv, Backend, PipelineLayout};
+/// Emit error during shader module creation. Used if we don't expect an error
+/// but might panic due to an exception in SPIRV-Cross.
+fn gen_unexpected_error(err: SpirvErrorCode) -> device::ShaderError {
+ let msg = match err {
+ SpirvErrorCode::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
+ SpirvErrorCode::Unhandled => "Unexpected error".into(),
+ };
+ device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(msg)
+/// Emit error during shader module creation. Used if we execute an query command.
+fn gen_query_error(err: SpirvErrorCode) -> device::ShaderError {
+ let msg = match err {
+ SpirvErrorCode::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
+ SpirvErrorCode::Unhandled => "Unknown query error".into(),
+ };
+ device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(msg)
+/// Introspects the input attributes of given SPIR-V shader and returns an optional vertex semantic remapping.
+/// The returned hashmap has attribute location as a key and an Optional remapping to a two part semantic.
+/// eg.
+/// `2 -> None` means use default semantic `TEXCOORD2`
+/// `2 -> Some((0, 2))` means use two part semantic `TEXCOORD0_2`. This is how matrices are represented by spirv-cross.
+/// This is a temporary workaround for
+/// This workaround also exists under the same name in the DX12 backend.
+pub(crate) fn introspect_spirv_vertex_semantic_remapping(
+ raw_data: &[u32],
+) -> Result<auxil::FastHashMap<u32, Option<(u32, u32)>>, device::ShaderError> {
+ // This is inefficient as we already parse it once before. This is a temporary workaround only called
+ // on vertex shaders. If this becomes permanent or shows up in profiles, deduplicate these as first course of action.
+ let ast = parse_spirv(raw_data)?;
+ let mut map = auxil::FastHashMap::default();
+ let inputs = ast
+ .get_shader_resources()
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?
+ .stage_inputs;
+ for input in inputs {
+ let idx = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Location)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let ty = ast.get_type(input.type_id).map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ match ty {
+ spirv::Type::Boolean { columns, .. }
+ | spirv::Type::Int { columns, .. }
+ | spirv::Type::UInt { columns, .. }
+ | spirv::Type::Half { columns, .. }
+ | spirv::Type::Float { columns, .. }
+ | spirv::Type::Double { columns, .. }
+ if columns > 1 =>
+ {
+ for col in 0..columns {
+ if let Some(_) = map.insert(idx + col, Some((idx, col))) {
+ return Err(device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(format!(
+ "Shader has overlapping input attachments at location {}",
+ idx
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _ => {
+ if let Some(_) = map.insert(idx, None) {
+ return Err(device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(format!(
+ "Shader has overlapping input attachments at location {}",
+ idx
+ )));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(map)
+pub(crate) fn compile_spirv_entrypoint(
+ raw_data: &[u32],
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ source: &pso::EntryPoint<Backend>,
+ layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ features: &hal::Features,
+) -> Result<Option<ComPtr<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>>, device::ShaderError> {
+ let mut ast = parse_spirv(raw_data)?;
+ spirv_cross_specialize_ast(&mut ast, &source.specialization)?;
+ patch_spirv_resources(&mut ast, stage, layout)?;
+ let shader_model = hlsl::ShaderModel::V5_0;
+ let shader_code = translate_spirv(
+ &mut ast,
+ shader_model,
+ layout,
+ stage,
+ features,
+ source.entry,
+ )?;
+ log::debug!("Generated {:?} shader:\n{}", stage, shader_code,);
+ let real_name = ast
+ .get_cleansed_entry_point_name(source.entry, conv::map_stage(stage))
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ // TODO: opt: don't query *all* entry points.
+ let entry_points = ast.get_entry_points().map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ entry_points
+ .iter()
+ .find(|entry_point| == real_name)
+ .ok_or(device::ShaderError::MissingEntryPoint(source.entry.into()))
+ .and_then(|entry_point| {
+ let stage = conv::map_execution_model(entry_point.execution_model);
+ let shader = compile_hlsl_shader(
+ stage,
+ shader_model,
+ &,
+ shader_code.as_bytes(),
+ )?;
+ Ok(Some(unsafe { ComPtr::from_raw(shader) }))
+ })
+pub(crate) fn compile_hlsl_shader(
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ shader_model: hlsl::ShaderModel,
+ entry: &str,
+ code: &[u8],
+) -> Result<*mut d3dcommon::ID3DBlob, device::ShaderError> {
+ let stage_str = {
+ let stage = match stage {
+ ShaderStage::Vertex => "vs",
+ ShaderStage::Fragment => "ps",
+ ShaderStage::Compute => "cs",
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ };
+ let model = match shader_model {
+ hlsl::ShaderModel::V5_0 => "5_0",
+ // TODO: >= 11.3
+ hlsl::ShaderModel::V5_1 => "5_1",
+ // TODO: >= 12?, no mention of 11 on msdn
+ hlsl::ShaderModel::V6_0 => "6_0",
+ _ => unimplemented!(),
+ };
+ format!("{}_{}\0", stage, model)
+ };
+ let mut blob = ptr::null_mut();
+ let mut error = ptr::null_mut();
+ let entry = ffi::CString::new(entry).unwrap();
+ let hr = unsafe {
+ d3dcompiler::D3DCompile(
+ code.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ code.len(),
+ ptr::null(),
+ ptr::null(),
+ ptr::null_mut(),
+ entry.as_ptr() as *const _,
+ stage_str.as_ptr() as *const i8,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ &mut blob as *mut *mut _,
+ &mut error as *mut *mut _,
+ )
+ };
+ if !winerror::SUCCEEDED(hr) {
+ let error = unsafe { ComPtr::<d3dcommon::ID3DBlob>::from_raw(error) };
+ let message = unsafe {
+ let pointer = error.GetBufferPointer();
+ let size = error.GetBufferSize();
+ let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(pointer as *const u8, size as usize);
+ String::from_utf8_lossy(slice).into_owned()
+ };
+ Err(device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(message))
+ } else {
+ Ok(blob)
+ }
+fn parse_spirv(raw_data: &[u32]) -> Result<spirv::Ast<hlsl::Target>, device::ShaderError> {
+ let module = spirv::Module::from_words(raw_data);
+ spirv::Ast::parse(&module).map_err(|err| {
+ let msg = match err {
+ SpirvErrorCode::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
+ SpirvErrorCode::Unhandled => "Unknown parsing error".into(),
+ };
+ device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(msg)
+ })
+fn patch_spirv_resources(
+ ast: &mut spirv::Ast<hlsl::Target>,
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ layout: &PipelineLayout,
+) -> Result<(), device::ShaderError> {
+ // we remap all `layout(binding = n, set = n)` to a flat space which we get from our
+ // `PipelineLayout` which knows of all descriptor set layouts
+ let shader_resources = ast.get_shader_resources().map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ for image in &shader_resources.separate_images {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let (_content, res_index) = layout.sets[set].find_register(stage, binding);
+ ast.set_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding, res_index.t as u32)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ for uniform_buffer in &shader_resources.uniform_buffers {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let (_content, res_index) = layout.sets[set].find_register(stage, binding);
+ ast.set_decoration(
+ spirv::Decoration::Binding,
+ res_index.c as u32,
+ )
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ for storage_buffer in &shader_resources.storage_buffers {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let read_only = match layout.sets[set].bindings[binding as usize].ty {
+ pso::DescriptorType::Buffer {
+ ty: pso::BufferDescriptorType::Storage { read_only },
+ ..
+ } => read_only,
+ _ => unreachable!(),
+ };
+ let (_content, res_index) = if read_only {
+ layout.sets[set].find_register(stage, binding)
+ } else {
+ layout.sets[set].find_uav_register(stage, binding)
+ };
+ // If the binding is read/write, we need to generate a UAV here.
+ if !read_only {
+ ast.set_member_decoration(storage_buffer.type_id, 0, spirv::Decoration::NonWritable, 0)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ let index = if read_only {
+ res_index.t as u32
+ } else if stage == ShaderStage::Compute {
+ res_index.u as u32
+ } else {
+ d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT - 1 - res_index.u as u32
+ };
+ ast.set_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding, index)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ for image in &shader_resources.storage_images {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let (_content, res_index) = layout.sets[set].find_uav_register(stage, binding);
+ // Read only storage images are generated as UAVs by spirv-cross.
+ //
+ // Compute uses bottom up stack, all other stages use top down.
+ let index = if stage == ShaderStage::Compute {
+ res_index.u as u32
+ } else {
+ d3d11::D3D11_PS_CS_UAV_REGISTER_COUNT - 1 - res_index.u as u32
+ };
+ ast.set_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding, index)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ for sampler in &shader_resources.separate_samplers {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let (_content, res_index) = layout.sets[set].find_register(stage, binding);
+ ast.set_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding, res_index.s as u32)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ for image in &shader_resources.sampled_images {
+ let set = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)? as usize;
+ let binding = ast
+ .get_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding)
+ .map_err(gen_query_error)?;
+ let (_content, res_index) = layout.sets[set].find_register(stage, binding);
+ ast.set_decoration(, spirv::Decoration::Binding, res_index.t as u32)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ assert!(
+ shader_resources.push_constant_buffers.len() <= 1,
+ "Only 1 push constant buffer is supported"
+ );
+ for push_constant_buffer in &shader_resources.push_constant_buffers {
+ ast.set_decoration(
+ spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet,
+ 0, // value doesn't matter, just needs a value
+ )
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ ast.set_decoration(
+ spirv::Decoration::Binding,
+ )
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn translate_spirv(
+ ast: &mut spirv::Ast<hlsl::Target>,
+ shader_model: hlsl::ShaderModel,
+ _layout: &PipelineLayout,
+ stage: ShaderStage,
+ features: &hal::Features,
+ entry_point: &str,
+) -> Result<String, device::ShaderError> {
+ let mut compile_options = hlsl::CompilerOptions::default();
+ compile_options.shader_model = shader_model;
+ compile_options.vertex.invert_y = !features.contains(hal::Features::NDC_Y_UP);
+ compile_options.force_zero_initialized_variables = true;
+ compile_options.entry_point = Some((entry_point.to_string(), conv::map_stage(stage)));
+ //let stage_flag = stage.into();
+ // TODO:
+ /*let root_constant_layout = layout
+ .root_constants
+ .iter()
+ .filter_map(|constant| if constant.stages.contains(stage_flag) {
+ Some(hlsl::RootConstant {
+ start: constant.range.start * 4,
+ end: constant.range.end * 4,
+ binding: constant.range.start,
+ space: 0,
+ })
+ } else {
+ None
+ })
+ .collect();*/
+ ast.set_compiler_options(&compile_options)
+ .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ //ast.set_root_constant_layout(root_constant_layout)
+ // .map_err(gen_unexpected_error)?;
+ ast.compile().map_err(|err| {
+ let msg = match err {
+ SpirvErrorCode::CompilationError(msg) => msg,
+ SpirvErrorCode::Unhandled => "Unknown compile error".into(),
+ };
+ device::ShaderError::CompilationFailed(msg)
+ })