path: root/third_party/rust/termion/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/rust/termion/src/ b/third_party/rust/termion/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f6dd171f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/rust/termion/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+//! User input.
+use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
+use std::ops;
+use event::{self, Event, Key};
+use raw::IntoRawMode;
+/// An iterator over input keys.
+pub struct Keys<R> {
+ iter: Events<R>,
+impl<R: Read> Iterator for Keys<R> {
+ type Item = Result<Key, io::Error>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Key, io::Error>> {
+ loop {
+ match {
+ Some(Ok(Event::Key(k))) => return Some(Ok(k)),
+ Some(Ok(_)) => continue,
+ e @ Some(Err(_)) => e,
+ None => return None,
+ };
+ }
+ }
+/// An iterator over input events.
+pub struct Events<R> {
+ inner: EventsAndRaw<R>
+impl<R: Read> Iterator for Events<R> {
+ type Item = Result<Event, io::Error>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<Event, io::Error>> {
+|tuple||(event, _raw)| event))
+ }
+/// An iterator over input events and the bytes that define them.
+pub struct EventsAndRaw<R> {
+ source: R,
+ leftover: Option<u8>,
+impl<R: Read> Iterator for EventsAndRaw<R> {
+ type Item = Result<(Event, Vec<u8>), io::Error>;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Result<(Event, Vec<u8>), io::Error>> {
+ let mut source = &mut self.source;
+ if let Some(c) = self.leftover {
+ // we have a leftover byte, use it
+ self.leftover = None;
+ return Some(parse_event(c, &mut source.bytes()));
+ }
+ // Here we read two bytes at a time. We need to distinguish between single ESC key presses,
+ // and escape sequences (which start with ESC or a x1B byte). The idea is that if this is
+ // an escape sequence, we will read multiple bytes (the first byte being ESC) but if this
+ // is a single ESC keypress, we will only read a single byte.
+ let mut buf = [0u8; 2];
+ let res = match buf) {
+ Ok(0) => return None,
+ Ok(1) => {
+ match buf[0] {
+ b'\x1B' => Ok((Event::Key(Key::Esc), vec![b'\x1B'])),
+ c => parse_event(c, &mut source.bytes()),
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(2) => {
+ let mut option_iter = &mut Some(buf[1]).into_iter();
+ let result = {
+ let mut iter =|c| Ok(c)).chain(source.bytes());
+ parse_event(buf[0], &mut iter)
+ };
+ // If the option_iter wasn't consumed, keep the byte for later.
+ self.leftover =;
+ result
+ }
+ Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
+ Err(e) => Err(e),
+ };
+ Some(res)
+ }
+fn parse_event<I>(item: u8, iter: &mut I) -> Result<(Event, Vec<u8>), io::Error>
+ where I: Iterator<Item = Result<u8, io::Error>>
+ let mut buf = vec![item];
+ let result = {
+ let mut iter = iter.inspect(|byte| if let &Ok(byte) = byte {
+ buf.push(byte);
+ });
+ event::parse_event(item, &mut iter)
+ };
+ result.or(Ok(Event::Unsupported(buf.clone()))).map(|e| (e, buf))
+/// Extension to `Read` trait.
+pub trait TermRead {
+ /// An iterator over input events.
+ fn events(self) -> Events<Self> where Self: Sized;
+ /// An iterator over key inputs.
+ fn keys(self) -> Keys<Self> where Self: Sized;
+ /// Read a line.
+ ///
+ /// EOT and ETX will abort the prompt, returning `None`. Newline or carriage return will
+ /// complete the input.
+ fn read_line(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<String>>;
+ /// Read a password.
+ ///
+ /// EOT and ETX will abort the prompt, returning `None`. Newline or carriage return will
+ /// complete the input.
+ fn read_passwd<W: Write>(&mut self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<Option<String>> {
+ let _raw = try!(writer.into_raw_mode());
+ self.read_line()
+ }
+impl<R: Read + TermReadEventsAndRaw> TermRead for R {
+ fn events(self) -> Events<Self> {
+ Events {
+ inner: self.events_and_raw()
+ }
+ }
+ fn keys(self) -> Keys<Self> {
+ Keys { iter: }
+ }
+ fn read_line(&mut self) -> io::Result<Option<String>> {
+ let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(30);
+ for c in self.bytes() {
+ match c {
+ Err(e) => return Err(e),
+ Ok(0) | Ok(3) | Ok(4) => return Ok(None),
+ Ok(0x7f) => {
+ buf.pop();
+ }
+ Ok(b'\n') | Ok(b'\r') => break,
+ Ok(c) => buf.push(c),
+ }
+ }
+ let string = try!(String::from_utf8(buf)
+ .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e)));
+ Ok(Some(string))
+ }
+/// Extension to `TermRead` trait. A separate trait in order to maintain backwards compatibility.
+pub trait TermReadEventsAndRaw {
+ /// An iterator over input events and the bytes that define them.
+ fn events_and_raw(self) -> EventsAndRaw<Self> where Self: Sized;
+impl<R: Read> TermReadEventsAndRaw for R {
+ fn events_and_raw(self) -> EventsAndRaw<Self> {
+ EventsAndRaw {
+ source: self,
+ leftover: None,
+ }
+ }
+/// A sequence of escape codes to enable terminal mouse support.
+const ENTER_MOUSE_SEQUENCE: &'static str = csi!("?1000h\x1b[?1002h\x1b[?1015h\x1b[?1006h");
+/// A sequence of escape codes to disable terminal mouse support.
+const EXIT_MOUSE_SEQUENCE: &'static str = csi!("?1006l\x1b[?1015l\x1b[?1002l\x1b[?1000l");
+/// A terminal with added mouse support.
+/// This can be obtained through the `From` implementations.
+pub struct MouseTerminal<W: Write> {
+ term: W,
+impl<W: Write> From<W> for MouseTerminal<W> {
+ fn from(mut from: W) -> MouseTerminal<W> {
+ from.write_all(ENTER_MOUSE_SEQUENCE.as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ MouseTerminal { term: from }
+ }
+impl<W: Write> Drop for MouseTerminal<W> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.term.write_all(EXIT_MOUSE_SEQUENCE.as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ }
+impl<W: Write> ops::Deref for MouseTerminal<W> {
+ type Target = W;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &W {
+ &self.term
+ }
+impl<W: Write> ops::DerefMut for MouseTerminal<W> {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut W {
+ &mut self.term
+ }
+impl<W: Write> Write for MouseTerminal<W> {
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ self.term.write(buf)
+ }
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ self.term.flush()
+ }
+mod test {
+ use super::*;
+ use std::io;
+ use event::{Key, Event, MouseEvent, MouseButton};
+ #[test]
+ fn test_keys() {
+ let mut i = b"\x1Bayo\x7F\x1B[D".keys();
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Alt('a'));
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Char('y'));
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Char('o'));
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Backspace);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Left);
+ assert!(;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_events() {
+ let mut i =
+ b"\x1B[\x00bc\x7F\x1B[D\
+ \x1B[M\x00\x22\x24\x1B[<0;2;4;M\x1B[32;2;4M\x1B[<0;2;4;m\x1B[35;2;4Mb"
+ .events();
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Unsupported(vec![0x1B, b'[', 0x00]));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('b')));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('c')));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Backspace));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Left));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::WheelUp, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Release(2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Release(2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('b')));
+ assert!(;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_events_and_raw() {
+ let input = b"\x1B[\x00bc\x7F\x1B[D\
+ \x1B[M\x00\x22\x24\x1B[<0;2;4;M\x1B[32;2;4M\x1B[<0;2;4;m\x1B[35;2;4Mb";
+ let mut output = Vec::<u8>::new();
+ {
+ let mut i = input.events_and_raw().map(|res| res.unwrap())
+ .inspect(|&(_, ref raw)| { output.extend(raw); }).map(|(event, _)| event);
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Unsupported(vec![0x1B, b'[', 0x00]));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('b')));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('c')));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Backspace));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Left));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::WheelUp, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Press(MouseButton::Left, 2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Release(2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(,
+ Event::Mouse(MouseEvent::Release(2, 4)));
+ assert_eq!(, Event::Key(Key::Char('b')));
+ assert!(;
+ }
+ assert_eq!(input.iter().map(|b| *b).collect::<Vec<u8>>(), output)
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_function_keys() {
+ let mut st = b"\x1BOP\x1BOQ\x1BOR\x1BOS".keys();
+ for i in 1..5 {
+ assert_eq!(, Key::F(i));
+ }
+ let mut st = b"\x1B[11~\x1B[12~\x1B[13~\x1B[14~\x1B[15~\
+ \x1B[17~\x1B[18~\x1B[19~\x1B[20~\x1B[21~\x1B[23~\x1B[24~"
+ .keys();
+ for i in 1..13 {
+ assert_eq!(, Key::F(i));
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_special_keys() {
+ let mut st = b"\x1B[2~\x1B[H\x1B[7~\x1B[5~\x1B[3~\x1B[F\x1B[8~\x1B[6~".keys();
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Insert);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Home);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Home);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::PageUp);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Delete);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::End);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::End);
+ assert_eq!(, Key::PageDown);
+ assert!(;
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_esc_key() {
+ let mut st = b"\x1B".keys();
+ assert_eq!(, Key::Esc);
+ assert!(;
+ }
+ fn line_match(a: &str, b: Option<&str>) {
+ let mut sink = io::sink();
+ let line = a.as_bytes().read_line().unwrap();
+ let pass = a.as_bytes().read_passwd(&mut sink).unwrap();
+ // godammit rustc
+ assert_eq!(line, pass);
+ if let Some(l) = line {
+ assert_eq!(Some(l.as_str()), b);
+ } else {
+ assert!(b.is_none());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_read() {
+ let test1 = "this is the first test";
+ let test2 = "this is the second test";
+ line_match(test1, Some(test1));
+ line_match(test2, Some(test2));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_backspace() {
+ line_match("this is the\x7f first\x7f\x7f test",
+ Some("this is th fir test"));
+ line_match("this is the seco\x7fnd test\x7f",
+ Some("this is the secnd tes"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_end() {
+ line_match("abc\n",
+ Some("abc"));
+ line_match("hello\r",
+ Some("hello"));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_abort() {
+ line_match("abc\x03", None);
+ line_match("hello\x04", None);
+ }