path: root/tools/lint/perfdocs/
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1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
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index 0000000000..29d34c2d00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+from manifestparser import TestManifest
+from mozperftest.script import ScriptInfo
+from perfdocs.utils import read_yaml
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+This file is for framework specific gatherers since manifests
+might be parsed differently in each of them. The gatherers
+must implement the FrameworkGatherer class.
+class FrameworkGatherer(object):
+ """
+ Abstract class for framework gatherers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, yaml_path, workspace_dir):
+ """
+ Generic initialization for a framework gatherer.
+ """
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ self._yaml_path = yaml_path
+ self._suite_list = {}
+ self._test_list = {}
+ self._urls = {}
+ self._manifest_path = ""
+ self._manifest = None
+ self.script_infos = {}
+ def get_manifest_path(self):
+ """
+ Returns the path to the manifest based on the
+ manifest entry in the frameworks YAML configuration
+ file.
+ :return str: Path to the manifest.
+ """
+ if self._manifest_path:
+ return self._manifest_path
+ yaml_content = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)
+ self._manifest_path = os.path.join(self.workspace_dir, yaml_content["manifest"])
+ return self._manifest_path
+ def get_suite_list(self):
+ """
+ Each framework gatherer must return a dictionary with
+ the following structure. Note that the test names must
+ be relative paths so that issues can be correctly issued
+ by the reviewbot.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": [
+ 'testing/raptor/test1',
+ 'testing/raptor/test2'
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _build_section_with_header(self, title, content, header_type=None):
+ """
+ Adds a section to the documentation with the title as the type mentioned
+ and paragraph as content mentioned.
+ :param title: title of the section
+ :param content: content of section paragraph
+ :param header_type: type of the title heading
+ """
+ heading_map = {"H3": "=", "H4": "-", "H5": "^"}
+ return [title, heading_map.get(header_type, "^") * len(title), content, ""]
+class RaptorGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Raptor framework.
+ """
+ def get_suite_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing a mapping from suites
+ to the tests they contain.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": [
+ 'testing/raptor/test1',
+ 'testing/raptor/test2'
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ if self._suite_list:
+ return self._suite_list
+ manifest_path = self.get_manifest_path()
+ # Get the tests from the manifest
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([manifest_path], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ # Parse the tests into the expected dictionary
+ for test in test_list:
+ # Get the top-level suite
+ s = os.path.basename(test["here"])
+ if s not in self._suite_list:
+ self._suite_list[s] = []
+ # Get the individual test
+ fpath = re.sub(".*testing", "testing", test["manifest"])
+ if fpath not in self._suite_list[s]:
+ self._suite_list[s].append(fpath)
+ return self._suite_list
+ def _get_subtests_from_ini(self, manifest_path, suite_name):
+ """
+ Returns a list of (sub)tests from an ini file containing the test definitions.
+ :param str manifest_path: path to the ini file
+ :return list: the list of the tests
+ """
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([manifest_path], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ subtest_list = {}
+ for subtest in test_list:
+ subtest_list[subtest["name"]] = subtest["manifest"]
+ self._urls[subtest["name"]] = {
+ "type": suite_name,
+ "url": subtest["test_url"],
+ }
+ self._urls = collections.OrderedDict(
+ sorted(self._urls.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0]))
+ )
+ return subtest_list
+ def get_test_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing the tests in every suite ini file.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": {
+ 'raptor_test1',
+ 'raptor_test2'
+ },
+ }
+ """
+ if self._test_list:
+ return self._test_list
+ suite_list = self.get_suite_list()
+ # Iterate over each manifest path from suite_list[suite_name]
+ # and place the subtests into self._test_list under the same key
+ for suite_name, manifest_paths in suite_list.items():
+ if not self._test_list.get(suite_name):
+ self._test_list[suite_name] = {}
+ for i, manifest_path in enumerate(manifest_paths, 1):
+ subtest_list = self._get_subtests_from_ini(manifest_path, suite_name)
+ self._test_list[suite_name].update(subtest_list)
+ return self._test_list
+ def build_test_description(self, title, test_description="", suite_name=""):
+ matcher = set()
+ for name, val in self._urls.items():
+ if title == name and suite_name == val["type"]:
+ matcher.add(val["url"])
+ break
+ if len(matcher) == 0:
+ for name, val in self._urls.items():
+ if title in name and suite_name == val["type"]:
+ matcher.add(val["url"])
+ break
+ return [
+ "* `"
+ + title
+ + " ("
+ + test_description
+ + ") "
+ + "<"
+ + matcher.pop()
+ + ">`__"
+ ]
+ def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
+ return self._build_section_with_header(
+ title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
+ )
+class MozperftestGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Mozperftest framework.
+ """
+ def get_test_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing the tests that are in perftest.ini manifest.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": {
+ 'perftest_test1',
+ 'perftest_test2',
+ },
+ }
+ """
+ for path in pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir).rglob("perftest.ini"):
+ suite_name = re.sub(self.workspace_dir, "", os.path.dirname(path))
+ # If the workspace dir doesn't end with a forward-slash,
+ # the substitution above won't work completely
+ if suite_name.startswith("/") or suite_name.startswith("\\"):
+ suite_name = suite_name[1:]
+ # We have to add new paths to the logger as we search
+ # because mozperftest tests exist in multiple places in-tree
+ PerfDocLogger.PATHS.append(suite_name)
+ # Get the tests from perftest.ini
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([str(path)], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ for test in test_list:
+ si = ScriptInfo(test["path"])
+ self.script_infos[si["name"]] = si
+ self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name, {}).update(
+ {si["name"]: str(path)}
+ )
+ return self._test_list
+ def build_test_description(self, title, test_description="", suite_name=""):
+ return [str(self.script_infos[title])]
+ def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
+ return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H4")
+class TalosGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Talos framework.
+ TODO - Bug 1674220
+ """
+ pass