path: root/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/gtest/TestOrigins.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/gtest/TestOrigins.cpp b/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/gtest/TestOrigins.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b52391e869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/telemetry/tests/gtest/TestOrigins.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ *
+ */
+#include "core/TelemetryOrigin.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "gmock/gmock.h"
+#include "mozilla/ContentBlockingLog.h"
+#include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
+#include "mozilla/Services.h"
+#include "mozilla/Telemetry.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "nsIObserverService.h"
+#include "TelemetryFixture.h"
+#include "TelemetryTestHelpers.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace TelemetryTestHelpers;
+using mozilla::Telemetry::OriginMetricID;
+using ::testing::_;
+using ::testing::AtLeast;
+using ::testing::StrEq;
+constexpr auto kTelemetryTest1Metric = "telemetry.test_test1"_ns;
+constexpr auto kDoubleclickOrigin = ""_ns;
+constexpr auto kDoubleclickOriginHash =
+ "uXNT1PzjAVau8b402OMAIGDejKbiXfQX5iXvPASfO/s="_ns;
+constexpr auto kFacebookOrigin = ""_ns;
+constexpr auto kUnknownOrigin1 =
+ "this origin isn't known to Origin Telemetry"_ns;
+constexpr auto kUnknownOrigin2 = "neither is this one"_ns;
+// Properly prepare the prio prefs
+// (Sourced from PrioEncoder.cpp from when it was being prototyped)
+constexpr auto prioKeyA =
+ "35AC1C7576C7C6EDD7FED6BCFC337B34D48CB4EE45C86BEEFB40BD8875707733"_ns;
+constexpr auto prioKeyB =
+ "26E6674E65425B823F1F1D5F96E3BB3EF9E406EC7FBA7DEF8B08A35DD135AF50"_ns;
+// Test that we can properly record origin stuff using the C++ API.
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, RecordOrigin) {
+ AutoJSContextWithGlobal cx(mCleanGlobal);
+ JSContext* aCx = cx.GetJSContext();
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ mozilla::ContentBlockingLog::kDummyOriginHash);
+ JS::RootedValue originSnapshot(aCx);
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined())
+ << "Origin snapshot must not be null/undefined.";
+ JS::RootedValue origins(aCx);
+ JS::RootedObject snapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, snapshotObj, kTelemetryTest1Metric.get(), &origins))
+ << "telemetry.test_test1 must be in the snapshot.";
+ JS::RootedObject originsObj(aCx, &origins.toObject());
+ JS::RootedValue count(aCx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(JS_GetProperty(
+ aCx, originsObj, mozilla::ContentBlockingLog::kDummyOriginHash.get(),
+ &count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count.isInt32() && count.toInt32() == 1)
+ << "Must have recorded the origin exactly once.";
+ // Now test that the snapshot didn't clear things out.
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined());
+ JS::RootedObject unemptySnapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> ids(aCx, JS::IdVector(aCx));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(JS_Enumerate(aCx, unemptySnapshotObj, &ids));
+ ASSERT_GE(ids.length(), (unsigned)0) << "Returned object must not be empty.";
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, RecordOriginTwiceAndClear) {
+ AutoJSContextWithGlobal cx(mCleanGlobal);
+ JSContext* aCx = cx.GetJSContext();
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOrigin);
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOrigin);
+ JS::RootedValue originSnapshot(aCx);
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot, true /* aClear */);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined())
+ << "Origin snapshot must not be null/undefined.";
+ JS::RootedValue origins(aCx);
+ JS::RootedObject snapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, snapshotObj, kTelemetryTest1Metric.get(), &origins))
+ << "telemetry.test_test1 must be in the snapshot.";
+ JS::RootedObject originsObj(aCx, &origins.toObject());
+ JS::RootedValue count(aCx);
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, originsObj, kDoubleclickOrigin.get(), &count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count.isInt32() && count.toInt32() == 2)
+ << "Must have recorded the origin exactly twice.";
+ // Now check that snapshotting with clear actually cleared it.
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined());
+ JS::RootedObject emptySnapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS::Rooted<JS::IdVector> ids(aCx, JS::IdVector(aCx));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(JS_Enumerate(aCx, emptySnapshotObj, &ids));
+ ASSERT_EQ(ids.length(), (unsigned)0) << "Returned object must be empty.";
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, RecordOriginTwiceMixed) {
+ AutoJSContextWithGlobal cx(mCleanGlobal);
+ JSContext* aCx = cx.GetJSContext();
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOrigin);
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOriginHash);
+ Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyA", prioKeyA);
+ Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyB", prioKeyB);
+ nsTArray<Tuple<nsCString, nsCString>> encodedStrings;
+ GetEncodedOriginStrings(aCx, kTelemetryTest1Metric + "-%u"_ns,
+ encodedStrings);
+ ASSERT_EQ(2 * TelemetryOrigin::SizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric(),
+ encodedStrings.Length());
+ JS::RootedValue originSnapshot(aCx);
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot, true /* aClear */);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined())
+ << "Origin snapshot must not be null/undefined.";
+ JS::RootedValue origins(aCx);
+ JS::RootedObject snapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, snapshotObj, kTelemetryTest1Metric.get(), &origins))
+ << "telemetry.test_test1 must be in the snapshot.";
+ JS::RootedObject originsObj(aCx, &origins.toObject());
+ JS::RootedValue count(aCx);
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, originsObj, kDoubleclickOrigin.get(), &count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count.isInt32() && count.toInt32() == 2)
+ << "Must have recorded the origin exactly twice.";
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, RecordUnknownOrigin) {
+ AutoJSContextWithGlobal cx(mCleanGlobal);
+ JSContext* aCx = cx.GetJSContext();
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1, kUnknownOrigin1);
+ JS::RootedValue originSnapshot(aCx);
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined())
+ << "Origin snapshot must not be null/undefined.";
+ JS::RootedValue origins(aCx);
+ JS::RootedObject snapshotObj(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, snapshotObj, kTelemetryTest1Metric.get(), &origins))
+ << "telemetry.test_test1 must be in the snapshot.";
+ JS::RootedObject originsObj(aCx, &origins.toObject());
+ JS::RootedValue count(aCx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(JS_GetProperty(aCx, originsObj, "__UNKNOWN__", &count));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count.isInt32() && count.toInt32() == 1)
+ << "Must have recorded the unknown origin exactly once.";
+ // Record a second, different unknown origin and ensure only one is stored.
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1, kUnknownOrigin2);
+ GetOriginSnapshot(aCx, &originSnapshot);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(originSnapshot.isNullOrUndefined())
+ << "Origin snapshot must not be null/undefined.";
+ JS::RootedObject snapshotObj2(aCx, &originSnapshot.toObject());
+ JS_GetProperty(aCx, snapshotObj2, kTelemetryTest1Metric.get(), &origins))
+ << "telemetry.test_test1 must be in the snapshot.";
+ JS::RootedObject originsObj2(aCx, &origins.toObject());
+ JS::RootedValue count2(aCx);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(JS_GetProperty(aCx, originsObj2, "__UNKNOWN__", &count2));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(count2.isInt32() && count2.toInt32() == 1)
+ << "Must have recorded the unknown origin exactly once.";
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, EncodedSnapshot) {
+ AutoJSContextWithGlobal cx(mCleanGlobal);
+ JSContext* aCx = cx.GetJSContext();
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOrigin);
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1, kUnknownOrigin1);
+ Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyA", prioKeyA);
+ Preferences::SetCString("prio.publicKeyB", prioKeyB);
+ nsTArray<Tuple<nsCString, nsCString>> firstStrings;
+ GetEncodedOriginStrings(aCx, kTelemetryTest1Metric + "-%u"_ns, firstStrings);
+ // Now snapshot a second time and ensure the encoded payloads change.
+ nsTArray<Tuple<nsCString, nsCString>> secondStrings;
+ GetEncodedOriginStrings(aCx, kTelemetryTest1Metric + "-%u"_ns, secondStrings);
+ const auto sizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric =
+ TelemetryOrigin::SizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric();
+ ASSERT_EQ(sizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric, firstStrings.Length());
+ ASSERT_EQ(sizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric, secondStrings.Length());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric; ++i) {
+ auto& aStr = Get<0>(firstStrings[i]);
+ auto& bStr = Get<1>(firstStrings[i]);
+ auto& secondAStr = Get<0>(secondStrings[i]);
+ auto& secondBStr = Get<1>(secondStrings[i]);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(aStr != secondAStr)
+ << "aStr (" << aStr.get() << ") must not equal secondAStr ("
+ << secondAStr.get() << ")";
+ ASSERT_TRUE(bStr != secondBStr)
+ << "bStr (" << bStr.get() << ") must not equal secondBStr ("
+ << secondBStr.get() << ")";
+ }
+class MockObserver final : public nsIObserver {
+ public:
+ MOCK_METHOD1(Mobserve, void(const char* aTopic));
+ NS_IMETHOD Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic,
+ const char16_t* aData) override {
+ Mobserve(aTopic);
+ return NS_OK;
+ };
+ MockObserver() = default;
+ private:
+ ~MockObserver() = default;
+NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(MockObserver, nsIObserver);
+TEST_F(TelemetryTestFixture, OriginTelemetryNotifiesTopic) {
+ Unused << mTelemetry->ClearOrigins();
+ const char* kTopic = "origin-telemetry-storage-limit-reached";
+ MockObserver* mo = new MockObserver();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver> nsMo(mo);
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mo, Mobserve(StrEq(kTopic))).Times(1);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> os = mozilla::services::GetObserverService();
+ os->AddObserver(nsMo, kTopic, false);
+ const size_t size = ceil(10.0 / TelemetryOrigin::SizeOfPrioDatasPerMetric());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ if (i < size - 1) {
+ // Let's ensure we only notify the once.
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kFacebookOrigin);
+ }
+ Telemetry::RecordOrigin(OriginMetricID::TelemetryTest_Test1,
+ kDoubleclickOrigin);
+ }
+ os->RemoveObserver(nsMo, kTopic);