path: root/tools/tryselect/selectors/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/tryselect/selectors/')
1 files changed, 456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/tryselect/selectors/ b/tools/tryselect/selectors/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe71f7ff39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/tryselect/selectors/
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
+import os
+import platform
+import subprocess
+import six
+import sys
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+from six.moves import input
+from mozbuild.base import MozbuildObject
+from mozbuild.util import ensure_subprocess_env
+from mozboot.util import get_state_dir
+from mozterm import Terminal
+from ..cli import BaseTryParser
+from ..tasks import generate_tasks, filter_tasks_by_paths
+from ..push import check_working_directory, push_to_try, generate_try_task_config
+from ..util.manage_estimates import (
+ download_task_history_data,
+ make_trimmed_taskgraph_cache,
+from taskgraph.target_tasks import filter_by_uncommon_try_tasks
+terminal = Terminal()
+here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+build = MozbuildObject.from_environment(cwd=here)
+PREVIEW_SCRIPT = os.path.join(build.topsrcdir, "tools/tryselect/selectors/")
+Could not find the `fzf` binary.
+The `mach try fuzzy` command depends on fzf. Please install it following the
+appropriate instructions for your platform:
+Only the binary is required, if you do not wish to install the shell and
+editor integrations, download the appropriate binary and put it on your $PATH:
+Could not obtain the 'fzf' version.
+The 'mach try fuzzy' command depends on fzf, and requires version > 0.20.0
+for some of the features. Please install it following the appropriate
+instructions for your platform:
+Only the binary is required, if you do not wish to install the shell and
+editor integrations, download the appropriate binary and put it on your $PATH:
+Failed to install fzf.
+Please install fzf manually following the appropriate instructions for your
+Only the binary is required, if you do not wish to install the shell and
+editor integrations, download the appropriate binary and put it on your $PATH:
+For more shortcuts, see {t.italic_white}mach help try fuzzy{t.normal} and {t.italic_white}man fzf
+fzf_shortcuts = {
+ "ctrl-a": "select-all",
+ "ctrl-d": "deselect-all",
+ "ctrl-t": "toggle-all",
+ "alt-bspace": "beginning-of-line+kill-line",
+ "?": "toggle-preview",
+fzf_header_shortcuts = [
+ ("select", "tab"),
+ ("accept", "enter"),
+ ("cancel", "ctrl-c"),
+ ("select-all", "ctrl-a"),
+ ("cursor-up", "up"),
+ ("cursor-down", "down"),
+class FuzzyParser(BaseTryParser):
+ name = "fuzzy"
+ arguments = [
+ [
+ ["-q", "--query"],
+ {
+ "metavar": "STR",
+ "action": "append",
+ "default": [],
+ "help": "Use the given query instead of entering the selection "
+ "interface. Equivalent to typing <query><ctrl-a><enter> "
+ "from the interface. Specifying multiple times schedules "
+ "the union of computed tasks.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["-i", "--interactive"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Force running fzf interactively even when using presets or "
+ "queries with -q/--query.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["-x", "--and"],
+ {
+ "dest": "intersection",
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "When specifying queries on the command line with -q/--query, "
+ "use the intersection of tasks rather than the union. This is "
+ "especially useful for post filtering presets.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["-e", "--exact"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Enable exact match mode. Terms will use an exact match "
+ "by default, and terms prefixed with ' will become fuzzy.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["-u", "--update"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Update fzf before running.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["-s", "--show-estimates"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Show task duration estimates.",
+ },
+ ],
+ [
+ ["--disable-target-task-filter"],
+ {
+ "action": "store_true",
+ "default": False,
+ "help": "Some tasks run on mozilla-central but are filtered out "
+ "of the default list due to resource constraints. This flag "
+ "disables this filtering.",
+ },
+ ],
+ ]
+ common_groups = ["push", "task", "preset"]
+ task_configs = [
+ "artifact",
+ "browsertime",
+ "chemspill-prio",
+ "disable-pgo",
+ "env",
+ "gecko-profile",
+ "path",
+ "pernosco",
+ "rebuild",
+ "routes",
+ "worker-overrides",
+ ]
+def run_cmd(cmd, cwd=None):
+ is_win = platform.system() == "Windows"
+ return, cwd=cwd, shell=True if is_win else False)
+def run_fzf_install_script(fzf_path):
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ cmd = ["bash", "-c", "./install --bin"]
+ else:
+ cmd = ["./install", "--bin"]
+ if run_cmd(cmd, cwd=fzf_path):
+ sys.exit(1)
+def should_force_fzf_update(fzf_bin):
+ cmd = [fzf_bin, "--version"]
+ try:
+ fzf_version = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Some fzf versions have extra, e.g 0.18.0 (ff95134)
+ fzf_version = six.ensure_text(fzf_version.split()[0])
+ # 0.20.0 introduced passing selections through a temporary file,
+ # which is good for large ctrl-a actions.
+ if StrictVersion(fzf_version) < StrictVersion("0.20.0"):
+ print("fzf version is old, forcing update.")
+ return True
+ return False
+def fzf_bootstrap(update=False):
+ """Bootstrap fzf if necessary and return path to the executable.
+ The bootstrap works by cloning the fzf repository and running the included
+ `install` script. If update is True, we will pull the repository and re-run
+ the install script.
+ """
+ fzf_bin = find_executable("fzf")
+ if fzf_bin and should_force_fzf_update(fzf_bin):
+ update = True
+ if fzf_bin and not update:
+ return fzf_bin
+ fzf_path = os.path.join(get_state_dir(), "fzf")
+ # Bug 1623197: We only want to run fzf's `install` if it's not in the $PATH
+ # Swap to os.path.commonpath when we're not on Py2
+ if fzf_bin and update and not fzf_bin.startswith(fzf_path):
+ print(
+ "fzf installed somewhere other than {}, please update manually".format(
+ fzf_path
+ )
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def get_fzf():
+ return find_executable("fzf", os.path.join(fzf_path, "bin"))
+ if os.path.isdir(fzf_path):
+ if update:
+ ret = run_cmd(["git", "pull"], cwd=fzf_path)
+ if ret:
+ print("Update fzf failed.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ run_fzf_install_script(fzf_path)
+ return get_fzf()
+ fzf_bin = get_fzf()
+ if not fzf_bin or should_force_fzf_update(fzf_bin):
+ return fzf_bootstrap(update=True)
+ return fzf_bin
+ if not update:
+ install = input("Could not detect fzf, install it now? [y/n]: ")
+ if install.lower() != "y":
+ return
+ if not find_executable("git"):
+ print("Git not found.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ cmd = ["git", "clone", "--depth", "1", ""]
+ if, cwd=os.path.dirname(fzf_path)):
+ sys.exit(1)
+ run_fzf_install_script(fzf_path)
+ print("Installed fzf to {}".format(fzf_path))
+ return get_fzf()
+def format_header():
+ shortcuts = []
+ for action, key in fzf_header_shortcuts:
+ shortcuts.append(
+ "{t.white}{action}{t.normal}: {t.yellow}<{key}>{t.normal}".format(
+ t=terminal, action=action, key=key
+ )
+ )
+ return FZF_HEADER.format(shortcuts=", ".join(shortcuts), t=terminal)
+def run_fzf(cmd, tasks):
+ env = dict(os.environ)
+ env.update(
+ {"PYTHONPATH": os.pathsep.join([p for p in sys.path if "requests" in p])}
+ )
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+ env=ensure_subprocess_env(env),
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ )
+ out = proc.communicate("\n".join(tasks))[0].splitlines()
+ selected = []
+ query = None
+ if out:
+ query = out[0]
+ selected = out[1:]
+ return query, selected
+def run(
+ update=False,
+ query=None,
+ intersect_query=None,
+ try_config=None,
+ full=False,
+ parameters=None,
+ save_query=False,
+ push=True,
+ message="{msg}",
+ test_paths=None,
+ exact=False,
+ closed_tree=False,
+ show_estimates=False,
+ disable_target_task_filter=False,
+ fzf = fzf_bootstrap(update)
+ if not fzf:
+ print(FZF_NOT_FOUND)
+ return 1
+ check_working_directory(push)
+ tg = generate_tasks(
+ parameters, full=full, disable_target_task_filter=disable_target_task_filter
+ )
+ all_tasks = sorted(tg.tasks.keys())
+ # graph_Cache created by generate_tasks, recreate the path to that file.
+ cache_dir = os.path.join(get_state_dir(srcdir=True), "cache", "taskgraph")
+ if full:
+ graph_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, "full_task_graph")
+ dep_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, "full_task_dependencies")
+ target_set = os.path.join(cache_dir, "full_task_set")
+ else:
+ graph_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, "target_task_graph")
+ dep_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, "target_task_dependencies")
+ target_set = os.path.join(cache_dir, "target_task_set")
+ if show_estimates:
+ download_task_history_data(cache_dir=cache_dir)
+ make_trimmed_taskgraph_cache(graph_cache, dep_cache, target_file=target_set)
+ if not full and not disable_target_task_filter:
+ # Put all_tasks into a list because it's used multiple times, and "filter()"
+ # returns a consumable iterator.
+ all_tasks = list(filter(filter_by_uncommon_try_tasks, all_tasks))
+ if test_paths:
+ all_tasks = filter_tasks_by_paths(all_tasks, test_paths)
+ if not all_tasks:
+ return 1
+ key_shortcuts = [k + ":" + v for k, v in six.iteritems(fzf_shortcuts)]
+ base_cmd = [
+ fzf,
+ "-m",
+ "--bind",
+ ",".join(key_shortcuts),
+ "--header",
+ format_header(),
+ "--preview-window=right:30%",
+ "--print-query",
+ ]
+ if show_estimates:
+ base_cmd.extend(
+ [
+ "--preview",
+ '{} {} -g {} -s -c {} -t "{{+f}}"'.format(
+ sys.executable, PREVIEW_SCRIPT, dep_cache, cache_dir
+ ),
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ base_cmd.extend(
+ [
+ "--preview",
+ '{} {} -t "{{+f}}"'.format(sys.executable, PREVIEW_SCRIPT),
+ ]
+ )
+ if exact:
+ base_cmd.append("--exact")
+ selected = set()
+ queries = []
+ def get_tasks(query_arg=None, candidate_tasks=all_tasks):
+ cmd = base_cmd[:]
+ if query_arg and query_arg != "INTERACTIVE":
+ cmd.extend(["-f", query_arg])
+ query_str, tasks = run_fzf(cmd, sorted(candidate_tasks))
+ queries.append(query_str)
+ return set(tasks)
+ for q in query or []:
+ selected |= get_tasks(q)
+ for q in intersect_query or []:
+ if not selected:
+ tasks = get_tasks(q)
+ selected |= tasks
+ else:
+ tasks = get_tasks(q, selected)
+ selected &= tasks
+ if not queries:
+ selected = get_tasks()
+ if not selected:
+ print("no tasks selected")
+ return
+ if save_query:
+ return queries
+ # build commit message
+ msg = "Fuzzy"
+ args = ["query={}".format(q) for q in queries]
+ if test_paths:
+ args.append("paths={}".format(":".join(test_paths)))
+ if args:
+ msg = "{} {}".format(msg, "&".join(args))
+ return push_to_try(
+ "fuzzy",
+ message.format(msg=msg),
+ try_task_config=generate_try_task_config("fuzzy", selected, try_config),
+ push=push,
+ closed_tree=closed_tree,
+ )