path: root/third_party/rust/jsparagus-parser/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/jsparagus-parser/src/ b/third_party/rust/jsparagus-parser/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9f12a56e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/jsparagus-parser/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+use crate::queue_stack::QueueStack;
+use crate::simulator::Simulator;
+use ast::arena;
+use ast::SourceLocation;
+use generated_parser::{
+ full_actions, AstBuilder, AstBuilderDelegate, ErrorCode, ParseError, ParserTrait, Result,
+ StackValue, TermValue, TerminalId, Token, TABLES,
+use json_log::json_trace;
+pub struct Parser<'alloc> {
+ /// Vector of states visited in the LR parse table.
+ state_stack: Vec<usize>,
+ /// Stack and Queue of terms and their associated values. The Queue
+ /// corresponds to terms which are added as lookahead as well as terms which
+ /// are replayed, and the stack matches the state_stack.
+ node_stack: QueueStack<TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>>,
+ /// Build the AST stored in the TermValue vectors.
+ handler: AstBuilder<'alloc>,
+impl<'alloc> AstBuilderDelegate<'alloc> for Parser<'alloc> {
+ fn ast_builder_refmut(&mut self) -> &mut AstBuilder<'alloc> {
+ &mut self.handler
+ }
+impl<'alloc> ParserTrait<'alloc, StackValue<'alloc>> for Parser<'alloc> {
+ fn shift(&mut self, tv: TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
+ // The shift function should exit either by accepting the input or
+ // emptying its queue of lookahead.
+ debug_assert!(self.node_stack.queue_empty());
+ self.node_stack.enqueue(tv);
+ // Shift the new terminal/nonterminal and its associated value.
+ json_trace!({ "enter": "shift" });
+ let mut state = self.state();
+ debug_assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
+ while !self.node_stack.queue_empty() {
+ let term_index: usize =;
+ debug_assert!(term_index < TABLES.shift_width);
+ let index = state * TABLES.shift_width + term_index;
+ let goto = TABLES.shift_table[index];
+ json_trace!({
+ "from": state,
+ "to": goto,
+ "term": format!("{:?}", { let s: &'static str = tv.term.into(); s }),
+ });
+ if goto < 0 {
+ self.node_stack.shift();
+ let tv = self.node_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ // Error handling is in charge of shifting an ErrorSymbol from the
+ // current state.
+ self.try_error_handling(tv)?;
+ continue;
+ }
+ state = goto as usize;
+ self.shift_replayed(state);
+ // Execute any actions, such as reduce actions ast builder actions.
+ if state >= TABLES.shift_count {
+ assert!(state < TABLES.action_count + TABLES.shift_count);
+ json_trace!({ "action": state });
+ if full_actions(self, state)? {
+ return Ok(true);
+ }
+ state = self.state();
+ }
+ debug_assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
+ }
+ Ok(false)
+ }
+ #[inline(always)]
+ fn shift_replayed(&mut self, state: usize) {
+ // let term_index: usize =;
+ // assert!(term_index < TABLES.shift_width);
+ // let from_state = self.state();
+ // let index = from_state * TABLES.shift_width + term_index;
+ // let goto = TABLES.shift_table[index];
+ // assert!((goto as usize) == state);
+ self.state_stack.push(state);
+ self.node_stack.shift();
+ }
+ fn unshift(&mut self) {
+ self.state_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ self.node_stack.unshift()
+ }
+ fn pop(&mut self) -> TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>> {
+ self.state_stack.pop().unwrap();
+ self.node_stack.pop().unwrap()
+ }
+ fn replay(&mut self, tv: TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>) {
+ self.node_stack.push_next(tv)
+ }
+ fn epsilon(&mut self, state: usize) {
+ *self.state_stack.last_mut().unwrap() = state;
+ }
+ fn top_state(&self) -> usize {
+ self.state()
+ }
+ fn check_not_on_new_line(&mut self, peek: usize) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
+ let sv = {
+ let stack = self.node_stack.stack_slice();
+ &stack[stack.len() - peek].value
+ };
+ if let StackValue::Token(ref token) = sv {
+ if !token.is_on_new_line {
+ return Ok(true);
+ }
+ self.rewind(peek - 1);
+ let tv = self.pop();
+ self.try_error_handling(tv)?;
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ Err(ParseError::NoLineTerminatorHereExpectedToken.into())
+ }
+impl<'alloc> Parser<'alloc> {
+ pub fn new(handler: AstBuilder<'alloc>, entry_state: usize) -> Self {
+ TABLES.check();
+ assert!(entry_state < TABLES.shift_count);
+ let mut state_stack = Vec::with_capacity(128);
+ state_stack.push(entry_state);
+ Self {
+ state_stack,
+ node_stack: QueueStack::with_capacity(128),
+ handler,
+ }
+ }
+ fn state(&self) -> usize {
+ *self.state_stack.last().unwrap()
+ }
+ pub fn write_token(&mut self, token: arena::Box<'alloc, Token>) -> Result<'alloc, ()> {
+ json_trace!({
+ "method": "write_token",
+ "is_on_new_line": token.is_on_new_line,
+ "start": token.loc.start,
+ "end": token.loc.end,
+ });
+ // Shift the token with the associated StackValue.
+ let term = token.terminal_id.into();
+ let accept = self.shift(TermValue {
+ term,
+ value: StackValue::Token(token),
+ })?;
+ // JavaScript grammar accepts empty inputs, therefore we can never
+ // accept any program before receiving a TerminalId::End.
+ assert!(!accept);
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn close(&mut self, position: usize) -> Result<'alloc, StackValue<'alloc>> {
+ // Shift the End terminal with the associated StackValue.
+ json_trace!({
+ "method": "close",
+ "position": position,
+ });
+ let loc = SourceLocation::new(position, position);
+ let token = Token::basic_token(TerminalId::End, loc);
+ let accept = self.shift(TermValue {
+ term: TerminalId::End.into(),
+ value: StackValue::Token(self.handler.alloc(token)),
+ })?;
+ // Adding a TerminalId::End would either lead to a parse error, or to
+ // accepting the current input. In which case we return matching node
+ // value.
+ assert!(accept);
+ // We can either reduce a Script/Module, or a Script/Module followed by
+ // an <End> terminal.
+ assert!(self.node_stack.stack_len() >= 1);
+ assert!(self.node_stack.stack_len() <= 2);
+ if self.node_stack.stack_len() > 1 {
+ self.node_stack.pop();
+ }
+ Ok(self.node_stack.pop().unwrap().value)
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn parse_error(t: &Token) -> ParseError<'alloc> {
+ if t.terminal_id == TerminalId::End {
+ ParseError::UnexpectedEnd
+ } else {
+ ParseError::SyntaxError(t.clone())
+ }
+ }
+ fn try_error_handling(&mut self, t: TermValue<StackValue<'alloc>>) -> Result<'alloc, bool> {
+ json_trace!({
+ "try_error_handling_term": format!("{}", {
+ let s: &'static str = t.term.into();
+ s
+ }),
+ });
+ if let StackValue::Token(ref token) = t.value {
+ // Error tokens might them-self cause more errors to be reported.
+ // This happens due to the fact that the ErrorToken can be replayed,
+ // and while the ErrorToken might be in the lookahead rules, it
+ // might not be in the shifted terms coming after the reduced
+ // nonterminal.
+ if t.term == TerminalId::ErrorToken.into() {
+ return Err(Self::parse_error(token).into());
+ }
+ // Otherwise, check if the current rule accept an Automatic
+ // Semi-Colon insertion (ASI).
+ let state = self.state();
+ assert!(state < TABLES.shift_count);
+ let error_code = TABLES.error_codes[state];
+ if let Some(error_code) = error_code {
+ let err_token = (*token).clone();
+ Self::recover(token, error_code)?;
+ self.replay(t);
+ let err_token = self.handler.alloc(err_token);
+ self.replay(TermValue {
+ term: TerminalId::ErrorToken.into(),
+ value: StackValue::Token(err_token),
+ });
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ // On error, don't attempt error handling again.
+ return Err(Self::parse_error(token).into());
+ }
+ Err(ParseError::ParserCannotUnpackToken.into())
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn recover(t: &Token, error_code: ErrorCode) -> Result<'alloc, ()> {
+ match error_code {
+ ErrorCode::Asi => {
+ if t.is_on_new_line
+ || t.terminal_id == TerminalId::End
+ || t.terminal_id == TerminalId::CloseBrace
+ {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Self::parse_error(t).into())
+ }
+ }
+ ErrorCode::DoWhileAsi => Ok(()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn simulator<'a>(&'a self) -> Simulator<'alloc, 'a> {
+ assert_eq!(self.node_stack.queue_len(), 0);
+ Simulator::new(&self.state_stack, self.node_stack.stack_slice())
+ }
+ pub fn can_accept_terminal(&self, t: TerminalId) -> bool {
+ let result = self.simulator().write_token(t).is_ok();
+ json_trace!({
+ "can_accept": result,
+ "terminal": format!("{:?}", t),
+ });
+ result
+ }
+ /// Return true if self.close() would succeed.
+ pub fn can_close(&self) -> bool {
+ self.simulator().close(0).is_ok()
+ }