path: root/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimebox.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/content/widgets/datetimebox.js')
1 files changed, 1760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimebox.js b/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimebox.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db7127f11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/datetimebox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1760 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+// This is a UA widget. It runs in per-origin UA widget scope,
+// to be loaded by UAWidgetsChild.jsm.
+ * This is the class of entry. It will construct the actual implementation
+ * according to the value of the "type" property.
+ */
+this.DateTimeBoxWidget = class {
+ constructor(shadowRoot) {
+ this.shadowRoot = shadowRoot;
+ this.element =;
+ this.document = this.element.ownerDocument;
+ this.window = this.document.defaultView;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Callback called by UAWidgets right after constructor.
+ */
+ onsetup() {
+ this.switchImpl();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Callback called by UAWidgets when the "type" property changes.
+ */
+ onchange() {
+ this.switchImpl();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Actually switch the implementation.
+ * - With type equal to "date", DateInputImplWidget should load.
+ * - With type equal to "time", TimeInputImplWidget should load.
+ * - Otherwise, nothing should load and loaded impl should be unloaded.
+ */
+ switchImpl() {
+ let newImpl;
+ if (this.element.type == "date") {
+ newImpl = DateInputImplWidget;
+ } else if (this.element.type == "time") {
+ newImpl = TimeInputImplWidget;
+ }
+ // Skip if we are asked to load the same implementation.
+ // This can happen if the property is set again w/o value change.
+ if (this.impl && this.impl.constructor == newImpl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.impl) {
+ this.impl.destructor();
+ this.shadowRoot.firstChild.remove();
+ }
+ if (newImpl) {
+ this.impl = new newImpl(this.shadowRoot);
+ this.impl.onsetup();
+ } else {
+ this.impl = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ destructor() {
+ if (!this.impl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.impl.destructor();
+ this.shadowRoot.firstChild.remove();
+ delete this.impl;
+ }
+this.DateTimeInputBaseImplWidget = class {
+ constructor(shadowRoot) {
+ this.shadowRoot = shadowRoot;
+ this.element =;
+ this.document = this.element.ownerDocument;
+ this.window = this.document.defaultView;
+ }
+ onsetup() {
+ this.generateContent();
+ this.DEBUG = false;
+ this.mDateTimeBoxElement = this.shadowRoot.firstChild;
+ this.mInputElement = this.element;
+ this.mLocales = this.window.getWebExposedLocales();
+ this.mIsRTL = false;
+ let intlUtils = this.window.intlUtils;
+ if (intlUtils) {
+ this.mIsRTL = intlUtils.isAppLocaleRTL();
+ }
+ if (this.mIsRTL) {
+ let inputBoxWrapper = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("input-box-wrapper");
+ inputBoxWrapper.dir = "rtl";
+ }
+ this.mMin = this.mInputElement.min;
+ this.mMax = this.mInputElement.max;
+ this.mStep = this.mInputElement.step;
+ this.mIsPickerOpen = false;
+ this.mResetButton = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("reset-button");
+ = "hidden";
+ this.mResetButton.addEventListener("mousedown", this, {
+ mozSystemGroup: true,
+ });
+ this.mInputElement.addEventListener(
+ "keypress",
+ this,
+ {
+ capture: true,
+ mozSystemGroup: true,
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ // This is to open the picker when input element is clicked (this
+ // includes padding area).
+ this.mInputElement.addEventListener(
+ "click",
+ this,
+ { mozSystemGroup: true },
+ false
+ );
+ // Those events are dispatched to <div class="datetimebox"> with bubble set
+ // to false. They are trapped inside UA Widget Shadow DOM and are not
+ // dispatched to the document.
+ this.CONTROL_EVENTS.forEach(eventName => {
+ this.mDateTimeBoxElement.addEventListener(eventName, this, {}, false);
+ });
+ }
+ generateContent() {
+ /*
+ * Pass the markup through XML parser purely for the reason of loading the localization DTD.
+ * Remove it when migrate to Fluent (bug 1504363).
+ */
+ const parser = new this.window.DOMParser();
+ parser.forceEnableDTD();
+ let parserDoc = parser.parseFromString(
+ `<!DOCTYPE bindings [
+ <!ENTITY % datetimeboxDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/datetimebox.dtd">
+ %datetimeboxDTD;
+ ]>
+ <div class="datetimebox" xmlns="" role="none">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://global/content/bindings/datetimebox.css" />
+ <div class="datetime-input-box-wrapper" id="input-box-wrapper" role="presentation">
+ <span class="datetime-input-edit-wrapper"
+ id="edit-wrapper">
+ <!-- Each of the date/time input types will append their input child
+ - elements here -->
+ </span>
+ <button class="datetime-reset-button" id="reset-button" tabindex="-1" aria-label="&datetime.reset.label;">
+ <svg xmlns="" class="datetime-reset-button-svg" width="12" height="12">
+ <path d="M 3.9,3 3,3.9 5.1,6 3,8.1 3.9,9 6,6.9 8.1,9 9,8.1 6.9,6 9,3.9 8.1,3 6,5.1 Z M 12,6 A 6,6 0 0 1 6,12 6,6 0 0 1 0,6 6,6 0 0 1 6,0 6,6 0 0 1 12,6 Z"/>
+ </svg>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div id="strings"
+ data-m-year-place-holder="&date.year.placeholder;"
+ data-m-year-label="&date.year.label;"
+ data-m-month-place-holder="&date.month.placeholder;"
+ data-m-month-label="&date.month.label;"
+ data-m-day-place-holder="&;"
+ data-m-day-label="&;"
+ data-m-hour-place-holder="&time.hour.placeholder;"
+ data-m-hour-label="&time.hour.label;"
+ data-m-minute-place-holder="&time.minute.placeholder;"
+ data-m-minute-label="&time.minute.label;"
+ data-m-second-place-holder="&time.second.placeholder;"
+ data-m-second-label="&time.second.label;"
+ data-m-millisecond-place-holder="&time.millisecond.placeholder;"
+ data-m-millisecond-label="&time.millisecond.label;"
+ data-m-day-period-place-holder="&time.dayperiod.placeholder;"
+ data-m-day-period-label="&time.dayperiod.label;"
+ ></div>
+ </div>`,
+ "application/xml"
+ );
+ /*
+ * The <div id="strings"> is also parsed in the document so that there is no
+ * need to create another XML document just to get the strings.
+ */
+ let stringsElement = parserDoc.getElementById("strings");
+ stringsElement.remove();
+ for (let key in stringsElement.dataset) {
+ // key will be camelCase version of the attribute key above,
+ // like mYearPlaceHolder.
+ this[key] = stringsElement.dataset[key];
+ }
+ this.shadowRoot.importNodeAndAppendChildAt(
+ this.shadowRoot,
+ parserDoc.documentElement,
+ true
+ );
+ }
+ destructor() {
+ this.mResetButton.addEventListener("mousedown", this, {
+ mozSystemGroup: true,
+ });
+ this.mInputElement.removeEventListener("keypress", this, {
+ capture: true,
+ mozSystemGroup: true,
+ });
+ this.mInputElement.removeEventListener("click", this, {
+ mozSystemGroup: true,
+ });
+ this.CONTROL_EVENTS.forEach(eventName => {
+ this.mDateTimeBoxElement.removeEventListener(eventName, this);
+ });
+ this.mInputElement = null;
+ }
+ get FIELD_EVENTS() {
+ return ["focus", "blur", "copy", "cut", "paste"];
+ }
+ return [
+ "MozDateTimeValueChanged",
+ "MozNotifyMinMaxStepAttrChanged",
+ "MozFocusInnerTextBox",
+ "MozBlurInnerTextBox",
+ "MozDateTimeAttributeChanged",
+ "MozPickerValueChanged",
+ "MozSetDateTimePickerState",
+ ];
+ }
+ addEventListenersToField(aElement) {
+ // These events don't bubble out of the Shadow DOM, so we'll have to add
+ // event listeners specifically on each of the fields, not just
+ // on the <input>
+ this.FIELD_EVENTS.forEach(eventName => {
+ aElement.addEventListener(
+ eventName,
+ this,
+ { mozSystemGroup: true },
+ false
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ removeEventListenersToField(aElement) {
+ if (!aElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.FIELD_EVENTS.forEach(eventName => {
+ aElement.removeEventListener(eventName, this, { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ });
+ }
+ log(aMsg) {
+ if (this.DEBUG) {
+ this.window.dump("[DateTimeBox] " + aMsg + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ aPlaceHolder,
+ aLabel,
+ aIsNumeric,
+ aMinDigits,
+ aMaxLength,
+ aMinValue,
+ aMaxValue,
+ aPageUpDownInterval
+ ) {
+ let root = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ let field = this.shadowRoot.createElementAndAppendChildAt(root, "span");
+ field.classList.add("datetime-edit-field");
+ field.textContent = aPlaceHolder;
+ field.placeholder = aPlaceHolder;
+ field.tabIndex = this.mInputElement.tabIndex;
+ field.setAttribute("readonly", this.mInputElement.readOnly);
+ field.setAttribute("disabled", this.mInputElement.disabled);
+ // Set property as well for convenience.
+ field.disabled = this.mInputElement.disabled;
+ field.readOnly = this.mInputElement.readOnly;
+ field.setAttribute("aria-label", aLabel);
+ // Used to store the non-formatted value, cleared when value is
+ // cleared.
+ // DateTimeInputTypeBase::HasBadInput() will read this to decide
+ // if the input has value.
+ field.setAttribute("value", "");
+ if (aIsNumeric) {
+ field.classList.add("numeric");
+ // Maximum value allowed.
+ field.setAttribute("min", aMinValue);
+ // Minumim value allowed.
+ field.setAttribute("max", aMaxValue);
+ // Interval when pressing pageUp/pageDown key.
+ field.setAttribute("pginterval", aPageUpDownInterval);
+ // Used to store what the user has already typed in the field,
+ // cleared when value is cleared and when field is blurred.
+ field.setAttribute("typeBuffer", "");
+ // Minimum digits to display, padded with leading 0s.
+ field.setAttribute("mindigits", aMinDigits);
+ // Maximum length for the field, will be advance to the next field
+ // automatically if exceeded.
+ field.setAttribute("maxlength", aMaxLength);
+ // Set spinbutton ARIA role
+ field.setAttribute("role", "spinbutton");
+ if (this.mIsRTL) {
+ // Force the direction to be "ltr", so that the field stays in the
+ // same order even when it's empty (with placeholder). By using
+ // "embed", the text inside the element is still displayed based
+ // on its directionality.
+ = "embed";
+ = "ltr";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Set generic textbox ARIA role
+ field.setAttribute("role", "textbox");
+ }
+ return field;
+ }
+ updateResetButtonVisibility() {
+ if (this.isAnyFieldAvailable(false) && !this.isRequired()) {
+ = "";
+ } else {
+ = "hidden";
+ }
+ }
+ focusInnerTextBox() {
+ this.log("Focus inner editable field.");
+ let editRoot = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ for (let child of editRoot.querySelectorAll(
+ ":scope > span.datetime-edit-field"
+ )) {
+ this.mLastFocusedField = child;
+ child.focus();
+ this.log("focused");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ blurInnerTextBox() {
+ this.log("Blur inner editable field.");
+ if (this.mLastFocusedField) {
+ this.mLastFocusedField.blur();
+ } else {
+ // If .mLastFocusedField hasn't been set, blur all editable fields,
+ // so that the bound element will actually be blurred. Note that
+ // blurring on a element that has no focus won't have any effect.
+ let editRoot = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ for (let child of editRoot.querySelectorAll(
+ ":scope > span.datetime-edit-field"
+ )) {
+ child.blur();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ notifyInputElementValueChanged() {
+ this.log("inputElementValueChanged");
+ this.setFieldsFromInputValue();
+ }
+ notifyMinMaxStepAttrChanged() {
+ // No operation by default
+ }
+ setValueFromPicker(aValue) {
+ this.setFieldsFromPicker(aValue);
+ }
+ advanceToNextField(aReverse) {
+ this.log("advanceToNextField");
+ let focusedInput = this.mLastFocusedField;
+ let next = aReverse
+ ? focusedInput.previousElementSibling
+ : focusedInput.nextElementSibling;
+ if (!next && !aReverse) {
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ return;
+ }
+ while (next) {
+ if (next.matches("span.datetime-edit-field")) {
+ next.focus();
+ break;
+ }
+ next = aReverse ? next.previousElementSibling : next.nextElementSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ setPickerState(aIsOpen) {
+ this.log("picker is now " + (aIsOpen ? "opened" : "closed"));
+ this.mIsPickerOpen = aIsOpen;
+ }
+ updateEditAttributes() {
+ this.log("updateEditAttributes");
+ let editRoot = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ for (let child of editRoot.querySelectorAll(
+ ":scope > span.datetime-edit-field"
+ )) {
+ // "disabled" and "readonly" must be set as attributes because they
+ // are not defined properties of HTMLSpanElement, and the stylesheet
+ // checks the literal string attribute values.
+ child.setAttribute("disabled", this.mInputElement.disabled);
+ child.setAttribute("readonly", this.mInputElement.readOnly);
+ // Set property as well for convenience.
+ child.disabled = this.mInputElement.disabled;
+ child.readOnly = this.mInputElement.readOnly;
+ // tabIndex works on all elements
+ child.tabIndex = this.mInputElement.tabIndex;
+ }
+ this.mResetButton.disabled =
+ this.mInputElement.disabled || this.mInputElement.readOnly;
+ this.updateResetButtonVisibility();
+ }
+ isEmpty(aValue) {
+ return aValue == undefined || 0 === aValue.length;
+ }
+ getFieldValue(aField) {
+ if (!aField || !aField.classList.contains("numeric")) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ let value = aField.getAttribute("value");
+ // Avoid returning 0 when field is empty.
+ return this.isEmpty(value) ? undefined : Number(value);
+ }
+ clearFieldValue(aField) {
+ aField.textContent = aField.placeholder;
+ aField.setAttribute("value", "");
+ if (aField.classList.contains("numeric")) {
+ aField.setAttribute("typeBuffer", "");
+ }
+ this.updateResetButtonVisibility();
+ }
+ setFieldValue() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ clearInputFields() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ setFieldsFromInputValue() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ setInputValueFromFields() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ setFieldsFromPicker() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ handleKeypress() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ handleKeyboardNav() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ getCurrentValue() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ isAnyFieldAvailable() {
+ throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
+ }
+ notifyPicker() {
+ if (this.mIsPickerOpen && this.isAnyFieldAvailable(true)) {
+ this.mInputElement.updateDateTimePicker(this.getCurrentValue());
+ }
+ }
+ isDisabled() {
+ return this.mInputElement.hasAttribute("disabled");
+ }
+ isReadonly() {
+ return this.mInputElement.hasAttribute("readonly");
+ }
+ isEditable() {
+ return !this.isDisabled() && !this.isReadonly();
+ }
+ isRequired() {
+ return this.mInputElement.hasAttribute("required");
+ }
+ containingTree() {
+ return this.mInputElement.containingShadowRoot || this.document;
+ }
+ handleEvent(aEvent) {
+ this.log("handleEvent: " + aEvent.type);
+ if (!aEvent.isTrusted) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aEvent.type) {
+ case "MozDateTimeValueChanged": {
+ this.notifyInputElementValueChanged();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozNotifyMinMaxStepAttrChanged": {
+ this.notifyMinMaxStepAttrChanged();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozFocusInnerTextBox": {
+ this.focusInnerTextBox();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozBlurInnerTextBox": {
+ this.blurInnerTextBox();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozDateTimeAttributeChanged": {
+ this.updateEditAttributes();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozPickerValueChanged": {
+ this.setValueFromPicker(aEvent.detail);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "MozSetDateTimePickerState": {
+ this.setPickerState(aEvent.detail);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "keypress": {
+ this.onKeyPress(aEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "click": {
+ this.onClick(aEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "focus": {
+ this.onFocus(aEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "blur": {
+ this.onBlur(aEvent);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "mousedown":
+ case "copy":
+ case "cut":
+ case "paste": {
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ onFocus(aEvent) {
+ this.log("onFocus originalTarget: " + aEvent.originalTarget);
+ if (this.containingTree().activeElement != this.mInputElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ if (target.matches("span.datetime-edit-field")) {
+ if (target.disabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.mLastFocusedField = target;
+ this.mInputElement.setFocusState(true);
+ }
+ }
+ onBlur(aEvent) {
+ this.log(
+ "onBlur originalTarget: " +
+ aEvent.originalTarget +
+ " target: " +
+ +
+ " rt: " +
+ aEvent.relatedTarget
+ );
+ let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ target.setAttribute("typeBuffer", "");
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ // No need to set and unset the focus state if the focus is staying within
+ // our input. Same about closing the picker.
+ if (aEvent.relatedTarget != this.mInputElement) {
+ this.mInputElement.setFocusState(false);
+ if (this.mIsPickerOpen) {
+ this.mInputElement.closeDateTimePicker();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onKeyPress(aEvent) {
+ this.log("onKeyPress key: " + aEvent.key);
+ switch (aEvent.key) {
+ // Toggle the picker on space/enter, close on Escape.
+ case "Enter":
+ case "Escape":
+ case " ": {
+ if (this.mIsPickerOpen) {
+ this.mInputElement.closeDateTimePicker();
+ } else if (aEvent.key != "Escape") {
+ this.mInputElement.openDateTimePicker(this.getCurrentValue());
+ } else {
+ // Don't preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "Backspace": {
+ // TODO(emilio, bug 1571533): These functions should look at
+ // defaultPrevented.
+ if (this.isEditable()) {
+ let targetField = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ this.clearFieldValue(targetField);
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case "ArrowRight":
+ case "ArrowLeft": {
+ this.advanceToNextField(!(aEvent.key == "ArrowRight"));
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ case "ArrowUp":
+ case "ArrowDown":
+ case "PageUp":
+ case "PageDown":
+ case "Home":
+ case "End": {
+ this.handleKeyboardNav(aEvent);
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ // printable characters
+ if (
+ aEvent.keyCode == 0 &&
+ !(aEvent.ctrlKey || aEvent.altKey || aEvent.metaKey)
+ ) {
+ this.handleKeypress(aEvent);
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ onClick(aEvent) {
+ this.log(
+ "onClick originalTarget: " +
+ aEvent.originalTarget +
+ " target: " +
+ );
+ if (aEvent.defaultPrevented || !this.isEditable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aEvent.originalTarget == this.mResetButton) {
+ this.clearInputFields(false);
+ } else if (!this.mIsPickerOpen) {
+ this.mInputElement.openDateTimePicker(this.getCurrentValue());
+ }
+ }
+this.DateInputImplWidget = class extends DateTimeInputBaseImplWidget {
+ constructor(shadowRoot) {
+ super(shadowRoot);
+ }
+ onsetup() {
+ super.onsetup();
+ this.mMinMonth = 1;
+ this.mMaxMonth = 12;
+ this.mMinDay = 1;
+ this.mMaxDay = 31;
+ this.mMinYear = 1;
+ // Maximum year limited by ECMAScript date object range, year <= 275760.
+ this.mMaxYear = 275760;
+ this.mMonthDayLength = 2;
+ this.mYearLength = 4;
+ this.mMonthPageUpDownInterval = 3;
+ this.mDayPageUpDownInterval = 7;
+ this.mYearPageUpDownInterval = 10;
+ this.buildEditFields();
+ this.updateEditAttributes();
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.setFieldsFromInputValue();
+ }
+ }
+ destructor() {
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mYearField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mMonthField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mDayField);
+ super.destructor();
+ }
+ buildEditFields() {
+ let root = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ let yearMaxLength = this.mMaxYear.toString().length;
+ let formatter = Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.mLocales, {
+ year: "numeric",
+ month: "numeric",
+ day: "numeric",
+ });
+ formatter.formatToParts( => {
+ switch (part.type) {
+ case "year":
+ this.mYearField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mYearPlaceHolder,
+ this.mYearLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mYearLength,
+ yearMaxLength,
+ this.mMinYear,
+ this.mMaxYear,
+ this.mYearPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mYearField);
+ break;
+ case "month":
+ this.mMonthField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mMonthPlaceHolder,
+ this.mMonthLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMonthDayLength,
+ this.mMonthDayLength,
+ this.mMinMonth,
+ this.mMaxMonth,
+ this.mMonthPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mMonthField);
+ break;
+ case "day":
+ this.mDayField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mDayPlaceHolder,
+ this.mDayLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMonthDayLength,
+ this.mMonthDayLength,
+ this.mMinDay,
+ this.mMaxDay,
+ this.mDayPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mDayField);
+ break;
+ default:
+ let span = this.shadowRoot.createElementAndAppendChildAt(
+ root,
+ "span"
+ );
+ span.textContent = part.value;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ clearInputFields(aFromInputElement) {
+ this.log("clearInputFields");
+ if (this.mMonthField) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mMonthField);
+ }
+ if (this.mDayField) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mDayField);
+ }
+ if (this.mYearField) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mYearField);
+ }
+ if (!aFromInputElement) {
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput("");
+ } else {
+ this.mInputElement.updateValidityState();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setFieldsFromInputValue() {
+ let value = this.mInputElement.value;
+ if (!value) {
+ this.clearInputFields(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.log("setFieldsFromInputValue: " + value);
+ let [year, month, day] = value.split("-");
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mYearField, year);
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mMonthField, month);
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mDayField, day);
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ }
+ setInputValueFromFields() {
+ if (this.isAnyFieldEmpty()) {
+ // Clear input element's value if any of the field has been cleared,
+ // otherwise update the validity state, since it may become "not"
+ // invalid if fields are not complete.
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput("");
+ } else {
+ this.mInputElement.updateValidityState();
+ }
+ // We still need to notify picker in case any of the field has
+ // changed.
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ return;
+ }
+ let { year, month, day } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ // Convert to a valid date string according to:
+ //
+ year = year.toString().padStart(this.mYearLength, "0");
+ month = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month;
+ day = day < 10 ? "0" + day : day;
+ let date = [year, month, day].join("-");
+ if (date == this.mInputElement.value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.log("setInputValueFromFields: " + date);
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput(date);
+ }
+ setFieldsFromPicker(aValue) {
+ let year = aValue.year;
+ let month = aValue.month;
+ let day =;
+ if (!this.isEmpty(year)) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mYearField, year);
+ }
+ if (!this.isEmpty(month)) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mMonthField, month);
+ }
+ if (!this.isEmpty(day)) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mDayField, day);
+ }
+ // Update input element's .value if needed.
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ handleKeypress(aEvent) {
+ if (!this.isEditable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let targetField = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ let key = aEvent.key;
+ if (targetField.classList.contains("numeric") && key.match(/[0-9]/)) {
+ let buffer = targetField.getAttribute("typeBuffer") || "";
+ buffer = buffer.concat(key);
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, buffer);
+ let n = Number(buffer);
+ let max = targetField.getAttribute("max");
+ let maxLength = targetField.getAttribute("maxlength");
+ if (buffer.length >= maxLength || n * 10 > max) {
+ buffer = "";
+ this.advanceToNextField();
+ }
+ targetField.setAttribute("typeBuffer", buffer);
+ if (!this.isAnyFieldEmpty()) {
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ incrementFieldValue(aTargetField, aTimes) {
+ let value = this.getFieldValue(aTargetField);
+ // Use current date if field is empty.
+ if (this.isEmpty(value)) {
+ let now = new Date();
+ if (aTargetField == this.mYearField) {
+ value = now.getFullYear();
+ } else if (aTargetField == this.mMonthField) {
+ value = now.getMonth() + 1;
+ } else if (aTargetField == this.mDayField) {
+ value = now.getDate();
+ } else {
+ this.log("Field not supported in incrementFieldValue.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let min = Number(aTargetField.getAttribute("min"));
+ let max = Number(aTargetField.getAttribute("max"));
+ value += Number(aTimes);
+ if (value > max) {
+ value -= max - min + 1;
+ } else if (value < min) {
+ value += max - min + 1;
+ }
+ this.setFieldValue(aTargetField, value);
+ }
+ handleKeyboardNav(aEvent) {
+ if (!this.isEditable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let targetField = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ let key = aEvent.key;
+ // Home/End key does nothing on year field.
+ if (targetField == this.mYearField && (key == "Home" || key == "End")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (key) {
+ case "ArrowUp":
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, 1);
+ break;
+ case "ArrowDown":
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, -1);
+ break;
+ case "PageUp": {
+ let interval = targetField.getAttribute("pginterval");
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, interval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "PageDown": {
+ let interval = targetField.getAttribute("pginterval");
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, 0 - interval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "Home":
+ let min = targetField.getAttribute("min");
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, min);
+ break;
+ case "End":
+ let max = targetField.getAttribute("max");
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, max);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ getCurrentValue() {
+ let year = this.getFieldValue(this.mYearField);
+ let month = this.getFieldValue(this.mMonthField);
+ let day = this.getFieldValue(this.mDayField);
+ let date = { year, month, day };
+ this.log("getCurrentValue: " + JSON.stringify(date));
+ return date;
+ }
+ setFieldValue(aField, aValue) {
+ if (!aField || !aField.classList.contains("numeric")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let value = Number(aValue);
+ if (isNaN(value)) {
+ this.log("NaN on setFieldValue!");
+ return;
+ }
+ let maxLength = aField.getAttribute("maxlength");
+ if (aValue.length == maxLength) {
+ let min = Number(aField.getAttribute("min"));
+ let max = Number(aField.getAttribute("max"));
+ if (value < min) {
+ value = min;
+ } else if (value > max) {
+ value = max;
+ }
+ }
+ aField.setAttribute("value", value);
+ // Display formatted value based on locale.
+ let minDigits = aField.getAttribute("mindigits");
+ let formatted = value.toLocaleString(this.mLocales, {
+ minimumIntegerDigits: minDigits,
+ useGrouping: false,
+ });
+ aField.textContent = formatted;
+ aField.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", formatted);
+ this.updateResetButtonVisibility();
+ }
+ isAnyFieldAvailable(aForPicker) {
+ let { year, month, day } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ return !this.isEmpty(year) || !this.isEmpty(month) || !this.isEmpty(day);
+ }
+ isAnyFieldEmpty() {
+ let { year, month, day } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ return this.isEmpty(year) || this.isEmpty(month) || this.isEmpty(day);
+ }
+this.TimeInputImplWidget = class extends DateTimeInputBaseImplWidget {
+ constructor(shadowRoot) {
+ super(shadowRoot);
+ }
+ onsetup() {
+ super.onsetup();
+ const kDefaultAMString = "AM";
+ const kDefaultPMString = "PM";
+ let { amString, pmString } = this.getStringsForLocale(this.mLocales);
+ this.mAMIndicator = amString || kDefaultAMString;
+ this.mPMIndicator = pmString || kDefaultPMString;
+ this.mHour12 = this.is12HourTime(this.mLocales);
+ this.mMillisecSeparatorText = ".";
+ this.mMaxLength = 2;
+ this.mMillisecMaxLength = 3;
+ this.mDefaultStep = 60 * 1000; // in milliseconds
+ this.mMinHour = this.mHour12 ? 1 : 0;
+ this.mMaxHour = this.mHour12 ? 12 : 23;
+ this.mMinMinute = 0;
+ this.mMaxMinute = 59;
+ this.mMinSecond = 0;
+ this.mMaxSecond = 59;
+ this.mMinMillisecond = 0;
+ this.mMaxMillisecond = 999;
+ this.mHourPageUpDownInterval = 3;
+ this.mMinSecPageUpDownInterval = 10;
+ this.buildEditFields();
+ this.updateEditAttributes();
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.setFieldsFromInputValue();
+ }
+ }
+ destructor() {
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mHourField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mMinuteField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mSecondField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mMillisecField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mDayPeriodField);
+ super.destructor();
+ }
+ get kMsPerSecond() {
+ return 1000;
+ }
+ get kMsPerMinute() {
+ return 60 * 1000;
+ }
+ getInputElementValues() {
+ let value = this.mInputElement.value;
+ if (value.length === 0) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ let hour, minute, second, millisecond;
+ [hour, minute, second] = value.split(":");
+ if (second) {
+ [second, millisecond] = second.split(".");
+ // Convert fraction of second to milliseconds.
+ if (millisecond && millisecond.length === 1) {
+ millisecond *= 100;
+ } else if (millisecond && millisecond.length === 2) {
+ millisecond *= 10;
+ }
+ }
+ return { hour, minute, second, millisecond };
+ }
+ hasSecondField() {
+ return !!this.mSecondField;
+ }
+ hasMillisecField() {
+ return !!this.mMillisecField;
+ }
+ hasDayPeriodField() {
+ return !!this.mDayPeriodField;
+ }
+ shouldShowSecondField() {
+ let { second } = this.getInputElementValues();
+ if (second != undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let stepBase = this.mInputElement.getStepBase();
+ if (stepBase % this.kMsPerMinute != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let step = this.mInputElement.getStep();
+ if (step % this.kMsPerMinute != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ shouldShowMillisecField() {
+ let { millisecond } = this.getInputElementValues();
+ if (millisecond != undefined) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let stepBase = this.mInputElement.getStepBase();
+ if (stepBase % this.kMsPerSecond != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let step = this.mInputElement.getStep();
+ if (step % this.kMsPerSecond != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ rebuildEditFieldsIfNeeded() {
+ if (
+ this.shouldShowSecondField() == this.hasSecondField() &&
+ this.shouldShowMillisecField() == this.hasMillisecField()
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let focused = this.mInputElement.matches(":focus");
+ let root = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ while (root.firstChild) {
+ root.firstChild.remove();
+ }
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mHourField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mMinuteField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mSecondField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mMillisecField);
+ this.removeEventListenersToField(this.mDayPeriodField);
+ this.mHourField = null;
+ this.mMinuteField = null;
+ this.mSecondField = null;
+ this.mMillisecField = null;
+ this.mDayPeriodField = null;
+ this.buildEditFields();
+ if (focused) {
+ this.focusInnerTextBox();
+ }
+ }
+ buildEditFields() {
+ let root = this.shadowRoot.getElementById("edit-wrapper");
+ let options = {
+ hour: "numeric",
+ minute: "numeric",
+ hour12: this.mHour12,
+ };
+ if (this.shouldShowSecondField()) {
+ options.second = "numeric";
+ }
+ let formatter = Intl.DateTimeFormat(this.mLocales, options);
+ formatter.formatToParts( => {
+ switch (part.type) {
+ case "hour":
+ this.mHourField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mHourPlaceHolder,
+ this.mHourLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMinHour,
+ this.mMaxHour,
+ this.mHourPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mHourField);
+ break;
+ case "minute":
+ this.mMinuteField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mMinutePlaceHolder,
+ this.mMinuteLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMinMinute,
+ this.mMaxMinute,
+ this.mMinSecPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mMinuteField);
+ break;
+ case "second":
+ this.mSecondField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mSecondPlaceHolder,
+ this.mSecondLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMaxLength,
+ this.mMinSecond,
+ this.mMaxSecond,
+ this.mMinSecPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mSecondField);
+ if (this.shouldShowMillisecField()) {
+ // Intl.DateTimeFormat does not support millisecond, so we
+ // need to handle this on our own.
+ let span = this.shadowRoot.createElementAndAppendChildAt(
+ root,
+ "span"
+ );
+ span.textContent = this.mMillisecSeparatorText;
+ this.mMillisecField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mMillisecPlaceHolder,
+ this.mMillisecLabel,
+ true,
+ this.mMillisecMaxLength,
+ this.mMillisecMaxLength,
+ this.mMinMillisecond,
+ this.mMaxMillisecond,
+ this.mMinSecPageUpDownInterval
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mMillisecField);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "dayPeriod":
+ this.mDayPeriodField = this.createEditFieldAndAppend(
+ this.mDayPeriodPlaceHolder,
+ this.mDayPeriodLabel,
+ false
+ );
+ this.addEventListenersToField(this.mDayPeriodField);
+ // Give aria autocomplete hint for am/pm
+ this.mDayPeriodField.setAttribute("aria-autocomplete", "inline");
+ break;
+ default:
+ let span = this.shadowRoot.createElementAndAppendChildAt(
+ root,
+ "span"
+ );
+ span.textContent = part.value;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ getStringsForLocale(aLocales) {
+ this.log("getStringsForLocale: " + aLocales);
+ let intlUtils = this.window.intlUtils;
+ if (!intlUtils) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ let amString, pmString;
+ let keys = [
+ "dates/gregorian/dayperiods/am",
+ "dates/gregorian/dayperiods/pm",
+ ];
+ let result = intlUtils.getDisplayNames(this.mLocales, {
+ style: "short",
+ keys,
+ });
+ [amString, pmString] = => result.values[key]);
+ return { amString, pmString };
+ }
+ is12HourTime(aLocales) {
+ let options = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(aLocales, {
+ hour: "numeric",
+ }).resolvedOptions();
+ return options.hour12;
+ }
+ setFieldsFromInputValue() {
+ let { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = this.getInputElementValues();
+ if (this.isEmpty(hour) && this.isEmpty(minute)) {
+ this.clearInputFields(true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Second and millisecond part are optional, rebuild edit fields if
+ // needed.
+ this.rebuildEditFieldsIfNeeded();
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mHourField, hour);
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mMinuteField, minute);
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ this.setDayPeriodValue(
+ hour >= this.mMaxHour ? this.mPMIndicator : this.mAMIndicator
+ );
+ }
+ if (this.hasSecondField()) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mSecondField, second != undefined ? second : 0);
+ }
+ if (this.hasMillisecField()) {
+ this.setFieldValue(
+ this.mMillisecField,
+ millisecond != undefined ? millisecond : 0
+ );
+ }
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ }
+ setInputValueFromFields() {
+ if (this.isAnyFieldEmpty()) {
+ // Clear input element's value if any of the field has been cleared,
+ // otherwise update the validity state, since it may become "not"
+ // invalid if fields are not complete.
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput("");
+ } else {
+ this.mInputElement.updateValidityState();
+ }
+ // We still need to notify picker in case any of the field has
+ // changed.
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ return;
+ }
+ let { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ let dayPeriod = this.getDayPeriodValue();
+ // Convert to a valid time string according to:
+ //
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ if (dayPeriod == this.mPMIndicator && hour < this.mMaxHour) {
+ hour += this.mMaxHour;
+ } else if (dayPeriod == this.mAMIndicator && hour == this.mMaxHour) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ hour = hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour;
+ minute = minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute;
+ let time = hour + ":" + minute;
+ if (second != undefined) {
+ second = second < 10 ? "0" + second : second;
+ time += ":" + second;
+ }
+ if (millisecond != undefined) {
+ // Convert milliseconds to fraction of second.
+ millisecond = millisecond
+ .toString()
+ .padStart(this.mMillisecMaxLength, "0");
+ time += "." + millisecond;
+ }
+ if (time == this.mInputElement.value) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.log("setInputValueFromFields: " + time);
+ this.notifyPicker();
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput(time);
+ }
+ setFieldsFromPicker(aValue) {
+ let hour = aValue.hour;
+ let minute = aValue.minute;
+ this.log("setFieldsFromPicker: " + hour + ":" + minute);
+ if (!this.isEmpty(hour)) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mHourField, hour);
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ this.setDayPeriodValue(
+ hour >= this.mMaxHour ? this.mPMIndicator : this.mAMIndicator
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this.isEmpty(minute)) {
+ this.setFieldValue(this.mMinuteField, minute);
+ }
+ // Update input element's .value if needed.
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ clearInputFields(aFromInputElement) {
+ this.log("clearInputFields");
+ if (this.mHourField) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mHourField);
+ }
+ if (this.mMinuteField) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mMinuteField);
+ }
+ if (this.hasSecondField()) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mSecondField);
+ }
+ if (this.hasMillisecField()) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mMillisecField);
+ }
+ if (this.hasDayPeriodField()) {
+ this.clearFieldValue(this.mDayPeriodField);
+ }
+ if (!aFromInputElement) {
+ if (this.mInputElement.value) {
+ this.mInputElement.setUserInput("");
+ } else {
+ this.mInputElement.updateValidityState();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ notifyMinMaxStepAttrChanged() {
+ // Second and millisecond part are optional, rebuild edit fields if
+ // needed.
+ this.rebuildEditFieldsIfNeeded();
+ // Fill in values again.
+ this.setFieldsFromInputValue();
+ }
+ incrementFieldValue(aTargetField, aTimes) {
+ let value = this.getFieldValue(aTargetField);
+ // Use current time if field is empty.
+ if (this.isEmpty(value)) {
+ let now = new Date();
+ if (aTargetField == this.mHourField) {
+ value = now.getHours();
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ value = value % this.mMaxHour || this.mMaxHour;
+ }
+ } else if (aTargetField == this.mMinuteField) {
+ value = now.getMinutes();
+ } else if (aTargetField == this.mSecondField) {
+ value = now.getSeconds();
+ } else if (aTargetField == this.mMillisecField) {
+ value = now.getMilliseconds();
+ } else {
+ this.log("Field not supported in incrementFieldValue.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ let min = aTargetField.getAttribute("min");
+ let max = aTargetField.getAttribute("max");
+ value += Number(aTimes);
+ if (value > max) {
+ value -= max - min + 1;
+ } else if (value < min) {
+ value += max - min + 1;
+ }
+ this.setFieldValue(aTargetField, value);
+ }
+ handleKeyboardNav(aEvent) {
+ if (!this.isEditable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let targetField = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ let key = aEvent.key;
+ if (this.hasDayPeriodField() && targetField == this.mDayPeriodField) {
+ // Home/End key does nothing on AM/PM field.
+ if (key == "Home" || key == "End") {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.setDayPeriodValue(
+ this.getDayPeriodValue() == this.mAMIndicator
+ ? this.mPMIndicator
+ : this.mAMIndicator
+ );
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (key) {
+ case "ArrowUp":
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, 1);
+ break;
+ case "ArrowDown":
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, -1);
+ break;
+ case "PageUp": {
+ let interval = targetField.getAttribute("pginterval");
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, interval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "PageDown": {
+ let interval = targetField.getAttribute("pginterval");
+ this.incrementFieldValue(targetField, 0 - interval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case "Home":
+ let min = targetField.getAttribute("min");
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, min);
+ break;
+ case "End":
+ let max = targetField.getAttribute("max");
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, max);
+ break;
+ }
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ handleKeypress(aEvent) {
+ if (!this.isEditable()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let targetField = aEvent.originalTarget;
+ let key = aEvent.key;
+ if (this.hasDayPeriodField() && targetField == this.mDayPeriodField) {
+ if (key == "a" || key == "A") {
+ this.setDayPeriodValue(this.mAMIndicator);
+ } else if (key == "p" || key == "P") {
+ this.setDayPeriodValue(this.mPMIndicator);
+ }
+ if (!this.isAnyFieldEmpty()) {
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (targetField.classList.contains("numeric") && key.match(/[0-9]/)) {
+ let buffer = targetField.getAttribute("typeBuffer") || "";
+ buffer = buffer.concat(key);
+ this.setFieldValue(targetField, buffer);
+ let n = Number(buffer);
+ let max = targetField.getAttribute("max");
+ let maxLength = targetField.getAttribute("maxlength");
+ if (buffer.length >= maxLength || n * 10 > max) {
+ buffer = "";
+ this.advanceToNextField();
+ }
+ targetField.setAttribute("typeBuffer", buffer);
+ if (!this.isAnyFieldEmpty()) {
+ this.setInputValueFromFields();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setFieldValue(aField, aValue) {
+ if (!aField || !aField.classList.contains("numeric")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let value = Number(aValue);
+ if (isNaN(value)) {
+ this.log("NaN on setFieldValue!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aField == this.mHourField) {
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ // Try to change to 12hr format if user input is 0 or greater
+ // than 12.
+ let maxLength = aField.getAttribute("maxlength");
+ if (value == 0 && aValue.length == maxLength) {
+ value = this.mMaxHour;
+ } else {
+ value = value > this.mMaxHour ? value % this.mMaxHour : value;
+ }
+ } else if (value > this.mMaxHour) {
+ value = this.mMaxHour;
+ }
+ }
+ aField.setAttribute("value", value);
+ let minDigits = aField.getAttribute("mindigits");
+ let formatted = value.toLocaleString(this.mLocales, {
+ minimumIntegerDigits: minDigits,
+ useGrouping: false,
+ });
+ aField.textContent = formatted;
+ aField.setAttribute("aria-valuetext", formatted);
+ this.updateResetButtonVisibility();
+ }
+ getDayPeriodValue(aValue) {
+ if (!this.hasDayPeriodField()) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ let placeholder = this.mDayPeriodField.placeholder;
+ let value = this.mDayPeriodField.textContent;
+ return value == placeholder ? "" : value;
+ }
+ setDayPeriodValue(aValue) {
+ if (!this.hasDayPeriodField()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.mDayPeriodField.textContent = aValue;
+ this.mDayPeriodField.setAttribute("value", aValue);
+ this.updateResetButtonVisibility();
+ }
+ isAnyFieldAvailable(aForPicker) {
+ let { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ let dayPeriod = this.getDayPeriodValue();
+ let available = !this.isEmpty(hour) || !this.isEmpty(minute);
+ if (available) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Picker only cares about hour:minute.
+ if (aForPicker) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return (
+ (this.hasDayPeriodField() && !this.isEmpty(dayPeriod)) ||
+ (this.hasSecondField() && !this.isEmpty(second)) ||
+ (this.hasMillisecField() && !this.isEmpty(millisecond))
+ );
+ }
+ isAnyFieldEmpty() {
+ let { hour, minute, second, millisecond } = this.getCurrentValue();
+ let dayPeriod = this.getDayPeriodValue();
+ return (
+ this.isEmpty(hour) ||
+ this.isEmpty(minute) ||
+ (this.hasDayPeriodField() && this.isEmpty(dayPeriod)) ||
+ (this.hasSecondField() && this.isEmpty(second)) ||
+ (this.hasMillisecField() && this.isEmpty(millisecond))
+ );
+ }
+ getCurrentValue() {
+ let hour = this.getFieldValue(this.mHourField);
+ if (!this.isEmpty(hour)) {
+ if (this.mHour12) {
+ let dayPeriod = this.getDayPeriodValue();
+ if (dayPeriod == this.mPMIndicator && hour < this.mMaxHour) {
+ hour += this.mMaxHour;
+ } else if (dayPeriod == this.mAMIndicator && hour == this.mMaxHour) {
+ hour = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let minute = this.getFieldValue(this.mMinuteField);
+ let second = this.getFieldValue(this.mSecondField);
+ let millisecond = this.getFieldValue(this.mMillisecField);
+ let time = { hour, minute, second, millisecond };
+ this.log("getCurrentValue: " + JSON.stringify(time));
+ return time;
+ }