path: root/tools/profiler/gecko/ProfilerParent.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/profiler/gecko/ProfilerParent.cpp')
1 files changed, 795 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/profiler/gecko/ProfilerParent.cpp b/tools/profiler/gecko/ProfilerParent.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5cc324a91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/profiler/gecko/ProfilerParent.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "ProfilerParent.h"
+#include "nsProfiler.h"
+#include "mozilla/BaseProfilerDetail.h"
+#include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h"
+#include "mozilla/DataMutex.h"
+#include "mozilla/IOInterposer.h"
+#include "mozilla/ipc/Endpoint.h"
+#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
+#include "mozilla/ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "nsTArray.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include <utility>
+namespace mozilla {
+using namespace ipc;
+class ProfilerParentTracker;
+// This class is responsible for gathering updates from chunk managers in
+// different process, and request for the oldest chunks to be destroyed whenever
+// the given memory limit is reached.
+class ProfileBufferGlobalController final {
+ public:
+ explicit ProfileBufferGlobalController(size_t aMaximumBytes);
+ ~ProfileBufferGlobalController();
+ void HandleChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate);
+ static bool IsLockedOnCurrentThread();
+ private:
+ void HandleChunkManagerNonFinalUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager& aParentChunkManager);
+ const size_t mMaximumBytes;
+ const base::ProcessId mParentProcessId = base::GetCurrentProcId();
+ struct ParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate {
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager* mChunkManager = nullptr;
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update mPendingUpdate;
+ };
+ static DataMutexBase<ParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate,
+ baseprofiler::detail::BaseProfilerMutex>
+ sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate;
+ size_t mUnreleasedTotalBytes = 0;
+ struct PidAndBytes {
+ base::ProcessId mProcessId;
+ size_t mBytes;
+ // For searching and sorting.
+ bool operator==(base::ProcessId aSearchedProcessId) const {
+ return mProcessId == aSearchedProcessId;
+ }
+ bool operator==(const PidAndBytes& aOther) const {
+ return mProcessId == aOther.mProcessId;
+ }
+ bool operator<(base::ProcessId aSearchedProcessId) const {
+ return mProcessId < aSearchedProcessId;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const PidAndBytes& aOther) const {
+ return mProcessId < aOther.mProcessId;
+ }
+ };
+ using PidAndBytesArray = nsTArray<PidAndBytes>;
+ PidAndBytesArray mUnreleasedBytesByPid;
+ size_t mReleasedTotalBytes = 0;
+ struct TimeStampAndBytesAndPid {
+ TimeStamp mTimeStamp;
+ size_t mBytes;
+ base::ProcessId mProcessId;
+ // For searching and sorting.
+ bool operator==(const TimeStampAndBytesAndPid& aOther) const {
+ // Sort first by timestamps, and then by pid in rare cases with the same
+ // timestamps.
+ return mTimeStamp == aOther.mTimeStamp && mProcessId == aOther.mProcessId;
+ }
+ bool operator<(const TimeStampAndBytesAndPid& aOther) const {
+ // Sort first by timestamps, and then by pid in rare cases with the same
+ // timestamps.
+ return mTimeStamp < aOther.mTimeStamp ||
+ (MOZ_UNLIKELY(mTimeStamp == aOther.mTimeStamp) &&
+ mProcessId < aOther.mProcessId);
+ }
+ };
+ using TimeStampAndBytesAndPidArray = nsTArray<TimeStampAndBytesAndPid>;
+ TimeStampAndBytesAndPidArray mReleasedChunksByTime;
+/* static */
+ baseprofiler::detail::BaseProfilerMutex>
+ ProfileBufferGlobalController::sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate{
+ "ProfileBufferGlobalController::sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate"};
+// This singleton class tracks live ProfilerParent's (meaning there's a current
+// connection with a child process).
+// It also knows when the local profiler is running.
+// And when both the profiler is running and at least one child is present, it
+// creates a ProfileBufferGlobalController and forwards chunk updates to it.
+class ProfilerParentTracker final {
+ public:
+ static void StartTracking(ProfilerParent* aParent);
+ static void StopTracking(ProfilerParent* aParent);
+ static void ProfilerStarted(uint32_t aEntries);
+ static void ProfilerWillStopIfStarted();
+ template <typename FuncType>
+ static void Enumerate(FuncType&& aIterFunc);
+ template <typename FuncType>
+ static void ForChild(base::ProcessId aChildPid, FuncType&& aIterFunc);
+ static void ForwardChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate);
+ ProfilerParentTracker();
+ ~ProfilerParentTracker();
+ private:
+ static void EnsureInstance();
+ // List of parents for currently-connected child processes.
+ nsTArray<ProfilerParent*> mProfilerParents;
+ // If non-0, the parent profiler is running, with this limit (in number of
+ // entries.) This is needed here, because the parent profiler may start
+ // running before child processes are known (e.g., startup profiling).
+ uint32_t mEntries = 0;
+ // When the profiler is running and there is at least one parent-child
+ // connection, this is the controller that should receive chunk updates.
+ Maybe<ProfileBufferGlobalController> mMaybeController;
+ // Singleton instance, created when first needed, destroyed at Firefox
+ // shutdown.
+ static UniquePtr<ProfilerParentTracker> sInstance;
+ size_t aMaximumBytes)
+ : mMaximumBytes(aMaximumBytes) {
+ // This is the local chunk manager for this parent process, so updates can be
+ // handled here.
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager* parentChunkManager =
+ profiler_get_controlled_chunk_manager();
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentChunkManager)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ auto lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate =
+ sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate.Lock();
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager =
+ parentChunkManager;
+ }
+ parentChunkManager->SetUpdateCallback(
+ [this](ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aUpdate.IsNotUpdate(),
+ "Update callback should never be given a non-update");
+ auto lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate =
+ sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate.Lock();
+ if (aUpdate.IsFinal()) {
+ // Final update of the parent.
+ // We cannot keep the chunk manager, and there's no point handling
+ // updates anymore. Do some cleanup now, to free resources before
+ // we're destroyed.
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager = nullptr;
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.Clear();
+ mUnreleasedTotalBytes = 0;
+ mUnreleasedBytesByPid.Clear();
+ mReleasedTotalBytes = 0;
+ mReleasedChunksByTime.Clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager) {
+ // No chunk manager, ignore updates.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Special handling of parent non-final updates:
+ // These updates are coming from *this* process, and may originate from
+ // scopes in any thread where any lock is held, so using other locks (to
+ // e.g., dispatch tasks or send IPCs) could trigger a deadlock. Instead,
+ // parent updates are stored locally and handled when the next
+ // non-parent update needs handling, see HandleChildChunkManagerUpdate.
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.Fold(
+ std::move(aUpdate));
+ });
+ProfileBufferGlobalController ::~ProfileBufferGlobalController() {
+ // Extract the parent chunk manager (if still set).
+ // This means any update after this will be ignored.
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager* parentChunkManager = []() {
+ auto lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate =
+ sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate.Lock();
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.Clear();
+ return std::exchange(
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager, nullptr);
+ }();
+ if (parentChunkManager) {
+ // We had not received a final update yet, so the chunk manager is still
+ // valid. Reset the callback in the chunk manager, this will immediately
+ // invoke the callback with the final empty update; see handling above.
+ parentChunkManager->SetUpdateCallback({});
+ }
+void ProfileBufferGlobalController::HandleChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aProcessId != mParentProcessId);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aUpdate.IsNotUpdate(),
+ "HandleChildChunkManagerUpdate should not be given a non-update");
+ auto lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate =
+ sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate.Lock();
+ if (!lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager) {
+ // No chunk manager, ignore updates.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (aUpdate.IsFinal()) {
+ // Final update in a child process, remove all traces of that process.
+ size_t index = mUnreleasedBytesByPid.BinaryIndexOf(aProcessId);
+ if (index != PidAndBytesArray::NoIndex) {
+ // We already have a value for this pid.
+ PidAndBytes& pidAndBytes = mUnreleasedBytesByPid[index];
+ mUnreleasedTotalBytes -= pidAndBytes.mBytes;
+ mUnreleasedBytesByPid.RemoveElementAt(index);
+ }
+ size_t released = 0;
+ mReleasedChunksByTime.RemoveElementsBy(
+ [&released, aProcessId](const auto& chunk) {
+ const bool match = chunk.mProcessId == aProcessId;
+ if (match) {
+ released += chunk.mBytes;
+ }
+ return match;
+ });
+ if (released != 0) {
+ mReleasedTotalBytes -= released;
+ }
+ // Total can only have gone down, so there's no need to check the limit.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Non-final update in child process.
+ // Before handling the child update, we may have pending updates from the
+ // parent, which can be processed now since we're in an IPC callback outside
+ // of any profiler-related scope.
+ if (!lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.IsNotUpdate()) {
+ !lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.IsFinal());
+ HandleChunkManagerNonFinalUpdate(
+ mParentProcessId,
+ std::move(lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate),
+ *lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager);
+ lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mPendingUpdate.Clear();
+ }
+ HandleChunkManagerNonFinalUpdate(
+ aProcessId, std::move(aUpdate),
+ *lockedParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate->mChunkManager);
+/* static */
+bool ProfileBufferGlobalController::IsLockedOnCurrentThread() {
+ return sParentChunkManagerAndPendingUpdate.Mutex().IsLockedOnCurrentThread();
+void ProfileBufferGlobalController::HandleChunkManagerNonFinalUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager& aParentChunkManager) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aUpdate.IsFinal());
+ size_t index = mUnreleasedBytesByPid.BinaryIndexOf(aProcessId);
+ if (index != PidAndBytesArray::NoIndex) {
+ // We already have a value for this pid.
+ PidAndBytes& pidAndBytes = mUnreleasedBytesByPid[index];
+ mUnreleasedTotalBytes =
+ mUnreleasedTotalBytes - pidAndBytes.mBytes + aUpdate.UnreleasedBytes();
+ pidAndBytes.mBytes = aUpdate.UnreleasedBytes();
+ } else {
+ // New pid.
+ mUnreleasedBytesByPid.InsertElementSorted(
+ PidAndBytes{aProcessId, aUpdate.UnreleasedBytes()});
+ mUnreleasedTotalBytes += aUpdate.UnreleasedBytes();
+ }
+ size_t destroyedReleased = 0;
+ if (!aUpdate.OldestDoneTimeStamp().IsNull()) {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (; i < mReleasedChunksByTime.Length(); ++i) {
+ if (mReleasedChunksByTime[i].mTimeStamp >=
+ aUpdate.OldestDoneTimeStamp()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Here, i is the index of the first item that's at or after
+ // aUpdate.mOldestDoneTimeStamp, so chunks from aProcessId before that have
+ // been destroyed.
+ while (i != 0) {
+ --i;
+ const TimeStampAndBytesAndPid& item = mReleasedChunksByTime[i];
+ if (item.mProcessId == aProcessId) {
+ destroyedReleased += item.mBytes;
+ mReleasedChunksByTime.RemoveElementAt(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t newlyReleased = 0;
+ for (const ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::ChunkMetadata& chunk :
+ aUpdate.NewlyReleasedChunksRef()) {
+ newlyReleased += chunk.mBufferBytes;
+ mReleasedChunksByTime.InsertElementSorted(TimeStampAndBytesAndPid{
+ chunk.mDoneTimeStamp, chunk.mBufferBytes, aProcessId});
+ }
+ mReleasedTotalBytes = mReleasedTotalBytes - destroyedReleased + newlyReleased;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ size_t totalReleased = 0;
+ for (const TimeStampAndBytesAndPid& item : mReleasedChunksByTime) {
+ totalReleased += item.mBytes;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mReleasedTotalBytes == totalReleased);
+#endif // DEBUG
+ std::vector<ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::ChunkMetadata> toDestroy;
+ while (mUnreleasedTotalBytes + mReleasedTotalBytes > mMaximumBytes &&
+ !mReleasedChunksByTime.IsEmpty()) {
+ // We have reached the global memory limit, and there *are* released chunks
+ // that can be destroyed. Start with the first one, which is the oldest.
+ const TimeStampAndBytesAndPid& oldest = mReleasedChunksByTime[0];
+ mReleasedTotalBytes -= oldest.mBytes;
+ if (oldest.mProcessId == mParentProcessId) {
+ aParentChunkManager.DestroyChunksAtOrBefore(oldest.mTimeStamp);
+ } else {
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ForChild(
+ oldest.mProcessId,
+ [timestamp = oldest.mTimeStamp](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendDestroyReleasedChunksAtOrBefore(
+ timestamp);
+ });
+ }
+ mReleasedChunksByTime.RemoveElementAt(0);
+ }
+UniquePtr<ProfilerParentTracker> ProfilerParentTracker::sInstance;
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::EnsureInstance() {
+ if (sInstance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sInstance = MakeUnique<ProfilerParentTracker>();
+ // The tracker should get destroyed before threads are shutdown, because its
+ // destruction closes extant channels, which could trigger promise rejections
+ // that need to be dispatched to other threads.
+ ClearOnShutdown(&sInstance, ShutdownPhase::ShutdownThreads);
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::StartTracking(ProfilerParent* aProfilerParent) {
+ EnsureInstance();
+ if (sInstance->mMaybeController.isNothing() && sInstance->mEntries != 0) {
+ // There is no controller yet, but the profiler has started.
+ // Since we're adding a ProfilerParent, it's a good time to start
+ // controlling the global memory usage of the profiler.
+ // (And this helps delay the Controller startup, because the parent profiler
+ // can start *very* early in the process, when some resources like threads
+ // are not ready yet.)
+ sInstance->mMaybeController.emplace(size_t(sInstance->mEntries) * 8u);
+ }
+ sInstance->mProfilerParents.AppendElement(aProfilerParent);
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::StopTracking(ProfilerParent* aParent) {
+ if (!sInstance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sInstance->mProfilerParents.RemoveElement(aParent);
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::ProfilerStarted(uint32_t aEntries) {
+ EnsureInstance();
+ sInstance->mEntries = aEntries;
+ if (sInstance->mMaybeController.isNothing() &&
+ !sInstance->mProfilerParents.IsEmpty()) {
+ // We are already tracking child processes, so it's a good time to start
+ // controlling the global memory usage of the profiler.
+ sInstance->mMaybeController.emplace(size_t(sInstance->mEntries) * 8u);
+ }
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::ProfilerWillStopIfStarted() {
+ if (!sInstance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sInstance->mEntries = 0;
+ sInstance->mMaybeController = Nothing{};
+template <typename FuncType>
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate(FuncType&& aIterFunc) {
+ if (!sInstance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (ProfilerParent* profilerParent : sInstance->mProfilerParents) {
+ if (!profilerParent->mDestroyed) {
+ aIterFunc(profilerParent);
+ }
+ }
+template <typename FuncType>
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::ForChild(base::ProcessId aChildPid,
+ FuncType&& aIterFunc) {
+ if (!sInstance) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (ProfilerParent* profilerParent : sInstance->mProfilerParents) {
+ if (profilerParent->mChildPid == aChildPid) {
+ if (!profilerParent->mDestroyed) {
+ std::forward<FuncType>(aIterFunc)(profilerParent);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParentTracker::ForwardChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ base::ProcessId aProcessId,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update&& aUpdate) {
+ if (!sInstance || sInstance->mMaybeController.isNothing()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aUpdate.IsNotUpdate(),
+ "No process should ever send a non-update");
+ sInstance->mMaybeController->HandleChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ aProcessId, std::move(aUpdate));
+ProfilerParentTracker::ProfilerParentTracker() {
+ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProfilerParentTracker);
+ProfilerParentTracker::~ProfilerParentTracker() {
+ MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(ProfilerParentTracker);
+ // Close the channels of any profiler parents that haven't been destroyed.
+ for (ProfilerParent* profilerParent : mProfilerParents.Clone()) {
+ if (!profilerParent->mDestroyed) {
+ // Keep the object alive until the call to Close() has completed.
+ // Close() will trigger a call to DeallocPProfilerParent.
+ RefPtr<ProfilerParent> actor = profilerParent;
+ actor->Close();
+ }
+ }
+/* static */
+Endpoint<PProfilerChild> ProfilerParent::CreateForProcess(
+ base::ProcessId aOtherPid) {
+ Endpoint<PProfilerParent> parent;
+ Endpoint<PProfilerChild> child;
+ nsresult rv = PProfiler::CreateEndpoints(base::GetCurrentProcId(), aOtherPid,
+ &parent, &child);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ MOZ_CRASH("Failed to create top level actor for PProfiler!");
+ }
+ RefPtr<ProfilerParent> actor = new ProfilerParent(aOtherPid);
+ if (!parent.Bind(actor)) {
+ MOZ_CRASH("Failed to bind parent actor for PProfiler!");
+ }
+ // mSelfRef will be cleared in DeallocPProfilerParent.
+ actor->mSelfRef = actor;
+ actor->Init();
+ return child;
+ProfilerParent::ProfilerParent(base::ProcessId aChildPid)
+ : mChildPid(aChildPid), mDestroyed(false) {
+ MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(ProfilerParent);
+void ProfilerParent::Init() {
+ ProfilerParentTracker::StartTracking(this);
+ // We propagated the profiler state from the parent process to the child
+ // process through MOZ_PROFILER_STARTUP* environment variables.
+ // However, the profiler state might have changed in this process since then,
+ // and now that an active communication channel has been established with the
+ // child process, it's a good time to sync up the two profilers again.
+ int entries = 0;
+ Maybe<double> duration = Nothing();
+ double interval = 0;
+ mozilla::Vector<const char*> filters;
+ uint32_t features;
+ uint64_t activeBrowsingContextID;
+ profiler_get_start_params(&entries, &duration, &interval, &features, &filters,
+ &activeBrowsingContextID);
+ if (entries != 0) {
+ ProfilerInitParams ipcParams;
+ ipcParams.enabled() = true;
+ ipcParams.entries() = entries;
+ ipcParams.duration() = duration;
+ ipcParams.interval() = interval;
+ ipcParams.features() = features;
+ ipcParams.activeBrowsingContextID() = activeBrowsingContextID;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < filters.length(); ++i) {
+ ipcParams.filters().AppendElement(filters[i]);
+ }
+ Unused << SendEnsureStarted(ipcParams);
+ RequestChunkManagerUpdate();
+ } else {
+ Unused << SendStop();
+ }
+ProfilerParent::~ProfilerParent() {
+ MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(ProfilerParent);
+ ProfilerParentTracker::StopTracking(this);
+/* static */
+ProfilerParent::GatherProfiles() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return nsTArray<RefPtr<ProfilerParent::SingleProcessProfilePromise>>();
+ }
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<SingleProcessProfilePromise>> results;
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([&](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ results.AppendElement(profilerParent->SendGatherProfile());
+ });
+ return results;
+// Magic value for ProfileBufferChunkManagerUpdate::unreleasedBytes meaning
+// that this is a final update from a child.
+constexpr static uint64_t scUpdateUnreleasedBytesFINAL = uint64_t(-1);
+/* static */
+ProfileBufferChunkManagerUpdate ProfilerParent::MakeFinalUpdate() {
+ return ProfileBufferChunkManagerUpdate{
+ uint64_t(scUpdateUnreleasedBytesFINAL), 0, TimeStamp{},
+ nsTArray<ProfileBufferChunkMetadata>{}};
+/* static */
+bool ProfilerParent::IsLockedOnCurrentThread() {
+ return ProfileBufferGlobalController::IsLockedOnCurrentThread();
+void ProfilerParent::RequestChunkManagerUpdate() {
+ if (mDestroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ RefPtr<AwaitNextChunkManagerUpdatePromise> updatePromise =
+ SendAwaitNextChunkManagerUpdate();
+ updatePromise->Then(
+ GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget(), __func__,
+ [self = RefPtr<ProfilerParent>(this)](
+ const ProfileBufferChunkManagerUpdate& aUpdate) {
+ if (aUpdate.unreleasedBytes() == scUpdateUnreleasedBytesFINAL) {
+ // Special value meaning it's the final update from that child.
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ForwardChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ self->mChildPid,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update(nullptr));
+ } else {
+ // Not the final update, translate it.
+ std::vector<ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::ChunkMetadata>
+ chunks;
+ if (!aUpdate.newlyReleasedChunks().IsEmpty()) {
+ chunks.reserve(aUpdate.newlyReleasedChunks().Length());
+ for (const ProfileBufferChunkMetadata& chunk :
+ aUpdate.newlyReleasedChunks()) {
+ chunks.emplace_back(chunk.doneTimeStamp(), chunk.bufferBytes());
+ }
+ }
+ // Let the tracker handle it.
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ForwardChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ self->mChildPid,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update(
+ aUpdate.unreleasedBytes(), aUpdate.releasedBytes(),
+ aUpdate.oldestDoneTimeStamp(), std::move(chunks)));
+ // This was not a final update, so start a new request.
+ self->RequestChunkManagerUpdate();
+ }
+ },
+ [self = RefPtr<ProfilerParent>(this)](
+ mozilla::ipc::ResponseRejectReason aReason) {
+ // Rejection could be for a number of reasons, assume the child will
+ // not respond anymore, so we pretend we received a final update.
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ForwardChildChunkManagerUpdate(
+ self->mChildPid,
+ ProfileBufferControlledChunkManager::Update(nullptr));
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerStarted(nsIProfilerStartParams* aParams) {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerInitParams ipcParams;
+ double duration;
+ ipcParams.enabled() = true;
+ aParams->GetEntries(&ipcParams.entries());
+ aParams->GetDuration(&duration);
+ if (duration > 0.0) {
+ ipcParams.duration() = Some(duration);
+ } else {
+ ipcParams.duration() = Nothing();
+ }
+ aParams->GetInterval(&ipcParams.interval());
+ aParams->GetFeatures(&ipcParams.features());
+ ipcParams.filters() = aParams->GetFilters().Clone();
+ aParams->GetActiveBrowsingContextID(&ipcParams.activeBrowsingContextID());
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ProfilerStarted(ipcParams.entries());
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([&](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendStart(ipcParams);
+ profilerParent->RequestChunkManagerUpdate();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerWillStopIfStarted() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::ProfilerWillStopIfStarted();
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerStopped() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendStop();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerPaused() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendPause();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerResumed() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendResume();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerPausedSampling() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendPauseSampling();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ProfilerResumedSampling() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendResumeSampling();
+ });
+/* static */
+void ProfilerParent::ClearAllPages() {
+ if (!NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ProfilerParentTracker::Enumerate([](ProfilerParent* profilerParent) {
+ Unused << profilerParent->SendClearAllPages();
+ });
+void ProfilerParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aActorDestroyReason) {
+ mDestroyed = true;
+void ProfilerParent::ActorDealloc() { mSelfRef = nullptr; }
+} // namespace mozilla