path: root/tools/lint/perfdocs
diff options
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10 files changed, 1242 insertions, 0 deletions
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+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ description: Performance Documentation linter
+ # This task handles its own search, so just include cwd
+ include: ['testing/raptor', 'python/mozperftest', 'testing/talos']
+ exclude: []
+ extensions: ['rst', 'ini', 'yml']
+ support-files: []
+ type: structured_log
+ payload: perfdocs:lint
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1194d38624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+import os
+from perfdocs import perfdocs
+here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+PERFDOCS_REQUIREMENTS_PATH = os.path.join(here, "requirements.txt")
+def lint(paths, config, logger, fix=False, **lintargs):
+ return perfdocs.run_perfdocs(config, logger=logger, paths=paths, generate=fix)
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29d34c2d00
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+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import collections
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+from manifestparser import TestManifest
+from mozperftest.script import ScriptInfo
+from perfdocs.utils import read_yaml
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+This file is for framework specific gatherers since manifests
+might be parsed differently in each of them. The gatherers
+must implement the FrameworkGatherer class.
+class FrameworkGatherer(object):
+ """
+ Abstract class for framework gatherers.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, yaml_path, workspace_dir):
+ """
+ Generic initialization for a framework gatherer.
+ """
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ self._yaml_path = yaml_path
+ self._suite_list = {}
+ self._test_list = {}
+ self._urls = {}
+ self._manifest_path = ""
+ self._manifest = None
+ self.script_infos = {}
+ def get_manifest_path(self):
+ """
+ Returns the path to the manifest based on the
+ manifest entry in the frameworks YAML configuration
+ file.
+ :return str: Path to the manifest.
+ """
+ if self._manifest_path:
+ return self._manifest_path
+ yaml_content = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)
+ self._manifest_path = os.path.join(self.workspace_dir, yaml_content["manifest"])
+ return self._manifest_path
+ def get_suite_list(self):
+ """
+ Each framework gatherer must return a dictionary with
+ the following structure. Note that the test names must
+ be relative paths so that issues can be correctly issued
+ by the reviewbot.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": [
+ 'testing/raptor/test1',
+ 'testing/raptor/test2'
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _build_section_with_header(self, title, content, header_type=None):
+ """
+ Adds a section to the documentation with the title as the type mentioned
+ and paragraph as content mentioned.
+ :param title: title of the section
+ :param content: content of section paragraph
+ :param header_type: type of the title heading
+ """
+ heading_map = {"H3": "=", "H4": "-", "H5": "^"}
+ return [title, heading_map.get(header_type, "^") * len(title), content, ""]
+class RaptorGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Raptor framework.
+ """
+ def get_suite_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing a mapping from suites
+ to the tests they contain.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": [
+ 'testing/raptor/test1',
+ 'testing/raptor/test2'
+ ]
+ }
+ """
+ if self._suite_list:
+ return self._suite_list
+ manifest_path = self.get_manifest_path()
+ # Get the tests from the manifest
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([manifest_path], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ # Parse the tests into the expected dictionary
+ for test in test_list:
+ # Get the top-level suite
+ s = os.path.basename(test["here"])
+ if s not in self._suite_list:
+ self._suite_list[s] = []
+ # Get the individual test
+ fpath = re.sub(".*testing", "testing", test["manifest"])
+ if fpath not in self._suite_list[s]:
+ self._suite_list[s].append(fpath)
+ return self._suite_list
+ def _get_subtests_from_ini(self, manifest_path, suite_name):
+ """
+ Returns a list of (sub)tests from an ini file containing the test definitions.
+ :param str manifest_path: path to the ini file
+ :return list: the list of the tests
+ """
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([manifest_path], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ subtest_list = {}
+ for subtest in test_list:
+ subtest_list[subtest["name"]] = subtest["manifest"]
+ self._urls[subtest["name"]] = {
+ "type": suite_name,
+ "url": subtest["test_url"],
+ }
+ self._urls = collections.OrderedDict(
+ sorted(self._urls.items(), key=lambda t: len(t[0]))
+ )
+ return subtest_list
+ def get_test_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing the tests in every suite ini file.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": {
+ 'raptor_test1',
+ 'raptor_test2'
+ },
+ }
+ """
+ if self._test_list:
+ return self._test_list
+ suite_list = self.get_suite_list()
+ # Iterate over each manifest path from suite_list[suite_name]
+ # and place the subtests into self._test_list under the same key
+ for suite_name, manifest_paths in suite_list.items():
+ if not self._test_list.get(suite_name):
+ self._test_list[suite_name] = {}
+ for i, manifest_path in enumerate(manifest_paths, 1):
+ subtest_list = self._get_subtests_from_ini(manifest_path, suite_name)
+ self._test_list[suite_name].update(subtest_list)
+ return self._test_list
+ def build_test_description(self, title, test_description="", suite_name=""):
+ matcher = set()
+ for name, val in self._urls.items():
+ if title == name and suite_name == val["type"]:
+ matcher.add(val["url"])
+ break
+ if len(matcher) == 0:
+ for name, val in self._urls.items():
+ if title in name and suite_name == val["type"]:
+ matcher.add(val["url"])
+ break
+ return [
+ "* `"
+ + title
+ + " ("
+ + test_description
+ + ") "
+ + "<"
+ + matcher.pop()
+ + ">`__"
+ ]
+ def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
+ return self._build_section_with_header(
+ title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
+ )
+class MozperftestGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Mozperftest framework.
+ """
+ def get_test_list(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary containing the tests that are in perftest.ini manifest.
+ :return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
+ "suite_name": {
+ 'perftest_test1',
+ 'perftest_test2',
+ },
+ }
+ """
+ for path in pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir).rglob("perftest.ini"):
+ suite_name = re.sub(self.workspace_dir, "", os.path.dirname(path))
+ # If the workspace dir doesn't end with a forward-slash,
+ # the substitution above won't work completely
+ if suite_name.startswith("/") or suite_name.startswith("\\"):
+ suite_name = suite_name[1:]
+ # We have to add new paths to the logger as we search
+ # because mozperftest tests exist in multiple places in-tree
+ PerfDocLogger.PATHS.append(suite_name)
+ # Get the tests from perftest.ini
+ test_manifest = TestManifest([str(path)], strict=False)
+ test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
+ for test in test_list:
+ si = ScriptInfo(test["path"])
+ self.script_infos[si["name"]] = si
+ self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name, {}).update(
+ {si["name"]: str(path)}
+ )
+ return self._test_list
+ def build_test_description(self, title, test_description="", suite_name=""):
+ return [str(self.script_infos[title])]
+ def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
+ return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H4")
+class TalosGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
+ """
+ Gatherer for the Talos framework.
+ TODO - Bug 1674220
+ """
+ pass
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index 0000000000..2f6a0b5e91
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+from perfdocs.utils import read_yaml
+from perfdocs.framework_gatherers import (
+ RaptorGatherer,
+ MozperftestGatherer,
+ TalosGatherer,
+logger = PerfDocLogger()
+# TODO: Implement decorator/searcher to find the classes.
+frameworks = {
+ "raptor": RaptorGatherer,
+ "mozperftest": MozperftestGatherer,
+ "Talos": TalosGatherer,
+class Gatherer(object):
+ """
+ Gatherer produces the tree of the perfdoc's entries found
+ and can obtain manifest-based test lists. Used by the Verifier.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, workspace_dir):
+ """
+ Initialzie the Gatherer.
+ :param str workspace_dir: Path to the gecko checkout.
+ """
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ self._perfdocs_tree = []
+ self._test_list = []
+ self.framework_gatherers = {}
+ @property
+ def perfdocs_tree(self):
+ """
+ Returns the perfdocs_tree, and computes it
+ if it doesn't exist.
+ :return dict: The perfdocs tree containing all
+ framework perfdoc entries. See `fetch_perfdocs_tree`
+ for information on the data structure.
+ """
+ if self._perfdocs_tree:
+ return self._perfdocs_tree
+ else:
+ self.fetch_perfdocs_tree()
+ return self._perfdocs_tree
+ def fetch_perfdocs_tree(self):
+ """
+ Creates the perfdocs tree with the following structure:
+ [
+ {
+ "path": Path to the perfdocs directory.
+ "yml": Name of the configuration YAML file.
+ "rst": Name of the RST file.
+ "static": Name of the static file.
+ }, ...
+ ]
+ This method doesn't return anything. The result can be found in
+ the perfdocs_tree attribute.
+ """
+ exclude_dir = ["tools/lint", ".hg", "testing/perfdocs"]
+ for path in pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir).rglob("perfdocs"):
+ if any(, str(path)) for d in exclude_dir):
+ continue
+ files = [f for f in os.listdir(path)]
+ matched = {"path": str(path), "yml": "", "rst": "", "static": []}
+ for file in files:
+ # Add the yml/rst/static file to its key if re finds the searched file
+ if file == "config.yml" or file == "config.yaml":
+ matched["yml"] = file
+ elif file == "index.rst":
+ matched["rst"] = file
+ elif file.endswith(".rst"):
+ matched["static"].append(file)
+ # Append to structdocs if all the searched files were found
+ if all(val for val in matched.values() if not type(val) == list):
+ self._perfdocs_tree.append(matched)
+ logger.log(
+ "Found {} perfdocs directories in {}".format(
+ len(self._perfdocs_tree), [d["path"] for d in self._perfdocs_tree]
+ )
+ )
+ def get_test_list(self, sdt_entry):
+ """
+ Use a perfdocs_tree entry to find the test list for
+ the framework that was found.
+ :return: A framework info dictionary with fields: {
+ 'yml_path': Path to YAML,
+ 'yml_content': Content of YAML,
+ 'name': Name of framework,
+ 'test_list': Test list found for the framework
+ }
+ """
+ # If it was computed before, return it
+ yaml_path = os.path.join(sdt_entry["path"], sdt_entry["yml"])
+ for entry in self._test_list:
+ if entry["yml_path"] == yaml_path:
+ return entry
+ # Set up framework entry with meta data
+ yaml_content = read_yaml(yaml_path)
+ framework = {
+ "yml_content": yaml_content,
+ "yml_path": yaml_path,
+ "name": yaml_content["name"],
+ "test_list": {},
+ }
+ # Get and then store the frameworks tests
+ self.framework_gatherers[framework["name"]] = frameworks[framework["name"]](
+ framework["yml_path"], self.workspace_dir
+ )
+ if not yaml_content["static-only"]:
+ framework["test_list"] = self.framework_gatherers[
+ framework["name"]
+ ].get_test_list()
+ self._test_list.append(framework)
+ return framework
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d3c99d00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+from perfdocs.utils import are_dirs_equal, read_file, read_yaml, save_file
+logger = PerfDocLogger()
+class Generator(object):
+ """
+ After each perfdocs directory was validated, the generator uses the templates
+ for each framework, fills them with the test descriptions in config and saves
+ the perfdocs in the form index.rst as index file and suite_name.rst for
+ each suite of tests in the framework.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, verifier, workspace, generate=False):
+ """
+ Initialize the Generator.
+ :param verifier: Verifier object. It should not be a fresh Verifier object,
+ but an initialized one with validate_tree() method already called
+ :param workspace: Path to the top-level checkout directory.
+ :param generate: Flag for generating the documentation
+ """
+ self._workspace = workspace
+ if not self._workspace:
+ raise Exception("PerfDocs Generator requires a workspace directory.")
+ # Template documents without added information reside here
+ self.templates_path = os.path.join(
+ self._workspace, "tools", "lint", "perfdocs", "templates"
+ )
+ self.perfdocs_path = os.path.join(
+ self._workspace, "testing", "perfdocs", "generated"
+ )
+ self._generate = generate
+ self._verifier = verifier
+ self._perfdocs_tree = self._verifier._gatherer.perfdocs_tree
+ def build_perfdocs_from_tree(self):
+ """
+ Builds up a document for each framework that was found.
+ :return dict: A dictionary containing a mapping from each framework
+ to the document that was built for it, i.e:
+ {
+ framework_name: framework_document,
+ ...
+ }
+ """
+ # Using the verified `perfdocs_tree`, build up the documentation.
+ frameworks_info = {}
+ for framework in self._perfdocs_tree:
+ yaml_content = read_yaml(os.path.join(framework["path"], framework["yml"]))
+ rst_content = read_file(
+ os.path.join(framework["path"], framework["rst"]), stringify=True
+ )
+ # Gather all tests and descriptions and format them into
+ # documentation content
+ documentation = []
+ suites = yaml_content["suites"]
+ for suite_name in sorted(suites.keys()):
+ suite_info = suites[suite_name]
+ # Add the suite section
+ documentation.extend(
+ self._verifier._gatherer.framework_gatherers[
+ yaml_content["name"]
+ ].build_suite_section(suite_name, suite_info["description"])
+ )
+ tests = suite_info.get("tests", {})
+ for test_name in sorted(tests.keys()):
+ documentation.extend(
+ self._verifier._gatherer.framework_gatherers[
+ yaml_content["name"]
+ ].build_test_description(
+ test_name, tests[test_name], suite_name
+ )
+ )
+ documentation.append("")
+ # Insert documentation into `.rst` file
+ framework_rst = re.sub(
+ r"{documentation}", os.linesep.join(documentation), rst_content
+ )
+ frameworks_info[yaml_content["name"]] = {
+ "dynamic": framework_rst,
+ "static": [],
+ }
+ # For static `.rst` file
+ for static_file in framework["static"]:
+ frameworks_info[yaml_content["name"]]["static"].append(
+ {
+ "file": static_file,
+ "content": read_file(
+ os.path.join(framework["path"], static_file), stringify=True
+ ),
+ }
+ )
+ return frameworks_info
+ def _create_temp_dir(self):
+ """
+ Create a temp directory as preparation of saving the documentation tree.
+ :return: str the location of perfdocs_tmpdir
+ """
+ # Build the directory that will contain the final result (a tmp dir
+ # that will be moved to the final location afterwards)
+ try:
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ perfdocs_tmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "generated")
+ os.mkdir(perfdocs_tmpdir)
+ except OSError as e:
+ logger.critical("Error creating temp file: {}".format(e))
+ success = False or os.path.isdir(perfdocs_tmpdir)
+ if success:
+ return perfdocs_tmpdir
+ else:
+ return success
+ def _create_perfdocs(self):
+ """
+ Creates the perfdocs documentation.
+ :return: str path of the temp dir it is saved in
+ """
+ # All directories that are kept in the perfdocs tree are valid,
+ # so use it to build up the documentation.
+ framework_docs = self.build_perfdocs_from_tree()
+ perfdocs_tmpdir = self._create_temp_dir()
+ # Save the documentation files
+ frameworks = []
+ for framework_name in sorted(framework_docs.keys()):
+ frameworks.append(framework_name)
+ save_file(
+ framework_docs[framework_name]["dynamic"],
+ os.path.join(perfdocs_tmpdir, framework_name),
+ )
+ for static_name in framework_docs[framework_name]["static"]:
+ save_file(
+ static_name["content"],
+ os.path.join(perfdocs_tmpdir, static_name["file"].split(".")[0]),
+ )
+ # Get the main page and add the framework links to it
+ mainpage = read_file(
+ os.path.join(self.templates_path, "index.rst"), stringify=True
+ )
+ fmt_frameworks = os.linesep.join(
+ [" * :doc:`%s`" % name for name in frameworks]
+ )
+ fmt_mainpage = re.sub(r"{test_documentation}", fmt_frameworks, mainpage)
+ save_file(fmt_mainpage, os.path.join(perfdocs_tmpdir, "index"))
+ return perfdocs_tmpdir
+ def _save_perfdocs(self, perfdocs_tmpdir):
+ """
+ Copies the perfdocs tree after it was saved into the perfdocs_tmpdir
+ :param perfdocs_tmpdir: str location of the temp dir where the
+ perfdocs was saved
+ """
+ # Remove the old docs and copy the new version there without
+ # checking if they need to be regenerated.
+ logger.log("Regenerating perfdocs...")
+ if os.path.exists(self.perfdocs_path):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.perfdocs_path)
+ try:
+ saved = shutil.copytree(perfdocs_tmpdir, self.perfdocs_path)
+ if saved:
+ logger.log(
+ "Documentation saved to {}/".format(
+ re.sub(".*testing", "testing", self.perfdocs_path)
+ )
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.critical(
+ "There was an error while saving the documentation: {}".format(e)
+ )
+ def generate_perfdocs(self):
+ """
+ Generate the performance documentation.
+ If `self._generate` is True, then the documentation will be regenerated
+ without any checks. Otherwise, if it is False, the new documentation will be
+ prepare and compare with the existing documentation to determine if
+ it should be regenerated.
+ :return bool: True/False - For True, if `self._generate` is True, then the
+ docs were regenerated. If `self._generate` is False, then True will mean
+ that the docs should be regenerated, and False means that they do not
+ need to be regenerated.
+ """
+ def get_possibly_changed_files():
+ """
+ Returns files that might have been modified
+ (used to output a linter warning for regeneration)
+ :return: list - files that might have been modified
+ """
+ # Returns files that might have been modified
+ # (used to output a linter warning for regeneration)
+ files = []
+ for entry in self._perfdocs_tree:
+ files.extend(
+ [
+ os.path.join(entry["path"], entry["yml"]),
+ os.path.join(entry["path"], entry["rst"]),
+ ]
+ )
+ return files
+ # Throw a warning if there's no need for generating
+ if not os.path.exists(self.perfdocs_path) and not self._generate:
+ # If they don't exist and we are not generating, then throw
+ # a linting error and exit.
+ logger.warning(
+ "PerfDocs need to be regenerated.", files=get_possibly_changed_files()
+ )
+ return True
+ perfdocs_tmpdir = self._create_perfdocs()
+ if self._generate:
+ self._save_perfdocs(perfdocs_tmpdir)
+ else:
+ # If we are not generating, then at least check if they
+ # should be regenerated by comparing the directories.
+ if not are_dirs_equal(perfdocs_tmpdir, self.perfdocs_path):
+ logger.warning(
+ "PerfDocs are outdated, run ./mach lint -l perfdocs --fix` to update them.",
+ files=get_possibly_changed_files(),
+ )
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff6321a7f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import re
+class PerfDocLogger(object):
+ """
+ Logger for the PerfDoc tooling. Handles the warnings by outputting
+ them into through the StructuredLogger provided by lint.
+ """
+ TOP_DIR = ""
+ PATHS = []
+ LOGGER = None
+ FAILED = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initializes the PerfDocLogger."""
+ # Set up class attributes for all logger instances
+ if not PerfDocLogger.LOGGER:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Missing linting LOGGER instance for PerfDocLogger initialization"
+ )
+ if not PerfDocLogger.PATHS:
+ raise Exception("Missing PATHS for PerfDocLogger initialization")
+ self.logger = PerfDocLogger.LOGGER
+ def log(self, msg):
+ """
+ Log an info message.
+ :param str msg: Message to log.
+ """
+ def warning(self, msg, files):
+ """
+ Logs a validation warning message. The warning message is
+ used as the error message that is output in the reviewbot.
+ :param str msg: Message to log, it's also used as the error message
+ for the issue that is output by the reviewbot.
+ :param list/str files: The file(s) that this warning is about.
+ """
+ if type(files) != list:
+ files = [files]
+ # Add a reviewbot error for each file that is given
+ for file in files:
+ # Get a relative path (reviewbot can't handle absolute paths)
+ fpath = re.sub(PerfDocLogger.TOP_DIR, "", file)
+ # Filter out any issues that do not relate to the paths
+ # that are being linted
+ for path in PerfDocLogger.PATHS:
+ if path not in file:
+ continue
+ # Output error entry
+ self.logger.lint_error(
+ message=msg,
+ lineno=0,
+ column=None,
+ path=fpath,
+ linter="perfdocs",
+ rule="Flawless performance docs.",
+ )
+ PerfDocLogger.FAILED = True
+ break
+ def critical(self, msg):
+ """
+ Log a critical message.
+ :param str msg: Message to log.
+ """
+ self.logger.critical(msg)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3df01595c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+import os
+import re
+def run_perfdocs(config, logger=None, paths=None, generate=True):
+ """
+ Build up performance testing documentation dynamically by combining
+ text data from YAML files that reside in `perfdoc` folders
+ across the `testing` directory. Each directory is expected to have
+ an `index.rst` file along with `config.yml` YAMLs defining what needs
+ to be added to the documentation.
+ The YAML must also define the name of the "framework" that should be
+ used in the main index.rst for the performance testing documentation.
+ The testing documentation list will be ordered alphabetically once
+ it's produced (to avoid unwanted shifts because of unordered dicts
+ and path searching).
+ Note that the suite name headings will be given the H4 (---) style so it
+ is suggested that you use H3 (===) style as the heading for your
+ test section. H5 will be used be used for individual tests within each
+ suite.
+ Usage for verification: ./mach lint -l perfdocs
+ Usage for generation: ./mach lint -l perfdocs --fix
+ For validation, see the Verifier class for a description of how
+ it works.
+ The run will fail if the valid result from validate_tree is not
+ False, implying some warning/problem was logged.
+ :param dict config: The configuration given by mozlint.
+ :param StructuredLogger logger: The StructuredLogger instance to be used to
+ output the linting warnings/errors.
+ :param list paths: The paths that are being tested. Used to filter
+ out errors from files outside of these paths.
+ :param bool generate: If true, the docs will be (re)generated.
+ """
+ from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+ top_dir = os.environ.get("WORKSPACE", None)
+ if not top_dir:
+ floc = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+ top_dir = floc.split("tools")[0]
+ top_dir = top_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\")
+ PerfDocLogger.LOGGER = logger
+ PerfDocLogger.TOP_DIR = top_dir
+ # Convert all the paths to relative ones
+ rel_paths = [re.sub(top_dir, "", path) for path in paths]
+ PerfDocLogger.PATHS = rel_paths
+ target_dir = [os.path.join(top_dir, i) for i in rel_paths]
+ for path in target_dir:
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ raise Exception("Cannot locate directory at %s" % path)
+ # Late import because logger isn't defined until later
+ from perfdocs.generator import Generator
+ from perfdocs.verifier import Verifier
+ # Run the verifier first
+ verifier = Verifier(top_dir)
+ verifier.validate_tree()
+ if not PerfDocLogger.FAILED:
+ # Even if the tree is valid, we need to check if the documentation
+ # needs to be regenerated, and if it does, we throw a linting error.
+ # `generate` dictates whether or not the documentation is generated.
+ generator = Generator(verifier, generate=generate, workspace=top_dir)
+ generator.generate_perfdocs()
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/templates/index.rst b/tools/lint/perfdocs/templates/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd6e258980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/templates/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Performance Testing
+Performance tests are designed to catch performance regressions before they reach our
+end users. At this time, there is no unified approach for these types of tests,
+but `mozperftest </testing/perfdocs/mozperftest.html>`_ aims to provide this in the future.
+For more detailed information about each test suite, see each projects' documentation:
+For more information about the performance testing team,
+`visit the wiki page <>`_.
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99b304260b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import filecmp
+import os
+import yaml
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+logger = PerfDocLogger()
+def save_file(file_content, path, extension="rst"):
+ """
+ Saves data into a file.
+ :param str path: Location and name of the file being saved
+ (without an extension).
+ :param str data: Content to write into the file.
+ :param str extension: Extension to save the file as.
+ """
+ with open("{}.{}".format(path, extension), "w") as f:
+ f.write(file_content)
+def read_file(path, stringify=False):
+ """
+ Opens a file and returns its contents.
+ :param str path: Path to the file.
+ :return list: List containing the lines in the file.
+ """
+ with open(path, "r") as f:
+ return if stringify else f.readlines()
+def read_yaml(yaml_path):
+ """
+ Opens a YAML file and returns the contents.
+ :param str yaml_path: Path to the YAML to open.
+ :return dict: Dictionary containing the YAML content.
+ """
+ contents = {}
+ try:
+ with open(yaml_path, "r") as f:
+ contents = yaml.safe_load(f)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning("Error opening file {}: {}".format(yaml_path, str(e)), yaml_path)
+ return contents
+def are_dirs_equal(dir_1, dir_2):
+ """
+ Compare two directories to see if they are equal. Files in each
+ directory are assumed to be equal if their names and contents
+ are equal.
+ :param dir_1: First directory path
+ :param dir_2: Second directory path
+ :return: True if the directory trees are the same and False otherwise.
+ """
+ dirs_cmp = filecmp.dircmp(dir_1, dir_2)
+ if dirs_cmp.left_only or dirs_cmp.right_only or dirs_cmp.funny_files:
+ return False
+ _, mismatch, errors = filecmp.cmpfiles(
+ dir_1, dir_2, dirs_cmp.common_files, shallow=False
+ )
+ if mismatch or errors:
+ return False
+ for common_dir in dirs_cmp.common_dirs:
+ subdir_1 = os.path.join(dir_1, common_dir)
+ subdir_2 = os.path.join(dir_2, common_dir)
+ if not are_dirs_equal(subdir_1, subdir_2):
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/tools/lint/perfdocs/ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9a34478eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/lint/perfdocs/
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import jsonschema
+import os
+import re
+from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
+from perfdocs.utils import read_file, read_yaml
+from perfdocs.gatherer import Gatherer
+logger = PerfDocLogger()
+Schema for the config.yml file.
+Expecting a YAML file with a format such as this:
+name: raptor
+manifest: testing/raptor/raptor/raptor.ini
+static-only: False
+ desktop:
+ description: "Desktop tests."
+ tests:
+ raptor-tp6: "Raptor TP6 tests."
+ mobile:
+ description: "Mobile tests"
+ benchmarks:
+ description: "Benchmark tests."
+ tests:
+ wasm: "All wasm tests."
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {"type": "string"},
+ "manifest": {"type": "string"},
+ "static-only": {"type": "boolean"},
+ "suites": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "suite_name": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "tests": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {"test_name": {"type": "string"}},
+ },
+ "description": {"type": "string"},
+ },
+ "required": ["description"],
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "required": ["name", "manifest", "static-only", "suites"],
+class Verifier(object):
+ """
+ Verifier is used for validating the perfdocs folders/tree. In the future,
+ the generator will make use of this class to obtain a validated set of
+ descriptions that can be used to build up a document.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, workspace_dir):
+ """
+ Initialize the Verifier.
+ :param str workspace_dir: Path to the top-level checkout directory.
+ """
+ self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
+ self._gatherer = Gatherer(workspace_dir)
+ def validate_descriptions(self, framework_info):
+ """
+ Cross-validate the tests found in the manifests and the YAML
+ test definitions. This function doesn't return a valid flag. Instead,
+ the StructDocLogger.VALIDATION_LOG is used to determine validity.
+ The validation proceeds as follows:
+ 1. Check that all tests/suites in the YAML exist in the manifests.
+ - At the same time, build a list of global descriptions which
+ define descriptions for groupings of tests.
+ 2. Check that all tests/suites found in the manifests exist in the YAML.
+ - For missing tests, check if a global description for them exists.
+ As the validation is completed, errors are output into the validation log
+ for any issues that are found.
+ :param dict framework_info: Contains information about the framework. See
+ `Gatherer.get_test_list` for information about its structure.
+ """
+ yaml_content = framework_info["yml_content"]
+ # Check for any bad test/suite names in the yaml config file
+ global_descriptions = {}
+ for suite, ytests in yaml_content["suites"].items():
+ # Find the suite, then check against the tests within it
+ if framework_info["test_list"].get(suite):
+ global_descriptions[suite] = []
+ if not ytests.get("tests"):
+ # It's possible a suite entry has no tests
+ continue
+ # Suite found - now check if any tests in YAML
+ # definitions doesn't exist
+ ytests = ytests["tests"]
+ for test_name in ytests:
+ foundtest = False
+ for t in framework_info["test_list"][suite]:
+ tb = os.path.basename(t)
+ tb = re.sub("\..*", "", tb)
+ if test_name == tb:
+ # Found an exact match for the test_name
+ foundtest = True
+ break
+ if test_name in tb:
+ # Found a 'fuzzy' match for the test_name
+ # i.e. 'wasm' could exist for all raptor wasm tests
+ global_descriptions[suite].append(test_name)
+ foundtest = True
+ break
+ if not foundtest:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Could not find an existing test for {} - bad test name?".format(
+ test_name
+ ),
+ framework_info["yml_path"],
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Could not find an existing suite for {} - bad suite name?".format(
+ suite
+ ),
+ framework_info["yml_path"],
+ )
+ # Check for any missing tests/suites
+ for suite, test_list in framework_info["test_list"].items():
+ if not yaml_content["suites"].get(suite):
+ # Description doesn't exist for the suite
+ logger.warning(
+ "Missing suite description for {}".format(suite),
+ yaml_content["manifest"],
+ )
+ continue
+ # If only a description is provided for the suite, assume
+ # that this is a suite-wide description and don't check for
+ # it's tests
+ stests = yaml_content["suites"][suite].get("tests", None)
+ if not stests:
+ continue
+ tests_found = 0
+ missing_tests = []
+ test_to_manifest = {}
+ for test_name, manifest_path in test_list.items():
+ tb = os.path.basename(manifest_path)
+ tb = re.sub("\..*", "", tb)
+ if (
+ stests.get(tb, None) is not None
+ or stests.get(test_name, None) is not None
+ ):
+ # Test description exists, continue with the next test
+ tests_found += 1
+ continue
+ test_to_manifest[test_name] = manifest_path
+ missing_tests.append(test_name)
+ # Check if global test descriptions exist (i.e.
+ # ones that cover all of tp6) for the missing tests
+ new_mtests = []
+ for mt in missing_tests:
+ found = False
+ for test_name in global_descriptions[suite]:
+ # Global test exists for this missing test
+ if mt.startswith(test_name):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if test_name in mt:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ new_mtests.append(mt)
+ if len(new_mtests):
+ # Output an error for each manifest with a missing
+ # test description
+ for test_name in new_mtests:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Could not find a test description for {}".format(test_name),
+ test_to_manifest[test_name],
+ )
+ def validate_yaml(self, yaml_path):
+ """
+ Validate that the YAML file has all the fields that are
+ required and parse the descriptions into strings in case
+ some are give as relative file paths.
+ :param str yaml_path: Path to the YAML to validate.
+ :return bool: True/False => Passed/Failed Validation
+ """
+ def _get_description(desc):
+ """
+ Recompute the description in case it's a file.
+ """
+ desc_path = os.path.join(self.workspace_dir, desc)
+ if os.path.exists(desc_path) and os.path.isfile(desc_path):
+ with open(desc_path, "r") as f:
+ desc = f.readlines()
+ return desc
+ def _parse_descriptions(content):
+ for suite, sinfo in content.items():
+ desc = sinfo["description"]
+ sinfo["description"] = _get_description(desc)
+ # It's possible that the suite has no tests and
+ # only a description. If they exist, then parse them.
+ if "tests" in sinfo:
+ for test, desc in sinfo["tests"].items():
+ sinfo["tests"][test] = _get_description(desc)
+ valid = False
+ yaml_content = read_yaml(yaml_path)
+ try:
+ jsonschema.validate(instance=yaml_content, schema=CONFIG_SCHEMA)
+ _parse_descriptions(yaml_content["suites"])
+ valid = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.warning("YAML ValidationError: {}".format(str(e)), yaml_path)
+ return valid
+ def validate_rst_content(self, rst_path):
+ """
+ Validate that the index file given has a {documentation} entry
+ so that the documentation can be inserted there.
+ :param str rst_path: Path to the RST file.
+ :return bool: True/False => Passed/Failed Validation
+ """
+ rst_content = read_file(rst_path)
+ # Check for a {documentation} entry in some line,
+ # if we can't find one, then the validation fails.
+ valid = False
+ docs_match = re.compile(".*{documentation}.*")
+ for line in rst_content:
+ if
+ valid = True
+ break
+ if not valid:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Cannot find a '{documentation}' entry in the given index file",
+ rst_path,
+ )
+ return valid
+ def _check_framework_descriptions(self, item):
+ """
+ Helper method for validating descriptions
+ """
+ framework_info = self._gatherer.get_test_list(item)
+ self.validate_descriptions(framework_info)
+ def validate_tree(self):
+ """
+ Validate the `perfdocs` directory that was found.
+ Returns True if it is good, false otherwise.
+ :return bool: True/False => Passed/Failed Validation
+ """
+ found_good = 0
+ # For each framework, check their files and validate descriptions
+ for matched in self._gatherer.perfdocs_tree:
+ # Get the paths to the YAML and RST for this framework
+ matched_yml = os.path.join(matched["path"], matched["yml"])
+ matched_rst = os.path.join(matched["path"], matched["rst"])
+ _valid_files = {
+ "yml": self.validate_yaml(matched_yml),
+ "rst": True,
+ }
+ if not read_yaml(matched_yml)["static-only"]:
+ _valid_files["rst"] = self.validate_rst_content(matched_rst)
+ # Log independently the errors found for the matched files
+ for file_format, valid in _valid_files.items():
+ if not valid:
+ logger.log("File validation error: {}".format(file_format))
+ if not all(_valid_files.values()):
+ continue
+ found_good += 1
+ self._check_framework_descriptions(matched)
+ if not found_good:
+ raise Exception("No valid perfdocs directories found")