path: root/toolkit/components/places/UnifiedComplete.jsm
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/places/UnifiedComplete.jsm')
1 files changed, 2125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/places/UnifiedComplete.jsm b/toolkit/components/places/UnifiedComplete.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe3b57a4d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/places/UnifiedComplete.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,2125 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
+ * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+/* eslint complexity: ["error", 53] */
+"use strict";
+// Constants
+const MS_PER_DAY = 86400000; // 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
+// AutoComplete query type constants.
+// Describes the various types of queries that we can process rows for.
+// The default frecency value used when inserting matches with unknown frecency.
+const FRECENCY_DEFAULT = 1000;
+// By default we add remote tabs that have been used less than this time ago.
+// Any remaining remote tabs are added in queue if no other results are found.
+const RECENT_REMOTE_TAB_THRESHOLD_MS = 259200000; // 72 hours.
+// Regex used to match userContextId.
+const REGEXP_USER_CONTEXT_ID = /(?:^| )user-context-id:(\d+)/;
+// Regex used to match maxResults.
+const REGEXP_MAX_RESULTS = /(?:^| )max-results:(\d+)/;
+// Regex used to match one or more whitespace.
+const REGEXP_SPACES = /\s+/;
+// Regex used to strip prefixes from URLs. See stripAnyPrefix().
+const REGEXP_STRIP_PREFIX = /^[a-z]+:(?:\/){0,2}/i;
+// The result is notified on a delay, to avoid rebuilding the panel at every match.
+// Sqlite result row index constants.
+const QUERYINDEX_URL = 1;
+// This SQL query fragment provides the following:
+// - whether the entry is bookmarked (QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKED)
+// - the bookmark title, if it is a bookmark (QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKTITLE)
+// - the tags associated with a bookmarked entry (QUERYINDEX_TAGS)
+const SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT = `EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = AS bookmarked,
+ ( SELECT title FROM moz_bookmarks WHERE fk = AND title NOTNULL
+ ORDER BY lastModified DESC LIMIT 1
+ ) AS btitle,
+ ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(t.title, ', ')
+ FROM moz_bookmarks b
+ JOIN moz_bookmarks t ON = +b.parent AND t.parent = :parent
+ ) AS tags`;
+// TODO bug 412736: in case of a frecency tie, we might break it with h.typed
+// and h.visit_count. That is slower though, so not doing it yet...
+// NB: as a slight performance optimization, we only evaluate the "bookmarked"
+// condition once, and avoid evaluating "btitle" and "tags" when it is false.
+function defaultQuery(conditions = "") {
+ let query = `SELECT :query_type, h.url, h.title, ${SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT},
+ h.visit_count, h.typed,, t.open_count, h.frecency
+ FROM moz_places h
+ LEFT JOIN moz_openpages_temp t
+ ON t.url = h.url
+ AND t.userContextId = :userContextId
+ WHERE h.frecency <> 0
+ AND CASE WHEN bookmarked
+ AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(:searchString, h.url,
+ IFNULL(btitle, h.title), tags,
+ h.visit_count, h.typed,
+ 1, t.open_count,
+ :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior)
+ AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(:searchString, h.url,
+ h.title, '',
+ h.visit_count, h.typed,
+ 0, t.open_count,
+ :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior)
+ ${conditions ? "AND" : ""} ${conditions}
+ ORDER BY h.frecency DESC, DESC
+ LIMIT :maxResults`;
+ return query;
+const SQL_SWITCHTAB_QUERY = `SELECT :query_type, t.url, t.url, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ t.open_count, NULL
+ FROM moz_openpages_temp t
+ LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON h.url_hash = hash(t.url) AND h.url = t.url
+ AND t.userContextId = :userContextId
+ AND AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH(:searchString, t.url, t.url, NULL,
+ NULL, NULL, NULL, t.open_count,
+ :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior)
+ LIMIT :maxResults`;
+const SQL_ADAPTIVE_QUERY = `/* do not warn (bug 487789) */
+ SELECT :query_type, h.url, h.title, ${SQL_BOOKMARK_TAGS_FRAGMENT},
+ h.visit_count, h.typed,, t.open_count, h.frecency
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ROUND(MAX(use_count) * (1 + (input = :search_string)), 1) AS rank,
+ place_id
+ FROM moz_inputhistory
+ WHERE input BETWEEN :search_string AND :search_string || X'FFFF'
+ GROUP BY place_id
+ ) AS i
+ JOIN moz_places h ON = i.place_id
+ LEFT JOIN moz_openpages_temp t
+ ON t.url = h.url
+ AND t.userContextId = :userContextId
+ IFNULL(btitle, h.title), tags,
+ h.visit_count, h.typed, bookmarked,
+ t.open_count,
+ :matchBehavior, :searchBehavior)
+ ORDER BY rank DESC, h.frecency DESC
+ LIMIT :maxResults`;
+// Getters
+const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"
+const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch"]);
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
+ AboutPagesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/AboutPagesUtils.jsm",
+ BrowserUtils: "resource://gre/modules/BrowserUtils.jsm",
+ ObjectUtils: "resource://gre/modules/ObjectUtils.jsm",
+ PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider:
+ "resource://gre/modules/PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider.jsm",
+ PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm",
+ PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm",
+ ProfileAge: "resource://gre/modules/ProfileAge.jsm",
+ PromiseUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.jsm",
+ Sqlite: "resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.jsm",
+ UrlbarPrefs: "resource:///modules/UrlbarPrefs.jsm",
+ UrlbarProvidersManager: "resource:///modules/UrlbarProvidersManager.jsm",
+ UrlbarSearchUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarSearchUtils.jsm",
+ UrlbarTokenizer: "resource:///modules/UrlbarTokenizer.jsm",
+ UrlbarUtils: "resource:///modules/UrlbarUtils.jsm",
+ this,
+ "syncUsernamePref",
+ "services.sync.username"
+function setTimeout(callback, ms) {
+ let timer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+ timer.initWithCallback(callback, ms, timer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+ return timer;
+const kProtocolsWithIcons = [
+ "chrome:",
+ "moz-extension:",
+ "about:",
+ "http:",
+ "https:",
+ "ftp:",
+function iconHelper(url) {
+ if (typeof url == "string") {
+ return kProtocolsWithIcons.some(p => url.startsWith(p))
+ ? "page-icon:" + url
+ : PlacesUtils.favicons.defaultFavicon.spec;
+ }
+ if (url && url instanceof URL && kProtocolsWithIcons.includes(url.protocol)) {
+ return "page-icon:" + url.href;
+ }
+ return PlacesUtils.favicons.defaultFavicon.spec;
+// Preloaded Sites related
+function PreloadedSite(url, title) {
+ this.uri =;
+ this.title = title;
+ this._matchTitle = title.toLowerCase();
+ this._hasWWW ="www.");
+ this._hostWithoutWWW = this._hasWWW ? :;
+ * Storage object for Preloaded Sites.
+ * add(url, title): adds a site to storage
+ * populate(sites) : populates the storage with array of [url,title]
+ * sites[]: resulting array of sites (PreloadedSite objects)
+ */
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "PreloadedSiteStorage", () =>
+ Object.seal({
+ sites: [],
+ add(url, title) {
+ let site = new PreloadedSite(url, title);
+ this.sites.push(site);
+ },
+ populate(sites) {
+ this.sites = [];
+ for (let site of sites) {
+ this.add(site[0], site[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ })
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "ProfileAgeCreatedPromise", async () => {
+ let times = await ProfileAge();
+ return times.created;
+// Maps restriction character types to textual behaviors.
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "typeToBehaviorMap", () => {
+ return new Map([
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_HISTORY, "history"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_BOOKMARK, "bookmark"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_TAG, "tag"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_OPENPAGE, "openpage"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_SEARCH, "search"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_TITLE, "title"],
+ [UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_URL, "url"],
+ ]);
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "sourceToBehaviorMap", () => {
+ return new Map([
+ [UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.HISTORY, "history"],
+ [UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.BOOKMARKS, "bookmark"],
+ [UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.TABS, "openpage"],
+ [UrlbarUtils.RESULT_SOURCE.SEARCH, "search"],
+ ]);
+// Helper functions
+ * Strips the prefix from a URL and returns the prefix and the remainder of the
+ * URL. "Prefix" is defined to be the scheme and colon, plus, if present, two
+ * slashes. If the given string is not actually a URL, then an empty prefix and
+ * the string itself is returned.
+ *
+ * @param str
+ * The possible URL to strip.
+ * @return If `str` is a URL, then [prefix, remainder]. Otherwise, ["", str].
+ */
+function stripAnyPrefix(str) {
+ let match = REGEXP_STRIP_PREFIX.exec(str);
+ if (!match) {
+ return ["", str];
+ }
+ let prefix = match[0];
+ if (prefix.length < str.length && str[prefix.length] == " ") {
+ return ["", str];
+ }
+ return [prefix, str.substr(prefix.length)];
+ * Strips parts of a URL defined in `options`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} spec
+ * The text to modify.
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @param {boolean} options.stripHttp
+ * Whether to strip http.
+ * @param {boolean} options.stripHttps
+ * Whether to strip https.
+ * @param {boolean} options.stripWww
+ * Whether to strip `www.`.
+ * @param {boolean} options.trimSlash
+ * Whether to trim the trailing slash.
+ * @param {boolean} options.trimEmptyQuery
+ * Whether to trim a trailing `?`.
+ * @param {boolean} options.trimEmptyHash
+ * Whether to trim a trailing `#`.
+ * @returns {array} [modified, prefix, suffix]
+ * modified: {string} The modified spec.
+ * prefix: {string} The parts stripped from the prefix, if any.
+ * suffix: {string} The parts trimmed from the suffix, if any.
+ */
+function stripPrefixAndTrim(spec, options = {}) {
+ let prefix = "";
+ let suffix = "";
+ if (options.stripHttp && spec.startsWith("http://")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(7);
+ prefix = "http://";
+ } else if (options.stripHttps && spec.startsWith("https://")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(8);
+ prefix = "https://";
+ }
+ if (options.stripWww && spec.startsWith("www.")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(4);
+ prefix += "www.";
+ }
+ if (options.trimEmptyHash && spec.endsWith("#")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(0, -1);
+ suffix = "#" + suffix;
+ }
+ if (options.trimEmptyQuery && spec.endsWith("?")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(0, -1);
+ suffix = "?" + suffix;
+ }
+ if (options.trimSlash && spec.endsWith("/")) {
+ spec = spec.slice(0, -1);
+ suffix = "/" + suffix;
+ }
+ return [spec, prefix, suffix];
+ * Returns the key to be used for a match in a map for the purposes of removing
+ * duplicate entries - any 2 matches that should be considered the same should
+ * return the same key. The type of the returned key depends on the type of the
+ * match, so don't assume you can compare keys using ==. Instead, use
+ * ObjectUtils.deepEqual().
+ *
+ * @param {object} match
+ * The match object.
+ * @returns {value} Some opaque key object. Use ObjectUtils.deepEqual() to
+ * compare keys.
+ */
+function makeKeyForMatch(match) {
+ // For autofill entries, we need to have a key based on the finalCompleteValue
+ // rather than the value field, because the latter may have been trimmed.
+ let key, prefix;
+ if ( &&"autofill")) {
+ [key, prefix] = stripPrefixAndTrim(match.finalCompleteValue, {
+ stripHttp: true,
+ stripHttps: true,
+ stripWww: true,
+ trimEmptyQuery: true,
+ trimSlash: true,
+ });
+ return [key, prefix, null];
+ }
+ let action = PlacesUtils.parseActionUrl(match.value);
+ if (!action) {
+ [key, prefix] = stripPrefixAndTrim(match.value, {
+ stripHttp: true,
+ stripHttps: true,
+ stripWww: true,
+ trimSlash: true,
+ trimEmptyQuery: true,
+ trimEmptyHash: true,
+ });
+ return [key, prefix, null];
+ }
+ switch (action.type) {
+ case "searchengine":
+ // We want to exclude search suggestion matches that simply echo back the
+ // query string in the heuristic result. For example, if the user types
+ // "@engine test", we want to exclude a "test" suggestion match.
+ key = [
+ action.type,
+ action.params.engineName,
+ (
+ action.params.searchSuggestion || action.params.searchQuery
+ ).toLocaleLowerCase(),
+ ];
+ break;
+ default:
+ [key, prefix] = stripPrefixAndTrim(action.params.url || match.value, {
+ stripHttp: true,
+ stripHttps: true,
+ stripWww: true,
+ trimEmptyQuery: true,
+ trimSlash: true,
+ });
+ break;
+ }
+ return [key, prefix, action];
+ * Makes a moz-action url for the given action and set of parameters.
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * The action type.
+ * @param params
+ * A JS object of action params.
+ * @returns A moz-action url as a string.
+ */
+function makeActionUrl(type, params) {
+ let encodedParams = {};
+ for (let key in params) {
+ // Strip null or undefined.
+ // Regardless, don't encode them or they would be converted to a string.
+ if (params[key] === null || params[key] === undefined) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ encodedParams[key] = encodeURIComponent(params[key]);
+ }
+ return `moz-action:${type},${JSON.stringify(encodedParams)}`;
+ * Manages a single instance of an autocomplete search.
+ *
+ * The first three parameters all originate from the similarly named parameters
+ * of nsIAutoCompleteSearch.startSearch().
+ *
+ * @param searchString
+ * The search string.
+ * @param searchParam
+ * A space-delimited string of search parameters. The following
+ * parameters are supported:
+ * * enable-actions: Include "actions", such as switch-to-tab and search
+ * engine aliases, in the results.
+ * * disable-private-actions: The search is taking place in a private
+ * window outside of permanent private-browsing mode. The search
+ * should exclude privacy-sensitive results as appropriate.
+ * * private-window: The search is taking place in a private window,
+ * possibly in permanent private-browsing mode. The search
+ * should exclude privacy-sensitive results as appropriate.
+ * * user-context-id: The userContextId of the selected tab.
+ * @param autocompleteListener
+ * An nsIAutoCompleteObserver.
+ * @param autocompleteSearch
+ * An nsIAutoCompleteSearch.
+ * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} [queryContext]
+ * The query context, undefined for legacy consumers.
+ */
+function Search(
+ searchString,
+ searchParam,
+ autocompleteListener,
+ autocompleteSearch,
+ queryContext
+) {
+ // We want to store the original string for case sensitive searches.
+ this._originalSearchString = searchString;
+ this._trimmedOriginalSearchString = searchString.trim();
+ let unescapedSearchString = Services.textToSubURI.unEscapeURIForUI(
+ this._trimmedOriginalSearchString
+ );
+ let [prefix, suffix] = stripAnyPrefix(unescapedSearchString);
+ this._searchString = suffix;
+ this._strippedPrefix = prefix.toLowerCase();
+ this._matchBehavior = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_BOUNDARY;
+ // Set the default behavior for this search.
+ this._behavior = this._searchString
+ ? UrlbarPrefs.get("defaultBehavior")
+ : this._emptySearchDefaultBehavior;
+ if (queryContext) {
+ this._enableActions = true;
+ this._inPrivateWindow = queryContext.isPrivate;
+ this._disablePrivateActions =
+ this._inPrivateWindow && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing;
+ this._prohibitAutoFill = !queryContext.allowAutofill;
+ this._maxResults = queryContext.maxResults;
+ this._userContextId = queryContext.userContextId;
+ this._currentPage = queryContext.currentPage;
+ this._searchModeEngine = queryContext.searchMode?.engineName;
+ this._searchMode = queryContext.searchMode;
+ if (this._searchModeEngine) {
+ // Filter Places results on host.
+ let engine =;
+ this._filterOnHost = engine.getResultDomain();
+ }
+ } else {
+ let params = new Set(searchParam.split(" "));
+ this._enableActions = params.has("enable-actions");
+ this._disablePrivateActions = params.has("disable-private-actions");
+ this._inPrivateWindow = params.has("private-window");
+ this._prohibitAutoFill = params.has("prohibit-autofill");
+ // Extract the max-results param.
+ let maxResults = searchParam.match(REGEXP_MAX_RESULTS);
+ this._maxResults = maxResults
+ ? parseInt(maxResults[1])
+ : UrlbarPrefs.get("maxRichResults");
+ // Extract the user-context-id param.
+ let userContextId = searchParam.match(REGEXP_USER_CONTEXT_ID);
+ this._userContextId = userContextId
+ ? parseInt(userContextId[1], 10)
+ : Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DEFAULT_USER_CONTEXT_ID;
+ }
+ // Use the original string here, not the stripped one, so the tokenizer can
+ // properly recognize token types.
+ let { tokens } = UrlbarTokenizer.tokenize({
+ searchString: unescapedSearchString,
+ trimmedSearchString: unescapedSearchString.trim(),
+ });
+ // This allows to handle leading or trailing restriction characters specially.
+ this._leadingRestrictionToken = null;
+ if (tokens.length) {
+ if (
+ UrlbarTokenizer.isRestrictionToken(tokens[0]) &&
+ (tokens.length > 1 ||
+ tokens[0].type == UrlbarTokenizer.TYPE.RESTRICT_SEARCH)
+ ) {
+ this._leadingRestrictionToken = tokens[0].value;
+ }
+ // Check if the first token has a strippable prefix and remove it, but don't
+ // create an empty token.
+ if (prefix && tokens[0].value.length > prefix.length) {
+ tokens[0].value = tokens[0].value.substring(prefix.length);
+ }
+ }
+ // Eventually filter restriction tokens. In general it's a good idea, but if
+ // the consumer requested search mode, we should use the full string to avoid
+ // ignoring valid tokens.
+ this._searchTokens =
+ !queryContext || queryContext.restrictToken
+ ? this.filterTokens(tokens)
+ : tokens;
+ // The behavior can be set through:
+ // 1. a specific restrictSource in the QueryContext
+ // 2. typed restriction tokens
+ if (
+ queryContext &&
+ queryContext.restrictSource &&
+ sourceToBehaviorMap.has(queryContext.restrictSource)
+ ) {
+ this._behavior = 0;
+ this.setBehavior("restrict");
+ let behavior = sourceToBehaviorMap.get(queryContext.restrictSource);
+ this.setBehavior(behavior);
+ // When we are in restrict mode, all the tokens are valid for searching, so
+ // there is no _heuristicToken.
+ this._heuristicToken = null;
+ } else {
+ // The heuristic token is the first filtered search token, but only when it's
+ // actually the first thing in the search string. If a prefix or restriction
+ // character occurs first, then the heurstic token is null. We use the
+ // heuristic token to help determine the heuristic result. It may be a Places
+ // keyword, a search engine alias, or simply a URL or part of the search
+ // string the user has typed. We won't know until we create the heuristic
+ // result.
+ let firstToken = !!this._searchTokens.length && this._searchTokens[0].value;
+ this._heuristicToken =
+ firstToken && this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.startsWith(firstToken)
+ ? firstToken
+ : null;
+ }
+ // Set the right JavaScript behavior based on our preference. Note that the
+ // preference is whether or not we should filter JavaScript, and the
+ // behavior is if we should search it or not.
+ if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("filter.javascript")) {
+ this.setBehavior("javascript");
+ }
+ this._listener = autocompleteListener;
+ this._autocompleteSearch = autocompleteSearch;
+ // Create a new result to add eventual matches. Note we need a result
+ // regardless having matches.
+ let result = Cc[";1"].createInstance(
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSimpleResult
+ );
+ result.setSearchString(searchString);
+ // Will be set later, if needed.
+ result.setDefaultIndex(-1);
+ this._result = result;
+ // Used to limit the number of adaptive results.
+ this._adaptiveCount = 0;
+ this._extraAdaptiveRows = [];
+ // Used to limit the number of remote tab results.
+ this._extraRemoteTabRows = [];
+ // These are used to avoid adding duplicate entries to the results.
+ this._usedURLs = [];
+ this._usedPlaceIds = new Set();
+ // Counters for the number of results per RESULT_GROUP.
+ this._counts = Object.values(UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP).reduce((o, p) => {
+ o[p] = 0;
+ return o;
+ }, {});
+Search.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Enables the desired AutoComplete behavior.
+ *
+ * @param type
+ * The behavior type to set.
+ */
+ setBehavior(type) {
+ type = type.toUpperCase();
+ this._behavior |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete["BEHAVIOR_" + type];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Determines if the specified AutoComplete behavior is set.
+ *
+ * @param aType
+ * The behavior type to test for.
+ * @return true if the behavior is set, false otherwise.
+ */
+ hasBehavior(type) {
+ let behavior = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete["BEHAVIOR_" + type.toUpperCase()];
+ if (
+ this._disablePrivateActions &&
+ behavior == Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_OPENPAGE
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this._behavior & behavior;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Used to delay the most complex queries, to save IO while the user is
+ * typing.
+ */
+ _sleepResolve: null,
+ _sleep(aTimeMs) {
+ // Reuse a single instance to try shaving off some usless work before
+ // the first query.
+ if (!this._sleepTimer) {
+ this._sleepTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+ }
+ return new Promise(resolve => {
+ this._sleepResolve = resolve;
+ this._sleepTimer.initWithCallback(
+ resolve,
+ aTimeMs,
+ );
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Given an array of tokens, this function determines which query should be
+ * ran. It also removes any special search tokens.
+ *
+ * @param tokens
+ * An array of search tokens.
+ * @return A new, filtered array of tokens.
+ */
+ filterTokens(tokens) {
+ let foundToken = false;
+ // Set the proper behavior while filtering tokens.
+ let filtered = [];
+ for (let token of tokens) {
+ if (!UrlbarTokenizer.isRestrictionToken(token)) {
+ filtered.push(token);
+ continue;
+ }
+ let behavior = typeToBehaviorMap.get(token.type);
+ if (!behavior) {
+ throw new Error(`Unknown token type ${token.type}`);
+ }
+ // Don't remove the token if it didn't match, or if it's an action but
+ // actions are not enabled.
+ if (behavior != "openpage" || this._enableActions) {
+ // Don't use the suggest preferences if it is a token search and
+ // set the restrict bit to 1 (to intersect the search results).
+ if (!foundToken) {
+ foundToken = true;
+ // Do not take into account previous behavior (e.g.: history, bookmark)
+ this._behavior = 0;
+ this.setBehavior("restrict");
+ }
+ this.setBehavior(behavior);
+ // We return tags only for bookmarks, thus when tags are enforced, we
+ // must also set the bookmark behavior.
+ if (behavior == "tag") {
+ this.setBehavior("bookmark");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return filtered;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Stop this search.
+ * After invoking this method, we won't run any more searches or heuristics,
+ * and no new matches may be added to the current result.
+ */
+ stop() {
+ // Avoid multiple calls or re-entrance.
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._notifyTimer) {
+ this._notifyTimer.cancel();
+ }
+ this._notifyDelaysCount = 0;
+ if (this._sleepTimer) {
+ this._sleepTimer.cancel();
+ }
+ if (this._sleepResolve) {
+ this._sleepResolve();
+ this._sleepResolve = null;
+ }
+ if (typeof this.interrupt == "function") {
+ this.interrupt();
+ }
+ this.pending = false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Whether this search is active.
+ */
+ pending: true,
+ /**
+ * Execute the search and populate results.
+ * @param conn
+ * The Sqlite connection.
+ */
+ async execute(conn) {
+ // A search might be canceled before it starts.
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Used by stop() to interrupt an eventual running statement.
+ this.interrupt = () => {
+ // Interrupt any ongoing statement to run the search sooner.
+ if (!UrlbarProvidersManager.interruptLevel) {
+ conn.interrupt();
+ }
+ };
+ // For any given search, we run many queries/heuristics:
+ // 1) by alias (as defined in SearchService)
+ // 2) inline completion from search engine resultDomains
+ // 3) submission for the current search engine
+ // 4) Places keywords
+ // 5) adaptive learning (this._adaptiveQuery)
+ // 6) open pages not supported by history (this._switchToTabQuery)
+ // 7) query based on match behavior
+ //
+ // (4) only gets run if we get any filtered tokens, since if there are no
+ // tokens, there is nothing to match.
+ //
+ // (1) and (5) only get run if actions are enabled. When actions are
+ // enabled, the first result is always a special result (resulting from one
+ // of the queries between (1) and (4) inclusive). As such, the UI is
+ // expected to auto-select the first result when actions are enabled. If the
+ // first result is an inline completion result, that will also be the
+ // default result and therefore be autofilled (this also happens if actions
+ // are not enabled).
+ // Check for Preloaded Sites Expiry before Autofill
+ await this._checkPreloadedSitesExpiry();
+ // If the query is simply "@" and we have tokenAliasEngines then return
+ // early. UrlbarProviderTokenAliasEngines will add engine results.
+ let tokenAliasEngines = await UrlbarSearchUtils.tokenAliasEngines();
+ if (this._trimmedOriginalSearchString == "@" && tokenAliasEngines.length) {
+ this._autocompleteSearch.finishSearch(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Add the first heuristic result, if any. Set _addingHeuristicResult
+ // to true so that when the result is added, "heuristic" can be included in
+ // its style.
+ this._addingHeuristicResult = true;
+ await this._matchFirstHeuristicResult(conn);
+ this._addingHeuristicResult = false;
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // We sleep a little between adding the heuristic result and matching
+ // any other searches so we aren't kicking off potentially expensive
+ // searches on every keystroke. We check trimmedOriginalSearchString instead
+ // of whether we have a heurisitic because several sources of heuristic
+ // results have been factored out of UnifiedComplete. See discussion in
+ // bug 1655034.
+ // If there's no string, we search immediately because the user wants
+ // the empty search results ASAP.
+ if (this._trimmedOriginalSearchString) {
+ await this._sleep(UrlbarPrefs.get("delay"));
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the heuristic result is an engine from a token alias, the search
+ // restriction char, or we're in search-restriction mode, then we're done.
+ // UrlbarProviderSearchSuggestions will handle suggestions, if any.
+ let emptySearchRestriction =
+ this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.length <= 3 &&
+ this._leadingRestrictionToken == UrlbarTokenizer.RESTRICT.SEARCH &&
+ /\s*\S?$/.test(this._trimmedOriginalSearchString);
+ if (
+ emptySearchRestriction ||
+ (tokenAliasEngines &&
+ this._trimmedOriginalSearchString.startsWith("@")) ||
+ (this.hasBehavior("search") && this.hasBehavior("restrict"))
+ ) {
+ this._autocompleteSearch.finishSearch(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Run the adaptive query first.
+ await conn.executeCached(
+ this._adaptiveQuery[0],
+ this._adaptiveQuery[1],
+ this._onResultRow.bind(this)
+ );
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Then fetch remote tabs.
+ if (this._enableActions && this.hasBehavior("openpage")) {
+ await this._matchRemoteTabs();
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally run all the remaining queries.
+ let queries = [];
+ // "openpage" behavior is supported by the default query.
+ // _switchToTabQuery instead returns only pages not supported by history.
+ if (this.hasBehavior("openpage")) {
+ queries.push(this._switchToTabQuery);
+ }
+ queries.push(this._searchQuery);
+ for (let [query, params] of queries) {
+ await conn.executeCached(query, params, this._onResultRow.bind(this));
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // If we have some unused adaptive matches, add them now.
+ while (
+ this._extraAdaptiveRows.length &&
+ this._result.matchCount < this._maxResults
+ ) {
+ this._addFilteredQueryMatch(this._extraAdaptiveRows.shift());
+ }
+ // If we have some unused remote tab matches, add them now.
+ while (
+ this._extraRemoteTabRows.length &&
+ this._result.matchCount < this._maxResults
+ ) {
+ this._addMatch(this._extraRemoteTabRows.shift());
+ }
+ this._matchAboutPages();
+ // If we do not have enough matches search again with MATCH_ANYWHERE, to
+ // get more matches.
+ let count =
+ this._counts[UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.GENERAL] +
+ this._counts[UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC];
+ if (count < this._maxResults) {
+ this._matchBehavior = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.MATCH_ANYWHERE;
+ let queries = [this._adaptiveQuery, this._searchQuery];
+ if (this.hasBehavior("openpage")) {
+ queries.unshift(this._switchToTabQuery);
+ }
+ for (let [query, params] of queries) {
+ await conn.executeCached(query, params, this._onResultRow.bind(this));
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._matchPreloadedSites();
+ },
+ _shouldMatchAboutPages() {
+ // Only autocomplete input that starts with 'about:' and has at least 1 more
+ // character.
+ return this._strippedPrefix == "about:" && this._searchString;
+ },
+ _matchAboutPages() {
+ if (!this._shouldMatchAboutPages()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const url of AboutPagesUtils.visibleAboutUrls) {
+ if (url.startsWith(`about:${this._searchString}`)) {
+ this._addMatch({
+ value: url,
+ comment: url,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ async _checkPreloadedSitesExpiry() {
+ if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let profileCreationDate = await ProfileAgeCreatedPromise;
+ let daysSinceProfileCreation =
+ ( - profileCreationDate) / MS_PER_DAY;
+ if (
+ daysSinceProfileCreation >
+ UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.expire_days")
+ ) {
+ Services.prefs.setBoolPref(
+ "browser.urlbar.usepreloadedtopurls.enabled",
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ _matchPreloadedSites() {
+ if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this._searchString) {
+ // The user hasn't typed anything, or they've only typed a scheme.
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let site of PreloadedSiteStorage.sites) {
+ let url = site.uri.spec;
+ if (
+ (!this._strippedPrefix || url.startsWith(this._strippedPrefix)) &&
+ ( ||
+ site._matchTitle.includes(this._searchString))
+ ) {
+ this._addMatch({
+ value: url,
+ comment: site.title,
+ style: "preloaded-top-site",
+ frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT - 1,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _matchPreloadedSiteForAutofill() {
+ if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let matchedSite = PreloadedSiteStorage.sites.find(site => {
+ return (
+ (!this._strippedPrefix ||
+ site.uri.spec.startsWith(this._strippedPrefix)) &&
+ ( ||
+"www." + this._searchString))
+ );
+ });
+ if (!matchedSite) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this._result.setDefaultIndex(0);
+ let url = matchedSite.uri.spec;
+ let value = stripAnyPrefix(url)[1];
+ value = value.substr(value.indexOf(this._searchString));
+ this._addAutofillMatch(value, url, Infinity, ["preloaded-top-site"]);
+ return true;
+ },
+ async _matchFirstHeuristicResult(conn) {
+ if (this._searchMode) {
+ // Use UrlbarProviderHeuristicFallback.
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We always try to make the first result a special "heuristic" result. The
+ // heuristics below determine what type of result it will be, if any.
+ if (this.pending && this._enableActions && this._heuristicToken) {
+ // It may be a search engine with an alias - which works like a keyword.
+ let matched = await this._matchSearchEngineAlias(this._heuristicToken);
+ if (matched) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.pending && this._heuristicToken) {
+ // It may be a Places keyword.
+ let matched = await this._matchPlacesKeyword(this._heuristicToken);
+ if (matched) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ let shouldAutofill = this._shouldAutofill;
+ if (this.pending && shouldAutofill) {
+ let matched = this._matchPreloadedSiteForAutofill();
+ if (matched) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fall back to UrlbarProviderHeuristicFallback.
+ return false;
+ },
+ async _matchPlacesKeyword(keyword) {
+ let entry = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(keyword);
+ if (!entry) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let searchString = UrlbarUtils.substringAfter(
+ this._originalSearchString,
+ keyword
+ ).trim();
+ let url = null;
+ let postData = null;
+ try {
+ [url, postData] = await BrowserUtils.parseUrlAndPostData(
+ entry.url.href,
+ entry.postData,
+ searchString
+ );
+ } catch (ex) {
+ // It's not possible to bind a param to this keyword.
+ return false;
+ }
+ let style = "keyword";
+ let value = url;
+ if (this._enableActions) {
+ style = "action " + style;
+ value = makeActionUrl("keyword", {
+ url,
+ keyword,
+ input: this._originalSearchString,
+ postData,
+ });
+ }
+ let match = {
+ value,
+ // Don't use the url with replaced strings, since the icon doesn't change
+ // but the string does, it may cause pointless icon flicker on typing.
+ icon: iconHelper(entry.url),
+ style,
+ frecency: Infinity,
+ };
+ // If there is a query string, the title will be "host: queryString".
+ if (this._searchTokens.length > 1) {
+ match.comment =;
+ }
+ this._firstTokenIsKeyword = true;
+ this._filterOnHost =;
+ this._addMatch(match);
+ return true;
+ },
+ async _matchSearchEngineAlias(alias) {
+ let engine = await UrlbarSearchUtils.engineForAlias(alias);
+ if (!engine) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let query = UrlbarUtils.substringAfter(this._originalSearchString, alias);
+ // Match an alias only when it has a space after it. If there's no trailing
+ // space, then continue to treat it as part of the search string.
+ if (!UrlbarTokenizer.REGEXP_SPACES_START.test(query)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this._searchEngineAliasMatch = {
+ engine,
+ alias,
+ query: query.trimStart(),
+ };
+ this._firstTokenIsKeyword = true;
+ this._filterOnHost = engine.getResultDomain();
+ this._addSearchEngineMatch(this._searchEngineAliasMatch);
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Adds a search engine match.
+ *
+ * @param {nsISearchEngine} engine
+ * The search engine associated with the match.
+ * @param {string} [query]
+ * The search query string.
+ * @param {string} [alias]
+ * The search engine alias associated with the match, if any.
+ * @param {bool} [historical]
+ * True if you're adding a suggestion match and the suggestion is from
+ * the user's local history (and not the search engine).
+ */
+ _addSearchEngineMatch({
+ engine,
+ query = "",
+ alias = undefined,
+ historical = false,
+ }) {
+ let actionURLParams = {
+ engineName:,
+ searchQuery: query,
+ };
+ if (alias && !query) {
+ // `input` should have a trailing space so that when the user selects the
+ // result, they can start typing their query without first having to enter
+ // a space between the alias and query.
+ actionURLParams.input = `${alias} `;
+ } else {
+ actionURLParams.input = this._originalSearchString;
+ }
+ let match = {
+ comment:,
+ icon: engine.iconURI ? engine.iconURI.spec : null,
+ style: "action searchengine",
+ };
+ if (alias) {
+ actionURLParams.alias = alias;
+ += " alias";
+ }
+ match.value = makeActionUrl("searchengine", actionURLParams);
+ this._addMatch(match);
+ },
+ async _matchRemoteTabs() {
+ // Bail out early for non-sync users.
+ if (!syncUsernamePref) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let searchString = => t.value).join(" ");
+ let matches = await PlacesRemoteTabsAutocompleteProvider.getMatches(
+ searchString,
+ this._maxResults
+ );
+ let remoteTabsAdded = 0;
+ for (let { url, title, icon, deviceName, lastUsed } of matches) {
+ // It's rare that Sync supplies the icon for the page (but if it does, it
+ // is a string URL)
+ if (!icon) {
+ icon = iconHelper(url);
+ } else {
+ icon = PlacesUtils.favicons.getFaviconLinkForIcon(
+ ).spec;
+ }
+ let match = {
+ // We include the deviceName in the action URL so we can render it in
+ // the URLBar.
+ value: makeActionUrl("remotetab", { url, deviceName }),
+ comment: title || url,
+ style: "action remotetab",
+ // we want frecency > FRECENCY_DEFAULT so it doesn't get pushed out
+ // by "remote" matches.
+ frecency: FRECENCY_DEFAULT + 1,
+ icon,
+ };
+ // Mobile and desktop frecency scales are not compatible so we don't
+ // intermix open tabs with synced tabs. Instead, we limit the number of
+ // initial remote tabs to the floor of _maxResults / 2 so they do not
+ // overrun open tabs.
+ if (
+ remoteTabsAdded < this._maxResults / 2 &&
+ ) {
+ this._addMatch(match);
+ remoteTabsAdded++;
+ } else {
+ this._extraRemoteTabRows.push(match);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _onResultRow(row, cancel) {
+ let queryType = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_QUERYTYPE);
+ switch (queryType) {
+ this._addAdaptiveQueryMatch(row);
+ break;
+ this._addFilteredQueryMatch(row);
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the search has been canceled by the user or by _addMatch, or we
+ // fetched enough results, we can stop the underlying Sqlite query.
+ let count =
+ this._counts[UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.GENERAL] +
+ this._counts[UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC];
+ if (!this.pending || count >= this._maxResults) {
+ cancel();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Maybe restyle a SERP in history as a search-type result. To do this,
+ * we extract the search term from the SERP in history then generate a search
+ * URL with that search term. We restyle the SERP in history if its query
+ * parameters are a subset of those of the generated SERP. We check for a
+ * subset instead of exact equivalence since the generated URL may contain
+ * attribution parameters while a SERP in history from an organic search would
+ * not. We don't allow extra params in the history URL since they might
+ * indicate the search is not a first-page web SERP (as opposed to a image or
+ * other non-web SERP).
+ *
+ * @note We will mistakenly dedupe SERPs for engines that have the same
+ * hostname as another engine. One example is if the user installed a
+ * Google Image Search engine. That engine's search URLs might only be
+ * distinguished by query params from search URLs from the default Google
+ * engine.
+ */
+ _maybeRestyleSearchMatch(match) {
+ // Return if the URL does not represent a search result.
+ let historyUrl = match.value;
+ let parseResult =;
+ if (!parseResult?.engine) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Here we check that the user typed all or part of the search string in the
+ // search history result.
+ let terms = parseResult.terms.toLowerCase();
+ if (
+ this._searchTokens.length &&
+ this._searchTokens.every(token => !terms.includes(token.value))
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // The URL for the search suggestion formed by the user's typed query.
+ let [generatedSuggestionUrl] = UrlbarUtils.getSearchQueryUrl(
+ parseResult.engine,
+ => t.value).join(" ")
+ );
+ // We ignore termsParameterName when checking for a subset because we
+ // already checked that the typed query is a subset of the search history
+ // query above with this._searchTokens.every(...).
+ if (
+ !UrlbarSearchUtils.serpsAreEquivalent(
+ historyUrl,
+ generatedSuggestionUrl,
+ [parseResult.termsParameterName]
+ )
+ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Turn the match into a searchengine action with a favicon.
+ match.value = makeActionUrl("searchengine", {
+ engineName:,
+ input: parseResult.terms,
+ searchSuggestion: parseResult.terms,
+ searchQuery: parseResult.terms,
+ isSearchHistory: true,
+ });
+ match.comment =;
+ match.icon = match.icon || match.iconUrl;
+ = "action searchengine favicon suggestion";
+ return true;
+ },
+ _addMatch(match) {
+ if (typeof match.frecency != "number") {
+ throw new Error("Frecency not provided");
+ }
+ if (this._addingHeuristicResult) {
+ match.type = UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC;
+ } else if (typeof match.type != "string") {
+ match.type = UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.GENERAL;
+ }
+ // A search could be canceled between a query start and its completion,
+ // in such a case ensure we won't notify any result for it.
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ = || "favicon";
+ // Restyle past searches, unless they are bookmarks or special results.
+ if (
+ == "favicon" &&
+ (UrlbarPrefs.get("restyleSearches") || this._searchModeEngine)
+ ) {
+ let restyled = this._maybeRestyleSearchMatch(match);
+ if (restyled && UrlbarPrefs.get("maxHistoricalSearchSuggestions") == 0) {
+ // The user doesn't want search history.
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._addingHeuristicResult) {
+ += " heuristic";
+ }
+ match.icon = match.icon || "";
+ match.finalCompleteValue = match.finalCompleteValue || "";
+ let { index, replace } = this._getInsertIndexForMatch(match);
+ if (index == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (replace) {
+ // Replacing an existing match from the previous search.
+ this._result.removeMatchAt(index);
+ }
+ this._result.insertMatchAt(
+ index,
+ match.value,
+ match.comment,
+ match.icon,
+ match.finalCompleteValue
+ );
+ this._counts[match.type]++;
+ this.notifyResult(true, match.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Check for duplicates and either discard the duplicate or replace the
+ * original match, in case the new one is more specific. For example,
+ * a Remote Tab wins over History, and a Switch to Tab wins over a Remote Tab.
+ * We must check both id and url for duplication, because keywords may change
+ * the url by replacing the %s placeholder.
+ * @param match
+ * @returns {object} matchPosition
+ * @returns {number} matchPosition.index
+ * The index the match should take in the results. Return -1 if the match
+ * should be discarded.
+ * @returns {boolean} matchPosition.replace
+ * True if the match should replace the result already at
+ * matchPosition.index.
+ *
+ */
+ _getInsertIndexForMatch(match) {
+ let [urlMapKey, prefix, action] = makeKeyForMatch(match);
+ if (
+ (match.placeId && this._usedPlaceIds.has(match.placeId)) ||
+ this._usedURLs.some(e => ObjectUtils.deepEqual(e.key, urlMapKey))
+ ) {
+ let isDupe = true;
+ if (action && ["switchtab", "remotetab"].includes(action.type)) {
+ // The new entry is a switch/remote tab entry, look for the duplicate
+ // among current matches.
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._usedURLs.length; ++i) {
+ let {
+ key: matchKey,
+ action: matchAction,
+ type: matchType,
+ } = this._usedURLs[i];
+ if (ObjectUtils.deepEqual(matchKey, urlMapKey)) {
+ isDupe = true;
+ // Don't replace the match if the existing one is heuristic and the
+ // new one is a switchtab, instead also add the switchtab match.
+ if (
+ matchType == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC &&
+ action.type == "switchtab"
+ ) {
+ isDupe = false;
+ // Since we allow to insert a dupe in this case, we must continue
+ // checking the next matches to be sure we won't insert more than
+ // one dupe. For this same reason we must reset isDupe = true for
+ // each found dupe.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!matchAction || action.type == "switchtab") {
+ this._usedURLs[i] = {
+ key: urlMapKey,
+ action,
+ type: match.type,
+ prefix,
+ comment: match.comment,
+ };
+ return { index: i, replace: true };
+ }
+ break; // Found the duplicate, no reason to continue.
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Dedupe with this flow:
+ // 1. If the two URLs are the same, dedupe whichever is not the
+ // heuristic result.
+ // 2. If they both contain www. or both do not contain it, prefer https.
+ // 3. If they differ by www., send both results to the Muxer and allow
+ // it to decide based on results from other providers.
+ let prefixRank = UrlbarUtils.getPrefixRank(prefix);
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._usedURLs.length; ++i) {
+ if (!this._usedURLs[i]) {
+ // This is true when the result at [i] is a searchengine result.
+ continue;
+ }
+ let {
+ key: existingKey,
+ prefix: existingPrefix,
+ type: existingType,
+ } = this._usedURLs[i];
+ let existingPrefixRank = UrlbarUtils.getPrefixRank(existingPrefix);
+ if (ObjectUtils.deepEqual(existingKey, urlMapKey)) {
+ isDupe = true;
+ if (prefix == existingPrefix) {
+ // The URLs are identical. Throw out the new result, unless it's
+ // the heuristic.
+ if (match.type != UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC) {
+ break; // Replace match.
+ } else {
+ this._usedURLs[i] = {
+ key: urlMapKey,
+ action,
+ type: match.type,
+ prefix,
+ comment: match.comment,
+ };
+ return { index: i, replace: true };
+ }
+ }
+ if (prefix.endsWith("www.") == existingPrefix.endsWith("www.")) {
+ // The results differ only by protocol.
+ if (match.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC) {
+ isDupe = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (prefixRank <= existingPrefixRank) {
+ break; // Replace match.
+ } else if (existingType != UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC) {
+ this._usedURLs[i] = {
+ key: urlMapKey,
+ action,
+ type: match.type,
+ prefix,
+ comment: match.comment,
+ };
+ return { index: i, replace: true };
+ } else {
+ isDupe = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We have two identical URLs that differ only by www. We need to
+ // be sure what the heuristic result is before deciding how we
+ // should dedupe. We mark these as non-duplicates and let the
+ // muxer handle it.
+ isDupe = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Discard the duplicate.
+ if (isDupe) {
+ return { index: -1, replace: false };
+ }
+ }
+ // Add this to our internal tracker to ensure duplicates do not end up in
+ // the result.
+ // Not all entries have a place id, thus we fallback to the url for them.
+ // We cannot use only the url since keywords entries are modified to
+ // include the search string, and would be returned multiple times. Ids
+ // are faster too.
+ if (match.placeId) {
+ this._usedPlaceIds.add(match.placeId);
+ }
+ let index = 0;
+ // The buckets change depending on the context, that is currently decided by
+ // the first added match (the heuristic one).
+ if (!this._buckets) {
+ // Convert the buckets to readable objects with a count property.
+ let buckets =
+ match.type == UrlbarUtils.RESULT_GROUP.HEURISTIC &&
+ ? UrlbarPrefs.get("matchBucketsSearch")
+ : UrlbarPrefs.get("matchBuckets");
+ // - available is the number of available slots in the bucket
+ // - insertIndex is the index of the first available slot in the bucket
+ // - count is the number of matches in the bucket, note that it also
+ // account for matches from the previous search, while available and
+ // insertIndex don't.
+ this._buckets =[type, available]) => ({
+ type,
+ available,
+ insertIndex: 0,
+ count: 0,
+ }));
+ }
+ let replace = 0;
+ for (let bucket of this._buckets) {
+ // Move to the next bucket if the match type is incompatible, or if there
+ // is no available space or if the frecency is below the threshold.
+ if (match.type != bucket.type || !bucket.available) {
+ index += bucket.count;
+ continue;
+ }
+ index += bucket.insertIndex;
+ bucket.available--;
+ if (bucket.insertIndex < bucket.count) {
+ replace = true;
+ } else {
+ bucket.count++;
+ }
+ bucket.insertIndex++;
+ break;
+ }
+ this._usedURLs[index] = {
+ key: urlMapKey,
+ action,
+ type: match.type,
+ prefix,
+ comment: match.comment || "",
+ };
+ return { index, replace };
+ },
+ _addAutofillMatch(
+ autofilledValue,
+ finalCompleteValue,
+ frecency = Infinity,
+ extraStyles = []
+ ) {
+ // The match's comment is only for display. Set it to finalCompleteValue,
+ // the actual URL that will be visited when the user chooses the match, so
+ // that the user knows exactly where the match will take them. To make it
+ // look a little nicer, remove "http://", and if the user typed a host
+ // without a trailing slash, remove any trailing slash, too.
+ let [comment] = stripPrefixAndTrim(finalCompleteValue, {
+ stripHttp: true,
+ trimEmptyQuery: true,
+ trimSlash: !this._searchString.includes("/"),
+ });
+ this._addMatch({
+ value: this._strippedPrefix + autofilledValue,
+ finalCompleteValue,
+ comment,
+ frecency,
+ style: ["autofill"].concat(extraStyles).join(" "),
+ icon: iconHelper(finalCompleteValue),
+ });
+ },
+ // This is the same as _addFilteredQueryMatch, but it only returns a few
+ // results, caching the others. If at the end we don't find other results, we
+ // can add these.
+ _addAdaptiveQueryMatch(row) {
+ // We should only show filtered results in search mode.
+ if (this._searchModeEngine) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Allow one quarter of the results to be adaptive results.
+ // Note: ideally adaptive results should have their own provider and the
+ // results muxer should decide what to show. But that's too complex to
+ // support in the current code, so that's left for a future refactoring.
+ if (this._adaptiveCount < Math.ceil(this._maxResults / 4)) {
+ this._addFilteredQueryMatch(row);
+ } else {
+ this._extraAdaptiveRows.push(row);
+ }
+ this._adaptiveCount++;
+ },
+ _addFilteredQueryMatch(row) {
+ let placeId = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_PLACEID);
+ let url = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_URL);
+ let openPageCount = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_SWITCHTAB) || 0;
+ let historyTitle = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_TITLE) || "";
+ let bookmarked = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_BOOKMARKED);
+ let bookmarkTitle = bookmarked
+ : null;
+ let tags = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_TAGS) || "";
+ let frecency = row.getResultByIndex(QUERYINDEX_FRECENCY);
+ let match = {
+ placeId,
+ value: url,
+ comment: bookmarkTitle || historyTitle,
+ icon: iconHelper(url),
+ frecency: frecency || FRECENCY_DEFAULT,
+ };
+ if (
+ this._enableActions &&
+ openPageCount > 0 &&
+ this.hasBehavior("openpage")
+ ) {
+ if (this._currentPage == match.value) {
+ // Don't suggest switching to the current tab.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Actions are enabled and the page is open. Add a switch-to-tab result.
+ match.value = makeActionUrl("switchtab", { url: match.value });
+ = "action switchtab";
+ } else if (
+ this.hasBehavior("history") &&
+ !this.hasBehavior("bookmark") &&
+ !tags
+ ) {
+ // The consumer wants only history and not bookmarks and there are no
+ // tags. We'll act as if the page is not bookmarked.
+ = "favicon";
+ } else if (tags) {
+ // Store the tags in the title. It's up to the consumer to extract them.
+ match.comment += UrlbarUtils.TITLE_TAGS_SEPARATOR + tags;
+ // If we're not suggesting bookmarks, then this shouldn't display as one.
+ = this.hasBehavior("bookmark") ? "bookmark-tag" : "tag";
+ } else if (bookmarked) {
+ = "bookmark";
+ }
+ this._addMatch(match);
+ },
+ /**
+ * @return a string consisting of the search query to be used based on the
+ * previously set urlbar suggestion preferences.
+ */
+ get _suggestionPrefQuery() {
+ let conditions = [];
+ if (this._filterOnHost) {
+ conditions.push("h.rev_host = get_unreversed_host(:host || '.') || '.'");
+ // When filtering on a host we are in some sort of site specific search,
+ // thus we want a cleaner set of results, compared to a general search.
+ // This means removing less interesting urls, like redirects or
+ // non-bookmarked title-less pages.
+ if (UrlbarPrefs.get("restyleSearches") || this._searchModeEngine) {
+ // If restyle is enabled, we want to filter out redirect targets,
+ // because sources are urls built using search engines definitions that
+ // we can reverse-parse.
+ // In this case we can't filter on title-less pages because redirect
+ // sources likely don't have a title and recognizing sources is costly.
+ // Bug 468710 may help with this.
+ conditions.push(`NOT EXISTS (
+ WITH visits(type) AS (
+ SELECT visit_type
+ FROM moz_historyvisits
+ WHERE place_id =
+ ORDER BY visit_date DESC
+ LIMIT 10 /* limit to the last 10 visits */
+ )
+ SELECT 1 FROM visits
+ WHERE type IN (5,6)
+ )`);
+ } else {
+ // If instead restyle is disabled, we want to keep redirect targets,
+ // because sources are often unreadable title-less urls.
+ conditions.push(`NOT EXISTS (
+ WITH visits(id) AS (
+ FROM moz_historyvisits
+ WHERE place_id =
+ ORDER BY visit_date DESC
+ LIMIT 10 /* limit to the last 10 visits */
+ )
+ FROM visits src
+ JOIN moz_historyvisits dest ON = dest.from_visit
+ WHERE dest.visit_type IN (5,6)
+ )`);
+ // Filter out empty-titled pages, they could be redirect sources that
+ // we can't recognize anymore because their target was wrongly expired
+ // due to Bug 1664252.
+ conditions.push("(h.foreign_count > 0 OR h.title NOTNULL)");
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ this.hasBehavior("restrict") ||
+ !this.hasBehavior("history") ||
+ !this.hasBehavior("bookmark")
+ ) {
+ if (this.hasBehavior("history")) {
+ // Enforce ignoring the visit_count index, since the frecency one is much
+ // faster in this case. ANALYZE helps the query planner to figure out the
+ // faster path, but it may not have up-to-date information yet.
+ conditions.push("+h.visit_count > 0");
+ }
+ if (this.hasBehavior("bookmark")) {
+ conditions.push("bookmarked");
+ }
+ if (this.hasBehavior("tag")) {
+ conditions.push("tags NOTNULL");
+ }
+ }
+ return defaultQuery(conditions.join(" AND "));
+ },
+ get _emptySearchDefaultBehavior() {
+ // Further restrictions to apply for "empty searches" (searching for
+ // ""). The empty behavior is typed history, if history is enabled.
+ // Otherwise, it is bookmarks, if they are enabled. If both history and
+ // bookmarks are disabled, it defaults to open pages.
+ let val = Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_RESTRICT;
+ if (UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.history")) {
+ val |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_HISTORY;
+ } else if (UrlbarPrefs.get("suggest.bookmark")) {
+ val |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_BOOKMARK;
+ } else {
+ val |= Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete.BEHAVIOR_OPENPAGE;
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ /**
+ * If the user-provided string starts with a keyword that gave a heuristic
+ * result, this will strip it.
+ * @returns {string} The filtered search string.
+ */
+ get _keywordFilteredSearchString() {
+ let tokens = => t.value);
+ if (this._firstTokenIsKeyword) {
+ tokens = tokens.slice(1);
+ }
+ return tokens.join(" ");
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtains the search query to be used based on the previously set search
+ * preferences (accessed by this.hasBehavior).
+ *
+ * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the
+ * database with and an object containing the params to bound.
+ */
+ get _searchQuery() {
+ let params = {
+ parent: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId,
+ matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior,
+ searchBehavior: this._behavior,
+ // We only want to search the tokens that we are left with - not the
+ // original search string.
+ searchString: this._keywordFilteredSearchString,
+ userContextId: this._userContextId,
+ // Limit the query to the the maximum number of desired results.
+ // This way we can avoid doing more work than needed.
+ maxResults: this._maxResults,
+ };
+ if (this._filterOnHost) {
+ = this._filterOnHost;
+ }
+ return [this._suggestionPrefQuery, params];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtains the query to search for switch-to-tab entries.
+ *
+ * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the
+ * database with and an object containing the params to bound.
+ */
+ get _switchToTabQuery() {
+ return [
+ {
+ matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior,
+ searchBehavior: this._behavior,
+ // We only want to search the tokens that we are left with - not the
+ // original search string.
+ searchString: this._keywordFilteredSearchString,
+ userContextId: this._userContextId,
+ maxResults: this._maxResults,
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Obtains the query to search for adaptive results.
+ *
+ * @return an array consisting of the correctly optimized query to search the
+ * database with and an object containing the params to bound.
+ */
+ get _adaptiveQuery() {
+ return [
+ {
+ parent: PlacesUtils.tagsFolderId,
+ search_string: this._searchString,
+ matchBehavior: this._matchBehavior,
+ searchBehavior: this._behavior,
+ userContextId: this._userContextId,
+ maxResults: this._maxResults,
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Whether we should try to autoFill.
+ */
+ get _shouldAutofill() {
+ // First of all, check for the autoFill pref.
+ if (!UrlbarPrefs.get("autoFill")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._searchTokens.length != 1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // autoFill can only cope with history, bookmarks, and about: entries.
+ if (!this.hasBehavior("history") && !this.hasBehavior("bookmark")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // autoFill doesn't search titles or tags.
+ if (this.hasBehavior("title") || this.hasBehavior("tag")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Don't try to autofill if the search term includes any whitespace.
+ // This may confuse completeDefaultIndex cause the AUTOCOMPLETE_MATCH
+ // tokenizer ends up trimming the search string and returning a value
+ // that doesn't match it, or is even shorter.
+ if (REGEXP_SPACES.test(this._originalSearchString)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this._searchString.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._prohibitAutoFill) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ // The result is notified to the search listener on a timer, to chunk multiple
+ // match updates together and avoid rebuilding the popup at every new match.
+ _notifyTimer: null,
+ /**
+ * Notifies the current result to the listener.
+ *
+ * @param searchOngoing
+ * Indicates whether the search result should be marked as ongoing.
+ * @param skipDelay
+ * Whether to notify immediately.
+ */
+ _notifyDelaysCount: 0,
+ notifyResult(searchOngoing, skipDelay = false) {
+ let notify = () => {
+ if (!this.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._notifyDelaysCount = 0;
+ let resultCode = this._result.matchCount
+ if (searchOngoing) {
+ resultCode += "_ONGOING";
+ }
+ let result = this._result;
+ result.setSearchResult(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult[resultCode]);
+ this._listener.onSearchResult(this._autocompleteSearch, result);
+ if (!searchOngoing) {
+ // Break possible cycles.
+ this._listener = null;
+ this._autocompleteSearch = null;
+ this.stop();
+ }
+ };
+ if (this._notifyTimer) {
+ this._notifyTimer.cancel();
+ }
+ // In the worst case, we may get evenly spaced matches that would end up
+ // delaying the UI by N_MATCHES * NOTIFYRESULT_DELAY_MS. Thus, we clamp the
+ // number of times we may delay matches.
+ if (skipDelay || this._notifyDelaysCount > 3) {
+ notify();
+ } else {
+ this._notifyDelaysCount++;
+ this._notifyTimer = setTimeout(notify, NOTIFYRESULT_DELAY_MS);
+ }
+ },
+// UnifiedComplete class
+// component;1?name=unifiedcomplete
+function UnifiedComplete() {
+ if (UrlbarPrefs.get("usepreloadedtopurls.enabled")) {
+ // force initializing the profile age check
+ // to ensure the off-main-thread-IO happens ASAP
+ // and we don't have to wait for it when doing an autocomplete lookup
+ ProfileAgeCreatedPromise;
+ fetch("chrome://global/content/unifiedcomplete-top-urls.json")
+ .then(response => response.json())
+ .then(sites => PreloadedSiteStorage.populate(sites))
+ .catch(ex => Cu.reportError(ex));
+ }
+UnifiedComplete.prototype = {
+ // Database handling
+ /**
+ * Promise resolved when the database initialization has completed, or null
+ * if it has never been requested.
+ */
+ _promiseDatabase: null,
+ /**
+ * Gets a Sqlite database handle.
+ *
+ * @return {Promise}
+ * @resolves to the Sqlite database handle (according to Sqlite.jsm).
+ * @rejects javascript exception.
+ */
+ getDatabaseHandle() {
+ if (!this._promiseDatabase) {
+ this._promiseDatabase = (async () => {
+ let conn = await PlacesUtils.promiseLargeCacheDBConnection();
+ // We don't catch exceptions here as it is too late to block shutdown.
+ Sqlite.shutdown.addBlocker("Places UnifiedComplete.js closing", () => {
+ // Break a possible cycle through the
+ // previous result, the controller and
+ // ourselves.
+ this._currentSearch = null;
+ });
+ return conn;
+ })().catch(ex => {
+ dump("Couldn't get database handle: " + ex + "\n");
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ });
+ }
+ return this._promiseDatabase;
+ },
+ // mozIPlacesAutoComplete
+ populatePreloadedSiteStorage(json) {
+ PreloadedSiteStorage.populate(json);
+ },
+ /**
+ * This is a wrapper around startSearch, with a better interface towards
+ * Quantum Bar. Long term this provider should be migrated to new separate
+ * providers and this won't be necessary
+ * @param {UrlbarQueryContext} queryContext
+ * The context for the current search.
+ * @param {Function} onAutocompleteResult
+ * A callback to notify each result to.
+ */
+ startQuery(queryContext, onAutocompleteResult) {
+ let deferred = PromiseUtils.defer();
+ let listener = {
+ onSearchResult(_, result) {
+ let done =
+ [
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_IGNORED,
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_FAILURE,
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_NOMATCH,
+ Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_SUCCESS,
+ ].includes(result.searchResult) || result.errorDescription;
+ onAutocompleteResult(result);
+ if (done) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ this.startSearch(
+ queryContext.searchString,
+ "",
+ null,
+ listener,
+ queryContext
+ );
+ this._deferred = deferred;
+ return this._deferred.promise;
+ },
+ // nsIAutoCompleteSearch
+ startSearch(
+ searchString,
+ searchParam,
+ acPreviousResult,
+ listener,
+ queryContext
+ ) {
+ // Stop the search in case the controller has not taken care of it.
+ if (this._currentSearch) {
+ this.stopSearch();
+ }
+ let search = (this._currentSearch = new Search(
+ searchString,
+ searchParam,
+ listener,
+ this,
+ queryContext
+ ));
+ this.getDatabaseHandle()
+ .then(conn => search.execute(conn))
+ .catch(ex => {
+ dump(`Query failed: ${ex}\n`);
+ Cu.reportError(ex);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ if (search == this._currentSearch) {
+ this.finishSearch(true);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ stopSearch() {
+ if (this._currentSearch) {
+ this._currentSearch.stop();
+ }
+ if (this._deferred) {
+ this._deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ // Don't notify since we are canceling this search. This also means we
+ // won't fire onSearchComplete for this search.
+ this.finishSearch();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Properly cleans up when searching is completed.
+ *
+ * @param notify [optional]
+ * Indicates if we should notify the AutoComplete listener about our
+ * results or not.
+ */
+ finishSearch(notify = false) {
+ // Clear state now to avoid race conditions, see below.
+ let search = this._currentSearch;
+ if (!search) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion =
+ search._lastLowResultsSearchSuggestion;
+ if (!notify || !search.pending) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // There is a possible race condition here.
+ // When a search completes it calls finishSearch that notifies results
+ // here. When the controller gets the last result it fires
+ // onSearchComplete.
+ // If onSearchComplete immediately starts a new search it will set a new
+ // _currentSearch, and on return the execution will continue here, after
+ // notifyResult.
+ // Thus, ensure that notifyResult is the last call in this method,
+ // otherwise you might be touching the wrong search.
+ search.notifyResult(false);
+ },
+ // nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor
+ get searchType() {
+ return Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor.SEARCH_TYPE_IMMEDIATE;
+ },
+ get clearingAutoFillSearchesAgain() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ // nsISupports
+ classID: Components.ID("f964a319-397a-4d21-8be6-5cdd1ee3e3ae"),
+ QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([
+ "nsIAutoCompleteSearch",
+ "nsIAutoCompleteSearchDescriptor",
+ "mozIPlacesAutoComplete",
+ "nsIObserver",
+ "nsISupportsWeakReference",
+ ]),
+var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["UnifiedComplete"];