path: root/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests')
6 files changed, 946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser.ini b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d66c196532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+head = head.js
+skip-if = asan || tsan # With sanitizers, we regularly hit internal timeouts.
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_default_options.js b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_default_options.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15ed1c4501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_default_options.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Test about:processes with default options.
+add_task(async function testDefaultOptions() {
+ return testAboutProcessesWithConfig({
+ showAllFrames: false,
+ showThreads: false,
+ });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_all_frames.js b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_all_frames.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c437f9dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_all_frames.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+add_task(async function testShowFramesAndThreads() {
+ await testAboutProcessesWithConfig({
+ showAllFrames: true,
+ showThreads: true,
+ });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_frames_without_threads.js b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_frames_without_threads.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..178ceec9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_frames_without_threads.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+add_task(async function testShowFramesWithoutThreads() {
+ await testAboutProcessesWithConfig({
+ showAllFrames: true,
+ showThreads: false,
+ });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_threads.js b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_threads.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..10e630ab31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/browser_aboutprocesses_show_threads.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Test about:processes with showThreads: true, showAllFrames: false.
+add_task(async function testShowThreads() {
+ return testAboutProcessesWithConfig({
+ showAllFrames: false,
+ showThreads: true,
+ });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/head.js b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/head.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc677b4798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/aboutprocesses/tests/browser/head.js
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+const { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"
+// A bunch of assumptions we make about the behavior of the parent process,
+// and which we use as sanity checks. If Firefox evolves, we will need to
+// update these values.
+// Note that Test Verify can really stress the cpu durations.
+ minimalNumberOfThreads: 10,
+ maximalNumberOfThreads: 1000,
+ minimalCPUPercentage: 0,
+ maximalCPUPercentage: 1000,
+ minimalCPUTotalDurationMS: 10,
+ maximalCPUTotalDurationMS: 10000000,
+ minimalRAMBytesUsage: 1024 * 1024 /* 1 Megabyte */,
+ maximalRAMBytesUsage: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1 /* 1 Tb */,
+ minimalCPUPercentage: 0,
+ maximalCPUPercentage: 100,
+ minimalCPUTotalDurationMS: 0,
+ maximalCPUTotalDurationMS: 10000000,
+// How close we accept our rounding up/down.
+const APPROX_FACTOR = 1.51;
+const MS_PER_NS = 1000000;
+const MEMORY_REGEXP = /([0-9.,]+)(TB|GB|MB|KB|B)( \(([-+]?)([0-9.,]+)(GB|MB|KB|B)\))?/;
+//Example: "383.55MB (-12.5MB)"
+const CPU_REGEXP = /(\~0%|idle|[0-9.,]+%|[?]) \(([0-9.,]+) ?(ns|µs|ms|s|m|h|d)\)/;
+//Example: "13% (4,470ms)"
+// Wait for `about:processes` to be updated.
+function promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({
+ doc,
+ tbody,
+ force,
+ tabAboutProcesses,
+}) {
+ let result = new Promise(resolve => {
+ let observer = new doc.ownerGlobal.MutationObserver(() => {
+ info("Observed about:processes refresh");
+ observer.disconnect();
+ resolve();
+ });
+ observer.observe(tbody, { childList: true });
+ });
+ if (force) {
+ SpecialPowers.spawn(tabAboutProcesses.linkedBrowser, [], async () => {
+ info("Forcing about:processes refresh");
+ content.Control.update(/* force = */ true);
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+function promiseProcessDied({ childID }) {
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ let observer = properties => {
+ properties.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2);
+ let subjectChildID = properties.get("childID");
+ if (subjectChildID == childID) {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "ipc:content-shutdown");
+ resolve();
+ }
+ };
+ Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "ipc:content-shutdown");
+ });
+function isCloseEnough(value, expected) {
+ if (value < 0 || expected < 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Invalid isCloseEnough(${value}, ${expected})`);
+ }
+ if (Math.round(value) == Math.round(expected)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (expected == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let ratio = value / expected;
+ if (ratio <= APPROX_FACTOR && ratio >= 1 / APPROX_FACTOR) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+function getMemoryMultiplier(unit, sign = "+") {
+ let multiplier;
+ switch (sign) {
+ case "+":
+ multiplier = 1;
+ break;
+ case "-":
+ multiplier = -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Invalid sign: " + sign);
+ }
+ switch (unit) {
+ case "B":
+ break;
+ case "KB":
+ multiplier *= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "MB":
+ multiplier *= 1024 * 1024;
+ break;
+ case "GB":
+ multiplier *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ break;
+ case "TB":
+ multiplier *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Invalid memory unit: " + unit);
+ }
+ return multiplier;
+function getTimeMultiplier(unit) {
+ switch (unit) {
+ case "ns":
+ return 1 / (1000 * 1000);
+ case "µs":
+ return 1 / 1000;
+ case "ms":
+ return 1;
+ case "s":
+ return 1000;
+ case "m":
+ return 60000;
+ }
+ throw new Error("Invalid time unit: " + unit);
+function testCpu(string, total, slope, assumptions) {
+ info(`Testing CPU display ${string} vs total ${total}, slope ${slope}`);
+ if (string == "(measuring)") {
+ info("Still measuring");
+ return;
+ }
+ let [, extractedPercentage, extractedTotal, extractedUnit] = CPU_REGEXP.exec(
+ string
+ );
+ switch (extractedPercentage) {
+ case "idle":
+ Assert.equal(slope, 0, "Idle means exactly 0%");
+ // Nothing else to do here.
+ return;
+ case "~0%":
+ Assert.ok(slope > 0 && slope < 0.0001);
+ break;
+ case "?":
+ Assert.ok(slope == null);
+ // Nothing else to do here.
+ return;
+ default: {
+ // `Number.parseFloat("99%")` returns `99`.
+ let computedPercentage = Number.parseFloat(extractedPercentage);
+ Assert.ok(
+ isCloseEnough(computedPercentage, slope * 100),
+ `The displayed approximation of the slope is reasonable: ${computedPercentage} vs ${slope *
+ 100}`
+ );
+ // Also, sanity checks.
+ Assert.ok(
+ computedPercentage / 100 >= assumptions.minimalCPUPercentage,
+ `Not too little: ${computedPercentage / 100} >=? ${
+ assumptions.minimalCPUPercentage
+ } `
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ computedPercentage / 100 <= assumptions.maximalCPUPercentage,
+ `Not too much: ${computedPercentage / 100} <=? ${
+ assumptions.maximalCPUPercentage
+ } `
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ let totalMS = total / MS_PER_NS;
+ let computedTotal =
+ // We produce localized numbers, with "," as a thousands separator in en-US builds,
+ // but `parseFloat` doesn't understand the ",", so we need to remove it
+ // before parsing.
+ Number.parseFloat(extractedTotal.replace(/,/g, "")) *
+ getTimeMultiplier(extractedUnit);
+ Assert.ok(
+ isCloseEnough(computedTotal, totalMS),
+ `The displayed approximation of the total duration is reasonable: ${computedTotal} vs ${totalMS}`
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ totalMS <= assumptions.maximalCPUTotalDurationMS &&
+ totalMS >= assumptions.minimalCPUTotalDurationMS,
+ `The total number of MS is reasonable ${totalMS}: [${assumptions.minimalCPUTotalDurationMS}, ${assumptions.maximalCPUTotalDurationMS}]`
+ );
+function testMemory(string, total, delta, assumptions) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ true,
+ `Testing memory display ${string} vs total ${total}, delta ${delta}`
+ );
+ let extracted = MEMORY_REGEXP.exec(string);
+ Assert.notEqual(
+ extracted,
+ null,
+ `Can we parse ${string} with ${MEMORY_REGEXP}?`
+ );
+ let [
+ ,
+ extractedTotal,
+ extractedUnit,
+ ,
+ extractedDeltaSign,
+ extractedDeltaTotal,
+ extractedDeltaUnit,
+ ] = extracted;
+ let extractedTotalNumber = Number.parseFloat(extractedTotal);
+ Assert.ok(
+ extractedTotalNumber > 0,
+ `Unitless total memory use is greater than 0: ${extractedTotal}`
+ );
+ if (extractedUnit != "GB") {
+ Assert.ok(
+ extractedTotalNumber < 1024,
+ `Unitless total memory use is less than 1024: ${extractedTotal}`
+ );
+ }
+ // Now check that the conversion was meaningful.
+ let computedTotal = getMemoryMultiplier(extractedUnit) * extractedTotalNumber;
+ Assert.ok(
+ isCloseEnough(computedTotal, total),
+ `The displayed approximation of the total amount of memory is reasonable: ${computedTotal} vs ${total}`
+ );
+ if (!AppConstants.ASAN) {
+ // ASAN plays tricks with RAM (e.g. allocates the entirety of virtual memory),
+ // which makes this test unrealistic.
+ Assert.ok(
+ assumptions.minimalRAMBytesUsage <= computedTotal &&
+ computedTotal <= assumptions.maximalRAMBytesUsage,
+ `The total amount amount of memory is reasonable: ${computedTotal} in [${assumptions.minimalRAMBytesUsage}, ${assumptions.maximalRAMBytesUsage}]`
+ );
+ }
+ if (extractedDeltaSign == null) {
+ Assert.equal(delta || 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ let deltaTotalNumber = Number.parseFloat(
+ // Remove the thousands separator that breaks parseFloat.
+ extractedDeltaTotal.replace(/,/g, "")
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ deltaTotalNumber > 0 && deltaTotalNumber < 1024,
+ `Unitless delta memory use is in (0, 1024): ${extractedDeltaTotal}`
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ ["B", "KB", "MB"].includes(extractedDeltaUnit),
+ `Delta unit is reasonable: ${extractedDeltaUnit}`
+ );
+ // Now check that the conversion was meaningful.
+ // Let's just check that the number displayed is within 10% of `delta`.
+ let computedDelta =
+ getMemoryMultiplier(extractedDeltaUnit, extractedDeltaSign) *
+ deltaTotalNumber;
+ Assert.equal(
+ computedDelta >= 0,
+ delta >= 0,
+ `Delta has the right sign: ${computedDelta} vs ${delta}`
+ );
+function extractProcessDetails(row) {
+ let children = row.children;
+ let memoryResidentContent = children[1].textContent;
+ let cpuContent = children[2].textContent;
+ let fluentArgs = document.l10n.getAttributes(children[0].children[0]).args;
+ let process = {
+ memoryResidentContent,
+ cpuContent,
+ pidContent:,
+ typeContent: fluentArgs.type,
+ threads: null,
+ };
+ let threadDetailsRow = row.nextSibling;
+ while (threadDetailsRow) {
+ if (threadDetailsRow.classList.contains("thread-summary")) {
+ break;
+ }
+ threadDetailsRow = threadDetailsRow.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (!threadDetailsRow) {
+ return process;
+ }
+ process.threads = {
+ row: threadDetailsRow,
+ numberContent: document.l10n.getAttributes(
+ threadDetailsRow.children[0].children[1]
+ ).args.number,
+ };
+ return process;
+function findTabRowByName(doc, name) {
+ for (let row of doc.getElementsByClassName("name")) {
+ if (!row.parentNode.classList.contains("window")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let foundName = document.l10n.getAttributes(row.children[0]);
+ if (foundName != name) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ return row.parentNode;
+ }
+ return null;
+function findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, origin) {
+ for (let row of doc.getElementsByClassName("process")) {
+ if (row.process.origin == origin) {
+ return row;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+async function setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(origin, title) {
+ let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, origin, { skipAnimation: true });
+ tab.testTitle = title;
+ tab.testOrigin = origin;
+ await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [title], async title => {
+ content.document.title = title;
+ });
+ return tab;
+async function testAboutProcessesWithConfig({ showAllFrames, showThreads }) {
+ const isFission = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("fission.autostart");
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(
+ "toolkit.aboutProcesses.showAllSubframes",
+ showAllFrames
+ );
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.aboutProcesses.showThreads", showThreads);
+ // Install a test extension to also cover processes and sub-frames related to the
+ // extension process.
+ const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
+ manifest: {
+ applications: { gecko: { id: "test-aboutprocesses@mochi.test" } },
+ },
+ background() {
+ // Creates an about:blank iframe in the extension process to make sure that
+ // Bug 1665099 doesn't regress.
+ document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe"));
+ this.browser.test.sendMessage("bg-page-loaded");
+ },
+ });
+ await extension.startup();
+ await extension.awaitMessage("bg-page-loaded");
+ // Setup tabs asynchronously.
+ // The about:processes tab.
+ info("Setting up about:processes");
+ let promiseTabAboutProcesses = BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab({
+ gBrowser,
+ opening: "about:processes",
+ waitForLoad: true,
+ });
+ info("Setting up");
+ // Another tab that we'll pretend is hung.
+ let promiseTabHung = (async function() {
+ let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, "", {
+ skipAnimation: true,
+ });
+ await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, [], async () => {
+ // Open an in-process iframe to test toolkit.aboutProcesses.showAllSubframes
+ let frame = content.document.createElement("iframe");
+ content.document.body.appendChild(frame);
+ });
+ return tab;
+ })();
+ info("Setting up tabs we intend to close");
+ // The two following tabs share the same domain.
+ // We use them to check that closing one doesn't close the other.
+ let promiseTabCloseSeparately1 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 1 (separately)"
+ );
+ let promiseTabCloseSeparately2 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 2 (separately)"
+ );
+ // The two following tabs share the same domain.
+ // We use them to check that closing the process kills them both.
+ let promiseTabCloseProcess1 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 1 (process)"
+ );
+ let promiseTabCloseProcess2 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 2 (process)"
+ );
+ // The two following tabs share the same domain.
+ // We use them to check that closing the process kills them both.
+ let promiseTabCloseTogether1 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 1 (together)"
+ );
+ let promiseTabCloseTogether2 = setupTabWithOriginAndTitle(
+ "",
+ "Close me 2 (together)"
+ );
+ // Wait for initialization to finish.
+ let tabAboutProcesses = await promiseTabAboutProcesses;
+ let tabHung = await promiseTabHung;
+ let tabCloseSeparately1 = await promiseTabCloseSeparately1;
+ let tabCloseSeparately2 = await promiseTabCloseSeparately2;
+ let tabCloseProcess1 = await promiseTabCloseProcess1;
+ let tabCloseProcess2 = await promiseTabCloseProcess2;
+ let tabCloseTogether1 = await promiseTabCloseTogether1;
+ let tabCloseTogether2 = await promiseTabCloseTogether2;
+ let doc = tabAboutProcesses.linkedBrowser.contentDocument;
+ let tbody = doc.getElementById("process-tbody");
+ Assert.ok(doc);
+ Assert.ok(tbody);
+ info("Setting up fake process hang detector");
+ let hungChildID = tabHung.linkedBrowser.frameLoader.childID;
+ // Keep informing about:processes that `tabHung` is hung.
+ // Note: this is a background task, do not `await` it.
+ let fakeProcessHangMonitor = async function() {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
+ if (!tabHung.linkedBrowser) {
+ // Let's stop spamming as soon as we can.
+ return;
+ }
+ // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout
+ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300));
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(
+ {
+ childID: hungChildID,
+ hangType: Ci.nsIHangReport.PLUGIN_HANG,
+ pluginName: "Fake plug-in",
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIHangReport"]),
+ },
+ "process-hang-report"
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ fakeProcessHangMonitor();
+ // Give about:processes a little time to appear and be populated.
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => tbody.childElementCount,
+ "The table should be populated",
+ /* interval = */ 300
+ );
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => !!tbody.getElementsByClassName("hung").length,
+ "The hung process should appear",
+ /* interval = */ 300
+ );
+ info("Looking at the contents of about:processes");
+ let processesToBeFound = [
+ // The browser process.
+ {
+ name: "browser",
+ type: ["browser"],
+ predicate: row => row.process.type == "browser",
+ },
+ // The hung process.
+ {
+ name: "hung",
+ type: ["web", "webIsolated"],
+ predicate: row =>
+ row.classList.contains("hung") && row.classList.contains("process"),
+ },
+ // Any non-hung process
+ {
+ name: "non-hung",
+ type: ["web", "webIsolated"],
+ predicate: row =>
+ !row.classList.contains("hung") &&
+ row.classList.contains("process") &&
+ row.process.type == "web",
+ },
+ ];
+ for (let finder of processesToBeFound) {
+ info(`Running sanity tests on ${}`);
+ let row = tbody.firstChild;
+ while (row) {
+ if (finder.predicate(row)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ row = row.nextSibling;
+ }
+ Assert.ok(!!row, `found a table row for ${}`);
+ let {
+ memoryResidentContent,
+ cpuContent,
+ pidContent,
+ typeContent,
+ threads,
+ } = extractProcessDetails(row);
+ info("Sanity checks: type");
+ Assert.ok(
+ finder.type.includes(typeContent),
+ `Type ${typeContent} should be one of ${finder.type}`
+ );
+ info("Sanity checks: pid");
+ let pid = Number.parseInt(pidContent);
+ Assert.ok(pid > 0, `Checking pid ${pidContent}`);
+ Assert.equal(pid,;
+ info("Sanity checks: memory resident");
+ testMemory(
+ memoryResidentContent,
+ row.process.totalRamSize,
+ row.process.deltaRamSize,
+ );
+ info("Sanity checks: CPU (Total)");
+ testCpu(
+ cpuContent,
+ row.process.totalCpu,
+ row.process.slopeCpu,
+ );
+ // Testing threads.
+ if (!showThreads) {
+ info("In this mode, we shouldn't display any threads");
+ Assert.equal(
+ threads,
+ null,
+ "In hidden threads mode, we shouldn't have any thread summary"
+ );
+ } else {
+ info("Sanity checks: number of threads");
+ let numberOfThreads = Number.parseInt(threads.numberContent);
+ Assert.ok(
+ numberOfThreads >= HARDCODED_ASSUMPTIONS_PROCESS.minimalNumberOfThreads
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ numberOfThreads <= HARDCODED_ASSUMPTIONS_PROCESS.maximalNumberOfThreads
+ );
+ Assert.equal(
+ numberOfThreads,
+ row.process.threads.length,
+ "The number we display should be the number of threads"
+ );
+ info("Testing that we can open the list of threads");
+ let twisty = threads.row.getElementsByClassName("twisty")[0];
+ // Since `` is partially async, we need to wait
+ // until all the threads are properly displayed.
+ await promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({ doc, tbody, tabAboutProcesses });
+ let numberOfThreadsFound = 0;
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => {
+ numberOfThreadsFound = 0;
+ for (
+ let threadRow = threads.row.nextSibling;
+ threadRow && threadRow.classList.contains("thread");
+ threadRow = threadRow.nextSibling
+ ) {
+ numberOfThreadsFound++;
+ }
+ return numberOfThreadsFound == numberOfThreads;
+ },
+ `We should see ${numberOfThreads} threads, found ${numberOfThreadsFound}`,
+ /* interval = */ 300
+ );
+ for (
+ let threadRow = threads.row.nextSibling;
+ threadRow && threadRow.classList.contains("thread");
+ threadRow = threadRow.nextSibling
+ ) {
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () =>
+ threadRow.children.length >= 3 && threadRow.children[2].textContent,
+ "The thread row should be populated"
+ );
+ let children = threadRow.children;
+ let cpuContent = children[2].textContent;
+ let tidContent = document.l10n.getAttributes(children[0].children[0])
+ .args.tid;
+ info("Sanity checks: tid");
+ let tid = Number.parseInt(tidContent);
+ Assert.notEqual(tid, 0, "The tid should be set");
+ Assert.equal(tid, threadRow.thread.tid, "Displayed tid is correct");
+ info("Sanity checks: CPU (User and Kernel)");
+ testCpu(
+ cpuContent,
+ threadRow.thread.totalCpu,
+ threadRow.thread.slopeCpu,
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Testing subframes.
+ info("Testing subframes");
+ let foundAtLeastOneInProcessSubframe = false;
+ for (let row of doc.getElementsByClassName("window")) {
+ let subframe =;
+ if ( {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let url = document.l10n.getAttributes(row.children[0].children[0]).args
+ .url;
+ Assert.equal(url, subframe.documentURI.spec);
+ if (!subframe.isProcessRoot) {
+ foundAtLeastOneInProcessSubframe = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (showAllFrames) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ foundAtLeastOneInProcessSubframe,
+ "Found at least one about:blank in-process subframe"
+ );
+ } else {
+ Assert.ok(
+ !foundAtLeastOneInProcessSubframe,
+ "We shouldn't have any about:blank in-process subframe"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ await promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({
+ doc,
+ tbody,
+ force: true,
+ tabAboutProcesses,
+ });
+ info("Double-clicking on a tab");
+ let whenTabSwitchedToWeb = BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, () => {
+ // We pass a function to use `BrowserTestUtils.switchTab` not in its
+ // role as a tab switcher but rather in its role as a function that
+ // waits until something else has switched the tab.
+ // We'll actually cause tab switching below, by doucle-clicking
+ // in `about:processes`.
+ });
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(tabAboutProcesses.linkedBrowser, [], async () => {
+ // Locate and double-click on the representation of `tabHung`.
+ let tbody = content.document.getElementById("process-tbody");
+ for (let row of tbody.getElementsByClassName("tab")) {
+ if ( != "") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Simulate double-click.
+ let evt = new content.window.MouseEvent("dblclick", {
+ bubbles: true,
+ cancelable: true,
+ view: content.window,
+ });
+ row.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ return;
+ }
+ Assert.ok(false, "We should have found the hung tab");
+ });
+ info("Waiting for tab switch");
+ await whenTabSwitchedToWeb;
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () =>
+ gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec ==
+ tabHung.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec,
+ "We should have focused the hung tab"
+ );
+ gBrowser.selectedTab = tabAboutProcesses;
+ info("Double-clicking on the extensions process");
+ let whenTabSwitchedToAddons = BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, () => {
+ // We pass a function to use `BrowserTestUtils.switchTab` not in its
+ // role as a tab switcher but rather in its role as a function that
+ // waits until something else has switched the tab.
+ // We'll actually cause tab switching below, by doucle-clicking
+ // in `about:processes`.
+ });
+ await SpecialPowers.spawn(tabAboutProcesses.linkedBrowser, [], async () => {
+ let extensionsRow = content.document.getElementsByClassName(
+ "extensions"
+ )[0];
+ Assert.ok(!!extensionsRow, "We should have found the extensions process");
+ let evt = new content.window.MouseEvent("dblclick", {
+ bubbles: true,
+ cancelable: true,
+ view: content.window,
+ });
+ extensionsRow.dispatchEvent(evt);
+ });
+ info("Waiting for tab switch");
+ await whenTabSwitchedToAddons;
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec == "about:addons",
+ "We should now see the addon tab"
+ );
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
+ info("Testing tab closing");
+ // A list of processes we have killed and for which we're waiting
+ // death confirmation. Only used in Fission.
+ let waitForProcessesToDisappear = [];
+ await promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({
+ doc,
+ tbody,
+ force: true,
+ tabAboutProcesses,
+ });
+ if (isFission) {
+ // Before closing, all our origins should be present
+ for (let origin of [
+ "", // tabHung
+ "", // tabCloseProcess*
+ "", // tabCloseSeparately*
+ "", // tabCloseTogether*
+ ]) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, origin),
+ `There is a process for origin ${origin}`
+ );
+ }
+ // These origins will disappear.
+ for (let origin of [
+ "", // tabCloseProcess*
+ "", // tabCloseTogether*
+ ]) {
+ let row = findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, origin);
+ let childID = row.process.childID;
+ waitForProcessesToDisappear.push(promiseProcessDied({ childID }));
+ }
+ }
+ // Close a few tabs.
+ for (let tab of [tabCloseSeparately1, tabCloseTogether1, tabCloseTogether2]) {
+ info("Closing a tab through about:processes");
+ let found = findTabRowByName(doc, tab.linkedBrowser.contentTitle);
+ Assert.ok(
+ found,
+ `We should have found tab ${tab.linkedBrowser.contentTitle} to close it`
+ );
+ let closeIcons = found.getElementsByClassName("close-icon");
+ Assert.equal(
+ closeIcons.length,
+ 1,
+ "This tab should have exactly one close icon"
+ );
+ closeIcons[0].click();
+ Assert.ok(
+ found.classList.contains("killing"),
+ "We should have marked the row as dying"
+ );
+ }
+ //...and a process, if we're in Fission.
+ if (isFission) {
+ info("Closing an entire process through about:processes");
+ let found = findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, "");
+ let closeIcons = found.getElementsByClassName("close-icon");
+ Assert.equal(
+ closeIcons.length,
+ 1,
+ "This process should have exactly one close icon"
+ );
+ closeIcons[0].click();
+ Assert.ok(
+ found.classList.contains("killing"),
+ "We should have marked the row as dying"
+ );
+ }
+ // Give Firefox a little time to close the tabs and update about:processes.
+ // This might take two updates as we're racing between collecting data and
+ // processes actually being killed.
+ await promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({
+ doc,
+ tbody,
+ force: true,
+ tabAboutProcesses,
+ });
+ // The tabs we have closed directly or indirectly should now be (closed or crashed) and invisible in about:processes.
+ for (let { origin, tab } of [
+ { origin: "", tab: tabCloseSeparately1 },
+ { origin: "", tab: tabCloseTogether1 },
+ { origin: "", tab: tabCloseTogether2 },
+ ...(isFission
+ ? [
+ { origin: "", tab: tabCloseProcess1 },
+ { origin: "", tab: tabCloseProcess2 },
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ]) {
+ // Tab shouldn't show up anymore in about:processes
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => !findTabRowByName(doc, origin),
+ `Tab for ${origin} shouldn't show up anymore in about:processes`
+ );
+ // ...and should be unloaded.
+ Assert.ok(
+ !tab.getAttribute("linkedPanel"),
+ `The tab should now be unloaded (${tab.testOrigin} - ${tab.testTitle})`
+ );
+ }
+ // On the other hand, tabs we haven't closed should still be open and visible in about:processes.
+ Assert.ok(
+ tabCloseSeparately2.linkedBrowser,
+ "Killing one tab in the domain should not have closed the other tab"
+ );
+ let foundtabCloseSeparately2 = findTabRowByName(
+ doc,
+ tabCloseSeparately2.linkedBrowser.contentTitle
+ );
+ Assert.ok(
+ foundtabCloseSeparately2,
+ "The second tab is still visible in about:processes"
+ );
+ if (isFission) {
+ // After closing, we must have closed some of our origins.
+ for (let origin of [
+ "", // tabHung
+ "", // tabCloseSeparately*
+ ]) {
+ Assert.ok(
+ findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, origin),
+ `There should still be a process row for origin ${origin}`
+ );
+ }
+ info("Waiting for processes to die");
+ await Promise.all(waitForProcessesToDisappear);
+ info("Waiting for about:processes to be updated");
+ await promiseAboutProcessesUpdated({
+ doc,
+ tbody,
+ force: true,
+ tabAboutProcesses,
+ });
+ for (let origin of [
+ "", // tabCloseProcess*
+ "", // tabCloseTogether*
+ ]) {
+ await TestUtils.waitForCondition(
+ () => !findProcessRowByOrigin(doc, origin),
+ `Process ${origin} should disappear from about:processes`
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ info("Additional sanity check for all processes");
+ for (let row of document.getElementsByClassName("process")) {
+ let { pidContent, typeContent } = extractProcessDetails(row);
+ Assert.equal(typeContent, row.process.type);
+ Assert.equal(Number.parseInt(pidContent),;
+ }
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabAboutProcesses);
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabHung);
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabCloseSeparately2);
+ // We still need to remove these tabs.
+ // We killed the process, but we don't want to leave zombie tabs lying around.
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabCloseProcess1);
+ BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabCloseProcess2);
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("toolkit.aboutProcesses.showAllSubframes");
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("toolkit.aboutProcesses.showThreads");
+ await extension.unload();